#honey bees in flight
whatnext10 · 4 months
Most Honeybees Really Love Colorful Flowering Trees
Arrival Central Florida provides a good environment for growing quite a few types of flowering trees and our rural area offers plenty of land for plant nurseries. It’s not surprising, then, that there are quite a few nurseries near where I live. One of them has a wonderful selection of flowering trees, and I couldn’t help but stop by there one day when I was out running errands. I didn’t buy…
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sitting-on-me-bum · 11 months
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Honey bee flight trails
Animal: Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) Location: Bristol, England
‘The shot was taken during lockdown in a small wildlife-friendly garden in Bristol where my partner keeps bees. I spent a lot of time watching the bees, trying to work out how I could show their comings and goings at the hive in a way that would convey a sense of movement … their busyness. I used a slow shutter speed and a second curtain flash to freeze the bees after they had made their light trails’
Photograph: John Waters
British Wildlife Photography Awards
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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A beautiful flight path time lapse photo from another bee keeper
* * * * *
One more poem from Andrew Sullivan's now discontinued blog: "When I was 17, this poem by Carl Sandburg helped me through a difficult time (leaving behind my best friends and my first love); it also inaugurated my love for poetry. Its effect for me has something to do with the way it begins so gently and ends on a note of defiance:" Troths Yellow dust on a bumble bee’s wing, Grey lights in a woman’s asking eyes, Red ruins in the changing sunset embers: I take you and pile high the memories. Death will break her claws on some I keep.
[You can read the entire thread, including previous reader selections, here. http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/tag/reading-your-way-through-life/
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
"chickens can fly"
I mean I guess if you mean giving themselves a flapping boost to roost in a tree or make it over a fence as opposed to flying = using their wings for transportation.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a chicken should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The chicken, of course, flies anyway because chickens don't care what humans think is impossible.
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noir-poetography · 2 years
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Nuptial Flight
© 2022, James Blatter
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honeybeeshepherd · 9 months
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REFUGEES ARE WELCOME x Rest On The Flight Into Egypt by Hermann Kaulbach (German, 1846-1909) (my edit)
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
finding dead honeybees on the ground is pretty common around here, but I thought this one looked a bit big and with a large head, so I stopped to take a look and found something cool. while it was a honeybee Apis mellifera, it was a male drone and not a worker!
drones usually hang around the hive doing nothing, and get fed by workers since they don’t leave home to forage and can’t physically feed themselves. in fall, once bees have stopped mating and producing new reproductives, workers chase the drones out to lessen the strain on the hive’s honey reserve. the evicted drones soon die of exposure or starvation, and I assume that’s why I found him belly-up on the sidewalk.
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he’s a cute little chap, with thicker woolly fur, longer legs, and what seem to be slightly broader wings than a worker’s. most prominently though he’s got massive eyes, which bulge and meet at the top of his head. these are all adaptations to finding, chasing, and getting hold of a queen on her nuptial flight.
I’ll pin the little man and memorialize him forever. he’s the first drone I’ve ever seen!
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tofics · 2 months
Nothing Like Some Neighborly Love
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Part 1 - Series Masterlist
Pairing: no outbreak!Joel Miller x fem!Reader
Summary: Goodbye New York, hello Austin! - After a split from your ex, you're in dire need of a fresh scenery. Texas seems to provide just that. Your grandmother, fresh out of a hip surgery and in need of assistance, is happy to have you move in with her as a solution for both of your predicaments. Ever the hands-on person that she is, she also seems to want to rectify your fresh singleness, and she knows just the guy...
Word Count: ~4500 words
Warnings: mentions of a manipulating ex, mentions of cheating, mentions of a surgery, age gap (reader is early 30s, Joel is an unspecified amount (~10-15 years) older than her)
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Your arrival in Austin, Texas is anything but spectacular. Besides your bags being some of the first to appear at baggage claim absolutely nothing out-of-the-ordinary happens - it's about as normal as a Monday-morning flight can be.
Not for you, though. Today marks the first day of your new life.
No big deal.
Except it's a huge deal. With every inch that you put between yourself and your old life in New York, you feel your shoulders relaxing a bit more and the tight-knit knot in your chest loosening.
Finally, at long last, you're free.
Free of the asshole that, up until a couple of months ago, was your boyfriend, your roommate, your co-worker.
Your lying, manipulating source of self-doubt, tears and misery.
Good fucking riddance.
"Oh honey, c'mere you!" Your grandmother pulls you into a surprisingly tight hug. For a lady who had hip surgery just two days ago, she seems to be at the top of her game.
"Gammy," you smile and return her embrace, even if not as forcefully. Strong arms or not, she did just come out of the hospital. Better to be a little more careful.
"Come in, come in! Let's get you out of that heat." Your grandma shuffles out of the door and down the hallway with the help of her rollator. You step into the house after her, dragging your two suitcases behind you.
Everything looks just like you remember. The beige carpet that flows from the hallway into the open living room and up the stairs, the brown tiles of the kitchen area, the light flowery wallpaper on the walls - as far as you can tell, not a single thing has changed. It even smells the same, like fresh laundry and soap and a faint hint of your grandmother's perfume.
You can't imagine a more comforting scenery after everything you've been through.
"How was your flight, honey? And do you want anythin' to drink?"
If it wasn't for the rollator, it'd be hard to tell that your grandmother just had a major surgery. She's already bustling about in the kitchen when you enter the open living and dining area, moving at the same speed you've always known her to. Watching your grandmother at work is like watching a busy bee, always doing something, fingers always moving. It goes without saying that your grandmother is not a woman known for sitting still or taking a break.
You already know her answer, but you have to ask anyway. "Gammy, shouldn't you be resting?"
"Restin', restin'. I hear that damn word one more time, I'm gon' have a fit!" She drops two ice cubes of frozen iced tea into each cup, then adds a lemon slice. "Doctor's said I'm s'posed to be movin'." The ice cubes clink and crackle when she pours fresh iced tea on top. "You told me to follow them orders!" Your grandma shakes the big spoon your way accusingly and you can't help but grin at the image.
"That's true, I did. I also said I'd move here to help you, grandma."
"Honey, if I can't pour no more damned iced tea, I want you to put me in my grave. Until then, I'll pour my own drinks. Now get on over here n' take those glasses over to the couch, will ya?"
