Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) - Oneshot
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There were no illusions about your place in the Soul Society. 
As a lower level subordinate, you knew there was a range in ability. 
You supposed you just thought that one day that barrier would mean nothing to you. But standing there, watching the very image of a hollow in soul reaper form, it was terrifying. The mere fact that you were standing in the presence of its spiritual pressure was a miracle in itself. All you heard was word of Rukia’s injury and you came to help. 
But that thing..it was protecting her. 
You lectured yourself to grab her and move, run, do something, but you couldn’t get your body to react. You weren’t even sure you were fully breathing anymore. 
The hollow that came in its path had been sliced with ease, it barely lifted a finger. One clean swipe and that was it, the hollow was gone. Your trembling form just gaped at the dissipating remnants of a threat. 
Standing protectively in front of Rukia, you lifted your blade and when it turned to you, there was a part of you that assumed you were dead. 
It released a roar and you heard the stagger of your heart, you fear was the only thing that felt real in that moment. 
Maybe that’s why its statement had utterly confused and terrified you. 
“I will protect them.” 
Your eyes opened lazily and you stared at the ceiling. Lifting your hand, you marveled at your fingers. 
“A memory..” 
That very one always appeared when there was word of his return. 
Kurosaki Ichigo. 
His visits were often. 
After Aizen and even Ginjo’s rebellion, it was common for the substitute reaper to stop by. It’s been years since then. With his recent recovery of ability you could practically feel the energy of the Soul Society change. Renji and Rukia were more lively. Hanataro seemed altogether happy. Byakuya, although forever stoic, even he seemed pleased at the circumstances. 
You should be overjoyed, ecstatic. After all, Ichigo has done nothing but protect the Soul Society time and time again. He is a hero, something you’d always envied. Yet every time there was even a mention of that name, something in your body just froze, panicked. 
Then those dreams would break through and you felt paralyzed, helpless. 
That day, he could have easily killed you. You heard the stories of what went down in Hueco Mundo. But before that moment you’d coughed it all up to exaggeration. When you actually experienced it, there was just a part of you that needed to be far away from it, from him. 
Rising to your feet, you grabbed your zanpakuto from the wall as you slid it into your belt, ready to start the day. 
The busy atmosphere was expected. After all that happened, things were returning to a state of normalcy. The minute you landed in the sixth squad, you were ready for whatever task your captain had for you. 
You bowed upon entry to his office, Renji already at his side. 
“Please deliver these to squad four.” Byakuya ordered. 
You took the stack happily. 
“Oii, don’t go getting distracted!!” Renji calls. 
So maybe your attention span wasn’t the best, but you always got the job done. With a grin, you were skipping through the barracks. The fourth squad was much closer, so it wouldn’t take that long. 
Maybe you could have a nice chat with Hanataro while you were there. Smiling, you were humming as you kept on your journey. You’d only stop when someone called to you. Skating to a halt, you tried to place the male voice. 
“Hey, do you know where Rukia is? She was supposed to meet me at the gate. Why the hell did they let Kenpachi of all people come get me!” 
He was complaining, and you could understand. You laughed, turning to give instruction. He must have been one of the many human visitors from Karakura Town. 
“I can take you to Rukia-san if you…” 
Every muscle in your body went still and all you released was one single breath. 
Orange hair, brown eyes, it was him..
You swallowed and he moved closer to probably address you, but you gasped, dropping all the documents in your hands. The stack fell, a few sheets soaring away with the wind, adding to his confusion. 
“Hey! Your stuff is flying away.” 
He intended to help, and instinctively, you must have released a mass of spiritual pressure, because he staggered at the change and all you could get yourself to do was take unsteady steps back. Your eyes were wide with fear, body shaking. 
There was a significant change in his expression, from confusion to possibly understanding. He lifted his hand and you flinched at the very moment you saw the flapping of captain robes. The figure on the back of the coat was a dead give away of your superior. He was standing in front of you almost protectively, clearly expecting a threat. Renji appeared seconds after, looking over puzzled. 
“What the hell Ichigo?” 
He was clearly trying to gauge the situation, and Byakuya’s gaze shifted in your direction. You were still releasing an alarming amount of reiatsu. When he saw the terror on your face, it became clear what the threat was, at least in your eyes. 
“Calm down.” 
It was said so firmly that you blinked, now looking up at him. Byakuya’s authority was something most people feared, but for you, it has always been more about respect. Maybe that’s why you were able to finally exhale. It was a shallow breath, and in a matter of seconds he could feel your spiritual pressure lowering. Your breathing was starting to return to an even level, and this time you looked up at Byakuya apologetically. 
“G-Gomen Taicho..” 
It was just above a whisper. He said nothing, just turned to Renji. 
“Escort her back to our squad barracks, I will take Ichigo to the Head Captain.” 
“Hai, Taicho.” 
