#homestuck is great :p
dreadedender · 11 months
The longer I'm in the Homestuck fandom, the more I realize how personal it is for people to create content with their 'problematic' faves. From what I've been able to see anyways, Eridan enjoyers are so sympathetic with their creations. It's lovely!
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bananapaliooza · 1 year
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late-night thoughts in the brain is asking me to draw marvus in a dress… so i did what was right to me…
(reblogs/likes are okay! use she/her for marvus on this post! :3)
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tibli · 6 months
every time i read a fic and karkat is described as thin or skinny it just IMMEDIATELY takes me out of the story lmao
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whatwhatwotter · 6 months
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A young girl is held by her parents in a church hall. It just so happens that yesterday, the 9th December 2023, was this young girl's naming party. Though it was four and a half months ago she was given life, it was only yesterday that she was given a name!
What will the name of this young girl be?
>Blorbo: Be raised by two homestucks
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homestuckreplay · 1 month
Homestuck Is A Game, Who Is The Player?
Week 3 Retrospective
'Video games have long been associated with spectatorship as well as play, from their origins in quarter-fueled arcades, where high score displays implied the presence of admiring or competitive spectators, to their migration to home screens and consoles. Live streaming chat emulates these older models, but its interaction with economies of scale on streaming platforms brings a different kind of intimacy and intensity to the experience. Chat lets spectators feel like they are there with the streamer as well as a part of a crowd, even if they are alone in their room.' [Jeremy Antley - emphasis mine]
From Homestuck’s very first page, the comic has made something clear. We are not allowed to immerse ourselves in John Egbert’s world. There is a layer of separation between us, an interface mediating our access to his life and story, a voiceover narration from the person who’s really in control. Who is this person, and what form does their control over John take?
Homestuck is presented like a video game, yet unlike a video game, we don’t control the character’s movements with arrow keys or have the chance to type our own commands directly into the text box. Instead of being able to explore the game on our own terms, we are confined to a specific and predetermined route, even though others seem theoretically possible. Simply put, we are not the ones playing the game.
Essay continued under the cut - about 2.6k words
I think there are two really important questions to consider when analyzing the meta elements of Homestuck and treating it as a game. The first - what kind of game is it? The second - where exactly do we stand in relation to the player(s)?
The most obvious answer to question one is ‘Homestuck is a text based adventure game.’ This guide to text based adventures is a great overview, and we can map the example commands here onto commands we’ve seen in Homestuck. ‘Examine room’ (p.4) is a one-word action, ‘Captchalogue smoke pellets’ (p.9) is an action and direct object, and ‘Nail poster to wall’ (p.19) includes the indirect object. John hasn’t given any orders yet - he’s too nice a guy for that - but ‘Report progress to TG’ (p.39) is definitely communicating with another character. All of these, and most other command lines, feel like reasonable instructions that could be recognized by a game.
However, commands like ‘Fondly regard cremation’ (p.52) and ‘Play haunting piano refrain’ (p.77) honestly feel too characterful to be fully interpreted by a computer, and ‘Squawk like an imbecile and shit on your desk’ (p.16) is… well, I tried typing this into the command prompt for the classic text adventure Zork, and got the following response.
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A text adventure is just not set up to interpret wacky, left field ideas, much less respond to them in an entertaining way. And we know there is a real person behind Homestuck doing exactly that.
If my party enters the wizard’s study in Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, and I tell the Dungeon Master that I squawk like an imbecile and sit on the wizard’s desk, that statement will be understood. Sure, the DM will probably call me an idiot and put a nasty spike trap on the desk, but what I said will become part of the story in the way that a nonsense command in a text based video game never can. It’s interesting to think of Homestuck as a tabletop roleplaying game, where the narrator is the Game Master, the command prompt is a player, and John is a player character (presumably TT, TG and GG are the rest of his party and they’re just really late to the session).
Homestuck isn’t just text based, though - it has a strong visual element, including interfaces and overlays where the player can click and drag items between John’s inventory and his environment, or around his space. This suggests it could also be a point and click adventure game, a genre that grew out of text based games as graphics improved, and is defined by a strong inventory management component (check), puzzle solving quests (check - we’ve recently solved our first quest of acquiring the Sburb Beta) and dialog trees (????). The sprite based, isometric art style is really good for getting an overview of the space and seeing possible interactable objects, and Homestuck does feature extended dialog sequences - we don’t know if there are other possible inputs from John, but it's interesting to think that there might be.
These three genres - text based adventures, point and click adventures, and tabletop roleplaying games - all developed throughout the 1970s and 80s. It’s reasonable that Andrew Hussie (born 1979) could have grown up with some of these games. But to answer the second question, ‘where do we stand in relation to the player’, we might need to look at media forms still in their infancy - let’s plays, livestreams, and actual play.
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[Michael Sawyer, 2004]
In the past few years, ‘Let’s Play [Game]’ has become a relatively popular thread format on the Something Awful forums, as well as personal websites. This began with posters taking screenshots of their playthroughs of a game and adding commentary in the text. The medium has now advanced to video and is typically hosted on YouTube, with commentary overlaid. Either format gives a creator the space to play through as much of the game as they choose, and then edit exactly what content they want to show to the audience, providing commentary after the fact. 
Homestuck, with its per-page illustrations, could be seen as a long thread of forum posts by the player, each including screenshots as they move through the game. The inclusion of short Flash animations shows the edge into video, and makes me wonder if we’ll see longer or more complex videos, perhaps with voiceover narration, as Homestuck expands its focus. The self-referential and aggressive yet helpful commentary in Homestuck is similar in tone to Sawyer's playthrough above, and could easily be the work of a player who knows where the story will go, at least in the short term, and is dropping hints to the audience while purposefully concealing some things.
Livestreaming video games is a similar concept to Let's Plays, but performed in real time. Often hosted on Justin.tv, an open video broadcast website that’s been gaining prominence in the past couple of years, a livestream is an improvised and unedited way to watch someone game. Any commentary from the creator happens without knowledge of how the playthrough will turn out. Homestuck, by Hussie’s own admission, is being written similarly in real life - they don’t know more than the broad strokes of how the story will go, and it’s possible that neither the author nor the narrator knows the long term implications of an action such as John stealing his dad’s PDA. 
Livestreams open the possibility for viewers to influence game events, if the streamer listens to their audience. We know this is true in Homestuck - readers are able to submit commands, and some are chosen for the story. The real time nature of Homestuck, waiting each day for the new update, is equivalent to waiting for a streamer to come online and start playing again so we can find out where their game goes next. This is compounded by us having no access to Homestuck outside of the streamer - we cannot buy and play this game for ourselves, it’s still in some kind of early or limited access, and the streamer controls all our knowledge. 
The livestream is definitely most similar to how Homestuck is made by its author, but it's hard to say whether its narrator is commentating in real time, or after the fact. I can't find any definite clues in our pages so far - I think the narrator wants to seem smart and superior, but I can't say whether they have the knowledge to back it up.
