#honestly such a compassionate guy when i told him about the funeral and everything he was like when do YOU want to do the exam :') like sir
avatardoggo · 2 years
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pretty sure my psych prof boosted my exam mark significantly bc there's no way i passed on my own 🥹
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hello El!!
I bring my exchange info for an matchup. If say creepypasta/marblehornets matchup for this.
So my name is Shay, I go by Whiskey because it's a preference in liquor on my end. I go by they/them pronouns, AFAB and I'm bi and omniromantic, I do have an mild preference for men or masc aligned people. I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm also introvert (INFJ-A) and I'm constantly sleeply. I do have C-PSTD, Bipolar II and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
I'm Caucasian/White and I stand at 5'9. I have celtic and Danish heritage, My family where vikings. I'm really tall and legs double the size of my torso, as in my thighs are as big as my torso in length, same with my calves. I call myself spider legs because of that. I have this natural like wolf cut going on that is this dark green with my roots be my natural dark chocolate brown hair. My eyes are hazel with gold flecks that shift in color which I found out is normal for people with hazel eyes. I paint my nails black a lot because I find the color pleasing. My build wise is like a rectangle like shape with broad shoulders. I'm pretty strong and I'm proud of my strength. I'm currently starting to get into shape and lose weight so I have fit shape but not like over for. Just the right amount of fat over my muscles. I have a lot of stretch marks,, mostly around my waist and my biceps. I call them my stripes or lighting marks. I have plans to get snake bite piercings and wear like the ring ones in them. I'm getting an tattoo soon that is like this and then I want a burning match tattoo on my color bone. My ears are piercing and I like wearing fake gauges, spirals and then the ratings that have the dangly stuff and cuffs with them. I also wear like those stereotypical hot topic chokers. I wear a lot of long sleeves and skinny jeans, I do like ripped skinny jeans. I also love flannels and black boots like doc martins or converse.
I think you can assume by the statement of me liking whiskey I am the rebellious sort which is true. I have drank a bit and tried weed, I don't do it anymore tho.I have been told if people don't know me and see me from afar I'm intimidating to approach. Even being spooky and intimidating, I promise I'm just a big softie. I usually assume the mom friend of the group with my friends. I always worry about them and make sure they take care of themselves. Sometimes I do it so much I forget to take care of myself. I'm really gentle and compassionate, along with being extremely empathetic. I can be stubborn and bit judgemental at times, mostly working off first impressions myself when getting to know each other. I have an hard time being insertive and putting my foot down with my boundaries, scared to lose people even if the hurt me. I'm an introvert through and through, liking to watch from the back and observe the way things go on around me. I do my best to be an optimist because I can't see the point in see everything wrong in this world, it helps me to see the good. I love going on adventures with my close friends and love being a chaotic bastard with them. My dnd alignment is chaotic neutral and I'm Hufflepuff. I do live by the saying do no harm but take no shit. But I won't hesitate to fight someone for the right causes.
I do always constantly look like I am going to funeral of some sort because I own nothing but black. The color makes me feel really comfortable but it's not my favorite color. My favorite color is green but I like sage green, forest green, mossy green, etc. The earthy greens are my favorites. I have a love for the forest and woodlands, finding a sense of home in the woods. I do love archery and something I'm definitely going to be picking up along with playing the drums. I also smoke herbal cigarettes as well as alternative to smoking.
You know that I often get called a cryptid and at this point, I am just one. Cryptidcore, Midwest Gothic, and Pacific Northwest Gothic are my favorite aesthetics. I have a huge love for cryptozoology (the study of cryptids), parapsychology (the psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims), original creepypasta stories and to be honest anything like spooky and creepy. I want to be a mortician and I'm attending school for that. I also really love the dark, especially if I have some good music blasting through my earbuds. I am a sucker for long road trips and seeing things, filling the adventure heart I have. My favorite animals are coyotes and I also like horses. I like to write a lot as well. My favorite cryptids are The Beast of Bray Road, Not Deer, Jersey Devil and Jacklopes.
Thank you so much and I'm so glad I got a chance to reach out to you. It all started with me wanting to send memes to you and being a little 🌲 anon.
Also here is what the tattoo I'm am getting done looks like ↓↓↓
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Your matchup is... Jeff!
Sorry this took me a hot minute, I've been out all day! But here's my part of the exchange :}
In general:
Alright, I read this over and just immediately thought about Jeff, mostly because of your personality!! I have so many things I want to get into and want to say though. SO, let's get right into that.
Things he likes about you:
Physically speaking, as that is how I always start, Jeff really, really loves your height and your legs make him fuzzy on the inside. He just loves it SO MUCH. Your hair is gorgeous, and he's never going to stop wanting to run his fingers through it. Whatever color it's dyed as becomes his new favorite, and he loves seeing your natural hair poke through as well. Your eyes are so gorgeous in his opinion and he finds himself getting lost in them. He thinks your nails being painted black is nice because honestly, he's prone to painting his nails black as well. He finds your body so great!! Wants to hold you and loves feeling new muscles when they get built up. Regardless, he just physically adores you. Your stretch marks are also something he adores as well, and he will fondly call them your tiger stripes and admire them in their entirety. He would love your piercings and the tattoo you want to get. Also really, really loves your choice in jewelry. Chokers are hot in his opinion lmfao. Ripped skinny jeans, flannels, black boots, converse!! just everything about your style works so well with him. And your personality!! That slight rebellious edge am slightly intimidating nature??? PLEASE
General cute stuff:
I feel like the two of you are going to spend some evenings in painting nails. Jeff is slightly touch starved and will absolutely run his hands over your body and just adore everything about you. I can also see Jeff working out with you as well!! He will be your number one supporter regardless of what you're going to be doing. He finds it so sweet that you take care of other people. Jeff also understands you being an introvert, because he's kind of the same way. He would absolutely would hang back with you and just exist. He likes observing as well. However, he also can be a bit of a chaotic guy and will go on adventures with you! Scary places, nature, wherever you want, Jeff will go with you. He'll also read up on fun little places and then go with you. He will absolutely get you green things just because he knows that you like that color. Jeff will also take you on walks in the woods, and he'll also let you wear his clothing!! Jeff actually smokes weed semi-regularly, so while you smoke herbal cigarettes, he's going to be lighting up alongside you as long as you're comfortable. He'd probably like the herbal cigarettes as well. Jeff would love to hear about your love of cryptozoology! He's met so many beings in his life that fit that that he'd just go buck wild being able to tell you about his stories and experiences as well. Parapsychology is also something he'd love to listen from you. He finds you going into the mortician business so incredible, and that you like the dark. Your music?? Please share that with him!!
