#honkai li sushang
godisasimp · 5 months
Happy lesbian visibility week.
Do you see them yet?
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hutaoscoffinn · 1 year
Li Sushang relationship hcs?
Ahhhh I love Sushang shes such a good lesbian shes so fucking sweet and gay and I love her so much ahhhhh
Warnings: none, super fluffy, gn! Reader, implied possible death, implied/stated danger, Sushang being Sushang, hella fluffy
Character: Li Sushang
Requests: OPEN
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Sushang is a very sweet girl and is a very sweet lover
She will always make your safety and happiness one of her top priorities because she views you as one of the most important people in her life
However, Sushang has a very strong sense of duty and will put her work before you
This does not mean she will neglect you though
She will always send you a text or give you a call when she has a chance on a long mission
And if there is an active threat near you or one she feels could endanger you, she will be doing what she can in order to protect you and get you to a safe place
Before every mission she leaves for, Sushang will always kiss the back of your hand and swear to return to you to shower you with proper kisses
Coming home from a mission, even a short one that only took hours to complete always ends up being a loving reunion
Sushang never knows when she will be deployed and if she will meet her end on the battlefield of the next mission so she always treats every moment she has with you with immense amounts of happiness
Now, when Sushang has a break or is not having to go on missions she loves taking you on spontaneous dates
She adores when you show her around the city and introduce her to new people or even just new technology she hasnt seen before
Her eyes will light up and she will shower you with praise for being so smart even if what you are showing her is considered common knowledge
On all of your dates, simply walking around the city or otherwise, Sushang insists on holding your hand
She loves some simple PDA that ensures you are close to her so that she can know neither of you will get separated
Of course, she is very energetic and sometimes her excessive energy can tire you out
And when it does, Sushang will always offer to carry you
She loves giving you rides on her back, feeling your warmth pressed against her as you drift off to sleep, your breath fanning her neck
It makes her so incredibly soft and her heart so filled with love
Around her coworkers, Sushang will always brag about you
She gushes over how much of a great partner you are and how lucky she is to have you by her side
That gushing translates to your home life with her as well
She showers you with endless compliments and always has a loving look in her eyes as she gazes at you
While in public Sushant holds back her affection, in private she will be all over you
She becomes almost whiny if you two arent holding hands or even just pinkies
She adores physical contact with you and will often give you random backhugs or tug you against her chest for a nice long hug that lasts for several minutes that neither of you want to pull away from
So as you can assume, she is a cuddler
Sushan loves loves loves being able to cuddle you close and hold you tight in her arms
She loves resting her head on your chest or vise versa
She loves playing with your hair and giving you little kisses all over as she keeps you nice and warm in her hold, her thumbs rubbing circles into your hips
Shes such a cuddle bug that getting out of bed in the morning is almost impossible
Whenever you wake up, Sushang will be asleep against you, her arms tight around you with her body positioned against yours in some position that feels like it should not be comfortable whatsoever
Waking her up is a nightmare
She almost always begs for five more minutes and the only times she is up faster than you is if there is a threat to you or an urgent call from her work that requires her immediately
Besides those cases, you cannot drag her out of bed for the life of you
She will always use her strength against you and tug you closer, trapping you in her grip as she mumbles that she wants five more minutes of cuddling
You’ll give in of course, who are you to resist your hard working girlfriend anyway? Its what she deserves, even if it means she is rushing to get to work on time when the alarm is no longer snoozed
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corrakii · 2 years
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imaturtleturtle · 2 years
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ahc2923 · 2 years
I'll post more of my best works on here and future arts here too besides insta and twt. For now have these Fanarts of the Honkai ladies I've made xD 🥀✨
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iamunavailable · 2 years
Animation by HI3rd Official BiliBili
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haunted-xander · 9 months
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The astral express will always be home
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pinkrose05 · 10 months
Sudden realization that we now have a Smol Cloud Quintet of kids on the Luofu.
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Warning: contains minor spoilers for version 1.5 content.