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[img source]
Our final media format is known as Actual Play. Almost a year ago, the creators of Penny Arcade (along with Dungeons & Dragons game designer Chris Perkins) began releasing Acquisitions Incorporated, a short-run, officially licensed podcast where the group plays through a D&D adventure to demonstrate gameplay interspersed with jokes. This isn’t the first time a TTRPG publisher has recorded sessions to help people learn the game, but this idea seems to be crossing over into the entertainment genre - and webcomics are part of that movement.
In the first episode, the group have a brief aside. The DM says that ‘some players prefer to refer to their characters in the third person… others prefer to get into the first,’ and one player says they’ve observed the same thing in World of Warcraft. What’s not explicitly said is that the Game Master typically refers to the player characters in second person, describing what happens to ‘you’ and what ‘you’ see - much like streamers talking to their chat. The blocks of narrative text below pictures in Homestuck could easily be a Game Master balancing giving information to an unruly player, and providing entertainment for the audience. John’s lucky or unlucky moments with his sylladex could be the result of particularly good or bad dice rolls from his unseen player.
Actual play is a really great format for deep diving into a small cast of characters, and exploring their emotional state in ways that aren't intrinsic to a lot of video games. As we're already seeing the beginnings of John's emotional arc, we know this will be a focus, but we need two to four more characters with equally large roles in the story to really form a TTRPG party. Actual play also tends to include a lot of combat and its mechanics. We know Homestuck can handle crunchy mechanics due to the sylladex, but I'd expect to see the Strife concept become just as in depth and central to the story if Homestuck ends up fitting into this mold.
All three of these formats can have a mass audience, just like Homestuck does in reality - but Homestuck also feels like a very personal experience. Two people playing the same video game, even a highly linear game such as Portal or one that doesn’t involve much active interaction such as a visual novel, have slightly different gameplay based on the speed they move through the story and their missteps on the way to finding the solution to a puzzle. 
Similarly, my experience of Homestuck is different from yours. I read the new update every day, while I know some people wait for a few days of updates to build up and then read a larger chunk. Maybe I clicked ‘Aggrieve’ and ‘Abjure’ three times each on p.90, alternating the options, while you clicked ‘Aggrieve’ five times in sequence and then ‘Abjure’ only twice. Maybe I didn’t realize p.110 had an interactive element at first, and skipped over it until somebody pointed it out to me (really telling on myself here). These elements of Homestuck that we have direct control over are currently only a small part of the story, but they do exist.
In this way, Homestuck feels a little bit like sitting in the living room as a kid watching your older brother play a game, begging him to let you take over for a minute, occasionally doing so until he gets frustrated with your inability to Strife and takes the controller back. The nostalgia of the simplistic graphics and the 70s and 80s games that are being evoked only adds to this cozy feeling. If Homestuck starts to add more interactive elements, such as branching paths, opportunities for us to take over the cursor, or a chance for us to use John’s sylladex ourselves and choose what he picks up, it might be worth thinking of Homestuck as different iterations of the same game, each of us watching our own, slightly different player, and even co-playing with them.
So, who IS this narrator? In my mind, I’m trying to draw a clear distinction between the author and the narrator. Hussie is the author in the real world, and the narrator, or player, or GM, exists within the work. Their role is best described on page 82:
‘The game presently eluding you is only the latest sleight of hand in the repertoire of an unseen riddler, one to engender a sense not of mirth, but of lack. His coarse schemes are those less of a prankster than a common pickpocket. His riddle is Absence itself.’
The narrator is this unseen riddler (or perhaps unseenRiddler?), providing a secondary layer of control over what happens and what we are able to see. They’re the person clicking and dragging objects around John’s room, and choosing what actions to take next. The narration is their perspective on the game - whether we see this as a GM describing a scene to their players, or a streamer reading aloud information that the game has given them and providing their own commentary. 
So, we're watching the narrator play Homestuck, in whatever form it takes - but there's another layer to this. On page 22, an equivalence is made between the Sburb Beta, which John was supposed to receive on April 10 (and finally acquired on April 13 in-story, p.100), and the Homestuck Beta, which launched to us on April 10, but was quickly canceled and replaced with Homestuck proper on April 13. The Homestuck beta is linked within the comic, and might be canon within it - the narrator making an initial run at the game before restarting their save (perhaps on a different computer or console?) and trying again. Homestuck the game is currently about a kid who lives in the suburbs - and if the name and logo are anything to go by, Sburb could also be a suburbs-themed game. While we watch the riddler play Homestuck, the riddler will be watching John play the game Sburb. How deep does this go? Are there more layers inwards or outwards?
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I’ve been puzzling this over for days, and I’m definitely left with more questions than I can answer. Here are the ones I'm focused on:
Is the unseen riddler playing the game as intended? Now that they’ve passed the tutorial, are they keeping the game on the rails and trying their best to follow a linear story, or are they pushing the boundaries, going for some kind of pacifist or resource-stripped run, trying to interfere with John’s intended story? Have they played the game before, and if so, how does this affect their gameplay?
If the unseen riddler is a character within the story, distinct from the external author, are we the true audience? Will there be an audience within the story, or perhaps other players? If so, how big will it be? What kind of reach does Homestuck the game have, and how many people are playing it or tuning in to watch?
How permeable are the boundaries? Is John simply pixels on a screen for the unseen riddler to play with, with no agency of his own outside of the riddler’s interpretation, like if we were playing The Sims? Or is it possible for the riddler to enter the game, or for John to leave it, and the two of them to communicate directly? Or a middle ground - something like ‘character bleed’ in TTRPGs, where a player embodies a character for so long that despite their not being real, they come to influence each other even outside of gameplay?
What the hell is the Midnight Crew? Is this a different game that exists separately to Homestuck? Will our riddler, or a different one, eventually play it? If we have three games - Homestuck, Midnight Crew, and Sburb - what exactly is the relationship between them, and how interrelated are they?
This is a lot of thoughts for what is, at time of writing, is 125 pages of comedy webcomic. But the story is just beginning, and we’ve been told it’s going to be a long day. Anything could be important, and with the frequent in-text nods to the meta elements - ‘examine third and fourth walls of room’ (p.61), ‘you decide it’s time for less meta, and more beta’ (p.113), the title appearing in the clouds on p.82 that John may or may not be able to see, the integration of the physical captchalogue card into the sylladex interface on p.98 - I don’t want to draw any firm boundaries, or make any assumptions about what is and what isn’t part of the story. Instead, I’ve cataloged the meta elements of Homestuck that might be worth paying attention to as we move through the comic, to develop a more concrete theory in time.
