#holy shit. Grow up kiddo
cypherscript · 8 months
Pulling a favor
Been watching Hazbin Hotel, really enjoying it so far. Time to mix my obsessions together cause that's what we do here, ain't it?
"Okay, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven I wont be able to go with you. Will you be okay?"
Charlie takes Lucifer's hand into hers, "I'll be fine."
Lucifer places his other hand on hers, "That's my girl". He steps back, a look of pride on his face before sighing, "Good luck, kiddo." His magic flares from the ground, taking him away in a swirl of power before he steps out into a room full of his rubber ducks. Flopping down into a pile of ducks reveals a throne like chair that he slowly sinks into. "What should I do? Heaven's never going to listen to her... but maybe... YES! Where is it?" He begins digging through the multitude of ducks before pulling out a scroll with a note, 'One Favor-open when shit hits the fan'.
With a flourish he breaks the seal on the scroll, tossing it into the air as it bursts into an acid green flame and grows larger and larger until it's nearly 6ft tall, Lucifer lowers his head: not quite a bow but somewhat respectful, "King Pariah, I have a request, I have need of-"
"Uuuuh," a voice most definitely not King Pariah spoke, "I don't know who you are but Pariah's long gone."
Lucifer looks up to see the flames displacing a human boy sitting at a table eating food with his family. "Someone... Someone defeated the Infinite King?"
"Who is it sweetie? One of your ghost friends," The mother asks as the boy stands up, grasping the 'frame' of the green fire. "Isn't Pariah the ghost that stole our town?"
"Yeah mom, I'm not sure who this is so I'll just take this into another room."
"Alright Danno, I'll save you some meatloaf," the massive man who was obviously the boys father.
Lucifer's mind was going a million mile an hour, 'The Infinite King was defeated... The scroll opened to this human boy... This boy defeated Pariah Dark in single combat... HOW?! Human's are so squishy.'
The boy released the flame to float in front of him, "So why were you trying to contact king edgelord?"
"I am... sorry... but who are you?"
"Ah... so you're not a ghost," The boy asks, tilting his head before a ring of pure white light travels over his body transforming him; hair whiter than the holy light, eyes as green as the flame he spoke into, a cloak of stars that continued for what seemed forever over a black and white hazmat suit with a crown of aurora over his head. "My name is Phantom, Pariah tried to take what was mine and I had to put him back where he came from but I suppose you've already pieced that together..." Phantom gestures to introduce himself.
"Yes sir, I have, I am Lucifer of the Morningstar."
"The archangel?"
"Yes, that's... usually not the first guess people go with, I'm also the leader of Hell. I had used this scroll to ask a favor of the Infinite King. My daughter, Charlie, is going to Heaven to meet with the other angels about this plan she has to save the sinners from being slaughtered by the angel exterminators."
"Slaughtered? Aren't they already dead?"
"Normally yes but the angel's weapons can completely destroy the sinner's soul when they're exterminated."
Phantom stills from messing with his cloak, his face stony and shadowy as the lights in the room begin to flicker, "Their souls are destroyed?"
Lucifer feels something he's not felt in a long time creep up his spine, "Yes sir, I was hoping to ask for a favor to protect Charlie while she's up there. They can easily kill her, I'll happily agree to make a deal with you for it."
"No," Phantom says, cutting Lucifer off.
"Ah... I see, thank you for your time," Lucifer goes to cut off the flame video.
"I mean 'No' to the deal. I'll help you but not for a deal, I'd also like to have a word with these angels as well"
"Oh thank you, Phantom! Do I need to bring you here?"
"No need, one second," Phantom leans away from the flame, "Can you guys put my food up?! I've got some duties to take care of love you!"
"Can do, Danno!"
"Love you, sweetie!"
"Right, step away from the flame please." Lucifer does so and Phantom steps through flame with a ripple. Once he's through the flame poofs out of existence. "Nice place, love the... ducks?"
"Ah yes, they're a project of mine..."
"Well, I've seen weirder obsessions. Now what's this about destroying souls?"
"Right, let me explain while I set up the meeting with the angels for Charlie.
Danny had never heard of such bullshit in his unlife and he worked with the observants for ancient's sake! He steps out of the portal provided by Lucifer, switching to his human form, to the so called Pearly Gates with some Suburbia Ken standing at a podium.
"Welcome to Heaven! May I please know your name?"
"Danny Fenton."
"Right let's see; Dan, Danielle, Ah yes, Daniel Fenton. Oh goodness, you've been dead for some time, why are you just now getting into Heaven?"
"..." The angel stands in silence then bursts into a smile, "Well regardless, welcome to heaven!" He throws open the gates and Danny steps inside, his nose twitching at the lack of anything. His eyes lock onto the tallest tower and makes his way to it, the elevator inside playing harps and lyres for elevator music. As he gets closer to his destination he can hear the angels and Charlie musically their debate.
"Ancients I hate Musical dimensions," He says as the elevator comes to a slowing stop. "Showtime," Danny smiles as his transformation takes place, the holy lights in the elevator dimming and flickering.
Sera looks to Charlie, "I'm sorry, the court finds that the souls in Hell can not be redeemed."
Adam is all smiles at this point, "Ohhohoho YES! I win. Suck it! You better save the day c*&ts because we're coming to your hotel first."
"Are you now?" a male voice asks from behind him, grabbing his hand as he and crushing it in his grip.
"Ah fuck, my hand! Who the fuck are you," Adam screams as the courtroom fills with the inky void of space and Phantom fades into view.
Sera looks down on Phantom and then do his crown, "What are you doing here, Phantom? You have no right to be in this court!"
"No RIGHT?! Do you know what this bastard's doing?! I have every right to be here." Phantom tosses Adam easily to the ground. "You're destroying souls!!"
Adam gets up and summons a sword and swings at Phantom with it scream, "What's it to you freak-show?! Who cares what happens those piss bastard sinners?!"
"Sinners huh? Then why are you here?" Phantom turns frigid as a chain of ice appears on Adam's neck, the end in Phantom's hand. He yanks it tightly, pulling Adam to the floor. "Mister First Sinner. How could you get into heaven?"
The other angels in the court whispering, asking the same question.
"How are you doing that?!"
"None of your business. I was hoping Lucifer's daughter would be able to talk some sense into the lot of you but it seems there's just to many rotten apples up here. Let me fix that." Phantom steps onto Adam's back, grabbing his wings and ripping them off in a quick pull, filling the court with his screams. Lute tries to come to his aid but is slammed into the ground by the inky blackness.
"Phantom that is enough," Sera shouts down to him as she flashes down to the floor, "Why are you here? How did you know know this meeting was taking place?" Phantom glances at Charlie, still holding Vaggie, causing Sera to sigh, "Of course it was Lucifer..."
"I'll freely admit he asked me to be here to watch after here but it became so much more when I found out what this asshole's been doing."
"He did what he had to do, the demons were going to rebel and we had to protect our own souls. They need to be kept in line!"
"There is no their souls or your souls. You are disrupting the balance, if you kill the soul there's going to be issues with the mortal worlds and if the mortal world goes so do yours. You were so worried about the demons attacking you? You keep destroying souls and all you're going to have to worry about is me."
"Are you threatening Heaven, Infinite King?"
The wings in Phantoms hands turn to ice and shatter into billions of pieces, "I don't make threats, Sera, I make promises." Phantom treads over to Charlie and Vaggie, thrusting his hand out and portal much like a blackhole opens up, "Come along you two." They simply step through with him as the court of angels burst into a cacophony of angelic shouts of alarm and outrage.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Some SFW headcannons if that's ok with you. Can we get some headcannons about Dad Submas with their kiddo (whether separate or a poly s/o au is both fine)?
Holy fuck yes sir(gender neutral) been waiting for this shit
Submas as the fathers of your child/children
Ingo has always dreamed of having a family despite that permanent frown on his face being quite menacing to the children. He was pretty fond of kids. Always very gentle and patient. Holding his kid in his arms for the first time, he shakes, afraid he might hurt him or scare him. But who could ever be scared of that soft kitten smile? His heartwarming, when his child looks, sees him, and giggles.
His child is a precious treasure, and their happiness is Ingo's number one priority. Yes, Ingo may or may not have spoiled them a few times but seeing them so happy warms his heart every time.
Like any good parent, Ingo values his child's safety he's a Subway boss safety is part of the job; of course, safety is an important part of his parenting. And it is the same with Emmet. They both agree that their child must know about safety.
Ingo is a first-time father. He doesn't mean to be bad, but of course, some parents make their own mistakes. As their child grows older, Ingo seems to have a problem where he still sees his child as his sweet baby, and sometimes he gets a little protective because it's bittersweet when a parent sees their child grow up. Eventually, he does accept that his child is growing up, and sometimes he won't be there to protect them, but he'll make it known that he'll always be there for them.
I can already feel that poor kid's embarrassment when Ingo screams their names during assemblies every time they get a reward or their name called for one.
He's always having a conversation with his child, even if it's just babbling. He would be having a fake argument with his toddler.
Emmet is the for-your-own-good type. He's a serious parent, but he is not unfair; rules are there for a reason and are very important, and he'll make sure that his child knows. He ensures that he teaches his child that actions have consequences; good behavior gets rewarded while bad behavior is punished. ( though not every situation is black and white like that.)
If his child ever asks why for anything, he will explain clearly and calmly. Rip for their belief in Santa when they inevitably ask their father.
Emmet takes safety very seriously, and Emmet can be a little bit of a mother hen. He just doesn't want anything to happen to his child as their parent and a Subway boss; it is their job to protect them.
No parent is perfect; Emmet struggles with personal space and privacy issues. He's always had this. He himself is not really a private person. He says what he says, and he means what he says. It might sound mean, but he'll say it anyway. And the lousy habit is from expecting everyone else to be like that, especially people who are closer to him. He wants his child to be open and honest with him at all times, and he wants to know what's happening in their day-to-day life even though they don't want to tell him. And I can see him getting a little antsy when someone won't tell him or they are hiding something from him. It's something that he always struggled with.
If his child ever gives him a logical argument on why he's wrong when he says no to something he will just freeze and think about it for a few seconds then just say "Ok, verrry fair... carry on."
