#honestly though i like when he rambles angrily. its funny i think
incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
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bokutosworld · 4 years
i won’t say (i’m in love) | kageyama t. 
pairing: kageyama tobio x gn!reader
wc: 1,935 words. fluff, high school crushes. hinata being a wingman lol. 
summary: an encounter at kageyama’s favorite spot in school leads him to meet someone that makes him feel all sorts of confusing feelings. 
a/n: so if it’s not yet obvious by the title, this was inspired by the song from hercules, i won’t say i’m in love :D this idea has been on my drafts for quite some time and i finally had the chance to work on it yaaay 
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The first time Kageyama saw you, you were in front of the vending machine he frequented.
It was lunch break, and with ten minutes left before the next period, he figured he could get his favorite banana milk. He was walking towards the area that hid the machine away from prying and hungry eyes. Kageyama was confident that no one was familiar with its spot, especially since the machine always seemed to never go out of stock of his go-to drinks. But boy was he wrong.
The instant that he rounded the corner, he heard the recognizable thud of the drink box falling and someone getting it from its confines. He took a peek and saw a glimpse of a student cheerfully sticking the straw to the pack, humming as they take a sip of the milk. With a contented smile, the student walks off and passes him, giving a side glance and showing off a smirk to Kageyama.
How odd, the setter thought. Though he didn't dwell on it for any much longer, opting to get his own share of the milk. However, when he stood in front of the machine, his heart lurched upon seeing the red light that indicated not available. Kageyama's eyes shoot wide open and he whipped his head towards the direction you went, sending a glare to your retreating back as he realized you took the last milk. Oh, he was furious and poor Hinata was on the receiving end of that sour mood for the rest of the day.
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Since that unfateful encounter, Kageyama has been noticing your presence everywhere. And it was an understatement to say that he didn't find you annoying. He remembers how you went under his nose to grab that last box of milk and it still infuriates him.
Whenever you walk by in the hallways, he can't help but follow you with a pointed look on his face. To any outsider, Kageyama looked as if he was sending curses towards your way, at least that was what Hinata thought. But actually, the setter was trying to figure out who you were and why he hadn't seen you in the campus before that day. One day, his curiosity finally got the best of him and he asked Hinata about his concern.
"Huh? What do you mean you don't know Y/N," the orange-haired boy replied. Hinata gave his friend a puzzled look, and as if the cogs in his mind stopped turning, a teasing grin made it way to his face. "Ah, so that's why you've been looking at them like a madman recently. You're so dumb, Kageyama! How could you not recognize them, they're literally our class president."
Hinata was right. That time, Kageyama was dumbfounded when they returned to the classroom and saw you chatting with your friends in the corner. He was entranced by you and the way you were laughing at one of the jokes that he hit his hip in the sharp edge of the desk. He shrieked, causing you to turn your head towards him with worry cast over your face.
It didn't hurt that bad. He was massaging that spot on his hip when you silently stalked towards him. You stood by his side, placing a hand on his back and asking if he was okay. It took all of Kageyama's willpower not to lose his composure in front of you, but Hinata caught on his actions. In that moment, an idea popped up in Shoyo's mind.
"Hey, Pres," he put an arm around Kageyama's shoulders, wiggling his eyebrows at him. "Can I ask you a favor? Can you bring my friend here to the clinic and get his injury checked out? I'm sure it's only minor but we can't be too sure." Kageyama angrily nudged Hinata, a string of stupid, you idiot falling on his lips.
"Yeah, no problem. Come on, Kageyama, let's get you to the nurse."
He was immediately flustered. Kageyama swears his face has never felt that hot when you took his shoulders and wrapped them on your own, acting as his crutch as the two of you walked to the clinic.
Kageyama cleared his throat, his eyes looking at anywhere but you. "H-hey, I'm not completely paralyzed. I can walk on my own."
You laughed, "It's fine. You can rely on me sometimes, you know. Besides, I don't want our star player sitting out of the games." A moment of silence clouds over the two of you on the rest of the way, but just before entering the clinic, you say, "I know you love volleyball. You should enjoy it without any injury."
Kageyama thinks that maybe you were much more than a milk thief after all.
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Hinata doesn't know what happened after he sent you and Kageyama to the clinic. But he has a slight idea about what changed when he sees that his teammate has been talking more to you at every chance that he gets, walking by your desk and starting up conversations when he can.
In mornings, he notices that Kageyama always has two packs of milk in hand. And when you enter the room, he sees how he lights up, a shy smile forming on his face as you wave a hand and walk to his desk. He couldn't believe his own eyes when he watches Kageyama give you the other milk and he comes to a conclusion that he bought it just for you.
In gym class, Hinata observes the way Kageyama is extra pumped up to be against you in the 100m dash activity. He sees the playful taunts he sends your way and how you gladly react to them and indulge Kageyama in his competitiveness. He honestly thinks Kageyama won't let you off the hook but he's shocked, when just a few centimeters away from the finish line, he fakes a trip and falls down on the ground. You pass him in high spirits, jumping up and down as you exclaim that you won against the King of the Court. And Hinata knows that the normal Kageyama would be pouting and pissed off at his loss.
But this wasn't a normal Kageyama. He figures that this was a Kageyama in love. 
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The pair was assigned to set up the net and prepare the gym before practice started. They were in the storage room getting the equipment when Hinata started teasing Kageyama about his little crush.
"I don't know what you are talking about." The taller boy strongly denied all the accusations that Hinata was throwing at him. "Just shut up and help me here."
Hinata chuckled like an evil villain and continued to spew obvious facts. "You give them milk every morning. You unconsciously make them laugh with your not so funny jokes. You look out for them during gym class more than their friends does. You make time before practice to say goodbye before they go home."
"So, what is your point?"
His friend smirked, "Kageyama Tobio, you have a crush."
Kageyama stood frozen, his hands went limp by his sides at the sudden realization. He was aware that in his recent interactions with you, he'd sometimes feel sick, like he'd get nervous around you, his breathing becomes unstable and his palms get sweaty.  He has noticed it himself how the surroundings would turn brighter whenever you walked in the hallways or how his own heart would beat twice as fast whenever you were approaching him in his desk.
He didn't know what that feeling was called. He didn't want to give it a name. But Hinata just had to point it out. Frustrated that his friend called him out on his adoration for you, Kageyama stayed silent and started playfully punching Hinata. The poor boy was only saved when they heard footsteps come in, and Kageyama was quick to push Hinata away and avoid your gaze when you walked in.
Hinata was grumbling as he walked out of the scene, leaving you two some time to figure out your mutual feelings.
Kageyama immediately crouched down and hid his face on his hands, making you laugh at his awkwardness. He inquired in a muffled voice, "How much of that did you hear?"
You answered him truthfully, narrating the moment when you stopped to hide behind the doors was when you heard Hinata starting to tease him about his little crush. "I'm honestly flattered, Kageyama. Though I am also surprised that Hinata was watching us closely. Or should I be creeped out?"
He glanced up at you, standing from his position and going off on a tangent about how he also thought that Hinata was looking into things too much. He complained that instead of thinking about his love life, Hinata could've used that time to practice his spikes and jumps.
At this point, Kageyama was rambling and though you thought it was endearing, you needed him to pause and breathe. "Can you stop talking for literally ten seconds?" This seemed to work as he shut up and straightened his back, his eyes gazing straight into yours.
Kageyama realized, "Why are you here anyway?"
You smiled and brought out something from your pocket. "I wanted to give this to you." It was the banana milk that he loves. "I saw that it was the last one in the vending machine. I figured you'd want to have it. Have a drink before or after practice."
You thought it wasn't humanly possible to see eyes literally sparkling, but Kageyama was giving you proof of that as he excitedly took the drink from your hands. The corners of his mouth turned upward in a soft smile, and you thought that was the prettiest that he has ever been. He remembers the moment he first saw you and laughs, "You didn't have any problems before taking the last available milk for yourself."
It was your turn to get shocked, hiding a blush behind your palms. You also recall that incident, "Stop, I didn't do that on purpose. Was it my fault that they haven't restocked on that day?”
Kageyama scoffed, "Yeah, right." You pouted, crossing your ams on your chest as you looked away from him. "Thank you."
He has put the straw in the opening of the pack, taking a sip of the milk when you asked him for the second time. "So, you like me, huh?" Kageyama almost choked on his drink, and you laughed before patting his back to help him calm down. Some liquid were spilling from his lips and you were quick to wipe it with your hand. The action was enough to render Kageyama speechless, so he put some distance between the two of you.
