#too hard on urself and i- 🥺
avatardoggo · 2 years
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pretty sure my psych prof boosted my exam mark significantly bc there's no way i passed on my own 🥹
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chisungie · 3 months
#wait rf3 intro is so good??#2 cute girls who have like opposite personalities greet u#ur farm is right under ur bigass pretty tree house#U DONT HAVE TO BUY UR FRIDGE!! and they give u ur weapon OF CHOICE for FREE. for free!!#i dont rmr what happened in rf4 but in rf5. girl u get maybe the simple cooking table free and thats it no? i forgot that too LMAO#OKAY BUT ALSO ICB I ONLY GOT TO LEVEL 95ISH? and stopped????#i married. i thought i married raven for some reason?? i think i just really liked her in rf4 bc she was a lovely chara in 3 but anyw.#wAIT QAIT WAIT WDYM MORE MONSTERS SHOWED UP AND BATTLE DIFFICULTY WENT TO HARD BC I SAID IT WAS EASY?!?!#THIS GAME IS SO FUCKING FUNNY FUXK YOY 😭😭 fuck it ill take it!!!! 😭😭#anyw shara is so cute 🥺 what a lovely guide icb i didnt marry her in the end im??? sorry to the other girls but shes so adorable omg???#i married the other girl.. sofia?? she was cute too but like.. idk ill have to see how she acts again aksjakd#i genuinely dont rmr the guys. u cant date the guys bc the mc is male only and they didnt want mlm at the time idk. ill look 🤔#44597#nvm idk if i like this handling and not having all the useful stuff from rf5 uhhhhhhhhhhh#OH SOFIAS ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO SAYS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT SHE MEANS ASKSJK#younger me... why did u do this to urself omg LMAOO#i cant rmr but she has weird taste in gift items too iirc!!!! what was younger me cooking!!?!?#..?? DOES MARIAN HAVE THAT REALLY HIGH LV SPEAR-STAFF WEAPON FROM RF5? HELLO??
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sparklingchim · 15 days
game on | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.2k
genre: footballer!jungkook, fake dating, f2l
rating: pg
warnings: koo gets scolded for sleeping around 🥺, playboy jk <3, hints of a threesome 🫢, oc fights w a laundry machine
summary: jungkook is in desperate need to polish up his playboy image, and naturally, he turns to you for help.
a/n: hii my pretty besties!!!! it's my bday😋 so i wanted to share this silly piece i've been having so much fun writing!!! love uuu n treat urself to smth nice for me today <3 mwah😙
Jeon Jungkook is a charming man – and he is well aware of the fact. He plays that card effortlessly.
Most of the time, it works in his favour.
But sometimes, it backfires spectacularly and gets him into trouble.
Which is why he stands in front of his fuming manage, who is radiating enough anger to fill the entire office.
The sight isn’t foreign to Jungkook. He wouldn’t say he is used to it, but he has found himself often enough in this situation to recognise the signs of deep trouble.
Not only is Jungkook’s charm complicating things, but the fact that he is famous too.
Sometimes, he uses that as an advantage. Not in an obvious way — never by flaunting his own achievements or demanding special treatment.
That’s not his style.
His name alone carries weight, and he knows how to let it work for him, quietly bending the world to his will... until the world pushes back.
And right now, it’s pushing back hard.
One thing Jeon Jungkook does enjoy about being a pro footballer, though, is the way women obsess over him.
He knows they love him – sees it in the comments they leave on his ig posts, sees it in the DMs flooding his inbox daily, and experiences it firsthand at public events, where hordes of fans scream his name. Jungkook thrives on that attention.
However, something he doesn’t love, and what he was never prepared for, is the media. The way they scrutinise his every move, how his face ends up on every headline anytime he does something remotely noteworthy.
And now, thanks to his latest shenanigan getting caught by the press, here he is. Standing in front of his manager, Taesung, and his PR agent, Jiwoo, eyes downcast, bracing himself for the scolding that’s already begun.
“You’ve gone too far this time, Jungkook.”
His manager speaks in a flat, monotonous voice, void of even the slightest hint of disappointment, as if he’d long since given up expecting anything different.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean up the mess you leave behind?”
A sense of guilt creeping up on Jungkook, even though he knows if he were just a regular guy, none of this would matter at all. And he finds it a bit unfair.
But to survive in this business, you can’t complain about unfairness.
“Have you completely lost your mind?” Taesung barks.
Jungkook remains silent. He forces himself to.
“If there was more involved than just alcohol-”
“No! Nothing like that,” he denies, his response firm and immediate. “It was just alcohol – and, well, just good vibes because we won the last match, and with the World Cup being next, everyone was just really excited.”
If he had known what kind of trouble a simple, innocent celebration of his team’s win at a club would bring, he would’ve gone straight home yesterday. He would’ve skipped the rounds of drinks, the flashing lights, the loud music, and definitely the attention. But hindsight was useless now.
“Good,” his manager says. “I’m glad you were happy.” Mock sympathy drips from his voice. “Perhaps the last time you are going to be happy this year.”
Jungkook nods, accepting the gravity of the situation. No more clubs, no more parties, no more girls.
At least, not for a while. His reputation had taken a few hits recently, and this latest mess wasn’t helping. He could almost hear the whispers: reckless, irresponsible, unprofessional. The kind of things that could ruin him if he didn’t get a handle on it.
He clenched his jaw. No more distractions. From now on, it was all about the game. He needed to remind everyone why he was Jeon Jungkook — the best on the field, not just the headlines.
“You’re no longer in for the World Cup. You’re out.”
His head snaps up at that. Did he hear that right?
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Myungbo doesn’t want you on the team anymore.” Taesung’s words sound heavy and final.
Jungkook’s heart pounds in his ears.
His world tilts. The room seems to spin, the edges of his vision darkening. This wasn’t just a setback — it was a disaster. The World Cup was everything to him, and now it felt like it was slipping through his fingers. The crushing weight of the news settles on his chest, making it hard to breathe. One silly night is all that happened.
He can’t believe that a single photo of him leaving the club with two girls clinging to each arm has cost him his spot on the national football team. He went home with two girls – so what?
But he doesn’t voice his frustration. He knows better than to add fuel to the fire. Speaking his mind now would only escalate the situation and make things worse. Jungkook knows from experience.
He swallows hard, forcing himself to stay calm. His pulse is still racing, but he takes a deep breath, focusing on controlling his emotions. He has to keep a level head if he’s going to find a way to fix this.
“There has to be a way to fix this.” His eyes move to Jiwoo, his PR agent. “Right?”
His manager fixes him with a stern glare. “Jungkook, remember the promise you gave everyone a few months ago?” Taesung reminds him.
Jungkook cringes. When he made a promise to avoid actions that might damage his reputation, he didn’t think it’d be that serious. He cut back on going out, made the effort to play the role of the “good boy” but really – come on. He can’t maintain that facade for an eternity. Especially after a triumphant victory like yesterday’s.
Taking away his spot on the national football team? He didn’t think that was possible.
“How many more times do we have to fix your problems, because you don’t care enough? How many times do we have to repeat this scenario?”
“I promise I’ll better myself,” he pleads desperately, looking back and forth between his manager and his PR agent. Someone has to believe him, help him.
“Do you genuinely believe this country wants to be represented by a 20-year-old boy, who can’t keep his personal life under control?” Taesung asks, eyebrows deeply pinched together. “This isn’t just about you, Jungkook. It’s about the team, the fans, and the nation. They need a role model, not a scandal waiting to happen.”
“I know. I know.” Jungkook scrambles for something convincing to say, desperate to sway their decision. This can’t be it. He won’t let his career take a hit because of something like this. “But – but this isn’t too bad. This is fixable. I can fix this.” His voice quivers with a desperation he barely recognises as his own. “Jiwoo.” Jungkook turns to her with pleading eyes. “You always know what to do. Please, help me”
“I did propose an idea but-”
“We’re not doing that,” Taesung cuts in. “It’s off the table.”
“What is it?” Jungkook’s eyes bounce back and forth between them. “I’ll do anything. This is – this is everything to me. You have to give me a chance.”
Taesung scoffs. “A chance? As far as I know, you have been given countless chances.”
Sweat coats the back of Jungkook’s neck.
Taesung understands just how much Jungkook has fought to secure his place on the national team. He’s well aware that it’s one of Jungkook’s greatest dreams, a pinnacle of his career that he’s poured countless hours of hard work and sacrifice into. That’s why, each morning, when he wakes up to the latest news of Jungkook’s escapades, he feels a deep sense of disappointment, texting Jungkook with a dejected shake of his head to visit his office first thing in the morning.
When it’s all he wants, like Jungkook claims, why doesn’t he act like it?
“If the head coach won’t give me a chance now, he’ll never do. This is my last opportunity to change his mind, make him rethink. I need to at least try.”
Jiwoo looks at the manager, waiting for his approval. He nods.
“Very simply put: you need a girlfriend,” she says.
For a second, Jungkook is at loss for words.
“A girlfriend? How’s that going to help?” Jungkook tilts his head in confusion. This is not how he thought Jiwoo was going to save him.
“You need a girlfriend to help polish up your image as a player. It’ll make you appear more like a gentleman, softer and nicer. We need to completely shift public perception and counter the negative image they’ve formed about you. It’s all about changing the narrative,” she explains.
“And that is not something we can easily achieve,” Taesung interjects. “Rebranding your entire persona is not feasible at this stage. You’ve been projecting what kind of boy you are to the media for the past two years. It’s going to be incredibly difficult to make a sudden shift look genuine.”
“No! We — I can make it seem real. This is my only chance,” Jungkook insists, his voice gaining a hint of determination. For a moment, breathing feels a bit easier again. “The World Cup is just a month away. That’s enough time to shift public opinion and prove I’m worthy of representing the country on the team.” There’s a hopeful lilt in his voice as he speaks, clinging to the belief that he might not have to bid farewell to his biggest dream after all.
But his manager doesn’t look as hopeful as Jungkook feels.
“How are we going to find a girl who will agree to this? Someone who isn’t an obsessive fan, understands this is purely professional, and can keep quiet? You won’t be able to pull this off.”
“I was actually thinking-” Jiwoo starts, but she’s cut off.
Jungkook hesitates, glancing between them before speaking. “Actually... I think I already have someone in mind.” His voice is more measured now. “That’s not the issue.” Jungkook doesn’t need to think twice.
Taesung sighs while Jiwoo looks at Jungkook apologetically.
“You can’t rebrand your entire persona from a playboy to a lover boy within a month, Jungkook. This is over.” His manager shakes his head, a sense of finality glimmering in his eyes.
One thing that Jungkook forgot to mention is that he is an extremely competitive man, too.
“This is ridiculous.”
You kick the laundry machine in frustration, but all you end up doing is yelping and clutching your aching foot.
“That’s the third time this month,” you mutter under your breath. “What did I even spend all that money on if it’s just going to break down whenever it feels like it?”
