#hope this was worth the wait anon
ioniansunsets · 10 months
Hi! Recently found you, and i LOVE your writing and ideas! Their very tasty, like high-quality chocolate &/or caramel!
I offer (potentially angsty) scenario(you don't have to do) with heartsteel kayn & Idol or k/da!Reader?
What if a stage malfunction happened during readers' (or kayns) show?? (Or a sabotage from a fan? Perhaps?)
(Bonus: & What if... reader or kayn got hurt?) Thank you if you choose to do this ask🩷 (Sorry ahhh-- this is my first time sending an ask)
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn x KDA!Reader Where Reader Gets Injured✖
✖ Word Count: 1.4k
✖ Tags: Established R/S, Mild Injury, Ends with Comfort, IDK if I'd even tag this as Angsty (maybe a tinge)
✖ A/N: I think its cute how Ahri, Akali, Evelyn and Kai’sa all technically can dash towards you with their actual in game skills LMFAO so cute...these girls would do anything to protect you. I think it’s very cute when a lover goes batshit insane with worry for you. Have mercy too, I’ve never been hospitalized, only visited people LMAO
Also thank you for asking this! I am so happy that you love my thoughts and words ><
✖ Wrote This Listening To: Drugs and Candy
There were always toxic fans. You knew that, and Kayn of course knew his fanbase were sometimes as batshit insane as him. But the past few weeks were great! Social media was abuzz with positive comments about you two, fans congratulated you at fanmeets praising how cute you looked with Kayn.
Everything pointed towards how the fanbase took the official announcement of you two dating well but of course, you know delusional, parasocial fans existed too.
What you don’t know, was how they got past security.
You don’t know how they sneaked past all the checks and stage tests.
Maybe it was on you, maybe you were training too hard and were too tired to notice.
Maybe the high of performing live on stage and all the bits and bops of things to do left it so you didn’t notice the creak of the bright lights above you. The lights in the same pink purple hues of Kayn’s hair. The last thing you remember was the crackle of lights, the screams of your fans, and all your band mates in a blur dashing towards you.
It was arguably just as bad for Kayn.
Sure he wasn’t there, he wasn’t injured, he wasn’t the target of the attack nor was he the one in the hospital but there was nothing worse than hearing that you were still out cold, uncertain of how hurt you actually were.
There was nothing worse really, seeing the clips circulating online of what happened being reposted by all sorts of accounts. The blood that flowed from you onto the stage, oh god he didn’t even know humans could bleed this much.
There was nothing worse than knowing that he was stuck on tour and couldn’t be by your side.
There was nothing worse than not being able to call you and check on you because according to Akali you were STILL in the ER right now, you’re still unconscious and the doctors have no updates. How! It has been at least 4 hours since your opening act. Since the incident.
There was nothing worse, than fighting with his bandmates and managers, begging to go back to be by your side, and only after Alune stood up for him saying how “ The Heartbeats would understand why Kayn was missing. Let him go or he would just sneak off at night and do it anyway.” That management allowed them to postpone their weekend show so he could book a midnight flight to you.
There was nothing worse, than sitting alone in the private airport lounge, checking socials for updates and finding out HIS fan was the one that was caught on CCTV being the perpetrator, the one that did this to you, the love of his life. They even wore a jacket with Rhaast’s icon sewn onto the back, almost mocking him. Sure you were the one physically hurt, but the way his emotions were all over the place, the way his heart refused to calm down, the way he haven’t felt so much like throwing up since he left his old band. He hated this.
Hands tightening around his already cracked phone, the only reason he hasn’t angrily thrown it against the wall was because Akali messaged him telling Kayn how you were stable now, you lived fine, you were still sleeping but you were out of surgery at least. He swallows hard, quickly picking up his small luggage as he runs over to the gate to board his plane. Kayn breathes heavy, only thoughts about being by your side when you wake up keep him walking and keep the absolute rage and chaos Rhaast has at bay. The flight couldn’t be any longer to him.
He ran, the second the Taxi dropped him off at the hospital he phased through walls and booked it straight up to your room, leaving Akali to sigh as she signs him in. The way his hands shook as he slowly opened the door to your ward. Feeling like it was somehow rude to phase through this one way although one, you were still unconscious and two he already violated the privacy of half the hospital.
“ My little demon…This is all my fault.”
Kayn slowly walked to your side after he steps in, watching and noting how you had your eye patched up, how bandages trailed down your body, how pale your skin was. He was going to throw up again, seeing you this way. Ahri who was in the room watching over you let him know you could still see of course, and nothing plastic surgery can’t fix about the scars. You would be fine after a week or two of rest. The shards of glass from the strobe lights missed all the important bits, only scratching up your brow, cheek and collar. Ahri offers Kayn a small sad smile before leaving to give him time with you. The other girls in K/DA has some cuts and bruises saving your from the falling light but otherwise were fine.
