#hoe story
aloharyda · 1 month
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TWO Butch werewolves. Take them...
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luckyshinyhunter · 11 days
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🏳️‍🌈🧪You have to admit, whether you like Rick or not, the dude sure has a lot of rebounds on his belt!🧪🏳️‍🌈
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elderwisp · 3 months
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Gum: [ whispering ] Fuck, fuck, fuck- Ares I can’t.
Ares: Yes you can.
Gabriel: We’ll be right beside you.
Gum: O-Okay.
[ distorted cheering ]
Kai: Fuck this. 
Gum: When the stars align, you and I will intertwine, underneath the midnight sky, together we’ll be set free
Atlas: Bee! There you are.
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so-very-small · 8 days
me walking into a blank document with a fresh idea: oh the hoes are gonna love this one :3
me, halfway through, losing momentum startlingly fast but trying so hard to finish the goddamn story: mmmust. continue. for the hoes. f-for… the hoes…
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theosconfessions · 8 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
theo-okay wow. all of this just for a tiktok about a 60 year old man?
scarlett- retros in.
theo-retro? you know your dad would kill you if he heard you call anything involving him retro right? hes not old as fuck you know.
scarlett-it was more of a dig at you than him. hes young. youre not. just want to point that out for anyone watching. makes you look creepy so.
theo-nice of you.well it can make me feel creepy sometimes but we fit.
scarlett-sure do
theo- [eyes narrow]
scarlett- so do you want to introduce yourself or?
theo-sure. im theo kline. im old as hell as scarlett likes to point out. i was on two seasons of the bachelor. one in ancient times. one recent.
scarlett- right! so to anyone who hasnt watched the first one theo did was the one where he met my mom, marlee, and the woman hed have a long affair with.
theo- nice dig.
scarlett- thanks [smirks] and the one that actually worked out despite theo trying to trash it whenever he could. the second season is where he met my dad.dustin.
theo- that wasnt where i met dustin.
scarlett- what?
theo- i didnt meet dustin on the show. i met him at his bar. just like we always said. and then he came on the show.
scarlett- wait? were you guys dating before he even came on the show?
theo- no, not dating. i encouraged him to apply though.
scarlett- WAIT.
dustin-wait what. the bachelor?
theo- youve heard of it right?
dustin- of course i have. i even not so freely admittedly have seen your season. with your wife.
theo-ah, marlee. well theres a reason why im doing a second stint. didnt work out.
dustin-i have to say this is the weirdest way someones ever asked me out before. like i liked you but im not sure i want to go on one date with just you. i need to see like 30 other people at the same time.
theo- c'mon dude i didnt mean it that way. look i signed the contract before i even came into this place and seen you. if i didnt do that,dustin. trust me id do this the old fashioned way because thats what youre worthy of. its a tv show ,man.thats it. and id think youd like it. cool people. cool place. and if you decide youre not into it . or me. or any of it you can def tell me to fuck off .
dustin- i cant believe im telling you yes right now
theo- really?
theo- i encouraged him to sign up.
scarlett- but you never asked him out before that?
theo- i wasnt sure i wanted to settle down so no. dustins the kind you do settle down for.
scarlett- you were married to my mom at the same time but you werent sure you wanted to settle down?
theo- well you seen how that ended up right? the jami thing? me being gay. it wasnt meant to last. but we got you out of it . so that is one good thing.
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dapper-lil-arts · 20 days
I love how Lightning Dust and Tree Hugger were both so underused and really funny. Lightning Dust is like Rainbow Dash's weird ex (one of many if you count Gilda), and then you get Tree Hugger who is Fluttershy's adorable weed smoking girlfriend
No joke, Lightning dust could have fixed rainbow dash's character, because she'd be essentially an 'evil' rainbow dash, one that is loyal to nobody and nothing, while still having all her skill. It doesnt take much thinking to realise that having a rival that shows just how worse she could be would uplift the good aspects but hey, they don't always got the best writing with rainbow in mind, in canon she winds up being a selfish jerk most of the time, and jeez, that goes through the whole series Lightning dust coulda been a good comparision of like. "This could be YOU" especially if she was just as fast as rainbow, if not faster. I think it'd be interesting for rainbow to be legitimately, fair and square upstaged. Unlike Lightning dust, she'd have friends to support her, even in losing!
