#holds the bat and gives a little ‘tch’ and a wink and WALKS AWAY leaving steve utterly baffled with his brain scrambling desperately trying
sturmhondsdemjin · 2 years
Steve spinning that nail bat is actually something that can be so personal. And sexy.
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petri808 · 4 years
Happy Halloween!
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*Bonus Halloween chapter* it’s longer than normal (2k)
The biggest party in Tokyo was for a western holiday called Halloween, and the streets surrounding the heart of Shibuya that Saturday were literally crawling with a million young adults in every kind of costume you could imagine! Most of the revelers had no idea as to the origins of this holiday. All they cared about was dressing up and having a good time, including Lucy and her friends who’d dressed up as their favorite manga characters from Eden’s Zero. The businesses lining the streets in the area were used to the onslaught and welcomed it because it meant a nice chunk of revenue, while authorities did their best to control the crowds.
The group started off with Lucy, Levy, Erza, Gajeel, and Gray, but over time as others showed up or they ran into more friends, the groups numbers ebbed and flowed. Gray was the first to take off to meet his girlfriend Juvia, and once Natsu was off of work and joined them, Lucy and he split off to cruise by themselves for a while.
“Wow it’s so eerie how much you guys look like Shiki and Rebecca!”
“Thanks Mira,” Lucy blushes.
“Tch, I may look like the guy, but I’m not as dopey as him,” Natsu retorts. “He’s taking too damn long to make it official with Rebecca.”
“Don’t mind him,” Lucy giggles, “Natsu ships Shicca hard. But it’s even funnier to watch him and Gray argue over Weiszmura.”
“That’s because Gray is a blind bat who won’t admit they match!”
“Okay,” Mira laughs, “put the canons away. Are you two gonna check out the BUMP party at Womb nightclub?”
“Maybe a little later.” Lucy answers for them. “I heard they had some decent bands this year, but I’d rather go somewhere a little smaller like Sonidos.”
“Oh, yeah? Lisanna’s boyfriend Bixlow is the DJ there tonight.”
Lucy looks to Natsu, “we definitely should stop by and say hi.”
“Well it was nice bumping into you. I need to meet up with Laxus so you two have fun! I’ll catch you later!” Mira waves as she rejoins the flood of passerby’s.
Natsu takes Lucy’s hand and the couple continued walking around with no real destination. They stop in open stores to browse or grab yummy-looking finger foods from street vendors along the way. Despite the chaos around them, this was turning into a nice reprieve from their daily lives. It was already 1 am, but from the amount of activity going on, it was easy to lose track of time.
“Look, look,” Lucy points while dragging Natsu with her. “Photo booth!”
“Aww, really?” He whines, though the smile never wavered on his face.
“Yup!” She pulls him in and fishes out a bill from her wallet for the machine.
The pair chuckle and pose for the five shutter clicks. Each pose varying until the last one ending with a kiss from Natsu and genuinely surprised expression on Lucy’s face. It wasn’t their first kiss, but this would be a memorable one. For a few seconds as the machine printed out the slip of photos, Natsu holds her gaze, sweeping his thumb gently along her flushed cheek. There was a sense of intimacy in these confined booths where many a couple had hidden away from the public for this very kind of very moment.
“Thank you,” he smiles, eyes soft and pure of appreciation.
“For what?” Genuinely unsure of the reason.
“Giving me a second chance. These past few months have been the happiest times of my life and it’s all thanks to meeting you on that train.”
“I’m really glad too,” Lucy smiles sweetly. “Really... really glad,” she breathes out as she moves in to kiss him again.
“Excuse me?” A loud knocking sound stops them. “There’s other people waiting to use the machine!”
“Whoops. To be continued,” she gives Natsu just a quick peck and the pair get out of the booth. They apologize to the next group in line and race off hand in hand, laughing. That had been exhilarating!
Lucy’s heart was still racing even though they were long gone from the photo booth. She and Natsu had been taking things extra slow because of her earlier concerns. Aside from dates and a few kisses here and there, they’d never gone much further and she wondered who was the one holding back. Was it really her or was it actually him because he was too nervous to lose her? Tonight... in that booth... if they weren’t in public... her body flushes wildly just from the thought of it. Okay, so maybe she’s been dying to take their relationship further. Maybe not sex— yet, soon, or maybe... ‘argh! Not now!’ Lucy scolds her libido. But a make out session was a very tempting idea!
They check out Lisanna and Bixlow for a short time at Sonidos, before briefly hooking back up with Levy and Gajeel for some crepes. That’s when Levy quietly informs Lucy that she’ll be crashing at her boyfriend’s house instead of going back to the dorm. “You know... for some privacy,” the girl winks at Lucy. “Hint. Hint!”
“I-It’s too soon for that! W-with us,” her tips burn with lies through each syllable.
“Pfft, you can’t lie that you’ve never thought about it.”
“No... not all the way...”
“Uh-huh. Well, do whatever,” she winks a second time and stands up to leave. “See ya in tomorrow night.”
“Yeah. See ya.”
“Why are your ears all red?” Natsu asks Lucy.
Lucy stiffens up. “N-Nothing important.”
