#hope you enjoy my singular monthly post
dadbastiandisaster · 7 months
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No joke twelve year old me was like 'I don't care about classical music' right up until the point where they listened to the S2 OST
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raayllum · 9 months
so i deleted my poll & here's why bc it is both. sad, strange, and a little hilarious. for TLDR, skip all the way to the end
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this is what it was gearing towards as of this afternoon & this is why it got weird.
for clarification, the poll was meant to investigate, because i was curious, how many people i had potentially influenced in my writing(s) about callum analysis wise. i actually expected option 2 to be the most common (aka that people already saw him that way) since that's what i've found in my circles; most of the other rayllum writers and shippers i've spoken to reached those conclusions themselves after S2 or S3, if not earlier. so option 1 being the most popular was the first big surprise, as was as many people picking "want to see the results"
here's where things go from surprising to weird. earlier this afternoon, the poll was sitting around 120-ish people and had been in that vein for most of the week since it was published, climbing maybe a few votes every day after the initial boom in a variety of the categories the first like day and a half.
then, steadily, over the course of 5-10 minutes, anywhere from 5 to 15 fresh votes flooded in... all to the same category of "nah i don't see him that way." which wasn't That strange, except
the fandom troll, who is notoriously obnoxiously loud about Not liking this interpretation of callum, also has a tendency of making sock blogs and sending anonymous asks to bait you over and over again, no matter how many times you block them. for Years.
then the number continued to steadily climb solely in that singular category, doubling and then tripling. now, i'm not going to say there couldn't be *check statistics* 50 people who don't see callum as being willing to sacrifice the world for his loved ones/help aaravos if rayla or ezran's lines were quit literally being held at knifepoint, But
When the poll started, I acknowledged the bias the poll would likely be prone to, as my followers - by virtue of following me and seeing and presumably agreeing with what I post - would probably skew in favour of the interpretation, and this was reflected in 6/7 days of the poll's backing, with 60-78% (roughly 70-80 people) of participants leaning towards a shared interpretation. "Nah I don't see him that way" also rose steadily in terms of votes throughout the week day by day, but never cleared more than 8-10 individual people (you're troopers, I respect you, and I hope having the "snake boi Callum" tag makes it easier for you to blacklist accordingly so that you can enjoy your fandom experience)
The Snake Boi Callum interpretation is popular enough in fandom that we actually had a fandom event for it a few months back, plenty of people participated who I felt I wasn't familiar with as well as people I knew I would, and the pieces of art/fic/playlists regularly got 50-150 notes. If there are 50+ people who disagree with said interpretation, they are, generally speaking, not a group who's often actually making things for the fandom at large in terms of fic, fanart, other forms of creation, and not a ton of meta weekly or monthly about the topic and/or outside of that general wheelhouse, either. The 'pro' side is conversely a lot more active; most of the people who have written fic about said topic(s) aren't even me, but other cool lovely talented individuals over the past 3-ish years
The initial wave of votes happened when I posted the poll in the "snake boi Callum," "Rayllum," "tdp," and "the dragon prince" tags to reach a broader audience beyond my more immediate active follower range (as like, 90% of my followers are lurkers, which - respect). This is when it would've made sense if there was going to be an uptick in "nah I don't see him that way" to build
Instead, it happened 6 days into the poll when it was already decently buried by tags, I had recently self-reblogged it back into my accordingly biased circles, and rather than having a general variety, only a singular category went up by close to 40 people in like 3 hours. I tend to gain anywhere from 6-10 followers a week (for example, this week was 6) so that also does not account for the massive leap in a very short amount of time
Therefore, keeping to roughly 125 votes for posterity, and when removing the originally 30-ish or so people who voted for "see results" (significantly less than the first category, but more than the second by a decent margin) as well as the real 10 votes for "nah, I don't see him that way," approximately 85 people voted explicitly in favour of Snake Boi Callum / one of the first two options in general, with my meta being cited as the biggest influence. This is also with me rounding up the numbers of the other categories to likely more than they were, but I want to account for the potential error of my memory, as I wasn't keeping track of where things were super specifically before it started to smell like meddling.
Again, it's not that there couldn't be 50 people with that opinion, it's just that 40 of them, Realistically, did not suddenly come out of the woodwork in the span of 1-2 hours to consecutively vote in only one (1) category 6 days after that would've actually, marginally, made sense in terms of tagging / seeing it in the main tags.
If you're wondering why I presented all my ~ evidence ~ it's because if not, I'd probably be labelled as a liar and/or dismissed (it's happened before, unfortunately) and honestly, it ended up being a little funny to dig into how presumably nuts this got.
Anyway if you ever feel like you're deeply insecure and worried that you're idiotically clout chasing, remember you will never be as Embarrassing as the guy who made close to 39 sock blogs in one afternoon to try and 'one up' someone over an opinion they have regarding a children's tv show protagonist who's believed biggest flaw is that he Loves His Friends.
better poll that cannot be screwed with will follow
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cathygeha · 7 months
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Harbor Lights by James Lee Burke
Dark and disturbing look at times, places, and people I had trouble relating to or liking. At times I wondered if the author saw himself in some of the characters he put into the stories and if so, what that said about him.
HARBOR LIGHTS: This story has a man’s son encounter things he would have been better off never seeing or thinking about. Infidelity, mental illness, abuse of authority, war, and secrets left a bad taste in my mouth at the end of the story.
GOING ACROSS JORDAN: Migrant workers, pushing unions for the workers, two men doing what they think is right, another man abusing status and power to rape a woman, a beating and death, MacCarthyism, and more. Not sure if two came out happy in the end or not.
BIG MIDNIGHT SPECIAL:  Prison is not a place I would want to be and especially not in the South when this story was written. Choices were limited and freedom for Arlen rather difficult to achieve in a healthy manner.
DEPORTEES: Three generations with issues to deal with. Alcohol abuse, rape, deportation of illegal immigrants, another corrupt cop, and a murder again didn’t leave a speck of light for any at the end of the story
THE ASSAULT: A widowed professor with a daughter who is beaten outside a bar does some sleuthing that gets more than one person in trouble. Another story with bigotry, murder, and consequences that no doubt follow those that survive
THE WILD SIDE OF LIFE: Elmore, a seismographer, is a Vietnam veteran who realizes some he works with are corrupt and evil, he tries to save a woman in an abusive relationship, and seems incapable of dealing with his demons and settling down.
A DISTANT WAR: Strange story of a father and son having car trouble and ending up in what seemed to be a time-warp-alternative-dimension. Creepy and disturbing with historical elements, racist people, and a feeling of disconnection. Not sure what happens to the main characters.
STRANGE CARGO: Ghostly story with Broussard talking to his daughter’s ghost, another corrupt cop, murder of an innocent man, mixed messages, and the feeling at the end that nobody in the story was happy and there was no hope for anyone.
Did I enjoy this book? No
Was it well written? Yes
Would I recommend it to others? Only if they like dark unsettling stories without hope
Thank you to NetGalley and Atlantic Monthly Press for the ARC  - This is my honest review.
3-4 Stars
A dynamic, gripping collection of short stories from “America’s best novelist” ( Denver Post ), the New York Times  bestselling James Lee Burke Harbor Lights  is   a story collection from   one of the most popular and widely acclaimed icons of American fiction, featuring a never-before-published novella. These eight stories move from the marshlands on the Gulf of Mexico to the sweeping plains of Colorado to prisons, saloons, and trailer parks across the South, weaving together love, friendship, violence, survival, and revenge A boy and his father watch a German submarine sink an oil tanker as evil forces in the disguise of federal agents try to ruin their family. A girl is beaten up outside a bar as her university-professor father navigates new love and threats from a group of neo-Nazis. A pair of undercover union organizers are hired to break colts for a Hollywood actor, whose “Western hero” façade hides darkness. An oil rig worker witnesses a horrific attack on a local village while on a job in South America and seeks justice through one final act of bravery.  With his nuanced characters, lyrical prose, and ability to write shocking violence in the most evocative settings, James Lee Burke’s singular skills are on display in this superb anthology. Harbor Lights  unfolds in stories that crackle and reverberate as unexpected heroes emerge.
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kolbisneat · 4 years
Still staying in as much as I can and reading/watching/playing lots of stuff. Stay safe out there, wear a mask, and maybe check out some of this stuff!