It was another hour of your steady breathing and the beeping of machines around him. To Kayn, it felt like hours. Inconsolable hours where his thoughts went wild. Rhaast kept at bay from trashing the place solely from how weak and shaky your breathing was. So when the beeping finally started to pick up Kayn was standing up, hand holding yours, calling out to you frantic and concerned as you slowly blinked and opened your eyes.
“ Oh my god you’re finally awake baby.”
You watched your boyfriend cry, silent tears falling as he spoke over and over about how he should have curated his audience more, warned them to not pull shit like this to you. Anger about how could his “obsessive fans” not know that hurting you would hurt him just as much. Frustration about not being in the audience this time to save you. Sorrow about seeing how much pain you were in right now because of him. Anger once again from Rhaast this time about how incompetent your security was for letting a mistake like this go unnoticed and finally…overwhelming relief that you were ultimately ok. It was new, seeing him so scared, so worried, no doubt all of these emotions were because of just how much Kayn loved you but still, you felt bad making him worry so much. Finally he updates you, telling you about what happened, how you would be ok, he would make sure of it.
“ I…I’m sorry you had to go through this because of me. If you want to leave me because of my fans I will totally understand.”
You watched his voice crack as his hand grasps yours tighter. Your lover’s brows furrowed as he thinks hard. Biting his lip so hard you could almost see it bleed.
“ No Kayn! I would never! It’s not your fault. None of it was your fault, my own crazy fans could have done this to me too y’know. Plus if I breakup with you, they totally won.”
You reply, throat a little dry from not speaking so long but you had to tell him. No way you’re letting some insane fan ruin your performance, your day and your relationship. You watch him finally smile a little as you speak, the corners of his lips barely curving, tears stopping at your frantic attempts to make sure he knows just how much you love him back. No way in hell or heaven would you give up what you have with him because of some lunatic. Especially after seeing just how much he loved you, flying here for you? Putting his work behind for You? How could you let this man go.
“ Hey, at least we can get matching eyepatches now?”
At your comment, he lets out an exasperated laugh.
" I’m sorry, I should be the one making you feel better not the other way around. Here.”
You watch as Kayn slips a finger under his eyepatch, pulling it off carefully before bending down to give your bandaged side a small kiss. Hands uncharacteristically gentle as they worked their way around your hair and all the gauze to put his eyepatch on you. Giving you another quick kiss on your lips before pulling away.
" Looking good darling."
" Only because you style me so well!"
Yeah, it will be ok, the two of you were motivated, hardworking idols, a setback like this meant nothing. As he smiles again at you, the signature cheeky, prideful smile you’ve come to love from him. Your heart flutters. Yeah, something like this won’t stop you from loving him.
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enchiibean · 8 months
i feel like you are one of the only people ive seen that doesnt immediately believe gon fell in love with killua in the hunter exam arc. i feel like it's dismissive of his character, it bothers me. what are your thoughts?
Hi! Sorry for taking so long answering! I wanted to write a good answer to this because I do actually have a lot of thoughts about it, so thank you for the ask! This ended up really long and as more of an analysis on their relationship in general… I want to preface this by saying that everything in this post is simply my interpretation of the characters, and that it’s only one interpretation of many. Just because how someone else interprets their relationship is different from mine doesn’t mean I think they’re wrong, it just means we see them differently! If you read this post, I hope you are able to see my point of view!
Although Killugon is one of my favourite ships ever, introducing romantic feelings so early into their dynamic makes their relationship feel less meaningful to me. I think that their friendship is more narratively important than their romance — and I think that both of them would be okay with the other not returning their feelings because being together is more important to them than being together romantically.
One of the things that makes their relationship so special is their friendship!! Their friendship is the foundation of their relationship, and the romance exists on top of it, not before it. Although I don’t think that romantic feelings would necessarily change their motivations and actions, I do think that it would alter how the audience would perceive them! And when we look at their actions through a romantic lens, it changes how we view their motivations.
For example, to me, the reason Killua approached Gon at the beginning of the Hunter Exam and wanted to become friends with him isn’t because he had a crush on him at first sight, but because he wants to have a friend his age and to feel like a kid. Even if it’s that he developed a crush on him later in the exam, I think that the idea of him already having been attracted to Gon or even in love with him during the Hunter Exam takes away from the importance of friendship to Killua, since the climax of Killua’s character in this arc is when he declares that he just wants to be friends with Gon when he feels like he can’t even have that.
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I don’t think Killua really thought that anyone would be willing to confront his family for him because that’s literally an insane thing to do?? But Gon did it!! And I think that Gon being that insane and willing to risk his life for Killua is what really dragged him out of the darkness and gave him the devotion to be insane right back at him. 
On the other hand, with Gon, I feel like, when viewed through a romantic lens, his motivation during the Zoldyck Family Arc typically becomes that he’s going after Killua because he’s already developed feelings for him in the Hunter Exam Arc, which as you may have guessed, I don’t agree with. To me, that was something he’d have done for any of his friends — if Kurapika or Leorio suddenly started acting strangely and had run off when it seemed clear to Gon that they didn’t want to leave, I think he’d have chased after them, too.
