#hopefully SOMEONE enjoys it
waterfallofspace · 1 year
Tormented By Your Love.
The one in which S/uguru G/eto is given a lovely gift from his caring boyfriend S/atoru G/ojo, that he just so happens to be desperately allergic to. Cue him trying to hold back the attack long enough to get away from G/ojo, but the other is not so keen to be ditched.
Inspired by ~this post~, so the idea’s are not all my own, but the execution is. Also shoutout/thanks to @lycheeehehe for mentioning G/eto in that post because it totally got my mind RACING with this concept. (Hope you don’t mind the tag!! And if you read, hope you enjoy it~ <3) Same for anyone else, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy~!
Characters: G/eto, G/ojo, and a bottle of expensive cologne with a not-so-secret scent. Word Count: 2.6k 
(References to playful violence, and swearing, incase you don’t like either of those! Also features mentions of J/ujutsu K/aisen world concepts such as curses/techniques, so I don’t believe it’s spoilers, but just be aware!) 
“I got you a present~!” Geto looks up as Gojo floats into the room, hands behind his back, a deep smile across his cheeks. The sunglasses conceal his eyes, but Geto can say with certainty the smile reaches them. “It’s not my birthday… Did I miss an anniversary?” “Nooope~! I just felt like spoiling you!” The tone is light and musical, something Geto has grown quite used to. ‘And yet… the fondness rekindles itself every time I hear it.’ “You don’t have to do tha-” “Uh-uh, shush. I already bought it, and I want to see your face when you open it! Don’t you dare ruin this for me, Suguru!” He’s practically whining, letting his sunglasses slip down just enough to meet Geto’s eyes with his beautiful blues. Geto sighs, a smile slipping over his normally calm expression. ‘This is what I get for falling in love with The Satoru Gojo.’ “Alright, alright. Show me what you got.” “Tadaaa~!” Gojo holds out a bottle, beaming even wider than before. Geto matches the warmth with a smile of his own, letting Gojo delicately place the bottle in his hands. He examines it, finding no label or etchings on the bottle. His gaze falls back up to Gojo, who’s rocking back and forth, practically vibrating with excitement. “I- don’t understand…?” “In that case let me explain it to you!” His voice is as vibrant as his eyes, and he throws himself onto the couch next to Geto, letting his arms fall across the back of it. One leg crosses over the other, and he nearly shakes the couch as he bounces them. “This, my dear Suguru, is a special creation made by yours truly! See, I wanted a scent that’s specifically you, so that I can recognize you by a scent other than your cursed energy. However, as I said, specifically you, therefore I couldn’t use anything from the store, sooo~!” Gojo pauses, ‘For dramatic effect’ Geto reckons, letting his smile reach his eyes in the silence. Finally it seems Gojo reaches his limit, his tongue moving before his brain can even catch up. ‘That’s how he always seems to talk when he’s with me. It’s truly stunning, watching him just let go. He always has to be so careful in front of anyone else.’ “Sooo~ I made this at one of those specialty shops, that way the scent is entirely unique, and distinctly for you! This way not only can I always know your personal smell, I can also…” A blush forms across his cheeks, his words growing uncharacteristically quiet. “I can bring some with me when I need to be reminded of you. Like, a palate cleanser, I guess… just… something that’s distinctly you… that..-” He trails off, but Geto knows the ending. ‘That no one can use against me. If it’s a scent, no one has to know, so then no one will care.’ Without really meaning to, Geto finds his hand tracing down Gojo’s arm, brushing against his cheek, letting his chin rest against it. Gojo gives him a small smile, which quickly turns into a purr as Geto runs his hands through his hair, pulling him in for a kiss. He breaks it to glance back at the bottle. “Aren’t these expensive, Satoru?” “Ach, don’t worry about that. Just means you have to wear it often, I guess~!” Letting the cap tip open, Geto leans in to smell it, and has to fight to keep the smile on his face from wavering. ‘Oh shit-’. From the first whiff, he can tell this is gonna be a problem. “Can you guess what I added? Can you, can you, can yo-” “I- I think there’s some sage… M- maybe a hint of rosemary?” “Correct, and correct! But, can you guess what the secret ingredient is to make sure it’s uniquely yours?” Geto raises a hand subtly to swipe at his nose, nearly gasping at the way the reaction sparks from a simmering buzz to a full blown burning. Keeping his breathing shallow, he manages to avoid