#honestly old man daniel is gonna get it so hard
reireichu · 7 months
armand is this close to just bending old man daniel over that sofa and daniel not having a single second of this, reminding his psycho ex boyfriends I HAVE EX WIVES AND BABIES I AM SO STRAIGHT LIKE A RULER and armand just laughing, bc bold of you to forget that rulers can bend. and break.
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door-insurance · 5 days
So I played Life is Strange 2 for the first time ever
I didn’t wanna play it for a long time not cause it didn’t have Chloe or max (tbh I got sick of their asses around BtS they’re not even my faves)
By that point I was in college and had lost interest in the whole franchise but also I was very apprehensive of white creatives writing racism with no input from the group they’re portraying, they don’t usually do a good job
Sometimes they make it cartoony, sometimes they trivialize it, sometimes they romanticize it
So years later adulthood kicked my ass and I came back crawling to this franchise for some comfort, I finished True colors annnnd I finally started 2 after hesitating annnnd
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^sketched this while playing
I actually liked it
I liked Sean, the drawing segment he does- he was such a likable main guy, deserved better honestly.
I also liked Daniel, he was very adorable and I never got it when people called him annoying like no shit the 9 year old is gonna act like a 9 year old- just don’t be a jerk to him, I know he can be frustrating but that’s what taking care of a kid is like
And lis had always been about realistic complex characters, y’all can’t handle a traumatized nine year?
I have two younger siblings and two nieces plus I’ve been a bratty younger sibling to two older sisters
Maybe I’m just used to it?? But honestly Daniel wasn’t that bad
The racism portrayal in the first few episodes was not all that cartoony and it actually felt real at times, like I can check for American news rn and find stories similar to what you see in episodes 1-3 (minus the telekinesis)
Although the gas station racist hick spouting trump slogans was a bit on the nose, it’s more of dialogue thing
Some people thought the gas station detainment was egregious but it can happen unfortunately, especially to vulnerable people in rural areas and by someone of a higher systematic advantage
One other thing I did not like was the love interests, I thought Finn and Cassidy were alright characters on their own but why do we need romance in this game where the protagonists are always on the run?
I don’t like to compare lis 1 to 2 but when it comes to the romance the former did a better job as it spent more time establishing it, plus max stayed in the same place for the majority of the game- but you know what? Sean doesn’t have to be in a relationship right? It can be a one off thing, that’s fine
Which brings me to my next point
How old are Cassidy and Finn?
Cause Sean is still 16 and no, being on the road didn’t mentally age him- he’s not “mature” for his age
He is still a kid
So for some reason Dontnod never really specified their ages but some articles described them as teens (they look 30 to me) and they can be around 18 right? Their lives are hard stress ages you- it happens, we can with live that, it’s just a two years difference
But teens or not
why did they animate a whole knocking the boots scene???
Of all the games in the series, the only one that gets a sex scene is the one with the much younger protagonist and his ambiguously aged older looking love interest and I think it’s only with Cassidy you get to do it in the tent
Alex Chen was robbed of a on screen booty call from a beanie wearing lesbian with a sexy radio voice or a buff ass Adonis of a man who was Smokey the bear’s regional manager or something
Anyways I’m gonna move on I’m uncomfortable lmao
*im not hating on people who ship Sean with either Finn or Cassidy, I’m not even tagging your ship names- im just stating my personal preferences on my blog
One last thing I did not like about LiS 2 and it was the one thing that kept me from playing it for years
That one scene from episode 4
So at this point Sean Diaz went through the following:
-lost his father, had to abandoned his loved ones, education and home
-was accused of killing a cop
-had to take care of his little brother on his own while on the run, the same brother with telekinesis and none of them know how to control it
-was harassed, beaten then detained by a racist white man
-had to take refuge in an abandoned cabin with little resources
-the dog that they adopted at the gas station eventually gets mauled
-the one time they found solace at their grandparents house they had to leave abruptly cause the police was hot on their trail
-on their way out they can potentially witness the neighbors kid that they befriended get hit by the police car that’s chasing them
-they find shelter at a nomad campground but oh no they get involved with drug trafficking cause they barely have any other options to make money (unfortunately this happens a lot IRL this isnt egregious)
-Sean now has to deal with the trafficking, making sure that Daniel doesn’t get into any trouble with his powers while fake ass giancarlo esposito is breathing down his neck
-and guess what happens next… Daniel gets robbed into pulling a heist on temu gus fring and it goes badly, Sean can potentially lose a love interest/friend in Finn
-Sean gets hurt, Daniel goes so mad that he blows the whole place up; a shard glass flies into Sean’s eye and he ends up losing it
- Sean wakes up from a coma and learns that his brother is missing and he’s about to be taken to jail
- the one thing that consistently brought him joy during this trip was his art and because of the missing eye he can’t even do it the same anymore cause it hurts now
- Sean has to escape the hospital with a hot wired car, little money and has to drive across two states just to get to his brother
-on the way he dreams of his father, he wants him back he wants his old life back but that’s not gonna happen so he has to move forward
Im not listing all this as examples of bad story telling, a lot of these are real life experiences of homeless people. im just painting a picture of the shit that Sean had went through so far
Cause right after the dream sequence, Dontnod didn’t think all that was enough no you had to see Sean get hate crimed by two lifetime movie, sitcom special of the week racists- be made to either sing or suffer a brutal beating
It added nothing to the plot, it didn’t need a choice system either- it’s a hate crime, you’re not asking Joyce for fucking pancakes or eggs n bacon at the whales diner or hosing down Lisa the fckin plant.
This to me went straight to trauma p*rn category, it’s wheelchair Chloe all over again
I hated it then in LiS 1 and I hated now in LiS 2, this is why I don’t dick ride Dontnod that often
They always had this tendency right before the end they single out a particular character and mentally whip them, they become the writing teams punching bag- they think we didn’t get it the first time that this character is going through it, they just hammer it in with the subtlety of a heart attack and I hate it
“Yeah but it’s there to show Sean’s resolve to find Daniel-“
He’s starving, dehydrated, suffering from chronic pain
That’s enough
Let the character breathe
You ask why not a lot of people wanna play this game and I’m gonna tell you, as much I enjoyed it myself it’s not an easy game to play- it gets brutal, especially right around the end
I’m not against bleakness or extreme conflict, I’m into that but sometimes that doesn’t translate well to any gaming format- especially a choices matter game that’s meant to be replayed
Some people have asinine reasons not to play LiS 2 like it dealing with racism and those people suck, lis had always dealt with progressive themes like calling out objectification, cyberbullying and sl*tshaming
Racism shouldn’t be the exemption
but misuse of racial trauma and not knowing when it’s appropriate to invoke it is a huge turn off and hella triggering to a lot of non white players and I remember when LiS 2 dropped I’ve seen (mostly white) lis fans at the time proclaiming that not wanting to play it meant that you were racist
Like I said there were probably racists who didn’t wanna touch the games cause of the main characters skin but there were people like me who were apprehensive of the “Let’s go to the mosh pit Shaka brah” people handling racism
This is the same studio that had Ms Grant (one of the few black characters from LiS 1) claim that the white settlers peacefully shared the stolen land with the native Americans
I find that shit harder to believe than the time traveling powers
And they were doing alright in the first episodes they covered stuff like unconscious biases slipping through, dog whistles, polite racism from the grandparents segment, police brutality, racial profiling and being targeted/othered- some of these things I went through when I visited western countries
Then they did the bullshit I feared theyd do…
I really don’t blame myself for being hyper vigilant at the time and honestly I was going through a lot then, even if I wanted to I wouldn’t have touched LiS 2 cause it’s a very heavy tasking game to play
I know I kinda made it seem like I didn’t like this game but I did, its the best one in terms of the choice system
It had more weight to it, seeing Daniel internalizing what you say to him or how you act around him was so cool
Also what the second game has over the first one aside from the choices system is the ending selection- I never liked picking the endings for max, I wanted her to pick the ending or her coding/script to do that
Its definitely more fleshed out technically even though LiS 1 has a special place in my heart it’s always gonna be no. 1- but im also glad that I got to experience the 2nd game for the first time, I liked it
Personal lis ranking
1: Lis 1
2: Lis 2
3: True colors
Discount bin: BtS
My personal fave moments from LiS 2:
- beating up the racist bully and giving him a concussion
-mushroom (rip icon)
- victorias letter
-winning that that bear from that claw machine
-gorillaz song that was not feel good inc
-Brody pointing at a fucked up looking arcadia bay yelling “that’s the past!”- that was hilarious
-Sean paying tribute to Arcadia bay in his sketchbook (this fucking kid man, he’s so sweet he deserves the world- what did he do to make DONTNOD mad at him)
- the wolf animation and the story that plays before every chapter
-this was the worst hate crime in the whole game
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-“now why you crying like a little bitch?” HAHAHAHA YEAH NINA
-Connor is that one of Alec’s books??? 🤨
-oh Alec…
-I feel so bad wait ☹️
-poor baby
-“I’m happy for you and that lesbian behind the tree” LMAOO
-“vegan carpet muncher” HAHAHAHAHA
-Kristal please stop it with the challenge related jokes it didn’t go so well in episode 6
-“and I can take some annoying kids” honestly me too yul
-wait so what is Alec gonna do? 💀
-“what’s VR 😐✋”
-“rest in pieces asshole” HAHAHAHA
-I like to see Jake and Aiden actually getting along
-I love how she did that mostly for gabby too girl friendship goes so hard
-I love you so much Grett you slay
-“Connor you’re old 😡” IM DEAD
-“Aiden you’re a twink” DECEASED 💀
-“Jake youre a twink part 2” ASHES ASHES DUST TO DUST
-“gabby fuck you bitch” no fuck you yul this is why you just got voted out
This episode also mentally destroyed me
sorry to the Aleriya fans but I just can’t
Happy we got the Alec family namedrop through
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snoopyliker · 5 months
okay my thoughts on the ending
i dont have any criticisms really or questions i think im gonna watch fhe revelando tomorrow so everything i’ll leave to say after i watched that
i cannot describe how heart wrenching it was to watch liz and thiago go through that. you just cant comprehend how it is for someone to stay waiting for years and just aging. i just feel so heavily for them because i just know that was agonizing and to see how liz acted afterwards broke me. cellbit definitely knew the right way to go with the writing in that combat because i wouldve accepted some gruesome death but it being mentally tortuous and liz losing so much of her life is another level of devastating.
then theres thiago which i already predicted was going to die the second he sacrificed himself with that symbol but the way everything played out was so fucking sad. he waited so many years for them to not be in the blast zone knowing he’d die. being unable to do or say anything to them. fuck. he loved them so much and died saving their lives. till the very end. he loved them so much.
liz lost her best friend. their dynamic was so important to her character and he really was her rock. and seeing liz without a thiago is. man. liz lost so much. they all lost so much. the ending had the perfect atmosphere of: was any of it worth it? did it even matter in the end? so much loss and so much pain. and it only led to so much more and its horrible and i detest the doctors for what they did to these innocent people and they all died not knowing. they had no way to live or understand. they all just died.
btw im crying while typing this lmao the more i think about it the more devastated i get.
all i can think about is when cesar felt like there was no going back when they were first entering that forest because theres no moment quite was accurate as that one. they were never coming back the way they arrived. they lost so much. it pains me to think about all their happy moments as a team when they played never have i ever and that damn cemetery scene. they were still so happy and together despite having lost so many people. they still had each other. and they lost even that by the end. they were never coming back from this. nothing was ever going to be the same again.
i kept thinking about when verissimo says oh youre team hope now right? and they still are but it felt so empty without thiago. i just thought back to his speech to liz when she wanted to shoot the old guy. saying hope was all they had. and now hes gone
liz’s attitude and fury towards verissimo in the end was just a direct parallel of the last mission when she had lost alex and daniel but now she lost thiago and she lost everyone she had from that mission and now its only her and she lost part of herself as well.
in the end it just felt like loss. only loss. and i know thats intention and fucking good writing but wow. theres no satisfaction in anything that happened.
i want so badly for them to be together again and happy and laughing and they just supported each other so well throughout the mission.