We know that Gon is the type of person who would even risk his life to try to save someone he barely knows (if he likes them), like on the boat on the way to the Hunter Exam! And if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think Killua was even a particularly special friend to Gon until partway through Heaven’s Arena… If Killua hadn’t followed him and they didn’t speak ever again, Killua would’ve just been someone cool that he’d met and that he would no longer think about, and I definitely don’t think he had any romantic feelings for him by then.
That’s not to say that Killua wasn’t someone he considered a friend, just that I think that, at the time, to Gon, it was like when you make a friend at summer camp and then you lose contact as soon as you part ways. And while to Killua, Gon’s actions during Zoldyck Family Arc gave him this unpayable debt and made Killua extremely devoted to Gon, I don’t think it meant that much to Gon because again, I think this is something that he’d have done for any of his friends. However, by the end of Heaven’s Arena, I do think Killua has become someone who is special to Gon — on Whale Island, Gon tells Killua that he’s his first friend his age, and more than that, he’s someone that he wants to stay with.
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In that same scene, they tell each other that they’re their first friend (their age). To me, this is something that informs so much of their dynamic — they don’t know what being friends with someone “normally” looks like, which is part of why they’re so insane!! And because of this, it’s important to me that there is at least a small period of time before this where that’s all they were — friends, no romantic feelings involved. 
Their insanity extends to romance, but is not because of it — their friendship is the most important part of their relationship. This is why even during the needle scene, where I feel like I can say that I definitely think that Killua has feelings for Gon at this point (his reactions during the “it has to be Killua scene,” the “Gon, you are light scene,” etc.), the emphasis is on how Gon is precious to him because he’s his friend, even though he is probably in love with him.
That friendship foundation is so important to how I see Gon and Killua and honestly, beyond the whole “viewing their actions through a romantic lens changes how we perceive them” thing, I just… don’t see either of them as being in love by the end of the Hunter Exam! These reasons are why it’s important to how I interpret their characters for there to be a period of time where their feelings are purely platonic.
Also, as an add-on, personally, I think that there’s a chance that Gon doesn’t return Killua’s feelings in canon even at their separation since nothing that he’s done, said, or thought has felt as explicitly romantic in nature as Killua. BUT I really like the idea of Gon pining for Killua on Whale Island during their separation, haha. The earliest I can conceive of when Gon starts developing feelings for Killua is Greed Island and a lot of it has to do with the shift in their dynamic — it’s when Gon starts really saying things to demonstrate his appreciation of Killua!!
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HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean I perceive his actions as romantic in nature from his perspective. For example, while “it has to be Killua” is a romantic line, I don’t think Gon said it with romantic intent (nor that he’d be aware of them yet if he did have them)! I think that that was more for Killua, as well as planting the seeds in the reader’s mind for their romance, rather than a confession from Gon. Plus, imagine if he’d confessed his feelings for Killua to TSEZGUERRA instead of Killua when Killua is RIGHT THERE…
The other reason why Greed Island is the time where I think Gon is most likely to have developed feelings for Killua is because I really don’t think he was focusing on Killua in the same way in Chimera Ant Arc and it’d be a strange point in their relationship for romantic feelings to develop to me… I can’t imagine any of the moments in Chimera Ant Arc as being one where Gon would have developed feelings for Killua, or where he would have realized them. I like the idea that his realization happens sometime either during or after the separation the most!
On the other hand, I think that Killua probably had feelings for Gon by the start of Greed Island and realized them either during the dodgeball match or the “Gon, you are light” scene because they had the most romantic undertones to me from Killua’s side :) and I think that Killua could have developed them at any point after the Zoldyck Family Arc. 
I think that the way that their relationship develops is so beautiful and subtle that the romance ultimately feels very ambiguous. I don’t think that there is one specific point where we can say that either of them developed or realized any romantic feelings for each other definitively, and I don’t think there are any ideas that are necessarily wrong about when either happened, just ones that don’t align with each other! There are only different interpretations and ones that don’t align with each other and this post is only representative of my personal interpretation :) I hope this answered your question, Anon! And thank you to anyone who was willing to read the entirety of this post. It ended up much, much longer (and perhaps, much, much, more off-topic from the original question) than I expected, haha!
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little-pup-pip · 10 months
could you make a semimasc leaning moodboard based around max from sam and max: freelance police? if you could do a firework or 2 in there too i would love that :) no paci, please!
