#honestly why aren't they all more unhinged is what i'm asking
verved · 10 months
I was gonna wait to share my full thoughts on Iguazu until I finish ng++ but so far I just... empathize w him??? I really don't see why people hate him or think his anger is irrational, especially after getting through ng+. I mean yeah, you're a mercenary, he's a corporate pawn, and you both know that in your line of work you can't take things personally and the concept of honor is absolute stupidity.
Still, how do you not have beef with someone who turns on you mid mission, kicks your shit in, wrecks your ac, and the utter loss results in your commander and one friend insulting you after the fact? especially if your life is already as shit as his is.
and then later on when he comes across you by chance and wants a rematch, you can do him so dirty there too. he tells you to stop fighting and fend off the other enemies so you can get back to beating the shit out of each other but you literally can just. ignore that. and attack him while he's doing his best to fend off the others. that's so rude.
like yeah no point in playing nice when you're a merc and he should know that. but he isn't there by choice. he didn't go into this line of work willfully so I can't blame him for not having the same emotional detachment some other characters do. Most others see it all as just business, or have personal motives that drive them to keep going. But Iguazu? He's just some guy who made bad life choices and now he's sent to die on the front lines every day to pay off a debt.
Not to mention that Volta just fucking died too and I'm sure he's processing the death of his singular friend real well.
Tbh he has every right to be a little unhinged.
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unfortunatebrainfarts · 6 months
After working with your friendly neighborhood intergalactic space cowboy for quite some time, you've managed to become pretty damn good at understanding the gist of what he means to say
Boothill x reader
A/n: OK SO, first fanfic in like 6 years and it's for an intergalactic space cowboy
Tbh I have no idea why I wrote this, my ipad apps are constantly monitored by the teacher and I really have nothing better to do than go on my notes app and pretend I'm writing notes
Well ain't you just a sweetheart? = Well you're just a little bitchboy aren'tcha?
God love him = He was fuckin' underdeveloped as a fetus wasn't he (Something along the lines of 'he's dumb as shit')
"Hm. Seems about right."
To others, your furrowed brows, tense posture, and concentrated gaze at just one singular page of your notebook may make it seem as if whatever was on that page was something life changing. And honestly, they might as well have been right since you were one step closer to understanding what the hell Boothill was spitting out more than half the time.
You recall the first time you were assigned a mission with him — "BLESS YOUR HEART YOU WONDERFUL PERSON," cue you snapping your head towards the gruff voice seeing the cowboy in all his glory easily decimating the dozens of grunts in his vicinity with a toothy grin no less, which you note are very, very sharp.
His long, flowy hair caught your attention. How was it so white and clean even with all the fights you know gets into? Does it ever get yanked? What shampoo does he use?
"Now I don' mind some ooglin', but wouldn't ya say we should keep our eyes on our enemies darlin'?"
His voice snaps you out of your trance and you come to to a shovel nearing your head. You instinctively cover your face with your hands anticipating the pain, the pain which never came since when you put them down, you see that Boohill had already left a bullet in his head.
"Spacin' out at a space cowboy? Ain't that rich."
Ignoring the fact that he saved you from having to get facial reconstruction surgery, the reason you almost got a face full of shovel in the first place was because of the ridiculous curse on his synesthesia beacon.
That's why you've been devoted to trying to decode the albeit hilarious, rather inconvenient in a battle things he says. You've tried asking Boothill to write them down, but his handwriting could have him assigned as a doctor in no time so you gave up on that idea quite quickly.
"Whatcha starin' at so intently darlin'?
Your train of thought was abruptly interrupted by the man of the hour mindlessly snatching your notebook right out of your hands. "Aren't you supposed to stop thieves, not act like one," you ask half heartedly. It was nothing less of what you'd expect from Boothill of all people — no, cyborgs??
"Heh, this ain't thievery 's sharin'! Er, what's that one sayin' again... share to care, care to share, sharin' to carin'? Eh whatever ya get what I mean don'tcha sugar?" He retorted, you roll your eyes mentally as he put his focus back onto the notebook. To be honest you were surprised he could even read considering his handwriting was that bad.
As Boothill read each and every one of your 'translations', his grin only grew wider and wider showing the spiky teeth you don't know how are natural but have grown accustomed to seeing. Just then, a burst of unhinged laughter randomly filled the entire lounge room you were sitting in. The weird glances and whispering were already starting but Boothill didn't care, he was Boothill.
Not wanting to be associated with the man at that very moment, you stand up to leave him comically rolling on the floor. However, you couldn't even do that because the moment you stood up, Boothill snatched your leg and dragged it so that you would fall back down. This time, onto the floor with him. "Well ain't you something sweetcheeks, ya got me alll figured out huh?"
It's been two months. Ever since Boothill realized that you had actually tried to figure out the true meaning behind his words — and actually got them relatively right — he's been using you to spew out insults overtime. Honestly it was like you had become a pokemon, you could just picture it in your head.
Either way, it wasn't that bad since though you might be imagining things, it feels as if you've grown ever so slightly closer to the eccentric space cowboy.
You continue to observe boothill and add more and more onto your list of translations, but apparently you fail to notice that he no longer uses any casual pet names like 'darling' or 'sweetcheeks' anymore. At least, not for anyone but you.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Glad to have you open again! To celebrate, we love us some Professor Hob with student Dream, and we love us some mafia au, so why not combine the two?
Morpheus Endless is fully aware of what the family business is, and that at some point in the future he will likely be asked if he wants to find his own niche in it—and he probably will. For now though he doesn’t really care about all that so long as he’s able to use his family’s resources to get what he wants (he’s rather spoiled and rarely been told “no”).
The latest thing he wants is his college history professor Hob Gadling. He’s handsome, charming, and kind, and Morpheus spends most of his classes fantasizing about taking him out on dates to fancy restaurants and kissing him under the stars (or bringing him back home and laying him out on Morpheus’ expensive silk sheets, depending on whether he’s feeling more horny or romantic that day). He generously waits for his guards to stalk him gather information on him and perform a background check, but otherwise he doesn’t pine in silence very long before approaching Professor Gadling to ask him on a date.
Hob is by now accustomed to the occasional crush from his students, and has been propositioned by some a handful of times. Admittedly this is the first student to expressly ask him out (as opposed to just requesting an opportunity for “extra credit”), and he’s honestly a little flattered. But he decided early on that he wouldn’t be the kind of teacher who becomes involved with his students, so he does his best to turn Morpheus down as gently and kindly as he can.
In response, a tearful Morpheus goes directly to his chief bodyguard, the Corinthian, and demands he fix the situation.
That is how Hob, after being threatened persuaded to reconsider, finds himself sitting across from Morpheus (who has a pretty good idea how Hob was persuaded, but doesn’t care so long as it means he’s here) at dinner at one of the finest restaurants in town. He had no idea that his student, a kid who looked like a stiff breeze could blow him away, was mobbed up. However he does have a bit of experience with this type of spoiled, and he’s pretty sure that if he just plays along a little and bides his time, Morpheus will discover some new shiny plaything to distract him and leave him alone again.
(Little does Hob know that it only takes a handful of dates for Morpheus to become even more besotted, and his fantasies are quickly evolving into turning Hob into his perfect little mafia wife…)
Thank you so much friendo, this is a great prompt to get back in with!
I'm imagining how that conversation with the Corinthian went down for Hob. Did he show up at Hob’s office hours?
Cori: It's about Morpheus. He's infatuated with you and wants you to join him on a date.