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their first group hug and their last
in conclusion um. yeah o segredo na floresta is not for the weak. i honestly considered quitting at two points in my watching of it. its so incredibly sad. props to the players for roleplaying so damn hard and making me fall so in love with their characters and friendship that i wanted so badly for all of them to make it out okay even though i knew they wouldnt. props to cellbit for writing such a great story and building this world. props to the entire ordem team cause holy shit they are the backbone of all of this.
10/10 would rewatch and cry again.
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munsonownsmyass · 2 years
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Billy Russo x reader
Summary: Inheriting your grandmother's house, you quickly realize you need some help fixing it up. So you call a local contractor, Billy Russo.
Warnings: pining. Sooo much pining. Fluff, mentions of Billy's not so happy past, kissing, fingering, unprotected sex.
Author's note: I made for my dear @e-dubbc11 after this little thot exchange. Ericca, I know my original plan was to make it for your birthday, so I'm sorry I'm late. But here it is. I hope you love it ❤️
Oh, and I was a little self-indulgent with the best friend... ops 🤣🙈
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Looking up at the old house where you’ve spent every summer as a kid, you smile to yourself. The years had been hard on the woodwork and ever since your grandmother moved to the nursery home, everything had been left untouched. Bushes growing wild, the grass so tall you could easily hide in it. But still, it felt like it always had. It felt like home and now it was yours.
The front door binds a little as you try to push it open, the smell of stale air instantly hitting you like a brick wall. Yeah, you should probably open the windows, get some fresh air in. Walking around, you notice how every surface is covered in dust, cobwebs hanging in almost every corner. This was gonna take a lot of work and you couldn’t wait to get started.
The first few days are spent cleaning. You’ve noticed a lot of damages to the house you can’t fix yourself, so you had already contacted a contractor in town, and you needed the place to look less abandoned before he would get here. The whole town may know all about your granny being away for years, but still… You couldn’t bring yourself to let strangers into a house that looked like a mess.
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Monday morning, as you sit with your morning coffee on the porch, two cars pull up in front of the house. Russo Home Repairs, supposedly the best in town. He sounded nice on the phone, which was a plus, but honestly you were just happy for the help.
Walking towards the cars, you almost trip over your feet when the driver gets out. You had expected an older man, not this. A tall and very handsome dark-haired man with a smile that could make a Colgate commercial jealous. As he comes closer, you see his dark eyes match the hair.
“You must be y/n? I’m Billy Russo.” He says, politely extending his hand for you to take. You take it, hoping he doesn’t notice how flustered you already are. He probably already knows the effect he has on women, but you’re quite embarrassed at how easily he makes your heart flutter.
Behind him, two men exits the second car. Like Mr. Russo, they are so handsome you almost think your life have changed into a Danielle Steel novel. When they introduce themselves as Quinn McKenna and Matt Murdock, you make a mental note to call your friend as soon as you get back inside. She needs to hear about this.
You manage to pull yourself together long enough to show the men around the property, discussing what needs to be done. Luckily, they are well-versed in both the interior and exterior, so they’re willing to help with the house as well as the grounds. Maybe two or three months of work. Already finding it hard to focus now, you don’t even know how you’ll manage a few months. This was gonna be hard.
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The buzzing of your phone pulls you out of your trance. And thank God for that, because you realize you’ve been staring at Mr. Russo for a good 10 minutes. But how can you not, when he makes tearing down a ceiling look so good? Tapping the green icon, you exhale sharply, not even trying to hide your frustration.
“It’s that bad?”
“It is. Instead of doing something useful, I’ve been staring at him for 10 minutes.” You whisper, pushing away from your little chair in the corner, walking into the next room. On the other end Lily just laughs.
“He can’t be that hot.”
“He is. They all are.” You sigh, sitting down in a corner, strategically placed so you can still watch the three gorgeous men making quick work of demolishing the living room. It should be illegal having this sinful sight before you. Tool belts hung low on their hips, making their pants slide down slightly. Their t-shirts sliding up as they raise their arms, revealing a bit of skin. Really, really good-looking skin. Looking with no shame, you follow the little happy trail down to where it disappears under the waistband. Almost whining, you turn away from them. “I need to find another contractor.”
“And not even give me a chance to see their hotness for myself? No way.” She states, the sound of fingers tapping away on her keyboard. “When you asked me to help you with the house, all I had to look forward to was mildew. So you’re not firing the hunks before I get a chance to see them.”
And as promised, you didn’t. Lily arrives a few days later and not even a minute after exiting her car, she stares at the house, mouth open wide as she slowly removes her sunglasses. You already know what caught her eye, as you glance at the porch where the men are taking a break.
“Holy shit.” Lily gasps, staring at them like you’ve done the last few weeks. “They are freaking hot!”
“Told you.” You smirk, as you gesture for her to follow you up to the house. Leaning in closer, Lily whispers under her breath. “How you’ve manged not to get water damage in your basement is beyond me, cause mine’s already flooded.” Lily moan desperately.
Unable to hold back, you burst out laughing, attracting the attention of the men. Billy’s dark eyes find yours and instantly you feel warm. Damn, a man should not hold this much power over you.
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The next few days are spend trying to work. The keyword was trying. You and Lily often found yourself staring at the men instead of doing any actual work. Lily kept whispering lewd comments in your ear, causing you both to giggle like schoolgirls. The men often looked at you with knowing smiles on their faces. There was no way they didn’t know, but no one said anything.
Shared lunch became a steady ritual, most days spent together in the shadow under the big tree. Lily and Matt often sat beside each other, him with a giant smile and Lily blushing a bright pink. They were quite sweet, dancing around each other. It was only a matter of time, you thought, before you’d stumble in on them going at it in the guestroom.
You, on the other hand, only had eyes for Billy. You had tried to write if of as a simple crush, but by each passing day you felt yourself growing fonder of him. He had told you about his past, growing up in a group home and later joining the marines. But it was a hard life, so he had retired, moved to this quiet little town in Connecticut and started his company with his friends. He had been through so much, but still had a positive outlook on life. It only made you like him more.
You all fall into this casual rhythm. They’re no longer just men working here. They always seem to linger, never really eager to go home. They are all single, an information you got thanks to Lily, so some days they stayed for dinner since they didn’t have any places to go after work.
As you sit in the backyard, eating another slice of pizza that’s already turned cold, you look at Billy. The last rays of sunshine falls on his face, accentuating his beautiful features. He really is very beautiful. He doesn’t notice you looking at him, at least you don’t hope so, his eyes fixed on Quinn and Matt as they gang up on Lily, throwing her in the pool. When he laughs, he scrunches his nose ever so slightly.
You allow your eyes to wander down. There’s no harm in looking, right? His upper body is bare after his dip in the pool, small beads of water still clinging to his soft skin. You can’t help but notice the scars on his body, wondering how he got them.
“Finding anything interesting?”
You look up to find him looking at you with a soft smile. To your horror, you realize you’ve been leaning in closer, so you pull away. With a light chuckle, he turns to you, his beautiful dark eyes even darker in fading sunlight. “It’s alright. You can ask.”
“How did you get that big one?” you ask, gently tracing your finger over the scars on his right shoulder. A soft sigh from Billy makes you realize what you’re doing, so you remove your fingers quickly.
“It’s not a very pretty story.” He looks down at the scar, tracing it with his thumb. There’s a sadness in his eyes, that makes you wanna reach out, to hug him, but you’re afraid you’ll overstep.
“Yeah, I can imagine war stories aren’t pretty.” You try, leaning in a little closer. He looks at you for a moment before he clears his throat.
“I was 10. At the group home, there was this…” he pauses, huffing out a cold laugh. “Good Samaritan. A guy who was supposed to take care of us. He took a liking to me, and he tried to…”
The expression on Billy’s face tells it all. You reach out and place your hand on his. He looks up at you, his eyes filled with the ghosts of his past. Ha takes your hand in his, his thumb drawing soothing circles on the back of your had. You wonder if it’s more for his benefit than your own. You don’t say a word, silently waiting for Billy to continue.
“I managed to defend myself, but he broke my arm. Tore the rotator cuff in three places.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you.”
“It’s okay. My life didn’t turn out that bad. I mean, I ended up here.” He says with a playful smile that makes your heart flutter. “But it did destroy my chances of becoming a professional baseball player.”
“Oh, was that your big dream?”
“Absolutely. I could have been the next Joe DiMaggio.” He says confidently, puffing out his chest slightly. He looks adorable and you can’t help but giggle.
“I have no idea who that is.” You shrug apologetically, biting your bottom lip. Billy feigns being hurt, causing you to chuckle. He then excitedly tells you all about DiMaggio and as the sun sets in the horizon, minutes turn into hours as you slowly fall deeper in love with Billy.
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It was one of the hottest summers in years, which turned out to be a blessing. Sure, you were warm, but so were the guys, which meant several days with them shirtless. Today was one of those days. During your break from painting the kitchen, you and Lily found yourself doing your new favourite thing: watching the men work. Their muscles playing under their sun kissed skin, the beads of sweat dripping down their toned chests.
Lily sighs beside you, her eyes fixed on Matt as he sands down a piece of wood. Occasionally he wipes off the sawdust, his hands sliding over his perfect abs.
“Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to be that piece of wood.” She whines as she stuffs another piece of candy into her mouth. You just grin, nudging her shoulder.
“Why don’t you just go talk to him?”
“Huh, says the woman who’s practically drooling over the boss boy and haven’t made a move either.” Lily shoots back. You look over at Billy, just as he takes off his shirt, wiping away the sweat from his forehead. His chest is glistening in the midday sun, muscles flexed as he carries another piece of wood over to Matt and Quinn.
You don’t even hear Lily talking to you, lost in the sight before you. As Billy reaches for a pencil, the movement makes you look at his hips and how those pants hang dangerously low, showing of his v-line. What you wouldn’t give to run your tongue over-
“Okay, that’s it. I’m gonna go distract Quinn and Matt, while you talk to Billy.”
“What? What would I even talk to him about?”
“I don’t know, but you better think quickly.” Lily blurts out, before smiling wide. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe Mr. Russo can help you.” she says with a raised voice, making Billy look up at the mentioning of his name. As you silently plan Lily’s murder, she just walks towards Matt with a giggle.
“What can I do for you, miss y/l/n?” Billy asks with a smile, as he walks closer, wiping his hands in the little cloth hanging from his toolbelt. Barely managing to tear your eyes away from his midsection, you look into his dark eyes, nervously fidgeting with your fingers.
“Uhm, was thinking that we could… uhm… fix the gazebo as well? Now that you’re here anyways.” You mumble, afraid you’re barely making sense. Relax, woman. He’s just a man. A very sexy, sweet man with a voice like velvet and eyes you could drown in.
Billy smiles softly, pointing towards where Lily is standing with Matt. “We already talked about this. Matt will fix it.”
You’re embarrassed and quite sure you’re as red as a tomato, judging by the grin on Billy’s face. Mumbling an apology, you avert his gaze, mortified. Never one to be a good liar, Lily should never have left you unsupervised.
To your surprise, Billy closes the distance between the two of you, his index finger hooking under your chin, carefully lifting your gaze to his. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
As you take in his words, you forget how to breathe, focused on how close he is too you. You can feel the heat radiating of his body, drawing you in. How easy it would be to just lean in, just a few inches.
The sound of Billy’s phone pulls you back to reality. You pull away as he reaches for the phone. Flustered, you turn towards the house, tripping over your feet in your eagerness to get into the house, into safety. At this point you don’t think it’s even possible to get redder, still you feel the heat in your cheeks, when you hear Billy chuckling softly behind you. Shit, he saw. Dammit.