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pixiecactus · 3 months
just read a comment that s*nsa is the odd one out in the family as a result of her not originally being a character but then grrm created her and she doesn’t have a connection with her siblings the same way arya does or robb or jon or bran. and i was about to argue but it was just a general analysis and ofc some fans took it as an insult. anyway the analysis was like that the siblings are kind of annoyed with her, to bran and rickon it’s like she acts as a mother imitating catelyn and imitating being an adult and more above and mature which then comes off annoying and immature. jon obvs barely mentions her and includes her “even s*nsa” so that explains their relationship, robb is immediately infuriated with the letter he gets from her saying “what’s wrong with the girl” expecting the “worst” from her. she can’t connect naturally and organic with people, she is constantly playing a role as if she is a maiden in a song, in a mask. which yeah she can be good at socializing but only performing it as a script in which she plays not that she is geniuine. Even with margaery and her cousins, it’s not like she is able to make true friends and be the life of the party and the social butterfly. It’s like she acts how they expect her to act and she just wants to be loved and liked by the others especially since in WF with her friends and mother and septa mordane she was adored, so now she seeks that but it’s not like she can organically connect. People do play the role of the nice lady in court and minding their courteousies but to an extent, not how s*nsa does it which she lives and her personality is playing this role and outwardly being seen as more mature and more adult and more above but actually inside she is very naive and childlike and it comes off not geniuine. even with sweetrobin she acts the mother/adult with her just as she did with bran and rickon and skmetimes arya but in her mind she despises him. even mya is better at connecting and talking with robb in an organic natural way, because she is just brusque and natural at it just how king robert is you know a natural at making enemies into friends and just socializing. even s*nsa says that arya is a natural at being friends with everyone. a lot of characters they do practice the courtesy but they are feeling characters with emotions and snapping and being real. s”nsa doesnt do that at all, her entire personality is just being this more adult mature maiden in a song but lacks an actual personality to connect with people and make friends. even with her siblings she isn’t as connected and i feel like only with arya she showed her true colors and that was pretty ugly. she is inept in socializing, she is just a people pleaser. and when you see it like that, plus how she is an unreliable narrator, she really can go helaena route and just snap and be mad and be a sociopath. which i really suspected too when you compile everything and make sense of her character. she def is a psycho or a sociopath. i can’t believe that we have her literally remember things differently and yet her fans really think she is the hope of the future. she started the book with being a traitor (no matter how small her role was) and she is so detached from her family and home that she will probably make some mistakes and betray some people and pay the price lol
first than anything i want to show you this post in my drafts anon:
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now let's get going with your ask: i do think that wanting to classify sansa as an outsider based on the fact that she was created as a last addition to the family, is a reach. but then again, this is the part of the fandom that thinks that jon and sansa, doing an activity such as breathing is romantic foreshadowing. i do think that her lack of connection to her siblings can be considered an oversight of grrm’s writing mixed with something else, i’d hope to explain this better below.
in my opinion, what sansa fans always ignore to consider is that sansa had her own friend group consisting of highborn ladies like her, arya didn’t. the book even tells us that beth cassel was closer in age to arya but she preferred sansa and jeyne’s company, based on shared interests between the three of them. if arya wanted to play or talk with someone else, (which of course she would want to, because she’s an active nine year old child) the only option she does have is going to her brothers.
now, when i write this, i’m mixing my own experiences with what i saw other people do as a child growing up in the same environment as them, but we used to treat siblings as something completely different than friends, as if they were two entities vastly different from each other. friends were of your own choosing, shared your own interests and on the other side you had your siblings/cousins which sometimes you had to endure their company even when you don’t get along with them most of the time due to "being family". so i do understand, sansa wanting to spend more time in the company of her friends than her brothers. but as i already pointed out, arya didn’t have that, her brothers were her friends too. and that’s when i think people that are reading the books, they can discern that for all the boys (robb, jon, bran and rickon) arya was obviously their favourite sister.
if we look in the grand scheme of things, the boys preferring arya as a sister, almost doesn’t mean anything, i wrote about this in the “black sheep” post i have in my drafts, let me paraphrase what i wrote there because i’m still unsure about posting it, but in adwd we see theon of all people, remembering about how sansa used to bully arya, calling her “horseface”. so with that piece of information, i can assume that the rest of the boys (i have some doubts about bran and rickon is just a baby) knew about sansa's shitty behavior towards her little sister, i mean, arya went crying to jon and asking him if she was a bastard like him after having heard sansa’s comments about it.
i have responded before to the question “why do you think sansa wouldn’t be as important as a sibling to jon as the rest of them?” with, “i don’t think sansa is gaining any sympathy points with jon, when he already knows she constantly bullies his favourite person in the world.” i, myself, think that this fact contributes to the rocky siblinghood between jon and sansa. coming back to point i wanted to make with this, is that the rest of the boys knew about how sansa treats arya, no one confronts her about it, no one treats the bully (who is hurting a member of her own family) different, they continue to treat her as sansa their sister, nothing more, nothing less, as if she wasn’t involved in any wrongdoing. the most we see is jon not giving a rat��s ass if he says goodbye to sansa, which is so telling to me about how jon feels about this sibling in particular and then later jon still not giving a rat’s ass about sansa being married to the imp (he thinks and remembers more about tyrion than his own half-sister). but still, they don’t cast her out, and we see this with arya and jon’s very own “even sansa” remark, that includes her in their longing to get reunited with their family again. so sansa was never in any way an outsider during the period she was living with the rest of her family in winterfell.
