#will is being homo in cali
w3bheadz · 2 years
where is my mind . . ?
Title from the song where is my mind by pixies
Just a lil Mike Angst for the soul bc there isn’t enough
mike dies , he was in a not so silly goofy mood 
It all started on that cliff. The moment he realized he couldn’t do it without will, was on that day at the quarry. He was happy Eleven had saved him, but a part of himself wished she hadn’t. Mike knew, deep deep down, this was his fault. He was the reason Will had been taken that night. Will could have stayed the night, Mike could have invited him to. But he didn’t. And Will was taken.
A couple days later, he went back to the quarry and sat on the edge, wondering why it hadn’t been him. They were all kids, sure, but why would it have taken Will. The kid that was mercilessly bullied with slurs, the kid he had sworn to protect since kindergarten, gone. Just like that.
Then, they found him. Not just as a body dumped in the quarry, but in the upside down. Will was taken to the hospital in which Mike refused to leave his side. Not to eat, drink, or shower, at least until his parents dragged him home.
He had never had good parents. His mom cared when it was convenient and his dad was a horrible person. Ted Wheeler, the epitome of bad fathers. He was constantly judging and criticizing Mike or he was forgetting the existence of his only son. There was never an in between. 
Ever since Mike was little, he was never about to be the most masculine, or the most athletic, and that bothered Ted. But then again, Ted was Ted. He was never happy with his son or his older daughter no matter what they did. Nancy and Mike were different though, She stopped caring. He didn’t.
Fast forward to the next hospital stay, Mike was the first to notice something off. He tried, so hard to tell them. To let them know it was a trap. But they didn’t listen, they just didn’t. And now they were dead. He had to tell Mrs. Byers that Will was the spy, and that they needed to make Will sleep. He covered his ears, but nothing could block out the screaming he heard that night. To this day, the screams will forever haunt the nightmares it brought.
Then in his garage , he stabbed Will’s emotions 
“ It’s not my fault you don’t like girls! “
Is what he said, and that hurt Will, he knew it did. And he would never, ever forgive himself for it. 
So when the byers left, and El kissed him, he didn’t kiss back. It felt … wrong- like it wasn’t where his heart was. At that moment, he knew exactly what it meant. He was in love with William Byers, and so far in that he couldn’t pull himself out of it if he tried. When everyone biked home, he went to the quarry instead. And thats where he found himself now. 
So, to bring back to the original thought, as Mike stood by the quarry, walking the edge, and looking over occasionally. He didn’t WANT to die, but he didn’t want to live either. Will was gone. He was in Cali, and he was going to make new friends, probably forget all about Mike. He deserved it though, Mike had been a complete asshole to him before he’d left. 
Will deserved the world, more than he could ever give him, but it was okay, because Mike couldn’t get in the way anymore. He’d be gone before he could interrupt or bother anyone ever again. He took a step off the edge, and as he fell, he thought of everything happy that had ever happened in his life. Most of the memories contained Will, and all of the sleepovers, the dnd games. It wouldn’t happen anymore. He accepted it as a fact of life before it all went dark. As the water knocked the air out of him, he whispered one last thing. 
“ I love you “
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~Minecraft incorrect quotes for the Main 6 cuz I love them~
(To anybody that understands this reference, here’s a cookie 🍪)
~Texas, California and DC walking up~
DC: Hey guys!
Florida: Ya want some mule bits?
Cali: Mule bits, please!
NY: (in the background) NOOO 😭 (x4)
Florida: What bit of the mule?~
Cali: Uhhh- the back :)
Florida: *walks into shop*
Texas: Ya really said- ya really said ya wanted the mules r*ctum Safe-Space you mother f*cker-
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it.
Florida: Do it!
NY: *incoherent screams as he kills the mule*
~outside the shop~
DC, TX, CA: 👁️👄👁️💧…. *the cries of the innocent in the background*
Texas: What the f*ck?!
Florida: *walks out* Here’s your back, sir! *drops mule bits so Cali can pick them up*
Cali: What the fu-
Florida: *blocking off the entrance* We’re closed now.
Texas: *trying to hold it together* What- what part of the mules back is that 😏
*insert more sobbing in the background*
Texas: Tell you what- here’s what we do- this time we go and we save Empire (NY), alright? W-we are Child Protection Services.
Cali: I-i actually need food, im on one heart.
Texas: I don’t have any. *quite obviously has an apple in his hand*
Cali: Pfft-
~at the mule bits shop~
Texas: Ok- Florida, Florida-
Florida: Hello Texas~
Texas: Im so- W-What is this operation of yours then, eh? I can hear cries from behind you. I can hear CRIES, Florida! I can hear the CRIES of a distorted child!
Florida: Name a bit of the mule.
Texas: Oh- uh…. An*s :)
Florida: *walks into shop* New York?
Cali: Don’t make York do this!-
Texas: Wait Safe-Space- *gets some ladders* I have an idea.
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it, New York.
Texas: *breaks roof so he can see inside*
NY: NOOOO 😭 *screams as he kills the poor mule*
Texas: WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?! This is the SWAT, b*tch! THIS IS THE SWAT-
Cali: *falls off roof and dies*
DC: So…. This is what you’ve been doing while New York was apparently being forced to kill a mule by Florida?
Louisiana, standing in front of a very intricately built XP farm: Yup :D (he’s so proud of himself 😭-)
His horse: *is f*cking suffocating in a wall*
NY: *bringing another dog home* Welcome to the pack buddy!
The other 32 dogs: 👁️👄👁️
Loui: Hey Texas?
Texas: Yea Lou?
Loui: So y’know how we went fishing earlier?
Texas: Yea?
*insert several cats hoarding Loui*
Loui: Well I just have to say, I think I put my fish to good use :D
DC: *getting attacked by phantoms at night*
DC: Damn Minecraft I get it already- Stop rubbing it in my face that I’m an insomniac-
California: *finishes building his house* Finally done….
Florida off in the distance with flint and steel: :)
*Florida and Loui building their house*
Florida: Should we put our beds together?
Loui: O’course sha.
Florida: No homo tho ;)
Loui: Yea no homo.
NY: *bridging over the lava in the nether*
Florida, irl: *comes up behind him and grabs him from behind like the little a$$hole he is*
NY: *screams and falls* GODDAMNIT FLORIDA-
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kiri-instinct · 4 months
half of you will rant and rave about being "REAL freaks," bemoan those whose freakishness is not identical to urs, and then get scared the instant ur lover asks u to even roleplay via text on those desires
but, sure, its the white homo from cali who does not know better and finds hardcore BDSM uncomfortable that is the problem with the queer community, ur thinly-veiled pick me bullshit is A-OK
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raincitygirl76 · 1 year
“Start a Riot” by cali-Chan (girls are weird) on AO3 is a terrific YR fic that goes AU on Season 2 (it was written before S2 dropped). Read it!!!!
This goes AU after S1. The homophobic, class-conscious board of governors at Hillerska decide to suspend Simon for the first two weeks of the January term, for bringing the school into disrepute by being a victim of child pornography on their property.
He and Wille are rstill on the outs, but Wilhelm is of course incandescent with rage. He ropes in Felice and Madison, who are little chaos demons, but chaos demons with ADVANCED social networking skills. They organize a student protest against Simon being victim-blamed, and it is utterly hilarious how they pull it off.
Felice and Madison come up with some pretty creative ways to convince other students to attend, and so do Stella and Fredrika once they’re finally on board with the performative activism Felice and Madison have convinced them will increase their Insta followers count. They also rope in the professional news media.
Most of the Hillerska students think Simon is a non-resident waste of space, so it takes some doing to get a critical mass to agree to a walkout on school hours. Crown Prince Wilhelm leverages his position to convince his no homo Forest Ridge housemates to attend (he flat out BRIBES Henry with the promise of tickets to the Champions League final) if he attends the protest and convinces his friends to come too.
It’s awesome!!!! Watching this small core group who actually CARE about both Simon and justice manipulate the rest of the Hillerska student body into a protest.
Also, Kristina is imperfect in this fic, but also….nuanced. And we see some really neat interactions between her and Ludvig. In canon, I think Ludvig is a waste of space, but I like what the author does with his character.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
The 3 monologues of Dustin, Mike, and Chrissy’s  (theory)
So in a lot of films said to inspire s4: they have at the beginning of the film  - a play, musical number, etc -that foreshadow future events of the film, or give us insight into the psyche of said film characters.  So I think that’s where the bts pic showing  monologue performances comes into play. if we do see monologues it may be a quick montage of the 3 monologues- with the most prevalent lines being shown.
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1) Mike’s monologue-perhaps is Antonio’s monologue from ‘12th night” (shown on the bts monologue-poster )
Antonio is gay/in love with sebastian. His monologue is about being in love with Sebastian and going to a treacherous town to be with him, and feeling betrayed and wrongly assuming Sebastian doesn’t want to be friends anymore . 
Antonio's monologue referencing his love for Sebastian:
“His life I gave him and did thereto add my love- without retention or restraint. All in his dedication; for his sake , did I expose myself. Pure for his love, into the danger of this adverse town.”
cough Mike going to Cali to see Will, which ends up being dangerous.
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Sebastian - also has a female twin (both of which are mistaken for each other due to their resemblance, cough Willel). Antonio is very forward with his feelings to Sebastian, but it almost always comedically goes over Sebastian's head.  Which after Mike initiated every byler moment- but then in s3 is like "i love el" "not my fault you don't like girls". I couldn’t blame Will for dismissing anything from Mike as him "over-reading ' the situation.Literally in one s4 movie this was a comedic-bit too. Sebastian also cries over missing Antonio (which he himself deems as “effeminate”) to do. Cough-Will’s “boys don’t cry “ poster- which is a gay anthem. 12th night is a very queer coded shakespeare play. We have Antonio loving Sebastian. But, we even have a plot point of a girl thinking she loves sebastian's female twin (dressed as a boy/pretending to be her brother sebastian). Cough like mike being into El when she looked like a boy/Will (sebastian)
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Also, historically, quite a few people tried to "no-homo" Antonio as just loving sebastian as a friend... which... if that doesn't remind you of byler XD
I suppose they may go for the more cliche romeo & juliet- since s4 posted the “what is in a name “ quote where ( juliet describes how she loves Romeo despite his family drama- using a metaphor of a rose ). Which may work given the rose imagery of the creel's and their problematic family dynamics- paralleling the byers. But I like the former possibility more- especially cause most scholars agree romeo & juliet weren’t in love- but just young kids who foolishly thought they were in love after a few days (cough m*leven). And it's implied romeo was actually using Juliet as a rebound to Rosaline (juliet’s cousin, who rejected Romeo before hand and who physically resembled juliet).Not to mention how shakespeare didn't believe in "love at first sight" like r&j. Shakespeare in every play that had "love at first sight" always had the relationship end poorly. And shakespeare instead believed in the concept/ trope of - not realizing you've been in love with someone you've known for a long , until a great separation occurs. Cough byler.
2)Dustin’s possible monologue from -hounds of baskerville . The quote he says in the teaser is from ch 3 , where in said chapter -Holmes also gives an interesting monologue....
”The devil’s agents may be flesh and blood. There are 2 questions... whether any crime has been committed at all. The second- what is the crime and how was it committed. If we’re dealing with forces outside the laws of nature, there is an end to our investigation. But we are bound to exhaust all our hypotheses before falling back on this one.”
Essentially fits my theory that maybe - the real  “devil’s agents”/ bad guys are ‘flesh &blood ‘ humans (like some fathers in the show).  And the lines about whether a crime was committed or not could be foreshadowing of chrissy’s death being faked - and her ‘death’ fueling  the false satanic panic. Similar to in the novel, the (fake) hellhound death curse -being spread by real human villains, to cover up their horrible deeds. We may soon see the real devils are humans. Especially if Chrissy’s  disappearence was caused by her trying to fake her death to escape her ab*sers (and later ending up at penthurst).  The same goes for them investigating the supernatural happenings of the creels-  if it’s just supernatural nonsense, like Holmes said the “investigation is over”. But if not.... there’s more to this that the Hawkins crew need to investigate (aka what was the crime? And what’s the explanation for this rumored supernatural phenomena?) - aka maybe Will subconsciously creating the creels and others via his powers and tra*ma. Which may be revealed in s5.
Also Brenner’s actor’s post alludes to this concept of the real monsters being humans. Similar to Holmes quote.
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*this book ref could just be a minor demodog eastergg, but i think it’s possible he is in theatre. Dustin wore a theatre shirt in s1, so it’s possible foreshadowing. Plus, in the rebel robin novel-robin was in theatre & went to a roller-rink. And we already see both set pieces for s4 (for different characters). And since Dustin was never shown to be into sherlock before- maybe the fact he's quoting him has to do with playing him in a monologue for drama club.
3) Chrissy’s monologue - Nina’s from “the seagull” (shown on the bts poster)
The monologue is of a girl describing her ab*ser, herself as a seagull , her mental health, & being a poor actress... the pain on stage would be Chrissy’s actual pain rather than simply acting. Chrissy and Nina are also nicknames for Christina.
In the st book rebel robin- robin during a play audition - relates too much to her character. And she's starts having an anxiety attack on stage (which everyone perceives as great acting /being in character). Then she passes out- i wonder if something similar happens?
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 The context in the play: Konstantin shows up to give Nina a gull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified .Trigorin sees the gull that Konstantin has shot and muses to Nina on how he could use it as a subject for a short story:
"The plot for the short story: a young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a gull, and she’s happy and free, like a gull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this gull."  
