#homebrew dnd player race
deer-head-xiris · 1 year
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Introducing Toglings, my first homebrew DND race!! They’re snail-like beings that descend from a giant slug demon. This is a fully open species, make as many Toglings as you'd like! I only ask that you link back to me when making them so I can see everyone’s beautiful creations!
Here are their homebrew stats!! https://www.dndbeyond.com/races/1378243-togling 
And while this is a free to use species, if you’d like to support my work and/or have half the work done for you, I’ve put up a PSD of Togling base line art on my Ko-fi for only $5! https://ko-fi.com/s/c66e42c703 
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dm-tuz · 4 months
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Dolls - A 5e Monster Girl Player Race
We are keeping the momentum going!
This April's Monster Girls are the Dolls, now freely available on my patreon. Enjoy!
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nineheavenspress · 2 years
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Illusts: Alex Ahad, Jenny Park
Our Korean myth-inspired adventure book has now been FULLY FUNDED on Kickstarter! To celebrate, we've unlocked the Dokkaebi and Gumiho ancestries. Our next stretch goal is a one-shot adventure based on household gods!
14 days left as of this post!
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mochizuke-creates · 6 days
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This is.. certainly an art choice. But I thought…. What if my wizard…. In blue!?!? Still really experimenting with backgrounds and growing better with every new piece.
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mldragane · 4 months
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Still subject to change. But, this is my first ever written AND illustrated bit of homebrew for 5e D&D. Done a lot of homebrew writing in the past, but only just illustrated some. This is one page of what will hopefully be a whole collection of homebrew for an upcoming campaign I'm running for some family and friends. Will be nice to get a Pathfinder version typed up eventually, but they want to play 5e. So, 5e first and foremost. And I gotta illustrate the other races too :P (and finish up typing some) Gotta love the homebrewery for making formatting like this straightforward :P
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sorieba · 1 year
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more dnd bust sketches, this time more from the campaign I'm running
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kaceypink · 2 years
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An old custom race I threw together. It’s not really finished, but you’re welcome to steal it if you think you can have fun with it. Art by @sofia-drawsmore
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mulhollandi · 1 year
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day by day the white woman gets more deranged (ehe!)  pc characters from a planescape campaign im running! traced from that one scene in one piece. Caillad (the white woman): @mushowom Quin: @thegamingmonk
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Ancestry: Heraldic (V0.2)
Been missing for a bit. Sorry about that, work has been quite draining. Doesn't help that they moved me from closing to opening with little notice. Anyways, here is a bit of an update to my Heraldic ancestry. The major changes are to the Flyer option for Chimeric Form, a change to the speeds provided by Chimeric Form, and more concrete lore for what they are.
Flavor: Heraldics are quite the mysterious ancestry, for quite a few reasons. The most glaring one is their sudden appearance in a community or family, seemingly with little explanation. A child would be born with little to no sign of them being of this ancestry, with perhaps some bizarre looking eyes or an unusual birthmark being one of the few subtle signs. However, as they grow they begin to change. They begin developing more animalistic and celestial features, eventually bearing very few features that would identify them as their parents ancestry by the time they reach maturity.
As to why this is, there is only one common feature among all Heraldics: in the past, their community or ancestors were under the protection of a powerful celestial, most often known as a Heraldic Beast. These celestials were sent by a divine being to protect a family or community, tying themselves body and soul to their wards. The divine influence provided by their presence seems to spur the birth of Heraldics, though this seems largely unintentional. It also seems that the birth of Heraldics is more common among communities whose divine protector died in service to them. Religious scholars believe that this may signify that the Heraldic Beast still protects its wards even after its death, manifesting its essence in those born into their group as a way to continue its duty.
Appearance: Heraldics end up looking very similar to the Heraldic Beast that influenced their birth, though obviously more humanoid. Though at first they tend to resemble their parents ancestry, slowly changing until their transformation culminates at what would be considered maturity for their ancestry. This "awakened" form is obviously very different for most Heraldics, as they take after their specific Heraldic Beast. Some may resemble a Tabaxi with vestigial bird wings or a humanoid shark with lions claws, it all depends on the influencing Heraldic Beast. There are some commonalities though, such as fur and skin (or equivalent) that possess colors outside of the natural ranges for the equivalent earthly beasts that they resemble or their pupils possessing a pin prick of light at their center, often glowing brighter when they use their apotropaic power. Their appearance changes further as they grow in power, often looking exactly like the divine guardian that spurred on their transformation.
