#honestly i like that tho. something about the exclusivity makes it better somehow
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Sup, I've been silently lurking and liking stuff on your blog for atleast 1 year now (I can't exactly remember when, I just know that it's probably a year now if not then almost a year) and I love your art so much. Your MineDai art is lovey and funny (and what introduced me to you), but seriously... you creating MasaDai art is the wish I didn't think would happen and thank god it did. I see it as a crack ship and almost no one ships it from what I've seen before, so to have someone do some art is great and it's from you so it's more lovely. The moment I saw Masato's emo looking punk ass and know that he is around the same age as Daigo, then dressing up in a more formal way in his later years... I knew this can be a ship, a funny one even (and even funnier with Ichi and others). Thank you for this blessing.
Anyways, I love your art and it always makes me laugh or atleast smile. Ngl, it also did motivate me to keep improving and practicing to draw better 💙. And maybe create some fanart as well when I'm finish being shy 😅 lol
(Ps. I noticed something and I find it funny how people tend to (mostly) ship Daigo to characters that are canonically dead or never to be seen again after their appearance in one canon game XD. Like bro's romantic life is a mess, they be leaving or dropping like flies. Okay that's it, bye bye. Have a good or atleast a decent night/day. 🤗)
hi howdy lurker, thanks for stickin round so long ! :^)
ALWAYS happy to hear people likin my stuff and how it can make their day better whether it's makin em laugh or it's just something they can look at and go 'oh sweet', it's my main drivin force for drawin so much so i'm glad to hear it every so often ^^
SAME ON MASATO/DAIGO THO i remember playing Y7 and my immediate reaction to masato was just that he was like daigo if rgg leaned more into him being goth and it KO'd me. i just needed them to be A Thing immediately- AND THE FACT HE DOES BRUSH UP AND 'BECOME DOMESTICATED' IS SOOOOO (masumi saying that they should think similar to each other since they're about the same age is, while very VERY small, does feed my delusions more too so that's always fun). i can't even blame people for not expanding on their potential more though: masato already is a controversial character to talk about, so trying to discuss him for too long kinda gets awkward. i'll be the freak soldier willing to bear that burden of loving him tho 🫡
i could talk hours and write essays about masadai so i'll spare you the rest of the ramble: it makes me so happy to hear people pick up drawing more after following me 😭❤ art's so fun and it's always great seeing what other people can make and do, and it's such a personal experience so whenever i get to be a part of that somewhat it makes me overjoyed :') i'd love to see what you make if you ever want to share it with us anon 🤭 but no pressure, i get being shy about wanting to share things you draw, so even if you never post anything just know i'm still supportin you and what you do and i hope you're havin fun !
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fortemelody · 28 days
here’s some things i noticed/wondered/loved:
- i think in that scene where tom is on the ground yelling for sonic, he is wearing a special forces suit. maybe he upgraded from cop to working with gun?? if so i think that’s a really good use of his character actually! he wanted to save a life and raise a family above all else yes, but he still got his previous dream of doing more serious cop work!
- shadow just. has a big ass portal?? like holy shit he’s just suckin the life outta earth and ig that’s one way to do it (or maybe it’s just a ring and i’m stupid idek)
- i’m sure we’ll learn more about this in the actual movie so i’m not too worried, but i’m super confused at the very beginning scene. apparently sonic didn’t change his heart…but he did tho? like he learned what being a true hero meant in the last movie. tbh i feel like that’s enough but hey i’m not against more character development for our boy so!! (also that bit where he’s like “in my lungs” was actually really funny to me, ben schwartz’ awesome delivery caught me off guard)
- GERALD ROBOTNIK ALIVE HUUUUH?! tbh i would’ve preferred if maria was alive, i feel like that would be an interesting dynamic. but also ig that would make it harder for shadow to learn anything so i totally get it. anyways i’m just glad they’re putting a little twist on the story, it keeps it interesting. they already sorta did that with the knuckles and iblis thing actually! (even if that show sucked ass and although that probably wasn’t intentional 😭)
- even tho bro only got like… 3 lines, i really think keanu fits shadow. he’s very soft spoken in comparison to the rest of the case which feels nice. also he’s like the “really bad” guy so ofc he’s not gonna be yappin on and on like sonic or robotnik and he’s gonna take things uber seriously.
- where was my girl maddie :( i think she was only in like a singular frame. hope shes in the movie a somewhat significant amount. i heart pretzel lady!! could live without wade tho like pls im so sick of his bowling soap opera 💀
- FAT ROBOTNIK FAT ROBOTNIK FAT ROBOTNIK!!! after fucking 3 movies they finally fulfilled jim carrey’s wishes!! let the man get creative like please i love jim carrey sm aughdfhfnfmschxj. also love how we got so much stobonik content within that short scene like jesus come get y’all’s food
- shadow at one point says something along the lines of “when we’re done, there won’t be anything left.” maybe i’m reading WAY to into this but what does the “we’re” part mean?? is he working with others? i feel like this is either gonna be team dark or some new movie exclusive character(s). edit: someone made a valid point that he’s actually probably referring to gerald (look at reblogs!)
-CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lowkey wonder if the room therye in is like an amusement park or somethin like that
- no sign of amy :( but honestly my prediction now is that she’s gonna be the post credit scene teaser cus they always do a new character reveal there. first tails, then shadow. and honestly now i think it might be better that way so shadow can have a chance to breathe and show his story in full. i’m pretty sure i vaguely remember colleen (tails’ VA) being kinda mysterious about amy’s appearance when asked, and also the fact that it was confirmed that this isn’t the end of the movie franchise/universe. but ig we’ll just have to wait and see!
so sorry i stated this yesterday morning to give my initial thoughts but then got busy and completely forgot to post/finish it. and today i started (and am close to finishing) a very long edit of the trailer, so be on the look out for that too!
genuinely i feel like this movie is gonna somehow be even more record breaking than any of the previous movies and i am so here for the hype 🙏
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snaillock · 1 year
i’m sorry but my mind has been rotted with steamer! rin, hiori, and nagi ideas recently
like imagine them collaborating and steaming shit like dbd with each other all the time
i can imagine hiori having the prettiest most aesthetically pleasing layout out of the three but when he gets mad and opens his mouth, oh baby does he get vileeeee. it’s hilarious to watch him switch from sweetly talking to his chat then cursing out some teammate he randomly matched all within a span of one minute.
i feel like rin would have the most generic layout from a free template he got off of google images. he’s pretty much what you would expect from an emotionally repressed 16 year old male streamer: the most vile yet weirdly childish insults you’ll ever hear in a span of five minutes while borderline violating tos and his fans constantly defending him because “he’s just a minor who doesn’t know better🥺” (oh he knows honey he knows…)
nagi wouldn’t even gaf. if we’re lucky he would maybe just maybe have his webcam in the left hand corner with absolutely nothing else (moistcritical ass layout) even then his face would just be his classic neutral :x all the damn time no matter what happens
on their own, i feel like hiori and nagi would just stick to typical fps games (with hiori leaning towards the gorier ones ofc. i mean he gotta release his parental frustrations somehow). meanwhile rin would honestly stream any type of horror from triple a games to a free indie rpgmaker game he found on some random kinda sketchy looking website. he would gain such a loyal niche audience from that
hiori would hire a really good editor to edit and upload his streams to his youtube channel. he would most likely gain a whole separate youtube audience from that. prob has some youtube exclusive stuff as well.
nagi would just upload the whole damn archived stream to youtube, that is if he actually remembered to save the vods and not permanently lose the stream. he doesn’t even care that the uploading takes forever he still can’t be bothered with cutting down the video. (thank god twitch has a feature for viewers to cut out their clips from a stream cause lord knows nagi wouldn’t have done it)
rin would actually edit the clips all by hand, mainly bc he could only trust himself to edit them the way he wants. he can only spend a little time editing tho since he has a pretty busy schedule irl
i can imagine hiori being the most popular one out of the three with how much effort he would put into stuff like self promotion, connecting with his audience, plus him just having an overall nice and likable personality, etc. (also the sight of him and his cute face raging would be pretty fucking funny for his audience to watch)
rin would be the second most popular since he does put plenty of work into making his content at least decent since this is something he does in his free time. plus his channel name would be on twitter trending every now and then because of some iffy ass take he said on stream
nagi would be the least watched out of all of them since despite being pretty damn good at games, he would be pretty boring to watch tbh. he wouldn’t put much time into the self promoting part of it either. that is until he meets reo. when reo finds out about his little streamer side gig, he would totally have him put more effort into it, even if it’s small things like actually announcing stream times since that’s all nagi is willing to do. he kinda becomes nagis de facto manager. before then he just piggybacked on rin’s and hioris clout whenever the trio collabs together
an: ok so i’m gonna stop this post here since i have so many more ideas i want to vomit out but i don’t want this post to be too long so part two coming out shortly.
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write-like-wright · 3 years
u asked for requests so im here to comply😳could you maybe do a ”should you date them” with the defense attorneys in the series?? or just generally some other characters?? bc the prosecutor one added like 20 years to my lifespan lmao. hope u have a great day!!
I'm so glad you liked it!!! Here's the sequel, just for you <33
Original post here
Should you date them: Ace Attorney defense lawyers edition
Phoenix Wright
yes, you really should
probably one of the best, if not the best, boyfriends in the series
wanna get married? husband material
wanna have kids? father material
has a tendency to casually adopt children actually, could be an issue at some point
worships you
you know how some guys brag about how they'd die for you?
Nick would unironically die for you
may even come close a few times but I'm pretty sure he's canonically invincible (eating poisoned glass and falling off a burning bridge, who?? tis' but a scratch!)
massive gossip
gets home after an investigation and immediately starts like "you won't believe what I found out about Gumshoe today"
somehow surprisingly mature and good at keeping secrets in spite of everything
has a lot of really cool friends!!! and larry
have you seen those shoulders tho?? mans built like a dorito, smashing through massive wooden doors n stuff
biggest monthly expense is hair gel
claims his hair is natural but you know better
don't be the big spoon, he will poke your eyes out
can somewhat read your mind tho? a bit off-putting but ok
marry him before Edgeworth someone else does
Mia Fey
hell yeah, dude
cool, calm, collected
has literal superpowers
successful business owner at 27!!! unironical #girlboss
went from being a lame rookie to a literal legend with her own practice and an apprentice in, like, three years
she's so smart, I fear her
has the fashion sense of a female character drawn by a cis man... oh, wait
god help whoever tries to hurt you
will literally kick their ass to hell
believes in second chances
took phoenix under her wing after everything, mia has the patience of a saint honestly
drops cool oneliners in everyday speech like a marvel character
curve lovers rejoice
doesn't mind being called dorky nicknames
major wife material
Diego Armando/Godot
I already covered him in my prosecutors list,, literally did not occur to me to split Diego and Godot into two lists
but to sum up, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go for Diego
i like my men like i like my coffee - tall, dark and bitter
^^ eats up pickup lines like those
Apollo Justice
Polly is such a sweet babey boy, please be nice to him
short king
low on confidence, makes up for it by being loud
*voice cracking* HE'S FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
your neighbours will hate him
such a pushover, will do anything you ask of him
sensitive boy, not afraid to cry
pretends not to be dorky - is very dorky
consumes nerdy media almost exclusively (canonically a Whovian! but Capcom can't say that)
bikes everywhere and is apparently good with a hula hoop
Polly got cake is what I'm saying
have you seen his cool street style clothes?? sk8er boi
very grounded, literally
might play around and hold your hand for comfort
won't come to visit you if you live on a high floor, sorry
cat dad!!! cat pics!!! yes!!!
