fancyfade · 4 months
IDK why this detail captivates me (That you can't cry underwater/ Atlanteans don't notice or feel it)
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Atlantis Chronicles #5, #7
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memenewsdotcom · 9 months
Japan earthquake
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kit-williams · 22 days
So I read your piece about Honsu. That would be great. And you know, we joke and analyze about fetishes, kinks and sexual attraction in Astartes.
But! I think it's pretty weird that traitors didn't return sexual attraction to Space Marines…
Since the lack of sexual desire is due to the fact that the Emperor did not want a new species to appear. But traitors consider themselves above mortals, so why not return sexual desire to them? GW has lost so much potential.
Well, yes, it will be very funny to watch how traitors would cope with new emotions. Those who have had sex or know about it, will immediately figure it out.
But the rest… I imagine how they look at women like crazy maniacs, not knowing what to do or what to say. Given their psyche and testosterone, their heads will simply explode from emotions.
If before they simply killed and tortured mortals, they were irritated by weakness. Now they suddenly started to like it. Are you crying? Your tears will be wiped away and you will be told that you are beautiful. In the most horrible way.
Are you pregnant? Will you name the child after him? Have you given birth yet? Now breastfeed quickly, and the Astartes will watch.
And courtship?
The Night Lord will give you human hearts and cloaks of leather.
The Emperor's Children will read you their poetry and sing. But since this is Slaanesh, prepare for vulgarity.
Iron Warriors: romance is kidnapping you and locking you in a cage.
And yes. All. All Space Marines will make you watch them fight and kill. Because it is sexy.
And so begins the Space Marines' Human Husbandary. An extremely creepy and scary thing…. I'll write about it one day.
Listen Honsou was just speeding things up when he was making the Demonculaba; you can't look at that thing and be like "there's some psychosexual things to be unpacked here."
Did you know that there's roughly 350ish generations within the span of 10,000 years (I have a feeling if chaos wasn't fucking around there would be a new species... then again Bile made his New Humans and basically unleashed them into populations
But you are right the traitors will have to deal with it first and I can imagine that it hits them suddenly since its so new and Space Marines are experts in handling new sensations.
But it might also be a difference between falling to chaos and simply turning traitor which one might activate that feeling earlier while the other is more of an ability to indulge that curiosity. Either way I hope these satisfy I know for some of them I could write something longer... it's probably obvious what ones I could
(1) sorry it took so long to do these and 2) sorry I went fuckin ham as there are 6 blurbs here )
tw: dubious consent, noncon, bone breaking, abduction, every single one of these is a traitor/chaos marine so that general unpleasantness so please let me know if I need to tag something
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The Plague Marine could not figure out why his eyes remained on the female thralls and cultists... he didn't trust himself not to hurt them anymore. He was thankful for his helmet being on most of the time as the intense look in his eyes surely made them all cower and fear till...she got too close and he couldn't stop. He at least stopped before he fully broke all her bones... Grandfather would help him... Grandfather knew what was afflicting him. As while she was this pathetic mewling and weeping thing in his grasp he wanted to crush her again.
She was desperately crawling away as of course she would get hurt and have to be left to die. Oh she didn't want to die in the torturous way they would think up for her. He knew she didn't want to die... all prey didn't want to die and yet they knew all up until that last moment of life. He could practically hear the wild heartbeat and the way her wide prey like eyes locked onto his form as she let out the most beautifully frightened scream as the fallen Raven Guard barrels toward her. But before his claws sink in he skids to a stop and he watches her bite her bottom lip till it bleeds to stop the shrieking. His black eyes are fixated on the tears rolling down her cheeks like raindrops... his mutated palm wiping away those tears with the wet skin feeling so soft to him. His warped voice croons softly, his voice a breathy whisper, "You're so beautiful." He grins as she just starts to scream again.
He didn't need a bed slave... he was beyond that as blood shed was all he needed but he took you for a moment of relief... frail and weak thing that was destined to die in a myriad of horrible ways. But he liked the feeling of you around him... he liked you being a pathetic sad thing. He liked the way you bled and cried... till you stopped bleeding one day and grew fat with his young... he didn't need you... and yet you feel so good around him... and whatever you leaked from your breast felt good upon his tongue.