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Color Out of Space (2019) I didn’t know much about this outside of it being based on a story by Lovecraft and seeing the poster and I’m glad that was the case. It was trippy and tense and a little arty and silly in moments but all great.
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Mad Men (Episode 3.04 to 4.06) First, this show continues to be fantastic. The season 3 ending would’ve been a great place to end but I’m really digging the change of scenery in season 4. It sets the characters up as underdogs again and that’s fun. Also I can’t believe Don Draper was ever seen as a role model; he’s clearly the worst. Sure he’s charming and comes up with some cool ideas, but I really appreciate that the series isn’t shying away from showing him as a garbage dude. He’s a garbage dude. Peggy driving a motorcycle, that’s what a true role model looks like.
Queer Eye (Episode 5.01 to 5.10) I’m not sure what’s happened but this season felt different for me. Maybe it’s Antoni’s....chaotic energy, or the way it seems to show the class and race divide in Philadelphia, but it’s not landing the same.
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Dracula by Bram Stoker (Page 114/325) The classics often don’t quite click for me but this is really great. Maybe it’s that the horror genre taps into the core of humanity and so ages better than other speculative fiction? I dunno, but that bulletin about the ship’s crew slowly getting picked off by Dracula while it transports him to England is enough to carry its own horror movie. 
The Pirates! In an Adventure With Scientists by Gideon Defoe (Complete) Wonderfully silly and an excellent pastiche of those classic young reader adventure novels. I admit I’m not sure if kids will get half of the jokes but it’s still fun and full of pirates and a little danger that I think they’d enjoy.
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lluminatus! Part 1: The Eye in the Pyramid by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson (Complete) I really wasn’t sure about this. The plot was, and continues to be fun, but it’s so thoroughly interrupted by monologue after monologue on the goals and methods of the illuminati. It’s all fun, but I’m hoping that parts 2 and 3 serve as acts 2 and 3 to the bigger story so that we can move past all the introductions and setup.
The Sheriff of Ynrameer by Michael Rubens  (Abandoned) I really wanted to like this, but I just couldn’t connect with the lead character (a Han Solo-type...and those sorts really work best as compliments to the true lead character). Dissecting humour is a fool’s errand so I’ll just say the jokes didn’t land for me and while I can’t describe why, I will contrast it to say that I lean towards the Terry Pratchett/Douglas Addams-end of the spectrum. So if you want a sci-fi comedy with a roguish scamp as the lead, check it out.
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 8 by Ryoku Kui (Complete) Every volume is consistently strong and it’s just baffling. The new characters are engaging (and having picky eater as a party member is such a logical and interesting pairing) and the world-building is excellent. Each volume really does a great job at blending character development with that world building while still delivering the core concept (making meals using monster parts) and I’m still amazed it all works. Plus it’s funny! Maybe not as funny or silly as earlier volumes, but I feel like it’s been a natural evolution. Ugh it’s just so good!
Hellboy In Hell Library Edition by Mike Mignola (Complete) Oof. What an ending. I’m really glad to have this as a nice capstone to the Hellboy mythos (even if he continues on in the future). It was nice having Mignola illustrate these last handful of adventures and storytelling and it’s absolutely some of his best. The pacing was maybe a little weird at the end, but who am I to push back against such a singular vision?
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Walkin' My Cat Named Dog by Norma Tanega (1966) A song really stood out in one of those “made for you” playlists by Spotify so I went to listen to the album and the first track is the theme song from the What We Do in the Shadows tv series so that’s pretty awesome. This whole album is great and as haunting/fun as you’d expect.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) I’ve started posted more in-depth campaign diaries on Reddit (not for my players to read) and right now they’re doing a little regrouping in the Gnome Hamlet before setting off on one of their...3 quests right now. Gotta capture a star, gotta kill some spiders, gotta find the bespoke jacket of a mermaid. So much to do.
D&D Homebrew Adventure (Menace of Merlin) The group is stuck in a daisy chain of quests (kill the yetis so the ents will show the Party the way to the unicorns so they can get some of their hair so that the hermit can make a cure for the town’s stone curse). They’ve spent an entire session avoiding a young dragon but next time it won’t be so easy.
And that’s it! As always, let me know if you have anything to recommend and stay safe out there!
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Figuring Out a Kitchen Makeover Budget Plan - Adding Value to Your Home Real Estate Market Value
Figuring Out a Kitchen Makeover Budget Plan - Adding Value to Your Home Real Estate Market Value
 It is incredibly significant to determine a budget for any kind of property improvement task, as well as cooking area renovation in miami is actually no exemption.
 A word of caution: I devoted several hrs investigating custom-made cooking area renovating cost and budgeting on the internet to acquire records for this short article. I bumped into a married couple internet sites that provided square footage rates for cooking area improvement. Although I sympathize with their try to discover an easy method to identify cabinetries renovating prices, this kind of guidance is not based in truth. Improvement projects typically are so particular to the problems of the building and flavors of the home owner that no straight video costs will ever be realistic. I likewise experienced numerous internet sites that performed not offer you any type of true info regarding establishing a finances but essentially translated Hanley Wood's Remodeling Cost vs. Value record which is posted yearly. You are far better off going to the Cost vs. Value report online as well as analyzing the results for your own self. Bathroom Renovation Miami
 Like anything else in this particular globe a home kitchen remodel is actually going to set you back much more than you thought it will and also the skies is the limitation on what it may set you back depending upon your tastes. There are multiple factors that go right into identifying an upgrading spending plan.
 The really pleasant thing about this report is that it offers a summary of the "ordinary" venture so that you may evaluate if your home kitchen remodel is going to fall over or even under the standard. I likewise discover their common costs to be actually an exact reflection of the prices for our provider, therefore through advising to customers just before I even fulfill with them that they investigate this document they are extra probably to set up a practical spending plan our team may work within to provide all of them an awesome cooking area.
 Custom-made Hutch constructed with Semi-Custom Cabinets
 While Remodeling Magazine's report is extremely practical, it is still an incredibly one size accommodates all strategy to establishing a finances. Keep reading through if you 'd just like to try to polish your amounts a little.
 Obtain out a pad and newspaper as well as jot down a handful of notes concerning each factor as you undergo this list:
 Factor 1 Home Value- Consider not just what you think your home deserves, yet also the worth of comparable residences in your community that presently possess updates. My beloved website to check residence values is zillow.com, merely enter your address and also you receive an interactive chart along with property values and various other relevant information detailed straight on the map. Bear in mind of which houses are actually of similar dimension to your own, have actually been purchased a lot more just recently, yet possess a much higher market value, after that peek in their windows to observe what the home looks like. Ok, seriously, I was simply joking. , if you do not understand all of them maybe it is actually opportunity to satisfy the neighbors and inquire for an easy trip.
 Variable 2 Wow! - This has everything to perform with your targets and motivations. Create down each motivational element which is vital to you in a kitchen area remodel. Below are actually some achievable examples: Kitchen is actually breaking down. You enjoy to cook and also the layout doesn't match you. You adore to entertain and also yearn for to open the cooking area as an area to collect. You wish a cooking area that wows your visitors. You are actually preparing to sell your residence as well as the kitchen area is actually a sticking point with purchasers ... Now that you possess your checklist, assess which incentives are actually most important and relist all of them in inspirational purchase. Imagining your budget starting in "the center" bear in mind of which aspects could move the spending plan up or down ... i.e. desiring to upgrade to promote a sale may relocate the budget down, renovating to amaze visitor may max it out ... etc
 . Element 3 Did a person claim AGA? - List any type of "must riches" for a home kitchen remodel to become worth it to you. Possible examples: marble counters, an isle with an additional sink, a 2nd dishwashing machine, an industrial top quality gas selection, etc
 . Element 4 Longevity- Determine to the very best of your ability the length of your time you anticipate possessing the home.
 Aspect 5 Size Matters- Determine what portion of your house your kitchen area involves. A tasting of over 100 contemporary house floorplans of 1000 to 3000 square foot homes revealed the ordinary home kitchen square footage to be 7% of the residence's straight footage. , if your cooking area is actually larger or smaller sized than this standard you may require to increase or even lower your budget plan as necessary.
 Factor 6 Layout- if you actually know you're going to desire the sink moved, an island sink added, an internal wall surface moved as well as an outside door added, after that you need to add loan to your budget well past what an essential facelift would certainly cost.