Emmett gets obsessed with little baby onesies and baby clothes "look!! a little Joltik Halloween costume ah! So verrry cute!"
Ingo x parent!reader x Emmet
( the brothers are sharing one love interest no incest)
Usually, they're pretty good at getting along when it comes to Parenting, but sometimes their different parenting methods clash between two. Usually, they would ask you for advice after that or come to a fair agreement.
If they have twins, they can't be happier. Ingo would bring it up constantly, and Emmet would immediately start picking one color for each twin.
When they come home from Gear Station is usually your time off. They make sure you get plenty of rest because they know how tired you would be after taking care of your children all day.
Emmet would let his child hold a Joltik for the first time.
Ingo would give them a Litwick night light.
When the twins are together, they will always be excited to take their children for hikes or go places to have fun, like parks. We're walking around the amusement park or just seeing Aunt Elesa while you take a rest.
The first thing they do when they realize they are becoming fathers, is cram their minds with as much parenting knowledge as possible they're both excited and scared and praying they'll be prepared enough to deal with a kid.
Soon enough, you'll find them both asleep on top of a pile of notes next to another pile of parenting 101 books.
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incorrect-dnd-show · 1 month
Hello, person doing the cartoon ten years later dnd campaign! I'm apologizing in advance for how long this message may become
I was very kindly asked to provide my thoughts about the kiddos parents and how Earth moves on in general. (All of this is made up by me or my players). In our game, the kids have been gone for ten years
Sheila and Bobby's parents take it very, very hard. They have a hard time talking about their kids, and become more withdrawn. They take care of the family dog, Rover, as their way of doing what Bobby would have wanted them to do
Diana's siblings all bond together. Her mom, dad, and grandma all are very adamant about talking very openly about grief and try to make the situation as easy for them as possible - as Diana was the eldest and only daughter. Her brothers grow up trying to be boys she would be proud of - one of them was friends with Bobby and joined Boy Scouts and track to feel closer to as many of the lost kids as possible
Presto's mom tries to be the one willing to comfort the other families. She's the one who's willing to talk to the local news the most, and tries to field any strangers away from the siblings of the lost kids. Her family members reach out to her so she has all the support she needs
Eric's parents were on vacation overseas when he went missing, and didn't know until they came back and the news was banging on their front door. They don't attend any of the services for the other kids, don't change their lifestyle, and there's rumors they got chewed out by Hank's little sister for their lack of empathy
Hank's parents and his younger sister Hailey (who is one of the PCs in the game) have some issues dealing with grief. Hank was well known in Boy Scouts and at school, so lots of people come with their condolences, which makes it harder on his sister. Hailey refuses to believe that he and the others are dead, which makes it hard for her in her teenage years, and eventually goes into forensics to figure out what happened herself
After ten years time, people don't really think about the accident at the amusement park anymore, except as a tragedy in the past. But the families - with the exception of Eric's parents - still try to keep in touch regularly in order to support each other
im going to marry you thank you for sending this holy shit i love all of this its canon until i hear otherwise
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Fix You
Sam Winchester x Fem Singer Reader
Soulmate AU very loosely based on the Coldplay song ‘Fix You’.
‘Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you’
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Sam Winchester x reader
Warnings - slight angst, soulless sam briefly, johns terrible parenting, mentions of death, fluff, my terrible writing/ editing.
Mainly fluff but some angst
Words- 2.2K
The term soulmate is used to describe an all consuming love, a love so deep it was created by God? Fate? When two souls are destined to be together, two halves of a whole. Who knows where they originated from, some say it’s when the universe was created with a big bang, every atom was split into two and spread miles apart, you are one of those broken atoms, trying to find your other half.
The idea has been romanticised by happy couples across the globe, who have been lucky enough to find their soulmates. But it’s not sunshine and daisies for everyone, some never find their soulmates, others don’t have a soulmate at all, and some very unlucky people lose their soulmates death pulling them apart.
At 18 years old you received your mark, a burning sensation carved into the skin above your heart, searing pain as his name branded into your skin. The day started like any other, you woke up early your Dad knocking on your door “wake up kiddo we’ve got a job” you dad calls through the door. “Yeah ok dad, give me five minutes and I’ll be down” you reply voice still laced with sleep. You made your way quickly to the bathroom to get ready, before grabbing your to go bag and heading through the front door. “What’s the monster of the week then dad?” You ask hopping into the passenger seat of your dads run down mustang. “Vamps we think, the Winchester's are meeting us there” he replied. You’ve known the winchesters since you were a small kid, practically growing up with the boys. They would stay over yours for weeks at a time while John was working a case, so naturally you were all close friends, you were especially close with Sam though who was only a year older than you. Together you shared a love of books, animals, watching the stars and annoying Dean.
The vamp case went well, the nest was extinguished and you were all back at your motel rooms. John and your dad were outside your rooms, sitting on the steps to the motel sharing a drink, while you and the boys were settling down for the night. While brushing your teeth in the bathroom it started, the burning across your chest. The pain was pretty unbearable and you toppled over into the shower space, sitting now on the damp floor of the shower you held your chest gasping.
After what felt like hours the pain sizzled down to a soreness, which felt very much like a sunburn. Giving yourself a second to gain composure you stood up and walked to the bathroom mirror, with a deep breath you pulled your oversized band tshirt over your shoulder and peered at your chest. And there in neat cursive writing was the name ‘Samuel Winchester’ “holy shit!!!” You gasped completely in shock. You braced yourself before running out the bathroom and out of your motel room, startling John and your dad as you banged on the room two doors up from you, Dean answered the door wearing an equally as shocked expression as you were, he stepped to the side allowing you access and there on the motel room floor was a very distressed Sam holding his chest still, “it’s you!” He exclaims, “your my person?” He questions, a quiet “Yeah” is all you can muster up at that moment, panicking that he’s annoyed or worse disappointed.
When Sam stands up and starts walking over to you, you really start to panic, but to your surprise he throws his arms around you, and pulls you in snug to his chest, nuzzling his face into your neck. ‘I always knew it was you, well I hoped anyway” he confesses a blush across his cheeks, “me too” you reply, smile gracing your lips and unshed tears in your eyes. “I’m so glad it’s you” you continue , before standing on your tiptoes and placing a small peck to his lips. All the while Deans still stood in the doorway with a vacant shocked expression on his face, before coming out with “damn it! Now we all have to put up with this chick flick mushy crap from you both”. Sam huffs out a laugh before turning to his brother and answering with a “yep, get used to it man’. After that your dads come in to see what’s going on, your dad congratulates you both, all while giving Sam the don’t you ever hurt her speech, John on the other hand looks anything but pleased, muttering something along the lines of ‘no good will come from this’.
That was nearly a decade ago now, and you have been through hell together since then, quite literally. You followed him to Stanford, starting a degree in literature and eventually sharing a dorm with him. Unlike his dad, your dad Bobby was supportive, happy you we’re both getting out and living life. You left Stanford and said degree with him to help find his dad, started travelling with him and Dean, and hunting again much to your dads despair. You held his hand through the whole psychic thing, with the yellow eyed demon, told him he wasn’t a freak and it wasn’t his fault. When he died your soul shattered with him, you held him sobbing into his hair while Dean took the deal to bring him back. You had to hold him again when Dean was taken to hell for making that deal. You both tried everything, read every book, asked every Demon, monster and hunter if there was any way to bring him back.
Lucifer was one of the biggest obstacles you faced together, with Dean safely back things were better for a while, only to be pulled into the lucifer and Michael war. Seeing him fall into that pit after your touch snapped Sam back into control of his body, was one of the worst pains you’d ever felt. Watching Dean and Cas fall into their lives and some normalcy was incredibly hard. “Will you be alright sweetheart?” Dean had asked, “Yeah I guess, I’ll probably head back to dad’s” you had replied, a complete lie obviously you were far from alight. You felt left behind, broken and alone, you couldn’t just move on when half of you was missing. But his name never left your chest, usually when a soulmate dies the other loses their mark. But not you, you’d later come to realise this was because not all of Sam was in lucifer’s cage.
Soulless Sam was one hell of a challenge at first you were just so glad to have him back, that you didn’t question how wrong he felt, you did every test on him and he smiled and allowed you to do so. But that pull to him, the warmth and unconditional feelings were gone. You’d felt awful, riddled with guilt. This was Sam your Sam, and he was home with you, safe and breathing! So why couldn’t you shake that feeling something was off? Especially when he kept telling you to not tell Dean he was alive and well.
Working with the Cambels was exhausting and you didn’t like his grandfather Samual at all! He was hiding things you knew that much, and he treated his so called family terribly. You eventually found some comfort when Dean was back with you guys, he was soo mad to start with why hadn’t no one told him. Then he also began to realise Sam wasn’t Sam, the first time he talked to you about it you had fallen apart, just sat there and sobbed on Dean. It had felt like such a relief to talk to someone about it, your dad had said it may just be Sam now, that Hell may have changed him. But you’d told Dean that you couldn’t feel that connection anymore, your couldn’t feel him! And that was enough for Dean. He had called your dad to explain further to him “Even y/n can tell somethings off Bobby! I’m tellin’ you when his soulmate says she can’t feel him in there, I’m inclined to believe her! My skins crawling just being with him Bobby please just ask around, find something!” Dean had yelled through the phone.
Cas had eventually come when Dean had called, and discovered what we had all thought, Sam’s soul was missing. Cas had said putting it back into him would be “ill advised” but neither of you could leave him like this, and the way he had been treating you saying he didn’t care, it was crushing your heart. “Death said he will go to hell and collect his soul, he’ll put up a sorta wall in his head sweetheart to block out Hell, it’s going to be ok. I promise I’ll get sammy back” Dean had explained to you before ‘playing death’ for 24 hours, a wager Death had set in order to place Sam’s soul back.