Courtship? I think you mean them just doting upon you and giving you attention.
You were so alone at this point that it was hardly safe to simply exist... ever since you got that first heart and the entire perfectly skinned human cloak everyone started to avoid you and the hearts and leather didn't stop... you're going to die... you know it you're going to die and you think it as you're hiding and weeping when behind you comes a Night Lord. He coos to you petting your head as you feel so numb you take the comfort just praying to anyone bothering to listen to have him make it quick. "Mmm you're clinging to me so tightly... are you scared? Do you need someone to protect you?" You don't know why you nod as you just hope you die soon. "At least I know you've enjoyed my gifts," He croons watching you finally react with dread horror as he just grins down at you and yet you do not struggle to pull away. Its over for you and you just accept your fate....
He sings to you as you lay there a quivering mess... just a tryst he tells himself as his fingers move up your spine having claimed you as his prize from another brother. He had grown tired of the cacophonous noise that spewed from his now dead comrade and he was only now just indulging in the soft noises you made. The panting and whimpering as his song was soft and low with tantalizing lyrics interspersed. You looked prettier covered in blood... with that fight left in your eyes as you rage against the inevitable end and he at the end of his perfected blade would have given it to you had that battle brother not interrupted. You should have died in such perfected death but he supposed it had been far too long since he indulged himself. And instead of quivering from blood loss and pain you quivered from overstimulation and pleasure. He deserved a nice little treat for his centuries of perfection...
You looked so sad simply attached to the repugnant mortal how your pretty eyes were dimmed and glazed the smile on your face fake. But not to him. You only tried the half hearted attempts to seduce him as you were ordered. You looked so relieved when all he wanted to do was hold you... that breathy thank you. Oh he was certain you would thank him soon enough. You didn't bother to run as you hid in the room that you could never seem to escape... no one would bother to save a body slave much less one of your rank you were at most a warm body to be enjoyed. You had hidden yourself in the back of the closet amongst the gaudy and billowing fabric outfits... you had seen the Astartes check the room before leaving and you had hopped that he was gone. But what luck did someone like you have as he came back and you recognized that crooning voice, "What a good girl... staying right there." It was the Iron Warrior that simply held you instead of fucking you... you hugged your knees tighter as the chains in his hand looked heavy and all you could do was watch in horror as he got closer... and closer... and the little voice inside of you hoped he wouldn't hurt you.
Oh if you do write the human husbandry please tag me I dont think I've got it in me to do it justice.
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog @remembrancer-of-heresy
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supeartlana · 1 month
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Sketches from my stream
Everyday (only one hour)
Drawing fanart and random faces
(You can ask me to draw someone in the chat)
Twitch -
#stream #art #sketch #fantasy #fanart #MoonKnight #Honsu #JackFrost
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strictlygenteel · 2 years
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Mount Daisen, Honsu - Japan Mre photo collection
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miyaki-san · 1 year
Göğe Serzeniş
Obriaris birçok tanrının hüküm sürdüğü bir dünya. Ana karakterimiz Khonsu(Honsu diye okunuyo) da bu tanrılardan biri
-Yine o aptal rüya.
Obriaris'de her tanrı inanı ile doğru orantılı olarak güç sahibi oldur ve zenginleşir. İnananı olmayan tanrılar ise bu dunyada varlıklarını daha fazla sürdüremez
-O adam da kim acaba. Neyse çokda bi önemi yok. Acele edip aya çıkmam lazım kapı bi kapanırsa naneyi yediğimin resmidir.
Khonsu Semavi Tekerlemeyi söylemeye başlar.
