#holly the german shepherd
amys2885 · 9 months
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A gift for a friend
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valhelos · 1 year
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AU time! Artemis Fowl + GNG crossover! They're now doggos.
And of course, Julius lived AU.
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orangedogsquad · 4 months
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Still working on our poses
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slverblood · 7 months
listen . . . I get the golden retriever Aylin stuff, but I respectfully disagree. she is more of a german shepherd to me.
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bollyhollybaba · 2 years
ਵੇਖੋ ਕਿਵੇਂ 1 ਕੁੱਤੇ ਨੇ ਜੱਟ ਨੂੰ ਰਾਤੋ ਰਾਤ ਬਣਾਤਾ ਕਰੋੜਪਤੀ😳ਪਿੰਡ ਤੇ ਇਲਾਕੇ ਚ ਹੋਗ...
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Evermore: Part. 2
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A/N: Hello! I just wanted to thank everyone who has read and commented on the last chapter! That truly means a lot to me.
Warnings: There aren't many warnings, but to have tissues ready. It's been hard to write without crying every sentence.
Before I shut up, I just wanted to thank my lovely besties here. @hollybee8917 ! She made this wonderful mood board and edited this chapter! So thank you, babes!
Your alarm clock buzzed, and you moaned. You barely gotten any sleep and you didn’t want to get up. But you had to, because today wasn’t just an ordinary day. Today was a big day. Before you could even get up, the door opened and the sounds of tippy taps were heard. You smiled, and the sound of sniffing and then the 80 lbs. Alaskan Malamute/German Shepherd pup jumped onto the bed.
“Alright Sarg!” You said as he gave you wet kisses. You then pushed Sarg off, and he jumped off. It was a chilly, winter morning, so you grabbed your sweater and the moment you placed it on, you smiled. The scent of Bergamot and Vanilla filled your nose.
“In a few more hours, honey.” You said to yourself and wondered what he was up to.
And on cue, your phone rang and you quickly grabbed it and slid the green button.
Hi angel.
You smiled to yourself, “Hello Mr. Levinson, did you sleep well? And I thought you weren’t supposed to call me sir?”
You heard Ari laugh and you let out a giggle. He replied, “I did, surprisingly. And I know, I know. Andy forbade me from calling you. But I can’t go a day without hearing your voice. Even if it’s just for a brief moment.”
And that is true. Ever since you were 16, Ari would have called you. You weren’t dating then, but him being your best friend since you were teens, nothing could sway him from talking to you.
You scratched your head, “Is everything okay, Ari?”
“In all honesty? No. I couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Aww baby, is everything alright?”
“No, because you’re not here.”
A sad sight slipped from your lips, “How do I make everything okay?”
Ari laughed, “Oh angel, it will be in a few hours when you become Mrs. Levinson.”
The sound of that made your heart jump for joy. That is true. You heard Andy in the background, and you laughed.
Well, Mrs. Soon-to-be Levinson, I’ve got to go. But I’ll see you in a few hours. I love you.
You smiled, “Love you too, Mr. Levinson.”
You hung up, and Sarg jumped onto the bed, giving you a bark.
“Alright! I’m going, I’m going!” You said, getting up and heading out.
A few hours later…
You stood in front of the mirror, making sure that everything was in place. Your hair was perfect, makeup was just the way you wanted it. A knock was heard and you turned around to see your college best friend Holly. In her hands was your bouquet of white, dark magenta pink, and baby pink Roses.
“You got something new and borrowed. But something is missing.” Holly said, as she placed your bouquet down and a small box appeared. You had curious eyes as your friend strolled towards you. The box opened, and you gasped.
A diamond pendant.
“I told Ari no expensive gifts!” You say, running your fingertips against the necklace.
“He knew you would have said that,” Holly said and handed you a small card. You placed the box down and opened the card.
I had a feeling that you would say something about the gift. I know we decided not to give expensive gifts, but you deserve it. Hell, you deserve everything in this world. I love you, Mrs. Levinson.
You smiled and sighed.
“Let’s put on.” You say. You took the necklace and placed it around your neck.
The limo pulled up in front of St. Cecilia Catholic Church. The car came to a complete stop, and you took a deep breath and sighed. Then the door opened, and your best friend Holly came out, then your parents. You handed Holly your bouquet and got yourself out. It’s only been 30 minutes, and your feet are already hurting from the heels that you are wearing. You hated them, but Holly and your mother insisted you wear them. Thank the lord you brought your flats, and you would be changing into them after the ceremony. 
You fidgeted nervously as you stood in front of the double doors. With your dad next to you and your arm linked to his, he looked down at you, “Ready, Squirt?”
You giggled, knowing that was your nickname since you were a kid.
“I am daddy. And dad?” You asked.
“What is it?” He asked. 
You placed your hand on top of his and smiled, “Thank you for everything.” 
Your dad smiled and patted your hand. And with that, the doors opened, and everyone stood up. Your hands started to shake as the music started playing Yiruma’s Moments and you started to walk down the aisle. You shook a little until you looked towards the altar and your beloved Ari was looking back at you. The way he smiled at you made your heart soar. He was looking mighty fine. He wore his Army uniform, with his saber by his side. His thick beard and the way his long fluffy hair brought a smile to your face once more. (You had only a few months with him before he was deployed back to South Carolina for training new recruits) 
When you reached the front, your dad released your hand and placed it into Ari’s. You then stepped forward and faced Ari.
“Hi Angel,” Ari whispered. 
You wiped your tears and smiled, “Hi, Ari Bear.”
Wandering around the venue with a glass of wine in your hands, you spoke with guests. As you did, you looked over to the other side of the hall to see your now husband heading towards you. You handed your glass to Holly and by the time you did, Ari was in front you with his hand out. You placed yours into his and he took you to the middle of the dance floor. Ari gave the DJ a nod and a familiar tune came on. You looked up at Ari and he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat, “Is this-“
“Me and You?” 
Ari said, “Yes it is.”
Tears slipped down your cheeks and you placed your head against his chest.
“Everyday I live
Try my best to give
All I have to you
Thank the stars above
That we share this love
Me and You”
“You looked so beautiful walking down the aisle.” Ari whispered into your ear. 
“You knew that I liked your thick beard.” You said, as you still both swayed to the music.
Those are the exact words he has always said to you when he would write you letters, or send you flowers. But hearing him singing them to you made it even more special. You thank the stars that he came into your life. You then looked towards him and reached up to kiss him, “I love you.”
Ari kissed you once more, “I love you more.” 
You strolled with Sam by your side as you went towards Ari. Everything around you seemed like a blur, and nothing existed. Your heart was beating and breaking all at the same time by the time you got to his casket. You let go of Sam’s arm and stood for a moment, looking. But the second you placed your hand on top of the flag, everything went south with your emotions. Your tears, your feelings, your love for Ari, it all hit you. You placed your head down onto the coffin and balled your fists tightly. 
“Ari, I’m here now.” You whisper. 
You felt a hand behind you, and you knew that it was Andy.  
“Y/N, they have to retrieve him now,” Andy told you. 
You placed a kiss on top of the flag, and you stepped back, even if it was hurting. You held on to Andy, tears still coming down, and you watched on as your husband was being placed into the Hearst. The moment the door closed, Andy led you back to the car so you could go to the funeral home.
Good evening. I'm Jason Austel from NBC Boston. We start this evening with some upsetting news. A local hero, US Army Captain Ari Levinson from Concord, died today. He was deployed overseas and was in the Humvee when a bomb exploded in the car in front of them. He is survived by his wife and his 5-month-old daughter.
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bluegekk0 · 7 months
This is based on the last ask, but using real world bite forces how strong would Fpks(and other) bite forces be?
Here are some bite forces:
Lions have a bite force of 650psi, Cane Corsos have a bite force of 700 psi, grizzly bears have a psi of 975, hyenas have a psi of 1100, gorillas have a psi of 1300, hippos have a psi of 1800, and the strongest bite force is a saltwater crocodile(3700 psi) and a great white shark (4000 psi)
Would anyone's bite force go that high?
I don't think FPK's bite force would go anywhere close to these. I think it would be comparable to a medium dog, maybe similar to a German Shepherd (it can range quite a bit, but let's say 240 psi in this case just to compare to the numbers you listed). Since he's still quite small next to an average person, that would be incredibly strong for a creature his size and enough to easily chew through even the strongest shells of the animals he hunts (most of which are either similar in size to him, or smaller).
