kim-inlaw · 4 years
I'm changing my aesthetic? Idk this semester is taking a turn i should have seen coming. Sooo idk feel free to stick around for the sht show I guess
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rivkahstudies · 4 years
Asks: 8, 18
8. Has university been what you expected it to be?
LOL yes and no. It has definitely kicked my ass and brought me into an amazing world of possibilities. It also took all my money. But I've also found the love of my life, a lifelong group of friends, found my purpose, and encountered things I never dreamed.
18. What’s your least favourite thing about academia?
G-d do I have to pick just one? Gatekeeping against minorities and the poor, overall whitewashed topics, the rich kids I'd like to punch in the mouth bc they definitely didn't get in for their bright ideas and generous souls, predatory/sadistic professors...
Thanks for asking dearie!
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
Im rewriting my personal statement for the 3rd time. I don't know what makes me special, I'm sorry. I just wanna go to law school! Omggg 😫😫😫😫😫
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
I have class in 10 mins. 2 readings I didn't really do and a discussion board plus a 500 word summary on our project ...that I also didn't do.
Its gonna be a great 1.5hrs. I am literally lost with these readings and so confused with this project. But I also dont have the energy to care ? Soo.... 😗😗 I guess its time for improve class.
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Introducing Twig and Denver
I decided to do some sketches and create 2 new friends for Oliver. Idk if yall knew but Oli is a character I drew a lot last semester.
I dint really have a plot or a background for them yet. But lmk if you'd be interested in seeing more of them 😅
Btw! I decided against coloring them for now. I can't color for sht!
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
I remember a reason i didn't want to be a lawyer was bc I had a shtty memory and didn't think I'd do well bc of that.
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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The feeling of being nervous and putting yourself out there can be uncomfortable.
I'm not telling you that you have to do this, im simply sharing that this is what I did and if you want to try it, go ahead
A quote I hear quite often:
"Being brave or courageous isn't about not being scared, its doing something even though you are afraid"
You are bigger than your fears and insecurities
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Sweet candles and late night lofi studies
Sept 1st 2020 - 1:15am
Good night ~ ♡
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Notes p1
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Notes p2
Necessary and sufficient conditions.
Here are the free resources im using to self study:
Lsatcenter.com has free lessons with videos and practice questions. Its great if you want to further understand topics in simpler terms.
Theres a free version of the LSAT trainer on https://libgen.lc/ (and old tests if you search for it)
Khan academy is also free and they have lots of practice questions and exams that are timed. It'll help you make a study schedule too.
Theres an app called LSAT prep. Now you can study on the go or right before bed really quick. Its a bunch of questions with no lessons though.
I'm currently around a 150 and I'll be taking the LSAT in Nov
I study four days a week and about 4hrs a day.
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Snoopy spreads.
I remember when I'd read the comic section of the Sunday paper. Somethings never gets old.
- Kim
23. 08. 2020
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
i havent written a poem in forever,,, heres one i made on the fly. Might be crap but its a mind dump idk. feel free to lmk
topic: faces
Title: Strength In Faces
They come in many,
A two for one sale. 
You turn to me as you face them 
and it’s an inferno. 
Your features outline and redefine the image of fair maidens 
But how it burns!
The face i touch when you hold ever so still in graceful thought,
so different from the face I see.
You remind them that there’s a war in your heart.
A violent whip of outcries against humanity 
and it keeps them far. 
I know you and they know you 
and I wish,
oh how I dearly wish,
That I can show you my many faces as well. 
Okay thats all. thanks for reading i guess
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Dear whoever is reading this,
I made it through the first week of August!
Best regards,
09.08.2020 (day.month)
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Classes start the 26th (but I don't have classes on weds so I officially start the 27th )
I don't want to recognize how close that is cause I'm not ready to be super busy.
FYI / Reminder My Lsats is on oct 3 (if i don't chicken out and take it in Nov... cause i still haven't registered yet)
The list of things to do in my free time is a lot and Idk why I can't stop myself from doing things.
It'll be my last semester 😵🥺😱 so many feels
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
Back to school questions
I'm trying to keep calm and study on but like...
How are you planning to take notes/ study with online classes?
What school items are you buying?
Should i buy a new wardrobe??
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
Morning anxiety;
Let's be okay talking about how we feel
Description: I had an anxiety attack first thing in the morning. Here's how it went, where it came from and how im dealing with it. Also mentions of the news and how that has impacted me.
