#honorary mention to my cat loki
soleillunne · 1 year
umm what’s your favorite cat breed?
I had to look up cat breeds for this idk anything about them so from the photos alone:
Norwegian forest cat (the vet mistook my cat for this the first time we took him there - i still don't know for sure if he's this or a Longhair there's some debate lmao)
Van kedisi (i see a lot of these guys on my city they're so pretty)
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Goddess Freya
💕Freya is the goddess of love in Norse mythology, but she is also associated with sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war, and death. 
💕Freya (“Lady”) is one of the preeminent goddesses in Norse mythology.
💕She’s a member of the Vanir tribe of deities, but became an honorary member of the Aesir gods after the Aesir-Vanir War.
💕Freya is the daughter of Njord however her mother is unknown, but could be Nerthus. She has a twin brother named Freyr. Freya is married to the god Odr, but he somehow disappeared but it might be Odin. Her husband Odr in late Old Norse literature is certainly none other than Odin and accordingly Freya is ultimately identical with Odin’s wife Frigg. She has two children with Odr, their names are Hnoss and Gersemi.
💕Some of the weekdays in Norse mythology originate from some of the gods and goddesses, and Freya might be associated with the day friday, but there are conflicting sources so it could also be the goddess Frigg.
💕Freya is famous for her fondness of love, fertility, beauty, and fine material possessions because of these predilections she’s considered to be something of the “party girl” of the Aesir. In one of the Eddic poems for example, Loki accuses Freya (probably accurately) of having slept with all of the gods and elves including her brother.
💕She’s certainly a passionate seeker after pleasures and thrills, but she’s a lot more than only that. Freya is the archetype of the völva, a professional or semiprofessional practitioner of seidr the most organized form of Norse magick. It was she who first brought this art to the gods and by extension to humans as well.
💕Given her expertise in controlling and manipulating the desires, health, and prosperity of others she’s a being whose knowledge and power are almost without equal.
💕Freya presides over the afterlife realm Folkvangr. According to one Old Norse poem, she chooses half of the warriors slain in battle to dwell there.
💕Seidr is a form of pre-Christian Norse magick and shamanism concerned with discerning destiny and altering its course by re-weaving part of its web. This power could potentially be put to any use imaginable and examples that cover virtually the entire range of the human condition can be found in Old Norse literature.
💕In the Viking Age, the völva was an itinerant seeress and sorceress who traveled from town to town performing commissioned acts of seidr in exchange for lodging, food, and often other forms of compensation as well. Like other northern Eurasian shamans, her social status was highly ambiguous. She was by turns exalted, feared, longed for, propitiated, celebrated, and scorned.
💕Freya’s occupying this role amongst the gods is stated directly in the Ynglinga Saga, and indirect hints are dropped elsewhere in the Eddas and sagas. For example, in one tale we’re informed that Freya possesses falcon plumes that allow their bearer to shift his or her shape into that of a falcon.
💕While the late Old Norse literary sources that form the basis of our current knowledge of pre-Christian Germanic religion present Freya and Frigg as being at least nominally distinct goddesses, the similarities between them run deep. Their differences, however, are superficial and can be satisfactorily explained by consulting the history and evolution of the common Germanic goddess whom the Norse were in the process of splitting into Freya and Frigg sometime shortly before the conversion of Scandinavia and Iceland to Christianity (around the year 1000 CE).
💕Freya and Frigg are similarly accused of infidelity to their (apparently common) husband. Alongside the several mentions of Freya’s loose sexual practices can be placed the words of the medieval Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus, who relates that Frigg slept with a slave on at least one occasion. In Lokasenna and the Ynglinga Saga, Odin was once exiled from Asgard, leaving his brothers Vili and Ve in command. In addition to presiding over the realm, they also regularly slept with Frigg until Odin’s return. Many scholars have tried to differentiate between Freya and Frigg by asserting that the former is more promiscuous and less steadfast than the latter, but these tales suggest otherwise.
💕Her emblem is the necklace Brisingamen.
💕Hers is the magic of reading runes, trancing, and casting spells. She is said to have taught Seidr to Odin.
💕She owns a falcon cloak, takes dove form, rides in a chariot drawn by two cats, or rides a boar.
💕As leader of the Valkyries, she takes half those slain in battle and is traditionally associated with death and sexuality.