“Oh... okay,” he smiles. “So whatdya wanna do next?”
“Actually, I’m kinda getting tired already.” It was after 3 am and they’d been out and on their feet for over seven hours.
Natsu sighs relief. “Me too! I just didn’t wanna ruin your fun. Shall I take you home?” He squeezes her hand with a smile.
“Yes,” she returns the squeeze, “and if you’d like you can spend the night— I-I mean since you’re tired and all! I’d just feel better than making you back track.”
“I’ll behave, I promise.”
The couple ride the train the short distance between Shibuya and Shinjuku to where Lucy’s dorm is located, cautious of the other riders on the train. Even though alcohol is not allowed on the streets during Halloween, it didn’t stop people from getting drunk and few creepy peepers kept looking at Lucy. But luckily, the train wasn’t very packed despite the holiday because the Shibuya party wasn’t over till 4am and they beat the end rush. On the way, Natsu texts his roommate out of courtesy, only to find out that Gray and Juvia were already at the apartment. Figures. Well it was a good thing he wasn’t walking into that situation! Even if nothing happened, just watching Juvia fawning all over Gray wouldn’t have been appealing. Once they arrive at the dorms, they make sure no one had followed and proceed inside.
Lucy leaves Natsu in the small living room as she changes out of her costume and into something a lot more comfortable. He was lucky the men’s costume was still semi-normal and he only had to remove the jacket and goggles for comfort, but the black hair dye will wash out in a week. She then grabs them a couple bottles of melon milk tea before joining him on the couch. Thank goodness, they didn’t have school, or he didn’t work the next day.
“That was fun,” Lucy curls against his arm with a yawn. “So, tiring though.”
“I haven’t been to Shibuya’s party in a couple of years, but it sure hasn’t changed,” Natsu chuckles. He leans his head against hers while threading their fingers together. “Totally agree on being tired. It probably wouldn’t be as bad if I hadn’t worked too.”
A companionable silence falls over the couple for a few minutes and after some time Natsu assumed Lucy had fallen asleep resting on his shoulder. He would have stayed in that position till his ass was numb if it kept her relaxed. This beauty queen deserved it and more, and he meant every word he’d told her earlier. The second chance had become a cosmic wish come true and he’d be damned to let anything ruin this between them.
“Hey Natsu?”
“Yeah Luce?”
“Do you think we could pick up from where we left off... in that photo booth?”
He swallows hard. It was one thing in the heat of the moment, but quite another to put aside his nerves now that they were so relaxed. This was a different kind of intimacy and much more intimidating to say the least. A private apartment without anything or anyone to interrupt or stop two consenting adults from going too far... and the last thing he wanted to do was something wrong! A regretted decision would destroy everything built up until that moment. But he couldn’t tell her no either!
Sensing the turmoil, Lucy sits up and turns his face towards her. Her instincts were probably on point earlier about his anxiety. “We don’t have to, if you’re not ready, but I wouldn’t mind making out with you... just a little.” She adds in the goal as a way to allay his fears. And it works. Lucy immediately feels his shoulders relax again. She gently caresses his cheek, her eyes zeroing in on his lips. “I just… like kissing you Natsu.”
“I’ll let you direct then, a-and if I start going too far, just stop me. I won’t get mad, I just...”
“Shh, I know,” she smiles, “and that what I like about you.”
Lucy closes the gap and steals his lips, starting slow, then adding pressure behind it. Her hand slides behind his head, fingers weaving into his messy hair as she tilts her head to deepen the kiss. Their tongues tease and test, mouths molding together as teeth clack gently the further, they push each other’s oral boundaries. She could still taste some of the sweetness of the crapes lingering.
His own hands stay glued, one with fingers twined in her hair and the other to Lucy’s side, just below the rib cage. Natsu loses himself in her kisses, they were so soft and sweet, a little adventurous as she ran her tongue once over his canines and giggled. That brought a grin to his lips and a straight arrow through his heart. He wasn’t ready to say it out loud yet, but he loved Lucy. His heart knew it and that’s all that matters, so when the time is right, he’ll tell her, but not yet, he knew she wasn’t ready for that level.
Natsu’s so lost in the kisses he barely registers additional heat against his chest as Lucy’s hand has found its way under his shirt. It wasn’t doing more than simply resting against his pectorals, but it was much further than he’d expected her to venture tonight. Every few minutes her fingers would lightly curl against his skin or move slightly up or down, sending little shivers over his skin. As far as he was concerned, she could do anything she wanted to him as long as it was her choice.
It surprises him when Lucy starts to press forward. At first one of his hands moves to keep from falling back onto the couch, but her sudden whine triggers him to let it happen and the next thing he knows Lucy is using him as a bed. So, he wraps his left arm more firmly around her body to make sure she doesn’t fall off.
Lucy lifts her head to look Natsu in the eyes. “Is this okay?” She questions him. “Am I too heavy?”
“I don’t mind,” he smiles at her, “but are you comfortable? I could shift us over so we’re more on our sides.”
“That would be great. Just felt like snuggling more.”