After Huohuo's debut and the recent Trailblaze Continuance + Event, I've noticed that a few recurring faces seem to parallel the good ol' High Cloud Quintet of the Luofu, be it by accident or on purpose. And if you know me, then you may have noticed I really like to connect the dots (or in some cases, make up headcanon dots for funsies), so I had to put these thoughts into words.
Going clockwise from the center, we have:
1) The High Elder of the vidyadhara, well-known for proficiency in healing arts, designated mother hen, and.... significantly shorter than everyone else in the group. Poor Bailu. At least she gets to be a short gremlin, and that's neat! Go cause mischief, queen!
2) A talented swordsman who aspires to be the Sword Champion and has an affinity for ice. And for throwing sharp objects as an attack. Kinda funny how Jing Yuan is the only one of Jingliu's disciples that doesn't do that, and yet his own apprentice picks up the habit anyway.
3) A newbie Cloud Knight of somewhat traditional upbringing, who happens to be really impressed by their superior and gets noticed by them in turn at some point (see Sushang's About Yanqing line, and the latter calling for assembly when he joins a team with her specifically).
4) A foxian who's known to be very good at her job, but gets into a lot of trouble and earns a nickname for exactly that (Cursed One for Huohuo, Starskiff Killer for Baiheng), and still miraculously scrapes by every unfortunate encounter.
5) A crafty, short-lived outlander whose home planet was destroyed in their childhood, with them being taken to the Xianzhou as a result, and then rising to fame thanks to their creativity and fiery spirit. They also befriend the aforementioned newbie Cloud Knight, except there's lots of squabbles and teasing involved.
Personally I think they should all be friends. A silly lil group that circumvents the law and gets up to shenanigans. Half of them are already besties in canon too, so it's not particularly farfetched, and the potential interactions between the rest are fun to think about!
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Oh my god, they know.
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starlasketch · 6 months
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its more specifically hi3 susu's birthday, but, hsr susu is easier for me to draw so i did my best i just love girlie okay
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vllerei · 27 days
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forgot this app existed have a dump
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godisasimp · 6 months
The sushang has gotten her outfit
i 4/4 all 3 p2 characters (i am not getting Songque sorry) i am done with this patch
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hotdyke-hardstyle · 9 months
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corrakii · 2 years
Work in progress
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aeonophagic · 1 year
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h1mmel · 2 months
Lingshuang and my autistic thoughts about her
An infodump about my favorite Honkai character, Fu Hua’s 5th disciple. 🙂‍↕️👉👈
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Her birth name is Cheng Lingshuang, though I’ll only be calling her by her first name for reasons I’ll explain later. While her exact origin is unknown, she was found as a child by Fu Hua as part of the cult of Wangshan mountain, making her likely an orphan or the daughter of cultists. (The former is probably much more likely)
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Autism coding point no 1: this is obvious I don’t even need to say anything.
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After joining Taixu Mountain Sect as Fu Hua’s fifth disciple, she went on to become the strongest out of the seven, mastering all of the aggregates of Taixu spare for Blade Sanction(/aka Sword Intent). While the reason for her lack of mastery over Blade Sanction is unexplained, mastery of it is not related to skill, so it does not diminish her martial abilities. My personal speculation is that it’s because Blade Sanction involves forming a specific connection between wielder and sword, and Lingshuang practices lack of attachment from worldly things, weapons included.
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During the assassination, she was the one to deal the final blow against Fu Hua, striking her in the forehead and shattering her Xuanyuan sword in the process.
Upon her departure from Mt. Taixuan, she went on to defeat multiple masters of martial arts and became infamous within the jianghu— partially because of the fact that she won every battle with only a single move. During this time, she did take up another Xuanyuan sword, but it’s unknown whether that was Fu Hua’s sword or if she borrowed it from someone else. (Su Mei suspects it was Hua’s sword, but I’m not sure if that’s actually true but it’s a valid suspicion)
Anyways she ends up going to jail for her exploits and gets broken out by Su Mei and Ma Yanqing. After, she decides to retire in the northern desert and travels to the edge of the central plains with Qin Suyi. She lives off in her little hut in the desert for several years before Suyi comes back with a kid in tow and asks her to take her daughter as her disciple.