about 7 different tragic backstories
new secret family member drops every week
stares at you when you speak sometimes
is he jealous of Klavier?? does he have a crush on him??? who knows but it's funny watching them interact
spends way too much time on his hair
someone please date him, he deserves some love
Athena Cykes
holy childhood trauma batman
been through a lot
total empath
if you're sad, she's sad
can kinda read your mind... why is this such a common thing in AA games?? I like my privacy
super energetic
will drag you to the gym, take you on hikes, practice wrestling moves on you...
you will always be sore but also in the best shape of your life
has minus 25 chill
incapable of keeping secrets from you
her weird goth convict uncle threatens you every once in a while
she promises he means it in a friendly way
loves europop
way too accomplished for her age, everyone in this game is so smart, help
i feel like she'd enjoy theme parks idk
date her, she's baby and she needs some TLC
Kristoph Gavin
he's scary
thinks he's better than you
thinks he's better than everyone
has the audacity to wear white shoes with a blue suit??? are you going to prom????? sir????
obsessed with phoenix wright to an alarming degree
perfectly manicured nails!
the kind of guy who warns you never to go into his basement
nice on the outside but it's all fake
deeply rooted issues even he's unaware of
if you like drillbit hair consider Klavier instead
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
world's biggest baby
secretly a bitch
loves to clown on people
fake it till you make it
has no clue what he's doing most of the time
very determined in spite of that
everyone loves him
so many cool friends
cries at the thought of your bare ankles
physically incapable of walking by a shop and not buying something he doesn't need
"look, i got you a gift!!" "awh, how sweet! ...what is it?" "i don't know, i'll ask Mr Sholmes when he gets home!"
good with his tongue
may be somewhat trapped in the closet
has literally zero chill
remember when he just casually chased armed robbers??
must be a family trait
Iris interrogates you about your intentions with her brother
she has a gun
you have no privacy at his place
Sholmes crashes your dates
his bromance with Kazuma sometimes drops the "b"
becomes ultra cool eventually
hop into that time machine and date Ryu's ass, but be prepared to deal with period-appropriate homoeroticism and misogyny lol
Extra little shout out to Kazuma Asogi for that one time where he was a defense lawyer for, like, an hour and a half and somehow managed to cram 50 of the horniest one-liners in the game in that very limited time. Date him.
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wesokkasimp · 4 years
general zuko relationship headcanons
-so i’m writing these for a post-war relationship
-don’t mind me projecting my crush on firelord!zuko
-this boy def doesn’t ask you out right away
-too nervous for that
-i know i said in my long distance h/c that he would propose right away, but that was for an established relationship
-if y’all aren’t already dating expect to be waiting a lil while
-once things have kinda… settled in the world? like it’s still rather unstable, but at this point most passive aggressiveness between nations is gone
-that’s when zuko would finally take some time for himself and his personal relationships
-if you had left the Fire Nation after the war to do other things, he may have realized he missed you more than the others
-and he missed you in a different way
-with the others he just missed interactions and the good times they had as team avatar
-and he missed that with you too
-but he also just kind of craves your presence
-your scent, your warmth, your touch, your voice
-he could probably sit in a room with you silently all day
-taking in the very essence of you
-because there’s just so much to take in
-when he realizes this, he doesn’t peg it as a crush at first
-zuko’s the guy that can read his friends and loved ones like a book but cannot decode his own feelings for the life of him
-poor kid :(
-he probably just pegs it as knowing you better than the others
-especially if you grew up in the Fire Nation
-ESPECIALLY especially if y’all grew up around each other
-but he starts to question his line of reasoning when you come to visit
-he hasn’t seen you since the southern water tribe drama
-and it’s been two or three years since then
-so you get off… the boat? idk wtf they use for transportation
-he’s waiting at the bottom of the harbor
-he knew when you stepped off the landing and he saw you for the first time in years
-he knew when all it took for him, a very focused person, to become distracted was you paging through a file of things for your work, a furrow in your brow
-when he can normally work through various natural disasters (the Fire Nation is an kind of an archipelago so i assume they get lots of hurricanes/tsunamis and stuff like that)
-THAT was when this boy finally came to his senses and realized he had a thing for you
-but him acting on it? that’s a whooooole different story
-but it’s also a little annoying at times
-because for years he’s been loud and boisterous with you
-and now that he knows he has a thing for you he doesn’t know how to act
-you don’t catch on tho (thank god for him)
-like you know he’s acting different, but you don’t know why
-he knows you’re gonna figure out what’s going on if he doesn’t fix his behaviour soon
-so he keeps an air of normality around you
-but on the inside he’s still super shy and nervous
-zuko doesn’t have a ton of experience with relationships in general but especially romantic ones
-i don’t think he would’ve gotten with someone after mai broke up with him
-it took him a little bit to get over her, as seen in smoke and shadow
-he’s also a busy guy in general; not tons of time for dates
-iroh may have set up a few dinner dates but nothing substantial has grown from those
-so… in conclusion… king has no idea what the fuck he’s doing
-mai was a pretty special case as she was ridiculously low maintenance and showed zero emotion
-aka exactly like zuko
-i feel like them being so alike was probably one of the reasons their relationship didn’t work out
-like… i’m showing no emotion, you’re showing no emotion, i’m not gonna coax emotions out of you, you’re not gonna coax emotions out of me, we both bottle up anger at each other, ourselves, the world, etc, aaaand cue huge screaming match
-getting off topic whoopz
-since mai was so much like zuko, he had an idea of how to court her
-if he thought something sounded stupid, mai would probably think that too
-but it’s a different story with you
-you might have similarities to zuko but you’re not EXACTLY like him (if you are sorry but i had to make y/ns persona less generic)
-so… romantically? has no clue what the fuck you’re looking for in a relationship
-even if he knows you really well platonically, he thinks that doesn’t translate into romantic relations because he’s clueless ok
-so zuko decides on the subtle approach
-would he confess? no! of course not !!
-but do his touches tend to linger?
-does he let you catch him staring at you?
-is he suddenly very invested in the dating scene wherever you’re living?
-and you’re not stupid, you catch on
-and… honestly, there’s no big confession from either of you
-things just sort of evolve on their own
-you end up staying in the Fire Nation a lot longer than you originally planned
-fun excursions that were once platonic turn more and more sensual and flirty
-pats on the back and high fives slowly become back rubs and hand holding
-at this point no one know what the fuck your relationship is
-friends? lovers? fwb? 
-no one can figure it out
-least of all you
-i wish i could make zuko super smooth and have this super romantic confession but that would be so ooc for him
-what probably happened was he took you out to dinner
-and you’re tired of not knowing what you are to him
-so you’re like zuko? what are we to each other?
-and he has been DREADING this question
-he knew it was coming eventually
-and to be honest he’s not quite sure either
-he knows he likes you as more than a friend
-and he’s pretty sure you feel the same way
-so he decides to go out on a limb and speak his mind (finally omfg)
- “More than friends, I think. I mean, I think of you as more than a friend… I think you feel the same way? Or-”
-“Zuko, it’s fine. I like you as more than a friend too, but we don’t have to label ourselves right away.”
-the boy is RELIEVED
-it’s like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders
-he’s not the kind of guy that says “i don’t like labels” as an excuse to fool around
-even though you never really talked about it, it’s a silent agreement that you’re both exclusive
-so… i mean that’s basically dating 
-our boy just has commitment issues ok 😔
-eventually you start kissing him in the cheek
-when i tell you he was FLUSTERED when you did that the first time
-i honestly can’t decide if zuko hates pda or loves it 
-he’s touch starved, so idk if he really craves or is really hesitant to physical contact
-if it’s the former, expect hand holding, cheek/forehead kisses, him wrapping his arm around your waist, etc 
-even if he likes pda he keeps it professional
-if it’s the latter…
-the only consistent pda you’re gonna get is hand holding
-if ANYONE gives you shit for something like your socioeconomic status before you started dating zuko or if you came from somewhere outside the Fire Nation
-he will get annoyed and tell them off as politely as possible 🥰
-as for marriage…
-he wouldn’t really think it out that much if he was trying to decide if he wanted to marry you
-by the time he would be considering marriage, he knows right away that he does in fact want to marry you
-his PROPOSAL, however
-he definitely plans this big thing and then somehow messes it up after practicing it a bunch of times
-you still say yes ofc
-zuko is pretty dedicated to the Fire Nation, so he will most likely follow most traditional aspects of the Fire Lord and Lady’s wedding
-he’d integrate important wedding traditions if your culture if you’re from another nation
-married life would be pretty similar to pre married life
-he just gets to call you his wife now :)))
-so it’s canonical that people try to assassinate zuks
-like ALL the time
-he felt like he could handle it but once you moved in with him he started to become very worried :(
-so he beefed up the security around his quarters. even if you also have training in combat he just wants to sleep a little sounder
-hngh if y’all want kids that can be another post this is already kinda long
-that all folks :)
AHHHHH HI THESE ARE VERY LATE BUT THEY ARE HERE,,,,, anyways might have to turn off my inbox because,,, uh,,, very angry anti semites and zionists in there rn don’t really feel like getting death threats today
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Second round of the calamity headcanon series, this time featuring the commander with the least amount of screentime: aka everyone's favorite tall leathery bird boi, King!!! Ngl the romantic ones turned out a lot longer than anticipated but I couldn't bring myself to cut them😭
Tagging: @maozne18, @thecaptainsassistant
King the Wildfire headcanon
Tumblr media
out of the three calamities, he's by far the least likely to "fall in love". If you somehow managed to catch his interest he'll simply snatch you up one day and keep you with him to test whether you're really worth his time
at first King treats you more like a possession rather than a real human being, and it won't be easy to earn his respect and get him to accept you as your own person. He views you as something he owns, and no one else is allowed to touch you.
especially not Queen
but funnily enough, the easiest way to get King to open up to you is by... literally doing nothing.
one night he returns to you in quite the bitter mood, most likely because he just got into another squarrel with his fellow calamities or even Kaido himself, and now he needs someone to listen to him and his venting
since it takes a while for him to live something down, that same pattern repeats itself for a few more evenings, until eventually, he stops himself mid-rant to look over at you and asks: "Surely you agree, wouldn't you?"
and from there on out he begins to talk to you more and generally treats you better
because you always listen to him, King makes sure to repay you by also doing the same. He's quite attentive actually and picks up on most of your problems, often offering you a (mostly aggressive) solution to them
being around you helps him stay calm and also more in control of his emotions, he doesn't allow himself to burst out as often and never really snap at you. It comes to show that King really needs someone he can talk and vent to
he's keen on being the more dominant partner in the relationship, which shows the most whenever you're out in public together. He'll never let you out of his sight, almost monitors what you're doing and who you're talking to, and it's very easy to spike jealousy within him
that's because deep down he's honestly a bit worried that his feelings for you might make him soft, and there are days (especially in the beginning of your relationship) where he refuses to talk to you and acts more grumpy as a result
once King begins to really fall for you it becomes very easy for others to irk him by just bringing up your name. Mentioning you while he's nearby will instantly make the Commander perk up and he'll demand to know what others know about you
lowkey,,, he wants to keep you his little secret for as long as possible. If Queen or Kaido find out about how much he cares about you they'll probably tease him, or worse, want to get to know you
it won't take long tho until King respects you and your opinions more than that of his other two Commanders + captain
before he goes out on a mission he often leaves behind a few gifts for you, which are usually things he heard you talk about and considers useful for you to entertain yourself with while he's gone
contrasting to his usual edgy leather style he almost exclusively likes to see you in beautiful kimonos or colorful dresses, preferably those he picked out for you
he never gives kisses and even in private doesn't take off his helmet too often, however that doesn't mean he has anything against you kissing his covered face
when you're alone King likes to get pampered and for you to really make him feel as if he's,,, your king lmao
and as mentioned in an earlier post he might have a thing for back massages and letting you relieve some of his build up tension that way
the calamity can be a good and attentive partner to you, but from time to time he might act more like a parental figure or stoic ex-lover lol
warning for filth under the cut!
