#holland – mentor's ball
catmillers · 10 months
Cat was used to being an accessory on the arm of whoever would have her – that was what going to the Mentor's Ball was for, wasn't it? To be a hot piece of something for someone to brag about; Cat was over that, thought it was sick, she was tired of being used by the Capitolites, tired of being used by sponsors. Instead, she was here with an equal, with Holland and if that didn't have her giddy, nothing would've. However, she wouldn't have minded being an accessory for Holland and practically acted like one, with the way her eyes almost never left her as they entered the party.
"I know I already told you this like, eighty fuckin' times but you look gorgeous," Cat said, a big cheesy grin on her face. "Did – do you actually even like dancin' or am I jus' really good at convincin' you?" She asked, cocking her head to the side as she sipped on her drink.
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denverneumann · 5 months
The Gamemaker intern who had invited Denver to the ball had long since vanished, and she was fine with that. They'd only been on a few dates, and she was fairly certain it wouldn't work out, but she'd tried anyway, hoping at the very least to get here, tonight, to the ball. The ball itself wasn't nearly as impressive as the Mentor's Ball had been, but that was to be expected with the Vox not just cutting off trade routes but taking over Capitol orchards to cut them off from food as well. Denver didn't feel much like dancing, but she recognized enough people that mingling wasn't too difficult.
Making her way through the crowd, Denver spotted Holland Westbrook, and stopped. "Hi, Holland," she said in greeting. "I don't know if you remember me from the last Games, but I'm Denv--"
She fell silent when the music screeched to a halt, and looked around for a minute before catching sight of President Snow herself, commanding the room.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
who do you think is gonna die in beyond the spiderverse
personally me i think peter b
OUGHHHH no bc, same tbh ... the mentor figure dying trope is one that just hits me in the balls too much and makes me wail :( i hope nobody needs to actually die, though like with tom holland's peter parker and his mentor tony stark ... it might be a better ending with more closure and emotional impact for us all if peter b dies <:(
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holland-westbrook · 1 year
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Holland Westbrook // 132 Mentor's Ball as an accessory in addition to the purse, Holland is carrying around a live snake
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xoxoavenger · 3 years
And Peace
pairing: Peter Parker (Tom Holland) x Reader
summary: Peter and Y/N had a plan, but Tony has his own. *everything after Civil War just did not happen*
word count: 4967
warnings: none
Part 1             Part 2
   "You are crazy if you think I'm leaving." Peter said as Tony dragged him through the hallways. Peter could have stopped him, but he needed answers. He needed to know how to get Y/N out of there.
"Peter we need to leave." Tony said, heart breaking for the kid. He knew that he had to fix it somehow, but he wasn't sure what to do.
"I'm not leaving!" Peter yelled, finally pulling his arm away from Tony's. Tony paused, turning to look at the kid. "They're killing her. I'm not leaving without her." Peter stared at his mentor, who was staring in return.
"There's nothing we can do right now. Follow me back to the Compound and we can figure this out." Tony had barely gotten the words out before Peter was shaking his head and cutting him off.
"No! No, I'm not leaving her again. I can't just wait for her to die here!" Peter's tears were back, falling down his face quickly and wetting his shirt. Tony opened his mouth, sound falling out but not able to form words before the alarm went off. They both froze, looking up as the hallway went dark and the emergency lights tinted the room red. Peter focused his hearing, but there was so much. People were yelling, getting cut off as they ran, but he couldn't figure out why - they weren't being shot or knocked out. He turned around, trying to focus on hearing Y/N, but there was so much going on and then - and then nothing. He wasn't sure what happening, what was causing the barrier, but it seemed to be getting closer. He finally turned to see a yellow wall coming toward him, and he felt frozen in place. Tony grabbed his arm to make him run, but the two barely stumbled away when the light enveloped them. Peter froze, not sure what to think. He wasn't sure what had happened, and when he looked in front of him, Tony was perfectly still and wearing a suit instead of his t-shirt and jacket.
"Mr. Parker," Tony said as he turned, hair now gelled back. All Peter could do was stare, too confused at what the hell had been going on. How did Tony just change out of nowhere? And why was he acting different now.
Peter turned again before he noticed that he had also changed. He was wearing a suit, much fancier than anything he had ever worn before. He was even wearing a yellow bow tie, which was the only color he could see between Tony and him. As he looked around, he noticed the walls were no longer concrete and instead contained wallpaper and conveniently placed benches and tables. Peter closed his eyes, because if he had to take in any more of the scene that had changed before his eyes he might go insane.
"Peter! There you are." When he heard her voice, everything changed. His eyes opened quickly and he saw her walking toward him, yellow ball gown making her look absolutely gorgeous. It was fitted up top and flowy at the bottom, and the way her hair had been done made his heart race in ways he hadn't felt in so long.
"Y/N?" He breathed out, not believing his eyes.
"You're missing the party!" She cried, smile lighting up her face which in turn lit his up.
"Party?" He was quiet, confusion still taking over his brain.
"Yeah. We're throwing a party for the new house!" She giggled, but then frowned comically. "You didn't forget, did you?" She tilted her head, and suddenly he was assaulted with memories that weren't his. He was there, buying a huge mansion with Y/N, helping fix the few problem spots, the two making invitations to this party. He was even more confused now, letting Y/N grab his hand and lead him away. It didn't even cross his mind that they were too young to buy a house, that they were way too young to have done any of that stuff. They were in a large room suddenly, ballgowns and ties flashing around. He felt like he was in a daze as Y/N pulled him around, talking to different people. He didn't know any of these people, and it felt like he was drunk, like he was only half in control of his body, of his thoughts.
"Are you having fun?" Y/N asked, her voice like honey as she wrapped her arms around him. He felt like he was drunk, but he hadn't had anything to drink. It made everything more confusing.
"What?" He looked around, trying to clear his head. Every time he tried to think about the fact that this all appeared so quickly, that he hadn't been at mansion, that he had been at the -
The memories assaulted him again. Over and over and over, different ones shuffling like one of those old slide projectors. The couple kissing, dancing alone in the large room, him playing with her hair as she softly spoke to him. They seemed so real.
"What did you do?" Peter asked when a moment of clarity finally hit him. Y/N shook her head, still smiling.
"I made us a home, Peter." She told him, and he started to feel more clear. He realized the memories, the tricks, they were born from his dreams. His dreams mixed with hers in a beautiful symphony that had him wanting more.
He looked around again, recognizing a couple agents. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him until he saw the woman that showed him the video of Y/N being questioned, now smiling and dancing around.
"What's wrong with them?" Peter asked, pushing away from Y/N and looking at them. It was as if he were looking at a movie, no one acknowledging him.
"Nothing, Peter." She sounded more upset now, and Peter turned to see her face turned down. "I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted a life with me." She whispered, but he could hear her perfectly. Suddenly, he realized that Y/N had made this reality, that she had fabricated a party for them and was somehow able to change everything.
"I do, I do. But these people," Peter moved closer to her while still taking in all the Agents. "Y/N these people are innocent."
"Innocent?" She whispered, hands starting to twitch and go yellow. "They kept me locked up for weeks. In a straight jacket." She was almost yelling now, and Peter could see her point. He wanted this life, he knew he did, but he had to find somewhere else to have it.
"What happens when someone finds us? SWORD won't let hundreds of their best Agents live in our fantasy." He made sure to put emphasis on the our, so she would know he wanted it just as much as she did. "We can find somewhere else, I promise. Anywhere you wanna go." He put his hands on her waist when he got close enough, and she smiled. They both wanted this, they both wanted to just leave all their mistakes behind
"Where should we go?"
"Y/N!" Peter called. Y/N had been laying on the beach, tanning in peace.
"Yes?" She pushed her sunglasses up and laid against her elbows. She turned to see Peter with two bowls of fruit, and her heart expanded. "You're the best." She mumbled as he laid down next to her in just his trunks. They practically lived in their swimsuits, always on the beach anyway.
"You're the one who got us here." He said, plucking a berry up and feeding it to her. She smiled as she took it in her mouth, then returning the favor for him.
"I love you so much." She mumbled, keeping a hand against his face. The two were now on their sides, facing each other.
"I love you more." The couple shared a kiss, Y/N barely flinching when she had to expand their border so the Avengers didn't get in. She knew they were coming, but she was ready.
They weren't taking Peter away from her anymore.
"They're on a desolate island. One that isn't even shown on maps." Tony said, crossing his arms.
"Is it worth our time to go get them? They won't come willingly." Rhodey said, crossing his arms. The remaining team had spent days - seventeen to be exact - trying to find Peter and Y/N.
"We need him. With half the team down," Tony hated thinking about the fact that he lost half his team and now Peter.
"He's one kid, Tony." Vision said through his communication device. Him and T'Challa were both online, as neither of them wanted to live in the Compound, and now it was much too big with only a few living there.
"We need him for this next mission from Fury." Tony informed them, but no one was sold yet. "They're just kids, they can't live on their own. Plus, his aunt is worried sick. We have to bring them back."
"I agree." T'Challa said, surprising the team. "They aren't equipped to handle this. It's good they released the SWORD agents, but they don't get a pass on the law."
"And when she comes back? What happens then? SWORD has deemed her a criminal. And now your little protege? He's an accomplice with super powers." Rhodey told Tony honestly.
"There is unfortunately no going back from this. They made their decision." Vision said, and Tony simply nodded. They could all tell he was thinking, but they didn't know what his plan was yet.
"Tony," Rhodey started, but Tony was shaking his head.
"I know how to go back from this." He was leaving, not listening to the calls from everyone else.
He was going to fix this.
"So what's your plan, Stark?" Strange asked after Tony had explained everything.
"I need to make it so they never met." Tony asked, making Stephan's eyes widen.
"You're asking me to use the Time Stone to make two teenagers never meet?"
"Not exactly, I just - I have an idea." When Stephan still didn't seem to be letting up, Tony sighed. "They're just kids. Kids who fell in love and made decisions for each other. It's not their fault they're super heroes."
"What exactly is your plan to make them not meet? They'll still live in the same city, go to the same school." Stephan shook his head; he couldn't believe he was actually doing this.