You two as a couple:
Jeff knows that you are intimidating but so, so sweet. He finds you so admirable and honestly, he needs that kind of caring, loving influence in his life. He finds you being the mom friend of your group super fun and while he's not a dad friend, definitely loves saying things to remind all of your shared 'kids' to listen to you. He wants you to take care of yourself!! He wants you to be kind to yourself!! You being stubborn is something he understands because honestly he can be stubborn. Judgmental? He gets it but honestly might challenge the notion from time to time. He will remind you about boundaries and how important it is to set them. Time to time, he may step in just to help you out. He will also remind you to be assertive, mostly because he would hate to see anyone take advantage of you. Jeff will read up on C-PTSD, Bipolar II, and your anxiety simply so he can be more prepared to help you in any way he can. He deals with some things himself, but he doesn't always know how to handle others. So, he would definitely read up for you and end up becoming your rock when you need it. Honestly, just let him take care of you in his own way. Rough around the edges?? Absolutely. But he's so soft for you. He will help you in any way he can, whether it be weathering the bad days and loving the good ones. Let him adore you.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, or as I will often fondly refer to you as, Dr. Cryptid! I was so happy to read all of this about you. Thank you so so much for sending this in and once again doing mine! I loved reading all about it, and I love talking with you. Thank you so much for that lil pine tree emoji and memes. Also, please take care of yourself!! There's only one of you in the universe and it's so important to love and cherish yourself. It's always okay to say no or know when to bail. Never take care of so many people that you leave all your energy with them and none for yourself. I look forward to our future convos and just friendship in general. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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volvolts · 3 years
trying again. im gonna talk about my ocs. its pretty long and kinda incoherent idk
first start with robin
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idk how to make the picture smaller so im sorry
- her name is robin wright and she’s 17
- her mom is a cyberneticist and her dad is a neurosurgeon. they do research on cyborg’s disease and have a company that makes prosthetics. they’re really rich because if it
- robin also had a twin brother named ronan (she’s the younger twin btw). he died when they were 15 because he had a rare case of cyborg’s disease in the brain. his death was so traumatizing for her that she doesn’t remember the months surrounding his death. she doesn’t even remember the funeral
- after ronan’s death, robin’s parents put her into isolation for two years. they pulled her out of her classes and activities and she barely got human interactions during this time
- eventually she had enough and begged to be allowed out which they do--as long as she has a bodyguard with her at all times. the problem? robin had a hard time getting along with most of them. in fact, ryuji is kind of a last resort. if she doesn’t get on well with him, she’ll most likely be isolated until further notice
random facts
- she’s really smart, a natural genius you could say. she was on her third year in college before she was pulled from it (she’s studying to be a neurosurgeon like her father). she’s one of those organized highlighter/color coded note takers too
- robin is a very compassionate person and is compelled to help others as much as she can. 
- stubborn and determined, she’ll pursue nearly everything and won’t back down until she has answers. sometimes she doesn’t know when to stop and accidentally oversteps her boundaries. it’s not because she’s needlessly nosy but because she wants to know the whole story before she can help them
- she has a overactive imagination and would end up thinking up outlandish ideas to fill in the blanks of things she doesn’t know
- robin is one of those people who’s polite and reserved if she doesn’t know you but will talk your ear off when she’s comfortable with you
- she closer with her father, which is why she’s studying the same subject that he works in
- both of her parents are incredibly successful and she’s expected to do something similar so she has a lot on her shoulders
- she hasn’t worked a day in her life but she has unusually strong endurance and stamina
- she has a dog! he’s a golden retriever and his name is beck. he’s an old dog and she loves him very much 
next is ryuji
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- his name is ryuji lor and he’s 22
- he also goes by “ryder” (technically he’s supposed to go by that throughout most of my half-baked story because he never told anyone is real name but that’s beside the point)
- he’s a quarter japanese and three quarters se asian (not really sure what kind yet but im thinking somewhere within the vietnam/laos area)
- a bit of TW: FAMILY ABUSE in this passage so skip if it bothers you:  his mom got pregnant with him while she was in college and because her boyfriend bailed on her and stress of the pregnancy and burnout she dropped out and went back to her family. she was seen as “the good one” of the family and was expected to get a good job to get her family out of poverty however when she came back they were incredibly bitter that she “failed” and would verbally and emotionally put her down. They also blamed ryuji because if he wasn’t born then she wouldn’t have dropped out and he was often ostracized because of it. 
- fortunately he and his mom left when he turned 5. they lived in a small apartment and had to get lots of help from neighbors and friends to make ends meet (mostly to babysit ryuji while his mom worked). ryuji vowed to get smart and get a good job to give his mother the life she deserves (and partly because he feels a part of her really does hate him and he wants to make it up to her somehow because if he doesn’t, was he just a parasite like what his aunts and uncles said?)
- when he turned 10, his mom got married and how he has two moms. they’re hard on him but it’s from a place of love so he tries his best to be a good son by studying and staying out of trouble
- at 17, ryuji has a bit of hope ahead of him. he has a part time job, good grades, and maybe a scholarship if he could qualify. suddenly he’s diagnosed with cyborg’s disease in his eyes and arm. they can’t afford either of his surgeries, let alone one. and that’s not going into the prosthetics and rehab afterwards. at night when they think he’s asleep, ryuji hears his moms arguing about how they’ll be able to afford any of it and what they’ll have to do to pay for it. 
- he can’t take it anymore. he runs away
- he ends up in a city he doesn’t recognize and is just allowing himself to die but he gets saved by irving, a back alley repair doctor. he gets prosthetics thanks to her but is now in a massive debt so he works as her assistant and also finds other jobs on the side to repay it
- his backstory is getting really long so things happen in ryuji’s attempt to make money and he ends up also working with ace, who leads an organized crime group, as a handler whose job is to fight/intimidate/kill whoever. 
- a sudden coincidence also ends up working as robin’s bodyguard which starts everything. honestly he’s didn’t want to do this job at first but robin’s parents are willing to pay a good amount of money and it allows him to have time away from his jobs with ace
random facts
- he’s left hand but learned to be ambidextrous, however he’ll usually default to his left hand
- he wore glasses when he was younger (near sighted; it was super bad but he didn’t like it)
- he’s afraid of dogs. it’s not a full on phobia but they make him uneasy because of a childhood thing. (he’s more of a cat person and maybe pets a few stray cats that come across his house every once in a while)
- he doesn’t like people staring at him. he feels self-conscious because of the scar on his face and the shadowed bags under his eyes and people staring at him don’t help
- ryuji is really good with prosthetics repair and can go into in-depth discussions about the mechanics of it all; he actually really enjoys working on it and actually helped design his own arm
- he’s really smart but he had to work really hard to get there and because he never finished his education, he doesn’t really think he is either
- ryuji tries to give off a “i don’t care about anyone” bravado to try and distance himself from everything. but he really cares. like a lot. the few people he has in his life right now, he’s ride or die for them
- ryuji works himself to death to ignore his problems. he’s afraid if he stops moving, he’ll buckle under the pressure and stop forever
- he has a knife hidden in his prosthetic forearm which he will use if he feels threatened. (it’s probably a stiletto knife or something idk yet)
- ryuji is an early riser; waking up at 9 am feels like sleeping in to him. he’s not even that much of a morning person, its mostly out of habit
then there’s castor
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- his name is castor oda and he’s 24
- he’s japanese
- he lived in a really strict and controlling family who owned a business where he had his entire life planned out for him up to who he was going to marry. he’s always been angry about it because he has older siblings who will take over the company and it’s clear that more of a control and image thing than anything else
- when he went to college, it was his first time actually be away from his family and became friends with a guy named ben. 
- ben helped castor when his family kicked him out at 19 and gave him a place to stay until he could get back on his feet
- castor loved ben like a brother and is forever grateful for him
- ben mysteriously disappeared when they were 21 and everyone is pretty sure he’s dead but no one knows why
- castor wants to find closure on what happened because he’s definitely sure there’s something shady going on and he’s going to find out what.