sooo we sort of know from Queen that King is supposedly a bit of a pervert, and I could really see him being the kind of guy who'd like for you to fight him for dominance in bed
there won't be a single night with him just laying back and taking it, nor is he going to give you any release unless he thinks you deserve it/earned it
he wants you to fight for it, show him how much you want it, and only then will he bring you the pleasure you so deeply desire
King gets easily bored by doing the same thing over and over again though. That's why, when your usual struggling starts to tire him, he's not opposed to using certain 'tools' to spice up the experience
he owns a fucking machine and if you did something throughout tue day that annoyed him, he'll tie you up and have you taken by the machine instead of him (while he watches of course)
it may sound like punishment to you but it's actually a lot worse for him. I mean, you're still getting fucked, whereas he's standing there watching, trying to keep himself from interfering and taking over himself...
the sight of your body squirming around in pleasure is like fine art to him and a million times better than any of those pronographic illustrations displayed in Black Maria's brothel
now talking about his own pleasure, King loves receiving blowjobs and handjobs. Even when he's sitting at his desk working on something, the calamity is sure to have you between his legs, edging him on or sucking him off while he's struggling to focus on his work
some of King's kinks include: spanking (both getting and receiving), controlled fire- and temperature-play, using aphrodisiacs or stimulating drugs before sex, creampieing, consensual degrading or name-calling, BDSM, handcuffs, making you wear a collar with his name on it-
but more than anything, sex really helps him relax. No matter how harsh he was during foreplay, after he came for the first time he's a whole lot softer and less strict with what you need to do to earn your orgasm
King sucks at aftercare tho. Once he's fully had his fill and you're a panting but satisfied mess, he'll go straight to bed and will never talk about what happened that night ever again.
and although he's quite risky in the bedroom he never allows any sexual activity, or even romantic teasing like flirting, out in public. If you dare to try and be frisky with him anyway, you'll be in for a very special punishment tonight
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vegalocity · 4 years
Peachtea/TripSun angst idea. Nobody knew Wukong would disappear for 500 years so they're mourning until Xiaotian starts training with him. Tang composes himself to wait a little longer but Wukong just ignores all the signs. Until he gets into an argument with Tang and Tang ends up snapping "Why did you disappear for 500 years?!"
Okay so here’s the thing, I can only get behind the whole ‘The other Pilgrims ALL thought Wukong was dead and are PISSED at him now’ stuff, only, and I mean ONLY if Wukong either thought they all didn’t want to hear from him again anyway, or if he thought they were dead too.
....I mean my only contributions to all those ‘Reunion with Baije and Wujing’ posts were both ‘Wukong thought they were dead too’ so CLEARLY thats my read on the whole thing. I sincerely can’t see him just... NOT telling people he cared that much about that he was gonna bounce for that long to be alone on FFM, so if he knew they were alive he would have told them. 
And then you know someone spotted that little shrine with the origami figures in the Special and I was there like:
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 So like, lets do something we’ll both enjoy here then because all of those reunion fics are almost exclusively centered around the trio, and we oh so rarely see Sanzang (whether he is Tang or not) get involved. 
So like first off, assuming LMK is on a sci fi alternate earth instead of being in the future, there’s still a solid nine hundred or so years between the end of the Pilgrimage and the supposed time Wukong disappeared for Monkie Kid timeline (JTTW is set in like the 600s or so if i remember correctly, might be wrong about the exacts tho) so lets assume those nine hundred years were uneventful.
So yeah, idk the hows, the hows don’t matter. What DOES matter is Wukong somehow loses contact with the others and is somehow convinced they were all killed, had his last stand against DBK and then went off travelling for a century to come to terms with his brothers and his precious, darling, beloved Master all perishing due to his inability to protect them.
and meanwhile for the others he was just... GONE. Like he’d vanished off the face of the earth, And the last the three of them ever saw of him was the staff rooted into the mountain that now kept the Bull King below. Just in case maybe the tree of them would periodically head off to Flower Fruit Mountain and check in with the monkeys that could still talk, but after about a century it was clear. If he WAS still alive, he wasn’t coming back. And the idea that he’d purposefully leave all of them behind just for the hope that he WAS still alive would do his memory a disservice. 
So when Wukong returns to FFM wouldn’t it be great if he like, JUST missed that last visit? Like DAYS after Sanzang, Baije and Wujing had been there for the final time to hold an impromptu funeral for their dead friend on his homeland and finally accept that he was gone, Wukong returns to the mountain and builds his little shrine for his dead friends... the Monkeys all look at eachother awkwardly and shrug, assuming this will be settled soon enough, surely it’ll be solved before too long.
And then another 400 years of kingly depression naps and the others falling in and out of contact with eachother as they adapt to the ever changing world around them later, Xiaotian snatches the staff from the bull family.
And... Look... It’s been a ROUGH 500 years on Sanzang now called simply Tang. He’d only recently tracked down Baije-now-called-Pigsy in the past... what Ten years? and was only tangentially aware of what Wujing-now-called-Sandy was up to. And... Look... LOOK. It’s ridiculous that he’s still hung up over losing Wukong as much as he is. He’s Well FUCKING aware it’s ridiculous. He should know better, he quite LITERALLY reached immortality through enlightenment. He KNOWS he should know better. 
So why-... Why can’t he say his real name without his gut still twisting into knots? He still tells the stories because telling them behind a wall of detachment, pretending he wasn’t there on the action for most of them helps in some small way, but why does he have to always call him ‘the Monkey King’? What a question, he knows why. He gave his heart away when he was still mortal, and so mortal his heart will forever stay. Dead and returned to the stone with the impulsive monkey he’d given it to.
And then It’s not dead. Because he’s not dead. and honestly at first it’s just shock, it’s just reeling with the sheer tidal wave of feelings he had to spend hours meditating just to sort through. The three of them meet up after Xiaotian and Xiaojiao have turned in for the night to discuss what the FUCK just happened, and all three of them come away with different conclusions. 
Baije is furious and will refuse to seek out Wukong unless its to tell him off for letting the three of them belive him dead, Wujing is sad and would like to see Wukong again to simply ask why he’d decided to cut the three of them out of his life like that, but doesn’t want to do it alone. And he’s...conflicted.
He wants this to be a joyous discovery. he wants to be so relieved and euphoric at his monkey still being there, having ALWAYS been there, that he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling for days on end. But he can’t. It’s all so... messy inside and he’s going to need to keep his distance if he wants to be able to approach Wukong with a level head. This was why attachments such as these were foolish he should have known better all those years ago but it was centuries too late now, and this confliction is what he has to suffer through as the result... wanting to laugh and cry and scream all at once because Wukong is ALIVE, he’d spent SO long in mourning for him, and HOW DARE HE ignore them all and let them assume the worst?!
So he hides behind that Scholar Tang persona while he sorts through his emotions. And it works for the most part. 
And then New Years happens.
And... Look, Wukong’s been THROUGH it in the last 500 years. He’s done everything he could to just... GET OVER the loss of his love His Master and His brothers. he went through all the damn stages of grief, 
Spent that first decade in denial poking around everywhere he could to see if any of them-ANY of them were in hiding somewhere, spent another three decades wandering the world and starting fights with other cultures divine warriors (and that Aphrodite chick was DEFINITELY hitting on him the entire time, extolling about how rarely she got to use her ‘Aria form’ whatever that meant) to work through his rage without actually getting himself in trouble with his own heavenly court. Spent another twenty years or so looking through as many underworlds as he could find, no matter how many of them really wanted to test just HOW immortal he was (Answer: Too Immortal for any of them) to see if ANYONE had anything he could work with, and always coming up empty. eventually crossed the ocean to the other landmass because he was tired of looking at all of these places and seeing either memories or wasted time looking for bargaining chips, and spent a decade or so deciding he hated Mexico and went back to China. and then spent another thirty years just procrastinating returning home to his mountain.
When he returns to flower fruit mountain its as though he’d never left. His monkeys greet him with excitement but he’s standing on the shores of his home he hasn’t seen in a century and... feels nothing. Like his ability to feel anything for anything beyond the people he’s lost is gone. He makes a little shrine that spends most of its time on a shelf that's difficult to be able to look at full on without craning your neck weirdly and if any of his subjects notice that he takes a bit too much care in folding the little paper figure of the monk as he sets the four figures up along the edge of the little thing none of them judge him over it. He’s rarely got the energy for tears anymore, but when he does it’s usually when that little figure catches his eye.
By the time Xiaotian crashes into his life he’s... getting better. At least he thinks he is. having the loud excitable boy in his life is helping chase the shadows away a little bit (though when they return oh how they scream) and he hears some stories of his friends on training days and... geez sometimes he’ll tell this or that story and Wukong will be so THOUROUGHLY reminded of someone that it just... hurts.
And then New Years happens.
And he finally sees him again -- And he finally meets Xiaotian’s friends
And he still doesn’t know how to feel it’s all SO MUCH -- And they feel familiar so he gives them all a quick glance with golden eyes
And he can only do the one thing that feels safe right now -- And oh... that makes sense. How lucky they all found eachother again after reincarnating.
Sanzang hides behind the Tang persona and lies with an energy that could only be harvested from the sheer maelstrom of emotions fighting for dominance -- and Wukong leaves before he says something incriminating because now he knows and he can’t Un-know.
He should have known better but its centuries too late. And it doesn’t even matter that he doesn’t know how to feel about this whole thing he HAS to keep seeing him, he can NOT let him vanish again -- This was a mistake, this was a mistake, he cannot face them all and see lack of recognition, he cannot have his brothers treating him only as Xiaotian’s mentor he can NOT handle looking at him and seeing a stranger.
He needs to at least TALK to him -- He can’t stay away
Wukong doesn’t start out hanging out at the Noodle Shop on down time, that’d be too much too quick, especially since Baije-.. Since Pigsy is clearly still pretty steamed for the whole ‘letting Xiaotian into the world of magic and monsters’ stuff. But he’ll often shapeshift and keep an eye on things like that... No he is NOT eavesdropping on the reincarnations of those three out of the ridiculous desperate desire to feel close to them again. Because he’d rather just love him miss them from afar than be treated as a stranger.
But of course Tang notices when he does. Every time. And every time he wants to say something but his throat feels too tight. That first day he’d fallen on the persona because it was all he felt he COULD do but now the very idea that he’d have to pretend to be someone else just to be able to speak to his monkey not his not anymore Him was completely out of the question. Tang’s actually surprised with himself the first time he finds his voice. 
The conversations come quickly, neither of them quite content to ignore the other now that its become obvious. The conversations are mostly stilted, awkward. Wukong seems both unable to help himself from talking to him, but unwilling to LOOK at him. Tang’s best guess is that he somehow doesn’t recognize him, Had he really changed that much in the time they’d been apart? Had he really lost so much affection for his old master that he could no longer recognize him beneath a slight change in appearance? That might be the reason the Hurt finally starts to win in the eternal standoff between Joy and Sorrow in how this whole thing makes him feel. 
And maybe it’s something simple, maybe Wukong is just barely starting to lower his guard a bit. Maybe just sharing a space with the man who once was the love of his life his master was finally starting to chalk over the rough edges his long since broken heart would constantly stab into him with. and he just SAYS something. Something probably innocuous, something he’d said a million times on the Journey alone. And to Tang it just... feels like he’s mocking him, like he’d known this whole time and had just been playing with his emotions in a way he wouldn’t have tolerated back then- so why should he tolerate it now?