Bir ay var yolumun üstünde
Ve tepelerin ötesinde
Kusursuzca yuvarlak
Ve kusursuzca parlak
Hilal kanatları ortaya çıkar çıkmaz havalanmaya başlar ve o koca mesafeyi saniyeler içinde tamamlar
Obriarisin 5 ay tanrısı her yirmi dokuz günde bir toplanır ve o ayın -zaman birimi olan- anormal olan durumları, gelgit oluşumlarını ve insanların dualarını gözden geçirirler. Toplantının son aşamasında 'Billur Küre' adında bir topu - ki bu top ayı temsil eder- 1 tur olacak şekilde elden ele verirler böylece insanların 'Ayın Evreleri' olarak isimlendirdikleri görüntü ortaya çıkar. Toplantıdan sonra ayın merkezinde yıllandırılmış bir şarab içerler. Bu sebepten ötürü bu toplantıya 'Billur Şarap Toplantısı' bu tanrıların oluşturduğu gruba da 'Billurlar' denir Billurların yaptığı bu toplantıda sayısız iş vardır ama bunlar ana hatları
-Ah. Merhaba leydim görüşmeyeli nasılsınız?
-*iç ceker* Khonsu sana bu kadar resmi olmana gerek yok demiştim değil mi? Selen(yazıldığı gibi okunuyo) yeterli.
Selen, Billurların Leydisi, Dolunayın Tanrısı, hamile kadınların koruyucusu
-Biliyorum fakat sizde biliyorsunuz ki leydim bu benim için çok zor. Billurlar-
-Yine yaptın.
-*iç çekerek*Anlaşıldı
-*kıkırdar*Ayata(yazıldığı gibi okunuyo) daha gelmedi mi?
-*koşa koşa*GELDİİİİİİMM. *nefes nefese* şükürler olsun sana ay ata... A bi dakika o bendim dimi. "Ayata Şişkin Ayın ve Hayat Ağacının koruyucu tanrısı"
-*sessizce yaklaşarak*Hayır çok geç kaldın ağaç olduk burda
-*eğilerek* Lordum
Edimon(yazıldığı gibi okunuyo), Yeni Ayın Tanrısı ve rüzgarların yönlendiricisidir. Aynı zamanda Selenin kocası.
-Narcis(Narsis diye okunuyo) nerde?
İlk Dördünün ve Son Dördünün Tanrısıve Nergis Çiçeklerinin Bekçisidir. Aşırı yakışıklı olması ve iyi bir avcı olması ole bilinir. Ayrıca Edimon ve Selenin oğlu
Hepsi yukarı bakar ve bi yıldızın üzerinde oturan Narcis'e bakar
-*el sallar* ilk gelen bendim annemden bile önce bu sefer ben kazandım hehehe
-Pekala herkes burada olduğuna göre Billur Şarap Toplantısı başlasın.
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summer-vibes-com · 2 months
Serviette de plage Secaneta Honsu 100 x 150 cm Avec franges Rayures
L’amusement est assuré pour l’été, avec ces propositions qui plairont aux petits et aux grands ! Achetez Serviette de plage Secaneta Honsu 100 x 150 cm Avec franges Rayures et profitez de votre temps libre ! Informations importantes: Dessins assortis envoyés aléatoirement selon le stock disponible Dimensions approx.: 100 x 150 cm Caractéristiques: Avec franges Design: Rayures Type: Serviette de…
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alvawingsworld · 10 months
The Ervínnian Species
Hurray! From now on, my blood fairies species has a name: Ervínnes! Ervínnes are shapeshifters and can change into a variety of different forms, each dedicated to a specific environment. In most Ervínnes, you'll find the ability to change into 4 different configurations, while their sages can assume the Highest 5th Form. If an Ervínne can change into more than 5 forms, they are considered demi-Gods.
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A girl from Nasúgi clan, pure blooded (which is a rarity nowadays) in casual clothes :3 Nasugi are known as Children of Black Panther. Their hair is straight and black, and their tail is tasselled. Their eyes are distinguishingly yellow.
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A girl from Rinmáru Clan, pure blooded (a rare occurrence in modern times). Rinmaru are known as Children of Red Wolf. They have bushy red hair and tail, lime-green eyes and an attitude of a hunting wolf!
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A woman of Hónsu Clan, pure blooded (you can only find them among nobility these days). Honsu are known as Children of White Dragon. They have wavy white hair and tail, brilliantly light-blue eyes and flowing character, that got them a reputation of "gentle dragons".
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A woman from Kóto clan, pure blooded (this is the youngest clan, so you still can meet a lot of them in Ervinnian society). Koto are known as Children of Yellow Frog. They have thick straight hair of yellow tint and shortest tail you'll find in any other Ervinnian clans. Their red eyes are well-known among other Ervinnes.
