therihare · 1 month
is there anyone else halloween-hearted on tumblr? im sure there is but wow yall need to start posting more in those tags. christmashearted folks too. im probably gonna post in those two tags closer to around those times
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drritamarie · 4 months
Balancing Hormones Deliciously: Dive Into Dairy Free Yogurt Made By Fermenting Yams
Sweet potatoes or yams combined with other healthy components are blended into a creamy mixture that is called yogurt. Anyone looking for a dairy-free alternative or lactose intolerant can try this plant-based yogurt recipe. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is also a great choice for providingyour body with nourishment. The real star of this tasty yogurt recipe is the yams, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients.They offer a sense of natural sweetness and a creamy smoothness similar to Greek or dairy yogurt.
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This well-balanced blend has a tinge of blueberry juice, but you can also add other flavors to tailor it, like sour cherry, pomegranate, or even the embrace of almond milk or coconut milk. It has all the tastes and taste characteristics of ordinary yogurt. This gives dairy-free yogurts an extra boost of nutrients and helps give them a creamy feel. A dash of red juice powder, pomegranate powder, or beet powder boosts the antioxidant content and brings in more delectable flavors. This allows you to customize this healthy meal to fit your needs. Owing to its versatility, you can personalize your yogurt to your preferences.
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spookybias · 4 years
ᝰ after hours | nishimura riki ˎˊ˗
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pairing: nishimura riki x gender neutral! reader
genre: crack
synopsis: admist taking down christmas decorations, you and ni-ki end up standing together under the mistletoe.
word count: 515
for: @enhypenwriters holiday hearts event, and @magicisland9-34. a late birthday present i suppose.
note: i didn’t proof read this as many times as i usually do.
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You listened to your brother’s directions, and squeezed your eyes shut, one hand grazing the wall trying to get a good grip on the shelf to your right, the other reaching out for the mistletoe above your door. You moved just a few centimeters to the left. You were deathly afraid of heights, and it didn’t help that you were standing at the top of a ladder.
“____, stop,” Sunoo said from the bottom of the ladder. He kept his hands on the side rails so that the ladder wouldn’t close and send you plummeting to the white marble tiles of your foyer. “This isn’t safe. You’re supposed to open your eyes when you’re on a ladder.”
“I can’t, I’m scared.”
Sunoo sighed. “How are we supposed to get the decorations down before mom comes home then? I can’t go up there. You aren’t strong enough to hold down the ladder, and at least if you fall I can catch you.” Sunoo pouted, one hand leaving the ladder to scratch his head. He mumbled to himself, “If I fall, you’ll just run away.”
“Okay, we get it. I’m scared of being on higher ground, I’m weak, and I lack loyalty,” You said. If you could open your eyes, you would have rolled them. “You don’t have to inform me of my obvious circumstances.”
“Why is the door open?” Jungwon suddenly popped into your home, followed by Ni-Ki. The sudden appearance of your best friends made you screech, and you lost your balance on the ladder, causing it to shake.
Ni-Ki quickly grabbed the side rail that Sunoo neglected. “Whoa. Be careful, ____.”
“Ugh, I don’t wanna be up here anymore,” You groaned. “I’d rather leave the mistletoe here and try again after next Christmas.”
“Fine.” Sunoo stated. “But don’t get mad when you end up having to smooch a delivery man on a random day in July.”
Ni-Ki held his hand out to you. You placed your hand in his and let him lead you down the steps.
“I can get it for you guys,” Jungwon declared. “Hold the ladder for me.”
Sunoo and Jungwon went to work at removing the mistletoe, while you and Ni-Ki stood awkwardly in front of each other.
“Uh thanks for the helping hand I guess.” You cringed at your own words.
Ni-Ki looked at you, a teasing smile on his face. “I would’ve let you stay up there and suffer, but Jungwon-hyung and I wanna play games with Sunoo-hyung.” He laughed, and you punched his shoulder playfully. “You’re okay, though, right? I know Sunoo-hyung said you hate heights before.”