You felt it before you saw it, Sam’s soul was in that bag death was carrying, it called to you desperate to feel yours. That moment was all too much, the desperation to be near his soul again, the screams from Sam begging not to have it put back in, “don’t do it Dean please! It will kill me! You heard Cas!” Sam yelled, “I’m sorry Sammy we have too” Dean replied, emotion clutching at his voice. “Now Sam, I'm going to put up a barrier inside your mind... You might feel a little itchy. Do me a favour... don't scratch the wall. Because, trust me, you're not going to like what happens.” Death had explained, “Now y/n I’m going to need you to hold his hand, feel the energy connecting between your souls, you need to hold onto it. And when I push his soul in, use that energy to surround it, your connection will help to hold that barrier in place and heal his soul, it won’t fix it completely, but it will get Sam on his feet” Death further explained to you. You’d blindly followed his instructions, moving towards Sam on shakey legs. You sat on his cot with him trying to ignore his violent thrashing and took hold of his hand. As soon as death opened the bag your energy’s pulled together like magnets. It was in that moment you saw and felt the pure power of soulmates, blinding white light filled the room, Sam’s soul was forced back in place and you pushed your energy in too, healing, binding, connecting. And you knew it would be ok, you would be there to help him, to help fix what’s broken.
For a little while things were good again, Sam woke up not remembering the year of being soulless. Dean had refused to tell him but as always the truth outed, and Sam was left feeling guilt ridden, sad and for weeks now he could barely look at you.
You walked into your kitchen where Sam was sat staring aimlessly into his beer bottle, worry lines creasing in his forehead.
“Sam” you signed, walking over to stand beside him. Rubbing your hands over his shoulders you continued, “Hey look at me” you gently caressed his chin before bringing his face up to meet yours. “ you have to stop blaming yourself, you weren’t you and Dean and I forgave you the second you were you again, I don’t blame you for this ok!” You said sternly. “You can’t keep pushing me out ok? That’s what’s killing me here, not what you did last year” he looked up at you eyes laced with tears, “But everything I’ve done to you, Dean and your dad! I tried to kill him y/n I can’t just get past that!” He cries. “He has Sam, he’s passed it. No one blames you ok, it’s done and we can’t change it, but we can all move forward, don’t push away everyone who loves you, you need us and we need you! I need you…..” you reply desperation in your voice, tears slowly trailing down your cheeks. That seems to do it, he pulls you into his lap, his face in your neck and arms securely around your waist, hugging you close to him, and he lets it all out, you both do.
Dean silently stands against the doorframe small smile on his lips, while he watches you and his little brother cry it out, holding each other close. “Hopefully things can only go up from here” he thinks.
“I’ll be there for you Sam, that’s what a soulmate does, your stuck with me whether you like it or not Winchester” you smirk. Sam looks at you, brows pulled together small smile on his lips, before he pulls you in for the softest kiss, conveying all the love he feels for you. Once you part he whispers “I wouldn’t have it any other way, I love you”
“I love you too Sammy, always”
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pascalscoffin · 9 months
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Away From The Devil pt. V
Full Pedro Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Pt. VI
Warnings: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. I just don’t want kiddos here. Yeah it’s all rewritten with the reader added in if ya don’t like it don’t read it. Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. Reader is around 24, Joel is 56. Joel talks about almost killing himself. Cursing. No Pun Intended: Volume Too by Will Livingston. Descriptions of people dying and violence (children as well) guys it’s like gross there I’m sorry. (It’s at the end so you technically could skip it but I do recommend reading it)
As promised, as soon as Ellie was awake the next morning, the three of you set off again. You thought about last night, your talk with Joel, how the air had gotten thicker the longer the two of you sat alone together. How he’d looked with the moonlight and light from the fire shining on him, accentuating his features.
Joel really was an attractive man, mature features with a peppered beard and gray dusting his hair that all seemed darker when he was by a fire or in any kind of light that wasn’t direct sun. You hadn’t really been paying much attention to Joel and Ellie, listening just enough to hear Ellie spill out Joel’s entire plan before he even says anything, which makes you laugh a little.
Joel seems shocked but a little proud of her, as Ellie walked off you caught up with him and patted his shoulder. “She’s a natural.” You grinned and headed inside with her, Joel grumbling and following close behind.
As you stepped inside you started looking around, looking at the lofted ceiling when Joel mentioned going up it. He lifted Ellie up onto the platform and the two of you watched as she climbed up and grabbed the ladder.
“Woah!” The ladder slid from Ellie’s hands as she ran off. Joel didn’t have a good enough grip on it so it started to slip through his hands also. Thankfully, you managed to grab it before it could hit the floor. “God damnit. Ellie! Just wait!” He shouted, setting the ladder up and climbing up, you followed quickly and the two of you went looking for Ellie.
“Come on!” Ellie yelled, you and Joel watching her weave around columns, looking back and waving for the two of you to follow her. “Come on hurry up! Up here!” She shouted. You and Joel followed her voice quickly, looking around as you walked up a flight of wooden stairs, a red hue covering you and Joel as you glanced at him. God he even looked good in this lighting!
When you found Ellie she was watching a giraffe up close as it munched on some leaves that were growing out the side of the blown out wall. “Don’t scare it.” She whispered when you and Joel got closer. Joel looked at her as he set his gun down and shook his head. “We won’t.” He reached out and grabbed some branches, breaking them off from the wall. “What are you doing?” “It’s okay. Come here, hurry up.”
The giraffe followed the branches as Joel gave them to Ellie, when he offered you some though you shook your head a little. You watched Ellie interact with the giraffe, smiling every time she giggled when it would use its tongue to wrap around the branch and tug it from her hand, just as eager to be fed as she was to feed him.
“So fucking cool... is this one from the zoo?” She asked. “It’s possible.” Joel responded. “They live about 25 or 27 years so if it was young enough, yeah.” He looked at her and you could see that softness on his face again, the same softness he’d had when he was talking to you about her last night.
Ellie grinned widely. “Cool.” She said softly, stepping back when the giraffe turned and started to walk away. “Aw where’s she going?” She turned and ran off in the other direction. “Come on. Come on come on come on.”
You looked at Joel and laughed softly before turning and running off after her. “Come on, old man.” You teased before jogging up the stairs and through the door at the top of them. “Holy shit..” you whispered, stepping up to the edge next to Ellie, watching the giraffe walk with its family.
You were so focused on the giraffes you didn’t really pay attention to the sound of Joel coming through the door and stepping up beside Ellie. “So… is it everything ya hoped for?” He asked after a few seconds of silence.
“It’s got its ups and downs. But you can’t deny that view.” You smiled softly, silently agreeing with her. Joel let out a soft chuckle and looked over at her, then back down at the edge. “Look, I don’t know where this hospital is-“ “yeah, but we’ll find it.”
“Sure. It’s just… maybe there’s nothing bad out there, but so far there’s always been something bad out there.” “We’re still here, though. We met y/n.” She gestured towards you. “I know.” Joel nodded. “I’m only saying there’s risk. We don’t have to do this.” He took a step closer to Ellie. You raised a brow and stepped back a little. “I just- I want you to know that.”
When Ellie had told you she was immune, that they were going to find Fireflies to make a cure out of her blood, she’d been so happy, so proud. You wondered if it made her feel like a superhero, hell you’d probably feel like one if the cure to the world was pumping under your skin.
Ellie shook her head a little as she looked at Joel. “What do you mean? What else are we supposed to do?” “Nothin’. We just go back to Tommy’s. We forget about the whole damn thing.” Ellie looked at him for a second before speaking.
“After everything we’ve been through… everything I’ve done… it can’t be for nothing.” This had been Ellie’s one goal the whole time, she was always talking about what comes after she saves the world. You were a little shocked Joel was even considering turning around at this point, he’s not the type.
“I know you mean well. I know you wanna protect me. You have. And when we’re done we’ll go wherever you want. Tommy’s, Sheep Ranch,” Sheep Ranch? “The moon.” You laughed softly to yourself at that, the moon sounded stranger than a sheep ranch but it made sense. “I’ll follow you anywhere you go.” Her and Joel looked at eachother for a while before she took a deep breath. “But there’s no halfway with this. We finish what we started.”
She took one final look at the giraffes and then motioned for you and Joel to come on as she headed off the roof top. You watched her go before looking at Joel as he looked at the giraffes, you hesitated a little before reaching out setting your hand on top of his. “You okay?” You asked softly.
Joel looked at your hand, and then up at you and nodded as he cleared his throat, looking out towards the giraffes as he just barely turned his hand over under yours, and lightly squeezed your fingers. “Let’s go.” He straightened up before sliding his hand from under yours and following the direction Ellie went. You took a deep breath and followed him with a small sigh.
After making it down from the rooftop you headed out into a little blocked in corner with old tents and armored vehicles now overgrown with weeds. “Was this a FEDRA thing?” Ellie asked curiously. “No. Army. They put these places up all around the first few days after the outbreak-“ the questions was Ellie’s but Joel was addressing you as well, and you were grateful to be included in the conversation, even if just a little. “Emergency medical camps. Obviously didn’t last. They had me in one just like this.” “With Sarah?” You wondered briefly who Sarah was but decided to mention it another time.
“No she was gone already.” “Oh… so what was wrong with you?” “It was for this.” Joel motioned to the scar on his temple and your eyes zeroed in on it, you remembered asking about it, how he’d stiffened and his eyes gazed over for a second before he told you what happened. “Ah the guy who shot and missed.” Ellie responded, nodding. “I figured that would’ve happened later.” “Y’know… me too.” You shrugged a little. “No. Second day.”
“Well I gotta hand it to those army people. They were way better at stitchin’ you up than I was.”You didn’t really notice Joel fall behind until he spoke up. “It was me.” You and Ellie stopped and turned to look at him. “I was the guy who shot and missed.” He looked off to the side as he took his gun off his back and sat down on a ledge as you and Ellie came closer and sat down.
“There’s no story. Sarah died… and I couldn’t see the point anymore. Simple as that. And I wasn’t scared, either. I was ready. I couldn’t have been more ready… when I-” He looked off towards the sky for a minute, shaking his head before looking down and then right back up. You felt so sorry for him, found yourself almost aching to give him a hug, comfort him somehow as he spoke.
“When I.. went to pull the trigger, I-I flinched. Still don’t know why. Anyway, the reason I’m telling ya all this-“ “I know why you’re tellin’ me all this.” “Yeah, I reckon you do.” “So time heals all wounds, I guess.” “It wasn’t time that did it.” You could hear the crack in his voice when he looked at her, his tough resolve starting to melt and crack away all because of this little girl he’d grown attached to.