"I've thought about this. There are a million what if's, like what if they aren't happy not knowing each other? What if they fall in love with someone else, and we're the only ones that know about their true love?" Tony was pacing, and Stephan could tell he had thought about using the stone a lot. He looked down, wondering what The Ancient One would think.
It didn't matter. He was in charge now.
"I'm only doing this if you tell me exactly what you plan to do." Stephan said, leaning back in his chair. If Tony actually had a plan, it was going to be long.
Three Years Later
"Y/N?" Her father knocked on her door, and Y/N put her book down. She was curious as to why her father had come all the way up to her room unannounced, but decided against using her powers to look through his brain. It was a 'complete invasion of privacy,' as her father said, but she was sure he was just jealous that he couldn't do it himself.
"One second!" Y/N yelled back, putting her book down and getting up. She took a moment to look out the window, breathing deeply as she appreciated the view. She tried to remain grateful everyday of the life she was given, of the privilege she had. She tried not to be mad at her biological parents too much for leaving her out of the blue - after all, there's no way she would have already graduated if she were with her parents. She was a genius, and she was sure it was because of her father.
"Y/N, don't make me come in there! This is important!" Her father begged, making her smile and roll her eyes. She opened the door to see him, smiling widely but still looking nervous. She again refrained from looking through his brain to see what was bothering him.
"Don't worry, I'm here." She crossed her arms as she leaned against the door frame, a habit she definitely picked up from her father. "What's up?"
"We're going to my lab. We need to have a talk." Tony said, making Y/N straighten as her heart raced.
"Am I in trouble?" She asked, wiping her hands on her pants.
"What? No." Tony chuckled at his daughter's anxiety, finding it endearing. He had thought about when he went back in time a lot, about the fact that in order to save Y/N and Peter, he would have to relive the last ten years of his life. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, and almost half of it was taken up with legal work to adopt Y/N and Tony trying to use what he already knew to further science and his technology. He had been under strict orders from Stephan not to interfere with the way time was supposed to flow. It was hard, having to fight Steve knowing how it plays out. To look Natasha in the eye when she said she was on his team, knowing she was going to betray him. He even had to let Rhodey fall, an argument him and Stephan had when he had given Stephan his plan. He had to watch all the people of the past ten years die once more. But now, three years after he left to fix things, the team had made up and gone on their separate ways, still friends.
"Then what is it?" Y/N asked, and Tony just smiled. He had big plans for their day, and he was hoping it would all go accordingly. In the more recent years, when Stephan became the holder of the Time Stone, Tony had taken to talking a lot with the man. Stephan didn't know the future, he didn't want to, but the two worked together in order to figure out when - and if - Peter and Y/N should be introduced. Until they decided, Peter had been under very strict orders not to reveal his identity to anyone, especially Y/N.
Which brought up another can of worms that Tony simply didn't want to open. When it came time to recruit Peter, Tony was slightly apprehensive. Stephan reminded Tony that he had to, in order for Peter to live the life he deserves. It's why the rules were set up, so that Y/N and Peter didn't make the same mistakes they had in the other universe. By being able to train and hone in their abilities, there was less of a chance the two would go crazy again.
"I've been thinking," Tony said as he began to walk. His daughter closed her door before following, and he smiled as she did. Even though he had been a father for ten years now, he never got tired of the fact that she and him were family; he never thought he would love someone the way he loved her. "I want to introduce you to someone."
"Who?" Y/N asked, heart continuing its quick pattern.
"Well," Tony turned, walking backwards so he could face his daughter. "You graduated college, like, a year ago. Which, I'm still upset you graduated at an early age than I did, but I can get past that for right now." He winked, making Y/N roll her eyes. Of course her father would bring up the fact that she graduated from MIT a whole two years of age before he did, but he would admit that he was proud of the way he taught her. She was extremely smart, which made him even more glad that he saved her from her parents; she was being cooped up and wasted there.
All in all, even though it wasn't a plan he thought about for very long, he was glad he did it.
"And you still don't have a boyfriend, which is disappointing. I mean, come on, you're my daughter and you've had what, one boyfriend?" Y/N didn't seem to pleased at her father as they walked into an elevator, not looking at him.
"What if I have a boyfriend and I just didn't tell you?" Y/N mumbled, making Tony scoff.
"I'd be very hurt if that's true." He smirked as if he knew it wasn't though, which made Y/N move her lips together in anxiety.
"So, who are you having me meet today?" She asked, finally looking to him.
"Spider-Man." Tony smirked, his joy barely contained. He had been waiting for this moment for thirteen years, and he was sure he was more excited than Y/N or Peter.
If he were paying more attention, Tony would have noticed the way Y/N's eyes widened.
"What?" She whispered, and her father mistook it for excitement. He had been forcing Peter to keep this secret for four years, now, and Peter finally wanted to move in, having graduated college.
Or so Tony thought.
Y/N had been bored all day. She had been in the lab, working on her final university project, but she needed a break. She wasn't sure where to go, what to do in order to clear her mind and come back fresh, but she had a feeling she would figure it out. Maybe she could watch a movie, or read a book, or-
That boy was new.
Y/N stopped in her tracks as she stared at the boy who was walking toward her. His head was down, staring at the StarkPad he had in his hands.
"Hey," She said, making the boy stop. When he looked up, his eyes widened and he dropped the pad.
"Shit," He mumbled, picking it up and looking at it before looking at her. She was smiling, and he knew he was blushing.
"I'm Y/N." She said, as if he didn't already know. He also knew that he was strictly forbidden from speaking to her, by order of Mr. Stark.
And he did not want to piss off his mentor.
"Are you new? You look a little young for a job here." Y/N said unabashedly, making Peter even more flustered. This really was Tony's daughter.
"Um, yeah - yes. I'm seventeen, but I just graduated high school." He told her, and she smiled which made his heart beat even faster.
"And your name is," Y/N trailed off, stepping forward. The boy was cute, and she definitely needed to know more.
"Peter. Peter Parker." Mr. Stark only said that he couldn't reveal himself as Spider-Man. He never said anything about them meeting as civilians.
She didn't need to know at the moment.
"Well, I hope to see you around, Peter Parker." She winked and then moved on, and he swore his heart skipped a beat. He tried to tell it to stop, because knowing Y/N was one thing. Dating her - Mr. Stark would never let it fly.
Luckily, Y/N seemed to know this. After a year of being best friends, the two began dating. They kept it a secret, sneaking around and swearing FRIDAY to secrecy using their shared robotics knowledge. And Tony seemed to be none the wiser to their movie dates, the nights they spent in Y/N's room with Peter leaving early in the morning. It was unconventional, dating in secret for about a year, but it was worth it. They'd almost gotten caught by the rest of the team, and she was sure Natasha knew at this point, but her father didn't, and that was the important thing.
Of course, their reasons for keeping it from her father were different; Y/N still didn't know Peter was Spider-Man, after all.
She was planning on telling her dad, she honestly was, but it seems he wanted her to meet someone sooner than she was expecting. She was unsure how to break it to him, but she knew that she would have to just meet Spider-Man and then she'd tell her father.
Hopefully he isn't too disappointed.
"What, you used to beg me to know who Spider-Man is." Tony teased her as the reached his lab floor. Y/N shook her head as the doors opened, following her father to the large lab.
"I guess it's just been so long," Y/N sighed, taking a deep breath. "I lost interest."
"Well, he's cute and your age, so I don't think you interest will be lost for long." Tony winked and she rolled her eyes with a fond smile. She knew her and Peter would have to tell her father soon, they had been talking about it for a few months, but now she needed to step their timeline up. Her and Peter were getting serious, and she didn't want to keep this part of her life from her father.
"Right," Y/N chuckled, waiting for her dad to open the door. When he did, Y/N followed him in. The lab looked empty at first, but when Y/N looked around she saw Peter working on something. She resisted the urge to go run her hands through his hair and give him love; he looked tired.
"Parker, there's someone I want you to meet." Her father drew the boy's attention, and when he turned to see Y/N he almost fell over.
"Hey," His heart was beating like crazy, because he knew exactly what Tony was thinking.
"Y/N, meet Peter Parker," Y/N waved with a small smile at her boyfriend, but he seemed frozen. "Or as we like to call him, Spider-Man."
Y/N would have tripped if she had been walking, would have spit water out if she was drinking. But, she wasn't doing either, so instead she opened her mouth.
"You're Spider-Man?" She accused, not even caring that her dad was about to find out exactly what was really going on between the two.
"I swear I was going to tell you, but your dad didn't want us to meet yet, and-"
"You two know each other?" Tony asked, glaring at Peter. If his daughter hadn't known Peter was Spider-Man, then Peter had been lying to Tony.
"We're dating, actually." Y/N crossed her arms, but Tony's eyes practically fell out of his head.
"You're what?" He screamed. He devoted ten years of his life to making sure Y/N and Peter could both live normal lives, and they've been dating anyway?
"We were going to tell you-"
"Don't you think I had a plan for you two not knowing each other? Do you think I just randomly came up with that idea one day?" Tony asked, head spinning.
"I thought you were just being over protective." Y/N said, and then they all looked at Peter, who was still frozen.
"Your daughter is insanely pretty, Mr. Stark." He said, and Tony was using all his strength not to go and kill Peter. "And, she never found out I was Spider-Man, so technically," Peter trailed off, but Tony just shook his head.
"No, no. You know what? We can fix this. It'll be easier than last time." He took a breath, trying not to stretch himself too far.
"Last time?" Y/N wondered, looking at Peter.
"How long have you been dating?" Tony knew that it was going to be fine going back a couple months. He did ten years, and they couldn't have been hiding this for that long.
"A year." Y/N answered when she realized Peter's brain had stopped working.
"A year!" He was red in the face at this point, and although Y/N figured he'd be annoyed, she didn't think he would be that mad. "How long have you even known each other?"
"Two years?" Y/N's voice raised, and Tony ran a hand through his hair and pulled.
"And you're not, like, crazy?" He asked, making Y/N and Peter share a look. What was he going on about?