 And the first words out of his own mouth are “Bad Monkey!” and Wukong freezes as Tang begins to lecture him
How he’d spent a solid third of his time immortal in mourning over him, how he’d been the one to tell Baije and Wujing that it would be a disgrace to his memory to believe him alive and instead that he’d chosen to cut the lot of them out of his life, despite how much HE’D wanted to believe it too. How hurt he was to find out that not only he HAD been ignoring them for so long but also that he’d apparently had apparently not even recognized any of them when they HAD all seen each other again! How much he’d missed him, how happy he’d still been to see him again. 
Yes, yes, pathetic, emotional baldy always bursting into tears at the simplest of things nothing’s changed etcetera etcetera- He hadn’t been lying on new years when he said he had a million questions, but all he really wanted to know was why? Why did he cut them out of his life, why did he shut HIM out? Why did you disappear for 500 years Wukong?
And Wukong reaches out, his hand is- shaking? and removes the glasses from right off his face--normal glass obviously, Baije had insisted they completed the scholarly look and annoyed him into compliance--
“You’re-” he hesitates, looks, almost afraid? “You’re not a reincarnation..?”
Well now they both looked the part of fools.
Two sobbing fools clutching to eachother in the alleyway behind Pigsy’s shop, and oh MAN did they have some things to talk about, because Wukong was DEFINITELY coming back with him to his apartment for the night and then first thing in the morning he was going to visit his brothers to internalize that THEY weren’t reincarnations either and then he was going to have to explain where he’d been for that first century while they were all still looking for him to THEM too. 
And yes he should have known better than to get attached to him in this way in the first place, it was disgraceful, the sheer misery it had brought alone was proof enough of that. But Wukong was nuzzling into his shoulder, and pressing those strange feeling monkey kisses across his cheeks and jaw,  and his breath was hitching with pure relief and joy and it was for him-
And fuck it, he just didn’t care. 
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alittlefrenchtree · 3 years
Ok, guys. I have a CRAZY idea. What if... we start talking about the movies and the source materials they're based on? Wouldn't be mindblowing? To talk about art? On tumblr? Within the Timmy fandom? I wonder what it would feel like.
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Chapter 16:
🙌🙌 THANK YOU LIFE SOMEBODY IS FINALLY TALKING ABOUT FOOD 🙌🙌 Honestly this is the main point of creating a whole universe, right? What the food look like? So now I’m happy to have some, I would like to have more, please? Details, meals, dishes, drinks, I want to know everything. Please.
Interesting chapter tho. The kind that probably makes way more sense once you know the whole story very well, I think.
The part I paid more attention to is obviously Paul’s taking the Duke’s seat after his departure. It’s very often a highly symbolic thing (HA, now that I've read the next chapters, talk about a highly symbolic thing indeed). I can’t wait to see it and be like Jessica and watch my son’s dignity and the mature sense of assurance explode on screen. It’s going to be glorious and beautiful.
I’m still not sure of what to think of this part of the scene. Jessica answering for Paul’s can be seen as an overprotective mother but don’t look good for a future Duke. But what about Kynes taking his side? Is it because he has decided to be loyal to the family and to Paul? Or is he trying to take the ascendant? I don’t know. Paul doesn’t like it and he doesn’t like not completely understanding the situation he finds himself in. I wonder what that means for the next time he’ll be placed in his father’s position or a similar one.
There is a quote I actually like but it sounds better in the french version than in its original version.
Here is the original:
My son displays a general garment and you claim it’s cut to your fit? Jessica asked. What a fascinating revelation.
Here is the French one:
Mon fils évoque une image et vous y voyez votre portrait? reprit-elle. Quelle fascinante révélation !
Which could literal translate to:
My son mentions an image and you see your own portrait in it?
it sounds awful like this but i like it a lot in French.
I also like this one:
In our society, people shouldn’t be quick to take offense. It’s frequently suicidal.
Can you believe like this one is more relevant in 2021 than it probably was in 1965? Humanity is really out there making progress 💫
Chapter 17:
This chapter is one of my favorite so far. Which could be surprising since Paul isn’t even there but damn Lady Jessica 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
So narratively speaking, Duncan is drunk so Jessica can learn that she’s being watched inside her own family and see that the Duke’s men are feeling rootless ever since they’ve been sent to Arrakis. I’ve asked myself if there could be more in this scene because it feels like it could have been but I have nothing. I don’t know. So let’s directly jump into the next scene because WHAT A SCENE.
First thing first, a unborn child? What??? Considering nobody has talked (to my knowledge) of ideas of cast to play this kid, I’m guessing the girl won’t be important before long, if not ever. I’m guessing she dies or never come to life if Jessica die before giving birth. That being said — even if I usually love siblings relationships in fiction (and non fiction) and relationships that look like siblings even when they aren’t — I’m not sure I’m enthusiast to Paul having a little sister (or brother or non-binary human). There is something special about legends like Paul being only child, one of a kind something, and kind of alone in his thing. We’ll see how it goes.
What also makes me happy in this chapter is that we learn more about Mentats. From what I understand, a Mentat is entirely based on logic, which is why I love the concept so much. I’m probably closer to be a Mentat than a normal human being. That being said, what Jessica said is interesting to take in consideration even in an universe without Mentat.
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I would make a terrible job trying to paraphrase or to explain how I understand it but please read it and read it again until it makes sense for you. And if it doesn't read it until it makes sense for something you witness in others then accept that it also makes sense for you. It's an important take on our differences as human beings and on human relationships and I love Jessica for saying it. I might end up bowing to her just as much as I'll bow to her son.
So let's talk about the Bene Gesserit Voice. One thing I wonder, if it's it wouldn't have been better to properly introduce to the power sooner. I don't really like when a mechanic required for a plot twist is given just one or two chapters before the said plot twist. It feels artificial somehow.
But It's funny how the voice of a Jedi is exactly the voice of a Bene Gesserit. In fact, a lot of this Bene Gesserit thing is similar to the Jedi thing. SW just... took it. I wish I had better knowledge of sci-fi so I'd more easily spot all the different ways Dune has influenced the genre I think I even saw something that made me thought of Harry Potter, even if we're talking about fantasy in this case. But I can't remember where it was. I find it interesting that this compelling voice is a feature exclusively owned by women. It could be an interesting conversation but the world isn't ready for this conversation (except for the part of the world that actually is but is also sexist and would misunderstand the talk just to serve their fucked-up ideas. And we don't want to do that). But it's also interesting to see that, a dozen years later, the feature is given to the Jedis, who are/were?, mostly represented by male characters. Anyway, I'm digressing without being that much pertinent so let's move on.
Damn I'm also so impatient to see this scene on screen. I hope it will make it to the cut because how could someone be more mentally and brain-ly yummy than Lady Jessica in this scene? (Paul in a future scene, I KNOW, I'M STILL PROCESSING). I love when she's ready to forgive anything to someone acting on the behalf of protecting the Duke. I love when someone like Thufir Hawat looked at her and think Who could stop a person with such power? I love when she explains how Bene Gesserit have access to almost unlimited power but choose not to use it because getting a power known by others is the best way to lose it. Please let her and the whole Bene Gesserit thing stay equally amazing, if not more, through the whole book. Thank you.
Ok, I'm still a few chapters behind but I'm still re-reading pages so I'm not moving froward in the story at the moment. I hope the 2.8 people reading this are having a excellent day and I'll see you in the next one 💛🌔
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Ikemen Sengoku Mafia!AU (Oda Forces)
In case y’all didn’t know I also write for Otome (both Voltage and Cybird)
Oda Nobunaga: the leader
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Absolutely a leader of a yakuza- and a good one at that too
(Assuming this takes place in modern day japan) runs one of the biggest Yakuza factions
On the outside though, he’s a very successful heir to a large, multimillion company (think Eisuke Ichinomiya from KBTBB I mean they’re practically the same person cmon)
Due to his seemingly inconspicuous ‘day job’ and charming personality making him very popular to the public eye, no one suspects him of being involved in any organized crime, so he’s able to operate very smoothly under the radar
Of course, he has spies every where- including in the government and police force so his tracks are very covered
Aims to take political power at some point and have his faction be the dominant faction (eliminating all possible rivals)
His biggest one being his enemy Kenshin Uesugi’s faction, who takes any and every opportunity they can to get under his nerves constantly lmao
Nobunaga and Kenshin have never seen each other face to face (if they did it’d be a blood bath), but still have an unspoken respect for each other as much as they hate each other lmao
The rivalry between their two families has lasted generations- now that it’s their turn, Nobunaga is determined to end it with the last laugh
Nobunaga’s still the same arrogant, cocky bastard he is, but 100x worse (as with modern technology)
Grew up with a very traditional family who were samurais in the past, so he’s had a lot of training in swordsmanship and martial arts
Always keeps a pistol in his jacket pocket and wears a bulletproof vest 90% of the time
(He’s not that good with guns tho)
On his desk there’s probably a little plateful of candies, and his fridge is also stocked with sweet things (it’s a wonder how he doesn’t have diabetes yet)
Also has a pocketful of tiny candies to last him throughout the day (much to Hideyoshi’s dismay)
Also, slicked back hair, suited up Nobunaga with a sleeve tattoo (he’d have to try really hard to keep his sleeve tattoo hidden but still just imagine)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: the bodyguard
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Hideyoshi is Nobunaga’s most trusted confidant, who also serves as his bodyguard
Wherever Nobunaga goes, Hideyoshi follows suit
More often than not the voice of reason
Always trusts his gut and is always skeptical of new members (or just people in general why won’t you trust me dammit)
He came from a poor family of farmers in the countryside, and when they couldn’t take care of him anymore they abandoned him
He was a thief for a little while, until Nobunaga’s dad took him in and raised him as his own
Hideyoshi deems this a debt he has to pay, and him helping Nobunaga and keeping him straight will repay the family’s kindness
He’s always the one to direct less major missions and cleans up the messes
Frequently in contact with Mistuhide, and he hates the guy (more like annoyed tbh)
He’s basically Nobunaga’s messenger lmao
And mother older brother figure, he frequently stops Nobunaga from rampaging over something insignificant and keeps him from being unhealthy by taking away his candies sometimes
Is better skilled with a gun, and thus carries not one, but two (those like shoulder straps for guns under his suit type of thing)
He goes undercover from time to time, although it’s not his specialty- he’s kind of a jack of all trades kinda guy
He’s really good at sussing out the spies and traitors, because he listens to his gut and it’s almost always right
Will do anything and everything to help Nobunaga succeed, even if it means killing anyone who stands in the way
Date Masamune: the affiliate
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Masamune is actually the leader of another yakuza faction, but since it was so weak at the time he took the opportunity to pair up with Nobunaga
His faction deals more with drugs and weapons, smuggling them over borders and getting them out and in of the country
That being said, most of his deals take place at exclusive bars and clubs- where the richest of the rich gather
He’s a pretty laid-back guy for someone who runs a drug syndicate- he doesn’t really care how things get done as long as they get done somehow
Also pretty goofy- when people first meet him, they’d think that there was no way he was in the yakuza
Even though the sleeve tattoos and the eyepatch probably should’ve been enough for them to know
And the massive amount of jewelry, too- Masamune isn’t shy about his wealth like at all
He’s totally the type to wear those bigass rings, complete with sapphires on them just to show off a little more
He loves to piss off Nobunaga, he loves for it
Ieyasu tells him that it might get him killed (low key a worried bb) but Masamune knows Nobunaga isn’t gonna get rid of him anytime soon; due to the fact that Masamune’s faction gives a shit ton of money
Him and Ieyasu tolerate get along pretty well, although the latter may deny it
Out of all of them, he’s probably the strongest and most skilled combat-wise; he’s adept in martial arts, knives and blades, as well as having an extensive knowledge on firearms and even bombs and how to use them
Honestly, he’s with Nobunaga just for the power boost- ones his faction gets enough power, he’s gonna dip then come back and be like ‘sike u thought’
Masamune has the same aspiration as both Nobunaga and Kenshin, but knows he can’t fight them both at the same time. So why not let the two battle it out then fight the winner?