It took Ellie a second but when she realized she took a slow breath and nodded as she let it out, looking away from him before looking back at him. “Well I’m glad that… that didn’t work out.” “Me, too.” They nodded as eachother and you watched as Joel reached up to “rub his eyes” (aka wipe his beautiful man tears) you smiled softly. You were glad they got to meet eachother. It was obvious it was helping them somewhere to have that connection between them.
“We should probably get going.” Ellie said with a soft sigh. “Yeah.” Joel agreed pretty quickly and the two of them stood up. Jesus it was like being around two guys instead of one. All business no emotion. “You know what I’m in the mood for?” “What?” “Shitty puns.” You laughed as Ellie threw her bag around to her front. “Oh-ho-ho.” She opened the book and said the first joke she saw, like she was planning this.
“People are making apocalypse jokes like there’s no tomorrow.” You laughed as Joel tsked, looking over at him. “Too soon?” Ellie asked. “No, it’s topical.” Joel nodded as Ellie laughed and looked at the book. “Oh I love this one! Moon rocks taste better than earth rocks. Why? Because they’re meteoooorrrr.”
“That’s terrible.” Joel shook his head. “Oh fuck you that was good!” “That’s a- Thats a zero out of ten.” “I don’t know I thought it was pretty good.” Joel have you a ‘really?’ face and you just shrugged as Ellie spoke again. “Alright, alright. What did the green grape, say to the purple grape?” Ellie looked between you and Joel. “Breathe, you idiot.” You laughed and nodded. “I like that one.” “That’s a three out of ten.” “Three?!” You gasped. “Seven, minimum. Uh-uh” Ellie shook her head. “I’ll give it a five. Five out of ten.” “Five?!”
You looked back when you heard a clinking noise and gasped when you felt a tight grip on your arm before Joel was tugging you down with him and Ellie. As the flash bomb exploded your ears started to ring and smoke flooded your vision. The last thing you heard was Ellie and Joel shouting for eachother, just barely seeing Ellie be taken as you heard a distant shout of your own name, you could feel Joel’s hand still grabbing your arm, and then a pain in the back of your head as everything went black.
Everything around you was burning. Why was everything burning? Your vision was blurred and your eyes stung and all you could hear were frantic screams of your name.
Suddenly, your mom’s face came into view, calling your name. “C’mon, honeybee. We gotta go. It’s not safe here anymore.” You remembered then what was happening, you were curled up under a cot, hands covering your ears as you’d watched the carnage unfold from beneath it.
Women and children ran around behind your mother, children falling and being yanked up by their parents, some (adults) falling and being trampled by the stampede of people trying to get to safety. Where was your dad?
“We can’t leave daddy. Where’s daddy?” “Daddy’s gonna meet us in the car.” Your mother pulled you out from under the bed, her voice shaking as you felt a tear hit your shoulder and dampen your shirt.
“Mommy what’s happening?” You looked around your mother as she held you close, making eye contact with people begging for your mother’s help or ‘please… k-kill me’ coughed out around mouthfuls of blood. “Don’t look. Keep your eyes closed.”
You always had a problem listening, so when your mom told you to keep your eyes closed, you did the opposite, tears streaming down your little face as your mom carried you out of where you were living in the Quarantine Zone, which was pretty much a community dwelling with several families often sleeping in the same area.
You watched as people rolled around on the ground, screaming as their bodies burned, some even reaching towards you with hands that sizzled and popped. People being ripped apart along the street by just… regular people. Not Cordyceps like you’d been warned to stay away from, but regular people.
You didn’t really understand what had happened, why you had to go hide in the middle of your game of patty cake with Ms. Nancy’s daughter Elizabeth. “Lizzie…?” You looked at the ground as you saw a little girl’s body, small like yours with golden yellow hair like Lizzie’s, except the hair was stained red now, messy and knotted from the giant split down the middle, one eye was still intact, peering up at you as your mother ran past her. You could’ve sworn it blinked at you, could’ve sworn Elizabeth had reached for you.
Your mother had just barely made it to the gate before you saw a man stepping out from the shadows behind her and then whistling at her to grab her attention. When she didn’t stop the man chased after her, machete held high in his hand, and just as he was about to bring it down into your tiny little skull, there was a loud pop and then the man was falling to the ground.
Your eyes widened as you watched him fall, your mom didn’t turn around, barely even turned her head as she ran to your dad, who’d been standing outside your parents station wagon with a rifle. You didn’t look away from the man even as your mom turned you, kissed you, and put you in the back.
You turned your little body to the door and practically pressed yourself against it as you watched the last little bit of life drain from his eyes, his chest rising and falling for one final staggering time. You stared at his limp, lifeless body until it was out of sight.
@romanarose @orcasoul
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Aye, it's DubDaddy on the track
Not a rapper, but I thought I'd have a crack
Another song, another bar, another stack
We keep coming back now we're picking up the slack
Get laid, get paid, gatorade
Trigger treats sweet but can't beat the blade
It's Halloween bitch it's time to get made
You better lock up or you're gonna get slayed
Aye the boys are comin in
Got lit last night on the cherry gin
Smokin gas, eating ass, now committing sin
We going large like Amy Schumer's second chin
Hey everybody my name is JoshDub
When I don't do crime I talk shit at the club
I like corona no lime and having a tug
I get my bread no crust cause you know I'm a thug
It's Halloween, my girl cook and clean
Doing flips in the sheets, call that trick and treat
In the back of a Bentley and we got on rings
Riding in the streets shouting scary things
The Boys in town and we hunting clowns
Couple Kings with a couple crowns (dank memes)
Scaring kids while we're blowing clouds
It's Mully in the back and your bitch is getting ploughed
It's spooky and cold on this dreadful night
But we got some beauties in our sight
We love the shadows, and fear the light
But we'll steal your girl with one quick bite
On Halloween you can hear many sounds
Some screaming, some crying in the background
But if I see some kind of creepy clown
Oh you better believe it's going down
All the witches they be on me, with glee
When I walk up in a room its a party
Got no reflection but there's one thing you can see
All competition running scared as they should be
Never giving out our secrets I'm like (hush hush)
Wiping away all the haters like a (brush brush)
We be stealing all your candy in a (rush rush)
Dropping songs and videos that always (crush crush)
Got these demons in my head overwhelming me with fear and dread
(Dread dread dread)
Screaming in my bed, keep me grinding till I'm dead
(Dead dead dead)
Spirits in my mind come to visit me from time to time
(Time time time)
People say I'm sick but I swear to God I'm fine
(I'm fine, I'm fine)
Trick or Treat, excuse me what the fuck is this?
Candy corn, Bit O Honey, one Hershey Kiss
Que no sabes que me dicen el Mexorcist
If you don't know who I am, then I'll tell you what it is
Got a blanket to protect me and a wooden cross
I sprinkle holy water to show demons who's boss
I make videos to scare all the kiddos
And I'll exorcise your Tia with a bag of hot Cheetos
I shook Freddy Kruger's hand
Grow harder than the grudge
Make Pennywise float too
And give Huggy Wuggy a hug
I got good at hide and seek
You can always ask the fed
I put poison in your goat
Now that chupacabras dead
I live in the States, born in Monterey
Got a gringa by my side
She can cook some frijoles
I cross the border and la migra said
'hey, come on down but you just can't stay'
Running and hiding and walking and fighting
You don't got the papers to even be trying
To say it was easy then I would be lying
Soy un inmigrante con gran corazón
empeze recojiendo la bazura de tu escalon
Y ahora ocupo la pantallo de tu abitación
Asta parece yo tomo gasolina.
Te incendió con mi rap eso es pura adrenalina
Mi tierra la extraño nunca olvidare mi casa
Un saludo para todos mis latinos y mi raza
Now give me the Reeses cup bitch
Yada yada yada yada, something bout a square
New meme Juice Box bout to go Blair
Like the Witch, that's the sitch
Halloween night bout to wake up in a ditch.
And I'm stacking up dinero
Got this young man feeling like George Romero
Pick the bone clean always saw it in the tarots
Dig a little deeper boy you almost skipped the marrow
I don't really know
I don't really know
Yada yada
Yada yada
My goldfish took a little holiday
Left me feeling sour like that Minute Maid
One day he said he want to go to outer space
So I made a little rocket outta Gatorade bottles
Catch your grandma at the Walmart
And she gonna catch the fade
I don't really give a fuck
Im just tryna get paid
I'll smoke your grandad too
If he even looks my way
I'll kick your little sister
In her motherfucking face
That's that shit you learn in Florida
When you smoking K2
Hold that shit up in my chest
Boy I'm bout to turn blue
Im might mosey down to Target
Man and buy me that canoe
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
wait okay immortal throuple pregnancy gave me a thought. dream/hob/destruction pregnancy?? hob gets pregnant and none of them know which one's the father, not that any of them mind much either way. but hob gets... so big. so fast. so hey, maybe it's twins??
it's not twins. when hob gets himself off to get an ultrasound he learns that it's definitely not twins, and destruction is definitely the father, because apparently he's just pregnant with a shockingly large baby? which yeah, okay, hob can make a good guess about who's responsible for that one. he has a moment where he's worried about telling them -- what if dream's disappointed hob isn't pregnant with his baby? -- but dream just smirks and tells him that clearly they're going to have to stop going so easy on him. they've been treating hob like he's delicate lately, but if hob's going to manage to give birth to destruction's baby? they're going to have to make sure his poor cunt is good and stretched.
Omg yes bestie!!! Can't believe we haven't talked about Hob having Ollie's baby before now because Holy Shit I love it <333
I'm just imagining Hob hitting 8 weeks and he's already absolutely popped, it's no use him even trying to hide the fact that he's pregnant. He's almost worried at first because he's pretty sure he shouldn't be so huge so quickly... but hey, maybe he's just really bloated or something, first trimesters are wild.