Hob: ah, I know. But nothing appropriate happened, I promise I turned him down-
Cori: that is precisely the problem *reveals knife in jacket pocket*
...anyway, for the sake of his physical wellbeing, Hob shows up to dinner with Morpheus. In a way, the whole situation is quite funny for Hob (a grown, mature adult). This spoiled little brat thinks he can buy anything and anyone apparently, but one day he'll surely learn that money and power aren't everything. Hob is smiling into his wine glass, somewhat amused by the little mafia prince's attempts at seduction.
But Morpheus is unhinged, as well as spoiled, and his attention doesn't wander away from Hob. Weeks and months of dates pass by, with Hob refusing to do more than kiss his cheek after dinner. Morpheus is growing impatient. Hob is his boyfriend, they should be doing more than making small talk and barely touching! And so, Hob gets a second visit from the Corinthian.
And now Hob’s feeling kind of worried. Because Morpheus seems to be genuinely obsessed with him, and Cori has made it clear that Hob needs to start behaving like a doting lover, or there will be consequences. Involving the knife.
So, he is sucked in deeper to Morpheus’s life. There are more dates; these ones more intimate than before as they take place in Morpheus’s large private apartment. They're alone together at last, and then it's a little easier for Hob to pretend that it's all normal and okay. Kissing Morpheus feels good. Accepting gifts from him feels easy. Being touched by him... Well, at least nobody else will ever have to know. And Morpheus is quite a little sweetheart, really. Maybe because he has the Corinthian to do all the dirty work for him...
It'll be the Corinthian who finally "persuades" Hob to give up his job and be the "support" that Morpheus needs as he takes his place in the family business. Hob has a responsibility to keep Morpheus happy at home now. Isn't that more important? Because Hob does love Morpheus. He just wishes sometimes that they could have a normal life together.
And standing in the purple satin evening gown that Morpheus requested, draped all over in diamonds and rubies, smiling dutifully at the other members of the family, Hob can't help but wonder if Morpheus will keep him forever. Because at this point, Hob’s not sure what he'd do without him...
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I would dye for you
so this was inspired by a mix of an ask on @cloudninetonine's account and a couple of details from something I did in totk, but there aren't any story spoilers there's just a screenshot at the bottom.
This is a little fluff side story for something else I'm writing, where Wild and the reader get tossed into reader's world and split from the rest of the yandere chain. I might flesh this out into more of an au but as of now but honestly, this idea just lives rent-free in my brain
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"so you’re sure, like completely sure this is what you want"
"I want to try something new, besides it's not like I'll get the chance to have you do this for me again anytime soon, is it? And you’re the one who suggested I should change things up so I don’t get recognised, why not do it like this? "
Wild lifted their arms with the giddiest smile on their face, a box of temporary dye held like the most precious treasure they could've found. Deep cobalt blue, awfully reminiscent of someone’s scarf, just enough to cover all of his hair to hopefully stop the instant recognition of him on the streets wherever the both of you go. 
After the initial shock of them falling through the portal with you back into the real world, if you could even call Hyrule fictional after everything you went through there; after their shock and excitement died down to a reasonable-ish level. The both of you decided perhaps something should be done so people don’t instantly recognise him as Link - the protagonist of Breath of the Wild, new clothes helped, but thankfully the modern world has a few more options for disguises. 
"When I suggested dying your hair, it’s not like I expected you to get a colour that bold, wait - where did you even get that from?"
"I bought it when you were looking at the other dyes, it’s such a fun colour not like anything I could get easily at home. You - you’re not bothered are you?"
With that last sentence wild seemingly decided to try his luck with you, looking up like a kicked puppy begging for reassurance that what he did was okay, that he won’t be in trouble for his actions. Begging you to comfort him, to do anything to get them to smile; all the while knowing they've got you wrapped around their finger. you're all his, no other heroes to steal your attention off of him, to steal away your smile, to steal your sweet voice from your lips, no he's got you all to himself…
as they believe they deserve.
You can't even see the countless red flags burying him in a crimson hue, too focused on helping him adjust to this alien world or if the thought ever crosses your mind that he's too happy about being trapped so far from home it's quickly dismissed.
they're a link, noble, courageous; chosen by Hylia herself. you've got to be imagining things. He couldn't can’t be like that.
it's hard not to cave at his face, so you simply end up ruffling his hair and plucking the box from eager hands.
"no don't worry I'm not, it's your hair so you get the final say on anything about it. just kinda surprised you chose this colour is all. ready then?"
Wild's mood instantly brightened at those few words, with a relieved manic, unhinged smile bright enough to blind anyone not used to him but keeping the same begging eyes through it.
"yeah! Of course I am, you're going to be doing it all for me right? right?"
"Well, you know how to use the shower, so you can wash the dye off yourself, no? But I’ll be helping you with the rest of it all."
He doesn’t even speak that time, opting to pout and turn away from you sulkily, like you’ve said the wrong thing, chosen the wrong option.
"Do you want me to even wash your hair for you after?"
"...please [name]?"
If you didn’t assume it was because you were the only thing they had familiar to them in this world, you could say that Wild has gotten far more whiny and needy towards you. Of course that can still be said, but there’s a sane reason behind it. 
With a playful sigh, you push Wild down onto a chair, gesturing for them to take off their shirt which they do after a moment of hesitation, their face coated by a blazingly hot blush. After tossing an old towel around their shoulders and tugging on the cheap plastic gloves you could finally start getting to work. Using the bottle of dye’s nozzle to pipe it through their roots making sure every area is coated before running the dye through with your fingers coaxing it through every inch of his hair, drowning the sun by submerging it in the deep blue of the sea. 
Wild for his part was relishing every moment in the bliss of your touch, leaning up into your touch like it’ll cure his every hurt, really it’s a miracle they’re still on the chair and haven’t fallen off with how far they’re leaning into you. Having to gently nudge him back to sitting upright, so that the dye’s even and so that he doesn’t slump to the floor. 
Before he gets the chance to really enjoy the feeling of your fingers in his hair, you're already backing off and peeling away the gloves to admire your work blatantly ignoring his pitiful whine towards your actions.
"That’s the dye in then, so you’ve just gotta wait for a while till it's ready to wash out, won't take long, only half an hour"
they don't even have the dignity to respond to that, sitting there with a sulky pout that goes unnoticed. it takes them a moment for him to shake off the fact that you couldn't just sit there like that for half an hour, before responding.
"So you’re definitely washing my hair for me then?"
"Pfft, yeah someone’s gotta make sure you don’t trash my bathroom with dye. I’ll rinse it off for you in the sink."
"Can you play with my hair longer this time..?"
He would’ve never had the courage to ask that in front of the chain, lest the arguing starts up again. Although now he’d be far more willing to risk that; due to the fact that the two of you’ve been living separately from the chain together for a couple of months now, it’d be far harder to split you apart to the others’ dismay.
The processing went far faster than either of you could’ve expected and soon enough it was time to wash his hair out and see if the dye took to it well, not that there was much of a chance it couldn’t given his natural colour. 
So after leading them to the bathroom and setting them on a chair shifted so they could lean over the sink, you took to work, gently tipping water through their hair to get out all the residue. When the heavy was washed out you switched to massaging his roots till the water ran clear, not a single dash of dye left in sight. Even then you weren’t quite finished deciding to go the extra step, with the conditioner in hand and him melting underneath you.
Shaking him back awake was a new experience though seeing as he’s usually one of the first to wake anyway, then if he were ever to nap it wouldn’t be due to you washing his hair or anyone washing their hair. 