EDIT: I've changed the race's name because it conflicted with my own story. Célapydes are a different race, created in Ervínnes' image. Sorry for a mix up!
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swashbuckler5e · 10 months
Shazam! Fury Of The Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods is a 2023 American superhero film based on the DC character Shazam. Produced by New Line Cinema, DC Studios, and Safran Company and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is the sequel to Shazam! (2019) and the 12th installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). Directed by David F. Sandberg, produced by Peter Safran and written by Henry Gayden and Chris Morgan, it stars Zachary Levy, Asher Angel, Jack Dylan Grazer, Rachel Zeigler, Adam Brody, Ross Butler, DJ Cotrona, Grace Carolyn Curry, Megan. Good, Lucy Liu, Digimon Honsu, and Helen Mirren. In the film, Billy Batson/Shazam and his foster siblings battle the Daughters of Atlas.
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dreamsforce · 2 years
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Watching Shazam! Fury of the Gods 2023
Shazam! Fury of the Gods is an American superhero film released in 2023 that is based on the DC Comics character Shazam. The sequel to Shazam! (2019) and the 12th volume in the DC Extended Universe, produced by New Line Cinema, DC Studios, Saffron Company, and Seven Box Productions, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures (DCEU). It stars Zachary Levy, Asher Angel, Jack Dylan Grazer, Rachel Zeigler, Adam Brody, Ross Butler, Megan Good, Lucy Liu, Digimon Honsu, and Helen Mirren and was directed by David F. Sandberg and written by Henry Gayden and Chris Morgan. Billy Batson/Shazam and his surrogate siblings battle the Daughters of Atlas in the film. For more information please visit our website:https://www.dreamsforce.com/slug/watching-shazam-fury-of-the-gods-2023
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flipjapanguide · 2 years
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Lots of events and festivals happening in & around Tokyo this week and weekend, where are you going to visit? 🤔Full disclaimer, a few of these events are not in Tokyo, but in a neighbouring prefecture. For these events, you can visit on a day trip or even an overnight getaway! If you want all the information, official website, Google Maps link etc, just DM "Events" @flipjapanguide and we will send it straight into your inbox 👉 Yuwaku Bonbori Festival 湯涌ぼんぼり祭り 2-1-31 Yukinoshita, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture 神奈川県鎌倉市雪ノ下2-1-31 Kanagawa Saturday, October 22, 2022 October 👉 Kameido Tenjin Chrysanthemum Festival 亀戸天神菊まつり Kameido Tenjin Shrine 亀戸天神社 Koto, Tokyo October 23rd-November 19th 👉 Keyaki Music Festival Jazz in FUCHU けやき音楽祭2022 JAZZinFUCHU 1-41-1 Miyamachi, Fuchu City 府中市宮町1-41-1 Fuchu, Tokyo October 23rd, 2022 👉 Kasama Chrysanthemum Festival 笠間の菊まつり 1 Kasama, Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture 茨城県笠間市笠間1 Ibaraki October 22nd- November 23rd, 2022 October, November 👉 Cosmos Festival コスモスフェスティバル 636-1, Akira, Honsu City 鴻巣市明用636-1 Autumn Saitama October 22nd-23rd, 2022 👉 Utamaro Festival 歌麿まつり Tochigi Kuranomachi 蔵の街とちぎ Tochigi October 15th-23rd, 2022 👉 Iruma Manto Festival 入間万燈まつり Hibari Dori ひばり通り Saitama October 22nd, 2022 Follow @flipjapanguide to stay up to date on events, festivals, matsuri and all things Japan! #tokyonow #matsuri #japanfestival #japanesefestivals #tokyolife #tokyoevent #tokyoevents #tokyolifestyle #japanlife #japanlifestyle #traveljapan #japanawaits #explorejpn #visitjapan #visitjapanjp #discovertokyo #explorejapan #exploretokyo #exploringtokyo #livingintokyo #tokyolife #tokyoculture #tokyoevent #tokyoevents #tokyoexpat #tokyolover #tokyotokyo #tokyotravel #tokyotrip #tokyotrips #japantravelguide #japanguide #japantravel (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjztMwuyGna/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theazkapack · 3 years
Part 1 | Part 2
After weeks of tension, the pack finally meets the responsables that have been hiding away in their territory, when Ashlen and Shivo decide to patrol the borders of their territory.