Poor darling goes to his first scan and the sonographer is like 👀 and even Hob can tell from looking at the screen that his baby is massive. His first thought is "aww yeah big strong baby yay!" But that almost immediately gets taken over by worries. He doesn't need any paternity test to tell that Destruction is definitely the daddy, and of course he doesn't want Dream to be sad or upset. And of course he's wondering how much bigger the kiddo is going to get?!
Of course, Dream soothes him and calms him down. It was always going to be a 50% chance and he's quite content knowing that he can knock Hob up next time. And as for the size of the baby, well, Dream is unashamedly thrilled. He's so excited to see Hob grow bigger and rounder with the life inside him.
Meanwhile Ollie is. Indescribably excited. He carries Hob around the flat for a whole evening, just unable and unwilling to let go of him. And he immediately gets in cahoots with Dream to come with ways to prepare Hob for the birth. Destruction is intimately acquainted with Hob’s cervix already (comes with the territory of having a monster cock); it's time to help him acclimatise to the discomfort of birth a little bit before it hits him all in one go.
The pregnancy itself is surprisingly ok?? Destruction's baby obviously inherited his chilled out nature, because there are no real issues aside for Hob not being able to get up from the sofa without help. Having two boyfriends comes in very handy: one of them can hold his massively gravid belly for him while the other gives him a nice backrub. Poor Hob puts up with so much horniness from his two lovers but he doesn't complain. By 7 months he can't reach his own cunt so it's just as well that they're so enthusiastic to help him out. Having Dream’s entire hand inside him is rather lovely actually - so cool and soothing for his poor aching body.
And oh, after Hob finally delivers their huge, bouncing baby, he's doted on by Ollie and Dream. They both make it quite clear exactly how much they appreciate his post-pregnancy body, soft round tummy and stretch marks and leaking tits. Dream is admittedly rather keen to get his own baby fucked into Hob as soon as possible, but if he's lucky he might get a few months off: sandwiched in between the two Endless with his lovely, perfect baby sleeping soundly in his arms.
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Holy Shit, go back to that personal headcannon thing with Tim and him looking like his dad, please. I’m genuinely so interested in that idea, GO BACK. I need to here what you have to say, shaking your shoulders rn. TELL ME NOW.. PLEASE.
Literally I have so many thoughts about the Shepards, if you're really interested in them, I highly suggest running through the #mysematics and #sophie i guess13 tags on here because they've had some of the best conversations with me here, like this one for example that I found and thought it related really well-
But anyway! In short, because the whole background is really long and I don't wanna bore you or anything, but the three Shepard kiddos, their dad was sort of absent as they were growing up, major asshole who would drift in and out of town and just sucked as a person and their mom wasn't much better, got into drugs and alcohol as the kids were growing up and ended up skipping town when Tim was around 12-ish or so, I forget the exact age I gave him for that, but anyways- the Shepards sort of ended up raising themselves and every so often their father will drift back into their life and it's just- they hate him so much and Tim looks like the spitting image of that man and he hates it and it's just-
I have a lot of thoughts about these kiddos and their life.
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sihakadan · 2 years
Your so nice ;-;
okay hum, anyway
reader is one of silcos main guards, right?
I’ve had the idea of reader having a notebook/diary (idk) that’s just FILLED with things about silco
how he likes his coffee
how his eyes look amazing
And maybe there’s some sketches of him
and reader accidentally leaves it somewhere, and Silco finds it, and he confronts reader.
and the rest is up to you
(if you choose to do it ofc)
also sorry for the long request
Hohohohohohohohohooooooo this shit is my jam. I actually have a fic that has something similar going on, but not really? It's about Scar though and he doesn't have a big fan base. But holy shit my broha, this is my time!!! SFW
You took this job to be part of what you thought was a group of badasses. You were tired of living on the streets, fighting for food and a place to sleep, fighting to live. The security, the pay, not wondering where your next meal was coming from? Yeah it was worth taking the job, but really, you were a glorified babysitter.
Silco was nothing to scoff at and Sevika was never too far, but you were there when she wasn't. You got to see all the things that no one else got to see, not even Sevika and that was because she wasn't willing to do things like you did.
Like make coffee, make sure there was always a clean glass and a cut cigar on his desk every morning. Keeping Jinx from painting the entire office but finding her little things she could take apart and toy with or decorate her little 'lair'. Little things like that. But most of the day, you'd sit on the couch in the office, listening to Silco's pen scratch on paper or he'd talk to you about an issue, get a second opinion.
Then one day, Jinx came waltzing in with a little book she had stolen, holding it out to you. "You like to leave doodles on my papers for me, thought maybe you could have your own book." You did leave her doodles, but that was so she would smile. When she cried or was upset, Silco became stressed and that made you stressed.
"Oh." You noticed that she had already taken the liberty of writing your name on the front with blue and pink letters, with an angry monkey face next to the words 'KEEP OUT'. You chuckled. "Thanks, kiddo. Did you steal a two pack and I am getting the extra?"
"Can't a girl be nice?" She clasped her hands behind her back and backed away, slowly leaving, braids swaying around her legs.
You turned the little notebook around in your hands and shrugged at Silco. At least she wasn't being antagonistic towards you like she was towards Sevika.
"Mighty kind of you, Jinx." Silco said, lighting his cigar as he looked between you both. You could almost see the wheels of thoughts turning in his mind.
See, that is where this whole thing started. You were given a book and to pass time, you began to write things in it. Then came the doodling that turned into artistic studies.
But when you spent most of your time with one person and his little ticking bomb of a daughter, you had limited models. You'd write your observations on Silco, how he acted, how he spoke, the way he'd interact with certain people.
Then, you noticed that most of your drawings were of his hands. His eyes...the way he smirked when you made a quip. Your entries changed too. Observations became ponderings, wishes, thoughts on him. They were soft and almost juvenile. Growing up on the streets, crushes weren't on your mind when you were just trying to survive another day. But now? Oh, the way he would hold his cigar. It just did something for you. To you.
As time went on, the more time you spent in his presence, the worse it got and you'd find yourself staring at him when he wasn't looking. You also became very overly protective of him and a couple of his visitors got their faces slammed on the desk when they spoke poorly to him. Silco would watch with that cool gaze, but it was almost approving when he looked at you.
And then, the entries became fantasies. Almost embarrassingly sad and an atonement to your loneliness and want of him. But no one would see this book, it was just for you, for you to get things out of your head so you could move on. You just were not moving on from him.
After a particularly long day of dealing with Sevika's bad mood, Ren getting into a bar fight you had to help end, and Jinx being, well, Jinx, you had said your goodnights to Silco, dragging yourself home and into the shower. The warm water made you shiver in delight as it relaxed you and a long sigh left you- before it turned into a gasp of horror.
You left your notebook in the office.
Maybe no one would notice or they'd respect your privacy. Then you thought of the people who you worked with and knew that was not going to happen. Someone was going to read it and they would find your dirty secret.
You cut your shower short and tried to keep your calm as you went back to the office, trying to get through the bar without being noticed, in case someone had already found it and you had to change your name and face and skip town.
When you peaked your head in, it was dark and quiet, giving you a sense of relief. No one was there- but the notebook was gone. Oh, shit. Oooh, shit. You rubbed your face and tried taking deep breaths. Maybe Jinx mixed it up with hers or it got moved and nobody read it. Another deep breath and you slipped into the office, closing the door and looking around the table to see if you could find it, moving couch cushions and checking other surfaces.
A voice from behind you made your spin stiffen and your eyes widen, footsteps approaching you. "-today he spoke with his hands a lot. I couldn't stop staring at them. Powerful, yet full of grace, conniving. Those hands are building a new path for Zaun, for us all. I wonder what they would feel like on bare skin." You heard a book slam closed and as the footsteps came closer, you could feel the heat of another body. "And there is a lovely picture to go with it." It was Silco's voice right next to you ear and it both aroused you and frightened you.
"I can explain-" If you turned around, you would turn into a blubbering mess, begging for forgiveness for your lechery.
"Oh, I am sure you could do more than that, my dear." You felt a rumble from his chest and it registered in your brain that he was pressed against you, holding up the sinful book for you to see. "You have many theories about my hands. Invigorating read."
Your eyes went to the notebook and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. "You're not angry?"
"Ah, no. In fact." His lips touched the shell of your ear. "Would you like to see what these hands could really do?"
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minato-division03 · 8 months
ARB Birthday Special: Miku Shirazuki
Tumblr media
~ January 13th ~
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.”
Login Lines
“Happy Birthday to myself. May the universe bless me with a new year of cherished memories and also inner peace.”
“It’s been another 365 around the sun. Hopefully, this time around, I’ll learn to make the most of every moment.”
Voice Lines
“If I’m gonna be honest… I don’t know what to make of my birthday… so much has been happening that my own birthday was sorta the last thing on my mind. But I guess since I’m still here, I should be grateful that I’m still surviving.”
“I don’t really know how to celebrate my birthday now that I’m not an idol… I used to do long zatsus on SNS with my fans. But that’s not really an option now. I know I asked for peace this time around, but now I actually don’t know what to do with all this… free time?”
“Oh, Your Majesty… You? Made something for me? What is this? Holy shit, it’s a sun catcher… I… I don’t… thank you… thank you so much…”
“Your Majesty… I don’t know what to do… I’m a whole year older and yet… I can’t seem to grow up past the age of thirteen… I’m stuck down here… The future is in my hands… thank you… I’ll do my best to remember that.”
“Oh, hi, Reiaki. Oh, thanks… Well… I told the Queen that I still don’t feel like I’m a whole year older yet… She told me that I’ve learned and grown since I was thirteen… So you too? I figured that’s what she intended… I just hope I can live up to her expectations.”
“A new lunar calendar… it’s really pretty… I didn’t get to find one for the new year yet. But you found like the perfect one… Okay… thank you, Reiaki… Let’s do it.”
Queen Card Lines
“Miku-chan, a happiest of Birthdays to you. For a day to celebrate the day of your coming into this world, I am bestowing you with a gift, made with my own two hands. Trust me, my dear, you know what this is. Right on the money, my darling. And it is designed to hang in your window. Infuse it with the crystals you cherish so and it shall turn ordinary sunlight into a scattering waltz of rainbows, turning your room into a whimsical world of colors.”