You shoot a death glare at the machine, teetering on the edge of losing your mind.
“Guess I’ll have to use the public laundromat again,” you sigh, grabbing the overflowing laundry basket filled with your and your roommate's clothes, and heading out of the bathroom with a huff.
On your way to the front door, the doorbell rings.
Please, you think. You were hoping for some quiet, uninterrupted time to deep-clean your dorm on this peaceful Sunday with no one around.
But when you peek through the peephole and see Jungkook standing there, your frustration melts away. You swing the door open, the laundry basket tumbling to the floor beside you in your haste.
“Jungkook!” you exclaim. “You’re timing is perfect! Can you please fix my laundry machine again? It’s been acting up, and I’m getting frustrated.” You groan annoyed.
Jungkook doesn’t share the same excitement upon seeing you.
You grow smaller and take an indecisive step back.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, noticing the tension in his features. “Did you lose the match yesterday? I couldn’t keep up because I had too much cramming to do last night.”
While studying medicine had always been your dream, the reality is less exciting. Right now, it means sleepless nights and relentless pressure. You know that pursuing this path will offer you many privileges later in life, but you have to suffer first.
“I need your help.”
His dark eyes, usually bright and full of energy, seem clouded with worry, and his hair falls messily over his forehead, like he’s run his hands through it a hundred times in frustration.
“Are you okay?” You study him closely, scanning his face for any signs of injury. Physically, he seems fine — still tall, muscular, and as fit as ever. But something is clearly off.
“You need to do something for me.”
“I can help,” you reply, your voice soft with concern. ‘But what is it…?”
“Can you be my girlfriend?”
You blink, repeatedly.
You start giggling when he doesn’t add more. You expect him to clarify or laugh along, but Jungkook stays serious, stepping closer and gently taking your hands in his. You look down at them, then back up at his face, utterly bewildered.
“You’re silly, Jungkook. If someone on the team made you do this, tell them you did the punishment and quit acting so weird.”
It’s too early in the morning for Jungkook’s nonsense.
“No, ___, you don’t understand.” He squeezes your hands when he feels you trying to pull them back. “I actually need you to do it.”
“Do what?”
“Fake date me.”
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doromoni · 12 days
Not Over the Papaya | OP81
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⊹ 。•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Ships : Oscar Piastri x Popstar! Reader , Ex!Lando Norris x Popstar! Reader
Genre : Fluff Smau
A/N : womp womp my final uni project is making me crazy and it’s hurting my wallet fr. Anyways, this update took way too long again, are we surprised? No, we are not. Lol Enjoy
Face claim : Jennie Kim
Summary : Y/N and Oscar cope with their own breakups by making the Heartbreak Club.
Masterlist | Series Mastelist
< Previous | Part 12 | Next >
Incoming call from xxxx xxx xxx
Pick up or Decline
Pick up
“You made a mistake choosing him”
“Wow, whose phone is this now, Lando?”
“He cant make you happy. The team will not allow it”
“Yeah whatever”
“Y/N I-“
“don’t care”
end call
call dropped
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liked by oscarpiastri, y/bf charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, and others
Y/N. That boy is mine
tagged @oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri Hi girlfriend🧡
Y/N. Hi boyfriend 🧡
charles_leclerc WE GET IT U LOVE HIM, why do I need to see him this way 😀
Y/N. get used to a cunty Osc.
charles_leclerc NO he’s an innocent baby, ur corrupting him!!
oscarpiastri wtf. alex pls collect charles
danielricciardo why is it spicy 🥹
oscarpiastri not my fault I’m hot, deal with it
Y/N. Preach.
logansargeant I MADE THIS HAPPEN
Y/N. I’ll give credit when it’s due… ok thanks logan hunter sargeant
oscarpiastri Thanks, now leave us alone pls
logansargeant WOW this is the thanks i get????
user1 Oscar made it into the feed!! Lets go
user2 Y/N and Oscar are now OFFICIAL official
user3 Y/N took the hard launch way to hard
user4 the amount of pda and tension in this post alone makes me want to cry. OK IM SINGLE thanks for pointing that out
user5 SLIDE 1 HELLO???!!
user6 ik!! im shooketh
user7 Osc is so in love with Y/N and it shows 🥹
user8 Osc is obsessed. Ugh I’m so single that it hurtssss
user9 Lol as he should, that is THE Y/N L/N
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liked by Y/N. , logansargeant, charles_leclerc, markwebber, and others
oscarpiastri against all odds, that girl is mine
tagged @Y/N.
Y/N. Sorry ladies, dibbs! I claim this man🤭
oscarpiastri proudly urs, Luv
nicolepiastri U better not hide Y/N from us, Oscar!
Y/N. Hi Mrs. P 🥺
nicolepiastri hello sweetie! Can’t wait to meet you in person.
oscarpiastri You’ll meet her mom, don’t worry
charles_leclerc So sweet. The two of you are insufferable
oscarpiastri Wow ok. I’m telling grandma u said that.
Y/N. Get off the gram then old man!
user1 OK but why is Osc so hot all of a sudden
oscarpiastri its the girlfriend effect
user1 HI OSC!!
user2 its the Y/N influence~ boi got hotter instantly 🥵
user3 Osc posting Y/N all over his socials!! Flaunt your queen, King.
user4 Brother made sure everyone knew that Y/N is off limits
user5 This is how you treat ur significant other, you dont hide them and treat them like trash. Pls do take notes … Lando im looking at you.
user6 Oscar is spoiling Y/N~ i’m so here for it 😭🫶
user7 Y/N is finally getting the love she needs. Both of them are making efforts for each other, not just Y/N
user8 I’m still obsessed with what Osc did after his win. when will it be my turn huhhh?
user9 I will never let myself forget. My standards are thru the roof!
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Notification: you were tagged by mclaren on a post
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liked by user1 and others
mclaren Welcome back to our side of the paddock @Y/N. We missed seeing you in papaya!
Y/N. Just to support my man @oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡🧡
danielricciardo @Y/N what an honor to be a guest at McLaren 😀 liked by author
Y/N. I know! I’m so happy to be back there 😀 liked by author
mclaren @Y/N MTC comeback soon? 🤔
Y/N. I would be stupid not to come back 🙂‍↕️😀
user1 Lmao who let admin post this? Y/N is clearly there just for Oscar.
user2 Y/N wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole, let alone go back 😭
user3 Mclaren ur embarrassing urself here honey.
user4 the obvious pr stunt, when in fact they hate Y/N for Lando’s stupidity
user5 Danny Ric and Y/N on the comments filled with sarcasm, chandler bing would be proud 🤡
user6 not mclaren actually liking the comments 🤡😭
user7 @user6 I like to think that mclaren knew it was sarcasm but they were forced to like it anyway
user8 I like user7’s version so much I’m gagging HAHAHA
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*You added oscarpiastri, danielricciardo, logansargeant, and markwebber to the group
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Series Taglist : @champagneproblems17 @itsjustfranzi @cheriwritesig @forza-charles @awritingtree @sltwins @gr1mes-cc @hwalllllllelujah @btsfluffsworld @tillyt04 @landotd @booksandflowrs @czennieszn @thatsouthernblondewiththeass @wobblymug @alittlechaotics-blog @bingussthirdtoe @mirrorball-6 @demandealalune @heartsforleclerc @yoongi-holland @maneskin-slave @alenix @forensicheart @bloodyymaryyy @stereading @hahahjej @youre-on-your-ownkid : closed
Maintaglist : @myescapefromthislife @peterholland04 @charlottef1 @fangirl125reader @mel164 @gnarlycore @chloelovesln4 @vickykazuya @merchelsea @ln4author @qzmef @nxk1309 @styl1shl1v @lottalove4evelyn @gr3yhues : closed for now
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satoruhour · 1 year
gggOoooOOOOD MORNING ‼️‼️ ive been eating up your masterlist esp your racer au UGHHHH that was the last thought in my head before sleep and the first when i woke racer!geto was just. so. fking. h o t. u dont understand like that has a G R I P on me rn UGHHHH I LOVE IT SM do u have any spare hc for geto in this racer!au? if u dont thats okay! just know i ate that fic up 🫶🏻🫶🏻🥺🥺
a/n: thank u anon 4 the support im glad u liked the racer!au hehe. the original au here, how did you meet and geto’s own elaboration post for context. tagging @na-t0 @crysugu @omgeto @slttygeto / 2.4k
warnings: (in second half of post) mentions + discussions of semi-public sex, filming, fingering while driving, oral (f and m receiving), protected and unprotected sex, f and m masturbation, phone / webcam sex, sharing with gojo & nanami
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AAHHH i might have !!! racer!geto has a special place in my heart huhu i would love to develop more
to start off i would say that he’s just… such a good bf. like i know it’s obvious but also the next day after your late night drifting he texted you to ask if you wanted to go back to the cafe :D
he paid for everything again and he was so happy seeing u get another cinnamoroll trinket !!
so when the cafe has another sanrio event you BET hes bringing you there again. it just so happened that it was a berry and cherry event too ahhhh geto’s so cute getting all excited and stuff
he got you two matching coffees with berry and cherry foam art
that cafe has become a monument in your relationship — your first date, the place where geto officially asks you to be his partner with a big bouquet of flowers that you’re hiding ur face wherever you go for the rest of the day cause it’s huge 😭 he brings you there with his racer friends as well (gojo cheers and nanami scoffs that these things weren’t for him but he loved their pastries wheeee)
attentive, attentive! always leaves his jacket in the car for you if you get cold in his Mazda. resorts to a jacket he doesnt like to wear much but bc he always puts you first, he doesn’t mind :(
geto doesnt like to race with outerwear on him so he always loves seeing you greet him after a successful race with a big grin on your face, jacket swallowing ur physique as u keep urself protected against the tokyo chill !!!
said this before but he looooves seeing you in his car. it just ignites something in him, seeing you propped up on the leather seats and looking out the window when you’re driving. it just gets him sort of feral
ALSO also bc his Mazda was his first proper and real racing car he’s very selective of who he lets touch it / sit in it etc
so when gojo does it he swats him away like a fly and asks him not to dirty his finishing as also geto is the only one to be seen in his car until you come along and gojo sees you sitting on the hood
hes reaching forward to tell you to get off bc he knows suguru doesnt like it but your bf only walks up between your legs to greet you with a big smile. the betrayal gojo felt 💀
overall the relationship with geto is quiet and calming. no need for talking if you dont feel like !!! all racer geto needs is his hand on your thigh that’s always stroking the skin there and you
but loves it when you do talk! he tries so hard not to turn to you cause if he does he’d crash the car 😭😭 he just loves ur beauty and the way you ramble so much !!