Renji turned to you, lifting you into his arms as he took off. The second you were gone, Ichigo’s eyes seemed to trail over in that general direction. 
“I know her..”
He wanted nothing more but to banish that look. In truth he hadn’t seen such unfiltered horror since that time with Orihime. It had taken so much for her to gaze at him without feeling like a monster. 
He thought he was past it, but the suddenness of the situation had caught him off guard. It was painful to think about. You were so scared that you’d unconsciously triggered your reiatsu defensively. 
“Let’s go.” 
Byakuya said nothing else, because there was a part of him that understood that the words Ichigo needed to hear would not mean much coming from him. 
“Damn it..” 
You were embarrassed to say that least. 
To make matters worse, Renji had to be the one to carry you back. 
“You’re heavier than you look.” 
The statement caused a pulse on your head. 
With a firm kick to his jaw he was down for the count. 
Now seated in the barracks, Byakuya has not so subtly kept asking you to complete tasks within the squad. You knew it was more for your piece of mind. You wanted nothing more than to pretend that the incident didn’t happen, but it was impossible. You feel pathetic, clinging onto the past. But you couldn’t help it. At that moment you realize that you’d never dealt with it. 
That fear. 
So much had happened during that time that there was never a chance to address it. You never confronted the situation and now it was coming back to bite you in the ass. 
With a heavy sigh, you finished the last of the filing, now bored and embarrassed. Moping through the squad, you just seemed to run through all the reasons why you’d probably be stuck as a lower level subordinate for the foreseeable future. 
“I’m useless.” 
“You’re strong.” 
Your body processed the owner of the voice before your mind truly did and you were once again standing in that open space, staring at him. He didn’t move and you couldn’t breathe. 
“Byakuya told me to steer clear of you while I was here, but I had to..I needed to apologize..” 
You were startled at how hurt he looked, or maybe that was..shame?
“I thought you looked familiar. You were there that day in the squad barracks, with Rukia.”
The mention of it had every single memory rushing back and the roar echoed in your head. Your eyes shook and Ichigo looked away. 
“I’m not a monster, and I won’t hurt you. I just needed you to know that.” 
He turned his back and you felt the twist in your gut. In your head you know, he’s an ally, but your body wouldn’t give you the satisfaction. More than anything you felt awful for treating him like that, looking at him that way, but it was hard. 
Your silence must have been all he needed. He took a step, and even though every bone in your body was screaming with fear, you still managed to get a word out. 
He froze in place, and you pressed your hand to your chest, clutching the front of your robes. Ichigo finally willed himself to turn around, and he was stunned to see the tears rushing down your cheeks. He could see it, the fear, it was still there, but there was also sorrow, regret, pain. 
He could see how difficult it was for you to stand there, in front of him. 
“T-Thank you for always protecting us!!” 
You bowed and your tears pittered to the ground, heart racing. 
Ichigo knew that despite everything, your reaction wasn’t intentional. With a solemn smile, he nodded. 
“You’re welcome.” 
Just like that he was gone, and some small part of you felt just a bit of that weight, that fear dissipated. 
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comicchannel · 1 month
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Funko Pop Animation Bleach Fully Hollowfied Ichigo - 1104
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/4cjuy7Z
Buy here: https://amzn.to/4dmgJqY
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zaynnaz · 1 year
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Bleach One-shot fanfiction.
Title: Rukia the Visored: Hollow Resonance
Rukia Kuchiki sat alone, her back pressed against the jagged wall of her cell in Hueco Mundo. The enclosure felt less like a room and more like the innards of some great, malevolent beast. Its walls had the texture and hue of aged bone, as if calcified over centuries of neglect and malice. The air was stale, redolent with the putrid odor of decay, each breath she took tinged with the taste of something foul.
“I can’t believe Captain Aizen is a traitor. If I remain here much longer, all could be lost," she thought, her eyes narrowed in quiet darkness.
Her eyes squinted as she tried to see beyond the shadowy darkness, but it was a futile endeavor. It was as if the air itself had swallowed all light, leaving only an oppressive void in its place. She clenched her fists, the raw energy of the Hogyoku deep within her a pulsing reminder of her imprisonment. Aizen had taken her for this cursed gemstone, embedded irrevocably into her soul, yet his experiments had failed to extract it.
Her thoughts were shattered by a sound—an echoing roar that seemed to resonate from the bowels of Hueco Mundo. It sounded both distant and uncomfortably close, as if the very walls were channeling it toward her. Her heart pounded in her chest as her eyes darted around, widening when they focused on the creature that had just materialized through the bars of her cell.
It was a Hollow, yet incomplete. Its facial features were twisted in a grotesque mockery of human and Hollow traits, its signature mask missing. Its eyes, however, were not filled with the mindless rage typical of its kin. Instead, they regarded her with what could only be described as curiosity.