You do as you're told and sit down next to your grandmother on the couch, making sure to use coasters for your drinks. Glass rings on the furniture did not go over well in this house.
"See? I can ask for help just fine." Your grandmother winks at you and then clinks her glass against yours. "Cheers, baby. Now tell me, how was your flight?"
"It was fine. Boring, uneventful. Just how I like my flights to be." A sip of your glass floods your mouth with the taste of your childhood summers, sweet and lemony and filled with your grandmother's love to the brim. There's no other iced tea quite like it.
"Good, good. And how are you doin', baby? Hm?" Her hand squeezes your thigh as her eyes roam over your face. You know the look: it's the look of scrutiny, the same one she uses any time she wants to get the truth out of someone. You've seen it being given to your mother, your father, your grandfather, even neighbors. You yourself have been at the receiving end of it a few times in your life. The result is always the same - the truth. Your grandmother is not a woman that's lied to.
"Honestly? I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders." You sigh, both for effect and because it's true. Setting foot onto Texas soil was already liberating, but sitting in your grandmother's living room has you relaxing more and more by the minute. "I'm just so glad to be here. This couldn't have come at a better moment. Not saying I'm happy you had to get hip surgery, you know, but I'm just glad it all worked out with you needing help and me needing a new place to figure out where to go from here."
You squeeze your grandma's hand on your thigh and she puts hers right on top, squeezing you back. "Oh, hush. Y'know you're welcome here anytime, and I'd much rather have you here t' help me out than some stranger comin' into my house every single day."
Despite your circumstances, you can't deny how lucky the timing of it all has been. Your relationship had been crumbling for months and it seemed like no matter what you did, all your efforts were in vein and largely not reciprocated. To make matters worse, your job was suffering under the pressure of your dissolving relationship as well. You and your boyfriend worked at the same elementary school, you being a teacher and him being the principal, and while sharing a workplace and commute had been something out of a dream come true for the first two years together, it quickly posed a problem when your first problems emerged.
The final nail in the coffin came in the form of him being the nail and the coffin being his secretary. It was so cliché that you didn't know whether to laugh or cry when you first found out. In the end, you did neither, just packed your things and left. That part was easy, with a circle of friends who offered up their couches and open ears immediately. The work part? Not so much. By now you'd say that working under your ex while another woman was actually under him was the worst part of your final months in New York.
You needed to get out. You were already out of your joined flat, the job was the next thing to go. Then your grandmother mentioned she'd need to get surgery on her hip and just hated the idea of having a stranger coming to her house every single day to help her with her day-to-day errands.
The plan basically wrote itself.
Your grandma was delighted by the idea of you moving you here. A temporary arrangement until she's all healed up and you have figured out where to go from here. It's basically a two-birds-with-one-stone situation.
After you've finished your iced tea, your grandmother insists on showing you around the house. "Gammy, come on, you really should sit down, at least a little," you try to convince her, but she's not having any of it. "I know it looks like it hasn't changed much, but I've had some things done since you were here last. Now you'll wanna know where everything is if you wanna help, right?"
You don't even bother contradicting her and she pulls herself up by the handles of her rollator with a triumphant look.
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The first room you tackle is right by the entrance, opposite of the guest bathroom. It used to be your grandfather's office, but you're surprised to find it all turned around, now with a bed in the middle of it and an assortment of bedroom furniture to go with it.
"This is my new haven, at least for now." Grammy shuffles into the room and carefully plops her behind down on the raised bed. "Got help from a neighbor a street over. Nice young fella, handsome too." She shoots you a meaningful glance that you decide to ignore. "Him and his brother got some of the stuff from upstairs down here. I got this bed on loan just until I can get back into my old chambers upstairs. Doc said the stairs shouldn't be an issue, but I just wanted to make sure." A few approving pats on the mattress.
"I'm impressed, Grammy. I'd have thought you'd force yourself up the stairs every single night, no matter what. I'm glad you're cutting yourself some slack somewhere." You know your grandma appreciates your candor, but you also know how hard this situation is on her mentally. She has always been an active woman and being physically impaired can't be easy for her. You press a soft kiss to her forehead to emphasize your praise.
"Yeah yeah," she grumbles but then still squeezes your arm. "C'mon now. I wanna show you the upstairs."
The changes upstairs are less drastic, but still noticeable.
For one thing, the master bedroom is full of your grandfather's old files, various stacks piled around the room. It's a temporary set-up that you mean to sort through in your upcoming weeks here, a thank you for letting you stay and your way of chipping in, as your grandmother refuses to accept any kind of rent or payment in general for your stay.
Your own bedroom has also received a slight makeover. Previously a guest room that served as storage for when no guests were in town, the room used to be somewhat cramped, yet still cozy. You've always slept in this room and never minded the wild assortment of furniture and various gadgets, but your grandmother went all out in preparation for your visit and had all of the "junk" removed and stored in the garage downstairs. Now, on top of new furniture, the walls sport a fresh paintjob and the closet is completely empty, waiting to be filled with your own clothes and belongings.
"Grandma, you shouldn't have!," you exclaim but can't hide the excitement in your eyes as you take in your new four walls. The twin bed got exchanged for a queen, which, now that everything is stored downstairs, comfortably fits against the back wall under the window. Despite your solo-self, it comes with a nightstand on each side, matching the color of the dresser to the right and the desk tucked into the corner next to the door. Ever the prepared host, your grandma has already put a small bouquet on one of the nightstands and fresh sheets on the bed.
You spin around and bury your grandmother in a tight hug, suddenly overwhelmed by the love that clearly went into the preparation of your arrival. "You're the best," you whisper against her neck as a couple of tears spill from your eyes.
There's no place you'd rather be.
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Your spend your first few days in Austin getting reacquainted with the city. As a child, you'd come here for every single summer break, so you know your way around the neighborhood well enough, but a lot has changed since you strolled around the streets in your dungarees and pigtails. Mostly it's just different shops or a new building here and there, but the neighbors have changed too. You're sad to find out that one of your favorite neighbors, an old man named George who grew the sweetest strawberries in his front yard, passed away just a couple of weeks ago. Another couple two houses down, whose daughter you used to play with on your childhood visits, has moved away to the north. The list of changes is long, but besides old George's death, there's nothing too drastic.