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You felt the blush creep up your cheeks.
“Jungwon, no,” Sunoo laughed loudly, gaining you and Ni-Ki’s attention.
The two of you followed Sunoo’s gaze to Jungwon, standing on top of the ladder and dangling the mistletoe above your heads.
“Christmas is over,” Ni-Ki simply stated. He snatched the mistletoe from Jungwon and chucked it across the room. “Mistletoes don’t work after hours.”
Sunoo burst into a fit of giggles.
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sept-dix · 4 years
first snow (heeseung)
summary: you make a promise to confess to heeseung on the day of the first snowfall warnings: slight slight angst at certain parts (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )ƅ̋ wc: 2.2k a/n: for holiday hearts; this turned out to be a little longer than i intended but i’m not mad about it ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ (belated) merry christmas and an (early) happy new year to everyone! <3
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“on the day of the first snowfall, we confess. okay?”
jake’s eyes are wide open as he looks at you, his hand gripping your arm tightly from where he is sitting beside you on your bedroom floor. he’s serious about this, you can tell, but you can’t help but sigh at his proposition.
“jake, are you sure about this? it could literally snow tomorrow. would you be able to confess tomorrow?”
“yes! i would! and you should too! what’s stopping you?”
well. what’s stopping you is the thought of your best friend hearing your confession and then looking at you like you’re crazy. that’s how it always goes down in your imagination—you confess, heeseung freezes, and then he looks at you like you’re insane before turning you down gently.
you always picture him to have a slight look of pity in his eyes when he hears your confession—a look that says i wish i liked you too, but i don’t. that look from your imagination is what’s stopping you.
one day you’re going to turn around and dropkick the infuriating little voice in your head that always comes up with the worst possible scenarios for you in any given situation.
“it’s okay, y/n. it’ll turn out just fine, trust me.” jake says, as if reading your mind.
and as much as you fear the possibility of rejection, it’s even harder to live everyday wondering what could be if only you were that much braver.
“fine. but only if you confess to her first. text me that you’ve confessed, and then i’ll do it.”
“deal!” jake’s entire face lights up as you give in. “besides, they say if you confess on the day of the first snow, the two of you will stay together for a long, long time.”
you spend majority of the next week making sure that you’re always in view of a window, eyes anxiously looking out at even the slightest hints of movement outside in case it’s a snowflake falling. you spend the rest of the time with your eyes trained on your phone, afraid that somehow snow had fallen and you hadn’t noticed and jake had texted you that he had confessed to his crush and you would be up next.
luckily for you, neither of those things happen.
in fact, the only notification you get on your phone is a text from heeseung himself.
just stole my brother’s netflix account. wanna come watch smth?
hanging out with heeseung on his couch, his feet on your lap as you give him the stinky eye for having his stinky feet so close to your nose, both of you laughing at the low-budget horror film that’s playing on the tv—none of this feels new to you.
actually, it’s the farthest thing from new. the both of you have been best friends for years now, and you like to think you know almost everything there is to know about him by now. spending time with heeseung feels like the easiest thing to do.
“is there something on my face?” heeseung asks, launching a popcorn at your head. “why are you staring at me like that?”
but of course, nothing is actually easy when your best friend is oblivious and you like him and you don’t know when it’s going to start snowing or what you’re going to say once it does.
“i’m not,” you reply, although you quite obviously are.
you push his feet off of your lap as he aims another popcorn at you. “get your stinky feet off my lap, for god’s sake.”
“hey, hey, don’t bring god into this.” he sits upright and scoots next to you on the couch. the both of you turn your attention back to the film before he speaks again, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“anyway, what are you doing on christmas eve?”
“nothing much. dinner with my family, i think. what about you?”
heeseung takes a moment to answer, his eyes trained on the television so closely that for a second, you think he hasn’t heard your reply and is actually back to watching the film.
in that same second you also wonder if maybe he’ll ask you to spend the evening with him instead, but you stuff that thought back where it came from before you start forming any real hope.