The seagull motif reminds me a lot of Jonathan’s rabbit-hunting story. It’s also a parallel to El - whose papa tried to make her k*ll a cat.  And reminds me of how Billy was free and happy like the seagulls at the beach-before his dad corrupted him.  In fact when El is in Billy’s positive memories - we see seagulls . And possibly a seagull painting next to Jonathan -when at Lonnie’s.The k*lling of an animal for Chrissy, El, and Jonathan is probably indicative /symbolic of paternal ab*sers destroying their childhood innocence.
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sevensided · 2 years
You're back! So glad to see u again. Don't know how caught up u are on... well, everything, but what are your thoughts at this point in time? How are u feeling about Mike and the Cali crew and all of that? 😀
Hello, thank you so much! I'm pretty caught up - as soon as information started getting leaked at a steadier pace I plugged myself back in. It's only been today that I decided to come back to Tumblr. :b
Hmm... great questions, and thank you for taking the time to ask me! I don't think I have anything especially poignant to say, except that I am... optimistic. I said way back in the depths of the hiatus that I was cautiously optimistic about S4, and that feeling hasn't changed much. I am relieved and pleased that they've finally more or less confirmed Will's feelings/sexuality, but to that I would say: what next?
I do think it's significant that they've confirmed Will's sexuality relatively early out from the season. At this stage, the average viewer would have knowledge of a few key facts for S4, one of them being that Will is gay. So, that begs the question, what else could we learn from S4? What else is there that will surprise viewers? Could it be something entirely unexpected - maybe something that involves Mike, too?
I'm trying to think about this from the perspectives of story craft and from marketing. It's this fine balance between wanting to tease the story to get potential views, while ensuring there's enough to keep people hooked. I know the obvious continuation of this line of thought is to say 'oh, but that's queerbaiting', except it's not? I really do think that we may be pleasantly surprised, and for that to happen we do need to stay positive. We haven't seen anything yet!
But, also, the purpose of fandom is to 'right the wrongs' of canon. So, like, in the event that we get no-homo Mike... we're surrounded by talented, gifted members of our fandom who will rise to the occasion.
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sunritual · 3 years
Let’s try this again
They should make a law where if the police don’t read you your Miranda rights you get out of jail free, like if you don’t get your receipt at fast food restaurants you get a mail free
The shaggy law - There should be a law that if you continuously and shamelessly deny doing something, no matter how indisputably obvious it is that you did it, you should get off free for pure savegery.
Confederates as “rebels for tradition” is laughable
Ram rainbow spiral horns profile.
People think grammar rules are etched into the universe — they’re not. When people say AAve is incorrect and ignorant, they say that their conception of how one should speak is inherently correct despite no evidence/truth. Grammar is agreed upon not mandated
Hippie sauce infusion pizza joint
Plain nude balconette with little purple and pink flowers at wiring
How could anyone predict anything happening but how could any be surpised either
Hierarchies - nahhhh
Humans aren’t inherently higher than any other creature or thing, but as humans i don’t think it’s wrong to prioritize other humans. There no better or worse but there is optimal for certain environments and lifestyles.
What differentiates a piece of art from a slightly different replica - when is it an entirely different piece altogether? Moving a figure slightly? Adding a splash of paint ? Changing a color to the point where no one could tell? Is the persons perception the deciding factor or what’s actually on the canvas. If abstract art is about the perception, and the waning behind it - does it change with these things?
An exhibit where people are invited to paint over and destroy or change the art
The differences between us and other. Are feeble - not illusory but
Periwinkle sky blue black and white each of a half circle . Faded out
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Umm, Karen were your parents married when you were born?
Ummmm no, umm i mean , uh ,yes —what??
Then why are you policing what other people do?
Dark blue light blue orange lemon circles layer on top of each other, several difffent sizes
Job apps tip!! For every job you apply to , Change your last name on your resume to the last name of the hiring manager and they will think you are related to them and hire you with nepotism. ( then, or coarse, legally when you get the job)
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I for one think it’s incredibly brave of the brats girls to reclaim such a derogatory term
Starting every Describtion of every British show with “its kind of like skins but..”
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My playlists are a matter of fact, not opinion. They reveal truths about the human experience
A cats gorilla imeritive of aesthetics.
I don’t chose them, they are not for joy but for truth. They are not intelligible but feel able
📝 narrative - longing
👼 chaotic
🌾 childlike wonder
Things that seem homo and phobic ATST
- Woodstock
- Brown eyed girl
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on ya when you think everything BG a gone wrong and everything bows up in your face
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I feel like the problem with the property brothers is they had too good of a childhood
Do you ever wonder if personality traits would be diffferntnin different cultures? Would a quiet person be even quieter if they were brought up in North Korea? Or the same amount of talkativity? Do we have the traits no matter what, or are we inclined to be more of one way than the others around us. Are personality traits created by comparison to those around?
Maybe the anxiety comes from knowing your not “supposed” to be as quiet as you are. You don’t really want to talk, that’s okay , but it’s expected that you do. So you are anxiety that your not living up
I find happiness every single day
This feeling has made me so appreciative of my mental state usually. How many people feel like this on the regular? How many people have this as their default? I am so lucky. My default is happy. I have my issues, but i need to appreciate the gift i was given. I was given elation. Childlike wonder. Curiosity. Adventurousness. Self completion and fullness. The rest will come.
If you see a celebrity you want to talk to in public but don’t want to bother them, make sure they don’t see that you saw them and start a fake conversation telling a friend that they should buy a product they are a sponsor for, and that they should use their coupon code. When they approach you to thank you for being such a loyal fan, obviously pretend to be shocked that they just so happened to be there
Christianity excuses selfish politics and beliefs
Things i never would’ve noticed if they weren’t pointed out to me:
-Left and right handed ness
Rating sports teams by uniform colors
Balloon animals but make it clothing!
Logics doesn’t care about your feelings, but it certainly cares about your biasees.
He who findeth keepith, whilst he who loosith weepith.
Religious thought often starts at the conclusion they want and attempts to make arguments justifying it.
Jewish debate starts with an agreement that we are going to follow the book, but argues about what the book truly says. Not good enough when you are still just following the book
Why did Jesus need to die for our sins
Dream - swimming in a lake and bump into something you think is a human tying to save to but is it! Oct 29 9:03
Candle company logo etc
I’m sorry for your loss
It’s not oka
If people can accept that stupid bad jokes can be
Is there a reason for each thing existing? Sufficient reason
Understanding if an area is a matter of perspective or fact? Is it Emperical ?
If you assume you have free will you limit your critical thinking ability and therefor stour actual free will - you need to navigate technology such as algorithms that show you why at you want to see or you completely loose free will - you cannot chose when you don’t even know a choice. there is Somthing controlling you
Revelation is within it doesn’t involve others - can happen in a moment
Revolution- requires work and years and years of convincing others m
What counts as a second chance? What counts as a first chance? What does giving someone the benefit of the doubt entail ? Letting them out of jail , or letting them have a 2nd term as president.
**Picture of coke or Pepsi book**
Trump supporters be like: THIS is the BALLOt sleepy crooked joe SEND to MY neighbor. So much FOR democracy
One flew over the coup coups nest
Ashge-nazi = Jewish trump supporter
The heathers of the USA are Cali, New York and Texas. Florida, too
Shape shifting would solve all of this. I could go to Washington DC, pretend to be trump, concede then leave. It would be hilarious, however if me and trump looked identical and had to so the most idiotic crazy shit to prove to America that we indeed are the true DJ.
Coup busting outfit - light cute short sleeve camo shirts , army green super utalitarian cargo pants , double sash belts in leather with grommets studs or spikes (to be decided by team (with democracy) or left up to the individual) leather (vegan available) lace up knee high boots (maybe with spikes if not too 2012) and the pies de resistance two army green denim shoulder high gloves that fold down as far as needed for the comfort of the fighter. Will be adorned with patches decided by the wearer. Edges will be frayed to honor to the coup busting aesthetic and spirit of the endeavor. We can decide on a signature lip color, but spf is required for all fighters. Of coarse we will have those football stripes below the eyes, don’t be stupid.
How far away can something be from a face and still have humans think it’s a face
Senator Portman - i hope you are well, and want to thank you for the hard work you have put in to this election. However, it has become abundantly clear that joe Biden and Kamala Harris have secured more than enough electoral and popular votes to warrant recognition as president and vice elect. Upon reading the transcripts of he hopeless court cases, there is absolutely no evidence of vote measurable fraud. is time you stand up for democracy and face reality by congratulating he pair on their success. Americans and scared and they need a powerful republican voice to demounce the unsubstantiated conspircy theories that attempt to thwart democracy in this beautiful county. Please do the right thing , and stand with sanity, freedom and democracy. History books and citizens will thank you. May god bless you, your staff and loved ones
Could mermaids exist through evolution in the future
Me learning about real us history - all the nations destroyed by the USA—- I’m the baaad Guy
The rest of the world - duh dodododosodo
Print that looks like a page of writing that has been sourced in water so it’s bleeding and darker in speckles
Zamps= examples
Clothes with green screen cut outs
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Build fact checking into apps
Narrative self vs experiential
Walks you through steps of the sciefitifc method and encourages you to explain how you feel each step actually helped you- then walks you through a scientist doing the same for their reasarch
Republicans only want to be free in the specific ways that benefit corporations
Are Christians more willing to support the death pen early because they already believe in the cruel and overstepping punishment of hell?
Where did the idea come from that you need to remain impartial when trying to persuade
The idea that there is someone in a similar but different dwelling, hearing similar but different sounds and feeling similar but different feelings is wild
We synthesize sets of traits, and particular actions in a super biased culturally constructed way
With the way we see things as humans- we categorize things into groups that aren’t really reaaal ― paratheletic groups
I just want the people and jobs that benefit society
Connection to nietzsches Dionysian art and eckheart tolle/Taoism
No matter your personality, there is probably a part of the world that you would fit in with naturally.
An ordinary girl is selected as one of the representatives of earth in the first meeting of various alien species after one advanced planet discovered and United 10. Confused as to why she was chosen, she goes on her journey meeting
Wha ba Bada da da da da dada he’s a wha ba ba dadada as a matter of fact it’s not my fault if you came up here thinking that you would win
Wanting to break boundaries and rules for the sake those who are hurt by the rules
You are imagining the best case scenario of the life you want to have and experience Ming the reality of the life you so have.
Yes her drips cosmetics line to students i. Class
Chez it people can goldfish people
Your personality flows where a system needs it to go to maintain balance
0 notes
Let’s try this again
They should make a law where if the police don’t read you your Miranda rights you get out of jail free, like if you don’t get your receipt at fast food restaurants you get a mail free
The shaggy law - There should be a law that if you continuously and shamelessly deny doing something, no matter how indisputably obvious it is that you did it, you should get off free for pure savegery.
Confederates as “rebels for tradition” is laughable
Ram rainbow spiral horns profile.
People think grammar rules are etched into the universe — they’re not. When people say AAve is incorrect and ignorant, they say that their conception of how one should speak is inherently correct despite no evidence/truth. Grammar is agreed upon not mandated
Hippie sauce infusion pizza joint
Plain nude balconette with little purple and pink flowers at wiring
How could anyone predict anything happening but how could any be surpised either
Hierarchies - nahhhh
Humans aren’t inherently higher than any other creature or thing, but as humans i don’t think it’s wrong to prioritize other humans. There no better or worse but there is optimal for certain environments and lifestyles.
What differentiates a piece of art from a slightly different replica - when is it an entirely different piece altogether? Moving a figure slightly? Adding a splash of paint ? Changing a color to the point where no one could tell? Is the persons perception the deciding factor or what’s actually on the canvas. If abstract art is about the perception, and the waning behind it - does it change with these things?
An exhibit where people are invited to paint over and destroy or change the art
The differences between us and other. Are feeble - not illusory but
Periwinkle sky blue black and white each of a half circle . Faded out
Uni should be about exploring ideas — new and old famillar and foreign - honeing writing reading reasoning debating listening etc skills.
Umm, Karen were your parents married when you were born?
Ummmm no, umm i mean , uh ,yes —what??
Then why are you policing what other people do?
Dark blue light blue orange lemon circles layer on top of each other, several difffent sizes
Job apps tip!! For every job you apply to , Change your last name on your resume to the last name of the hiring manager and they will think you are related to them and hire you with nepotism. ( then, or coarse, legally when you get the job)
Unpopular opinion: i don’t really mind diarrhea
I for one think it’s incredibly brave of the brats girls to reclaim such a derogatory term
Starting every Describtion of every British show with “its kind of like skins but..”
Beanie baskin took that treat she snatched it - she ain’t even askin
The squad bod - a group of ghost friends share one body in which they have to live their lives -
My playlists are a matter of fact, not opinion. They reveal truths about the human experience
A cats gorilla imeritive of aesthetics.
I don’t chose them, they are not for joy but for truth. They are not intelligible but feel able
📝 narrative - longing
👼 chaotic
🌾 childlike wonder
Things that seem homo and phobic ATST
- Woodstock
- Brown eyed girl
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on ya when you think everything BG a gone wrong and everything bows up in your face
If women can’t do drag because they have an advantage then what is drag? Is it having good looking tits and a waist ? Looking like woman? or is it about having charisma uniqueness nerve and talent?
Examining Tik toks through different philosophical lenses
What makes it so they put parenthesis around lyrics in a song? What intonations and such make it parenthesis worthy
What’s an article of clothing from your childhood that you viscerally remember for seemingly no reason
I feel like the problem with the property brothers is they had too good of a childhood
Do you ever wonder if personality traits would be diffferntnin different cultures? Would a quiet person be even quieter if they were brought up in North Korea? Or the same amount of talkativity? Do we have the traits no matter what, or are we inclined to be more of one way than the others around us. Are personality traits created by comparison to those around?