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oddfluphenazine · 2 months
Hello Homestuck Community more specifically the Homestuck Cosplay Community
Lately I’ve been trying to get into homestuck cosplaus and i have questions for anyone who. Does This stuff
umm I’ll put the like 4 questions under the cut so I don’t like. ywah
1. Where can i find good quality glasses? like search terms and such to find eg glasses like sollux especially? And terezi? Ive been Trying to find them online but I can’t find any for primarily the red/blue two color
also what shape is dirks shades classified as. Triangle Shades does nothing for a search and it’s kind of annoying
2. What’s a good brand of face/body paint that isn’t overly costly? I’m not looking to use sharpies because well. -> I also have sensitive skin and am not sure if? There are any like specific brands or types that are good for that
3, What’s a good fabric to use for capes and god tier apparel ? I don’t want to use one that’s too thin or cool because I live in a pretty cold area but I don’t want it to be Extra thick
4. Colored cntacts?? Where can i find tjem for good and cheap because Yeah I’ve got eyes in ugly warm grey nd that doesn’t help when Im trying to be someone with like. Radiation green eyes or something
tjank you for your time and oh great cosplay gods of tumblr gift me with your knowledge i need Hel p
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whumpsday · 9 months
i'm gonna talk about my very first ocs because i feel like they deserve it :) when i was a kid i didn't quite have the imagination yet to create whole worlds, so my ocs were often inserts into existing things i was into.
this is a very long post with a lot of useless personal information, and is more a diary entry than anything.
i had many more ocs than what's listed here, but i can't remember most of them, so here are just the ones i remember.
at 7, the very first oc i can ever remember making was Maya, a pokemon oc. she was the fourth member of team rocket in the anime canon, and could shapeshift between being a human and a celebi. i remember her being "older" but that could mean anything from a middle schooler to an adult.
also pokemon-related but not quite an oc, i had a lot of fakemon around that time. the only one i remember was a raccoon-like one named Tyco.
at 9, soon after was Tanya, a fairly oddparents oc. she was a little girl who was friends with the main character.
at 10, i really got into oc-making, and the next bunch are all from when i was about 10.
i started getting into "somewhat whumpier" things and made my first "edgy" oc, Deepheart, for warrior cats. she was a black cat with purple eyes and a tragic backstory i can't remember, who eventually got with stormfur.
i was very into danny phantom and continued my tragic backstory experiments with Chelsea. she was a ghost and the younger sister of ember (she was basically an ember recolor) who died in the same fire. she also had fire+music powers, but a polar opposite personality to ember (she was nice).
i can't remember the specifics or names of the ocs i made for a bunch of these, but i also made oc-inserts for the following around this time:
total drama island - multiple ocs, i think i had a whole fancast, which was the closest i got around this time to making an original story.
monster buster club - character existed to be friends with chris, who was my favorite. she was a monster in disguise or something of that nature.
percy jackson - i definitely had one and i was REALLY into it, but can't even remember what god she was a daughter of.
in middle school as i entered early teenhood, i started reading YA books. sadly, my taste was not that great.
at 12, i made Chelsea (reused the name from the danny phantom oc because i just rly liked the name), a twilight oc. she was the first vampire oc i ever made, so i guess she was the start of All This. she was the youngest cullen at 14 years old (i do not remember if this was a chronological age or just a physical age and i think i was too oblivious to realize just how significant that difference was), and had a Forbidden Romance with seth, the werewolf kid.
at 13, i realized i could have ocs that were boys! a fantastic revelation! technically i already had ones from the total drama fanseason i had in my head but they were all side characters. made my first main guy, Oliver, a scott pilgrim oc and ramona's 8th ex-boyfriend.
i made a LOT of other ocs for YA books in middle school, but i don't remember much about the others.
teenhood - homestuck:
at 15, i got into homestuck, and that was when things got out of control.
i started with a literal self-insert with my birthname, who eventually got split into 2 alt-timeline versions of herself (i was a girl at the time), one who went with dave and rose during the timeskip and one who went with john and jade during the timeskip. when they met back up, they fell in love and got together, which i think might be the truest expression of self-love i've ever had.
but it didn't end there. i got really into making fantrolls, and made TONS of them. i don't remember their names very well (esp bc they were all made up alien names) but i remember my favorites: a bronzeblood with an eyepatch whose name started with a P, and a violetblood whose name started with an I.
the violetblood was probably my first true whumpee. while violetbloods are normally amphibious, he was born with lungs that don't work, and was forced to remain underwater at all times since he could only use his gills. when sgrub caused the apocalypse, he had a little tank he would stay in on the ship. and when gamzee started killing everyone, he couldn't get away.
this was also where i branched out into creating original characters not tied to an existing IP!!! FINALLY!!! it all started with fantrolls. i made two more significant sets of fantrolls: one centering around an abnormally overpowered purpleblood who had his memory erased and used to be a cruel whumper-type (and a set of supporting characters to go with him), and one centering around a purpleblood who'd been tortured and the lowblood who acted as his caretaker. you can tell i was very much getting into whump at this point, despite not yet knowing the term.
i eventually decided that homestuck's lore was not equipped to carry the stories i wanted to tell for those two, and split them each off into original universes. i am not into homestuck anymore and it's really a relic of its time, but it impacted me quite a lot creatively.
teenhood - original stories:
the amnesia guy came to be named Nova, my first wholly-original character. he existed in a magic/fantasy type universe, and was the most powerful magic-user in his world. he'd previously been extremely evil and caused untold carnage, countless people tortured to death. the heroes, after realizing they could not stop him, decided to try to wipe his memory instead. this did, in fact, work. Nova became a character saddled by EXTREME ANGST about his past wrongs. to make it worse, his pre-memory-wipe evil self eventually started to slowly come back as a separate entity in his mind, essentially haunting him. i daydreamed about Nova for a long, long time, and occasionally still do.
the whumpee-caretaker duo became Dwar and Clobu, members of an original alien species i came up with. unlike Nova's story, which became so divorced from his fantroll beginnings that his origin was basically unrecognizable, this one remained heavily homestuck-inspired. the aliens here were grouped/inspired by the layers of the atmosphere, rather than the signs of the zodiac. Dwar (the whumpee) had skin that looked like the night sky, dark blue with stars all over, while Clobu (the caretaker) looked like a cloudy day. they were pretty :) these guys are a very very early inspiration for the Kane & Jim dynamic.
i also started making non-IP-related ocs without "converting" them around this time. in particular, i became very interested in demons.
first i made Charlie, a teenage demon raised by humans who just wanted to be A Normal Kid. he played the guitar and used tumblr and was all in all very nonthreatening and normal. he was a bit boring.
at about 16, i later made Nicky, a "redo" of the Charlie concept but with more pizzazz. his mother had brought him on a hunt (for humans to kill and eat) while he was an infant, and she was killed by a demon hunter. the hunter couldn't bring herself to kill the baby, so she took him in and raised him instead. Nicky's story is very very long, because he is the only oc from my childhood i still regularly daydream about to this day, and i have been building him up for a decade. some highlights:
accidentally burns his adoptive mom when he's a little boy who's just gotten his fire powers, and it's what makes him realize he never wants to hurt people. she forever has a scar shaped like his tiny little 5-year-old hand.
demons generally need to eat human flesh to be healthy. this is obviously not something Nicky wants to do or even feasibly can do when he's younger. he eats a lot of other meat (mainly pork), and is basically constantly hungry. he carries jerky around with him all the time to snack on.
