#hogwarts legacy lodgok
fukae-flwr · 6 months
We've been here before
Tw: Hogwarts spoilers
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Another nail in the coffin for Edith’s sanity. This was, in a sense, her last straw. What's worse is she had asked Fig to help her to do good with ancient magic, and he assured her that he was always going to help her and support her even if he disagreed with her choices. Then he was taken from her. The only one she considered family and Ranrok killed him.
♡( •̀ヮ•́)
I really wanted to draw this out!! So many people died in this game good god. No wonder mc is traumatized!!
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the-magiarcheologist · 8 months
Hogwarts Legacy Timeline
I've gone deep into research to try to put together a timeline of events that happened before the start of the game.
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Ok, let's break it down! (I'll provide my sources for all of this)
And let's start with the most shocking: when anne gets cursed.
Almost everyone assumes (logically) that she got cursed sometime during the fourth year or the summer before the start of fifth year. But, in the book "The Art and Making Of Hogwarts Legacy" there is a short paragraph introducing Sebastian and here is what it says:
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If we take this info as legit (and I think it is since that book was written by the people developping the game) then Anne has been suffering from that curse for far longer than anyone thought!
That also means that Ranrok opened the first repository over a year before our MC starts at Hogwarts and discovers ancient magic.
Before we start the mission 'It's all Gobbledegook" with Amit, Lodgok tells the MC that Ranrok orginally unearthed Bragbor's journals that had been long lost. From these journals, he discovered that wizards had hidden for 'repositories' full of magic that Bragbor had built for them. He knew all of this was connected to five names: Rackham, Fitzgerald, Bakar, Morganach and Rookwood. Ranrok then sent Lodgok to begin the search at Rookwood castle.
Sebastian also confirms that Goblins first arrived at Rookwood castle. Before we visit his sister, he tells MC: "No one has felt safe here since Ranrok's Loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there - Rookwood castle."
Miriam was actually already at Rookwood castle, conducting her research on ancient magic, before the Goblins arrived. That is how Lodgok meets her. She had already found the container (with the portkey inside) and was studying it. (Lodgok tells us this after we complete the mission with Amit).
Other Goblins join Lodgok at Rookwood castle to search it. At this point, Rookwood must have joined hands with Ranrok and allowed the Goblins to tunnel under Rookwood castle to search for the repository. (We overhear Rookwood telling Ranrok: "I allowed you to tunnel under my family home!" when we first visit Rookwood castle to start the second trial from the Keepers).
The Goblins find the first repository and Ranrok is thrilled. That is when Lodgok tells him that he met Miriam and that he trusted her and allowed her to continue her research on the container independently. Lodgok does not really know what happens after that but we know that Ranrok eventually found her and killed her. So Miriam died sometime between Ranrok finding the first repository and the start of the fifth year.
The only other thing we know to try to piece together when Miriam died is that shortly before her death she first sent George Osric a letter warning him about Ranrok's activities (presumably she knew that he had accessed the first repository) and then "before [George] could respond" she also sent him the container. Since George himself says he had not had time to respond to her first letter before he received the container, that probably means only a few days went by between Miriam being worried about Ranrok's activities and when he found her and killed her. (We learn all of this from George Osric in the carriage going to Hogwarts.)
The other interesting thing is that George tells Prof. Fig that he had received Miriam's first letter (and the contained shortly after), "months ago". Rookwood sort of confirms this when he tells Ranrok that he spent "months and countless Ministry favours" locating the container (he says this when we overhear his conversation with Ranrok at Rookwood castle). So this means that Miriam died several months before september 1890.
This raises a lot of questions: Why did George Osric wait that long to tell Prof. Fig that he has received a mysterious container from his wife before her death? Also, why did Miriam send the container to George and not her husband? Were Prof. Fig and his wife estranged? Did Miriam not trust Prof. Fig? But that's the topic for another post I suppose...