Once inside, you make your way into the kitchen. “Fucking stupid. Finally getting a chance and I embarrass myself.” Burying your face in your hands, you groan in defeat. “I can never look him in the eyes again.”
“I hope you will, cause I’d hate if I never got to see those beautiful eyes of yours again.”
Turning around, you find Billy leaning against the doorframe, smiling softly, his dark eyes fixed on you. He pushes of the frame, slowly making his way over to you. Stopping a few inches from you, he puts his hands on the counter on either side of you on the counter, caging you in.
“Ever since that first day, I’ve been waiting for a chance to get you alone.” He purrs, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. “Maybe I should have done something sooner.”
He leans in, eyes searching yours for permission. When your lips finally meet, it takes your breath away. For a moment, all that exists is his lips against yours. His soft, perfect lips. Your entire body is on fire, his touch sending shivers down your spine. Breaking away for air, your breathing is already strained, never felt like this before.
He leans in to kiss you again, the feeling of his lips like gasoline to the fire. Unable to hold back, your hand moves up his muscular body, ending entangled in his hair. Pulling him closer, your claim his lips in another greedy kiss. Moving his hands down, he hoists you up by your thighs, lifting you up onto the counter.
Billy’s strong hands move up your thighs, pushing your dress out of the way. Leaning in, he kisses down the column of your neck, pulling sweet whimpers from you. Greedy hands roam over your body, pulling your dress down. Kissing his way down to your breast, he takes your nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck.” You moan out, throwing your head back in ecstasy. You can feel Billy smirking against your skin, sucking your nipple harder. His free hand finds your core, already soaking wet for him. Pushing one finger into your wet heat, you whimper out his name, begging for more.
“Billy, please, just… Please…” you plea desperately. Billy claims your lips in a greedy kiss, pushing another finger into you. It takes no time for you to come around his skilled fingers, burying your head in the crook of his neck to stifle your moan.
“Shh, don’t want the others to hear us.” He whispers with a grin, pulling his fingers from your cunt only to lick your slick off his long digits.
Trembling with anticipation, your fingers make quick work of his belt and zipper, pulling his pants down just enough to free his aching cock. Captivated, you watch as he fists himself, pumping his cock a few times. The muscles of his abdomen tighten with each pass of his fist, making you clench around nothing.
He lines himself up, the head of his cock grazes your slick lips, sending small bolts of pleasure through your body. Billy leans forward, his breath ghosting against your earlobe, “I've been dreaming about this.”
He kisses your neck softly, pulling soft whimpers from you. Pushing forward, his cock parts your lips with ease. He buries himself in one thrust, deep enough to make you shiver. You look into his beautiful lustblown eyes, dark like obsidian. You kiss him with unknown hunger, weeks of want poured into it. And then he starts moving, slow deep thrusts. Billy whimpers, his breath hitched, overwhelmed by the feeling of you.
Thrusting into you at a steady pace, he makes you whimper, pulling the most sinful noises from you with each drag of his delicious cock. You’re lost in the feeling of him, lost in the pleasure. Barely able to think, you can barely form a sentence.
A few more drags of his cock is all it takes, before you clamp down on him, screaming out his name as you come undone. It’s not before Billy follows, emptying himself in you, filling you up with his cum. You fall against him, both of you panting heavily.
As you both come down from your high, Billy holds you close, not wanting to let go as he plants soft kisses on your lips and neck. You stay like that for a few minutes, just savouring each other.
"Fuck. Not you guys too"
You turn to find Quinn in the doorway, his expression priceless. Clearly frustrated, he walks to the fridge and finds a beer, twisting off the cap. You try your best to cover up, the situation so weird you can't do nothing but laugh.
"It's bad enough I had to look at the lovesick puppies out there, playing tonsil tennis. And now this?!" He points at the two of you, taking a sip of his beer. "What about me?"
You and Billy can't help but chuckle as he does his best to pull away without exposing you. When you're descent he helps you down from the counter. You walk over and pat Quinn lovingly on the cheek, giggling softly.
"Don't worry. I have a friend that would love you."
"I fucking hope so." Quinn says, as he walks out of the kitchen, sipping his beer. Billy turn to you, laughing as he cups your cheeks. Placing another soft kiss on your lips, he looks into your eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Never been better." You say with a smile, already looking forward to the rest of the summer.
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Thank you so much for reading. Feedback and reblogs are much appreciated ❤️
TFC: @mindidjarin @phoebe-danvers @saintmurd0ck @itwasthereaminuteago @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @mattmurdocksscars @pedrito-friskito @lunaserenade @a-bang-for-your-bucky
Tagging: @lucy-sky @writerwoed
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Happy Mermay! Mermaid Johnny meeting human Daniel and deciding to try to walk on land. Daniel finds a beautiful naked guy who doesn't seem to know how to use his legs or any of the fun parts and gets to teach him about the human world and all the pleasure. Mermaid Daniel meeting Johnny on a beach and deciding he wants that pretty creature, so maybe he lures him into the water, maybe he sings a song, maybe he calls out from the waves and Johnny's more than happy to run out because the guys handsome and hey knew friend who said they could play a game. Or maybe he's learning to surf or out swimming and hand grabs his ass or feels him up and at first he thinks it's a fish because it's gotta be a fish right? But it's hard to focus on a surfing class if somethings curiously poking around at his ass. Maybe he ends up finding a deserted piece of the beach and has sex with a merman and no one will ever believe him. But that's fine because any time he goes to the beach he's always happy to see his new friend and have sex in the sea or on the beach. (lol maybe that's his new favorite drink: sex on the beach)
(Also, take note that I’m applying a sort of abo esque thing to mermaids but it can be ignored.)
The thought of cute mermaid Johnny walking on wobbly legs and really acting like an Ariel. Blinking up at the cute boy who caught him and can’t stop looking at his legs—which he himself doesn’t understand are very nice and long.
Daniel showed him around, trying to understand why Johnny doesn’t seem all that familiar with the area despite being from Cali.
"I’m from around here; I just explore somewhere else more often."
What the hell does that even mean?
After spending the entire day together, going to random places, and Daniel talking Johnny’s ear off, explaining the things Johnny didn’t understand, Johnny told him he was interesting but a total square. Daniel had used the very little bit of cash he had to buy Johnny food at a bakery, watching in near awe the way Johnny shoved the croissant in his mouth like he’d never had anything that good before. He had to stop Johnny from grabbing more treats without paying—thankfully (aggravatingly), the old man behind the counter seemed to enjoy Johnny's little clothing enough to give him two free of charge.
They ended up at the beach again later that night, laying in the sand, Johnny’s head resting on Daniel’s shoulder, a cozy quiet between them for a while that had Daniel falling with slurred promises to see him again. Johnny sang to him, a sound that made Daniel feel a strange calm—waves of it washed over him as he drifted off.
Johnny was gone the next morning, and Daniel got a little worried—but he went back later, disappointed when he couldn’t see Johnny until he heard splashing in the water.
He assumed he was just swimming until he saw the tail, which was the cause of all that splashing. Johnny swam to him, then sat in the shallow water, looking apprehensive. "You aren’t going to tell anyone, right?"
Daniel was honestly too interested in the scaly tail. A nice blue-to-red that bleeds into pink and ends in a pretty lavender. He wanted to reach out and pet it.
"I wouldn’t have told you my last name if I knew you’d never say my first.”
Johnny laughed, his cheeks red and slick from water—all of him is slick, actually, and it’s very distracting.
He freezes. He wants to hear it again.
"Daniel, you won’t tell anyone?"
Daniel breathes out, shaking his head. "Of course not."
Johnny gives a look of relief and tugs on Daniel’s arm. "Come in here."
"No, I don’t want my clothes to get wet. Just come out, sweetheart."
Johnny blushed at the petname, and crawled out.
Not even 10 minutes later, Johnny is straddling Daniel in the sand, squirming in Daniel’s lap while he kisses him. To be fair, Johnny was naked.
You just gonna keep your mouth open like that?"
Johnny flicked him in the head, huffing and crossing his arms. "You don’t have to kiss me—"
But Daniel wants to kiss him, and he does again, and again and again.
"Daniel," Johnny gasps when they part, "Touch me."
Daniel’s cock twitches; he’d honestly been hard since he saw Johnny again. He roams his eyes over him, having a difficult time picking where he wants to feel first, so he settles for leaning forward and burying his face in Johnny’s neck, touching Johnny everywhere he can reach in an almost frenzy.
Johnny arches and sighs happily, scratching Daniel’s scalp. "Touch me lower, come on. Show me what it feels like."
Daniel pulls back. "Are you?…."
Daniel clears his throat. "Have you never been with anyone?”
Johnny’s brows furrow. "Of course I have! I just haven’t had these parts touched. I’ve tried a little, but it’s different. I don’t get wet down there like I do in my real form…"
Daniel’s mouth falls open, lips wet and puffy from all his kissing and mouthing.
Johnny gets a look on his face, cheeks glowing red, and stares at Daniel’s mouth.
Daniel has him on his back, those long pale legs thrown over his shoulders, while he rubs Johnny’s dick and sticks his tongue in Johnny’s sweet hole, pulling away every so often to suck Johnny’s tits instead.
He can’t shut up; he has to keep telling him how good he tastes and how perfect he is down there—the prettiest he’s ever seen—and he never wants to stop.
And after he made Johnny come all over them both, he expected nothing in return, but after Johnny got through his afterglow, he ordered Daniel to step up and gave him the best (and first) blow of his life.
(Mermaid Daniel instantly made me think: Squirmy mermaid dick 😭 but also👀)
Johnny was sitting on a small deck, feet submerged in the water, as he watched the water shimmer and tried to focus on the color instead of the anxiety in his stomach. He didn’t even know why; there were too many reasons for him to blame it on, but the last thing he wanted to do was tell someone—be a nuisance.
Johnny flinched, whipping his head in the direction of the boy who yelled.
"Whatcha doing out here?"
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
"Wow, interesting."
Johnny shrugged, looking back at the expanse of water and hoping the guy would take a hint. "You asked."
"I did, you seemed very…” gloomy “deep in thought. I’m Daniel, by the way."
Johnny sighed, looking down at Daniel again. He seems nice, despite Johnny’s snippiness. "Like the guy from Grease?"
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck, a bashful expression on his face. He’s handsome. "No one’s ever compared someone like me to him. I know you meant the name, though—"
"A guy like you?"
Daniel ducked his head. "Scrawny."
Johnny felt a twinge of something in his chest. An ache for another. The guy may not be buff, but he’s handsome. "You have that dark hair, and…" he looked him over for more "Uh, and your arms are really toned even though they’re skinny. " Why is he being so nice? "And you have more armpit hair than I could dream of having."
Daniel snorted, lowering his arm back down quickly. "Thanks, man."
There’s a comfortable silence for a moment. "Can I touch your hair?"
Johnny blinks at him. "Uh, why?"
"It’s all shiny and golden. Looks soft."
Johnny raised a brow, then leaned down and let him touch. Daniel smiles wide, his cute, crooked teeth on display. "Nice. You do some sort of hair care?"
Yes. "No…"
"Hm, good genes."
Johnny stared at the setting sun. It always looked like it was sinking in the water to Johnny. Burned out until the next day.
"Come into the water with me? It’s still light enough out."
Johnny didn’t see why not. He stripped down to his (too small) briefs, with Daniel staring up at him wide eyed before turning away with both hands covering his face. Johnny smirked, and jumped in.
When he broke back up from the water, Daniel was gone—at least he thought so until he felt what was unmistakably a finger poke his ass. He squeaked. "Dude?"
Daniel wraps his arms around Johnny, breaking back up from the water. "You’re the most precious human I’ve ever seen!"
Johnny shoves him slightly, and Daniel’s arms fall from him, doe eyes full of something dangerous, like he was fighting with himself on something.