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Follow up: I believe cavill's sherlock would be ready to go anytime anywhere for his wife. Like horny as a rabbit ready. Just take her against any surface where anyone might hear them. Im sure he makes it impossible for her to not keen out in pleasure. Bonus: he loooves drawing her naked.
Im sorry i need a cold shower rn-
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Yes... *nods eagerly*
NSFW thoughts...
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You can't fight him. He's taller, stronger, and determined to get inside of you.
Wherever and whenever he wants Sherlock turns you into a blabbering mess.
He doesn't care if anyone sees or hears you.
If he wants to get his hands on you, Sherlock won't stop until you are filled with his cock.
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lcthebtswriter · 1 year
pairing: tate langdon x female reader
summary: drawing tate comes with more pros than cons
tags: @korvenx, @sarahpaulsonldn-blog (I think this is @sarapaulsonlov3r lmk), @yeahokcas
warning: underage drinking
a/n: if you want to be added to a tag list, just send me your username and check the fandoms I write for to be tagged whenever I write for them
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The backyard of your house is bigger than Tate's, and he enjoys throwing class notes into the bon fire you've made.
Ashes twirl up into the air, burning orange and flickering out the higher they get. It's the weekend, so neither of you have a care in the world. You've swiped vodka from your mother's alcohol cabinet with the intention of filling the remains with water. Tate has consumed most of its contents, which is fine because he's a better model when he's drunk. Although it's something you don't like admitting, Tate is better when he's intoxicated. His racing thoughts slow like molasses and it allows you to capture him in the way you've always imagined.
He stares into the fire, skin glowing orange from the flames as your pencil races across the paper. You know you don't have time to capture some of his features since he fidgets so much. Tate is aware of your pencil and sketch pad; it's become a common accessory in your company. He's grown accustomed to the sound of lead scratching on paper. He's also grown used to having to sit still. If it weren't for you, the habit would have fled him a long time ago.
Tate does his best to keep his focus on the fire before him. Its embers burn hot against the stones of the fire pit it's encapsulated in. He tries to keep his head still so it's easier for you to draw. Tate doesn't know how far along you've gotten in your sketch, but you've pulled out the water colors from your shoulder bag and used a water bottle to fill its multitude of colors. The scratching of paint brushes can be heard over the popping flames, and Tate can get an idea of how far along you've gotten.
"You almost done?" He asks, not intending to sound so short.
Your mindless watercoloring ceases.
"No, but I can stop if it's bothering you, baby," you say.
Unbeknownst to you, Tate likes being the center of attention. He eagerly awaits the opportunity to be your model, your muse. If there's anyone he'd let stare at him for a set amount of time, it's you. Out of all the people in the world, he feels like you see him in a more honest way than anyone he knows. Those on the outside have convinced themselves of one thing, while you view Tate as the most honest version of himself. He loves that about you. Not only do you take things at face value, but the more you study the more you learn and accept.
"You're not bothering me," Tate argues. He turns his gaze from the crackling flames, vodka bottle between his legs and the chilled glass bringing him back to reality.
You offer a smile, hovering your paint brush over the sketch pad in your lap. It isn't easy capturing his complexion in such poor lighting, but you've managed. He's practically glowing, and you don't want to mess up the opportunity that has presented itself. Watercolor is a bit out of your orbit, but it's not like you can bring all of your art supplies outside without waking your parents.
"Go on," Tate insists. He's smiling, bringing the bottle of alcohol to his lips as the fire roars on. Earlier, he had piled so many logs that you're sure the flames will persist throughout the night. You don't mind, though. You're just glad Tate is willing to leave his room, the drugs, and the racing thoughts in his head to entertain you for the night. Sometimes it's hard to get through to him, but you cherish the nights where he's willing to do what you want to.
So you carry on. The sketch doesn't last long. You can tell by the way Tate is bouncing his leg on the soggy grass that he doesn't intend to sit still much longer. You scramble to finish your painting, careful not to smudge whatever pencil lines you've made.