You were taking some tissue from your bag to give to Kageyama when you also shared a confession of your own. "If it makes you feel any better, I like you too."
"I'm free this weekend. If you want to take me out a date, you know my number." He looked at you expectantly, the words yes, I'd love to go out with you resting on the tips of his tongue but he wasn't able to let it out. Because in a few seconds, you boldly took a step closer and pressed your lips to his cheek. His face felt warm and his heart was beating like crazy.
"I'll be expecting your call, Tobio."
In that moment, the feelings that he kept on a tightly closed lid were overflowing and it was the affirmation that he needed to know that he was already in too deep for you.
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cupidhaos · 4 years
playgrounds and first kisses
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pairing: cha eunwoo x reader
word count: 2.3k
genre: fluff, slice of life, first kisses, childhood friends
summary: we go back to the time that eunwoo realizes his feelings for y/n go beyond platonic
warnings: none
a/n: it has came to my realizations that you could probably read these little fics without having to read my series and honestly if you think these are cute and like them you’re most likely gonna get ur heartbroken if u read the series LMAO also kudos to those who remember the original title :P
[part of my What is Love? series]
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eunwoo was thirteen at the time that he had moved into mingyu and y/n’s neighborhood - his house right up the street from where the two of them had lived side by side. he came right in time as the summer quarter was just about to start up, transferring into the nearby middle school.
eunwoo’s first encounter with mingyu can be described with one word: wholesome. once eunwoo and his family had settled in, the kim’s had decided to take a visit to their neighbors to greet them. the young boy stood behind his mother as she talked to mrs.kim. mingyu stood next to his mother as he tried to get a better look at the other. his shyness got the best of him though as he inched more and more out of view.
“mingyu! don’t be rude and introduce yourself!” his mother scolded with a smack on the head. mingyu winced at the action but quickly recovered. a toothy smile spread across his face as he stuck out a hand towards the other young boy.
“i’m kim mingyu!” he greets, the atmosphere around them lightening up. eunwoo moves into frame and shyly takes his hand with a nervous smile “cha eunwoo” and right as he took his hand - mingyu began rambling on and on about this new video game that he bought and that was when eunwoo knew that they were gonna be good friends.
two weeks past after their initial greeting and the two of them got along greatly. they would both constantly be hanging out together and playing video games. occasionally inviting some of mingyu’s other friends that he had known also. it was a hot summer day where eunwoo had met the person that would captivate all thoughts in his mind for the next five years. the two middle school boys were playing video games in mingyu’s room when mrs.kim yelled for mingyu. the younger boy just waved her off as he concentrated hard on leveling up.
“mingyu! go greet y/n! they just came back from their trip!” his mom yelled from downstairs, but it seems as if mingyu was too zoned onto his game to even acknowledge what she had said. eunwoo looks up curiously from his own device at the sound of a new name “y/n? who’s y/n?”
it wasn’t until the sound of the doorbell ringing and hurried footsteps up the stairs that eunwoo would soon figure out the identity of the mystery person. the door to mingyu’s room slams open, causing both of the boys to jump in their spots. the sound indicating ‘game over’ was heard loudly on mingyu’s gameboy as he groans loudly.
the person standing at the door wore an annoyed look on their face as they carried a paper bag in their hand. they huffed angrily where they were standing and crossed their arms “you jerk! you didn’t even bothered to say hi!”
mingyu just rolls his eyes and grabs his gameboy again “i was busy. besides i didn’t want-”
he was cut off as they threw the paper bag towards mingyu’s forehead, resulting in a large ‘thunk’ noise to echo throughout the room. mingyu quickly grabs his forehead in pain, rubbing the targeted area as he tries to soothe himself. “what the hell!”
“i even got you a souvenir you ungrateful jerk!”
“what even is that!”
they stand proudly with a smile on their face and place their hands on both of their hips.  “its a volcanic rock from jeju! do you like it?”
eunwoo watches the scene lay out in front of him from where he sat on the floor by the closet door. he was pretty sure that this person was the ‘y/n’ that mingyu’s mom was talking about just moments before. he was also pretty sure she didn’t even see him in the room.
“you threw a rock at my face! you’re gonna give me a concussion!” mingyu grumbles as he still holds his forehead in pain. y/n doesn’t even acknowledge what he says as she goes to throw her arms around his neck, a smile so big on her face that eunwoo was worried it hurt.
“you missed me didn’t you! theres no need to lie gyu just admit it!” she cheerfully states and eunwoo nearly missed the blush that covered mingyu’s embarrassed face. “get off! you stink!” mingyu huffs as he shoves y/n off of him.
y/n lands on the floor - a pout on her lips as she crosses her arms. it was then that she noticed the other person in the room. the two finally make eye contact and y/n feels her face heat up. “mingyu! you never told me you had someone else over!”
the young boy just rolls his eyes at her though as he picks up his fallen gameboy. “you never gave me a chance to talk idiot! besides, you just showed up here unannounced!”
she just gives him a glare before turning back to eunwoo. she gives him a bright smile before extending out her arm just like how mingyu did when they first met. “i’m y/n! i live right next door! did you just move here?”
eunwoo nods shly in response to her question as he reached out to grab her hand. he couldn’t ignore the warm feeling he got in his stomach when their hands made contact. y/n glances down at the gameboy in his lap and gasps, moving to sit next to him.
as y/n leaned over his shoulder, asking millions of questions - eunwoo could feel his ears heat up at how close she was sitting next to him. he was also able to feel the stare he was getting from mingyu who sat on the bed, trying not to make it obvious he was looking at the two of them.
months pass by and eunwoo settles in nicely at their school. he became closer to y/n and mingyu along with making more and more friends despite his shy persona. soon enough two years passes by just like that and he was already fifteen.
now y/n wasn’t an idiot. she knew that her friends were attractive and popular, having their club full of admirers. people constantly coming up to y/n, asking if she was able to put a word or two in to one of her friends. but she had always looked past their looks and treated them normally despite so many of her other classmates putting them on such a high pedestal.
the day eunwoo knew that what he felt for y/n went beyond friendship was a day he would never forget. his girlfriend at the time had just broke up with him. he asked to meet up with her at the nearby park and told her the truth of how he really felt.
“i really do like you i do.. but i don’t know if they’re romantic”
sure he could’ve probably phrased his sentence a lot better but i mean he was fourteen. she kept urging him to kiss her but he refused - saying he didn’t feel as if he should be kissing someone that he didn’t really care for. again - could’ve phrased things a lot better.
so there he was, sitting on the swing alone after his now ex girlfriend slapped him in the face and stormed off. it was a warm day in july and the sun was slowly setting behind him. he was lost in thought, he didn’t know what romantic feelings really felt like. i mean that was his first girlfriend how was he supposed to know?  
he didn’t snap out of his thoughts until he heard someone sitting on the swing next to him. he lifts up his head slowly and meets eyes with y/n who softly smiled back at him, gently swung her legs back and forth as she sat next to him.
“whats got you all mopey? your girlfriend dump you or something?” she teases. but to her surprise eunwoo just solemnly nods and y/n feels her eyes widened. “she did. then she slapped me because i told her i wouldn’t kiss her.”
y/n stops her movements as she stares at eunwoo - her mouth agape. “what?! what happened! i thought things were going well with you two! you said you liked her!” eunwoo nods again and turns to look in front of him. “i did… she was really nice but i think she only liked me for my looks and not really for my personality. in all honesty i only went out with her because jungkook and yugyeom kept teasing me for not accepting any of my confessions”
eunwoo looks down. he wasn’t sure why but the thought of people only liking him for his looks hurt. he only accepted the confession because he kinda liked her - he thinks. he wasn’t sure how to define liking someone.
“i told her i wanted to kiss someone that was special to me. she took a lot of offense to that.” he adds on with a nervous laugh. he rubs the back of his neck and looks up to see y/n with an angry expression on her face.
“she shouldn’t be pressuring you like that! and only liking you for your looks?! thats so shallow! she should like you because of how nice and funny you are! and how cool but lame you can be. you have so many good qualities other than your face dongmin!” y/n huffs. he feels his eyes widen and watch as crosses her arms. eunwoo sits in shock for a moment before bursting out laughing.
y/n gives him a look of confusion as he covers his mouth to try and stop laughing. “did i - did i say something funny?” she asks to which eunwoo just shakes his head. “no it’s just - you’re getting so worked up on behalf of me and-”
“well that’s because i care about you!” she interrupts, causing eunwoo’s laughter to come to a halt. “i’m not just gonna let someone slap you for not liking them back and only being interested in your looks when theres so many good things about you!” and eunwoo hoped that she wasn’t able to see how red his face was right now. the shocked expression on his face slowly morphs into a soft smile though.