Maybe the anxiety comes from knowing your not “supposed” to be as quiet as you are. You don’t really want to talk, that’s okay , but it’s expected that you do. So you are anxiety that your not living up
I find happiness every single day
This feeling has made me so appreciative of my mental state usually. How many people feel like this on the regular? How many people have this as their default? I am so lucky. My default is happy. I have my issues, but i need to appreciate the gift i was given. I was given elation. Childlike wonder. Curiosity. Adventurousness. Self completion and fullness. The rest will come.
If you see a celebrity you want to talk to in public but don’t want to bother them, make sure they don’t see that you saw them and start a fake conversation telling a friend that they should buy a product they are a sponsor for, and that they should use their coupon code. When they approach you to thank you for being such a loyal fan, obviously pretend to be shocked that they just so happened to be there
Christianity excuses selfish politics and beliefs
Things i never would’ve noticed if they weren’t pointed out to me:
-Left and right handed ness
Rating sports teams by uniform colors
Balloon animals but make it clothing!
Logics doesn’t care about your feelings, but it certainly cares about your biasees.
He who findeth keepith, whilst he who loosith weepith.
Religious thought often starts at the conclusion they want and attempts to make arguments justifying it.
Jewish debate starts with an agreement that we are going to follow the book, but argues about what the book truly says. Not good enough when you are still just following the book
Why did Jesus need to die for our sins
Dream - swimming in a lake and bump into something you think is a human tying to save to but is it! Oct 29 9:03
Candle company logo etc
I’m sorry for your loss
It’s not oka
If people can accept that stupid bad jokes can be
Is there a reason for each thing existing? Sufficient reason
Understanding if an area is a matter of perspective or fact? Is it Emperical ?
If you assume you have free will you limit your critical thinking ability and therefor stour actual free will - you need to navigate technology such as algorithms that show you why at you want to see or you completely loose free will - you cannot chose when you don’t even know a choice. there is Somthing controlling you
Revelation is within it doesn’t involve others - can happen in a moment
Revolution- requires work and years and years of convincing others m
What counts as a second chance? What counts as a first chance? What does giving someone the benefit of the doubt entail ? Letting them out of jail , or letting them have a 2nd term as president.
**Picture of coke or Pepsi book**
Trump supporters be like: THIS is the BALLOt sleepy crooked joe SEND to MY neighbor. So much FOR democracy
One flew over the coup coups nest
Ashge-nazi = Jewish trump supporter
The heathers of the USA are Cali, New York and Texas. Florida, too
Shape shifting would solve all of this. I could go to Washington DC, pretend to be trump, concede then leave. It would be hilarious, however if me and trump looked identical and had to so the most idiotic crazy shit to prove to America that we indeed are the true DJ.
Coup busting outfit - light cute short sleeve camo shirts , army green super utalitarian cargo pants , double sash belts in leather with grommets studs or spikes (to be decided by team (with democracy) or left up to the individual) leather (vegan available) lace up knee high boots (maybe with spikes if not too 2012) and the pies de resistance two army green denim shoulder high gloves that fold down as far as needed for the comfort of the fighter. Will be adorned with patches decided by the wearer. Edges will be frayed to honor to the coup busting aesthetic and spirit of the endeavor. We can decide on a signature lip color, but spf is required for all fighters. Of coarse we will have those football stripes below the eyes, don’t be stupid.
How far away can something be from a face and still have humans think it’s a face
Senator Portman - i hope you are well, and want to thank you for the hard work you have put in to this election. However, it has become abundantly clear that joe Biden and Kamala Harris have secured more than enough electoral and popular votes to warrant recognition as president and vice elect. Upon reading the transcripts of he hopeless court cases, there is absolutely no evidence of vote measurable fraud. is time you stand up for democracy and face reality by congratulating he pair on their success. Americans and scared and they need a powerful republican voice to demounce the unsubstantiated conspircy theories that attempt to thwart democracy in this beautiful county. Please do the right thing , and stand with sanity, freedom and democracy. History books and citizens will thank you. May god bless you, your staff and loved ones
Could mermaids exist through evolution in the future
Me learning about real us history - all the nations destroyed by the USA—- I’m the baaad Guy
The rest of the world - duh dodododosodo
Print that looks like a page of writing that has been sourced in water so it’s bleeding and darker in speckles
Zamps= examples
Clothes with green screen cut outs
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Narrative self vs experiential
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bi-disaster-artist · 5 years
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Hey y’all, plot twist time
Billy only realized he liked you after you punched him in the face.
It was at a party, and he hit on your friend. The music was loud, the beer was flowing, everyone was having fun, and you were there because so was she. She’d just broken up with Steve Harrington, the “King” of Hawkins High, and wanted to get over him by getting shit-faced. You wanted her to be as safe as possible, so you followed her there.
You two had been there for about an hour, nothing really happening, other than stalking Steve, when he showed up. The new guy. The asshole who outranked assholes. His name was Billy Hargrove and he was smoking hot. Your friend, Vanessa, didn’t really notice him, as she was still staring at her ex, but you saw him.
He swaggered in, acting like he owned the place. You hated him. Ever since he got here, he had been a thorn in your side. You weren’t exactly the nicest either, being rival to Steve’s gang, the Queen Of Hawkins High. So, when Mr. Fancy Butt took over Steve’s place at the top, you got shaken.
Vanessa, being your number 2, and best friend, had noticed that Billy was in your interest. She tried to push you two together, with which many an interaction ended in a scuffle. So she stopped trying, and many of your fellow students avoided being in the same room when both of you were together.
You hated his guts, and he hated yours. He was too full of himself, and needed to accept that a girl was higher on the social status than he was. You were too full of yourself and needed to accept that he would eventually knock you down and put you in your place.
Billy’s eyes met yours, and he made his way over, smirking. He waded through the crowd of drunken teens, and leaned against the island you and Vanessa stood at.
“So, how are you lovely ladies doing?” He asked, blue eyes twinkling with mirth.
“Fuck off, Hargrove. We’re here to have fun, not babysit the less fortunate.” You turned away, and he turned his attention to Vanessa.
“Well, that’s unfortunate. Your friend here looks a little lonely, maybe she’d like a good night?” He sneered at you, moving closer to Vanessa, who looked extremely uncomfortable.
You struck, ringed fingers connecting with his smug face. He stumbled, looking shocked as blood poured from his nose. Blue eyes met brown in an icy glare. Those dark lashes fringed the scariest stare you’d ever seen on anyone, and his lips curled into a psychotic smile.
Billy roared with laughter, scaring you and Vanessa, who looked terrified and more. “You little bitch... don’t know when to quit do you? You’ve got more fight than Harrington, I’ll grant you that.” He lunged for you, fist nearly connecting with your nose as you ducked.
You ran the opposite way, out of the door, as the kids inside yelled at Billy for trying to hit you. Looking back, you saw him stumble out of the door, sporting a black eye and more blood on his mouth. Maybe Vanessa hit him. Something in you stirred, and you felt a little bad.
He leaned against the house, and held a can to his face. Damn, you knew how to fight. He chuckled, wincing when the smile pulled his split lip. Maybe she wasn’t so bad, if she was really willing to punch him in the face. Most of the bitches in Cali just let him do whatever he wanted, no one questioning his reign.
You were different, feisty, but you did really care for your friend. Billy didn’t mean to push you so far, he was just being a jackass to be a jackass, and Vanessa wasn’t his type. Neither were you, but messing with you was fun. He didn’t expect to get whacked though.
He noticed movement in his field of vision, and looked up. You had walked back towards him.
“Hey, asshole.”
“What do you want?”
“To apologize. Is your nose okay?”
“Why do you care?”
You looked him in the eye.
“You remind me of a lion that got hurt and is fighting to keep his place as king.”
“Okay.” He looked at the ground, as you sat in front of him. You reached out to pat his knee.
“Did you really mean that about Vanessa? If you did, I’ll match that black eye.”
He laughed again, rolling his eyes.
“As if. She’s not my type,” he stared at you, as if he was trying to communicate telepathically. He was weird, you had to admit.
You shuffled closer, and hesitantly held out your hand to pet his hair. He nodded, so you pushed your fingers through his curls.
“Your hair is soft.”
“This is weird.” He grunted in agreement. “So... sorry for almost breaking your nose.”
“Have you gotten into fights before?”
“Yeah,” he looked sad as he said that, an odd look on someone who is so intimidating. You decided to push it.
“With who?”
“My dad.”
“I’m sorry.”
You felt even worse now. Billy Hargrove, resident asshole hid under this mask, and now you’d just almost broken his nose. Jesus. “Can I ask you what your type is? I don’t like you like that, just curious.” You wanted to know more about him, at least more than he let on.
“Hah, you don’t wanna know.”
“Yes I do.”
His head tilted up to look you in the eye. Blue met brown again, but less icy, and more, scared. Why should he be scared?
“You aren’t one of those types are you?”
“What? A homo?” You jokingly asked, but regretted when he flinched. “Oh, no, dude I was joking. I mean I’m not a homo, but I’m not totally into guys-“ oh fuck now you’d done it. How in the ever loving fuck did you fuck that up.
Surprisingly, you didn’t immediately get called “Fag”, or something like that. Instead you got a shocked looking Billy, staring into your face.
“You aren’t straight?”
“Uhh, no?”
“Oh-“, and now you had a sobbing hunk of a teen boy on your lap. Who hurt this poor kid? You stroked his hair, quite surprised at how this night ended up.
“Hey, Billy? Are you alright? What’s wrong?” You grabbed his shoulders to lift him up, but he just dug his face into your shoulder. “Uh, Billy?” Running your fingers through his hair seemed to calm him down, so you kept that up. Stroking the soft, fluffy curls like a cat, while he cried into your shoulder.
Thank god no one walked out.
As his cries lessened, you hugged him tight. “Are you okay?” You asked, full of genuine concern for a boy you’d wanted dead two hours ago. He looked up, cheeks tear stained, and eyes red. He nodded, and hugged you.
“I’ve been so, so scared of anyone finding out about it since we moved. That I’m... not straight.” He sniffled, looking rather pathetic. You felt pride that he told you, but concerned about him bottling it up.
You smiled, and decided to joke. “Well, here I am... are you full homo, or half, like me?” He grinned shakily. “Half, I guess.”
“Well, than we make a whole homo together, how about that?”
He laughed at that, throwing his head back, nearly hitting it on the wall. “I guess we do, Queenie.”
“Better than bitch.” He stuck his tongue out, rather childishly at you, and you laughed.
“Wanna go home?” You asked, willing to hang out with a new friend for a little bit. His laughing demeanor vanished, replaced by fear. He shook his head, curls bouncing. You put your hands up in surrender. “Do you want to go to my house? My parents aren’t home.”
“Can we watch Rocky?”
“Sure, ya goof.”
That Monday was weird. Everyone was on edge at you and Billy being friends, especially after getting into a fight at Tommy’s party on Saturday. They all thought you two had gotten together or something, and just shared power now.
In actuality, it was two gays just being friends, and helping each other out with dates and decking evil parents. Cute.
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bruhhemianrhapsody · 5 years
final stranger things 3 thoughts
so i’ve slept finally and maybe cried a bit more and like? i figure i should actually talk abt what i liked instead of shit posting lmao. obviously this post contains spoilers under the cut. y’all have been warned.
first off i just wanna say, plot wise, this season was the strongest by far. while i’m really unhappy with how the duffers handled the writing of their characters (which i’ll talk more about later) the story line and plot devices they used to pull off this season are absolutely superb. episode by episode and together as whole i find it was really well paced and well executed. the fact that they had more than one antagonist—and not the “”human antagonist”” bullshit they pulled with billy in s2—makes it all that more interesting to watch and i think that’s what really what keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. with such an extensive cast of characters they were really able to pull off having two separate stories really, really, impressively well. this season was the most gory yet—and i’m totally here for it. the cgi was 11/10 and maybe this is just bcuz im a fucking weirdo but the monsters this season were the best they’ve ever been. shit kicks ASS.
that being said, they don’t know how to write good character development and it SHOWS. most of the characters this season come off so one-sided and lacking substance. specifically for me this was the worst with steve, at least up until the final few episodes. it feels like they turned him into comedic relief for absolutely no reason, and his only motivation the whole time is girls girls girls. the last few episodes were better, more so after robin came out, but the whole time he just kind of feels like an empty shell of a person with no substance whatsoever. same goes for mike, i get that eleven has always been the biggest part of his story, but to make him even remotely believable there just needed to be something else for me. idk, almost everybody this season kind of fell short for me, including billy. the writing didn’t do jack shit for him, and the only thing that i think really separated him from the rest was dacre’s performance. of fucking course i’m biased, but the low budget redemption arc that was given to billy really would’ve never worked without dacre’s skill to back it up.
specific scenes i really enjoyed? the sauna scene and billy’s death scene obviously. for once i’ll give them credit for writing these scenes very well, and of course props to dacre and sadie and millie for just? being able to invoke so much emotion. i also really enjoyed the will/mike scene out in the rain (gay rights or whatever). the whole alexei/hopper/joyce/murray dynamic and all of their scenes were also top notch, we stan.
anyway literally fuck the duffer brothers fuck them that ending was such a cop out, and probably the only part of the plot i really hated. for the obvious reason that they killed my boy billy, which by the way? fuck that. stop killing off victims of abuse for shock value and “”redemption””, write stories about victims getting help and victims getting better instead of taking the easy route and have them die the hero. stop treating trauma like a throw away plot device you can use and then ignore. also like? fuck them for making robin gay. like yeah okay i would die for her i love her and i’m glad we have representation and maybe i’m salty because i wanted billy to be that person for this show, but it just feels like representation for the woke points, not because it’s important to the story. i dont know some of y’all might hate me for this but it would’ve been so much more impactful if it was billy. they set it up perfectly, the whole max and billy blaming each other for leaving cali (which never gets explained, also, but in my brain it would’ve worked really well if say, max caught billy with a boy and ratted to neil), the weird thing between steve and him (which the duffers had to pull a quick no homo on lmao), the agressive queer coding in all of his scenes in general, not just with steve (i’ll die on the hill that the scene with heather’s family was absolutely born out of internalized homophobia. as well as him going after karen, that shit reeks of repression and denial), his dad calling him a f*ggot (which i mean sure it’s the 80’s, but it’s seems like a very pointed insult to me) and the whole toxic masculinity thing he’s got going on that just feels like too much to write it off as it just being the 80’s. it just really felt like the duffers cut off something that could’ve been so powerful and important, for no reason other than no homo. idk it just? rubs me the wrong way.
this season was good, but it’s just could’ve been so much better and i’m just? disappointed but not surprised at this point. idk it just feels empty and hollow and i can’t imagine what they’re gonna do with s4 now that everything is just kind of? eh whatever. i think i’m gonna go take another depression nap and then maybe come back to cry abt my boy some more lmao. fuck the duffer brothers.