Just as expected (and hoped for), you have no time to dwell on your recent split. With the way the relationship went for the past years, you kind of checked out of it mentally a long time ago, but finding out about the affair still kicked you in the guts. Luckily, you're too busy to get lose yourself in a thought spiral about it, all thanks to your grandmother who is keeping you fresh on your toes.
Being the busy woman that she is, she has a whole list of errands for the week, consisting of groceries, check-ups and social calls. You keep thinking that if it wasn't for her rollator and her slower, slight wobbly walk, you'd hardly know the woman was operated on just days ago, and you're not alone. The same sentiment is expressed to you wherever the two of you go, your grandmother being a well-known and respected woman in her neighborhood.
On Saturday, just five days after your arrival, you take her to the local church. Despite not being big on faith, she has been a member of the volunteer group of the church for decades, and a cherished one at that. The moment you push her wheelchair through the door, other volunteers rush over and swarm your grandmother with questions about her well-being. Grammy makes a point of saying there's no need for the fuss, but you can tell that she's touched by the community's care for her.
The meeting discusses the idea of a block party that's been floating around for some time now, but was never realized.
"Lottie, do you even think you could handle it, being in recovery and all?," an elderly man asks directed at your grandmother. The look she shoots him in response drains some color in his face, and some other members at the table laugh. "I'm insulted you'd even ask, Frank," your grandmother replies with a hint of sourness in her voice, but then her smile grows wide and there's a mischievous spark in her eyes that puts you on high alert. You know that look. Your grandmother is up to something.
"Much as I hate to admit it though, you might be right. I'm not at the top of my game, no denying that. However, that's where my lovely granddaughter comes into play!" All eyes swivel around to you, including your grandmother's, the mischievous sparkle present as ever.
Uh oh.
"As many of you already know, my granddaughter has temporarily moved in with me to help me out during my recovery, gracious soul that she is." Gracious soul? Grammy is laying it on thick. You cock your head slightly to the side with raised eyebrows, all while maintaining a smile on your face. What are you doing? Your grandmother reads the silent question in your facial features but offers no explanation, her smile just turns more sweetly. "As a teacher, she has her fair share of experience with organizing events. Ain't that so, sweetheart?"
"I mean, I've organized two talent shows, but that was in collab-," you begin, still unsure of where this is going, but Grammy cuts you off.
"See? She's perfect. I'm sure she can fill my shoes just fine, and I'll still be there behind the scenes anyway."
Before you can utter another word, you are crowned as head of the block party planning committee. As soon as the decision is made, the group gets down to business and starts mapping out a rough draft. Besides the obvious cake buffet, whipped up and provided by members of the volunteer committee, the only other safe participant is the church's kids group, who, according to pastor William, plan to host a lemonade stand. By the end of the meeting, you have an extensive list of possible collaborators to hit up. As head of the committee, it falls in your jurisdiction to get local business on board.
"Alright, that looks like a solid list. I trust Lottie's granddaughter will do a fine job of getting lots of business on board." Pastor William smiles warmly at you and you can't help but feel like he's already forgotten your name again. Then again, he's got a big flock. Can't blame him if he doesn't remember every single sheep by name.
"And we've got Anne, Derrick and Kirsten for decorating, as well as our kids group. That just leaves the question of construction. Who's gonna supply us with stalls or booths? Any ideas, folks?"
"I'm sure Joel Miller would be happy to chip in. Him n' his brother got that construction business, remember? Sweet boys. Helped me set up my lil' hospital ward situation I got back at home," your grandma chirps up, and suddenly, you understand the mischievous twinkle in her eye.
What an elaborate and canny way to set you up. Wow.
You bite on your lip to hide the grin that threatens to spill across your face, keeping your laughter inside until after the meeting. Once you bring it up in the car back home, Grammy plays the innocent act. "I got no idea what you're talkin' about, honey. Just suggested a guy I know that does good work and has a good heart."
"Right, because especially the good heart is extremely relevant when it comes to building things," you chuckle.
"Sure it is, if it's volunteer work. And I'm tellin' you. That Joel, he's got a heart of gold."
You can sense the way your grandmother's eyes are boring into the side of your skull, but you keep your gaze focused on the road ahead of you.
Heart of gold or not, you're nowhere near ready to be dating again.
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"Yeah, come on in, Lottie said you'd swing by."
It's late in the evening and his porch light hums above the two of you, casting a golden light on your silhouettes and long shadows on the ground. The fly screen creaks as Joel Miller holds it open for you. You shimmy past him with a small smile, tugging your folder of papers to your chest so they don't rub against him.
Joel's house smells like wood chips, old leather and something distinctly 'homey' that you can't quite put a finger on, but makes you feel very at ease. The scent engulfs you as you step into the house, briefly interrupted by smell of him, a mix of soap and aftershave and just the tiniest tinge of sweat.
It's an intoxicating combination.
So much so that for the briefest moment, you have the instinct to lean a step back and sniff him, but you catch yourself before you embarrass yourself.
"Kitchen's down there. Got a table and everything for your paper collection." Joel motions down the hallway with a quick and friendly wink at you. You follow his direction wordlessly and sit at the aforementioned table, feeling the tips of your ears growing slightly red.
Your grandma wasn't kidding when she said he's handsome.
You'd chalked it up to her trying to set you up, talking him up the same way elderly ladies tend to talk about men that are younger than them. 'Handsome' and 'smart-looking' are standards in that vocabulary box. You couldn't have known that this time, the description would be right on point.
"Want one?" Joel's got his head in the fridge, holding out a cold beer to you over his shoulder.
"Sure, thanks." Usually you're not so tight-lipped. In fact, you've probably talked more in the past few days than you do in a normal school week, and that's saying something. Going around town and chatting up local businesses about participating in your block party had your mouth going at a hundred miles per hour, figuratively speaking. Between speaking to people in person and confirming spots via your cell-phone, it has been a couple of very word-filled days.
And yet, now that you're with another potential 'client' you have to recruit for your endeavor, your speech well seems to have dried up.
It could have something to do with the fact that visually, Joel Miller is exactly your type. Besides his physique - tan biceps visibly stretching under a tight t-shirt that might be a size too small for him - he's got warm, brown eyes with laugh crinkles around them and a head full of salt-and-pepper hair that pairs beautifully with his scruffy-looking beard. By the looks of it, he has ten, maybe fifteen years on you.
Not really an issue for you.
