punmonster · 8 months
fictional men i like are like: edgy mf, edgy mf that cracks jokes, edgy mf with extremely hot voice, edgy mf thats a good father, edgy mf that cries a lot, edgy mf who is big, edgy mf who narrates, edgy mf who is half asleep,
and hildibrand
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canisalbus · 3 years
heya!! I'm not sure if you've been told this by other people or not but for the longest time I thought your name was canisal-bus?? and I've been thinking for years "what.... kind of bus is that??" and only just now I've realized it was cainus albus.... perhaps in another time line you're famous for drawing buses ❤
Haha, no worries, that's a common mistake from what I've heard! No buses here, sorry.
Canis albus means "white dog" in Latin.
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Hey I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you get into drawing muscles? Did you look at human anatomy and start there or just kinda wing it? (Sorry if this was asked before, I tried to look and see if it was before sending this.)
you’re all good! 
muscles are a difficult one because there’s a plethora of body types and muscle arrangements that can vary from person to person! for me, how i got into it is that i had a strong character [yes i’m referring to Vasciel here xD] and my skill with anatomy just wasn’t up to par to depict him correctly!
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i mean look at this twig lol [i could’ve chosen a worse drawing but i’m going to save your eyes and my sanity, this is from 2017 i believe, and its already a remake of an older piece i did on paper] you can’t just squeeze in “ab” lines and call it a muscular character, there’s more to it than that!
at first i will admit i did just sorta wing it and made my guesses, because i was just plain exploring the idea of having a beefier character for once
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and you can kinda see where that landed me [not far lol]
but i continued to keep just winging it for a good while, just to get myself on a more comfortable level with more appropriate ‘weight’ when it came to anatomyi progressively get more and more used to adding beef and meat to those bones of his
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i started using more blocky shapes when base sketching and planning out his pieces. so once i was ready to actually start referencing muscle placements and accuracy, i wouldn’t have any beef deficiency! this is a real thing with art so its important in my honest opinion loL
my style from mid 2017 and before, i notoriously gave characters noodly arms and it was just my norm, i really hate it when i look back at those pieces xD but at the time it was really normal for me [looking at my tumblr archive, you can witness this] (don’t get me started on the fact that i refused to give characters wrists and ankles dgsdfhdgfh i didn’t shake that off until September 2018 starting with this piece)
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when i started using references [and yes i mean looking at a bunch of modeling nude people who pose for a living] he really started to come together! granted it litERALLY took me a WHOLE year [no joke, the 1st of these 3 images here is a year older than the next 2] to really get more on top of it, really get a feel for musculature without tracing and/or copying from pictures [which is what i did for the first 2 here /dont worry i linked the original photos in their original posts! view the -first- and -second-]
and its good to look at several pictures, not just one, get different perspectives of how muscles work together and affect other muscles and parts of the body
i’m honestly proud of myself for getting notably better at musculature in around a year- i’m not great at it still but i do what i can! practice practice practice [literally Vasciel has 250+ drawings, to paint that picture LOL sometimes it takes an obsession to grow in skill - if you want to look at his gallery, its in order from recent to oldest so you can actually watch him grow in anatomy if you start at the bottom!!]
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oh and if there’s one tip to take from this whole slew,,ALWAYS MIRROR YOUR WORK!! if it looks alright from both perspectives, you’re on the right track! using this technique helps in spotting mistakes, disproportions and misplaced features
anyway, hope this helps! i tend to blabber whoops
thank you for the good question @holocryptic though i’m not a great art teacher and don’t want to be xD please don’t get the idea that i give good advice *whEeze*
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polito0 · 6 years
Hi there! I found this blog some time ago but I just wanted to say I adore your art plus I think Remus & beef are my favorite from your ocs
aww thank you so much!!! I’m really glad you like them qwq
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fishcrow · 6 years
So what type of bird is Fishcro- wait a hot second...
:v ah
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the-host-is-here · 7 years
How about numbers 50 and 52? They seem really interesting!
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
“The most unusual conversation would have to be one of the few I’ve had with Wilford. Its hard to connect with him because he won’t stay on one topic for very long and if he decides he wants to interview you he asks some of the weirdest questions. So, definitely one of those.”
52. How long can you go without talking?
“If you put me in solid room with nothing going on I can go forever without talking.”
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bicolor-art · 7 years
I know you might get asked this a lot, but what art program and brushes/pens do you use? Thank you!
Most of the time I use Medibang Paint Pro! (sometimes MS paint and photoshop as well, haha)
For my linart in Medibang, I use the Sumi brush set to random rotate on size 5. 
For most of my shading and whatnot I usually use the watercolor brush and my custom fur brush, which I have a link to right here (x). 
For backgrounds and stuff I use almost every brush I have, but most commonly the Cloud 2 brush from Medibang Cloud Service (which is ridiculously helpful for finding texture and pattern brushes) :3
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aelithart · 5 years
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I MADE SOME MERCH THAT YOU CAN BUY BECAUSE NCSOFT NEVER MADE ANY. Also lots of people want the Level Up keychain I made when Valil hit 50 back last October-ish Now you too, can Level Up and remember Wildstars demise forever with a holocrypt keychain. 8’)
Thank you for your time cupcakes.
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whatiwouldnotgive · 7 years
Dear holocryptic-heart, I’m your secret santa for the @aphsecretsanta gift exchange.  I’m sorry this is so late, but I wrote it with lots of love, and I hope you enjoy it.  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and I would love to get to know you.  Feel free to message me whenever you’d like. <3  (I’m sorry tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you for some reason OTL) Title:  It’s A Long Road to Love Baby (Glad You Came Along) Pairing: America/Canada Summary: “Eyes on the road, America.  Thought you knew how to drive this thing.”
It was just about dusk when America pulled into his driveway.  The sun had just begun to dip below the snow brushed horizon.  Canada watched as he stepped out of the car, face cast into sharp relief—a quiet chiaroscuro playing with lights and darks across his face.  
 Standing in the doorway of his home, Canada smiled and opened his arms.  Shoulders immediately drooping, America fell into them, warm and heavy against Canada’s chest.  
“Merry Christmas, Canada.  I missed you.”  America said, breath puffing out in soft white clouds.
“We’ve still got a few more days until Christmas, jackass.”  He sighed.  “I missed you too.  Come on inside.  I know you can’t stand the cold.”  
“Happy Friday, then.”   
Pulling away, America nodded, laughing as he ran back to grab his suitcase out of the back seat of his car.  He kicked the door shut behind him.  Canada winced.  America started chattering a mile a minute, shaking snow off his jacket and scarf, shuffling his boots into a corner by the door.      
“Here, let me put your stuff in my room.   Go sit down.  I’ll be back in a minute.”  Canada cut him off, head gesturing to the well-loved couch in the living room.  He disappeared and so did America’s voice.  He returned downstairs to see America sprawled sleepy-eyed on the couch.  Dark circles punctuated his eyes, tense shoulders and set to his mouth, and a paleness coloured his cheek—something Canada was so unaccustomed to seeing on his face.  
He slid under America’s arm, which promptly curled around his shoulders, and pressed up against his side.  America’s thumb dragged along his bicep.  
“How was the drive?”  He asked.
America groaned, throwing an arm across his eyes.
“That bad?”  Canada picked up the remote and flickered through the TV channels mindlessly.  He stopped on one mercifully playing an inane Hallmark special.  
“Not really, only getting out of DC really.  When I was going through Pennsylvania, I didn’t have much trouble.”  America sagged against the couch.  
Canada made a noise of affirmation.  It wasn’t too long before America was dozing, the gentlest of snores rumbling through Canada’s chest.  Rubbing a thumb against America’s bicep, Canada flipped through On the Road, which he had swiped from the top of America’s suitcase.  He must’ve been reading it again.
Wriggling out from underneath America’s arm, Canada settled down at his desk which was tucked away in a quiet corner of the house.  A few days ago, the Prime Minister handed him a large stack of education reports from each of the Provinces.  
“Annotate these and compile them into the highlights for me, please?” He asked, happy eyes crinkling at the edges.  Canada found it mightily difficult to say no when facing them even in the face of work so incredibly dull.
He flipped through them, making notes and the occasional doodle in the corner.  He hadn’t realized how long he’d been working until he heard America’s sleep-soft voice ask, “Canada, where’d you move the coffee to?”  
Canada slid his chair back, cracked his neck, and padded into the kitchen to see America neck deep in a cupboard.  Walking up to him, Canada laid a hand on the small of his back and said, “It’s right here,” pulling the bag of grounds off the shelf right next to his head.  “Decaf, or regular?”  
“Decaf.  Anything else, and I won’t sleep tonight.”  
Canada hummed,  “Do you want something to eat?”  
“Yeah, sure.”
“Go look in the fridge.  See if there’s anything you want.”  
The drip brew of the coffee filtered into the room.  Canada grabbed America’s favorite coffee mug—the one with both their flags printed on it, picked up at a tourist shop in Niagara Falls—and set it down on the counter.  America began heating up leftovers on the stove.  
Leaning against the counter, Canada said, “How are things going on in the capital?”  
America shook his head.  “Not good.  Not good.  Every day is some new hell.”  
Canada’s eyes widened.  It wasn’t like America to talk about his government like that—he was unusually good, for a nation, at keeping his personal thoughts to himself.  It was always amusing to talk to Mexico as she was always so vocal and critical of the internal goings-on in her government.  America nearly always brushed off questions with some blithe smile and remark about how great everything was running.  
He watched America stir in some salt to his food.  “It’s so strange.  I usually feel better after an election year, especially since the economy is doing well, but this time I just feel.  I just feel tired all the time.”