- he’s an information broker, occasionally crossing paths with ace to relay and gather info but for the most part, castor has been working alone
- when he’s not doing that though, he works as a barista at a coffee shop
random facts
- he has cyborg’s disease in his right arm and when he lived with his family, he was deeply self-conscious about it
- he hasn’t spoken to his parents since they kicked him out but he still talks to his siblings sometimes; he’s the youngest child with two older sisters
- he always had an inkling that ben had romantic feelings for him, which was unrequited, and castor always felt a little guilty that he never reciprocated or that they never got to talk about it
- castor always wears his red scarf no matter the occasion or weather; he has more scarves but he just likes the red one the best
- people think he’s like calm and collected but in reality he’s an impulsive, emotional driven idiot just like the rest of us
- however he is the master of the polite business smile because of his strict upbringing
- he’s a rather disorganized person
next is irving
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- her name is ellie irving and she’s 35
- she’s half black, half white
- i don’t have that much solidified for her backstory yet so it might change fyi
- irving had been doing cybernetic research back in college but someone plagiarized her work and submitted their paper before she came forward
- because the paper was published before she published hers, SHE was initially hit with backlash of plagiarism
- eventually they try to sort it out but in the end, while she proved she didn’t plagiarize the other, she couldn’t prove that she came up with the research first and they just terminated the both her and the plagiarist
- she was barred from going into higher cybernetics research and honestly she’s still a bit bitter about it
- she went into prosthetics repair instead but still struggled to find work because of her alleged reputation, which many still believed she stole another’s work
- eventually she manages to open up a shop that specializes in prosthetic repairs and replacements
random facts
- she’s really harsh and aloof, however she cares in her own way
- honestly irving doesn’t believe herself to be a good person due to how she feels she let herself to bitterly sulk in her anger for so long
- she smokes a bit but she’s trying to cut back lately
- irving won’t pry if you come to her with a broken arm and you need help; she’ll fix you up and leave it at that and allow you to come to her yourself
- she’s incredibly observant and can tell if your lying with just a glance
- she doesn’t know that ryuji works for ace; she’s concerned when he seems more tired than usual but she doesn’t know how to pry
last one cuz im tired
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his name is ace (i don’t have a last name for him) and he’s 32
- he owns an organized crime ring; im thinking he’s connected to something bigger and possibly something with the black market
- not much is known about him but he’s a charismatic man and has the intimidation factor 
- he flips his demeanor a lot. one minute he’s jovial and kind then the next he’ll give you thinly veil threats. he mostly does it to keep people on their toes so it’s a power thing
- begrudgingly he’s the closest thing to a father figure ryuji is gonna get
- also the jacket ryuji always wears? it’s a gift from ace
and that’s all i got so far! i have a lot more ocs but i don’t have have a lot of backstory for them yet. let me know what you think of these guys and feel free to ask questions!
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travellingmonk · 4 years
PART 1 - An Image That Predicts The Future 3 by Sunao Ari - Translated!!!
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Now, to explain this a bit, I don't normally go out of my way for a doujinshi. (pain in the arse for me to translate with conversational Japanese and I am, by far, NOT an expert in the language.) However, this one I just HAD to know the story of and share. Because reasons. Fair warning, this is a Seiji x Touma story... where Seiji dies... and Touma takes it EXTREMELY BADLY... then dies, too. And the art style is consistent... but... eh... It's not comparable to Ken Mizuki or Lapis Homme art style. (to be honest, took me 3 times flipping through this, and the third time actually paying attention to the story being told, not the art style, before I picked up on the very emotional story that was unfolding. -_-U) So... yeah, if that upsets you, keep on scrollin' and pay no mind to this post.
If you're curious, then keep reading.
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Now, to give you a VERY short version of these 3 pages, it’s a summary of what happened in the past 2 books (lordy only knows where a copy of them could be since this was released back in the early 1990′s).
Short version summary : Touma’s got a disease that’s landed his butt in the hospital. At first he lies and tells everyone he’s fine, but gets worse, thinks he’s gonna die, then goes all ‘Seiji! I love you!’ to which the blonde Trooper goes ‘I love you, too <3′. By the time Touma is well enough to leave the hospital, he catches sight of his boy on TV, severely injured, trying to whoop some Youja bad guy butt. Only to end up getting himself rushed into the hospital. Which ends up with the truth coming out that Seiji’s got cancer, has a month left to live, and life sucks. They decide to get married asap, with Touma giving Seiji a wedding ring.
Not long after, a new round of attacks from the Youja World (and Arago’s army) is unleashed on the city. Seiji knows he needs to be out there to help fight back and to form the Kikoutei armor, but he’s too weak and can barely move.
He prays / begs to Kaosu for help, saying he’d give his life if it means he can help stop this. Lo and behold, POOF! Seiji is magically made better, the Youja gate the baddies came through gets sealed up, all the bad guys are dealt with, and Seiji says goodbye as he walks into the magical sphere that will seal all of that evil away. Touma doesn’t take this well, AT ALL. He tries to stop Seiji, Shin attempting to hold Touma back, and, just like that, Seiji, the Youja bad guys, and the Youja gate are all gone.
Current book starts off by jumping well over a decade into the future with Shin, all grown up, with his now 8 year old daughter.
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It’s a weird way to start this book, but we go from Shin and his daughter in the future, to back in the past after Seiji’s death.
Touma is not taking his friend’s / husband’s death well AT ALL. To the point he’s having violent nightmares, wakes up still being stressed / freaked out, and to where Nasutei has to use sedatives on him to make him calm down to any degree. Even then, he’s still in denial, and the others have to lie to him, saying that Seiji is out but that he’ll be back soon.
An exhausted Nasutei commenting (after he’s fallen back to sleep) commenting about why can’t he just accept Seiji’s death like everyone else has? Having Touma go through this is torture on all of them. Time flows ever onward and the warm weather turns cold. Touma gets past the worst of it, more or less, but is depressed and suicidal. To the point he locks his bedroom door, slits his wrists, and tries to bleed out. The others rescue him, get him to the hospital, to which, afterwords, comes back to Nasutei’s house where EVERYONE keeps an eye on him and makes sure anything sharp is locked away.
This stresses out everyone, and gets Shin, who’s been the most patient and compassionate of the bunch, to snap. Saying that Seiji wouldn’t have wanted his friend to behave this way, and that there’s no guarantee that if Touma WOULD die, that they’d end up meeting in the afterlife.
Things really aren’t made any easier when Kayura comes to visit and has news. Sure Seiji’s sacrifice was a noble one and did seal up that one location so no other evils, gates, or soldiers could return, but it’s messed up stuff to the point where any wickedness happens, a gate will appear and, well, we all know that the Earth isn’t the most peaceful place in the universe.
Touma gets upset, to the point he grabs her by the neck and slams her down onto the dining room table. Despite her best efforts, she’s unable to open the seal at all and reclaim Seiji’s body. At least if they had his body they could have a funeral and say a proper ‘farewell’. Eventually he releases her, then gets super depressed. One day while out on the the terrace with Ryou, a tree branch breaks and wallops Touma upside the head, giving him a nasty bleeding cut.
As his friends tend to the injury and stop the bleeding, Shin gives the blue haired Trooper a letter. After everything, Shin had claimed the bag of Seiji’s clothing and belongings from when he was in the hospital and, among the things is a letter addressed to Touma.
In the letter is a lock of Seiji’s hair and the letter basically reads ‘By the time you read this, I’ll be dead. Don’t be sad. Are you lonely? Are you alone? Go out and live your life. You still have one to live. Make me proud.’
That seems to be what it takes to snap Touma out of his mood and turns his whole world around. The next morning finds the Trooper of Tenku coming downstairs to breakfast wearing clean clothes, with the lock of hair tied to a necklace, and stating that he’ll be leaving the house soon. He’s decided to aim to become a doctor and to find a cure to the cancer that took Seiji’s life. (Line of logic here would probably be more like ‘if he hadn’t had that cancer, he wouldn’t have gotten so severely injured, and wouldn’t have had to sacrifice his life to safe the city. Hence, is all cancer’s fault that this happened’.)
Chapter 3 picks up in the future (or would this be considered the present?) with Doctor Hashiba getting called into surgery to save someone’s life.