“thank you y/n. i honestly was thinking about kissing her though just so i could get it over with… that does seem a bit shallow of me so i wanted to tell her how i felt.” eunwoo confesses.
“are you dumb? even if it is your first kiss it shouldn’t be something forced!” she states and eunwoo nods at her statement.
“i know i know… i just… want to get my first kiss over you know? but i also want to do it with someone that i care about. i mean i just want to know what it’s like okay! i’m curious thats all.” he admits and its quiet between the two of them for awhile. the air began to feel a bit stuffy as if there were words being unspoken. it wasn’t until y/n spoke up that the silence was finally broken.
“do you really want your first kiss that bad?” she quietly asks, staring at her feet beneath her. eunwoo looks up at the question, almost not hearing her. before he can even answer - y/n takes in a deep breath before looking up to meet his eyes “kiss me then!”
eunwoo feels his heart stop at her words. his face felt as if he was burning. y/n’s face filled with embarrassment and she covered her face with her hands “or don’t! just act as if i didn’t say anything!”
“huh?” was all eunwoo could muster up. his brain stopping as he basically malfunctions.
“you said you wanted your first kiss really badly and wanted to do it with someone you cared about and i care about you and you care about me and we’re both friends and its just a kiss and-”
“okay. i’ll kiss you.”
y/n peeks through her fingers and tries to see if he was lying. slowly removing her hands from her face. she gulps and nods nervously. “okay then. but we’re just doing this as friends okay!” eunwoo nods in agreement - his heart picking up his pace. was this what it felt like to genuinely like someone?
y/n closes her eyes and eunwoo couldn’t help but be in awe at the way the sunset looked from behind her. it formed her outline perfectly and he couldn’t help but feel his hands start to sweat. no one ever making him feel this way before. he also closes his eyes and leans in from the swing that he sat on.
the kiss was short and chaste. but it still made eunwoo’s heart feel as if it would burst at that moment. was this the feeling he was looking for? was this what it felt like to be in love? he always knew that he cared for y/n, but never realized that it was the different type of care that he had for her than from the rest of his friends.
once the two of them pulled away, they both opened their eyes simultaneously. eunwoo froze from where he sat, unable to look away from her. all he knew was that this was a moment that would never leave his mind as the days go by.
y/n covers her face once again, turning to look away from him. she stands up quickly and turns back towards him with an embarrassed look on her face “if you tell anyone about this you’re dead!” she threatens running off. all eunwoo could do was nod dumbly as he tried to calm his racing heart.
it was then that he realized that he’s probably always felt this way for y/n. since the very first day that they met, he always wanted her to smile at him. the feeling that he gets when the two of them together is a feeling reserved only for her. he never thought about it before nor did he ever realized - but was this the feeling of love?
eunwoo couldn’t have asked for a more memorable first kiss.
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moments of love masterlist
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cchellacat · 6 years
Working On It
Love All The Marvel Ships Challenge 
Day 5 ~ Kissing
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Exactly no one in the Tower was surprised at how well Darcy and Bucky Barnes bonded once he and Steve moved back to New York.
Darcy’s bubbly personality coupled with her insatiable drive to fix people had her stalking the former Winter Soldier within hours of him stepping foot in the Tower.  She was dogged in her determination to welcome him.
Under her constant assault of charm, light flirting and encouragement to join the larger group for dinner and movie nights, Bucky slowly came out of his shell.
The first time she kissed him was in the heat of the moment.  She’d been running form Sam after he discovered she’d replaced all his coffee with de-caff.  She’d burst into the gym, breathless and giggling wildly when she came across her new friend.
“Hide me, quick, or Sam is gonna string me up.”
Bucky had flicked his eyes towards the vault box and lifted the top, revealing the cavity within.
Darcy wasted no time in running over and trying to climb in, but being short had its disadvantages.  Before she could complain Bucky had lifted her up, princess style before lowering her in with a wink and replacing the top.
A few minutes later Sam had come huffing into the gym.
“Barnes, you seen Lewis?”
“Not since yesterday, why?  You need her for something?”
“Yeah, something.” Sam muttered angrily before leaving.
Darcy held back the cackle that was threatening to burst.  The top lifted and Darcy spring up like a jack-in-the-box, flinging her arms around his neck in a victory hug.
“My hero!”
He pulled her out and placed her down again but before he let go of her she placed a smacking kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks, big guy, gotta go…  don’t forget, Saturday at 7, dinner and a movie.”
She was gone before he could do more than lift a hand to where she had pressed her lips.
Bucky stares in consternation at the door, wondering what the hell just happened.
Steve’s not stupid, he’s seen the change in his friend ever since Miss Darcy Lewis had steamrollered into their lives.  The girl is hell on wheels and doesn’t seem to take no for an answer.
There had been the Welcome Back cupcakes with silver frosting and red star sprinkles, Steve had nearly choked when she’d thrust the plate into Bucky’s hands, fully expecting him to react badly, but instead he had frowned at the girls hand, a tiny crinkle appearing in the corner of his eyes as he took in the silver pained nails, her middle finger’s adorned with a bright red star on each.  Steve wasn’t sure what it was that Bucky found funny about it, but he had.
Then there had been the Harry Potter movie marathon she’d insisted they sit through.  She’d provided pop corn and chips and beer and had proceeded to talk the whole way through, her feet propped up in Bucky’s lap like they belonged there as she explained everything she felt was culturally relevant.  She ignored Steve’s attempts to indicate that she was invading Bucky’s space and, when about an hour into the first movie Bucky had grabbed her ankles to keep her still he’d thought the worst.   Instead Bucky had just pulled her closer until her calves were over his lap and he’d slung an arm round her to support her back.  Darcy had just snuggled right in and continued her ramble while Steve gaped from the armchair.
It had taken a few months for it to sink in with Steve that Darcy treated Bucky the same was she did everyone, with irreverent respect, tongue in cheek humour and tactile affection.  She was a hugger, she cooked for people, she always had a way of cheering everyone up, even on the worst days.  Other than Pepper, Darcy was the only one allowed into Tony’s lab without a security override.  Bruce positively beamed as she chattered to him over breakfast tea and even Natasha let the girl drag her off shopping or to the spa.  He’d thought at first that the art supplies that kept showing up in his apartment were from Tony or Natasha, but no, Darcy Lewis had somehow figured out his favourite brands and needs and provided them without expectation of thanks.
Bucky seemed to get the full experience though, she brought him shopping and encouraged him to buy things that made him feel good.  She brought a pile of books after Bucky had casually mentioned his love for science fiction.  And every Saturday night she made him dinner and played the big band music Bucky had loved back in the 40’s.
That’s what he walks in on, the music’s blaring loud enough that neither of them hears him come in and he stands still and watches the couple before him.  It’s like he’s suddenly back in those crowded dance halls in Brooklyn.  It’s like seeing a ghost he’s thought long dead.   Bucky is grinning at her as she laughs, spinning out on the floor and letting him swing her through the air with shrieks of delight.
He doesn’t stay, but backs out of the room slowly, feeling as though he’s seem something he shouldn’t have.  Before he can close the door, the music stops and the two clutch each other breathlessly, Darcy leaning into him, Bucky’s hands on her waist.  He watched as his friend presses his lips into her hair-line bestowing a kiss, and thanks her for the dance.  The radiant smile she returns to Bucky hits Steve like lightening.
As Steve walks away he ponders exactly what it is he’s feeling, but honestly it’s a jumble of emotions that all lead back to one fact.   Where Steve had failed to find his old friend inside the damaged shell of the winter soldier, Darcy Lewis had succeeded.  She’d brought him back, slowly but surely.  Instead of the jealousy and resentment he knows is itching in the back of his brain he focuses on the gratitude instead.  He can see where it’s headed, this thing between them and he resolves then that he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they get their chance at happiness.  Bucky deserves nothing less from his friend.  Steve will protect Darcy Lewis till the day he dies because he knows, if something happens to her, Bucky will retreat and allow the soldier back.