💕She weeps tears of gold, which become amber, called "Freya's Tears". A kenning for amber. When she could not find her husband Odr, Freya shed tears of gold. The tears that hit trees turned into amber.
💕Freya is incredibly beautiful and she has many admirers, not just among the gods and goddesses but also among the dwarves and giants. She loves jewelry and other fine materials and she has quite often used her beauty to get the jewelry she desires. A big passion for poems and loves to sit and listen to songs for many hours. 
💕Freya is living in Asgard (the home of the gods), the name of her house is Sessrumnir and it is located by the field Folkvangr which means “field of the host”, “people field”, or “army field”. It is a place where half of the people who die in a battle go for the afterlife, while Odin will receive the other half. Freya is always given the first choice among the brave warriors, after she had picked the ones she wanted, the rest were sent to Odin.
💕Freya loves to travel and she would sometimes take a ride in her chariot. She is often depicted riding her golden chariot through the skies, the chariot pulled by two large blue cats who were a gift from the Norse god Thor. She was also able to fly by using her cloak of falcon feathers, which she willingly loaned out to the other gods and goddesses in Asgard, when they needed to fly to one of the worlds in a hurry. Freya also has a boar named Hildisvini “battle swine” which she rides when she is not using her cat-drawn chariot. It is also said to be Freya’s human lover, ottar in disguise, and that is the reason why Loki consistently accuses her of being immoral by riding her lover in public.
💕Freya chastised Thor soundly one morning for awakening her from her beauty sleep with his boisterous and noisy preparations to "go fishing" for a sea dragon. While he was on the way to his fishing spot, Thor kept hearing lovely song-like noises that seemed to be lulling him to sleep. Stopping to investigate the source of the odd sounds, he found them coming from a nest of mewing blue kittens being tended by a tomcat. The sound that Thor had heard was the male cat singing to the kittens, "sleep, sleep, my dear little ones". Thor suggested (in forceful terms) that the cat stop singing the lullaby and the cat sassed him back, suggesting that Thor had no idea how difficult it was for a single-parent male to rear his children and asking if he knew any women who would be willing to take them in. Immediately Freya came to mind and Thor agreed to take them to her. Like all cats, this one was not quick to show appreciation and added that being blue,  they were very unique cats and deserved an especially fine home. Thor took offense at the comment and thundered back at the cat who, not the least impressed, bared his claws and then turned into a bird and flew away. Kindly Freya was enchanted with Thor's present and did the kittens honor by letting them accompany her on her daily rounds across the sky.
💕She was also called upon to comfort those who were dying, to ease their transition into Valhalla ("the otherworld"), serving as a guide and companion on the journey to Valhalla for many Viking heroes who had died nobly.
💕When Freya and the Valkyries rode forth on their missions, their armor caused the eerily beautiful flickering light that we know as the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights.
💕Freya and Odr were wed, but soon after their wedding Odr disappeared and all feared that he was dead, perhaps killed by the ruling deities for disobeying their orders. Freya was distraught and cried tears of gold, but refused to accept that he was dead. Putting on a magical cloak made of falcon feathers that allows the wearer to fly across vast distances very quickly, she rose into the sky and searched all over the earth for him.
💕Indeed, Odr had not died but had been banished and lost at sea. When Freya found him he had already degenerated into a sea monster. Hideous as he appeared, Freya stayed by his side and comforted him. When someone stumbled upon the sea monster and killed him, Freya was enraged and threatened to take her revenge for the slaying the most noble of the gods.  Fortunately it all worked out as Odr was admitted to Valhalla even though he had not died in battle, and was allowed to have conjugal visits from Freya so that the two were never separated by his death.
💕Usually depicted as a strawberry blonde with stunning blue eyes, none could resist her. To make matters even worse, she possessed apparel that made her irresistible to men. A magickal necklace reputedly made of amber and rubies that was called a "Brisings" or "Brisingamen".
💕Freya had left it a bit late to leave her friend's house to start home. The sun set, and it began to snow. Soon she was becoming disoriented and frost-bitten. Luckily she was found by four dwarves who rescued her and took her to their home. The dwarves were named "North, South, East, and West". Freya volunteered to pay them for their hospitality and the four dwarves cheerfully agreed saying that they would like to be repaid by having her sleep with each of them for one night. Freya wasn't at all interested and promptly declined. Until she saw the incredibly beautiful necklace that they had just made. She had to have it and offered to return after the storm and pay for it in gold. They may have been dwarves, but they weren't stupid. They told her it was not for sale at any price, but countered with an offer that they would be delighted to simply give it to her if she were willing to pay their price for her room and board during the storm. When Freya returned home after the storm subsided, she was wearing the stunning "Necklace of Desire", "Brisingamen", or "The Necklace of the Brisings".