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Harringrove AU // Steve && Billy watch Queer Eye
i try and make one headcanon and then this shit happens 
So for the sake of this it’s a modern au because I want like early twenties billy and steve
Okay but we need to talk about like queer eye is a seriously emotional show, and when it comes to being a queer person watching the show like it fucking hits you hard no matter the circumstances
So imagine being billy. Constantly thrown around, beat, spit on by his own fucking father just because he happened to be attracted to men. 
Growing up and not being allowed to show your feelings, so being a robot with the idea of fucking respect hammered into your head and then only knowing how to get your emotions out through fucking explosive outbursts
And then fast forward to meeting steve and them reconciling and getting the fuck out of Hawkins
And they’re in their own little crappy apartment in cali but billy and steve fucking love it, it’s tiny and they’ve got weird neighbors and you’ve got to call the maintenance guy like six times before he even answers but it’s theirs and no one is going to take it away from them
And billy is happy with steve, happy to hold his hand and call him his boyfriend, but the whole like pride thing is hard for him because what does he have to be proud of? Like sure he’s gay and maybe that’s not horrible but neil fucking Hargrove is still sitting in the back of his head so like he’s trying but he’s not all ‘rainbow happy’ (billy’s words) like steve is
It’s like three years before he can even get billy to go to anything gay pride related but billy does and he loves it because for the first time he feels completely safe in a room. He’d only ever felt that with steve
But billy still lives in his head most days, “it’s fine that we’re gay but can we not show it off”
Most of the time anything queer related that comes up he watches to humor steve because he figures it means something to steve, so they go through the fucking gay section on Netflix, and he lets him put a fucking rainbow bumper sticker on the car but some days billy still doesn’t know how to face being a big old homo and the only reason he’s okay with it is because he could never see anything wrong with loving steve. One look at steve and he’s at peace, because it’s legit impossible not to fall in love with steve Harrington, fucking asshole
So he plops down in the couch, his hair wrapped up in a towel, another towel on his waist, and he ignores steve groaning when he sits on the couch and gets it all wet, ignores steve bitching over billy stealing his nachos and says “what’re we watching?”
And steve says queer eye and billy just rolls his eyes and grumbles. And steve pauses it and is just like “the fuck is your problem?” and billy is like “I get it stevie, like we’re here we’re fucking queer, can we fucking move on?” and in the past steve would have started a fight because billy is being an asshole but over the years he’s learned that billy is just being a shit because it’s one of those fucking days, so instead steve scoots closer to him, shoves more nacho’s in his boyfriend’s mouth and says “just give it a chance asshole”
And let me tell you what starts out as billy making comments about how hot they are progresses into “fuck off harrington, you couldn’t be tan if you tried, you’re a total bobby. Jesus fucking Christ, accept it, this is like golden girls all over again!” “fuck off I’m blanche and you know it!” “you are rose, you fucking dumbass”
and then billy is constantly crying and steve only points it out three times, he knows because his shoulder is bruised in three different places, before he learns to just shut the fuck up and play the next episode
“baby why are you crying?” “I’m not, fuck off Harrington” “you just watched karamo propose, didn’t you?” “…no?”
speaking of karamo, they start buying so many bomber jackets, like they start to outnumber the amount of denim billy has in the closet it’s become that much of a thing
“steve if you put another facemask on me I swear to god I’m not fucking you for a year” “you know that music video they did?” “how the fuck is that relevant?” “well you haven’t seen it right? I figured we could watch it” “okay and?” “Antoni wears a crop top in it. I’ll be getting dick in like twenty minutes” “just give me the fucking face mask”
“I just got called ‘the avocado guy’s boyfriend’ trying to buy lube. You need to stop” “name one antoni inspired snack I have made that you didn’t like and I’ll stop” “I hate you” “That’s what I thought”
Steve rearranges the furniture constantly. They’ve had new curtains at least three times in the last month. “We can’t afford all this shit you keep getting, pick a design and stick to it” “calm down I know a guy” “jesus Christ Harrington, people say that about their drug dealer, not some guy who gives you fake plants and crystal paperweights” “You said I’m bobby, so let me be bobby”
“you said you wanted more shampoo right? what kind?...no steve they don’t have that kind...yes i fucking know, no sulfates...stop bringing jvn into this i knew no sulfates before that...yes i did...pretty boy we got tied for best hair in our high school yearbook, i’m surprised you didn’t know the no sulfates rule...no, you’re full of shit...oh fuck you and you’re fancy hair, wash it with dish soap for all i care...i am not apologizing!!...fuck you steve...yeah i love you too...OH MY GOD YES, NO SULFATES GOODBYE STEVE”
okay take us to season two coming out alright, and they promised each other they wouldn’t watch it without the other but billy is an impatient child and he was totally gonna play the “you watched the first couple episodes without me, we’ll just rewatch them calm down babe” card, flutter his fucking eyelashes
but then steve comes home to billy with his knees pulled to his chest crying, with the show paused on lil antoni’s face (my angel watching my angel) and he’s going to make a comment about billy being a little shit but then he realizes this is big
like this is billy is shaking and crying so hard he can’t breathe big so he sits down next to him, freaking manhandles billy into his lap and just tries to calm him down and when billy starts breathing normal steve is like “baby what happened, talk to me?”
billy has been having a bad week, max called him bitching about some crappy thing neil said not realizing how much it would fuck with billy’s head, that was Tuesday, it’s Friday, and steve knows that he still doesn’t feel better. He knew that billy crying was somehow connected to that too but he wasn’t sure what he’d missed.
“it’s stupid” is all billy says before hiding his face in steve’s chest again and honestly steve’s wasn’t surprised because billy gets like that and it sucks but he deals with it. 
He rewinds the show just a little, hoping that maybe that could help put some pieces together because what else is he supposed to do when he’s got a lap full of distressed billy Hargrove and Netflix as his only clue?
[Antoni] she thought her faith told her to judge somebody who’s gay. But she chose to see past that, and she saw the individual. She saw the person that her son is and she changed her mind. She says that it was a religious experience, but she made that choice. Not all parents do that.
Steve froze. fuck. his poor baby
She saw the person that her son is and she changed her mind.
Not all parents do that.
Their parents didn’t do that. Neil Hargrove didn’t do that. He let his hate determine his relationship with his son rather than let his son affect how he looked at the world. 
Neil didn’t love Billy and seeing a mother that put away her prejudice to love her son could be comforting, or it could make the sting of things like Neil hurt even more.
“aw baby” “told you, it’s stupid” “honey it’s not stupid, that’s not stupid at all”
Billy and Steve stay curled up like that for awhile, until billy stops shaking and the tears stop spilling and he’s exhausted. “come on, let’s get you to bed, we can watch this later” “no, wanna finish it.” “you sure?” “yeah, she’s nice, wanna see her happily ever after or whatever” “alright but new rule” “oh, and what’s that king steve?” “you’re not allowed to watch it without me anymore” “thought that was already a rule” “it is, but you’re a fucking brat so I’m just letting you know I mean it”
billy loves steve for making things playful instead of dragging out what had happened. they both knew billy was hurting, they knew why, and they also knew billy was not in a place to talk about it so steve held him, billy cried some more, they watched one more episode, and then they went to sleep in their bed in their room in their apartment where neil hargrove could never hurt billy again
Steve doesn’t point out that billy has gotten a lot better about expressing his feelings after watching queer eye. Casually mentions that the show means a lot to different people, a subtle hint that it’s okay to care that much without calling billy out for it
Also imagine the boys meeting the fab 5
billy thinks he’d be so cool with the guys but if he ever met the fab five he would cry so fucking hard and cling to steve shyly and billy is in a crop top and combat boots and he doesn’t realize that he’s clinging to steve until he feels steve squeeze his hip and “you look so hot today” “don’t worry, I used the waterproof mascara on you” all the reassurance and praise
he thanks them like a lot and blushes and it’s so precious billy is not a tough boii he is a shy boii
steve is a confident protective proud boyfriend he will show off his boyfriend and casually chat while giving billy time to calm down
omg but billy feeling more confident because of the boys so like he lets steve play around with makeup on him and do fancy stuff with his hair and like I said he wears crop tops omg matching crop tops crop top boyfriends
“you better French tuck that shirt or put on a different one” “steve when I said I liked it when you got bossy this is not what I meant” “WWTD” “I know I know, what would tan do? Speaking of, change your fucking shoes”
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA AU [self insert]
Nani the heck is this? read here!
Chapter 1: *plays Joji’s Yeah Right*
“...and heres your living quarters, fully furnished and with groceries that’ll last a while” said my case worker as I meekly followed next to them.
“thank you! its really nice.” I said, trying to not sound sad.
“I know its tough being young and by yourself, but I believe in you Miss Palma! Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have questions or need other arrangments.”
“thank you for your kind words, I’ll keep that in mind” I said as politely as I could because I knew I wasn’t going to call them for shit. “Ill get my luggage out of my car, its not much so I’ll be fine if you need to leave”
“oh alright, Ill leave you to settling in and remember that a UA staff will be coming by with your uniforms tomorrow in the afternoon.”
oh jeez I forgot about that, not looking forward to get fat shamed in this country, let alone by a school staff. “oh right! it almost slipped my mind that here you wear uniforms in high school! hehe thank you for the reminder!”
“no problem! Bye bye”
oof! I was getting tired of pretending to be polite to that case worker. The past 3 months has been tough with the whole being sent away from my family and finding a school with nearby housing. At least I can sleep well without thinking where I’ll end up next. I unpack my 3 suitcases of clothes, personal belongings, cosmetics and other nessities. I take out my framed photo of my family and place it on my bed stand, I miss them and the doggos. I try not to cry and continue to put my things away. I made myself dinner, took a bath and laid in bed; and I’m thinking if I should call my parents to tell them I got settled. I checked the time, it was 4am their time, I sent a text instead. 
[Hola mama y papa! ya estoy en mi apartamento, es muy lindo. Llama me cuando puedas, te extrano mucho y tambien a los doggos!]
I haven’t talked to my parents in a week because of the whole phone arrangement and being too busy with the entrance exam. Now I guess I’ll sleep and do some school supply shopping after meeting with the staff member.
-the next day-
Its saturday and its gloomy out and I wake up thinking, great! even the sky knows its going to be a rough day today! I get dressed, eat and gluzzle down my daily 2 cups of coffee. I scroll through my private social media handles to check on my friends, looks like they’re having fun, without me. I suck in the tears because I know DAMN well they’re sad I’m gone too. I distract myself with memes and I think maybe I should make some tea? and some cookies too? do i even have tea? I go through the cupboads and pantry, the case worker wasn’t kidding when they said that I had groceries that’ll last a while! I had 2 different types of tea, dry pastas, canned goods, snacks and some traditional ingredients for japanese and mexican cusine. I go searching for a kettle or teapot and I find a juicer in the way back of the top cupboard. There was a note on the juicer that said ‘to the next tenant, my wife didn’t want to take this big, messy thing to our next place, hope you find use out of this!’ I laugh at the idea that there was probably a lovers quarral over the juicer. I make tea and some green juice, just so I can get rid of the bundle of kale in the fridge, I hate kale. I make some cookies too but its just so I can get my mind off things since I was so nervous on meeting this staff member. Right on the dot, at 3pm, theres a knock at my door. I look through the peep hole and I see this woman with blue eyes and dark purple-ish, black hair in busniess causal attire. I open the door and put on my best ‘everything is ok’ face.
“hello! are you Miss Palma?”
“yes I am! are you the UA staff member with the uniforms?”
“I am! its so nice to meet you, I am Kayama sensei or better know as Midnight”
“Midnight? Ok um, would you like to come inside?”
“oh yes, thank you! Now I understand that you live alone?” she said as she walked in to the apartment.
“yes thats correct, I got here yesterday and settled in”
“oh wow, and at such a young age! Well If you need anything or need to talk about anything thats bothering you, please let me know! This whole you being separated from family and home worries me” She said in the most sincer tone that I almost started crying. I haven’t heard single person talk to me so genuinely since I left America and I need a trusted adult to help me, I heavily considered her offer.
“oh thank you for your offer, I might need some help in a few weeks BUT for now, may I offer you some tea? coffee? green juice? maybe some cookies?”
