#homosexual mike wheeler
w3bheadz · 1 year
Will fell first, Mike fell harder
That is all
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mikesbasementbeets · 1 month
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that's just bullshit media propaganda...
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superstarcadet · 2 months
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A very belated Day Six of @byler-week! Now I am completely aware that what I have made only SCRATCHES THE SURFACE of what a confession regarding The Painting could look like. A comic going THAT in-depth would take me way too long! Mainly wanted to draw my vision of Will screaming that he's in love with Mike at the top of his lungs and everything suddenly clicking into place for Mike after the fact. Idk it was very cathartic for me :-) Day Seven will be coming ASAP! Thanks for sticking with me as I wrap up this challenge! <3
Day Six Prompts were: Develop, Drawer, Valuable, White/Black color scheme
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five
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nobodyinourstars · 2 months
In this scene, Steve call Mike "Nancy"
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You know what means calling a man/boy Nancy??
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Steve calling Mike Nancy is a queer coding, obviously.
He could confused Mike with another of the boys of the party (like Dustin, for example) or maybe just say "Who are you???", but Steve SPECIFICALLY call Mike Nancy.
Yeah... Duffer brothers aren't even hiding it anymore. If Byler isn't endgame, why this FUCKING QUEER CODING????
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hnbka · 2 months
so the duffers actually told me about the finale and the entire stranger things crew does the the hot to go dance until vecna dies from the power of homosexuality
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byleriscanon713by · 11 months
if mike wheeler is straight than why is he gay?
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byler-is-life · 5 months
Mike probably stared at that poster of Tom Cruise in Nancy's room at least 100 times
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doyoulikedem · 6 days
gm byler nation!
just dropping in with a reminder for if you're ever having byler doubt!
just think about this for a second:
the duffer brothers would have had no reason to acknowledge/confirm or even establish will's love for mike (and therefore byler, by extension) if not to have a confession/confrontation included in the next season of the show.
if they had pretended the romantic tension between mike and will hadn't existed in the first place then yes, it would be queerbating, but they might have been able to slip away with it (legally, maybe not emotionally) whilst still maintaining a shred of plausible deniability.
but now seeing as they have acknowledged will's sexuality and the object of his affections (😏) and managed to boost byler to be equally, if not more popular than the "true" canon ship, they now are obligated to acknowledge it in the show, especially as they talk about season 5 focusing on will coming into himself more.
now if we put two and two together, we will remember milkvan's . umm. ?issues, and the amount of season 5 bts we've got of each pair respectively up to this point, with mike and will seeming to almost always be together, as well as their promises of being a "team" this season, and realise that if a confrontation has/is going to happen, wouldn't the bts we're getting look a little bit. idk. different??
i, for one, highly doubt that the duffer brothers would have will confess and then be turned down by mike (because come on.
a) what type of representation is that even &
b) why would they even include that? it would just be useless and take away from the mainplot of the story &
c) not acknowledging byler at this point would be blatant queer-bating. as was touched on before.
d) mike is also in love with will, they just can't come out and say it as not to spoil the ?surprise? and spark any controversy before the release of the new season.)
and seriously.
the history that would be made with such an iconic romantic subplot?? hello??????. they can't let all of their plotting and parallels and hints and hard work go to waste. they wouldnt.
therefore, the confrontation must have gone.. *shocked, stunned gasping* .. well???? for byler????
byler doubt? don't know her 💗🌈
byler endgame!!
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pinkeoni · 2 years
Do you ever think about how Mike was so afraid of people hating him for being different so he tried to be normal but people hated him for that too.
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elhopperentourage · 1 month
when i think about the roller rink scene too hard i go livid. what do you mean a finn wolfhard character is pointedly avoiding his best friend while tarzan boy plays in the background??? he can’t keep getting away with this.
and yes. he is avoiding will on purpose. it is very possible for all three of them to skate together, but mike and el decide to leave will behind because… they’re dating which means they’re physically incapable of being together with other people??? sounds normal.
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w3bheadz · 2 years
where is my mind . . ?
Title from the song where is my mind by pixies
Just a lil Mike Angst for the soul bc there isn’t enough
mike dies , he was in a not so silly goofy mood 
It all started on that cliff. The moment he realized he couldn’t do it without will, was on that day at the quarry. He was happy Eleven had saved him, but a part of himself wished she hadn’t. Mike knew, deep deep down, this was his fault. He was the reason Will had been taken that night. Will could have stayed the night, Mike could have invited him to. But he didn’t. And Will was taken.
A couple days later, he went back to the quarry and sat on the edge, wondering why it hadn’t been him. They were all kids, sure, but why would it have taken Will. The kid that was mercilessly bullied with slurs, the kid he had sworn to protect since kindergarten, gone. Just like that.
Then, they found him. Not just as a body dumped in the quarry, but in the upside down. Will was taken to the hospital in which Mike refused to leave his side. Not to eat, drink, or shower, at least until his parents dragged him home.
He had never had good parents. His mom cared when it was convenient and his dad was a horrible person. Ted Wheeler, the epitome of bad fathers. He was constantly judging and criticizing Mike or he was forgetting the existence of his only son. There was never an in between. 
Ever since Mike was little, he was never about to be the most masculine, or the most athletic, and that bothered Ted. But then again, Ted was Ted. He was never happy with his son or his older daughter no matter what they did. Nancy and Mike were different though, She stopped caring. He didn’t.
Fast forward to the next hospital stay, Mike was the first to notice something off. He tried, so hard to tell them. To let them know it was a trap. But they didn’t listen, they just didn’t. And now they were dead. He had to tell Mrs. Byers that Will was the spy, and that they needed to make Will sleep. He covered his ears, but nothing could block out the screaming he heard that night. To this day, the screams will forever haunt the nightmares it brought.
Then in his garage , he stabbed Will’s emotions 
“ It’s not my fault you don’t like girls! “
Is what he said, and that hurt Will, he knew it did. And he would never, ever forgive himself for it. 
So when the byers left, and El kissed him, he didn’t kiss back. It felt … wrong- like it wasn’t where his heart was. At that moment, he knew exactly what it meant. He was in love with William Byers, and so far in that he couldn’t pull himself out of it if he tried. When everyone biked home, he went to the quarry instead. And thats where he found himself now. 
So, to bring back to the original thought, as Mike stood by the quarry, walking the edge, and looking over occasionally. He didn’t WANT to die, but he didn’t want to live either. Will was gone. He was in Cali, and he was going to make new friends, probably forget all about Mike. He deserved it though, Mike had been a complete asshole to him before he’d left. 
Will deserved the world, more than he could ever give him, but it was okay, because Mike couldn’t get in the way anymore. He’d be gone before he could interrupt or bother anyone ever again. He took a step off the edge, and as he fell, he thought of everything happy that had ever happened in his life. Most of the memories contained Will, and all of the sleepovers, the dnd games. It wouldn’t happen anymore. He accepted it as a fact of life before it all went dark. As the water knocked the air out of him, he whispered one last thing. 
“ I love you “
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mikesbasementbeets · 7 months
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byler in every episode -> 3.02 the mall rats
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crzytgther · 1 month
the way mike looks at will after he goes to dance with that girl in s2 will always amuse me bc he was literally like "will! come on! go dance, have fun!!!" and then he does and all of the sudden he's like "NOOO WHERE ARE YOU GOING WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME😭😭😭😭😭😭"
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cookiehoodie · 1 year
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Warm-up that turned into Mike being very upset and angsty about his gay little thoughts
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thefirstlioveyou · 8 months
why is he like… straining 😭😭
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