The first time he does more than press a kiss into her hair, it’s not because anything monumental happens.  It’s a day like any other, Darcy has handed out packets to all the Avengers with the briefings for the press conference later that day and she is rushing around the common kitchen making sure everyone has had breakfast as she tops up her coffee and fixes one for Bucky since he’s only just come in.  When she brings him the coffee and places it on the table in front of him he turns his head and gives her cheek a quick peck in silent thanks, she squeezes his shoulder briefly before leaving, calling out to remind everyone they’re due in the lobby at four.
Darcy keeps her smile fixed firmly in place until she reaches the elevator and the door close and then she allows herself a moment to freak out a little.  He’d just kissed her, right in front of everyone and yeah, okay, he’s been pressing tiny kisses into her hair for a month now when they danced or snuggled on the couch and she hadn’t taken it as anything other than brotherly, but that…. That was… well it was something else entirely.  It had felt like a sleepy morning hello, the sort of kiss you gave your other half after months of living together, like a part of your daily routine that needed no explanation, but they were just friends, right?  Except friends didn’t have lunch every day and spend evenings watching Netflix together while cuddling on the couch….  Christ on a cracker, has she been dating him and never even noticed?  Did he think they were dating?  Were they?
Christmas was only a week away and the Tower was hung with holly and mistletoe, trees were festooned with ribbons and tinsel and Darcy was about ready to cry with the preparations for the Christmas Eve ball.   All she wanted was to go home and sleep for a week.  Instead she was stuck counting chairs, ordering the place cards for the dinner and finding a seating arrangement that wouldn’t lead to a political nightmare.
She was just about to leave the common room and head to her apartment when a voice stopped her.
“Darcy, I’ve been looking for you, Doll.”
“Hey Bucky, what’s up?”
She was standing in the hall just outside the kitchen when he caught up with her.
Before he said a word, he looked above her and raised an eye brow.   She tilted her head and smirked.  There was a bunch of mistletoe hanging right over where she stood.
They both unconsciously moved a little closer.
Unbidden, her thoughts all went right there.  He was so close she could smell him, the intoxicating scent sandalwood and gun oil making her dizzy.  Although they spent a frequent amount of time together and he had kissed her cheek a few weeks ago, she still hadn’t managed to figure out a way to make a move on him.  Now, overhead was the perfect way to settle the question once and for all.
“Huh, I guess I’m just gonna be stuck here till someone kisses me.”   Her teeth catch her lower lip and she looks up at him with big blue eyes, willing the universe to please, just please listen to her just this once.
Bucky thinks if he doesn’t make a move now, they’ll still be where they are this time next year.
“Could be a while, everyone’s out right now.”  He drawls mischievously.  
“Yes, they are.”  The smile on her face widens as he draws closer.   He’s got this look in his eyes, like he thinks she might back out, but that is so far from the truth as to be laughable.
Darcy hooks her fingers through his belt loops and tugs him even closer, till there’s hardly a space between them at all.  He mirrors her earlier expression, that bottom lip of his held down by his teeth like he’s stopping himself form saying something particularly filthy and a thrill runs up her spine
Slender fingers walk a path up his chest, and he catches her waist in one hand, their bodies now pressed together hip to chest and Darcy feels the hitch in her breath at the warmth of him.  His other hand runs through her hair, tugging the locks back from her face before his thumb traces a line down her neck.
There’s a moment in that silence between them, before they kiss that feels like the universe paused for just a second and it makes her head swim.
Pressing up on her toes, her belly fills with butterflies.  His eyes darken and the hand on her moves smoothly around till it’s splayed against her back, keeping her steady.
At first, it’s just a light brush of lips, both of them figuring out how this will work.  It grows stronger and deepens, heat rushes through her blood as she hooks her arms round his neck and sinks her fingers into his hair.
The little moan he makes draws a smile to her lips and he traces the seam of her mouth with his tongue, begging entrance.  Now it’s her that moans, as he teases into her mouth, all hot and wet and tasting like coffee and cherries.  Nothing could have prepared her for the sudden zing of fire rushing through her core, the insistent need that ached for far more than a simple kiss.  He felt it too she knew, if the way he intensified the assault on her mouth was anything to go by.  Then she was drowning in him, sparks dancing over her skin where he touched her, his hands seeming to be everywhere at once.  For those blessed minutes the only thing that existed for her was him, the firmness of his chest, the soft sweetness of his lips and the strength of his arms holding her up.  Lightheaded they finally broke away from each other, surety and excitement in every short breath.
“Do I need to hang mistletoe everywhere to get you to kiss me like that again?”  She asks him with a grin.
The soft smile he gave her turned to full blown laughter and he picks her up, spinning her around as she yelps in surprise.
“Don’t need nothing except you, Doll.”
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swellwriting · 6 years
Scars and Secrets
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of sex but no smut just a soft lil snogging sesh, oh and some bad words like fuck and dickhead :) that is all
Request: Not a request
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: It’s a weird plot but like, soft nervous Remus makes up for it. Also this bitch is long as fuck oops.
Sirius was being abnormally annoying, droning on and on and Remus and James had had enough they distracted Sirius telling him to look at something down the hall and Remus whispered the password puling James into the Prefect bathroom with him. They laughed as the door shut and they swear they heard Sirius yell. ”Guys?” In a confused manor.
They expected the bathroom to be empty, it was just after classes had ended, what they didn’t expect was to see you fresh out of the shower in just a large towel. Remus felt his cheeks heat up, his laughing coming to a halt.
“Y/N.” James said awkwardly as you sat at the edge of the tube rubbing lotion into your freshly washed skin, one leg lifted but you were turned to the side so you weren’t flashing the boys.
“Hi. You guys can use the bathroom if you need, you don’t have to just stand there.”
“Oh no, we were just hiding from Sirius. To bug him, he can’t get in here.” James rambled.
“Mhm, and you can Potter?” You questioned knowing Remus was a prefect but James wasn’t.
“Well I have been in here before, I’m on the Quidditch team.” You teasingly raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m well aware you are on the team but this bathroom is for captains only and prefects and sadly you are neither. But then again it’s not unlike the two of you to break the rules.”
“Oi mates? Are you in this bloody bathroom?” Sirius yelled from the other side of the door.
“Oh I should go with Sirius.” Remus said looking for a way out but when he opened the door Sirius barged in about to say something to his friends but stopping when he saw you.
You stood up and turned away from them grabbing a piece of clothing to put on.
“Oh we can go if your changing.” James stammered out and Remus just stood there silent wondering if he should look away, just the sight of your bare shoulders driving him mad.
“No its okay, I’ve mastered the art of getting dressed in a towel, not even the girls on the Quidditch team have seen me naked.”
“No one’s seen you naked? Like ever?” Sirius gawked.
“Well, no. I know it’s hard to believe with the stupid rumors, I know you probably have heard and believe them.”
Rumors had been going around the school that you were sleeping with Lucius for money, which was not true at all. Remus was growing more and more uncomfortable and Sirius took note.
“Ah rumors suck, James here knows all about rumors there’s been one for ages about him being in love with Lily! Ridiculous I know, anyway’s I should go.” He said pulling Remus out of the room leaving you there with just James.
“Honestly I did at first, Remus never believed it though, not for a second.” James said after a moment of silence. You were now fully dressed and you dropped your towel making James blink a few times, you were good at that.
You blushed at the thought of Remus not even believing the rumors about you for a second.
“As a matter of fact he pointed out all the plot holes to every Gryffindor in the common room.”
“He is sweet.”
“Anyways any reason why Lucius has it out for you.”
You gulped, this was the first time any one had asked your side of the story, your sadness so pent up you just had to let the truth out.
“Over the summer I dated this boy, I didn’t know he was friends with Lucius. He uh, well he was a shitty boyfriend so I ended things with him and Lucius has it out for me now, he goes to Ilvermorny though so at least I don’t have to deal with him. Just fucking Malfoy and his big mouth.” You paused hanging your towel up to dry and then continued sitting back down on a dry edge.
“Funny how you try so hard to hide yourself from everyone and rumors like this can even be spread, I haven’t even been seen in my bathing suit, how do people believe I’m this… this whore.”
“People like rumors. Speaking of, why haven’t you been swimming yet this year, Rem- I mean we miss you, you’re fun to have around.”
“I uh, I’m kind of insecure, this year more than others.” You frowned as your tears filled your eyes but didn’t dare spill.
“Why this year, I mean I’m not trying to speak out of my place but you look fine.” He gestured to your body.