 Tricky design: the ornamental column hides an audio wrapped drain water pipes
 Factor 7 Funding- Determine the optimum volume of funds you can afford to spend. , if you are funding your task you can easily determine what a creditor is going to likely provide you.. Lenders prefer to view a financial obligation to profit proportion( DTI) of.36 or much less. Your DTI is established by taking all your month to month debt commitments (bank card payments, vehicle finances, mortgage loan, etc.) and also separating by your month to month revenue. To establish your maximum secure month to month personal debt increase.36 opportunities your monthly earnings. Right now subtract your existing month-to-month financial debt from this variety as well as you have a month to month spending plan maximum. Listed here's a web link to a personal digital assistant that are going to do the arithmetic for you: home mortgage calculator
 Putting all of it Together
 For a kitchen remodel of any sort of drug that features brand new floor, appliances, closets, sink/faucet, lighting fixtures and bringing power up to code I locate just about anything less than 15% to be actually an extremely dubious amount. I mean on a thousand buck property 10% will be actually a convenient budget, but on a 200k property a 20k budget plan is marginal at greatest for a full blown kitchen remodel.
 If resale value is very important to you it is actually a good idea to keept the expense of your home kitchen redesign project within 20% of the current value of your residence. Staying within this array covers that a bulk of the brand-new kitchen space's cost is recovered in enhanced home worth promptly, and the continuing to be cost should be actually recovered within 5 years as your home enjoys.
 Ok, let's gone through an example. Bear in mind, there is no exact formula below. Our company are actually just doing our best to become as educated as feasible and create a prudent choice about exactly how much to invest in our kitchen area remodel.
 For our example let's use my home. It is actually a fifty's cape cod with a small square video footage of 1500.
 Aspect 1 market value: Zillow offers me an approximated worth of $167,500, having said that, I see zillow have not but improved and also made up the singular loved ones residences which were actually recently developed in the field behind us with a starting price of $270k. Zillow additionally has our square video noted at under 1200. Seems like the previous manager carried out a little renovation without a permit. I'm visiting base my spending plan on a price of 180k which corresponds to other homes in your area that are actually the exact same size.
 Variable 2 Goals: My better half and I love to accommodate attendees. To create a home kitchen remodel advantageous for us we require to drop an interior wall structure to open the home kitchen and also dining space to the living-room. I am actually heading to include 1% to finances for this.
 Variable 3 Must Haves: As a former cook two has to haves for me are actually a brand-new oven and also a definitely nice lp assortment( no organic gasoline service listed below), if possible a commercial selection customized for house use (genuine commercial variations do not possess insulation around the stove, vital for home security). I am actually going to add one more 1% to my spending plan to bring in certain there is actually adequate funds to get me my range as well as propane installment.
 Aspect 4 Longevity: Our company intend to stay in our house a minimum of 4 years. Normally of thumb it takes 5 years for most redesigning to cherish as well as recoup every one of its cost. Since our company are going to likely be listed below at least 5 years I am actually certainly not heading to punish the finances, yet due to the fact that there is a likelihood we'll relocate straight around 5 years I am actually not heading to increase it like I would if we were actually remaining a lot longer.
 Variable 5 Size of Kitchen: Our kitchen space is regarding 140SquareFeet( SF). That's over 9% of the SF of the house, 2% over average. Obviously this home kitchen is going to call for some additional product and closets. I'm going to up the spending plan 1% for this, I hope it is actually sufficient.
 Aspect 6 Layout: Our company are going to change the format of our kitchen rather substantially. I'm going to incorporate one more 1% to my finances, again really hoping $1800 (1% of our 180k market value) is actually adequate to deal with the electric and plumbing system modifications.
 For my base I am actually mosting likely to make use of 20%. As I discussed before, there are actually going to be people who are going to say along with me about that, but going lower commonly does not leave you with workable finances amounts for complete blown kitchen area remodels. I'm including 4% located on my elements noted above. I readjusted my zillow.com determined home worth to 180k based upon the equivalent square video as well as worth of various other properties around me. This gives me an operating finances of 24% x 180k= $43,200 When I review this to the Cost Vs. Value file I view that in the Middle Atlantic Region a Major Kitchen Renovation is $59, 098. It resembles my budget plan could possibly be actually bit reduced, especially considering that I actually would like stone kitchen countertops and also the Cost Vs. Value specifications require laminate tops. Alternatively my kitchen is actually substantially much smaller than their 200SF criteria, so I assume I'll pick my budget variety and also view what my professional can possibly do for me during that spending plan.
 Because the cooking area is a higher traffic location regularly, creating a functional layout is actually vital when considering your home kitchen redesigning suggestions. When creating your kitchen renovating suggestions you should think of the on call space you possess and after that obtain creative.
 Using Kitchen Remodeling Software
 The majority of the kitchen area renovation software application is really uncomplicated; the steps are actually as simple as 1-2-3 or A-B-C. A traditional or regular kitchen improvement, if patterned in the past decades need to possess the "cuneate" basics, wherein the oven, sink, and also refrigerator get on triangular slants with a huge area in the kitchen area center, to ensure it would certainly be much easier for the mother or the girl of the residence to move.
 Creating a great small kitchen space redesigning layout factors you to the various distinct closet layouts as well as surface area styles delivering your tiny kitchen space an exceptional feeling of area. Whether you make the kitchen area your own self, partner with a home kitchen renovating specialist or even home facility, producing a strategy is going to be actually the very first step. An additional professional to renovating your home kitchen is actually the reality that you will, practically, be actually acquiring a new kitchen area.
 Any redesigning suggestion for a small home kitchen must attend to the complying with problems: counter room, storage space, built-ins, as well as cupboard. When considering a kitchen area renovating job, the finances is actually the very first thing to look at. Whether you've acquired a major finances or a tiny one for your kitchen area upgrading project, it's a good idea to make an effort to create certain your investing does not spin uncontrollable as the procedure carries on.
 Do not stress if it will require time for you to make and also design your plan or version, excellent as well as best cooking area renovating ideas must be actually created, since it must be actually ideal and also valuable to you and also your family members. Make certain that your cooking area redesigning concepts are actually certainly not that far-out or bizarre, align it in your family members's lifestyle and daily tasks; this will offer you a brighter strategy on your home kitchen design as well as type. The interactive kitchen area design upgrading layout plans distinctively are actually real-life award champions, as well as with its ingenious process, the whole entire planning is actually particular to satisfy along with its client-driven method.
 After all the info is actually collected you can start to put all the pieces together, as well as determine just how you may balance your home kitchen upgrading job needs with you finances restraints. After that discover the absolute best however cost effective cooking area remodeling solutions in your place the moment you've eventually decided on the overall picture of your renovated kitchen area.
 Upgrading a kitchen can be a massive disruption to the home owner, the ended up item is going to promptly wipe out the brief aggravation. , if you possess a huge kitchen redesigning venture you are going to need to establish up a brief kitchen space a various component of the home.. Among the many other pros to cooking area renovation is one that you may not essentially have actually believed of previously.
 Kitchen space improvement is actually among the absolute most well-known of upgrading jobs each year, as home kitchens have become the facility of activity in the property. Kitchen space renovation is actually the home improvement project that adds one of the most worth to your residence. Considering that home kitchens have come to be the facility of task in the residence, kitchen area redesigning is amongst the very most preferred of remodeling jobs yearly.
 A cooking area remake is actually one of the very most good house remodeling ventures for a lot of Houston location homeowners. A Kitchen improvement is one of the best assets you may make when it happens to home improvement and also often includes more than the cost of the job to the worth of the home.
 Improvement Projects
 By upgrading your home kitchen you can easily add market value to your house, and at the very same opportunity save cash with power reliable kitchen appliances, or through replacing your drafty kitchen area home windows. Renovating your kitchen may be actually expensive, specifically if you choose a contractor to the work, yet a new home kitchen can substantially enhance property market value.
 Renovating your cooking area can not merely contribute to your home's market value, it can give you additional storing and work area. Redesigning your home kitchen is actually no little job and there are a lot of important points to consider, however completion result costs the devotion particularly if you make practical choices in the process. Remodeling your kitchen area is actually a wonderful means to offer your home a facelift.