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The surgery went well. He gets praised. Then his mother decides to swing by for a visit. Half because she just won a Pulitzer Prize and wants to celebrate, and two, because she’s now got some time off from work to do so.
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The only thing is, she’s got bad timing. This is Touma and Seiji’s wedding anniversary, and the anniversary / observance of when he died.
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They have a bit of an arguement. She saying ‘I don’t want you to be alone’ and he saying ‘I’m not alone. I can’t love anyone else. Seiji was the only one in the world for me’. The conversation dies out when Shin arrives for a chat and Touma’s mother leaves. (And, yes, that IS Shin with the really long hair. I honestly think that Sunao Ari was channeling Shin’s early design from when the characters were still in developtment. Not even kidding, here.)
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Anywho, onwards with the story~
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Touma and Shin get to chatting. Shin’s here because, thanks to Touma, his daughter is cured of the same kind of cancer Seiji had. Today is the day she’s being released from the hospital and can go home. Touma asks if they’d seen Seiji’s inspirational statue out in front of the hospital. Shin has but his daughter hasn’t. She goes out to look? He sends her out to look? Not really clear on that, BUT, either way, she’s outside meandering about while the two men talk. The conversation is basically ‘everything changes, but it sure seems like Seiji / the memory of Seiji has never changed’. Touma makes an offhanded comment about his own disease and says that he knows / he has a feeling that he’s going to die soon.
Suddenly there’s noise from outside and, come to find out, Shin’s daughter (4 years old at this time) is out in the middle of the road. The two men race outside, with Touma being faster, and shoves her out of the way of danger.
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Unfortunately, this lands Touma smack dab in the middle of traffic instead. And, well...
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The headlights of a truck? ambulance? are all too familiar to the light that Seiji walked into all thos years ago. Just like that BAM!!!!
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Shin rushes to his friend’s side and, understandably so, freaking out. (Pretty sure the pictures speak for themselves here. Also, TOUMA! NUUUU!!! I may be a loyal Ryou fangirl at heart but, TOUMA! NUUUUU!!!)
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As Touma is dying in Shin’s arms, Seiji in angel form appears. Touma manages to whisper out the name of his beloved significant other before completely giving into death.
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The story picks up later at Touma’s funeral. 
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Despite the super sad atmosphere and Shin blaming himself for his friend’s death (’it’s my fault. I killed him.’ Shin, sweetie, no you didn’t. Your daughter wandered into traffic and Touma died saving her life. You didn’t do a thing! ~*sad hugs*~ ) Touma’s dead body had a gentle smile on its face. At least he died happy.
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Around his neck is the same lock of Seiji’s hair from the letter so many years ago.
(Shut up, dun look at me! I’m not crying! You’re crying! Bwaaa~ :,( )
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The story ends with Shin noticing the fact that it’s beginning to snow. In October. Too early.
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He wonders if the snow is a sign that Touma and Seiji are now happy together, or sad.
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Sunao Ari, I know it’s been decades since you made this story, probably the first time someone NOT Japanese has been able to read it, but I hope that where ever life finds you, that you’re doing well, are enjoying good health, and are no longer torturing Seiji and Touma. (not sure mah lil ol’ fangirl heart could take another book like this one from you! ^_^U) Well, that’s it. Hope you enjoyed the story and the fact that it was translated for your .... it’s not right to say ‘enjoyment’ here, is it? for your reading pleasure? ... still doesn’t sound right. ~*offers you soft tissues and a warm blanket after that story*~ excuse me whilst i go hunt down some cute pictures of fluffy kittens to console mahself with.
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littlexbts · 7 years
Miss Right
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taetaebears said: Hello~! Just wanted to say that I really like your writhing^-^ And a request, could you do like a fic where Suga is in school, he really likes the reader and the boys do everything to bring him to confess to her but they struggle really hard to do it? Thank you<3
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: The most fluffy thing I have ever written
Warnings: Too much fluff  None
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: Okay so, I have finally finished it! I hope this is what you were thinking of! If it’s not I’m sorry :(  Also the verse used in this scenario is from Miss Right by Bts, Yoongi’s part!
“Okay, see you later!” She said getting up from the chair next to mine, starting to gather all her stuff.
“See you!” I smiled and closed my notebook. Watch her leave the classroom made me sigh.
“YOONGI!” An annoying and unfortunately familiar voice called.
“What, Tae?” I answered, not bothering to look at him.
He took a seat in her chair and grabbed my shoulders making me look at him.
“Please just kiss already, and love each other, and marry, and have kids, and die together.”
Jungkook came behind him and hit Tae’s head.
“Shut your mouth!” He whispered. “what if she heard?”
I sighed and finished closing my bag.
“See you around guys.” I told them getting up and in some seconds I was outside the class.
I finally got to my locker. I saw her some meters away taking her headphones and books from inside her locker. Suddenly, all the books fell from her hands and I noticed a girl behind her, who just pushed her, making her head hit the lockers as her hands eventually let go of the books.
Quickly I closed my locker door and run up to the beautiful girl bleeding from the head on the floor.
“Are you stupid?” I asked the girl, who was standing next to her friends. I didn’t know what they had expected me to say, but they all looked surprised. “Are you ok?” I asked, changing my attention to y/n. “No, you’re not. Here, let me take you to the infirmary.” I helped her up, one arm on her waist and the other taking her hand.
“I can walk Yoongi, don’t worry.” She let go of my hand.
I took her bag and still with my arm around her I stood in front of 5 girls. Any boy would love to be with them, but I didn’t. I never understood why a boy could hook up with someone so… egocentric and bitchy.
“Touch her again and you’re done. And I honestly wouldn’t give a shit of the fact that you’re a girl.”
One of them made a noise that could have perfectly fit a movie drama.
“But why a guy like you would be with…. well, that thing” She pointed at the girl next to me, still bleeding.
“I don’t think you’ll even understand. Ask me the same question once your neurons start functioning right.”
Once we arrived the nurse took y/n and asked me to get out. I was currently sitting with 6 dorks eating lunch.
“... anyway, the real question here is: Why is a boxing ring square?” Tae asked, eating his sandwich.
“Oh shit…” Jungkook choked on his milk.
“Shut up guys. We need to help Yoongi here.” Namjoon said and I looked at him.
“Help me?” I asked, talking for the first time.
“Dude, have you even looked at yourself? You’re so in love with her it’s almost painful to watch.” Namjoon answered taking another bite of whatever he was eating.
I rolled my eyes and continued staring at the doors.
“We need to do something, you need to confess.” Jin decided to talk.
“LET’S MAKE A PLAN GUYS” Taehyung shouted making the whole school turn at him. “SORRY” At least he was polite.
“I have an idea! You know, to see if she likes him.” Jungkook said and suddenly I noticed myself paying attention again.
“Women are complicated when it comes to showing their feelings Jungkook.” Namjoon pointed out.
“I know, but what about talking to her best friend, I heard she was nice.” He looked to the ground blushing.
“Oh no, not another one in love. You grow up too fast kids.” Jin dramatically said, moving his hands in the air.
“Speaking of the devil…” Jimin said, immediately taking a sip of his juice.
Y/n friend was walking towards our table.
“Hey guys… could I sit here?” She pointed to the chair in front of me, next to the blushing guy aka Jungkook.
“Sure thing.” Namjoon and Jin said at unison.
She did as she said and started talking again.
“Yoongi” I looked at her and she continued. “Do you like y/n?”
Great. Fucking great. Now all 6 guys plus her were staring at me.
“Why do you ask that?” I asked focusing on the door again.
“Gosh, it’s not that difficult! Do you like her smile? The way her eyes narrow when she’s happy? When she plays with her fingers when she’s nervous? Do you like it when she looks at you?”
That was when i realised, I actually did. I liked her.