i want to start this next part with something i have wroten before: seriously, i don’t understand how stansas only like this character because they can use her as a self-insert, seems sansa's own personality is a nothingburger for them.
we are presented with the fact that arya is an extroverted character with an outgoing personality, we see her easily making friends with anyone and everyone. now, i don’t feel right saying that her older sister is exactly the contrary concept, but yeah, like you said, everything with sansa is playing a role, hiding under a mask, what i do see myself with her character is: "sansa is not kind, sansa is “performative courtesy” at it’s finest."
i had read a post about: "sansa representing “traditional femininity”, because femininity is a 24/7 performance", and i do agree with that sentiment, but i don’t think i’m the right person to talk about this, because even when i’m afab, and grew up in a mostly women environment in a conservative family (i went to a religious all girls school, like it can’t get worse than that for a trans boy) i never conformed to it and i never had the compulsory need to, even when i got bullied for it, it just made me wanting to go even further in the other direction as possible (and yeah, this started to make a lot more sense when i realized i was a trans dude)
what's funny to me is that i can relate to sansa in a way, i’m as socially inept as her, i do think it it can come from having a sheltered childhood and family that treats you like you were better than the rest and i have to admit we share that. it certainly feels that her friend group existed because it was what people expected from these young ladies. and yeah, i tend to agree that when people think of sansa’s character they think of this perfect lady who is simply sansa performing a facade. just doing what it's expected of her, without a second thought of why she's doing it. i think that sansa's mindless behavior is the perfect caricature of how women are expected to act in the highborn westerosi society, but what we get from her fans when they realize this fact, is praise for her, how she is behaving perfectly dutyful without taking action herself and dirtying her hands, how she even "suffers prettily"... like their are romanticizing this tragedy and saying this is the only correct way to behave, in which we see how bad even gender conforming women are treated in this world, it just doesn't make sense to me. a patriarchy, which it's what westeros is, fucks all women over, no matter if you're gender conforming or not, no matter how highborn you're or not. it's that so difficult to understand?
it's completely true that most of sansa fans don't like her canon personality. the other day i saw someone talking about how sansa's whole schtick is: "she's so kind that she touches another people and makes them kinder"... and i have some thoughts about this... first: what book are you reading? i don't think is asoiaf related, from what i remember the only kind action sansa made was plead for dontos hollard's life. and second: that's not true at all, i'm sure sansa touched joffrey multiple times in fact, it never made him any kinder. (fun fact about the creation of this sideblog, i tend to speak with my bestie daily and we have known each other since we were 7 year olds, and last year i started to obsess over arya and gendrya again, and i could tell that my hyperfixation with them has started to bore her over our conversations, i give her grace for it, she had to endure this same obsession coming from me when we were teens and after that i created this blog to release all these feelings and thoughts that had come back to me here. and the first time i started to talk about asoiaf again with my friend was me complaining about how awful sansa is and she remembered me talking about this same thing as a teen.) 
now what makes me dislike her character is how she is completely self-absorbed and seems to lack empathy for others, i can see that it stemmed from her being considered her parents's (mostly catelyn) golden child who couldn’t do no wrong, the thing is we are able to read sansa’s thoughts and even with jeyne, her best friend and fellow highborn lady, she is awful, thinking herself to be above her, thinking of jeyne as useless when said girl was crying and mourning her father. i’m not comfortable calling sansa a sociopath, but i do think that the character is a textbook definition of narcissistic personality disorder, with her inability to recognize the feelings and needs from other people, being critical of and looking down on people she feels are not important, being preoccupied with fantasies, high sense of self importance, having major problems with interacting with others and the list could go on.
this is my own speculation for the future, so nothing to take seriously, but i do think that sansa’s role will be to cause a succession crisis in the north alongside littlefinger, like… the girl’s mentors (cersei, you could argue the hound, if grrm doesn’t take the romantic route with him as one too and lastly littlefinger) are antagonistic characters and they don’t see how this could come up as sansa behaving antagonistic to the rest of her family later (which is a thing she had already done before)… but i see arya and bran coming together to support robb’s will and stand behind the decision of jon being legitimized as a stark.
and lastly, yes, i consider it completely idiocy that stansas fail to consider how book!jon would canonically react when he learns about the joffrey vs arya incident and how sansa behaved during that, and then later sansa said this about his favourite person, which put arya’s life at great risk:
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey’s loyal and loving wife.”  
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neo-my-geo · 6 months
Tee hee!! Im not sure if some1 already asked this before but is Eyelander in the dnd au? If so, how?