Your head is swimming from exhaustion and intoxication by the time you're finished. Tate has entertained himself by tossing leaves into the fire and watching them shrivel up into ash. You're please by the sketch you've made in such poor lighting. Finally, you're comfortable enough to turn the sketch to Tate for his approval.
Silently, Tate turns his eyes toward the paper. It's him - definitely. His jaw is more pronounced than he thinks it is. The oranges, yellows, and browns meld together to encapture his figure. Whatever darkness surrounds his painting is relatable to your vision of him. He's eager to share his approval, but he doesn't want to come off as too nice. Tate hates overly enthusiastic people, but he also wants to show his appreciation.
"You're so talented," he settles. "You really should go to college for this shit. You could be a comic book artist or something," Tate says. His smile is genuine, and it makes you blush as you turn the sketch back to yourself.
You shrug and say, "Maybe."
Tate leans toward you in his arm chair, bottle of vodka long past dilution as its remaining contents slosh about.
"I'm serious. I love watching you draw. You're really talented, honestly." Tate says as he puts his hand to his heart.
You can't help but kiss him, feeling the warmth of his lips and melting at the tingling sensation it springs forth. Tate pulls away after you, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he clutches the bottle in his hands.
He's happy to admit that he's aware of the subject of most of your sketches. Ever since you started dating, Tate has known how much you draw him. He likes seeing himself in another person's eyes; a softer side of his being.
Sometimes he can't justify the space he takes up, but he finds comfort in knowing you see him for more than he is.
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 3 months
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Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories (Mukami brothers)
(Sakamaki bros) (Tsukinami bros + Kino)
On my latest visit to ebay to sate my hunger for DL merch I came across this gem. For the longest time I've wanted to read the LE short stories and I imagine that many other DL fans have as well. As far as I am aware said stories (with the exception of Ayato's and Laito's, which I won't include since you can already find them here) have never been shared online before. So, having read them myself, I figured that I should give my fellow women and men of culture the same opportunity ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ Unfortunately, sharing is all I am able to do, but anyone who wants to use or translate is 100% free to do so, as long as you credit me.
Enjoy, fellow Diaholics (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
UPDATE: @otomehonyaku has now translated all of the scans *٩(^ᗜ^ )و* Click on the name of the Diaboy whose story you wish to read and you'll be taken directly to her translation ^^
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spitinsideme · 1 month
Hey my friend has a question but is too much of a pussy(/aff) to ask you.
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great question !!!! i love when peope ask me things abour my characyers i want everhone to know rhat they can and should ALWAYS send me asks about this because i love asks and they keeo this accounr foing actually so .. swnd me any ask whenever ..
im guessing the question means a priesr doing a protefrion spell for demon ragatba and demon pomni ? whoxh is a great question ! but, unfortunately for them, it woukd not work !! if a priest were to even try and attempt to do a protection agaonsr demons for demon ragatha and demon pomno, it woukd hurt then sinxe tjey are both demons and the pfayer was done with intent to hurt demons. even if its intention was NOT to hurt demon ragayha and demon pomni. canr really be too specfic with them, youknow ? unfortunately for demons, they dont ger any prayers rjat protects tjem from muxh of anytjong really so the prayer WOULD hurt demon ragatha and demon pomni as they are both demons and the prayer was said to hurt demons, hope that answers your question 👍
ALOS THE LUCIFER THING YOU GOT IT YES !! i lpved the vulnerabiliy powrr of lucifer that was really interesting to me and when i first watxhed ir like 2 or 3 years ago i have always wnated to make a characyer woth that same thing .. i wanted to develop that i thoifht that was really roamntic actually .. also the desore thing lucjfer is the BEST its such a good show 6 amaizng seasons
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tai-janai · 2 months
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these are ezekiel and alan ! a couple of guys in the midst of a series of murders. i wonder who our suspect could be?
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thats zeke, he's a sociopath. he kills as a way to express himself. he is very well-liked by his peers, and has worked quite hard to be favored by everyone.
and alan. he's depressed, and he kills people he deems are bad. he was inspired by the murders in his area to enact his own crimes. little did he know, he sees the serial killer in his everyday life.