“yeah, i think i’m spending it with my family, too.” he finally answers, and as if on cue, the girl from the horror movie lets out a horrifying scream.
jake sends you a screenshot of the weather report the next week. it reads: first snow of the season expected to fall today. total snow accumulation predicted to be 2 to 5 inches.
“prepare your confession speech,” he texts you. “we have to do it today.”
somewhere in the back of your mind you wonder why jake is being so dramatic about all of this. if he was so ready to confess, he could just do it now instead of waiting for snowfall. or maybe he just really believed in that “if you confess on the day of the first snow you’ll last longer” theory.
either way, The Confession was fast approaching and you have yet to come up with a concrete plan about how you’re going to confess. you have been actively trying to avoid thinking about it for the sole reason that every time you do, that nasty voice in the back of your head begins pushing you down a spiral of anxiety. but not thinking about it is just making you nervous in its own way.
so naturally, to take your mind off heeseung, you text heeseung.
twenty minutes later he’s on your chair, aimlessly rolling around your room as you lie on your bed.
“what do you wanna do?”
“i don’t know, anything. i’m so bored.”
“me too. my brother changed his netflix password so i can’t use his account anymore.”
you chuckle, turning your head to face him. he looks absolutely breathtaking in his hoodie, the soft pink hue of the fabric a charming contrast against the rich colour of his skin.
“let’s come up with new year’s resolutions for the new year.” you reply. it’s a conversation the two of you have together almost every year-end, and you want to know what is on heeseung’s mind this time.
“hm… okay, the first one for me is to exercise regularly. i’m gonna be swole this time next year.”
you snort. “isn’t that what you said last year?”
heeseung can’t help but laugh at that, but his tone is indignant as he replies. “this time it’s for real!!!”
“fine, fine, what’s your next one?”
“next one… would be to learn how to play the guitar?”
you nod at this-unfortunately you can’t bring yourself to tease a music prodigy about his love for music.
“that’s nice. you’ll have to play for me once you learn.”
you stare up at the ceiling, wondering what your new year’s resolution should be. you wonder vaguely if heeseung will still be by your side to have this same conversation with you next year.
“actually, i have one last one,” heeseung says, rolling over languidly to your table to fiddle with the stationery you have strewn all over the tabletop. “i’m going to confess to my crush next year.”
you freeze. his crush?
“you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” heeseung says, giggling softly at the expression on your face. “what’s so shocking about that?”
“your crush? you never told me you had someone you liked,” you say, unable to keep the tone of surprise and slight betrayal out of your voice.
this changes everything, doesn’t it? if heeseung has someone he likes, you can’t just confess knowing that he definitely does not return your feelings. your mind is going a mile per minute, and all you can do is sit and stare at heeseung, who looks as gorgeous as always as he doodles absentmindedly on your notebook.
“i do,” he replies quietly, a small smile on his face as he looks up at you. wow, he must really like whoever it is if just the mention of them makes him smile like this. “you know this person, too!”
“who…—” but before you can finish your question, heeseung suddenly gasps as his eyes widen almost comically, peering out of the window that is directly above your desk.
“y/n! look!” heeseung says, parting the curtains fully and gesturing you to come over. “it’s snowing!!!”
oh my god. it’s like the snow gods are laughing at you.
you make your way over and watch with your mouth open as the snowflakes twirl and fall, softly piling up upon one another on the concrete pavement. it isn’t heavy, and the snow on the ground is quickly melting, but there’s no denying that it is, in fact, snowing. the one damn time the weather forecast is right and it’s for this.
“it really is snowing,” you mumble, leaning closer out the window to get a better look.