as a young adult, he and his (human) best friend (mutual pining crush) are stuck in a cave (entrance blocked by rocks) with a bunch of demons waiting to kill them when they leave. Nicky knows he's not strong enough to defeat them, but he could be if he wasn't malnourished. in a moment of desperation, his friend ends up giving him a few fingers to eat so they can make it out alive, and he feels guilty forever that it's the best thing he's ever tasted.
his mom is killed by demons in a fight in his early 20s, and he goes on a ballistic rampage murdering everyone in sight. after this, he runs away and ends up moving to hell.
when he's in his 40s, he sees a little human girl who's been captured and brought to hell, and quickly rescues her. he can't find a way to smuggle her back to earth, so he ends up raising her in his apartment.
when he does eventually get her back to earth years later, he moves in with her dad and they co-parent. becomes a love triangle thing with the dad and his childhood friend who he eventually reconnects with- not for the usual "you have to choose one!" reasons that i hate, but because his relationships with each are honestly very tumultuous.
my other early demon oc was Crimson, a magicless demon who'd been captured by hunters and tortured until a kind hunter rescued him and became his caretaker. this character would later become Kane, but originally there was no "former whumper" backstory, he was just a pathetic little guy.
at 16, my other main obsession as a teenager was dangan ronpa, and of course i made several dangan ronpa ocs whose names i can't remember. one of them was a girl who had a fierce rivalry with togami. i started getting into g/t around this time, and liked to play around with that with my dangan ronpa oc for some reason. i don't know why, it's not like DR had any kind of g/t in it. but i would always imagine a story where togami became tiny and he and my oc came to a begrudging alliance as they tried to fix it.
i also ended up converting this into an original story, taking place in a low-fantasy universe, where a bully character Damien got shrunk by magic, kept in a jar, and was tortured by some of his former victims. his one victim who thinks this is fucked up (can't remember his name) rescued him, and they put aside their differences to fix it. i just love reluctant caretakers and whumper-turned-whumpees.
and that's all the notable ocs i can think of from my childhood! figure they deserve at least a small space on my blog :) and i still might write Nova, Nicky, or Damien's stories someday.
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aks-of-the-weak · 4 months
I made this cheat sheet to every Direct Mention of a class's active/passive alignment today.
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In above, i've excluded everything like interpretation of characters' behaviors or of subtext, mentions of a character being active/passive and mentions of classes in ways that don't directly indicate activeness or passiveness. I do also want to keep a more general track of those subtexts and generic mentions of classes, so i'll make a list of them below and might update as i find more. I'll quote relevant parts where it's shorter and leave entire pages at the page reference. {And leave my personal comments in brackets like so}
Homestuck Proper: Calliope on Rogues, Calliope on Princes, Aradia on Knights and Seers: p.4514, 4564, 4354 - {Mentioned above, but there's more i haven't quoted.} Scratch on Seers: p.3832-3835 - {Too long to be quoted. It's unclear exactly to what extent Doc is talking about "A Seer", "A Seer of Mind" and "Terezi", respectively. } Brain Ghost Dirk on Pages: p.4875 - "Pages have a lot of untapped potential. That's practically all there is to the class, actually. But when they eventually find it, look out." Aranea on Sylphs: p.6553 - "I am a very powerful Sylph of Light. I have had millions of sweeps to hone my abilities. As one gifted with the aspect of light, certain outcomes will be prone to breaking in my favor. And as an ancient, highly experienced sylph, I wield an unprecedented ability to heal. A doomed timeline is really just an anatomical feature of a much larger organism. Like a capillary which comes to an end, because it has withered and died. I believe I will be able to heal this offshoot. And with enough time and patience, I am confident I can restore its vitality to such a great extent, it will effectively take over as the alpha timeline, thus reducing English to a lost footnote of paradox space." - {Obviously that last thing didn't happen, but she did end up making the Game-Over timeline take over as the alpha timeline. She just didn't understand the implications of that within Paradox-Space's framework.} AH on... Clowns?: p.5484 - "It means crazy clowns just won't die for some reason. In adventures such as yours, they tend to linger long past their welcome. They linger and linger and linger, and just when you think you're totally fed up with their bullshit and you can't take another second of it, they just linger some more. And you never know what they're up to, and they're always scheming in the shadows, and it's quite possible that whatever master plan they're hatching just doesn't make the slightest bit of sense at all. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how stupid the clown's schemes are, or how sick of him everybody is. He just. Won't. Die." - {This is sort of my crackpot theory, but i believe this passage is a subtextual explanation of the Bard as a character archetype. Essentially a Jester staying in the shadow of its king. }
Beyond Canon: Got nothing beyond what's in the sheet
Q&A: On how Lunar Sway relates to Active/Passive Classes: p. - http://wheals.github.io/tumblr/tumblr.html#post25156009290q1 - {In the cheat sheet, but as before, there's more}
Book Commentary: On Aradia and Vriska: Book 4, p.143 - "Aradia's extremely passive nature as a ghost makes her an easy target for this kind of overbearing attention." - {Hussie is commenting on aradia, not Maids, but the language is pretty strong}
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scaredgirlsilly · 9 months
Homestuck character who doesn't get enough love?
i have been stalking this ask, formulating my plan of attack, jumping from branch to branch of the canopy of trees, waiting for the perfect moment.
and that moment has finally come
spoilers for homestuck (merp. if you read this ill explode you with my mind im sorry im doing this but it has spoilers for all of homestuck so you arent allowed to read this JDKSKFJSH)
my answer is jade. am i biased?? absolutely!! but thats A Whole Thing so im gonna give some runner ups first before i get into all that
jake prob like idk whenever i see him in stuff its always either with dirk (and usually focuses on dirk kr their relationship) or its a family photo of john, jade, jane, and jake. but like. idk i dont think many people *get* what hes about (me included) but hes a great character and literally soooo aro coded its not even funny. i really should rotate jake in my brain more hes a very cool character
jane too theres some love for jane but i think the epilogues kinda fucked her
the dancestors too, but idk im not a huge dancestor fan cause they are all kinda assholes and the scene with cronus and mituna just makes my skin crawl
i think there are different aspects (most of them probably unrelated to what you untended for the question) that she doesnt get enough love, but lets start with what you were probably talking about, which is
how jade is treated by the fans
i think jade gets a fair amount of fan love. i mean just look at her!! who couldnt love her?? my main problem comes from how she compares to dave, specifically the fact that fans seem to apply an absolutely monstrous depth to daves character that isnt necessarily there in homestuck (like specificallyin regards to angst readings of his character. this is about fanfiction i should say that this is just my grievances when it comes to finding good jade fics). THATS NOT A BAD THING!! i fuckin love it actually and im not raggin on dave with this. its just that i think jade could do that as good if not better!! her life is fuckin dogshit if you treat it seriously, much like people do with daves life, and considering the fact that nearly every single fuckin dave fic i read touches on that topic, it sucks that jade fics like that are so hard to come by. she also doesnt have as many like prominent ships. theres some obv ones, like davepetasprite, or dave/karkat in a throuple (we will fucking get to that later), but yk some of the other characters even uf they dont have canon relationships, they have like. obvious ones yk. like john/vriska or john/terezi or june/rose or john/dave (fuckin j egbert gettin around kfhskshdh) or like jake/dirk or roxy/callie yk ships like those. whether you agree with em is one thing but they are obvious yk you dont gotta do alot of convincing to see them at least try it out.