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story goes: ezekiel kills. inspires alan. alan kills. ezekiel finds alan killing. ezekiel blackmails him into being an alibi. alan has never gotten attention from other people and wants to befriend ezekiel. alan likes the cool, honest, uncaring version of zeke he sees when they're alone. after a while, ezekiel realizes he's kind of happy to have someone he doesn't have to put on a mask for.
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ezekiel doesn't realize alan likes him. he just thinks alan is a pushover who is easily manipulated and blackmailed. they kill people.
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ansheofthevalley · 5 months
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In one kiss, you'll know all I haven't said
Chapter 9 – Quality Time [Part I] (moodboard)
He thought back on what Tan had told him when he had called his friend on Sunday after his evening run, having just run into Sansa in King's Park, all frantic, having realized that Sansa might be going out with Dickon, of all people, just that morning during warm-ups before their match against Eastwatch U.
"Build up your courage and tell her how you feel already. You can't expect others not to make a move on her just because you refuse to."
Jon had known that he needed to get off his ass and make a move. It was time. Especially if what Sansa had said that night back in September was true. Sure, she had been drunk, so he hadn't dared to hope with his whole heart just yet, but a tiny bit of hope had taken root all the same and continued to grow all throughout the year, finally blossoming last night.
He knew they still had to talk. They crossed a significant line last night, and he needed to know, without any doubts, where they stood. Because, at least, he was all in. Like he told her last night, this was years in the making.
Read here
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hojiteaversion · 4 months
Every single DLS season finale 🫶:
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bruqh · 1 month
seeing a lot of disappointment that the rat grinders aren’t getting any sort of redemption arc which i understand because i think it would make a more interesting and complex story but yall are not taking into account that this is a dnd show and the best part about dnd is killing people u hate without having to go to jail or face repercussions soooooo
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I was considering how an unreliable omniscient narrator might present in a story and realized that it was literally just Les Mis.
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Gingerbread House
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A/N: It’s a Hoe Ho Ho Holiday gift from me to you all for supplying me with endless Danny Pino fantasies! Sorry about my crappy musings.
It was Christmas Eve and Maria had Zara for the night, so Nick was a bit down not having Zara here to see her face light up on Christmas morning and have all the fun they used to on Christmas Eve. You had thought and thought all week about just what you could do to bring Nick out of his funk and had decided upon a Gingerbread House kit. It had all the items you two would need, including candy decorations and the icing to put it together.
It had done the trick and while working on the kit you both had laughed and “argued” about how much icing to put and how long to hold it together to set it and then how to decorate it. Most the way through you started sucking on the icing bag knowing you’d not need it all to finish and having always enjoyed a little icing. It was a guilty pleasure! Who could blame you?
Nick looked up catching you and shook his head. “We still need that you know?” He laughed.
“Nah, I think it’s pretty the way it is.” You shrugged and sucked on the icing bag more, keeping eye contact on Nick wanting to be a brat.
Well it was when you got too greedy and started squeezing the bag a bit too hard, it burst at the seam by the piping tip and icing spurt out onto the corner of your mouth making you gasp in surprise and laughed.
Nick cut his eyes to you again, his mind going places other than innocent holiday fun. Seeing the icing clinging and dripping from the corner of your mouth as you went to get a wet paper towel. He stopped you with a gentle grasp on your upper arm and took his finger swiping the sweet sticky goop away before putting his finger to your mouth.
You raised a brow and smirked parting your lips and sucking his digit clean of the icing slowly. You let out a low moan of pleasure and closed your eyes knowing it was probably cheesy as hell but that was what worked for you and Nick. Cheesy. Romantic and passionate but funny and cheesy. A beautiful pairing.
Nick smiled and pulled his finger away, pulling you closer now and whispering in your ear. “How about we ditch this project and you come suck on another piping bag?”
At that you laughed but couldn’t help but feel turned on at the thought of Nick heavy and hot in your mouth, a total opposite of what was just in there.
“I’d love nothing more. But, please let me have all your icing? I don’t want to waste.” You replied in a sultry tone before being taken off guard and squealing in surprise and Nick threw you over his shoulder swatting your ass on the way back to the bedroom.
Tagging: @irishavengersassemble @burningtacozombie @darqchilddaydreamz @itsjustmyfantasyroom
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