sniffling, but the burning feeling is slowly spreading down his throat. A light clearing of his throat sends it barreling up his nose, each inch of his sinuses alight with a tickle so furious he nearly chokes on it. “Pretty sure… Is- is it rose…?” “Ding ding ding! How did you manage to guess that, Suguru? When I had the workers at the shop guess, no one could get it!” The only response Geto can give is a light chuckle, the vibrations from it nearly sending tears to his eyes as his sinuses buzz angrily. He brings a finger up to rub at his nose, feeling it start to drip, just to bite his tongue hard as the feeling of the wetness rubbing against the tip brings a whole new wave of tickle. “hhiHh-!uhh… hhHUhh-!” “Hm? Sorry, didn’t catch that, did you say something?” Geto manages to catch his breath in his chest, sniffling once more to try and quell the building pressure, only to let a faint moan fall from his lips as it does nothing to relieve the itch. “N- no, didn’t say anything. It smells lovely, Satoru. Th-heHh-! Thank you.” “Oh, alright. I’m so happy you like it! Hey, I know, let’s spray it over both of us so we can both smell like it!” “Gojo wai-” The attempt is futile, Gojo already spraying the mist above their heads. All Geto can do is attempt to subtly shield his nose with his hand as he watches the allergen rain down on him. The very air seems to be tormenting him with its existence, his nose deeply aware of each particle falling around his head.  “hHIHhh-! G-god… heEHh- I can’t… hh’knnxxgt-! nnxgt’shh-!” Gojo is focused on the mist, spinning around in it and humming something about ‘getting soaked in the smell of our love’, but Geto’s too focused on his nose to pay any attention. The twitching has started with a fury, each movement sending new chills down his spine as the tickle begs to be released. “ihh’nnGT’shoo-!” “Oh, bless you!” “S- sorry just… just… heH’KNxxgt’huhh-! Excuse me, just a bit of a tickle.” “Bless you again. Ar-” “nnNGT-KNXXGT-iH’DTNGT’choo-!” “Jeez, bless you, are you alright?” Geto feels his face pale, all the colour rushing to his cheeks and nose as a pink tint starts to form. ‘I can’t tell him I’m allergic… he’ll be crushed, he bought this for us, he’s so excited. I can be strong, like him. I won’t be weak.’  “Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit dusty in here, I think. They don’t really clean these old staff rooms that well, since they’re not in use anymore.”  “Oh, why didn’t you say so? It’s a lovely spring day, we can head outside instead, don’t want you feeling miserable here, plus~ you know I love a nice spring breeze!” “Sounds g- hehHh-! good.”  They stand, Gojo playfully bowing, offering an arm to raise Geto from the couch. Geto can’t help but laugh, rolling his eyes pointedly, but accepting the arm anyways. He lets himself be dragged through the halls, using the unwatched time to raise a knuckle to his nose, scrubbing hard. ‘That just ma- haHh-! Makes it worse… the stifling isn’t helping either… this fit is gonn- hEHh-! Gonna be bad when it finally breaks free…’  Once the fresh air hits his face, Geto breathes an itchy sigh of relief. Which is quickly replaced by a watery glare aimed at, well, everything as his nose reminds him once more that this little war is far from finished. “Wow, doesn’t the sakura just look stunning, Geto? Why don’t I collect us some, we can make flower crowns! Have you heard of those? Some of the students were showing me the other day, I can make us some, here hold on-” ‘I must have upset a great many people to be cursed this badly.’ Geto silently complains, sniffling deeply as he weighs his options. Either let Gojo hear him break into a fit caused by his gift, or keep suppressing this until it kills him. ‘At this point, death sounds like a nice release. I just… need to…. sneeze…’ “Here you go~!” With that, Gojo places a sakura crown on Geto’s head, and suddenly, as if the sun had finally come out from behind the clouds, Geto sees an opportunity. Letting himself take a deep sniff, he nearly recoils at the way the tickle magnifies. ‘Okay, maybe a bit more intense then I planned on-’  “heHhH-! hAH’KNNGT’choo-! DNTT’shho-! knxxgt-ehnnxgt-mmNGT’choo-!” “Woah, bless you, are you okay?” “Y- hNGGT-! Yeah, sorry I thi- dtNNXGT-! think I’m a bit aller… alleerrgic- haHhhH-! hAH’INNGXT’shh-! aHNGT’choo-! Allergic to the sahhh-! hEH’ENNGT-! enxggt’choo-! To the sakura…” At the stunned look on Gojo’s face, Geto feels a wave of guilt wash over him. ‘It’s not actually a lie, I am a tad allergic to sakura. Even if it wasn’t for the cologne I’d be sneezing having it so close like this- granted, it wouldn’t be nearly this bad, but that’s just unnecessary details.’ “You’re allergic to sakura?! How did I never know this? Wow, Suguru, must be a bit of a masochist living in Japan when you’re allergic to sakura! How are you still alive?” Geto lets out a strained laugh, the best he can do with the tickle still spreading in his face. It’s grown from a study buzz to an all out hum, deeply unsatisfied with the stifling keeping it from releasing itself fully. “Mostly take medications, avoid the outside when I haven’t. Guess I just… forgot it today.” “Let’s go back inside then.” “You- hAH’ENNGT-! you like it outside, I can go back in alone.” “Don’t be ridiculous, of course I’ll come with you. And Christ, Suguru, take it off your fucking head!” “R- right, forgo-huHH’NGxxt-! Forgot about that.” He lets Gojo pick it off his head, nearly moaning as Gojo’s sleeve brushes his face, sending a new wave of prickles up into his eyes, allergic tears starting to form before he can stop them. “Should’ve known you’d be allergic to something like sakura. It’s so pink, and bright, and you are the king of black and darkness.”  “Hah, very funny, Satoru.”  Gojo once more offers his hand, which Geto takes, letting his other hand come up to pinch his nose as another sneeze threatens to break through, pausing only to wipe at his eyes to remove the tears before they can fall. “No seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen you touch something pink. Hey! Maybe you’re not allergic to sakura, maybe you’re just allergic to the colour pink!” A laugh breaks free from Geto, his eyes crinkling as he bends slightly forward, only realizing his mistake when the feeling of his nose dripping nearly takes away his ability to walk. Had Gojo not had one arm wrapped around him, he would have fallen to his knees, the itch returning with a fury he wasn’t aware his nose could have. “heHhh-! iHhhH…. Guhh… don’t- hEHhh-!” He reaches up to rub at his nose, wincing at the way each brush of his fingers seems to hit a new ticklish spot, spreading the buzzing deeper and deeper. “hEH’KNGT’shhoo-! nnxggt’shoo-! hAH’IZSSHH’uue-!” Geto blushes as the last sneeze breaks through his stifling, raising a wrist to catch it as Gojo stumbles against the force of his body shuddering. ‘Come on, Suguru. Don’t let your control waiver, you have to stay strong.’ “Woah, bless you.” “Thank you, excuse me, that one… got away from me. nnxxgtt-! dnnzzxgt-! hAH’INNT-! ” “Seems you’re more allergic to the sakura than I’d thought… should I go get you some medication or something?” “No no, I’m alright, really. It’ll stop once we’re inside, away from the breeze.” ‘At least… I hope it will.’ His confidence wavers, his sinuses practically vibrating from the accidental release, desperate for more. ‘I should really try to get away from Gojo. I need to let this out before it gets any worse… maybe say I have to use the washroom, he wouldn’t follow me there, right..?’ Geto opens his mouth to try out his excuse, but all that he manages to get out is a faint gasp before he’s crushing his nose against his wrist once more. “heHH’KNGGT’shoo-! INNT’shh-!” “Bless you. Gonna live, Geto?” “I’m okay.” “If you say so~!” A slight groan forces its way out before Geto can stop it as he recognizes the room Gojo’s leading him back to. The scent still hangs heavily in the air, each breath seeming to scrape against his throat, bringing handfuls of allergen soaked air into his itchy lungs. “haHhhh… ca- heHhHH-!” “Oh, I had almost forgotten about this! Let’s spray it again, shall we?” There’s a tone in his voice that Geto can’t seem to place, but there’s bigger issues to attend to first. He tries to talk, to tell Gojo not to spray it, but his voice is lost in the whirlwind of ticklish breaths he’s desperately sucking in. Managing only to cast his watery gaze at Gojo, Geto suddenly notices the playful smirk the other man dawns, as he sprays the bottle right at Geto. “hEH’IZZSHH’UU-! hh’ETTZZSHH-huH’AIEZZSHH’OO-!” “Oh my~. Bless you. Whatever’s the matter~?” Geto doesn’t have to open his eyes to see the smirk painted across Gojo’s face, which is good, because he couldn’t open them if he wanted to.  “heHHh’ESSHHEEWW-! I have- have to- huHH’IZTSHEEWW-! iHH’KNNGT-! haHhh… hIHhhH-! hiH’ISHH’oo-! kezzshhh’uhh-! dttzzzshhh’oo-! hH’eSSHH’oo-!” “You should have just told me you were allergic, Suguru.” “H- how did- heH’AZZshh’oo-! huHh’aiiESHHhh’oo-!” “You’ve been fighting the urge to sneeze since you first sniffed it. You were practically vibrating with allergic need, even your cursed energy was pulsating with it. I’m a special grade jujutsu sorcerer, my love. I have the cursed technique six eyes. There’s not much you can hide from me.” Geto tries to form a reply, but all he can do is-  “hAH’AISSHHEEW-! TTZZZSHH’oo-!” “But even without all of that, I’d have known from the beginning anyways. I know you, Suguru. Every inch of your skin, every ounce of your soul, every fibre of your being. I know you.”  “I didn’t- mmMPFFZZSHH’oo-! didn’t want you to think I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to hurt you, Satoru. heH’MMTSSHH’oo-! I love it, because it was f- from- hhaHhh-! hH’AIISHH’oo-! From you… and I know how much it meant to you.”  At the statement, Gojo lets out a laugh that has him leaning against the wall, tears starting to form in his eyes, matching Geto’s, which are currently streaming. “I don’t care if you wear this specific scent. I’d rather my lover be alive, not sneezing his lungs out because he wants to ‘not hurt my feelings���. We can always go back together and find something you’re not allergic to!” “B- notagain- hH’AIIZZSHHEWW-! IZZSHHH’oo-! Scuse me. But it’s so expensive, I don’t want you spending that much on me.” The laughter returns to Gojo’s lungs, beautiful, and sucking all the breath that Geto had left with its light and airy sound. Something so pure, and full of joy. “I’m a special grade jujutsu sorcerer. I’m in unbelievably high demand. You think I couldn’t make that money back in a week easily? Money isn’t an issue, your health is all that matters, Suguru. The only thing that matters. You’re my one and only, after all.” Geto meets his eyes, the tears running down his cheeks not only from the sneezing anymore. “Satoru… I don’t know what to say-” Without a word, Gojo grabs his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss, their lips meeting with a burning passion, hunger dripping from every breath as Gojo lets his hands roam up to Geto’s hair, purring at the moan he gets when he grips it. Finally breaking away so Geto could get a breath in, Gojo lets his sunglasses dip so Geto can see him wink. “Don’t say anything. We’ve never needed words before, let’s not start now.” And with that, Geto takes his turn to pull him in for a kiss, reveling in the beauty that is his one and only, Satoru Gojo. 
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Cuddles and Good Food
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Synopsis: You get your period and Pedro comes home from all the touring. 
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Jewish!fem Reader (vague description. I mention her having curly hair)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: sexual innuendos, cursing, talk of menstruation
Word Count: 1,717
Note: This is super self indulgent cause I just want to cuddle this dork. Also this wasn’t beta’d and please let me know if any of the Spanish is incorrect. 
I sighed and curled up on the bed as the next episode of Stargate started up. I didn’t have the energy to watch anything else and to be honest after getting the “I’m coming home” text from Pedro, I didn’t really want to put anything on that required my full attention.  
I looked at my phone as it buzzed again. I picked up and read the text from my friend.  
F/N: Did you watch the new episode of TLOU yet?
I sighed and turned my phone upside down. I had been working on keeping up with the series but had fallen behind when I met up with Pedro during his London premier red carpet.  
And of course, the universe decided to laugh at me and bestow my period on me the moment I got home.  
I groaned and curled up more as a wave of pain went through my back. PCOS can be a real bitch.
“Baby? I’m home.” When I hear Pedro yell, I realize I should have just put the Mandalorian on just to fall asleep to the sound of his voice. Or the video of interviews I had saved on YouTube.
“Bedroom.” I yelled out. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair hoping to tame some of the curls.  
When he stepped into the doorway, I couldn’t help holding my arms out and making grabby hands towards him. It may have only been a few days since we saw each other last but I always got needy while on my period. He chuckled softly and walked over climbing into the bed next to me before pulling me into his lap.  
“What’s wrong with my sweet girl?” he asked as I nuzzled into his chest.
“My period started yesterday.” I mumbled as I felt strands of my hair get caught in the stubble of his beard.  
He hummed and gently messaged my lower back. I whimpered before sighing as the pain passed. He kissed my temple and nuzzled his nose against my cheek making me giggle. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
I turned my face to nuzzle my nose against his. “You’re already doing it,” I wrapped my arms around his neck.  
He held me close and fell back making me giggle.  
“I’ve missed that giggle.” He mused nuzzling his nose into my hair. “I’ve also missed this bed.”  