⚠️ warning ⚠️ this will be long !! I hope you like stories/conversations.
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Woke up this morning with an anxiety attack. When I have anxiety, I tremble and go into very uncontrollable shaking. (I've experienced these also when I'm not anxious, but rarely, since childhood. The teeth chatter, there are random shivers that jerk the body. Having one first thing in the morning is not pleasant, as it led to a pretty bad stomach ache.
I dont really talk about things like this, but I think talking about mental health should be normalized. Its nothing to be embarrassed about, we all have feelings and feel in diff ways.
Anywho, I woke up from a bad dream. It started off bearable (not so bad) and then something happened.
My dream: me and a few others (all women) were together and I believe we were working for this mysterious guy. It gave really dangerous and criminal vibes. I think we were working on an experiment (I was slacking off ofc and like I can barely tell what it was we were supposed to be doing) Next thing I know,, two big guys were chasing us. I think someone got murdered. They were trying to force us back to work and we refused (cause like its criminal or w.e) and as running i passed a room full of people who were also kept in the building against their will. I heard someone running in front of me shout "forget them, keep running"
Not only was the dream so faced paced and scary but i woke up feeling so bad. Not only was I in danger but I couldn't do anything to help others. I couldn't even give it a second thought.
I feel that my anxiety and worry for the women in mexico and turkey and the black people in america and just all countries are going thru something rn. And its hard to deal with one situation (as I am black and live in America so the blm affects me) but having to think about the situation in mexico or turkey (as I am also a women), its scary. Scary to think that something like that can and is happening. Questioning, why is it happening? Not being able to do as much as i would like to help.
Parts of me just truly wish I could evaporate every ounce of hate and discrimination towards others in the world. Its honestly pointless to live that way. I can go on and on...
Now there's a lot that could be said about my dream. Truth, i was reading the news before bed (not a good idea at all). I saw posts on twitter about whats going on in México and its going on in Turkey (femicide) and idk i didn't go to sleep with such a peace of mind.
At a time like this, not only is being black a crime but so is being a women and its a global issue. Its always been a global issue and yet we have gone so long pretending it's not or ignoring it as its not our problem. Things like this should bother you no matter where you are!
If you can never see yourself in a position like the women in Turkey or Mexico or the black people in America rn, count yourself lucky/blessed/privileged!
I woke up feeling unsafe even though I live in a pretty safe city ... well ny is not safe safe but I've been living here all my life so im well adjusted.
My anxiety was through the roof this morning. My heart and support goes out to everyone struggling, not just with their government but also those struggling with their own personal struggles and mental health.
What I'm did and doing now:
1. Youtube: I find that certain music does not help. Im so used to thinking and listening to music so I decided to watch vlogs on YouTube. Ones with less talking and lots of day to day sounds like cooking or cleaning. These sounds are relaxing and it feels less lonely early in the morning.
Youtubers I like:
Korean Vlogs: plan D, hyonyeo, nyangsoop. ( these are what I watch to calm me down)
Motivational/inspiring: Rowena Tsai, Coffee and Cashmere, thesoulsearch (what i watch when I'm low on energy or need to start something)
Fun personalities: Eric nam, Damon Dominique(if u like france, he can show you what it's like to live there), Connor Franta (fun to watch when bored or looking for new interests! They are really funny)
2. Radio show/ talk shows: Currently I catch myself in Korean hip-hop. After watching a Korean vlog and somewhat falling asleep to it, I woke up more by watching a korean radio talk show hosted by woo wonjae, Music High. Woo wonjae is a korean rapper at AOMG (ya kno Jay Park.?.) His voice is really lovely and I love him a lot cause I feel he has come far and continues to do well. I wont go into details but he deals with mental health struggles as well that i have related to.
Talk shows/ radio shows are great cause you're sitting in on a conversation. Sometimes it feels like you're apart of it. Its simple and takes away a lot of thoughts. Also helps when you feel lonely. Theres laughs and music so the overall atmosphere is warm.
I'm still in bed, no walk today. Its a bit rainy and misty out but I actually don't mind. It's very refreshing and soothing.
I will have some tea with a muffin soon and enjoy a book.
I wish you to know, you can always share youre feelings with me. Thank you for reading this, if you did. Feel free to like or reblog or comment. Im happy to hear from you ♡
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kim-inlaw · 4 years
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Good morning!
Happy first day of August. Let's enjoy this moment together.
- kym
Aug 1, 2020
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