"Hey, link all the dye's washed out now. You've just gotta dry your hair."
"Mh, alright then [name]. I’ll do it."
He’s still drowsier than you’d ever really seen him when you all were travelling through Hyrule but chucking a towel at his head seemed to snap him out of it. Ruffling his hair with the old towel till it was dry enough for him, in other words still dripping wet; he leaned against you with a pleased smile like you hung the very stars in the sky just for him."I love this, it just feels right, thank you so much for helping me like this [name]... And I can count on you doing it whenever I need a top up right?"
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so uh, I definitely reacted totally normal when I found out you could dye Link's hair in totk. but on the other hand look at Link with blue hair and tell me I'm wrong - that he doesn't look incredible
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lu-lus-dicks · 7 months
Hi, here's about me and some questions you might have!
Updated: april 26th 2024
Important!! Please don't use real money to do things for me in any capacity. It makes me uneasy, uncomfortable and puts a lot of pressure on me. Thank you for your understanding <3 also Important: I can not and will not take anything seriously, if you want to say something serious to me, send me a DM, I'm more likely to respond seriously there
Who are you?
@ nunalastor's emotional support white boy™
People just call me lulu on here. I'm 20 and go by any pronouns. AFAB (and cis). my gender is whatever makes you gay. somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Also CEO of forcing people to get some fucking sleep!
important note: I respond in the horniest ways to @ nunalastorscursedkitten, but they have explicitly stated they don't want sexual stuff directed towards them without their consent. I have confirmed that they are okay with me responding in a horny way and you should make sure before doing it too
tags (will not sort these out at all):
who is safe here?
lulu is delulu - my posts
babygirl anon fest - asks specifically from babygirl
revoke lulu's art license - my art stuff
nunwhiskers - the ship of nunalastor x huskers-bar
lulu is feral - reblogs where I am feral
lulus nun reblogs - I just tend to reblog everything of nunalastors so it's a tag now
lulu reblogs - art/theories/incorrect quotes ect
lulu convos - me interracting with peeps here
lulu crooks - going into detail about things i shouldn't be going into detail of. (maybe infodumping)
cursed polycule - me and the 100+ husbands/wives interracting (xxx-angie list in their pinned)
lulu asks - me answering asks
this is a nunalastor simp blog - anytime I openly bark for nunalastor
lulu lore - me accidentally dropping irl lulu lore
lulu fun facts - exactly what it says
lulu polls - polls
lulu is a boomer - me not knowing basic pop culture things cuz I live under a rock
lulu loves nunalastorscursedkitten / and paincaat too / lulu loves paincaat / and nunalastorscursedkitten too - my interractions with @ paincaat / @ nunalastorscursedkitten
lulu loves getting called slurs - me getting called the f-word
lulu infodumps - infodumps about stuff that might not always be hazbin hotel
fools being sexy - @ the-aprilfools-bitch tag
everyone except minors. I don't judge. This is a safe space regardless of race, gender, sexuality or anything else. Be as cringe/not cringe as you want
What is this blog?
Used to be a hazbin blog, now turned to me simping for daddy nunalastor and interracting with the cursed polycule
What can I ask or share with you?
Literally anything you want to share, no limits. I respond to everything, even hate so if I haven't responded I'm either asleep or the message didn't appear in my inbox.
One thing I don't respond to is chain sends cuz I can't be bothered with that shit. Anything else is a yes
What's with the bad English?
English is my second language. I pride myself on being able to read it fluently, but I might have problems with talking in a way that flows naturally to native speakers. So sorry bout that
What time are you active?
Honestly, all over the place. Don't look too much into it, but I'm from the country of Georgia if that helps
Can I use your ideas?
Absolutely! You don't even need to ask. I won't say this is a necessity, but If you decide to use them, I'd love it if you'd tag me. I love seeing all kinds of things people make and I'd love to see yours too!
Why are you so unhinged and sexual? Aren't you ace?
Asexuals aren't all sex-repulssed and can enjoy it too. I am uncomfy with the act of sex but I love joking and shitting about it. Me saying something is hot/sexy/makes my dick hard is just me saying "I love this and i think it's cool" when that isn't enough to express my love. (I think I'm being funny)
Is the art on nunalastor's blog you sometimes repost yours?
Yes, the art posted on their asks by mylz-flick is by me. It's my primary blog and i don't use it for anything so all my asks are submitted through there
Why don't you post as often anymore?
Because all my posts go straight to nunalastor's blog. Go check them out, it's great
By nunalastor s request:
Who hurt you?
Nunalastor did when they rizzed up my mom
What's with the worms? That's disgusting
Well, nunalastor made this post and it turned me on a little ngl
What is the cursed polycule?
Well, I spontaneously decided that my go to funny (not funny) joke would be to start asking everyone who agreed with me or had similar tastes to kiss me. Long story short, now I'm a whore™ with 100+ husbands that I can't keep track of and that's the cursed polycule
Why do you keep calling nunalastor daddy?
Many reasons. First, Nunalastor saying they would fuck my mom in the DMs when I told them about her. So naturally, if my mom and nunalastor got married they would be the dad hence, daddy. Also, nunalastor is unapologetically my favourite blog on here and the title "daddy" is reserved for them. Also their word is law to me and they deserve the respectful title
The way you interract with minors is disgusting
I have minors please don't interract in my bio for a reason. I expect a decent human being to see that and kindly leave my blog. I don't check who I'm responding to most of the time so I probably didn't even notice it was a minor. I'm just trying to be fun.
If you are a minor and I responded/reblogged your art or post with some batshit crazy shenanigans like I do with everyone, send me a DM and I'll delete it. I'd rather it be in the DMs instead of out in public because out here I have people acting like they hate me and I don't want to accidentally take something that's meant to be a serious request to stop like a joke.
What's with that one pregnant anon stuff at nunalastors blog?
Listen, I don't care what shit people send me, but if you even dare harm, harass or just in general be an asshole to the ones I consider nice people, I will not take that lightly.
To everyone: if you get haters, tag me so I can draw them pregnant.
Is the cursed polycule an actual relationship or just a joke?
It's just a joke between us.
Can I join the polycule?
Daddy has revoked my marriage license so you'll have to consult with the other members. I take what daddy demands very seriously
You can however, talk to the other members of the polycule and join. We could also have a platonic relationship going on in the polycule if you want
What is up with you and pronouns?
Sorry, in my native language there are no gendered pronouns. We just have a singular he/she/they for everyone. I use he/him for me (despite being a woman) because it's what rolls off the tongue easier for me. For everyone else I use they/them because you can never go wrong with neutral.
Are you actually attracted to nunalastor?
Why do you keep mentioning nunalastor calling you the f-word?
No. It's me and paincaat my beloved. They say gay shit to me and I find that hot
Because I genuinely /gen /srs loved it. This isn't a joke. It made me overstimmed and honestly was a little overwhelmed with giddiness. keep in mind though, that while I enjoy getting called the slur, I will not be calling anyone that because that makes me uncomfy.
why haven't you responded to my reblog/comment/ask?