“You think it’s your new boss?”  Canada quickly bit his tongue.
America sighed, “Maybe.  At least a little bit.  I feel the discontent of the people in my gut all the time.  And it feels like nobody knows what they’re doing in the White House.  It’s chaotic.”  He glanced around.  “Can I have a plate?”  
Canada handed him one, and he dumped a small pile of food on it.  
“Come sit with me?”  America asked.  
“Of course.”  
The coffee machine sputtered its last breath, and Canada poured each of them a cup, adding milk to America’s and syrup to his.  He flicked on the radio sitting on the windowsill; Sophie Trudeau set it to Ottawa’s popular Christmas station last time she and the Prime Minister visited, and Canada never bothered to change it.  
The two of them went quiet for a while as America ate.  “Do you know this is the first real break I’ve had since January?”  He finally spoke up, “My boss is off nearly every weekend, and they push all their extra work on me because they keep firing everyone trying to ‘consolidate.’”
The biting sarcasm in America’s voice made Canada snicker.  He quickly quelled the urge to outright laugh and pushed his attention on America, unwilling to stop him while he finally was honest.  Rubbing his foot against America’s ankle, he said, “I’m sorry.”  
“Aw, it’s okay.  I had to basically beg for this weekend.   Which was more me threatening to just up and leave for a month with no contact.”  
“Wouldn’t be the first time though.”  
“Nah.  Or the last.  Probably.”
America shuffled for a moment and twined their legs together underneath the table.  His eyes looked a little fuzzy and unfocused for a minute, smiling a soft, secret smile at Canada.  
He finished his food and placed the plate in the sink.  “Wanna watch a movie?” He said, turning to Canada.   
“Sure.  You pick.”  
America picked out It’s a Wonderful Life and fell asleep halfway through it.  Canada cried, like always (and America always too—unless he fell asleep, hosier).  
 Canada nudged him awake and up the stairs.  They fell asleep tangled up together.  
The next morning, Canada woke up cold and wrapped up in the sheets.  Fumbling his glasses on, he walked into the kitchen to see America bellied up to the stove, sweatshirt rumpled and boxers low on his hips.
Canada wrapped his arms around America’s waist and buried his face in America’s neck.  “Smells good.”  
“Mhmm.  Makin’ eggs and grits.  Been craving ‘em for weeks.”  He turned in Canada’s arms, “Here taste.”  He held out a wooden spoonful for Canada to taste.  Soft, creamy, savory.  Of course he perfected grits, he’d been making them for decades.  
“Need salt?”  
Canada kissed at the hinge of America’s jaw, “No, perfect.”  
And there was his bright, beautiful smile, all lit up and wonderful.  “Good.  Go on and sit down.”  
Canada slid into place, still sleep fogged, watching and waiting.   America set food down in front of him before sitting down himself.  America’s fingers on his free hand tapped along the table.  Early morning snowfall whistled by outside, brushing the landscape like a smudged Monet.  
When they were finished, they took turns washing dishes and drying them (Canada’s dishwasher broke a few weeks ago—he hadn’t called it to be fixed yet).  While drying off their plates and stacking them in the nearby cupboard, Canada began, “I’ve been thinking,”
America looked up from the sink, “Oh?  Did it hurt?”  
Elbowing him and steadfastly ignoring America’s laugh, he said, “Shut up!  Anyway, I’ve been thinking.  Why don't we just get away for a while.  No phones, no work.  Just you and me.”
America’s eyes danced, “You really mean it?”
Canada nodded, and America promptly scooped him up and twirled in a circle, wet hands pressing prints into Canada’s shirt.  
Setting him down, America said, “I know the perfect place.  I’ve got this little home in Maine.  Haven't been there in forever though,” in a lilting, teasing tone. “Shouldn't take us more than a day to get there.”
“I’ll go and pack.”                                                 ________________
The drive was long and beautiful and effervescent.  Highways stretched for endless miles, weaving between snow capped mountains and sprawling towns.  America’s strong hands drove them through traffic and empty country roads, singing lowly along with the changing radio stations.
When America would give him side-long glances, Canada would grin back at him teasingly, saying, “Eyes on the road, America.  Thought you knew how to drive this thing.”
Entering into town was breathtaking.  A road carved into the land and wide, expansive forests.  They had left around 10 and pulled into a snow-covered driveway as the sun was beginning to set.  The house was only one of about 15 others all lined up in neat little rows along the edges of a lake.  Some had chimneys puffing away plumes of gossamer smoke into the clouds.  Others had friendly, bundled up faces shoveling sidewalks.  
It turned out America’s little home had large, sparkling windows that opened up to the forest and beautiful dark wood that gleamed with decades of memories.  Oh, and furniture that hadn’t been touched since 1974.  
“Shit.  I really haven’t been here in forever.  I must’ve forgotten about it.  God, look at this.”  He tugged at garish, flower print curtains hanging loosely.  They were sunbleached and fraying at the end.  
“This is awful, America.  Really.  When did you have these counters put in?”  Canada’s voiced called from the kitchen.
America laughed; something warmed in Canada’s chest hearing it.  “It’s not too bad, is it?  Just a little dusty.”  Canada walked back into the living room only to see America smack the top of a couch.  Dust flew up around him, choking him on the end of his sentence.    
“It’s enough.”  
America hauled their suitcases into, presumably, one of the bedrooms.  The rhythm of his voice echoed along the walls, “I’ve already called the electric and water company.  Told me everything should be back up by tonight.”   Canada gingerly sat down on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table covered with National Geographic and Life magazines.  Picking them up and blowing off the grime, Canada flipped through them.  The earliest one was dated 1964, the latest one 1979.  Most of them had faded, bleeding margin notes and underlines in America’s looping cursive.   He spied a picture frame turned face down.  Righting it, the photo showed a grinning America with Jimmy Carter on one side and a girl on his other.  America sported a wide-collared shirt tucked into high-waist jeans.  His hair was longer than he usually kept it, curled around his ears with feathered bangs.  
“I was thinking we could grab dinner in town and hit the grocery store—oh.”  He paused, leaning over Canada’s shoulder while staring at the photo.  “I haven’t seen that in years.”  
Canada tipped his head back, “Who’s the girl?”  
America grabbed the frame and flopped down next to him.  “That’s Amie Carter.  Jimmy’s daughter.  We came here in ‘78 I think?  He wanted to get away for a weekend while his boys were visiting his brother.  She must’ve only been 11 then.  Just caught her first fish.”
Canada nodded, “So, you were saying dinner in town?”  
“Yeah.  You’re gonna love it.  Cute little town, at least, that’s how I remember it.”  He said, sheepishly.  
“I have complete faith in you.”  Canada replied, patting America’s thigh.  
“You haven’t had faith in me for 300 years.”
Canada got up to unpack his suitcase.  Over his shoulder he called, “That may be so.”                                                     ______________
 “I’m glad this place stuck around.  I used to come here nearly every chance I got.”  America twirled a mouthful of spaghetti on his fork.   “Do you know the owners?”   “I used to.  Back when this place first opened in the 50s.  An Italian couple and their kids.  Real nice folks.”  
The restaurant was cosily full of people chatting and eating.  Decorated with glittering lights and green holly, servers deftly moved around chairs and tables.  Laughter and music bounced against the edges and seams of the building.  A few couples twirled in a makeshift dance floor at the foot of a small stage where two women sung carols together.  
The glittering lights danced along America’s features, playing with the blues of his eyes.  Canada reached a hand across the table, lacing their fingers together.    
“Alfred?  My word, I haven’t seen you in years.”
Startled, America twisted in his seat to find the source of the voice.  
A kindly man appeared at America’s elbow, a bright smile standing out against his dark skin with greying hair and grooved wrinkles carved around his eyes.  
America quavered, “Raymond?”  America stood up before pulling the man into a back-patting hug.  
“How’ve you been?  When you skipped town all those years ago, we thought we’d never see you again.  You don’t look like you’ve changed a bit, either.  What’s your secret?”  Raymond laughed.  
America’s face fell a hair, so subtle someone would have to be watching carefully to catch it.  Or be Canada, who had been watching America for so long, he knew every tell, all of his signs. ��
“I’m sorry.  Some things, uh, came up at work.  Couldn’t manage to get back.”  
“For 40 years?”  
“Ray, it’s been a helluva 40 years.”  
Ray chuckled again, this time more somber.  “I would say so.  Now, who’s this?”  He turned to Canada.  
America blushed prettily, “Matthew.  Mattie, my—” he swallowed “—my boyfriend.”  
Raymond’s eyebrows rose, but he composed himself and held out a strong, work-roughed hand, “Pleased to meet you.  Must say Alfred’s done well for himself.”       “Nice to meet you too.”  Canada said, shaking his hand.
“I don’t want to interrupt you two, but why don’t you stop by sometime.  My daughter’s home for Christmas with her wife.  And I’m sure my own wife would be happy to see you as well.  That is, if you’re planning on staying in town for a while.”
“We’d be happy to.  We’re here until Christmas.  Nice little vacation.” “That’s great!  Wife and I still live in the same place, stop by for dinner whenever you’d like.  Have a good night, boys.”  Ray hugged America again before heading out, jingle bells jangling as the door fell shut behind him.  
America sat down, stupefied for a moment before resuming eating.  Canada looked at him from overtop his glasses, “You gonna tell me who that was?”  
Sighing, America said, “Raymond Harvelle.  I was friends with his family during the 70s.  I was spending a lot of time up here, especially because of how close it is to you.”  