Akechi Mistuhide: the spy
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Aka the rat
Mistuhide is a double agent working for Nobunaga, on his own terms
He’s a spy within the government’s police force, and nobody has caught him yet
Tells Nobunaga about any upcoming busts and when and where they’re gonna go, who they’re going to investigate and go after, basically all information on cases that may affect him
Very good at hiding his tracks- it’s almost impossible to get this guy
Also very good at swaying his coworkers and even bosses- tells them whether or not to pursue a case or person, acknowledge evidence, and even do something for him
He started out as an assassin for hire before becoming an informant for Nobunaga, which is the foundation for the distrust Hideyoshi has on him
Coupled with the fact that he’s easily a manipulative and cunning bastard, you’ve got someone who is a valuable asset but you can’t help but wonder when he’ll turn his back on you
He’s actually the son of a very rich man who had many wives and concubines; growing up, his father’s other wives would try to kill him using any tactic they could, so he developed quickly some skills that children shouldn’t have learned
He knows when food and drinks are poisoned, when someone is trying to ambush you, and when someone is lying- and this was before any formal training for an assassin
Because of his talent with blades and smaller guns, he’s the one Nobunaga sends out most of the time to kill someone and make it seem like an accident
Teams up with Masamune to annoy Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu (sometimes)
He once went undercover with Hideyoshi- the teasing was unfiltered and hard. Hideyoshi kept yelling at him to please stop, we have a fuckinh mission to do and you making me flustered will not make this any less difficult.
He honestly just lives to see people annoyed/embarrassed lmao
Used to tease Ieyasu a lot before Masamune came and essentially replaced him
Mitsuhide’s reasons for joining Nobunaga’s faction still remains a mystery, and he’d like to keep it that way
Tokugawa Ieyasu: the doctor
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Why is there no yellow
The underground doctor who works for Nobunaga, Ieyasu has plenty of knowledge and experience despite his young age
At first, you’d think he isn’t a doctor at all- he‘s rough, not exactly friendly, and easily irritated; which is exactly what makes him so good at his job
As an underground doctor, Ieyasu’s primary job is to salvage whatever unfortunate soul had been injured at the time- sometimes, it’d be much, much more than one person
He can’t afford to let his emotions get to him and slow him down, so he’s learned to repress his emotions and completely focus on his job instead
Also, he can’t be like a traditional doctor because he’s dealing with criminals here- and with his pretty face, not everyone’s gonna take him seriously if he offers the usual caring doctor attitude
Ieyasu grew up in a wealthy family before being kidnapped and sold in the black market as a child, abused within the system and eventually ended up in an old doctor’s hands
The old doctor would basically take him on as an apprentice and told him all his medical knowledge, urging him to follow in his footsteps before he died
When the doctor did die, Ieyasu continued his medical studies and attended several schools and universities before going off the grid completely
Years later he was found in a back alley market (think the black market from beastars) by non other than Nobunaga, who he saved from some thugs (or at least tried to)
Because of his work as a doctor, he often forgets to really take a rest and goes days without sleeping and living off spicy ramen noodles
It’s gotten so bad at one point that Masamune (who buys the noodles for him regularly) actually confiscated all of them and demanded Ieyasu be given a day off (he can’t have tease him if he’s dead!)
Speaking of Masamune, they met after the ‘eyepatch wearing idiot’ came into his clinic after a particularly grueling gun fight with the police
He’s kind of thankful for Masamune- Ieyasu would still have to deal with Mitsuhide and that guy gets on his nerves the quickest, if Masamune didn’t take his spot lmao
He has a little pet porcupine at home, and he sometimes sticks him in the chest pocket of his doctor’s coat whenever he knows he’s gonna spend days at his clinic
Don’t let his pretty looks fool you; mans learned many combat skills from Masamune including how to absolutely murder people with guns
Ishida Mitsunari: the hacker
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From how sweet and kind he looks he definitely does not look like part of the Yakuza
Like, he looks like he belongs in a classroom teaching kids, not in a computer room hacking government files
Extremely skilled hacker- he can get any information from anywhere and leave no trace
Is the main source of information for Nobunaga
Mitsunari was the son of a college professor, and spent most of his time reading in the school library when his father took him to his lectures
Pretty soon he found himself loving computers and tinkering with them, eventually leading to him hacking some minor websites
Fat forward a couple of years and his curious nature doesn’t stop, leading to him discovering some secret files/tapes of Nobunaga’s faction
He left a clear enough trace that he was easily tracked down and almost killed; however, Nobunaga saw some potential in him and decided to give him a choice between dying or joining them (not much of a choice there buddy)
He joined in his late teens, so he’s never really experienced what life was like (thanks Nobunaga)
Nonetheless, he’s actually pretty terrifying when he’s angry
With his demeanor, you’d think he wouldn’t have a mean bone in his body- wrong
Being in the yakuza at a young age, he’s seen some shit and learned some shit- and he’s even tried some of them
Many people have spited him, thinking he’s a doormat
Mitsunari does not let that fly
People underestimate how much he can ruin their lives through the computer screen- financial ruin, a hard hit to reputations, etc
He rarely if ever does that though, most of the time he’d just brush it off and continue what he’s doing (unless it escalates then you’re fucked lmao Mitsudarki come thru)
Mitsunari’s really good with kids, so often times the higher ups or other members leave their kids or pets with him because even if he is booked for work, he still takes stellar care of them
Gets teased by Mitsuhide often, but doesn’t get what he’s saying most of the time
Is heavily opposed to killing- he’d much rather talk it through with someone or ruin their life rather than taking it
Uggghhhhh this took so long but I love these little shits so it was worth it 😤😤 they’re so pretty wth-
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alwaysraineh · 4 years
Tagged by @tributeofasgard! Tysm this was so much fun!!! 🥰
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Name: Rachel
Gender: Currently up for debate lol previously I would have said woman but now I think the most accurate descriptor is woman-adjacent???? Idk man I’m still very comfortable with she/her pronouns but I’m trying out she/they currently!!
Star sign: Libra
Height:  5’10” (which I think is 177 cm??)
Time: 9:16 as of starting to type this
Birthday: October 6
Favorite bands: The Amazing Devil, Marianas Trench, Queen, P!atD, MCR
Favorite solo artists: Hozier, Harry Styles, Jon Bellion, David Bowie, Elton John
Last movie: honestly I’m not sure. I think it might have been Tarzan??? Tho I am planning on watching something with Kristen Stewart this weekend and just haven’t decided what quite yet
Last show: technically it was Jeopardy but as that doesn’t have a plot to it I’ll also say I recently finished a re-watch of Derry Girls
When did I create this blog: aaahhahah I had to check but it was March(?) 2013. that’s eight years baybeee!!!
What I post: a lot of bullshit, mostly
Last thing I googled: lyrics for Work Song bc I forgot a line while singing to my cat last night
Other blogs: I have one from 3-4 ish years ago that I made for school bc I was studying abroad and we were required to have a travel blog and I discovered I’m bad at travel blogging
Do I get asks?: sometimes!!! mostly from jared and marie and jo tbh
Why I chose my url: uhhhhh y’know at this point I don’t remember all the details of the origin story but I do know it started on foopets when I was 10 or 11 and it became the root of all my urls across all platforms and now its been over a decade and rain is deeply entrenched in my identity
Following: 350 (far more than I thought but also somehow less?)
Followers: 365
Average hours of sleep: ahaha probably like 4 or maybe 5?? insomnia is not my friend
Instruments: once upon a time I played percussion in the high school band and I’ve been taught the basics of piano, but I don’t actually actively play anything
What I'm wearing: pj pants and a really old t-shirt!! the pants are fuzzy and have bears and moose on them and my mom got them for me
Dream job(s): author!!! (or wildlife photographer, sheep herder, bog witch, etc.)(but seriously, author. I want to create something worthy of publishing so so so so so badly)
Dream trip: I want to travel the entire world!!! But rn my top destinations are the cloud forest in Costa Rica, the Scottish highlands, the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, and to return to Peru!!
Favourite food: I suddenly forget everything I’ve ever eaten when asked this question
Nationality: don’t make me say it. please. (American)
Favourite song: My Spotify wrapped would have you believe it’s Like Real People Do by Hozier but it’s ACTUALLY ……… Shrike. by Hozier. because he owns my entire soul.
Last book: Last Night I Sang To The Monster by Benjamin Alire Saenz, and it made me cry multiple times and it hurt my heart but in a really good way and I absolutely recommend it but I also warn that it deals with some extremely heavy themes and is not the best to read if you’re not prepared for it
Top 3 fictional universes: like to live in?? or to write/create content about?? either way I have to say lotr bc, come on, it’s middle earth. also probably any universe that exists within mcelroy podcasts and idk if I’m allowed to say it but my owwnnnnnn universe lol I really enjoy the worldbuilding I’ve done for the setting of Oslasil
I don't have 20 people to tag but I'm gonna tag as many as I can think of!! And even if I don't tag you, feel free to do this and say I did tag you!! I crave interaction!!! 🥺
@catladymarie @scorcherman13 @khprisun @jofngve @thisgayneedscoffee @little-bi-kingtrashmouth @magicdecat @gingernastyy @spacegaylra @great--googlymoogly @aph-wisconsin @resident-of-remnant
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void-tiger · 4 years
Tagged by @curiosity-killed (thanks for the tag!!)
roses or daisies:
DAISIES!!! They’re so simple and cheery have just as many colors and look delicate but are actually really tenacious? Also, how charming is Day’s Eye (and asters in general having the habit of facing eachother if they’re not turned towards the light--I think I have a picture of dahlias doing this from last autumn--and like. Star Flower. Okay, I’ll shut up now xD )
classical or lofi:
...okay so I admit I had to look this one up. But easily some of my favorite tracks are those Hidden Ones that bands plop onto their albums to fill up leftover space, but are often basically just scrapped recording or practice sessions? The bloopers and their creative process, basically. Cut to me googling and youtubing it and finding hiphop lofi and...yeah! Definitely Lofi.
(Classical vs OST and Modern Classical (that’s composed to be a lot more cinematic) just...really puts me on edge. It’s too mathematical...to put it nicely.)
So...yeah. Slow beats and something that sounds experimental or like a jamming session? It’s soothing and kinda ideal for background noise.
sunrises or sunsets:
Sunset. One, never ever gonna be a “morning person”. Forget it. Two, sunsets often have more dramatic colors and still make the landscape glow and you get to see stars peeping out vs fading. Also, y’know. I’m actually awake to appreciate it vs groggy and legit physically ill.
honey or lemon:
Honey as a condiment. Lemon for sweets flavor. (Baklava’s probably the exception...then again I haven’t had that many honey-flavored sweets, I guess? But Lemon-Poppyseed?? Definitely one of my favorites,)
coffee or tea:
Coffee. I adore tea service aesthetics and will someday probably collect them (especially the really quirky or earthen or blownglass ones vs the froufrou european ones)...buuuut, I just haven’t really had A Good Cuppa Tea much at all. There was this spiced tea I’ve had in Jordan that was AMAZING and I do like greentea (with...A LOT of sugar or honey...) but. I’ve just never really had tea. My family’s coffee drinkers, so the smell of coffee is nostalgic. (And yes, I’m basic enough that I prefer flavored, sweetened creamers; and my coffee brewed or spiced with, like, cinnamon and nutmeg, too. Or as a mocha.)
