#hope im not overstepping with this
skcirthinq · 7 days
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Tfw your brother and your uncle and their significant others all got their shit together and are all now in the honeymoon phase. At the same time.
So, I am currently trying to get my sketches collected and cleaned up for @amevello-blue and @alicat54cwriting 's Purple Squared and Purple Rectangle stories.
And I was gonna make these anyway, but then I realized the passage of time exists and it was Pride, and I was like. Well. I gotta. So, sneak peak?
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justasmallflick · 5 months
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Whoooooo, fanart for @sodaspons’ “Atlas” on AO3 :D
I have a more bloody version below (plus the whole process), but definitely check out their fic if you have the chance (it has Bad Parent!Splinter, parentified older sibs and various other things, so check the tags before reading).
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And now the process :D
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Deadass, the lower half of the rough sketch is literally nothing like the finished version 💀
Like, Venus was supposed to be kneeling but it just ended up with her upright I guess 😭
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The final sketch is very messy and I love it that way lmfao (I really should find a style that keeps it like that while still looking good when I add color ngl)
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And finally, flat colors + background lol
Here’s the fic if any of y’all want it :D
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liquidstar · 1 year
i saw a comment by you on an old post saying lesbians are bigots if they refuse to consent to sex with anyone amab. do you still feel that way (about homosexuality being bad) or have you changed your pov?
lol no, i didnt get stupider.
depending on how old the post was its possible i didnt phrase myself in the best way (ive been here since i was a young teenager after all), but youre also clearly prone to the worst possible bad faith interpretation of things so ill at least make this clear: i do believe that anyone has the right to refuse sex for whatever reason they want. whatever. thats fine.
but i dont think thats an excuse for transmisogyny. i dont think there have to be entire "movements" dedicated to this imaginary concept of trans women forcing cis lesbians to have sex with them. no, im not doubting that this situation has ever once happened on an individual level, but its not a systemic issue by any fucking means. people saying that trans women are women, and that having sex with them doesnt make you less of a lesbian, IS NOT the same thing as someone forcing you to have sex with them. no one is making anyone do anything beyond respect people's individual choices. your adverse reaction to this is whats bigoted.
again, i think anyone can refuse sex for whatever reason they want, but i also think that we live in a bigoted society where a lot of people dont want to unpack their biases or shallowness, especially when it comes to sex and romance. so i think that once you decide to base your personality around "EWW I WONT HAVE SEX WITH A PENIS HAVER!!! GROSS!!!" you are a bigot lol, its clearly about a lot more at that point. you are using it as an excuse for your bigotry, a way to recontexualize yourself as the victim in a pure hypothetical. but trans women have said it better than i ever could though, so i dont want to soapbox too much.
im still a dyke btw and homosexuality is awesome :thumbsup: and i think woman are more than just their vaginas, which is why i dont boil them down to the parts they have, even when it comes to sex. if you want to put me on somekind of blocklist for this go ahead, i dont want terfs interacting w me anyway. bye forever now
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curioscurio · 2 years
Tbh as a plus size cis woman I never would have been able to love and see the beauty of my body without the help of the trans community, specifically trans women.
I have struggled with my own femininity and physical self image for a long time because for plus size women, there is a standard you must often meet to be considered an "acceptable" version of plus size.
You must have small feet, a face with no blemishes, a distinct waist, little facial fat, insane makeup skills, basically be the picture perfect presentation of what society considers a "perfect woman."
All just to be taken seriously and to earn the privilege of not automatically being seen as an unhealthy and lazy burden to society.
If you have small breasts or no butt then you're seen as less desirable and less humanized compared to women with double d bra sizes or a "thicc" ass.
If you're unfortunate enough to lack in both departments ( raises hand lol ) then you're kind of considered a lost cause until you loose enough weight or get surgery or a boob job or anything to make up for how you look naturally.
And even if you do meet these standards, there will ALWAYS be people who will not take your Healthcare seriously and assume any health problem you may have must be because you're fat and will tell you to loose weight.
Oh you have ptsd from a traumatic situation? "It's because you're fat. Loose weight and you will feel better :)))))"
These standards are what many plus size cis women ( or any gender even ) must meet, but are also ones that trans people of all kinds must also meet in order to pass. The risk of harassment, assault, discrimination and hate crime goes way up if you are a plus size trans person as well.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that there's a kind of shared standard that trans people and plus size people have to meet in order to be accepted.