Canada nodded, they had fallen into a relationship around 1976—America’s 200th birthday.  America wanted to escape the gas crisis which left him thinner and more pallid than usual.  Canada wanted to forget the itch of labor discontent simmering underneath his skin.  Although the years and decades tended to blend into an amorphous scene in Canada’s mind, he had never forgotten that series of months when they spent nearly all their time together before Canada got fed up and kissed him on an abnormally hot June afternoon.  In the end, it all worked out   
America changed the subject after that, switching to a new movie that just came out.  Canada let him.  America often kept his relationships with humans private; there was nothing else Canada could with that besides respect it.  
Dinner finished with no more interruptions.  Afterwards, they stopped at a run-down grocery store to pick up non-ancient cleaning supplies and enough food to fill the fridge and a few cupboards.  Later, they set to work cleaning the house, the sounds of America’s record player echoed between the walls.  As the clock passed the better part of 11 pm, creeping along towards midnight, Canada heard America call out his name.  
“Canada!  Come look.”  Canada heard several thumps come from the attic, and America’s head poke out from the ceiling.  “I found some old Christmas decorations.”  
Canada gingerly climbed the ladder up into the attic, surprisingly sparse with only a few boxes of what looked to be linens and, apparently, decor.  Illuminated by only a single, lonely bulb, the room was cast eerily in shadows while frigid wind knocked at the seams of the house.  
Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Canada joined America in admiring a delicate little ornament.  
“Who gave me this one?” America said more to himself than Canadad.  “Pat Nixon?  God, I haven’t seen some of these in ages.  Here’s another—”  He held aloft a delicate, handmade cross-stitch of his flag that had E.W. sewn in the corner.  
America’s face was so utterly soft and lovely.  Canada tucked up close to his side, resting his head on America’s shoulder.  He kissed him behind his ear, smiling when America shivered a little.
“Who made that one?”
“I think this was Edith Wilson.  Those are her initials there.”  
“Do all of the first ladies give you Christmas ornaments?”  Canada asked teasingly.  
America snorted a laugh, “I think it turned into kind of a tradition.”  
“We can decorate tomorrow if you’d like.”  
“With like, two days ‘till Christmas?”  
“Why not?”  He said, standing up and hauling himself back downstairs.  “I’ve pretty much cleaned everything I could.  I’m going to bed.  Don’t be up too late.”  
“Thanks, babe.  I’ll be there a little later.  Just gotta haul this stuff downstairs.”  
Canada nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.  He was halfway asleep when America slid in next to him, cold hands wrapping around his waist and pulling him up against his front.  
“I’m glad you’re here, Canada.  Love you.”  
Canada murmured an affirmation and fell asleep to the rhythm of America’s breathing and the steady rise and fall of his chest.                                                       ________________
The next morning Canada awoke to the slide and drag of America’s calloused fingers along his abdomen.  Canada huffed a sleepy noise and turned to press a chaste kiss to America’s mouth.  
Blinking blearily, America smiled at him, unfocused and drowsy.  
“Can I help you?”  Canada whispered.   America buried his face in the crook of Canada’s neck and teased his fingertips at the edge of his boxers.  
“Mmm.  Come on, America.”  Canada guided his hand down lower and moaned quietly when America palmed him through the cotton.  Once, twice, three times.  America slipped his hand underneath the waistband and dragged it along the length, slow and teasing.  America’s harsh breaths on his neck mingled with his ragged gasps as America sped up.  Using some of the slick gathered at the head, he jerked him roughly.  Each pull sent little shivers racing across his skin. Canada’s toes curled, and he dug his nails into America’s arm.  
“Ah— ah—” he panted, “Faster. Come on.”  
“Fuckin’ bossy.”  America replied though there was no heat behind it.  His hand sped up while his hips grinded against Canada.  Canada went taught and spilled all over America's hand.  A whimper caught in his throat; America grabbed Canada by the hips and pulled him back again and again, come sticking damply to skin and fabric.
America came not too long after, spilling hotly in his boxers with a quiet moan.  Canada closed his eyes, and basked in America’s warmth.  He eventually climbed out of bed, legs pleasantly wobbly, and made his way to the shower.  
After he was dressed with hair combed, he sat on the counter and watched America swirl milk in his coffee.  Canada cupped his face, smoothed a hand through his hair, and leaned in to kiss him.  America’s eyes fluttered shut, hand pressed against Canada’s side.  Setting his cup down, America moved between Canada’s legs and fully wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him close with a little oomph.  Canada kneaded the base of America’s neck.  America melted a little—as he always did when Canada rubbed that spot—and broke the kiss.  
He rested his head against Canada’s shoulder before saying, “I was thinking we could visit town today.”  
Canada relished the warmth of America’s presence: the rumble of his voice, the smell of his cologne, the taste of toothpaste and coffee on his lips.  
“Sure.  When do you want to leave?”  
Glancing at the clock above the sink, America said, “Maybe in an hour?  We can get lunch.”  
“Sounds good,” Canada said, wiggling off the counter. “Maybe catch a movie later too?”  
America nodded, “Let’s go.”  
Canada enjoyed watching America loosen up as the day went on as if he were melting into the hum-drum of the town itself—the flush of watercolours on paper—watching America tell stories about the people and places.  America’s arm was draped around Canada’s waist; he occasionally pressed a kiss to Canada’s hair or cheek.  
Cars flew down the street.  People weaved in and out of stores, dodging puddles of snowmelt, bundled in coats and scarves and hats.  The cold wind sought to sink its fingers underneath their clothes while chapping their lips and pinking their faces.
“Come on.  I loved this place.”  America said, mercifully tugging Canada into a warm bookstore, “I can’t believe it’s still here.”  
The book store was happy and bright and smelled like pine.  A young woman with fluorescent pink hair sat behind a checkout counter, nose in a book.  In the far back corner, an elderly man with a bushy moustache and booming voice was reading Harry Potter to a group of enraptured children.  
America took off to a shelf only containing sci-fi and fantasy novels, leaving Canada to wander around on his own.  To his left were shelves of historical and political books; on his right were stacks of regular fiction.  Further down were classics, early editions, and rare printings.  His eye caught “Mark Twain” in gilded letters along the spine of a tucked-away book.  Upon further exploration, he found it was A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, a title he was unfamiliar with but one America raved about when it was first printed.  Inside was done like an illuminated manuscript full of ornate calligraphy and illustrations.  Glancing over his shoulder, he saw America engrossed with a leather-bound copy of The Hobbit, and quickly made is way over to the cashier who smiled at him, a little knowingly.    
“Do you want me to wrap this for you?”  She asked quietly, gesturing to America.  
Canada nodded, “Yeah, thank you.”  
The woman turned behind her to a little wrapping station and set to work.  Canada briefly marveled at her skill—he only barely managed to wrap things with a lot of tape and wishes, and they always came out looking like a child’s handiwork—full of love, but still a mess.  
“You ready to go?”  America said, appearing at Canada’s side.   “Just a minute.  She’s wrapping it for me.”  
The woman turned back with his book, wrapped in sparkling paper and a fluttery ribbon around the sides.  She slipped it in a bag, and wished them happy holidays.
The rest of their day involved greasy diner food for lunch and frequent stops at antique stores and little boutiques.  America chattered on about different places: this used to be that and the owners used to always do this and so-and-so used to always. . .  
He painted the history of the town with his words (something Canada always appreciated was America’s ability to tell a story), and when the two of them could stand the cold any longer, they rushed back to his car and inside the house.
While Canada made hot chocolate, America started up a fire in the fireplace and began to fiddle with the limbs of a disassembled faux-Christmas tree.
“Are you sure you don’t want help with that?”  Canada said, observing, amusedly, watching America grow increasingly frustrated with the tree.  
“No, I’ve got it.  I’m have to it.”
Curling up on the couch, Canada set America’s mug down on the table, and immersed himself in one of the old magazines.  
After sometime, America spoke up, “Okay.  Now you can help me.”  
Canada threw the magazine down, and began rifling in the same box of ornaments as America.
“I’d put lights on it, but these are so old.  I don’t want to set the place on fire ‘cause something short-circuited.”  America said, holding up a roll of twinkle-lights.  “What do you think?     
“Couldn’t hurt to just give it a try.”
Both holding their breath, America plugged them in in a far-off corner of the house (in the kitchen of course, near water to put out any fire), and were relieved when they glowed with no sparks.  America promptly wound them around the tree.
America began singing Home for the Holidays under his breath, a rosy tenor that occasionally dipped into a delicious baritone.  Canada harmonized, expertly twisting around America as they filled the tree with ornaments.  
When there was a lull in their soundtrack, Canada said, “Too bad we’re not at your Virginia place.  I love hearing you play the piano.  You haven’t played for me in forever.”  
America put a small star on the top of the tree.  “I will soon.  Promise.  As long as you play the violin too.  You haven’t played in awhile either, Canada.”  
Walking over to the turntable, Canada pulled out an LP of Christmas hits.  He set the needle down gingerly and walked back over to the tree, pulling America in close and began to sway to the music, “We need to make more time for each other.”
“Mhmm.”  America’s hand slid low around his hips.  Something warm and undefined slipped down Canada’s spine, pooling in his gut.  “Merry Christmas.”
America tipped his head towards the clock, “It’s midnight.  Officially Christmas.” 
A fire crackled, knots in the wood popping every so often.  America traced aimless patterns along his back, tender and comforting.  Canada remembered times when they were younger, traveling west in wagons with families of humans or on the train the instant the transcontinental railroad was finished, laying next to each other, ridges of their bodies aligned, border to border.  Clinging to the only one they knew best for some sense of solace and stability.
There was an unspoken silence between them.  An expanse of space and time filled only by the present moment.  Outside, snow fell in twinkling shards like jewels, coating the landscape in diaphanous sheets.  Dusty strands of holly and cascades of  lights glowed exquisitely, an echoing reminder of glamorous places and people long ago.  Their feet knocked against each other as they swayed together.  