"I don't think so?" Peter questioned, looking between his girlfriend and her father.
"Okay, okay, it's fine. Fine." Tony turned around and called Stephan, who picked up fairly quickly.
"Yes?" He said annoyed, but Tony didn't let it bother him; Stephan was always annoyed.
"They're dating." He said simply, knowing Stephan would get the hint.
"What? I thought you said they hadn't met." He questioned, and Tony just shook his head. Behind him, Y/N and Peter had moved closer to each other, listening closely to Tony.
"They've known each other for two years." Tony was practically biting his whole fingernail off at this point, the stress over taking him. He worked so hard to make sure the two wouldn't repeat their mistakes and they had been dating under his nose the whole time.
"Two years?" Stephan seemed impressed, which should have made Tony feel better. It only made him more crazy.
"Yes!" Tony practically cried out, and Stephan scoffed.
"Then they're fine." It was silent in the lab as Tony took in what Stephan was saying.
"How do you know?" Tony asked, still afraid something would happen to the two. They were both like his kids, and he had come to known Y/N as his daughter after all this time. He couldn't let her go crazy this time.
"Well, she grew up in a stable environment, learned about her powers without trauma. Those were the main factors that led to their mayhem, right?" Stephan, of course, knew this was true. As soon as he became the Sorcerer Supreme and Tony had told him everything, he had looked into that universe to make sure that wouldn't happen again.
"Yeah, but-"
"Tony, they're kids. Let them be." With that, Stephan hung up. Tony turned slowly toward the two, who straightened out when Tony looked at them.
"Who was that?" Y/N asked, wondering if it had been Steve. Her father had been talking to his former best friend recently, and it made Y/N happy. Half her life was spent with the super solider, with all the team, and she was heartbroken when half of them left.
"Listen, I'm going to say this to you once and once only, alright?" Tony was pinching his nose, taking a deep breath. "I don't care if you date. I actually think it's cute."
"What?" Y/N breathed in surprise. She didn't think her father would be approving right off the bat; he is her dad, after all.
"But!" He yelled, catching the couples attention once more. "If either of you get too crazy, too mentally unstable," He took a deep breath, closing his eyes so that he didn't catch Y/N or Peter's smiles. They thought he was crazy.
If only they knew.
"I'm being serious. You have no idea how much I've sacrificed." Tony dropped his hands, taking another breath. He looked at them and finally smiled, and the other two finally let out their scared emotions.
"Did you say you think we're cute together?" Y/N teased, face heating as Peter put an arm around her. She leaned into it, and her father simply rolled his eyes and began to leave.
"I never want to talk to you guys again. I liked it better when I didn't know." Tony left the couple, who turned to face each other.
"Life just got a lot easier for us." Y/N said, running her hand through Peter's hair.
"I thought I was gonna die for a second there." He confessed with a low chuckle, and Y/N just shook her head, leaning in to kiss him.
"You're Spider-Man?" She said as they split, totally forgetting the double life her boyfriend was living until she actually thought of it. Peter's eyes went wide, and he moved back slightly.
"I was going to tell you, but your dad said we couldn't meet, and you didn't know. I didn't want to make things even worse, for you to be lying for another thing." Peter confessed, and Y/N just sighed, hand on his cheek.
"It's okay, Peter. Telling someone you're a super hero is a big deal, I get it." She kissed his cheek, and then he leaned in to kiss her lips. "I have to go do a couple things." She told him, and Peter raised an eyebrow.
"Ominous." She rolled her eyes, shoving him as she turned around.
"Can we go out tonight? For real?" They'd never gone on an actual date, since the press would see and then her dad would know imediately. Now, it wasn't as important, and she didn't care about the press anymore.
"Yeah," Peter blushed slightly, which was adorable and made Y/N turn back to kiss him quickly before she had to leave.
"See you later, Spider-boy." She winked, and Peter's cheeks got even redder. Before he could correct her, she had slipped out the door, leaving him a blushing mess.
But God, he loved her so much.
"I almost forgot!" She yelled as she burst back through the door. Peter jumped, hands flying toward his body.
"What?" He asked, breathing slightly heavily.
"I love you." She told him, blowing him a kiss. He caught it and put it in his pocket, winking.
"I love you too."
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
The Prince and the Archer ↬ t.h
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EDIT: LOOK AT THIS AMAZING MOODBOARD @mischiefmanaged011​ MADE!!!!!!
A/N: So @blissfulparker and I wrote a fic on this prompt I sent to her. She already posted hers AND GO READ IT IT’S AMAZING OKAY?! ANYWAYS-
Pairing: Prince!Tom Holland x Archer!Reader
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Thomas had been nineteen years old when he first saw You.
He had been coming back from the stable with his mentor after a session of horse riding, exhaustion evident in the young Prince’s face. It had been a tough ride, his horse- Jakie- had not been very compliant that day, and Harry had been poking fun at him all day. He loved his brother, but he could be annoying sometimes (most of the time.)
Walking towards the castle, his eyes fell around the sports fields, his vision zeroing onto the Archery range. He had always found the sport interesting. How a single shot from an arrow and a bow could do so much as slice a fruit or pierce an organ, he would never understand. It never ceased to amaze him though.
“You look a little lost there mate.” Harry smirked, eyes following his brother's. He startled when Harry laughed, punching his biceps playfully. 
He didn’t understand what Harry was talking about, until he saw You standing in the field, hands stretched out and legs apart, a perfect stance for a fight. A bow was held tight in your hands, stretching the arrow. He hadn’t even noticed that he had been staring at you, your hair flowing with the wind, a serious expression with your lips pursed as if you were ready for combat, the half of your face glowing with the sun.
The snap of Harry ’s fingers got him back, a blush raising his cheeks at being caught.
"She's pretty isn't she? She's the cook's daughter." He said. 
“Mr. (L/N)?” He asked absentmindedly.
Tom saw as the arrow went sailing in a perfect trajectory, hitting the centre of the eye. He watched in a sort of trance as arrows after arrows hit the various targets, your hands not wavering once even.
 “Uh- you, you go ahead. Tell mother I’ll be back in a minute.” He stuttered. 
“Okay. Her name’s Y/N, by the way.” Harry  retreated, patting his back and giving him a smile that he knew all too well. 
He gestured at his mentor to make his way back to the Castle, walking towards the field where you were practicing. 
You noticed him coming towards him, immediately bowing your head as he approached you. 
"It's alright darling, you don't need to do that." He smiled at You as you nodded feverently. He smiled at you, cooing at the way you shied and hid your face from him. 
“You’re Y/N right?” He asked slowly as you fiddled with your bow, nodding but not looking up for a long time.
“That's me, your majesty, to what do I owe you the pleasure of you visiting the archery range?” You finally said, looking up and stopped fiddling. 
Your heart sped up when you looked at the young prince, hair slicked back in a short mullet, horse riding clothes donned on. 
You had seen him quite a few times while practicing, and even admired him from afar like any other girl your age, but never had the guts to speak. You didn’t know how you would talk to the royalty without the intrusive thoughts of what he would possibly think of a poor girl talking to him. You felt giddy now that he was actually here, talking to you. 
"Oh no no! The pleasure's all mine sweetheart. I, uh, you're good at it."He said, clearing his throat when you raised an eyebrow, “Could you show me? Uhm, how to work a bow and an arrow? I’m actually really bad at it.” He chuckled as you smiled, eyes lighting up when he mentioned the sport.
“Only if you teach me how to ride a horse.” You said back. You couldn't hold back the grin that appeared on your face, neither did he, when you agreed. 
You couldn’t help but do an internal victory dance when he smiled, his soft brown eyes shining in the sunny day sending your mind into a frenzy.
"I could do that. So do we meet here tomorrow? Same time?" He asked, too giddy to notice anything around him. His heart was beating like crazy, feeling a pang of excitement in his tummy as you nodded shyly. 
"Uh yes. That would be great, Mister Holland." You nodded, packing your bow and arrows. Shuffling your feet, you stared at him before he moved out of your way, chuckling when you saw his cheeks flame in a blush. 
"Just Tom is fine!" He said, waving at you with a goofy expression on his young face. He chuckled, shaking his head as he felt an unearthed excitement at the thought of seeing you again.
The feeling felt foreign to the young prince. He had been offered services with other princess' before, danced with them in balls and even had fancy dinners with them, but the thought of spending time with you in the fields felt different, yet the excitement felt the same.
Skipping over to the main halls with a smile on his face that rivaled the brightness of the sun, Tom sighed. His heart was still fluttering from your previous encounter, stomach churning with an unknown feeling. 
It was a few days later, during dinner, that the others started noticing his absences and random visits to the royal grounds with his horse (or how he suddenly was interested in learning archery of all sports).
"What's got you so excited?" His mum smiled, snapping him from his stupor as he looked up from his plate. The steak from his fork nearly fell, the laughter of his brothers making him blush. 
"Is it the girl?" Harry smirked, eating his dinner innocently as he could.
"What girl?" Sam piped in. Everyone's eyes were on him now. Shuffling in his seat, he smiled, remembering your smile when he offered to learn archery from you in exchange of teaching you to horse ride.
"The girl in the archery fields. She's really beautiful. And her aim is impeccable. She's perfect, mum! I've never met a lady like her before." Tom said, looking at his mom with large eyes, anticipation making him sweat. He saw his mother nod, giving him a small smile. 
"An archer you say? Is she by any chance, our cook's daughter?" She asked, resting her fork on her plate. 
"I- I don't know, maybe? How does it matter though?" 
"Tom, you know the rules. There are so many other princesses waiting for you in a like, you can't go for a normal low-life girl." She said, eyes betraying the sadness missing in her stern expression. 
"Just because she's not as wealthy as us doesn't make her a bad person mum!" 
"Tom honey, it's not about that, you have to understand we have certain rules and regulations to follow. For all you know she's a gold digger!" 
Tom was used to the burden of being royalty, and he often felt guilty for feeling burdened with having all the wealth of London, when there were so many poor kids in the streets begging for food and a shelter. 