Your ex, cursed be his name, was a chunk older than you too. It was just the type of man you drifted towards, the kind that's a bit ahead of you in time. In your experience, it pays off maturity wise in a way that men your age just can't compete in, even if your last boyfriend wasn't the best example.
Older men just have a grip on you you can't explain, nor deny.
"So." Joel sets the two bottles of beer down on the table, then slides onto the chair across from you. "What can I do for ya? Lottie said somethin' 'bout you guys needin' somethin' built?"
He screws the caps off of both bottles, then slides one over to you. "Cheers." Your bottles clink together and you take a few chugs, grateful for the liquid running down your dry throat. Whether that's from all your talking or a physical reaction to Joel, you don't know, and you're not sure you want to find out.
"Yeah, that's right," you finally say when you put your beer down half empty. Joel glances at your bottle with one raised eyebrow and half a grin on his lips, but doesn't say anything and instead motions for you to go on. "It's for the church's block party. The volunteer group, which my grandmother is a part of, is putting it together. It's supposed to be this come-together opportunity, get-to-know-your-neighbors kind of thing. I've been going around the past couple of days, seeing who wants to join and maybe offer a booth or a stall."
"Looks like you were quite successful with that." He nods at the wild stack of papers in front of you, post-its sticking out left and right and scribbles all over. You laugh and shuffle through the papers.
"It looks more than it is, but yeah, lots of people want to join, thankfully. Now that's where you come in." You pull out a numbered list and slide it over to him.
"This is everyone that wants to join. Problem is, we don't have enough booths for everyone."
Joel skims over the list, then whistles. "Phew. That's a bunch. How many of them you got stalls for?"
You pause long enough for Joel to look up from the list and notice you biting on your lip. "Umh. None of them?" Your grin is awkward and apologetic at the same time. Joel stares at you for a second, a dumbfounded expression on his face, then breaks out into a bellowing laughter. It's warm and deep and infectious and has the corners of your lips rising into a genuine grin.
"Oh, you're somethin'," he says breathlessly when he recovers from his laughing fit. "I can definitely see the relation to Lottie."
You shrug apologetically again and bite down on your bottom lip, the grin still lingering on your face. "What can I say? Persuasion runs strongly in this family."
"That so?" Joel leans back in his chair and puts his arms behind his head. Before you can help it, your gaze flickers across his across his arms, from his prominent biceps all the way down to where his torso meet his jeans. You look away quickly, but get the feeling Joel caught your stare by his smug grin. "I ain't said yes yet."
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He does say yes. You come home giddy, excited by your success of rounding up participants for the block party and flustered from your hour at Joel's house.
It didn't take him long to officially agree, though you had no doubt that he would.
You also have no doubt that Joel Miller has been flirting with you.
There is even less doubt that you liked it.
You surprised yourself. By the time you wrapped your first meeting up, you asked for his number so you could reach him in case of changes or the like. Though the block party really was the main reason you required his number, you couldn't deny finding a little bit of joy in the idea of having his number in your phone. He had smiled all smugly too when you'd asked, his brows wiggling suggestively for just a second before he reached for the pen in your hand and scribbled his number down on one of your papers. "There you go, darlin'," he'd said, and you had to fight the urge very hard to bite your bottom lip at the mention of the endearing term.
It only occurs to you now that your grandma probably already has his number and you asking for his number could have come across as you flirting.
"Honey, that you?," your grandma hollers out of the living room when you enter her home.
"Yeah Gammy, it's me," you call back and set your papers down on the side table near the front door.
"How'd it go?"
You tell her about your meeting with Joel in the most nonchalant way possible while you help her chop up veggies for dinner. She listens intently and is delighted that Joel has agreed to build the booths, but doesn't seem surprised by it either. Once you're finished with your summary, she gives you that inquisitorial look again.
"So what, Gammy?"
"Don't fool me, honey. What'd you think?"
You keep your eyes focused on the carrot your peeling, determined not to meet her gaze. You just know she'd read everything in your eyes.
"Yeah, he's a nice man," you say, but she just tsks at you and swats your arm with her cooking spoon.
"You know damn well that's not what I asked."
"What do you want to hear then?"
The lack of reply makes you look up. Grammy is staring at you with an anything-but-pleased look on her face.
"What!," you exclaim defensively. Her response comes paired with another whack of her spoon. "He's a good man! You should give him a chance."
"Oh my god, Gammy. He has a kid." You groan, but pictures of Joel's biceps dance across the back of your mind.
"So? You're thirty-two, old enough to be a mom. 'Sides, I ain't tellin' you to marry the man, I'm just sayin' go out, have some fun."
"Oh well, in that case. If I'm not supposed to marry him."
You giggle and jump away when the spoon launches for you a third time, only narrowly missing you by a few inches.
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Series Masterlist - Mobile Masterlist
Feedback is always appreciated! If you have any requests, feel free to send them my way. I'm always happy to practice my writing! :)
Find more entries for the hot dilf summer challenge by @hellishjoel here!
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rainystarters · 1 month
💫 love is cosmic ! a collection of dialogue + action prompts inspired by red velvet's album cosmic. some prompts usfw. add +reversed for the muse receiving the meme to perform the action instead. adjust as necessary.
dialogue :
meeting you as the stars would have it.
i can't get you off my mind.
what did you do to my mind?
i want to know you.
how about you stay a little longer?
perhaps we're travelers searching for orphaned dreams.
come with me.
discover things no human eyes have seen.
i just can't say goodnight.
your love is cosmic.
you got me hypnotized.
i saw you hiding.
what are you? my god.
honey, i give you my all.
i'll find you in my dreams.
summer, autumn, winter, spring: the whole world is you.
my memories are floating away.
the beautiful times are leaving me, stealing you away.
this isn't the end ...remember.
i will gladly stay by your side.
it's you who kept me through the long nights.
no one knows where a fading star goes.
and i'll fly light-years to find you.
to you, my universe, the only reason i exist.
i'll always be here for you.
is it love?
i remember the first moment i saw you.
you feel the same way, right?
we can't play no game the right way.
it doesn't matter 'cause you're my prize.
i saw the same moon.
i want to dream every day.
i want to whisper in your ears the things i couldn't say.
we're not that young anymore.
i still remember the summer days when i first saw you.
believe in us more than anything.
i don't mind staying up all night, my love.
let's talk like we did when we were young.
i'm your friend. i'll be there.
take my hand and run.
sweet dreams, my love.