“Omg… Yoongi’s smiling and blushing!! Wait a minute I am going to mark this day in my calendar. This moment should be remembered.” Jin said dramatically again, taking his phone out.
Y/n’s friend smiled and laughed.
“This is so cute! I’d die if a boy blushed thinking about me!!”
“Oh then, when is the funeral?” Taehyung said and Jungkook hit his arm. “Ow, Jungkook!! But you did actually…” A loud noise was heard from underneath the table. “Fuck! Okay I get it!!” Tae crossed his arms and pouted.
“Emmm...Okay? I guess” The only girl in the table said, looking confused. Then they say men didn’t understand hints, gosh. “Anyway, Yoongi, confess.”
“Wait a minute, does she like him?” Jimin asked.
“Well, she didn’t tell me exactly that but I made the same questions I asked Yoongi, but about him. Her reaction was the same. If my guess is right, which it is, then you need to confess.”
She liked me. She did. That or she just blushes about everything. But, why? Why on earth would she like me for? She’s smart, kind, compassionate, generous, and if I start with physical appearance she’s gorgeous. Then on the other side you have me. A guy that likes writing music, not very sane, tempered.
“Then we need to come up with a plan!” Jungkook said.
I looked at the ground, thinking that she didn’t deserved me.
“Wait, I want to make something clear for Yoongi.” I looked up to her, waiting for her to continue. “She does not trust anybody, but she trusts you. I don’t really know what you did, but she fell for you. So, here’s my warning: Break her heart and I’ll break your face.”
She looked serious, even if Jimin was chuckling in the background.
“I assure you that’s not happening, not now, not ever.” I said, she smiled and turned to the guys again.
“Then let’s make that plan.”
She and her gorgeous hair were sitting next to me. She had a bandage on her forehead for what happened yesterday. For what she told me yesterday via texts, she was better.
The bell rang and I started gathering my things. Before she had the time to stand up, I called her, and once she stared at me I asked her:
“Could you follow me somewhere? I want to show you something”
She took a look at the time and looking sad.
“I’d love to, but I have math class and I can’t….” A beep on her phone interrupted her. Excusing herself she read the message and smiled. “Well, my best friend just told me the teacher is absent so yeah, I’d love to go with you.”
I smiled and got up, looking at the guys looking at me from the back of the class. I sighed and tried to gather some courage from their warm smiles.
“I’ll follow you” She said, as I started to walk towards the hidden stairs at the end of the hallways.
She didn’t say a word until we got there. The fresh wind made her hair messy, something I have always liked.
“So, why are we here?” She asked, looking around at the view. “This is so pretty!”
I took a deep breath and stared at her. The boys told me exaclty what to say and do, but to be honest, why would I confess to her if it’s not my way?
That’s why yesterday I spent all night trying to make this for her, my way of saying I loved her.
I cleared my throat and took her hands in between mine.
“Yoongi?” She tilted her head.
“I have wanted to say this to you a long time ago, but never found a perfect way to do it.”
“A way to do what?”
And with that I started rapping.
“How can a person be like this? I start to feel like I’m the only one living in this world You pass by my side A sweet wind called you is blowing in my heart Even if you don’t put on makeup You’ll put on your perfume called Attraction I never believed that there was a god But now you make me believe because to me, you’re a goddess Whether you’re young or old, whether you have a hidden child I don’t care because I love you”
I didn’t notice I was sweating until I finished it, I let go of her hand murmuring a soft “sorry”. I was looking at the ground, too afraid to look at her in the eyes.
Silence. That’s all I could hear. Maybe she didn’t like me, maybe I should have followed the guys advice and just confess the normal way, goddammit. I was stupid to think that a rap could….
She kissed me.
Her lips were on mine. Her little hand was on my cheek. I could not think straight.
Wasn’t I supposed to kiss her first? Why am I thinking this right now? The most beautiful woman on earth is kissing me right now and I am thinking of this shit? Fuck it.
I kissed her back.
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assbuttyourlife · 7 years
When We Were Young - Chapter Two
Pairing : Misha/OFC
Warnings : Fire, trauma, PTSD, family members’ death (including child), therapy, flashbacks (not in every chapter), cheating. Long fic. Angst, fluff and smut will come later in the story.
Words : 3478
Summary : After her grandmother's funeral, Lily must return to the place she lived in when she was young and has to confront the ghosts of her past. She will run into an old friend that she thought was lost forever.
Note : Another flashback in this chapter, to explain what really happened in 1990. I don't remember when or where, but Misha did indeed talk about that at a convention. He didn't give any specific details, but it definitely happened, just not the way I wrote it. (obviously!)
This chapter was beta’d by @dixseptdixhuit
Lily woke up quite disturbed the next morning. She hadn’t slept that much, and the few rest she managed to have was full of nightmares.
Ugh, get up Lily, you can do this, it’s Friday!
She went to the kitchen, made some coffee and sat in her comfy sofa with her laptop to check her emails and Facebook. She did that every morning because she needed time to wake up slowly, and there was nothing else she could do without caffeine in her body. She was the grumpy type of person in the morning, and if you dared messing with her before coffee, she would probably eat you alive.
When she opened her emails, she wasn’t surprised to find a lot of condolences and people sending her their best wishes, mostly coworkers, neighbors or friends. She would eventually have to answer to all of them… But not today.
Same on her Facebook: friends from Nice, Katie’s family, some old high school and college mates all sending compassionate messages and wishes. It actually made her feel a little better to read all of these nice words from people she hadn’t seen for a long time.
When it was done and she was pumped up with caffeine, she went to her bedroom to get dressed. She opened her closet and sighed heavily. When her boss and friend David told her to stay home the whole week after her grandmother passed, she insisted on working today because she didn’t want to stay at home crying, remembering good times and feeling sorry for herself, but she was now regretting her decision because she would have to deal with Hayley, a.k.a. the slut who was in her bed yesterday right after the funeral, riding her boyfriend and screaming for more at the top of her lungs.
Ugh, how the hell am I going to deal with her?
She took a deep breath before picking her clothes. She opted for a simple white strap dress with gold sandals. Simple but sexy; she had to prove she was fine and ready to move on, and she wanted to prove Hayley her point: she was older, yes, but still not too old to look good enough to catch men’s eyes.
She will regret being born.
But then Lily looked at herself in the mirror and all she saw were dark circles, tiny wrinkles, and her long dark red hair in a huge mess. She definitely had to take the time to apply make-up… lots of make-up.
She’s twenty-nine and you’re thirty-eight, what did you expect?
She put on some make-up, tied her hair in a long wavy ponytail, put a black leather jacket to hide the ugly scar on her back that she hated, took her case and stepped out of her apartment. She had one more mission before leaving for work, and not the least: going to Katie’s and check if she was on time. She climbed the few stairs separating her from Katie’s floor and knocked on her door, praying that she would at least be awake.
Katie opened the door. Thank God she’s up!
“Hey Kat! I’m really proud of you, you’re actually up and…almost dressed.” Lily gave a quick hug to her friend who was standing half asleep in front of her. She pushed the door and entered fast.
“Hey.” Katie answered unamused.
“Come on, sleepy head, we have to go! You have exactly eight minutes to be fully ready, and that also means you won't have time to eat, so brace yourself, we'll get something on the way. You better hurry or the guys will be pissed!”
“Hhhmmffffff…” was all Lily heard for an answer.
After a long and painful time to get ready, the two women were finally in Lily’s car driving to work.
They both worked at the Seattle Symphony as professional musicians: Lily in the first violin section and Katie played the flute. Music was an endless passion for Lily, and as far as she could remember, she always played an instrument. She started studying piano when she was three, and violin when she turned seven.