but with jade, it feels like you gotta stretch it a little to get her with anyone. jade/rose is great (especially jade/rose/kanaya) but. i mean jade and rose barely talk in homestuck proper (we will GET TO IT) so its kinda a hard sell. and does jade like interact with any of the trolls alot?? like idk its been a while but im p sure most of her interactions with the trolls were negative. so that just leaves jade/davepeta which is a pretty good ship i will say, and of course, jade/dave ( + karkat sometimes) and it kinda sucks. like one of my fav ships, jade/vriska, literally started out as a joke!! but it grew on me when i started thinking out it, but it is already such a stretch that theres no fuckin way most people will see what i see (thats a whole seperate rant jdhsjdjsj this is already long enough and we have 3 other parts to get to)
next part, prob the easiest,
jades treatment in the epilogues
do i even need to say anything??
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this post is long enough ill try to speed through the other sections
how she is treated in homestuck proper in the text (what literally happens to her)
literally lonliest girl alive has one day with her friends (that day is filled with horrible shit and thats the understatement of the century) before getting on a ship for 3 years, and like a week in having her brother and other friend die. she then lives in this ship in the middle of space, no contact to any of her other friends, no update on whats actually going on, just the company of the consorts and nanna sprite. she finally gets to the new session, meets god tier calliope who explains that that was all supposed to happen and john actually fixed everything, and also space players are just lonely thats just apart of the aspect :/
she then gets put to sleep so the condesce doesnt control her, where she misses all of the socialization that the other people have on the platform before the final fight.
she then has a convo with davepeta while she is dreaming where davepeta says "actually in the other timeline we dated and that stuff still happened to you cause of this thing called an Ultimate Self, a thing thats totally real and not at all bullshit. anyways bye!! *muah*"
she wakes up, chases a few god dogs around, gets puched in the face, and the end happily ever after!!!!!!!!
now obv this was an extremely bitter retelling and i actually cant seperate the 2 sections so this is also...
how jade is treated in homestuck proper, by andrew hussie
now. jade got ROYALLY fucked over. she started out as a mysterious figure that knows more than anyone, but extremely quickly she goes to the person who knows the least out of literally anyone. she barely talks to rose, seemingly one of her 4 childhood friends, throughout the whole comic (jade and rose say about 2700 words to each other over 5 conversations, one of them being a repeat from the others perspective. their longest convo is 571 words. for reference, this convo between dave karkat and john has 2100 words. almost 1500 words more than their longest convo and almost as much words as rose and jades entire convo history. heres a link to da sourse i used cause no way im counting that shit jdjsgsjshs tho they are doing it cause they dont like jade/rose or sumn?? idk i dont fucking care about that. anyways side tangent over!!)
then, during the session idk shes cool i dont remember it much cause the beta kids session is a surprisingly short part of the comic jdkshdjshs but she has some cool moments and i love her ^u^
then the yellow yard. god. just fucking left there alone. why?? the entire point of johnfix is that the session could be changed for the better without worry of a doomed timeline. couldnt have even made john give her a heads up as to why her john and davesprite just fucking die randomly?? (before you say that john couldnt have cause he didnt know, motherfucker andrew hussie knew!!!!!!!! he could have just made some fuckin reason for john to know its not that hard)
then during the session she just gets ranted to about how actually its all apart of the plan and this was supposed to be this way and she just goes ":P okie dokie" and moves on like that wouldnt FUCKING KILL HER THAT SHE HAD TO BE ROYALLY FUCKED OVER FOR EVERYTHING TO GO RIGHT.
now obv theres an explanation why her role in the final fight is so passive. shes too op. she combined with bec and is a space player (and is shown using those powers to do some pretty bad ass stuff jfjsgsjdhd). thats fair i guess. im just salty that the way to solve that was to literally put her to sleep for most of it, then go fly around with some dogs and get punched in the face.
now. the rant is kinda over. jade i think is the most slept on character, but specifically she is slept on by one person. andrew hussie. i think that andrew hussie did not explore jades character like he did with other characters. i do not know why. im going to try to not act like i know why he did it (god its so hard HDKSKDHAGDJ). this rsnt is pure salt, pure fuckin cope, i am aware. this is not meant to be objective i just really like and relate to jade and wish she got more love in the work itself. but instead, i must dine on the scraps she gets on fuckin ao3 (did you know there are almost as many davekat fics as there are fics where jade is in it at all?? and thats not even including the fact that alot of the jade fics, shes not the main person. im not mad 🙃🙃)
anyways uhhhh sorry this probably wasnt what you were expecting 😭😭😭😭 i just have alot of incoherent thoughts when it comes to jade and homestuck in general. so uhhhh. THANKS FOR THE ASK!!!!!!!!
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agerefandom · 11 months
Fanfiction Masterpost
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In the current absence of AO3, may I remind everyone that my fanfictions are accessible on tumblr? ;p
If you'd like a full list of my writing, including both headcanons and fanfictions, my story page is accessible on desktop but I think some mobile users may have trouble accessing it! So here's a mobile-friendly version of my fanfictions.