“this is so pretty! do you think we’ll get a white christmas this year?” heeseung presses up against the window right beside you, turning to look at you with an expectant look in his eyes. lee heeseung, whose eyes sparkle at the mere thought of it snowing on the most festive day of the year. your heart squeezes painfully in your chest.
honestly, you think to yourself. just because he likes someone else doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to tell him what you feel, right? you don’t expect anything back from him, you could just follow through on your promise with jake and get it off your chest and continue with life as per normal. heeseung wouldn’t be weird about it-he’s heeseung.
“y/n?” heeseung asks, waving an unsure hand in front of you. “is everything okay?”
there’s a confused smile on his face, and his warm brown eyes look concerned as they search yours.
“heeseung, i think i have something to tell you.”
“suddenly?” his brows furrow in confusion. “you can tell me anything, you know. what is it?”
“i know you just said there’s someone else you like, and i know this seems like it’s out of the blue, but i have someone i really like too.”
heeseung’s eyes widen just a fraction, but he maintains his expression. “what? who is it?”
you take an unsteady breath. there’s no turning back now.
“it’s you, heeseung.”
“…it’s me?”
“you don’t have to say anything. i know you already like someone else, i’m just confessing because i made a pact with jake. we can just forget what i said and move o—”
“a pact with jake???” heeseung looks confused, his mind racing to keep up with your words.
“yeah, we had a promise. it’s nothing big, actually, it was something about the snow and. never mind, i shouldn’t ha—”
you cut yourself off when you suddenly feel heeseung’s hands on either side of your face. his hands are warm, slightly rough because it’s the winter and he never uses hand cream even when you tell him too.
“you don’t get to confess and then just move on like that,” he says, his face a mere few inches away from yours as he turns to face you.
“aren’t you going to ask me who the person i like is?” he asks, and your mind goes blank. what does it matter who he likes now? when you’ve just confessed to him?
he sighs slightly at your silence. “i thought i was being fairly obvious. it’s you, y/n. i was going to confess to you in the new year.” he smiles unsteadily as he says this, eyes sparkling the same way it did at the mention of a white christmas earlier. “now stop looking so upset, i just told you i like you, too.”
he pats your cheek playfully as his smile widens, watching in amusement at the shock on your face.
you had come up with a hundred different ways in which this could have ended, but none of your scenarios ever looked like this. suddenly the heat from his hands on the sides of your face feels a bit too warm.
“really? are you sure?”
“of course i’m sure, y/n! why wouldn’t i be sure?” he asks with a soft chuckle. “i’ve felt this way for the longest time now.”
for the longest time now. your stomach does a funny flip at the words, your heart stuttering as the reality of the situation dawns upon you.
you confessed and lee heeseung confessed right back. lee heeseung likes you and he says he’s sure about it.
everything’s falling into place, just like the soft, white flakes finding a home on the broad, sturdy branches of the oak tree outside.
maybe jake is right-something about the first snow really does feel magical.
(the moment is broken by the violent buzzing of your phone from where it is on your bed.
jake: y/n look out it’s snowing!!!
jake: it’s time!!!
jake: wait actually i’m not sure about this
jake: i don’t even know where she is right now
jake: i’m scared. this is scarier than i thought
jake: y/n are u there???)
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holidayhearts · 3 years
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Welcome to Winterhaven, where you can date those Holiday Romance Movie tropes like you always wanted to!
Holiday Hearts - A Very Merry Christmas Dating Sim is now available for free on itch!  Check it out and spread some of that Holiday Cheer! If you don't, Christmas is cancelled!
No character is interested in a specific gender, this is intended to be for everyone!