I generally respond to everyone I can. but either it was
lost in my notifs
was posted by a minor and I don't want to attract minors here
If it was on a reblog of something, I assumed it was meant for op
I just couldn't think of anything to respond with (which is rare)
feel free to let me know if it was either 1 or 3 but I won't respond to minors
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obitobi-simp · 2 months
Jonin obito Au but obito is still a freak
Imagen obito manages to free himself from madara by going inbetween that chidori and being there earlyer he get's coma but he lives
Memory ussus and a lot of CPTSD he's fine anyone woud think he's normal now but he isn't
He's legaly still dead cuz no one ABSOLUTLY NO ONE wants to deal with the absurd amount if paiper work so he legaly is still dead and he abuses the heck out of it and will bring it up every opertunaty he gets
Ppl don't notice he's a freak untill he starts open his mouth and say some wierd fucked up shit like as if he's talking about the waether
Obito: Yaeh the uchiha massacer was wild i got there in time to watch that shit go dowen i was so glad to always have popcorn in kamui
Sasuke : so you didn't nothing while this happned
Obito: sasuke pls i'd never and I didn't do nothing i sat there and watched it while eating popcorn and thinking ' damm didn't know bodys coud move like that'
Obito : many reson ig ? I mean legaly speaking i actuly am dead alrady Oh also i can phase through things and can't realy kill what can't be hit yk
He has nughtmares about " an ugly stinky old witch very ugly and stinky"
Whoever thought giving him 3 genin kids to look after is just as mentaly deranged as obito but dw kakashi us there too cuz legaly it's his team and oh damage controll cuz obito get's urges to be an unhinged problem if he doesn't take his meds and therapy( his therapists need therapists and or are scared of this sweetie with 42 underling mental issus cuz ge's tottaly normal most of the time exept when he isn't)
He's very sweet happy and still a stalker but he has a heart of gold an wierd 10 tailed mini dog thing with 1 eye and a spiral thingy that showes up from time to time obito doesn't know what these things are or where they are from but since they pass the vibe cheack they can stay
Wierd shit happnes to him atlest once a week
Imagen this obito meets the other obitos somehow the convo they have in my head
They all magicly aper on the battlefiel of the 4th shinobi war
White haired (unhinged completly lost it and gave up on sainaty) obito : uhh abt that So who wants to tell him ? 🙂
Tobi: ughh-
(Any obito): not only that (casuly lists all massacers and acts of terrorisem he comitted and or was involved in) 😐
Jonin obito : yaeh sounds like somthing i woud do in theses situations🤔 what why are you all I all ? staring
War arc obito : i fucking hate you go kill yourself or somthing 😠
Jonin obito : Hey what the heck did i do ? ALSO I'M YOU LIKE WTF ?!
White haired obito that got more sane after the war: well we coud just blame everything on trauma but thanx to you fucking asshole we now gotta face the realaty with the fact we are just inhersntly insane with or without being manipulated into it thank
Tobi : wow they hate you more then me
Jonin obito jumping on his AU kakashi shoulders : AGAAAAAA THE UGLY WITCH FROM MY NIGHTMEARS
The obito thst actuly was in the muddelvifxthe war he started (maby canon obito idk) : yaeh i have a question. My wuestion no 1 is why is other mes hair white ?
Anyone tbh but in my head it's either naruto or kakashi: THAT'S THE QUESTION YOU CHOSE TO ASK IN THIS SITUATION ? There are a lot of things that need answers and you chose to ask /focus on about your fucking haircolour ?! And not like why there are multiple diffret versions of you (and maby kakashi idk kamui shenanigans ig?)
Obito : hey that's a resonoble question cuz last time i cheacked my hair is black
Jonin obito : if it helps i'm legaly speaking still dead
Any obito : that's on you honestly i'm suprised at the shit i got away with
kakashi : TFYM?
Any obito: wait so you actuly never noticed me sitting 3 meters behind you in a bush?
Another obito: or in your Apartment?
Anther obito : oh funny story i'm pretty shure he tottaly saw me that 1 time baised on eye contact but he prob thought i was a hallucination idk (was feeling bored and daering that day/night)
another kakashi apering and smaking one of the white haired obitos in the head with porn: WHAT THE HELL OBITO I LEFT YOU ALONE FOR 5 MIN ?!
That obito : i got bored okay
That obito : in my defense your instructions weren't very clear and i was bored and i don't like boering why'the heck you think i started a war ? I was bored and wanted shit to finnaly happen
kakashi: DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL consequences?
Obito: . In all honesty you want to know a secret ?most of the shit i do is for keeping me intertained of cuz being " normal " is boering and i don't like boreing i only do the shit i know i get away with anyways it's no big deal but to answer you question it's C O N S E N T
Kks: WRONG that's how you spell consent but i'll let it slid cuz that's importaint too
Ob: realy ? I was messing up on purpose iym a genius
Kk: ...yaeh for that and not like idk inventing time travle but who cares clean that shit up and bring everyone of you back where you shoud be
Ob: i coud do that or Or hear me out i do it completly random and we are gonna watch what happened next ?
Kks: is this gonna affect or timeline in any way shape or form ?
Ob: no not all why ?
Kk okay fine 2 days then you have to make everything normal agin
Ob : only if you buy me dango
Kk: fine let's go get this done with
Litterly everyone completly baffled exepf obito
War arc obito : what ? I've seen wierder shit happen
obito ignores everything related to that trying to gaslight everyone that was just a filler episide
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g-on-ef · 1 year
Helluva Boss season 2 episode 4 Rant Review IDK but be prepared to hate me Stolas/Stoliz lovers
Okay guys I'm not gonna come down from the high of seeing my baby Striker so I might as well get this review out the way while it's still fresh on my mind ^^
Striker my gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous snake boy you've done me proud !!! Love how bad ass he looked with the Pancho it further feeds my head canon that Striker is Mexica {yall free to disagree but thats my personal head canon} !!!
The fighting scene guys I loved how smart and agile Striker is. The way he used the environment to his advantage as well as all parts of his body.
Feet, arms, tails, hell he was amazing with both the rope guns knife it showed Striker isn't just good with his body but also different types of weapons.
Hell rewatching the fight scene and imma be honest Striker has more experience with his body as well as weapons than millie and moxxie.
Again the way he used his body showed guns weren't the only weapon he had the environment the way striker used everything from Millies ax sticking on the ground to the railroad tracks showed how he uses his surroundings to work for him and the weapons showed this guy is a deadly fighter and not one to be messed with.
And once again, once again my boy is spitting facts !!! I said it once and I'll say it again my boy sees Hell for what it is and how he and his people are at the bottom of the barrel and he's not afraid to do what he sees is right if it means saving his people.
Argue with the wall yall fuckers aren't gonna change my mind about Striker and his actions.
Now onto his personality okay I know some people don't like the unhinged way he is but if I'm honest it was good granted I would've loved this to be seen as the show progressed but I guess I'll take this wit a grain of salt.
Okay I may anger some of my fellow striker lovers but I did not like his new voice honestly I'm still gonna use Norman's voice when I read fanfic cause I loved how Norman voiced my boy and that's the voice I'm sticking wit ^^
Speaking of voices yall I did not like Stella's brothers VA like that art style with that voice did not fit him, gonna be honest I was imagining something like Stolas not that.
Also side note did something happen wit Lunas VA i saw a post talking about it but exsit out Tumblr before I could like or reblog it.
I also hated how they reduced Stella into I don't even know what to call that mess cause you mean to tell me this woman is once again treated like a 1 dimensional wet piece of paper that can't think for herself and is just a spoil brat ??? !!!
Like Viv keeps adding these characters that are big and bad but are just become a joke towards the end.
Also that incest plot ... ... ... someone tell viv that this is not game of thrones/house of the dragons please.
I'm not touching that because if I tell yall that Stella might be a victim of incest abuse yall would have my head and viv and crew will not know how to handle something like that.
Like you mean to tell me not once Stella thought that she wouldn't get anything from her divorce unless Stolas had a say so ??? Like come on man.