Anyway, after Goblins started searching at Rookwood castle, they also started searching at other locations connected to the 5 names of the Keepers. (We know this, again, from Lodgok before we start the mission with Amit). That is when they arrived at Isidora's house. We don't know the exact timeline between them arriving at Isidora's home and the fire during which Anne got cursed. This could have happened before Ranrok found the first repository. But it happened after Ranrok and Rookwood started their alliance since Rookwood was at Isidora's house with the Goblins. So I think it happened after Ranrok had already found the first repository but we can't be sure.
Anyway that's all I've got! Have I forgotten something?
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spotted-mooncalf · 2 months
“In Lodgoks Memory.”
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Silly little 20 min doodle I did at work while I was thinking of it, Lodgok was one of the best characters in the game, and his death devastated me:( I like to think that Mc went back into the mine After the loyalists cleared out, and Gave Lodgok a proper burial. Somewhere nice, maybe next to a waterfall.
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unveiledlegacy42 · 20 days
Dear Little Friend, you may never know when the good you do may come back around...
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wanko-koko · 2 years
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(Doodle. There could have been a future of Lodgok teaching Amit the Gobbledigook language. )
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eternalremorse · 6 months
When you take Sebastian on a quest to meet Lodgok as a companion and he just stares at you from behind 🤣
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krabachok · 5 months
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And the third one: Lodgok and Ranrok as children
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fog-and-rust · 1 year
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The way I learned to make such memes in PDF editor can be a meme of its own 😅
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lorainelegacy · 1 day
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foxglovevibes · 2 months
MC, pointing at Lodgok: i've only known Lodgok for a day and a half. but if anything were to happen to him? i would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Lodgok: 👀
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Idk what is it with legacy but everything seems to me like it was written on a napkin five minutes before the programming started. I'm crying about the ancient magic and the fact that nothing was done with it. The friends weren't involved with the plot enough, Fig was involved too much (were they trying to copy year 4 and 5 with Rakepick???), we CAN'T FUCKING ALLY WITH RANROK, Isodora and Bragbor successfully cooperated to create the repository but we can't have main character and ranrok paralleling that and working together.
You know, you're absolutely right.
This game was like...almost incredible. But in every area it could have been incredible, there's this pesky "almost" stuck as a prefix for this reason or that reason.
The companion mod is proof that not enough was done with the characters in this game (Amit doesn't even get a quest-line) but it's obvious that the characters are still compelling. Poppy and Natsai are three dimensional and lovable, and Sebastian's popularity speaks for itself. Even the ones who aren't meant to be in focus can be well crafted. (They rolled a real winner with Ominis, I said what I said.)
Fig was obviously meant to be a significant character (I am still not clear on what subject he teaches, does anyone know...?) and given his connection to the plot through Miriam, that's to be expected. He's a lovable guy and I don't mind him being so relevant, but it's obvious that (for better or for worse) the student characters are largely here by obligation and in the mind of the developers, they're more for side-quest content. That other characters like Fig and Lodgok are meant to be the important ones. Again, for better or for worse. I've heard it said that Sebastian's story should have just been the main storyline of the game and honestly...that's not entirely a bad idea.
Though frankly, I think a far better idea would have been just having Isidora as the villain instead of Ranrok.
Which is a good segue into talking about the other points you mentioned. I've talked about this before as well, but yes. Ranrok was beyond wasted as a character. What you describe would have been perfect, and yeah, it would have mirrored the backstory. It seems so obvious. Ranrok deserved more development and deserved to be portrayed as someone the MC might sympathize with. He deserved an ending of his own, where the player can side with him. Never mind the political, real-life reasons for why this was essential, it's just a no-brainer in an open world RPG that would have you believe it has multiple endings. (It really doesn't...)
Oh and that reminds me, this game pretends it has two endings when really, it only has one. Yes, you can choose to harness the Ancient Magic rather than becoming a Keeper, but it changes nothing about the game's ending. Half of the players were already going to head-canon their MCs as doing that anyway. The Ancient Magic is such an intriguing concept but apart from being a map marker for The Fifth Year to discover new plot threads, we don't learn much about it at all.