It was also how she met Katie; back in France, when Dr Dorville had asked her what she liked to do outside of school, Lily answered she loved playing music, so the doctor suggested she played in Nice's orchestra, and she met Katie, who had already been playing there for two years. Music was like a second therapy; Lily could express her emotions through her instrument, and she practiced so hard, trying to keep her mind out of her dark past, that she became a very talented and perfectionist musician.
When Lily wanted to go back to America years later at the age of twenty-eight, she couldn't leave without Katie, who had become like her sister, and was absolutely thrilled to go with her to live “the American Dream” as she liked to call it. They both had no difficulty impressing the conductor and persuading him to hire them both.
They miraculously arrived at work on time, and Lily tried her best not to cross Hayley's path, but it was impossible since she played cello, which meant she was positioned in the section right in front of her.
Of course... Cello... I should've guessed she loves spreading her legs!
Fortunately, the day went by pretty normal and eventless, and when they went back home, it was time for them to start packing, because Lily had to go spend the weekend in Northfield, where she grew up, to take care of her grandmother's last will. Of course, Katie had insisted to go with her; there was no way she could face that alone, and she also admitted that she was pretty curious to finally see where Lily had spent her childhood.
Katie was quick to pack, and when she came to Lily's apartment to check if she was ready to leave for the airport, she found her friend on her knees, in front of her closet, crying over her suitcase with piles of clothes everywhere in the room.
“Lily? What's wrong?”
When Lily looked up at her friend, Katie's heart broke a little. She was a mess, mascara smeared under her eyes, sniffing through her tears.
“I can't do it, Katie,” she sobbed.
Katie knelt next to her and took her hand. “Do what? Packing? Yeah I can see that!”
“No! Going back there! I'm so scared...”
It had been more than twenty years and she never went back. Not once. Running away and ignoring her pain was easier than facing her demons. Weak and cowardly, yes, but much easier.
The house she once shared with her mom and her brother was probably still there, she didn't even know in what shape it was, if it burnt completely or not, but she always refused to go back and face the ghosts of her past. The domain was her grandmother's property, along with her grandparents' house in Litchfield. Now that they were all gone, it was Lily's legacy, so she had to take care of it. She owed that to her family, especially to her grandfather who had worked too hard for all of this to be left behind. She had to honor their memories or she wouldn't be able to look at herself in a mirror for the rest of her life. But what was she supposed to do? Sell it? It kinda didn't feel right, but what else could she do?
“I'll be with you. I won't leave your side, I promise. It will be fine, Lily, don't worry. I know it must be hard for you but you'll probably feel a ton better after all. And it will certainly help you moving on for good and be over with it once and for all.”
“Yeah... I hope you're right. Thanks, Katie, I'm sorry I overreacted.” Lily wiped her face before giving Katie a hug.
“Sure. It's normal, you had a hard week. Oh, and you know what I just noticed? You, my dear, are the one who's late now, and I'm not.” Katie proudly said, grinning.
Lily had to giggle to that and nodded to her friend. She really had to hurry or they would miss their flight.
“Who knew that could happen?... Alright, I'll hurry.”
Katie nodded with a smile and pushed her large black glasses up her nose before helping her friend.
When everything was finally in order, David drove them to the airport, and with lots of doubts and fears, Lily and Katie were flying to Connecticut. Lily was about to make a twenty-two years step back in her past, and she was utterly terrified.
She closed her eyes and thought about the last time she was there. She didn't think she would come back one day; she wished her time in France and the therapy had healed everything, but she obviously was wrong.
August 1990. Nice – France
“So, Lily... How have you been since our last session?” Dr Dorville sat behind her desk, crossing her legs.
“I've known worse,” Lily answered honestly. A week had passed since her last session. She had tons of things to do before she could start her senior high school year in Nice, plus she had to learn at least enough french to not look like a total idiot in front of her future classmates and teachers, so her mind was too busy to think about something else.
“I'm sure you have. So... Let's not waste any time. I told you we would dig deeper today, and that's exactly what we're about to do.” She took her note pad and clicked her pen open.
Uh oh...
“I would like to talk about the recent events that led you and your grandmother to move here,” she stated with determination in her voice.
“You mean the fire?”
“Yes... Among other things. Do you feel you can tell me what happened that night? I think it's something you need to get off your chest now because it was traumatic, and as long as we avoid the subject, you won't be able to make any progress in your healing process.”
Traumatic? No kidding.
Lily sighed and closed her eyes. She didn't know if she was ready for this.
“I... I can try.” It was almost a whisper.
“Alright. If you feel like it's too much for you, just tell me and we'll stop.”
“Okay... I don't even know where to start though. Some parts are a little blurry too.”
“It's okay, I'll help you. It is normal if you can't recall everything in details. Do you remember the date it happened?”
Lily braced herself and answered “June 29th?” She wasn't even sure about the date, so it came out more as a question.
“It was actually June 30th already, but very early in the morning, it was still night time.” Dr Dorville corrected nicely.
“Oh. Right. It makes sense.” She shrugged.
“So you were sleeping in your room, right?”
“Yes. Something woke me up.” Lily was very hesitant. It was so strange to talk about that with her. She knew she could trust her therapist and Dr Dorville wasn't so bad really, but she sort of felt naked in front of her and that wasn't the best sensation.
“What was it?” she encouraged.
“Well... Misha woke me up, actually.” Silence fell in the room and Dr Dorville looked up from her notes and tilted her head.
“Misha? The son of your mom's friend?”
“Yes, umm... We both fell asleep in my room. I suppose he heard something, or it was the smell, I don't know, and then he realized something was wrong and he woke me up.”
The doctor wrote something on her notepad and looked up again. Lily could feel she was very curious about her story, but she wouldn't elaborate too much, she didn't need to know everything in details.
“I see. What did you do next?”
“Not much... He told me to get up, that we had to go out. I was still half asleep, I didn't understand what was happening. I thought he was just messing with me. But then... I smelled smoke and I realized he could be serious, so I got up and we went for the door.” The scene was vivid in Lily's mind. She could almost smell it again, she could still hear the urge in Misha's voice in her head. It was scary to remember.
“Were you afraid?”
“Not right away... I didn't know how bad it was and Misha was still pretty calm, so I didn't feel threatened.”
“I've read in your file that you were found in your room. Why didn't you leave right away?”
“When Misha tried to open the door, something fell in the hallway, blocking it. We were trapped. I saw flames through the door and it became hard to breathe, because there was smoke in my room too.” She cleared her throat and paused to take a deep breath. She could feel the lump forming already.
“Take your time, Lily, you're safe here. Let me get you some water.” Dr Dorville stood up and left the room. She quickly came back with a small water bottle and a cup that she put in front of Lily on the desk. It wasn't much really, but Lily thought she was a nice woman, and she felt a little more comfortable. She drank some water and felt ready to go on.
“I was scared at that point. I kinda froze. Misha took my hand, led us to the window and opened it, but my room was in the attic, we couldn't jump, it was too high.”
“Did you know where your family was at that moment? Where his family was?”
“Well... I heard Ryan screaming for my mom at some point, so I suppose she was near his room to get him out. Rebecca was outside when Misha opened the window. She told him she had already called 911 and asked Misha to stay in the room with the door closed and someone would come to get us quick. I don't know where Sasha was.”
“She just waited outside?” Dr Dorville couldn't hide her surprise.
“No, no! She came back inside, to help my mom I guess. I heard her call for us from downstairs a few moments later. She probably wanted to come and get us out, but she couldn't, something was obviously in the way, I don't know what. All I know is no one could come up by the stairs, or they would have, they wouldn't have just let us burn in the attic.” There was anger in Lily's voice, and she was a bit disappointed that Dr Dorville suggested they'd given up.