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ye0ncore · 4 years
a perfect christmas - jay park
note: this is my holiday hearts fic hehe, i had another idea and another fic i was writing but i gave up on it cause it just wasn’t working out, so here’s this!
pairing: jay x female reader
wc: 756
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you weren’t used to being apart. the feeling of him being so far away felt so foreign. you had grown so accustomed to him always being by your side, that when he finally wasn’t, you felt so alone.
you used to be able to call him when you felt alone and he would be by your side in no time. but now, that doesn’t happen anymore. you don’t even talk to him as much as you used to. you both were so busy, that talking to each other was now a rare occurrence.
you were about to head home from school. it was your last day before break, and had just finished all of your finals, which had gone really well. the walk to your car was short, your airpods in your ear, blasting 10 months. it was your favorite. you did all the normal, boring stuff, got into your car and drove off.
you got home fairly quickly, you didn’t live too far away from the school. you rushed inside, just trying to get some sleep considering you had been so exhausted lately. school had been kicking your ass.
you walked inside, set your things down, all the boring stuff. just as you were about to lay down to take a nap, the doorbell rang. groaning, you got up and made your way to the door and opened it up, nearly fainting when you saw who it was.
it was jay. jay, was at the door. “hi baby.” you simply froze, not believing he was actually in front of you. before you knew it you were jumping in his arms, wrapping your arms and legs around him. he caught you, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.
he walked inside, shutting the door behind him with his foot, still holding onto you. he gently set you down, neither of you releasing your grip on the other. he held you close to him, running his hands through your hair. “i missed you so much.” your voice was soft and shaky, making the shock evident.
“i missed you more, baby.” he gently pulled away, cupping your cheek with one hand, and keeping the other on your waist, you doing the same, cupping his cheek. his eyes flicked from your eyes, down to your lips, slowly leaning in. and in no time, your lips were on his. your lips moved in sync, the kiss full of desperation.
when he finally pulled away, it felt like everything was finally falling into place. he looked past you, and giggled at what he saw. you turned around and saw the christmas tree you and your family decorated. he walked up to it, and examined all the ornaments. his eye caught a medium sized silver one, with a picture glued to the inside of it. it was an older picture of the two of you. jay had his arm draped over your shoulder, huge smiles on both of your faces.
he thought back to when the photo was taken. you were posing for the picture, but out of nowhere, one of his friends had done something funny, making the both of you laugh. the photo was taken candid, the both of you in the middle of laughing. your mom was in love with the picture, so she put it in a christmas ornament. jay smiled at the photo and gently placed it back on the tree, turning back to you. he dragged you over to the couch, plopping down and taking you down with him.
it was silent for a moment, you both simply enjoying each other’s embrace after not seeing each other for so long. “what are you doing here? i thought you were gonna spend christmas with your members this year,” you asked quietly. he pulled you closer in response, draping a blanket over the both of you.
“i couldn’t stand the thought of not being with you for christmas. we’ve spent every christmas with each other since we’ve been together and i didn’t want this christmas to be any different.” his voice was soft and comforting, immediately putting a smile on your face.
the rest of the day was full of cuddles, hot chocolate, christmas movies and cuddling. he even goofed off with your family when they all got back from work. the sight made you incredibly happy, a smile never leaving your lips.
it was going to be a perfect christmas. and you knew it because your beau was finally home, with you, right where you both belonged.
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engenuity · 4 years
a rainy twenty-fifth (with you, is still warm)
note: my holiday hearts entry! also, this fic takes place in a setting where it experiences two seasons annually, instead of having four. thus, having a “rainy” december instead of a snowy one. 
pairing: ni-ki x gender neutral reader
tags: fluff !!
words: 938 words
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“Ya! What are you—!”
You laughed maniacally after you jokingly shoved Ni-ki out of the umbrella’s shade. It was honestly out of the blue, you just felt like shoving him while he’s trying to tell a story about how he celebrated Christmas when he was eight years old. Before he can even take a sillier revenge on you though, karmic retribution was quickly at work and your foot caught the disentangled shoelace of the other and tripped. 
Thankfully, you are wearing jeans made probably with the thickest material and the fall didn’t hurt much after the surprise with the impact. Now, you’re quickly being drenched by the rain and when the events that aspired within the last few seconds come sinking, the second batch of manic laughter came out of you before even thinking. 
You’ve always been like that, laugh first, think later. 
Ni-ki always gladly objects every time you reason that with him.