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Yes. But it's called Eyeslander now
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mingyu angst / smut recs please 🥺🥺🥺
- 🤸🏻‍♂️
Mingyu angst anon? MINGYU ANGST!!
I'm so sorry this took so fucking long I am: [a terrible person]
My recs (sorry, there's not really any angst in these 😭):
this is kinda soft!dom but also mean!gyu by @kaespas and bro... it's so good. In my opinion no one does mean!svt (mean!txt too like??) quite like kaespas does. I eat their stuff up potato chips...
The very first night: i can’t read this yet BECAUSE IM WRITING A GYU EX FIC that i started last christmas and it’s ALSO a six month gap 😭 so I have to stay uninfluenced and away from this story until I’m done with it but I mean come on exes to lovers with kim mingyu? And let’s be so real 2k notes speaks for itself
A wolf in sheep's clothing by @rubyreduji: whatttttt is this another JJ fic rec from brie?? That’s crazzzzyyyyy I’m not a sub!svt conisseir BUT THIS WAS SO GOOD. Like. JUST GO READ IT.
The Real Thing by @gguksgalaxy: do you like somnophilia? :) I DO and this is baby somnophilia *hearts*
"is this everything you dreamed of?" by @8loveletters: look, it's pretty dubby. And I: [love dubcon] BUT ITS REALLY GOOD mutual pining type shit!
him or me? by @wwtneosay: in the wise words of Yeongtae: toxic, toxic, toxic but who doesn't want to read gyu getting jealous and fucking y/n like be so for real
to the brim by @toruro: you asked for mingyu smut. AND MIKA DELIVERED. if you want husband!mingyu with a breeding kink? Here you go 🤭
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cyberllfe · 1 year
600 - Shag me - RK900
hi, anon. bet you thought I'd forgotten about you, hmm? oh, no. here's your nines. 600 words, dom!nines, rated E. want a turn? prompt me.
Air is forced from your lungs when your back hits the wall.
You don’t care. Every thought in your dazed mind is of Nines’ mouth and its hot path along your jaw, your neck, lips soft, tongue probing, and teeth—
A gasp escapes you when he nips at your skin and you tighten your legs around his waist and claw at his shoulders so he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t make a sound, but you feel the shape of his lips change against your skin; you’re sure he’s smirking at you as you lose control.
When you exhale, your breath is shaky. He only nips at your neck in place of an answer.
Devious lips still on you, Nines’ breath brushes your skin, warm and ticklish, and you shiver a little as he slides a hand up your thigh to adjust how you sit against him. All at once you have a new reason to gasp, pressing so close to where you want him as he rocks back and forth.
“Say that again.”
Sharp teeth graze the sensitive slope of your neck and he presses his hips into yours, short-circuiting your effort to speak. The words you’d intended, the ones he wanted, lost in a choked gasp.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Nines,” you whine, nails digging into his scalp, “plea—”
Long fingers wrap around your neck and squeeze, cutting you off again. Nines’ face swims in front of you, eyes burning into yours, with the faintest twitch of his lips; he’s enjoying this, making you compliant and then complicating your obedience for his pleasure.
It’s infuriating to be so close and continually denied, to want and be prevented from asking. When Nines lowers his lips to yours, it’s to taunt you again, a faint kiss bestowed by a curved smile, just another way to stop you speaking. Same as ever he knows what you want, he just wants you mindless and desperate for him first.
You breathe in moans while he grinds his cock against your pulsing entrance, snatching all the oxygen he allows, faint tears in your eyes from the exertion and the time spent on the dizzying edge of pleasure. Even Nines isn’t quiet anymore: he murmurs honeyed humiliations in your ear, says your attempts to please are pathetic, but you look so pretty when you try. His laugh reverberates in his chest when you try to speak again and you feel almost suffocated by his presence, everywhere except where you need him most.
It’s when he pulls away and you lose the hard press of him against your swollen clit that you dig your fingers into his skin, creating white patches where you apply pressure, and beg him to fuck you. The words flee from your mouth in a half-coherent mess of frustration and desire, arms and legs pulling with laughable human strength to keep his naked form to you, dreading the moment he denies you again.
He doesn’t.
Instead, he presses into you fluidly, leaning close to watch you take him, murmuring soft encouragement. His thrusts send your ears buzzing, the new friction incredible after your wait. When he asks you a question you nod and he laughs again, peppering your hot skin with delicate kisses as he drives into you harder, pushing you closer until you’re pleading for permission to come.
Nines doesn’t give it until you’re screaming for him. Strong, inhuman arms hold you as you shake and spiral. He marks you from the inside, soothing you with gentle hands and words you listen for and miss—all except one.