"Who—or what—are you?" Rukia questioned cautiously.
"Is this one of Aizen's failed experiments?" she wondered, gripping her makeshift shiv—a shard of bone she’d managed to pry loose from the wall. But before she could make any defensive moves, the Hollow lunged.
As it made contact with her, Rukia felt a maelstrom of reiatsu engulf her. The sensation was electric, her skin tingling as if struck by lightning. She screamed, not just from the sensation but from the soul-deep agony that came with it. It was as if the creature was trying to fuse with her very essence, to burrow into the core of her being.
Rukia screamed, "What is happening to me?!"
For a heart-stopping moment, Rukia felt her control slip away. A white, skeletal mask began to form over her face, its touch cold and foreign against her skin. She could hear the Hollow's guttural laughter intertwining with her own thoughts, a corrosive symphony that sought to shatter her will.
"Hold on, Rukia. Hold on!" she mentally commanded herself.
But then something remarkable happened—the fusion, instead of consuming her, stabilized. Her scream reached a crescendo and her spiritual pressure surged, a torrent of raw energy that expelled outward like a shockwave. The white mask cracked, then shattered into a spray of ethereal fragments, vanishing before they touched the ground.
Rukia staggered back, gasping for air as she felt her spiritual pressure stabilize. "I don't know what you were, but it looks like you've become a part of me now."
Rukia slumped to her knees, the hollow was gone, its essence now a part of her, contained by the resilience of her soul. But she knew something fundamental within her had changed, something that could alter the very fabric of the war to come.
In the quiet that followed, tinged only by the distant echoes of Hueco Mundo, Rukia allowed herself a moment of vulnerability. She pressed her hand against her chest, feeling the rapid thumping of her heart, and closed her eyes.
She was different now—changed in a way she didn't yet understand. And although she was still confined within these walls, Rukia Kuchiki felt an ember of newfound hope flicker to life within her.
That hope, tinged with the icy cool of her newfound power, would soon be tested in battles she could scarcely imagine. But for now, it was enough. And as the darkness of her cell seemed to lighten just a fraction, Rukia knew she was ready for whatever came next.
The oppressive atmosphere of Hueco Mundo seemed to weigh heavier with each step as Ichigo, Renji, and the others advanced through its labyrinthine corridors. The air was thick with tension, their senses heightened by the adrenaline of their mission—to rescue Rukia Kuchiki.
When they finally arrived at her cell, a sensation of both relief and urgency flooded them. There she was, standing by the bars, seemingly unharmed but visibly different, as though carrying a secret weight.
Just as Renji reached to unlock the cell with his Zanpakuto, an ominous spiritual pressure filled the space, growing thicker with each passing second. Materializing from the shadows with a disdainful smirk, an Arrancar appeared. His blade was already drawn, its gleaming surface reflecting the eerie light of Hueco Mundo.
"Rukia, step back!" Renji bellowed, releasing his Zanpakuto. "Roar Zabimaru!"
But before the chains of Zabimaru could lunge, Rukia’s eyes flashed—a piercing cobalt that cut through the darkness. Her spiritual pressure erupted like a geyser, filling the air with a chilling, electrifying energy. A collective gasp spread through the group as a Hollow mask began to form over half of her face, its visage a ghastly blend of skeletal grimace and icy design.
Gone was the frail prisoner they had come to rescue. Standing before them was a warrior changed, her reiatsu now a chaotic vortex that fused Soul Reaper and Hollow essences.
With a swiftness that defied her previous limitations, Rukia lunged at the Arrancar. Her Zanpakuto, Sode no Shirayuki, glowed an ethereal blue with black undertones, its blade now enveloped in a dark, icy mist. The Espada met her strike with a clash of steel that reverberated through the room, a cacophony of spiritual energies colliding in mid-air.
In an instant, the atmosphere itself seemed to turn against the Arrancar. The chamber filled with a sudden, biting cold, as Rukia whispered, "Dance, Sode no Shirayuki." A blizzard erupted from her blade, but this was no ordinary storm. It was a tempest infused with Hollow spiritual pressure—a dark, swirling whirlwind that choked the air from the room and dimmed the light to near-total darkness.
The Arrancar struggled, his form becoming a silhouette within the storm, his movements increasingly sluggish. Then, with a final, piercing cry, Rukia thrust her Zanpakuto forward. A jagged spike of black ice, coated in a layer of dark spiritual energy, materialized and shot towards the Espada, impaling him. He was frozen in place, a grim statue in a sea of swirling darkness.
As quickly as it had formed, the mask on Rukia’s face shattered, its pieces dissolving into ethereal motes that vanished into the air. Her spiritual pressure dropped dramatically, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. She staggered back, her body a tangle of exhaustion and relief, and collapsed into Renji's arms, who had rushed forward to catch her.