Except, maybe this night is the exception. You see him posed and frozen as if he just recovered his balance (which is probably what actually happened, since you shoved him, after all) but he’s pointing at you and his face quickly morphs from concern and disbelief to unbridled joy. 
If any concerned citizen tries to come closer to where you both are, they’ll probably be terrified after witnessing two persons—one standing but looks like a single push of a finger will lose his balance, and the other one completely fallen on the road—laughing as they continuously get soaked in the rain, umbrella forgotten and is currently rolling along with the wind current. 
When Ni-ki got himself together, he offered his hand to you which you quickly accepted. After making sure that you’re okay— (”i’m fine, i think i’ll just get some bruise”) and asking about your wellbeing for the second time, (”seriously ni-ki I’m okay, it’s karma if you asked me”) and making sure you’re not offended that he laughed first before helping you stand up (”you’re now living with my motto, i feel so proud”) — he finally chased the umbrella that’s being carried away by the wind. 
You were holding that one when you decided to shove him just because you feel like shoving him, then you tripped, and when you fell you had to stop your face from kissing the cement of the road so you had to let the umbrella go and use your hands to brace the impact. Now Ni-ki looks like a star of a comedy as he tries to run and chase the umbrella that keeps on rolling away from him. 
It’s such a wonderful mess.
Finally when he retrieved the umbrella, he quickly made his way back into you. He may also find the whole situation ridiculously humorous as he looks so happy for a guy completely drenched. 
“Hold this”. 
As a very obedient friend, of course you held the umbrella that’s technically useless at this point. Then, Ni-ki crouched in front of you and tied the shoelace you’ve been ignoring for a long time while you walk with him.
Every single time he do this kind of act, your heart beats faster (as cliché as that sounds) and no, you don’t get butterflies in your stomach. You have them in your chest— in your throat. You feel like right here, right now, you can confess and tell him how much he means to you (and he means so, so much). 
Then he stood and patted his knees and you’re probably staring at him with tearful eyes or something as pathetic. Adoring your friend, as more than well— a friend is equally painful with all the self-restraint and overanalyzing, and warm. 
Even with this cold night, walking with him, being with him alone, brings you warmth. 
“Thank you for inviting me to spend Christmas with you and your family. Thank you for accompanying me as well.” You said to him with a sincere smile when the both of you finally got into the bus station.
You and your family never celebrated the season, but when your friend/crush invited you to celebrate it with his family, why would you not say yes?  (you still don’t know what to think of it, days of overanalyzing things gives you no answer but more stress and more feelings for the guy).
The whole experience is such a treat though, and you see why other families experience such joy with the tradition. Ni-ki’s family is just as precious and welcoming as when you first met them. It’s kind of nerve-wracking to meet not only the main family, but his relatives from different places as well because they also come and go from the house from time-to-time. They were all very welcoming though, and honestly, it’s such a wholesome experience. A lot of shaking hands happened, a lot of pictures were also taken, (but you and ni-ki mostly played as the photographers for the adults) and there were a lot of foods!
Ni-ki walking you towards the bus station when it’s time for you to leave is just another bonus. 
Now, however, it looks like you’ll get another bonus when he suggests that maybe the both of you should visit a stopover first to at least dry your clothes and eat a little more. 
The entirety of the day feels like meeting-with-the-family, and this night feels like a date itself. 
Feelings however, and its consequences— confessions, rejections, awkwardness, yearning, regrets — they’re hard. So for now, you’ll stay as his friend. For now, loving him in this way is enough. 
After all, you don’t know what next year will bring, do you?
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enhypenwriters · 4 years
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So I decided I would participate in Holiday Hearts...not a writer.....sooooo this isn’t great 😅
The Perfec Present
☆Pairing: Sunghoon X Reader
☆Genre: Holiday, Fluff....?
☆Warnings: None
☆Synopsis: What is the perfect present?