“green? juice? whats in it? I’ve never heard of green juice before”
“oh right! its a California health culture thing. Its the juice of pinapple, apple, kale, lemon and cucumber. The combination of the fruits and vegetables is for a healthy disgestive system and energy for before or after exersize”
“that sounds tasty! Ill have green juice please”
I serve her the juice and sit across from her in the living room. I see the clothing bags and think that thats alot of clothing bags just to give me 3 sets of uniforms. She drinks the juice and wanted to say something about my expression when I saw the bags but her eyes widened and she looked at the cup of juice.
“OH MY GOODNESS! this is the best and freshest juice I’ve ever had NO JOKE! You said this is a thing where you’re from? I need to invest in a juicer to make this at home!” she said so shocked and I was surprised to recieve the praise like I invented the juice.
“I’m glad you like it! Its like a little slice of my hometown to me to you” 
“oh? ok back to business! I see you eyeing the uniforms, you want to try them on? I brought some sizes up and down from the given mesurements.”
“um ok sure! Let me take these to try on in my room, ill be right out”
I take the bags to my room and I zip them open and I see the white collared shirts, gray blazer looking thing and skirts. I think oh jeez my ass is definately not gonna fit in these bitches. I put on the shirt and blazer that best fit and lastly the skirt, SUPRIZE! you can see my ass cheeks hanging out from the bottom. I walk out of the room to Midnight.
“ok so I found a shirt and top that fits well on me BUT the skirt...” and I turn around and show her my exposed ass cheeks peeking underneath.
“oh dear, thats definately not in regulation! Ok so you need a longer skirt? like... another 6 inches?” she said as she takes out a measuring tape from her purse.
“um yea, if thats doable”
“it is but we won’t have that ready until the 1st day of classes, so I guess for now, try on the pants and see if any of those fit”
Great. I’m going into a new school, misgendered and foreign passing. 2 of the pants in the clothes bag fit well....too well. We said our good byes and I had at least 2 sets of uniforms ready until I get a proper pair. No matter, at least my ass won’t be hanging out at school. I go school supply shopping and came upon the holy grail of stationary, SCENTED PAPER AND GLITTER PENS. Of course in the pastel rainbow colors and matching lead pencils. I get a whole matching set along with a backpack, water bottle and coffee tumbler. I was going to soon regret that matching set (more on that later) but I was just SO happy that I was pink, pretty and sparkly. 
-Fast forward to the 1st day-
I was in a much better mood because the sun was out, the coffee smelled particularly good, I made myself look cute but toned down for a good 1st day impression. I grab my keys and think I think I’m forgeting one detail? What could it be? and I thought Oh! I need to text my parents that I’m happy and I’m going to school now! I am noticably happy that the nice front desk lady of my housing noticed and wished me luck on my 1st day. I get in my car and I have 1 hour to get to school but its only a 8 minute drive and I wanted to circle to find parking and see where the entrance is so I can teleport from wherever I parked. I pass the gates before seeing the parking and I think oh cool its just right there! but Ill still teleport in the front. I park and I don’t even get out of my car, I just hug my backpack and teleport in front of the gates. I start walking toward the gates and try to not smile like an idiot but I start to notice all the looks and stares. And I think oh they just don’t recongize me because I look foreign or didn’t see me at the entrance exams. As a enter the 1st year doors I hear 
‘yo you see that guy? he looks as pretty as a girl! Guess his favorite color is baby pink? Are they wearing eyeliner? I wonder how long is his hair? That bun is tastful, no homo tho!’
I FORGOT THAT PANTS ARE THE BOY’S UNIFORM AND MY SKIRTS ARE STILL BEING TAILORED! I socially already fucked up, guess I won’t be making friends anytime soon. But I guess I’m glad they think I’m a pretty girl in the boy’s uniform? I walk up to the table at the furthest hall on the right that says International Student Check In thats me. I get greeted by a man with a boombox looking thing on their neck, black pants and jacket, small triangle sunnies and yellow hair. 
“HEEYYY welcome to UA!”
“oh thank you! I am Itati Palma, American student”
“okay lets see, palma palma paruma AH found you! OH YOURE THAT JAZZY SAX GIRL THAT TURNED HERO!”
oh jeez who put that on my record?! “hehehe yea thats me”
“coolio jazzy girl! Heres your schedule, pins and a note from Midnight”
“yeeeaahh! pins to put on your uniform to let other students and staff where youre from and get to know you better!”
I open the small manila pouch into my hand and two pins fall into my palm, the American and Mexican flag. I look at them and tried not to cry, I missed my home and chill life in Cali.
“hey hey! your classes are on the 3 hall on the right, door all the way down.”
“oh right!” that snapped me out of my sentiment, “thank you again! Mr?”
“they call me Mic sensei”
“Mic? ok thanks!”
I walk quickly to my classroom, I get to the outside of the door and think welp, heres to 3 years of being called pretty boy and other dumb shit. I open the door and I see 9 desks and 5 people already there. Oh jeez, what a small class size but at least nobody is staring at me. I sit in the middle seat, though I prefer the front desk but they were already claimed! Guess classroom culture is different here too. In front of me was a boy to what I thought was a Japanese native until they turned and I caught a glimpse of their pin, they’re Korean! They noticed my pins too and had a confused look as they gave me a once over.
“You’re an...american? and mexican? You traveled quite a ways”
“um yeah hehe, I am Itati Palma by the way!”
“hmm, nice to meet you Palma-san, I’m Jin Matsui”
“nice to meet you too!”
Before I could ask them where in Korea are they from, the door slammed open. A tall and muscular white-blonde girl walked in, I tried so hard not to stare at them but they looked so tough and wondered if that’s part of their quirk. She sat behind me and Jin and I turned around to get a better look at them. I saw their pins, the Russian and Japanese flag, shes also a foreign student. She looked up with a death stare at me and Jin but then her eyes widened and she smiled. 
“ah! fellow foreigners! Hello!” she spoke in a predominate Russian accent that matches so well with her image.
“um yeah! Hello, I’m Itati Palma”
“Hi, and I’m Jin Matsui”
“Palma-san and Matsui-san?Milana Mikhalia Oleshin, very nice to meet you!”
Oh my! A long and hard to pronounce name, I guess we aren’t at nickname or first name basis yet for everything to go smoother. I turn to my bag because I got a text, its my parents!
[Hola mija! Que bien que estas feliz hoy! Te amo y ponde bien en tus studias, dios te bendiga.]
Oh mom, you have no idea how bad I had it earlier. I look around and see everyone has nice, canvas school bags and I have my baby pink one with a puppy on it. And everyone had normal stationary and you can smell and see mine from across the hall. Oof, what I’d give to redo today. I look at my schedule and see that I have a short school day this semester.
Palma, Itati (F) (International)                             Intelligence Core Program [1-A]
Homeroom......9a-10am..........................................Intelligence Wing, room 1-A
Hero Course [Ethics and Laws].....12p-1:15p...........Hero Wing, room 1-A
Free Period.........2:50p-3:30p.......................................TBA
Intelligence Course[Statistics&Strategy]3:45p-4:40p..Intelligence Wing,room 3-A
Seems like a reasonable schedule, better than America. I didn’t know that Oleshin-san was peeking over my shoulder to read my schedule.
I jumped in my seat “um yea?”
“I heard about you! The staff and school district are boasting that they got the potentially genius level international students. They said that theres 2 of them here at UA and they are jumping straight into course work! One has placed college level English and 3rd year Level Strategtic Thinking! And thats you!”
Jin turns around, looking bootytickled “erm, what? Let me see your schedule.”
He scans and compares it to his “well theres proof that you are one of those students, but then again, so am I”
I take a look at his, almost identical except they’re not taking the hero course, but second year english. What a weird turn of events that I’d be in the same class as other international students in the same school arrangments? I guess they’re my friends now.
A clean cut man in a blue jumpsuit with multiple patches on the arms opens the door. I just knew they were our teacher, it shows that he’s been through it all and has wisdom to bestow upon us. 
“Hello, good morning students, if you could all take your seats so I can get things started”
Everyone fell into place and was attentive.
“Welcome to the Intelligence Program, You can call me Diya sensei, I’m a retired secret service of Japan better known as Agent 99 code name ‘Space Cowboy’”
I tried so hard not to laugh at that code name, I wondered why he was called that. Maybe his quirk?
“Now to take roll, say present when I say your name”
He finished roll and said “huh, 3 international students? I expect impeccable work from you three. I won’t slow down for you”
I somehow wasn’t scared of that statement. Before moving on to explaining the coursework and lessons, a lizard bolted from the window and to Diya sensei. He let out one of the most high pitched yelps and retreated to the corner. How can a man so sharp and decorated, be reduced to a crying mess over a lizard? Matsui-san captures the fast lizard and wraps it in his gym towel to take outside after homeroom. Sensei regains his composure and continues class like nothing happened. After homeroom, we all had weaponery but we didn’t get to use any gear or weapons yet. Instead we got measured for our jumpsuits and PE clothes plus got settled in the locker rooms. To my surprise it was co-ed locker rooms since it was a small class size and only 3 girls. Everyone was respectful of eachother’s bodies and privacy. Next I was supposed to go to the ethics class but in Midnight’s note, she said that I start that class on Wednesday so for the time being, I have to report to the staff room to meet with them. I go to the staff room and on the way I see a class doing drills with quirks outside, it looked fun and everyone looked so focused. I get to the staff room and Midnight hands me my tailored skirts and 3rd set of uniform. I also got to know the other teachers and staff including the principal, a big ass fuckin rat. I was about to punt that bitch when they opened the door if they didn’t start talking. Other than that, it was a nice time and then there was lunch. I walked in the cafeteria and saw the long ass lines and said ‘fuck that’, so I teleported to my car and ate my packed food in there. Next was my free period, Midnight said that it was alright for me to wander around campus so I can get to know the place better so I can teleport from class to class. I wander around without my bag, just my phone and schedule with school map folded in my pocket. I go to the hero wing to find the 1-A room, nobody was in there, maybe its gym time for them? I pass by a group of 3 upper classmen, A boy with black hair and pointy ears, a taller boy with lemon colored hair and a girl with long sky blue hair. They all looked at me as I passed by and I felt intimidated because they have a strong presence to them but I didn’t know why or how. I hid behind the corner and heard them talking about me,
“did you see that? I made accidental eye contact and I think I’m going to be sick”
“hmm, do you think thats the international student Mirio? They had an american flag pin”
“Maybe? Theres no description of them other than they’re American and a 1st year in the Intelligence program”
“wait, sceret service? I thought they saved their school from a gang by disabling the leader? Why are we interested in her again Mirio?”
“She’s a true hero Amajiki! We could learn alot from her and maybe change their mind to be a hero, like they were meant to be”
What the heck was that Lemon boy going off about? A hero? Change my mind? Learn from me? I turned the corner to tell them off but they were gone and I wasn’t about to go looking for them. I wander some more and the bell rings and a swarm of students come out of their classrooms, I couldn’t naviagate around and I think, guess Ill teleport, BUT THEN I COULDN’T! Like when I was acting up back home and my mom would use her erasure quirk on me to prevent me from escaping. But my mom couldn’t be here!? Then what the fuck is going on? Then a man’s voice from behind me spoke,
“are you lost young lady?”
I turn around and I’m shaking in fear before I even see this mystery man. I see him and he’s a tall, dark long haired with eye bags. I knew right away he was the one who erased my quirk, his eyes glowed the same way my mom did when she activated her quirk. Mom i thought and how much I missed her and I couldn’t hold back my tears this time. I cried in front of this man I just met. He arched his brow then gazed his eyes on my flag pins. He gasped and deactivated his quirk.
“oh no I’m sorry Miss! I didn’t mean to scare you to tears, are you alright?”
I stammered “um uhhhh -sniff- I’m, I’m ok! um I’ll just leave” 
“no please, let me escort you to your next class, I feel terrible for making you cry. Especially on the 1st day”
I felt sort of better when he offered, I let him walk with me.
“you didn’t scare me, I cried because you and my mother have the same quirk and looking at your glowing eyes reminded me of her and how much I miss her”
“oh! same quirk you say? Were you a trouble maker?”
“nah, I would try to teleport away when it was time to do housework when I was younger and she’d disable my quirks so I couldn’t escape and HAD to do chores”
He laughed “what a woman! Say, your not from around here huh?”
“nope, I’m from America with hispanic roots”
“OH! you’re an ethnic American! That’s why you have two flags.”
“yup, I got here about a week ago and settled about 3 days ago”
“yeah, Midnight told me about you. You’re a very unique indivdual, how are your classes so far?”
“nothing interesting yet”
“well hopefully things pickup soon, oh i think this is your wing”
“um oh yea it is, thank you for walking me over, Mr?”
“Mr Aizawa, or better known as Eraserhead”
“Eraserhead? um ok thanks again!”
“no problem, see you wednesday”
“yea, I’m the Hero Course ethics teacher. See you then!”
Then this man deadass walks away after dropping that bomb on me? What a legend, can’t wait to sit in his class. My last class was more up my alley and the upperclassmen were so nice that I didn’t feel any different from them. I walked to my car to reflect on all the shit that happened today and what I am going to do to make school bearable. The drive to my place was pleasant but I saw a bunch of students walking together like they just became friends and wanted to spend more time together. I felt a little lonely when I got home, I remembered when I was in america and I would talk to my friends after school and how they’d wait for me after band practice to hang out. I took off my uniform and hanged up my new ones and had one really good cry. I haven’t cried that hard in months and it was much needed for my mental health. I washed up and ate and tried to just forget all the dumb shit of the day when I laid down to sleep.
-fast foward to Wednesday-
“hey Palma-san! did you do the online homework for stats and strats?”
“yee, did you?” I said knowing damn well what Matsui-san was going to say.