Glawn paces around the den, ignoring the pointed look that Lannel throws at her. 
She feels nervous, looking up almost every second in hopes that Ashlen and Shivo would appear in the path, the dark wolf throwing her a smile and telling her that nothing had been spotted today. Ashlen had been particularly stressed by the fact that some strangers were living in their territory, and while not as stressed, Glawn felt the same in some way, on edge all the time as she scouted or helped with the hunts.
It was difficult not to, the knowledge that there were strangers that believed themselves strong enough to simply waltz into their territory without a care, and could be anywhere, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush them? Yeah, absolutely not a good thing. Should they go find them? It was still day, but she knew that very quickly it could become night, the dusk barely a speck of time that always catches her off guard.
“Glawn, sit down, you’re gonna leave a trail in the dirt” Lannel complained, probably annoyed from watching her pace nervously. “They are gonna come back soon, don’t stress about it.”
“Oh, I know, but what if something happened?” Glawn said, her eyes fixed onto the trail where the others would come back, “What if they found the other wolves or, or some bear attacked them?”
“They will be fine, Glawn, Lead was capable of defending themself against a bear alone, they are more than capable of fencing off a bear with my brother.” 
“But it’s late, Lannel, and you know Ashlen doesn’t like staying outside when it is so close to night time,” Glawn whined, refusing to look elsewhere and missing the look Lannel threw at her.
They stayed in silence for a few more minutes, Lannel simply closing his eyes and enjoying the peace while Glawn looked and hoped for Ashlen and Shivo to come back. She sighed, and continued to wait, managing to stay down for a few minutes before getting up and continuing to pace around the den, feeling too anxious to stop moving. This continued on similarly for some time, ignoring the annoyed looks her packmate threw at her once again, when the other, finally annoyed, stood up and sighed.
“Alright, okay, let’s go find them,” Lannel said, annoyed, “I bet they just took some time looking at a river, or something.” 
Glawn nodded, and silently thanked the other for putting up with her, as she started to sniff around, following the old tracks the others had left behind. They walked in silence, following closely behind the tracks, trying to ignore the unease slowly filling them up. If asked, they wouldn’t be able to say exactly what caused it, simply on edge and uneasy as they progressed more and more into the deep of the territory, until they started to find more recent tracks.
Glawn paused, unsure, as she looked at the path. Something wasn’t right, but what? She looked around, trying to hear, but everything was silent. Silent.... Glawn looked up, perplexed, where were the birds? It was not normal for the animals to not be around the forest, normally singing up a racket everytime she or anyone of the pack passed by. Then, she heard it, in the distance, so low she could have missed it if she had not been paying attention. Barking was ahead, and she straightened up, fur instantly bristling, Lannel following suit once he also heard the noise.
They approached, making sure to not make any noise, until they could clearly hear Shivo’s voice, as he barked and growled at someone. Lannel tensed, and after sharing a brief look with her, they jumped forward, Glawn barely hiding her shock as she entered the clearing where the rest of her pack was. Shivo was injured, bleeding profusely from his face, standing close to Ashlen, who looked like a breath away from collapsing.
“Guys!” Shivo exclaimed, relieved at their arrival, “Oh, how glad I’m that you found us!”
Lannel nodded, briskly, and stood next to him, clearly shaken from how injured his brother seemed. Glawn took her time, checking Ashlen over, who scoffed and simply nudged her forward, hoping she could help them deal with the strangers. Shivo was.... Abrasive, to say the least, and not the best negotiator, so Glawn wasn’t that surprised that they had ended up fighting. And Ashlen didn’t know how to communicate with anyone, apparently, as she watched the other wolf look at her with hopes of resolving the problem. She straightened and stood up to the front.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, ignoring the shocked looks the wolves threw at her, “This is our territory, and we do not appreciate intruders here, specially, intruders who have been living here for weeks without showing any face.”
She took the time to examine the strangers, noting how similar to her own coloring they were, the three wolves in different hues of golden fur. They looked familiar, but she couldn’t pinpoint the why.