Written by Admin Anna🦦
“Ughhhh...” you groaned. “What am I gonna do?” You slumped down in the booth you were sitting in. You and Sunghoon had been dating for about eleven months. Now that December was here, it was your first Christmas as a couple. You wanted it to be perfect. Right now you were at a café with Jake hoping he could give you some ideas.
“Y/n, you know Sunghoon’s gonna like whatever you get him.” Jake stated, sitting across from you. “What did you get him for his birthday?” Jake sipped his drink.
“We spend the day at the ice rink, but I can’t do that every time.” Jake laughed, he knew how uncoordinated you were and the thought of you trying to ice skate was hilarious, “How did that go?” You rolled your eyes, “Not terrible....only three injuries....” Suddenly, Jake’s phone went off making the two of you jump, “Hey I gotta get to practice, but don’t worry about it too much. He’ll love anything. I promise.”
You sighed. How could you not worry. Christmas was one week away and you had nothing. Later that day, Sunghoon had texted you to come over to the dorm. As you headed up the door, you heard yelling. You raised your hand to knock. The door opened to an red faced Heeseung. “Hi Y/n” he smiled, “Jake, you can’t just come to my island and steal my flowers!” Heeseung yelled as he stormed back to the kitchen.
“There’s my love” Sunghoon engulfed you in a hug. “Hi, hoonie.” You gave him a peck on the cheek. The two of you spent the time lying on the couch watching Christmas movies. You were kind of getting distracted by thinking about what you were gonna get him. “Hey, lovey....what you want for Christmas?” You looked up playing with his hair. He smiled, “I don’t need anything.”
You straightened, “Seriously, tell me.” He pouted, “Don’t worry about it, just stay and cuddle pwease...” You sighed. Obviously you weren’t getting anywhere and you couldn’t resist his puppy eyes. You were just gonna have to come up with something.
When you got home, you looked up couple gifts on the internet. You saw a bunch of cute ideas like a necklace where you look in the heart and there is a picture of you two or a film roll with photos. But all of those you had to order and they would come too late. You knew Sunghoon wouldn’t want something he could get himself. Sunghoon liked sentimental gifts that had meaning.
What would be meaningful...? That’s when it hit you. Your first date with him. You two had gone on a picnic, even though it was January. It was an inside joke between you guys. You decided to paint the scene of your first date. You weren’t an artist, but you could try. You didn’t want to make it too big, since he lived in the dorm. You went to the art store and got a small canvas, one he could fit on his dresser and some water colors. You thought they would be easier and less messy than acrylic paint.
You headed over to the lake so you get a better visual. You remember how cold it was, but you were too busy having the time of your life. You started painting the water. You felt the cold air brush your face. You looked around, there weren’t many others around. Just a person walking their dog and a couple sitting on a bench. When you were done, you looked at it. You did better than you thought you would, but you knew you didn’t have a future in art.
On Christmas Day, you woke up the sun shining through the curtains. You started to stretch and ended up hitting Sunghoon in the face. You had slept over, since they wanted to open presents all together in pajamas. Sunghoon groaned, “Well...good morning.” He rubbed his eyes, “Getting hit in the face in one way to wake up.” He chuckled.
All of sudden, Sunoo shot up, “GUYS! WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!” Niki took a pillow and threw it in his face, “Shut up....it’s eight am...” Sunoo huffed, “I would like to point out...you’re in MY BED!” “Both of you shhhhhhh!” Jay groaned.
Even though it was early, you wanted to give Sunghoon his gift in private. Mostly because it was special. You got up and took his hand, “Come on” He gave you a confused look, “Why are we getting up so early? All the other guys are still asleep...”
“Because it’s our first Christmas and I want to give you your present just one on one.” He smiled. He thought it was cute how much you cared. You two sat down on the couch. You went to the tree and crouched down and got his present. You walked back to the couch and handed him the box. “Okay, before you open it, I just wanna say...I’m sorry if you don’t like it.” Sunghoon rolled his eyes playfully, “I will love anything.”