one time he swerved and almost hit a car because he was watching you talk about the recent research you did on cars and also running back the terminology he’s been patiently teaching you
to hear his partner talk about cars >>> he’s so excited that you’re finally entering his world that he gets so engrossed and almost collides 😭
NO MORE pls omg he was more scared than you were
but also running off on that, geto is understanding when he teaches you about terminology about racing, abt the parts in a car. he took apart an old car in his garage just to teach you and he loved that you were trying your best to memorise everything 🥹
getting into an rs with geto also has given you more confidence, so he loves how you strut your stuff. he wasnt complicit in anything truly !!! didnt force you to wear anything or do anything you didnt want to, so he was very proud of you when you came out of your shell
geto would love you either way :3 hes just a sweet boy like that
i also relate him to han very closely from f&f… always eating his snacks in tokyo drift LMFAO - geto is chill, letting you feed him his snacks as you cuddle up on him on his hood and watch the new race
ok so, he LOVES racing and geeking out about them but he finds sometimes he watches you way more than the races and before then the race is already over 😭
“suguru! did you see how i crushed the other guy?” gojo emerges and shouts across the parking lot and geto is just like “huh? sorry i wasnt looking was too busy looking at my lover” LMAOOO
when you can’t attend his races you always make it a point to send a selfie with your cherry keychain and he sends one with his berry one back and its just soooo cute youre giving him so much wallpaper material!!
also likes to bring you on drives at night - if you need to rush something or study you bet he’ll be there. he’ll try not to interrupt you, looking at your knees tucked in your arms and memorising your notes
he plays those subliminal audios as a joke and annoys you in the process 💀 
and then just pecks your forehead in apology as he watches or helps you with assignments while occasionally looking out the window and smoking
geto always has a hand on you. it shows his possessive streak and just a general love for physical touch
like i said doesnt pressure u into anything but you’ve expressed interests in his tattoos before
you get a tramp stamp with him for your first one! the pain wasnt that bad, more from lying on your stomach for like 2.5h because of the shading lol. it’s a simple one, but a popular one because of the culture
geto offered to pay for you and you rejected, and he said “alright. half at least” and you didnt exactly oppose that because you were running low on jpn yen for your overseas exchange stay
the tattoo looked so good omfg geto was like . going INSANE it was lowkey funny
gojo and nanami wouldnt hear the end of it for like 3 weeks 😭😭😭
had the photo of you and your tramp stamp as his lockscreen for the longest time
as always tattoos are very addictive! you got a few more in the short span of 6 months (maybe 2-3 small ones) but what really made geto go like. clinically insane was this super big on on your thigh (peep the very first post of this au!!)
it’s a spider with chinese traditional ropes and it was by far your biggest one, taking a dent in your account that you had to lie and ask ur parents for more money after and promise to pay back by working part time
ok i need to preface this part first that geto adores your thighs - you didnt show much of it at first but when you start to be more comfortable with the racing scene he almost came in his pants when you first wore a miniskirt
so to see such beautiful ink on YOUR thighs oh my days felt like you were a goddess walking down the steps to his garage
has a little matching tattoo with you :( it’s not too obvious, but has features of berry and cherry on the both of you <3 down the line he would get other vague and subtle couple tats with you but if you want to mark up your body however you wanna he’d like that too :3
so i actually left the latest fic on a cliffhanger… bro was so heartbroken after you left :( couldnt race properly, couldnt focus in uni, poor boy
even gojo or nanami couldnt get thru to him, but over time he got used to the distance and timezones. moves his whole set-up to the garage just so he’d get better wifi there and also show the latest upgrades to his car !!! the webcam quality is pretty shitty on both ends though so you get disappointed more than once trying to talk to him bc the call isnt connecting well :/ 
continues to send those berry / cherry pics where you’re miles away, and more than once suguru has gone to bed crying :(( but i will keep these sad ones short bc i hate angst and also i might wanna write a next part uh… we’ll see
geto also mails things to you which take ages to ship and you only get the presents one month before you finish uni for good and 💀 it’s so funny seeing his shock at you having just received his gifts
a sweet, sweet bf who takes care of you immensely <3
n*sfw hc’s under divider
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now >:) i also dont want to go into too much detail because. i might. MIGHT. continue. do not ask for the next part explicitly tho that shit annoys me. but geto loves to see your body on his car and the risks that come with it
you guys fuck more in his car compared to his or your room looool.
fingers you when he drives sometimes. when you’re feeling needy all you need to do is drag his fingers to your throbbing core and let him feel how wet you are. 
he tries so hard not to look at you bc you know what happened the last time, so he relies purely on his touch and your hands, fingers slipping inside your panties and he grabs onto the steering wheel with the hardest grip
geto has the patience of a monk, however, letting you use him for your high and grinding down on his fingers. it’s usually not after the race or errand that he properly fucks you bc he knows if he starts he will. not. stop. not even lying
has adrenaline high after racing and will fuck you always unless he’s roughed up, but unlike gojo he probably will drive to a more secluded area. the car is there, the risk is there, it gets geto all riled up
one time he was pissed his opponent scratched his Mazda while racing and while he still won, he pushed you into his leather seats to slam into you. he was going so hard the car was shaking, and he teasingly shows you the brief video gojo sends you later, caressing your very sore legs (you were fine with the recording)
“guess i went too hard, huh?”
you shove him and tell him jokingly, “tell your pervert friend to stop filming us!”
“you like it. me showing everyone who you belong to.” geto is so possessive i swear
loves fucking you in the mountains bro is freaky asf. brings you on late night drives and lays on the hood with you to watch the stars - sometimes it ends cleanly but most times you’re feeling up each other until you’re bent over his Mazda letting him fuck you raw
has fucked you while in the driver’s seat, riding him. has given u oral as u lay on the hood of his car, done a full nelson in his backseat whew you name it he’s so gross and filthy. 
when u contrast it properly with how loving and generous he is and to him when it comes to you and your body the difference is insane. but it also sometimes seeps through when he can’t handle your cute outfits and just has to land a smack and squeeze to your ass
ok this isnt n*sfw but it’s so hot of him - he HAS done this before. made you sit in gojo’s car as he drifted around you in a quiet tokyo crossing late one night and oh my god you made sure he knew how attractive you thought he was. gojo left right away when you two started flirting 💀
likes to both give and receive, so the first time you go down on him was possibly just right after he’s done the drifting around you and you couldn’t resist palming him from the passenger’s seat. you asked him to pull over immediately went to the driver’s side and started pulling at his pants.
you didnt even think that your knees were going to be on gravel so before you could kneel down to suck him off he took his jacket from the back seat to put on the ground …. and then proceeded to get the best blowjob of his life LMFAOOOO
getos a little crazy it’s ok i can take him ! but yea hes filthy thru and thru and dude he missed you sm when you left back to your country.
of course, of COURSE has jerked off at the thought of you, to photos you’d send of a new outfit. also has proposed having phone sex. webcam sex is reserved for special occasions because the sight of you playing with yourself is enough for him to book a flight 😭 he possibly couldnt handle it so he settles for your voice only
he doesnt like to share you, but when you do ask if youve ever thought of getting gojo and nanami in on the fun …. ooh. good luck
again his possessiveness shows so he doesn’t let them fuck you raw lol but rather ask them to get their own condoms 💀💀
his friends r freaks too you realise but it’s time to time where the three of them will organise dates to have some fun with you, but only when youre comfortable. geto putting ur comfort first always 🙏
so sometimes you reject them bc you have an exam comin up etc and geto just treats you in his car or your bedroom alone and even with just him, hes already enough to make you go crazy and moan <3
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peep that op has that same exact spider tattoo on her thigh~ teehee
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blondbrat · 10 months
★ — SLUT !! drew starkey x actress reader
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summary - your dating the man of your dreams, drew starkey, your fellow cast member and boyfriend.. but like always, people have to hate on you — the only comment people ever for female celebs existing happily in their relationships ‘she’s honestly just a slut’
warnings - use of y/n, slut shaming, overall shitty comments, stressed!reader
a/n - part of a drew starkey!au I wanna start. inspired by taylor swifts song ‘slut !!’ honestly in love with drew I can’t he’s so perfect :) as someone who’s been slut shamed, I definitely wanted to empathize how hard it is, especially as a woman, just simply living your life and getting hate for it x
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If they call me a slut you smiled sweetly to yourself. posting the picture with a click of ur finger, a cute outfit for a fun night ! work had been going on long lately — not that you didn’t love every second of it. it was just tiring, and you were glad u could finally take a breath. just a chill night with your cast members and drew.. god, your smile turned into a cheeky grin as a knock sounded on the door.
you sighed softly, letting the weeks weight finally fall of your shoulders as you clicked off your phone — muting your notifications was an unconscious habit of yours
—instagram / 8:34 pm saturday
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y/nprimrose : basketball game group date! their really trying to bet on who’s b-ball team will win, as if it won’t be mine! in all respect, it will be 💞 @*drewstarkey @*rudypankow @*madylncline
drewstarkey baby, my love, sweetheart, we both know what team will win, mine ❤️
↳ obxhasmyheart STOP this kind of relationship >>>
↳ user1 the way he uses the nicknames for y/n 🥺
primrosefanpage how does she always have the cutest outfits?? I LOVE HER
↳ drewsactualgf1 cute, the fuck? I guess if she works as a stripper…
user2 does she always have to have her tits out tho? just like her character wow
↳ drewsactualgf1 slut on screen, slut off screen. a slut in general 🥱
↳ user3 the only reason she was able to pull drew!! like cmon over here mr.starkey, I have tits AND a personality
user5 fucking put on some clothes. drew. deserves. better!!
user4 the fucks wrong with this comment section…
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you didn’t glance at your phone once — drew peaking in with his usual grin. god, he was handsome as always. before you knew he pulled you into a cuddly embrace “hi baby, saw your post, you really think your teams gonna win huh’?” you beamed ! wrapping your arms around his neck as you gave him a soft peck — that shut him up quickly ! the night was perfect — everyone riding together as you all laugh and talk, simpering even more hysterically and playfully as the ride went on.
you found urself finally about to just relax. hand in drews as you all walked into the packed basketball building. crowed and buzzing with excitement. grinning sweetly at the array of papperazzi that greeted you, you all were used to it by now ! even posing in some as u four found ur seats, taking a few pictures with fans that seemed to be frozen in shock as u all waited for the game to begin.. you loved interacting with your fans, exactly why you requested normal seats — you loved being able to get to know them, helping them calm down once the realization hits in. it was as much as an experience for you as it was for them
“you look beautiful” drew leaned over and whispered in your ear, chuckling at the bloom of blush that crept over your cheeks. he couldn’t help himself, you did!