I'm not sure about the others, but they would be considerably weaker than his. Grimm can bite quite hard but the difference would be very noticeable, and their kids would be somewhere in between. Same for Hornet, Holly doesn't count since they don't have jaws, and Zote would have a very weak bite.
So for numbers, let's say around 220 psi for FPK, maybe 160ish for Grimm? Their kids when fully grown would range between 150 (Milo) and 180 (Asta) psi, and Hornet's would be around 120 psi, perhaps? I don't know, it's really hard to visualize that since they're not actually real. Maybe those numbers are way too high, I don't know. All I know is that FPK can bite very hard, though nowhere near lion or hyena hard. He's still pretty small after all, so while his bite could probably break a person's bone (especially smaller bones), it can't compare to the examples listed. But in his world? That's a whole different story.
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Hello holly! 💌 for the dog breed ask :)
hi agnes !!! i associate u with a very classic sort of energy bc u seem like someone who knows what u want and need and u keep to urself about it .... i think u would also be a working breed bc its not u if its not an intelligent dog .... definitely a mid sized breed because from what i know there isnt a disconnect between how u hold ur energy around u and how u relate to different spaces .... to me u r a german shepherd!!! one of my favorite breeds <3 i grew up with a lot of shepherds around theyre very serious but they also have an inner sense of joy and whimsy that makes them a little bit goofy .... super sweet and intelligent dogs !
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swimmingwolf59 · 7 years
On a Raven’s Black Wing Chapter 2
Ronan doesn’t know what brings him back to the pet store, but here he is.
Okay, no, that’s a lie, and Ronan doesn’t lie – especially not to himself. He’s here because the fucking guy working at the pet store who is too beautiful for comprehension made him forget most of what he’d come in to buy yesterday, so Ronan had to suck it up and come back.
When he came back to Monmouth with nothing but two bags of birdfeed and a dazed expression on his face, Gansey had of course questioned him about it. Ronan wasn’t ready to answer the question how could you have forgotten almost everything, as he was hardly even out to himself, so he’d just shrugged before holing himself up in his room for hours.
He’d eventually come back out for food, and when he did Gansey had taken a spectacular record of two seconds to convince him that he needed to go back.
He was better off not knowing that there was another boy, a dusty-haired adorable boy that was much better at convincing him to go back.
And that guy didn’t even have to try.
Before Ronan actually goes inside the pet store the second time, though, he spends a ridiculously long time sitting in his car in the parking lot, chewing on his wristbands. He can see that boy moving around in the shop windows, his fucking adorable German Shepherd following him around as he goes. Ronan sits there for about ten minutes watching him, feeling like a creep, and curses the boy the entire time.
He’s spent his whole life up to this point denying what his body had always known to be true, keeping it such a tight secret that he hadn’t even really consciously known until recently. He’d vehemently denied himself from ever wondering why he found himself looking at broad shoulders instead of boobs, at day-old stubble instead of makeup. Maybe he would’ve gone on denying it forever if that fucking guy in the fucking pet store wasn’t so goddamn beautiful.
He wouldn’t have had to go into the pet store at all if it wasn’t for the dumbass bird poking through an abandoned chip bag in the backseat. While Chainsaw is one of the best things he’s ever taken out of his dreams, it had quickly become evident that he didn’t have the means to take care of her. So that night, while Gansey was also racked with insomnia, they sat together in the giant replica of Henrietta and looked up nearby stores that could give Ronan what he needed to make sure Chainsaw, a warm heartbeat cupped in his hands, survived. And that had led him to the only pet store in the entire town, a small, shabby looking place running along the main street that Gansey had been quick to add to his model, for future reference he insisted.
Ronan hadn’t expected much when he’d finally mustered up the energy to go, but he definitely hadn’t expected to walk in and find a cute boy completely passed out at the cash register. Ronan’s heart had stuttered so hard that Chainsaw had cawed a concerned Kerah? at him, and it made him angry. He had enough shit to deal with without getting a fucking boner over the guy running the pet store.
And so, of course when the boy jolted awake and sent him that completely adorable sleepy smile, Ronan had no choice but to glower back in an attempt to hide how flustered he was.
And, like everything else in his life, the rest of the trip was a complete disaster. He’d hoped to run through the store, grab everything he needed, and check out in as short of a time as possible so he wouldn’t have time to focus on the shape of the employee’s cheekbones or the broad expanse of his shoulder blades, not that he’d noticed any of that in the first place. But of course, Chainsaw had to ruin it; knocking all of that shit on the ground, forcing him into an interaction with that cute boy that Ronan had had no idea how to handle. It’s his default to be an asshole, but for once in his life he hadn’t wanted to be; he wanted to be witty and charming, like his dad used to be, to leave a good impression on the boy who was forcefully dragging him out of the closet. But apparently when he was so flustered he hardly knew what to say, the only things that could come out of his mouth were jabs and insults, his defensive walls rising so quickly and thoroughly around him that he wouldn’t have been able to lower them even if he’d tried.
Instead of coming off as interesting and attractive, he’d just been a grade A asshole. And he’s pretty sure he pissed that boy off, ruining anything that could’ve been.
Which is probably for the best, as Ronan seriously doubts there would’ve been anything, anyway.
It doesn’t stop him from thinking about that boy’s laugh when he’d seen Chainsaw and the German Shepherd playing tug of war together, which had nearly killed him yesterday and seems no better for his heart today. It doesn’t stop him from thinking about how warm that boy’s hands had been when their fingers had brushed awkwardly during the credit card exchange. It doesn’t stop him from thinking about how he’s going to have to go in there again and that he’s probably going to make a giant fool of himself. It doesn’t stop him from thinking that he really doesn’t want to make a bad impression this time.
Goddammit, why does this have to be so hard? Why can’t he just not care what that damn boy thinks, like with everybody else? What happened to his cool, nonchalant façade, the one that’s brave enough to flaunt into that pet store like nothing happened yesterday instead of sitting in his car like a loser?
He’s borderline panicking, so much so that he almost calls Gansey. However, he has no idea where his phone is and just the thought of a Dad Talk is enough to get him to muster his courage and finally get out of the damn car.
When he walks into the pet shop, that unfairly beautiful employee has settled at the ferret pen, kneeling as he apparently tries to clean their enclosure. “Tries” isn’t anything against the employee’s skill, as he seems to be stubbornly cleaning to the best of his ability under the given circumstances, but more to the fact that the ferrets are literally trying to climb up his arms. The ferrets seem overjoyed that the employee has come to play with them, their tails puffed up and their vocalizations nearly deafening with all of them squeaking at once. Two of the ferrets are dancing around, pouncing on the employee’s hands and trying to pinch the loose skin there while the other three bound up and down his arms, squeaking and rolling each other playfully.
They’re painfully cute, and Ronan finds himself smiling at their antics. When his eyes trail upwards, however, his heart clenches painfully at the happy and amused little smile on the employee’s face. He hadn’t smiled at all yesterday and it’s slowly wrecking Ronan just seeing it now. He just about dies when the employee makes little kissy faces at the ferrets, his voice pitched ridiculously high like humans so often do when talking to overexcited animals, “Hey guys, did you miss me? I missed you!”
Jesus fuck. Ronan feels like he’s going to keel over if he has to watch this any longer, so he forces himself to move along, his face burning. As he attempts to casually pass by the employee, hoping to God that he’s too involved with the ferrets to notice him, he side-eyes him and catches a glimpse of his nametag. Adam, it says.
Chainsaw flutters restlessly in the crook of his elbow, and he strokes her beak to calm her as he stalks towards the birdfeed aisle. He bought more than any bird would ever need yesterday, but he hopes that the other things he needs are also down this aisle. As they turn the corner, he hisses lowly to Chainsaw so that the store attendant—Adam— can’t hear. “If you knock a bunch of birdseed onto the floor again I’m sending you back to the dream world!”
She just chortles, as if that’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard, before hopping onto his shoulder and ducking into the hood of Ronan’s hoodie. It’s her favorite hiding spot, and Ronan wouldn’t be at all surprised if one day he flipped up the hood and a pile of bird shit and food scraps came showering down onto his head. Either that or she’ll eventually dig her way through the fabric, with how eagerly she picks at the threads.  
He thinks about flipping his hood up suddenly just to mess with her when a soft voice behind him makes him jump. “Can I help you?”