...I also have a Bad Habit of abandoning my Herbal “Teas” with the bags either left steeping too long (I have gotten better at using a timer) or while waiting for them to cool. And while I’d just really love it for Uncle Iroh to make me tea (provided he doesn’t get on my case about wanting sugar and maybe cream), the Times and Temperatures are just so dang fussy!! I...don’t think I have the patience for that.
enemies to lovers or friends to lovers:
Friends to Lovers. I just...don’t Get It with the sexual tension~ that seems to be the driving force behind enemies to lovers...I guess?? (That, and unless it’s literally on a battlefield, HARD PASS. I’ve had people try to blow off my complaints about getting repeatedly tormented as “he liiiiiikes you~” bullshit to ever be comfortable with it as anything but Legit Two Sides Of A Battle/Political Conflict. Sorry.)
But, Friends to Lovers? That Bond. And then the ...Oh. The domesticity and trust and safety. Also it is RIPE for Idiots to Lovers mutual pining xD
(bonus points if both parties decide ahead of time, “hey. even if dating doesn’t work out I still value your friendship in my life, so no pressure about ‘ruining things,’“ And then, of course, it does work out and there was nothing to be anxious about, after all.)
rainy days or sunny days:
...cop out but, overcast days with Soft Sunlight and Cloudbreaks?? I do like a clear skies sunny day, but, my eyes are also so sensitive to light that it can be painful. Rainy days can be soothing...but the rain has to be A Certain Way. Too heavy and with too much wind behind it and it can get me anxious. (My childhood home had Every Rain is Severe Weather...with no place to shelter. It’s gonna take awhile before i can appreciate it like i’d want.)
jupiter or mars:
Jupiter. GIANT. DEADLY. MARBLE (that wants to eeeaaat meeeee...) Also Pluto, and the jovian moons.
aphrodite or athena:
Athena!! She’s an ace icon, aight?? And also strikes me as...very, very Tired with everyone’s bullshit. Also...all the greek gods are kinda assholes. So. Yeah. She ain’t perfect and her characterization’s at the mercy of whatever myth in question, but generally she strikes me as practical and sensible and having Mercy...sometimes. As much as that group is capable of it, anyway...
rome or greece:
...probably Ancient Rome as a “ancient culture to explore but a YIKES (but. so is ancient greece.)” But visiting IRL in the present? Greece.
sun or moon:
Moon. I appreciate what the sun does and I do like feeling sunlight and all that...but, I’m also a night person. And I can look at the moon without risk of blindness and admire its corona and that rainbow corona you can see just a bit further out if you know where and how to look. BUT. The moon easily loses out to a starfield, especially if the light pollution and humidity are both low enough that ya get to actually see the milky way’s galaxy arm. (The irony that the sun IS our local star does not elude me.)
1920s or 1990s:
...neither?? 90s only slightly win out ‘cause I’m a ‘93 Kid and the 90s and 00s had some incredible toys and cartoons. And, idk. I still like overall pants and shorts. Always have. While a flapper dress would be “oooh pretty! starlight beading! Now OFF. Back to regular clothes for ‘Sporing or Comfy Lounging.”
blizzard or thunderstorm:
Blizzard. Also. Have you considered...thundersnow??
(Admittedly? I’ve also never been through a snowstorm that threatened by health&safety. The same cannot be said about thunderstorms when nearly every one could or would spawn tornados and severe straightline winds that could knock down trees and powerlines and sometimes even damage homes. While living in a home with NO safe place to shelter. Not even an interior closet or bathroom. NOT. FUN.)
midnight memories or made in the am:
...what?? [googles] ...OH...they’re...albums. UH. Neither?? (I don’t listen to them...?)
sage green or vanilla white:
Sage green. It’s kinda a nostalgic color somehow? Also. Just not a fan of monochrome...at all. I see it? I instantly want it to be a backdrop. Negative space. For COLOR. (jewel tones for whites/light neutrals and browns; NEONS for blacks and dark greys. Preference for Jewel Tones over Neons...wait. What was the question again??? OH YEAH..uh... I do like vanilla icecream? With rainbow sprinkles. Or...paired with hot fruit pie or cobbler. Or cookies. Um...yeah I should prolly shutup now. xD )
folklore or lover:
...I don’t...understand??? But...I like Folkslore as in...folklore??? Fairytales, Legends, Myths... (also, so frikkin ace I’m just. not ever gonna pick “lover”)
croissant or macaroon:
...why would you do this to me. I make a beeline for croissants because...Soft Flaky Buttery Bread. And they are So Good as a savory sandwich sorta thing. Easily better than english muffins or crumpets, tho biscuits have a fighting chance. But LIKE. Soft breads. My weakness as a kid.
...but a good macaroon?? It is so light and crisp and TINY and like?? how does it taste like coffee??? and berries????? (Too bad they are So EXPENSIVE. While even cheap croissants are almost always Good.)
ballgowns or pantsuits:
I like the aesthetics of a ballgown. But never the pricetag, I wouldn’t wanna live in that thing for more than an hour, tops (and. so much damn work!!) and I’m stuck looking at them Defying (boob) Physics and just...dying a little inside. With my rare It Pretty Want Pretty wilting with it. But...it’s rare that pantsuits really...look like anything. (They also look uncomfortable and yet another Wardrobe Disaster and Do I HAVE To??? if I think about...actually wearing them. But, Legs Free No Tripping...I guess??)
hades or zeus:
I only wanna EVER meet Zeus if I get to castrate the bastard and lock ‘im up where he’ll NEVER get back out. Hades, tho...I’m WATCHING you, Bub. (Why yes, I agree with Demeter on this one.)
platonic love or sensual love:
Platonic. Cuddling and Kissing are technically Sensual but, y’know what? They ain’t exclusive to sexual or romantic loves (and I just. really do not want kissing at all. MAYBE a quick kiss on the forehead or fingertips but LIKE. That’s it. And it’s cute af for...literally ANY Love Type.)
light academia or cottagecore:
Honestly? A mix between the two. Cottagecore with my charming little home with its overgrown flowerbed of wildflowers (and asters! All the asters) and produce grown in large pots or hanging baskets...and inside the walls are covered with overflowing shelves of books and knicknacks and other Neat Things. Oh, and naturally a tea service (might not actually have tea in it...) and tons of pillows and blankets, and lamps and lanterns Everywhere for warm and soft (and colorful) light to read by while music plays softly in the background. And the home smells like something I just made for Supper or Snacks, or like a food-scented candle.
Aaaaaand tagging @mckinlily @headspacedad @aairachnid @synergetic-prose and whoever else wants to play! No obligation to play if tagged.
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comix-by-chloe · 4 years
What Kind of Woman?
“What kind of woman am I going to be?”
That was never a question I asked myself, neither before, nor after, I realized I was trans. There was too much riding on the “Oh gosh, I wish I were a girl” thing, or the, “Jesus Christ, just pump me with hormones NOW” thing, to the point that the consideration of who I would become never really entered my head. The major reason I never questioned it is because I KNEW what I would look like and what I would wear (and for me, the whole of one’s character was involved in what one wears), and so why even stop to consider alternative? I mean, at least I THOUGHT I knew.
If you go back in time, back into little four year-old Chloe’s head, you’ll see a vivid picture of a kid getting obsessed with a certain type - namely, the Bad Girl, and, in particular, the bad girl who rocks a leather jacket and who could cut a man just by looking at him. This image was given to you by way of POWER RANGERS, and then by way of THE SECRET WORLD OF ALEX MACK, and then by way of the animated series BEETLEJUICE - all three include an episode in which a wonderful heroine gets somehow magically transformed into an alternate version of herself (or in the case of Alex Mack, an alternate bad version splits off from her gooey self and then traps the real one in a sewer). Also, all three rely very heavily on this alternate, “bad” version of each character to don a killer fit, accentuated (as almost always seems the case in this kind of rep, at least for the early nineties) by a leather jacket.
So, okay, you were very like INTO IT. But you were also like four. So what do you do? Well, you dream about it, aaaaand you want to talk about it but you can’t because this type of thing is literally labeled as “bad” (and, for a kid who lived her life with no intention of ever breaking the rules, something “bad” was inherently wrong, which meant you would NEVER EVER PARTAKE GOSH DARN IT!!!).
Over time (and by that I mean eleven years), you finally kiiiiind of talk to your sister about it (not about the gender thing, which hasn’t even truly shown up yet), and that gives you the courage to at least draw the things you want (tho not the courage to show said drawings to literally anyone else). And so you draw and draw. And you draw and you draw and you draw. Just…leather jackets and babes - that’s what you do. One day your mom finds your drawings. And like…the shame. The agony. THE HUMILIATION. In all honesty, the drawings weren’t even anything “bad.” They were just…unexpected, and the last thing you want people to know is that there are unexpected things to be learned about you, because that could clue them into… SOMETHING else.
Later in your teenage years you finally discreetly purchase your first leather jacket, and it’s pretty cool. Do you wear it outside the house? Nah, people could see you and TALK. You just wear it in your bedroom, constantly listening in to the other rooms in the house, forever being conscious of every other family member’s or roommate’s location in case they decided to rush the door (honestly what?). Eventually the guilt (oh yeah, there’s that whole “I believe in God, and he would NOT be happy with this” thing going on, too - that’s pretty important) drives you wild and you actually tear the jacket to shreds. And then the loss makes you so sad that you buy another! And then yadda yadda yadda, you eventually go to school and start wearing them all the time and it becomes your THING and people who you become friends with tell you that they were so intimidated by you at first because you looked so COOL and INTENSE (their words, not yours [well, kinda yours; you would definitely describe someone seeing you and not saying something to you as being because you looked COOL and INTENSE]) and then on and on and on and then HOLY SHIT WHAT YOU’RE TRANS??? AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME (YOU)!?!?!? ALL THESE YEARS!!!!! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
So like, it was already there, right? You were already DOING IT. What you could not have anticipated, though, was just how wrong you were about everything.
For starters, personality and personal aesthetic ARE NOT mutually exclusive. This has always been tough for me to reconcile (and even now still is), because it’s created in me an inability to see these Bad Girls as reasonably human. And so, despite my incredible interest in them, I’ve never really been able to write a character I could define as a badass, especially as a protagonist, because she actually lacks all humanity (like, how could someone who looks so cool have like REAL PEOPLE problems?).
I also recognize that my OWN personality and aesthetic don’t mesh in the way people might expect - sometimes it’s been simple things, like people assuming I’m not into girls (?????), or assuming that my music taste is something that it isn’t (the discussion I had with a former boss about how my favorite genres are rap and pop still sticks in my mind); other times, unfortunately, it’s put me in more dire, even scary, circumstances, like the guy who gave me his number and wouldn’t stop overtly sexualizing and fetishizing me while I was checking him out at my register, or the dude who propositioned me for sex in the back of his Uber.  
While it’s always been a nice idea to gain a wild amount of confidence by being myself, the truth is that I’m a neurotic mess: I think too much about everything, over-analyzing this and that, whether it has to do with me or not; because of this, it’s hard for me to ever believe I’ve actually gotten to the place I wanted to be. Am I a babe who wears siccc fits like 100% of the time? Sure, but do I genuinely FEEL like it gets me to the mental state I desire? Oh, absolutely not! My overriding fears kind of still pedestal this idea of some kind of “Unattainable Cool,” and disallow me to ever achieve it.
It would definitely be better to rid myself of this idea at all - people are just…people! We all make mistakes, we all look dumb sometimes, we have our silly moments along with our serious ones; and so, trying to achieve something that is virtually impossible, and which, if achieved, would rid one of her humanity, isn’t even a goal worth having.
So what does this boil down to? Essentially, this expectation that I had of just becoming this cool girl with no thought put into it at all has kind of proven to me that these images I had of someone cool are NOT what actually makes someone cool. A lot of perceived coolness in this world is created as some kind of mystique to pique others’ interests. If I read as unapproachable, I am “cool,” but like being fun and friendly and goofy and caring and all that good shit somehow is NOT cool? NAAAAH, that’s fuckin bullshit. The coolest people I know are those who’ve been welcoming and approachable, and who were willing to be there and help myself or others when they could. There was no true mystique about them: that’s not what it was about! If a true “Bad Girl” person exists, she’s probably just a piece of shit, because living your life on mystique alone is nothing.