Animaniacs  Yakko To The Rescue: big brother!Yakko with regressor!reader 
Avatar:The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara, post-canon
Be More Chill Safety In Numbers: regressor!Rich, worried Jeremy
Boku No Hero Academia Sound and Silence: domestic regressor!Aizawa and cg!HizashiSomething Wrong: regressor!Katsuki gets cornered by Izuku and doesn’t react well (heavy fic)  Class Outing: Izuku regresses while at the mall with Class 1A
Calvin and Hobbes Old Friends: regressor!Calvin with Hobbes
Critical Role (C2) Books and Pigments: regressor!Jester and regressor!Caleb playdate Picking Up The Pieces: struggling regressor!Caleb and helpful Caduceus  Through Anything: regressor!Beau and Jester, doing Yasha’s hair
Death Note Restrained: Classification!AU with regressor!Light struggling in confinement 
Doctor Who The TARDIS Playroom: regressor!Thirteenth Doctor and an unexpected Graham
Good Omens  Evenings Of Eternity: regressor!Crowley, cg!Aziraphale (chapter two)  Mornings and Knights: sequel to the above story 
Harry Potter What Family Is: regressor!reader and their cgs, Remus and Sirius Golden Slumbers: regressor!reader, big brother!Harry Potter, and cg!Fred Weasley (cglre terminology) 
Hazbin Hotel Angels At The Window: regressor!Reader and caregivers!Vaggie and Charlie
Hetalia Bedtime Tears: Human AU, regressor!Italy with cg!Japan&Germany 
Homestuck Cupcakes and Moms: regressor!Dave and his mom Roxy  >Dirk: Regress: self-indulgent Dirk regression Big Brother, Little Brother: regressor!Dave and regressor!Dirk, regressing together for the first time, cg!Roxy and John.  Simple Days: minific with regressor!June and cg!Rose
The Magnus Archives Song of the Hive: regressor!Jane Prentiss horror story 
Marvel Quiet Days: cg!Natasha and regressor!reader drabble Kitchen Friends: regressor!reader (he/him) and cg!Bucky/Steve
Les Miserables Calling You Home: regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
Minecraft  It Takes A Village: regressor!reader in a minecraft world, ft. cg!villagers and curious enderman 
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night In The Woods Shapes and Friends: regressor!Mae with Gregg and Angus
Ouran High School Host Club  To Weather The Storm: Tamaki finds out that Haruhi regresses (cglre terminology)  Taking Care of Mori: regressor!Mori and cg!Hunny, ft. observant!Haruhi Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts: regressor!Haruhi, cgs Tamaki and Kyoya (cglre terminology) 
Pinky and the Brain The Joy of Theatre: Pinky puts on a play, Brain indulges him All The Great Men: Brain is having a hard day: Pinky does his best to help Yakko To The Rescue: regressor!reader and their big brother Yakko 
Phantom of the Opera Forever More: regressor!Erik and cg!Christine, established dynamic
Resident Evil VIII Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To: regressor!reader (she/her) and cg!Dimitrescu (cglre terminology)
Sanders Sides Just Plane Overwhelmed: regressor!Virgil and cg!Patton on a stressful plane ride The Playtime Solution: regressor!Logan needs a break, cg!Patton To The Moon And Back: regressor!Logan, cg!Roman
Steven Universe Safe and Sound: regressor!Steven tries to stop regressing, cg!Crystal Gems (also rewritten here with transfem Steven going by Stephanie)  system/REGRESS.Steven: a rewrite of the Spinel fight, the rejeuvenator works on Steven and Amethyst is the one who has to collect all her regressed friends
Twilight Cold Palms, Warm Words: regressor!reader with cg!Alice and Jasper Sugar Sweet: baby-regressor!reader with established cg!Alice and Jasper  The Doctor’s Office: regressor!reader with cg!Carlisle  Home Sweet Home: Carlisle and Esme as parents, the other Cullens as regressors with varied age ranges Baby Steps: regressor!Bella with caregiver!Charlie (cw depression) 
Undertale A Story For Sans: regressor!Sans is exhausted, and Papyrus is worried Sweet Pea and Papyrus: cg!Papyrus and a regressor!reader who’s had a bad day 
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not-a-good-writer · 1 year
The Midnight Crew relationship hcs
AN: This is strictly going off the intermission because homestuck lore is too complicated for me :p
CW: swearing, brief mention of violence
♠ Spades Slick ♠
Being the leader of the group, he's got a reputation to uphold. He's the toughest gang leader around, and he'll be damned if he ever gets caught being all affection and shit.
So, no PDA from this guy. The most he'll do is wrap his arm around your shoulders or waist, maybe hold hands. In private though, he'll be more physically affectionate but not by a whole lot.
His love language is acts of service. He believes actions speak louder than words, and he's not great with talking about his feelings anyway. He'd much rather show you his devotion, whether that be by taking you to your favorite places on dates, helping you with chores around the base, or killing that one guy that pissed you off the other day.
He seldom calls you by any pet names, but when he does, it's usually toots or babe.
♦ Diamonds Droog ♦
Diamonds is a very suave and sophisticated man. He's pretty much the definition of a gentleman.
He likes taking you out on real nice dates. Candlelit dinners, dancing, anything fancy.
His love language is gift giving, through and through. He's gonna spoil you rotten. See a piece of jewellery you like? It's yours. Can't choose between two pairs of shoes? He'll buy you both. Seriously, don't take this man shopping with you if you don't want him buying you anything you look at for more than five seconds.
It's not like he can't afford it either. The Midnight Crew steals makes good money, so you don't have to worry about that. He likes buying you so many things because it's his way of showing you that you mean far more to him than anything material, so much so that he's willing to go bankrupt for you.
The pet names he'd give you would be doll, dollface, dear, and darling.
♣ Clubs Duece ♣
Clubs is a total sweetheart, obviously. He's completely head over heels for you, and he makes sure you know it.
His love language is both quality time and words of affirmation. He just loves spending time with you. Doesn't really matter what you do, as long as he's with you he's happy. He also praises you a lot, whether it be in the form of compliments, declarations of his love, or telling you how proud he is, it really seems like he doesn't have anything bad to say about you.
PDA? Not a problem! If you wanna hug him, kiss him, hold his hand or whatever in front of other people go right ahead! To him, there's no reason to conceal your relationship. He'd be willing to shout how much he loves you from the rooftops.
His pet names for you would be, honey, angel, baby, and gummybear.
♥ Hearts Boxcars ♥
Despite being the crew's muscle, Hearts is quite the romantic and has a big soft spot for you. What can he say? You just make his melt!
His love language would be physical touch. If he got back from a tiring job, the only thing he'd want is to just cuddle you or have you cuddle him.
He doesn't mind a bit of PDA. He'll be happy to hold your hand, or give you a quick hug or kiss.
His pet names for you would be sweetheart, love, and darling
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injekarchived · 7 months
i love your dovekat so much..... im a lowly little lesbian and god. ggahhd.. i love your dovekat. t4t yuri of all time. youre doing a great service to the community. no ons understands dovekat awesomeness
tysm!! i luv dovekat even tho im less of a homestuck now, davekat is fine but theres smth about them as yuri thats so much better.. the lesbian experience just fits davekat so well i think that dovekat goes well! plus i think more people should hop on the transfem karkat train :p
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
With Nine Submissions: (1)
Kim Dokja x Yoo Joonghuyk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
With Eight Submissions: (4)
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase from The Percy Jackson Series
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series
Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz from 911
With Seven Submissions: (2)
Adora x Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
@bracket-bracket x @thecompetitionshowdowntournament x @ultimate-poll-tournament from tumblr.com
With Six Submissions: (4)
Fred Jones x Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley x Norville “Shaggy” Rogers from Scooby-Doo
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight from The Owl House
Lance x Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Hiyori Suzumi x Yujiro Someya x Aizo Shibasaki from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
With Five Submissions: (3)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng[Ladybug] x Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies
Akira Kurusu[Ren Amamiya/Joker]x Goro Akechi from Persona 5[Persona 5 Royal]
With Four Submissions: (10)
Jack Harkness x Rose Tyler x The Ninth Doctor from Doctor Who
Link x Zelda from The Legend of Zelda
Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney
Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
Nomi Marks x Amanita Caplan from Sense8
Mike Wheeler x Will Byers from Stranger Things
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Yasmin “Yaz” Khan x The Thirteenth Doctor from Doctor Who
Merlin x Arthur Pendragon from Merlin
With Three Submissions: (32)
Laura Moon x Mad Sweeney from American Gods
Caitlyn Kiramann x Vi from Arcane
Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir from Community
Imogen Temult x Laudna from Critical Role
Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham
Will Solace x Nico Di Angelo from Heroes of Olympus
Hikaru Indou x Yoshiki Tsukajinaka from Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Will Parry x Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials
Rose Lalonde x Kanaya Maryam from Homestuck
Gon Freecss x Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter
Dustfinger x Resa from Inkheart
Gimli x Legolas from Lord of the Rings
Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Todoroki Touya[Dabi] x Takami Keigo[Hawks] from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle from Paper Girls
Perfuma x Scorpia from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Reki Kyan x Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the Infinity
Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra
Dream x Hob from The Sandman
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams from Wednesday
Buffy Summers x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Caleb Widowgast x Essek Thelyss from Critical Role
Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier from It
Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes
Magnus Chase x Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Dean Winchester x Castiel from Supernatural
Death[El Lobo de la Muerte] x Puss in Boots x Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Tara Maclay x Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Shibasaki Aizo x Someya Yujiro from Honeyworks[Confession Executive Committee]
Michael “Mike” Wazowski x James P. Sullivan “Sulley” from Monsters, Inc.