Ichigo looked at Rukia, his eyes wide with both astonishment and a newfound respect. For the first time, he fully realized they were all evolving in this never-ending war, crossing lines and breaking barriers to face the unknown.
"Rukia... What the hell happened?" Ichigo muttered, his voice tinged with utter shock
Drained but alive, Rukia looked up at her friends, her eyes conveying a complex mixture of gratitude and warning. They had won this battle, but the war was far from over. Yet, one thing was clear—Rukia Kuchiki was no longer just a Soul Reaper. She was something more, something transcendent of Soul Reapers, and fearsome.
And as they prepared to leave, that realization filled them with both dread and wonder for the inevitable battles that lay ahead.
Rukia knew that her newfound abilities were a double-edged sword, filled with immense power but also perilous instability. Intent on gaining control, she found herself transported to the World of the Living, her feet touching down on familiar soil, yet feeling like a stranger in her own life. With each step toward the secret hideout of the Vizards, her mind oscillated between anticipation and apprehension.
"Didn't expect a Kuchiki to show up here," Shinji said, breaking the ice.
"I need your help," Rukia said. "Are you Shinji?"
The atmosphere was heavy when she entered their lair, the room charged with a mix of suspicion and guarded interest. Though the Vizards were used to shades of gray in their own powers, Rukia had told them how she was first afflicted by the hollowfication and how it came to be. Her unique form of Hollowfication intrigued them.
“That bastard must have perfected that crazy ass experiment of his.” Shinji commented, insulting a man he loathed.
“Can you please teach me how to control the hollow power within me? Ichigo told me you would be able to help me.” After a tense discourse marked by veiled questions and carefully chosen words, Shinji, the Vizard leader, nodded.
"We've never seen a case quite like yours, Kuchiki," he said, breaking the silence. "You got our attention. We'll train you."
Rukia's training was nothing short of grueling. Each day was a kaleidoscope of sweat, determination, and spiritual energy, all blurring together in a never-ending cycle of trial and failure. Their underground training ground became her world, a cavernous space that echoed with the sound of clashing Zanpakuto and the reverberating cries of hollowfied Soul Reapers. It was a symphony of chaos, the perfect setting for her to tame the tempest within her.
Donning her Hollow mask during training exercises, Rukia felt the immediate shift in her abilities. Her movements became swifter, each slice of her Zanpakuto leaving a trail of black icy mist in the air. The cold no longer came just from her blade, but from within her, a seamless blend of her own spiritual energy and the frigid powers offered by her Hollow self.
Shinji watched her intently, his eyes narrowing as he observed her rapid progress. Even among the Vizards, few had shown such a natural affinity for harnessing their dual nature. It wasn't just her skill; it was her unwavering focus, her complete dedication to mastering this chaotic fusion of Soul Reaper and Hollow.
"You're getting the hang of it, Rukia," Shinji finally said one day, sheathing his Zanpakuto. "I gotta say, you’re surprising us all."
His words washed over her, a bittersweet blend of accomplishment and ever-looming challenges. Yet, they fueled her, made her feel an inch closer to the elusive mastery she sought.
Rukia knew this was just the beginning. Understanding her powers was an ongoing journey, one fraught with pitfalls and revelations. But as she looked at her reflection in the steel of her Zanpakuto, her Hollow mask materializing and dematerializing as if in sync with her thoughts, she realized something vital—she was not afraid of what she had become. She was ready to wield it, to integrate this newfound duality into the core of who she was.
And in that moment, surrounded by those who had walked this tumultuous path before her, Rukia felt a sense of belonging, an unexpected camaraderie that transcended her former identity. She was not just a Soul Reaper or a Visored; she was Rukia Kuchiki, a warrior evolving beyond labels and limitations.
As she sheathed Sode no Shirayuki, the black icy mist from its blade swirling around her, Rukia knew she was one step closer to understanding the intricate tapestry of her own soul. And that realization imbued her with both humility and a fierce resolve, as she prepared to face whatever lay ahead, masked or unmasked.
As she ended her training for the day, Rukia reflected on her journey. "I know this is just the beginning," she said, almost to herself. "But thank you, Shinji. Thank you all."
"Don’t mention it," Shinji grinned. "We're all walking this tightrope between two worlds. We Visoreds got to have each others backs." Rukia nodded, her eyes set on the path ahead.
Do you want to read more of my work? I post One-shots on my blog and I post ongoing fanfictions on Ao3 and Fanfiction net.
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lbradf96 · 2 years
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jestself · 1 year
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post-tybw(aka after hisokas moms passing) hiniku copes by subjecting himself to mayuris inhumane experimentation to feel something again, much to hisokas dismay! after some time, mayuri becomes more fond of hiniku and starts making adjustments hed make towards himself (ex: slow introduction of toxic agents to build an immunity, replacement organs, you get the idea.) eventually, kenpachi catches wind of this and after watching hiniku train, he also takes interest in him and his abilities.