“America, I’ll love you forever.”  Canada pressed his face into America’s hair.  His eyes were dangerously wet, his heart so full and happy.  
“It’s you and me, Canada.  The two of us ‘till the end of everything.”
As they stood there, pressed against each other, separate yet one, Canada saw the endless spray of millenia awaiting them.  Ceaseless waves against their shores.  Everything uncertain except Canada and America.  
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
Words used in the writing of “weird fiction” author Clark Ashton Smith
Abbadon the angel of the "bottomless pit" of Rev. ix. 11; hell (see Gehenna)
abdominous big-bellied ("an abdominous jar of uncolored glass")
abjuration a renunciation under oath; a formal rejection or denial
abrogation a nullifying; a doing away with something [L. normal'>abrogare- to repeal]
acidulous sour; bitter; painstaking [L.- acidulus- slightly sour]
a stone imagined by some to be of impenetrable hardness; the hardest iron or steel 2. Poetic: unbreakable hardness (adj.-adamantine)
addorsed Her.- placed back-to-back, as two animals or figures
adipocere a soft or waxy substance of a light-brown color into which the flesh of dead animals is converted under certain conditions of temperature and humidity
adits entrances or passageways
a faint sketch or outline 2. foreshadowing; advance indication 3. overshadowing
adytum an inner or secret shrine; sanctum [L. from Gk. normal'>adyton]
agate a waxy quartz in which the colors are in bands, or are blended in clouds
aigretted tufted as with feathers or gems
alabastrine of a pure white color, like alabaster
alembic a chemical vessel formerly used in distillation, usually of glass or copper (see cucurbit)
aliment food for body or mind
almandine n. a transparent deep red or violet garnet, a precious crystallized stone
aludel a pear-shaped vessel of glass
amaranth n. 1. a plant of the genus Amaranthus, with colorful leaves and, in some instances, showy, tassellike heads of flowers, as the love-lies-bleeding, pigweed, etc. 2. Poetic: an imaginary flower that never fades
amaranthine never-fading, or, of a deep-purple or purplish-red color
ambergris a solid, opaque, ash-colored substance used in perfumery
amethysts purple sapphires.
amphora a tall, two-handled jar for wine or oil, with a narrow neck [L. from Gk. amphoreus]
ana n. a collection of notes or scraps of literature bearing on a particular person, place, or subject
anaglyph an ornament in low relief; a cameo [Gk.- normal'>anaglyphon, from ana, up, & glyphein, to cut out]
Anakim a race of giants in Palestine
anchorite a hermit; a recluse (see eremite)
androsphinx a sphinx with a human head (distinguished from ram-headed or hawk-headed sphinxes)
animadversions disparaging comments; censure (see objurgations)
ankylose abnormal stiffening of a joint; a consolidation of two bones or parts of bones
anlace a broad two-edged dagger or short sword
annulated furnished with or surrounded by rings
antemundane unearthly
anthropophagic cannibalistic
antimony a silver-white, hard, crystalline metallic element, related to arsenic and tin
antinomian related to the doctrine that faith frees the Christian from the obligations of the moral law
antipodes a place or region on the opposite side of the earth, or its inhabitants
aphelion the point in orbit farthest from the sun
deification; exaltation to divine honors 2. a glorification of any kind
appanage an allowance to the younger branches of a sovereign house from revenues of the country; hence, whatever falls to one from rank or station in life [F.- apanage]
apperception Psychol.- perception that reflects upon the act of perceiving; spontaneous insight
apterous lacking wings
arabesque n. 1. a complex, elaborate design of intertwined flowers, foliage, geometrical patterns, etc. painted or carved in low relief 2. adj.- fanciful, ornamental
araucarias large cone-bearing evergreen trees
arcane known to only a few; esoteric [L.- normal'>arcanus- hidden] (see holocryptic & recondite)
archaeopteryx a bird of the Jurassic period which had teeth, a lizard-like tail, and well-developed wings
archimage a chief magician; great wizard [L. from Gk. normal'>archimagos- chief of the magi]
Archit.- a chief beam, resting on columns 2. an ornament arching over a door or window
armillary Astron.- an ancient instrument consisting of concentric rings in the form of a skeleton sphere, representing the relative positions of the ecliptic and other celestial circles
arrack a strong Oriental liquor
arras a hanging for the walls of a room, esp. a tapestry
aspergillum the brush used for sprinkling holy water on the people
asphodels a lily plant, bearing white or yellow flowers
astrolabe formerly an instrument for obtaining the altitude of planets and stars
ataxia disturbance of bodily functions, as in the paroxysms of disease
atelier a workshop, especially of an artist; studio
athanor a digesting furnace, formerly used in alchemy, so constructed as to maintain a uniform and constant heat
attar the fragrant oil extracted from the petals of flowers, esp. from roses
augury a portent or omen; the foretelling of events by signs or omens
golden; guilded 2. splendid (see next entry)
auroral dawning; roseate
auriphrygiate ornamented with embroidery in gold ("auriphrygiate domes") [L.]
austral southern
auto-da-fe the public pronouncement and execution of the sentence of the Inquisition, with attendant ceremonies, such as the burning of heretics at the stake
bagatelle a trifle; a thing of no importance
hurtful; malignant. 2. Archaic: sorrowful, miserable (see malefic)
banyan an East Indian fig-bearing tree which sends down from its branches roots that develop into new trunks, thus producing a thick and shady grove
barbican an outer fortification; rampart
irregularly shaped, as a baroque pearl 2. fantastically overdecorated; theatrical
basilisk fabled reptile of the Arabian desert whose breath and look were fatal (see cockatrice)
bastinado mode of punishment in Oriental countries, esp. Mohammedan, by beating the feet
bayadere a dancing-girl, especially one serving in an Indian temple
beryl aquamarine or emerald variety of beryllium, used as gems
besoms brooms; bundles of twigs
bezel the part of a ring which surrounds and holds the stone
bifurcation a division into two branches
bituminous containing bitumen; volatile
blandishments flattering speech or actions (see inveigle)
Her.- artfully depicted coats of arms 2. brilliant displays
boreal northern; pertaining to the north, esp. the north wind
boscage a mass of growing trees or shrubs; a thicket [OF., OHG- busc- a thicket.]
Archaic: a limit or boundary: the bourn of man’s life 2. Poetic: realm or region
burgeoning budding; sprouting forth
burnoose a woolen cloak with hood, worn by Arabs and Moors
buskin a high shoe or half-boot (see cothurn)
byssus among the ancients, a linen, silk, or cotton cloth of exceedingly fine texture (used by the Egyptians in mummy-wrapping)
cabalistic containing an occult meaning; mystical
cachinnation immoderate laughter
cacodaemon a devil or evil spirit [Gk.- kakodaimon, from kakos- bad, evil + daimon- spirit]
caftan a long, wide-sleeved robe fastened by a belt or a sash
cairn a mound or heap of stones for a memorial
calamite a fossil plant of the Paleozoic era, growing to a height of 100 feet or more
a tropical fever with delirium 2. Poetic: to have illusions
calyx Bot.- the outermost series of leaf-like parts of a flower, usually green but frequently colored, which encloses and supports the corolla
cantraips incantations or charms; pieces of witchcraft (Scot., from cantrip)
caparisoned fitted with decorative trappings; decked out
capriole an upward leap made by a trained horse while standing [F., from Ital.- capriola]
capstan an apparatus for hoisting anchors
captious difficult to please; apt to find fault
carapace the bony outer case on turtles, lobsters and other animals
carmine red or purplish-red; crimson
carnelian  n. a clear red chalchedony, often cut as a gem
cartouche on Egyptian monuments or papyri, a group of hieroglyphics in a small oblong area
caryatid Archit.- a figure of a woman dressed in long robes, serving to support an entablature
a tropical American shrub with thick roots from which an edible starch is obtained 2. bread made from this starch
a genus of plants, from some species of which is extracted the cathartic drug senna 2. Chinese cinnamon, a variety made by using cassia bark as an adulterating agent
castradoes eunuchs ("the fat castradoes diddered in their cloth-of-gold")
catafalque a temporary raised structure that supports a coffin [F.]
catatonia a state of muscular rigidity; stupor
causey a paved pathway or street [F. caucie, from L. calciare- to make a road]
celerity quickness of motion
centurial occurring once in a century
ceremented wearing grave-clothes; covered in cere-cloth
cerulean of a deep, clear blue; azure [L.- caelum, heaven, caeruleus, dark blue]
chaffer v. 1. to bargain; to haggle or negotiate 2. to talk much and idly
chalcedony a cryptocrystalline, translucent quartz, having a wax-like luster, and comprising onyx, agate, sard, cat’s eye, jasper and carnelian
chalices Botany: cup-shaped flowers
charpoy bedstead or cot of India, with a bamboo frame
chasmal gaping
chatelaine the mistress of a chateau
chatoyant adj. 1. possessing a changeable luster, like that of a cat’s eye in the dark 2. Cat’s Eye, a chrysoberyl gemstone displaying an undulating or wavy light
chimera- Myth.