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium or Small, based on the ancestry you would be if not a Heraldic
Speed: 30 ft.
Age: Heraldics age the same way their parents ancestry would up until they reach maturity. At this point, they tend to age much slower, often reaching double what their parents ancestry would typically be expected to live.
Natural Weapon: You possess a natural weapon associated with one of your beastly components, such as claws or horns. Your unarmed strike becomes 1d6 + Strength for damage and can be either Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing (you choose at character creation). When you gain another Chimeric Form option, you can choose another one of the provided damage types to be an option when you make an unarmed strike with this feature, representing another natural weapon manifesting with your further development.
Chimeric Form: Choose one of the following options, representing the beastly component that first fully manifested. You choose another option at 3rd and 5th level. You can choose an option twice, with it becoming more powerful in certain ways:
Aquatic (shark, dolphin, plesiosaur, etc.): You gain a swimming speed equal to half your walking speed and can hold your breath for 1 hour. If chosen again, the swim speed equals your walking speed and you can breath both air and water.
Flyer (hawk, butterfly, pterosaur, etc.): When you fall at least 10ft and you are not restrained or incapacitated, you can spread your wings as a reaction and glide a number of feet equal to half your walking speed and take no falling damage when you reach the ground. This reaction can be sustained each turn by using up your reaction. If chosen again, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and you don't provoke opportunity attacks when you fly out of range of an enemy.
Agile (leopard, rabbit, velociraptor, etc.): You add an additional 10ft to your walking speed and you have advantage on saves against being knocked prone. If chosen again, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and can add half your walking speed when making a running long or high jump.
Sturdy (elephant, tortoise, ankylosaurus, etc.): Your hit points maximum increases by 1, and increases by 1 again each time you level up. You also count as one size larger when determining carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. If chosen again, your hit points maximum increase by 2 instead of 1 each level up and you have an AC of 13 + Dexterity when unarmored.
Nocturnal (owl, cat, troodon, etc.): You gain 60ft of darkvision and can take the Hide action as a bonus action when obscured by dim light or darkness. If chosen again, your darkvision increases to 120ft and you gain 10ft of blindsight.
Burrower (mole, fox, thrinaxodon, etc.): You gain a burrowing speed (loose earth only) equal to half your walking speed and have 10ft of tremorsense. If chosen again, the burrowing speed equals your walking speed and you can now burrow through unworked stone.
Apotropaic Presence: When you are targeted by an attack or forced to make a save by an aberration, fey, fiend, or undead, you can use your reaction to make that creature roll at disadvantage for that attack or make yourself roll at advantage if they force you to make a save. You can do this an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Heightened Senses: You gain proficiency in either Perception or Survival.
Again, feedback is welcome and encouraged! As for what's next, I have plans for another subclass and for an actual stat block for Heraldic Beasts. Stay tuned!
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hazel2468 · 1 year
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Have you uh.
Have you ever had to stop drawing because you're too fucking bisexual for this?
Yeah. This took me like. Two hours. Cuz I had to keep stopping!!!!
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degusart · 2 years
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some bugs :)
the second one belongs to @recoveringrevenant
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dm-tuz · 4 months
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Mermaid - A 5e Monster Girl Player Race
Enter Lobsteritus as this release's artist! Look at these mermaids, they turned out great!
You can get the free PDF on my patreon. While you are there, how about you take a look around?
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exopelagic · 25 days
help I got way too into homebrewing dnd stuff and now I can’t sleep
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mochizuke-creates · 5 months
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Ok so for our homebrew dnd game- my character mayyyy or may not have made a deal with a 9 tailed fox deity and it mayyyy or may not permanently change his appearance sooooo had to draw the back up reference jusssst in case.
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sorieba · 2 years
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a mysterious shade in the caverns takes you by surprise; by its regalia, you can tell this man is royalty.
the last king of the Tabintha perished centuries ago with the Hymn. how is he here?
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kaceypink · 2 years
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Here is a more complete write up of the Koslathi. The Kobold Illithid.
More Kobolds to come.
Art by @sofia-drawsmore.
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