“It’s not that I just, fuck if everyone knew the truth no one would believe a word out of Malfoys vile mouth.”
“Well tell me, maybe I can help.” He sat down beside you.
“My ex, was super nice for like the first week, but after that he got angry at me, he would yell at me and blame me for everything and by the third week he started taking it out on me, he would hit me and push me into things, I have scars all along my back from being pushed into furniture and broken glass. I just can’t bring myself to let people see them, they are so ugly.”
He was lost for words and could only try to joke.
“Remus has scars...” his voice trailed of thinking about his friend who was head over heels in love with you.
“That’s different, they look good on him. I like the one that goes across his nose, it’s cute.” You said the last part more quietly but James heard it and remembered every word to tell Remus.
“I’m sure the ones on your back are fine, but we could use them to our advantage.”
“Yeah how would we do that.”
“Well Lucius clearly doesn’t know what you look like naked , no one does, but he’s been bragging for days about your body and stuff so if I question him in front of everybody and he chokes not being able to answer my question about you having scars then everybody will see him falter and not believe him. And you don’t even have to be there or anything.” James blurted out.
“I don’t want people to know I have scars.” You trailed off.
“But it’s the only way I can think of to make people believe you. Unless you want us to just prank him, that’s more our specialty.
“I know.” You laughed lightly but tried to explain yourself further. “It’s just, nobody has ever shown any interest in me before and nobody will now after the rumors or the knowledge of my scars I just-” James cut you off.
“No I know how you feel; you think Remus likes his scars? I have to have talks like this with him all the time, he thinks himself unlovable because of them.” James admitted telling you secrets about Remus to try to make you feel better, without telling you too much.
You laughed. “That’s ridiculous, Remus is smart and sweet and cute.”
“And people will think that about you too don’t worry, it will be fine.” James assured you and you just nodded your head.
“Okay Potter, I’m trusting you with this.” You said sighing in defeat but hoping for the best.
“Okay, well how many are there?” James asked referring to your scars.
“What?” You said loudly standing up. “I don’t want to show you them.”
“You don’t know how many there are?” He asked trying not to push you too far.
“No, I can’t see my own back potter.” You defended.
“Okay okay, if I can’t see them will you let Remus? He is the least judgmental person when it comes to that kind of thing.” He asked but you just stayed silent a blush adorning your cheeks.
You didn’t speak for a minute and then James caught on a bit.
“You fancy him don’t you?” He asked you softly and sweetly.
You looked up to meet his eyes and smiled weakly. “Maybe a bit. And I don’t want to ruin my chances with him by having him see the part of my body I hate most.”
“Your back is your most hated part.” He said quietly, usually people would hate facial features or stomachs or such.
“As a matter of fact yes potter, all my other parts are fine.” You loudly defended misunderstanding him.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that I just, well I can see the rest of you is fine, I mean all of you, Remus thinks so… I know that, you know what I’ll just shut up.” He mumbled near the end fumbling over his words.
You giggled a bit but finally agreed, really things were terrible they could only get better now. “Okay. Let’s get this over with.” You agreed and James jumped up. “Well Wait, I should go to Remus first, uh so he knows the whole story before we have him stick his hand up your shirt, not like in that way. Just meet me in my dorm in like ten minutes.” He ran out the door and then grabbed it before it closed.
“You can bring Lily if you want, for moral support of course.” He smiled as he joked.
“Oh fuck of Potter.” You laughed and he disappeared so you made your way to your dorm to change out of the pajamas you had put on after your shower thinking you were spending your evening in bed alone.
“You said What?” Remus asked James loudly after hearing the whole story.
“I was saying that our plan relies on the number of scars there are and you’re the only one she is gonna let see them. Oh and You’re welcome.”
“What am I supposed to thank you? I could barely stand seeing her bare shoulders earlier I choked and had to have Sirius drag me out of the room and you want me to not only touch her bare back but have to count whilst I do it? I’m a complete idiot around her and you know it!”
“Well you have ten minutes until she here.”
“Ten minutes!”
“Actually more like two since I took all that time to explain the story and our plan.”
The color drained from Remus’ face, he instantly regretted ever confiding in his friends about his feelings for you, he wished they had listened to the part where he never planned to act on them.
“I shouldn’t have told you anything.” Remus protested angrily
“No, Moony don’t say that! She likes you too, she even said she likes the scar across your nose, she thinks it’s cute.” He paused as he watched Remus absentmindedly bring his hand to feel the scar across his face, one of the ones he hated most. “She didn’t say that?”
“She did and she called you sweet and nice and cute and smart too!”
“Yeah Rem, I don’t see a downside to this, just keep your composure so you can help the girl out, if you like her so much you will want to help her kill these rumors off.” Sirius added on trying to encourage his friend that he has watched fuss over you for as long as he can remember.
Before Remus could even agree or try to leave there was a knock on the door all the boys turned to each other and stared until peter spoke up. “Well are you dickheads gonna leave the girl waiting?”
“Okay I’ll let her in and me and Peter and Sirius will say we have to go collect other info or something.”
“Got it” Sirius and Peter said in unison and Remus stood there quietly.
Someone finally opened the door and you smiled awkwardly until James welcomed you in. “Hello.” You said awkwardly and the boys all said hello back except Remus who looked like he had seen a ghost.
“Okay so I explained everything to these gits here.” James started.
“I’m not gonna help if you call me a git.” Peter argued.
“You called us all dickheads a couple seconds ago.” Sirius argued back.
“Well is he wrong though?” You shrugged and smiled cheekily.
“If we were dickheads we wouldn’t be helping you.” Sirius said pointing at you and raising his eyebrows like he had made the most intelligent deduction. “Speaking of, Me, Sirius and Peter best be off to get the rest of the needed info on Malfoy.” And with that the three boys left the room.
You turned to Remus who still stood there awkwardly. “We don’t uh, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” You said getting his attention.
“Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?” He joked and sat beside you on his bed as you fiddled with your fingers.
“I uh guess so yeah. This can’t be that weird for you, I mean it’s weird but I assume you have touched a girls back before.” You laughed awkwardly.
“Can’t say I have no.” He coughed clearing his throat as his cheeks heated up in embarrassment.
“Oh I just, assumed. I haven’t done anything like that either so I’m really not one to talk. Not to mention no one has seen or touched my back since the summer.” The conversation was awkward and Remus’ heart fluttered hearing that you were just as unexperienced as him, not that this was anything sexual just he hoped that this would lead to more in the future if not just friendship.
“Okay, uh turn around.” He said his voice getting caught in his throat as you turned your back to him and sat cross legged pulling your hair out of the way.
You took a deep breath.” Okay Lupin, I trust you.” You whispered and his heart swelled.
Remus used one hand to lift up the back of your shirt reveling three scars going different directions. He coughed “There is um three. I think.”
“You think? You can um touch them, and make sure you remember exactly where they are.” You encouraged him and he took a deep breath bringing his hand to your back.
“Okay there’s this one that’s in between your shoulder blades, it’s really faint.” He traced it lightly his hand brushing over the back of your lace bra and his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest.
“And this one goes parallel with your spine.” He traced it down, it was a lot deeper and he felt bad for you, knowing some stupid guy did this to you.
“And this one, it starts here.” He started tracing from directly underneath your left shoulder blade. “And it goes across to your ribs here.” He stopped almost wishing there were more to trace but not wishing you to have to endure anything more than you have. He dropped your shirt and you turned around your face hot and you were embarrassed by how much you enjoyed that, maybe just because it was Remus doing it.
“Thanks” You said bashfully and then James came in.
“Okay we are gonna confront him right now, you can wait here y/n and don’t worry we are going to make him look like a fool.” Remus explained to James the scars and their locations and insisted he stay in here with you and wait.
James and Sirius and Peter stopped Lucius in the hallway, just enough people around to witness and Sirius took the lead.
“So I heard about you and that Y/n girl.” Sirius said as casually as he could.
“Yeah, Black. You heard correctly. I thought you guys were friendly with her?” He questioned remembering seeing them together at some point.
“Not as much as you.” Peter chimed in but James glared at him.
“What he means, is not so much this year. We can understand why now; you have been keeping her busy.” Sirius faked a laugh as he spoke, wanting to punch himself in the face for his own words.
“Yeah, I’ve kept her quite occupied.” He smirked people stopping to hear the gossip.
“She’s pretty hot yeah?” James asked and Lucius nodded raising an eyebrow.