Nana Osaki x Nana “Hachi” “Hachiko” Komatsu from Nana
These are the ones that have to go through a prequalifying round:
With Two Submissions: (137)
Carlos Reyes x TK Strand from 911: Lonestar
Kazuma Asougi x Ryunosuke Naruhodo from The Great Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice
Marceline x Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Salim x The Djinn from American Gods
Sam Black Crow x Shadow Moon from American Gods
Zuko x Sokka x Suki from Avatar the Last Airbender
Zuko x Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender
Aang x Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
Barbapapa x Barbamama from Barbapapa
Erika x Annaliese from Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Faith Lehane x Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Chuuya Nakahara x Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs
Carmen Sandiego x Julia Argent from Carmen Sandiego
Ulrich Stern x Yumi Ishiyama from Code Lyoko
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III x Vex'ahlia from Critical Role
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy from DC
Hal Jordan x Bruce Wayne from DCU[Justice League]
Lena Luthor x Kara Zor-El[Kara Danvers] from DC[Supergirl]
Tinkerbell x Vidia from Disney Fairies
The Doctor x The Master from Doctor Who
Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray from Dracula
Jalil x Christopher from Everworld
Nessie97[Vannie] x Luis Cabrera from Five Nights at Freddy's[AR Emails]
Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Anathema x Newt from Good Omens
Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Orpheus x Eurydice from Greek Mythology
Amelia x Link from Grey's Anatomy
Bailey x Ben from Grey's Anatomy
Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji from Haikyuu!!
Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel
Elle Argent x Tao Xu from Heartstopper
Millie x Moxxie from Helluva Boss
Stolas Goetia x Blitzø from Helluva Boss
Lord Asriel x Marisa Coulter from His Dark Materials
Dave Strider x Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
Dr. Gregory House x Dr. James Wilson from House M.D.
Astrid Hofferson x Hiccup Haddock from How To Train Your Dragon
Howl Jenkins Pendragon x Sophie Hatter from Howl's Moving Castle
Leorio Paradinight x Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter
Sid the Sloth x Manny the Mammoth x Diego the Saber Tooth Tiger from Ice Age
The Black Prince x Violante from Inkheart
Dustfinger x The Black Prince from Inkheart
Beverly Marsh x Ben Hanscom from It
Gojo Satoru x Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen
Luke Patterson x Julie Molina from Julie and the Phantoms
Hutch x Chloe from Jupiter's Legacy
Yukari Kotozome[Cure Macaron] x Akira Kenjou[Cure Chocolat] from Kirakira Pretty Cure A La Mode
Meta Knight x King Dedede from Kirby
Joacquim Morray x Forever Carlyle from Lazarus
Wendy Pleakley x Jumba Jookiba from Lilo & Stitch
Arwen x Aragorn from Lord of the Rings
Lucifer x Chloe Decker from Lucifer
Eve x Mazikeen from Lucifer
Homura Akemi x Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica
Jonathan Sims x Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives
Steve Rogers[Captain America] x Anthony “Tony” Stark[Ironman] from Marvel
Wanda x Vision from Marvel
James “Bucky” Barnes x Steve Rogers[Captain America] from Marvel
Sam Wilson x James “Bucky” Barnes from Marvel
Charles Xavier[Professor X] x Erik Lehnsherr[Magneto] from X-Men[Marvel]
Noemi x Francis from Mexican Gothic
Adrien Agreste[Chat Noir] x Luka Couffaine[Viperion] from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Nathalie Sancoeur x Émilie Agreste from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Phryne Fisher x Jack Robinson from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Yaoyorozu Momo x Jirou Kyouka from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Uraraka Ochako x Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia[My Hero Academia]
Kate Whistler x Lucy Tara from NCIS Hawai'i
Richard Mayhew x Lady Door from Neverwhere
Jack Kelly x David Jacobs from Newsies
Regina Mills[Evil Queen] x Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones[Captain Hook] x Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time
Elizabeth Swann x Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Bennet x Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
Charlotte “Lottie” La Bouff x Tiana from Princess and the Frog
Dani Powell x Malcolm Bright from Prodigal Son
Gil Arroyo x Jessica Whitly from Prodigal Son
Sasha Nein x Milla Vodello from Psychonauts
Utena Tenjou x Anthy HImemiya from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie from RWBY
Ruby Rose x Penny Polendina from RWBY
Mamoru Chiba[Tuxedo Mask] x Usagi Tsukino[Sailor Moon] from Sailor Moon
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo
Magnus x Alec from Shadowhunters
Glimmer x Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Mermista x Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Spinnerella x Netossa from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
John Watson x Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows
Wylan Hendricks x Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows
Nina Zenik x Matthias Helvas from Six of Crows
Sonic the Hedgehog x Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog
Eric Cartman x Kyle Brofloski from South Park
Loid Forger x Yor Briar from Spy x Family
Captain Kirk x Spock from Star Trek
Connie Maheswaran x Steven Universe from Steven Universe
Ruby x Sapphire from Steven Universe
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson from Stranger Things
El Hopper x Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair from Stranger Things
Rapunzel x Eugene “Flynn Rider” Flitzherbert
Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
Morticia Addams x Gomez Addams from The Addams Family
Chidi Anagonye x Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place
Ellie Williams x Dina from The Last of Us 2
Ashby x Pei from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Sissix x Rosemary Harper from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Jenks x Lovey from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Marco x Celia from The Night Circus
Willow Park x Hunter from The Owl House
Gus Porter x Mattholomule from The Owl House
Westley x Buttercup from The Princess Bride
Chel x Miguel x Tulio from The Road to El Dorado
Barbie x Wanda from The Sandman
Foxglove x Hazel from The Sandman
Hector x Lyta from The Sandman
Will Herondale x Tessa Gray x Jem Carstairs from The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Zachary x Dorian from The Starless Sea
Cassandra x Laura from The Wicked + The Divine
Vasya x Morozko from The Winternight Trilogy
Jaskier[Dandelion] x Geralt of Rivia x Yennefer from The Witcher
Fox Mulder x Dana Scully from The X-files
Jack x Rose from Titanic
Kou Minamoto x Mistuba Sousuke from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Ken Kaneki x Hideyoshi Nagachika from Tokyo Ghoul
Ianto Jones x Jack Harkness from Torchwood
Toshiko Sato x Owen Harper from Torchwood
Agnieszka x Sarkan from Uprooted
Cornelia Hale x Irma Lair from W.I.T.C.H.