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caramelpeppers · 1 year
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Uraichi Week Day 4: Feral
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epraim1992 · 1 day
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I have a theory that Uhara and Aizen used gikon technology for their Hollowfication experiments.
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Aizen was able to grant Shinigami like powers to Hollows.
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What he did is very similar to kaizo konpaku who are designed with different abilities.
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According to Urahara Hollowfication is pouring a Hollow's soul into a Shinigami but we never really saw that method.
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The Hogyoku became the main methodology of Hollowfication and got all the focus.
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I think using Gikon technology is how Aizen created a toxin to turn people into Hollows.
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And is how Urahara created the shineiyaku to temporarily Hollowfy someone.
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The purpose of Hollowfication was to create a new kind of being which Urahara and Aizen was never able to do alone.
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But their experiments came together and had a hand in creation of Ichigo a new kind of being.
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el-yon · 2 years
Hi 🖤 So... I am entertaining the possibility of continuing the adventures of Rukia and Orihime in Pilot AU and I'm overthinking about one future issue. If the basic 1st part of story was more or less the same (Rukia gets sentenced, Ichigo goes to Soul Society, Hogyoku-hogyoku, Aizen something something), what do you think could happen to Orihime in the meantime?
1) She follows the story as a Plus Soul, and her Chain remains whole (or not completely corroded), so after the ordeal ends in Soul Society, she stays there to become a Shinigami
2) She does become a Hollow (i'm thinking Tatsuki situation gets her on overdrive and her chain corrodes), but she remains herself and does not fall to madness, nor goes to Hueco Mundo (there is a possibility here that Urahara eventually builds her a Gigai so she can stay in the Human World)
3) She is able to return to her body, or Urahara builds a special gigai where her soul can jump back into. Due to mix and match factors of the Hogyoku + corrosion of her chain/previous hollow attack and contact, she gets her powers (also in the Tatsuki context) but they have Hollow features
4) Same set as the previous one, but without the Hollow influence
5) Something else? 👀
now that there are polls.... let's give this a try:
i'm not exploiting you to decide for me, hehe, i'm just curious to see what the bleach and orihime appreciation community thinks.
thanks so much 💕🖤✨🥰
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schnuffel-danny · 2 years
One thing I love about being obsessed with Danny Phantom is how easily I can “borrow” concepts from Bleach for AUs or headcanons.
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gyakusama · 1 year
your soul is...stained
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you have bared witness to something unspeakable...as a direct result, your soul has been forever altered. it is still of you, true, but something about it will never be the same...it is off-color────off-kilter, as well. it tilts and spins at an odd, incorrect angle. it tenses at sudden noises. you wish you could forget...everything is so fuzzy and vague, being dead...but the memories persist. just barely. just enough for them to hurt.
tagged by: @za-baransu tagging: you!
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comicchannel · 1 month
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Funko Pop Animation Bleach Ichigo Kurosaki (Vizard Hollow Mask) - 1087
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/46C6axf
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3YG1aFQ
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dykeza · 2 years
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Long haired Shinji O_O
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prinzvonlicht · 2 years
the nerve shuuhei had to tell kensei he had no right to badmouth tousen when tousen literally ruined kensei's life
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doomxdriven · 2 years
"Attempts at..... Hollowfication, with Quincy, have been rather, difficult, thus far. A Quincy can be... Hollowfied, akin to other souls, but keeping them.... alive, afterward, is an issue."
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"It is... unfortunate, that Quincy face this.... roadblock, in their ascension, but I shall find... remedy for it, in the future, surely."
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"Perchance it is... the quality, of my subjects, that is a hindrance-- these, 'Soldat' as they are called, are rather... flimsy things. I do wonder how..... stronger, subjects would fair?"
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muzansfangs · 15 days
Hiii! I hope ur still accepting requests. Recently, an idea has stuck in my head. What about taking bath with Aizen and his s/o? I hope you will accept it!
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Cleanse my soul.
Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader; mention to Shinji Hirako, Kisuke Urahara, Kensei Muguruma, Rojuro Otoribashi, Lisa Yadomaru, Hiyori Sarugaki;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, vaginal fingering, cock-warming, vaginal sex, creampie, fear play, smoking, clit-edging, jealousy, nudity, Lieutenant Aizen, morally grey reader, mention to attempted murder, violence, gore, blood, talks about the future, betrayal, trust issues, turn back the pendolum arc, established relationship;
Plot: He was back, knocking on your door in the dead of the night. His Lieutenant badge had been damaged, the gleam in his chestnut eyes telling you he had succeeded in accomplishing his plan. He always seeked your company, after long days of work and unspeakable crimes committed to chase his dream of becoming a God. You were the only thing he would have never given up to on his climb to the Heaven.