Also Viv, you and your little crew can shove whatever bullshit down my throat to convince me Stolas is an innocent soft blue and I'll choke on it till I'm blue in the face.
Like someone remind her that her show is in Hell and no one cares if he cheats or not.
Like Stolas I knew you were dumb but damn I didn't know you were THAT DUMB.
You still cheated, you still betrayed an agreement you made, you are still an asshole for cheating.
I'll already made a post on Stella and the bullshit that is her marriage so again argue wit the wall.
Stolas, Stolas, you got shot by an assassin, he has a blessed rope, and he obviously has angelic weapons and you have the audacity to ask if your endangered ... ... ...
I have no words for the sheer amount of stupidity of that question -_-
Also why in the fuck did you call Blitz ??? Why not your guards why not someone who can save you before the threat kills you ??? !!!
The anger and annoyance I felt when he called for him knows no bounds especially when Blitz told him he had a very important appointment to get to and that fucker just had the nerve to try and convince him to still save him ???
Again why not call your royal body guards ??? !!! Like dude i know you're horny and want to live every fantasy that involves you and Blitz but the man has a life outside of you let him live it !!!
Also can we all agree that the sex jokes are getting old/boring like viv sex jokes do not make your show for a mature audience if anything it's for an immature one instead.
Case in point you trying to say the R slur but ended wit how you can't say it anymore after being called out on it
Funny yes but not funny haha funny you ass needs new material cause your jokes aren't funny.
I love absolutely love how Blitz rather be at the appointment for his daughter than save Stolas like him complaining about Stolas {rightfully so} and how he rather focus on making sure his daughter is comfortable and safe really warm my heart.
I find hilarious how viv tweets/likes shit like this
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And yet the only time she remembers that imps are at the bottom of the barrel or needs to remind the audience that the citizens of hell hate imps and they are horribly mistreated is when Striker is involved.
Like you mean to tell me Striker is a simple minded bigot and yet he's the only one that's called out how fucked up Hell is for imps AND episodes that surround him show how the royals and others view imps ??? !!!
Pick a side and stick to it.
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Said it once and I'll say it again Viv is not gonna make me hate my gorgeous snake boy.
Cause seeing him stabbing that bird seeing him torture him I was cheering him on !!! Like I was seriously smiling and praising him.
Like yes amor torture that bird make him pay !!!
Millie and Moxxie ... ... ... you had me and you lost me that's all I gotta say
The ending gonna be honest the ending made no sense.
Blitz your boyfriend had a blessed tip rifle pointed at the ditzzy blue blood had a blessed rope like OF COURSE HE CAN GET HURT !!!
Anywhore there's more but these were my main issues ^^
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reddeliciousauce · 6 months
✈ - an eye-opening memory
Your name is DAVE STRIDER, and you are SEVEN years old.
It's another day. Funnily enough, it's one of the few where you aren't constantly getting your ass handed to you in the Houston heat.
Dirk usually took these opportunities to scrounge up food for the house. That was always pretty cool of him. He seemed way better at being a self-sufficient coolguy than you. You suspect he shares his bounty with you to shove it in your face. Well, one day, YOU'LL be the cooler of the two.
As for you, you know what they say. Or rather, what you say solely to yourself for whatever reason: your room's your sanctuary. Basically all that you can take care of, you can do in your room, so there's not even a reason to come out half the time. Unless, of course, you're interested in testing your FRANKLY SHIT ability to not set off traps and get smothered with PLUSH ASS. You'll save that for when you have to piss, thank you very much.
Days like these are for feeding crows, making tunes, and updating your LATE GRANDPA'S WEBCOMIC.
Sweet Bro And Hella Jeff. Truly the greatest inheritance of your short life. The moment you turned six, your BRO shoved you in front of Dirk's computer and schooled you on your legacy of irony and post-surrealism. You enjoyed the movies and web series you were spoonfed by both of your bros growing up, so you were more than happy to take the metaphorical hammer of Thor—or in this case, CAR of DUNKASS—to carry on the single best series ever created.
You pored over the ancient texts, artifacted the shittiest of jpegs, smelted the dankest of panels. Basically, if your grandfather was GOD, you're JESUS FUNKING CHRIST.
You started posting pages a few months after your task was given. And so you've worked, for nearly two years now, at that.
It's something you're pretty proud of, all things considered. It's fun to have something to connect you with your departed g-pa. You wonder if he would be proud if he took a peek at it now. The internet sure has gone nuts over it, so you're basically a natural, right?
Rule one of Striderdom: don't get distracted.
You clearly forgot it. Headphones on, dappling your MSPaint canvas while jamming to some tunes. You basically left yourself wide open.
Doesn't stop you from startling when your door, which you thought you locked, is suddenly as gaping as the asscheeks of a certain jar freak.
You shove your headphones down to your shoulders, face-to-face with Lil' Cal, hanging off your Bro's shoulder. He's right next to you.
You nearly expect a call to arms, but your eyes flick to what he's got. Bunch of letters and packages.
Your mouth asks what all this shit's for. He says it's for you.
Oh. Oh, shit. For real? What the fuck?
Your excitement was too obvious. Lil' Cal's jaw unhinges, clacking about in a silent laugh. Euch.
And just like that, they're both gone. As quick as they came.
You fidget a bit with the mail on your desk. YOUR mail. You never got mail before... time to take a look.
Fanmail. SBaHJ fanmail? Yes, SBaHJ fanmail!
Fanart, little trinkets, even a Geromy plush that you don't hate all that much, honestly.
Letters suggesting new strips. Calls for another movie. Compliments on the new work!
Though no bounty is without its curses. Parts of this selection are obviously hate mail.
'New shit sucks. Just kill em off at this point.' Weird.
'Never reading this again! Hella Jeff's favorite color is obviously red, not purple. You clearly don't know what you're doing.' Wait, seriously?
'If the stairs come back I'm killing myself' Huh?!
'We should totally meet up! I'm eight years old too!' One year off! Kind of weird!
'Why haven't you made a statement for or agaibst the Alternian Empire like legitimately you disgust me.' Oh come on...
...wait, is that his address?
You stare at this blatant display of parasociality and, frankly, don't know how to feel. You don't think your lungs are working right.
The price of fame is steep indeed...
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morgana-ren · 9 months
Honestly, Lore Mom, I am curious about what sort of people Bhaal attracts. Like it seems his worshippers would be pretty limited to either his own spawn or the few people who become addicted to killing. Maybe it's different in a high fantasy setting but my understanding is most murderers don't kill for the fun of it, they do it to achieve an end (like Banites). I'm curious if Bhaal has an issue with maintaining followers. [Also sorry I can't write a short ask to save my life]
Well, people associated with death, for starters.
Assassins, common street killers, ritualized murderers, anybody who might benefit from a patron that encourages such behavior. His ultimate domain is slaughter, blood, and death, so people operating where that is their wheelhouse are far more likely to turn to Bhaal than any other lord. Especially in the situation that there isn't much else regarding an ulterior motive, and it's the pure, undiluted love of the slaughter that drives them.
The kill is the point.
Banites kill because they are chasing a goal. They do the things they do not as the ultimate point of their actions, but to meet those ultimate points. For Bhaalists, the murder is the point, if that makes sense.
You'll obviously get people who aren't 'right' in the head (like Dolor-- which means pain by the way lmao) but you'll also get more cold, calculated killers that have some kind of life that revolves around the cycle of death and ending life itself.