“You probably memorized every inch of her haven’t you? You could probably tell us every detail about her, like every freckle or tattoo or mark.” James quipped.
“Yeah you probably know her back like the front of your hand.” Peter added in ruining the saying.
“I don’t think that’s how you say that, but yeah I would say so.” He bragged.
“Well tell us.” Sirius demanded and every eye in the hallway was on them.
Lucius’ eyes widened. “Why should I?”
“Well you haven’t kept anything else a secret why this?” James asked curiously.
“Oh of course she is uh, flawless that one, I mean smooth skin, a few freckles maybe.”
“That’s it?” James asked.
“Positive’ He replied.
“Well, if you actually have been paying her for sex-”
“I don’t pay her for sex, she does it for money because she is a filthy whore.” He spat growing angry.
“As I was saying, if you had really known her body so well you would know she has exactly three scars on her back, put there by your friend over the summer, the one she dumped which is the whole reason you created this stupid rumor about her.” James yelled and Lucius backed up.
“You have no proof.” He barked like a scared dog with its tail between his legs.
“What? Almost like you have no proof in these rumors you started? Pathetic Malfoy, only you would create a rumor in which you still had to pay a girl to fuck you.” The small crowd cheered and laughed at the insult making Lucius speed walk down the hallway. One of the people near the back of the crowd was Lily who smiled watching the Potter boy do something so selfless, she took note of it as she walked away, maybe he was changing.
Whilst all this happened so perfectly you and Remus sat unaware in his bed, once James left the room your turned to Remus facing him. You sheepishly looked over his face “My turn?” You asked and his face fell, you really had no idea how many there really were. “You want to see my back?” He asked confused.
“No I just.” You closed the space between the two of you moving your hand to his face tracing over the one across his nose, your face so close to his he could feel your breath, it smelt like strawberries which he determined must have been from your pink chapstick that he desperately wanted to taste.
“I hate the ones on my face.” He admitted as you traced them, you placed your other hand on his shoulder.
“Really? This one is my favorite.” You smiled.
“Yeah, James told me.” He blurted out before he could stop himself and you took your hand away looking at him.
“He did? What else did he tell you?” You asked mildly annoyed with James.
“Oh nothing that’s it.”
“I find that hard to believe. If Potter spilled one thing, he probably spilled all of it.”
“He may have mentioned that uh, that you might fancy me.” Remus whispered the last part timidly.
“Really? He said that? He said the same thing about you too.”
“What that I fancy Myself?” Remus joked and you laughed.
“Yeah exactly.” You agreed as you watched him look over your lips and lick his own.
“But based solely on the way you are licking your lips and staring at mine I would assume you fancy me too.”
“Oh really?” He smirked.
“And a few other things gave it away.” You teased and before you could continue he pressed his lips to yours roughly, the kiss felt like an eager question and he ran his tongue over your lips tasting your chapstick.
He wrapped his arms around you holding you close, you gasped lightly and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth deepening the kiss, you moaned lightly as he squeezed your sides but before anything more could happen the door swung open and James yelled.
“It worked!” The boys pilled in just to freeze at the sight of you and Remus breaking apart from kissing, Remus still holding you close.
“Worked better than we planned actually.” Sirius corrected but James was quick to object.
“No I totally planned that part too. I get credit for that.” He said excitedly seeing the both of you blush as you hid your face in Remus’ neck.
“Thanks James.” You mumbled and he came and sat directly beside you.
“Don’t thank me, actually do thank me by bringing Lily to Hogsmead this weekend. It can be like a double date.”
“What about us? We helped too.” Peter added in.
“I can get my own date.” Sirius bragged and Peter pouted
“Is that what you call helping mate, a few snarky remarks.” James asked still sitting uncomfortably close to you and Remus.
“I’m sure I can find someone for Peter too.” You laughed genuinely, your day went from utterly terrible to amazing in a matter of an hour and you couldn’t be happier.
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peachiejihoonie · 7 years
ha sungwoon - demigod!au; apollo
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he thinks hes cool but in reality hes a loser/dork 
is best friends with noh taehyun from the hermes cabin and they’re both loving playing pranks
like during capture the flag, they’re in charge of setting traps but they do more then just set simple traps
they always do stupid things like leave a trail of whoopee cushions in the river and it pissed off guanlin, the child of hephaestus, so much that he burned the ends of their shirts
they tried to prank the demeter cabin by mowing the roof but it would just grow back on its own??? and the two of them are extremely confused but they keep trying to mow it?? 
and thats when you come out you’re even more confused
“uhm, excuse me, what are you guys doing to our roof??” 
“we just thought the grass on your roof was getting long!” sungwoon laughed 
“so were mowing it!” taehyun finished 
“why? it’s just gonna grow back? its charmed?”
it doesn’t help that you’re a newer camper too so you’re just really really confused at this point 
and your head counselor, lee euiwoong comes out angrily 
“leave our roof alone! you always do something stupid to our home okay just go away our mom ended up charming it you idiots, we’re gonna end up planting velociraptors if you keep going up there”
and they’re snickering as they come down but you’re kinda just ???? like whats so funny ??? 
when you have that confused look on your face sungwoon frowns and hes about to speak but euiwoong got a head start 
“those two are the stupid pranksters of this camp. i mean all the hermes campers love to pull pranks but these two just get so into it. just ignore them” euiwoong rolls eyes and is about to push you in the cabin to finish the tour 
“god you demeter kids are soo booooring, laugh a little jeez” taehyun starts 
“but i don’t get it, whats funny??” your face is deadpan is too. 
euiwoong hold his laughter but taehyun can see him grinning and glares at him 
sungwoon kinda just sits their, a little distracted, cause you’re just kinda, sorta, really, jeongmal jeongmal jinjja daebak real heol wanjeon pretty. 
like flowers are literally blooming behind you and there’s a flower in your hair as tradition of all demeter new comers
“c’mon lets go sungwoon, euiwoongs being a meanie again” taehyun sticks his tongue out at him 
did i just start a euiwoong and taehyun ship??
and sungwoon is just looking behind him, watching you go back into the demeter cabin as hes getting dragged away mumbling an “uh oki” 
and hes just sorta mesmerized by your beauty like omg he’s such a day dreamer but obviously you would never ever notice him
oh but honey boi u do
you noticed him at the campfire one night and he has such a sweet voice when he sings, like it was so soothing that you almost fell asleep on euiwoong’s shoulder 
he saw you with your eyes closed and he almost had a heart attack, was he making you fall asleep??? was his voice that boring?? 
the next time he sees you, you and the entire demeter cabin were harvesting the strawberries 
he watches you patiently wait for the strawberries to grow as you use your chlorokinesis
“if you can control the plants, why are you going so slow??” he asked bluntly, squatting next to you 
“because its healthier for the plant, if i rush, i might rip out roots, especially since i’m harvesting” you mindlessly input, not bothering to look at who it was 
you picked out one of the berries and offered one to him and that’s when you guys meet eyes and you realize who it is
your heart is banging against your cracking ribs
hes slightly flustered because your noses are just about to touch 
both of you red face step back and you just go back to your strawberries
he notices how awkwardly balled up you are now, hugging your knees as you raise the strawberry stems 
“w-why are you here again? here to attempt so pull a prank? steal strawberries and give them away? even though that’s our intent??”
awe u smol bean gettin all nervous 
“no i came to visit you” he smirks, his cocky apollo side is showing and you’re blushing all over again 
but euiwoong had already prewarned you, telling you to stay away from the aphrodite and apollo boys as they are just a bunch cocky fuck boys that love playing with people’s feelings
and euiwoong was definite that sungwoon was not an exception 
“that’s sweet of you,” you just blandly respond, hiding your true colors
he’s scrunching his nose, highly unamused by your mild tone 
“stop being so boring” he huffed and got up and trotted off in his puff of arrogance 
and you just shrug it off 
but he comes back because honestly he’s such a little pup and he really wants your attention
so you’re carrying a huge basket of strawberries to the big house while the rest of your siblings go off to the mess hall to fed everyone else
and as your walking, sungwoon walks by your side, taking strawberries from your basket 
“stop,” you tug the basket away from him, pouting “these are for mr.d and chiron” 
and you were so cute he didn’t even bother to argue and just nodded
and hes reaching for the basket and you pull away, looking at him with disbelief
“i literally just tol-” 
“calm down, i’m helping you carrying the basket idiot” he snatched the basket from you
and your red again, stomach fluttering with butterflies and fingers fidgeting 
but when you get to big house he leaves the basket on the porch and steals a berry 
you’re about to scowl him but hes already off running with the biggest grin on his face and a berry between his lips 
when he turns around you can’t help but touch your warm cheeks as a small smile spreads across your face
and as he biting the strawberry his flushed cheeks are redder than the fruit itself
he starts to wonder if your lips are that sweet probably are tbh 
the next encounter is at the stables as you’re cleaning the pegai as punishment 
you may or may not have been on the big house porch and accidentally wondered how big a bean stalk was and grew one through the roof
you notice that there’s only one golden white one which, its pretty, but yea just one?? why is he so special ?