Many of my body dismorphia struggles as a plus size cis woman are also shared with plus size trans women specifically, like finding a plus size bra with small cups that actually fits me and looks good since most plus size bras increase cup size as band size goes up. Finding shoes I like that come in my size that are cute and made for larger feet as well. Plus Size Clothes in general cater to mainly one body type.
That is not to say that our struggles are identical or that one group has it worse off than the other! There are lots of things about being transgender that I simply can't relate to, as a cis woman. But finding solidarity in the similarities you share with a community different from your own does not automatically mean its disrespectful of the struggles that community faces.
Tldr: Trans people helped me see the beauty in transgender bodies and changed the way I felt about my own body at a crucial point in my young life. To plus size cis people: Our similarities are just as important as our differences, and we can find an incredible amount of support, love, and acceptance from the trans community.
We have to do our best to uplift trans people in the plus size and body positivity community because we owe so much to them ❤️
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gemkun · 3 months
@blckswnstm said : Who would've thought that an Intelligentsia Guild's Dr. Veritas Ratio would be accepting of a dance? Especially as she bends down a bit to place a kiss to the back of his hand, showing respect yet still leading the dance on. Their closeness is noticeable as the dance requires such needs, but who would've thought he'd accept it? Black Swan smiles at him, delighted at the prospect of being able to enjoy such moment with someone as selective as Veritas. "Have you found what you wish to know next?" She asks, using this opportunity to engage in a short conversation. Why would he allow a Memokeeper to be so close? Out of personal interest in studying their craft or because he has questions to ask of her? The possibilities are countless, and thus it makes divining just challenging enough. There are no cards, though, not when they turn according to music's tune. "For you to accept my hand and this dance, this closeness that not many would be allowed to step in. You've allowed me, a Memokeeper, to speak with you like this. But worry not, I will not pry," she uses this moment to turn them, effortlessly and gracefully. He can twirl her if he wishes. Their heights allow this to happen easier. "I will ensure you enjoy this dance as a show of gratitude for indulging me in my personal hobby." The royal balls one were held in that castle, she was a princess who danced with countless partners. So long ago, too long ago.
      ⸻       how   rhetorical.   to   be   in   the   presence   of   a   memokeeper   ,   is   to   balance   on   a   tightrope   ,   with   the   knowledge   that   a   storm   is   to   come.   and   shove   the   destined   to   their   demise.   but   ,   with   the   sliver   of   an   instance   ,   the   mere   blink   that   exists   when   stabilising   ,   offers   more   than   any   text   across   the   cosmos   might   offer.
  the   ambitious   pursuit   of   knowledge   was   a   dangerous   one   ,   indeed.   and   not   one   to   be   taken   be   the   light   —   hearted.   nor   the   fools.
  her   questions   ,   spun   to   leave   even   the   erudite   stunned   ,   basks   in   the   glow   of   their   routine.   where   their   bodies   move   in   symphony   ,   as   if   tugged   by   strings   belonging   to   a   puppeteer.   although   ,   there   is   acute   awareness   that   every   capability   exists   ,   and   were   he   to   decide   upon   a   wrong   move   ,   their   dance   would   be   cut   short.   like   the   threads   the   fates   would   snip   with   their   scissors.
  but   an   emanator   of   fuli   ,   is   not   one   to   trifle   with.
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  ❝   i   would   not   accept   your   hand   without   realising   the   repercussions   this   interaction   could   pose.   ❞   it   is   true   ,   that   their   heights   are   rather   befitting   for   this   scenario.   for   veritas   twirls   the   soothsayer   as   if   it   were   written   to   be.   ❝   but   rejecting   your   offer   would   have   no   difference   and   i   would   be   a   fool   to   anger   a   memokeeper   of   the   garden   of   recollection.   ❞
  to   his   chest   she   spins   ,   briefly   caged   ,   in   an   almost   tender   embrace.
  his   organ   thrums   ,   against   the   memetic   entity   until   she   is   discarded   ,   and   twisted   away   from   the   chest   of   the   scholar.   where   eyes   meet   ,   flickering   in   gradients   that   would   blend   harmoniously.   ❝   what   i   seek   is   insurmountable.   to   have   a   potential   source   with   answers   lying   in   wait   ,   is   tempting   ,   but   greed   leads   to   ruin.   ❞
  footwork   resumes   ,   and   the   music   endows   the   pair   ,   continuing   a   rare   reprieve.   ❝    how   then   ,   memokeeper   ,   will   you   prove   your   word   to   be   true   ?   ❞
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daimonios · 8 months
realized again that i get to be the trans teacher that trans students get to have now. world so beautiful and amazing
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thumperdaetime · 5 months
shout out to people who have parts of themselves arn't accessible.