He could steal Johnny away like a perfect pearl from a clam. But he’s not like that.
"Human? You an alien or something?"
Daniel shrugged. "Something like that. Who’s the nosey one now, sweetheart?"
Wait, he said that out loud earlier? And Sweet-hot: He likes that accent.
Johnny huffed, fighting the urge to do something girly like twirl his hair or ask him where he’s from. This guy probably just felt bad because he was alone; he doesn’t need to know his story. Maybe he should go.
He makes no move to do so.
Daniel started running his fingers through the water absentmindedly, soft sloshing filling the quiet as they drifted close to each other. Johnny likes the way his hands look: blunt nailed and long. He likes that he hasn’t left yet.
they drifted closer, the water carrying them towards one another.
They bumped into each other, and their lips met. He didn't regret it at all, not when Daniel was holding him like that. He’s a little bit eager, practically vacuuming Johnny’s mouth, but even that made Johnny feel nice. But then he felt something that definitely wasn’t legs against his.
He pushed Daniel away, reaching down and flinching when his hand met a tail.
Johnny stares at him. "What the fuck?"
Daniel sighs, looking at the deeper waters. He was being very reckless here—his Ma would be disappointed, but….beautiful human boys . "I can show you a few tricks if you want. If you won't tell anyone."
Johnny doesn’t think it can get weirder. He nodded, watching Daniel swim, tail splashing—it’s all far too fluid to be something he isn’t used to doing.
So….mermen exist, pretty neat.
Johnny was, in fact, very impressed with Daniel’s tricks—all his diving and leaping. Even better than watching the seals in San Diego laze around, who all congregate together on this big rock. He’d always imagine leaving his mother’s side and joining them; it must be a relaxing life.
Those silly tricks of his got Daniel a big smile and a lot more.
Johnny had him get on the deck with him, offered him his jeans, and waved Daniel off when he worried about Johnny walking around without them. "I like wearing shorts anyway."
daniel had raised a brow at him. "Those are shorter than shorts, but…" His clothes were so far away. "Okay, I’ll take em."
They didn’t go far, just over to one of the big rocks close by, and sat against it for the remaining light of the day.
He let Daniel lay him against the sand and kiss him again, let him pull his briefs down his legs.
Let him grope and lick wherever he wanted, then let him fuck him too. He’s so gentle with Johnny, like he’s fine china and not the bull. Maybe he’s both, people like to break him.
he’s the china, pretending to be the bull.
But blessedly, he was distracted from his thoughts when Daniel pulled out and came on his stomach.
He was disappointed he hadn’t done it inside him. He scooped some up with his fingers, and licked them clean. Daniel watched, dick trying to harden again, before he snapped out of it. “No, don’t swallow!”
Johnny flinched: was Daniel mad at him? Did he do something wrong. “I…I already did. I’m sorry—“
Daniel waved his hands, looking worried. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just, um” he mumbles something.
“What was that?”
“My semen,” they both cringe at that word “Works kinda like a drug. It’ll make you want to keep going until you can’t anymore. Common knowledge to us.”
Johnny thought it had to be a joke. He’d never read that in any old tale. “What are you—Oh.”
Suddenly his whole body was hot, like it was 120 degrees and the only hydration he needed was Daniel’s dick. He stared at it, feeling too empty. “Please, let me have more, Daniel, pleasepleaseplease—“
“Woah, honey. It’s okay, come ‘ere.”
Johnny practically tackled him, one hand on Daniel’s arm, and the other wrapping around Daniel cock—jerking it fast. “Gimme it, please. Need it back inside, need more.”
Daniel is but a merman, and it was him that caused Johnny to get like that; he gave him more and didn’t stop until sunrise.
Daniel never planned on that being the last time he saw Johnny, and Johnny felt the same.
They meet every night, and it wasn���t long before they became official unofficially.
Daniel was clumsy in his human form, constantly running into things and tripping over his feet like a dork. He assures Johnny that it has nothing to do with having a fish tail for almost the entirety of his life.
They also go to the beach so often, a habit Daniel had much given up besides allowing himself a swim every so often because it was irritating to find a time of day where people wouldn’t see him and he’d been so distracted by the brand new place after he and Lucille moved to land, but it always felt like something was wrong when he stopped swimming. Johnny got him to start doing it more. Usually they’d go later in the day, so Daniel doesn't have to wait too long to swim. Walk on the beach with their arms linked, feeling the heat on their skin and eating the ice cream cones melting in their hands as fast as they could. Daniel could watch Johnny in the water for hours and cherish every knick knack Johnny brought back to him—as if he hasn’t seen sand dollars and shells 100 times before.
But right when that time comes around where it’s safe to change, Johnny’s grabbing his hand and telling him to get the hell up and get his merman time, it’s important.
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roxy206 · 1 year
An X-Rated X-Ray With Trixie And Cyborg Katya — 05/23/2023
watch here | listen here
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I particularly love the way you applied it to your eyes, Ms. Mattel
You’re looking very smooth & lovely Am I really??
We actually for once have a lot to talk about & I’m thrilled!
Will you please put my sock on? — I’m fine, I’m fine, I am fine
Remember? I came to your house — again, I am fine
I think I can get it from there — and Trixie just continues to fully adjust the sock 😭
I see you maybe two days after the surg
You’re not alive while [the surgery] happens — lmfao
I don’t want you to get naked, but I saw the legs. They do the sutures under the skin. It literally looks like — How do you know that? You showed it to me Oh that’s right — honestly this is why they can & do have the same fucking conversations over & over 😂
I’m sorry but Katya literally undoing her pants on the pod
And then Trixie immediately being like what if you pulled down your pants & you were erect
So what d’you gotta tell me about?
🥺 Trixie looking at Katya when Katya moves & starts making noise
Well, I’m really happy you’re healing so well
Please Katya telling a story involving Nicole Kidman & Trixie already knows this movie fact
What is wrong with you? Why do you work so hard?
I bet Trixie Motel is paying those drag performers beyond fairly
I’ve been in that pool before. There’s deleted footage from Trixie Motel You look like an embryo out of a dinosaur woman or something
You should have drowned out of spite
Katya talking about the hardest thing having been quitting smoking & she still hasn’t smoked again since 🥹
I’ve never thought of you as young, mostly because you’re old
Not Katya being like you should’ve seen me with the walker & Trixie being like … I did
lowkey I would like an entire pod of Trixie reminding Katya of their entire visit
Oh I received a call from you & I won’t repeat what you said, but it was very funny
You’re gonna cry
How long were you there? Um, three days That’s big for you. Three days off of work, that’s huge — can we hear some commotion for TRIXIE MATTEL ACTUALLY TAKING A BREAK
You are basically like, what’s her name, Stormy Daniels Wow
Katya hyping Trixie up about the potential of hiring a sex worker vs Trixie joking about what the masseur Katya sees needs to do to get through it
THE X-RAY 😂😂😂😂😂
Remember that exhaustion episode I had last year when I thought I had brain cancer — bestieeeee. jesus.
Trixie’s concern that Katya had sex because of her hip
I didn’t listen to that Great, I can tell this story next week too
I love that Trixie & Katya have known each other so long that Katya is inserting Trixie into memories of things she wasn’t there for
Have you seen me on any billboards?
Write a script where Trixie Mattel never interrupts me & treats me with the utmost respect
[gasp] I forgot to tell you the craziest part
If they had found this — babe, if anything as soon as they saw you were a white man it all would have been fine
You were a drug mule On accident!
My life flashed before my eyes It’s one joint — this is genuinely such a Trixie reaction though
I think we should do a show called We’re Also Here
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sofipitch · 2 years
There are so many frankly unneeded characters in later books. If we get passed the trilogy and they have to figure how to make a sensible narrative of the later books,,, honestly begging they take David out. We got charas to explain lore, we got Daniel as a hot old man they are all gonna mess with. Most important to me is keeping Louis as a main chara is so important to me.
Yeah I agree, especially by the Prince Lestat books the number of characters becomes laughable. AR spends like two pages multiple times per book to tell you who all was in a room, interacting with who, and what they were wearing. I think Daniel works perfectly as our old man character and frankly seems like a better mentor figure than David. (Lestat clearly has daddy issues bc he keeps collecting mentor figures 😂)
I am honestly kind of skeptical of how they will pull off Lestat as the MC starting s3. It seems like RJ still wants him to be the charismatic hero which will be very hard considering this past season
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llycaons · 3 months
scattered thoughts
paul 🥺
armand's tale sounds plausible ig but what is the truth!!!!
jacob anderson EMMY!!!!!
gay blade gay blade gay blade
burn bitch!!!!
"It's because we started speaking English" 😭
the sexy background jazz...😍
ik he's not in a good place but this louis is soooo conpetent and cool omg
kurapika is filled with an indescribable emptiness indeed...
armand's defense is subtly blaming loyis himself for his own betrayal. not 'I didn't love you enough' but 'you won't love me as long as them' insane
armand doesn't even feel bad. he's just playing the part. asking for forgiveness rather than permission. does he care about anything...
lestat self-reflecting????
akasha mention 👀
holy shit he's staying with armand to get back at LESTAT 😭😭😭 louis do not torment yourself for such a sake!!!!
chaining himself to a lying man he resents for eternity for THAT...
'there's nothing else' - over half an hour is left of the episode louis!!!
also, his life with armand being described as NOTHING. lestat and claudia were stories to tell, daniel was a story to tell. but once they were gone there was nothing to tell!!
uh daniel picking up plot holes!!!!!
sam. lestat. the inconsistencies of sam's presence. MENTION IT ALL
damn thought he was gonna mention armand's powers too
of course he did!!!
obviously it's not like I'm a loustat proponent but my hand is clapped over my mouth. ARMAND WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM
'he wantes me to suffer' oh so this is all about you
'you're over this' BITCH YOU DON'T GET TO TELL HIM THAT. his sister was murdered abd he was tortured for days...
what does raglan have to gain from this?
this is just like when skyler left walt 🥰
back in new orleans 🥺🥺🥺 the accent...
his home...
black amex 🤑
the misconstruing of their history...
poor goth vampire...
lestat eating rats now huh...
his collarbones...so rakish!
companion enough for himself now....I'm so happy for him
he's weirdly humble, lestat
still old-fashioned. but the fact that he never interfered w armand and louis's relationship. that's growth
ig it's hard to know what's the exact truth, but louis fresh from his interview is apologizing for what he did to lestat, and I believe he means it. I believe he feels he wronged him
thanking him for the gift...his LIFE 😭
fuck this is so emotional. the difference between lestat's teaeful, genuine concern and fear vs. armand's contempt and cold blame. damn he really sucked. lestat was never a good liar
he can't stop thinking abt her either!! and he KILLED her so yeah but MAN I'm about to cry!!!
LIKE A CHILD LOOKiNG TO HER FATHER 😭 he killed her but still...
what a hug...
who gives a fuck about this tv program
he's so rude which is kind of fun but bragging about how many copies he's sold is so tacky. bro we know you got money. how's your relationship with your kids
I thought the glasses were weird. fuck
it's good louis has a friend 🥰
aw his home has color now
and the art! I don't know what it means but it's colorful and passionate!
PAULLL 😭😭😭😭 that's paul!!!
and claudia's dress 🥺 the people he really loved
his ssshhsshing hehe
he's got some of that bravado back, thay swagger.
honestly kind of a corny last line...
overall very satisfying and weirdly hopeful! MUCH moreso than I had expected!!!
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Keepin’ it in the Family
Manfred—Freddy for short—was a young man that spent his life in the shadow of his uncle’s side of the family. Meek, shy, unassuming, and more of an indoors type. “I’m more of a type B kind of fellow,” he would answer whenever someone asked him what kind of person he was. Meanwhile, Daniel Crawford and his son, Alex, were the exact opposite. Tall, strong, and always willing to get down and sweaty in an activity. They often dominated every family gathering and gleefully hogged the spotlight shined on them.