and guess who’s about to go a pegasus ride??? sungwoon!!
and he sees you and slyly walks over to you, leaning against the low wall that surrounded the pegasus, 
“i see that you’re cleaning my pegasus, solace.” he smirks “that’s too kind of you” 
you just rolled your eyes explaining your situation which led to him bursting into laughter, making fun of you 
“you’ve been here for how long??? and you still can’t control your powers?” he snorted 
hes lucky your’re patient
instead of continuing his teasing, he starts climbing the pegasus and offers a hand
you, with your hair stuck on your face, dirt smeared on cheeks and a dirty brush in your hand, is confused all over again 
why is he so c o nfu s ing  ???
“c’mon, lets go on a ride” 
“i’m kinda not allowed to, ya know cause i’m in trouble” 
“you’re doing it again, you’re being a boring demeter kid.” 
you didn’t have time to fight back since he threw the brush out of your hand and pulls you onto the pegasus 
“hang on!” he’s joyfully laughs as you slightly squeal and you guys fly out
in the sky, there is a brief calm silence, eyes closed, wind tangled within your hair 
and you finally sigh and ask him 
“why are you doing this?” 
hes avoiding your glance as he mumbles into his reins 
“i dunno,,,,,” 
he’s not used to liking someone, feelings feel kinda foreign to him 
he’s used just checking girls out, think they’re fine af and that’d be it
you made him feel soft and chummy in the inside, and he just wasn’t to used to it, almost afraid of it
and you just sigh and your grip around his stomach tightens and your cheeks rest against his back 
“thats fine, i’ll just wait” 
blushies on both ends!!!!! 
and you he settles the pegasus back at the stables and (lucky you!!!) you don’t get caught 
and he just awkwardly stutters away, but of course not without giving you a small smile 
god he’s such a sleaze, but hes so cute?? can i really betray euiwoong’s warning 
and so you guys resume your daily lives once again, occasionally speaking to each 
whenever you passed him when he was with taehyun, you could see the boy nudging sungwoon while snicker and giggling 
omg and taehyun would the obnoxious ‘heeEELLlllLLOOOOO y.n!!!!!” 
but one day, one of your demeter sister tells you about how she really likes sungwoon
“like he’s so sweet, he helped me up the climbing wall when it was my first time and he eve-” 
and just keeps rambling and you’re forcing you smiles and lot of over excited “uh huhs”
and you kinda throw yourself into a black hole and get slightly insecure 
because she’s so perfect for him there’s no way he could possibly like me if he could have her or just anyone else, so many girls are willing to do so much for him anyways forget him omg sungwoon isn’t worth 
and so as you walk through camp now, you avoid his gaze, you don’t clean up the stables, you dont even bat an eyelash at the apollo cabin anymore 
of course he notices i mean the boy stares you 24/7
and he panics 
he thinks he did something wrong so he ends up asking taehyun to ask euiwoong what the heck is going on
and when euiwoong just utters the first syllable of his name, you just roll your eyes, admitting defeat and agreeing that sungwoon is bad news; he just has way to many girls on him
and euiwoong’s like goddamnit but he isn’t omg why can’t you listen to me now the boy likes you !!!!!!
but he obviously can’t say that now so instead he’s like 
“well maybe you can give him a chance??” 
“that doesn’t matter anymore, he’s too popular, and plus he needs someone who would be willing to go wild with him, someone who would hop fences, sneak out in the middle of the night, climb the highest trees, and steal strawberries with, not someone boring demeter kid” 
euiwoong: fuck
but at least the camp leader managed to get you to go to dinner !! in one piece !! in a kinda sloppily lw mess !!!
this continues for the rest of week
taehyun has had enough of panicked sungwoon and euiwoong is getting sick of depressed you
so the two of them decide to sit next to each other in hopes to lure their partners together
you arrive first and you’re good at blocking out your feelings so you just keep it casual, greeting euiwoong and taehyun 
someone how it didn’t correlate with you that taehyun = sungwoon 
so when sungwoon sat down it got awkward
the tension was tHIcK
you cleared your throat, feeling uncomfortable you got up and excused yourself 
taehyun nudge sungwoon and he hurriedly runs after you 
you’re speed walking towards the cabin but sungwoon easily catches up to you 
“wait wait y.n please wait” 
so take a deep breathe and turn towards him 
“yes, whats up” 
“did i do something wrong, you’re avoiding me” 
“i’m not avoiding you, and you did nothing wrong” 
“okay, then talk to me” 
“i’m just trying to get over you because i know someone else is better for you okay?” 
you both can’t believe that you just confessed, now you really can’t look him in the eyes
and you’re about to escape into your cabin but he’s already engulfed you in his arms 
“why would you ever think that??” 
he sighing into the back of your shoulders. 
and you’re sighing too, feeling his warmth surround you
“you knew i liked you, so why would you bother?” he asked 
and now you’re red, he liked you ???? 
and he laughed and flicks you on the forehead 
“don’t ever doubt yourself again, i like you, and it doesn’t matter if someone else likes me or they’re a supposed “better fit” for me okay?” 
i’m not crying ur crying
now you guys do everything together
he takes you on pegasus rides, helps your harvest eats all the strawberries 
he still plays pranks on you every once in a while but they’d be really cute 
her once charmed your blanket into a garden and your freaked out cause you were like omg wheres my bed 
even euiwoong was in on it was cracking up him and taehyun are exchanging high fives
he’s been exposed to world of pranks
it turned out to be some 3d blanket the hermes and hephaestus cabin was working on 
well they wanted real life fire but sungwoon modified it to become a garden cause fire kinda scares you
he figured out the coding to add roses and would change it that when he was just feelin some lovin 
and when you get hurt he’s immediately there, since he has vitakinesis 
you’ve definitely became a little bit of a daredevil now that you’ve been dating him
he snuck you out after curfew once and you guys climbed up a tree to watch the stars and just talked 
you giggled when he told you how he’s super cautious when he walks around camp now, afraid of stepping on the flowers 
“you know, its like having a pet pig and eating pork” 
“so i’m your pet pig now?” 
and it’s past 12 and hes tired and tired sungwoon means clingy sungwoon 
he doesn’t let you go when you guys make it to the demeter cabin
you end up having to drag him into the cabin, praying that no one was awake 
and you guys snuggle under the sheets, legs tangled and noses bumping
he hums a simple song into the back of your neck which helps you fall asleep
and when euiwoong finds you both in your bed all cuddled up the next morning, he sighs
yall lucky he’s the one doing cabin inspection today
sungwoon is literally the sun to your flower
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elizaslegacy · 8 years
Prince of Crimson Tides (Chapter 3)
Summary: You’re a Spanish princess whose ship was raided by pirates. You come to find that the Captain of the pirate ship is none other than Captain Miranda - otherwise known as the Prince of Crimson Tides.
Pairing(s): Lin x reader (give me suggestions for other pairings!!)
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, 
Tags: @lookaroundlookaroundhowlucky @haletotheking24
5 days.
120 hours.
7,200 minutes.
432,000 seconds.
That’s how long you had been on this damned ship. 
You grew more and more hopeless with every moment you spent there. Everything that happened made you want to dive headfirst off of the ship. You probably would have, if Lin let you out of his sight for more than a few seconds. 
After that first dinner, you had started to befriend some of the crew members. Lin had noticed, and in his never-ending quest to make you miserable, had begun to take you wherever he went. 
You were faced with constant taunts; a rumor that you and Lin were fucking had spread like wildfire. Everywhere you went, pirates jested and hollered at you. You wanted to gag at the thought of sharing such an intimate moment with the arrogant, insufferable Miranda. 
Despite the gossip, Lin hadn’t once slept in his own bed since your arrival. You went to bed alone; you woke up in the middle of the night alone. You rose from your slumber, that’s right, alone. 