Sometimes he felt like he would break under all the pressure and rules. 
"How can you say that? You don't even know her! You know what? I don't care. I- You have to understand mum. She's different! She's not like those other snobby princesses who only want to marry me for my name! She's so much more better than those fucking pompous brats okay?-"
"Mind your language Thomas!" 
"You can't stop me!" He said, pushing away his chair angrily before storming away, walking towards the ballroom and ignoring the servants running behind him with apologies. 
Stomping his way to the ballroom, he opened the huge doors, slamming them as fast as he could with his strength. Locking them from the inside, he switched on the lights, sliding down the doors. 
Holding his head, his shoulders shook with silent sobs, tears falling free as he felt himself break. He felt weak, for having such variations of emotions over some girl he saw not long ago. 
Sniffing, he stood up, fixing himself as much as he could in his state, before looking at the small door behind one of the curtains. It was only noticeable if you were looking for it. He smiled, walking towards it. Touching the small latch, he opened the door, sneaking into a garden, the garden only he and his father knew about. 
Pushing aside the shrubbery growing around it, he finally found the rusted gates, slowly removing the rusty chains with his hands.
He smiled fondly, remembering the day his dad had brought him here. He had been sad that day for whatever reasons he didn't remember, sitting on the small swing set as his father pushed him higher and higher until his tummy hurt because of giggling so much. 
Sitting on the swing that was slightly too small for him, he idly pushed his feet back and forth, lost in his thoughts. 
"It's beautiful here isn't it? I didn't think anyone would know about this place, much less the Prince of England." 
His eyes widened, jaw dropping when he heard your voice.
"How do you know about this place?" He asked. 
"My grandfather built this place before you and I were even born. My father told me about this. Now, answer my question." You shrugged, picking the leaves of the bush you were leaning against. 
"That's nice. My father used to bring me here when I was a child. He doesn't do that anymore. I just, I wish he would spend more time with me." He said, biting his lips. 
“You come here often then?” You asked.
“Yes, whenever I feel like being left alone. I come here.” He bit his lip, nervous of the sudden silence.
"I'm sorry." You said, cutting off his wandering thoughts.
"What are you sorry for?" 
"Good childhood memories are sometimes more painful than the bad ones. At least you can deflect the bad ones, but the good ones are just a reminder of what you had and what you can't now." You said. 
"That's not entirely true, good memories can still be made you know? With the person you love." He said, getting up from the swing set. 
Walking towards You, he held his hand up, pushing a strand of your hair from your face as you ducked, shying away from his touch. 
Your breath hitched, your hands clenched behind you as he came closer. You were standing head to head now. You could feel his breath on You, your lips nearly touching. 
In the moment of courage, you leapt forward, capturing his lips in yours. 
You loved fairy tales, small stories that described kisses as magical that made sparks fly. You always thought they were exaggerations, but at this moment, when you were kissing the most beautiful boy, the Prince of England and the boy you had been crushing on since forever, you felt like you were a part of those fantasies. 
The kiss was indeed magical, albeit a little wet. You giggled when you broke apart, short of breath as you laid your hands on his chest, feeling the expensive fabric under your palm. 
"What will the others think?" You whispered. Your hair flew in whisps, the air around you whispering it's reassurance as you stood in front of him. 
"Let them think what they want to, darling. I've been the prey before, I'm ready to do it again." He smirked, pulling you by your waist for another kiss. 
"You're cheesy." You chuckled. 
"Yes, I'm melted cheese for you." 
"That was a terrible joke Holland." 
"Okay so you need to hold your stance, stiff but not too stiff. You will feel pressure in your shoulders the first day-" 
"- darling can't we just make out please?" 
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as if his yapping was giving you a headache. 
You had gotten comfortable around him since your first encounter, and you felt special, seeing the goofy and happy side of the Prince. Didn't mean he didn't manage to make your heart stutter with his devilishly handsome grin (that made you want to pinch his cheeks and suck his dick).
"Thomas no." 
"Thomas yes! I don't know how you manage to do this, this bow is so heavy!" He whined, keeping down the bow and folding his hands on his chest. He looked adorable with his pout.
Smiling, you shook your head, heaving a sigh, "the bow isn't heavy, Tom. Here, how about this, I'll hold your elbow while you aim alright?" You offer.
"That would be great, princess." You blushed at the nickname, not quite used to being called that. 
"Alright drama queen, don't need to butter me." You muttered, moving closer so your chest touched his back, one hand on his elbow and the other on the string of the bow. 
He could feel your breath on his neck, shuddering as you leaned in, your hair tickling him, your rough but nimble hands featherlight on his skin.
"Now aim." You said, moving your hair from your face. 
He stuttered a response, holding himself straighter. You pushed his elbow up, right as he unleashed it, the arrow hitting the bullseye with a thud. 
"We did it! Oh god Y/N did you see that? We did it ! It hit the centre!" He laughed, turning around, the bow laying on the ground as he lifted you up.
You shrieked as he spun you in circles, laughter bubbling in your chest as you rested your head against his. 
"We did, your majesty." You smiled, leaning in to kiss him. 
You weren't afraid of being caught, you were way past that point. And you felt that you could live like that, if it meant living with the loveliest Prince of England.
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tomhollandnet · 3 years
Tom Holland is ready for adventure in these exclusive Uncharted images
A new look at the upcoming videogame adaptation
An Uncharted movie has been a long time coming. Since the launch of the first game in 2007, the combination of adventuring, cinematic set-pieces and movie influences made the series seem an ideal candidate for the big-screen treatment.
But while it struggled for years to get off the ground, the ball (boulder?) really started rolling when Tom Holland boarded the project as a slightly younger iteration of the series' protagonist, Nathan Drake. Mark Wahlberg - who was attached to play Drake in an earlier stage of the film’s development - has slipped into the mentor role of Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan, and Sophia Ali plays series regular Chloe Frazer.
Uncharted features on the cover of the new issue of Total Film magazine, and above you can see an exclusive image of Holland and Ali getting into the adventurous spirit, and below there’s another exclusive featuring Holland’s Drake looking every bit the globetrotting hero on a speedboat. Check it out:
Inside the new issue, Total Film speaks to Holland, Wahlberg, Ali and director Ruben Fleischer about the movie’s journey to the screen, and how it draws on the likes of James Bond and Indiana Jones.
Of finding the right filmmaker for the material, Holland tells Total Film: "Some of [the directors] came in, and had ideas that we didn’t like, that just didn’t fit the characters, and we had to move on to other people. We took inspiration from everyone. There were very different variations of Drake, and very different variations of Sully. Some people preferred to make the game, some people wanted to make it completely different to the game. It was an interesting process – one that I wouldn’t like to be in again. It’s quite stressful looking for a director."
Fleischer, for his part, says landing Uncharted was partly down to his long-standing relationship with the studio, the director having just finished back-to-back work on Venom and the Zombieland sequel for Sony. In fact, Fleischer was first publicly attached to Uncharted in early January 2020, with principal photography starting mid-March that same year. "I was firing on all cylinders from a production standpoint,” he says, speaking to Total Film while in the final stages of postproduction on the movie. “I was just really in the rhythm of making movies."
Uncharted is set to open in cinemas on February 11. For much more on the film, pick up a copy of the new issue of Total Film when it hits shelves (real-world and digital) on Thursday, Jan 6. Check out the new cover below:
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haikavehmykaveh · 3 years
MCU Spider-Man Titles and Their "Deeper" Meanings: An Analysis
Warning: Light Spoilers for all 3 of the MCU Spider-Man films (mostly FFH and NWH). Read at your own risk.
So I had a random thought that slowly transformed into a very informal essay, so this is gonna be a long one but... thanks for reading if you do somehow find it interesting enough to read until the end haha.
The TL;DR is basically the bullet point section at the end, if you're curious but don't wanna go through the trouble of reading all of it lol. Disclaimer, though, because that's (as I state) a metaphor that might be kind of annoying to interpret without already knowing what I was saying before it... though honestly I'm sure plenty of people have made the same conclusions I have (probably in way fewer words, too).
Okay, so the actual topic in question: the MCU Spider-Man films' titles - why were they named the way that they were?
No Way Home can of course be interpreted as being named the way it was because of the whole... pulling people from the multiverse and giving them "no way home" (without the assistance of magic, which they can't do on their own). But, as we have seen with the other titles of the Spider-Man films, they're always in reference to Tom Holland's Peter Parker (from this point referred to as "TH's Peter" where I have deemed it necessary) specifically.
So, what if it was called No Way Home because TH's Peter - despite being in his own universe and, by association, his "home" - was the only one who couldn't escape from any of the events that took place in the film. Of course it could be in reference to the ending specifically (everybody forgetting you exist is kinda one of the most extreme ways to lose having a "home" to return to)... but I couldn't help but feel it was very clearly more complicated than that.
Like, he's the only one who is stuck with the direct aftermath of everything that is happening in his universe. Sure, the other Spider-Men (Spider-Mans?) and their corresponding villains and universes (along with everyone else involved, of course) are definitely greatly impacted, but TH's Peter is the one who has to shoulder everything, in a way? And once the ball is rolling, he can't return to how things were before no matter how hard he tries. He has "no way home" because what he considers "home" is so far away (painfully obvious pun intended) that he can't ever restore it.
And of course that whole line of thinking led me to realize that each film title had a double meaning to it. Homecoming named the way it was because, yes, Peter does in fact go to Midtown's homecoming dance, but it's also in reference to him growing into being Spider-Man. Tony Stark still treats him like an inexperienced kid (which is true but besides the point) even though Peter knows that he's capable of being more than that. The events of Homecoming lead to Peter not only proving his abilities to the people who underestimated them, but also going above what even he thought were his limits. Peter had effectively managed to prove himself to everyone else while simultaneously becoming confident in what he can do. It's literally Spider-Man's homecoming.