Reading by the window to distract yourself, you had watched in agitation the way your Captain had left the barracks to investigate on the sudden disappearence of Kensei Muguruma and and some members of his squad. Your stomach churned, apprehension leaving space to the mournful feeling of being forced to accept a brutal reality no one else in your Division was prepared for: at the end of the night, you were either going to say goodbye to Hirako Shinji, your Captain, or to Sosuke Aizen, his Lieutenant, your boyfriend.
No one else knew what was really happening, besides you, Kaname Tosen and Gin Ichimaru, the young prodigy Sosuke seemed to be so enthusiastic about. The secrets you harbored behind your soft smile, when you conversed with your friends, as if you had not just witnessed to some poor inhabitants of the Rukongai vanishing before you wary eyes, when you lied for him, when you cradled his face in your hands and reassured him everything was going to be okay, when he silently pleaded you to cleanse his soul by fucking you up against a wall and telling you the world was soon going to acclaim you their queen, were slowly consuming you up from the inside like acid sizzling the delicate walls of your stomach.
Despite that, you had chosen him above anything and anyone else. You were the priest absolving him from the sins he kept on staining his soul with for the sake of his ideals. The real question was: who cleansed your soul?
You often queried whether his efforts to keep your hands clean were actually successful. You were not innocent. You were guilty as well. You had just betrayed the Soul Society and your friends. Your idle tongue was as sharp as Sosuke’s blade. You wondered how many of your friends had already fallen by your boyfriend’s hand. A massacre was taking place outside and there you were, safe in your dorm and hoping Kisuke Urahara was not going to disrupt your lover’s plans.
Someone knocking on your door made you flinch, back straightening as a ramrod as you settled your book down on the ebony desk, careful not to make a sound. What if Sosuke had failed? Maybe he had sold you off too, after being arrested. The mere thought of your beloved boyfriend throwing you to the wolves made chills run down your spine and your mouth turn to chalk. Would Sosuke really do such a thing to you? You wondered, once again, if he loved you as much as you did.
You mentally rebuked yourself for assuming the worst. Sosuke loved you. Why were you doubting his feelings for you? Probably, you were just projecting onto your relationship the ominous feelings, swallowing you in a whirlwind of fear and anxiety, that you experienced when you watched him work cold-heartedly, sacrificing souls, to the chilling phenomen known as Hollowfication.
Your hand reached for your zanpakuto, your bare feet sliding onto the wooden floor without making a sound, just like he had taught you throughout the years you had spent together. You took a sharp intake of breath, tightening your grip on the hilt of your katana until your knuckles turned white. The visitor was masterly suppressing their reiatsu, making it impossible to detect their presence and identify who they were. You knew what you had to do, in case Sosuke’s failed and the guards went after you. Killing comrades, however, was entirely different from massacring Hollows. You were a shinigami, not an assassin. If the person knocking on your door was not your boyfriend, your blade was going to drip viscous, crimson blood of a shinigami.
Hiding your katana behind your back, you slided the door open, ready to become a full-fledged traitress. The lean frame occupying the threshold made you discard the blade onto the floor instinctively, the sound of the weapon clattering against the parquet echoing in the silent night, as your hands clutched the fabric of Sosuke’s shihakushō and pulled him inside. He had come back safe and sound.
It only meant one thing: the Fifth Division had lost its Captain.
You relished the bittersweet taste of happiness achieved through betrayal, when you smashed your lips onto his, hand scrambling to your side to slide the door shut. Yet, you had learnt to be selfish, you had grown familiar with the sensation of enjoying moments of peace and unbridled excitement, when other people were in pain. Sosuke held you close to his chest, his hands cupping your cheeks as he kissed you back with equal fervor. His hair were disheveled, the badge indicating his status of Lieutenant was gone, the black fabric of his uniform torn in some parts, dirt dusted his clothes and visage.
“Are you hurt?” you dared murmuring against his lips, ignoring the way he was already trying to disrobe you.
“Unscathed. — he shortly informed you — But I could use a bath” he added, mouth voraciously assaulting the crook of your neck, whilst you were attempting to make a small conversation to know details about his victory.
However, right now, when you were in his arms and his teeth were nipping at your tender flesh, Sosuke did not seem to give a iota about further explanations. He had won. He had promised to come back to you and there he was, pushing you towards the bathroom, heedless of the corners biting onto your sides as he forced you to stumble backwards to reach the destination he had chosen for you two to spend the rest of the night at.
You winced pathetically against his lips, the chilly, wintry air blowing through the small, wide-open window of your bathroom leaving goosebumps on your now naked shoulderblades. The rustle of your clothes landing onto the floorboard accompanied you to the edge of the bath, as he finally let go of you and began to undress himself before your glossy, dreamy eyes.