So what kind of woman have I become, then? Well, not this picture of the purest form of badassery I had ever seen, because that’s not something even worth attaining. Honestly, I was even wrong about the fact that I “knew” what I would look like. For a while, I thought I didn’t really have that awkward, early transition phase where you wear wild fits until you find something that really works for you, mainly because I thought I kinda showed up fully-formed; obvs, that was DEFINITELY not the case, but never could I have anticipated that I would 1) retire like all the clothing I bought at first within a year or two, 2) grow out of a lot of my clothing fairly quickly (those ‘mones, man!), 3) stop wearing jeans, and 4) start wearing skirts. This last one was the biggest, because it ended up taking my style from androgynous-butch to girly-cute/hot (depending on the skirt). But what does this style and fashion-sense say about me? Whelp, if there’s anything I’ve learned, it just shows that your style doesn’t dictate much of who you are - or at least, not with regard to a lot of the traits that really matter.
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tazzykiki · 4 years
I’m tired, angry and bored so here we go! A messy list of fucked up Public School Things that may or may not be a universal experience:
The Lunches were a mix of good and horrible:
I was usually fine with the lunches because they were pretty decent and, like, yay food! But looking back they were just, so wrong????
Like in my middle school lunches AND breakfast were a mess. I got food poisoning like once or twice from the breakfast and the lunch was pitiful. At one point they just stopped cooking the pasta and left a bunch of uncooked, powdery noodles in a plastic box like anyone was gonna grab them and be like “mm yes! my favorite! hard noodles!”. Like what the actual fuck.
The pizza was also in a box, none of the toppings were labeled so it was a gamble on what type you would get, and most of the time they were burnt. In HS the pizza was fine but it tasted fake as hell and I’m pretty sure they just took some rubber and put cheese on it.  
My HS lunches were better but even then it was just, really concerning how limited and odd the food was. Luckily we didn’t have to pay except for like cookies and stuff smaller than your hand that costs like $2 cuz they want to “promote healthiness” despite feeding us what is basically prison food.
The class sizes were horrifying: I’m sorry but what person can teach 30+ rowdy kids and be perfectly fine??? Not to mention this was the norm the whole day! Imagine grading all those papers, keeping track of every student, and making sure they all shut up long enough to teach. And that’s just for the teachers who actually care.
Like a class size should be a max of 20 with a few exceptions. Do you know how stressful it is for everyone involved? Not to mention, 30 kids was considered SMALL!! Some classes had 40, even 50 STUDENTS!!!! WHAT THE FUCK.
We never had enough books, or supplies, or anything. Usually by the half point of the year, half the books would be missing or destroyed and it was a mess. In HS the Drama and Music teachers had to deal with like, one class of 10-20, and then like 5 classes of 40-50(all mixed grades too). And you know what’s even more fucked up? There was only one of each teacher.
There was one drama teacher. Who btw deserves the world and legit cares about her job and students. I honestly hope she quit and went somewhere better. She had to put up with 40+ screaming kids, grade all of those assignments, deal with insult and harassment(she was plus-sized and white. So she couldn’t talk back, would get insulted, and more.The only white people allowed to be sassy in that school were funny white men that were laid back), and had barely enough supplies to get by.
There was one music teacher. Who also deserves the world and legit cares about her job and students. She had to deal with 40-50, almost 60+, kids. The majority of them being sophomores and freshman, with bits of seniors and juniors. She taught music, taught band, and organized events and performances. She is, I believe, the first and only music teacher in that school and that’s just so fucked up. Like imagine being one person and having to manage hundreds of students like that.
There was only one digital arts teacher but I have no idea what they did since you can’t choose what class you attend. I just know it was constantly crowded, never really applauded, and they weren’t involved in a lot of things.
Oh yes how could I forget the art teacher! Yeah no there was no art class that involved drawing and painting. Apparently that class was scrapped years ago and has now turned into a JROTC locker! :D Speaking of JROTC:
JROTC and Sports had too much support and that’s a serious problem:
Hey maybe it’s because I’m an art kid and I hate exercising(because every attempt to do so was met with laughter, humiliation, and the ridicule of my body even though I can’t control how my body grows and changes), but man did JROTC and sports(specifically football) have way too much attention.
We had not one, not two, but FOUR ENTIRE JROTC CLASSES! Classes training you to be in the military, specifically Air Force. Classes you HAD to take unless you wanted to be in gym(never had the class but from what I’ve heard, there were about 50-70 kids, mostly male, filling up that class and they didn’t do anything but play ball or whatever. All of course, taught by one guy).
Somehow this program had enough support for uniforms, 4 different classrooms, supplies, several teachers(all of whom were in the military at one point[they were chill except for the freshman teacher who called you a whiny baby for being in pain]), and more. 
Not to mention, every so often military people would come by with pretty pamphlets and fun little strength tests and have kids to sign up to newsletters and shit and ask them to join the military when they graduate so they can get free college and happy fun times!! :D
Football was given way too much attention, even over the other sports, and I absolutely hate it. Every month was about  football, football, football. So much money went into football, so much support went into football. Yeah yeah yeah follow your dreams or whatever the fuck they tell you on Disney Channel, but there was too much support on this one sport that involved kids breaking their heads open. 
Please please give me ONE valid reason why this irritating-ass sport had so much attention while art students, craft students, theater students, music students, students who want to work in literally any other field that doesn’t involve science or sports had to fucking scrape every tiny little chance they could from the crumbs that were left behind. PLEASE tell me why I had to join a completely different program that was hella exclusive and restricted to Juniors and Seniors that had a certain skill-level just to have a proper arts class while football players got a cool fancy bus, a shit ton of gear, and praise every single day(seriously their pictures and trophies were everywhere). 
Why is it that they get scholarships and full rides for throwing a ball around and bashing their brains open while I had to fucking destroy my hand and scramble around for some shit like $200 which I wouldn’t even get because I don’t have the skill to paint the mona lisa or whatever. Anywayyyy~
Hey what the fuck was up with the rules? Sorry kids but if you’re reading this, everything they tell you on tv about high school is a lie. Unless you watched the Dora the Explorer movie, then that was actually pretty accurate.
Hey is it weird we had metal detectors and legit police officers(who were armed) in our school? Is it weird that we had to wear plastic, see-through book-bags, that weren’t even given to us for free and were so weak that they had to get rid of that rule because they would break after like 2 months? Is it weird we were all stuffed into a nasty, sticky, pest-ridden, staircase right in front of the main doors in the morning because we weren’t allowed all the way inside for whatever reason unless it was for a club(i.e. sports)? Is it weird that we were all trapped in the lunch room by security guards because they didn’t want kids roaming the halls even though they already did? Is it weird we weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom and were always told “you should’ve went your last class” when your last class didn’t let you? Is it weird we weren’t allowed to use the bathroom and were always told that “you should’ve went during the transition time” even though the transition time was only 4 minutes and the hallways were so crowded that it’d be time for class by the time you’d get there?
Is it weird that when we were allowed to use the bathroom, all of the bathrooms were locked and only one on the other side of the school was open, and the majority of the stalls were broken? And they kept the bathrooms locked, even after school, because they didn’t want kids skipping class even though they still did?
Is it weird that if you didn’t have a belt(if you were male), or a part of your uniform, you would be prevented from going to class if there were no more temporary uniforms?
Is it weird that if one kid did something bad, the entire class would be punished and class time would be wasted and the point of punishment would be lost because the teacher wanted a taste of power or whatever?(hey one time in 8th grade, both classes had to stand in one long ass line for about half an hour because someone was talking and it was treated like it was a joke. this took up our breakfast time too)
Other Shit: One time my HS got like $20,000 and instead of using it to fix at least one thing, they wasted it on useless flatscreen tv’s and SAT “tutors” that taught us 3rd grade english & math, how to annotate(I swear to fucking god one more person try and teach me how to underline a motherfucking sentence---) and did absolutely nothing to help us. Meanwhile the football players were living like kings.
We had a strange assortment of teachers, ya’ll know about my junior and senior english teacher. But did I ever tell you about the freshman JROTC instructor? She was so much fun~ I remember one time!!! ooh this is a good one :DDDD!!!! that I was in so muuuuuch pain that I was crying and couldn’t move! and guess what!!!!???? ooh! ooh! guess! She called me a whiny baby and said I was overreacting!!!! omg? She was so right tho, I was totally overreacting to being in immense, insufferable, pain that no one even attempted to be concerned about~~ 
Oh here’s another good one: I used to cry a lot! It was horribly embarrassing and not fun~ I was either sick, on my period(which according to the multiple doctors I had to be rushed to, was normal and the intense pain was hereditary), or having an emotional breakdown~ This lasted from 5th grade to Senior Year of HS! :D
One time I was in a lot of pain, 7th grade I believe, and cried for a whole hour straight. What did my teacher do? Have me sit in class while everyone went to like social studies or whatever, talked with some teachers, and then complained about how I “cried and cried and cried for an hour straight” with no concern whatsoever. BTW the nurse was never there and even then she was kinda useless.
Don’t even get me started on the several times I was on my period and was actually screaming in pain and was still looked down on because a student screaming and hollering in pain is no cause for concern obviously~ Really surprising how a lot of the male teachers and staff were more concerned then the female ones, especially the science teacher who has a uterus, has multiple daughters, and the audacity to say I’m ~overreacting~. I’m so happy our teachers and schools have our priorities in order.
Note: If you’re horrified by this. Good. You should be.
More misc things: My HS had a shit ton of roaches, water bugs, and whatever those long disgusting things that walk around on the walls and fall off once you see them. Art meant nothing to them. Teacher sanity meant nothing, student sanity meant nothing. The principal was great and I blame whoever’s “funding” schools and working behind the scenes.  I know this was more about personal stuff, but like a lot of things like large classes, lack of supplies, lack of empathy from teachers, constant pests, horrible food, stupid rules that hurt us more than helped, really weird exposure to cops and military, and too much focus on one subject is super common in public schools and I really really want it to stop.