He kisses her lips. “Works for me.” Natsu then adjusts their bodies carefully until Lucy’s back is resting against the couches backing with her head on his shoulder and chest. She wraps her arm around his torso and huddles close to his frame, while their legs are slightly tangled together. “Comfy?”
“Mmm hmm,” she nods her head against his chest and closes her eyes.
Natsu kisses the top of her head, bringing a smile to her face, then wraps his left arm over to rest his hand on her shoulder and cuddle her close. “Goodnight, Lucy.”
“Mmm. Goodnight, Natsu.”
Eight months ago, the only thing Natsu thought about was a career and now after that fateful train ride he knew his new goal in life had to include the blonde next to him. Lucy felt so perfect in his arms and oh, if only he could wake up like this every morning for the rest of his life, well than he’d be the luckiest man on the planet. With a smile of his own, he closes his eyes and lets the cadence of her heartbeat lull him to sleep. This was a very happy Halloween indeed!
Just to give an idea this is Shibuya on Halloween: I’m so sad I didn’t get to see it this year like I was supposed to ;-; but Natsu and Lucy got to have a little fun in my place lol.
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Also a warning, the story gets much more angsty after this for several chapters 😅
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minteyeddemon · 5 years
“Little Bit of Tension”
OC Sidonie x Dante, NS/FW! Written as a trade with @arridarling! Thank you for your patience in me getting to it, and I sincerely hope it was worth the wait. :’)
“This must be the place,” she mumbled with a sigh, taking in the bright neon sign well above the entrance, that seemed to flicker and hum slightly. There was a musty smell as she pushed the large wooden doors open, stepping into the dimly lit front hall. A bit away from the doors was a desk covered in scattered papers, as a pair of boots crossed at the ankles seemed to grace the scuffed top.
She walked towards the desk, her heels seeming to echo in the empty space, as she dropped an envelope down in front of the man whom those boots seemed to belong to.
“You must be Dante,” she greeted with a slight smile, he violet eyes darting between him and the rest of his ‘agency’. “Nice place you got here.”
“Tch, thanks,” he started, looking up at her through shaggy white bangs. “And you are?”
“Sidonie. But you can call me Sido,” she added when he looked at her strangely.
He snickered, dragging his boots off the desk as he leaned his elbows in their place, taking the envelope she had tossed and opened it.
“Ah, Morrison sent you to me, huh? What kind of job ya got for me?” he asked, look up at her as he held the notice between his fore and middle finger.
“It’s a mutual job,” she spoke matter-of-factly, walking towards the jukebox near the apparent bar. “I’ll be working with you, considering it’s also my job to hunt demons.”
“Naw, see,” he started, making to stand, “I prefer to work alone. I don’t like being a babysitter,” he emphasized, walking over to where she stood. He clearly towered over, having to tilt his head down slightly to look at her; but she only glared right back, not moving an inch.
“Lucky for you, I’m no baby,” she retorted, he eyes seeming to sear into his.
His smirk seemed to widen into a grin, as he stepped back, holding his hands up with palms out. “Fine,” he conceded rather quickly, surprising her, “but it’s your funeral if the demons get ya.”
Ah, there it was. She had been warned by Morrison he could be snarky bastard; but, she wasn’t afraid to take on a challenge. She could hold her own against any demon; hell, it literally was her life source to kill them off. The souls of other demons fed the one that was within her being. Though, that wasn’t something he would need to know any time soon.
He returned to his desk, plopping back down on his chair, and threw a magazine over his face as he crossed his arms behind his head. His voice came through the flimsy paper, although rather muffled.
“Spare bedroom is upstairs as well as a washroom if you plan on crashing here. If not, see ya tomorrow.”
She scoffed slightly at his lack of manners, but just rolled her eyes as she made her way towards the stairs. Might as well use the resources if he is so ‘willing’ to provide them.
Having taken a bath, she let herself fall into the not-so-soft bed, stretching her limbs out at first, than rolled to her side, cupping her hands together. She absentmindedly spun the gold ring on her finger, thinking of what she would face tomorrow. The assignment spoke of a few specific demons they needed to take care of, before heading out to the final destination of Redgrave City. There was the final demon she needed to make contact with.
With another deep sigh, she rolled onto her back, her mind drifting towards that of Dante. Despite the right-off-the-bat annoyance she had for him, she couldn’t help but find him strangely attractive. It was hard to place her finger on exactly why; but it was there, and it made her stomach do flips.
She forced the thought out of her mind, however, as she reminded herself of the job that needed to be done. She gave herself a slight nod as if agreeing with her own thoughts, and lulled herself to sleep.
When she arose the next morning, she was surprised to find Dante already awake, polishing his guns at the counter of the bar. He heard her footsteps descending the stairs, and he looked up briefly, before returning to his cleaning.
“Morning, sunshine,” he teased, holding his gun up to look at his handy work. “Ready to get moving? Got a bit of a ride ahead of us.”
“More than ready,” she remarked, walking over to his side.
He paused for a moment, looking her over. “No weapon?” he chided, chuckling softly.
“Oh, I have weapons,” she retorted, though didn’t bother to explain.
He would see for himself later.
