#honestly nobody wins so 🤷
hp-hcs · 7 months
rebel girl — mlm! draco malfoy & wlw/nblw! reader
prompt #8 of the slytherin boys x reader thingy i made
8) Draco Malfoy + humor + Rebel Girl — Bikini Kill
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i’m so sorry for whatever this is
unspecified pronouns, but written for wlw or nblw (or he/him lesbians <3)
❕platonic relationship❕
written in the same style as the mattheo one, cause y’all fuckin loved that (aka basically just crack with some vague semblance of a plot and a gratuitous amount of completely unnecessary emojis)
Based on these lyrics from Bikini Kill’s Rebel Girl:
‘That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighborhood/ I got news for you, she is!/ They say that she's a dyke, but I know/ She is my best friend, yeah’
“honestly, it’s kind of pathetic that l/n and malfoy still think that no one knows they’re together”
^^ you overhear in one of your classes, being whispered under someone’s breath and followed by tittering laughter
you just kinda turn to look at draco with a ‘these bitches dumb as fuck’ look on your face
he’s already giving you the same look
“should we tell them?” you ask
“nah, let’s see if we can keep it up til the end of the year” 😌
shore malfoy, that’s a choice ig 🤨
anywhore, you guys decide to fuck with everyone
((excluding your friends who aren’t stupid))
and you go to the yule ball together
all of the adults chaperoning are like 🤨🤨🤨
half of your classmates are like “(🏳️‍🌈?)”
y'all dance together the whole night, literally unable to take yourselves seriously
then draco’s like “let’s kiss just to fuck with everyone”
brilliant plan, sir
anyways y’all do that, ig
mwah mwah 😘
your friends are like 🧍‍♀️“babe.”🧍‍♂️
welp guys stop asking you out after that cause they think you’re taken 🫡
…a win is a win 🤷
making out in the name of wlw/mlm solidarity, ig
y’all play the long con
you change your ringtone to girls by girl in red and sTILL NOBODY NOTICES
on the last day before winter break, you guys take the opportunity to have a huge dramatic ‘break up’ so you can be the center of all the juicy goss over the break 😌✨
you guys think it’s funny for like a week into the break, and then immediately forget about it
when you come back at the beginning of the semester, neither of you fuckin remember 🫥
you get a girlfriend (slay girlypop ✨)
draco gets a boyfriend (cough cough harry cough cough)
everybody’s like 🤨
anywhore, that’s the story of how you and draco both came out as gay 🏳️‍🌈
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Destiny dont listen to these people. Z didnt lose followers because of barbie and nobody is blaming z for barbie leaving. Idk why people love to make stuff up. Like why are these anons lying for absolutely no reason. I'm on twitter everyday and I haven't seen any blame going toward z. That claim doesnt even make sense cause there have been no reports about any tension between barbie and z. Like why lie like that? Smh
Some Anons have dm'd me SOME receipts, but even in those receipts I didn't really see many blaming Zendaya directly. Her name isn't even really being brought up in most of the conversations I've personally seen. Most people seem to be blaming Sam and the show in general. 🤷
I just don't like when fans make up a bunch of wild claims when they have barely ANY clue of what's going on behind the scenes at all. It seems a bit presumptuous to me. 🥴
Honestly?? While I'm loving the fact that Z has been able to hone her craft and gain more acting skills/experience being on this show, she's received 2 Emmy nods and one win (maybe two!??!) from it - whoo hoo! 😃 👏, and it has given her opportunities to learn more about cinematography and even try her hand at directing one day, I really REALLY feel like after season 3 of Euphoria, Z should just take her grace and leave the show amicably. This show's crazy filming schedule is one thing, but on top of that, the show seems to have so much drama surrounding it...last season filming was a mess...crew members were complaining....the cast doesn't even seem to remotely get along anymore aside from a few cliques here and there, etc... Idk....The show just seems like it's a magnet for a lot of gossip, and most of it is negative. 🥴😔 It seems half of the GP doesn't even like most of the cast as individuals smh lol... Idk.... I just don't want Z mixed in with that for too long. 😔
I know I'll probably lose some followers or get pelted with tomatoes in my inbox for saying this lol, but I'm just being honest... 🤷
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
i want to watch uncharted for tom so bad but i can not in good conscious support mark walhberg at all after all his hate crimes :/ why did he have to be in it 😭
That's fine Anon. You don't have to watch the movie lol. Nobody is forcing you lol. Everyone should do what they personally feel like doing, plain and simple, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for your decision. It's your own personal decision. With that said, I will say that if people are trying to avoid Hollywood films that don't have anyone working on the film (either onscreen or behind the scenes) who have done (or said) something shady in the past, then you will probably just not be able to watch too many Hollywood films in general, because let me tell you girl..... 🥴
The industry as a whole is NOT squeaky clean. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. 🤷 Sad to say. Yea, there are some good people in Hollywood, but there are also a lot of bad. :( I watched "West Side Story" even though it stars Ansel Elgort in it. I personally enjoyed the film. Nothing can touch the classic, but the remake was VERY well done imo. I know Ansel's scandal history (the little bit that I know), but in the end, I didn't watch the film for HIM...I watched it for the music, for the other cast members on camera who are relatively unknown talented actors/actresses/singers/dancers, and I also watched it to see the legendary Rita Moreno (who played the original Anita in the original film) onscreen again. Plus I just happen to love Steven Spielberg's movies just in general, but I know some would even say that HE has a scandalous history as well. So, you just can't win.