He tore the wrapping paper and opened the box. He was speechless. Sunghoon knew exactly what you had painted. He didn’t say anything, so you assumed he didn’t like it. “I can get you something else.” He look at you with his beautiful deep chocolate eyes. Sunghoon took your hands in his, “This is the best gift, I am going to treasure it forever.” You smiled. “I love this so much, Y/n that day is one I will treasure forever because it was the day you became mine.” You cupped his face and leaned in. His lips were soft and perfect.
“I was really worried about what to get you.” You admitted. “Y/n, your love is the best gift I could ever get.” He leaned in and put his forehead to yours. You two heard shuffling from the bedroom and saw a sleepy Jungwon, “Get a room.”
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poeticblkgiirl · 3 years
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Alfre Woodard, Holiday Heart, 2000
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sweetcanvas · 5 years
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#holidayheart . #nails#nailart#nailswag#notd#gelnails#naildesign#toronto#torontonails#oakville#oakvillenails#nailstagram#gelstagram#nailshop#stonenails#mattenails#beauty#style#네일아트#네일#무광네일#하트네일#젤네일#sweetcanvasnail#ジェルネイル#凝胶美甲#스윗캔버스네일 (at Oak Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5bQYWmgi22/?igshid=1hzforpqpkaea
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stormidai · 6 years
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#transformationtuesday from your favorite #Holiday #dragqueen Snowie Daie, Stormie Wynters, #HolidayHeart, but best known as #memyselfandI #holislay #christmasqueen #deckmyhalls #yuletidequeer #doyouslayhowislay #fiercefortheholidays #XXXMas #KwanzaJane #HolidayTart (at North Pole) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqsjSjHHqCZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xvxys9qxajwv
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purplelito1996 · 4 years
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Holiday Heart (2000). #holidayheart #holidayheartmovie #holidayheart2000 #vingrhames #alfrewoodard #alfrewoodward #jessikaquynnreynolds #mykeltiwilliamson #roberttownsend https://www.instagram.com/p/CLiuvknFU9K/?igshid=5p4rebw9cclb
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drritamarie · 4 months
Hawthorn Berries Holiday Harmony Tea: A Loving Brew for Your Heart
The heart, which stands for both life and vitality, has great potential for self-care and regeneration. As we pour our Heart Nourishing Tea into our cups, we are carefully tending to our own hearts. What distinguishes the components of our Heart Nourishing Tea as a genuine health elixir? From the colorful allure of hibiscus to the calming aroma of mint, we will delve into the meanings behind these ingredients, which are treasured for their heart-protective properties across many countries and generations.
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speakin-4-myself · 4 years
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Call me Wanda. 'I got the bike, Holiday.' #HolidayHeart https://www.instagram.com/p/CDefJISlvXa/?igshid=1pd9rhnqd3f3c
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kidcorec · 3 years
Xenoidentity suffix: -hearted ♡
Derived from the word kindhearted. It is a suffix associated with warmth, softness, and comfort. For those who identify as a noun or adjective at heart.
Teddyhearted - a cuddly and comforting person who feels like a teddy bear at heart
Jollyhearted/Holidayhearted/Christmashearted - someone who is enthusiastic about the holidays/Christmas. One who is all about decorating for the holidays and bringing joy to others in the forms of gift-giving, cooking, and/or spending time with loved ones by the fireplace, among other festive activities
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hyggebug-blog · 6 years
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I hope you are having a great week! We are all decorated for Valentine's Day, and everything was made by hand with extra materials I just had sitting around my home. Look closely at the hearts...many have sweet messages that I wish I could keep up all year! See how I made this in today's blog (link in bio). . . . . . . . #myvalentineshome #handmadedecor #handmadevalentines #cozyhome #decorcrushing #decorinspo #heartgarland #heartpillow #partyhats #holidayheart #hyggebug #handmadeholidays #myhyggehome #colorfuldecor #heartdecor #valentinesdaydecor #plaiddecor https://www.instagram.com/p/Btysp9ujas-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cgubs3b912aw
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