They took his car, much to her surprise that he had one, and he kept the top down as he drove on. The wind swirled her soft pink hair, and the freshness of the air felt wonderful in her lungs. He wore dark sunglasses, but occasionally stole glances at her.
Once at their destination, it had seemed to start getting dark. She hadn’t even noticed they had been driving that long; the trip itself only felt as if it were a few hours.
She stepped out of the car along side Dante, as they both walked into a very clearly abandoned building. It ranked of death; a clear hide away for demons and the like. It was far too clear, especially seeing the remains of animals strewn about as they walked on.
“Might be an ambush up ahead,” she spoke quietly to Dante, as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to stand on end.
He didn’t reply, only gave a slight nod to his head, as he pulled one of his guns from his holster. “Sure you got some kind of weapon on ya, girlie?”
She gave him her own smirk this time.
They kicked in the door in unison, being greeted with snarls and howling as lanky and slimy demons scattered around the room, some heading right for them with claws and fangs bared.
Dante’s gun barrel made contact with one, blasting it’s head clean off, while Sidonie leapt to the side, calling forth her blade, as well as her own familiar.
From the golden ring on her finger flared out a blade, as if lightning and fire were intertwined within it, and she swung, cleaving the demon attempting to drop on her in two. At her feet lunged forth a Shiba spirit, whom she directed into the path of a demon, which the familiar tore to shreds.
Dante paused for a moment, eyes slightly wide at the sight.
“Ah. I see what you meant by weapons.”
She simply smiled at him, as they went about demolishing the horde of demons that had taken residence there.
From then on out, his demeanor towards her changed. He’d tease her a little more, compliment her often, try to keep her around him as much as possible. Granted they had only been working together for a few weeks, finishing off the assignments that Morrison had written on the letter; but a sort of...tension had been building up between them.
And it finally was coming to a head.
Their most recent mission was a wild chase of two particular demons, who were attempting to portray themselves as humans to lull victims into a trap. Sidonie had suck her familiar on them, and Dante bolted along side the Shiba, with her bringing up the rear. They both seemed to be smiling at each other during the chase, as if it was just for the sheer thrill; which, to an extent, he probably was.
When they arrived back at the agency, Dante collapsed into his desk chair, laughing good-naturedly as Sidonie perched herself on his desk.
“Who knew you were so good at tying knots,” she teased, referring to the hog-tie Dante performed on the demon attempting to fight back.
“I’m a man of many talents, babe,” he replied, giving her a wink; something she had now gotten so used to, she would worry if he didn’t give her one.
There was usual flirting between the two; but tonight, she tried to push her luck...
“Think you could tie me up like that sometime?”
The smirk on his face waned slightly, and she felt a shutter crawl up her spine; oh no, did she go too far?
But when he grabbed her by the front of her blouse, pulling her into his lap and also into a deep kiss, the worries were thrown right out.
He kept one arm wrapped around her, pinning her small form to his chest, as he pulled a drawer of his desk open, producing a set of rope from it. He didn’t even break the kiss, but she pulled away to scoff at the rope in his hand.
“Do you seriously keep things like that in your desk?”
“Demon hunter, babe,” he said with a cheeky smirk, “gotta be prepared at all times.”
She rolled her eyes, but his free hand buried in her hair, pulling her in for another searing kiss. He moved from his seat, laying her out on the top of his desk, as his much larger build pressed her down into it. He pulled his hands from her, tugged her jacket off her shoulders, and pulled her cropped top over her head with a quickness.
He pulled away for a moment, taking in her lacy bra, before his bright blue eyes locked with her violet ones.
“Better take that off yourself, or I’m gonna destroy it,” he hissed, chest heaving slightly.
She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her, as she unclasped the bar, and dropped it along side her discarded jacket and top.
“Better?” she teased, fluttering her lashes in an exaggerating manner; she enjoyed the huffed reaction she got from him.
“Not really,” he replied, tugging at her jean shorts. “These gotta go too.”
He popped the button, pulling them off, along with her underwear, his breath catching in his throat at seeing her exposed for him. He tore his jacket and shirt off, throwing them to the side, as he leaned back over her, taking the rope in his hands.
“Leaving my socks on?” she asked, running a calve along his side.
He visibly shuttered. “Yes. Those are sexy as hell on you.”
She giggled, but bit her lip when he pulled rope taught with a slight snap.
“Sit up for me babe,” he requested, and she did so. He wrapped an end of the rope around her wrists, tying them behind her back, as he wound it around her shoulders, waist, and between her breasts where he tied a knot. He made two more knots at her sides, using the extra line of rope to tie behind her knees, opening her to him and keeping her bound so she couldn’t move to close her thighs.
Once the last knot was tied, he stepped back to marvel at his work, smirking at the sight of her cunt glistening.
“Who knew that tying you up would get you so wet, Sido,” he teased, pressing a finger to her folds.
She whined and bucked her hips a little, but his free hand held her down by her hip. His fingertip found her clit, drawing small circles around it, making her mouth slack slightly at the sensation.
“You look so good like this,” he whispered, as if to himself, and he pulled his fingers away from her to work at his jean front.