a fire-breathing monster, depicted as part lion, part goat, and part dragon 2. a vain fancy; a mere phantasm of the imagination
chiton gown or tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece
chryselephantine made or covered with gold or ivory, as certain Greek statues
chrysolite an olive-green, translucent mineral, called peridot when used as a semiprecious stone
chrysoprase an apple-green variety of quartz
Cimmerian dark; gloomy (from the Cimmerii, a people whose land Homer described as a region of perpetual mist and darkness)
cystallized red mercuric sulfide, artificially used a red pigment. 2. brilliant red
Circean fascinating but poisonous; magical (from Circe, a sorceress in Greek myth)
circumambient extending around, or being on all sides; encompassing
circumpolar revolving around the poles without setting, as circumpolar stars
claymore a double-edged Scottish broadsword
clepsydra Anciently: a water-clock
cockatrice a basilisk; a fabulous monster whose breath and glance were believed to be fatal, said to have been hatched by a serpent from a cock’s egg
coeval of the same age
coign Archaic: a projecting angle or stone; a corner
coir a type of yarn made from the husk of cocoanuts
colonnades Archit.- a range of columns connected by an entablature
colossi statues of gigantic size, such as the statue of Apollo which anciently stood at the entrance to the port of Rhodes
comestation Obs.- reveling or feasting [L.- comessatio, a Bacchanalian procession]
comestibles food; edibles (see viands)
commensal one who eats at the same table
comminatory threatening punishment or vengeance (minatory- menacing)
condign well-deserved
confrere a fraternity brother
blood relationship; common ancestry 2. close relationship; affinity
contumely scornful or insulting language; haughtiness ("contumelies")
coracle a small fishing boat of hide on a wicker frame [Welsh normal'>corwgl, from corwg- a frame, boat]
corollas the inner circle of flower leaves, usually colored
corposant a ball of electric light observed on dark tempestuous nights about the rigging of a ship; St. Elmo’s light
corundum aluminum oxide, second only to the diamond in hardness. Pure, transparent varieties are the ruby, sapphire, Oriental amethyst, and Oriental topaz.
coruscating giving out sparkles of light (coruscations- sudden flashes)
cothurn a high, thick-soled boot worn by actors in ancient Greek tragedies
couchant lying down; reclining (see recumbent)
courtier a member of the court circle
crenelations battlements; fortifications
pertaining to twilight; glimmering 2. becoming active or flying in the twilight
cresset a kind of iron basket holding a beacon light
cromlech an ancient mortuary monument consisting of two or more large unhewn stones fixed upright in the ground, supporting a flat horizontal stone (see dolmen)
crotali snakes of a genus like that of the rattlesnake (crotalus)
crozier a staff, about 5 feet in length, surmounted by an ornamental cross
a gourd-shaped chemical vessel 2. the body of an alembic 3. any plant of the gourd family
cuneiform wedge-shaped, as in some ancient Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian inscriptions
cupel a shallow, absorbent vessel, used in refining gold and silver ores
cupola a dome; hemispherical roof
cutaneous on or affecting the skin
cycad a tropical plant of fern-like appearance
damascened decorated with wavy or variegated patterns
damask n. a silk fabric, having some parts raised in the form of flowers and other figures
damaskeen v. to ornament with wavy markings produced by inlaying or incrusting with metal ("damaskeening the slopes beyond the city with bright flowers of azure and vermilion")
decoction an extract or essence made by boiling animal or vegetable matter
decreasing; waning, as a decrescent moon 2. Her.- the declining moon, used as a bearing
delimitable capable of being gauged, marked, or decided upon (from delimit)
deliquescent liquifying in the air
in Plato’s philosophy, a secondary deity, the creative spirit who made the world 2. in Gnostic philosophy, a subordinate god, often considered the originator of evil 3. in Greek history, a magistrate in certain Peloponnesian states (adj.- demiurgic- godlike)
desuetude disuse; a state of being no longer practiced or customary
dewlaps the fold of skin hanging from the throat of oxen or cattle
diablerie demonology; sorcery [OF. diablerie, from diable- devil]
diadem a crown; a symbol of royalty
diaphanous transparent or translucent; pellucid [Med. L.- normal'>diaphanus- transparent]
diaphragmic dividing; partitioning (from diaphragm)
diluvial pertaining to a flood or deluge
dissolution decomposition; death [L. dissolutio, from dissolutus, pp. of normal'>dissolvere, to loosen]
diurnal relating to the daytime; daily (opposed to nocturnal)
divagate to wander or stray aimlessly; to digress (n.- divagation, "divagance")
divertissements diversions; amusements
divestiture the removal of rights or honors; the act of removing something
divination the act or art of foretelling the future or unknown
expressing grief, as, a doleful cry 2. melancholy (see dolorous, funereal, lugubrious)
dolmen a prehistoric, sepulchral monumuent of large uncut stones, set on end and covered with a single huge stone, so as to form a chamber, and often covered with earth; cromlech
dolomite a calcium magnesium carbonate occurring in white to pale-pink crystals; limestone or marble with much magnesium carbonate in it
dolorous sorrowful; mournful; pathetic [ME.- dolerous, L.- dolorosus- painful, mournful]
drupe a soft, fleshy fruit enclosing a hard-shelled seed, as in the peach or cherry
the condition of any liquid when bubbles are rapidly forming in its mass and rising to the surface 2. a violent outburst (ebullience- a boiling over; agitation; exuberance)
effluence a flowing out; emanation [L.- effluens]
effluvium a noxious or evil-smelling exhalation from decaying matter
effulgence a shining forth brilliantly; brightness; splendor
eider the soft, fine breast feathers of a large eider duck
eidolon an unreal or spectral form; an image
eldritch ghastly; hideous; weird
an amber-colored alloy of gold and silver, used by the ancient Greeks for coins 2. Obs.- amber
eloignment removal to a distance; a carrying off [OF esloignier- carry off ]
embrasure an opening in a wall or parapet, through which cannon are pointed
empery Poetic: sovereignty; dominion
Empusa Botany: a genus of prehistoric fungi ("empusae")
empyreal celestial; pertaining to the highest heaven, where the pure element of fire was supposed by the ancients to exist [Gk. empyros- in the fire]
energumen a person supposedly possessed by evil spirits; a demoniac
entablature a platform supported by columns
epiphany a bodily manifestation, as of a deity
epiphytic growing non-parasitically on another plant, as   certain orchids, mosses, and lichens
equerry an officer having charge of the horses of a dignitary
equivocal of doubtful significance; capable of a double interpretation; purposely vague
eremite one who lives in a wilderness or in retirement; a hermit ("eremitic")
erigible capable of being erected [Rare]
erubescent reddish; blushing (see rubescent)
estrade an elevated part of the floor of a room; platform
esurient hungry; needy
ethereous seeming to pervade all space
etiolated whitened; blanched
evanescent passing away gradually or imperceptibly (evanescence)
eventide Poetic: evening time
exanimate deprived of life; inanimate
excoriate to denounce scathingly
exigent demanding; pressing or urgent
exiguous small; minute; slender [L. exiguus- scanty, small ]
fakir a Moslem itinerant beggar, often one claiming to perform miracles (also sp. faquir)
fane a sanctuary; temple
feculent foul with impure substances; muddy
fecundity fertility; richness of invention
femora thigh-bones
fen marsh; bog
ferine relating to or resembling a wild beast; savage (feral)
ferruginous of the color of iron rust; dusky
Fescennine ribald; licentious (from town of Fescennium in Etruria, known for its wild festivals)
fetid emitting an offensive odor (see noisome)
filagree delicate ornamental work formed of intertwisted gold or silver wire
filiated threadlike
firkins wooden vessels ("vermilion fungoid blossoms large as firkins")
flagitious deeply criminal; grossly wicked (see nefandous & nefarious)
flambeaux burning torches
flange a spreading or flaring part; a projecting rim or edge
fleur-de-lis a heraldic figure representing either a lily or the head of a lance
flibbertigibbet an impulsive, flighty, or garrulous person
floe a mass of floating ice
florescence a blooming; the state of being in blossom
fortalice a fortified place; a stronghold [Med. L normal'>fortalitia]
foulder Obs.- to thunder or flash like lightning ("fouldered" ... see fulgor & levin)
frangipanni a perfume prepared from, or imitating the odor of a West Indian tree
franzanita a shrub of the genus Arctosa Phylos; the fruit of one of these shrubs
fretted ornamented with angular or interlocked lines
friable easily crumbled
frore Archaic or Poetic: frozen; frosty
fulgor Archaic: dazzling brightness (fulguration- a sudden brightening … adj.- fulgurant, fulgurating)
exploding 2. shouting accusations 3. thundering and lightening [Rare]
fulsome offensively flattering or insincere; excessive (see unctuous)
fulvous reddish-yellow; tawny
fumitory a climbing plant with clusters of pink or purple flowers
funereal mournful; depressingly sad or gloomy
fust a strong musty smell
gamboge a reddish-yellow Oriental gum-resin from certain tropical trees, used as a yellow pigment
a glasslike mineral of various colors, sometimes cut as a gem 2. deep red
garniture , trimming; embellishment
garth Archaic: a yard; garden [ME.]