So overall Anon, sometimes people have to make their own personal decisions. 🤷 If you don't feel comfortable watching Uncharted, you just don't feel comfortable. I didn't care for the fact that MW was cast in Uncharted either, but facts are facts, and nothing I felt was going to change that. I will watch the movie, not for HIM, but for Tom and Tati. There have been so many shady things that have happened in these people's lives in Hollywood, and Hollywood itself is shady lol... Let's be honest. But unless I avoid most if not all Hollywood films, there's no real way to escape it. But if you choose not to support, I am totally understandable of that. I mean, Tom had to work with the guy lol. 😅 So I can't even imagine lol.
Sometimes I just have to make a separation. I'm not going to punish one actor for another actor's shortcomings. Like I said, there are shady people all up and through this business, and honestly we probably wouldn't be watching anything at all if you knew the real story of what people are like bts. 😬
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Ahh seeing that lineup anon makes me realise how desperate I am for Tom (and Z) to work with a really good cast of quality actors with an amazing script and amazing director. Especially after TDATT, like that really is just in a league of it's own when it comes to Tom's filmography. He was given such a great foundation to shine there amongst other amazing talent (well outshine really) and he WAS Arvin. This may be controversial but I think 20mins of Tom in an amazing ensemble film is way better than a lead role in a film or TV series with a dud script even if his acting is phenomenal, because I find it's incredibly hard to connect with the character that way.
This may be controversial but I think 20mins of Tom in an amazing ensemble film is way better than a lead role in a film or TV series with a dud script even if his acting is phenomenal
^^THIS!!!  💯
I don’t think it’s controversial at all!   I may have Tom’s stans coming after me for saying this (I already had Z stans after me for my honest opinions about Euphoria today lol 😅 ) but I don’t care, I’m saying it anyway... I have been feeling that Tom should do more ensemble films for a little bit longer; with a STELLAR all-star cast, working with a GREAT, well-known Director, with an awesome script, as opposed to trying to be the lead in most films, with a so-so script, or so-so Director.   Idk if I’m making any sense, but I think him doing more great ensemble films (like TDATT) would give him the chance to shine as a co-star, w/out the pressure of being lead, and the movie’s failure (or success!) falling all on his shoulders, and a project where he can really win audiences over by being an awesome co-star to an all-star cast. 
Imo, it’s better to be the side-actor in an EXCELLENT film, with well-known actors, with a fantastic script,  in a project that gets critical acclaim and industry award recognition, than to be the lead in a so-so film, with a so-so script. That’s just mho.    Honestly, sometimes the co-stars in some ensemble films shine more than the lead actor.  I honestly think Tom should consider more of these types of films, because he really stands out onscreen even as a co-star.  That way, then, when people are used to seeing him in more “adult” roles as a great co-star, they will be even more open to him being the lead in a film outside of Spider-Man, because they would have seen him in so many great other films prior to that.   The problem is, not too many people have seen Tom’s films before Spider-Man (except die-hard fans, like us lol), so all they view him  as is “Spider-Man”. I think having him in a film with a phenomenal cast being part of an ensemble for a couple more GREAT films would do his career wonders. 
In fact, if I were Tom, I might even look into getting a new agent. (Yikes, that might be an unpopular opinion....  👀)
Anyway...I’m sure he probably has some things up his sleeve that we don’t even know about yet lol.... I’m sure he’ll be fine in the long run.  But if I were to give my two-cent advice, that would be what I would suggest.  Nobody has to agree  🤷
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