He spins around. It’s Adam – of course it is. There’s no one else in the store. He grimaces; he’d really been hoping he could avoid another confrontation. “Just browsing.”
It’s not technically a lie, as Ronan is browsing, having taken one look at Adam and completely forgetting what he’d come in to buy.  
Adam raises an eyebrow, which only serves to draw Ronan’s attention to the adorable splash of freckles across the bridge of his nose. Fuck! Why did he have to embarrass himself in front of the cutest fucking guy ever?! The beginnings of a smirk twitch Adam’s lips upwards, apparently amused by Ronan’s struggle. “Oh? Since you were just here yesterday I assumed you forgot something.”
“I did. A birdcage. For this asshole.” He indicates Chainsaw, as if it wasn’t obvious, and then feels incredibly stupid. He’s relieved to have at least remembered one thing, but he has still managed to forget what the rest of what he’d forgotten to get yesterday was, which really only proves how unstable his mind is at the moment. It doesn’t help that he’d barely slept, and when he had he’d brought a half-dead night terror back with him that he’d then had to kill and bury in the yard, all without waking Gansey.  
“You didn’t have the supplies for her already?” Adam seems surprised, and Ronan glowers.
“I just found her a couple of days ago.”
Adam’s eyebrows shoot up. “You found her? Like on the side of the road?”
Ronan doesn’t lie, but he can’t tell the truth either, so he just continues to glower. Adam seems to take his silence as a confirmation, which Ronan is more than happy to let him believe. Adam frowns as he reaches up to gently stroke his finger against the soft feathers along Chainsaw’s beak. His hand is unreasonably close to the back of Ronan’s neck, making him involuntarily shudder. He expects Chainsaw to caw out a warning, like she does at Gansey, but instead she leans into the touch, making a low, content croaking sound in her throat.
Ronan is dumbfounded.
“You’re not supposed to pick up baby birds if they’ve fallen out of their nest in case their mother is still around,” Adam says. Ronan nearly growls at him, but the other boy continues before he can, “Have you taken her to the vet at least? To make sure she’s alright?”
He knows for a fact that she’s alright, as she had come out of his head, and even if she wasn’t no vet would be able to help her, but he can’t say that either. His silence is again apparently telling, and Adam’s frown pinches his forehead into cute little lines that Ronan is trying very hard not to stare at. Eventually he holds out his hand to Chainsaw. “Can I…?”
Usually Ronan would say no, but Chainsaw has already shown that she doesn’t mind Adam’s presence, and to be honest Ronan doesn’t either. So he angles his back towards Adam’s hand, encouraging the baby raven to hop out of the hood and onto Adam’s wrist. She carefully rubs her beak along his large knuckles, which Ronan suddenly notices with an aching and alarming shoot of arousal.
While Adam inspects Chainsaw, Ronan inspects Adam��s hands, following scars up and down his long fingers and staring at the rough and raw beauty of his wrists. He half-listens to Adam rambling on about signs for bird illness, too caught up in watching as Adam’s slightly crooked fingers, as if they’d been broken before, gently lift Chainsaw’s wings, apparently checking if she has any lumps on her body or overly ruffled feathers. After finding nothing, he leans in closer to Chainsaw’s face to check her eyes or some shit like that. Ronan in turn checks out Adam’s eyes, wondering about the odd but attractive blue color of them. He wonders what would happen if he said they were pretty, but is luckily distracted from that horrible thought as Adam uses a scarred finger to pet Chainsaw’s head, smiling as the raven croaks and leans into his touch.
Ronan suddenly feels like he has to sit down. The intimacy of watching Adam’s beautiful hands inspect his mind’s creation feels too intense to handle.
“She looks okay, but you should really get her checked out just in case,” Adam says eventually, breaking Ronan out of his reverie. He holds up his hand so Chainsaw can hop onto Ronan’s shoulder, which the raven does happily before burrowing herself into the crook of Ronan’s neck. Her body is warm and her heartbeat is soothing against his skin; he focuses on her presence to ground himself before he drowns in the expanse of Adam’s freckles. There’s even one right in the center of the knuckle of his thumb, which really shouldn’t be as cute as it is.
Fucking hell.
“Anyway, you said you needed a birdcage, right? We have several to choose from.” Adam walks off down the aisle and Ronan follows after him in a daze. He can’t focus, and walking behind Adam is definitely not helping that. His gaze is so obviously focused downwards that for a moment he doesn’t even notice that Adam has stopped walking, almost crashing into him. “What kind of cage were you looking for? Flight cage, dometop, classic?”
When Ronan just stares blankly at him, Adam rolls his eyes before focusing on Chainsaw, studying her. “Your raven is definitely the active type and she seems to enjoy lots of interaction, so you’ll want a dometop or a playtop… And since you found her outdoors, she’ll want to be outside more often than not, so you should probably get a playtop. And a pretty big one, since a raven’s wingspan can grow to almost five feet…”
Ronan doesn’t have an inkling of an idea how to contribute to this conversation, so he just lets Adam continue rambling as he reaches up to finger the various cages lined along the wall. Ronan definitely doesn’t watch the way his back muscles stretch as he does. “These ones are the most solid construction-wise, which I think would be good for such an active raven… This one has larger access doors, but this one comes with convenient feeder doors…”
Suddenly Adam turns to Ronan inquisitively. “Do you prefer swing-out doors or hinged doors?”
Ronan raises an eyebrow and shrugs. “Do I look like I give a fuck?”
What he doesn’t say is that he could listen to Adam ramble on and on for hours.
Adam frowns at that, and Ronan maybe feels guilty. Just a little bit. “You should give a fuck, since she’s your fucking raven.”
He has the guts to stand up to him; Ronan is deeply impressed. He didn’t think he would find someone brave enough to fight back with him in the dusty corners of Henrietta. “…Just pick what you think is best.”
Adam looks like he’s contemplating how best to murder Ronan for a moment before turning back to the birdcages. His brow is furrowed even more than before, as if he’d been given the biggest puzzle of his life, as he mutters to himself and examines each one of the birdcages. Chainsaw starts to fuss on Ronan’s shoulder, ruffling her wings and starting to make strange clucking sounds in the back of her throat. Having come prepared, Ronan digs a chip out of the cluttered expanse of his sweatshirt pocket and tosses it up in the air, watching her black wings stretch gracefully as she leaps into the air to reach for it. She clasps the chip in her beak before landing on the shelf near Adam’s head, depositing it onto the shelf and pecking at it curiously.
Ronan watches her fondly before realizing that Adam is done picking out a cage and is staring at him strangely. Feeling embarrassed again, Ronan clears his throat and forces himself to meet the other boy’s gaze head on. Adam’s eyebrow rises slightly before he says, “Is there anything else?”
Adam helps Ronan pick out some perches to go in the cage, some cleaning supplies for the cage, a water dish, and a large variety of little toys for Chainsaw, including a tattered blanket with a hamburger on it (“because she’s American,” Ronan had insisted, when Adam had rolled his eyes at the selection) for her to peck to pieces instead of Ronan’s sweatshirt, before they’re finally heading to the register. Ronan has been long ready to leave, as he seriously thinks that being in Adam’s presence for this long is giving him heart disease. Adam’s eye rolls are addicting with how attractive he is when he does it, and his little smirks whenever Ronan says or does something stupid is almost too much to handle.
Ronan needs to get out of here as quickly as possible so he can lie down somewhere and contemplate the complicated direction his life has taken. Or scream and throw things at the wall. Whichever.
As Adam’s ringing him up, his adorable dog comes out from behind the counter, wagging her tail as she looks up at Ronan expectedly. Ronan grins upon seeing her; he’s always loved dogs, ever since he was a child. He loves all animals really, a result of his upbringing on a farm no doubt where countless of dogs and other animals ran around the grounds at all times.
He’s especially always had a soft spot for German Shepherds, however.
Carefully kneeling down, he reaches out to scratch behind the dog’s ears. It’s only as he pats down her neck, however, that he notices the service-dog vest strapped around her torso. He freezes for a second, frowning in confusion. He’s pretty sure she wasn’t wearing a vest yesterday…but even so, it means she’s with Adam because he has some kind of disability, right? As he side-glances the beautiful boy punching in numbers on the cash register, he can’t help but wonder what he needs a service dog for. He remembers him flinching when he’d come up on his left side the other day, but he’d thought that was just because he’d startled him by suddenly being so close. Could it be that it’s actually because he’s got some kind of problem hearing…?