“psh! course I did, I was just making sure you did it so you might have something to do during free period”
“HEY! T-posing through the halls IS a viable thing to do! I was studying where everthing is on campus for future use”
Before I could retort back, Oleshin-san butted in,
“aye Palma-san, you excited for your hero course class?”
“oof yee, the teacher is kinda hot”
“I SAW and I’m jealous! You have to tell me if the boys in that class are hot too!”
“ugh, don’t you two have better things to talk about than butts and boys?”
“I’m so excited tho! To meet anybody thats outside our program and learning new things?! I just hope they like me, I even made them cookies”
“Palma-san nani the heck!? I want a cookie”
“You guys can get a cookie during lunch if theres any leftovers”
I quickly change after weapons class and bolt to the hero wing. I walk down the hall and I’m really feeling nervous! I look at my coffee tumbler and felt calmer as I took a sip. Ok Ita, you can do this, no chickening out now I psych myself up as I stand in front of the door. I open the door, expecting everyone to be strewn about and talking...nope. I walk in and everyone is in their seats and sensei was standing up in the front and I disrupted them. Everyone was staring and I instantly get flushed and I check to make sure I was in the right classroom and said,
“did I fuck up?”
“no actually I was just talking about you, perfect timing!” said Aizawa with a smile. “why don’t you come up and introduce yourself?”
“um ok” I said as I scanned the room. I got up to the front, chugged down my coffee for dominance, did a quick spin for drama and put on my ‘I swear I slept a normal amount of sleep last night’ face. 
“Hi hello~ My name is Itati Palma and I’m from America! The reason I don’t look like one is because my ethnic background is hispanic, or in other words, both of my parents are from Mexico but I was born in America. My quirk isn’t the strongest or the most useful BUT I can be of better help in other parts of combat, so please, we don’t have to be friends but lets all work hard together” I bow respectfully and turn to sensei.
“nice speech kid, you can take the seat on the third row”
“um ok thanks”
As I’m walking toward my seat, sensei walks out saying he’ll be right back with more handouts. I sit and I feel all eyes on me, giving me the once over. The person in front of me has a bird head but normal human body from the neck down, the person behind me has half their face covered with multiple limbs and the person on my left has red spiky hair and was staring REALLY hard at me. I almost didn’t want to look at them until sensei came back, I just sat there blushing really hard.
“Kirishima! stop staring at her! Can’t you see you’re making her uncomfortable?!” said the boy with glasses making chopping motions.
“Oh sorry! Its just that I’ve never seen curly hair of that type in person, you have really nice hair and your backpack is cute”
“um thank you, I feel sorta out of place with it tho, everyone else has normal bags”
“tch, makes you look like a little girl” muttered the boy with the blonde hair.
“Kacchan thats so rude! I think their choice of bag is cute and different in a good way” said some broccoil looking ass.
“well um, not to change the subject, but I made you guys cookies! I got up extra early to bake them”
“Cookies?! oh how sweet of you!” joked the pink girl.
“Oh here, let me help you with that” said the boy with glasses as he stood up.
“oh no I got this” I take out a package of colorful napkins and the box of cookies and I toss the napkins up and activate my quirk to pass out the napkins. Then I opened the box and gave everyone a cookie and gave sensei 3.
“so cool! you passed out the treat without getting up!” squealed what I assume to be the invisible girl.
“THESE COOKIES ARE SOOO YUMMY TOO!” proclaimed the boy with a black streak in their yellow hair.
Everyone was in a better mood and I got compliments for my cookies, I was in my happy place. After class, as I was packing my bag, the boy with the glasses came up to my desk
“thank you for the cookie, Palma-san, you really know how to bring a crowd together”
“oh thank you, uhhhhh”
“hm? OH my name is Tenya Iida, sorry I forgot to introduce myself earlier”
“Iida-san? oh its alright, its nice to meet you” 
“I haven’t seen you around halls, sensei tells us your in a different program? Is it true?”
“Yes its true, also the school is kinda big and I can be easy to miss in a crowd because I’m so short”
“I see, well its lunch time! May I walk you to the lunch room?”
“oh thank you but I usually eat in the parking lot” I soon regreted my words because this square faced, glasses wearing ass gasped and grabbed me by the wrist followed by dragging me down the hall.
“You’ve been by yourself during such social time?! Now I have a better reason to bring you to the lunch group!”
“eating by yourself isn’t a huge deal” I say but looking back, thats all I’ve been doing.
“A true hero never lets a fellow classmate eat alone!”
I get aggitated and retort “well what if they want to be alone!” as I teleport out of his grip and 3 feet behind him. He sees the whole thing and stopped on the dime, he was shocked.
“you, you used your quirk to escape my grip? What is your quirk exactly?”
“Heck, um its Mid-range Telekinesis, I can levitate, levitate others and objects and teleport about 2 miles at a time.”
“thats incredible power! what do you mean your quirk isn’t strong or useful?! You’re gifted in so many ways!”
I wasn’t having fun anymore, he wasn’t letting me talk or left me alone when I said I wanted to. 
“please stop”
“hmm? stop what”
“stop, talking about my quirk like I’m some sort of show horse” 
“Show horse? no no no! I didn’t mean to-”
“STOP!” I didn’t want to hear it, I just wanted to hide. Tears were welling up in my eyes.
“what is going on here? Tenya, what are doing to that poor girl?” it was Midnight. “oh no, are you ok Itati?” and I start to cry when she made eye contact with me. 
“its ok, you’re ok! please don’t feel sad” she comforted me as she held me, “why don’t you go to lunch Tenya, I’ll take care of things here”
“but I- I mean-”
“please, she’s been through too much already”
He walked away, looking back every few steps. Midnight escorted me to the staff room so I can calm down a bit and talk about what happened.
“You want to talk about it?” she asked me softly.
“yea, the school culture is too much for me”
“how so? Are you not making friends? Are the classes too hard?”
“its mostly the students outside of my program, they’re too into their hero agenda to be the best that they aren’t considering other’s personal feelings or perfernces”
I then tell her about the 3 upper classmen that talked about me and what Iida told me as they dragged me down the hall.
“oh I see now, it almost feels like you’re being targeted and pressured.”
“yeah, I want to learn about this hero culture more but this is too much at once. It’s strange because back home, I was so used to be part of the crowd and stand out when I wanted to. And here it feels like I breathe a little too loud and I’m suddenly getting looks”
“ok, I’m glad you aren’t giving up. But if they start getting physical and racist, please let any of the staff know.”
“alright, Thank you Midnight! I don’t know what I’d do without you”
I go about my day and tell Matsui and Oleshin what happened after school. They weren’t too keen about it,
“That glasses wearing asshole!”
“yea not good on a future hero if you tell me”
“We got your back Palma-san”
“YEAH! we international students have to stick together, its scary being alone”
“yea Matusi-san is right. If any of those hero asses try any of us, I’ll flex on them and toss them in the trash!” Oleshin-san said as she flexed her strong arms.
“And I can portal us to safety or anywhere really” Matsui-san said as he jumped.
“oh guys! I’m gonna cry again!” I said because I was so touched by their words.
“and I’ll T-pose, screech and rise on them. Maybe levitate them in the trash too”
We all laugh as we flex and T-pose together in the school parking lot. They walked me to my car. We were about to part ways to head home when I said
“hey, um you guys can call me Ita, if you want”
“Ita? then you can call me Jin”
“oh we doing short hand! then you can call me Mimi”
“Jin and Mimi huh? ok! see you guys tomorrow”
“until tomorrow”
As I drove home, I thought Holy shit I just made friends.
-End Chapter 1-
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tuchesuavae · 6 years
A Ol Dirty Bastard story as recounted by Vincent Goldwatch.
“True ODB story...1993 Wu Tang's first time ever in Cali, a few months after releasing 36 chambers....There use to be this event called the Gavin Convention (3 day Hip Hop Show Case). This particular year it was held in San Francisco,Ca, with showcases through out the Bay Area. I was in college and hosted a college radio show and some how came up on backstage passes in order to get "drops" from recording artist for my particular show. How I knew it was there 1st time ever in Cali?....While chopping it up with The GZA and getting hella "drop sound bites" from him, He said "Yo, this is our first time ever coming to Cali and we had no idea we had love like that". Anyways, after about a 30 min convo the homie GZA blessed me with some tickets to see the Wu perform in Oakland the following day. Mind you, at that point the only Wu membersI saw was GZA and Shyhiem the rugged child.(who must have been 15yrs old). The following night I'm at this little hole in the wall club in Oakland,Ca. The spot had a main club area and a smaller adjacent vip type area. I'm posted up dolo in the small VIP spot which had a small Bar but also had a DJ spinning beats. Roughly about 8 people total in there with 3 of them being these local cats standing in front of me in a cypher busting freestyles to the beats. About 10 minuets later I hear the DJ say "We got the Wu Tang in the house". I look towards to bar area and it was all 9 members, plus Poppa Wu and about 15 fine bitches real talk. i see GZA, he nods what up from a distance, I nod back like good looking on the tiks mane. THEN........I see the "OLD DIRTY FUCKIN BASTARDS" who is walking towards me, looking directly at me like he was coming to holla. ODB had on a very stained and wrinkled white T on. I'm talking very dirty, very wrinkled, stains all over it and he was sweating like a moufucka, just pouring sweat. It was odd because all the other members were dressed Wu Tang Fly. He gets like 3 steps from me, turns and head into the lil freestyle cypher which was right in front of me. After hearing about 2 bars from who ever was spitten ODB unleashed retarded drunken style animated theatrical bars at these dudes. Till this day I've never ever scene ANYBODY rhyme like that, completely invaded personal space, It was personal too because he walked up on each one, his face inches from there's. Spit coming out, sweat coming out.....and he was literally hella dirty. Papa Wu comes over and grabs him. Papa Wu emphatically apologizes to the 3 dudes for ODB'S behavior and pulls ODB to the bar area. I could over hear the other Wu cats get at him about "always buggin and fuckin shit up and to chill the fuck out. Think he chilled? NOPE. After telling the other members to fuck off and mind your own fuckin bussiness AND after Papa Wu turned his head this nigga ODB walked right back over to the cypher and got at these dudes AGAIN. But this time he was really on that ODB Drunk style shit, AGAIN...hella hand and body motions, all up in each one grill dam near kissing em(no homo), spit flying, sweat flying, I'm talking SUPER WET SUPER DIRTY ASS WHITE T SHIRT and lyrically fuckin these dudes up saying the most bizzare chit off beat shit. AGAIN...Pappa Wu see's him and comes snatch him up( and a gives the 3 dudes a very very sincere apology on Wu Tangs behalf AGAIN).... TRILL SHIT......after the same rigamaro as before with the other members this nigga creeps off again walks towards these 3 dudes to fuck em up some more, but Papa Wu see's him and grab him before he get to em and tells ODB, "Nigga, knock it off right now before i FUCK YOU UP". ODB says to Papa WU ok and post up right beside me....BUT he faced the wall, I had my back to the wall. I'm just knowing the nigga was gonna try to get at me on some shit because he is ON ONE and standing right next to me. I don't look at him or acknowledge him but i can hear the nigga rhyming, so I turn and peep him. MY NIGGA IS FACING A BRICK WALL LIKE HE ON DETENTION, RHYMING/BATTLING THE WALL, FULL BLOWN SWEAT, SPIT FLYING AND CURSING, THEATRICAL, HAND AND BODY MOTIONS ALL OVER THE PLACE, BUT SAYING SOME DOPE SHIT. This goes on for about 10 min no lie. Then I hear the DJ say "WU TANG TO THE STAGE"....By this time it's about 30-40 people in the VIP Spot. Trill shit.....All 40 plus people plus all 9 Wu Members walk out the VIP to the main club area and ALL of us go on stage. Shit was incredible......but wait we are talking ODB! They did'nt have a DJ, instead they performed off a "DAT" tape (pre recorded instrumentals). Not sure what the 1st song was, but ODB had the 1st verse. About 4 bars into his verse the DAT tape stopped. ODB has a fuckin fit. RZA rewinds the tape and ODB starts spitten. 8 bars in same thing, tape stop. AGAIN ODB flashes, says he gonna kill the sound man(RZA) and demands that the tape be rewind so that he can get his shit off. In fact he says "AIN'T NO FUCKIN BODY ROCKIN UNLESS THE TAPE IS REWIND SO THAT HE CAN GET HIS SHIT OFF! Mind you, he was dripping sweat and hella dirty. NO BODY WAS TRYING TO EVEN STAND CLOSE TO HIM( Wu niggas included) After trying to fix the DAT TAPE for a good 5 min RZA was like fuck it...NEXT SONG. Other Wu niggas nodded in agreement, but ODB was not having it. My nigga goes off on a drunken/high tangent about how the other members always be hating on him, about the people are here to actually see him, NOT the other niggas.....and more importantly "FUCK THAT SHIT GOD, IF I DON'T SPLASH MY VERSE, AIN'T NO BODY SPLASHING" Niggas was trying to grab his mic  an all. Mind you, we/they been on stage a good 15 min now. I see METH talking to Pappa Wu in discuse and then Pappa Wu walks up to ODB and whisper something in his ear. ODB then pauses, looks around then slams the MIC on the stage, breaking it and says" Aight, it's like that my nigga, ok fuck all ya'll bitch ass niggas then, I'm out back to my hotel room.....but yo....which one of ya'll fine Cali bitches wanna come get high with Ason Unique?....and literally bounced out with 4 bitches. THEN....ALL I HEARD WAS" M.E.T.H.O.D MAN " coming from the sound system and the crowed went funkin ballistic in OAKLAND CALIF. SHIT HAPPENED 25 YRS AGO...BEEN AROUND HIP HOP 30YRS....TO THIS DAY MY MOST FAVORITE/MEMORABLE MOMENT IN HIP HOP. THANK YOU ASON UNIQUE...I SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES, HE REALLY REALLY WAS AN OLD DIRTY BASTARD!“
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thatmademadej · 6 years
congrats on your milestones and on completing your exams! for the shyan prompts how about them just having a good time on a road trip? -cctinsley
Wow so this took its sweet time…I started out writing an American version, then got fed up of googling stuff and decided I would write them taking a trip around Scotland, then realised that I was still googling stuff bc I just don’t know shit. @cctinsley I hope you enjoy! I did everything in my power to only do the bare minimum of research. 