Honestly, the most fascinating the Ancient Magic ever gets is when we're learning about it through Isidora. The scene where she removed her father's pain was genuinely chilling, and in that I saw the glimmer of a terrifying villain wielding magic we had never seen before. Isidora would have been the best kind of villain because she would have believed she was doing the right thing and would have had understandable reason why she believed it. What she could do to those who oppose her...what she did to the people she loved, and all because she wanted to help them...the power of Ancient Magic is frightening, in no small part because we know so little about it, but we could definitely have stood to learn a little bit more, especially as it's unlikely to be featured again. (Unless they make a sequel.)
I think above all, what this story needed was more nuance. Everything is way too black and white. There are hints of something more, but they get dropped almost immediately as they get brought up. Maybe that's why Sebastian's storyline is a fan-favorite. His dynamic with Ominis and where his story ultimately goes, not to mention the sympathetic reasons why it ends up where it does...and the actual impact The Fifth Year's choices can have on this story...yeah, the rest of the game could take note. Isidora isn't developed enough, and neither is Ranrok, when they could both be exceptional characters.
You want to know my favorite scene of the game, bar none? The scene where Lodgok opens up about meeting Miriam and his grief at her death. That. That is the kind of nuance I'm talking about, and combined with the scene's atmosphere and raw emotion...I teared up. I mean it. That was so powerful. I wish more of the Ranrok storyline was like that more of the time. Any story in the Potterverse that centers around a Goblin Rebellion cannot afford to be this black and white, and we all know why. But in general, it's just better storytelling if there are more shades of gray.
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vivie-draws · 1 year
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main characters with huge burdens and responsibilities be like
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kirain · 1 year
MC: Headmaster, what are we going to do?!
Phineas: Take broom, go to Hogsmeade, kill Rookwood, grab Lodgok, go to the Three Broomsticks, have a nice cold butterbeer, and wait for all of this to blow over!
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No enemy is worse than foolish ally... And Lodgok is indeed an utter fool!
Whatever was his plan to waltz into a fortified loyalist structure and destroy a drill, alone, it seemingly got thwarted the moment Rookwood noticed him. Nevermind the whole "I must not be seen by loyalists" Lodgok preached before - how did he get a human recognise him as an intruder in a goblin place?!
And he brought Bragbor's journal with him. You know, the one item he was supposed to keep as far from Ranrok as possible! Even if Lodgok had no idea Ranrok was going to be there, there was no benefit whatsoever in keeping it in his hands as opposed to leaving it at Sirona's for us to take or something.
And don't even get me started on the whole showdown fumble! With the quest's entire name being "Lodgok's Loyalty" there was so much potential to bring this entire situation into a gray area, make us question the intricacies of goblin morality, or make Lodgok's overall presence have weight as he gets torn by unravelling chaos of his closest people clashing, but no - he only chimes in once to throw the whole possibility of deep thought away, confirm he's indeed on our side (at least in spirit), outright provoking Ranrok into attacking him.
Look, I'll mourn Lodgok's death as much as the next fan, but I'm still putting Darwin Award at his grave.
Rest in peace, you suicidal moron.
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hoarding-niffler · 2 years
If you could revive only one of them who would you choose: Lodgok or Fig?
You are mean :c
But that's actually a really good question and it took me a while to figure out my answer.
Fig was such a kind character, meant to become your mentor and friend along the way. Hell, depending on the ending you choose he says something that really choked me up and made me consider him family. Like a very kind (and adventurous) grandpa. He and Miriam seem to have had a truly accomplished life, a peaceful marriage and compelling hobbies... which is why I'd revive Lodgok.
Considering there is an afterlife for witches, wizards and everyone in between, Fig can now be with his wife Miriam again while Lodgok doesn't really have anyone. Yes, he had a soft spot for Miriam as well because of her kindness, but other than that he had, what, a hateful brother? Woohoo...
He worked hard to stop his brother, and he showed some character development when he figured out where he wanted to stand. He continued to trust humans and didn't get to actually experience the fruits of his labour. I feel like Lodgok could become a good friend to the MC as well (and let's not forget that Sirona is also someone who cherishes him) and be a real advocate for Human-Goblin-Relations.
So, yes, both of them are clearly deserving of a second chance, but I feel like Lodgok could benefit from it more.
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steph1229 · 4 months
I feel like Lodgock was a little nervous meeting me lol
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