 Realty Value Enhancements
 A real property agent may be a good resource when thinking about exactly how considerable a kitchen renovating project to embark on. Even though you are actually ruling out moving, however somewhat desire to remodel for your personal satisfaction, Real Estate Agents are actually generally fairly knowledgeable about just how much previous clients have spent on redesign and just how much the value of the home enhanced therefore, as well as the amount of would certainly be a lot of. In the past times, "residence remodeling" just meant repair work, but present day trends as well as enhanced property enhancement choices have actually fed a requirement for houses that are customized to private needs.
 Professionals usually demand due to the hour for their effort plus the expense of materials. Contractors that comprehend your business know that meeting the requirements of the consumer is what receives the bargain. Contractors can consume a large part of your spending plan. Professionals that concentrate on home kitchen remodeling are actually far more seasoned in collaborating with the type of pipes, gas, and also the electrical concerns that can easily develop during the course of a home kitchen remodel.
 Home appliances
 Appliances are actually counted on to assimilate along with the rest of the area and to work diligently yet silently. Through remodeling your kitchen area you can incorporate market value to your property, as well as concurrently conserve cash with energy reliable cooking area appliances, or by replacing your drafty kitchen area home windows. Appliances typically are available in rather standard measurements, so they will not be actually hard to replace when your kitchen redesign is carried out and you've possessed time to save up some more money. Devices may be one of one of the most expensive items to replace in a kitchen so it is a good tip to appear properly at what components are actually of biggest usefulness to you. Appliances today are actually smooth, flexible, and also give more ease than in the past.
 Budget plan
 You will desire to make certain you are opting for the correct home kitchen remodel for your home as well as your spending plan. Relying on your demands, your prefers, as well as your finances, the expenses can easily differ widely. Finances home kitchen makeover is a difficult duty that requires you to have an artistic tack of thoughts as well as generate your own innovative tips that additionally fit your pocket. A kitchen area planner/designer's focus should be to create for the means an individual lives, and also inquiring the correct inquiries will definitely guarantee your finished cooking area fits you as well as your budget plan. Whatever your budget plan, there is actually a big selection of cabinets and also counter leadings readily available that will definitely match your taste as well as finances.
 Home kitchen improvement is worth your cost, provided your home kitchen is in hands of expert kitchen contractors. Home kitchen improvement is actually a fantastic method to aid change your house right into your aspiration property.
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thomasalwyndavis · 4 years
Get Your Apps to Help You Sleep
So many of us use our smartphones as alarm clocks, helping us wake up and get out of bed every single morning. But then, are most of us even aware that we can also use our trusty devices to get us more shuteye? App stores are filled to the brim with apps that are ready with sounds and music to lull us to sleep. Some even have timers so that they don't have to be operated the entire time. Let's have a look at these apps are and see how they can help us get that much-needed 8 hours of sleep.
The app Calm not only is effective when it comes to making its users sleep, as it also includes other subjects such as meditation and mindfulness. For those who want the app to do what it does best, it also contains a series of “sleep stories,” which is a sort of throwback for adults since it resembles night time stories they enjoyed as kids with their parents reading to them. These stories have been reviewed as effective in easing you gently into slumberville. There are some free stories, although more are included in a subscription for $13 monthly (although they are also free for a trial period). The stories are usually around 25 minutes, and it is hoped that before the story ends, you're already off to dreamland.
Calm has also partnered with famous athletes to take their features and content a notch higher.
To that end, future Hall of Famer and current Los Angeles Laker forward, LeBron James, has partnered with meditation and sleep app Calm to shine on a light on mental fitness and the important role it plays in a successful athletic career, especially when a player has passed their prime and may need to rely on tools other than their athletic abilities.
(Via: https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonogus/2019/12/25/lebron-james-partners-with-unicorn-app-calm-that-focuses-on-your-mental-fitness/#483d293d37d3)
Pzizz has available sleep and focus sounds that aim to put users to sleep. These sounds are custom mixed, so you can have voiceovers, music, or other sounds. Initially available through a free trial, users who want to continue will need to pay a monthly subscription fee of $5.
Pzizz uses psychoacoustics (a.k.a., the psychological affects of sound) to treat insomnia.
(Via: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/g27045304/best-sleep-apps/)
Sleep Sounds
What users like about Sleep Sounds is that is very straightforward and simple, and as its name suggests, it is singular and focused on sleep. Available in the app are general sounds that can make you fall asleep, such as a creek or a cozy crackling fire, or you also have the option of creating your own mixes that can contain everything from instrumental guitar to rain calmly falling on the ground. As of the moment, the app is only available on Android, and for a $1 monthly, ads appearing on the app's interface will be removed.
Sleep Sounds does exactly what it says. The app features high-quality, soothing sounds for better, uninterrupted sleep. Pick from 12 customizable nature sounds, and choose your timer duration so the app turns off automatically after you’ve drifted off.
(Via: https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sleep/top-insomnia-iphone-android-apps#sleep-sounds)
Now you might wonder, why is the world's arguably most popular music streaming app on this list of most effective sleep apps? What makes Spotify great is that it has everything, including music playlists based on the most common activities of its users. Obviously, Spotify users sleep, so all you have to do is type in “sleep” on the app's search function and you will be given a long (an understatement, really) list of curated playlists containing music you can drift off to.
Although it’s no mystery that it helps with relaxation, listening to soft music to fall asleep helps calm the mind. The genre depends on the person, but a comfortable lo-fi beat or a smooth jazz is sure to get you cozy and ready for bed. If making your own playlist seems daunting, Spotify offers various playlists for every music taste. My favorites are “Calming Acoustic,” “Deep Sleep” and “Baby Sleep.”
(Via: https://emorywheel.com/sync-with-your-circadian-rhythm/)
  You may get more sleep, thanks to these apps, but you may lose some if the important files in your laptop go missing. We can help you, though. Read: https://www.harddrivefailurerecovery.net/data-recovery-near-me to see how our experts can put your mind at ease. Want to explore how we can help you? Click here.
Get Your Apps to Help You Sleep is courtesy of HDRA Blog
from Hard Drive Recovery Associates - Feed at https://www.harddrivefailurerecovery.net/get-your-apps-to-help-you-sleep/
The post Get Your Apps to Help You Sleep was originally published to Thomas Alwyn Davis
from Thomas Alwyn Davis - Feed https://thomasalwyndavis.com/2020/03/31/get-your-apps-to-help-you-sleep/
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survival0001-blog · 6 years
12 Months of Prepping - Backdoor Survival
New Post has been published on https://outdoorsurvivalqia.com/trending/12-months-of-prepping-backdoor-survival/
12 Months of Prepping - Backdoor Survival
Updated:  January 3, 2015
Back in September 2011, when I first wrote about 12 Months of Prepping, I was excited and highly motivated to share monthly checklists with the beginning prepper.
Leading up to the 12 months article, I had done a lot of reading and a lot of research.  It was overwhelming to learn and to recognize just how much I did not know.  I tried not to become alarmed and applied my typical pragmatic approach to moving forward, not only for the readers of Backdoor Survival, but also for myself.  Most assuredly, I had some gaping holes in my own preps and what better way to fill the gaps then to break things down into manageable chunks?
The overwhelming popularity of the 12 Months of Prepping series took me by surprise.  I was astounded.   What started as a basic roadmap for a modest number of readers, expanded and grew to where in each month, I was receiving hundreds of emails asking me questions, offering tips and lending support for my monthly prepping articles.
Thrilling?  Yes.  Humbling?  You bet.  Challenging?  You have no idea.
Now, as we approach the end of the calendar year, I am updating the original article and posting it again with a few more tips plus links to the individual monthly posts.  For those of you getting started, I hope you will find this useful as begin your journey toward self-reliance.
And for the experienced prepper?  Please take this time to review your supplies, gear and skills and fill in any blanks just as I have done.  We have twelve new months of prepping starting soon and for sure, you will want to be ready.
12 Months of Prepping – Year One
The roadblocks to getting started on the journey toward preparedness are many.
Time, money and the lack of moral support from reluctant family members all play a role in putting off or when it comes to your prepping efforts.  And then there is fear; not only the fear that something may happen and you will not be ready but also the fear of the something itself.
Let us put those fears and concerns aside for now and instead, focus on moving forward.  Let me help you  break down the overwhelming task of emergency and disaster preparedness (“prepping”) by providing you with a month by month roadmap of things to do, tasks to complete, and items to purchase.