Gehenna hell-fire; the place of future punishment
genuflection a bending of the knee, as in worship
geomancy divination by figures or lines formed by a handful of earth cast on the ground
a piece of Arabic music with a frequent refrain 2. a form of Persian verse
glabrous smooth
glaucous yellowish-green ("glaucous twilight")
glutinous gluey; sticky
gibbous irregularly rounded or bulging, as the moon when in a phase between half-moon and full
gnomon the style or pin of a sun dial
gossamers fine threads or webs of silk
gracile slender
gramary Archaic: occult lore; magic ("gramaries")
grandiloquence the use of pompous, bombastic words and expressions (see magniloquent & orotund)
greaves dregs of melted tallow
grimalkin an old female cat
guerdon an earned privilege or reward
gules Her.- the tincture red: in a blazon without color, indicated by parallel vertical lines [OF. from L. gula, the throat] ("the leaping of flames that flung their bloody gules")
gymnosophic pertaining to a Hindu sect of ascetics who wore little or no clothing; nude
halcyon calm; peaceful
hamadryad a wood nymph whose life is connected with that of the tree she inhabits
to tear; to wound 2. to make uncomfortable; to distress
haruspication divination by a normal'>haruspex, a lesser priest or soothsayer in ancient Rome whose business was to inspect the entrails of animals killed in sacrifice [L., lit., an inspector of entrails]
hebetude dullness; stupidity
hecatomb Anciently: a sacrifice of a hundred oxen as an offering to the gods; hence, any great slaughter
western 2. Poetic: of the Hesperides, daughters of Hesperus, guardians of the fabulous garden of golden apples, watched over by an enchanted dragon, at the earth’s western extremity
hesternal pertaining to yesterday ("my own memories grow dim like the fires of hesternal wanderings")
heteroclitic deviating from the ordinary form ("heteroclitic runes")
hieratic consecrated to sacred uses (see sacerdotal)
hierophant Anciently: an expounder of religious mysteries or rites
hippodrome Anciently: a place in which chariot races were performed
holocryptic wholly concealed; arcanic
hornbeam a small variety of the birch tree
houri a nymph of the Moslem Paradise
hummocks small elevations; piles or ridges of ice
hyaline resembling glass; transparent (hyalescence- the state of being glassy)
hydromancy divination by the observation of water
hyperborean frigid; of the far north
hyssop a fragrant, bushy plant of the mint family
ichor Myth.- the ethereal fluid supposed to flow in the veins of the gods
ignescent bursting into flame; emitting sparks of fire [L. normal'>ignescens, ppr. of ignescere- to take fire]
imbricated overlapping, like tiles on a roof, scales of fish, or leaves in a bud ("imbricated leafage")
immedicable incurable (see irremediable)
immemorial beyond memory; originating beyond the reach of records or tradition
immensurable not to be measured; immeasurable (see incommensurable)
immitigable severe or extreme; incapable of appeasement
immomentous unimportant [Rare]
immortelles flowers that retain their color long after they are harvested
immured enclosed or imprisoned (immurement)
impalpable intangible; unreal
incalescent increasing in heat  [L.- incalescens, entis, ppr. of incalescere, grow hot... Rare]
incarnadined tinged with the color of flesh; reddened
inchoate begun, but existing in only a rudimentary form [L.- normal'>inchoatus, pp. of inchoare- to begin]
incognizable not capable of being recognized ("incognizably distorted stars")
incommensurable lacking a common measure or standard of comparison; greatly out of proportion
nightmare 2. an imaginary demon, formerly supposed to cause nightmare, or to have sexual intercourse with the sleeper 3. anything that oppresses
incunablia the earliest traces of an art, race, or development; early specimens of printing and engraving
indepictable indescribable
indesecrate never visited by man; unexplored ("her indesecrate horizons")
incapable of being dissolved, melted, or liquefied 2. firm; lasting (adv.-indissolubly)
indurate hardened; made callous or stubborn (see obdurate)
ineffable inexpressible
ineluctable inescapable; irresistable
inenarrable that cannot be narrated or told
infoliate v. to cover or overspread with leaves [Rare]
infrangible unbreakable [F.] ("the infrangible solitude of remote places")
innominable not to be named (innominate- nameless)
inscrutable incomprehensible; unfathomable
insuperable insurmountable; not to be overcome
integument any natural outer covering, as the skin of an animal, coat of a seed, etc.
interlocutor an interpreter or questioner
interlunar at the time when the moon is invisible; between the old and the new moon
inveigle to lead on with deception; to entice (see wheedling… n.- inveiglement)
investiture a formal investing with authority (Obs.- vestiture...in Zool., a covering of scales or hair)
firmly established; of long standing 2. Obs.- bitter; also, ancient (adv.- inveterately)
invidious envious; provoking evil
involitient not capable of exercising the will; mindless [Rare] (volitient- exercising volition)
intricate; confusingly mingled 2. Botany: rolled inward at the edges
invultuation an evil spell
iridescent having rainbow-like colors; shimmering [Gk. iris, a rainbow, and escent- prismatic]
irrefragable incapable of being refuted; unanswerable
irremeable admitting of no return
not to be remedied 2. not to be corrected or redressed
that cannot be resolved; insoluble 2. that cannot be relieved
isoteric having the same number and arrangement of electrons ("isoteric luster")
ithyphallic relating to the phallus used in the festivals of Bacchus; hence, obscene or lewd
jacinth a reddish-orange precious stone; a hyacinth
jasper an opaque variety of quartz, of red, yellow, or brown, and admitting of high polish
jetty black
ka in Egyptian myth, the spiritual self, believed to dwell in images, and to survive in the tomb
kava a Polynesian shrub of the pepper family, and beverage made from it
lacunae gaps; blank spaces
lambent softly radiant (n.- lambency…"lambence")
lamia Myth.- a female vampire preying upon infants; witch ("lamiae")
lancinating piercing, as a shooting pain
Laocoon Myth.- the priest of Apollo at Troy, who warned the Trojans against the wooden horse,   and was killed with his two sons, by two serpents sent by Athena
lapidaries those who cut, engrave and set precious stones
lazuli blue spar; lapis lazuli, a semi-precious stone used by the ancients for decoration
sleight of hand; tricks of a stage magician 2. trickery of any sort
leman Archaic: a sweetheart or lover; esp. a mistress
tenacity [Rare] 2. slowness of movement; sluggishness ("the lentor of Lethe")
leonine pertaining to a lion; fierce
Lethean imparting forgetfulness, or, the anxious foreboding of oblivion
levin Archaic: lightning [ME.- levene]
Liassic Geol: pertaining to the Lias, bluish rocks which are the oldest strata of the Jurassic Period
littoral the shore; the region on the shore of the sea or a large lake
locution a mode of speech; a phrase
loess Geol: a pale, yellowish clay or loam
lubricious lascivious (see salacious)
lubricity slipperiness; hence, shiftiness; instability
lucent shining; luminous
lucubration laborious study or writing [often in pl.] (humorous usage suggesting pedantry)
lugubrious expressing sorrow
luminary any body that gives light, or, a famous intellectual, as, normal'>luminaries of Europe
lunation Astron.- the interval between two returns of the new moon
lune a geometrical figure in the shape of a crescent or half-moon
lustrum a period of five years
machicolation a vertical opening in the floor of a projecting gallery or parapet for hurling missiles  or pouring boiling lead onto the enemy
machinations plots; artful schemes
a climbing plant; esp. Rubia tinctorum, a vine with small yellow flowers and berries 2. the red root of this plant, or a red dye made from it 3. bright red; crimson
magistral n. 1. a sovereign remedy [Obs.] 2. adj.- Phar.- specially prepared; not kept on hand
magniloquent lofty, pompous, or grandiose in speech or style of expression (adv.-magniloquently)
malachite a green mineral, found in massive encrustations, that can be polished for ornamental uses
malefic harmful; evil (maleficent- causing injury; maleficial... "malefical"... see next entry)
malign of an evil nature or character
malisons Archaic: maledictions; curses; invocations of evil
Mandragora a genus of herbaceous plants of the nightshade family, which have narcotic properties
a poisonous plant, genus mandragora, found in the Mediterranean regions: it has a short stem, purple or white flowers, and a thick root, often forked; deadly nightshade 2. the root, formerly thought to resemble the human shape
mangonel a military apparatus formerly used for throwing stones [OF]
mantle n. 1. a cloak or loose, sleeveless garment 2. anything that covers or conceals
manumission emancipation; being released from bondage (v.- manumit- to release from slavery)
marah bitter water
marcescent withered; wizened
marish marshy; boggy
marmoreal made of or resembling marble
matutinal pertaining to or occurring in the morning [L. from normal'>Matuta, the goddess of morning]
mauve a purple dye and pigment; any of several delicate shades of purple
melange an unsorted medley of things; a literary miscellany
melanite a velvet-black variety of garnet
Memnon a gigantic statue of an Egyptian king at Thebes, said to emit a musical note at first dawn
menhir a tall, rude or sculptured stone of unknown antiquity
mephitic noxious; pestilential
mere a pond or pool
pertaining to or characteristic of a prostitute 2. alluring by false, showy charms; tawdry
meridian noontime; the highest point of anything
miasmal poisonous; vaporous (also miasmatic-- "miasmata")
a common name for gnats 2. a dwarf
migniard Obs.- delicate; frail
minaret a high slender tower, with one or more projecting balconies
missal a black-letter or manuscript book of early date resembling the old Mass books
moiety a half; a small portion
monads Biol.- any simple, single-celled organisms; atoms (atomies)
moraine Geol.- a ridge or heap of earth, stones, sand, or other debris carried by a glacier
morbidezza in painting, delicacy or softness of flesh tints
mordant caustic; cynical
moribund at the point of death; dying
mortuary pertaining to the burial of the dead; relating to or reminiscent of the dead
moted containing fine floating dust or specks
mottlings blotches or spots of different color or shades of color (see variegated)
multifarious having great diversity or variety
multitudinous vast in number
murrain a malignant fever affecting domestic animals; any plague or pestilence
must wine or juice pressed from the grape but not fermented
myrmidon a faithful adherent; an unscrupulous follower
myrrh aromatic gum resin, from several trees and shrubs of Arabia and Abyssinia
nacarat bright orange-red color
nacre mother-of-pearl; the brilliant internal layer of oysters or other shells ("minarets of nacre")
nebulous cloudy; hazy [L.- nebulosus, from nebula- a cloud, mist, vapor] (n.- nebulosity)
necromancy divination by means of communication with the dead; the black art
necrophagous subsisting on carrion [Gk.- nekrophagos- eating dead bodies] ("necrophagism")
necrophore a burying beetle
necropolis an extensive cemetery that is ornamentally laid out
nefandous blasphemous in character; not to be named
nefarious abominable; atrociously sinful or villainous
neophyte a new convert; novice (see novitiate & proselytes)
nescience ignorance; esp. that due either to the nature of the human mind or of external things
nethermost deepest
noctambulistic like a sleepwalker; somnambulist ("her noctambulistic paces")
anything which shines in the darkness; phosphorous   2. small phosphorescent marine organisms that cause parts of the sea to appear luminous
noctilucent luminous by night
noctuary an account of what passes in the night: the converse of normal'>diary [Rare]
noisome offensive to the smell or other senses
novitiate the period of probation of a novice in a religious order; a novice
nyctalopia the faculty or defect of seeing only in darkness
nympholepsy an ecstatic frenzy, said to have taken possession of one who looked upon a nymph; hence, an emotional state caused by unrealizable desire ("satyrs mad with nympholepsy")
obdurate unmoved by feelings of humanity or pity
obeisance a bow of reverence or respect
obelisk a monument of rectangular form, generally forming a low pyramid structure
objurgations rebukes; scoldings
obliquely indirectly; evasively (adj.- obliquitous)
obloquy censorious speech; vilification; also, the state of one who is spoken ill of
obsequial cringing; servile
obsequies funeral services or preparations
obsidian a glossy, black volcanic rock
obstreporous boisterous or unruly; vociferous
occlude to obstruct; to shut in or out
occultation Astron.- concealment of one celestial body by another interposed in the line of vision
ocher an earthy clay, colored with iron oxides and varying in color from pale yellow to deep orange or brownish-red (adj.- ocherous- of a yellow or red color)
odalisques female slaves; concubines
offal carrion; rubbish of any kind
oleaginous pertaining to oil; oily
olibanum Oriental frankincense
omnivalent (omniscient- all-knowing, + omniverous- taking in everything, as an omniverous reader)
opalescent resembling an opal in play of colors; iridescent
ophidian snakelike; pertaining to serpents
orchidaceous like an orchid in showiness, beauty, etc.