He pulled them down along with his boxers just enough to let his cock free, and he let out a low curse when he pressed his tip to her folds.
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about this before,” he remarked, pressing his tip into her entrance slowly.
“I-I say the s-same thing,” she admitted, letting her head press back into his desk as he pushed his cock further into her.
For a moment she forgot about her binds, and so desperately wished to wrap her arms around his neck; but all she could do was struggle against the ties.
“Sorry, Sido,” he breathed, finally reaching the hilt inside her, “but you’re at my mercy right now.”
His pace was slow and lazy, dragging his cock out bit by bit only to ram back into her with enough force to make her slide along the desk top. He couldn’t help the dark smirk across his face as he watched her breasts bounce with each of his thrust.
“God you feel so good around me,” he groaned, picking up his pace a bit more.
Her toes curled inside her socks as he gripped her bound hips, tilting her against his body with ease so he could pound into her at a different angle. Her head slumped back as he mouth hung open slightly, little pants and whimpers escaping her.
His grip was almost bruising as he sped up his pace further, his cock barely leaving her as he pressed flush against her. He could feel her walls beginning to tighten and flutter, as she in return could feel his cock twitching and beginning to swell.
“D-Dante,” she gasped, “Dante, I’m-”
“Me too babe,” he rasped, his grip on her only tightening.
She felt a burst of warmth in her middle as her body tensed, her hips rocking of their own accord into Dante’s. Her walls clenching on his cock pulled him over the edge, as he pressed flush against her core, spilling his seed within her. He let his body slump over, keep his hands braced at either side of her head, so he didn’t crush her with his weight. Slowly, though reluctantly, he pulled away from her warmth, holding in a groan at the soft whine she made from his movement.
Once he adjusted his jeans, he lifted her up slowly, and began undoing the knots. He carefully removed the rope from her, and carried her up to the bathroom, where he used a damp cloth to tend to her rope burns. Luckily there was some soothing gel in the cabinet; he would have to thank Lady for leaving it there later.
Though she emphasized she could walk herself, he carried her to her bed, and decided to curl up with her, but not before discarding the rest of his clothing. He pulled her into his arms, and she cuddled into his warmth.
“I appreciate the trust you have in me,” he mumbled into her hair.
She gave a playful scoff. “Who said I trust you?”
“You let me tie you the hell up. That says it enough.”
She mumbled something incoherent, and he just chuckled, planting a soft kiss on her head.
As he seemed to have fallen asleep next to her, Sidonie dwelled a bit on the situation she was now in. She knew there were more fights ahead. She knew what her ultimate goal was at the end of all this.
But, she figured, as she pressed a bit more into Dante’s chest, the worries could be left for another day.
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shewolfofficial · 5 years
Levi x Reader ~ Halloween Party
I got a crazy idea and I was dying to write it so here I am
Warning: None
Summary: The Military holds a Halloween Party and everyone gets to dress up to celebrate the spooky holiday, even the Captain
I know it’s January but I had to lmao
You were digging through your wardrobe for your costume which you fell head over heels for the second you saw it, a werewolf costume. Well it wasn’t like those ‘scary’ costumes, it was kinda the opposite and you bought it without hesitation. Gasping with joy you pulled a bag out which holds the costume inside it, two fluffy ears that perked up stuck to a headband, a little fluffy tail that could be strapped around your waist, a kit of makeup with it along with some ‘claws’ and a ripped up outfit. 
An idea sparked in your mind making you smirk to yourself, completely ditching the clothes belonging to the costume you put on your uniform and straps minus the jacket. Fixing up your H/C hair you put on the wolf ears and smiled to yourself in the mirror before getting the tail and attached it to your pants. The claws were plastic so you had to glue them to your nails themselves so that took a while for it to get done and finished. 
You spun around in the mirror getting a proper look of yourself, your costume may consist of your uniform but you didn’t care for you were now the ‘werewolf cadet’. Glancing to the clock you noticed the event started 10 minutes ago so you weren’t that late, quickly applying some eye-liner and lipstick. Dusting off your outfit you left your little room, walking down the empty corridor as you heard your temporary tail swish behind you as you made your way to the Halloween event quite excited to see if Levi had gotten dressed up. ‘Hopefully he did get dressed up.. I mean he’d look good in anything!’ you mentally screech at the thoughts that appeared in your head. 
Arriving outside the large building different banners and decorations were placed and hung around the outside, jack-o-lanterns scattered the grass with different goofy faces. A small gravel pathway leading to two large doors which you presumed the party was being contained by since the loud booming music and chatter from inside was spilling to the outside world. 
Strolling up the pathway you arrived outside the large doors,fixing your ears and tail before opening one of the doors you were greeted with an extremely full and extremely big ballroom that had been decorated for the event. Spotting Eren and the others standing around chatting in their costumes, Eren wore a zombie costume, Mikasa was a witch, Armin was a pumpkin, Jean was dressed up as a geeky schoolboy which made you giggle lightly as you walked over to them. ‘’Oh hey Y/N!’’ Armin called out over the loud music, soon arriving at your group of comrades you greeted them. ‘’Hey guys! You all look so good tonight!’’ you chirped clasping your hands behind your back ‘’Not looking too bad yourself Y/N? What are you a wolf person?’’ Jean asked scratching the back of his neck. ‘’Oh I’m a werewolf cadet!’’ you grin. ‘’That’s a good idea for a costume Y/N’’ Mikasa complimented making you nod in thanks to the female, you hear Eren sigh looking off to a different direction ‘’what’s wrong Eren?’’ Armin asked his friend who motioned behind the boy. 