That's why it's referred more to as a cult than an actual religion. Bhaals cultists are tools to meet his ends. It doesn't really revolve around points and end goals like power or dominion or whatever else have you most of the time. It's slaughter. Don't get me wrong, obviously in BG3, there is very much an end goal (which... is the literal death of everyone in the world a la 'the world ending in blood') but again, the death is the point. Blood. Murder. Death. Slaughter. Rinse (or don't) and repeat. He is capable of forming plans, but those plans always revolve around death death death.
Bhaal's chosen is a bit unhinged. Uncontrolled, unhinged murder. Having to fight for control and her need to destroy kill destroy at every fucking turn. Sometimes, they're a bit smarter and more patient (like Sarevok) but again, they're just holding off temporarily to meet their ultimate end, which still revolves death and blood and sacrifice.
The thing about Bhaal is that there are always going to be people who turn to him. People who want to kill for one reason or another. People whose lives revolve around death and blood. People who are just angry and hateful and want to see the world suffer. Weak people hoping for favor from the strong and willing to kill to do it (people too weak to serve a God like Bane of their own initiative or skill.) Every time one dies, a new one is born somewhere, and will inevitably make their way there, same as every other evil God.
I'm sure that his follower count wanes and waxes depending on the times. During more troubled epochs, it might inspire more violence and a sort of comfort in a God who has dominion over violent death. During more peaceful times, you'll get rabblerousers who are always looking to upset the balance.
Truthfully, it really just depends. I'm sure it reaches lows and highs depending, but since you cannot kill an idea, and Bhaal has a form of control over an idea (blood and death) you would have trouble killing it off entirely, and even if you managed, it would create a power vacuum and something else would step in to fill that role-- much like Bhaal himself did.
He is technically a quasi-deity as of right now, same as the others. Thanks to some crazy bullshit that happened, they are all not technically Gods in the same way that they once were, though they are damn sure trying to crawl their way back into it. Still, as you can see, that isn't exactly stopping them.
Bhaal will keep acting like an edgy shithead, and there are always edgy shitheads attracted to that. Not to talk shit on him, I love the idea of him, but he is absolutely the edgiest shithead of the edgy shithead three.
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birlwrites · 1 year
🎢, 🍦,💖,🤗,😬, 💔, 🤲?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
oh, definitely career goals: tyrant - it's unhinged from chapter 1 and only gets more so
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
i was torn so i picked 2 afslghjksdf - the first one is sun and shadow, aka the pjo au, and the second is the point of creation, which is a check please fic with lardo/ransom in which lardo is a composer and ransom is a poet and they make art for each other and it's very soft
��� What made you start writing?
hmm i don't think there was ever a set Moment - i've always been coming up with stories, and i'm p sure my parents have some picture books/graphic novels/comics/idk what to call them drawn by yours truly at age <5. i started actually like, typing stories in a word processor in about 4th grade because my best friend was writing a story and i wanted to copy her
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
3 things: first of all, try not to jump straight into posting your stuff somewhere like ao3. get a feel for what you like writing and what makes you happy before you start introducing things like 'how many people kudosed my fic today' - there is SO MUCH fic out there, and it can be very hard to build an audience/find your people, especially when you're just starting out. there's no reason to demoralize yourself right away. build up your sense of what YOU like before you start worrying about whether other people like it. (sharing your writing with your friends is different - they're your friends, not faceless internet people ashfkjhsf)
second of all, it's important to make sure that you're actually enjoying the process. writing fanfic should be fun - if it feels like a chore or an obligation, it might be time to step back and see if you've accidentally turned it into a job instead of something you do solely because you enjoy it
third of all, writing a complete fic beginning to end is a skill in and of itself. don't expect yourself to just sit down and bang out a multichap fic with flawless pacing and an amazing ending. that's something that requires practice. the best way to practice is to finish what you start. you don't have to finish absolutely everything - as i said, this should be fun - but just be aware that if you want to complete your fics in a satisfying way, you need to practice writing complete stories. one-shots are a great way to start!
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
ohhhh man
honestly, the entire concept makes me wince, but tbh probably lachrimae. i feel like that's the one most likely to inspire the 'why aren't you writing original stories, you should be writing original stories' reaction
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
i have a few, all regulus angst - we've got implode--, survived by, and happy birthday, which i wrote when i was ~15 and, if i do say so myself, KILLED IT.
implode-- is about sirius rescuing a mostly-dead regulus from the cave, survived by is about sirius finding death eater regulus after evan's death (there's a theme LMAO - that's a fic i wouldn't be able to write these days, i'm too attached to evan now), and happy birthday is canon-compliant snapshots of regulus's life from age 11 to age 18
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Voldemort says, "Do you consider yourself a fighter, Regulus?"
It could pass for conversational—silk floating on water. He hisses the tiniest bit on Regulus, a tiny whistle of air after precisely pronounced syllables like an ice cube against the back of Regulus's neck. Regulus's mask gleams at his side, awkward and useless in his hand—he can't put it on, but he can't put it away, and so there it stays, a glimmering ghost in the sun.
What sort of answer does Voldemort want? He doesn't want Regulus to fight, he wants to keep his Seer safe, but there has to be a reason he's asking, a reason he called Regulus in the first place.
Regulus doesn't consider himself a fighter. He's... flexible. He bends, goes around instead of through. Fire and brimstone have always been more Bellatrix's thing, and Voldemort must know that.
"You," Voldemort says, "have a habit of responding to my questions with silence."
send me fic writer emoji asks!
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deadlysoupy · 2 years
I’m curious, what are your unpopular opinions about tmnt 🔥 and writing 🔥
hi dude!!! im surprised to see you in my askbox and honestly very flattered 😳😳😳😳
for tmnt: while i sometimes come out as someone who dislikes rise, i think it's very fun and enjoyable. it explored new ideas, gave a lot of edge to old characters and created new ones who are in my heart forever (Draxum gets too much hate imo)
but i feel like people give it too much credit. it's not my place to criticize it, but i really think it has some major turn-downs (at least for me). when the show aired, i thought of it as a little silly time, when i can just watch a purely fun show about ninja turtles without plot-heavy storylines like we had in the past. i was also delighted when there wasn't a trace of Leo and Raph conflict we had in every iteration. it was like a breath of fresh air, i was enjoying it. but the pacing changed and it became serious. while i don't think it was too weird, it still felt jarring, i didn't know what the show wanted to be anymore. the second season is a doozy, which is understandable and it's a real shame we didn't get those filler episodes that would flesh out the characters more.
and the rise movie. man. it gets some things just right and some things wrong. and again we get that Leo and Raph fight about being a leader. Leo gets too much attention, both in the show and in the movie. it's really getting on my nerves.
one thing i applaud rise for is giving Mikey that edge people need to see more - his personalities, to be precise. i feel like we kinda forget that Mikey should be a bit insane, and rise, thank god, sees it as an opportunity to show him unhinged a lot of times. not enough, in my opinion, and his character got a little too soft when the movie came out, but the effort was there and i'm really grateful for that. it's why i love 2003 Mikey with all of me - he's fucking bonkers, has no filter, and will cause mayhem just to see something explode. i really hope MM Mikey will be like that, too, thought i don't have high hopes. he still looks fun tho
little side-notes: i hate hair on turtles (ew) and most of rise fandom is toxic (can't go into this bc i'm afraid people will shit on me)
for writing: writing is a chore. like, really. writers say a lot of times that they want to see words on their google docs magically appear without them having to write anything, and i completely agree. as a writer who majorly writes in their second language (thus i have difficulty writing in my native one (don't ask me how that works, i don't know either)) i hate actually writing words. i've been doing this as a hobby for about four years and i still have no idea what my style is and how to not sound like a moron or a ten year old. i look back on my writing and see a child, not an adult who studied english for most of their life. hell, i'm getting my eng major (sort of) and getting ready for international english exams and i still sound like a baby with images in head but no words to describe them. it sucks.
i enjoy storytelling a ton, but no matter how much everyone will say to you "you shouldn't worry too much about words, this is a story only you can tell, if you have a story you should share it!" it doesn't work that way. you need to be able to both feel a story and be able to tell it, and if you can't find the right words that punch people in their hearts, it won't do that well. so maybe some people who are full of imagination and stories to tell simply aren't destined to become writers. this is either a harsh truth or me just being a pessimist, idk
and i think that's it! i dunno if these are unpopular or not but they've been on my mind for a while so yeah. thank you sm for this ask!!!!!!