our story continues even in dreams.
when the moon shines bright, i'll tell you my story.
close your eyes and lean on me, my love.
oh, you've grown so quickly, kid.
we were always young and fearless.
we're together and we have the same dream.
actions :
crash-landing. sender chases a falling star but finds receiver where it fell.
stargaze. sender lies down next to receiver to stargaze.
daisy chain. sender weaves flowers into receiver's hair.
hypnotize. sender falls under receiver's spell, hypnotized.
zodiac. sender asks for receiver's sign.
bubble. sender blows/magically creates bubbles that surround receiver.
string. sender sees an invisible string of fate tying them to receiver.
chase. sender chases receiver through the woods.
arcade. sender loses a game to receiver while at a neon-illuminated arcade.
last drop. sender pours a drink into receiver's mouth.
hallucinate. sender finds receiver hallucinating and talking to inanimate objects.
memory. sender steps into one of receiver's memories.
sunburn. sender kisses receiver's skin and leaves behind a burn mark.
far-flung. sender wakes in another world to receiver staring down at them.
funny story. sender watches receiver trespass on a fairy ring and join the dance.
sunset. sender kisses receiver against the setting sun.
peek. sender doesn't notice receiver watching them dress through a hole.
honey. sender sends a bee to sting receiver.
stars align. sender fails to stop receiver from completing a ritual.
cosmos. sender and receiver feel each other's heart beat despite being apart.
night drive. sender and receiver drive through the night in a convertible.
butterfly. sender catches receiver transforming into [magical girl/werewolf/etc].
long-lost. sender reunites with receiver who has no memory of them.
sunflower. sender tucks a flower into receiver's lunch/purse/etc. to find later.
tarot. sender draws a card and waits for receiver to reveal its face.
flight. sender bridal carries receiver as they fly.
sweet dream. sender and receiver snuggle in bed below glow-in-the-dark stars.
may queen. sender crowns receiver queen of the spring festival.
turbulence. sender trips receiver, sending them falling.
carousel. sender grabs receiver's hand as they ride on a carousel.
moonlight. sender and receiver bathe naked in the moonlight.
astral. sender astral projects to receiver's location far away.
cat's cradle. sender performs a spell with receiver using cat's cradle.
night. sender and receiver walk through an illuminated night festival/market.
ride. sender sits on receiver's lap, straddling them.
see you. sender kisses receiver before they part forever/for a long time.
electric. sender teases receiver, brushing their lips across intimate skin.
cosmic love. sender and receiver break the bed during sex.
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flowerishness · 11 days
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Gaillardia (blanket flower) and Apis mellifera (Western honeybee)
Winter bees
As summer slides into autumn, these honey bees know what's coming next. The days are getting shorter and the nights are definitely colder. These are the last blanket flowers of the year and are rapidly producing their seedpods. Meanwhile, honeybees are in a frenzy of activity and on a sunny afternoon they're out in full force. Metaphorically speaking, these worker bees are filling up the shelves with jars of honey so that the queen can survive the winter.
Soon the 'winter bees' will emerge, a special caste of honey bees responsible for keeping the queen warm and well fed. Worker bees typically live about six weeks but winter bees are larger and fatter (and live much longer). They stay wide awake through those cold months, clustered into a small ball, eating the stored honey and shivering their flight muscles to generate heat. The queen will resume egg laying in late winter and that next generation will be the honey bees you'll see flying around next spring.
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bookofthegear · 8 months
You follow the sound of buzzing and are amused to see the hobo sign for “bad tempered owner” chalked on the doorway. Then you step inside.
Jimmy said “clockwork bees” and it’s not that you doubted him, but that was like describing the Mona Lisa as “some paint on wood.” The bees gleam in the lantern light, striped with oiled bronze and shining brass, their eyes like beautifully faceted gems. And they fly! How can they fly? They’re far too heavy, surely, the internal workings must be full of gears and tiny mechanisms. Nevertheless they fly.
It’s not that you weren’t impressed with the labyrinth, but it’s mostly just looked like a bunker with gears and a few impressively dead guys. This, though…this is something.
You stand very still, admiring the huge mass of honeycomb that drapes across the enormous gears, and the honey gone red and black with age. You could sell a pound of that honey for a small fortune to the right collector. The money should just about cover your funeral expenses, because the bees will absolutely murder the fuck out of you.
Ah, well. Stealing a “live” bee is probably right out as well. You really would rather not add to Jimmy’s therapy bill. You take a last appreciative look at the graceful flight of the mechanical insects, then step back into the hall.
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whatnext10 · 11 months
Honey Bees are Among the Beautiful Fall Pollinators That Love Tamarisk
Honey Bees are Among the Beautiful Fall Pollinators That Love Tamarisk shows a honey bee flying into a bunch of tamarisk flowers. Honey bees were among a plethora of insects enjoying and pollinating the flowers.
In Coming Recently, when I went out for a hike, I found this wonderful patch of tamarisk flowers not far from my house. It was loaded with pollinators of all sizes and shapes. I could probably have spent the entire day right there just shooting pics of wasps, bees, and all manner of other insects. Among the insects that the flowers had attracted were quite a few honey bees (Apis mellifera). They…
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★ Hello my fellow selfshippers! ★
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Box Status: open !!!
Confessions are queued, may take a while to post ^^
This blog is for selfship confessions of almost any kind. Whatever reason you don't wanna post it on your blog, or if you just wanna put a confession here for fun, you're welcome here! Selfship art is welcome as well ^^
Whether your f/o(s) is/are obscure, non-human, etc, this blog is welcome to all kinds.
Similar blogs (not owned by me!): @/selfship-vent-confessions , @/nsft-selfship-confessions
"How do the f/o tags work here if I want to filter them?"
I tag them as "f/o (character here)!" It sometimes depends if the user who submitted the ask included a last name/full name/etc, as I usually do not know which characters the user is talking about 0_o (hence why i don't put fandoms)
Do not use the word "simp" here, as the word is appropriated AAVE. Do not use slurs either, I think that should be common sense.
Anything Harry P0tter related
Anything Hazb1n Hotel related
FNAFcraze19912 - Reason: Flirting with a minor
Taken anon sign-offs below!