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writer-by-the-sea · 17 days
hiiii!! I was wondering if you’d be able to write a letter to my farmer Clover, who’s currently seeking out the mermaid pendant to propose to a certain bachelor :)) she’s somewhat shy and was too nervous to participate in the flower dance her first year in town, much less to ask the man she fancied to dance with her, but in the past month she’s come out of her shell and worked up the courage to dance with everyone else! Something tooth rottingly sweet about how proud Elliott is of her for overcoming her shyness and how much he loves her and how beautiful she looked dancing that day would be absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for hearing me out nhdhdbdk
To my lovely Clover,
Spring may be my new favorite time of the year. Seeing you in your cute, ribbon covered dress; dancing with everyone in town left me in awe.
You're so beautiful when you smile. I can't even begin to contain my joy seeing you have so much fun. Our dance together was the cherry on top of a prefect day.
Did you know you were counting your steps? It was so adorable; I couldn't stop grinning at you. I wanted to pick you up by your hips and swing you around, to show the others how much you've grown in the last year.
I'm so proud of you, Clover. Last year, both of us were too shy to ask for a dance. Now? You're my main partner, but you also have the courage to dance with the others.
Emily finally has a friend to get wild with! I can't wait to see how you let loose at the Luau!
For now, feel free to stop by the beach anytime you want another dance. I have an old stereo, a few tapes with all the classics; and I would love to dance with you; barefoot in the sand while Moon River plays..
Gods, I love you.
I can't wait to see you again.
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ratgingi · 1 year
waybe some oliver?? maybe going out for food or somthin idk lol
smth smth gay people dont know how to sit normal . waiting for burgest
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toss a dialed town request in me inbox why dontcha
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
36. “You’re doing this on purpose.”
With Nick and Charlie for the new prompts? If not, I still adore your work! Maybe during a cuddle-sesh Nick keeps ticking Charlie on purpose but pretends that he is confused as to why Charlie is so giggly?
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
~A/N  ~ OMFG HI! So it's been a hot minute since I last uploaded a fic.. and these prompts were submitted like 7 MONTHS AGO so I am so sorry for the wait. Here's a cute lil heartstopper drabble to brighten up your day ^^ Lots of love my friends <3
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link 
It was cold winter afternoons like this that Charlie absolutely adored. Him and Nick cuddling into each other, sharing lazy kisses with hands intertwined.
Well, they started that way.
After what felt like a timeless eternity of bliss, Charlie felt something wriggling softly into his side. Not enough to interrupt his current state of complete relaxation, but it certainly gave his nervous system a gentle wakening.
A few moments passed, and the feeling didn't stop. In fact, it was starting to creep down towards Charlie's waist. The closer it got, the more Charlie stirred, feet squirming to take the edge off the sensation.
"Char?" Nick mumbled innocently. "What's going on?"
Charlie gave a small but knowing giggle in return, pressing a kiss to Nick's cheek.
Stillness returned to the room, and Charlie was just about to drift back into semi-consciousness before his ribs were once again under playful attack.
"Nihihihick!" He groaned with a bashful smile, hiding his face into the comfort of his boyfriend's jumper.
"What?" Nick asked softly, maintaining the ticklish movements of his fingers.
"Yohohou're..." Charlie began, giggles breaking apart his attempt at speech. "Yohou- Ihihihi- quihit it!"
"I'm not doing anything!" He said softly, a breathy chuckle betraying the act of innocence. "You're the one being all cute and giggly!"
Charlie's only response was pressing his face further into Nick's chest, laughing all the while.
"No! Come back!" Nick pouted, moving his hands up to Charlie's armpits. "I want another kiss!"
Somehow, even with Charlie's biceps clamping down against Nick's trapped hands, the touches were feather-light. Barely fluttering against his sensitive underarms, but it was just enough to send Charlie into a state of ticklish delirium.
'Nihihihihick!" Charlie arched backwards, revealing his already red face and blindingly bright smile.
"Charlie!" Nick whined. "You're ruining the peace and quiet of cuddle time!"
"Ihihit's yohohou!"
Nick let out a gasp, turning to look down at his boyfriend in disbelief. "I'm not the one laughing!"
Charlie simply giggled in response, face bright red and smile beaming up at his love.
"Now, can I please have a kiss?" Nick grinned.
Charlie nodded, still laughing softly. His hands wrapped around Nick's neck as he closed his eyes, ready for Nick's lips to meet his. There was a moment of silence, as the two boys came closer, and closer, before...
"nICK!" Charlie squeaked, as his absolute asshole of a boyfriend pressed a kiss to the left side of his neck.
"Oh Charlie, I missed!" Nick sighed. "Let me try again..."
"Noho Nick wahahait!"
With Charlie's head scrunched to the side, Nick had no other option (or so he claims) than to pepper a few kisses over the shell of Charlie's ear.
"What Charlie?" Nick smirked, abandoning all attempts at looking innocent. "It's not my fault you moved."
"Shuhut uhup!" Charlie pulled his hands over his face, squirming in place under his boyfriend's body.
Nick continued to dot his lips over Charlie's jawline, ignoring Charlie's pleas for relief.