before you knew it, the game was starting — the turnover resulting in your team making the first basket ! you and rudy cheered, pocking drew in the side laughing as he rolled his eyes playfully. once more baskets were made and sarcastic laughs extanged, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder — leaning his head against yours as he kissed you on the forehead gently. both your friends too busy joking around to notice the sweet scene.. but it made it all the more perfect. this is what u both needed, just a night to be together ♡
drews arm still around you, you chatted with madayln — both agreeing work has been a lot lately while keeping your gazes on the game. your team was winning ! and you simpered, scrunching your face in mocking triumph as u glanced down at your phone — trying to slyly see if their was only a little amount of time in the game left, which would guarantee your favorite teams win ! but your recent notifications caught your attention instead.. and all you could see were specific words instantly ‘slut’ ‘stripper’ ‘a pair of tits and that’s it’ what the hell?? your face immediately fell, and you clicked on the notifications frantically.. expecting to find a porn scene or something with a woman who looked somewhat like you (which had happened before) not your joking post from earlier.. the picture wasn’t even the main reason you posted it. and let alone.. to get all this hate. for wearing a fucking shirt??
your feed was bombarded with hate after hate. slut, slut, slut and so much worse.. your gut twisted, a strange feeling of guilt and embarrassment fogging your head !! your anxiety spiking !! drew and all your friends were destined to see the post soon enough?? drew commented on it, just before all the comments were posted.. it was humiliating. and u couldn’t help but doubt urself —would everyone agree with the comments? did everyone think of u like that, just a pair of tits?? maybe it was a bit revealing? you’d struggled with these kinds of comments before u got famous.. and after the stress of non stop filming, the one day u finally let urself breath — this fucking happened :(( it was just all too much
your head was spinning — you convinced urself you were overreacting, this happened to all female celebrities atleast once.. but fuck, you never realized how humiliating it was !! until then.. u tried to breathe, and Drew noticed ur tenseness immediately, ur pretty eyes seeming to fall in.. shame?
you shook his hand from ur shoulder, standing up instantly “g-gotta go to the bathroom” you murmured — before drew could even grab your hand you paced away, dodging cameras and people as you slammed the door into the single stall bathroom. you just needed to process.. and hiding with the hopes drew hadn’t yet seen the comments. slut. slut. slut.. for wearing a pretty shirt?
tears began to well up in your eyes, satly droplets — and you wish they didn’t !! just like everything else that seemed to be happening, you had no control over it. your breathing was hitched, fast and panicked as u paced around the bathroom. reading every hate comment like you’d atleast find one that said it was a joke.. it wasn’t.
u were staring at yourself in the golden brimmed mirror — clumpy mascara running down ur face, leaving black stains in their fall. slut. slut. slutyou had just recently came to fame.. ‘slut’ met drew, the man of your dreams ‘slut’ and still, these small (not) things effected u— isn’t it fucked up? how its drilled into woman’s brains that it’s their fault.. for simply loving their bodies and being happy?
your thoughts were interrupted by a banging on the door.. it had been there the whole time “baby! y/n open up! let me in will ya? please baby I’m worried!” your heart melted at his concerned voice, eyes softening as you tried to wipe away ur foggy tears — meeting his eyes as u opened the door. ur best friend, and love of your life instantly swooning u in his arms.
“hey, hey baby look at me ok” he whispered softly, cradling u like he never wanted to let go.. he didn’t. “you scared me sweetheart, running out of there like that.. talk to me” his body was so warm, so hard, so perfect.. your home. and before you knew it you were letting urself breath. meeting his sapphire eyes. “drew.. do you ever-ever fuck do you ever look and me and frown because I look like a… s-slut” you stumbled whispering, adverting your eyes from his. “y/n w-what?!” he squeezed you in his arms even tighter, tilting ur head up to his so gently it felt like a butterfly’s touch. “Did someone say that to you?! someone here?!” he glanced around protectively, his face furrowing intimidatly before softening when he again found yours
“n-no.. just something I posted on insta—“
he didn’t let you finish your sentence — his heart breaking at the crack in your voice.
it wasn’t long before you were leaning agaisnt the sink, still snuggly in his arms as you cried in his shoulder. whispering sweet nothings into your ears as you let it all out — the stressful week, the exhaustion.. and then finally, the post.. the comments
you knew you would never forget the moment drew cupped your face with his hands, kissing the bridge of your nose — the touch so gentle it was like a butterfly. you could see the anger in his eyes, not at your of course, never at you. the fact anyone had the nerve to say such things about his girl, but more than anything, he needed to make sure you understood they were utter lies, being spurred in jealous envy “y/n please look at me babe, they are lies.. you are a beautiful, kind, and fucking incredibly talented actress and singer” you giggled at his empasis, tears no longer streaming down your face as u finally found his eyes “and fuck, the love of my life.. I’m drunk in love with you Primrose, and if some out of millions of people can’t handle that.. do what you do best-“ the words were like soft silk against your skin — drew, smiling softly, leaned down as gave you a soft kiss. “give them the bird, baby” he whispered against your lips, his breath fanning your teary face — eliciting a rapsy laugh from your pretty lungs.. god, he truly was your home
You know it might be worth it for once
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—instagram / 12:00 pm Thursday
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y/nprimrose : NEW SONG OUT NOW : SLUT !! ps. call me one, it’s worth it ❤️
drewstarkey your such a masterpiece baby, so drunk in love with you primrose ❤️ always doing what you do best ;)
you didn’t bother reading the rest of the comments, to occupied with drews kissing to even care (the song becomes a HIT)
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Might as well be drunk in love xoxo
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colliope · 9 months
How date-able are twst boys? ♡
inspired by @sunsguilt
Features all chars, and gets pretty suggestive btw. Otherwise mostly crack +fluff
a/n: my first writing! I hope u enjoy :) if not then go die i guess
﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ ♡Heartslabyul ♡
Riddle Rosehearts - I don't ljke him. If we're talking pre-overblot he'd banish you to that headlock thing with his unique magic if you ever tried to ask him out or flirt with him. Post-overblot hed be really shy in getting into a relationship but wants to be cared for and protected. But he's not standing up for u in front of his mom tho you'll have to deal with her urself
6/10 he’s a sweet boy, just too bossy and not assertive enough to his mom. Divorceablity is quite high with this one.
Cater Diamonds - low-key relatable to me. BUT. His slang gets annoying after a while. His constant posting without peoples permission is weird too. Picture this. He's meeting your family for the first time, and you sit to have dinner. Cater takes a pic of you guys and posts it with the caption "With bae their fam, I'm a bit nervous guys wish me luck!🥺"#girldad #boymom #saveme Your family assumed it's his humor. WRONG. It's his way of coping with his uncomfortability. When it's silent during dinner he says" OH EM GEE GIRLYPOPS!!!, this food is so SLAY💅!! Tysm bestiessss" Your family gives him the nastiest side eye. He never speaks again. 
7/10 he seems to be a pretty sweet and understanding person, just needs better ways to express himself . Also he calls your mother queenie.
Trey Clover - he’s an interesting guy. You'll typically see him as an npc, but he's much more than that. Have you seen his *tips fedora * "m'lady" stare?? Yeah there's definitely something strange going on there. He's a pretty family oriented guy tho, and he loves to bake for his s/o and to provide comfort and care.
8/10 he's probably one of the more normal ones that I would actually date. Or be friends with. Just keep one eye open when your sleeping with ur with him tho
Ace Trappola- I don't understand how someone could even like him. He's the kinda kid to push you off the swing during recess and when you tell the teacher he'll go like "NUH UH!! THEY HIT ME FIRST!!" . Plus he's canonically not a good partner lmaoooo
3/10 he’s not even a middle schooler. Too pebble brained. Don't date a gremlin like him. maybe if he finds someone like him he might maintain a steady relationship.
Deuce Spades- no thoughts head empty. He needs a little direction in life but he's got a goal in mind. He's a lil stupid but he's getting there. He's such so sweet and silly you have to love him. But he needs to mature a bit before entering a long term relationship 
6/10 not my type, I would go for his mom instead. Plus his dad is literally dr.eggman, that explains everything. but yeah he's got what It takes, be kind to him. He's fragile. Like an egg.
ᓚᘏᗢ Savannaclaw ᓚᘏᗢ  
Leona Kingscholar - girl he is 21 years old he should be in the CLUB!!!!! But no. He's sitting alone eating Kentucky fried chicken alone on a Friday night. If he really wanted someone, he could go for it, but he seriously can't be bothered. If you do manage to get him attached to you it'll take him a while to fully love you as much as you love him, as well as put in the same amount of effort .
7/10- I don't think he genuinely needs a partner. He's got his own issues to sort out. But when he falls, he falls hard. I wonder how hard his abs are.
Ruggie Bucchi - Rugbartholomew !!!! The scrunkly. The scrimp. It'll be so fun horsing around with this guy. Being his s/o is like being his partner in crime. It'll be fun, and you guys support each other . He really cares abt his loved ones and always tries to bring something to the table for them, literally and metaphorically. Midnight runs to seven eleven. He's working 10 jobs at a time. He's EMPLOYED. He's a boyemployee. He just needs his girlboss to complete him.
5/10 he's a bit scummy tbh. It'll take him a while to fully trust someone. He’d do some sleazy things for money. It also gives you the ick when he smells donuts and starts floating towards them.
Jack Howl- he's surprisingly normal. He's got a set sleep schedule , he's healthy, he has set routines, and healthy coping mechanisms. But that's the thing. as much as he is such a caring and gentle lover, these routines take up most of his life and time. He would be waking you up at ungodly hours for a morning jog only for you to pass out midway to Mount Kilimanjaro. .
7/10 -he dates for marriage, and he’s really serious about his future and starting a family. So he’s such a loyal and protective guy. He's just too much of a gym bro. He prefers pre-workout over partners. Also he unironically likes alpha/werewolf quotes.
𓆝𓆟𓆜 Octivinelle 𓆝𓆟𓆜
Azul Ashengrotto- I love him so much. He's so me guys you don't get it (capitalism) but that aside, HES SO DAMN WEIRD LMAOOOOOO like he thinks he has rizz but he just looks like a Reddit 'nice guy'. Legitimately says m'lady. He gives off the fake dating trope to me. He'd date you to get something out of you but then actually fall hard bc he's touch starved and longs to feel emotionally vulnerable but is afraid of it. So he's an absolute mess in a relationship and needs a lot of reassurance. But yeah he's pretty bitchless 
7/10 he's gorgeous, but he sounds like that one pufferfish singing thing. I relate to him a lot so he gets points. Also since his parents are divorced he definitely has a high divorceability. I have a theory in the works that since we don't know who his biological father is, it might just be Mr. Krabbs. Like it's never said he's a full octopus (to my knowledge). SpongeBob and squidward are Floyd and Jade respectively. SpongeBob X twisted wonderland when?
Floyd Leech- he drank battery acid as a baby. Like dude you're in love with a nuclear fission bomb. If you like Floyd, you're just as fucked up as he is. It's okay tho, he's a very physically affectionate guy and may be overly possessive and obsessive but that's just his charm dw abt it. He also does thing like "if you hug me, expect a little nibbling on your earlobe 😝" and he bites off your entire ear.
2/10 his kisses taste like fish and sheet metal, and he licks short peoples heads when no one's looking. 