“Is it okay for you to go on?” She asked very gently. Lily closed her eyes for a few seconds and nodded, but the lump in her throat was very heavy now.
“How did you feel? What happened next?”
“I... I was terrified, and I knew Misha was trying to stay calm for my sake but he was scared too. We couldn't breathe, we were both coughing, so we sat on the floor at the foot of my bed, in front of the window. He tried to make me feel better but it was impossible. It was hot, there was smoke everywhere, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, all I could hear was wood cracking everywhere and my mom and Rebecca screaming from downstairs but I couldn't understand a word. I was panicking so Misha hugged me, but he was choking badly.”
“So you just waited for help, then?” When Dr Dorville asked that question, Lily almost felt attacked. She was already feeling super guilty, she didn't need to feel like they didn't do everything to get out.
“There was nothing we could do and nowhere else to go anymore!” she answered harshly.
“I know, Lily, no reproach here, I'm not here to judge. I'm just trying to have the maximum information to be able to understand and then help you. Sorry if I was a little too direct.”
Lily didn't answer. She was starting to feel angry, but probably more at herself, because she knew what happened next and she didn't really want to face it.
“Let me rephrase then: did you believe someone could get you out before it was too late?”
“I still had hope, yes. And then...” She shut her eyes tight and kept them shut when she spoke again “... Misha collapsed in my arms because he stopped breathing and I completely lost it. I laid him on the floor and tried to wake him up, I was calling his name again and again and I was shaking him but he didn't show any sign of life.” That was the most painful thing she ever felt, someone dying in her arms and her being totally helpless.
“We're almost done, Lily... But I will understand if you want to stop here.” Dr Dorville announced, and Lily truly considered finishing the session here and go back home. When she opened her eyes, tears fell down. Dr Dorville handed her the tissue box. She took one, wiped her eyes, and she surprised herself when she started talking again.
“I was feeling very dizzy and I was choking too. This is where I lost hope and thought I was going to die. I don't know why, but I took the blanket from my bed, I laid down on top of Misha and put the blanket on my back, probably to protect us from the fire, which is ridiculous because... blankets burn too, obviously.” Lily said sarcastically, showing the patched burn wound in her back.
“Then the firemen found you?”
“No. I wasn't conscious when they found us. After I put the blanket on us, I called Misha again but I knew it was pointless, then my vision went blank and I think I lost consciousness, and I don't know how much time passed until they finally found us and took us out... Enough time to get my back burnt, though.”
That was it. She did it... She managed to tell the whole story of that awful night. It was hard, it did hurt like a bitch, but she thought it was a tiny victory nonetheless.
“What is the first thing you remember after that?”
She thought for a few seconds.
“Waking up in the hospital, my grandmother in tears next to my bed, holding my hand. I was very confused at first, but when I started remembering what just happened, I asked her where was everyone and this is when she told me everyone was...” Lily paused, unable to say the word “dead”.
Dr Dorville spoke softly then. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“What can be more personal than the story I just told you?”
The doctor gave Lily a shy smile full of empathy and asked: “What kind of feelings did you have for Misha?”
Ah... didn't see that one coming.
It was indeed a very personal question, and though Lily knew exactly what the answer was, she didn't really see the point and she thought it was weird to say it out loud to a psychiatrist. But she was here to move on, right? So she looked Dr Dorville in the eyes and answered honestly.
“I loved him.” Tears flowed down her face and her chest ached because she realized it was in the past, done for good.
Dr Dorville pushed a little more. “Was it mutual?”
That was a very direct and self-assured answer, which surprised Dr Dorville. How could a sixteen year-old girl be so sure about someone's feelings and say it so plainly after relating such a dramatic story?
“You seem pretty sure of it.” It picked her curiosity for sure.
“I am. But who cares now, he's gone.”
“That's... uncommon. Especially for someone your age. Most people often doubt when it comes to feelings.” the doctor explained, still surprised by her boldness.
“I don't. Are we done for today, Doctor?” Lily was on edge. She obviously didn't want to talk about it. Dr Dorville nodded.
“Yes, Lily. I am extremely proud of you, that was a huge step. I'm not going to keep you here any longer, you can go. I will see you next week.”
Lily stood up. “Thank you, Doctor.” 
She shook her hand and rushed out.
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Congratulations SJ! You’ve been accepted as RAYNA MULLER who’s the newest cast member at Disney World. Please complete everything on the CHECKLIST and send in your account within 24 hours. We look forward to having you on board!
name/alias: SJ
preferred pronouns: she/her
age: 31
time zone: GMT
activity level (1-10): 8-10 I’m usually on everyday
anything you want to add: I am partially sighted which for the most part does not affect my RPing but I do have bad days where my eye won’t let me read all that much and I’m unable to do replies. When this does happen I usually just pop a note in the OOC saying sorry guys bad eye day will get to you ASAP. That said, my eye (I only have use of one) had been adjusting to things and I’m needing fewer breaks away from reading etc. so this shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
desired character: Rayna Muller
faceclaim: Camila Mendes
characters pronouns: she/her
age/birth order: 20 - only child
birthday: May 23rd
hometown: Santa Monica
sexual orientation: Rayna doesn’t believe in labels
ships: Rayna/chemistry
anti ships: Rayna/no chemistry, Rayna/forced
apartment choice: Apartment 2: studio
job choice: Waitress & dishwasher at The Plaza Restaurant, Main Street U.S.A, Magic Kingdom
three positive traits: Goofy, accepting, compassionate
three negative traits: Stubborn, sarcastic, uncertain
quote: ‘This is my family. I found it all on my own. It’s little, and broken, but still good. Yeah - still good.’
@raynasunshine: This seasons look: food in my hair, spit up on my shoulder and bags under my eyes #momlife
@raynasunshine: If you can’t sing and dance in your underwear while making breakfast what’s the point?
@raynasunshine: Raiding my cabinets for substitutes as my ingredients seem to have grown legs… #thiscouldgohorriblywrong #isthishowexperiment626started?
Rayna was the only child of Rene and Sofia Muller. Rene met Sofia, a student from Brazil, in his sophomore year of college, his quick-wit and humour quickly won the woman over and they soon began to date, the rest as they say is history. The pair completed their studies and married, Rene began work on climbing the marketing ladder, while Sofia began a teaching at an elementary school. They had a happy, comfortable life, Rene was good at what he did and was rapidly promoted. A few laters along came Rayna, and the happy couple, with their comfortable life took a transformation. Sofia took leave from teaching, Rene arranged his schedule to be more productive in less time to restrict the number of late nights or odd weekends when he’d have to work. They were very much focused on being a family and providing their daughter the right kind of life, the kind of life where love was more important than money, interactions were more valuable than technology.
Sofia’s plan to return to teaching was put on hold, she was content to be a stay at a home mom. Little Rayna’s childhood was filled with bike rides around the neighbourhood, family trips to the beach at the weekend, movie nights, word games (in both American and Portuguese), but her favourite of all things was being in the kitchen with her mom. Sofia took great joy in teaching her daughter the recipes she had grown up eating and found great amusement in her daughters stubborn, independent streak that would rear its head from time to time. Rayna was not content to just sit and watch as her mother worked, she wanted to help, it didn’t matter that she wasn’t yet tall enough for even her nose to reach the counter or that she was small enough to be tucked away in one of the kitchen cabinets, she was determined to help cook (even if it did mean that half of the ingredients ended up on the floor).