Sometimes you briefly wondered if the man ever slept, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care enough to ask. All you knew was that you were grateful to be spared from sharing a bed with him.
However, Lin wanted to spend every waking minute of daylight with you. Your neck was heavily bruised from the constant yanking on your collar, beckoning you this way or that. You escorted him through his daily chores, but the worst part was when you had to simply sit and watch him as he wrote in his study. And this guy could write. You had no idea what the Captain was scribbling into his countless journals; he sat hunched over his desk, flyaways straying from his tight ponytail, for hours on end. You could only sit there and look at his back, occasionally making conversation.
You were now sat on the floor of Lin’s study; he was perched at his desk, scrawling line after line with furious speed. You let your head fall back against the wooden wall with a gentle sigh. “Will you ever let me be somewhat free?” you inquired in a low tone. “I mean, we’re in the middle of the ocean. Seeing as I’m unable to go anywhere, I’d like to actually do something.”
Lin hummed in acknowledgement, his rapid scribbling not pausing. His eyes didn’t move at all from his work. One would think that the Captain wasn’t paying attention, but you knew he was vigilant. If your five days spent involuntarily glued to Lin’s side had taught you anything, it was that the man was always, always listening.
Knowing this, you let out another sigh - this one louder and more dramatic. “I feel as thought my soul is wasting away with every moment I spend here. What’s the use in me just sitting here, doing nothing?” you inquired honestly.
Lin finally spoke up, his gaze trained downwards on his papers at all times. “What would you rather be doing, then?” You searched the man’s tone for his usual teasing, but you came up empty. He sounded genuinely interested in what you had to say.
“Well, if I was home, I’d be studying or learning to be a good wife,” you voiced. Lin’s eyebrow arched curiously at the latter of the two. “Y’know, cooking, cleaning, sewing - all that stuff.”
“That sounds fucking horrible.”
You jumped a bit at how flat and candid the Captain’s tone was. “Uh...yeah, it was,” you confessed. “I mean, I love to learn about mathematics and science and history, but the motherly stuff was...” Your voice trailed off as you figured Lin got the point.
“I do suppose there are some things you could be doing instead of just sitting there,” Lin mused, his writing pausing as he turned to face you.
An incredulous snort escaped you. “You suppose?” you repeated in a sarcastic tone. “Wow, how did you ever figure that one out? You truly are a genius.” Your voice was flat as you raised an eyebrow.
Miranda cleared his throat before responding. “Unfortunately for you, princesa, I am the captor and you are the captured. So I get to do what I want with you. I’m sorry to say, but you’re at my disposal.”
“You’re not sorry.”
“You’re right, I’m not.”
A disgusting smirk spread over the Captain’s lips as he glanced down at where you were situated on the floor. “I was just being socially gracious. You know? Polite? Lie to your face with a smile on my lips?” He chuckled darkly. “You should know all about that, princesa. Tell me, how many people have you lied to just to save your own ass? Even better, how many people has your father lied to? I’d bet you’re one of them.”
You felt anger bubble up in your chest. How dare this scoundrel bring up the King of Spain’s name in such a casual and disrespectful manner? “My father has nothing to do with this,” you hissed out through gritted teeth. “Leave him out of it. We’re talking about my freedom here, not my father or the monarchy!”
A bitter laugh erupted from Lin’s mouth; the man narrowed his eyes at you. “I want you to think long and hard about what you just said,” he growled. “Repeat that in your pretty little head until you realize how fucking stupid that just sounded. You have no concept of the real world.”
With that, Lin spun around and began to write again. Your mouth hung open in surprise at his outburst, but you remained silent. There was no use in bothering him, not again. You elected to close your mouth and simply lean against the wall quietly. Your fingers fumbled with your thin cotton tunic; the sound of a quill scrawling against rough paper bounced off of the walls.
What the hell was Lin talking about?
What had the monarchy, much less your father, done to him?
You shook the questions out of your head and returned to watching the man write. Now that you got the chance to look over him a little closer without getting caught or ridiculed, you realized that he was actually pretty attractive. His smooth black hair was like silk, shining in its tight ponytail. His eyebrows furrowed in his focused state; his tongue poked out ever so slightly in thought. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looked...cute. You did know better, though. You knew this man was a deadly predator who took lives in the hundreds. He was not cute. He was a ruthless savage.
There was a sudden shout from the hall. “Captain, rogue ship approaching!”
Lin’s head snapped up, his senses even more heightened than normal when he heard the news. “Another ship?” he called out in response. His voice sounded strained. 
“Yes. We should be passing in about five minutes or less, sir!”
A string of curses erupted from the man’s mouth. “We’re that fucking close and they don’t tell me until now?” he spat angrily. “Fucking imbeciles.”
You flinched slightly at Lin’s cold string of insults. The Captain stood up and began to fasten his overcoat; he shot a glance back at you. “Stay here. I’ll send someone to watch you.”
You scowled. “I don’t need someone to watch me! I’m not a child, you-”
You sighed, standing up and strolling around the study. You briefly peeked on Lin’s desk, sifting through his notes, but finding nothing of significance. It was all just wind directions, wave patterns, food rations, inventory, and storm logs. Bored, you set down the piles of papers. 
The door swung open, and in strode a bubbly Anthony. He had a goofy smile on. You paused for a minute, your eyes narrowing slightly. Hold on, you thought. I’ve seen him before. I know that face. You carefully studied the man’s jubilant features, but came up empty. Huh. Maybe he just looked similar to someone you knew. Anthony did, after all, look very Spanish with his thick, curly hair and olive skin.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” he greeted loudly. “What’s up? Lin sent me in here to watch you. He probably sent me in here because I’m pretty incapable of defending myself, too. I don’t even carry a weapon because Lin says I’ll kill myself by accident. Speaking of Lin, you know I’ve never seen his study or room? He’s never allowed me in! How wild is that? I-”
“Oh my god, please shut up,” you groaned, cutting Anthony off mid sentence. “I’m sorry, but you just said so many things in, like, 5 seconds.” 
Despite your rude comment, he continued smiling at you. “Oh, I’m sorry! I have a bad habit of rambling. At least that’s what everyone tells me. ‘Ever since you learned English you haven’t been able to shut up!’ is what Pippa says. Hah. Pippa is so funny.”
You stared at Anthony with wide eyes as you attempted to process everything he said. He continued to talk wildly for a good ten minutes, gesticulating dramatically with every word.
Eventually, when you got bored with the incessant and one-sided talking, you stood up and began to walk towards the door. God, that kid can talk, you thought. You reached for the doorknob -  the prospect of fresh air, a trip to the restroom, and a minute of silence on your mind - when Anthony slid in between you and the exit.
“Woah, woah, woah,” the man cautioned. “Where do you think you’re going?” He raised an eyebrow at you; you tried to push past him, but he didn’t budge.
You took a step back. “Getting some air and using the bathroom. Do you have a problem?” you inquired in a harsh tone. 
Anthony shook his head and laughed nervously. “Um, I don’t think so,” he informed you. “I was sent here to watch you, remember? Part of Lin’s specific orders was to make sure you did NOT leave.”
You cursed under your breath. “I have to use the bathroom!” you whined, stamping your foot for effect. 
He shrugged, not about to let you go.
That was, until he saw the slightly ajar door to Lin’s room. 
You saw Anthony’s eyes wander behind you; they fixated on that open door. “Hold on...” you interjected, an idea forming in your mind. “Didn’t you say you had never been in Lin’s quarters before?” You picked up on the obvious curiosity in his bright hazel eyes and decided to take advantage of it.
“Yeah,” he shrugged, trying to pretend like he wasn’t interested. 
You raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Let’s go check it out. Don’t worry, I’ll come with you.”
Anthony’s childlike nature got the best of him and he barreled ahead into the bedroom. You took the opportunity to exit the study hastily and run onto the deck.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” a strained voice hissed at you. You turned and were faced with a very angry Jasmine and a slightly uneasy Leslie. The poor man. You didn’t think he had enough rage in his heart to ever get outwardly mad at anyone.
You shrugged indifferently. “Going to the restroom, if you must know.”
Jasmine grabbed you and attempted to hide you. “Are you crazy?” she spat. “We told you that we’re passing a rogue ship, if they see-”
“It’s the princess! Princess (Y/N) of Catalonia! They have her!”
Jasmine winced as she finished her sentence. “-you...”
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