orichalch in ancient Greece, an alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold (orichalchum…see similor)
orlop the lowest deck of a ship; esp. a warship
full; mellow; resonant; strong: said of the voice 2. pompous: said of a style of writing
oscitancy the act of gaping or yawning; drowsiness
osier any of various related species of willow, whose twigs are used in making baskets
ossuary a charnel house
Obs.- appearance; manner 2. manifestation; portent [Rare]
oubliette a secret dungeon with an entrance only through the top
pandanus Asiatic shrublike trees of the screw pine family
the abode of all demons; the infernal regions 2. extreme disorder or uproar
pannakins small pans or cups
parapegms in ancient Greece, a table, usually of brass, fixed to a pillar, on which laws and proclamations were engraved; also, a table set in a public place, containing an account of the rising and setting of the stars, eclipses, seasons, etc. ("the brazen tablets of astronomical parapegms")
pards Archaic: leopards
parhelia mock-suns, sometimes white and sometimes tinted with prismatic colors
parterre a flower garden having beds arranged in a pattern [F- normal'>par- by + L.- terra- earth]
pell Obs.- a roll of parchment
pentacle a figure of five straight lines, making a star; in magic, a circle with figures and symbols
penumbra a partial shadow; a margin of shadow caused by the partial interception of light from an illuminating body, as in an eclipse (adj.- penumbral- incompletely illuminated)
perambulations traveling surveys or inspections (see peregrinate)
perdurable very durable; lasting
peregrinate to travel from place to place; to wander (n.- peregrinations)
pernoctation the act of passing the whole night ("saintly pernoctations of prayer and austerity")
peroration the concluding part of a speech
perspicatious quick-sighted; seeing through or understanding something promptly
phantasmagoria a changing, incoherent series of apparitions or phantasms
philtres magical drafts supposed to excite sexual love
Phlegethonian Myth.- fiery, like Phlegethon, one of the five rivers of Hades ("without sound or other ostent than the Phlegethonian luster that surrounds its body and members")
an amulet worn as a preservative from danger or disease among the Jews 2. a strip of parchment inscribed with religious texts and enclosed in a leather case
pilaster a square pillar projecting from a wall to a short distance
pinnate Bot: having the shape or arrangement of a feather; said of compound leaves
pismires ants
planturous abundant ("planturous lyricism")
plenilune Poetic: the full moon [L.- plenus- full + luna- moon]
plenipotentiary n. an ambassador
plexus an interwoven arrangement of parts; a network
plummet a piece of lead or other metal attached to a line, used for sounding the water’s depth
porphyry an Egyptian rock with red and white feldspar crystals embedded in a fine-grained, dark-red or purplish ground mass [Gk.- porphyros- purple] ("porphyritic")
porrected projecting; extending horizontally
postern a back gate; a private entrance
poulaine a medieval shoe with a long pointed toe
preciptancy extreme haste; falling or rushing headlong
prescience knowledge of events before they happen
preternatural beyond what is natural, as opposed to supernatural (above nature)
primordial from the earliest time; original
profulgent Poetic: gleaming; brilliant
promontory a high point of land extending into the sea beyond the line of coast; headland
proselytes new converts to a religion
psammite fine-grained, clayey sandstone
puissant powerful; mighty
pullulation germination; breeding
purlieus environs; the part lying adjacent to a property [F.- normal'>lieu- a place]
purpureal purplish (see violescent)
purulent containing or discharging pus; suppurating
pusillanimous cowardly; faint-hearted
pylon Archit.- a truncated pyramid, or two of these, forming a gateway to an Egyptian temple
pythonomorph one of the Pythonomorpha, a group of extinct marine reptiles from the Cretaceous rocks of America and Europe. Some species were more than 50 feet long. ("huge pythonomorphs with fabulous golden coils")
quadrireme ancient Greek or Roman warship with four banks of oars
quinquangular having five angles or corners [Obs.] ("paven with immense quinquangular flags")
quintessential having in concentrated form the essential part; purest
quotidian occurring or returning every day; daily
raddling patterns formed by weaving or twisting together ("fantastic raddlings of ebony")
ramified divided or branched out
rattans the long, tough, flexible stems of a palm tree; the palm trees themselves
ravelled Archaic: tangled; confused
recherche choice; rare
recondite remote from easy perception; secret; hidden [L.- normal'>reconditus, pp. of recondere, put away]
recrudescence a breaking out afresh, as of a disease or wound
recumbent reclining or leaning; idle
regnant reigning; dominant, as a queen regnant
renascent  reborn; showing new life and strength [L.]
retiarii n. pl. in ancient Rome, gladiators furnished with a net and a trident; hence, spiders or marine organisms with netlike meshes [L- rete- a net]
reticulation a network of crisscrossed lines or veins, as in leaves
revenant one who or that which returns; a ghost
rime congealed dew or vapor; hoarfrost
roc Myth.- in Arabian and Persian legend, a fabulous bird of prey, so huge and strong that it could carry off the largest of animals
rose-colored; rosy 2. cheerful; bright
rubescent reddened or becoming red
rubicund inclining to redness; reddish; ruddy
ruddled marked or colored with red ocher
rufous of a reddish or brownish-red color; rust-colored
a small brook or stream 2. A small barrel, or the measure of wine it contains, about 18 gallons (alternate spelling of rundlet)
runneled interspersed with rivulets or small brooks
russet reddish-brown [L.- russus- reddish]
rutilant of a shining red color [L- rutilare- to have a reddish glow] ("Like Satan’s rutilant hair, trailing on the wind of Gehenna…")
sacerdotal pertaining to priests or the priesthood
sacrosanct considered holy; inviolable
salacious lustful; lecherous
saltant leaping; jumping; dancing [L.]
salubriousness healthfulness
samite an old rich silk, interwoven with gold and embroidered
sang-froid calmness in trying circumstances
sanguinary accompanied by much bloodshed; bloodthirsty; or, characterized by vigorous activity
sanguine having the color of blood; ruddy; said esp. of complexions
sanies a thin, reddish discharge from wounds or sores; bloody matter
sapience wisdom; sageness
saraband a stately Spanish dance in triple time, of the 17th century
sarcophagous carniverous
sard the deep brownish-red variety of chalchedony
saturnine of a grave or morose disposition
savant a man of learning who is eminent in his acquirements
scatheful harmful; injurious
scaurs cliffs or rocky places on the sides of a hill
scintillant sparkling [L. scintillans, ppr. of scintillare- to sparkle]
scoriac adj.- littered with fragmentary lava [Rare] (from scoriaceous)
sedge grasslike growths, usually in tufts or clumps, near marshes or swamps (adj.- sedgy)
sedulously in a diligent manner
seines large nets for catching fish
selenic lunar [Gk. selene, the moon… Selene, the goddess of the moon]
sempervirent evergreen; always fresh [L.- semper- always + normal'>virens, ppr. of virere- to be green or verdant]
sendal a light, thin, silken fabric
senescence the process or state of growing old
sententious full of judicious observations; having brevity and weight of meaning
a dark-brown pigment prepared from the inky fluid secreted by cuttlefish 2. a dark reddish-brown color
septagonal having seven angles and seven sides (coinage- a combination of septangular and heptagonal)
sepulchral suggestive of the grave; low or hollow in tone; dismal in aspect
seraglio a harem
sere withered; dried up
serried compacted in rows or ranks
shagreen an Oriental leather or parchment, usually dyed green
a shallow place in a river, sea, etc. 2. a sandbank or sandbar
sibilant making a hissing sound (n.- sibilation)
sibyl a prophetess; a sorceress (adj.- sibylline)
pertaining to the stars or constellations; starry 2. measured by means of the stars ("intersidereal," "transidereal")
similor an alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold and used in making jewelry
simoom a hot, dry, dust-laden wind of the desert (also sp. simoon)
simulacra an image, made in the likeness of a being; a shadowy semblance
sinuous winding; undulating
sistrum a jingling instrument used by the ancient Egyptians in religious ceremonies ("sistra")
somnolent drowsy
sonority high-soundedness; resonance
sortilege the act of drawing lots; divination by lots
spar any of various crystalline minerals which easily break into fragments with polished surfaces
spindrift the blinding spray of salt water blown from the surface of the sea in hurricanes
sternutations sneezings
stertorous characterized by a deep snoring sound or labored breathing
stridors a shrill, creaking, screechy or grating noise
stridulations small, harsh creaking noises, as made by some insects
succubus a female demon, fabled to have intercourse with men in their sleep
sultana a sultan’s wife, daughter or sister
supernal related to things above us; celestial
supplicative gesturing with entreaty; humbly begging
susurrous whispering; a soft, murmuring sound ("the dry, susurrous voice")
suzerain a ruler, esp. a feudal lord or baron (suzerainty) [F.]