“Did you know Alex got a football scholarship… Daniel bought a second house… oh my gawd, li’l Danny got so buff last year, can’t believe he used to be my younger bro…!” On and on Freddy would hear until he got sick of it.
“Why dontcha join a team or somethin’, squirt?” his cousin Alex teased him while roughly messing up his hair. Although Freddy couldn’t deny his cousin was annoying and far too energetic, he couldn’t bring himself to hate him. There was always an authenticity behind his invites to play football with his friends. He was brutish but kind. That was all.
Freddy’s uncle Daniel was a different story.
On a certain day during a family gathering, Daniel concerned Freddy in a hallway. “Perhaps if you applied yourself more," he once told Freddy, the disdain clear in his voice, "you'd get as far as my boy does in life." The rest of the family was just a few rooms away, but their cheerful voices were worlds away. “But until you do that, I want you to stop spending any time with Alex. Honestly don’t know why he wastes his precious youth on someone like you.”
Freddy didn't respond but nodded while glaring defiantly at the floor. He jumped back as his uncle grabbed him by the throat and forcefully tilted his head upwards. Freddy let out a sharp hiss of pain but prevented himself from screaming.
With a low voice, his uncle Daniel said, “Look at me while I’m speaking, you little shit. Don’t want your mediocrity holding my golden son back. Stay away from him or else.” He punctuated his last words by shoving Freddy to the wall. “Can’t believe you and your father are related to us. Well, guess we know who got the better genes in the family.”
Freddy glared at him as he walked away. It was painful, but he could endure. As long as he lived, he would not let this abuse break him. The day would come when he would prove him wrong.
However, it all came to a head about a week ago, when Freddy announced his plans for a graduation party. Most of the replies in the texts he sent out for his family were some variation of, “Oh, I’m sorry Freddy, but your uncle Danny is planning to celebrate his promotion at work that day. Perhaps you can reschedule.” As always, Freddy remained overshadowed.
“Bastards,” Freddy’s father, a rotund and balding man by the name of Benny, exclaimed as he saw the texts. “Can’t even spare a day for you. It’s always those two pricks.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Freddy muttered, glaring down at the texts on his phone. How often had his family ignored him in favor of those two? How often did his uncle mistreat him to guarantee that his ‘golden child’ Alex would remain as successful as he was? The questions kept echoing in his mind until, finally, he decided to cut this cycle.
“If you want,” his father tried again, “we can spend that weekend just the two of us, son. We can travel and celebrate our way."
“It’s all right, dad. I know exactly what I’m gonna do,” said Freddy as he marched off to his room. He would have to draw up the runes and memorize the incantations before long. By being efficient, he would have the spell all set by dawn’s early light.
However, his father stopped him by placing a firm hand on his shoulder—a rarity. “Hold on son," Benny said in a tender voice. "I understand what you're going through, believe me, I know. I was never the golden child of the family either. Danny made sure of that." There was disdain in Benny's voice that Freddy had never heard from before, but he had little time to dwell on it as his father continued. "But, to me, you'll always be the golden child, Freddy. I just want you to know that." Then, Benny pulled his son in for a hug.
Freddy eagerly returned in, shoving his thoughts of revenge to the back of his mind for the moment. Now, he just wanted to spend time with his father. Dusk came and went, and the two bid each other good night as they settled into their rooms on different floors. With nothing to interrupt Freddy, he set off to work.
It began when he found a book of occult rituals and spells in his father's study. Never had Benny spoken about this to Freddy, and Freddy lacked the courage to confront his father about it. Instead, he took photos of the various pages of spells and tried them out for himself—another reason why he did not want his father to know that he knew. By doing this magic in secret, Freddy could indulge in his fantasies that were now just a spell away. Coaches, classmates, and neighbors all fell to his charms and rituals; fulfilling deviant actions according to his whims.
My father can never know, Freddy thought bitterly to himself as he drew the sigils on his rug with chalk, he’ll never know so he’ll always be proud of me, his pure and hard-working son.
Tonight would be the first time Freddy would attempt the possession spell as well as the first time he broke a rule he had set for himself when he first began to use magic: never involve a family member. Now, he read through the procedure on his phone and prepared to sink into an even deeper level of deviancy. A bit of the text at the bottom of the page was faded, but the instructions were all written out. It’s most likely flavor text, Freddy thought.
This spell would allow the invoker to project his soul towards an unassuming target. From then on, a battle of wills would begin, and the dominant soul would take over the body. The invoker is not guaranteed to be successful. Caution must be exercised, and a strong will is heavily recommended.
It was a frightening thought, but Freddy did not allow that to slow him down. His hands trembled with excitement and his heart raced with pure adrenaline as he pictured his uncle’s sexy yet punchable face.
In the heat of the moment, Freddy cast the spell alongside the rising sun. Once those accursed words left his lips, a sharp and painful sensation spread throughout his body. It was as if his soul was being stretched and twisted, like a rubber band. However, he just gritted his teeth and endured it as he always did. The suffering of a spell or his uncle’s harassment was all the same—nothing he couldn’t handle. However, when the pain continued to grow in magnitude, Freddy was afraid this spell was going to rip his soul in half.
Then came the release—the catharsis. The spell catapulted Freddy’s soul at a speed rivaling that of a bullet train’s. Freddy screamed both in terror and sheer jubilation as his soul traveled through the dawn-dyed sky. Everything, even the sun, was a blurry mess until he arrived at his uncle’s expensive house, where he finally stopped. He was back in control.
Slowly, Freddy glided through the halls of a home that alienated him for most of his life. While searching for his uncle’s room, he stumbled upon his cousin Alex sleeping on top of the covers, clad in just a pair of boxer briefs. Though Freddy intended to keep moving, he remained still and watched his cousin’s chest slowly rise and fall as he slept peacefully.
“You deserve a better father,” Freddy whispered, caressing his cousin’s cheek with his ghostly hand. His voice and touch were nothing more than a chilly breeze on Alex’s bare skin. When Freddy noticed the goosebumps that spread down his cousin’s arms, he drew back and excused himself from the room. His target still needed to be punished.
A few hallways later, Freddy found himself floating above his uncle. Daniel, just like his son, slept above his covers and nearly in the nude to deal with the brutal summer heat. Even so, beads of sweat still glistened in his half-naked, furry body. His breathing was just as peaceful and gentle as Alex's as it passed through his heart-shaped lips. "If only you were as kind as you look while sleeping," Freddy said as he glared down at Daniel. Hatred and lust pushed him forward, and he gleefully enacted his plan.
Having spent quite a long time manipulating the wills of men, Freddy knew that the best way to overwhelm them was to do so post-coitus. “You’ll be my ticket to happiness,” he whispered to his uncle, “you piece of shit asshole.” He began by running his tongue down his uncle’s bare chest, giving the nipple a lick.
The effect was immediate. Daniel’s eyes shot open as he shivered at the paranormal touch. He looked around, perplexed. “What the fuck?” he said.
Freddy snickered at his uncle’s confusion. He pushed his uncle back onto the bed, one hand twirling and playing with his nipples while another teased the bulge hidden by the briefs. “W-Woah, oh shit!” said Daniel, trying to kick his invisible assaulter away to no avail. When the sensation didn’t stop, Daniel attempted to rise only for Freddy to roughly shove him back onto the bed again.
“I’m not done with you!” Freddy roared to his uncle’s terror. The rush of power was intoxicating, and Freddy greedily drank in every pathetic whimper and moan from his uncle. He pulled his underwear off, revealing his uncle’s large hard-on, and threw it to the side. “God, you’re thick,” Freddy moaned as he took his uncle’s cock in his hand. “C’mon, cum for me, old man,” he said as his lips played with the pecs. He continued to mercilessly play with his uncle, humping his body to elicit more of his moans.
“N-No—aahh, mmm! Pl-Please stoooAAAAHH—stop!” said Daniel as he felt his core tighten. Freddy noticed it too and quickly released his uncle from his sexual grasp. “AH! Oh fuck, I’m—ngh!” said Daniel as his abused dick begged for release.
“Not yet, that's gonna be my climax, uncle," Freddy said. To reward his uncle was far more than what the bastard deserved. Instead, Freddy would steal his climax, his body, and his dignity. “You’re mine!” he said, caution be damned as he dove into his uncle’s body.
“F-Fred—OOF!” The sheer force of Freddy’s dive caused his uncle to bounce on the mattress. “Oh FUCK!” Daniel cried out as he felt impossibly full. Two souls occupied the same space, and much like the shifting plates of the ever-changing earth, stress was born of this conflict. Daniel gritted his teeth, even more sweat coating his convulsing body as he attempted to hold onto his consciousness. However, Freddy’s essence continued to spread.
The possession spell operated on a similar concept as ink falling upon a cup of pure water. Slowly, the water would darken as it took on the shade of the ink until it was almost completely indistinguishable from the original ink that tinted—or tainted—it.
Just as the ink colored the water, so too did Freddy’s soul spill and tint his uncle’s very essence—mind, body, and spirit. Daniel, of course, continued to push his nephew’s soul out of him. He kicked at his bed and gripped his sheets so tightly his veins were visible in his arms. Until the very last second, he tried to will his body back under his control. However, he eventually collapsed onto his bed, eyes rolling into the back of his head, and blacked out. His body convulsed for a few more minutes as it took on the last remains of Freddy's essence, before finally quieting down.
Freddy opened his new eyes and immediately put his attention back on his uncle's dick. "Oh god, uncle, you're so sensitive!" he said as he continued stroking himself. “I-I’m CUMMING!” he bellowed as he shot load after load in his new form, seeing white as he fell back onto the sweat-covered sheets. “Oh my god, Danny-boy, I can’t wait to wreck you today.” Freddy would seize the day, and by nightfall, he would make his uncle a shame upon his family.
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A few hallways away, Alex had his own visitor.
“S-Stop, uncle!” Alex screamed as the much larger soul of Benny finished entering his younger body. “Y-You can’t—AH! AAAHHH!” He whimpered and moaned just as his father did before collapsing into a mess of convulsing limbs.
Alex blacked out, and his uncle Benny awoke. “God, that felt good,” he said, stretching his new, muscular body. It was pleasurably sore after the workout he gave his unwilling nephew. “Ya got a good lookin’ bod, kid,” he said, grinning as he rubbed his hands down his new form. “But it’s my turn to be the golden child, if only for a day,” he finished, excited to have his hole filled in a day filled with debauchery.
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Unbeknownst to father and son, there was more to the spell lost as the ink faded from the page. It read as follows:
Just as the water becomes nearly inseparable from the ink, the souls also become unable to be torn apart. There is no hope for the water to become pure and no hope for the ink to be whole. They are bound together for eternity, as are the souls tainted by the invoker. The invoker’s body will perish upon the spell’s completion, and the invoker will remain in their new body until the possession spell is used again, thus killing the old target.
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phoomwhoosh · 2 years
ALRIGHT. So, I have some thoughts about season 5 of Cobra Kai. This will be under a cut because I am not a heathen.
So, I have watched season 5 twice: once all of the way through and then a second time just for Daniel’s arc. And not because I am only a fan of Daniel. I do love a lot of these guys. Daniel’s arc, though, man...
Anyway, I guess I’ll start with some of my favorite bits/characters:
LOVED Tory this season. Her scenes with Devon really were nice. Frankly, her whole arc and such was fantastic. I HATED that she was forced to break her damned hand, holy shit! I actually had to look away because it was so horrific. I do like how she caught onto Kreese’s bullshit and straight-up went, “Fuck this.” I also like how she mentioned Daniel getting hurt because of their antics and her genuine shock when Kreese was like, “That bitch got what he deserved.”