💉 Syringe anon
🩹 Band aid anon
🦄 Unicorn anon
🌻 Sunflower anon
🦐 Shrimp anon
⛅️ Cloudy anon
🍵 Tea anon
🛸 UFO anon
🌌 Night Sky anon
🐰 Hare anon
S anon
🎶🎀 Music Bow anon
🫧🎀 Bubble Bow anon
🫧✨️ Bubble Sparkle anon
🐶 Puppy anon
🦦 Otter anon
🦇 Bat anon
🩸 Blood anon
🎂🐈 Cake Cat anon
Blue Text anon
🎀 Bow anon
🪷 Lilypad anon
🪲 Bug anon
👾 Pixel anon
🧸 Teddy Bear anon
🌥 Cloudy anon
🕊 Dove anon
💙 Blue Heart anon
phonelover anon
🌷 Tulip anon
🥬 Lettuce anon
🎴 Japanese Card anon
🪶 Feather anon
⭐️ Star anon
⛸❄️ Ice Skate anon
Puppet anon
🌌🎶 Night Sky Music anon
⚡🗡 Lightning Sword anon
Sheep anon
🖊 Pen anon
☂️ Umbrella anon
⚰️ Coffin anon
🚫🎤 Blockmic anon
⌨️ Keyboard anon
🪽🪻 Wing Lavender anon
🍊⚙️ Citrus Bot anon
🎶🌨️ Music Rain anon
💫 Shooting Star anon
Phen 228
Nya anon
💌 Love Note anon
🪵 Log anon
🦈🌪 Sharknado anon
🦭 Seal anon
🛂 Passport Control anon
💜🪶 Purple Heart Feather anon
🍊 Tangerinefucker anon
🍀 Clover Lover anon
Kaiju anon
🍕 Pizza anon
🧽 Sponge anon
🧪⚡️Test Tube Lightning anon
🩷💌💛 anon
NK 💚
☀️🎵 Sun Song anon
🌊 Wave anon
🩻 X-ray anon
🍞⚪️ Whitebread anon
🌌🛸 Night UFO anon
🥩🦴 Meat Bone anon
👽 Alien anon
🌼💮🌼 anon
🌱 Sprout anon
⚡️ Lightning anon
💥 Explosion anon
🐚💔 Broken Shell anon
🪞 Mirror anon
⌨️🌱 Keyboard Sprout anon
🍓 Strawberry anon
❤️🐈‍⬛ Lovecat anon
☕🥐 Coffee Croissant anon
🗡️💚 Green Heart Sword anon
💉🩸The Count anon
🎬🌸 Movie Flower anon
👓🎮 Gamer Glasses anon
Silly Billy anon
🧊🧊 Ice Cubes anon
🐌 Sluggy anon
🩷💸💛 Business Failure anon
🔧💚 Green Heart Wrench anon
🪿 Goose anon
✨🖤 Sparkle Black Heart anon
🦈🍞 Sharkbread anon
🌌🔮 Nightseer anon
🎧🐾 Headphones Pawprints anon
🍋💀Deathlemon anon
🕳️🐸 Froghole anon
🌈🐀 Rainbow Rat anon
🌿🎤 Mint Idol anon
¤ ☎️🎭 anon
💚☕️ Green Tea anon
😨💤 coldsweat anon
🚬🐾 Smoky Paws anon
🥤🎶 Music Soda anon
🌫️🪽 Sky Flight anon
🪭 Fan anon
🪐🌙 Solar System anon
🌌🌊 Night Sea anon
🧠🗣️ Brainrot anon
🩵🌷 Blue Heart Tulip anon
💞🌀 Heartswirl anon
🔥✨ Sparks anon
🌻🌅 Sunflower Sunrise anon
🐍🔮 Seer Snake anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🍦🔫 Ice Cream Shooter anon
🍓🐶 Strawberry Dog anon
Anxious Rex anon
🌈🥁 Rainbow Drummer anon
🪼🐈‍⬛ Jellycat anon
🦉 Owl anon
🧡🧢 Orange Heart Hat anon
🎉🌀 Party Whirlpool anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🌱⚙️ Sprout Gear anon
🍯🐰 Honey Bunny anon
🌑🌸 Moonflower anon
🧠🗣️ Brainrot anon
💿🍴 CD Eater anon
🤡🫠 Melty Clown anon
Despair anon
🫀 Heart anon
☀️🖌️ Sun Brush
🌊🪼 Wave Jellyfish anon
💛🎭🔫 Hjack anon
❄️🐱 Winter Cat anon
🐑💤 Sleepy Sheep anon
🐉☢ Nuclear Dragon anon
🎀🪡 Sewed Bow anon
🧛‍♀️👑 Vampire Princess anon
💜 Purple Heart anon
🪦🦌 Dead Deer anon
⭐️♠️ Starspade anon
🌞 Smiley Sun anon
🩵🌌⚙️ anon
♎♏ Vrisrezi anon
🌱⚙️ Sproutgear anon
🐮🐝 Cow Bee anon
🍊🍀 Lucky Orange anon
S'more anon
🥤🩹 Bandaged Milkshake anon
☄️💖 Red Comet lover anon
📖🐛 Bookworm anon
🎵🪽 Wing Song anon
🌟⬇️ Starfall anon
🟨🟦🟥 Primary Colors anon
🦉🐇 Owl Hare anon
💚🔧 Green Heart Wrench anon
🌀 Whirlpool anon
Midget 💚🌴
🚪🌀 Hallways anon
⭕️🎸 Geometric Guitar anon
🧀 Cheesy anon
🔪💻 Computer Killer anon
🐕🗡️ Chihuahua Guard Dog anon
🌻🐱 Sunflower Cat anon
🌠🐾 Starry Paws anon
🥀📜 Rose Scroll anon
💸💫 Star Dollar anon
🪚 Saw anon
☀️🌙 Eclipse anon
🐙 Octopus anon
:] anon
🦢🌊 Seaswan anon
🥩🦈 Meat Shark anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Chaos anon
☎️🦦 Otterphone anon
💉🦷 Dentist anon
📸🧼 Soapy Photos anon
🏺🐍 Alex Fierro anon
💜🏹 Hawk anon
💌💻 Digital Lovenotes anon
🍬💫 Starcandy Anon
TVee 📺 anon
⚠️🤛 Dorito Fighter anon
⁉️‼️ anon
⭐️☎ Starphone anon
🚭 No Smoking anon
🦊🪡 Sewed Fox anon
🐱💋 Catkisser anon
🦪 Oyster anon
🎠 Carousel Horse anon
🧁 Cupcake anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Purple Text anon
🌼✨ Sparkly Flower anon
🎂🐚 Cakeshell anon
❤️💻 Computerlover anon
🎪🎠 Carnival Horse anon
🦇💤 Sleepy Bat anon / 😐🎉 Yippee anon
🌴💚🖤 anon
💕🌅☄️ Golden Comet anon
🪦🪽 Mortis anon
👹 Demon anon
🌟🍻 Starbeer anon
🧛‍♂️🎪 Vampire Circus anon
🦇🎢 Batcoaster anon
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
i haven’t seen anyone compile these yet so here’s all the first origins for new life smp!