No matter how many times you had traced the outlines of his abs with your lips, or fingertips, every single time his body was bared for you to contemplate you lost any cognitive capacity of thinking straight. Sosuke had always got you in a chokehold from the day you first met at the Academy.
He was that kind of man who outfoxed everyone around him, the sweet-natured guy with glasses no one would have ever accused of committing bloodcurdling felonies. Sosuke Aizen was far from being an ordinary man, some stranger easy to forget about. He had captivated you effortlessly in the palms of his hands, like a clueless butterfly delicately landing on the fruity, multicolored petals of a carnivorous plant only to be devoured to the bone. You had become one with him.
You realized you had been fantasizing about him again only when his hand reached for you chin, forcing you to crane up your neck and meet his gaze. His glasses were gone, his beautiful chestnut brown eyes boring into yours in anticipation as he brushed his thumb over your cheek “Focus on me” he commanded, his words no longer sugar-coated, the typical honeyed tone slipping out of his mouth when he talked to you absent.
His ravenous side strived to take over, evidently. He desired you like a helpless shipwrecked person hoped to find water in a deserted island, adrift amidst the salty water of the Ocean.
Seldomly you had recognized the diabolic gleam in his eyes outside the safe walls of your dorms. His lust, his thirst for power, his greed and ambitions were never showcased in his ever so kind eyes, the same pretty eyes bewitching you right now. Sosuke was the incarnation of the infamous wolf in sheep’s clothing. He had people bamboozled, unable to see him as nothing less than a noble, proficient and polite man minding his business and even reprimanding his Captain for the sake of his Division.
A man with leardship, but uncapable of doing any harm.
Perhaps, it was because you knew him so intimately that his demons had grown familiar with yours that you often asked yourself if you were a mere pawn in his hands, a pretty diamond pin to wear in order to fool people about his real intentions. You hesitated, a small frown creasing your forehead as you watched Sosuke impassibly stare at you in confusion.
“Tell me something, Sosuke. — you started, miraculously modulating your voice in a firm but soft tone — Are you going to abandon me, once the world will be in your hands?”.
His eyes clouded over for a moment, your stomach churning in apprehension. What if you had ruined it all? You impudent mouth, your lips quivering in fright, your heart pumping fast in your chest had revealed you were scared of losing him, or to be fair, of him.
Sosuke’s jaw clenched, his other hand gripping your hip to push you back towards the cool edge of the tub, the still warm water sparkling under the moonlight dimly enlightening the room “When the world will be nothing but a possession of mine, I will give it to you” he stated, making your stomach somersault.
Regrets for having even asked him such a silly question gnawed at your stomach, guilty conscience weighing on your shoulders like a heavy read. You blinked a few times in a row, watching as your boyfriend sidestepped you to climb into the tub. The sound of the water splashing onto the floor, overflowing from the edge, filled the air. Sosuke leaned his back against the bath, arms comfortably positioned on each side of it, penetrative gaze commanding you to join him.
Resisting was impossible. Entering the water, you snuggled into his chest, your back adhering to his firm abs as your neck reclined. Your hair tickled his chin, his jawline, his eyes closing to finally relax. He would have never admitted it, but you could tell he was exhausted. Even Kings needed to slack off, to ignore their duties and enjoy the small moments of bliss their life granted them.
“I need you to believe in me” he spoke out then, velvet voice playing the chords of your heart, as you swallowed thickly.
“I believe in you”.
“Then don’t doubt my love for you. Never” he asked of you tiredly, his arms now leisurely encircling your waist to bring your body closer to his, skin to skin, his mouth gliding down the curve of your neck.
You hummed, thighs parting, when his hand slipped further down your body, disappearing underneath the translucent water “I’m sorry. But this is all so scary, Sosuke. I was afraid—”.
“Afraid of what? That you mattered less than glory and honorifics?”.
You squeezed your eyes shut, his deft fingers parting your dewy folds as if they were a syrupy fig for him to feast on, the scene reminding you of a depraved bucolic lyric about a Greek, Attic shepherd corrupting a modest nymph by a river. A blasphemy you were condoning sheepishly.
The moans you let out were not the answers he was trying to coax you to pronounce “Answer me” he pressed.
“N-No!” you stammered, hips rocking as he plunged a finger into your tight hole, causing him to pull it out and gently pinching on your clit. While the action obviously did not hurt you, it sent waves of electricity running through your body. You jolted onto your seat, toes curling as you lolled your head back onto his shoulder.
Sosuke’s teeth nibbled onto your earlobe, before he hushed you “Hush, love. Can you just recall what I have taught you? Provide me a good argumentation and I won’t prolong this torture further” he whispered, his brown eyes shifting to a small cabinet at his right, making his blood boil in his veins.
Why did you still keep such an object in your house?