“Hey, what if we drove there?”
“What?” Shane turns to face him, pulling his headphones off. “Drove where?”
“To Texas.”
“Because…we can?”
“Ryan, that would take, like, 20 hours.”
“Yeah.” Ryan shuffles his chair closer. “That’s the point. Road trip!”
“I’m the wrong shape for road trips,” Shane says, kicking his legs out to illustrate the point. “I can barely stand the plane.”
“Don’t be a baby,” Ryan says, poking the back of his chair with his foot. “It’ll be fun. I’ve got loads of places to see on the way there.”
“Ghost places or normal places?”
“Normal places, dick.”
“How are we gonna take time off work?”
“You know neither of us have taken a holiday in two years,” Ryan scoffs. “We deserve this!”
“You think I deserve folding myself into a car for 20 hours? 21 hours!” He’d googled it whilst Ryan was distracted.
“We’d stop at things, obviously.”
Ryan pouts, and there it fucking was. Shane can not say no to him.
“Okay, whatever,” Shane says. “Let’s be a cliche.”
They leave early on a Wednesday morning, before Los Angeles has a chance to get really hot and trafficky. The highway east is practically empty, and Shane rolls his window down to get a breeze. Ryan notices him closing his eyes, leaning back against his seat, and smiles.
“Oh god, are we gonna go to Vegas?” Shane says.
“I thought about it, but then I also thought that you would definitely end up getting murked,” Ryan says, hands loose and easy on the steering wheel. “I’ve got something so much better.”
They speed through Arizona, Shane getting out and flapping his limbs around like some eldritch horror whenever they stop for gas.
“Can you…not do that? You’re scaring those children,” Ryan says, pointing his thumb at a car whilst jamming the pump into his Prius with zero mercy.
“Gotta keep my circulation going,” Shane says, shimmying his shoulders. “If my hands fall off I won’t be able to film you huntin’ ghosts.”
Ryan takes them to the Kartchner Caverns, a state park in the south of Arizona - it’s the first real stop after eight hours drive. And he’d been right; Shane would far rather see this than Vegas.
They book a twin room in a motel on the edge of Arizona, right before it becomes New Mexico, and Shane turns to face Ryan in the darkness.
“We could veer a right and just…go to Mexico.” He said.
“We could. We do have to be in Texas on Wednesday, though.” Ryan said, lying on his back and staring at the ceiling.
“Could go back to the Island of the Dolls.”
“Noooooo,” Ryan huffs a laugh, chest rising and falling under the covers.
“But it’s your heritage, Ryan.”
“If it is, then I’m just Japanese,” Ryan chuckles, and then goes still.
“But then you wouldn’t be you,” Shane says, and it must be the right thing to say, because Ryan turns to face him with a soft smile on his face.
“Nah. Wouldn’t be me.”
They leave early the next morning, crossing the border into New Mexico with a cheer from Shane and an exhilarated laugh from Ryan. They hang a north on the I25 and find themselves by the Very Large Array, Shane suspects on purpose.
“If we find aliens, this is how we’re gonna do it,” Ryan says, planting his hands on his hips and staring out across the radio dishes. It’s a weird, weird clash - the tech sat on land that feels older than time itself. The sun is beating down on Shane’s back absolutely mercilessly.
“If we find aliens? Is Ryan Bergara doubting?” He calls, and Ryan punches him lightly in the arm.
“Don’t be a doof,” He says, achingly fond. “They might find us first.”
“Sure,” Shane laughed, shoving his hands in the pockets of his cargo shorts. When it got hot, Shane went full Dad.
The AC in the car is on full blast, all the windows down, and Shane is still melting into his seat. Ryan’s forehead has a light sheen of sweat on it, trickling down over his bare shoulders. His tank top is sticking to his chest.
They stop at a diner, just in hopes that it’ll be colder than the car. It’s not, but Shane orders two ice cream floats and then plants his face in his.
“Jesus Christ!” Ryan says, jumping backwards. “God, I thought you’d died.”
Shane lifts his head, ice cream sticking to his half-beard (he hasn’t shaved since Saturday) and blinks up at him. “What on earth gave you that impression?”
“It’s too fucking hot,” Ryan grumbles, buckling himself back into the Prius. “This was a mistake.”
“Nah,” Shane says, flopping down next to him and kicking his shoes off. His feet are gonna swell up, but he doesn’t care. “It was a good idea. I’m having a good time.”
“Yeah!” Shane exclaims, flailing his hands around at the desert. “Look at all this! I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much of America.”
“Nah, me neither.” Ryan says, staring out at the road through his sunglasses. “Before Unsolved, I hadn’t really left Cali. Except to go to Mexico.”
“I hadn’t even done that,” Shane says, reaching out and slapping him on the shoulder. “We’re growing as people.”
“Ha,” Ryan says. “You’re too old.”
“You’re never too old,” Shane insists. “Even ghosts can have character growth.”
“OH SHIT” Ryan yells, and Shane cracks his head off the roof of the car.
“What the fuck, Bergara?!” He demands.
“Roswell!” Ryan shouts, slamming his hands on the wheel of the car. “We have to stop in Roswell. SHIT!”
“How did you forget that Roswell was in New Mexico?” Shane laughs, intoxicated by how hyped Ryan is.
“I was too fucking excited about the VLA!” Ryan says.
They screech into Roswell in the late afternoon, as the sun dips in the sky. Ryan knows where the spaceship landed - of course he does - and he leaps out of the car, almost forgetting to turn the engine off.
“Ryan, chill.” Shane laughs, unfolding himself at a more leisurely rate. “You’re not gonna be the next person to discover aliens.”
“Nah,” Ryan says, hotfooting it over the desert. “The government are far more vigilant now, especially here.”
“So we’re just - we’re doing conspiracy theories all the time now? IRL?” Shane keeps up easily, taking one step for every one and a half Ryan takes. He suddenly comes to a screeching halt, Shane running into his back with a grunt.
“There’s nothing here.” Ryan says.
“That’s literally what I just said. It’s what you said.”
“I know. It’s just…desert though. Anticlimax.”
There really isn’t anything to see, for miles and miles. For a moment, Shane worries that they’ve lost the car, and they’re doomed to wander the desert. It wouldn’t be too bad, if it was with Ryan. They’ve done just about everything together for the last three years, and Shane still isn’t tired of it. He’s still waiting for the day Ryan gets tired of him being a goofy piece of shit.
“Come on,” He slings his arm around Ryan’s neck and leaves it there. It’s too hot, really, but he wants to feel Ryan underneath him - solid and real, in the scorching desert.
They continue on into Texas where they stop for the night. Tomorrow, they need to reach San Antonio by evening, where TJ is waiting for them. Tonight, it’s just the two of them.
The motel only has two singles, so Ryan awkwardly bids him good night and disappears into his room, leaving Shane alone in the hallway staring at a closed door.
Shane is awoken in the middle of the night by someone lifting up the covers and sliding in next to him. He reaches out a hand and feels soft hair, sharp cheekbones, a stubbled jaw - probably Ryan. Hopefully Ryan.
“Dude, what are you doing?” An indignant voice mumbles. Definitely Ryan.
“I was tryna feel your face like blind people do in movies,” Shane says. “Also, you’re the one climbing into my bed in the middle of the night.”
“I missed you,” Ryan says, and Shane laughs even though it didn’t sound like a joke.
“I feel like this entire trip didn’t happen.” Ryan says, lying with his hands awkwardly crossed over his chest. Shane doesn’t understand why he got into bed with him if he was gonna no homo the whole thing.
He feels like he’s half asleep, a strange lethargy falling over him and tempting him to do something like reach out and brush his thumb over Ryan’s stubble.
“Maybe it didn’t. Maybe we died on the highway out of Los Angeles and this is Purgatory.” He mumbles, crossing his arms to mirror Ryan.
“You say. Such weird, morbid shit.” Ryan says, reaching out and shoving him lightly on the shoulder.
“Someone woke me up in the middle of the night,” Shane says, shoving him right back. Ryan giggles - actually giggles - and Shane’s soul is…fizzing. It’s fucking late, okay.
He wakes up the next morning to the back of Ryan’s head, a back slowly rising and falling. They drive to San Antonio, a heavy silence in the car between them.
“Hang on,” Shane says right before they reach the city bounds. “We still have to drive back again.”
“Oh, yeah.” Ryans says, brightening. “The trip’s not done.”
They film. It’s the same as always. They get back in the car, and Shane folds his legs up with anticipation. Ryan reaches out and takes his hand
In Arizona, Ryan hangs a left. Wait, right, Google Maps has got him all turned around. Ryan won’t tell him where they’re going, but Shane works it out soon enough.
“You won’t be able to look over the edge of that,” Ryan says, as they meander from the Prius to the edge of the canyon. Shane has nothing to say; for once, the witty comebacks die on the end of his tongue.
“You okay, big guy?”
“What are we doing?” Shane asks. “Driving around? Pretending like we’re just - just friends? I dunno, dude, I feel…I don’t know.”
“Are we pretending?” Ryan says. “I’m not pretending.”
Shane sways, scuffs at the dirt with one worn boot. The temptation to just leap over the side of the canyon lingers over his shoulder.
“I’m worried that we’re gonna go back to LA and just…carry on like we were before. Teetering on the edge of something else. In denial about all of it.” He says to the landscape, unable to face Ryan.
“Me too,” Ryan says, and a rock goes flying past Shane’s ears and over the edge.
“Cool it, dude.” Shane grumbles. “So what do we do?”
“I dunno. Stop pretending, I guess.”
And Ryan steps up behind him, slipping a hand into his and squeezing it tight. Later, they’ll drive back to Los Angeles, the final day spent with his knees up around his ears, the final day of lingering glances and bonds unspoken. Well, not the final day of that. Hopefully, the first day of something new.
Send me prompts!
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Survey #91
“does he love you the way that i do?”