scott: transporter
fwhip: road runner
gem: swarm (bee)
joey: dark fairy
katherine: human
lizzie: TBA
sausage: ghast
seapeekay: human
shubble: shunshine girl
joel: hippo(griff)
jimmy: bad guy
stacy: strider
strawburry: TBA
oli: TBA (possibly mimic?)
owen: human
scar: witch
pearl: copper golem
pix: archeologist
martyn: chillager
full origins descriptors under the cut!
scott: transporter [impact - •••]
a transporter is a sparse-atomed creature that is able to create rifts in space to relocate themselves and others.
wayfinder [+]
set waypoints that you can later teleport you and several others to.
hotswap [+]
you can mark someone you're looking at, and then swap places with them.
quickrift [+]
make a quick rift to teleport to a nearby location.
heavyload [-]
to be able to teleport, your particles must be in less density, therefore you can’t wear heavier armors.
atomic exhaustion [-]
using portals will exhaust you very quickly.
relocated confusion [-]
quickrift has a chance to apply nausea or slowness.
fwhip: road runner [impact - •••]
fastest origin out there. your heritage of road runners allow you to run reallly, really fast.
just faster [+]
you naturally sprint faster than other players.
gotta go fast [+]
hold your primary key to boost your speed and run really fast. as you hold your primary button your energy bar will slowly go down. you are also unable to jump while going.
still fast [+]
you are too fast to be slowed, soul sand doesn't slow you down, and the slowness effect doesn't work on you.
so tired . . . [-]
your constant running makes you exhaust more.
not made for that [-]
try to ignore water, you can't swim.
bad aim [-]
you can't use a bow or a crossbow.
gem: swarm [impact - •••]
these hive independent group of bees choose to stick together to overcome the obstacles of the outside world.
hover [+]
being made up of multiple bees, you are able to hover midair whenever you are falling.
smoke sensitivity [-]
your senses are lessened when near smoke.
pollination [+]
while you aren't sneaking, your bone meal is infused with pollen, allowing it to additionally affect the 4 adjacent blocks.
calming aura [+]
animals bred by you do not have to wait to be bred again.
expendable [-]
you have 3 less hearts of health than humans.
beekeeper [+]
taking honey and honeycomb from a hive does not anger bees.
joey: dark fairy [impact - •••]
a fairy that has turned to the dark side.
winged [+] *
you have elytra wings you can use to fly around with.
shadow embrace [+]
you can turn into an invisible entity that cannot interact with entities or blocks and cannot be interacted with.
pixie sized [+]
you are half a block tall.
moonlight [+]
you use moonlight to see at night better.
freezing point [-]
in biomes below 0.3 temperature, you have weakness and slowness.
heliophobia [-]
you hate the day, and this hatred causes you to take 15% more damage.
shadow bolt [+] **
a simple yet effective short distance beam that will hit anyone and take away 3 hearts of damage.
* bugged to only allow him to glide.
katherine: human [impact - •••]
a regular human. your ordinary minecraft experience awaits.
sausage: ghast [impact - •••]
you’re a flying denizen of the nether, capable of raining down hellfire.
pyroblast [+]
you can unleash terrifying fireballs.
spectral flight [+]
you are able to launch up into the air, and will slowly glide until you reach the ground.
fire immunity [+]
you are impervious to fire and lava.
hydrophobia [-]
you receive damage over time while in contact with water.
need for mobility [-]
you can not wear any heavy armor (armor with protection values higher than iron).
seapeekay: human [impact - •••]
a regular human. your ordinary minecraft experience awaits.
shubble has not shown her origin descriptor.
joel: hippogriff [impact - •••]
a noble creature, capable of taking to the skies.
winged [+]
you have elytra wings without needing to equip any.
gale wings [+]
you can propel yourself forwards a small amount.
rideable [+]
players can ride you by interacting with you.
claw grip [+]
you can pick up mobs.
fresh air [-]
you are enfeebled when not exposed to the sky.
embellished egotism [-]
you can only wear golden armor.
jimmy: bad guy [impact - •••]
you’re just generally a bad person, and your abilities reflect that.
bomb tosser [+]
throw a bomb into the air to quickly explode.
undying determination [+]
when your health is low, you can burst in a rage of fire, healing yourself whilst becoming stronger for a short time.
mischievous mist [+]
you can disappear in a mist for a short time.
fire immunity [+]
you are impervious to fire and lava.
carnivore [-]
your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
stacy: strider [impact - •••]
travel the vast oceans of lava with the speed of a strider.
fire immunity [+]
you are immune to all tupes of fire damage.
nether inhabitant [-]
your natural spawn will be in the nether.
hydrophobia [-]
you receive damage over time while in contact with water.
lava walker [+][-]
you have the ability to walk on lava source blocks! you are also quicker while walking on lava, and slower on land.
rideable creature [+]
other players can ride you!
fungus hunger [+]
you can eat warped fungus to recover some hunger, along with a small speed boost.
owen: human [impact - •••]
a regular human. your ordinary minecraft experience awaits.
scar: witch [impact - •••]
cruel and cackling, witches are masters of brewing, and are great with magic.
better potions [+]
you consume potions better than most, potions will last longer when you drink them.
perfect potion [+]
get a random potion effect, based on the situation you are in.
pillager aligned [-]
villagers don't like you, and pillagers like you!
pearl: copper golem [impact - •••]
the copper golems are a curious automaton, designed to improve the lives of others. since they were initially prototyped, they have gained a greater knowledge of redstone components and ways to utilise them.
repairs available [-]
your body cannot be naturally or magically mended. you instead repair by consuming copper ingots.
oxidation [-]
your copper body makes you susceptible to the elements, oxidising you over time. oxidation can be removed with an axe.