Were you maybe going behind his back? Were you actually siding with that frowsy scientist he had taken care of nearly an hour ago? Kisuke Urahara would have not been a problem anymore, whatever was the reason behind your injudicious decision of discarding that water-pipe in such a place for his eyes to see. A small test of your loyalty would have sufficed to prove how deeply you cared for him, to understand whether your devotion was pure and solely on him, or not.
Hazy, you clasped your hand over your mouth to muffle out another whimper threatening to erupt from your throat. Rationality left your body, when he touched you. How were you supposed to force your brain to properly function, when Sosuke was flicking your throbbing clitoris torturously between his thumb and index? Despite that, you knew damn well the only solution to your problem was doing exactly what he had said.
Tears prickling in your expressive eyes, you pushed your knees together, only for Sosuke to chide you and run his fingers through your drenched hair. His nails scraped your scalp ever so lightly, but it was enough to stop your futile struggle.
“You have such a pretty mouth, darling. Let me hear your voice, hm?” he mumbled, one of his arms sliding around your abdomen and pulling you flush against him while the other pinched your clitoris again.
You squealed out in overstimulation, your body too sensitive to endure more of this edging. It was his usual wicked game of power and self-control. Sosuke was in command, yet he made sure you always had your chance to make his ministrations cease. All you had to do was playing your part, like a pretty ballerina moving under his instructions. A false step and you sprained your ankle.
You huffed, cheeks heating up in embarrassment and shame for your total lack of backbone, when it came done to him “A Goddess shall never be afraid” you blurted out, sinking further into the water as a satisfied hum resonated from behind you.
True to his words, he stopped playing with your pearl, fingers merely delving into your pussy instead. Scissoring them gently into your warm cavern, Sosuke pressed his lips against your nape, eyes darkening in lust and a something shady you had failed to see due to your position.
“That’s right. You’re the future wife of a God. No matter how powerful and cruel a divinity is… — he started, one of his hand reaching out to grasp that water-pipe irking him to no end — A man is nothing without his woman” he finished, inspecting the smoking device between his fingers.
His words had left you breathless, your inner walls squeezing his fingers as you writhed in his arms. Your moans echoed in your small dorm, probably the shinigamis in the backyard had heard you too, but you did not care, nor did him. They knew better than coming after the Lieutenant’s girlfriend.
The respect he had gained through the years surpassed even the one your comrades had for the late Shinji Hirako.
Your eyelids had shut, relishing into the way he fingered you so deliciously, and your mouth was hanging open to release those shamelessly high-pitched cries of pleasure he loved so much. The hard wood of the pipe resting against your bottom lip, though, made your eyes snap open again.
Dread washed over you, as Sosuke’s fingers tangled your hair, yanking them back harshly “You still keep his gifts. Smoke for me then. Smoke to celebrate his incoming downfall, darling” he crooned, your blood running cold in your veins as he gripped your wrist and directed your hand up to make you grab the object yourself.
Yout shaky hands did wrap around it, teary eyes meeting his cold ones “S-Sosuke, I am sorry! I just forgot to throw it away, I promise” you apologized profusely, watching how he softly smiled at you and prompted you to raise your hips enough for him to impale you onto his cock.
“I know you did. — he cooed, the bulbous head of his shaft stretching your aching hole, as you languidly looked at him and whimpered as he buried himself deep into your welcoming core — I suggest you to smoke in his honor one last time, darling. Cry for his departure” he whispered, mouth leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down the curve of your neck.
And you mourned Kisuke’s fate. Oh, you did it so convincingly, for after cock-warming your beloved boyfriend for a while he then began to thrust into you in hard, punishing thrusts making you sob tears of pleasure. You hiccuped, blurry vision, smoke filling your lungs, as you exaled through your nostrils.
Body sore, heat overflowing with Sosuke’s hot seed, you collapsed against chest. His arms held you close to him, as he watched the device sink into the now murky water, forgotten forever like the destiny of all those Captains and Lieutenants who had been unlucky to cross his path.
Hello there! Uhm, I feel too ashamed to say anything about this. If it is not toxic, it’s not Sosuke to me. Ah, my first red flag crush… Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I adored writing it!
Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated!
Until next,
TAGS: @onyxino @velaenaa @villainsrtasty @stygianoir @noirfan12 @bucciaratizippers @linkwho1 @0wh1te0 @bakugosgirl01 @persuasivus because I think you might enjoy it💫
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dooblebugss · 2 months
Just gotta say I love basically everything about your hollowfables fics, but I think the way you write Mothiva is particularly funny. Pretty privilege might just be real because Mothiva makes me believe in woman's wrongs, but when I read her lines and actions in your fics, I feel that "I can't keep defending you bestie" emotion that I feel from the real game. A very entertaining feeling I must say. Keep up the great work.
Strangely, the dialogue for the BF bugs just comes...easier? I'm unsure why...but thank you! She's terrible <3
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