Far From Home is very similar in its titling, as I've foreshadowed earlier with my poor excuse for a pun. Peter is in Europe, so he's literally "far from home," but he's also thrust into a situation that's completely out of his comfort zone. Even after proving what he can do in Homecoming - and then in Infinity War and Endgame - Peter hasn't had to do anything like this. Tony Stark, both his mentor and the hero he arguably looked up to the most, was gone now. There were no other heroes to assist him, and "Nick Fury" (which we of course know wasn't actually Nick Fury) seemed more than confident that Peter would be able to handle things without any outside guidance. Even with Mysterio's help in the beginning, his ulterior motives and betrayal meant that Peter was essentially left to figure everything out on his own. So, literally and figuratively, Peter was "far from home" in every sense of the phrase.
To put things into the best metaphor that I can come up with, the three films can be seen like this:
Homecoming is Peter learning to get comfortable with swimming in the deep end of a pool after only sticking to the lower part of the shallow end for a decent amount of time.
Far From Home is Peter then being thrown into the middle of the ocean after barely a few weeks of swimming lessons in said deep end. He's only able to swim a few laps at a time, and diving is still a little scary, but nobody seems to care. Also, his swimming instructor is dead.
No Way Home is Peter realizing that no matter how hard he tries to swim, or how much he wants to return to the comfort of a pool, he's inevitably stuck in the middle of the ocean. His goal from that point on is to not drown, but he isn't really capable of doing much else. He still helps people that he floats past, but nobody is really able to help him.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. I could have probably said less and it would have meant more, but I had fun writing what I've had on my mind for a hot minute now. Thanks again if you read this far - or even if you just skimmed/skipped to the end.
[Written 25 March 2022]
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hale-13 · 3 years
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 27 Prompt 27 - Injured
Peter gazed out over the harbor forlornly, twisting his mask into knots in his lap. Normally he would really enjoy the view – the sun was setting in a clear sky turning the normally disgusting water a soft orange and painting the area with a soft warmth. The peaceful view was marred by the emergency vehicles, Coastguard boats and police and news helicopters which made Peter’s gut clench with anxiety. He just… he tried so hard.
Words: 2123, Chapters: 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker, Helen Cho
TW: Injury, Poor Emotional intelligence
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
Peter gazed out over the harbor forlornly, twisting his mask into knots in his lap. Normally he would really enjoy the view – the sun was setting in a clear sky turning the normally disgusting water a soft orange and painting the area with a soft warmth. The peaceful view was marred by the emergency vehicles, Coastguard boats and police and news helicopters which made Peter’s gut clench with anxiety. He just… he tried so hard.
The sound of repulsers approaching made Peter tense and he mentally put his walls back up. He couldn’t afford to let Mr. Stark see him as a kid right now. They were colleges when he was Spider-Man, peers. He took a deep breath and held it for a moment before letting it puff out through his clenched teeth.
“Previously on Peter screws the pooch I tell you to stay away from this instead you hack a multi-million dollar suit so you can sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do,” Mr. Stark’s sarcastic voice said and Peter held back a flinch, keeping his expression blank as he cautiously looked back over his shoulder. His back was killing him and felt hot and swollen from his Hercules hold of the ferry earlier – he had definitely felt something tear – but he couldn’t afford the weakness right now.
“Is everyone okay?” He asked instead, keeping his voice monotone and trying not to tense his back.
“No thanks to you,” the Iron Man voice made Mr. Stark’s snide tone sound slightly metallic but, more than that, it made his blood boil and he whipped around to face the man.
“No thanks to me?” He took no precautions as he lifted his lefts over they side of the concrete tower and jumped down on the other side making his shoulders throb. “Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it and you didn’t listen. None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me!” His voice broke and he could feel blood rushing to his face but he did his best to push down the embarrassment. “If you even cared you’d actually be here.” He threw in boldly.
It took him by surprise, therefore, when the armor opened in from of him and Tony Stark stepped out, a grim look of disappointment on his face that made Peter stumble back a could steps, unable to hide his wince of pain but playing it off as shock instead. “I did listen kid. Who do you think called the FBI huh?”
Peter dropped his gaze, unable to make further eye contact, only interrupting to correct his age and flinching again at Mr. Stark’s yelling. “I’m sorry,” he stammered, but he could tell the platitudes were only making his idol angrier so he said instead, with the most sincerity he could push into his tone “I just… I just wanted to be like you.”
“And I wanted you to be better,” Mr. Stark said back in a weary voice before asking for the suit back. Peter heart sank further but he got it. Mr. Stark was right – he didn’t deserve to be Spider-Man if all he did was hurt other people.
The car ride back to his apartment in Queens was silent and awkward, broken only by Mr. Stark and Happy leaving the car and throwing his a pair of hideous Hello Kitty pajama pants and an oversized New York tourist shirt. It took more effort than he would care to admit to slip the suit off of his painful muscles and lift his arms up high enough to pull the shirt on but he managed it.
Happy slipped back into the driver’s seat a moment later and raised the partition but Mr. Stark didn’t return as they pulled away from the curb and Peter’s heart sank further when he realized the man had probably taken the armor back to the Tower because he couldn’t bear to be in the car with Peter another minute. His eyes were burning but he refused to cry here – he’d already proven to be a problem and he wasn’t going to cry about his well deserved punishment.
The car stopped in front of his apartment and the locks on the doors popped but Happy didn’t roll down to partition to talk to him or offer any direction so, without a backward glance as his poorly folded suit, Peter slunk out of the car and upstairs.
May was not happy with him for skipping school and not answering his phone and, with the pain of his torn muscles ratcheting up and the emotional trauma of the day weighing down on him he collapsed onto the couch and tearfully confessed to his aunt that he had lost his internship, wanting to bring his arms up to return her tender hug but physically unable to do so. His only relief was that she directed him to take a shower pretty immediately because he smelled like garbage,.
And, yeah, he probably did.
The piss poor water pressure of their dingy shower was actually a blessing today but Peter could still barely stand with his back facing the hottest water possible hoping that the heat would relieve some of his pain but he was still just as painful when he forwent his sleep shirt a few minutes later.
He healed fast. This was fine – it would all be resolved in a few days.
“Fuck,” Peter muttered, keeping his right arm tucked close to his stomach as he wrestled with the leukotape he had bought at the pharmacy. It kept sticking to itself and the wall and his hair and basically everywhere but where he was trying to stick it and Peter groaned, balling the piece up and throwing it away.
It had been a few months since dealing with the Vulture. A few months since turning down Mr. Stark’s offer to be an Avenger but accepting his offer to become his personal intern and Peter couldn’t be happier.
Well. Except for his shoulder that is.
His left arm had healed fully after straining his muscles holding the ferry together but his right had just gotten worse and worse and it was interfering with his ability to not only be Spider-Man but also to just perform everyday tasks. He hadn’t been able to lift much with that side or even put on a shirt normally in weeks and it was starting to grate on his nerves. After spending hours watching videos on YouTube Peter decided to try some strengthening exercises and taping.
Neither was working very well.
“Fuck,” he said again, with feeling, as he bent forward at the waist to rest his head on the cool counter top of his bathroom. He was supposed to get picked up by Happy in a few minutes to go and spend the weekend at the Tower with Tony to work on his suit and there was no way he could hide this anymore. He couldn’t even lift his arm up to chest level. His phone vibrated on the counter top and he moaned, answering it without looking at the caller ID. “Hey Happy.”
“Nope, guess again,” his mentor’s voice said and Peter jerked up, letting out a strangled grunt as he jostled his shoulder. “You okay kid?”
“Why are you calling me?” Peter said instead, deflecting.
“I’m picking you up,” Tony said. “Now are you okay?”
Peter waffled for a minute but one look at his duffle bag made him ache and he let out a sigh. “Not… really I guess.”
“What’s wrong?” His mentor’s voice was sharp and he could hear the sound of his seatbelt smacking the window of his car and the door opening and closing as Tony got out of the car.
“It’s not a big deal,” Peter said, going to the front door and unlocking and opening it just as Tony left the elevator, they made eye contact and hung up their phones.
“Well you look to be in one piece and there’s no blood everywhere,” Tony said as he joined Peter in the living room of his apartment and looked him over. “So what’s going on kiddo?”
Peter nibbled on his bottom lip and gripped his right hand into his shirt tightly for just a second before releasing it. “Remember the ferry?”
Mr. Stark was silent and attentive as he listened to Peter ramble and sighed deeply at the end of his story, reaching one hand up to massage his eyes. “You really don’t half-ass anything do you?”
“Do you actually want me to answer that?” Peter asked confused and his mentor rolled his eyes, grabbing Peter’s bag from where it was resting in the hallway.
“Come on then, you have a date with Dr. Cho and the MedBay.” Peter whined but didn’t overly protest when he was directed out of the apartment and down to where Mr. Stark had illegally parked in the fire lane in front of his building.
It was just some muscle straining right? A week or two of meds and resting it and everything would be okay.
“Well its not a strain,” Dr. Cho told him just over an hour later looking at the images of his radiographs and MRI on a holotable. “You’ve torn your rotator cuff and continually re-injured it to the point that its basically just a mass of scar tissue.”
“Oh…” Peter said, a little dazed from the small dose of painkillers he had been given so that they would be able to manipulate his arm for the images. “What does that mean?”
Helen gave him the same disapproving look she had been giving him since she had taken his history and had learned that he had been putting massive amounts of pressure and g-force on an injury that he had never allowed to fully heal. “It means Peter,” she said firmly shutting down the table, “that you’ll need surgery to repair the tear and clean out all the scar tissue. And you’ll need to give it time to heal and go to physical therapy if you plan to ever use your arm to its fullest extent ever again.”
Peter’s mind went a little blank at that. “Surgery?” He asked, a note of panic creeping into his voice. “But Spider-Man–,”
“Will be taking a break,” Tony told him. “Your health always comes first Peter.” He turned his attention back to Dr. Cho. “Can you tell his aunt all of this later? Also when can we do the surgery.”
“I’ve already got him scheduled for tomorrow morning with a specialist I’m bringing in from NYU,” she said. “And of course! Just let me know when she gets here.”
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Peter groused from his spot on the exam bed but both adults ignored him and he rolled his eyes. “What if I don’t want surgery?”