Jade Leech- if you saw him eat mushrooms well no you didn't because if he eated mushrooms then he would have not eating mushroom bc no . His version of love is psychological warfare . He’s a mysterious guy. Let's set a scenario for him. You're sitting in the monstro lounge. You see a tall, dark and handsome man across the bar with a mysterious aura. You catch his gaze and quickly dart your eyes away. But his never stop staring at you. He comes up to you and you guys chat naturally . He buys you a drink, your favorite actually. He knows all the ways to make you swoon. He’s so dreamy. Then he says that he put cyanide in your drink as joke. Then he lets it slip he's been stalking you for days. You find out his a wanted criminal. And end scene. Yeah that's romance with him. 
4/10 he's an attentive and observant guy, but sadly that's way before you guys are dating and he's a psych ward escapee.
𓄼𖣠 Scarabia 𖣠𓄹
Kalim Al-Asim - OTTERRRR!!! I love otters. He’s like deuce. But rich. And more innocent(ignorant). He’s so head over heels for his s/o bro. He’d shower them with his love and gifts. He still has a lot to learn in life, but he's willing to give it all to you. You should be honored.
6/10 he's my son. Treat him well. I can’t forgive him for what he did to Jamil tho. 
Jamil Viper- AWWHH YEAH BABY!!! He’s so Fine oml. But personal bias aside, he's very much insane. He’s just a closeted insane.pre-overblot he wouldn't even date u bro he would pretend u don't exist but then hate u being around Kalim. Post-overblot he accidentally avoids you because he has no idea how to express or hide his feelings for you. Okay but definitely has w rizz. Azul seethes at the sight him. Like chewing up his fedora and spitting it out type shit. Men wish they were Jamil. 
8/10 he's so wifey, he can cook he can clean  I will give him a ring if u don't. Minus points for the attempted murder, but still he's pwetty so I forgive him (*^ω^*) . He probably once got hit in the head with a basketball with you looking.
⊹𖥔˖࣪ Pomefiore⊹𖥔˖࣪ 
Vil Schoenheit - okay this one's hard cus he's literally just my mother. But more fierce diva cunty. I've been sleeping on his character ngl, but now that I think about it he's pretty relatable. Like everyone wishes to be beautiful, in some sort of way. I think in a relationship he'll need some reassurance about his looks, but also about it his partner only wants him for his looks. I don't think he actually has high standards, he would probably want someone pretty normal, but also takes good care of themselves, not just appearance-wise.
8/10 he's pretty good as an s/o, but the fame aspect will make things very difficult. Also expect him to be brutally honest with you or pick apart your appearance. He's just trying make sure u look ur best bro he's caring like that. Would make an excellent rupauls drag race judge.
Rook Hunt - I have sent a nuke to your exact coordinates. Why would u want him bro he’s Fr*nch AND a felon. There's no good aspects of this relationship he has negative rizz and his fucking bob makes him look like SpongeBob took the gay potion from the dark web at 3 am. also, he's already mentally married you and has your wedding dress prepared as well as a loan taken out for your new family home before you even know his name. 
0/10 Mr Electric KILL HIM!!! Probably the kinda guy to post a selfie captioned "who want me" and then before epel can reply "the mental hospital " his post gets taken down due to mass reporting and his account gets suspended and he's put on an fbi watchlist.
Epel Felmier- ngl mood bro. It's so annoying being seen as fragile and weak simply for your inherent femininity.I believe in a relationship he'd want someone that tells him what he wants to hear. He'll have some trouble accepting some facts, especially with his anger issues, but he'll learn to sort that out. He's a sweet boy at heart. He just feels he needs to overcompensate due to his appearance.
6/10 I'm not an anger issues kinda guy. It takes resilience to deal with, something i don't have for that. He probs listens to red pill podcasts while on a tractor. He's a 14 year old boy who just discovered Andrew Tate (he's deathly afraid of women)
Idia Shroud- no. I have no idea how you could have feelings for him if you've never seen him. And definitely not online bc 1. He would never engage in that 2. Theres nothing romantic about the call of duty lobby. Also another guy with negative rizz. But not like in the creepy way like rook but in a loser way. He genuinely believes he is unfit for a relationship and that he is undeserving of love. If somehow he finds someone like that he'd be attached to them until the day he dies.
8/10 I love me a loser boy. He def has trust issues and paranoia but who doesn't in this game. He's rich so he could spoil u with the battle pass for literally any game. Plus ortho ends up becoming your little brother too. It's a win-win. Also don't ask him if the carpet matches the drapes.
Ortho Shroud- would probs hire u to date his brother out of genuine fear the dude would be alone for the rest of his life.
𓆩 ♡ 𓆪Diasomnia𓆩 ♡ 𓆪
Malleus Draconia - his prehistoric charm and awkward demeanor had captivated you, it seems. But yeah he's the kinda guy to say lines like "For the world could be dying and I would have never noticed it because I would have been not paying attention to the world itself, but would be gazing into your eyes watching them shine like the stars". He's soooo down bad. he's so happy to finally have someone to love him. Very very very loyal. But sometimes toes the line of yandere. 
9/10 he's so wonderful. All he wants is to love and be loved. But he still thinks of romance in this Victorian ages and gets hard when he sees your ankles or sumn.
Lilia Vanrouge- this Gent a wee bit peculiar innit? He has connections within the furry community that could destroy your life in seconds. He's everything. He’s everywhere. All at once. He genuinely has dabbled in many different things over the years , so he'll never run out of stories to tell. Many 3 am Minecraft dates. Those upside down  Spider-Man kisses. He’s more than ready to settle down with someone have kids of his own. Maybe have a girl. Name her draculaura, you know the rest. He probably went to monster high ngl. But he's a much more mature kinda guy. Definitely knows what he wants in a relationship. He's reasonable too. But you guys don't sleep in the same bed he hangs from the ceiling in a sleeping bag.
9/10 he's a bit vertically challenged and sometimes summons ancient demons by accident. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear in forgotten languages.
Silver - he's the female gaze bro. He's gorgeous . He’s legitimately a normal dude. But I don't think he's even been near a woman before. No rizz. Just soldier and eepy. But he definitely wants an s/o who can care for him a lot considering his narcolepsy. It's something that worries him a lot, and needs a person who's full of love to give, not only to him but to his family. But you're always welcome to nap with him underneath a tree in the warm sun.
7/10 he's a bit narrow-minded, only having a few goals set in mind and a strict regimen as a soldier. You have to work around that and his disorder in order to be his s/o. It's a lot dude. Especially when he leans in for a kiss but falls asleep inside and hits his head on the way down and gets brain damage.
Sebek Zigvolt- this gator wouldn't last a day in the Everglades bruh ‼️🚫I actually despise him. I have a picture of him in my room that I chew on when I get angry. Why is he always yelling. Why is he so obsessed with malleus even outside of his job. Actually, he probably leaves you for malleus. no chance with him bruh. But seriously you need to be super determined to get with him if you manage go past his alarm clock-like exterior. he's lonely.
3/10 I would turn him into a purse.his version of dirty talk is going "do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior wakasama-" and then you make him put his clothes back on and leave.
Thank you for reading!  ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Admiiinnn do you write for platonic sagau?
Me wanna request my son (Razor) ue.
Because most of the fics I've read is just the creator falling on Mondstadt but never other places! I want them to fall on Wolvendom and maybe meet the wolf boy 🐨
I imagine he doesn't know/able to describe what he's feeling (not understanding human emotions and stuff because he grows up with wolves and all). But he really likes this feeling of peace and feeling like he belongs! So he'll stay with this random person that just dropped out of nowhere, and teach them how to survive in the wild too!
Unlike the overly-obsessed-head-over-heels acolytes, I think Razor will be like a worrywart bestfriend. You're his lupical now! It's his duty to protect other lupicals!
Days with him will literally be so fluffy ueueueu imagine we teach him how to cook things besides meat and puppy-paw hash browns (and teach him how to season them too! Good food always relies on taste after all). He'll just be like a little sibling that saw a very cool trick for the first time.
Aaaaa I wanna braid his long hair with flowers ue...
U get a whole slice of cake for that one. 🤲🍰💜
DUDE i totally thought abt (idk if u read it but its floatin around here smwhere,,) including Razor in the first Sagau idea post i made about Blunt Language reader vs. Teyvat's flowery language
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This gif encompasses everything i feel abt razor
Almost a part 2? But more like Bennett ft. Razor
Welp, you could've landed somewhere worse.
Like, accidentally-activated-Andrius-challenge worse.
You vowed to urself that if u ever got isekaied, or magicked away, or whatever else, u would not be those stupid protagonists who acted like they didnt know where they were
Or didnt adjust quickly to their new surroundings, esp if theyre life depended on it
U got this, u know exactly where u are rn. >:)
..Well, maybe not the exact location, but Wolvendom was pretty hard to mistake for anything else
The moon is full, and it looks to be about midnight or so,
A wolf howls.
...a little too close for comfort...
But hey, the lamp grass irl was so cute and pretty omg! <3
And it lit the ground nicely when u were nearby :) what a helpful aesthetic plant, so cool
Seeing a hilichurl camp further away, u slowly backed off into the woods away from the path u landed on (woke up on? Its unclear)
And up onto a small flat cliff thingy, filled with small lamp grass
U figured u werent getting anywhere tonight, i mean u rlly can't see jackshit rn, unlike in Genshin where the moon was almost as bright as the sun 💀
So ur just sittin on ur ass, wondering how tf ur gonna build a wolf-proof shelter when a bush shuffles nearby
...On ur little platform, how did u not hear whatever it was before now??
Too late now, bc u saw smth silver, and welp
U knew there were wolves, (its wolvendom)
But since u never saw any in game u kinda assumed they were like Earth wolves and were unlikely to get near a human like u-
Turns out u were probably wrong- the silver flashes in the bush- u get up and brace urself to run screaming and begging on ur knees for Andrius to take u in like-
...Razor?? 😐😑😐
RAZOR!! :D!!!
It's the Best Boy™️!!!!!
The bestest boy ever sticks his head out of the bush
!!!??? His head tilts like a puppy in confusion ur heart💘
"...Lupical??" He says in the most confused ass tone youve ever heard
"Oh! Yes! Hello," you introduce yourself, "Can you help me? I got kinda lost here, but I don't really have a home to go back to,,"
Razor stands out of the bush, shaking his head back and forth like a dog, his hair nearly whips u in the face lmao
You: "AHH- uh- so, do u know somewhere I can go??"
Razor: "Mhm. Here. Razor like you, feel like Lupical. Stay?"