Sam’s sequence in the nightmarish pod. I like how well it showed her internal struggles and all of the labels she’s been forced to live with. I liked Sam a lot this season.
I actually liked Mike. I totally love that he turned his life around and we got to hear his story. Also, him apologizing to Daniel? Gold. I loved that. I also loved how he interacted with Chozen and Johnny. Him stealing the party limo was just...yeah, that was definitely great.
Daniel’s former rivals (the core three, at least) coming together to help him? Hell yes!!!!!
Chozen was KILLING it this season and I love him so much. I was so, so worried he had died and was gonna legit cry if he had. Also, I adored how he trained the kids and just…man, he was amazing! And his SHIRTS! Once more, I find myself wanting to steal his wardrobe.
Amanda being Jessica’s cousin? LOVED it more than anything. I saw somebody mention on a post that it makes so much sense that Daniel met Amanda through someone else and it really does. As kind as Daniel is, he very clearly doesn’t have a whole lot of friends.
Jessica telling Amanda more about Terry? That was fantastic. I saw someone else say that it was good for Amanda to hear that from someone that wasn’t Daniel and I agree 1000%. It would’ve been hard for Daniel to explain since it would’ve basically just been him heaping blame on himself for things that weren’t really his fault and it wouldn’t have helped matters at all. Whereas hearing it from Jessica, from the outside perspective of someone who was around while it was going on and who was actively involved at several points, yeah. That was better for Amanda. Really love how they handled Daniel and Amanda this season.
There were more things, I’m sure. XD
And now for what I didn’t like:
The teen drama. It is sooooo old to me. Maybe it’s because I’m 30 now and I’ve reached my limit with this stuff. But for real? At this point, it feels like the teens are dating for no reason other than they have to because the writers are holding them at gunpoint. Don’t get me wrong, SOME of them are cute but others are just…yeah.
I wish Sam hadn’t befriended Moon and Yasmine again. I miss Aisha. I honestly wish that those two had been written-off and Aisha’s potential as a character had been realized in full. (I know she left forever ago but listen...I will miss her every season.)
I wasn’t a fan of how Kenny continued to assault and bully Anthony. Yes, I understand why he hates Anthony. However, during that water park scene, they could’ve made Anthony crack his skull open on the edge of the pool and/or drown! THAT is when THEY should have been kicked-out! That shit is dangerous!
I don’t feel like getting into the Mexico plot line or Johnny only getting Miguel and Robby to make-up for the Redacted (not going into that one either) because I feel like enough people have already talked about all of that. Just know that I too am disappointed in some of the things that happened with Johnny this season.
I’m gonna talk about Terry and Daniel probably in a separate post because, honestly, my most favorite parts of the season were the ones involving them. I apologize in advance for when I find time in my life to go feral over that.
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formulanaughty · 3 years
So as the perveyor of fine norty good stuff in the fanfic realm is there anything that makes you cringe? There are two things that make me groan (and NOT in a kinky way) in a fic the terms 'weeping dick' and 'he painted/covered/sprayed her walls with his hot cum/cum/juice' etc etc etc. Its sounds like the author has tried to hard to be graphic when sometimes just using the words dick then cum/came/release is quite sufficient. If your dick is weeping and you spray anything with it you need to see a damn doctor! 😛🤣
weeping dick is a pretty bad one! i honestly try to be really open-minded about reading fic because some people are publishing for the first time or English isn’t their first language - we all have preferences with what/how we write, and i try not to judge too much!
that being said, if i’m being picky, i do have some fic aspects that make me roll my eyes. umm let’s see (i’m sticking to smut things!):
the word “member” (i know i’ve probably used it before, but there’s only so many times you can say cock/dick before you get repetitive - that doesn’t mean i don’t like it!)
when the writer doesn’t really know what they’re writing about - kink in particular, but mostly stuff like anal and how it requires some lubrication/prep
mutual climaxes. it just doesn’t always work like that!
instantaneous/very short male recovery times - it’s cool when it’s in an au but if you’re gonna tell me that daniel, a 32-year-old man, can cum in/on you three times within an hour, i might not totally believe it
sometimes the dirty talk is bad. i’d rather dialogue be short and sweet than have to read line after line of “oh fuck your cock feels so good, it’s so deep in my pussy daddy, please don’t stop! fuck me harder! oh fuck yes!” we get enough of that in bad porn, thanks. (the written-out moans like “ooohhhh!” are The Worst)
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loch-lomund · 4 years
Love Me Anyway (Please)
When Eddie hears a soft thump on his back porch at 11:07 pm, he’s got a pretty good idea of what or rather who, it is.
“Ed-Eddiee?” Buck slurs.
“Are you drunk, Buck?” He reeks like a distillery.
“You said you didn’t recommend hitting things.”
“Yeah, well I wouldn’t have recommended this either, moron."
Link to read on the AO3
When Eddie hears a soft thump on his back porch at 11:07 pm, or he’s got a pretty good idea of what or rather who, it is. Buck’s having a really hard time with his parents’ visit- and honestly Eddie’s been half expecting him to show up all night. Buck had been going at the bag pretty hard this afternoon, but he’s not like Eddie when he’s upset. He doesn’t like to be left alone.  So Eddie’s even left the porch light on. But when he doesn’t hear Buck’s key in the door, and he does hear the boards on his back porch creaking like someone’s lingering out there, he knows something’s off.
He tip toes to the door, grabbing his baseball bat from behind the couch on the way- Eddie thinks his paranoia is understandable considering the shitstorm that has been his life the past few years- and he pauses at the door, hand poised at the door knob, and listens. He hears the soft but unmistakeable sound of someone breathing on the other side of his door, and his heart begins to pound, his only thought to protect his home and son. He counts down to himself- 3, 2, 1 and rips the door open,  bat swinging wildly, and half way to its target when he realizes-
His best friend has tumbled inside backwards, losing his balance from having the support of the door he’d been leaning on so heavily abruptly removed. He’s clutching the wall now for support, reacting slowly and not at all defensively enough for someone who had just nearly been attacked with a baseball bat.
“Ed-Eddiee?” Buck slurs.
“Are you drunk?” Buck reeks like a distillery, and he’s not doing a good job supporting his own weight, leaning awkwardly against the wall in Eddie’s cramped entryway.
“You said you didn’t recommend hitting things.”
“Yeah, well I wouldn’t have recommended this either, moron. Christopher is home, you know.”
Buck looks stricken at that, and he immediately turns as though to leave, swaying clumsily as he goes.
“M’sorry, Eddie. I’ll go- Chris shouldn’t see me like this.”
Exasperated, Eddie tugs Buck back into the living room. Despite his aborted movement towards the door, Buck lets himself be led.
“If can promise to be quiet, he won’t have to- he’s down for the night. Where do you think you’re gonna go, anyway? How did you even get here, huh?”
Buck looks at Eddie through bloodshot, half closed eyes, “think I walked.”
Eddie hauls Buck into the bathroom and runs the sink, wetting a warm wash cloth and handing it to Buck. He finds the spare towels and takes stock of Buck again, who is staring intently down into the bowl of the sink, shoulders hunched, washcloth being gripped tightly and also uselessly in his right hand. Buck’s losing time in that way of drunken misery. Instead of just leaving Buck to it, Eddie finds himself in parental mode, running the shower and sticking his hand in the stream to make sure the temperature is just so, the action practiced from countless nights with Chris.
“Get in.”
Buck looks like he might say something, protest rising in his expression.
“Evan, take a shower.” Eddie says sharply, a military tone underlying the softness of the command
Buck’s face crumples, and his already reddened eyes sting with tears that don’t fall.
“Please, please don’t call me that.” Alarmed, Eddie lurches forward and grips Buck by the shoulder. He doesn’t often call Buck by his real name, but it’s never caused a reaction like this before.
“Okay, okay. I won’t. I’m sorry. Get in the shower, Buck.”  And Buck’s nodding, obediently stripping and stepping under the spray. Eddie barely gets out of the bathroom in time to give Buck his privacy, and he feels the heat rising to his own cheeks as he catches a glimpse of his friend’s rippling back and ass. He’s unsure if the blush is out of embarrassment for Buck’s naked vulnerability, or if it’s out of attraction. Maybe a bit of both. Either way, now’s not the time for these thoughts.
Eddie busies himself in the kitchen, brewing a large mug of herbal tea. He winces when he hears Buck gagging, but he’s a little relieved as well. He doesn’t know how much Buck drank but he knows it was way too much. He’s glad some of that is leaving his system, however unpleasantly. He opens the bathroom door partway and wordlessly hands in a spare toothbrush. Buck, who’s upright again at the sink and now wearing a towel around his waist, takes it, clumsily. Eddie notices that Buck’s hands are shaking, fine tremors making their way through him. But Buck stubbornly avoids eye contact, so Eddie leaves again. If he thinks he hears a sob, he pretends not to- if Buck doesn’t want him to know he won’t push. He sets down two mugs of tea and waits in the living room.
Buck finally emerges wearing a pair of Eddie’s sweats and an LAFD hoodie that could belong to either of them. His eyes are clearer when he sits down next to Eddie on the couch. He wraps both hands around the thick mug Eddie’s prepared for him and lifts it to his lips. His hands are still shaking, and he sloshes some of the tea onto his hoodie, wincing at the heat, but drinking deeply.
Without looking at Eddie, he intones, “thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for, Buck.”
“But there is!” Buck’s making eye contact with Eddie for the first time tonight, and what Eddie sees there all but breaks his heart.
“It’s what we do, Buck. I’ve got your back- you’ve had mine, and Christopher’s, more times than I can count.”
“No one’s ever-” Buck gulps and tries again, “No one’s ever…”
“No one’s ever, what, Buck?” Eddie prompts gently. Buck just looks up at Eddie, desperate to say something and unable to get it in the open.
“No one’s ever wanted me!” Buck bursts out, and now that it’s been said, he’s gasping for breath like he’s just run a marathon, his hands over his mouth trying to muffle the sound so that he doesn’t wake Chris.
Eddie feels that outburst like a slap to the face. It’s such a simple, raw statement that pleads for acknowledgement and tears and tears at Eddie’s heart. Eddie reels himself back from his first reaction- denial- because he knows it won’t be helpful.
“What makes you say that, Buck?”
“I always knew I was never enough but I didn’t understand why,” and Buck’s voice breaks a little on that word. “I was a replacement. And not a good one.”
“What are you talking about, Buck?” Eddie asks softly.
“I never knew, but Maddie told me tonight-by accident- I don’t know if she or anyone ever would have told me.” The words are tumbling out of Buck now, and his breath is hitching in these painful sounding gasps that are not-quite sobs.
“I had a brother. He died- and- my parents had me. I don’t- I don’t know why, because they found it so hard.  All I know is that I was never enough. They couldn’t l-l-love me.” Buck’s hesitation on that word makes Eddie hurt for him. “They said we- they said I made it too hard.”
Buck’s not getting enough air, and he has to stop for a second. Eddie softly, tentatively places a hand on Buck’s back and starts rubbing circles.
Eddie’s not too comfortable with physical touch- he’s not talking about a friendly pat, a shoulder bump, legs pressed together on the way to a battleground or a fire- an elbow thrown here or there teasingly. Those kinds of touches he’s used to, been used to since his time in the army, and he gives them out easily.  He’s not even talking about sex, the physicality and sharp pleasure of which comes naturally to him. But physical intimacy- the kind that accompanies vulnerability and softness- that’s difficult.
His withdrawal in that way was a key symptom of his PTSD when he returned to the States. It was an important reason behind the loss of connection that spelled the demise of his marriage. He had to work on it, hard, when he first got Chris back in his life. He’d even discussed it with his therapist and Chris’. Eddie learned to step up for Christopher, and now he’ll unhesitatingly take his son into his arms.