Bloom x Stella from Winx Club
Flora x Mirta from Winx Club
Xena x Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess
Agent 355 x Allison Mann from Y : The Last Man
Hero Brown x Beth Deville from Y : The Last Man
Katsuki Yuuri x Viktor Nikiforov from Yuri!!! on Ice
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ectobio · 4 months
Just stumbled upon ðïs blog and it's such a cool idea/project! May I ask you, do y8u have a headcånon for where theze folks are made (ectobioligised)? Is it on Earth C in the end of homestuck or whatever? Is it in your own fanon? (I GeT tha t you are mainly doing ðïs for the fun of creating the characters n art, but do you have any idea in the back of ur head?)
Ohoho you don't realise the lore that's in this. I had a convo with my fellow ectobiologiser over at @/ectobiology-machines (follow them aswell!! They do cool stylised sprites) so I'll just plonk what i said to them over here (with some tweaks)
My Earth C (which i shall christen as Earthsee for ease) is an idealised version of Earth C in hsbc.
However some of the components may decide to stay in the limelight as gods, while some don't.
My ectobiology machines were originally manned by Roxy, June and Karkat which caused the first boom in population, the 5000 time skip happened and society was turning up to be like exactly how it is in hsbc which was a collectively decided by the main cast that species clustering, segregating and never communicating is VERY bad
so the ectobiology machines were reopened to allow new mixed species and got new genes into the machines (thx to june retconning pretty much every death) and now being manned by my dear bby Axel they're one of the people who's genes and components got mixed up so far into the pool since their great great great etc grandparents were first created in the og boom.
They do do it on commission if someone wants kids but for some reason cant but the machine kinda just goes on autopilot, axel is mainly there to make sure it doesn't explode or whatever.
They're bosses are June and Karkat, who sometimes come over to make sure nothing is blowing up or whatever. Roxy decided the ectobiology life wasn't for her and would rather be a programmer full time.
There is also in fact multiple first guardians seen as ectochildren (or ectomirrors if u wanna get loresy) of some of the creators mixed with whatever first guardian. They cannot be intentionally created and spawn from the machines on it's own accord.
Some ectobabies are taken in by creators (lootra, patine and juno immediately spring to mind) but most live lives with pretty much no interaction with their components, they're simply just the civilians of the world. The only grey area is the ectobabies with exact matches with their components in the dreamer/aspect side. They just kinda exist knowing that they are heavily related to their components, sometimes having them on kinda speed dial
There's more stuff but I can't think of the top of my head. Youll need more specific questions for me to spit that out :P
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homestuckreplay · 4 days
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I love this. We've had three days in a row of one page per day, but those pages have been so rich with mystery and complexity that there's loads to say about each. Today's could have worked as a series of GIFs, but the flash animation format really helps show how this is happening all at once, giving the sense of a single slowed down moment.
John ate the apple! Obscured by the meteor cloud and while the curtains were closed maybe, but he took that bite, and now we're seeing the consequences. Sburb appears to have preserved everything it sees as part of John's house - including the structure itself and everything inside or on top, John's dad, the driveway with car and mailbox, the tree and tire swing, the tiny patch of the neighbor's yard that John threw his dad's PDA onto, and the ground the house stands on, hundreds of feet down. The rest of the front yard is gone, as is the entirety of John's neighborhood, the sun and clouds and blue sky, and any hope of escape. We don't see the backyard, but I'd guess that the swing and Slimer pogo ride are preserved, while the rest of the lawn is gone.
We only see John himself in silhouette, appearing next to the kernelsprite in both instances. Dad and everything else appear in their normal forms. I think that by consuming a game construct, John has become part of the game (maybe permanently?) and functions according to Sburb rules instead of real world rules, while Dad - who is basically an unwitting passenger along for the ride - won't be affected this way. John is now even more homestuck than before. A minute ago he didn't have a way of getting anywhere outside his house, now there is literally nowhere to go. But if he's going to function on game logic even more than before, that could open up some new possibilities for his actions.
There are also Creatures now. We can see eyes blinking under John's bed and through the utility room door. GameBro asked 'when do you get to thrash anything? While you're playing house or some shit, are you ever in jeopardy of getting mud on your doll's dress or whatever from busting out, and I quote, "the mad stunts all wicked up-ins"?' (p.42) and this might be our answer. Or maybe not - in John's movies the creatures hiding in houses are often mischievous and even dangerous, but not actively hostile. This could easily be John's Brian from Little Monsters moment.
I'm so relieved John is okay and alive, even though his situation still isn't great. I hope Rose is okay too - there are so many meteors visible from her house, but it seems like they're heading to suburbs in the distance, and hopefully she's far enough away from other houses to avoid the associated impact directly. She'll probably have to shelter inside from the danger, leaving her just as homestuck as John. It sure is a shame that all the internet cables in John's neighborhood definitely got destroyed in the blast.
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heliomie · 10 months
homestuck works that I've read/are reading
kittyquest (done! AMAZING. beautiful. javepeta for the win. i love you ramona. javepeta solos literally everything else. feel good and not mindboggling in the slightest. i accept this for earth c. it's solarpunk too)
godfeels (obviously) (all caught up) (devastated by godfeels constantly. godfeels owns a lot in my mind and it wont go away until the next update. i need to know more about edie halley immediately)
serendipity gospels (it's tazmuir what am I supposed to do. reading this post-tlt is both horrifying and eye opening)
i NEED to read pilot light pale rapture. I love the title and it's written by the kittyquest guy. who also wrote the glorious tales of our originators and that one fucks majorly as well
i started btdh (burning down the house). it's great. must continue. it's so homestuck in the homestuckiest way
LOVED therapystuck because it fulfillled my personal need for all these kids to get therapized even tho it barely worked :p
failure to launch MAY be my favorite junework. even though i love godfeels june. literary wise ftl doesn't come close to godfeels june but like.... obviously.... they are different mediums! i just love failure to launch and wish it the best in the inactive void it's currently floating in.
vast error i looove you. i love all of those funny little guys
I LOVE HOMESLICE. homeslice is literally everything i ever needed in homestuck canon
but you know what i love more? the crow strider au. csau is so beautiful.... meraki sunset your MIND. like how did they do that. how is everyone alive in a justifiably time-fuckery way.
i am scared to approach tlcstuck
and I NEED to read the tapestry. i have heard so many good things
also do you know Homestuck Animation WIP: Extended Version? yeah that one. captivating thirteen year old minds before i reached elementary school. and maybe mambostuck i guess.
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