“It would seem something is troubling you, my dear. Talk to me, what is the matter? Miku-chan. Miku-chan, listen to me. Your thirteen-year-old self was unaware and was searching for something beyond her. You’ve learned from then, and you’ll continue to learn and get stronger as you continue to grow. You’ll turn fourteen one of these days. Until then… do me a favor, love, and remember this… the past is in your head. Your future is in your hands, now. Our future is in your hands.”
Reiaki Lines
“Happy Birthday, Miku-chan! How does it feel to be another year older? I see… So you’re also stuck in the past… She’s right, you know. I still feel like I’ve never moved on from that day… and I don’t think I ever will. But I think Her Majesty doesn’t expect us to fully grow past our pasts. Just for the both of us to know that there’s a future to look forward to.”
“How about this? I might have the perfect present for you. Go ahead! Take a look! Hehe! You like it? It’s a lunar calendar for the new year! It tracks the lunar cycle and it also is an astrology planner. I got one for you before you could buy or make one yourself! Keep track of the upcoming days with this. Happy Birthday, kiddo… you deserve peace for yourself… Let’s both grow up at own paces, okay?”
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Just thought of this, but man, I bet my dude Iseldir didn't have a single grey hair until he realised an entirely untrained raw magic powerhouse just moved in next door. That has to be SO STRESSFUL FOR REAL bc imagine. You're a Druid living in Camelot, you've kept your camp under the radar so far, you're respected as a good leader and a wise elder, and suddenly you've got this. fucking. infant demigod. with power you, a lorekeeper, have literally never seen nor heard of, that starts randomly showing up at your fucking house every now and again, does some impossible feat of magic for fun, just to entertain the children, and then fucks off again for who knows how long, and oh yeah, it's 50-50 odds he'll show up with the goddamn Prince next time.
Iseldir probably made a Lot of offerings to the Triple Goddess.
Iseldir, in my humble opinion, was a fucking geek. "Lorekeeper," okay, please we all know that's just fancy words for ultimate nerd/geek, and that's Iseldir.
Sir was fucking ecstatic to realize he would be living in the same century as the Great Emrys. Then enters Merlin. A barely adult kiddo who holds untamed power that was foretold who knows how long. I find it admirable the old guy kept his cool for that long (10 bucks that after Merlin left, Iseldir had a personal crisis). But yeah, he was over the moon to be living in the same region and whenever some issue occurred in Camelot, Iseldir would probably be like "Ah yes, of course the Great Emrys vanquished another enemy!" or something.
And yeah, the hype is still there but Iseldir realizes (at some point) that merlin is still fairly young and hold so much magic and the kid isn't even fully trained???? We have 2 routes: Iseldir grows extremely fearful in like a "holy shit you have no idea what you're doing and maybe I should have helped you sooner" way or Iseldir just goes "OF COURSE THE GREAT EMRYS WOULD BE THIS POWERFUL" or something
anyway, Iseldir's a huge nerd for Emrys' trivia (this was what i was trying to get at and i think i derailed?) and would be the worst of the Druid's when it some to discovering Merlin's range of power and stuff
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bunny584 · 6 months
wait I just read the tags under your post of you being delirious from work(thanks for your service btw!!) and I just want to say that the blown off fingers part was hilarious to me because a friend of mine blew his hand up a while back! I'm sorry you have to deal with that, what's one of the most shocking things that you've came across at work??
It’s okay anon baby! I’m just grumpy today. I’ll plug myself into one of those Tesla superchargers or whatever then I’ll be fine. No need to thank me I’m very lucky and privileged to do what I do. Just a lil sick of my pager at the moment lol
Tough, tough question. Replanting fingers isn’t that shocking, just tedious reconnecting bones, nerves, vessels, repairing muscle then soft tissue.
The most holy shit operation that still blows me away are the Frontoorbital advancements we do for craniosynostosis!
Big silly words for: peeling the forehead skin down —> sawing frontal skull bones —> repositioning the bones to give kiddos brain space to grow —> screwing it down with titanium plates —> then zipping the scalp back up like we were never there 😅
Be careful with the google search 🩵
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene from “Growing Pains”: Yumyulack’s Outburst:
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Jericca: Never support you…. groaning in anger; snapping UGH! THAT’S IT! EVERYBODY OUT!
But then, without thinking, in a fit of anger, Jerrica sling her coffee mug towards human Yumyulack, where it flew burning coffee all over him as he screams in pain.
Jerrica: Oh my god! I am so sorry! Let me-
Human Yumyulack, finally reaching his breaking point with Jerrica, her sisters and Rio, screams in fury that is hear throughout town. Human Korvo hears it and gasp as he hid and began to overhear the conversation
Human Korvo: Hmmm?
Kim: Um Baxter… are you okay…
Human Yumyulack starts yelling
Human Korvo gasps.
Human Korvo: whispering Y-Yumyulack?
Kim: But Baxter, we-
Human Korvo starts crying.
Human Korvo: crying Oh… oh my God… I didn’t know… I… sniffs
Jerrica: But you don’t understand! We have to beat the Misfits-
Human Yumyulack angrily slams the desk so hard with his fist, it falls apart into pieces, surprisingly.
Rio: Holy shit! Did you just-
Mark walks by and gasp as he hears his boyfriend quietly.
Jerrica: Baxter…
Suddenly, Human Yumyulack’s eyes glow purple and his fingertips starts turning black. Human Korvo gasps.
Human Korvo: No no no no no! YUMYULACK!
Jerrica: Baxter, wait! We-
Human Korvo: What is he doing?!
Once Human Yumyulack slammed the door at Jerrica and her friends’ faces, he angrily walks off when suddenly purple wings pop out of his backs, which caused Human Korvo to gasp as Mark follows Human Yumyulack.
Human Korvo: Mark, no!
As Human Yumyulack keeps walking, he feels a sharp pain and in his head as he turns back into his Shlorpian form and cries out in pain. Then, Yumyulack starts growing bigger and muscular while his whole skin turns black as he cries out.
Mark: Babe?! Babe! Are you alright- gasp
Yumyulack: clothes rip apart into pieces while he screams in pain MARK! GET AWAY! begins to cry RUN! BEFORE I ACCIDENTALLY HURT YOU! breaks down sobbing as he finishes growing bigger and muscular while horns pop out of his head
Mark: Holy shit!
As Yumyulack’s teeth becomes sharp and monstrous with monstrous fangs and his voice gets deeper, he has fully become a Super Shlorpian as he roars once Human Korvo arrived and recognized Yumyulack in distraught.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack?!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, who lost his sanity, roars and swings a car as Mark gasp and hides behind Human Korvo, while controlling his mutant zombie form. Human Yumyulack roars as he lifts a car up.
Human Korvo: Yumyulack! No! It’s me Korvo! Your dad! Put the car down kiddo! We have to get you home before-
Mark: Yumyulack! No!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack throws the car while Human Korvo and Mark dodges it. Suddenly, Super Shlorpian Yumyulack hears the screeching from the bat mutants and roars as he flies off.
Human Korvo: Oh for God’s sake!
Mark: Yumyulack! Yumyulack….
Human Korvo looks on and knows what he must do, while going papa wolf.
Human Korvo: Mark, stay here.
Mark: Wait, what are you-
Human Korvo turns back to his Shlorpian form and began to grow bigger and muscular while his wings and horns pop out and his skin turns black
Mark: Whoa! Dude!
Korvo: rips apart this robe as he finishes growing bigger and muscular while his voice deepens Ooooohhhh ffffuuuucccckkk yyyeeeeeeees!
Korvo moans in pleasure.
Mark: Holy shit! You were the monster that saved me-
Super Shlorpian Korvo roars as he fully completes his transformation. Super Shlorpian Korvo blushes and bites his lip
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Aaaah… stretches his back and flexes his right arm I feel much better and feeling horny right now!
Mark: Woah. You’re ripped!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Why thank you and- hears Super Shlorpian Yumyulack’s roars
Mark: Babe…
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Stay here.
Mark: Huh? Okay, but be careful dude and good luck!
Super Shlorpian Korvo then roars as he flies off to save his son while going papa wolf.
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concussed-to-pieces · 2 years
The Chance And The Change; Part Two
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Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Pairing: (Eventual) Villain!Mirio/AFAB Shie Hassaikai!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our second installment! Enjoy!
Tag List: @hijackser @nonstop-haikyuu @zombiexbody @buttons-beads-lace @moonchhu
Part One
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains verbal abuse, implied child abuse, allusions to previous abuse and discussion and use of medication/drugs (pills). Stay safe!]
You were often selected to go on patrols around the neighborhood due to you not being in any police databases (you had worked hard to remain under the radar!), and today was one such patrol shift. At least it gave you the chance to see the sun and get some fresh air.
You yawned, gazing upwards at the blue sky. Another beautiful day. 
Midway through your loop around the block however, a small body smacked into your leg. You flinched, looking down to see the little girl (Overhaul's kid?!) staring up at you with wide, terrified eyes. 
"Oh, hey." You greeted her nonchalantly, but inside you were screaming. She was covered in bandages, she was barefoot. If someone saw the two of you, that was it! Curtains for your illustrious career of 'person who was not in prison'. "You lost, kiddo?"
"Please-" her voice trembled, tiny hands clenching into fists. "Please don't let him catch me." The way she said it gave you pause. She sounded desperate. Then again, this was the first time you had seen her conscious and upright; maybe she always talked like that? 
Unlikely. Could this be your chance to get her out? It seemed almost too good to be true–
"Eri, what have I told you about running off?" 
Your eyes flew upwards at the familiar voice, spotting Overhaul and Mirio emerging from an adjacent alleyway. While Mirio was still behind Chisaki by a few steps, you could already see how tense he was. "B-Boss! Er, I mean, Mr. Overhaul sir." You tried for a casual greeting, acutely aware of the kid clinging to your leg like her life depended on it. 
"Ah, hello there. I'm glad it was you Eri ran into." Chisaki said, that dead-eyed gaze boring through you. In the moment before he spoke again, you studied what little you could see of his face for a familial resemblance. If Eri is his kid… "The streets have been getting worse, not that I need to tell you that. Lots of interns from UA are doing their work studies." As if on cue, the child bolted away from you. Overhaul sighed heavily through his mask. "So obstinate. You two bring her back for me. I don't have time to be playing hide and seek."