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bi-bats · 1 year
ok so. long list, you can pick and choose, yknow the drill. im a curious person. anyways!!! for the ask game: 7, 10, 25, 26, 35, 43, 48, 65, and Get It Together, Boys for 76, please! <3 <3 <3
Bean, you are such a gift 💖 We all know I'm going to answer all of these, both for you and because they're fun!!!
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
The POV chooses me actually 😂 it's never really something I consciously decide? There's usually just someone whose inner dialogue I think we need to be hearing the most and that's usually the POV I slide to (which has also backfired on me before, because when I wrote the first chapter of the chokehold damitim fic it wasn't supposed to be damitim at all but being in Damian's perspective made me realize it had to be adkjfadsjkfl I'm gonna have to stay out of Damian's perspective in the jaytim version tbh)
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
The damitim fic is actually literally the only fic with unposted content that has the word blinks in it?? This is from the next chapter:
Tim looks up at him, rolls his eyes in a flash of green, and sighs, “Jesus, Damian. I’m an adult, I can cross the street without you holding my fucking hand.”  Damian blinks at him once, twice, and then he moves. He walks around Tim, leaving him in front of the bed, and feels Tim’s eyes on him as he makes his way to the microwave and pulls out his dinner.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
What Are You Waiting For? Honestly I just love the way it flows and the writing, but also it isn't finished and I haven't updated it in like two months so I'm not really surprised lmao
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
probably Non-Refundable Plans because the way it keeps bouncing from funny to serious and also all of the unhinged behavior from everyone all around 😂 I would make an argument for Rooftops and Bookshops because of the before and after, but I also hate the writing in that fic now. Seriously, it's one of my least favorite works now.
What I can tell you is that the fic that will be the wildest ride is Know Yourself. No doubt in my mind.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
Oh, I saw this question and was like "there's no way anyone doesn't know the answer to this." 😂 I whump them to death daily. I whump them for breakfast, I whump them at work, I whump them while I'm sleeping. I'm actually whumping them rn in my head tbh 💖 Sadistic joy. It's like a stim toy to me.
48. What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who's going to be honest! Point out my typos, tell me if phrasing is clunky or doesn't work, tell me if a CHUNK of writing isn't necessary and needs to go. I want to make it better. But it is also lovely to hear the things that work! I basically love a beta who points out the things they like just as much as the things they don't (which doesn't necessarily mean it has to be an even mix instead of one more than the other, I just think of it like an art critique)
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of Get It Together, Boys? 
I wrote that fic in like three days aksdjflaks honestly not really? But looking back at it, I would've really liked to dig into their book club a little! It would've been fun to show some of their conversations about books.
Thank you thank you thank you Bean 💖 I hope you enjoyed the responses!!
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X, Y, & Z!
lol hey just remembered that i had these from dec 19th lol i think i was just so mentally unwell at the time that i couldn't actually process the fact that i had asks and was capable of answering them even tho i literally reblogged the ask game lol anyways was going through my drafts and saw this and i'm MUCH better now so i went through and found the game and imma do it now <3
x - a trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
hahhaahhaha character with an inferiority complex learning/being told that they're enough on their own/when those characters get in character content made of them ijuhygtfguiouygf because a lot of times they get misinterpreted or ignored </3 also. hanahaki <3
y - what are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
OH! my number one secondhand fandom is wwdts thanks to @chasvchalilah <3 i have my Guy (colin robinson) and i feel like i basically know the whole plot thanks to shira and her incredible patience for all my questions and her kindness in telling me like. literally everything lol actually this reminds me i think the colin post shira tagged me in is in my drafts and that i actually forgot to reblog it. hm. gonna go find it after i post this lol also csm because grace watched it and i know it's not really a show that i'd like so i'm living it vicariously through them and moth and the other csm moots <3
z - just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
ah this is dangerous omg okay oh gosh okay what do i choose okay so this is a very random thing to rant about, but it's fan-related so. but i lowkey hate in chatfics how writers always give characters different contact names. more often than not, i look at them and say "they would never choose that name" / "they would never name that person that" / "they would throw a fit if their name got changed to that" and like. it's just so irritating. i honestly think most blorbos would just call each other by their names in their contacts like. and if you're going to give them "silly" names (bc most times they just... aren't even funny to me personally), they don't even specify who is who! most of the time, i see them say something MAYBE at either the beginning or end of the first chapter and then usually never again even if the characters start changing each other's names! so it's just hard to keep up. i actually love chatfics and think they're such a cool idea and a great creative writing exercise, but they HAVE to be done right because they can go poorly/ooc SO quickly. not all characters use correct grammar, but some do. some will use capitalization and punctuation while others don't. some characters will use emojis or send memes and recite memes, OTHERS WON'T and you NEED to be able to figure this stuff out. also it is SO unrealistic for all the characters to constantly trauma dump because half these characters refuse to "show weakness" or don't know How to talk to people about what's wrong. oH AND ALSO not all characters are so unhinged in chatfics my God the way people write certain characters in how they text and what they text is so icky because it's just too unhinged we gotta stop giving characters that treatment ugh uh anyways also kenji is underused in the show and underrated by fans. there should be more kenji content. also unpopular opinion, but kenji is a more interesting character than chuuya and how does chuuya have like... 20k more fics in the chuuya tag than kenji has in his own tag? nothing against chuuya - i like him! i do! but why is he treated more like a main character than kenji:( maybe i'm just sad bc kenji is my favorite and barely has ANY content. there are SO few kenji-centric fics out there and a lot of them also are kenji & chuuya friendship which... admittedly, i LOVE but i feel like there's more kenji & chuuya than kenji & the ada members which is so sad??? also he deserves better in the show! smh he wasn't even in the s5 trailer (neither were junichiro and naomi ugh so upset about that) like pls. let everyone treat kenji more like an important member of the team bC HE IS😭
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nuclearforest · 2 years
Hello phrend. 😎 2deep4me writer asks:
What's the fic you're most proud of?
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
15. How do you think your writing has improved over time?
Thank u for the ask!! Makes me very happy and lets me ramble abt stuff!
1, Honestly hard to say. Like, I'm proud of One Dog Night because it was the first thing I ever posted and like, really snowballed me into doing more and putting myself out there more. But on the other hand, Month to Love a Werewolf is the first multi-chapter piece I finished! And now Sirens' Guard Dog is on the way. I think those are my big three-- but as far as picking one goes?
It's really hard to say. I can't pick my favorite child lol.
13, Depends on if it is anon online or IRL.
Online? hell yeah i'm proud of being fully unhinged for my blorbo. almost at 350k in 2 years and like. ~300k of that is hans. my really sad sack awful blorbo who i love with all my little heart. stinky, stupid wolfman with a flair for the dramatic.