But Buck doesn’t struggle with touch. He folds Eddie into a hug when he thinks Eddie’s had a bad day- he sits with his arm around Chim and Hen in the truck, and he unashamedly holds Maddie’s hand when they’re out on walks. He’s even seen Buck kiss Christopher on the forehead before bed. Maybe, as Eddie’s learning, Buck’s physicality is a direct result of his cold upbringing. What Eddie knows for sure, though, is that Buck thrives on physical intimacy. And right now, he needs a physical reminder that he is loved.
Eddie’s hand has made its way to the back of Buck’s neck. He gives it a squeeze. Buck forces another painful truth out:
“They wanted Daniel, not me. They said I was hard to love.”
And Eddie…can’t listen to this anymore. He surges forward and pulls Buck right into his arms and half into his lap in a tight hug. It’s awkward because Buck’s a big man, but Eddie’s determined. He wants to say so many things but words aren’t Eddie’s forte and all that comes out is this:
“They were wrong.” But it’s enough. Eddie is enough.
Buck whimpers into Eddie’s hoodie, the sound hurting Eddie as much as Buck. He breaks down, burying his head in Eddie’s neck. He’s crying in earnest now, big sobs that make his back tremble and that he’s trying his best to muffle. He cries like he’s twelve years old again. Eddie’s a little scared with the force of it. He just holds on, rubbing bigger circles into Buck’s back. Buck cries and cries, and eventually the sobs gets smaller and turn into little breath hitches. Eddie finds himself pressing a kiss into Buck’s temple before he can stop himself.
He pours his feelings into his grip on Buck, which he adjusts and keeps even after Buck stops crying. Eventually, Buck lifts his head and pulls back.
“S-sorry. I think I snotted all over you,” Buck sniffs and wipes his eyes and face on the sleeve of his hoodie. Eddie snorts.
“Sure did. You’re buying the pizza for the next month,” he says, trying for lighthearted. He strips off his wet hoodie and catches Buck looking. Even though he’s been crying, Buck’s still fucking stunning. Suddenly,  Eddie’s very aware in a different way of Buck’s closeness. His blood is pounding in his ears, and he’s gonna need to take a minute. He stretches, going for nonchalant, but no sooner has he got his arms over his head than Eddie’s the one crowded against the wall, and Buck’s kissing him soundly. Eddie’s body reacts immediately, jeans tightening and tongue slipping easily into Buck’s mouth.  Pretty quickly, though, sober heads-in this case Eddie’s- prevail.
“Buck-” he gets out between kisses.
“Yeah? Buck growls, stripping Eddie’s shirt off. Eddie groans long and low when Buck presses them together.
“Buck, wait. Stop.” Buck leans back, reeling a little. His eyes are filling up again and that’s the absolute last thing Eddie wants.
“No, I mean-“ If Eddie’s a little jumbled at the moment he thinks he should be forgiven- “Yes, stop. But just for now.”
“You’re still a little drunk, Buck, and it’s been a big night. When we do this, I want it to be with a clear head.” Buck nods, slowly.
“When, not if?”
“I don’t think there’s been an ‘if’ in my mind for a long time, Buck. But there’s a lot at stake here, and…” Eddie hesitates here- he doesn’t want Buck to take this the wrong way, but he needs to say it for his own sake.
“What is it, Eds?”
“When we cross that line, I need to know it’s because you really want me, and not because you need to feel wanted.”
Buck’s eyes fill visibly with emotion again, and Eddie winces, because he knows that had landed hard. But Buck surprises him. He pulls Eddie into a hug, and because they’re standing now, it’s Eddie whose head fits under Buck’ chin.
“You’re right, Eds. But I won’t ever let you feel unwanted.” It’s Eddie’s turn to feel his eyes stinging a bit. He takes Buck by the hand and leads him down the hall to the bedroom. They sleep soundly, and in the morning Chris’ energetic begging for pancakes will give Buck reason to regret his decisions as he suffers through a hangover and Eddie’s amusement at his expense.
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cityandking · 3 years
8,18, 39, 45 for dai, bran and eniko!!!
ty my dear!! // get to know my dnd characters
8. what are three songs that suit them?
me, cracking my knuckles, opening up their playlists,,
DAI - [playlist link] 1. royal empress - greg laswell
I thought everyone was going to make it out alive And everyone was going to make it out alive
2. c’mon sea legs - immaculate machine (fun fact! also a bran song)
C'mon Sea Legs, pull yourself together You're gonna have to learn to like The rockin' of the waves, whatever. C'mon now, it's not meant to be easy But you're not gonna spend your life Being sick over the side.
3. mercury - sleeping at last
Yet I know if I stepped aside Released the controls, you would open my eyes That somehow, all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life
BRAN - [playlist link] 1. sea legs - the ballroom thieves
Who's steering this ship Oh, and where is the rest of it Still homesick for a foreign harbor
2. same dark places - jr jr
You always doubt yourself But you're probably just as well As anybody else I know everybody goes to the same dark places
3. that’s why I still chase the sky - daniel champagne (my favorite bran song possibly)
And I know that it's so hard to leave this And go out alone just to learn that we need it But I′d rather let go then to grow old wondering why And that's why I still chase the sky
ENIKO - [playlist link] 1. secret of life - lord huron  (honestly this whole album is eniko vibes)
To die for good, it must be earned The ways of death can never be learned And the life I've lived is only dust The darkness comes for all of us
2. bullet - ballroom thieves (aka the ultimate eniko song. I’d paste every single line here if I could)
I don't need no sympathy And I don't need no time I just want what's coming for me Yeah, what's mine I'll fold you all right into me And make you understand I am what you wanted I'm a goddamn man
3. dust bowl dance - mumford & sons
There will come a time I will look in your eye You will pray to the God that you always denied Then I'll go out back and I'll get my gun I'll say, "You haven't met me, I am the only son"
18. do they see themself as a leader or a follower?
answered! for all of them lol. but it's leader dai & bran, follower eniko
39. are their hands calloused, soft, or something else entirely?
DAI — calloused, but not terribly so. the hands of a healer, etc; he’s more familiar with the salve and the bandage than the sword and it shows in his hands
BRAN — calloused for sure. rope and sea air and weapons and everything in between; her hands are possibly the roughest thing about her (and even then, they know how to be gentle)
ENIKO — calloused, but in the specific way of doing the same thing over and over again. also not terribly so, but mostly because he knows how to take care of his body to keep it in top condition, and also he really loves small and fleeting creature comforts, like lotion on windburned hands
45. how do they hug people?
DAI — a little awkwardly at first, but in the sort of way where you know he means it. none of that fumbling around a hug; when he hugs you you know you’re being hugged (when you hug him it might be more awkward, but he can make a solid and serious effort even when startled)
BRAN — big and with her whole body. it’s equal parts Hug and Experience
ENIKO — awkwardly and unwillingly for the most part, except when he means it. when he means it he’s. so good. big and careful and just the right balance of engulfing and tender. the kind of hug you can breathe into.
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 years
Stability Chapter 11
Otis Driftwood x Reader
Masterlist is here.
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"You listen to me, and you listen well! I am gonna kill every member of your family! I'm gonna hunt them down like the animals they are, and I'm gonna skin em' alive! They are going to feel the pain and suffering of every last victim!" A disgusting squishy sound-filled the empty void of the cell. Sheriff Wydell had stabbed Mama Firefly in the stomach and twisted it until the light left her eyes. 
He was done playing this cat and mouse game. Mama's last taunt and laughter that ran through the station after more questioning pushed him over the edge. He had grabbed a large knife from his office and stabbed her in the stomach. As she fell to the ground he stood and took in the scene of what he had done. There was no turning back now, people like these people are monsters he thought to himself and the only thing monsters fear are other monsters. He had discovered through the interrogation that his brother was indeed murdered by Mama herself when he had come to investigate the cheerleader's disappearance.
 Sheriff John Wydell's eyes widened at the sight of his dead brother getting up from the couch he was sitting on, he began stuttering "I'm, I'm walking the line on this brother. I'm... I'm walking".George Wydell scoffed and answered sarcastically "Well, mother pin a rose on me, that is so great! I want these motherfuckers dead! Kill 'em!" John Wydell jumped up in a cold sweat… oh it was just a dream he thought, or was it? It couldn't be this hard to be signed by his brother that he needed to avenge him. "I'm brother, I'm trying," he thought to himself. 
"Why are you over here all by yourself handsome? Married or not you don't gotta be all alone"... Candy had slinked over to where Otis was laying on the couch downing a bottle of Jack Daniels. The rest of the crew was partying with the ladies at the brothel. Otis wasn't in the mood to party though. He wanted to get out of here and get moving. 
He felt guilty which was surprising for someone like him, that he was here enjoying a safe environment for the night without knowing where you were. "What do you want woman" he scoffed and attempted to get up.. "now now lay down You look like a mess Is your back hurting or something I can give you a massage I am a masseuse Well at least I can give a good enough massage that feels like I'm a masseuse" Candy said in a sultry voice twirling her hair, "listen here woman I said I ain't fucking you so go on and get" Otis said shooing her away with his hand.
 "Hey now no one said anything about fucking! How about I help you out friend to friend? You just must be tense worrying about your old lady out there". She sat next to him on the couch, he slowly got up to face her, "just a massage right No funny business or I'll throw your ass through the window". "Duly noted" she laughed and helped him stand grabbing his arm. She led him to a soft mattress on the floor. 
Sheriff Wydell on the other hand was not having the best night either, he was racking his brain on what was the next step to take for finding the four of you. He found himself staring at himself in the mirror talking to himself "You know I got to tell you, that's some catch phrase you got there, Devil's Rejects. What? You got something to say to me clown, huh. I bet you scare lots of folks, don't ya? Yeah, regular fuckiin' killer. You want a piece of this motherfucker? You want a piece of this? Huh, what you got! What you got! Lord I am your arm of justice. Lord I am your arm of justice. Lord I am your arm of justice. Your righteous sword of vengeance. Let my blows be true. From the illusion leads me to truth. From darkness leads me to light. From death leads me to eternal life." 
"Ah sir? That guy you asked for is here" his deputy Ray Dobson knocked on the door to his office breaking him out of his trance.  It was his deputy, who made the connection that  the aliases the family members usually went by and their connection to the old Groucho Marx films. He also discovered that the Fireflies were associated with the local clowns celebrity Captain Spaulding. Hoping to gain some insight into this connection, Wydell brought in film critic Marty Walker for consultation. 
The over the top Marty illustrated how each of the killers named themselves after characters played by Groucho Marx throughout the course of his career. Things between Wydell and Walker quickly became unsavory when the critic made a remark about Elvis Presley. Marty head scateched his head while looking at the clues pinned to the board "that goddamn fucking Elvis Presley." Sheriff Wydell looked up at him with his eyes wide and full of rage. 
"What'd you say about the King?!" Marty was clearly taken aback by the sudden tone change and looked around at everyone else in the room before sputtering out "I said he died three days before Grouch…" Wydell walked very close to him, looked him deep in the eyes and slowly said "Marty... if you ever say another derogatory word about Elvis Aaron Presley I WILL KICK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU!". 
"Boss don't you remember we had to run in with that guy Charlie not too long ago didn't he stay around with the guy named Spalding?" Ray quickly replied trying to defuse the situation. "Well goddamn you're right Ray… let's go pay Mr. Charlie boy a visit" he backed away from Marty and grabbed his hat. "Be seeing you Marty" 
Spalding had told Charlie that if he went and bought some fresh chicken He whipped them up some fried chicken on the house as a thank you for letting them hide out there. Unbeknownst to Charlie Sheriff Wydell had spotted him leaving the funtown and heading towards the chicken stand. He corners Charlie and demands that he give up the three of them and if he had any information on where you were he needs to give that information up to or it would not end well for him.