Shout out to people who have to rely on others to help know how they sound, look, or remember. Shout out to people who will never safely live alone, people who used to live with a partner and now cant because their needs require professionals and insurance only covers one stay.
Shout out to people who cant get to or control parts of their own body, weather that's needing assistance getting your shoes on, or constant repositioning to keep away skin breakdown. People who have their current location, name and year, remember taped to their wall.
Shout out to people who need support wile transferring, who have to ask someone whenever they want to move. People who rely on others to feed them. People who have to trust when someone they don't remember tells them "Im here to help". People who get woke up threw out the night for incontinence care. People who need to use communication skills to get dressed in the morning. Shout out to people who have to ask to see a mirror. Who have to ask to get oral care.
Shout out to people who cant communicate and still need help. People who have to be reminded that they cant do what they remember being able to do, so they don't try to stand on their own. People who have to ask to get their nose itched. Shout out people who have a hard time being understood and often just go along with whatever providers assume is best. I just wanted to remind y'all that you're a valuable and worth-wile part of society. You deserve all the respect, autonomy, and dignity than everyone else gets. (I hope you have a good advocate and providers, so if those Rights are abused you have the support to get the care you are supposed to get.) ily <3
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ladyimaginarium · 2 months
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bleedingheart-s · 4 months
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card base and og text by tumblr user siili-studio, i just translated the text & slapped on colours
AWWWHHH OMG SOOT kiitos paljon!!! (if thats not right let me know!) 🥹😭 Hyvää ystävänpäivää! heres one right back!!
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(via twasonceahuman here on tumblr)
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medicasino · 4 months
This isn't directed at anyone specific to be clear, but I did want to say; "we should fight the notion that being transmasc is inherently internalized misogyny as that is NOT true and is just transmisic bullshit" and "trans men and male-aligned transmascs in general are not exempt from being misogynistic + (knowingly and unknowingly) perpetrating misogyny, and we should actively strive to support and uplift women and unlearn our actual internalized misogynistic beliefs and actively combat misogyny" are statements that Can and Should coexist.
Obviously, having dysphoria related to being afab and disliking being referred to femininely is 100% valid! But also being transmasc doesn't excuse or exempt you from being misogynistic, you know? These aren't contradictory statements.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Tgcf is racist?? I've only read the manhua so I'm SUPPPER leery of the desert arc but I donno if there's. More
Just starting this off by acknowledging that I read tgcf very casually and mostly late at night, so my memory isn't really 100% on all the details in the books. As well as this, I'm Southeast/East Asian and cannot really speak about these issues, so my goal with this is to uplift the knowledge and opinions of Central Asian and MENA users who have spoken out on this.
The Banyue arc (what you're referencing) is widely regarded as the most openly insensitive part of tgcf, made worse by the visual adaptations. I'm sure there have been several thinkpieces written on this by more qualified tgcf mains, but my personal favorite posts on the subject are by @/geges here. I'd highly recommend checking out their entire "racism in inner Asia" tag! They're very thoughtful and eloquent in their posts, and have opened my eyes to many issues I wasn't aware of before.
As for the rest of TGCF, there are no particular scenes that stand out to me as being as blatantly awful as the Banyue arc, but again I am woefully underqualified to speak on this subject, so if any of my followers would like to pitch in additional warnings, I'd really appreciate it. Something which geges mentions as well is the overlying sense of colorism/racism that is present throughout all of the mxtx novels, and C/Asian media as a whole-- the focus on pale skin as the peak beauty standard for the main characters, braids typical of Asian minority cultures being used for stereotypically violent characters, etc. Of course this isn't meant as an excuse for mxtx or other cmedia creators in any way, but I do feel that it's important to note that these issues are in no way exclusive to single books or creators, but representative of broader racist ideals in Asian cultures as a whole.