He asks, his eyes bright and shiny (not the puppy dog eyes)
Well, u figure if he can literally be raised by wolves and still be alive, so can u
(U figure itd be hard to convince Diluc to let u stay w/ him, and u dont have money for an inn in Mondstadt.. u dont even kno abt Springvale... wolf woods it is)
Plus, maybe u can help him out a bit! (it always did irritate u in game that nobody rlly checked on him/helped him live better >:/ )
"Oh! Y-yeah! That sounds great, are u sure ur family's- uh- other Lupical, r ok w/ that?" U hella dont wanna have to wrestle other wolves just for some raw food bc yall gotta share 💀
"Yes, come, I teach!" :D
Bbyboy got ur heart in a vice gripe lol
Turns out he lives in a cave, that wasn't rlly available in game
His bed is just kinda,, moss and leaves, maybe one fur pelt
So obv u start gettin chests and get money to buy him better stuff!
Plus monsters drop money too (the slimes just bring u money?? W/o u having to defeat them?? Whos paying all these monsters anyway, where do they get this money-)
Also bc i HATE that u r just a regular ass human in other SAGAUs, imma keep it canon and say u can still upgrade Vision Users/Allogenes + all the regular game mechanics besides time manipulation, including quest log and inventory (bc that still exists here fuck regular sagau BS)
(bc how would u prove ur the Creator otherwise? How would u live up to that if u didnt have powers?? Isnt that the whole point of why they think ur the Creator???!! Did I miss smth here-??)
So ofc u give the boy the comfiest bed of pillows and furs and handmade quilts (Springvale's very talented and friendly turns out :)
And new clothes!! :D new outfits pop up on his character screen!! (It just kinda,, hovers like a hologram screen in front of him when u click a button u see hovering over his chest at all times)
U also teach him how to comb his hair.
(J. F. C. I dont even wanna think. abt how bad it is, a kid raised by wolves, in the woods w/ little human contact?? ill leave that to ur imagination)
He really loves the lamp grass flowercrowns u make him :) <3
Also yes.
We have to talk about it.
U got him soap.
And perfume. (That are still scented but not enough that he hates it thank fuck-)
Razor seems like he'd react to everything with either worry for ur safety (BEST BOY EVER) bc sm stuff u do is unfamiliar to him,
OR just like u said anon, like a little sibling u showed a magic trick to for the first time <3333
Like?? U can?? Use salt?? Pepper??? On food??? That u have cooked???!!!
Omg, his grubby little hands snatch that shit outta ur pan so quick 😭😭
He's literally scarfs down anything u make him
Oh god the wolves.
If u thought Razor loved ur food, the Lupical pack is on a whole different level.
They're such sweet doggos bc ur technically Lupical now too (Razor gave u a tooth necklace like his :] )
!!! PUPPY PILES !!! 🤲🐺💖💜✨️✨️✨️
And theyre never violent, even their play fighting is pretty tame
But the food.
Ur seasoned. New recipe. Food.
The first time u made a new dish with salt alone
It was a fucking free for all. (including Razor😭)
So now u have a schedule of who gets what when (as insisted and aided by Andrius himself, it got so out of hand,, paw??)
Congratz u got a pack of little siblings now, w/even the "will be bribed w/any food u give them" feature too
Razor loves u sm, he feels so safe around u!!
He usually cant articulate it, but u can tell by how he clings to ur arm whenever yall go into human towns so he wont lose u,
Or how he'll offer u some of his portion of food always (even if u made it)
and he's happy to do all these new things w/ u !!
(i sure as fuck know id get bored af if i was just,, in the woods,, all day everyday,,, not even a book to read,,,)
So needless to say he joins u for nearly everything u do
Esp monster hunting/grinding for his artifacts + weapon + stuff
Razor sees it as his job to look out for Lupical, esp if his favorite (besides Andrius) has to leave pack territory
Also yes, u DID meet The Andrius.
He was. So much. Bigger. Than you. Expected.
The game doesn't do him justice.
He's literally the size of a fucking school bus.
Also, apparently Razor didnt rlly know what u were, mostly bc he just feels ur comfort and safety, no words needed
But Andrius does, and he immediately explains how Teyvat sees u and even does a wolfy bow with his head lowered onto his front paws (ahdkala Andrius pls ur a gOD GET UP)
He's also surprisingly helpful and nice to u, very polite big doggo, a good leader (alpha??)
Lisa is hella grateful for u and all the help/care u give the bestest boy ever
(even tho u did give her the stink eye at first bc,, why didnt she teach him how to take care of himself? And even if he didnt want to join human society at least make sure he's in liveable conditions?? Hes not even an adult???)
But at least she also agrees he's the bestest boy ever, she always brags about how quickly he learns language (both writing reading and speaking) to anyone she knows
Which did endear u to her a little more (plus she apologized for not looking out for him more, or at least asking someone else to/check up on him)
U kinda think she (and the rest of Mondstadt) dont really realize ur some kind of Creator god,
Mostly bc u dont really stay in Mondstadt long, just to get essentials and see what it looked like in person (smtimes to visit Bennett and Fischl :D )
(U mostly only know that bc Andrius claims its so, hes very insistent too)
But ur spending most ur days with Razor anyway so it doesnt matter to you two whether ppl know what u can do
Razor was practicing his writing one time (bc u also help him out at home/Wolvendom when Lisa isnt)
And he carved "Razor loves Lupical and [You]" into a tree near yalls cave
I didnt know where to end it i got sucked in dont LOOK at me-)
Uh anyway i hope this was adequate!! Sorry this was ungodly long!! I will limit myself in the future 🥲
Tysm again for the request and if u read this far LMAO!!
🌒🌊🌧Aquarius ♒️ 💧🌌🌘
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supernormalblogname · 2 months
I see your prey with glasses and raise you this; preds with glasses. The pred tries to be super intimidating, but the prey is fed up (no pun intended) with how often they eat them, and it's not like they're actually in danger, so they steal the pred's glasses, and the pred starts stumbling around trying to grab their prey, and their prey just constantly teases the pred about how bad a predator they are, until the pred has to beg the prey for their glasses back, dropping the whole intimidation act. The prey returns the glasses, and the pred is too embarresed and ashamed to try and eat their prey as they just walk away, not even trying that hard to get away from a pred so pathetic.
GHEHEHEHE YES I LIKE THIS. so so silly. sometimes predators have gotta be teased too. equivalent exchange
ghehghe pred without their glasses trying and failing so bad to find and / or grab at their prey.. getting sooo mad about it but also they look a little silly. going from "GRRR stupid prey i'm going to GET you" to "...please may i have my glasses back 🥺..."
and then the pred just walking away defeated... embarrassed urself. no dinnar for u.
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intertexts · 2 months
OK HI. HELLO ROS <3 standing in ur doorway like this 🧍 listen i will read worm eventually i just have so much HAPPENING. ALL THE TIME RIGHT NOW. AND DONT HAVE THE TIME. and also jrwi has me in a chokehold u know how it b. ANYWAY. i need u 2 tell me as much about new haven wards as u can without like major insane spoilers for worm. little spoilers r ok. i watch/read everything with a few lil spoilers 2 look forward to anyway <3 i know nothing abt the universe of worm (<<has barely made a sizeable dent in it but god i will i prommy) but i wanna know what exactly nhw is about. how does the universe work. how do the powers work. what is the situation with the nhw how and why are they working together where did they all come from!! gimme the nhw lore!!! as much as u can!!!!! looking at u with the biggest saddest wettest eyes rn pls pls pls infodump abt nhw 2 me!!!!!!!! ros pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
HIII HI HI WHISKEY <333 UR INSANE FOR ASKING THIS. BTW. literally insane. grabbing u so hard by the shoulders there is a crazed look in my eye. anyway. FIRST i am tagging @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone here also!!!!!! bc it is his au as much as mine & i am NOT qualified 2 talk abt nhw mark n such. augh.
ok. ok. ok. new haven wards. putting the cut here.
so the basic movement of worm is that powers are from trauma. ridiculously simplified, but that's the base of it-- if you have superpowers, you have them because you went through traumatic events so severe to you specifically that it broke ur brain a little bit. the powers manifest in some way as a reaction to the traumatic scenario. (it is also more complicated than this. playing the spoiler card.) OR secret second option u put urself into indefinite debt to an extremely shadowy and ominous.... organization? person? shadow government branch? conspiracy? and get superpowers in a can, with like, a 10% chance they'll backfire and mutate u into some fucking terrible inhuman shit and then they'll completely memory wipe you and brand you and dump you off somewhere. not really relevant here. because the main way of getting superpowers is to be violently traumatized, cape society in worm tends to be grittier, more violent. there's more villains, the heroes are less shiny marvel or dc and more making whatever moral compromises they need to get the best outcome possible. at one point one of the main heroes in the city worm takes place in tells the sixteen-year-old protagonist "i don't care, there's a kill order out on them, just put a bullet in her brain if you see her, it's fine" and then a while later goes "yeah i'd vote for a kill order out on you guys too," directly to her face. worm is always going "hey, wouldn't it fucking suck if superheroes were real?". there are many horrifying and inhuman and violent threats. sexual and racial and physical violence aren't swept under the rug. these seventeen year olds are sent to crime scenes where flayed and gutted corpses are suspended from the ceilings because they're heroes! ^_^ but this aint about worm this is about the new haven wards!!!!! [wards are the child soldiers junior hero branch of the main syndicated/unionized hero organization, w/ placement in every major city alongside regional protectorate headquarters]
>key things for this au:
--william wisp changed his last name to bell when he moved to new haven (where his brother david lives :) and joined the wards, for another layer of anonymity ^_^ (he is. severely paranoid about his identity & privacy. <- also a Big and Heavy thing in worm/parahumans world. it's a Big Fucking Deal to unmask a cape regardless of their alignment)
-dakota never got the mechanical heart & biomedical augumentation so didn't meet mato cole at that time! he's still dakota damascus :]
-virion... idk why he's still virion & not vyncent actually. probably just because that was the name his parents gave him? we can't change it now though nhw virion & canon vyncent r two different guys to me...