Despite the fact that Rene worked, Rayna still shared a special bond with her father and the best part of her day was when he walked through the door “Rayna-sunshine, I bring you a gift!” Whilst most fathers would’ve probably brought home a doll or candy, Rene turned up with most unusual gifts,.“Today, I found this,” he produced a white feather, “now this is not just any old feather,” he whispered as though carrying a deep secret, “no this, this is a feather from the very angel that told Mommy and Daddy about you.” And so it went, angel feathers, wishing stones, the run-over penny that was specially made to live under the bed to keep monsters at bay. Rene did everything he could to encourage his daughters imagination, to help her believe that no dream is too big or small.
Their home was a constant source of love, laughter and a never ending array of smells wafting from the kitchen. Rayna was happy, funny, social girl, she didn’t care to entertain prejudices, all she wanted was to be friends and play, it made her quite popular at her school. Rayna had the perfect life, parents that not only loved her but loved each other, plenty of friends, an imagination that kept her far from boredom but all of that was to change. At 10 years old she skipped her way to the front door after hearing a knock, her mother had gone for groceries and Rayna had stayed home with her father so they could plan their next big adventure (it was really a vacation but Rene loved the way Rayna’s face would light up and she’d hop up and down with excitement at the mention of adventure). Rayna had thought that maybe her mother couldn’t carry the bags and open the door at the same time but when she opened the door her young features contorted in confusion, stood before her was a policeman. Rene appeared behind his daughter, equally confused, then their world was turned inside out. Sofia, never made it to the grocery store, there had been an accident at an intersection. The only small consolation the officer could offer was that the collision had killed Sofia outright, that she had not suffered waiting for help.
Things after Sofia’s death were a bit of blur. Rene was devastated by the loss of his wife but wanted to protect his daughter from as much of the going ons as possible, his solution was to settle (a now very quiet) Rayna on the couch with what seemed like a never ending supply of Disney movies while he took care of contacting his wife’s family, making funeral arrangements, all the things a 10 year old shouldn’t have to deal with. Rayna wasn’t stupid, she knew what her father was doing, and for her part she did her best to be as ok possible while trying to process the idea that her mother, the woman she was supposed to help make beijing de coco with at the weekend, was never going to come home.
The Millers had gone from three to two, not only that, they had gone from the family people envied to the family people now pitied. Rene became the poor man left alone to raise a daughter. Rayna became the girl whose mom had died. It was something that they couldn’t escape, even if for the briefest of moments without someone reminding them of all they had lost. Rene’s solution was for them to move, to create a fresh start where people wouldn’t know them and constantly remind them, where his precious daughter, the best thing his wife had ever given him, wouldn’t be known as that girl. So they moved to Florida, it had some of the same features Rayna had grown up with, access to beaches, sunshine, Disney. It was the Muller life 2.0. Rene continued working in marketing and Rayna returned to life as a student. The first year was rough on the pair, both struggling to figure out the lives without Sofia, figure out who they were without the woman they both cherished. Rene was determined to keep his wife’s spirit alive and make it so their daughter would still grow up to be the happy, goofy, imaginative little soul she had always been, so he took over all the things Sofia used to do with Rayna. Their first attempts at cooking together resulted in many burnt dishes and pans so ruined they had to be thrown in the trash but it had brought the first real laughter into their new home. On the first anniversary or Sofia’s death the pair took a vacation back to Santa Monica, Rayna (with a little help from her dad) made the beijing de coco that she never got to make with her mother which they ate on the day their lives had changed a year ago sat on the beach, Rene telling tales of what Sofia had been like at college and when they’d first started dating while Rayna listened on all too eagerly. This then became tradition, every year that marked the anniversary of their heartache they took a weeks vacation to Santana Monica, visited Sofia’s resting place, ate beijing de coco on the beach, told stories and visited the places where they’d created some of their favourite memories as the three of them.
Everyday Rayna missed her mom but she had an amazing relationship with her dad and she honestly didn’t know what she would do without him, as she got older she did as much as she could to help out. She dug out her mothers recipe books and would study them in her free time until she felt confident enough to cook whichever meal she had chosen and then would work away in the kitchen after school so that by the time her dad came home from work dinner was ready and waiting. Some people would’ve viewed it as a chore but thanks to her fathers early intervention, Rayna never lost her passion for food and as odd as it may sound to some people, it helped her to still feel close to her mom. She worked hard at school and while she was initially quiet and withdrawn when she first moved to Florida, by the time she made it to high school she was finding more of who she truly was, Rayna-sunshine was returning and very much like when she was younger, she didn’t care to discriminate, she didn’t care about cliques and social status, she genuinely wanted to be friends with people and while she was not necessarily considered popular in the same way as the cheerleaders were, she was still popular with her peers. Rayna was the girl that would invite you over after school if you were struggling with your studies and she’d find a way to make a game of it while she cooked and if you weren’t trying she wasn’t above throwing a random ingredient at you to gain your attention and cause a smile. Rayna was the person that would talk to you about anything, if you were passionation about something she would happily listen, even if she had no clue about the subject, she just loved seeing that passion in people.
At 17 Rayna began her first serious relationship with Mark, something her father was not too pleased about but then again what father is ever happy about their daughters boyfriend, despite being a bit of a jock Mark had a softer side to him and that’s what had drawn Rayna to him. Mark would be taste tester whenever Rayna began experimenting with recipes of her own creation, while Rayna would attend Mark’s games despite her lack of interest in sport. Mark introduced Rayna to old, black and white horror movies as well as cult classics, while Rayna introduced him to her two favourite Disney movies and explained the reason behind why they were her favourite. They were high school sweethearts and Rayna’s young heart hoped that they would be the kind of sweethearts her parents had been, but nothing it seems lasts forever. Not long after turning 18, Rayna discovered she was pregnant which didn’t sit well with Mark, he encouraged her to get rid of it but Rayna refused, resulting in their breakup. Mark had several out of state scholarship offers and a baby didn’t fit in his plans, so Rayna was left to face it on her own, which she would’ve had she not been so close with her dad. Rene was upset by the news of his daughters pregnancy, this was not the life he wanted for her, he knew from first hand experience that being a single parent was hard but he would support his daughter no matter what, and after Rayna had managed to convince him to not go after Mark to break his legs, support his daughter was exactly what he did. 18 was an eventful year in the young woman’s life, she fell pregnant, lost the hopes of her fairytale high school sweetheart relationship lasting, graduated high school and on September the 13th gave birth to her beautiful baby girl, who she named Sofia, after her mother.
Rayna’s future plans were put on hold, her dream of going to culinary school would have to wait, she was now a mother and if her mother had taught her anything in the 10 years they’d had together, it was that family was what mattered. Rayna’s stubbornness and independence showed now more than ever as she set about raising Sofia and while she was beyond thankful to her dad for all of his support, she wanted to get out on her own, to make a life for her and Sofia that didn’t depend on other people. It seemed to her that Disney had a way of coming to her rescue when she needed it, first as a child with helping her with the loss of her mother and now in the form of a job as a waitress and dishwasher at The Plaza Restaurant. Despite Rene’s protests and several heated discussions, Rayna refused to stay at home, she wanted her father to have an opportunity to form friends of his own, maybe even consider dating, things he had not done because he’d been so focused on providing a ‘normal’ life for her. After much discussion Rene finally relented to his daughters decision under the condition that he be allowed to pay for Sofia’s day care and put money into Rayna’s account every month for anything Rayna might need, a sort of emergency fund if they were running low on groceries or anything and Rayna didn’t get paid for another week, that sort of thing. While Rayna wasn’t entirely happy with the idea she accepted the compromise and thanked her father for making sure that Sofia would be ok regardless. Now Rayna, with little Sofia in tow, is off to start her next great adventure and find a way to bring magic of her own creation to her daughters life, and maybe even her own.
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