 He also asked him if he catches Otis in any compromising situations if he could snap a photo. It would be in his best interest. "I was also wondering," Wydell said, closing the car door a bit more on Charlie. He had closed his car door on Charlie's hands after instructing him to approach the vehicle once they cornered him in with their vehicle. "Is this girl with them by any chance? and I'm only going to give you one chance to answer me honestly" he held up a picture of you, Charlie shook his head viciously "no no naw she ain't with them gods truth man god's truth".. "god's truth hmm well you know where she is? I would like to have a little chat with her" Wydell replied. "Oh c'mon what's that lil girl gonna do" Charlie attempted to chuckle. "Hmm" Wydell said "looks can be deceiving, anyways tonight midnight I'll be seeing you". He released his hand and drove off in a cloud of dirt and smoke.
Back at the house unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it for Otis, Candy was actually a very good masseuse and actually did just give him massage without reaching for his penis which is what he assumed was going to happen. His back was killing him from the hours of driving and that shit van they had stolen from the family back at the motel. 
He also was holding a lot of stress in his shoulders from the anxiety of the plan not going his way and not having any word from you now for multiple days. Unfortunately now she wouldn't stop following him around which was starting to piss him off because one she was annoying and two his back was still hurting and he could have used another massage. "You sure you don't want another one I mean you passed out during yesterday's massage just let me do your shoulders just a little more" she said skipping toward him.
 He wasn't sure if she was just trying to be nice or she was trying to wear him down to fuck her or something. He sat cleaning his knife while staring off into space thinking about you and when you gave this knife to him. You were in town with Baby and wandered into an antique store. You knew as soon as you saw it you had to have it.. he was overjoyed at the knife and vowed to never go anywhere without it. 
"What took you all so long? You said you were just heading into town for some supplies tonight" He asked , slamming the screen door behind him and walking out towards the car. You had insisted on driving your mustang into town with Baby on a girl's trip while he was in the middle of a project. He was hesitant but he allowed it because he knew that you two could probably use some girl time, he wasn't the easiest to always be around. 
"Oh shut up Don't know why you always got to be rushing people" Baby replied flipping her hair and strolling past Otis. "Fuck you" "no fuck you" "no fuck" "Hey!!" You yelled waving your hand in his face. "I took so long because I got you something, I saw it and I couldn't pass it up". You pulled out a dark paper bag and handed it to him. He looked inside and got silent, it was a large beautiful knife. Taking it out the bag he held it in his large hands and studied it closely. "Shit darlin this, this is beautiful..for me huh?" "Yeah of course!" "Why though?" He asked looking back at you with general confusion on his face. You walked over and stepped up on your tippy toes to softly kiss him. "Just wanted to do something nice because I love you". You said patting his chest and walking inside after Baby.
 He stood there for a few more moments looking at the knife and tucking it in his boot. Once inside he grabbed you by the waist and kissed you deep. "Thanks.. ah.. I just don't know how to accept gifts, not used to 'em." "Well I'm glad you like it" you smiled up at him "had me worried for a second I was starting wonder if you didn't like it" "naw I love it it's going everywhere with me always" he said wrapping his long arms around you "just like you". 
"Stop hovering woman!! If I need anything from you I'd ask now get" he huffed at her looking back to his knife. She stood for a moment and turned on her heels and headed away. Charlie headed back to the house trying to swallow the anxiety in his throat. He didn't want to betry the group but he also wanted to protect his business and livelyhood. He stopped at the liquor store and grabbed a bunch more bottles of Jack Daniels, might as well get them drunk and make this shit easier. 
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Anything But Mine - The ‘Work Wife’
A/N Inspired by this tiktok; Florence meets Daniel’s ‘work wife’
Tuesday, December 15, 2026
Florence watched the elevator numbers tick up to 8 and then the doors slid open onto the floor. She was wrapped in her winter coat, legs clad in grey sweats and hair tied back in a haphazard ponytail and the stroller pushed in front of her. Two-year-old Lucy was asleep in the stroller, bundled up in her coat and hat and mitts and boots, already starting to miss her naptime. Florence was only hoping she wouldn’t wake up while at Daniel’s work because one look at her father and Lucy would never get back to sleep until he came home at the end of the day.
It had been a while since Florence had visited the studio and a new secretary sat behind the welcome desk. She was talking on the phone but hung up when she saw the guest approaching.
“Hi honey. What can I do for you?” she asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Just here to drop off Daniel’s laptop.” Florence answered with a tired sigh and a half smile as she set the bag on top of the desk. “He forgot it this morning.”
“That sounds like him! Wait, are you Florence?” the secretary smiled widely, “Oh my God, I’m meeting the other woman.”
Florence’s eyebrows furrowed a moment in confusion.
The young lady continued, “I’m sure you’ve heard lots about me.”
“No, actually.” Florence spoke slowly, eyeing her up carefully.
“You haven’t? Wow, Daniel’s keeping us a secret. How scandalous!” the lady giggled youthfully, “I’m Alexa. I’m Daniel’s work wife!”
Florence’s eyebrow peaked and she shifted in place, “His what?”
“His work wife! Funny story how that came to be; it started because I just always got his coffee exactly how he likes it in the morning, right when he came in! I just understood him on, like, a spiritual level!”
Florence had to work hard to keep her facial expression flat, “He’s allergic to coffee.”
“Oh, haha, I wondered why he never drank it! He is just too nice to even correct me, I guess. Silly man.”
“Can you just tell him I’m here?” Florence asked impatiently, tapping her fingers on top of the desk, her right hand still held protectively around the handle of the stroller.
“Oh, I’m sorry, he’s in a session right now and asked not to be disturbed. I’ll tell him you came by and I’ll leave this on his desk for him.” Alexa took the laptop bag and slung it over her own shoulder. “He’s been working so hard. I was just thinking that Dan and I have been staying here for so many late hours together recently that I probably see him more than you do! You poor thing. We take good care of each other though.”
“Dan?” Florence nearly gagged.
“We have little nicknames for each other.” Alexa giggled.
“Right.” Florence scowled.
“Anyway, I’ll let you go. You look tired. Babies keeping you busy?”
Florence couldn’t even get out a response before Alexa was stepping out from behind the desk and was heading down the hallway.
“I bet. Nice meeting you, Florence! Be good to our husband. I’m watching!”
As expected, Daniel came home a bit later than usual that night. Lucy had already been put to bed and Penelope and Clementine were just eating their bedtime snack when he came home. The two girls came running at the sound of the door and Daniel crouched down to give them equal amounts of kisses over each little cheek. They were already in their pyjamas and Daniel scooped up Penelope into his arms on the way back into the living room.
Florence was on the couch when he came in, her face flat.
“Thanks for bringing my bag today. I would have come to get it but I was so busy.”
She turned slightly when he leaned down to kiss her so all he got was her cheek.
Daniel frowned and set Penelope down so she could join Clementine back at their table to finish their snack. He sat down beside his wife, “What’s going on?”
“Just wondering if you’d prefer to go home to your other wife.”
“My what?” Daniel was taken back.
“Your other wife. Alexa. And your probable other kids too.”
Daniel couldn’t get a rebuttal out before the girls were bounding back over to him.
“Daddy, can you tuck us in?” Clementine asked eagerly, grabbing the sleeve of his sweater.
“Of course.” he put on a smile for his daughters but was concerned about Florence’s statement and he thought about it the entire time he tucked his eldest two into bed and read them a story and kissed them good night.
Florence was still on the couch when he returned from the hallway and he sat back down beside her with a tired sigh. She ignored him.
“Wanna tell me why you think even the concept of another wife would graze my mind?” he asked quietly.
“How long as Alexa worked there?”
“Few months. Maybe five. Why? Did she say something to you today?”
“Yeah. She said a fucking lot.” Florence scoffed. Her arms stayed crossed over his chest and she stared at the ground coldly. “I’m not the other woman first of all. And I’m not going to stand there and be ridiculed by a college freshman about how you and her are fucking in love or some bullshit.”
“She really said that?” Daniel’s eyes went wide.
“Yeah. Called herself your ‘work wife’…that you two just ‘get each other’…that ‘Dan and I spend so many late nights together haha’. Fucking bitch.”
Daniel’s face literally contorted in disgust, “Ugh, I hate ‘Dan’.”
“I know. And why haven’t you told her you’re allergic to coffee? She’s going around flaunting that she knows your order like it fucking matters.”
“She’s…she just seemed nice and I felt badly.”
“Well don’t! She thinks a cup of coffee is the start of a goddamn affair. What have you been doing with her after hours?”
“She’s not even there half the time after hours.” Daniel answered easily, honestly. “So put any idea of that out of your mind right now.”
“You’re not our husband.” Florence grumbled, turning her head away from him. “How dare she even say that to me.”
“Hey. I know.” Daniel shuffled closer and set his hand on her cheek to pull her gaze towards him. “I’m only yours. I promise.”
Florence sniffled and nodded lightly. Daniel tilted her head up to kiss her lips, lingering there a moment just so she could feel it and when he pulled back, she let out a little sigh.
“I’m sorry she said that shit. I’ll talk to her. That’s not okay.” Daniel whispered, resting back against the couch beside her and Florence shuffled to curl into his side.
“She said I look tired.” Florence mumbled sadly, “Do I look tired? Am I letting motherhood steamroll me?”
“No way.” Daniel tisked, sliding his arm around her waist to hold her close, “You are steamrolling motherhood.”
Florence chuckled lightly.
“I’m serious.” Daniel pressed a kiss to her forehead and slid his hand down to her bum, “Always have been and always will be the sexiest woman in the room to me.”
“Even like this?” Florence sniffled, leaning back from his shoulder so he could get a good look at her; messy hair and few little breakouts over her cheeks and dark circles under her eyes.
Daniel smiled, giving her bum a little squeeze as his other hand reached up to caress her face, “Especially like this. There is no other woman in the entire world that I would ever give a second glance to and especially not Alexa. I am wholeheartedly yours.”
Florence leaned up to kiss his lips a few soft times before nuzzling into his neck. He smiled and wrapped his arms right around her.
“You had no clue she was flirting with you, did you?” Florence asked after a while.
“Mm, no, I really didn’t.” Daniel admitted.
“You’re so innocent, Daniel James.” Florence giggled.
“Am not.” Daniel tisked. “But, listen, I’m going to buy you a nice dress for my work Christmas party this Friday and you’re going to dress up just how you like to and you’ll feel like the most beautiful woman in the room and I won’t be leaving your side all night.”
“You don’t have to buy me a dress.” Florence laughed lightly.
“Yeah, I do. A nice tight one with a low cut…” his fingers trailed down her clothed body. “Gonna blow everyone away.”
And that’s exactly what happened. Daniel bought Florence a pretty red dress specifically for the party and a matching red tie of his own. They showed up to his work party in dress and suit down to their polished black shoes and perfectly done hair and you’d be surprised to think they even had three children. Walking into the venue Florence truly felt like a million bucks and the proud smile that was on her face was only proof to her husband that his idea worked.
They mingled around the various groups, sitting at their table with Jack and his fiancé for a little bit, and eventually finding Alexa by the bar.
“Wow, Florence, you clean up well.” the young woman spoke straightly.
“Thank you.” Florence answered politely, hand still tucked in Daniel’s arm as they waited for their drinks. She had been raised in this exact setting; formalwear and conniving strangers, so Florence worked it like an expert.
Daniel was proud of Florence’s politeness in front of the woman who tried to ruin them a little if not at all but when Daniel was called over to speak with his boss, Florence lingered back at the bar a moment. She eyed up Alexa’s tight short dress and messy curls and leaned in towards her with a calm smile, her two diamond rings on display around her glass in the direction of the young lady, “If you go anywhere near my husband in any way, shape, or form that is anything except professional, I will see to it that you’re fired faster than you can say ‘mine’. So back off.”
Florence returned to Daniel’s side, shooting a glare at the young woman over her shoulder as Daniel’s arm slid around her waist protectively. Like hell she was ever going to let someone get in the way of her perfect catch. 
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