But IRL? I am a professional with a career you wouldn't catch me dead bringing up writing or fanfic in public. like, my folks asked me once over a holiday why I was on my laptop and what i was writing and i immediately had to bullshit that it was some stupid literary analysis to keep my skills sharp when, uh, it was really werewolf smut. very, very close to being busted but they aren't curious enough to press and i'm a fool not a coward.
THE ONLY EXCEPTION is when i am around those friends that are my enablers and don't care lmao. They think it's funny and it's on brand. Alternatively it's just one facet of the strange little gremlin they've let into their lives. I mean well--promise.
14, yeah. like, healthy or not i'm always out here comparing myself in both good ways and bad. some for learning new styles and tricks and broadening my horizons, but some for like. competitive purposes. and there's nothing to be competitive about but i've been in competitive schooling all my life and for a kid who grew up with little self confidence feeding on the praise of being "gifted" it really sticks with you. so there are many a conscious reminder that it's all for fun. that i shouldn't stress and that it's for me, even if some of that is a lie (i mean, come on--sometimes i'll write shit to brighten somebody's day but generally it's whatever catches my fancy).
but like, old habits die hard and i'm hungry for kudos and comments lmao. usually it doesn't get bad but if it does, i just bury my head in a different crafty pile of sand.
15, I HAVE A TIMELINE. we'll summarize it as exponential improvement and development tho lol.
nobody here will see the shit i wrote in middle school. we're talking paper journal self insert fic that i wrote chapters and chapters of (granted these were like, 100-ish words a chapter). talk about humble beginnings.
move to highschool and i have some fanfic and also a bit of OC work that I share in my school's creative writing club (bruh I STILL wasn't sharing fanfic).
in college I didn't write much. too busy under an engineering course load but i have a few things here and there. mostly fun little snippets of fluff to keep myself occupied.
but that said, now that i'm working and trying to live my best life, i've definitely gotten better in coherent plotlines, length, and fleshing out the details. i still have all the old stuff (even the paper journals, somewhere) and a decade+ later it's meteoric improvement lol. when i wrote One Dog Night that was the longest single story I'd written by a mile. and now i'm on a long chapter work i've updated weekly since i started it following an outline. i'm boggling my own mind.
but that said: i've always been creative and colorful, have not always been able to actually finish a story. funny enough, i've also never had a formal, regular beta and something tells me that won't change soon. (altho sometimes I do ask for a second set of eyes-- so thanks to y'all that have done it for me!)
can't wait to see how i keep growing!
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stealth-liberal · 2 years
So glad that the Republican led House of Representatives is spending all of our tax dollars on the important questions. Such as:
-Whether Chrissy Teigan calling Trump a "Pussy ass bitch." on twitter back when he was president counts as 1 insult or 3.
- If taking down Hunter Biden's nonconsensual nudes from Twitter constituted a liberal conspiracy.
-If MAGA Barbie and Skipper, I'm sorry, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bobert, can get even more wildly unhinged in public. Honestly, if they get anymore "impassioned" they may stroke out in the middle of an incoherent natter. Dare to dream....
-If Jim Jordan can stay conscious. Seriously though, anyone want to start taking bets on how long it takes each day for him to start nodding off? I've got 15 minutes.
The House Republicans have a 5 vote majority and this is what they do with it? On the one hand, yes, please do inane bullshit like this instead of ACTUALLY damaging anything important. On the other, aren't they embarrassed?
Why do even I even ask that anymore?
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thewickedkat · 2 years
the last thing the internet needs is another asshole with an opinion, but i have a tiny corner of the fandom swamp and it's mine, so i can sound off if i wanna. you don't have to continue if you don't wish to; i'm not your dad.
seen some opinions about the possibility of Laudna staying dead, and how that would apparently do everything from be narratively compelling and interesting to sucking hyena dick. i think both points are valid, honestly. would it be sad if she stayed dead? yeah, i'd miss her; i quite enjoy the unhinged humour juxtaposed with the whole 'i was a casualty of someone's beef with a band of heroes' darkness that Marisha is bringing to the table. but would i lose sleep over it? mmm, probably not.
see, i too think that it would be interesting if the Bells found no way to properly rez her, or if something went wrong due to her Hollow nature, something the Bells weren't expecting. how, then, would the characters adapt in the aftermath? how would Imogen cope with more noise in her head without Laudna's music? would FCG adjust their therapy toolset to help Imogen? would Fearne feel a sense of guilt out of revivifying Orym as opposed to Laudna? would Ashton be able to handle losing another friend, or would they get angrier as a defence mechanism? would Orym's sense of survivor's guilt deepen? would Chetney maintain and do upkeep on the little house he made for Pate and Sashimi as an homage to Laudna? how would Delilah (disrespect upon her name) adjust and adapt without a vessel?
these are all things that are interesting to me, the bones upon i like to cronch as i'm falling asleep.
'but Kat!' i hear you say, 'would you be saying this if it were Fearne or Orym who lay wrapped up in that carpet like so much baggage?!'
i'm delighted you asked! why, yes! yes, i would! because if it were Orym who were still and dead, then how do the Bells even carry on his investigation into what happened in Zephrah, if they even choose to? do they relay their findings to his boss? do they contact Dorian and tell him (and how would he react?) do they go to Yios in an attempt to find more information? do they send Orym home like they sent Bertrand to Whitestone, or do they accompany him for a proper memorial? how does Fearne specifically cope in Orym's absence, as she was closest to him for longer (and quite possibly viewed him as 'hers' because of her fey selfishness)?
or take Fearne: how would Orym do? would Ashton miss the little theft battle he had going with Fearne? would Chet mourn one who got away? how do the Bells tell Birdie and Ollie about their daughter's death? does Morrigan find out, and if so, what's her reaction?
see, the thing about death is that it leaves ripples, even if a person is brought back. it's about picking up the pieces in the nightmare wake of it, about finding the capacity to hold on to one breath to the next without losing your ever-loving mind. 'oh, but Laudna's arc isn't done; she didn't have a proper 'chance'--' no, she didn't. and neither would Orym have done, or Fearne. 'their stories aren't finished--' again, no! they're not! but that's why death is called Death and not A Rest-Stop On A Turnpike.
Molly's death in C2 was abrupt and unexpected and his arc wasn't done. neither was Vax's, really, in C1. why do you think VM kept saying 'i do not accept this' when it was his time? because death robs everyone, to some extent. even if one comes back.
if a person is so concerned about Laudna's arc being 'unfinished' or 'how she never got a chance to be herself,' then answer me this: are you just as concerned about the other six bodies that were hung on the Sun Tree? two of which, i remind you, were children. were their arcs not cut short? were they not robbed? were their deaths not just as monstrous and needless? or is it just because Laudna happens to be a PC? i am asking this sincerely.
i've done a lot of thinking since ep33 when all this shit started to kick off, and i still don't know where i come down 100%, but that's fine. i don't need to. i am just watching a game that i am not participating in directly, and i realise that my opinion matters less than a fart in a hurricane to the players. i'm just saying that i am interested in the next storytelling beats. because if death in D&D is just a stumbling block, the way some people seem to think it is, then i also ask: why are the players so visibly worked up about it when a party member falls? they know it isn't cheap, and they don't treat it flippantly. they know that even with all the right planning and all the diamonds and spell slots, sometimes things just don't work. and they adapt.
we should, as well. we can hope and pray, and in worst cases, mourn, but above all we adjust. we have to.
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