“Glawn?!” The oldest exclaimed, stepping forward and easily ignoring the warning growls her pack gave her, “You’re alive!”
She paused, unsure on how to proceed, and looked confused back at Ashlen. She… Who were these wolves? Likely sensing her confusion the wolf called her over, ignoring the guarded looks Ashlen threw her.
“It’s me, Honsu!”
Honsu? But…
Oooh,she thought internally, That’s why they are familiar.
“We thought you died! You got separated from the group in that storm and no matter what, we couldn’t find you!” Honsu exclaimed, the she-wolf looking happy at her, “Is there anyone else with you? Any of our siblings?”
“Uh, no, sorry” Glawn said, awkwardly, “Only me.”
“Oh,” Honsu deflated, looking sad before shaking it off, “No matter, I’m so glad you are okay!”
“Glawn… Who are they?” Ashlen asked, looking confused at the exchange, voice rough and with a lisp as they tried to emulate as closely as possible the words to the local dialect, and failing horribly once again.
“Oh, um. These are my siblings” Glawn said, ignoring the shocked look both Lannel and Shivo threw her, “This is Honsu, and the other two behind are Clower and Aursa.”
Honsu scoffed at the looks they threw at her, and nudged Glawn, full out ignoring how tense her sister was.
“Well, let’s get going then. We have so much to tell you.”
“What?” Glawn asked, nervously.
“Well, these guys have a problem with us being here, so let’s go. You know this place, right? You must know very good places to stay!” Honsu exclaimed, throwing a despective look at her pack, “These mutts must be bad company, come on.”
“I—Honsu, I can’t leave!” Glawn said, almost horrified and irked at the way she had referred to the others, “You can’t just, just slide in and tell me what to do!”
“Why not? I’m the oldest” Honsu huffed, offended, “And they have a problem with us, so we have to leave.”
“I—” She hesitated, “It’s going to be winter soon, we could die out there without shelter!”
“We’ll make do,” Her sister said, “We surely will find something, me and Clower need to find a good place anyways.” 
Glawn blinked, and looked closely at her sister, noticing how more rounded she looked, despite the almost skeleton way her fur clung to her body, and how Clower looked to the side, embarrassed, looking the same way as her sister.
“You’re pregnant!” She exclaimed, surprised, “I—We—No! We have to stay!”
She turned around, ignoring the protest of her sister.
“Ashlen, surely they can stay, right? My siblings are pregnant, can they stay for the winter, please?” She almost begged, “Please?”
“...Sure?” Ashlen said, shrugging, “It’s your family, and I know how much you miss them, of course they can stay with us for a while.”
“Guys?” She turned to look at Lannel and Shivo, who both shrugged, clearly confused, and she took that as an agreement.
“Glawn we will not stay with them!” Her sister demanded, ignoring the wary looks the rest of her siblings threw at her.
“Oh, please? You’re pregnant, and so is Clower! You need to rest, to eat, you look exhausted!”
“Glawn, no!” Honsu said.
“Honsu, we’re exhausted. And you cannot afford to stay outside,” Clower muttered, their voice low yet stern, “We should accept their offer, we are barely surviving as it is.”
Honsu’s face softened, as she looked at her sibling, and nodded, suddenly looking more tired than before.
“Yeah, okay. We'll stay.” She accepted, “Only for winter, but we’ll stay.”
Glawn nodded, and slowly started to guide her siblings back to her home, Ashlen trailing faithfully behind her.
Meanwhile, the brothers looked at each other in confusion at the resolution of the events, both having been prepared to continue fighting or simply leaving but not to the strangers that had been living in their territory to simply be invited into their home, no questions asked.
“Did you know she had sisters?” Lannel whisper yelled at Shivo, who shrugged confused, “What in the name of the Moon is this?”
“Dunno, Lan, dunno” Shivo said, before nudging his brother, “Come on, let’s just get back home. My legs are killing me.”
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serviceac313 · 2 years
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serviceacsbya24 · 2 years
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btsjimln · 6 years
I know nothing about singing but god if I’m not ready to write an essay when jimin hits high and low notes and changes them so easily
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