Lingshuang is a person who holds personal debts to a very high importance, as well as a person who is very protective of people who matter to her, even when she rarely shows affection to such people in typical ways. This blind faith in her peers is a nativity that Suyi is able to take advantage of by implanting a false memory in Lingshuang using her Xuanyuan Sword’s Blade Sanction ability. Lingshuang remembers an event which never happened where Suyi saved her life during the time they travelled together, and thus, believes herself to be in Suyi’s debt. Thus, she agrees to take Sushang as her disciple.
One thing to be noted about Lingshuang and her inter-personal relationships is her complete disregard of filial piety. A very important concept in China, especially ancient China, filial piety is the respect one should show for the people in their life such as one’s parents, elders, siblings, master or teacher, and other important life figures.
The first glaring example of her being unfilial is her lack of use of her surname. While it’s common to refer to a close friend by only first name, most often when their name is multiple letters (ex: calling Qin Suyi by Suyi is affectionate, while calling Su Mei as just Mei doesn’t land quite the same way). Lingshuang is NOT an example of this, as she specifically introduces herself as only Lingshuang. Her name tag in the VN only reads “Lingshuang,” while characters like Suyi and Sushang who are often called by only first name still have their full names in their name tags. The only times where she’s called Cheng Lingshuang is when she’s introduced as a toddler, and another example where Senti is throwing shade on her name to Sushang and purposely being disrespectful. Keeping one’s father’s name is an important part of filial piety, and women do not change their surname when they marry to maintain their father’s surname. Changing or removing one’s surname is akin to disowning one’s father.
(Pictured: Senti beef)
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Another person one should be filial to is their master, which Lingshuang is obviously not. I actually asked the 7s author to elaborate on Lingshuang’s specific feelings about Fu Hua out of curiosity, and here’s what he said.
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“Lingshuang thinks Fu Hua is a mysterious, indifferent, and weird master, and isn’t interested in getting to know her deeper.”
Basically, Lingshuang holds no filial respect for her master, putting the same amount of effort into their relationship as Fu Hua does (Fu Hua dgaf about building genuine deep relationships with her disciples). She is also very unfilial because she stabbed her in the forehead. 🙁
Twenty years later and Lingshuang has in fact taken a couple of disciples of her own in addition to Sushang. We barely hear about them because they aren’t that important to her— she lacks the master/disciple filial notions in both directions. It’s not that she dislikes them, but she only sees them as people who she teaches rather than someone she owes a connection and relationship with.
This brings up the most important point— why isn’t she like that with Sushang? It’s because Lingshuang doesn’t lack care for other people; rather, she cares for people based on genuine closeness rather than because of titles such as disciple or master or family. She doesn’t feel obligated to be close to someone society would expect her to be filial to when they aren’t someone she cares about. So, Lingshuang’s care for Sushang comes from a genuine familial affection rather than an obligation as a master. Even SENTI acknowledges the two of them as having a familial relationship.
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(She is definitely not talking about Suyi since Suyi is the only one who didn’t participate in the assassination.)
Sushang isn’t the only person she’s close with— she does have a sense of camaraderie with her fellow disciples, while not as deep. Lin Zhaoyu did partially raise her, her thoughts about Su Mei are unknown, she was willing to risk fighting her master to save Jiang Wanru, she enjoys somewhat affectionately tormenting Ma Yanqing, and overall she’s probably closest with Qin Suyi even though I wouldn’t call them quite ‘friends.’ She is nowhere as close with any of her martial siblings as she is with Sushang.
Next to continue on the autism coding point:
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(Pls take my translation with a grain of salt and not total accuracy because I don’t speak Chinese and am just googling what things mean 😭)
“As the fifth disciple of Taixuan, except for Chiyuan Zhenren (Fu Hua’s title, “red kite true Daoist spiritual master”), she is the only person in the past 100 years to have comprehended the supreme skill “Edge of Taixuan.”
At the age of two, she began practicing martial arts, and achieved the level of “Taixuan” (Highest level of Blade Mantra) at the age of 12. She was known as a master of the blade, at ease, indifferent, and an unparalleled swordsmaster.
Lingshuang has been holding a sword for 37 years of her life, but she has never truly stepped into this world.