“Then you’ll be dealing with chronic pain, pion and needles, weakness and continuous tearing for the rest of your life and you’ll need a shoulder replacement in less than fifteen years at the rate your going,” Dr. Cho said, typing notes into his chart. “So I’ll see you in the morning for the surgery.”
Peter glared at her but, at the twinge in his arm when he adjusted in his seat, he grumbled “fine”.
“It won’t be that bad Underoos,” Tony said later as they sat on the ridiculously large couch in the penthouse living room watching Brooklyn 99 while May spoke with Peter’s medical team. “You get to skip school for the next week while you recover and I bribed Bob Igor to give me the next season of the Mandolorian early for us to binge.”
“But…” Peter gnawed at his lip, hating the taste of blood that filled his mouth as he broke open the tender skin again. “What if this doesn’t fix it?”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Tony said with a smile. “Cho is the forefront in development in regeneration. If anyone can fix you it’ll be her. And May and I will be there the whole time. You have nothing to worry about okay?”
“You’ll be there?” Peter said, fiddling with a loose thread on his shirt and refusing to look up at his mentor.
“Of course I’ll be there!” Tony said warmly with a squeeze to his good shoulder. “You’re my favorite intern.” He teased.
“Thanks Mr. Stark,” Peter said sincerely, reading the unsaid bit and relaxing a little back in the couch. Between his pain meds and his full stomach he could feel his eyelids drooping and he decided to relax more fully into Tony’s side – there was no where he felt safer.
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alkcmist · 3 years
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hey folks, i’m emma ( 23, she/her, pst ) ! mother to one chain-smoking russian man in a fluffy tuxedo cat’s body ( holland vosijk / the architect ) & one capitalist papillon named lilou. a double libra ( yikes ) and recovering kpop stan who knows too many memes and can’t convert fractions to decimals. i read the grisha trilogy when i was fifteen & scheduled an entire day off work a month in advance just to binge watch the tv show... but enough embarrassing things about me. give this a like & i’ll send ya a message for plots !
[ yelizaveta yahontov ], a [ forty ] year old grisha in the little palace. she is an [ alkemi ] and is known in the little palace as the [ black widow ]. she is known to be [ shrewd ] and [ unyielding ] and vaguely resembles [ keira knightley ].
young ravkan alkemi who enjoys the war a little too much leaves the second army to fulfill her arranged marriage to a kerch merchant. surprise ! she’s in ketterdam producing narcotics for her husband ( & not very happy about it ). but tragedies like the plague happen every so often in ketterdam.  she says goodbye to johannes vos on the bank of the reaper’s barge.  the poison is untraceable. life goes on. 
abuse tw, death/murder tw, drug mention.
ten minutes separate her & thomas. when she arrives ( screaming ), the yahontovs gaze upon her with an unbalanced cross of disappointment ( from her father ) and dread ( from her mother ). then, promptly passed over to the nanny in favor of the one true heir.
it starts with ballet and doesn't end until she can play both piano and violin, speak ravkan, kerch, and passable shu, and point out the obvious differences in fine art to uninterested parties. she sees more of her caretakers—tutors, maids, and the widowed kaelish governess—than her parents, and she’s ever so grateful.
she is an energetic child impervious to the words “no”, “don’t” and “stop”, yearning for a scrap of warmth and attention. old enough to recognize the odious, disapproving look in her parent’s eyes and register it as something normal. her torment increases with the same intensity she’s struck, scarred, locked away in a closet for hours, screamed, and glowered at.
despite liza’s rebellious behavior, their parents put off thomas and liza’s grisha testing for as long as possible. their father doesn’t want to lose his only heir to the darkling’s second army, but eventually the twins are shipped off like a packaged deal. 
combat training is a short and minor requirement for alkemi, but liza takes to it like breathing. even when she is breathing blood, even when she is breathing dust. she learns to spit without shame, to yell without insecurity, to be herself. she calls it freedom. her mother calls it a problem.
liza tries not to pay too much attention to it -- the disapproving glances, the hushed whispers between her mother and her friends. her mother isn’t sure yelizaveta yahontov fits well enough into high society, and yelizaveta’s not sure she's wrong. lady yahontov’s solution comes in the form of a wealthy otkazat’sya merchant all the way from ketterdam. an advantageous marriage. 
enlisting in the second army feels a lot like running away. she can put off her marriage for as long as she serves in the darkling’s army. shockingly, liza rises in the ranks rather quickly for someone with an issue with authority. her talent for combat ( particularly poisoned knife throwing ) places her closer to the front lines and farther from her fiancé. 
the wedding party, however, is lavish and debauched, lasting for days. nonetheless, liza threatens to leave johannes vos the day after they arrive at ketterdam. her new husband desires an alkemi more than a wife. liza reminds herself this is not technically indentured servitude and begins working for the small business her conveniently husband failed to mention. for a while, liza makes the most of it. she perfects her craft, learns the business, finds a thrill in rubbing elbows with the dirtier side of the barrel. but over time her husband irritates her. he chews with his mouth open, asks too many questions ( why is the gardener in our bed ? did you blow up the kitchen again ? ) ,  & ( worst of all ) doesn’t let her visit her brother in os alta. 
kasimir is born without complications following a history of miscarriages and a turbulent pregnancy. a wholly restored and reformed woman, liza distances herself from her old life to focus on her new family.
she doesn’t miss johannes when he’s gone. tragedies like the plague happen every so often in ketterdam.  she says goodbye to him on the banks of the reaper’s barge.  the poison is untraceable. life goes on. 
she returns to ravka & raises kasimir on her own ( plus the help of nannies, tutors, her brother, and the recurrent visits from handsome men ). pills, caviar, & four bumps for breakfast. a wild feline pacing a gilded cage. she still doesn’t feel more alive than when she’s in a warzone. 
anyone who knows her as a trainer and mentor rather than a peer will tell you she was sent straight from hell. 
( she was, in fact, sent straight from hellsgate. )
at first, liza comes off as cold, strict, & brutally stubborn. affectionate & maternal with only a select few.
silent & intimidating as a shark, slipping by entirely unnoticed until you feel a cold chill prickling the back of your neck & you realize she’s right behind you.
[ walter white vc ] i am the one who knocks.
outside of work, liza is a bit more relaxed. built on champagne bottles, makeup, jewels, furs, and coke spoons. she never picked up the spartan indifference to decadence and beautiful things the army tried to instill in her. truly, if she can’t show to to the function in a custom ball gown, shaping the latest trends of the season to her tastes and destroying other women’s self esteem in the process, is it even worth attending ?
tries to be the carefree “Cool Girl”.  a brand™ first, a yahontov heir second, and a person last. this can make her easily dismissible as frivolous and vapid, and liza usually lets them. she likes to surprise people. 
sitting in the tranquil eye of liza’s hurricane is thomas, her twin & ultimate weakness. liza theorizes he took all the heart & compassion in the womb and left none for her to share. 
high society / liza likes to be entertained by those less repressed than she is. if you’re rich, decadent, deranged, or simply fun, liza could see you as a companion.  if you're just young and beautiful — well, stop being poor. 
old friends / a small handful of grisha liza grew up with & trusts ( kind of ) & served with in the second army. the age range would probably be 35 to 45. 
combat trainees & alkemi apprentices / if you were one of her students, odds are you hate her. i would also love to see more complicated relationships with former students. maybe somehow your character doesn’t despise her & rather loves/fears/respects her ?
more to be added probably :-)
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diazevan · 5 years
Peter Parker's kind of a little bit fed up of being Spider-Man, you know? The responsibility is really starting to weigh on him. So, he's decided to go on this European vacation with his school friends. To just kind of escape the world a little bit. Obviously, he's lost his mentor which was Tony Stark, and he's having to deal with that; he's basically keeping himself busy, just to be a kid and a teenager, and have a bit of normality in his life.
Tom Holland, The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, BBC Radio 2 
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catmillers · 1 year
"I love your outfit," Cat commented as she passed a drink over to Holland in an offer. "And I'm not tryin' to butter you up to get you to tell me shit about the arena," Cat clarified with a quick roll of her eyes, just trying to find a middle ground. Holland was the only other Victor from Six remotely in her age range so...she wanted to get to know her despite the pushback she received from the other woman. She brought her own drink to her lips and said before taking a sip, "It's a good fit and I feel like this party kinda blows – ain't as flashy as last year."
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holland-westbrook · 10 months
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Holland Westbrook // 134th Mentor's Ball
Escorted by: Cat Miller
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sub-bts-smut-backup · 5 years
Sub!BTS — Masterlist
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sub!bts x dom!reader writings. all consensual, femdom-centric, explicit. enjoy! ♥ ↳ ao3 | rec | © | writing tips | sub!bts net 
◇ ⌈note⌋ reposts, modifications and translations are prohibited. depictions are fictional & for entertainment purposes only. mind the warnings, this features nsfw/18+ content. 
◇ ⌈key⌋ fics bolded, analysis in italics.