All your gazes flicked behind Armin and landed on Hanji who was dressed up as a scientist, climbing on a table singing along with the song which was playing obviously drunk with a poor Moblit dressed up like a mummy trying to get her down without harming herself. ‘’She’s drunk already... surprised Erwin even let her come’’ Eren chuckled as you continued watching Hanji. ‘’Speaking of the Commander... Where is he?’’ Mikasa questioned glancing around, you joined her looking around for Erwin. ‘’I found him! He’s over there with Captain Levi’’ Armin said gesturing ahead of him, your head spun so fast after hearing Levi’s name you got a slight bit of whiplash making you squeak in pain but you did not care after all since you had just laid your eyes on the most gorgeous looking sight ever...
Levi, dressed up as a vampire. He had little bat wings coming out of his slicked-back raven hair. He wore a red cravat with a blue gem in the center of it, a black waistcoat with golden buttons over a pearl white shirt. He also wore some black gloves, a vampire cape, black pants with dark red boots. He was standing next to Erwin chatting whilst sipping some wine, you soon noticed that he had fake vampire fangs on making you blush slightly.
He looked perfect.
You were torn from your thoughts when a hand waved was waved in front of your face making you jump slightly. ‘’Finally! Got her attention! I’m guessing you like Levi’s costume?’’ Jean teased as you growled in annoyance ‘’hush you!’’ you squeal to the taller boy making him laugh. ‘’Oh come on Y/N!’’ Jean laughed patting your shoulder, you heard Eren chuckle making you snap your killer gaze to him making him chuckle even more before he started laughing. Rolling your eyes you clicked your tongue  ‘’whatever...I’m going to go get a drink... be right back’’ you tell them earning a nod from Mikasa and Armin as you disappear into the crowd of ‘monsters’. Arriving at the drink table you failed to notice a certain someone noticed your presence as you got yourself a drink.
Spinning around to look at the crowd you came face to face with Hanji who sent you a wide grin as your eyes widened from fright. ‘’Damn Hanji! Don’t do that again!’’ you scold the elder woman who giggles ‘’sorry Y/N~! You thought it was Levi hm~ By the way! I like your costume!’’ Hanji smiled as you let a small laugh slip. Finishing your drink you place the cup down on the table behind you before facing the scientist again ‘’so what do ya want to do?’’ you asked crossing your arms. Hanji shrugged staying silent before a classic Halloween song began playing.
Hanji cheered before grabbing your wrist and dragging towards the dance floor which was in the middle of the ballroom, surprisingly nobody was really dancing. Shaking your head you smiled at your friend as she spun around to you and began dancing to the song, laughing you joined in with her as you both sing along with the lyrics, doing little actions to some parts not caring who was watching.
Soon enough you were joined by Sasha, Connie and the rest of your friends as you all danced and messed on the dance floor, you felt at ease savoring the moment with your friends as you enjoyed the night.
You ended up dragging Hanji back to the drinks and she sneakily gave you some alcohol before giving you a wink. Downing the cup immediately you felt a funny buzz go through you. 
// Levi’s P.O.V \\
I watched Y/N and Hanji go all over the place, from dancing to talking to people the next second. They were quite the lively duo. Finishing another glass of wine I place it on a tray next to me as I watch Y/N enjoy herself. 
‘‘Why don’t you go talk to her?’‘ Erwin asks from beside me, rolling my eyes I fix my gloves ‘‘no, she’s with four-eyes and I’m not ruining her night’‘ I say frowning slightly at the thought of Hanji spending the night with Y/N. Erwin sighed ‘‘you can at least go and greet her, why are you so shy?’‘ the man teased as I sent him a glare. ‘‘Tch shut it’‘ I grumble looking around the ballroom.
// Your P.O.V \\
‘‘Y/N come on let's go say hi to Levi and Erwin!’‘ Hanji slurred, raising an eyebrow I nod hesitantly as she held onto my wrist and led me to the two males. Eventually arriving I sent them a smile ‘’Hello Commander, Hi Captain’’ I shove away all shyness as Erwin nods to me in acknowledgment ‘’hello Y/N how are you tonight?’’ Erwin asks ‘’I’m doing great sir! Tonights going well so far’’ I chirp back towards the taller man who chuckles, Levi was silent before Hanji began poking his shoulder. ‘’L-Levi! why don’t you get yourself a drink! Y/N you do the same! You know what? Why don’t you both go together and get to know each other~’’ Hanji continued to slur grinning to us, Levi rolled his eyes shaking his head no. I couldn’t help but shrug ‘’well I’m gonna get a drink and head outside for some air, it was nice seeing you two... Have a good night’’ I smile to Levi and Erwin before leaving to get a drink.