I think they summarize this point and the one I wanted to use to conclude incredibly well in this post:
It's ok to still enjoy things that you know have serious flaws, it's ok to not skin your media looking for any form of problematic content before you let yourself like it, so long as you are always open to educating yourself and assessing how you can reflect on and prevent perpetuating harmful messages. Acknowledging that something you hold dear can be difficult, and oftentimes it's easier to just disavow it entirely, but instead of turning away from the issues and swearing that you would never be susceptible to them, it's always beneficial to become critically informed on the subject in order to combat the ignorance that stereotypes and racism proliferate in.
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gatormilf · 4 months
A small questionnaire for tme folks (including myself - I am not immune to transmisogyny)
1. Do you both want and fight for trans women's rights? Even if you don't deem them fuckable? Is that the only metric of validity in your mind?
2. Do you expect trans women to expose all their trauma to you to justify their interests, sexual or not? Would that somehow make them more acceptable to you?
3. Do you insist on taking up so much space that you must be acknowledged within trans women's identity + spaces? Do you become upset when trans women would rather be with other trans women, or just simply rather not be with you? Have you evaluated why?
4. Do you view trans women as a monolith? Did you expect that calling everyone 'dude/bro' would be okay because one woman you saw once admitted with tired eyes (after you recoiled defensively) that sure, it was okay if you called her that sometimes, then she never interacted with you again? Have you evaluated why?
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talon-dragonbeast · 8 months
Trick or treat! ^.=.^
hi Draco! happy Samhain! you were my first trick-or-treater of tonight, so you get a free doodle with your candy!
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enjoy the day/night!
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stormyoceans · 6 months
this is probably really random but i love your blog so much and your love for jimmysea is so contagious ❤️🥰
you might know who i am (hint: im absolutely obsessed with winnysatang) hahah but i really wish i could do the same with on my main blog without tiptoeing over it or being so self conscious🥲
I just wanted to say that. I love your LT liveblogs so much and VV brainrot and I always love reading them
i do believe i know who you are but im not gonna say anything just because im guessing you wouldn't have sent this on anon if you were fully comfortable with showing your url, HOWEVER!!!!!!! i just wanna say that you can always drop me a message even in private if you feel like it!!!!!
thank you so so much for taking the time to send me such a sweet message!!!!!! tbh im actually way more self-conscious than i probably let on, sometimes i worry a lot about being annoying and end up apologizing for everything, but at the end of the day i think of this blog as a little safe place to be myself and share my enthusiasm for the things i love, and there are always gonna be people who are gonna judge us for what we do or don't do, either online or irl, so what i learned is that as long as we are respectful and don't hurt anyone, then we shouldn't feel bad for expressing ourselves
THIS IS GETTING WAY TOO LONG AND SERIOUS MY BAD. but yeah, i hope you'll be able to feel like you can do whatever you want with your blog. for what is worth you have a strong supporter right here and i'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. and thank you again for this, it really means a lot!!!!!!!!!
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Tagged by @seventeendeer for my top 6 favorite pokeymans! Incredibly cruel to asking me to choose tbh. lol. This was pretty much my competitive team in SWSH except they wouldn't let my girl mightyena in. Travesty. (we did not tend to ... win. lmao)
The instructions say to tag 6 other people, apologies if some of you have already been tagged or .. don't to pokemon. lol. @oh-my-frog @shymuffinator @macabrity @fishdetective @floorbananamotherfucker @adventures-in-poor-planning
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tzawa-1y · 2 years
hello bnha oc comeback
over the past year now, we've all goofed around and drawn eachothers characters a lot. And in tandem, a lot, a Lot, of redesigns have been pushed around. 11 out of 42 characters have been redesigned at some point, at least as far as ones I know of (and have officially counted.)
but as all these redesigns get. designed. the current seating chart has grown. a little outdated! so with a lot of support, I as well as Akihiko's mod Captainbaeremy, and new thalasin plus have been working on a new seating chart with all the new designs and height adjustments!
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im still not quite feral enough to tag everyone, srry xoxo (also I'm too scared to tag some of you idk you AHFAHDGEJEG)
this has been a big project that's taken a lot of "oh yeah I said I'd do that didn't I" over the months, but I'm happy with how it came out!
Happy anniversary BNHA oc comeback!
Thank you again @captainbaeremy for helping with 1-x's colors! As well as @dantelionwishes for hosting, and also @nicosbrainrot for indulging me while I wasn't sure if this would even go anywhere 💕
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