💕The goddess Freya's passions were abundant, vigorous, and unrestrained.  Clothed or not, she is usually shown in sensual poses.
💕Freya is associated with all female animals, especially domestic animals in heat or giving birth. She has several specific animal associations, as well, each of which illuminate some aspect of her power.
💕One of Freya's titles is "Mare of the Vanir", giving her a connection with horses and emphasizing her role as a fertility goddess.
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wynought · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @chinquix! Everybody check them out, they’re amazing!
Favorite colour: I love muted colours; blacks, greys and blues are the best! Especially if combined with a dash of bright colour like red or orange :D
Last song I listened to: The last song I deliberately listened to was Emma Blackery’s Villains Pt. 1 because of Francesca Ross’s incredible Magnus Archives Animatic video. The last song I heard was on the radio and I have absolutely no idea what it was hehe
Favourite musicians: OK so I’ve loved the band Poets of the Fall for ages now and especially their earlier stuff I can always come back to and feel right at home in, but I’m not really actively listening to them anymore. Steam Powered Giraffe has a very special place in my heart for providing me with one of the best songs I have ever heard in one of the hardest times in my life. I go absolutely feral over Hozier because I am just that much of a Gay TM. My absolutely favourite band at the moment is The Mechanisms which is unfortunate because they disbanded this January : ) *arrives two weeks late to their final concert, absolutely unhinged and unable to do anything with all of my feelings*
Favourite song: My favourite Poets of the Fall song is You’re Still Here, it’s soooo sweet, it makes my eyes water just thinking about it. Steam Powered Giraffe have made this absolutely stunning video for their song Malfunction I cannot watch without crying and I also love love love their song Honeybee. All of Hozier’s songs are bangers, but my favourite has to be As It Was. As for the Mechanisms, I’m not sure I can decide? Also, most of their songs are part of a larger narrative, so it’s hard to just link songs, but here goes anyway: There’s Pump Shanty which is an absolute delight to sing along to; there’s Loki which I would love even if they hadn’t thought of calling the Chorus sung by Thor the Thorus, but they did and they own my pun-loving soul now; it’s technically not a song, but Red Signal is better, it’s an experience... Then there’s Frankenstein and Underworld Blues and Hellfire and I am just listing songs that come to my mind now, sorry (I’m not really sorry :P)
Last film watched: I don’t really... watch that many movies? I think it might have been Parasite? But that was like in January...
Last TV show watched: Steven Universe Future, but I haven’t finished it yet, don’t spoil me :3
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Spicy!!! But keep in mind that I am whiter than white bread and while I always enjoy pushing my boundaries in regards to spice and I really enjoy it when it makes me cry, it might not be what other people consider spicy :D Also, honorary mention of sweet because I’m craving chocolate right now ^^
Sparkling water, tea, or coffee: I HATE COFFEE, there I said it. I cannot function without my cup of black tea in the morning (no milk, no sugar, no honey, just black) and I enjoy a variety of herbal teas. I like green tea and despise fruit tea (fruit tea is too sweet, I’m sorry). I technically will drink non-sparkling water, but I much prefer it sparkly and I don’t really drink other liquids than what I have listed here (except for like the odd fresh-pressed orange juice if I’m feeling fancy and also happen to have oranges).
Pets: Does it count as a pet if I would die for our neighbours’ dog Lucy? She’s so white and fluffy and I watched her grow up and she goes nyooooom through the courtyard and her bark is the best sound in the world. But no, I don’t have any pets. I’d like to have some at some point though - I want to get two large dogs I will call Kitty and Snuffles and I want a cat I will name Rex (get it, I’m funny like that). I also love snakes and lizards and turtles and would looooove to have a pet reptile in the future.
I’m gonna tag anybody reading this who wants to do it (:
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Is forming a real superhero bar open for investors first in first considered depending on the deal, validity and substance.
Marvel and DC welcome and franchises like Legandary Vic's too. Artists etc can on a separate list as well as Heros.