After getting a drink I walk outside, entering a small stone balcony where the moon shined down onto. A garden was underneath the balcony speckled with trees and different plants. Leaning onto the stone railing I take small sips of my drink gazing up to the moon admiring the different sized craters it held. Quietly humming to myself I notice a figure stand beside me, looking to the person I notice it was Levi who stayed silent drinking wine. ‘’What’s wrong sir?’’ I ask in a worried tone, Levi shakes his head ‘’nothing, just making sure you don’t get mugged or anything..’’ he responds getting quieter the more he continued, this made me giggle lightly. 
‘‘Thanks for your concern but I’m alright, I really like your outfit... It suits you’‘ I say as a red hue appeared across my cheeks, Levi nodded quietly. ‘‘You don’t look too bad yourself puppy’‘ he teased making me nearly choke on my drink. ‘‘Whatever you say Dracula’‘ I smirk back to him, Levi seemed more at ease at the moment. My thoughts were swept under the rug when he sent me a playful glare. ‘‘Oh no! Don’t bite me.. I’m just an innocent little pup’‘ I snicker causing him to chuckle lightly leaning into my ear ‘‘I won’t bite now.. but later tonight I might’‘ he whispers making me go even redder than before as he pulls away, a smug smirk toying at his thin lips watching me.
I couldn’t help but notice his silver eyes trail down to my lips every now and then which made me quite confused and flustered. I glance down to the little watch I wore and my eyes widened partially, 3am!? Levi seemed to notice me ‘’what’s wrong?’’ he asked as I finished off my drink. ‘’It’s 3 in the morning, I think I should probably head to my room now..’’ I mutter seeing the place still crowded inside. Levi rose an eyebrow ‘’what? But we have a day off tomorrow’’ he said, sighing I nod ‘’I know but I don’t want to wake up exhausted and all that..’’ I notice a hint of sadness? In his eyes making me feel guilty. ‘’ Alright... But let me walk you back, you don’t know who would be going around at this time’’ Levi says finishing off his wine, nodding I send him a gentle smile. ‘’Alright thanks..’’ I bite my lip as Levi gestures for me to follow him.
// Time Skip - Arriving Outside Your Room \\
We arrived outside my room, Levi and I had a pleasant conversation on the way back and I couldn’t help but feel giddy about the whole thing. ‘’Well thanks for bringing me back, I had a great time with you Captain’’ I say in a flustered tone, Levi nods ‘’it’s fine, you weren’t as annoying as I thought you’d be’’ he responds making me laugh slightly ‘’and also.. drop the formal shit when we’re alone’’ he finishes before leaning down and pecking my lips. 
My face exploded in a blush as he pulled away. ‘’U-Uh..’’ I struggle to speak before I shake my head and lean towards him and kiss him catching him by surprise. It didn’t take long for Levi to return it, but it didn’t last long due to him pulling back smirking deviously ‘’seems like you’ve gotten back your energy from earlier... what happened to the tired little puppy hm?’’ he pouted playfully cupping my cheeks. ‘’S-She’s gone!’’ I stutter looking at the male, he rolls his eyes at my excuse. ‘’Come with me, we’re going to my room for the night’’ Levi says in a matter-of-fact tone, nodding I intertwine my hand in his gloved one as he kisses my temple leading me to his room.
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 7 years
Super loved your Transformers chapters that I just had to request this. Would you mind doing a Sideswipe (& maybe Sunstreaker) flirting with Kagome even though she's competing against them? It'll be interesting to see a slightly antagonistic side. Thank you regardless and you're the best! (Although why is Bumble/Kag tagged transgender?)
Gonna be honest, not familiar with Sunstreaker, so I went off of what I’ve personally read. Hope this still pleases you though!
The music was loud, loud enough she could feel the base in her chest even though she wasn’t anywhere near the speakers. It was dark save for the colored lights and the people gathered were lost in their own private conversations. Kagome observed it all from her relaxed spot, eyes assessing the people and their cars, wave off any male that wasn’t part of her circle.
Like everyone else, when two new cars rolled into the fold, Kagome’s eyes slid to the pair. They were sporty, though more for something the stupidly rich than for street racers. That, and the cars themselves were, clean. One in gold and one in silver. With a scoff, she turned away to eye the competition she knew to keep an eye on. Especially Kosuke, since he didn’t mind racing dirty.
“Mah, Kagome, who do you think they are?” Ai’s voice whispered as she finished up going over the motor of Kagome’s own car.
“Don’t know, don’t care. I’m more concerned with the fact that Kosuke is here.” he eyes narrowed on the sneering male. “After his last stunt, he should have been booted.”
He eventually managed to tear his attention away from the women draped over him to blow her a kiss, if not make a rude gesture.
Rolling her eyes, she turned around so she could talk with Ai and go over the motor before the race began. “So, anything you feel I should know about?”
“Other than the fact that you’re crazy for the modifications that you’ve had me do to it? Everything’s all good.” Ai’s dark eyes dropped to the motor. “I think…”
“Don’t worry, Ai-chan, I know what I’m doing.” Kagome reached up to grip the hood, more than ready to get behind the wheel of her baby.