-ashe is the unluckiest fucking guy in the world!!!
their powers are a little different from canon both bc of the ways powers work just being different frm how they do in pd & also because of the "they're always a reflection of the worst moment of ur life that you're just dragging around with you reminding you of it" thing. <333
wibby / whisperer is a breaker/shaker (<- power classifications meaning he has another form he shifts into, and also an area of effect] in his breaker form (crackling white-blue energy) he 1) can control how corporeal he is, or *how* corporeal he is, from "walks into the brick wall" to "doesnt notice there's a brick wall and goes straight through it", to "goes incorporeal to stick his hand in a guy's chest then resolidifies to instakill him" w/ some tradeoffs. & 2) shape/control energy manifestations in a fairly wide radius around him, where the power of the shaped energy is in proportion to the amount of recent death in the area-- if there's a ton of casualties in the area, he can do a lot more than he could in a peaceful small town in the middle of nowhere. the situation with his trigger event was him. growing up socially isolated and half convinced he was going crazy and everyone else Also thought he was fucking insane (deadwood is still haunted!! more haunted :]) for years & years + the loneliness + frustration + unsureness if he's actually the one just. losing it or if it's all really real + the constant feeling of being in danger, that the town is bad and malicious and out to Get you. anyway. he fell, take that as ambiguously as u do for that in canon, didn't die, but was severely injured & couldn't move. just laid there for maybe a day or so in the woods that wanted to kill him. anyway he triggered when he was found! the catalyst was not "the place that's been out to get me my entire life finally succeeded" but the helpless incandescent frustration of "actually nothing i ever do is going to make you understand. i've been trying for so fucking long to make you See It but you won't!!! you never will and you just think i'm crazy or stupid or making it up for attention even though it has such obvious fucking consequences and is manifestly Real!!" he was recruited to the wards by miss g herself, who was like hahahhahaa this kid could be a Really Fucking Big Problem if he doesn't have an eye on him!! ^_^ he never wanted to be a hero, and still doesn't, really, but he's terrified of accidentally hurting people & deadwood is like a weight around his neck and maybe things will be better if he just gets out of here. for a while they're not, of course. he just feels like. y'know. he's another sick thing that crawled out of deadwood, and his powers make that obvious. the way they interact with recently dead shit makes him sick!! living with david is awful-- a big, lovely, lonely high rise apartment, an older brother who barely bothers to speak to him, calls to their mom through the walls going "why is he here? why would you send him here? can he like, go anywhere else?"
virion sol / imprint is a trump (meaning his powers interact With other capes powers.) he can copy powers by touching other parahumans-- the copied power is just as strong as the original, whatever the original is, but he doesn't have an innate sense of how to use it; he can easily be overwhelmed or overstimulated by powers that involve a ton of sensory input, or accidentally loose cannon something he wasn't expecting and can't easily control. regardless, this is a fucking insane power to have. it's so cracked. like within the parahumans-- world, this is something so rare, especially being able to copy the full strength of the power. the very few examples in canon of something similar, the copied power is always inferior. his situation was similar to canon-- the greats were a team of independent heroes, & were like, extended family to virion. he grew up unpowered, but in the cape world-- so many aunts and uncles teaching him security, standard protocols, how to fight capes, how to run cape business and independent team business, how to handle guns and tasers and safely run background checks. y'know. a family's worth of professional knowledge. he never really wanted to be a cape, anyway, he was more than happy to do all the unpowered stuff at home that needed to be done. occasionally he came with them on patrol n stuff or snuck out to watch them. the greats' long term goal was prying out the lich, an extremely heavyweight warlord who had control over most of the city. virion's father struck a deal with the lich-- virion knows as little what the deal was For as he does in canon, but he double crossed the entire team. virion snuck along to the confrontation with the lich (setup) & watched his father turn & murder all of them. still not sure if he did it all himself or just watched as the lich's minions did it, but the way they knew all their weaknesses, how efficient and brutal and unexpected it was-- it was his dad feeding the information. virion stays frozen in shock and horror & hidden during all of this. can't do anything to help. is fucking useless, despite all he knows and has done. for the first time in his life, he wished he had powers, that ram and min and everyone could have taught him how to have and use their powers like they taught him everything else. he triggered watching it all happen. after this, he went on the run, terrified that someone would Know that he saw, that they'd be coming for the loose ends, that his dad would come back for him. all he has of his family is a couple piecemeal things he could grab before he ran-- ram's favorite revolvers, a holy medal of alphonz's, some of his mom's sturdy jewelry. anyway, he ran, moved to a different city, new haven. started figuring out his powers, started targeting specifically other capes who were up to bad shit-- minor to mid league villains, the occasional local hero who would Look squeaky clean, but after their sudden death dirty secrets would come out, etc. all very low-key, very subtle. none of the disappearances or deaths looked related. during this period he is SO fucked up. he is so fucked in the head. he's incredibly hypervigilant and paranoid and jumpy (good at looking unbothered and still clocking every single sound and movement and always facing doors and windows), mired in the grief and guilt and horror at. watching his entire family slaughtered and life shattered in a night. sleeps for no more than two hours or so at a time. even on top of the lich and his dad... what he's been doing puts an even bigger target on his back. doesn't have time or heart for anything but the dirty work. is dissociating through the periods of time where he's not actively hunting someone down or on the job. silhouette is the one who puts the pieces together-- of course he's on the protectorate (hero organization) radar. sure he's only been targeting bad guys, but how clean each one was? how well covered they all are? how whoever this is has allegedly killed at least almost two hands' worth of capes in cold blood by now? sets off alarms, if you're looking!!
anyway, silhouette tracks him down, says hey, i know who you are, i know what happened. you're just a kid. you join us, and you'll gain the resources and skill to be able to get revenge. aren't you tired of running? now... virion took to this fast and well when he did, but. before it all, he was just a teenager. despite the family business, he was just some guy! he helped his mom cook and got help with schoolwork at the kitchen table and his cool aunts took him out for lunch. he never wanted this or expected it. and of course he doesn't trust the heroes farther than he can spit, but... it's something. it's better than this. anything has to be better than the way he's driving himself into the ground. & also, of course. if silhouette can find him. anyone else who's looking for him can too. (i don't think he's even registered on the radar of anyone. his dad didn't actually survive the lich, obviously, & he was the only other one who really knew abt virion + nobody knew he triggered. he's just. so fucking paranoid.)
dakota damascus / failsafe is a thinker/mover. he 1) has a precognitive sense of any pain that anyone in a radius around him will feel in the next short amount of time. this is-- varyingly difficult to block. he can't just Choose not to feel it, although the intensity of the feeling, again, varies. mostly proportionally to how severe the pain actually is, or how many people are hurt, but, with time, he can dull or sharpen it + follow the threads of it to discern Who exactly is in pain, rather than just an ambient sensation. 2) is VERY fast & has matching enhanced cognitive speed. these two abilities work SO good together, both in combat situations & also just day to day patrolling. man. i love dakota. anyway, he triggered young-- he was out with his parents (maybe 7/8) and they got caught in an attack by siberian-- a genuinely indestructible, incredibly powerful villain who can just,,, run her hand through a concrete foundation like it's butter & collapse buildings, or scoop out peoples insides in a heartbeat. and also likes to eat people, like, raw and bloody after dismembering them. whatever level of ultraviolent shocking horror u are imagining. double it. anyway. they got caught in the scene of this attack, dakota got separated from his parents in the panic and stampede and rush to get out-- he's seven! it's terrifying levels of panic and claustrophobia and people shoving and trampling and he's not gonna leave without his parents!! of course not!! he triggers from the fear and the disorientation and the panic & he can't find them & he's trying to fight the crowd but he barely comes up past their knees & there's awful sounds of fighting & he's close enough to see her... things are doubly disorienting with the echo of the agony from everyone who gets Fucking Siberianed. he sees most of the fight. um. a while after she's driven away and it's finally finished he finds what's left of his parents. there's a beat in worm, during an encounter with siberian and the Big Heroes, the prime force equivalent, where they just.. give her a victim to chew on because it makes her happier and less of a nightmare to fight. which is something i think about frequently. anyway, after this things are kind of loose, similar to canon. he does the same shit. it's also quieter and you can feel less people hurting the higher up u are. yk? OH GOD. YEAH. at some point after this we still have not hammered it out. he confronts the slaughterhouse 9 (the supervillain group that attacked/siberian is part of) about it & gets his face slit open (half chelsea smile style) & makes a deal to either kill a guy in [n years] or that guy will kill him & several hundred other people!!!!!!!!!!!! dakota damascus killing a man baked into the bones of nhw!!!
anyway he & cat still fell. he underwent a second trigger event when this happened, actually-- the panic and desperation of that situation + the way it echoed his first trigger, etc. this is also super fucking rare, btw. there are very few second triggers & it is almost Never good. (u cannot trigger more than twice + a second trigger is always a refining or an improving of the intent of the original trigger) so that's where the speed etc. came from. tide found him, gave him. a better support system (low bar!!) + a real purpose in joining the wards. i have a lot of feelings abt this.
ashe / auxiliary / muse is also a shaker/breaker!!!!! his backstory i cannot talk too much about because it is Big Spoilers. but he is a fucking powerful telekinetic (around when he joins the wards, having not really used his power in years, he has an upper weight limit of a couple times his body weight & a fairly large radius of effect). he also has a breaker form that only triggers in certain situations & if he really really pushes himself to breaking w/ his powers-- when he enters it, he loses lucidity, for the most part, & starts warping and stretching and breaking space-time in strange, dreamlike ways-- the pavement melts, or everything gets bouncy, or cars and concrete chunks and things with no business moving float slowly around like balloons, or he pulls and crumples reality to move without really moving.... it gets Real fucking bad, real fast. ANYWAY. he eventually sneaks out one night, walks to a gas station to get. snacks. it-- okay, i'm fucking linking mac's post, i CANNOT summarize all of this concisely. go read that. so. that's ashe's deal!!!!!!!!!
SO. YEAHG. THATS. THATS THE MOST OF IT. um. yeah. theyre a dreadful little polycule they are. So fucking clingy they r traumabonded. like little trembling chihuahua puppies. separation anxiety and all. virion and dakota share a comfy old victorian house in a suburban neighborhood maybe a fifteen minute walk from the protectorate hq. wibby starts out living w/ david and eventually just... all his stuff moves over to their place. their clothes r all mixed up they know each others blood types they're all sleeping together on the couch. eventually their house gets blown up. they all get various flavors of nightmare & are 1 million shades of debilitatingly mentally ill but like-- it works. they r good for each other. theyre good together. do not separate them. etc. i'm not even gonna fucking START talking abt their dynamics other than that but like. i mean. if you want a repeat of THIS u can always ask!!!!!!!
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boydepartment · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I could request something soft and sweet with riki. I'm so soft for him always atm. Like maybe a warm lazy afternoon nap where you gently push back his hair from his face careful not to wake him and you run your fingers over his eyebrow and press a kiss there and then you gently brush your knuckles across his cheek and press a kiss there too and of course you can't resist his cute little nose so you press a kiss there too and when you pull back riki's eyes are still closed but he's smiling and you belatedly realize he's been awake the whole time 😖😖😖😖
Maybe riki teases you or maybe he quietly lies there as the tips of his ears pinken. Maybe he opens his eyes when you call him out and pulls you in for a kiss. Maybe he keeps his eyes closed and simply mutters a 'you missed a spot' meaning you better kiss those pink pouty lips of his or you'll be sorry. Maybe you're ~just~ friends toeing a blurry line.
Honestly you can write whatever you want I just need sweet tender moments with riki 🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺
RIKI SHUT UP- Nishimura Riki x Gn! Reader
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warnings: like one joke of throwing urself off a highway lol
wc- 900
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It was a really hot summer afternoon, the kind of afternoon where the bugs outside sounded like powerlines and you didn’t need a blanket to have a nice nap basked in warmth. That is where you and your best friend found yourselves. You woke up a little while ago and let yourself relax in this peaceful atmosphere. As much as you wanted to- you stopped yourself from looking at your friend next to you. He was still peacefully sleeping; you could hear his soft snores. It had been a long week for him so getting this rest in, even if he didn’t want to- was vital.