sward land thickly covered with grass
swart of a dark hue; moderately black; tawny (see umber)
sybaritic devoted to pleasure and luxurious ease [Gk [from Sybaris, a town proverbial for its luxury]
Sybarites an inhabitant of Sybaris; voluptuary
sycophant a servile flatterer
syenite a granitic rock of grayish color, found near Syene in Upper Egypt
sylvan pertaining to a wood or forest
syncope sudden faintness, with loss of sensation
tabouret a stool or small seat, without arms or back
tamarack black variety of the coniferous larch tree, remarkable for its elegant form
tarboosh a red woolen skullcap; fez
telluric pertaining to the earth (see terrene)
tenebrific making dark or gloomy (tenebrous)
teratology Biol.- that branch of science which deals with monsters or malformations
terebinth the turpentine tree; also, a name for various resinous exudations
termagant a brawling, turbulent woman (see virago)
terraqueous consisting of land and water, as the earth
earthy; terrestrial 2. worldly; mundane
thallophytes members of the lowest phylum of plants (algae, bacteria, lichens, and fungi)
thaumaturgy the act of performing something wonderful; magic [Gk.- normal'>thaumatourgia]
thrall bondage; figuratively: one controlled by a passion or a vice
thuribles censers in the shape of a covered vase
tocsin an alarm bell ("tocsin of doom")
tonsure the round, bare place on the heads of Roman Catholic monks ("tonsured")
topaz the yellow sapphire
topiarized shaped by clipping or pruning
torrefaction the act of torrefying or the state of being torrefied (roasted or scorched) [F]
tourmaline a semiprecious mineral with a resinous luster, used as gem [F]
translucent transmitting light, but not rendering objects beyond distinctly visible
structures of thin wooden or metal strips crossing each other in a pattern of squares, diamonds, etc., on which vines or other creeping plants are trained 2. a bower or archway of this 3. Her.- latticework
tremulous trembling
trilithon a monument of two upright stones topped by a projecting block or arch
trivet a three-legged stand for holding vessels in a fireplace
trouvere one of a class of poets in northern France from the 11th to 14th centuries,  distinguished from the troubadours of southern France by the narrative and epic character of their works
tumescence a swelling; a swollen part (adj.- tumid… see turgescence)
tureen a deep, covered dish, as for a soup
turgescence a swollen or enlarged condition
tutelary adj.- guardian; protecting
ultramundane beyond the world, the solar system, or the present life
ultrastellar from beyond the stars
ululation a howling, as of a wolf or dog; a wailing
umber of a dusky hue; brownish
shady or shaded 2. easily offended 3. Obs.- obscure (umbrageously)
unctuous characterized by a smug pretence of spiritual feeling or fervor; unduly suave
undine Myth.- a female water spirit, corresponding to the naiads
unforelimnable (a coinage)
usufruct the right of using another’s property for profit, without spoiling its substance
vacilant fluctuating; wavering (v.- vacilate)
valediction a bidding of farewell
Marked with various colors or tints 2. Exhibiting different forms, styles, or varieties
verdigris the green or bluish patina formed on copper, bronze or brass surfaces long exposed
veridical veracious; truth-telling [L.- veridicus- speaking the truth]
verisimilitude a semblance of truth or reality
vermiculated adorned with traceries resembling the tracks of worms
bright-red mercuric sulfide, used as a pigment 2. scarlet; brilliantly red
vertiginous dizzying; affected by vertigo
vestment clothing or covering, esp. a garment or robe of office
viands articles of food; choice dishes
vicinal neighboring; adjoining
villanelle  a short poem of several stanzas (usually 5) of three lines each, and a final stanza of 4 lines: it has only two rhymes throughout
violescent tending to a violet color
a bold, shrewish woman 2. Archaic: a strong, large, manlike woman; an amazon
viscid semi-fluid and sticky
vitriolene (coinage… describes spacesuits; see next entry)
vitriolic extremely biting or caustic; sharp and bitter (from vitriol)…[L.- vitreus- glassy]
vizier the title of high political officers in Turkish and other Mohammedan states
vocable a word considered as a unit of sounds or letters, without regard to meaning
volitation the act of flying; flight
volumen a roll of manuscript
volute Archit.- a spiral scroll used as an ornament in Ionic and Corinthian capitals
wafture something conveyed through water or air, as an odor
wattling a fleshy process, often brightly colored, hanging from the neck of a bird
weft a woven fabric; web
weir an obstruction placed in a stream to raise or divert the water
welkin Archaic or Poetic: the vault of the sky; the heavens
wheedling persuading by flattery or gentle pleading; coaxing
wilderment Poetic: bewilderment; confusion
Ignis fatuus; a phosphorescent light seen in the air over marshy places 2. Figuratively: a delusion; deceptive attraction
windlass a mechanism for lifting by rope, usually with a cranking attachment
withes willow or osier twigs; vines [ME.- wythes]
wraith an apparition of a person, believed to be alive, seen shortly before or after his death; specter
wried (coinage... "wried and twisted constellations")
wyvern Her.- a monster with two wings, two legs, a tapering body and a barbed tail
yoke Figuratively: enslavement
zircon a mineral occurring in lustrous brown or grey prisms, used as a gem
Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary. 2nd Ed., 1983. Brittanica World Language Ed. of Funk & Wagnall’s Standard Dictionary. 2 Vols., 1960.
The American Heritage Dictionary, 1994. Funk & Wagnall’s Standard Dictionary, 1993.
Many thanks to Ralph Grasso for sharing this!
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regalclaw · 7 years
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can’t rez right away so its time to wait on the party to finish up with watever it is they’re picking a fight with
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myerslikemanner · 5 years
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New Dbd skin reveal: Bishoujo’s Bizarre Adventure
@holocryptic Thanks for the inspiration to make something that will never let me sleep again
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sheetghxst · 5 years
Tagged by @drag0n-qu33n for a song list (Thank you so much!!)
Rules: List 10 songs you’ve been listening to the most and tag ten people
Breezeblocks- Alt J
Hallelujah - Pentatonix
Buttercup - Jack Stauber
What I know now - Beetlejuice Musical
Girl with one eye - Florence and the machine
Hold me tight or dont - Fallout boy
Pork Soda - Glass animals
Dont trust me - 3Oh!3
Air Catcher - Twenty One Pilots
Mowgli’s Road - Marina and the Diamonds
@greenhillzonee @some-lonely-knight @violet-ram @holocryptic@willowfoxthefox @immarainbowpatooie
(you only have to do this if you want to lmao ^^)
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northssketchbook · 6 years
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The news of Wildstar shutting down hit me very hard. I’ve been around since the beta (I was very happy and lucky to get a beta key! ^-^), and has always been a very special game to me. 
I instantly fell in love with the amazing art, it’s styalized world, from the beautifully crafted maps, the art deco vibes of the eldan and dominion architecture, The peacefullness of Illium, and on exile side the big greens and flowery plains of Galeras , Thayd standing tall among it all, the cascade of colours and lights, the lovingly painted textures, the witty dialogues, the equally witty (and sometimes borderline disturbing, ehm...the squirg infestation of Whitevale and just the Strain in general anyone?) storylines, the colorful cast of characters (hands down both sides have them, also the Lopp and all the neutral races, basically everyone on Nexus has attitude), the voice acting (looking at you level up person, and getting roasted by the Holocrypt and Caretaker respectively), words can’t describe the music, it’s so epic, the paths system (the Explorer’s Translocate beacon ability is my favourite skill forever), the classes, the unbeatable housing (I always stood in awe of other people’s creations!), to the incredible journey that was to take part in the story of Nexus, and all the characters I made in this universe. (And how I’m scared big robots, //the Anhilliators especially// ang got...semi-cured?)
Of course it has it’s flaws, but it will always had and will have a very special place in my heart. 
So, here’s my first ever character, an Exile human spellslinger, explorer extraorinaire, my beta character, the first ever beta character, and the first to reach max level,
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And my last character to reach level 50, Aela Skystrider, draken warrion, explorer by day, all day every day. Funny but honestly, I grew to like the Dominion, the peacefullness of Illium and Auroria, and by playing through the story (It made me see how not so black and white the two sides are, and that’s the best in it). I just love her character so much (And, not to mention the sipmle yet very stylish design of the Dominion Explorer’s uniform!).
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Farewell space cowboys, shine among the stars Wildstar!
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punmonster · 6 years
*picks up the holocrypt* I’m taking this with me
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this is basically how i’ve been feeling for the past month you don’t understand
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