Not that he’s going to ask.
Instead he resumes petting the dog and asks, “What’s this little rascal’s name?”
“Hm?” Adam glances down at him, obviously distracted, before a warm smile lights up on his face. Ronan’s heart stops dead for a moment before he realizes Adam is looking at the dog, not him. “Oh, that’s Holly. She’s real friendly.”
Something of a Southern drawl comes out in that last sentence that Ronan’s never heard before, and his heart squeezes tightly. Goddammit, why does everything new he finds out about this boy just make him feel like setting himself on fire?!
He fiercely ignores the affection rising in his chest and instead moves his hands down to rub along Holly’s belly. The dog yelps happily, eagerly rolling onto her back and displaying her belly for Ronan to rub. “Holly, huh? Who’s a good girl, Holly, is it you??”  
Ronan is so busy giving Holly the best belly rubs of her life that he almost misses it when Adam doubles over himself laughing. When it does register, though, Ronan’s breath completely leaves him; Adam is beautiful when he laughs, with his face freer than it usually is and his mouth wide open to show rows of beautiful, white teeth. He’s gaping so much that Holly has to whine to get his attention to pet her again, and he almost forgets that he’s supposed to be embarrassed as he resumes petting her. It takes him a while to drag up the façade, but he eventually growls out, “What the hell is so funny?”
“It’s just—” Adam can’t seem to stop laughing, even to speak, and Ronan wonders if God would strike him down right there if he kissed him. “Aren’t you supposed to be like, a scary gangster or something? And instead you’re here fussing over my dog!”
Ronan does feel embarrassed then, realizing how wide open he’s left himself to this complete stranger. Standing up abruptly, he shoves his hands into his pockets and pastes on his best glower. “I am a scary gangster!”
Adam just rolls his eyes, his sides still shaking with laughter, and fuck him he looks beautiful even doing that. “Whatever you say, Lynch.”
Ronan startles, dropping his fake gangster act in an instant as he stares wide-eyed at Adam, who at least has the decency to look embarrassed. “How the fuck do you know my name?”
“I…I looked at your credit card yesterday,” Adam admits, a faint flush on his cheeks. It pronounces his freckles and Ronan feels dizzy.
“What’s your name?” Ronan breathes, and he doesn’t quite catch the words back in time to hide how interested he is. He tries to play it off nonchalantly anyway by adding, “It’s only fair, since you know my name.”
Smooth, Ronan. Real fucking smooth.
“Adam Parrish,” Adam says quietly. Ronan has the sudden unexplainable urge to go running down the sidewalk screaming this beautiful boy’s name to get rid of the energy about to explode out of his chest.
“Well, Parrish,” Ronan says after a painful beat of silence. He doesn’t trust himself to call him Adam; he knows he won’t be able to hide his feelings if he does. “I can be a scary gangster and still like dogs. Hating dogs is just immoral.”
Adam’s small smile then is worth every moment Ronan has ever embarrassed himself in front of him. Jesus Christ. “I think so too. If someone says they hate dogs I immediately don’t trust them.”
“Damn straight.”
The silence that stretches after that feels slightly awkward, if only because Ronan feels like he should try and keep the conversation going and doesn’t know how. He angrily wonders why he even cares, but he knows why, and the feeling eats away at him from the inside. Dammit, why does he have to be like this?
Adam breaks the silence briefly to tell Ronan the total price, but he still can’t think of anything to say so he just wordlessly hands his credit card over. He doesn’t even really register the price, it doesn’t matter to him, and instead focuses on picking up the bags from the counter. Chainsaw flies out from the aisle she’d been exploring and lights down onto his shoulder, pecking his neck in greeting.
Ronan glances up at Adam to find him already looking back. Awkwardness creeps up in his chest again, but his face is carefully neutral as he says, “Well, Parrish. I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah. Have fun doing scary gangster things.”
Ronan has to bite back a smile at that one, but he doesn’t quite succeed. “Oh trust me, I will. I’ve been looking forward to my shenanigans all day.”
Adam rolls his eyes, one final twist of the knife in Ronan’s heart. “Don’t scandalize any old ladies.”
“I make no promises.” Ronan smirks devilishly as he begins to walk towards the door. His heart doesn’t really want to leave, but his brain is already desperate to be out, desperate to get away from this boy who makes him feel so incredibly exposed.
Chainsaw caws at Adam on their way out, like a farewell, and Ronan’s smirk falls back into a fond smile.
He smiles all the way until he pulls back into the parking lot at Monmouth, and then it completely drops into a heavy scowl when he sees Declan’s Volvo parked next to the Pig.
Damn, he is so not ready for this.
He contemplates sitting in the car or driving out somewhere else, but goddammit he’s tired and just wants to lie in bed with a beer and think about Adam. So he reluctantly gets out of the car, picks up Chainsaw and all of her supplies from the passenger seat, and slams the door shut extra hard. The noise sets a car alarm off somewhere across the street and Ronan grins, satisfied that everyone else can now be as irritated as he is.
Banging the door to Monmouth open with his boot, Ronan stalks in, fully intent on ignoring Declan entirely and retreating to his room. However, he hadn’t been expecting his older brother to be standing right near the door, so Declan practically corners him before Ronan can even move out of the doorway. Gansey is hovering near the couch, thumb to his lip and his brow creased in concern. He looks irritated too, as irritated as a Gansey is allowed to look, and Ronan wonders with a hot flash of anger how long fucking Declan has been here bothering him. It’s no secret that the brothers don’t get along, but Declan could at least leave Gansey out of it.
Lip curling, Ronan bares his teeth at his brother, ready to start throwing punches already. Declan looks about ready to start a fight too, and Ronan childishly hopes he does.  
“Ronan, where the hell have you been? You obviously didn’t go to school—” Declan stops abruptly and ogles Chainsaw perched on Ronan’s shoulder. “…Is that a crow?”
“No, she’s a raven you dumb shit,” Ronan just about growls. Chainsaw caws indignantly from his shoulder.
Declan looks furious, which fills Ronan with glee. “Ronan, what have I told you about—?” He breaks off again, suddenly seeming to remember that Gansey is in the room with them. A blissfully ignorant Gansey that Ronan wants to keep that way. “Never mind, we’ll discuss that later. I came here to talk about the fact that someone has been trespassing at the Barns.”
Ronan gasps dramatically. “No!”
Declan rolls his eyes, which disturbingly reminds Ronan of Adam. “Don’t even bother, I know it was you.”
“You have no proof.”
“If you didn’t want me to know it was you, you shouldn’t have left your damn bedsheets a mess! Not only that, but your hair is still in the bathroom wastebasket from the last time you shaved your head, which looking at you right now was rather recent!” Declan shouts, already fed up. Ronan feels proud of being able to work him up so quickly. “It was obvious you were there!”
“’It was obvious you were there,’” Ronan mocks under his breath.
Declan looks absolutely murderous. “Goddammit Ronan, why do you always do this? You know damn well what dad’s will says!”
Yes, he does – that damn thing gives him nightmares. Ronan still can’t figure out why his dad would ban them from the only place he’s ever felt like he belonged, or why he felt like he needed to write the same sentence twice in two different languages:
This will stands as fact unless a newer document is created. 
It drives him fucking nuts.
“It just doesn’t make any sense – why the fuck would dad kick us out of our own home?!” Ronan shouts, angry and feeling the need to punch something. Declan looks more and more like a likely candidate as time goes by.
“Don’t ask me why dad did what he did because I don’t know! I never knew!” To Ronan’s surprise, Declan looks bitter for a moment before his face falls back into the carefully neutral mask that is more familiar.
It drives Ronan up the wall realizing that he and Declan are similar in that regard, and his fists curl at his sides.
Declan must’ve noticed him do it because he abruptly looks tired, like dealing with this exhausts him down to his very bones. Ronan wonders why he even bothers, if it gives him so much of a headache; they never make any progress, just have the same damn arguments all of the time, and Ronan would be just fine if Declan fucked off and he never saw him again. The only thing keeping them together anymore is Ronan’s desire to see Matthew and Declan’s apparent reluctance to separate the three of them, despite the rifts. “Look, Ronan, just stay off the property for a while, alright? I’m doing my best to work with the lawyers and get this all settled out, but you’re not helping matters by breaking and entering illegally all the goddamn time.”