"If you would just stop moving-" Nick laughed, stopping the kisses and moving his head to face Charlie's, "-I could get it!"
After a moment of trying to compose himself, Charlie stilled. Head straight upwards, eyes locked onto Nick's. Was he still smiling like a madman? Maybe... But that wasn't relevant.
"That's better." Nick smiled, leaning down on a direct path to Charlie's lips.
Maybe this time. Finally. At last the kiss would happen...
At the last possible moment, Nick ducked his head and attacked the untouched side of Charlie's neck. Amidst the screams of laughter, Nick moved to try and connect with Charlie's lips. But, with the frantic giggling, he could barely even line it up.
"Charlie!" Nick grumbled playfully. "I want to kiss you stop laughing!"
"I cahahan't!"
Nick rolled his eyes with a smile, before attacking Charlie's collarbones with the most unbearable pecks the poor kid had ever experienced.
Unable to take it any longer, Charlie grabbed the sides of Nick's face with both hands and pulled him up into a long awaited kiss.
The pair broke apart, looking lovingly into each other's eyes. Charlie still giggling the residual feelings away, while Nick simply tried his best to memorize this moment - this view - forever.
"Ok." Nick smiled softly, before breaking into a mischievous grin. "Now you can laugh!"
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obscurecookiestims · 11 months
no clue if youre still active at all, but could i get a shining glitter cookie/sour belt cookie stimboard? :3
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Shining Glitter Cookie x Sour Belt Cookie stimboard for Anon!
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 years
sorry to ask but what clip studio brushes do you use?
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i BARELY use csp for lineart and sketching so these are basically just. suggestions.
i prefer using sai for line art bc i like the feel better but tbh just use whatever line art/sketching brush you think fits your style.
SSA_E brush, potato lineart pen, 線画用ペン, custom is uhh literally just mashed up shit
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let's use this unfinished wip for testing the brushes i actually use. sure.
(i think i sketched this w my custom brush....idk this wip has been in my files for months)
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おにぎりブラシ, 本でやる怠けものブラシ, 哈捏上色 (pick any hard brush you're comfy with tbh)
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something i forgot to mention, i sometimes blend out the edges
basics of soft and hard edges in art yk, use any blending tool you have
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i rendered with the rice ball brush i linked earlier (this one), drew shitty clouds for the bg, added a random ass gradient map and then finished it!!! ta da!!!!!!
for rendering, i basically use the hardest sharpest brush i have at hand and just clean up anything i find messy. that's it. that's how i render.
it's so easy! that's why i really like rendering
this....ended up turning into a tutorial on how i paint in general but it's not like i could've avoided it because i needed to use the brushes shown after all
i hate those fuckin. posts where artists give their brushes out but not show how to use them, leaving them essentially useless so there u go! i hope it helps
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rabble-dabble · 9 months
It is in character for Rick Sanchez to recite Karkat's attention worthless human speech verbatim.
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PLEEEAAASE why are you so right though. this is so funny ive been thinking about it so much now
(also i did post this to ao3 akdjfhsdlafhdslf)
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CESAR!!!!!! CESAR THERES A SHADOW THING IN YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!_:!8_:!8_:!:8^!!!!!
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How... can he hear you.
How long have you been speaking to him?
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
I took one look at Duman and my brain went: MANWHORE!
There's actually a simple SCIENCE behind this!!
Behold. The Whore Gap. Seen on many male/masc characters throughout history, Winx Club especially, the whore gap refers to the little gap between the top and bottom of one's attire where bare skin is visible. Usually only a little bit of skin, separating itself from a full on crop top situation. Whether it's sluttier than that is based on several things and lots of opinions, there are no wrong answers, we're all in this together <3
The rating of whore on said gap depends on certain factors; Does it show the belly button? Does it show the hip bones? Would it realistically only be visible if the character were to raise their arms? Important things like that.
Taking a look at Duman, that is a clear case of Whore Gap. I don't think I even have to point out all the things when it's there for all to see. What I WILL say is that there's like a singular shot, mayhaps more idk, where his top rolls up further when his arms are raised. Things to think about. Points to add.
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Of course in Duman's case there are multiple factors that contribute to him being perceived as a MANWHORE, mesh shirt, his piercings, makeup, waist. I just felt like. Talking about this. Sorry.
This is also why imo his rare comic appearances are not good.
Like if randomly changing his design wasn't rude enough, they TOOK the Whore Gap from him in most panels (except for like one) and I don't think I can forgive them for that. The only time I have allowed it was for Russian Winx on Ice Duman, who was given slits in his skirt for mobility and slays it hard, so it's a fair trade. Actually while collecting images I discovered that there is no need for a trade, because it's a case of 'hidden until arms are raised' gap, which is still valid.
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taegularities · 29 days
girl when is downpour coming out 😫😫 i am dying from all these asks and hints i need it now
y'all had the chance to get it mid-september, BUT NEARLY 70% VOTED FOR CMI13 LMAOOO
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