"Yes sir." Mirio stalked past you, his eyes not meeting your own. You could almost feel the fury behind that grin; he was seething despite his light tone and easy smile. "C'mon partner."
After the two of you rounded the corner away from Chisaki, Mirio swung his fist and demolished a chunk of masonry on the next building with a muffled swear. "I take it we are not happy with the current situation?" You surmised, quickly taken aback by the venomous glare he gave you. 
"Eri is out, she's practically free. But if we don't get her back…" Mirio trailed off helplessly. 
"The boss will know something is up." You finished his train of thought, shaking your head. "We can't just let her go, unfortunately. We need to come up with something a bit more stable or believable. The absence of a response is enough of an indicator that our anonymous tip attempt was a bust, so it's back to the drawing board."
"I hate this." Mirio muttered. "It feels so wrong."
"It's all we can do at this point." You said in an undertone, nodding to a few civilians as they walked by. It was late morning and the streets were becoming more crowded; you and Mirio would need to work quickly to get Eri back before she drew too much attention. "Take comfort in the knowledge that this is only temporary."
"Try telling her that!" Mirio snapped, the young man's voice growing louder. "She's the one living in that hell with no one to save her!"
"Togata," you hissed, forgetting your awe of his Quirk in favor of seizing the collar of his polo shirt and yanking him into the next alleyway. "Be quiet."
He stared down at you for several seconds, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "You're right." The blond admitted. "I…It's always been hard for me. Managing my emotions. Sorry."
"You don't need to apologize. I get it, but you're big and loud and you scare the normies." You patted him awkwardly on the shoulder, then turned to advance down the alley. The way the clutter was scattered around looked promising, plus the other end of the alley was open as an escape route.
It was only a few more steps until the two of you found Eri curled up beside a dumpster, the frail girl clearly already exhausted. Adrenaline could only do so much. "Shh, it's okay." Mirio soothed as he scooped her into his arms. "Rest, it's okay. We won't hurt you."
Seeing her try to weakly struggle against his hold did something to you, your throat tightening oddly. "We don't…I mean, Overhaul doesn't need to know that we found her right away." You reasoned grudgingly. "Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes."
Mirio nodded, taking a seat on a stack of old pallets.
"Don't make me go back." Eri begged, gripping his shirt. "Please don't make me go."
"Not right now, okay? We still have to go back, but not right now." Mirio bargained, one large hand cradling the small child's head. "Rest for a little while, Eri."
Her sobs, which shook her whole body, were somehow silent. Mirio stared off at the wall over her head, doing his best to not dwell on the current situation. The rage he tried to keep a tight hold on was bubbling up like magma; he knew it was only a matter of time before he erupted. For right now though, he needed to maintain his composure. 
Where the hell is a pro when you need one?! 
It had been thoughts like that which had driven him to his current position. The Shie Hassaikai, the only group that would take him on after everyone else had heard an explanation of his Quirk and laughed him out the door. 
Heroes were a good concept, but the latest generation had no freedom when it came to engaging with villains! It was always wait for the authorities and red tape while crime, actual crime, happened on their doorstep! Criminals and villains flourished in a lack of action, that was why the world was suffering. It had been Mirio's intent to draw attention to the flawed system of hero deployment, in an effort to convince the authorities to streamline things or at least give professional heroes more free rein to respond to incidents. Instead, he found himself at the beck and call of a man who believed every meta ability-wielder should be wiped from the planet. 
Now, Togata played the game of appeasing Overhaul while still doing his best to not dig himself any deeper. He had done things he wasn't proud of. He had also done things he was proud of. And he knew that in the future, he would achieve his dreams and carry onward. But…
Mirio's embrace tightened around Eri. We need to save her. The next opportunity that presents itself, we need to save her. He wasn't sure when he had decided that you and he were a team. It was probably right after you had voiced your concerns to him; your hands barely resting on Eri while you had given the blond man a hard look.
"I'm not trying to say I'm a decent person or anything like that," you had insisted, your tone sharp with depreciation. 
And then your comment from the other day, the one that had hit him like a truck. "Or is it just that you enjoyed being the hero for once?" He doubted you had meant anything by it. You were probably joking; sometimes he failed to grasp your humor. But still it stayed with him, burrowing into his chest to fester. With it came the doubt in his course of action, the confusion, the worry. Was this wrong? Was it the only way, or was he so headstrong that he had failed to see any other option?
He had fought against many heroes in his time with the Hassaikai. None of the greats, mind you, but enough that he knew how he felt after the fight. There was always that nagging sensation that he was on the wrong side, despite his convictions. Always that tiny voice rebuking him, telling him that he had gone too far. 
Kai Chisaki had been the only one to welcome him with open arms, and it was definitely within the realm of reason that his willingness to accept Mirio was what had blinded the blond man to certain…inglorious ambitions that Chisaki fostered.
"There are worse things for me to be hooked on, right?" The sad little smile you had given him, the crinkling of foil as another pill was released from its plastic blister…how many others were like you, driven to organizations like the League or the Hassaikai because the world at large demanded usefulness from Quirk users? 
"Here." A wax paper-wrapped pastry, possibly a Danish, was thrust into his face and your form dropped solidly onto the pallet beside him. "You hungry, kid? Want a muffin? The lady at the café said they're freshly-baked."
Eri sniffled, hesitating for a moment before cramming most of the pro-offered muffin into her mouth. 
You laughed, chastising her in the next breath, "Easy, no one's gonna' take it from you! Slow down."
Mirio absently nibbled on the breakfast pastry you had gotten him, the young man noting that you were not eating after several seconds. "Already eat this morning?" He queried.
"Oh yeah. You know me, always filling up at the Hassaikai continental breakfast," was your sarcastic reply. "How's the muffin, shortstack? I got apple, figured it would be a little less of a shock to the system." Eri responded with some mumbled gibberish, her eyes welling up again. "Glad you're enjoying it, then." You answered with a grin, tousling her hair.
"You going to be okay?" Togata asked you softly while Eri was preoccupied.
"Stomach's in knots." You admitted. "I don't want to do this."
"Neither do I, but if we don't-" Mirio was unable to finish his thought, instead finding himself interrupted by someone walking past the alleyway.
"Um, excuse me? Are you three alright?" 
It was a young man in a green costume that clearly denoted him as at least an intern level of heroic, and he was staring at Mirio like he knew him. 
Shit. Mirio also felt like he had seen the other man somewhere before. Frustratingly however, he wasn't able to recall.
Eri froze, the remainder of her muffin tumbling down the front of Mirio's shirt. Togata tensed without meaning to, one arm wrapped protectively around the little girl. "Sorry! We'll be on our way in a second. You guys have a lot of hostile architecture around here, nowhere to really sit for too long." He called to the other man, trying to look appropriately embarrassed. Is this guy a pro hero? Are we in luck?
The young man in green jolted, his own complexion becoming somewhat flushed as he tried to apologize for the city's 'less-than-welcoming' design. He seemed genuine enough, if a little high-strung, and he was all too eager to introduce himself.
"My hero name is Deku! I'm interning at Sir Nighteye's agency…"
To think that guy's intern was roaming the streets! You hoped you didn't look too shifty, but your knees had turned to jello whether you wanted them to or not. Deku, he said his hero name is Deku. He didn't look all that imposing, but one couldn't judge a hero (or hero in training) by mere appearances.
"I see you two finally found her." Overhaul's voice compounded your pre-existing unease, sending an icy chill down your spine. The masked yakuza seemed to materialize out of the shadows in the middle of the alley, his posture at ease. 
Eri's fists clenched even tighter in Mirio's shirt and your heart, already hammering with panic, twisted in your chest. Pros and cons battled in your brain over the next five seconds, the moral weight ultimately balancing out once more to your guilty relief. It was better this way. This way, you and Mirio had more time to plan! More time to make sure that once Eri escaped, the break was clean. 
Despite your distraction, you noted that Deku looked almost as spooked as you felt, the green-haired young man fidgeting before hesitantly speaking up, "um, do you guys know him?"
Eri lunged away from the silent Mirio, the child fleeing before Deku gently caught her hand on the way by. She made no further move to escape then, simply tucking herself into Deku's side and staring down at the ground.
"I hope you'll forgive my daughter, hero." Overhaul said before either you or Mirio could speak, his voice gone almost saccharine with faux-pleasantry. "I don't know what to do with her. Always playing rough, bumping into things." 
His explanation for the bandages, then. Your eyes darted to gauge the intern's response, noting with a frisson of hope that he seemed concerned. His face abruptly turned bland, almost like he was schooling his expression into something more benign. "Wait, I know that mask! You're from the Hassaikai, right? Gosh, you guys are famous around here." Deku bubbled, but you were sure Chisaki didn't miss the way he squeezed Eri's hand before letting go.
Overhaul waved off Deku's excited outburst. "Yeah, please don't mind the mask. It keeps out the filth." The leader cocked his head, giving Deku the same calculating stare that you had been on the receiving end of mere hours earlier. "I don't believe I've seen you in the area before."
"Oh, I'm still pretty new, but you probably already guessed that much."
"What agency do you belong to?" Chisaki pressed.
"I-I'm only a student, I'm still deciding which agency I would like to apply to! I have a few different assignments from multiple organizations today to see which one will be a good fit for my style." A lie? He had told you and Mirio freely that he was interning with Sir Nighteye. Was a pro hero (intern) lying? "Speaking of which, I need to finish patrolling this division by lunch!" The man in green prattled on airily, taking a healthy step backwards onto the now-busy sidewalk. "It was nice chatting with you all!"
Chisaki watched the young man depart in complete silence. You could almost see the rage coming off of him in waves; white hot, ready to burn the next person who made the mistake of crossing him. "Eri." His tone was even and that was much, much worse. You would have preferred him shouting like he had at Mirio before, anything but that lethal too-calm. The little girl flinched, her hands nervously bunching in the front of the simple shift she wore. "Done with your temper tantrum?"
She scurried wordlessly to his side, her eyes fixed on the ground and shoulders hunched.