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♡ all members
domestic sex
reaction to breath play
bts as your vampire boyfriends
you give them flowers
[MASTERPOST] sub!bts a-z series (smut alphabet)
reaction to chastity
favorite pegging positions
reacting to your high sex drive
they call you goddess
their orgasm faces
where they love to kiss you
maknae line: their balls slapping against your clit
sub!bts— their kinks (list)
dresses and skirts they look best in
explaining the meaning behind bts’ harnesses
their scents
dauntless (m) | mermen!ot7 x reader au
baby cheeks/weight gain appreciation
they call you mommy
they insist you’re beautiful
dirty talk with them
boarding school sub training imagine
deepthroat x male dom!reader
would you rather game
where to kiss them
romance with you
facefucked w/ a strap-on
using a glass dildo on them
you catch them getting off
you shave them
being your little spoon
bts as your butlers
using a fucking machine on them 
they’re shocked how dominant you are
his domme is busy, he wants her attention
how bts would eat you out
you find out they’re submissive
you like pet play
their favorite kinky clothing
their favorite ways to turn you on
fake love — a sub!bts concept
you call them good boy
what music bts would choose for sex?
body/breast worship
blowjob with teeth
massaging you
slave/masochist boyfriends snaps
you’re their tall girlfriend/idol mentor
vampire au: you’re craving their blood
pegging — they break the bed
reader feeling insecure about her body
complimenting bts in french / dirty talk
accidentally turning you on
fingering you
you’re getting loud in bed | crack
putting them to sleep after a long day
their motivations to be submissive
tackling their insecurities
you want them to sit on your lap
bts receiving punishment
you’re anxious
whispering dirty things at the dinner table
pegging them
jealous bts
bts are insecure about losing their abs
bts as the 7 deadly sins
you ask them to sub
giving bts hickeys
they hug you
you’re on your period
bts as mermen
how masochistic are they?
bts cooking for you
favorite places to have sex
xmas eve sex
how do they sound like in bed?
foreplay with them
bts as submissive boyfriends
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♡ jungkook    
call of nature (m) | camping au sublime (m) | merman au — sequel: dauntless (m) my neighbor with the bloody laundry (m) | vampire au electric lovers (m) | android au ft. tae, jk, myg the scaffolding | painter au pump jack (m) | desert au ft. myg baby goodnight (m) | domestic au sloppy savvy (m) | domestic au ft. myg
bondage with him
maknae line reaction: dom to sub
he’s insecure about his lips
biting kink / pegging scenario
kissing sub!jk
maknae line safewords scenario
comforting the busan & daegu line
sub!maknae line: favorite sex positions
tae & jk as maids
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♡ taehyung
electric lovers (m) | android au with tae, jjk, yg | pt 2 cornflower blue (m) | farming au my word to treat you well (m) | prince!tae au playfight (m) | stuck in a blizzard au tease you well (m) | vintage au colonized (m) | domestic au bleeding hearts & happy days (m) | escort au ft. bbh
his choking kink (picture)
maknae line reaction: dom to sub
tae’s puppy kink
pet play / he comes too early
kissing sub!tae
maknae line safewords scenario
comforting the busan & daegu line
sub!maknae line: favorite sex positions
th & jk as your maids
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♡ yoongi 
fuckin’ wembley (m) | hotel sex au snowdrop (m) | domestic au trophy boyfriend (m) | secretary au sloppy savvy (m) | domestic au ft. jjk pump jack (m) | desert au ft. jjk electric lovers (m) | android au ft th, jk, yg streaks of fuchsia (m) | baby girl yoongi au repeat (m) | domestic au baptized (m) | domestic au ft. jm
feeling small/showing insecurities + noona kink
who he submits to 
about yoongi saying “i’m yours”
the two ways yoongi flirts
yg, d/s, and the korean age hierarchy
you dress for halloween
underground tattoo artist yg
caning him
yg likes tough women & macho men
hyung line reaction: top to sub
[MASTERPOST] oral writings with myg
studio sex with yg
sub!hyung line kinks
comforting the busan & daegu line
kissing sub!yoongi
cuddling with him
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♡  hoseok
second year’s pains (m) | anniversary au
fairy coffee shop au
hyung line impact play series masterpost
when would he not be vocal?
flogging/butt plug scenario
hyung line reaction: top to sub
kissing sub!hoseok
sub!hyung line kinks
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♡  jimin
boss witch (m) | sorcery apprentice!jimin au — 2 | 3 | 4 cygnet & cinder (m/r) | bavarian au: prince!jm stunna [r] | domestic au how to kiss a man from venus (m) | alien!jm au simulacrum of dawn (m) | incubus!jm au potions and reverie (m) | husband!jm au baptized (m) | domestic au ft. yoongi awards with a twist (m) | idol au
burlesque dancer!jm ft. dita von teese
making jack-o-lanterns with him
vampire au moodboards 
sub!jm moodboard
maknae line reaction: dom to sub
kissing sub!jm
maknae line safewords scenario
comforting the busan & daegu line
sub!maknae line: favorite sex positions
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♡  seokjin 
choking gold (m) | pornstar au
trick or treat halloween imagine 
hyung line impact play series masterpost
paddling/handcuffs/roleplay scenario
lip appreciation post
hyung line reaction: top to sub
eatjin meets pegjin
kissing sub!jin
sub!hyung line kinks
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♡  namjoon
fuckup trucker (m) | winter vacation au doc on a date (m) | venice au on the rocks (m) | husband!rm au
hyung line impact play series masterpost
spanking scenario
more sub!rm
lip appreciation
hyung line reaction: top to sub
meme proof: rm is a screamer
kissing sub!rm
submissive hyung line kinks
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mtl mlist
rude boy (m) | sub!tom holland student au
femdom resources
‘kink’ vs ‘fetish’
fantasizing about bts: disrespectful?
— [quiz] who’s your matching sub in bts? — [quiz] what type of domme are you? — [quiz] which bts member is your baby boy?
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thank you for reading, love you to bits ❤️- caro 🐅 © 2017-2019 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. 
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rankakiu · 5 years
Thoughts of the Droid: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Hello, people from Tumblr! How has life treated you? As always, I hope very well. On this occasion, I bring to you my opinions and review of Spider-Man: Far From Home, the most recent delivery of the arachnid hero and the latest Marvel Studios movie to close its third phase.
WARNING: NOT SPOILER-FREE. Read at your own risk
Going fully into the review: What did I think of the movie? Short answer: good, but you also feel that Marvel Studios wants to stay in their comfort zone. Now let's analyze the movie in more detail.
Characters: To my personal taste, I must admit that I now like Tom Holland's interpretation of Peter Parker / Spider-Man better. Now in this movie, I could feel that he was doing much more justice to his character. Perhaps it is because of the circumstances surrounding the character in this movie and the conflict he has to deal with to prove again that he is a worthy superhero.
The film offers a human drama in Peter Parker's character, which fortunately feels neither too melodramatic nor too dark. We are introduced to a Peter Parker coping with many things: his return to a world, which during his absence has changed, trying to adapt as best he can. His role as a superhero, and as the world considers him the successor of Tony Stark make him feel an overwhelming weight on his shoulders and above all, tries to carry the death of his mentor Stark. Peter only wishes, even for a few moments, to live a normal life, outside his heroic alter ego. Which, for me, represents a point in our lives where we have to mature if we want to survive in this world. It's like the transition from a teenager to an adult.
As for the villain on duty, Quentin Beck / Mysterio, he is a decent villain, but he could honestly give more potential, if not for the fact that the Marvel Studios made (once again) the mistake of relating the villain of turn with Tony Stark. Apparently, about six villains were not enough. In his favor, the performance offered by Jake Gyllenhaal is quite good and he gives everything of himself so that the villain feels like a real threat, which he achieves by far. It is also interesting to note that he seeks in some way to have the world at his feet, with the illusion of being a new superhero for a new era. His goal is solidly set and I will say it again: he could give more if they had not connected him with Tony Stark.
From the rest of the cast (especially Peter's classmates) uh ... his presence is too much and too much. I honestly do not consider them irritating or annoying characters, but they are only there to fill scenes and provide funny moments (which most work) but nothing more. You are not interested in their lives if they disappear or die. There is nothing interesting in them and I think the film could contribute much more with these characters.
History: Good and entertaining, but with certain problems. If you ask me, most of the story works pretty well. What fails are certain key moments that make the film really feel that Marvel Studios does not want to leave its comfort zone.
I'll start with the point that I think is the most controversial: Peter Parker giving the EDITH glasses to Quentin Beck. And let's be honest, it's a very stupid mistake from Peter. I understand that he is young and has hardly been acquiring experience in the world of superheroes. The problem is that he gives a weapon to a subject he barely knows. If, for example, Mysterio and Spider-Man had had a relationship of trust that would take about a year, then there would be no problem, since there Mysterio earned Spider-Man's trust for longer and would have resulted in betrayal and more painful disappointment in passing. Instead, Peter delivers these lenses when he had been meeting Quentin for a few days (at most a week). On the other hand, at first Quentin's chemistry with Peter as a mentor and student are truly fascinating and wonderfully well written. Where we have a mentor who seeks to give the best possible advice to his adolescent disciple, understanding better than anyone else the situation that Peter is going through. Unfortunately, at the time that Quentin reveals himself as the antagonist, this built chemistry is thrown away.
As I mentioned in the previous point, having related the villain with Tony Stark resulted in an error as well. First, we already have many villains from previous movies related to him. Secondly, it feels forced and taken out of nowhere that Quentin seeks a kind of revenge with Stark. According to his own words, Stark fired him from his industries "for being unstable." Could you explain it further, please? But no, the story makes the character just mention this fact and never delve further, they never show us what really happened so Quentin wanted to be a villain.
Another aspect to criticize is that I think it would have been much more attractive to see that Mysterio really belonged to an alternate Earth and was a hero and mentor to Spider-Man. I mean, in comics many times you have seen Earths and parallel dimensions where villains are heroes and vice versa. Which brings me to another point: they don't show a real consequence of the time travel the Avengers made to defeat Thanos. In many franchises that use this argument, one or more consequences of making such trips are ALWAYS shown, and in films like Terminator or anime like Dragon Ball Z, they have proved it by far.
To end this point, if there were good parts in the story, one of the most notable in my opinion was the first post-credit scene, where Mysterio, using his artistic and illusional skills, has made a video where he incriminates Spider-Man and moreover reveals his identity to the world. Undoubtedly a very exciting point and that opens the door to countless possibilities to exploit within a future story. I find it curious that in this fake video, Mysterio makes himself look like a martyr and Spider-Man, a kind of villain who only wants to remain as the number one hero, regardless of who should trample. By the way, a successful move to have J.K. Simmons repeating his role of J. Jonah Jameson. It was certainly a pleasant surprise to see him there.
Visuals and special effects: Simply amazing, as always. Definitely, the special effects have shone this time, and as proof of this, we have the Elementals, powerful and formidable creatures, composed of the elements of nature. For example, Hydro-Man really looked like a creature made of water at all times. Although of course, we must remember that these creatures are a hologram created by highly technological drones. Similarly, Spider-Man's costumes, as well as Mysterio's have fabulous designs and quite pleasing to the eye.