The goal is to have a manageable number of things to do in a finite amount of time. At the same time, you will be able to do so with a limited cash outlay.  And instead of looking at a task list 10 pages long, you will have a short list that is eminently doable in 30 days or less.
Does this sound like a good plan?  And are you ready to start?
Congratulations. You have completed your year of preparations. Now is a good time to go back to month 1 and review, replenish, rotate and drill. Good job!
Moving Forward to 12 Months of Prepping – Year 2
Now that you have been bit by the prepping bug, your life has undoubtedly changed.  Trips to the grocery store now include searching out bargains on dry goods and canned goods so that you can purchase one for now and one for later.  Family outings now focus not only on having a good time, but on learning how to cope in the outdoors and making do without all of the creature comforts that come with a roof over your head.
As we move forward to year two, you will find a greater focus on singular skills such as building a shelter, learning how to start and maintain a campfire and cooking with the merest of basics.  These things and more are topics found at Backdoor Survival, In addition, you will find insight, tips, and strategies to help with food preservation, gardening and the gear you will need if you are required to bug out (hopefully not) or shelter in place.
In each article there are suggested activities, recommended purchases, viable alternatives, budget saving strategies and references to more reading material.  I hope you will  join me.
The Final Word
Perhaps not readily evident is that as I write and as I research, I am standing side by side with you during this prepping journey.  Like you, I continually strive to expand my knowledge and increase my survival skills.  For us, our common goal is to learn to depend on ourselves not others for our basic well-being – no matter what. 
I consider myself to be an ordinary citizen, who again like you, is just trying to get by in these uncertain and chaotic times.  And as trite as it sounds, I hope that what I learn, what I do and what I share will make the road to self-reliance just a bit easier for the next person.
The final word for today is this:
Emergency preparation is your journey and should be unique to your circumstances, your family, your geographical location and your financial resources. Yes, it can be a chore. But as I have said before, it should be a chore with a happy ending.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation! Gaye
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If you have not done so already, please be sure to like which is updated every time there is an awesome new article, news byte, or link to a free survival, prepping or homesteading book on Amazon.  You can also follow Backdoor Survival on Twitter, , and and purchase my book, from Amazon.
In addition, when you sign up to receive email updates you will receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.
A Prepper’s Guide to Whole Food at Half the Price – Now Available
Bargain Bin: Below you will find some personal and BDS reader favorites plus items from the .
BaoFeng UV-5R  Dual-Band Ham Radio: I had to look twice when I saw the price of this – $29.55 as of this writing!  The Baofeng UV-5R is a compact hand held transceiver providing 4 watts in the frequency range of 136-174 MHz and 400-480 MHz. It is a compact, economical HT that includes a special VHF receive band from 65 – 108 MHz which includes the regular FM broadcast band. Dual watch and dual reception is supported.  Here is the antenna I ordered:  NAGOYA Antenna for BAOFENG UV-5R (thanks to a recommendation from my pal, George Ure).
Blocklite Ultra Bright 9V LED Flashlight: I now own six of these little gems. There is a similar flashlight called the Pak-Lite (which is more expensive) but it does not have a high-low switch like this one. Less than $10. These little flashlights just go and go, plus, they make good use of those re-purposed 9V alkaline batteries that you have recharged with your Maximal Power FC999 Universal Battery Charger.
FordEx Group 300lm Mini Cree Led Flashlight Torch Adjustable Focus Zoom Light Lamp:  Here we go with another flashlight.  At the time of this writing, this one is only $3.55 with free shipping.  It is super mini sized, bright and waterproof.  Plus, it uses a single, standard AA sized battery.
Morakniv Craftline Q Allround Fixed Blade Utility Knife: Also known as the Mora 511, this is now my favorite knife.  It is made of Swedish steel and is super sharp.  I paid $12 for this knife last week and today it is $8.95 so I ordered another one.  It was worth $12 and of course is a steal at $8.95!
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter:  The LifeStraw is considered the most advanced, compact, ultra light personal water filter available. It contains no chemicals or iodinated resin, no batteries and no moving parts to break or wear out. It weighs only 2oz.  making it perfect for the prepper. For more information, see my .
Shop the Emergency Essentials Monthly Specials:  The monthly specials at Emergency Essentials feature discounts of up to 35% off sometimes a bit more.
Every family should have at least one .  I have priced purchasing the bucket and toilet seat lid separately and found that it was more economical to pick up this kit.  I have filled my portable potty with sanitation supplies plus, of course, plenty of TP.
I also recommend the . This is hand operated washing machine. Like a plunger, it uses a technique of pushing and pulling the water through clothes to clean them well without wearing them out. It uses a minimum of water and less soap due to the agitation motion. Use in a bucket (5-gallon suggested), sink or tub. The best part is the price – only $14.95.
Need something from Amazon (and who doesn’t)? I earn a small commission from purchases made when you begin your Amazon shopping experience here. You still get great Amazon service and the price is the same, no matter what.
Help support Backdoor Survival. Purchases earn a small commission and for that I thank you!
My book, will provide you with everything you need to create an affordable food storage plan, including what to buy and how to store it. Nothing scary and nothing overwhelming – you really can do this!  Now available at .
12 Months of Prepping – The First Year
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  Hello all! I’ve decided to start a little mini-series on this blog called, ‘bleeding through the periods’, (I’m really too proud of that pun) as the title would suggest. This will be a look into menstruation throughout different times in history, This week we will be looking at Ancient Greece. 
I’d like to think I have a pretty good idea of the general understanding of menstruation and women’s bodies having written my masters dissertation on the topic. However, while my dissertation focussed on attitudes during the early modern period, this post will be looking at Ancient Greece and will be touching on Ancient Egypt.
Originally, blood (of any kind) was thought to be the ethereal fluid that pertained to the Greek God’s blood, within Greek mythology. It was also sometimes said to retain the qualities of the immortals’ food and drink ambrosia and nectar. Unsurprisingly, there hasn’t been much written or recorded on the experience of a woman during her monthly flow. Like a great deal of history, these events were written by men, and so unadulterated avoidance and ignorance was bliss. These male scribes were bound to be more concerned with other matters such as enslavement and erecting monuments of their leaders. Ultimately, Ancient Greecians were pros at incorporating menstrual blood into their various festivals and events of worship. For example, the spring planting festival involved the spreading of menstrual blood mixed with wine over fields. They believed that this would increase the fertility of the soil. It’s interesting to compare the attitudes between Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. While some regions held menstruation in a somewhat positive light which helped increase fertility and the general improvement of one’s life. Other regions like Ancient Egypt held this overriding negativity towards a woman’s natural bodily function. Why was this?
In Ancient Egypt, superstition was much more frequent where members of society believed menstrual blood to be linked with magical qualities and spell casting. Of course, this ideal became rife during the sixteenth-century where female ‘witches’ were condemned and hanged for their dealings with the devil, which some historians have labeled ‘the women’s holocaust’. However, in classical Greek texts which were linked to Hippocrates, it was noted that a ‘nosebleed is a good thing if the menstrual period is suppressed’. This was also the case with vomiting blood, an idea that lasted in Western Europe until the mid-nineteenth century. Many physicians argued that any type of bleeding was good as it proved that a woman was fertile. This was because the blood was meant to form the baby and in turn, to nourish the womb. They also argued that the vision of a woman bleeding was comparable to, ‘a sacrificed beast’. In Ancient Greece, this was seen as being admirable as animal sacrifice linked the lives of the human race, to those of God. Clearly, Greek mythology had a huge part to play in the perception and ideas of female bleeding.
One of the most interesting aspects of looking at this particular topic is to explore how these women dealt with their periods. While not having the luxury of the foolproof ‘always’ pad or the famous Tampax, dealing with that much blood would have been pretty tricky. However, these ladies of the land weren’t stupid. For example, Ancient Greeks wrapped cotton lint around splinters of wood and used that as sanitary protection. These were also very sustainable as they were said to have been re-used every month, the height of convenience! Similarly, Ancient Greece adopted a method where tampons were crafted out of soft papyrus around wood or they would make pads out of wool, paper, moss, even animal skins, or grass. Supporting the positive view of menstruation, this time in a woman’s life was seen as a cleansing time where the blood was supposed to have healing powers. Clearly, the fog of superstition and intrigue was high surrounding the beliefs around menstruation.