"Sorry to involve you two in our family drama." Overhaul apologized to you and Mirio. "Now, we're behind schedule as it is. Finish your patrol and then return. Togata, come with me."
"Yes sir." The two of you answered at the same time. Togata's smile never wavered, but you swore you could hear him grinding his teeth. The large man phased his hand through your arm as he went by, the action deliberate enough for you to notice. 
You made the snap decision to grab his wrist. Later, you mouthed to him. 
He nodded in reply, the fury in his eyes softening slightly.
Mirio hadn't been able to stop pacing for nearly half an hour, waiting for you to come by his quarters. Even now he was restless, his mind racing with half-formed plans. 
"That hero kid lied to him earlier. Maybe our tip wasn't a bust after all?" You had posted up against the wall, your arms crossed over your chest while you seemed to think out loud. "If we have a guy connected to Nighteye, even tangentially, we definitely have a good shot here."
"How long though? I really hate this, I hate it so much." Mirio muttered. "Every day it's worse it seems!"
"We need to be patient. I know that's not what you want to hear, but if we show our hand too soon–honestly, it's more about us continuing to be useful. Easier to destroy the wall from both sides, yeah? We just have to avoid alerting our 'noble compatriots'." You reasoned quietly. 
Togata grumbled in frustration. "I also can't shake the feeling that I know that Deku guy. Like…I've seen him before. I recognize him."
"Maybe he's been on TV? If he's with Nighteye, he's got to be as serious as cancer." You mused, tilting your head to the side.
Mirio nodded absently. That was sound logic and it made sense, but he couldn't quite bring himself to believe that was all it was. His mind was nagging at him and he knew he must be forgetting something important.
"I get that this is hard for you." The gentle tone in your voice struck him as odd, and when he glanced up he could see a certain earnestness in your expression. "You're not like us, you're not like me. You can do things on your own. No matter what you think, you never really needed to join a group to get stuff done." Your hand brushed his arm, pausing his pacing briefly.  
Mirio wasn't sure what the hell was going on. The way you were looking at him made him feel strange. Not bad, not wrong, but…strange. "You're the only one willing to help me get her out." He finally said curtly. "I have a better chance of accomplishing this if I'm not alone and I know that."
He told himself he was probably imagining the brief flash of hurt on your face before you nodded at him and departed back to your own quarters.
Part Three
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lifesver · 9 months
[ louder, groundshaking boss music in retaliation ] howdy kels :)) i very much share the sentiment that meeting you has been nothing short of so amazing, hilarious, heartbreaking, and so much good vibes so far ♡ i've said it quite some times before i know, broken record, but truly am so very happy to have met you, gotten to write all these absolutely wild aus and dynamics with you and i am so very cheering on what all of it - and what you will bring to our dashes - in the coming year c: i'm very VERY much looking forward to seeing where you take leland, to be able to read all your newspaper publishings across the dash, and where these kiddos will take us all. im very happy to be in this little corner with you guys. :) ♡
you bring such a strong breath of life into leland - he's realistic, he's brave even when he's absolutely terrified and has no clue how to go forward. his love for his friends is so very clearly shown in everything you write regarding either the dires or the friends simply goofing around. he comes across like such a living, breathing character and its thanks to the dedication and love you put in for him. from a guy that gun seems adamant on reducing so badly ( and so fucking wrongly ) as so one-dimensional, icky gross jock stereotype, you've allowed him to grow into such a precious, adorable, kind-hearted guy that honestly? i feel most people would kill to have as a friend. he's silly and warm and goofy in all the right ways and when things go wrong he's so complex and fractured and his depth truly gets to shine in those darker moments.
which of course brings me to that note; all the flavors of the dire aus :))
it has been SO MUCH FUN and SO VERY HEARTBREAKING getting to write with leland and maria in NOSY in particular. their dynamic alone is so gut-wretchingly tragic just on surface level, but the depth that it sinks into, in all of their trajectories, all of their shared dynamics with johnny & lamb, their complex and confusing feelings towards the friends, its been absolutely a blast getting to brainstorm and shoot ideas at all hours about it and im so thankful i get to be part of that experience with both you and lamb. your minds and your love for leland and johnny really bring out such a passion in return to me to write and brainstorm more and its been an amazing experience bouncing ideas off from you two. i absolutely cannot wait to see how, whether in threads or in ask responses, NOSY / WSU and all its different trajectories and more play out as this new year goes on.
i also very much enjoy all the little ideas and hcs and posts we all get ot bounce off of one another - esp getting silly with the aliases, im just adoring all the ways that we're expanding these kiddos to places gun could Literally Never honestly.
ill end it here but know i admire you, your characterization of leland, the love you have for him that so clearly shows in everything you post, your writing as a whole ( because holy shit i adore leland's inner thoughts, how you describe the world and people around him at any given moment!! )and likewise that i read your work, even simple hcs, and its inspiring to get to form a reply to.
i love you and value you and your friendship and as a writing partner and i truly hope this year is nothing but great and rewarding to you as well!! ♡♡♡
UGH RENEE i finally reply to this bc it's so kind and i need it on my blog. i did not expect u to uno reverse me but perhaps i should have, in fact, known-- no but like idk man i don't have a lot of words but this means so much 2 me and i'm so happy to write with you and be ur pal and just be crafting these dynamics and completely out of hand narrative arcs. like it's so nice to just go off the rails w you ik i can pitch something unhinged and u will pull up with another several paragraphs and suddenly we're crying on the ground in shamblse. it keeps happening -- (and i love it)
ur so sweet TT___TT thank u for tolerating me and the jock we love u. i adore all our dynamics so much. and i wanna hype you and ur writing up all the time you always insp me!!! raaaa
i look forward to hanging out with you even more in the new year, and seeing all that you do with your writing on here, it's such a blast to collaborate, and you guys all keep me inspired to write on here and think of new stuff. (and shout out u in particular for always leaving me about a thousand inbox prompts that hurt my feelings that i am possessed to draft 23423432 word replies to. thanks for enabling my angst and drama and dire writing ur so real for that genuinely)
i have waxed poetic in ur inbox i'll shut up before i just ramble the same nonsense here but like ily sm MWAHH
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yolkie-squid · 10 months
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okok so like, there’s gonna be quite a bit of lore for this, and it does include a lot of talk of religion, specifically Christianity, and demons n angels n stuffs sooo uh yeah.
So basically, I had a dream where God and Lucifer and the 7 deadly sins came down/up to earth and were like, ‘hey we’re gonna make you kiddos pick if you wanna be a demon or an angel, although there will be consequences for your choice if you choose wrong, p.s. parents get a heavy say in the matter’ so everyone formed a huge line and infront of it were two buttons, a red one and a blue one (insert that one meme here) blue representing becoming an angel, red representing becoming a demon. So I’m like 15th in line and everyone’s parents are around them influencing their decisions however, I really said fuck that and slammed the red button, I got screamed at and thrown out to where the other demons, Lucifer, and the Deadly Sins were. Btw this all kinda takes place in an area that’s like a school but also with a weird mix of Alterna, specifically the sky, they put a dome that pretends to be a sky. So after me was my Bf, and he got a very, very strict talking to on to not follow my footsteps (his parents aren’t really that fond of me irl sooo whoopsies) and he ends up having to be an angel along with quite a few of my friends. So here’s what I have down so far for when you become an angel, first off, your are blindfolded and put into a deep slumber, in said slumber you grow your wings, this is to make it so the angels have to deal with the least amount of pain possible when undergoing the changes. They wake up and get their Holy Robes n such, and get their halos bestowed upon them by God himself. However for the demons, they each line up at one of the Sins, as each would grant a different type of wish, some for nothing, some for a small favor, etc. For which Deadly Sin would grant what kinda of wishes (only one wish per person, no Sinhopping lol). Asmodeus (Lust) : boosting or lowering uhhhhh adult fun time drive, changing your body to fit how you want it to be, love/lust spells (you have to bribe him and really, really good.) or become a demon of the Lust ring. ORRR BONUS OFFER: be a succubus or incubus
Mammon (Greed) : Precious stones, jewels, money, gold, any form of accessories, Gucci, you name it, or make you into a demon from the greed ring
Belphegor (Sloth) : Pillows, blankets, loungewear, a whole ass bed, comfy things, or make you into a demon from the Sloth ring
Beelzebub (Gluttony) : literally food. Idrk, you could get any amount of food or food related item, kitchenwear n shit, or food from anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye, or become a demon of the Gluttony ring
Amon (Wrath) : weapons, you could wish misfortune upon someone, get an assassin, become skilled at combat, karate, etc, or become a demon of the Wrath ring
Envy : kind of the same as greed, you can get all sorts of riches and etc, or curse someone to be insanely envious of everyone around them, or become a demon of the Envy ring
Pride : boost your self esteem, re-wire some thoughts to block out the bad and negative ones so you only have good thoughts of yourself, become a demon of the Pride ring
Lucifer : change your physical form to anything you want, make you more happy, if you just want to talk he’ll listen ig, basically just any request if one of the Deadly Sins can’t fulfill it. Or ig just become a regular demon. I ended up choosing Pride, just to be a demon of the Pride ring and look hella cool (btw refs of demons from different rings soon ig) then I realized that I kinda wasted it bc literally my main goal was to transition but I forgor 💀 anywho so turns out a few months later everyone gets a second wish!! Yippeeeeeeeee!!! No one has ever ran to Asmodeus faster in their mortal lives, so I got to transition and I was sooooooo happy. But anywho the angels start to get really stuck up and are like literally committing hate crimes towards the demons but we aren’t allowed to reciprocate it or we would be punished. so y’know those blindfolds I mentioned earlier? Yeah so, it kinda brainwashes a lot of the angels, and the more halos they have, the more under control/ surveillanced they need to be, my bf ended up getting two bc we met up a twice and uhh yeah God was not happy at all. But at some point he decided to take off his blindfold and see the world again. Here’s the thing ab the blindfolds, they’re the only way God could get in your head and communicate with you telepathically, if you don’t have it on, no communication. So my bf took it off and crossed over to where the demons were chillin and was like uh…. Hi..? And I can’t keep writing it’s almost 3 am, update soon hhhhh
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