“It’s not breaking and entering if it’s our own fucking home!” Ronan shouts, surging forward with a burst of anger. He grabs Declan’s shirt collar in his fist, dragging him closer. “And you’re not doing jack shit! If you truly cared about the Barns you would’ve sorted this out already!”
Declan grabs Ronan’s shirt back and nearly drags him off his feet when he pulls him forward; Ronan hates that Declan is just that much stronger than him. “Do not fucking stand there and talk to me like you know anything about law! At least I’m trying to do something – what are you doing? Just fucking around and getting drunk, which I can assure you, does nothing to get the Barns back! If you truly cared about the Barns maybe you wouldn’t be sitting on your ass every damn day!!”
Ronan recoils like he’s been slapped. His hands are shaking from the force of his anger and he can hardly process anything, just Declan and his stupid fucking face and his words that ring too close to home. All he can think about is his desire to get in a fight, and he’s stepping forwards with his fist raised before he even knows what’s happening.
But suddenly, Gansey is at his side, holding him back, his clammy hands covering Ronan’s burning fist. “Ronan, no. Please.”
Ronan hates that he can never say no to Gansey. He wants to beat the shit out of Declan because he needs to get rid of this anger, this pain, but going against Gansey is completely against Ronan’s moral code. So he drops his fist, sends Declan one last menacing glare, and pushes past him to storm into his room. He haphazardly drops Chainsaw’s supplies on the floor and sets the raven gently down on his bed. Afterwards he stalks out to the kitchen/bathroom/laundry to grab a beer and then stomps through the living room again to go right back outside, slamming the door behind him.
As usual after a Declan visit, he goes for a drive.
The exhaustion he felt earlier is replaced with an omnipresent anger, throbbing under his veins and pulsing to the beat of his EDM. He hates this situation and he hates Declan for always having to rub his nose in it when all he wants is to go home. All he wants is to sit in the field at the Barns and listen to the cows moo and the chickens cluck and forget that he has obligations outside of maintaining the only place he’s ever truly felt at home. He wants to sleep in his old room and pretend that his life never went to shit, that he doesn’t spend every day feeling like he’s in living hell. The moments he steals when he sneaks onto the property illegally isn’t enough, could never be enough, and the Barns just isn’t the same when it isn’t packed full of people, with Aurora knitting in the living room and the brothers tussling at her feet. Every inch of the property brings back memories that physically hurt Ronan, but he can’t stay away; the Barns is what makes him Ronan, more than his dreams, more than his moral code. He feels like a chunk of himself is missing when he isn’t at the Barns, making him uncomfortable and angry everywhere else.
He just wants the Barns back. And Declan only seems to want to fight Ronan on that.
So he drives. He drives until he’s pushing down the highway as fast as the BMW can go, wind whipping through him from the rolled down windows and his fingers tapping an erratic beat on the steering wheel. The long stretch of highway before he gets to his go-to runaway place is where he bleeds out his anger, his frustration, his pain, his grief, so that he feels numb and raw and ready to accept the warm wonders of the forest.
He calls it Cabeswater, because it reminds him of his dream forest, but of course it can’t be. That forest only exists in his head, and he can’t drive to it even if he wanted to. But this forest, this unnamed, strangely deserted forest, is second best, and Ronan feels a trickle of ease filter through him that’s oddly reminiscent of the Barns as he slows down upon passing the first line of trees.
Later, Ronan realizes he would’ve died if he hadn’t slowed down just then. He’s not really sure why he slowed down at all, really, just that he doesn’t like speeding through the forest, knowing very well that an animal could leap out from the trees at any moment. He also likes taking his time through there, watching out for wildlife, observing how the trees slowly change color the closer they get to fall.
He thinks he sees a raven sitting in a branch far up in the canopy, and he’s bending forward over the wheel to try and see better when something suddenly leaps out of the brush and onto the road in front of him. Both of them are going too fast for Ronan to tell what it is exactly, a deer of some sort, but luckily his body reacts before his mind does.
Slamming the brakes, Ronan veers the car wildly to the right, missing the animal by a hair. The deer-like creature startles badly as Ronan whizzes by it, and it dashes off across the road and disappears into the bushes on the other side. Ronan doesn’t even get the chance to breathe a sigh of relief that he didn’t hit it before the BMW crashes headfirst into a tree.
He blacks out for a second, a minute, an hour. When he wakes up, the air bag is in his face, his phone is ringing obsessively from wherever he’d thrown it in the car sometime earlier in the week, and his mouth tastes like blood. He has neither the energy nor the spatial awareness to find his phone, so once he gets the air bag out of the way he stumbles out of the car to survey the damage. The front of the BMW is completely wrapped around the tree and there’s ominous black smoke rising from the hood.
Which means there’s no way in hell he’s going to be able to drive back to Monmouth.
Groaning, Ronan crouches onto the ground and punches his knees angrily.
God fucking dammit.
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freckledhusky · 6 years
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Hollis and her best tire 💛
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dogsatmyjob · 7 years
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Holly in possession of several infinity gems.
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h0llyw0lly · 6 years
Incredibly Important PSA
On our way to the grocery store today, my roommate and I saw TWO dogs (a golden retriever and a german shepherd) in a single truck bed and we both started screaming it was great
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andromedaspark · 2 years
ST characters as dogs
(In no particular order)
The S1 kids
Dustin: Bluetick Coonhound
Will: Bohemian Shepherd
Troy: American English Coonhound
The S2 kids
The S3 kids
Suzie: Golden Retriever
The S1 teens
Johnathan: Australian Cattle Dog
Carol: Azawakh
Nancy: American Water Spaniel
Barb: Borzoi
The S2 teens (?)
Axel: Belgian Malinois
The S3 teens
Robin: Beagle
The S4 teens
Vickie: Cocker Spaniel
The only adults I care about
Hopper: Bullmastiff
Joyce: German Shepherd
Yuri: Airedale Terrier
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survey--s · 3 years
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As you begin this survey, what is the current date and time?: It’s December 17th, 2021 - and it’s currently 5.38pm.
How many blue-eyed people have you kissed?: Hmm, not many, maybe 3-4?
Do you have a friend named Holly?: Not anymore, but I did go to school with a girl named Holly.
Name the last 3 books you read.: The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern. Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman. Gray Mountain - John Grisham.
When was the last time you saw someone attractive?: I saw my husband around an hour ago when he left to go fishing.
Who was the last person you got into an argument with?: I honestly don’t remember the last time I had a proper argument.
Think back to this time last year; who did you have feelings for?: Mike, the same as now.
Be honest. On a scale of 1 to 10, how nice of a person are you?: I’m going to go with maybe a six or seven.
Are you wearing anything that has any kind of pattern on it?: Yeah, my sweater has beagles all over it.
Name all of the websites you have visited so far today.: Google, Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, Mumsnet and my e-mail apps.
What are your parents’ middle names?: I’m not going to put those on here.
Who was the last curly-haired person you talked to?: My mum via FaceTime and Mike in real life.
Does frequent use of swearwords offend or upset you?: Not in the slightest, no.
Do you have romantic feelings for the last person you text messaged?: Nope.
Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ’S’?: Susie.
When was the last time you met someone who seemed very unpleasant?: A man I met today on a walk - I was with Sparky who is on lead as he’s reactive to strange dogs - he’s a tiny little terrier and this man let his mastiff and German Shepherd come charging over, so I asked him to call his dogs as mine isn’t friendly - he just ignored me and gave me a filthy look, lol. Moron.
Name everyone you’ve had an online conversation with today.: Just my mum, I think. Oh, and Ian and Ruth.
When/where did you meet your first love?: Online, actually.
How many people have you kissed, whose name started with ‘J’?: Three, I think. Jimmi, Joshua and Jack.
When was the last time you turned down an invitation to go somewhere? Why?: I can’t remember the last time I turned down an invitation.
Who was the last person to cry in front of you?: I have no idea. Probably Mark on the day Blue went over rainbow bridge.
Do you know why they were crying?: Because he was just about to take his beloved dog to be put to sleep.
If you’ve had a bad day, who is most likely to cheer you up?: The dog, for sure, or the cats.
How many Facebook friends do you have?: 128.
Is there anyone on your “friends” list that you dislike?: No. I’m really fussy about who I keep on my Facebook, though.
Is there anyone you dislike, that you have to see/speak to regularly?: Nope - that’s one of the main advantages of being self-employed, lol.