She has never experienced setbacks, never experienced failure, and is bound by neither desire or attachments.
Common sense, rules, logic, rationality, worldly affairs, binds to all things mundane, these were things Lingshuang never cared for or payed attention to.”
(And an excerpt from the next part that tumblr won’t let me post the screencap of cause I can only post 10 images wtf 😭😭)
“Those lucky enough to be familiar with her (Lingshuang) will know…
She claims to have a foothold of independence and self reliance in the world.”
To clarify what this means, historically, the kind of lifestyle she lives is very unusual for a woman in 15th century China. She’s essentially a single mom, she lives in her own house, farms her own food, makes her own wages, is unmarried and uninterested in marrying, lives in the middle of nowhere, lives a lifestyle focused around martial arts, and hardly ever talks to people. Societal rules and standards mean nothing to her.
So, saying she “hasn’t entered the world,” refers to her lack of interaction with society and its expectations, yet her claim of “independence and self reliance” means that she does in fact live her life, just in her own way. Essentially: she lives in her own world.
My next point on the autism coding: the literal entire description on her specific daily routine.
“When it was still dark outside the window, Lingshuang had woken up. She always wakes up at this time, neither early or too late.
After washing in a basin of cold water and getting dressed, she meditates cross legged on the bed and recites the Blade Mantra silently. One thought might take two hours to pass, and even a strike of lightning couldn’t disrupt her.
Then, she gets up and sweeps the floor with a broom. When the house is cleaned, she’ll go to the small nearby market to buy some pancakes and mutton.
If she were to run out of water, she’d have to travel to the well to bring a few buckets of it.
After breakfast, she’d sit down next to an old loom and spin silk. Once, she could spin a satisfactory silk in one day. After having taken in Sushang, the process was greatly slowed down. Now, it can take up to a week— and no shorter than four days.”
Next: about her stigmata! Lingshuang is one of the few characters to have a natural stigmata. While we don’t know what it looks like, I personally suspect it’s the Taixuan sect symbol (Lin Zhaoyu’s huadian and Totori’s stigmata), located on the forehead. There’s a lot of importance placed with the diamond shape on the forehead, from Senti having a diamond from her hairpiece dangling there, Fu Hua having been stabbed there, and Totori (a bearer of Fu Hua’s stigmata in GGZ) having her stigmata there, and more decorations used when characters (Kiana, Senti, Sushang) are using Eminence.
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A quote, Kevin speaking to Durandal in reference to Lingshuang, “After all, except for someone a long time ago... You may be the first human being who will not be negatively affected by a stigmata at all.”
And a conversation between Fu Hua and Senti:
HoS: …Is Lingshuang still around?
FH: it’s been five hundred years.
HoS: …Oh, that’s a pity. The kid was the real monster. You didn’t tell Kevin about her, did you?
FH: He knows.
HoS: Oh, that’s why he feels so confident about his Project Stigma. Such a perfect example for him to follow.
My last point about Lingshuang is her sense of humor and playfulness that’s often missed or misinterpreted by the people around her. Most people perceive her as cold, to the point where Ma Feima is surprised that she is upset he wounded Sushang, not thinking she would have genuine care for her disciple. This is partially exacerbated by the fact that her jokes are said with a straight face and taken at face value. Ex: Ma Feima was talking about his horse, and she asks him if horse meat tastes any good, which he takes as an insult rather than a joke. Sushang was uncomfortable sleeping in a bed with a man and Lingshuang remarks she’s a bad teacher for not teaching her kid sex ed jokingly, during a serious conversation. She also asks Otto to strip naked to check his wounds in a very straightforward way that confuses him. She is misunderstood a lot by the way she makes joking comments and playful jabs which she sees as affectionate, but others sometimes do not.
Tldr: Lingshuang is the strongest human being of her time who stabbed her master in the forehead, fucked off to the middle of nowhere, and accidentally became a single mom.
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emypony · 1 year
more text posts bc they make me mentally unwell
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^ senti if she ever was on a soulium body lmao
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ok literally all of them are Senti bc she makes me obsessed she could be so many things
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