Action: extremely overflowing. is an action full of adrenaline and very appropriate for our arachnid hero, being also an action full of dynamism, where we see him give pirouettes, jumps, swinging through the air, helped by his cobwebs to get out of any situation. And while it may seem at first glance that the action of the final battle is exaggerated, in my personal opinion, I did not feel that way. Indeed, we saw thousands of armed drones, but the trick here was to put only tens of them in the action so that it didn't feel very overwhelming. I firmly believe that the action is perfectly accomplished and choreographed in detail to make the viewer feel that he is in a Spider-Man film.
In conclusion, Spider-Man: Far From Home, is a good movie to hang out or to see our favorite arachnid hero again on screen. However, despite having many good points, somehow, the bad ones, although few, stand out and that manages to partially overshadow the potential that this film had. It is not a bad film, it is a film that unfortunately shows the vice not only of Marvel Studios but of an entire industry: they are safe because it is more comfortable and they do not take enormous risks that were taken from yesteryear. For now, I give this movie 3 of 5 arachnid suits. A slightly awkward closure to the third phase, but leaving the door open to a fourth phase that can dazzle.
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sportsshops · 2 years
Robin van Persie Bio, Height, Religion, Wife, Net Worth, FIFA 22
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Robin van Persie is a previous expert football player and presently is a Dutch football trainer. He played as a striker in his expert striker days and was viewed as probably the best striker of his age. Ozil is at present an associate supervisor at Feyenoord Rotterdam.
He was a-list striker, with uncommon ball control, free kicks, and set pieces. In the 2014 FIFA World Cup, he scored a dazzling jumping header from the edge of the container against Spain, one of the features of the 2014 World Cup release. This objective positioned third spot in the 2014 FIFA Puskás Award.
On 12 May 2019, he resigned from proficient football as a player and following a year, he joined his previous club Feyenoord, as an associate mentor to Dick Advocaat. He scored 272 objectives in 593 appearances in his expert football profession.
Early Life Footballer Robin van Persie was brought into the world on August 6, 1983 in Rotterdam, a city in the Dutch region of South Holland. His dad, Bob van Persie, is an extraordinary craftsman who involves materials of no incentive for other people and makes astounding workmanship with it, while his mom, José Ras van Persie, is a painter, adornments creator, and educator.
Mesut Ozil Bio, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Religion, Career Stats >> Van Persie had a few issues growing up. After his folks got separated, Robin was raised by his dad. Because of his social issues, he was avoided from class practically day to day.
He joined Dutch SBV Excelsior's childhood group when he was just five years of age and played until 15. Ozil was elevated to initially group and made his presentation at 17. Mesut was named the KNVB Best Young Talent grant during his initial profession.
Schooling Robin Van Persie had his essential level training in a neighborhood secondary school named Thorbecke Voortgezet Onderwijs. He was a great understudy from his young life. That might be the reason he had the option to finish his single guy level training.
Robin van Persie Age, Height, Weight, Body Measurement Robin Van Persie is 38 years of age starting around 2021 as he was brought into the world in 1992. Van Persie is a resident of the Netherlands and is of Caucasian identity.
Thiago Silva Bio, Age, Salary, Net Worth, Wife, Career >> Footballer Van Persie stands 6 feet 0 inches (183 cm) tall and is a truly impressive player. He weighs around 74 kg robin van persie retirement .
His eyes are dim brown and normally has dark hair. Mesut Ozil's body estimations are under audit right now. His boots size is 8.
Robin van Persie Personal Life On March 31, 2004, Robin Van Persie wedded Bouchra van Persie in the wake of dating for something like 3 months. Bouchra van Persie was brought into the world on morocco. They have two youngsters, Shaqueel van Persie brought into the world in 2006, and girl Dina Layla van Persie brought into the world in 2009.
As indicated by certain reports, Van Persie was in a single relationship prior to seeing Bouchra van Persie. Similarly, his significant other has generally upheld him all through his vocation. Various photos of his family can be found in his web-based entertainment.
Robin Van Persie Religion Footballer Robin is an individual who follows no religion.
Robin Van Persie Charity Work Starting around 2010, he has been helping SOS Children, the world's biggest vagrant cause. Because of the good natures, he and his better half are likewise supporting a youngster Nelly, who lives in Kenya.
In 2013, he additionally upheld the Newcastle Youth Employment noble cause.
Robin Van Persie Salary and Net Worth Robin van Persie's compensation as an associate administrator is under survey right now. Van Persie's Net Worth is $50 million starting around 2021.
His general compensation and total assets are from playing football and Endorsements.
Robin Van Persie Social Media Twitter: 9.3m Followers Instagram: 8m Followers Early Career Robin van Persie began playing football at an early age. He joined the young crew of nearby side SBV Excelsior when he was five. Because of his awful attitude with the Excelsior's instructing staff, he left for Feyenoord at 16. He made his senior presentation in the club at 17 years old. He got the KNVB Best Young Talent grant in the wake of beginning for Feyenoord in the last of the UEFA Cup. The accompanying season, he marked a three-and-a-half-year contract with the club, in any case, he was downgraded to the save crew subsequent to conflicting the club's director. He wrapped the season with his group sprinter up in the KNVB Cup, scoring 8 objectives in 28 appearances. The following season was not great for him as he scored less objectives than in the earlier year and his relationship with the club's administrator weakened. He scored 21 objectives in 78 appearances for the club. Stockpile Footballer Van Persie marked a four-year manage Arsenal for £2.75 million on 17 May 2004, beginning probably the best profession in football history. On 8 August 2004, he made his presentation against Manchester United as a substitute in 3-1 FA Community Shield and won prize simultaneously. During the 2004-05 season, he for the most part invested his energy in the seat however had his most memorable serious beginning on 27th day of October . He scored by scoring Arsenal's initial objective against Manchester City in a 2-1 League Cup win. In 2004-05 season, he scored 10 objectives in 41 appearances. Toward the beginning of 2005-06, he scored 8 objectives in 8 beginnings, wining him Premier League Player of the month. Because of this noteworthy presentation, he was compensated with a five-year contract expansion until 2011 on 4 January. He got harmed during the FA Cup match against Cardiff after the rival player stepped on his foot. Meesut played the following three coordinates with an opening slice into his perspective to smother the aggravation. He scored a staggering airborne volley against Charlton Athletic in the start of the 2006-07 season, later named BBC Sport's Goal of the Month for September . On 21 January, he was again endured with cracked right foot yet at the same time figured out how to be the Arsenal's top scorer with 13 objectives in all rivalries. After Henry's exchange to FC Barcelona in 2007-08 season, Van Persie was the club's fundamental striker however had a frustrating season because of the few wounds that constrained him out of the game. Extra Aresenal Career In his 2008-09 season, on 29 October, he scored his 50th objective for stockpile in 4-4 draw against Tottenham Hotspur. Also, he got his most memorable red card of the time subsequent to thumping down Stroke City's goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen. Ozil scored a staggering objective against Liverpool, later named the second BBC Goal of the period of his profession. Mesut was granted the club's Player of the Month, as each objective was scored or helped by him in January 2009. He was named Player of the Season because of his astounding exhibition of 20 objectives in all rivalries. In the 2009-10 season, he was named Premier League Player of the Month for the subsequent time. In the 2010-11 season, he showed up on 28 August however got a lower leg injury in a similar game. Footballer Robin scored his most memorable profession full go-around in a 3-0 win over Wigan Athletic on 22 January. Essentially, He set another Premier League record for most objectives scored in the initial two months of a schedule year between 1 January and 12 February. Similarly, on 24 April 2011, he turned into the principal player to score in seven progressive Premier League away games. He was elevated to club commander toward the beginning of the 2011-12 EPL season. He scored the abstained objective of the time, with the objective being scored in 28 seconds against Sunderland. Essentially, he was named Premier League Player of the Month multiple times while playing with stockpile. Moreover, he reported that he wouldn't sign another agreement with Arsenal and was ready to leave the club on 4 July 2012. Footballer Robin scored 132 objectives in 278 appearances for the club. Manchester United Van Persie has marked a four-year contract with Manchester United for an underlying exchange charge of £22.5 million, and furthermore with an extra £1.5 million assuming United won Champions League or Premier League inside the following 4 years on 15 August 2012. On 20 August, he made his introduction for the club by coming as a substitute on 68th moment. After five days, Robin scored his most memorable objective for United against Fulham and scored his most memorable full go-around for United against Southampton with the third objective being his 100th Premier League Goal. On 3 November, Robin scored against his previous club Arsenal, making him a player to score against every one of the 20 groups of Premier League at that season. He scored his most memorable full go-around against Aston Villa on 22 April, helping United lift the Premier League prize. He was assigned by UEFA into the 10-man waitlist for 2012-13's Best Player in Europe Award. In the 2013-14 season, he scored a full go-around in UEFA champions association against Olympiacos. He scored 58 objectives in 105 appearances for Manchester United. Fenerbahçe
Van Persie joined the Turkish club Fenerbahçe on 14 July 2015 on a three-year manage an exchange charge of £3.84 million. He and his previous partner, Luis Nani appeared for the club in Champions League game against Shakhtar Donetsk. He made his association debut on 14 August against Eski?ehirspor. He scored 36 objectives in 87 appearances for the club. Get back to Feyenoord Van Persie got back to his childhood club where he began his senior vocation on 19 January 2018. He scored his 300th profession objective in a triumph that set the club in 2017-18's KNVB Cup last. He likewise scored in the last, assisting the club with getting their thirteenth prize. Van Persie played his keep going proficient match on 12 May 2019 against ADO Den Haag. Global Career | Netherland Van Persie began his global vocation by playing with the U-21 Dutch group in meeting all requirements for the 2004 and 2006 European Championship. Robin played for the senior group in 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifying against Romania on 4 June 2005. After four days Van Persie scored his most memorable global objective against Finland. He played in each of the four of the Netherland's matches in 2006 FIFA World Cup and scored his main objective in bunch stage against Ivory Coast. In 2008, he scored four objectives for Netherland in UEFA Euro 2008 qualifiers.
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