Ultimately, mythology and superstition are the backbones of how societies think and view menstruation. Throughout history, the views on menstruation were constantly altering, from bad to good, and then good to bad and then bad to good again! I don’t believe there is one singular reason as to why this happened, but it must be said that men had quite a lot to do with it.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Until next time,
Bleeding through the Periods: Ancient Greece Hello all! I've decided to start a little mini-series on this blog called, 'bleeding through the periods', (I'm really too proud of that pun) as the title would suggest.
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This ends up a lot of community's most widely known innovations were actually simply errors brought in through researchers on alternative pursuits. The concern along with blaming people for our mistake is actually that our company will definitely suffer the discomfort and effects from our error, but won't profit from that, and so bingo! Describing in a non-defensive means what resulted in the error could help people a lot better understand why it happened as well as effective ways to avoid that down the road. Blunder # 4)) No Dating Funnel: A man stalks a lady, users a clever opener, acquire's her phone number, calls her a married couple days eventually, he establishes an initial day and then they walk out. Enjoy that you do not deliver an extreme consequence for a mistake that was provided favorable attempt. The listing can go on and on. However, my adventure as a card-carrying member of the POPULAR CULTURE takes me to the final thought that the quintessential blunder is the synthetic . Enable your own self to hope and also think huge, risk something worthy, make bunches from errors along the road-- and also fill your know-how package to the brink! Many folks fear to also take a few sure things because they may cause an error." So they do not make an effort everything brand-new. Still, this is actually not where very most identifications are stolen and also it is a big error to think that only shielding your very own things can produce a primary difference in your identification fraud threat. Already it was virtually impossible for me to find the identification as well as location of the pet dog proprietor so I must decline the instance (which I believed had a settlement market value from at the very least $50,000 to $75,000). Yet another common oversight created by those that are actually trying to enrich their appeal is thinking that they have to own the easiest. Error of legislation is actually a protection that the criminal defendant misconceived or even was actually oblivious of the rule as it existed back then. Blunders hold true present coming from God that he has actually given us since he desires our team to find out and gain a variety of experiences in lifestyle. Going out with blunders this attributes often lead to misconception and dating could also finish listed here. The next blunder a bunch of individuals create is actually that they do not give themselves the authorization to become who they intend to be. A considerable amount of folks possess desires concerning that they wish to be actually and they could also stand in front of the mirror and picture being actually a actually trendy as well as hassle-free individual at times, I presume this would certainly be pretty certain to state that virtually everybody has actually fantasized concerning a circumstance where they handled whatever flawlessly and also saved the time. Although everybody slips up occasionally, satisfy do not underestimate the relevance of correct grammar. You made the oversight merely because you located yourself in a placement through which your judgment concerning a profession was actually being actually challenged as well as you were facing the annoying posture from needing to accept that you were wrong. Massage therapy mistakes consist of inaccuracies in pressure, or otherwise checking in with the client about his or her convenience. The top oversight supervisors make-and considering that that is basically subconscious this is vital to be understanding along with our own selves as well as each other-is to not hear of, incorporate, take, and also have your personal authorization. However, this is merely intensifying the error you have actually made in multiplying up on a losing profession by motivating you carry out the exact same factor upcoming opportunity you remain in this setting. Actually, a lot of the mistakes that dads and also mamas create are errors produced in an attempt in order to get an unreasonable conveniences. Any person who possesses ever possessed the courage to go out right into the globe and carry out one thing recognizes there are actually only 2 kinds of oversights: ones our experts can easily bounce back coming from and also ones we may not bounce back off. To discover the most effective answers to oversights when setting up marble floor ceramic tiles pointed out within this short article, you can possibly do thus here. And also without fail, 100% from the amount of time, I made the examination costs back in renegotiations along with the property owner. This is consistently prudent to discover as well as remedy the inaccuracies right before the ultimate accounts for the year are actually made. Even when the components appear to accommodate, there will definitely be actually identifiable indication that a blunder was produced upon steering the vehicle. You are in for a globe from injured as you try to get your monetary life back in purchase if you do not catch identification burglary complications early. However, this is actually not the blunders that our experts create that define our team; this is actually how our experts prefer to get the parts from our lives after these mistakes and proceed. . V. USA, 66 C.C.P.A. 113, 118, C.A.D. 1231, 603 F. 2d 850, 853 (1979) (An oversight of simple fact is any type of mistake other than an oversight of rule." Id. at 855) Hynix, 414 F. Supp. Any kind of army commander who is actually straightforward along with themselves, or even along with those he's speaking with, are going to acknowledge that he has created blunders in the application of military power. You as a human being actually can not stay clear of making oversights so long as you work as well as operate with individuals. Improperly written information, which is actually certainly not properly optimised, is actually additionally a blunder that can negatively affect your SEO-effectiveness. Add clean, cost-free internet information to your web site including most up-to-date short articles, internet resources, and estimates along with a singular piece of code! Open interaction is a should and also this is typically awful going out with mistake you can help make. It only commemorated its own l lth wedding anniversary and also made this via the current slump along with very few hiccups. When looking at unilateral blunder, one should initially set apart in between technical calculations as well as company error. Browse through - or even click on the following associated with acquire home owners insurance estimates coming from premier firms and also see the amount of you may save. If you beloved this article therefore you would like to be given more info pertaining to yellow pages advertising (what google did to me) generously visit the web site. I after that thought about just how I would certainly compose that write-up and also made a couple of pointers when I rejected it I might utilize those ideas to write an article on my own, to ensure that short recurring post produced an idea for me yet this will not be actually duplicating. Mistake # 1) Acting Needy: Among the greatest secrets from tourist attraction as well as seduction is a man which resembles he does NOT require a woman. There are catastrophic oversights that destroy a concept; yet there are actually likewise contingent ones, which work in assessing the reliability of a theory. Your following measure is to observe just what you require to do in order to spot things up and also fix your mistake when you've created your apologies to the others included. It's the exact main reason why blunders hurt, to make sure that our team perform profit from all of them as well as don't create them repetitively. When choosing if they can, a large blunder 1st time purchasers make is concentrating on the regular monthly house settlement quantity afford a certain building. Try to find the poor places in your lifestyle like confining beliefs that trigger you making mistakes and afterwards attempt to transform these restricting activities, ideas, and practices. Keep in mind that errors are actually certainly not indicators from weak point or even awkwardness; recuperating off them confirms resilience and determination. It is actually interesting that any propensity to judge or put down people stems from our very own desire to be mistake-free, our very own fear of blunders.
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daysofparker-blog · 7 years
Day 94: Wishing For an Easter Egg
New Post has been published on http://www.daysofparker.com/day-94-wishing-easter-egg/
Day 94: Wishing For an Easter Egg
Day 94! I know I say this more than I should, I am sorry this post is coming out so late. I have some really good articles on the burner right now but I don’t want to release them on the weekends. My weekend viewing numbers are abysmal. With that being said, I was having trouble coming up with a topic to write about. While reading the monthly book, an idea bonked me on the noggin. Ready Player One revolves around a video game easter egg and I have come across many easter eggs in my video gaming career. I want to share one of my favorite easter eggs since it holds a special place in my heart.
Before we start I need to give you some background information.
Easter Egg:
a hidden message or feature in a video game, film, comic book, etc. that is not necessary or related to the main content, but adds to the entertainment
Several Easter eggs are hidden on level two of the game.
Make-a-Wish Foundation: 
A wish experience can be a game-changer for a child with a life-threatening medical condition.
This one belief guides us in everything we do at Make-A-Wish®. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve. It compels us to be creative in exceeding the expectations of every wish kid. It drives us to make our donated resources go as far as possible.
Most of all, it’s the founding principle of our vision to grant the wish of every eligible child.
Wishes are more than just a nice thing. And they are far more than gifts, or singular events in time. Wishes impact everyone involved – wish kids, volunteers, donors, sponsors, medical professionals and communities. The impact varies. For wish kids, just the act of making their wish come true can give them the courage to comply with their medical treatments. Parents might finally feel like they can be optimistic. And still others might realize all they have to offer the world through volunteer work or philanthropy.
Whatever the odds, whatever the obstacles … wishes find a way to make the world better.
We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. 