would you rather have stars in the sky or the moon? moon do you ever stop and appreciate little things?  all the time. what is the worst natural disaster you’ve experienced firsthand? hurricanes do you cuddle with your pet (if you have one)?  yeah! you are completely alone with your favorite celebrity/person/whoever. what do you do?  just talk to him about stuff. if you had the power to instantly transform someone’s life (for the better), who would you choose to use this on?  off the top of my head, my mom. if a family member (or boyfriend/girlfriend, if you have one) happened to be infected by a zombie, how would you go about dealing with that situation? i'm a merciful person that doesn't want to see someone suffer. i'd kill them in the quickest way possible. if you were paralyzed from the neck down, would you still want to continue living? why or why not?  absolutely fucking not because that's just awful. has any medication you’ve taken ever made you sick? how so?  yeah. the mood stabilizer i'm on now, latuda, sometimes makes me so nauseous that i actually do get sick. did you ever listen to avril lavigne when you were younger?  dude she was like my crush full homo. i loved her. did you ever buy "now that’s what i call music" cds?  as a kid, my older sister did do you like turkey or ham more? ham. do you like rihanna? no. have you ever become good friends with someone you never met in person? most of my closest friends i've ever had i met online. what do you consider your default mood to be?  content have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty?  once. disgusting. favorite undertale character?  uhhh. asriel is honestly really cool. but i also love sans and papyrus. what do you think about lizards?  SO CUTE is there a certain place or store you especially hate going to?  walmart. the flourescent lighting makes me yawn. do you like any cover songs? which ones if you have any favorites?  sure. i love "hurt" by johnny cash, "another brick in the wall" by korn, "whiskey in the jar" by metallica... if you’re old enough, do you go clubbing on the weekends or not?  i've never been to a club. don't want to. what is/was your best subjects in school? science. have you ever gambled and won? i don't gamble. do you ever count the presents you're getting for birthdays or holidays? no! that's awful! be grateful for whatever you were given! do you have your ears pierced? twice in each earlobe. are you easily offended? sometimes. what is the best prank you have ever pulled?  i don't pull pranks. when you’re in a relationship, do you tend to be very physical? no. have you ever ended up dating someone you initially disliked? no. do you wear a lot of yellow? no. i don't like yellow. do you and your siblings actually look alike?  yeah. have you ever suffered from chronically bad acne? no. if you could own anyone’s autograph, and not be allowed to sell it, who would you choose?  mark fischbach's *heart eyes* how many dogs have you had, and do you remember all their names?  oh god. trigger, angel, harley, delilah, teddy, cali, bentley. how do you feel about snakes? i absolutely adore snakes. how many cats have you owned and can you remember their names? we have, without a doubt, had about 50 cats. there's no way i could remember all of them. were you sick a lot as a child? what illnesses plagued you the most? no. i like... never get sick. do you have any sinister or morbid tattoos? no, but i do have some pretty dark ones planned. do you feel that you are better than most humans? i mean some, sure, in regards to being better in temperment. i don't believe any human is ultimately "better" than the other, though, in essence. what is your favorite type of meat to eat? chicken or pork. have you ever dated a red-head? no. what do you call small children? (children, kids, tots, etc.)  kids how old were you when you took driver’s ed?  16 have you ever pet-sat for someone? yeah. what’s one theme song you will NEVER skip?  the one to "deadman wonderland" what’s something that gets much more hate than it deserves?  nickelback. like shut up, you like at least one of their songs lol what show/movie never gets old for you? the shrek series lol are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? not anymore are you happier now or three months ago? now! how old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? i don't want kids. do you think you’ll be married in ten years? probably? what do you miss most about your ex? my most recent ex, all the things we had in common, i guess. my "main" ex, i miss a lot of things about him, but more than anything, i miss him actually being a caring person. are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? no. how long have you liked the person you like? since late 2011. are you one of those people who are always cold? people usually tell me my skin is freezing, but i'm typically very hot. if you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? i'd definitely give it away. tongue piercings - cute or trashy? i honestly find them cute. when it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? ballerina. ballet is beautiful. honestly - can you say that looks don’t matter at ALL? you can't tell me with a straight face that they don't matter at all. i’ve got to know, who do you prefer: mario or luigi? luigi! yes or no: techno music? no. yes or no: pigtails? cute mostly on kids. how old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? i was about to turn 16, if you mean my first "serious" boyfriend. i don't remember what age i was when i started "dating" aaron, but i was in the 7th grade. is your home town nice? noooo do you believe in love at first sight? explain. hell no. you can't just look at someone and automatically "love" them. do you currently have any medicine in your bag / purse / etc? if so, what kind? yes, my adivan. what do you like on your pasta / noodles? sauce, butter, grated cheese, etc.? sauce ultimately, do you believe nature controls man or that man controls nature? explain. both. do you think it’s wrong to put yourself before others? in what sort of situations? it strictly depends on the situation in school, are / were you ever reluctant to ask questions? what about to answer questions? for what reasons? yes, but i was worse at asking questions. i was and still am shy. are you weary of displaying signs of affection for your significant other around adults? why or why not? no, when i do have a s.o. there's no shame in expressing love. have you ever had red velvet cake or carrot cake? have you ever made either of those? i've had both, but never made either. what is your favorite take out food to get? what do you usually order? bojangle's, and it's called a chicken supreme dinner. if I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? i REALLY wanna go to a metallica concert. what color looks best on you? black name three facts about your family. uhhh. we're german, irish, and polish; our surname is scottish; and we live all over the country. if you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you? gender yes, appearance, it'd be cool to select a few features if you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral? "took it like a woman" by alice cooper favorite holiday dish? spiral ham would you ever get into a long distance relationship? i honestly don't think i could. favorite kind of soup?  vegetable soup. the best was surprisingly from my elementary school. what’s your favorite hot beverage? hot chocolate. for your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?  red velvet did you ever play an instrument? if so, what? i played flute for years, and i shortly played around with guitar. best i could do was probably the intro to "crazy train" would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? carve pumpkins favorite kind of candy? reese's if you're including chocolate, sour punch straws if not. what’s a movie you cried while watching?  "the notebook" destroyed me how old were you when you had your first kiss? 16 would you rather have hair that changes color with emotion or get injured each time you’re touched by the person you love? hair that changes color with emotion, obviously. do you have a laptop? yes, but mine's currently broken. i've been using mom's. have you ever been the object of someones affection, when they were ‘taken’?  yeah. does it bother you when people lie to spare you ‘heartache’?  it depends. have you ever had a black eye?  no. would you sacrifice your dreams, to help someone else reach theirs?  no, i wouldn't. ever wished you were alive when there were dinosaurs? lmao no?? do you believe we “live and learn”? depends on if you want to learn. what is on your wrists right now? nothing on the left, my tattoo on the right. reason for the last tear shed?  i was fighting with my mom. have you ever been called a babe or baby?  yes, and i don't like it. name one person you wish you could fix things with? if i could only pick one person, jason. but i also really really wish my old best friend megan and i could be friends again. if you’re single, then why don’t you get a girlfriend/boyfriend?  because you don't simply "get" a boyfriend?? are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends? we're not even friends anymore what was the worst night of your life, or the night you have been scared the most? the night jason broke up with me. what three places in the world do you want to travel to? south africa, germany, aaaand... australia, maybe? are you allergic to cats? no have you ever babysat?  once what’s your second favorite color? pink do you refuse to use public toilets?  i avoid them as best i possibly can. how do you feel about golden oreos? never tried, don't want to, because i know i'll hate them. favorite cheese? i only like american. favorite lunch meat?  salami what's the strangest animal you've had for a pet? rats are you more annoyed when decorations are up two months prior to a holiday or still up two months after a holiday? hmmm. prior, maybe. what’s the strangest art piece you’ve come across?  i've heard of one where a woman vomits onto a canvas in abstract designs. and they actually sell. fucking gross. can you legally drive? not without someone who's had their license for seven years. do you know any songs that are older than you are? most of the songs i enjoy are older than me lol are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? not really. what season were you born in?  winter have your parents ever questioned your virginity?  yes. what pizza place do you usually order from? domino's, my favorite. if we want something quick though, little ceasar's. do you have a least favorite color? what is it?  brown, puke green do you find graveyards scary?  no. do you swear a lot? yes. do you know if you were born in the am or pm? am do you sit on the mattresses in furniture stores?  ha ha yeah have you ever read the bill of rights/declaration of independence?  we had to memorize the bill of rights in high school. have your parents ever thought you were gay? what happened? no. my old therapist thought i was though once. she was awful. what do you normally order when you go to subway? turkey, bacon, american cheese, pickles, jalapenos, banana peppers, chipotle... and i feel like i'm forgetting something. are you comfortable talking to both your parents about sex and boys? just vaguely with my mom. what is your idea of “too big” when it comes to weight? when you can no longer properly function. how about “too thin”?  once your bones are clearly visible. have you ever experienced an overly clinging boy-/girlfriend? yeah. partially why we only dated for two weeks. have you ever decided that you like/dislike someone based on their survey answers? i wouldn't say entirely. but i'll sometimes get a bad idea about some people. a bloodied, possibly wounded man is on the side of the road: do you stop to see if you can assist him, or do you drive past? i'd call 911. i wouldn't help because who knows if he's dangerous. what’s the ultimate cake topping?  chocolate have you ever walked into a wall?  more like ran ha ha can you name all 50 american states?  no. have you ever needed stitches? yeah. when i passed out onto the floor on my chin. have you ever been in a submarine?  no. do you believe there used to be dragons?  no. who’s your favorite god from ancient history? hmmm. athena. could you go out with someone who had a child from a previous relationship? no. what was your first alcoholic drink?  strawberry mike's hard lemonade where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?  ohio who was your first kiss? the first person who kissed me was juan, but the first person i kissed and who reciprocated was jason, so i consider him my "first kiss" what nicknames do you have/have had? britt, britt-britt, brittany bear, ozz, ruby, flower did you ever have a treehouse as a kid?  no. we only had tall pine trees where i grew up. have you ever planted a tree? an apple tree, yes. have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours?  no. do you have any cats? no, but i want one. are you a moody person? i have either bpd or bipolarity ii. of course i am. how many girls do you know named alison? my little sister's best friend's name is allison. do you prefer to do the asking out, or be asked out?  be asked out. have you ever been evicted? yes. do you know anyone who snores?  my mom snores louder than anyone i've ever met. dad, too. what is your favorite font?  garamond. have you ever seen a rooster? yep. have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? yeah. what is your favorite number?  13 what color are your slippers?  they're meerkat slippers lol. so tan. what state were you born in?  north carolina. do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? multiple people. do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? rarely. where is your favorite place to get fries?  bojangle's. their seasoning is ohhh goodness how many romantic relationships have you been in so far? one have you ever been camping in the wilderness?  no. would you consider yourself to be a picky eater? VERY do you have gluten intolerance or anyone who does?  i don't, but my cousin does. do you trust the media?  HA what kind of cookies are your favorite? chocolate chip do animals have souls? yeah. are you easily embarrassed? YES how well do you handle your alcohol?  apparently extremely well. i've never been smashed, despite drinking a moderate amount. how can people tell if you're drunk?  i'm talkative and kinda loud. tell me about the best pet you ever had: the dog i currently have now, teddy<3 are any of your siblings married? ashley, yes. who was the last person to spend the night with you at your house?  chelsea. that was fun. who was your date to senior prom? jason. does your dad smoke?  yes. he's getting better about it, though. is your mom over 50?  yes. who would you tell, or who did you tell when you lost your virginity? i'd tell my mom first. that or i'd tell nobody because it's not really anyone's business. do you have a debit card? no. why did you stop working at the last place you were employed? i was getting so anxious that i was puking. do you have freckles? no. what would you do if you found out your ex was pregnant/fathered a child? tyler, wouldn't care, jason... i'd feel weird. do you think the drinking age in america should be lowered to 18?  no. what is the nearest big city to you? raleigh. do you think what bill clinton did was wrong? ... obviously? have you ever run away? yeah. what is your favorite holiday?  halloween. how often are you online?  like... all the time. what are you obsessed with? mark fischbach, link neal & rhett mclaughlin, meerkats, "silent hill"... backstreet boys or nsync?  backstreet boys. what is your favorite disney movie? "the lion king" who did you last go bowling with?  colleen, bradley, girt. do you have any pets?  three great dogs, one lovely snake. who do you look like in your family? vaguely like my sisters, and an equal amount of people say i look like my mom or dad. could you ever believe in assisted suicide? no. have your parents ever put one of your pets to sleep? we had to. he had spleen cancer and was dying. have you ever been hunting? no. what oceans have you swam in? atlantic. are you ugly? i feel like i am, mostly because of my weight. what was your favorite park ride as a child? the carousel gnr or aerosmith?  ohhh. hmmm... i think aerosmith, but i love gnr too. could you pull off red hair? i have red hair now and it looks great. do you know any guys with their nipples pierced?  i think so. favorite beatles song? "hey, jude" have you ever seen a tornado? no. have you ever felt an earthquake? no. do you eat apples with the skin on or skin off? skin on. what is the first thing you do when you get on the computer?  open youtube what do you mainly watch on youtube?  let's plays do you sing in the shower? no. are you the competitive type? not at all. have you ever stolen someone's boyfriend/girlfriend?   unintentionally would you ever consider being a scientist?   no. are you scared of cancer?   who isn't? do you want to get married?  yeah. how many bisexual friends do you have?   two, off the top of my head. would you get married four times?  well first of all, i'm against divorce unless you're in an abusive/neglectful/overall horrible situation, so. are you good at chemistry?   no. do you have online friends?   yep. do you like your handwriting?   i do. have you ever been called emo?   yeah. describe your favorite shoes:   i have this pair of slip-ons that is a black cat design with sunglasses lol do you like zombie movies?   no opinion. have you ever volunteered in a hospital? if not, would you ever want to?  no to both. have you ever had to give a pet away?  yes. what kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live?  squirrels, i gues?  besides birds? if a stranger went in your room, would they be able to tell what gender you are from just looking at it?   no.  i actually think a lot of people would think i was a guy.  well... that is if you exclude my huge meerkat display lmao does the smell of cigarettes, weed and beer repulse you?   yes to all. do you like sitting on the inside or outside of a restaurant booth?  inside.  i feel safer. do you own a nightgown?  no. have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom?   ha ha yeah. have you ever had sex or something like it?   something like it, yeah, but not actual sex. have you ever worn fishnets?  fishnet gloves, yes. do you always wear your seat belt?  always. is there ice cream in your freezer?   i wish. does your bathroom have a window?   a small one. do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done?  yes.  a family friend's salon. do you have a fish tank?   no. if you found out you couldn’t have kids, would you adopt?   finding out i couldn't have kids would honestly be relieving.  i don't want kids, so i obviously wouldn't adopt, either. do bunnies roam around your backyard at night?   yes, actually.
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venusbled-archive · 8 years
happy one month !
this is for my beautiful, talented gf @villagerbee​ / @vaporwavd​
ok so for the sake of not pouring my lil kokoro out into ur hands i’m gonna keep it short. but since today is our one month anniversary and we’re even nearing upon the one year mark of friendship i gotta , bring it up.
no homo but ily. like ?? i don’t usually stick around in blogs or communities, which inevitably makes me lose touch with my friends, and even irl im not really well liked ? i kinda , grew apart from all my friends or wait nvm .., llmao i haven’t really ever felt like i had a close friend before ? elementary school was really dramatic because i got caught up with the wrong people and then it just kinda developed into this feeling that like every relationship i had with someone made me feel like i was attaching myself forcefully where i wasn’t wanted. so for the past 16 years i rlly haven’t had what i would consider a close friend or even a best friend
pause for dramatic effect
but then we met and suddenly it felt like ? you weren’t the type of person who would brush me off, and i’ve never felt bothersome when we talk bc we always have animated discussions and i grew to know you so well it’s essentially like ur my bff ! in addition to my gf of course but lik.e u cannot comprehend how meaningful this friendship is to me, since its the first and the only where i actually feel welcome d !!
but ok enough of me i would like to remind u why im writing this is because im super gay for u. mimi ur so intelligent and passionate and unbelievably kind and warm and devoted and literally everything else that is my exact type and i care for u so much it really hurts me that i cant fckn fly out to cali right now and go take u on a real date.
we have movie marathons but like , son what i wouldnt give to hug u and nap with u and hold ur hand in public ...,,,,, also fuq im tearing up rn fml i jus t value u a shit ton and whenever ur sad i want to be the one to brighten ur day fuck ok im crying and i just want u to know how loved u are and that im tellin u fuckin , one day when we r both free we can meet halfway n spend time together :’) just as long as halfway doesnt end up being kansas
tysm for all the memories and here’s to the ones we can make together in the future.
luv u lil desert rat
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