Does anyone have a romantic interest in you, that you don’t return?: Not so far as I know!
When was the last time you ate a cookie?: I actually don’t remember.
Has either of your parents ever borrowed your computer?: In the past when I lived at home, sure.
If someone makes a lot of spelling mistakes, does it annoy you?: No, not at all.
Are you living with anyone that isn’t related to you?: No.
Do you prefer drinks in bottles or cans?: Glass bottles > cans > plastic bottles.
How many people would you say you’ve been “in love” with?: Three.
Which one of your relatives are you most likely to argue/disagree with?: My dad, lol. We could argue over a piece of paper.
Have your parents met the person you’re currently interested in?: Well, yes. They attended our wedding, lol.
When you’re interested in someone, do you let them know?: I’ve always let them know in the past, yeah.
Or do you prefer to wait and see if they’ll come to you first?: No.
Do you know a Robert? Tell me about him.: I went to school with a boy called Robert. He had a crush on me and also had a birthmark on his forehead.
Who was your first major crush?:  Jimmi.
Do you still talk to that person?: Occasionally. We’re friends on Facebook. He just got a new puppy with his fiancée and we tend to like each others’ dog pics, haha.
Are you happy with the way things are going?: Definitely, life is GOOD right now.
If not, what would you like to change?: I mean, I’m happy but I obviously wish we weren’t dealing with this whole COVID thing.
Name a food that starts with the same letter as your best friend’s name.: I don’t have a best friend.
Were you well-behaved as a child?: I was, yes. I hated getting told off or getting in trouble.
What is/was your worst subject in school?: Maths and Chemistry.
Is that because you’re not good at it, or because it doesn’t interest you?: It just didn’t interest me so I never paid any attention.
Is there anything happening tomorrow, that you’re looking forward to?: Yes! Firstly, I get a lie in as it’s the first day of my Christmas break, and secondly, BEACH RIDE.
Have you ever kissed anyone named Daniel or Danielle?: No, neither.
Are you embarrassed to talk to your parents about sex?: I wouldn’t say I was embarrassed, but why would I want to do that?
Is there anything you need to do, that you’re trying to avoid doing?: Nah, I’ve done loads today actually. I worked 8.30-1.30pm, came home, cleaned out my car completely, vacuumed downstairs, washed up, showered, did two loads of laundry and now I’m just enjoying doing nothing, lol.
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euphoriara · 4 years
The Sign to Your Heart
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genre : fluff
pairing : yoongi x reader
word count : 5,050
warning : swear words? other than that none? dogs?
strangers to lovers!au
a/n: finally!! my first piece for the bingo is finished!! it literally took me one month to finish this skdksld. also i was aiming for 2k and ended up with 5k instead,,, f but anyway here it is, enjoy!! also shoutout to miss joonary for sending me the message that gave me the motivation to finally finish this once and for all, miss nary thank you, ily. (and yes i know that’s not holly, yoongi doesn’t exactly take a lot of pictures with holly so,, just pretend skdksk)
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The sun beats down on your back as you curse Jimin in your head for dragging you here with him. It's too bright, too hot to be outside today but he had insisted and bribed you with the promise of not one, but two ice creams. 
You, a mere mortal, what power do you have to refuse the offer of ice creams, and for free at that? 
But right now, sitting at the bench placed strategically around the dog park, you're starting to regret your friendship with Jimin. When you said strategically, you mean whoever placed these benches must hold a grudge for humans. None of them were placed underneath a shade, sun directly hitting your face. Sure there's a shelter in the middle of the park, surrounded by 4, beautiful, large trees that you can't remember the name of. 
But the place is crowded right now, due to the fact that global warming is trying to remind you of humanity's sins. There's too many people standing there with their dog, and there isn't a single chair placed there. Besides, do you really have the will to move yourself all the way over there? You'd rather let yourself melt into a puddle over here instead.
You just want to know who designed this park. Do they not know the basics of functionality? Were they not thinking? Did they design this half-asleep after a long day designing the Target across the street? 
You also take note of how there's only one gate, making it dangerous if a dog went out without anyone noticing. If you could leave a review on Yelp for this park, you'd give whoever it is a piece of your mind. You also remind yourself to tell Jimin to pick a better dog park to take his dogs to next time. 
While you're still busy arranging the speech you're going to give to Jimin, a blur of white zooms in front of you, followed by two smaller blurs of brown and black, snapping you out of your reverie. At least the dogs are enjoying themselves. 
Which reminds you, Jimin had asked your help to keep an eye on the dogs, since he's dogsitting 7 all at once. 
"More dogs means more money for me." He had said, to which you replied, "More dogs mean more free labor from me." 
The bastard had only said "Bingo!" to that, not even bothering to hide his intentions. But you guess he's generous enough to pay you with ice creams instead of letting you evaporate to the sky. 
Pulling yourself out of your thoughts, you scan the park to see where the dogs had gone off to, and find yourself sighing in relief when you see all of them playing by the trees. One of them, you think he's owned by Jimin's neighbor, is trying to mount another dog, bigger than his size. "Damn, he's ambitious." 
Unfortunately for him, his plan is foiled when another dog owner moves him off every time he even thinks about going near the German Shepherd. Kudos to him for trying though. 
You squint while scanning the park, trying to locate where Park Jimin is but you don't see his pink hair anywhere in the park. Had he left you here by yourself? Did he trick you again? Oh he's in big trouble if he did. You know where he keeps his most prized possession and you're not afraid to use the information against him. 
It's not like you meant to snoop around his room. It was his fault for leaving the box of- you grimace at the mental image, toys at the bottom of his innermost drawer of his closet. You were just trying to find your missing phone! Which granted, was probably not in there, but you couldn't leave any stones unturned. But even though you certainly did not want to see what's in the box, you're glad you have a backup plan for whenever Jimin screws you over again. 
You feel something cold press against your left cheek and hiss, preparing to sock whoever it is with the book in your hand. You forgot you even had it in the first place. "Hey!" However when you turn around, you're momentarily stunned by the bright pink hair in front of you, coupled that with the sun, you have to blink back your vision a few times. 
Jimin can use his bright hair to blind his enemy if he was a superhero. His power would be that he keeps changing his hair to bright colors until eventually he goes bald, which will become his ultimate weapon. 
"I bought you some drinks," he says as he throws a cold bottle of sprite to your face. You nearly miss, dodging a bruise on your forehead by a millimeter. You look down at the bottle in your hands, face blank and deadpan, "You know I don't drink soda." He pulls his shades down and smirks, "I know." 
You scowl at him, throwing the bottle back to him, which he catches easily. Would have been nice if he didn't, maybe the bottle would have knocked his stupidly expensive sunglasses off to the ground and one of the dogs would run off with it. "Where have you been? You're the one dog sitting but you leave all the responsibility to me? I should be the one getting paid then, give me my damn salary or I'll sue you for employee mistreatment!"
He raises one of his eyebrows, "Are you done?" You give him a look. "Like I said, I was buying you some drinks-" "Some drinks my ass, you didn't buy anything I can drink." "And getting you some lunch, but if you don't want it, then I guess I'll-" You snatch the bag from his hand and bolt to the other side of the park, the familiar brown paper bag fueling your instinct to protect your food. You ignore the confused stares of people and the group of dogs following you, they're either trying to steal your food or think you're playing with them. 
Once you reach your destination, you immediately regret the decision. Now you're hotter than before, sweating buckets under your clothes. You hate yourself for picking a black shirt, so much for the aesthetic. You breathe in deeply a few more times before remembering that you don't have any water on you. You cursed this park and the other park that brought you here once again. 
No matter, you'll just get some on your way back later, dehydration be damned. You see Jimin making his way towards you, looking at ease in his sleeveless silk shirt and basketball shorts, and start to munch on your fries faster. Instinct.
"Finish your food, we're going home, I'll buy you some ice creams on our way home, I know-" Jimin's voice starts to fade as you zero in on someone behind him. The guy is the same height as Jimin, wearing all black, much like you, but what made you stare at him is his hair. His bright yellow hair that almost looks white under the sun. It contrasts his clothes so much you have to stare to take him in. 
And his skin is a bit pale, making you question if he had stepped outside and see the sun in a while. Is he perhaps a vampire? Maybe that'd explain his clothes, his hair and his skin? And the fact that he seems to draw you in with his presence? Will you finally be the one to prove the existence of vampires? Will you be famous?