Now who was sleeping next to you? Right, your best friend. Nishimura Riki. Your relationship has definitely crossed to a territory that has you questioning what you were. You both would do things that couples do all the time, of course not publicly. Your activities included, baking together, holding hands at random points, cuddling and watching movies, and lastly an abundance of staring at each other for way too long. It got to the point where your heart knew you were in love with him, but your brain did not want to accept it. I mean how embarrassing is it to ask, “what are we?” Especially because what if he just thought it was normal friend things. You gripped your hair and rubbed your eyes.
Finally giving in- you looked at him…
Your brain clicked and agreed instantaneously with your heart.
Riki was still sleeping, the sun hitting the back of your wall now letting the light bounce off and onto him. He looked like he truly didn’t have a care in the world, he looked like his brain finally was relaxing. He always works so hard so seeing him this peaceful made your heart so happy.
His hair perfectly fell in front of his eyes- as cliché as it was. His mouth slightly agape as he breathed. Riki was truly beautiful, you’d never tell him that though. Without thinking your hand brushed through his hair. It was a little damaged due to the heavy bleaching but it’s not like you minded. You told him he should start sleeping in a bonnet, but he only agreed if you guys got matching ones. You of course agreed and bought a set on amazon.
“You’re so pretty…” You mumbled ever so quietly. Surprisingly… he didn’t wake up even with your hands brushing through his hair. Your fingers then rubbed his eyebrows. Your heart smiled as he nudged his face in your hand.
“What am I going to do…” You whispered to yourself. Your eyes studied his face like you didn’t know it like the back of your hand. Every mole, smile line, acne spots, everything. Your fingers lined his face more and he stayed sleeping. You found yourself giving him a kiss on his forehead. This wasn’t unheard of in your weird “platonic” friendship. He did this to you all the time to tease you. You went from his forehead to his nose. When you pulled away you saw him grinning widely like some psycho.
“WHAT THE HELL!?” You pushed him and he practically got halfway shoved off the bed.
“HEY!” He moved his body back on the bed and got way too close to you like when he was obsessed with that stupid dance on tiktok.
Your face felt like someone poured lava on it, “YOU WERE ASLEEP!”
“Um no I wasn’t obviously.” Riki threw his head back and started laughing.
“WELL! WELL! When did you wake up!?” You didn’t even want to look at him.
Suddenly he started giggling, “I woke up before you, then pretended to be asleep.”
Your jaw was on the floor. You felt immensely embarrassed, and you wanted to genuinely throw yourself on a highway.
“Sooooo you think I’m pretty?” He asked and poked you. You jumped and glared at him.
“Oh what ever shall you do-“
“RIKI SHUT UP!” You started laughing as he started poking you more.
You kept laughing until you couldn’t anymore, you settled down and you were both left facing each other.
“For the record, I think you’re really pretty too.”
Your brows furrowed and you scoffed a bit, “your job leaves you with seeing really hot people everyday- I don’t think I meet their level of attractiveness.”
Riki suddenly sat up, “WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?”
“DUDE, you are literally an idol, you are surrounded by idols like all the time. I am not an attractive idol. Cause shocker I am not an idol.” You spoke as if you were explaining why 2+2=4.
Riki looked down at you, “like that matters, I like being around YOU, I think YOU are pretty. I LIKE YOU!”
Suddenly the air shifted, and he looked like he just farted in church.
“You like me?” You sat up now. Riki looked at you and took a deep breath, he looked like he was contemplating. You watched as he nodded.
“I do like y-“
“ilikeyoutoo!” You said quickly, not wasting another second. His face lit up and he grinned just like he did when you “woke” him up.
“Okay now pretend to be asleep so I can kiss you all over your pretty face but then you ‘wake’ up and then we tease-“
“OKAY OKAY I GET IT!” At that, you pretended to fall asleep and he fulfilled his promise of kissing you all over your face.
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wendytestabrat · 7 months
why clyde wanted kyle to deal with the priest
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we all know about this notorious kyle-ended kyman simp moment where kyle got up to talk to butters after cartman made him do it FJDJSJSJS but like what i wanna talk about is the reason WHY clyde was asking kyle to do this shit out of all people bc it seems pretty obvious to me. as it turns out when you run around 24/7 with this martyr complex that you’re the only one who can handle saving the day or fixing any problem (like kyle does), people are just gonna push you around and take advantage of you LOL. and he’s all like “why me?” 🥺 acting all surprised like kyle….bitch…..this shit annoys me sm abt kyle he always gets all butthurt and plays the victim when other characters are mean to him and treat him like shit but he doesn’t realize he’s doing this shit to himself lol. he has no idea how to set boundaries and feels like he has to help people with every little thing and yeah when you do that shit and are too nice and giving of urself people aint gonna appreciate it and will just treat you like a doormat (something i had to learn the hard way LOL). it’s really interesting to me how the kids never want kyle’s help when he tries to fix a problem he actually is happy to help with, but when it’s something he DOESN’T wanna do they have no problem making him do that shit lol. and yeah talking to butters abt the priest was something none of the kids wanted to do (INCLUDING KYLE) bc it was awkward and uncomfortable so ofc they recruit the one kid who feels like he’s obligated to help with anything someone asks of him to do it bc they know he aint gonna say no LOL. and THAT’S why kyle’s always getting the short end of the stick and stuck in shitty predicaments. and yeah ofc he gets up and does it once cartman yells at him to bc cartman is the one who triggers kyle’s martyr complex the most so it’s almost like an innate reaction for him at this point lol.
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marisramblings · 1 year
(for Touchstarved) V....Vere in love headcanons,,,,or idk how he'll be in a relationship too 👉👈 but that may be a bit long,altho I love those long hc posts u still shouldn't overwork urself and all /gen,so u can decide which one it'll be!!! Also thanks for writing for this game I'm sure the fandom appreciates it a lot 🥺💛
Vere is a little hard for me to get a grasp on, so I apologize for the lack of headcanons 🤧
Vere in love (no warnings)
I need you to understand that you will not know Vere loves you.
I need you to understand that Vere will not know he loves you.
Regardless of if your temperament is shy or bold, Vere falls for a person who’s willing to trust him. Yes, even though he obfuscates at every turn.
Vere’s taunting switches from malicious to teasing. He’s less evasive and will be more direct.
He will follow you and appear in random places. He will not admit that he’s worried.
He’ll drag you to fancy events and will subtly teach you the ropes. He won’t stop you from embarrassing yourself, but will correct after.
Ironically, his actions speak louder than his words in this state. He’ll leave gifts that help you. New clothes, a fancy face wash, etc
If you’re in true danger, he will actually risk his life to help, much to his and your shock.
Maybe, years down the line, you could brush his tail for him.
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hime-bee · 5 months
Hehehehe it is me once more ✨the Rat 🐀✨ I must need some JOCIYYY facts about Lucien pleaseee 🥺👹 (and fr tysm 4 making this hella good VN and art and especially making the father 😔✋ but fr thank you and make sure to take care of urself anywayyyy goodd byyeeee)
HELLO, MY PRECIOUS LITTLE RAT ANON 🐀 I'd be more than happy to give you more facts about Daddy Holiday! Just know that I am lovingly slinging you around in my mouth as I write this- 😺
Lucien was actually kind of a whore when he was younger lmao. He stopped whoring once he was married though
He and Leu share a lot of the same favorites! Favorite color, favorite foods, favorite flowers, stuff like that
A lot of nurses at the hospital he works at try to casually flirt with him but he never engages with them because he's too focused on work (they swoon even harder-)
Believe it or not, he was actually the first to confess! If he were to get divorced and start dating again, I don't think he'd initiate first
He smells like expensive cologne. You know the type. A small spritz on the wrist is strong enough to last through the whole day-
He sleeps on his stomach (usually ends up with one arm hanging off the bed if he's not careful lmao. His wife hates it)
He's allergic to dogs... But he still tries to pet them if they come up to him
To this day, he still tries to get Leu to come back home for the holidays he declines
(ALSO, THANK YOU??? 😭😭💞 I'm smiling so hard rn, I really can't thank you enough for such a sweet compliment 🥺 I'm just glad that people are enjoying my little game, honestly... And I'll do my best, 🐀 anon, thank you again!!)
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crescentfool · 9 months
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my art summary for 2023! this year was very all over the place for me, but i'm glad to say that i've created despite personal hardships (that were mostly unrelated to art) 🥺 thank you everyone for taking a look at my work this year! 💙 i hope 2024 will be just as fun! 🎉
some documentation of my feelings about art this year under the cut:
i think i was way too hard on myself this year with my art. and i am sitting here like. "goddamn dude. why would you do that to yourself for. stop that LOL"
honestly i would go in a time machine to give myself a pat on the back for drawing SPLATOON for the first time in like 6 years or something. trying to learn the proportions and figuring out how i wanted to draw splatoon was very hard. and i still don't know what i want my splatoons to look like!
i remember back in late 2019 i would bitch to my friend that i didn't understand how face anatomy worked and i would tell her how it was the end of the world. but as i drew more i eventually understood faces better (and i'm still learning!). funny how that works! so i like to think my sploons will be like this too :D
the other thing i would have told 2023 me: overthink less about the learning process. maybe it's because i have way too much free time on my hands but. when i'm not actively drawing i have a lot of analysis paralysis and perfectionism. so i end up not starting anything out of my comfort zone even if it's just for practice because my brain is so hung up on trying to "learn new things optimally" and making things "good enough." and. i. guys.
pleasepleasepleaseplease don't do that to yourself its NOT GOOD!! give urself permission to fuck up and make pieces that dont work out!! u can always revisit the concept later u dont have to do it perfectly the first time!! please!!! i am giving myself and anyone else reading permission to fuck up in creative endeavors. woo!!! i love making mistakes and fixing them later!!
THAT SAID for the things i did sit down and do, i like them (like the pieces here!)! and i'm glad i did them because its like! woaw! more data to work with! so im hoping to do more of that next year! sit down and let art come out! not everything needs to be bangers! things will click eventually! trust!!
so my goal for 2024 is to draw things out of my comfort zone (mostly backgrounds, maybe comics) even if it looks shite!!! no more fucking grid and gradient we are putting characters in LOCATIONS!!! and as a fun bonus it would be funny if each of my pieces in my art summary next year looks like it was made by a different person. because i think its funny to do that. and u should make urself laugh while doing anything :D (i love silly!!! yay!! yipee!! wahoo!!)
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pixlpxie · 2 months
heyyy hope ur better now<3 dont go urself too hard these days. Stay hydrated, love u!! 🫶🏻🫂❤️
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Omg thank you so much babee im def doing better 🥺💓💓 ill have to take it easy for a few days but im sure you guys will understand 😔💓 i actually don't like drinking water but ill stay hydrated just bc you asked me to 🧎🏻‍♂️🩷 please take care too ilysm 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
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