“A low whistle drew their attention, two men, foreigners, were checking her motor out with appreciation and awe. Kagome was sure she saw a little shock and confusion on one of them.
“Now, that is a nice engine.” the one in grays and black leaned over next to Kagome, lowering his sunglasses to reveal electric blue eyes.
“Tch, you’ve seen better.” the other in yellows and black commented as he hung back, a slight sneer on his face.
“Oh, don’t be like that, Sunny. It’s a beauty.” his words drawled out, a near purr when he turned from the motor to eye Kagome.
Raising a brow, Kagome kept his gaze for a few moments before closing the hood. “I don’t know where you’re from, but around here, you don’t go looking under the hoods of another car without permission.”
Instead of getting upset, he shook his fingers and took a few steps closer. “Is it now? Didn’t mean to offend.” his smirk was still there.
Kagome rolled her eyes, earning a chuckle from him.
“My brother and I just recently arrived, so we’re a little lost.” he placed a hand over his head, a move she was only too familiar with and thankfully immune to.
“Oh, you both are lost alright.” hip cocked out with a hand atop it, she took in the two cars. “Illegal factory models and you’re hoping to get in on a street race? I think you boys bit off more than you could chew. Especially since you ‘recently arrived’.”
“Factory models?!” Goldie, Sunny if she recalled, was up and off the hood of his golden Dodge Viper and next to his brother, face twisted in an angry mask.
While holding his brother back, the other brother continued to smile down at her. It was… just a touch too much devious for her tastes.
“Honey, there is nothing ‘factory’ about them. And, we can race.” the arm he had used to hold his brother back lowered to pet the ends of a few strands of hair that fell over her shoulder. “I’m willing to bet on it.”
Before Kagome could knock both his hand and comments away, a voice that she loathed nearly as much as she had Naraku spoke up from the side. “Heh, you’re willing to cater to these gaijin? How the mighty have fallen.” Kosuke shook his head, the women on either of his arms cooing at how unfortunate she was. It was all a show.
“What can I say, I’m adventurous and they’re more likely to satisfy me than you ever could.” Kagome was simply spouting, knowing any poke at his ego would get him going. The sooner that happened, the sooner he would leave. “Not that I would ever give you the chance to compare, that is.”
The women gasped, Kosuke’s face twisted in rage before smoothing back out in that cocky smirk. “Tonight’s the night I show ya a real demon, Miko-chan.” grabbing what he was going to use to show her how he meant such. The women began their complaining and simpering that they were more than enough for him.
Ai actually gasped, at the audacity. Most knew of her background, while they were of this generation, and true city kids, they left that part of her well enough alone. It had nothing to do with racing, and whenever that title did come up, it was often done in friendly banter or teasing.
Kagome scoffed. “Please, you’re overcompensating for the fact that you’re not a real man where it counts. Or as a racer.”
It was Sunny that stepped forward to block Kosuke from his obvious violent reaction, his brother sidled up next to Kagome to drop an arm around her shoulder. “Ouch, that is one sharp tongue you have there.”
“Only as sharp as my mind.” she eyed the dangling hand attached to the arm before turning to him. “Now about that bet you mentioned?”
“Oh, I’m sure my brother and I can think of something.” his free hand waved without a care as he stared down at her.
“A two for one deal?” she eyed Sunny, not liking that he too now wore a smirk as he stared at her. Her gaze shifted between the brothers to their cars. A Dodge Viper ZB II in gold and a silver 2009 Corvette Stingray.
“Alright, why not.” she shrugged her shoulders, moving back to her car when she caught the signal to get ready.
“Gonna kiss us good luck?” Sunny smirked at her, becoming just as daring as his brother, whose name she had yet to learn.
“When I’m racing against you and your brother? Not likely.” she smiled for the first time since the night lost some of its buzz. “Though, you’re going to need all the luck you can get.”
She blew him a kiss with a wink. He chuckled as she walked past his brother, who was quick to stop her. “What, no kiss for me?”
Feeling the playful atmosphere, she batted her lashes up at him. “My Mama told me never to kiss strangers.”
“Heh. Friends call me Sideswipe.” his smirk grew when her face was suddenly painted in confusion. He didn’t let it sit there long as he swooped down to give her a quick kiss on the corner of her lips. “For luck.”
The slight narrowing of her eyes had him chuckling, reminding him to give her a light push back towards her car. When he turned around, he offered Sunstreaker a simple shrug. “What? Jealous that I got an actual kiss and you didn’t?”
“You’re messing with dangerous territory.” Sunny shook his head, though he wore an amused smirk either way.
“Like you or I would have it either way.” he gave a playful punch to the shoulder closest to him. Turning to watch the petite woman discuss something with her obvious mechanic, he could help but share a secretive look with his brother. “I have a feeling this’ll be worth it.”
Rolling his eye, Sunny left his brother. “You say that every time. And might I remind you how much slag when end up in afterward?”
“Still worth it!” there was no way Sideswipe was going to let his brother had the last word on this matter.
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