You see him cross the street, now walking closer to the park, and finally get a clearer look of his face. You didn't wear your contacts today, not expecting to find cute boys at the dog park, you just wanted ice cream. 
Which is precisely what he is. He has soft features, pouty lips and feline eyes from what you can see from his side profile. His focus is only on his phone and you muse momentarily at how one of these days, that'll get him in trouble. You see that he's allowing his dog to pull him whichever way it wants, thus resulting in him being en route to the dog park. 
Jimin waves his hand in front of your face, frowning at your lack of attention, "Hey, are you listening to me?" You move his hand down and continue to stare at the boy. If your brain cells aren't hibernating right now, you'd realize you're being a little creepy by doing it. But you can't help it, you don't think you've ever seen someone with such a cute face before, aside from Jimin? Maybe? Anyway, he's wearing a mask that had been pulled down to his chin, revealing his lips and cupping his cheeks. You squeal internally at the visual, though your face remains blank. 
Jimin was about to move in front of you again when it happened. The boy wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and his poor dog was too excited to notice it was leading him straight to the dog park sign. You cringe when you hear his head make contact with the metal, debating if you should go outside to help him. The sound was so loud that a few people whipped their heads around to see, including Jimin who turned to see what you were looking at. 
The poor guy had dropped his phone and the leash, clutching his head in pain. You see his  dog take one look at him and run into the park. Feeling bad for him, you decide to chase after his dog, leaving Jimin behind with a confused frown plastered on his face. 
You catch the little guy just as it was about to run into the crowd of people, bouncing him in your arms and cooing at it, "You sneaky little thing, you just left your owner like that after leading him to his demise? You should apologize for that, but then again, it was his fault for not paying attention, huh?"
The little brown poodle barks as if it agrees, and you continue to coo and pet it while making your way to the guy still crouching outside, most likely from humiliation instead of pain. 
Hesitantly, you call out to him when you hear him muttering curses underneath his breath. 
"Hello." He looks up at you and for a moment, you swear you stop functioning. Maybe your eyesight is worse than you thought, you should probably schedule another appointment with your eye doctor because the guy looks even better up close. However, before you could make a fool out of yourself, you hurriedly hold his dog out towards him like you're giving him a box of chocolate, "You- you dropped this." 
"I- I meant you dropped his leash and he ran inside without you and, are you okay?" You see the embarrassment on his face in the form of blushing cheeks, "Yeah I'm fine, it hurts a little but I'll be fine." 
Damn, his voice. His voice is raspy and deep and soothing and would it be weird if you ask him whether he hosts a podcast and if he does, can you get a name so you can listen to it? 
Your last brain cell woke up just to scream "Yes!" so you decide to listen to her for once. Maybe she's on to something. 
He stands up clutching his phone and takes the little brown dude from your arm. You see a long crack at the corner of his Samsung Galaxy, and grimace, upset on his behalf because he didn't have a screen protector nor a case. Bold or rich, you can't tell. 
"Thanks for catching this sneaky bastard, he probably did that on purpose so he can reach the park faster." The dog barks in disagreement and you coo at it once again. You can't help the baby voice you use, "Nooo, I'm sure he was just trying to tell you to pay attention. Isn't that right? You were just excited for the dog park, weren't you?"
The dog wiggles in his hold like he's trying to reach you, smiling happily at the thought of an ally. "Yeah, I guess it's partially my fault for not looking at my surroundings." 
You blink and resist the urge to tell him that it's entirely his fault for not paying attention but alas, you've been in his position before so you stay quiet. A silence passed between the two of you, before Jimin screams out your name to "Get your ass back in here, we're going home." 
You don't understand why you need to go back inside if you're going to leave anyway but you don't protest in fear he might refuse to buy you ice cream if you sass him after ignoring him like that. You know how much Jimin hates being ignored. You nod at the stranger before jogging back into the park, shouting out "Be careful next time!" 
He nods back, "Thank you!" and turns towards his dog, "No dog park for you today, we have to go home." The dog whines in his grasp but relents, knowing he's probably embarrassed to go in there now that everyone has seen him make a fool out of himself. 
Inside, you help Jimin wrangle the dogs, holding four leashes while the prick holds three of the smaller dogs. You want to protest again but you know he'll dangle the promise of your ice cream if you do it. Good thing these dogs are well-behaved. That, or they pity you for having to hold four big dogs at once. Whichever it is, you're thankful to them. 
The walk back home is uneventful. Jimin bought you ice cream as promised, watermelon, and you amused yourself with how feral the smaller dogs are acting, clearly trying to give Jimin a hard time. You love these dogs. 
Half way through your walk, you remember you didn't ask for the stranger's name and pout. There's a possibility that you'll never be able to see him again. You wonder if he'll show at the same park next time, though you doubt it. Besides, you already pledge to not go into that park again. 
Which reminds you once again, you need to tell Jimin about how much his park of choice sucks. And now that he already bought you ice cream, you can go back to nagging him.
You spewed out your carefully crafted speech about how much that park sucks and interrupted him every time he tried to cut you off until he relented and let you speak your heart away. 
He finally gives in after your fifth point, screaming out "Okay! I get it lady, now stop talking!" Which caused you to smile smugly to yourself the whole way home. 
Two weeks later find you sitting on a different bench, in a different park. Thankfully, this time the benches have shades and are scattered with the thought of dogs and owners in mind. This time around too, the weather had cooled off significantly than the last time you were out. 
Jimin is sitting next to you, attention fixated on his phone, while you watch over the dogs. You don't know why he needs your help when there's only 3, but looking at him right now, it's obvious he just didn't want to work at all. 
You tried to sneak a peek at what he's looking at on his phone, but everytime he sensed you, he'd immediately grab your face and turn you away. You scowl at him every time. 
You were about to open your mouth and talk his ear off when you see a somewhat familiar looking brown blob fly past you, running from its owner. You see the guy chasing his dog around the park while screaming out its name, "Holly, get back here! We need to go home!"
And you see Holly, the dog, dodge him like a professional shop-lifter evading mall cops. You silently applaud the dog and its agility. 
"Holly, do you know what time it is? We've been here for five hours now!" You see him run for another 2 minutes before he slumps against a tree, panting. You finally catch a good look of him and realize he's the stranger from the previous dog park. 
Suddenly you feel a presence next to your leg and when you look down, Holly is happily looking up at you with his tail wagging. You coo at the cute dog before picking him up and setting him on your lap, "Hey little buddy! You're always causing problems aren't you?" He lets out a tiny woof before settling in your arms.
You stand up, making your way to the poor dude by the tree, while Holly happily accepts scratches from you. He's sitting on the ground now, obviously still trying to recover from the sprint. 
"Sign guy!" You stand in front of him, smiling when you see him look up. Once he recognizes you, he grimaces at the name, mortified of the incident before. He scrambles to stand up, stuttering out a "He-hey. Hi," and wiping his palms on his jeans. 
"Here's your dog! You were trying to catch him right? So you can go home?" You offer the dog to him, not unlike last time. "Oh! Uh, yeah, I was." He scratches the back of his neck before taking his dog from you, and he seems to be having a hard time making eye contact with you. 
"Thank you, for helping me again." You see him struggle with saying that and chuckle to yourself. "No problem, your dog seems like a troublemaker, huh?" 
He smiles at the mention of his dog, you can see how much he loves Holly. "Yes, he is a little rascal." He's fond and you're endeared by him. "Well, I should get going now, you guys were leaving right?" He straightens immediately, eyes slightly wide while you mock scold his dog, "Don't give him a hard time once in a while, okay? Give him a break." Holly barks an okay and you coo, petting his head once more. 
"Well, by-" "What's your name?" He spoke so fast you didn't catch it. "Huh?" 
He blinks a few times, "I- Uh. Your name. What's your name?" You blink a few times, name? He's asking for your name?
Oh! Name! Right! You didn't ask for his name too, last time (despite wanting to).
"Oh, my name is (Y/N)! What about you?" His shoulder slumps slightly in relief, "Yoongi, I'm yoongi." "Nice to meet you Yoongi!" 
He smiles, a gummy smile, "Nice to meet you too (Y/N)." You're momentarily transfixed on his smile. He has a really really cute smile and would it be weird if you tell him right now? Probably, so you refrain. You see him quirks his head in question when you stay quiet for longer than necessary and snap out of your thoughts. 