— Make-A-Wish® Mission
Owen’s Wishing Well:
Owen was a wish kid and his wish was to go to Blizzard headquarters to create something for his favorite game, World of Warcraft. Blizzard gave him an opportunity to design a special area in their upcoming expansion pack, Mist of Pandaria.
Owen’s health quickly took a turn for the worse and he did not have much time left on this earth. The problem was,  Mist of Pandaria was still in very early development and Blizzard had not begun working on implementing his wish into the game. The amazing development team at Blizzard got wind of his worsening state and started to rush his wish into the world. Just before Owens passing, Blizzard finished his wishing well and Owen had the chance to witness his creation, just in time.
Why this easter egg is special to me:
World of Warcraft was my second home for nearly nine years. This game made me feel like I was like everyone else because people only knew me as that Enhancement Shaman with a weird name. It was my escape from all the struggles of real life, I wasn’t a sickly being in the virtual world. Not only all of that but I met nearly all of my best friends on World of Warcraft. This was my paradise!
I was also a wish kid just like Owen. I wasted my wish on a new computer because mine broke and my family wasn’t in a financial place to buy a new one. Well,  you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20.
I am a huge fan of make-a-wish still to this day. They do a simple act of kindness that can lift the spirits of a child and their family during tough times. My wish was a beacon of light and I can still feel some of the excitement I felt on the day I received my wish.
I  have visited Owen’s Wishing Well more than a few times and I always make sure to toss in his lucky coin. His Wishing Well is a representation of a passionate gamer that was taken away from his keyboard and mouse to early.  He will be remembered by the millions of gamers who have interacted with his Wishing Well.  I like to think of it as if a piece of Owen will forever be alive in the World of Warcraft.
Wrap up:
If you know a child who is terminally ill, please consider nominating them for a wish. My advice is to wait until they are around the age of ten or older if that is possible. I also recommend donating to the Make-a-With foundation, they get my stamp of approval. That is all I have for today and I hope you enjoyed. See ya’ tomorrow!
This month’s book:
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Owen’s Wishing Well
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Figuring Out a Kitchen Makeover Budget Plan - Adding Value to Your Home Real Estate Market Value
Figuring Out a Kitchen Makeover Budget Plan - Adding Value to Your Home Real Estate Market Value
 It is incredibly significant to determine a budget for any kind of property improvement task, as well as cooking area renovation in miami is actually no exemption.
 A word of caution: I devoted several hrs investigating custom-made cooking area renovating cost and budgeting on the internet to acquire records for this short article. I bumped into a married couple internet sites that provided square footage rates for cooking area improvement. Although I sympathize with their try to discover an easy method to identify cabinetries renovating prices, this kind of guidance is not based in truth. Improvement projects typically are so particular to the problems of the building and flavors of the home owner that no straight video costs will ever be realistic. I likewise experienced numerous internet sites that performed not offer you any type of true info regarding establishing a finances but essentially translated Hanley Wood's Remodeling Cost vs. Value record which is posted yearly. You are far better off going to the Cost vs. Value report online as well as analyzing the results for your own self. Cabinet Refacing Miami
 Like anything else in this particular globe a home kitchen remodel is actually going to set you back much more than you thought it will and also the skies is the limitation on what it may set you back depending upon your tastes. There are multiple factors that go right into identifying an upgrading spending plan.
 The really pleasant thing about this report is that it offers a summary of the "ordinary" venture so that you may evaluate if your home kitchen remodel is going to fall over or even under the standard. I likewise discover their common costs to be actually an exact reflection of the prices for our provider, therefore through advising to customers just before I even fulfill with them that they investigate this document they are extra probably to set up a practical spending plan our team may work within to provide all of them an awesome cooking area.
 Custom-made Hutch constructed with Semi-Custom Cabinets
 While Remodeling Magazine's report is extremely practical, it is still an incredibly one size accommodates all strategy to establishing a finances. Keep reading through if you 'd just like to try to polish your amounts a little.
 Obtain out a pad and newspaper as well as jot down a handful of notes concerning each factor as you undergo this list:
 Factor 1 Home Value- Consider not just what you think your home deserves, yet also the worth of comparable residences in your community that presently possess updates. My beloved website to check residence values is zillow.com, merely enter your address and also you receive an interactive chart along with property values and various other relevant information detailed straight on the map. Bear in mind of which houses are actually of similar dimension to your own, have actually been purchased a lot more just recently, yet possess a much higher market value, after that peek in their windows to observe what the home looks like. Ok, seriously, I was simply joking. , if you do not understand all of them maybe it is actually opportunity to satisfy the neighbors and inquire for an easy trip.
 Variable 2 Wow! - This has everything to perform with your targets and motivations. Create down each motivational element which is vital to you in a kitchen area remodel. Below are actually some achievable examples: Kitchen is actually breaking down. You enjoy to cook and also the layout doesn't match you. You adore to entertain and also yearn for to open the cooking area as an area to collect. You wish a cooking area that wows your visitors. You are actually preparing to sell your residence as well as the kitchen area is actually a sticking point with purchasers ... Now that you possess your checklist, assess which incentives are actually most important and relist all of them in inspirational purchase. Imagining your budget starting in "the center" bear in mind of which aspects could move the spending plan up or down ... i.e. desiring to upgrade to promote a sale may relocate the budget down, renovating to amaze visitor may max it out ... etc
 . Element 3 Did a person claim AGA? - List any type of "must riches" for a home kitchen remodel to become worth it to you. Possible examples: marble counters, an isle with an additional sink, a 2nd dishwashing machine, an industrial top quality gas selection, etc
 . Element 4 Longevity- Determine to the very best of your ability the length of your time you anticipate possessing the home.
 Aspect 5 Size Matters- Determine what portion of your house your kitchen area involves. A tasting of over 100 contemporary house floorplans of 1000 to 3000 square foot homes revealed the ordinary home kitchen square footage to be 7% of the residence's straight footage. , if your cooking area is actually larger or smaller sized than this standard you may require to increase or even lower your budget plan as necessary.
 Factor 6 Layout- if you actually know you're going to desire the sink moved, an island sink added, an internal wall surface moved as well as an outside door added, after that you need to add loan to your budget well past what an essential facelift would certainly cost.
 Tricky design: the ornamental column hides an audio wrapped drain water pipes
 Factor 7 Funding- Determine the optimum volume of funds you can afford to spend. , if you are funding your task you can easily determine what a creditor is going to likely provide you.. Lenders prefer to view a financial obligation to profit proportion( DTI) of.36 or much less. Your DTI is established by taking all your month to month debt commitments (bank card payments, vehicle finances, mortgage loan, etc.) and also separating by your month to month revenue. To establish your maximum secure month to month personal debt increase.36 opportunities your monthly earnings. Right now subtract your existing month-to-month financial debt from this variety as well as you have a month to month spending plan maximum. Listed here's a web link to a personal digital assistant that are going to do the arithmetic for you: home mortgage calculator
 Putting all of it Together
 For a kitchen remodel of any sort of drug that features brand new floor, appliances, closets, sink/faucet, lighting fixtures and bringing power up to code I locate just about anything less than 15% to be actually an extremely dubious amount. I mean on a thousand buck property 10% will be actually a convenient budget, but on a 200k property a 20k budget plan is marginal at greatest for a full blown kitchen remodel.
 If resale value is very important to you it is actually a good idea to keept the expense of your home kitchen redesign project within 20% of the current value of your residence. Staying within this array covers that a bulk of the brand-new kitchen space's cost is recovered in enhanced home worth promptly, and the continuing to be cost should be actually recovered within 5 years as your home enjoys.
 Ok, let's gone through an example. Bear in mind, there is no exact formula below. Our company are actually just doing our best to become as educated as feasible and create a prudent choice about exactly how much to invest in our kitchen area remodel.
 For our example let's use my home. It is actually a fifty's cape cod with a small square video footage of 1500.
 Aspect 1 market value: Zillow offers me an approximated worth of $167,500, having said that, I see zillow have not but improved and also made up the singular loved ones residences which were actually recently developed in the field behind us with a starting price of $270k. Zillow additionally has our square video noted at under 1200. Seems like the previous manager carried out a little renovation without a permit. I'm visiting base my spending plan on a price of 180k which corresponds to other homes in your area that are actually the exact same size.