Donors or investors at this time, others please wait until it is firmly established, we will make one in Los Vegas and will have satellites in other areas such as the Cincinnati train station a defunct organization at this time. Samuel Jackson will stay on he agrees, we write it up shortly
Milovich is welcome, she donates 1,000,000
Batman the rich donates 1,000,000
Ps I mentioned what 1M gets them.
Jurel donates 1,000,000
Wonder women donates 1,000,000
Bain donates 2,000,000
Ivy donates 1,000,000
Kalel donates 1,000,000
Sasquatch donates 2,000,000
Venom donates 500,000 that is the human side
Riot donated ten thousand to be on the other list the human side
Iron Man donates 5,000,000
All on writing through the courts in refundable format as is the norm you will have statements and expendetures in formal contracts with local law firm that is on the barlist currently.
We agree it's good
Steppenwolf 1,000,000
White Queen 2,000,000
Cat Women 2,000,000
Bain again Tommy it splits in seasons issues 2,000,000
Queen Mother or QM James Bond 3,000,000
Clancy Brown Starship Troopers 2,000,000
Luke Skywalker 10,000,000
Wow folks wow
Whoah, that's a lot Skywalker is rising
Haha is
A mob guy
So muscle aporoves
We do
Mob King character Kingpin 10,000,000
Whoah I've been beat, no matched
Luke Skywalker add 5,000,000 to my ten
No add twenty to my ten
Ok I hold
Luke Skywalker
Karate kid 5,000
All small placers please hold off untill off screen thank you, <5000
Recluse private submission 30,000,000
Daredevil 30,000,000
Batman adds 25,000,000
Hey RD this is getting casino big sized
Sure is I thank you, Casino, club bar electro club, movie theatre and comicon event center
Add mine, increase to 1,000,000,000 additional
So add a billion got it
Velvet Fog honorary member 1,000,000,000
Azog actor 10,000,000 bar and club
Winter Soldier 10,000,000 bar and club
Up mine to 10,000,000,000 Kingpin
Add us in Kato 10,000,000,000
Whoah tack ten on ten B Kingpin
Up and over the top I match add 10,000,000,000 Velvet Fog
Alice as Lucy 10,000,000,000 no non humans? You lives will be miserable eh gates??
Increase mine add 400,000,000,000 to my original millions
Muscling in up mine to 500,000,000,000
An even trillion for a start is good. We can add a techie field with his gaming man vs machine concept vs aliens
Ohhh Alice
Add 400,000,000,000 to mine I'm aware of the costs so is he in Vegas Alice
Is her money good?
Yes she has assets in the field around him squacking so does he.
Solomon Grundy 1.00
One dollar, donor list in the rear like the Vietnam memorial wall... He's an alien right yes he's an 👽
Rd and caa
Ok we see it we move on this oroject
Loki the human erase Steppenwolfe increase mine to 500B
Mine too Sasquatch 500B
Mine too 500B
Me too Catwoman from Dark Knight 500B
Catwoman the first full feature film 500B
Xenomorph Queen 1.00
Xenomorph King 1.00
Minimum 1.00 they may due to thier race being discrimated against so badly.
Hulk wins I donate my 20.00 as Onslaught
We agree the wheels are turning
Add in a kid hotel you got a deal Spidey themed partially 500B other stuff too
Pirates theme too 500B and I'm in on the other stuff
Iron Man increase mine to 500B with real stipulations, add in or attach the Iron Man exposition, with tavt and tastefully
Black Widow 500B add in a witch area... White Witch is her name
And a boutique ???
Yes a boutique
Black Widow all that stuff he's saying
We add in 5B for our idea Aqua Man
King of the Seas 1.00
We know the name will add it
Violator 1.00
We increase our donation if we win bouts, as us the norm Solomon Grundy
Who would you fight
Batman, the tough one, the fighter Dave guy
Solomon Grundy
Ok it's on the books, Friday this week.
Ok Batman says
Not you Solomon says
Who then...
Me he wants me,
we hit you to win.
Solomon Grundy
We know how it is
We play now he's tired
Hey waitca minute what about celebrity death race?
Superheroes only including the movie characters we will call it the stand? Add in fast and furious theme and other superhero stuff terminator
Yes, meet you boys at the stand thanks Chris for the time well spent
Kingpin yes
Hey what about my five percent lol
Kingpin too much noise lol
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