galvanise [+]
honeycombs allow you to wax yourself, staving off the effects of oxidation for several minutes.
lightning rod [+]
while in thunderstorms, you're much more likely to get struck by lightning. you are immune to lighting, and de-oxidize when struck.
copper plating [+]
your chassis is made out of copper. as a result, you passively have resistance.
local area networking* [+]
you have modified an antenna to fit to your head permanently to recieve radio signals.
micro machine [-]
you are only one block tall, and your maximum health is reduced.
automaton [+][-]
your body doesn't experience hunger, and you don't benefit from natural regeneration.
button masher [+]
your programming gives you an overwhelming urge to press buttons. every time you press a button, redstone dust will drop.
tinkerer [+]
you can quickly convert a redstone component into its similar counterpart.
transmute [+]
you are able to transmute copper into other metals, allowing you to craft more metal items.
toolsmith [+]
you can also use this skill to create various metal tools.
circuit corrosion [-]
being submerged in water will damage your internal circuitry. your plating will protect you from rain, however.
heavy metal [+][-]
you don't need to breathe underwater, but your dense body holds you down.
* active ability. when standing within 5 blocks of unwaxed copper, emerald, or diamond ore and blocks, you will beep. you oxidise faster while this is active.
pix: archeologist [impact - •••]
you are obsessed with fossils and relics, artifacts and more. talents gathered among your years of practice will surely help you along your journey.
archeology [+]
from trash to treasure, you can find anything in the dust times of long past.
fortunate [+]
you naturally have two levels of fortune.
favorable fashion [+]
wearing a full set of leather armor results in a set bonus.
sacred respect [-]
you find yourself troubled by the idea of destroying structures of ancient times.
entomophobia [-]
days of looking underground is sure to put the fear of bugs in anyone.
martyn: chillager [impact - •••]
errrrr! you freeze yourself and your opponents alike, however being cold finds itself much more beneficial to you than your enemies.
cryofreeze [+]
you can temporarily freeze yourself, negating all damage and regenerating health for a short time.
frozen falling [+]
when hitting a target, they'll have trouble moving for a small moment.
frozen touch [+]
when hitting a target, they'll have trouble moving for a small moment.
fine motor skills [-]
being cold results in a loss of fine motor skills; good luck trying to attack a target in rapid succession.
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bug-oc · 3 months
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 4
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Murmur (they/them) from @sappedart
Murmur is a perfectly normal honey bee with a perfectly normal amount of legs. Don’t look too hard at their antennae, okay?
They’re vague on just where they came from exactly, but they currently live in the Ant Kingdom and work as a bartender in the commercial district. Despite their caginess on certain details, Murmur is incredibly friendly and loves getting to know new people and make more friends. Their job is good for that! Even if it leaves them incredibly exhausted after their shift is done. They also enjoy cooking.
(In truth, they are a spider trying to blend in as a normal bug. They’ve had a rough past and have done some sketchy things to get by, but their intentions are good.)
Hessi (she/her) from @flame-shadow
Hessi is a friendly scientist who loves pursuing her passions and encouraging others to do so too! She works in a lab with other creative bugs as they explore the world around them and find ways to make changes and improvements. Hessi is good with machines and is currently working on safe means of flight for flightless bugs (she’s trying to build jetpacks).
When she’s not in the lab, she’s hanging out with her friends and/or partners. Maybe going on a hike or to a new restaurant in the nearby town or just chillin’ and chattin’ in her room late into the night.
She cares a lot in so many ways and will step in to defend bugs who are being mistreated or stand up for those who can’t make themselves heard. She doesn’t like resorting to violence, but she will if she absolutely has to. Luckily, it rarely comes to that.
Also, if you vote for Hessi, you get a free hug, kiss, or high-five from her as thanks.
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pisupsala · 6 months
✨Mila's (Early) Endless Summer Reading List ✨
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I'm packing my bags, so I thought I should pack my favorite stories: stuff that's been on my to-read list for too long, stuff I just enjoy re-reading and want you to know about, something to get me through the long-haul flight, something for sipping cocktails on the beach. I'm going to be updating the list with your recommendations and more stuff that I find. So:
Recommendations? 💕 YES PLEASE!
Recommend your own work? FUCK YES! ✨ minors dni, respect the author's tags, and show them some love by commenting and reblogging.
mostly Bradley Bradshaw tbh lmao * This Love Came Back To Me by @beyondthesefourwalls i love these kinds of plots and it's so sweet *Remember You Even When I Don't by @beyondthesefourwalls i bizarrely never actually finished this and i will have to rectify this pronto *The Younger Kind by @roosterforme im like 20 chapters behind, soooo excited to binge this
*Leave a Light On by @sometimesanalice comfort story right here
*Hey Sailor by @sometimesanalice no notes, just yum
*Less Talk by @tongue-like-a-razor a jake story??? yes and i love this one *Faking It by @tongue-like-a-razor a classic, a must-read
*Little Wallflower by @bradshawsbitch it warms my poor heart and i feel this story on a personal level since I've been dealing with hearing loss
*Mise en Place by @bradshawsbitch hands down on my favorite AUs
*(christmas) baby please come home by @gretagerwigsmuse this fic influenced me so hard i bought a theragun *and even when we’re wrong in every way, we come out the other side okay by @gretagerwigsmuse actually just anything Jordan has ever done with the Smart Alec universe, you should read it
*Concerned Neighbor by @mothdruid this is just hot and you should enjoy it
*The Boyfriend Experience by @notroosterbradshaw i swear this is the fic that got me writing again, so if you like anything I've ever done you should go show Cass some love. *Don't Hang 'Em Till Noon by @sailor-aviator Jake western!AU? I knew I was rewatching Deadwood for a reason. Excited!! recommended by @goldenseresinretriever *Fool's Fare by @sailor-aviator A Jake pirate!AU while I'm on a beach in the Caribbean? Sign. me. up. Also recommended by @goldenseresinretriever *You Catch More Bees With Honey by @goldenseresinretriever I've seen this on my dash so much, but I shamefully never got around to it. How did you know I like hockey?
Masters of the Air
Trust by @blurredcolour yeaaaaah, im obsessed. im deceased. this is so good.
prettier than a peach by @honeyskywitch reading this on my flight, so excited!
Oblivious by @sagesolsticewrites saving this one for the airport~
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