 Variable 2 Goals: My better half and I love to accommodate attendees. To create a home kitchen remodel advantageous for us we require to drop an interior wall structure to open the home kitchen and also dining space to the living-room. I am actually heading to include 1% to finances for this.
 Variable 3 Must Haves: As a former cook two has to haves for me are actually a brand-new oven and also a definitely nice lp assortment( no organic gasoline service listed below), if possible a commercial selection customized for house use (genuine commercial variations do not possess insulation around the stove, vital for home security). I am actually going to add one more 1% to my spending plan to bring in certain there is actually adequate funds to get me my range as well as propane installment.
 Aspect 4 Longevity: Our company intend to stay in our house a minimum of 4 years. Normally of thumb it takes 5 years for most redesigning to cherish as well as recoup every one of its cost. Since our company are going to likely be listed below at least 5 years I am actually certainly not heading to punish the finances, yet due to the fact that there is a likelihood we'll relocate straight around 5 years I am actually not heading to increase it like I would if we were actually remaining a lot longer.
 Variable 5 Size of Kitchen: Our kitchen space is regarding 140SquareFeet( SF). That's over 9% of the SF of the house, 2% over average. Obviously this home kitchen is going to call for some additional product and closets. I'm going to up the spending plan 1% for this, I hope it is actually sufficient.
 Aspect 6 Layout: Our company are going to change the format of our kitchen rather substantially. I'm going to incorporate one more 1% to my finances, again really hoping $1800 (1% of our 180k market value) is actually adequate to deal with the electric and plumbing system modifications.
 For my base I am actually mosting likely to make use of 20%. As I discussed before, there are actually going to be people who are going to say along with me about that, but going lower commonly does not leave you with workable finances amounts for complete blown kitchen area remodels. I'm including 4% located on my elements noted above. I readjusted my zillow.com determined home worth to 180k based upon the equivalent square video as well as worth of various other properties around me. This gives me an operating finances of 24% x 180k= $43,200 When I review this to the Cost Vs. Value file I view that in the Middle Atlantic Region a Major Kitchen Renovation is $59, 098. It resembles my budget plan could possibly be actually bit reduced, especially considering that I actually would like stone kitchen countertops and also the Cost Vs. Value specifications require laminate tops. Alternatively my kitchen is actually substantially much smaller than their 200SF criteria, so I assume I'll pick my budget variety and also view what my professional can possibly do for me during that spending plan.
 Because the cooking area is a higher traffic location regularly, creating a functional layout is actually vital when considering your home kitchen redesigning suggestions. When creating your kitchen renovating suggestions you should think of the on call space you possess and after that obtain creative.
 Using Kitchen Remodeling Software
 The majority of the kitchen area renovation software application is really uncomplicated; the steps are actually as simple as 1-2-3 or A-B-C. A traditional or regular kitchen improvement, if patterned in the past decades need to possess the "cuneate" basics, wherein the oven, sink, and also refrigerator get on triangular slants with a huge area in the kitchen area center, to ensure it would certainly be much easier for the mother or the girl of the residence to move.
 Creating a great small kitchen space redesigning layout factors you to the various distinct closet layouts as well as surface area styles delivering your tiny kitchen space an exceptional feeling of area. Whether you make the kitchen area your own self, partner with a home kitchen renovating specialist or even home facility, producing a strategy is going to be actually the very first step. An additional professional to renovating your home kitchen is actually the reality that you will, practically, be actually acquiring a new kitchen area.
 Any redesigning suggestion for a small home kitchen must attend to the complying with problems: counter room, storage space, built-ins, as well as cupboard. When considering a kitchen area renovating job, the finances is actually the very first thing to look at. Whether you've acquired a major finances or a tiny one for your kitchen area upgrading project, it's a good idea to make an effort to create certain your investing does not spin uncontrollable as the procedure carries on.
 Do not stress if it will require time for you to make and also design your plan or version, excellent as well as best cooking area renovating ideas must be actually created, since it must be actually ideal and also valuable to you and also your family members. Make certain that your cooking area redesigning concepts are actually certainly not that far-out or bizarre, align it in your family members's lifestyle and daily tasks; this will offer you a brighter strategy on your home kitchen design as well as type. The interactive kitchen area design upgrading layout plans distinctively are actually real-life award champions, as well as with its ingenious process, the whole entire planning is actually particular to satisfy along with its client-driven method.
 After all the info is actually collected you can start to put all the pieces together, as well as determine just how you may balance your home kitchen upgrading job needs with you finances restraints. After that discover the absolute best however cost effective cooking area remodeling solutions in your place the moment you've eventually decided on the overall picture of your renovated kitchen area.
 Upgrading a kitchen can be a massive disruption to the home owner, the ended up item is going to promptly wipe out the brief aggravation. , if you possess a huge kitchen redesigning venture you are going to need to establish up a brief kitchen space a various component of the home.. Among the many other pros to cooking area renovation is one that you may not essentially have actually believed of previously.
 Kitchen space improvement is actually among the absolute most well-known of upgrading jobs each year, as home kitchens have become the facility of activity in the property. Kitchen space renovation is actually the home improvement project that adds one of the most worth to your residence. Considering that home kitchens have come to be the facility of task in the residence, kitchen area redesigning is amongst the very most preferred of remodeling jobs yearly.
 A cooking area remake is actually one of the very most good house remodeling ventures for a lot of Houston location homeowners. A Kitchen improvement is one of the best assets you may make when it happens to home improvement and also often includes more than the cost of the job to the worth of the home.
 Improvement Projects
 By upgrading your home kitchen you can easily add market value to your house, and at the very same opportunity save cash with power reliable kitchen appliances, or through replacing your drafty kitchen area home windows. Renovating your kitchen may be actually expensive, specifically if you choose a contractor to the work, yet a new home kitchen can substantially enhance property market value.
 Renovating your cooking area can not merely contribute to your home's market value, it can give you additional storing and work area. Redesigning your home kitchen is actually no little job and there are a lot of important points to consider, however completion result costs the devotion particularly if you make practical choices in the process. Remodeling your kitchen area is actually a wonderful means to offer your home a facelift.
 Realty Value Enhancements
 A real property agent may be a good resource when thinking about exactly how considerable a kitchen renovating project to embark on. Even though you are actually ruling out moving, however somewhat desire to remodel for your personal satisfaction, Real Estate Agents are actually generally fairly knowledgeable about just how much previous clients have spent on redesign and just how much the value of the home enhanced therefore, as well as the amount of would certainly be a lot of. In the past times, "residence remodeling" just meant repair work, but present day trends as well as enhanced property enhancement choices have actually fed a requirement for houses that are customized to private needs.
 Professionals usually demand due to the hour for their effort plus the expense of materials. Contractors that comprehend your business know that meeting the requirements of the consumer is what receives the bargain. Contractors can consume a large part of your spending plan. Professionals that concentrate on home kitchen remodeling are actually far more seasoned in collaborating with the type of pipes, gas, and also the electrical concerns that can easily develop during the course of a home kitchen remodel.
 Home appliances
 Appliances are actually counted on to assimilate along with the rest of the area and to work diligently yet silently. Through remodeling your kitchen area you can incorporate market value to your property, as well as concurrently conserve cash with energy reliable cooking area appliances, or by replacing your drafty kitchen area home windows. Appliances typically are available in rather standard measurements, so they will not be actually hard to replace when your kitchen redesign is carried out and you've possessed time to save up some more money. Devices may be one of one of the most expensive items to replace in a kitchen so it is a good tip to appear properly at what components are actually of biggest usefulness to you. Appliances today are actually smooth, flexible, and also give more ease than in the past.
 Budget plan
 You will desire to make certain you are opting for the correct home kitchen remodel for your home as well as your spending plan. Relying on your demands, your prefers, as well as your finances, the expenses can easily differ widely. Finances home kitchen makeover is a difficult duty that requires you to have an artistic tack of thoughts as well as generate your own innovative tips that additionally fit your pocket. A kitchen area planner/designer's focus should be to create for the means an individual lives, and also inquiring the correct inquiries will definitely guarantee your finished cooking area fits you as well as your budget plan. Whatever your budget plan, there is actually a big selection of cabinets and also counter leadings readily available that will definitely match your taste as well as finances.
 Home kitchen improvement is worth your cost, provided your home kitchen is in hands of expert kitchen contractors. Home kitchen improvement is actually a fantastic method to aid change your house right into your aspiration property.
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