"I was wonder-" You hear a commotion from the distance, and when you look over, Jimin's dogs are picking a fight with another dog smaller than them. You gasp, looking for Jimin, but that gremlin had disappeared, leaving you no choice but to go intervene. "I'm so sorry, I have to go! Those dogs are mine! Bye!" You hurriedly run to the crowd, helping other owners separate the dogs. 
Once all the dogs are calm again, you sit the three dogs in front of you and scold them, to which they seem remorseful. "Do not pick a fight with other dogs again or no park for you for a- no, two weeks! Got it?" They bark a single woof in understanding and you nod, satisfied at how well they listen to you. Maybe this is why Jimin always asks for your help, the dogs won't listen to him but they will listen to you. 
After you let the dogs play again, you see Jimin strutting to where you're sitting with a popsicle in his hand, phone in the other. "Jimin!" You get up to scold him, and when he sees you alone, he quirks his head to the side. "Where's the run into a sign boy?" 
You pout at his question, ready to talk his ear off. "I had to leave him because your dogs, the dogs you're dogsitting, not the dogs I'm dogsitting, picked a fight with a dog that was smaller than them! Three of them! Against one dog! One, small dog! What, did it owe them lunch money or something, they were acting like a bully trying to steal someone's homework but you weren't there to de-escalate so I had to intervene and now, cute sign guy left and I don't have his number, only his name." 
The whole time you were ranting, Jimin just stood there, silently eating his popsicle with a blank face. You think he blocked you out at the second sentence and it's proven at how his eyes are glazed over, mind somewhere else despite staring at you. You frown and snatch the popsicle from him, finally getting a reaction "Hey! That's mine!" And yet he doesn't attempt to get it back. 
You stare at the ice treat in your hand and debate on what to do with it, you're not gonna eat it, no, that's gross. You don't want to throw it away and waste food, but you don't want to give it back to him either. You wonder if this is dog safe. You were about to call the dogs when you realized you're holding nothing, popsicle back to Jimin's hand when you weren't paying attention. 
His stupid smirking face is what you see when you lift your head, "Don't worry, sign guy will probably come to this park again with his dog." 
"I don't know what time he comes here. What, am I supposed to come here everyday and wait for him or something?"
You hate Jimin. You hate Jimin with a burning passion. You can't believe he convinced you to go to the park everyday, and maybe that's on you for being Boo Boo the Fool but you hate him because he made you dogsit for him everyday. 
"I mean you're going there anyway, right? Surely you can take them for a few hours?" Fool you once, shame on Jimin. Fool you twice, shame on Jimin again for taking advantage of your kind heart and making you do his work for him when you're not getting paid by his somewhat rich ass. 
Free labour and hatred aside, you're actually starting to enjoy going out with the dogs. They're mostly well behaved, and this park really is nice, compared to that Target dog park. You needed the sun exposure, anyway. 
You cross your legs when you see Pocky runs in front of you, not wanting to deal with him biting your shoelaces off, which Jimin said he likes to do. Pocky is a black Affenpinscher, notorious for being a master of mischief in the circle of dogs Jimin dogsit. You think you heard Jimin muttered "good luck," under his breath when you took Pocky from him but that could be your mind playing tricks on you. 
Because Pocky is a very very sweet dog, you just need to get him to stay away from people's shoelaces. You see him zooms around the park and smile to yourself. You actually have a soft spot for the 10 years old dog, despite his age, he's still very lively and agile and his disobedience to Jimin is funny. You think about how nice and kind Pocky is but stop short when you see him next to someone's legs. 
He stares at you and you stare back at him, challenging him to try you. He obviously doesn't care, and starts chewing, and when you look to see who it is, it's Yoongi. 
Oh no, he's chewing on Yoongi's converse. Oh no.
For some reason, Yoongi only stood there, looking down at Pocky in confusion. When you see him start pulling his shoe, you go to stop him. 
"Pocky!" He chews harder. "No! Stop!" You go to scoop him up but it's too late, Pocky already had a small string in his mouth. "Drop it. Pocky, drop it." He only looks up at you, and you gasp at how this is the first time Pocky disobeys you. So you change tactics.
You pout at the dog, giving him your best puppy eyes, "Pocky are you really not gonna listen to me? I thought you liked me better than Jimin? I'll be sad if you don't listen to me." He whines at your expression, dropping the piece of fabric to the ground and starts licking your chin in apology. You can't believe that work and smile to yourself. 
You let him down to the ground, letting him play again after telling him to stay away from people's shoes. You see him run to his friends, making a U turn everytime he sees legs. You're proud of him. Wait until Jimin hears about this, he's gonna sulk-
Someone clears their throat next to you and you bring yourself back to the present, mouth agape when you remember who it is. "Yoongi! Hi! Hello! Oh, I'm so sorry about that! Pocky has an affinity for shoelaces and oh shit, he chewed it off didn't he? I'll replace it if you wan-" He waves his hand in front of your face, and you realize you were rambling again. 
He smiles at you, and wait, did your heart just skip a beat? "No, it's okay. Holly sometimes chews on my shoes too, I don't mind really." 
"Are you sure? If you need a string replacement, I'll pay you some money for it?" 
Yoongi stutters, hands fidgeting in front of him, "You, you, uh you can," he coughs, "You can make it up by going to get coffee with me?" 
White guy blinking gif, that's how you look right now. 
You pull out your phone, offering it to him with no words because your brain is playing elevator music right now and if you speak, Yoongi will retract his offer. He stares at it in confusion, head quirking to the side. You managed to let out a strained "Number."
He perks up, a tiny "Oh!" leaving his pouty lips. He types in his number and you see him hesitate to send a text so he can save your number, but decided against it. When he hands you back your phone, you finally snap out of your stupor. "I'd love to get coffee with you." 
He smiles his gummy smile and you have to resist the urge to coo at him again. "You can text me the details? If you want?" 
Smiling back at him, you reply with a tiny "Okay!" You wanted to ask him if he wants to go get ice cream right now but before you can open your mouth, you hear your phone ring, and lo and behold it's Jimin. Jimin and his damn timing. It's always him. Bastard.
You pick it up with a sigh, "Hello?" and listen to him nag you, with a hum here and there. It's like when you're calling your mom. He finally hangs up after telling you about his plan for the night and you look at the distance like you're in the office. 
"I'm sorry, I have to go, that was my friend and he wants his dogs home in 10 minutes so I have to hurry but I'll call you later!" You're starting to jog away when he calls out "Do you need help?" 
You're surprised at his offer, but quickly accepts because you kinda do need help. "That'd be nice, actually." So he helps you round up the dogs and the process went faster than if you were to do it alone. 
Once you're outside the dog park, holding all the leash safely, you turn to him, "Thank you so much for the help! That'd have taken a lot longer without you." 
He smiles, eyes scrunching into crescent moon, "No problem, get home safely, okay?" 
"Gotcha, thanks again, I'll text you!!" You're already being pulled by the dog by the time you finish your sentence, but you're happy anyway because you finally got his number and a possible-date-maybe-not coffee date. 
And one possible coffee date turned into one actual coffee date which turns into a dinner date, until, "Can I kiss you?" He looks nervous, and this time you don't resist the urge to coo at him, you cup his cheeks between your hands, "You're so cute when you're nervous like that." 
Pouting, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him, "Can I?" You smile up at him and nod, chuckling at his cute expression. 
He bends down slightly to reach your face, slotting his lips between yours. You close your eyes and hug him close to you, savoring the feeling and memorizing it. 
You're glad you went to that awful park and you're glad Holly pulled Yoongi to the same dog park all those weeks ago. 
You hate to say it but you're glad Jimin convinced you to go to the dog park everyday, you're just thankful the feelings were mutual or else it'd have been weird. 
Getting to know Yoongi brings absolute joy to you and learning about him makes your heart beat slightly faster. Just in the course of two weeks, you can feel yourself falling for him. Yoongi who loves writing music and fishing, Yoongi who wasn't a big dog person until he got Holly, Yoongi who can't raise his voice at people, Yoongi who considers piano as his first love. 
Every bit and pieces of information you uncover only made you fall in love more and more with him. Every quirks and habits you noticed always bring a fond smile to your face. You pull him even closer to you, hand intertwine behind his neck, and deepen the kiss. 
You're glad he ran into that sign all those weeks ago, because here, standing on the rooftop, with the sun setting behind you, Yoongi's arms around you and his lips on you, you feel home. And you hope he feels the same.
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