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feykyung · 4 years
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hi friends!! i’m jessie bringing u 450 yr old do kyunghwa who honestly needs to find better hobbies 😔 i wrote up a little human lifetime snippet here, but the rest of kyung’s 400+ yr history has yet to be filled with tons of Fun and Angsty stuff so that’s something to look forward to! :^) i’m weak for deep plots and i’m super excited to build sum intricate past/present connections with other vampires/species. granny doh has traveled far and wide carrying a book of all the stupid ways she can entertain herself... definitely in need of a few people to ground her. i managed to write a short PROFILE and PLOTS, but i also jotted down some more vague ideas and brief tl;dr below the cut! pls hmu if anything interests you! 
born april 30, 1570 to a crippled scholar and two siblings. although the padre taught her to read and write, he was also silently struggling to support the household by just rewriting confucian texts and his own outdated books.
got engaged to a government official’s bastard and started something of an orphanage with him, but the children were massacred while trying to flee across the nam river from invading samurai. only kyunghwa and one of the little girls, sookja, barely survived after kyunghwa dragged them to another village with a doctor. 
worked under him for a while but before they could leave to search for hubby samdeok, the japanese launched a second widespread attack. while the villagers & nobles were escaping, a nobleman got shoved off the side of the cliff by his own ox and pulled kyunghwa down with him 😳
just before she was about to give up and die on the forest floor, a passing (godsend) vampire offered a second chance at life and turned her into a fledgling. all she wanted to do was see sookja grow up and marry someone nice, partly to atone for her failure to protect all those children, and partly because she hadn’t yet sought retribution on their murderers. lived with her sire for some ~20 years 
after bidding him farewell and helping out with sookja’s children, kyunghwa disguised herself as a man and served as a field surgeon of sorts during the first manchu invasion. after three months, went to work in the rice paddies to initiate her mission of Not going back to living in dirt
for the following couple decades, all she really focused on was making money and refining her supernatural abilities. the first time she got rich, she hadn’t heard of Financial Responsibility and nearly lost all her fortune until her sire had to relocate her and tell her to stop 
fell in love with another human while travelling, but after remembering how lonely it is to watch your lover grow old and sick while you’ve haven’t aged for a hundred years, she stopped trying to have meaningful relationships with most mortals
was once much more cutthroat and feral toward humans and hunters, mostly because the worst ones would always use death as a means of escape. now, though, she doesn’t fuck w/ humans too much as a vampire, only when she’s disguised as one of them in society
has a painting/picture of every house she’s ever owned. before she turned 150, she used to also keep a written list of her closest human friends and lovers so she would always remember them, but kept forgetting to add to it so it’s somewhere collecting dust in the attic rn 
regularly donates to orphanages and children’s programs, and established a couple mostly in the countryside
has developed an “it is what it is” mentality. she doesn’t actively seek death, but no longer exhausts herself just to avoid it. though when she’s killed, she’d prefer it to be when she no longer has any regrets 
loves to admire her different masters degrees and like two or three doctorates, all acquired from frequently changing her profession on whim. 
played sims when it first came out and *naturally* became an interior designer after, which is what she’s been for the past 6 years
highkey thinking about learning how to train elephants now (on a side note, she tried to tame a werewolf in wolf-form once but almost got killed by their entire pack)
uses telekinesis to get her cat out of the tree
vampires she’s known for centuries or ones just meeting each other for the first time
has sired two fledglings in her lifetime
currently not the biggest fan of killing humans to keep them silent, which is why she almost exclusively drinks from donors/donor bags. when you guys are out one night, one or both of you loses control. somehow you always bring out the worst (or feral) in her and a few weeks later, she still won’t get over how you “made” her kill that human after her 24 year clean streak
any genera friends!
classmates from grad school who wonder why this bitch looks the exact same as she did a few years ago
witches that she lends a bit of her blood to as long as she gets to see the final result of the spell. also might’ve been friends w/ ur great grandma
a witch she’s been pestering to invent the spell that makes blood taste like human food
cat-and-mouse dynamic with a hunter bc even tho kyunghwa’s unafraid of death, she still hasn’t built her greenhouse to grow banana plants yet
um that’s it so far if i think of any more i’ll probably plop them on my plot page but yeah!! if there’s anything particular you’d like to explore, i’d love to flesh things out/brainstorm through ims or discord ♡
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grapesodatozier · 5 years
can you post more smutty madwheeler hcs?
hell ya i can i just cant proofread them lmao so sorry for any typos or tense changes. anywho get your sub!mike hats on folks!!
okay so to set the scene for these hcs… mikes a whole dumbass
like hes school smart and everything but hes just,, so dumb
hes going into his senior year of college and he’s never eaten anyone out
hes given blowjobs, but he realizes he’s only ever had sex with people with dicks
and basically he starts having an early onset midlife crisis bc hes mike wheeler so of course he does
he knows that he wants to eat someone out at some point, like he’s not in a rush to actually do so, but he doesn’t want to be bad at it once he actually gets around to it, so he feels rushed to learn
this is the dumbass part bc he should realize you can’t really be “good” at sex bc everyones different
but he succumbs to the social pressure/college myths and such, and he kinda starts to panic about it bc mike wheeler does not like not knowing how to do things
so he goes to his closest friend on campus for help
he met max his freshman year, and while they both thought the other hated them at first they ended up being great friends
and max has seen mike at his peak dumbass, so he’s only kind of embarrassed when he asks her if she can teach him how to eat pussy
he thinks it’s a great plan bc not only does max have a pussy, but mike knows for a fact that she’s gone down on people with pussies plenty of times
and he’s expecting her to laugh, and sure, maybe say no, but he’s not expecting her to choke on her drink, he’s not expecting her cheeks to turn pink like that
“what?” she rasps once she catches her breath and clears her throat
mike shrugs, but he feels a lot less sure now. “i just don’t know how to, and i know you do, and i figured i could maybe practice on you while you teach me”
max’s eyebrows shoot up, and she shakes her head with a small laugh. “you’re a dumbass, you know that, right?”
and that helps mike relax, bc that sounds like max
“okay yeah i get it,” he grins, “it was dumb. i guess it’ll just have to happen when it happens”
“wait, no, i’ll do it” max rushes to say “it’s dumb, but yeah, i’ll help you”
“how can i resist you admitting there’s something i’m better at than you?”
mike gives her a challenging smirk. “not for long”
and max laughs at that, but then it goes kind of quiet bc like… they’re sitting on the couch in her otherwise empty apartment as they speak… and they both kind of realize at the same time that there’s no reason to not start right then, and now mike isn’t quite so sure that he actually thought this through bc wow he really didn’t consider the potential consequences of this, especially bc he’s just recently been beginning to realize that he really likes max, like maybe more than a friend, but he’s still in the denial stage but that doesn’t stop his heart from racing at the thought of touching her, kissing her…
fucking her
suddenly his skin his burning all over
and hes all like “so… when do you wanna… like should we now? how should we-”
and max just cuts him off with a fond “god, you’re so fucking dumb” and a grin before swinging one of her legs over his hips and settling herself in his lap
you know that meme about being attracted exclusively to idiots? max
and before mike knows it, his hands are on max’s waist, and they feel really nice there
and her hands are in his hair and she’s kissing him, and it’s all kinds of wild to be kissing his best friend but it also makes him realize “oh shit ive been wanting this for a while huh”
theme: dumbass
and honestly, things come way more naturally than he was expecting
that is, until he realizes how far his hands have slid up her sides, so much closer to her chest than he intended
and that panic starts rising again, his heart racing, and he just sort of keeps his hands still there, then begins inching them slightly closer to her breasts
eventually she begins kissing down his neck and teases him a bit like “so are you gonna touch my tits or what?”
and mike is very happy to have permission
soon their shirts come off and they’re stumbling to max’s room
and suddenly they’re both in her bed in nothing but their underwear, and mike cant help but realize how beautiful she is, how happy she makes him, how she makes him feel all warm and giddy
but also as she unclasps her bra and tosses it aside, she makes him really fucking hard, so he focuses on that, bc that’s a lot less complicated
her tits looks so soft, and her nipples are the prettiest rosy pink color he’s ever seen
he’s nervous as he kisses down her chest, but the sounds she makes when he runs the tip of his tongue lightly, experimentally over her sensitive skin encourages him
and god, sucking her into his mouth for the first time is like a religious experience
meanwhile max is having a similar crisis/epiphany
bc like, mikes always been cute, but now his dark eyelashes are fanned across his pink, freckled cheeks, and his hairs a little messy from her fingers running through it, and he’s sucking on her tits like he was born for it, and she’s kind of overwhelmed by how much she’s enjoying this, how good it feels, and especially by how fucking beautiful he looks
she runs her hands over his skin, and it’s so soft and warm
and his back is curved so nicely…
god, this was a mistake, she can’t only do this once, now that she’s seen him like this she wants to see him like this all the fucking time, she can already feel how desperately she’ll be longing for it once it’s over
but for now she enjoys it, tells him to be gentler or go harder, tells him how to swirl his tongue over her tits, just barely touching her, which has her getting wetter and wetter
at one point she grabs his hair and bucks her hips up into his, and they’re both still for a second before mike kisses her again, even more desperately than before
and max doesn’t need to teach him anything about this; the way he sucks her lower lip between his teeth and teases his tongue over her own has her steadily rocking her hips, rubbing herself against his thigh
mike nearly comes right then and there when max moans his name
he takes it as a cue to kiss down her stomach
and he fucking looks up at her for permission with his hands so gently on her hips before taking her panties off and wowowow her heart is doing all kinds of flips
and mike doesn’t know what he’s expecting to feel when max spreads her legs, but what he ends up feeling is just pure awe
like he sees the fucking light lmao
and max thinks he’s just so fucking cute but also like she’s fucking desperate to feel his tongue on her
and some sort of electricity sparks through both of them once his mouth is on her, and she guides him through it, stroking his hair all the while
honestly… she kinda gets off on telling him what to do
like she has to tell herself to calm down lmao bc like the prettiest fucking guy has his head between her thighs and keeps looking up at her and he fucking wants her to order him around like that’s lowkey the point of this so she has to be like “okay chillchillchill don’t start domming him rn that’s not the goal here”
little does she know mike likes it too
like every time she pulls his hair to guide him up or down or harder or softer he can’t help but grind against the mattress bc he is so fucking into that
eventually she tells him to slide a finger into her, and she’d noticed before how long his fingers are, but wow they reach so fucking deep and she was not prepared for that
she tells him to add another, and wow that feels so fucking good, and he curls his fingers just the way she tells him to, and she knows she’s not gonna last very long
and shes moaning and rambling like “fuck, fuck, yes, just like that, don’t stop, fuck don’t fucking stop”
when she comes, she comes hard, her thighs wrapping around mike’s head
and it’s super intense but tbh she’s kind of into that
when she opens her eyes mike is all starry eyed, and his lips are all swollen and the entire bottom half of his face is glistening and this motherfucker has the audacity to look at her with his stupid sparkly brown eyes while she’s still fucking catching her breath and ask “was that good?”
max just pulls him into a kiss and strokes his hair
she also needs to get her mouth on his cock
he happily helps her get his boxers off, and neither of them mention that this was just supposed to be about him learning how to eat pussy
max is not ready for the realization that mike is genuinely a solid 8 or 9 inches
like she actually goes “what the fuck your cock is fucking huge”
and mike b l u s h e s at that, and max’s mouth is on him in like 0.2 seconds
the second he moans max knows that sounds gonna be on loop in her head for at least the next few days
he comes super quickly, and his o-face is the hottest thing max has ever seen
mikes embarrassed, but the way max swallows him down is so fucking hot, and she kisses him all over after he comes
somehow they silently agree to cuddle for a bit before showering together
they order pizza, and things seem normal but they both lie wide awake that night once they’re alone in their own beds
neither of them can stop thinking about it
they do it again a few days later
and mike looks so fucking gorgeous and hes all like “does that feel good?” and max can’t help but let him know how bad she wants to sit on his face
mike is SO down
she grips his hair and rides his tongue hard until she’s coming on top of him
…and then they keep going until she comes two more times
later that week mike feels kind of weird when he buys condoms on a whim, but it turns out to be a good thing, bc the third time they hook up max can’t help but tell him in the hottest voice he’s ever heard how badly she wants his cock inside of her
and tbh, while she’s wet as fuck for him, it takes a while of opening her up for her to be ready to take his cock
it’s so worth it once he’s inside of her tho
she guides him through fucking her, but they both kind of know he doesn’t really need it, this is coming so naturally to both of them
so it quickly turns into her more telling him what to do just because they both find it super hot
“fuck, baby, fuck me harder, fuck yes, just like that, that’s it baby, fuck it’s so good you’re such a good boy for me”
the phrase “good boy” rings in both of their ears and makes mike come immediately
“so… you’re into that then?”
“uh, yeah. you?”
“fuck yes.”
they never realized how sexually compatible they would be
like they both come at least three times the first time max is on top, they’re v v into all the same stuff (and each other)
then eventually they get their shit together and realize they’re in love!! so then they get to sprinkle “i love you"s throughout their dirty talk!! and they cuddle and kiss all the time!! it’s so great!!
okay thank you for coming to my dom!max/sub!mike ted talk lol
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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