“Well, that’s what happens when you have two shows premier less than a month apart and have an SNL guest appearance and decide to meet up with all your friends while traveling.” I looked up at him.  
He sighed, “The price of fame.”  
“I saw your Graham Norton interview; I know you are enjoying the attention.” I smirked at him.  
He pouted, “Okay, maybe a little.” Pedro rolled us so he was hovering over me, caging my body between his legs. “Doesn’t mean I don’t miss you or our bed.” He moved my hair back.
“I did enjoy watching you break character... twice while watching SNL.” I grinned. “Oscar even called me the next day to ask about my thoughts.”  
Pedro dropped his head on my shoulder. “Of course, he did.”  
I cleared my throat and let my tongue settle on the bottom of my mouth. “Ya know,” he peeked at me as I mimicked the LA voice. “That LA voice, was the best.” I moved my jaw. “God how did you do that for that long.” I said in my normal voice.
He laughed and kissed my cheek. “Eleven months on the set of The Last of Us gave me great practice.”  
I hummed and pushed his hair back. “Yes, and I now get to have nightmares because my friends convinced me to start watching it.”
He hummed, “My poor bebe.” He kissed the tip of my nose.
I wrinkled it up and squirmed a little. “At least you make good eye candy.”
He smirked, “Is that so?”  
I hummed, nodding my head. “Tumblr is all about Joel right now.”  
“Anything good?” He asked settling next to me and gently messaging my stomach.
I bit my tongue to keep from moaning when he pressed on a specific spot. “Um a lot of smut.” He laughed at that and shook his head. “One account had polls of your characters of ‘who does it better’ and many are Joel vs. Frankie.” I whimpered and squirmed as he pressed down on another sensitive spot.
“Anything of interest to you?” he asked, letting his finger lazily trace the band of my panties.  
I knew his hand wouldn’t go further; he was simply trying to distract me. We both learned quick that sex on my period was a very bad idea. In any form.  
I hummed, “I’ve actually been reading a mix of your other characters. Joel just gives my brain too much horror.” I thought, “Some people have even written about your SNL characters which is quite interesting to read.”  
He chuckled. “Of course, why am I not surprised.” He kissed my temple before shifting me to my side with him tucked behind me. “I’m gonna guess you didn’t sleep well last night.”
“José,” I looked up at him. “Are you giving me permission to take a nap while you spoon me?”
He rolled his eyes. “Only person outside my family that even uses that name on me anymore.”  
“You didn’t answer my question.”  
He reached over me and grabbed the remote. “I’m going to watch my dumb shows while you nap against me, yes.”  
I hummed and wiggled into him. He grunted making me smirk before I settled against my pillow, feeling comfortable for the first time in the last 24 hours.
I slowly woke to the smell of beef cooking. I sat up and stretched ignoring the cramping in my lower back. I climbed out of bed and walked towards the kitchen.
The sight I found was one I didn’t see often. I could hear Spanish music coming from the stereo and Pedro moving to the beat while cooking. He didn’t always cook but when he did it usually stemmed from a form of homesickness, he couldn’t place.  
I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”  
He chuckled and looked at me over his shoulder. The upside to being only a few inches shorter than he was. “Cazuela, though taking your advice I cooked the beef before adding it to the stew.”  
“That US versus Chile snacks got to you huh?” I’d watched the interview and having been dating Pedro for a few years now, I have tried each item that was set before him.
He shrugged and went back to cutting up the corn on the cob to make it more manageable. “You just make all these great meals from your childhood.”
I moved to lean on the counter next to him. “Pedro, I’m Jewish. My people learned to carry our recipes with us wherever we ended up.” I nudged his hip with my own. “If you want, I could message Javiera and see if she has any Balmaceda family recipes.”  
He gave me a soft smile. “I would actually like that.”  
I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. “You do so much for me. From not eating bread around me during Passover to making sure I keep to my fast on Yom Kippur. The least I can do is learn some family recipes to make you feel as happy as you make me feel.” I stroked my thumb against the V tattoo on his wrist.  
He kissed my head before scrapping the corn into the pot next to him. He set the knife and cutting board down before grabbing my hand and pulling me to him and swaying us. “It may just be my age catching up with me, but I’ve been craving the meals I had as a kid more and more.”  
I wrapped my arms around his next as we swayed. “José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal, there’s nothing wrong with a little nostalgia.”  
He groaned, “I love when you say my whole name.” He dropped his head to my shoulder and rested his hands above my ass. I rolled my eyes. “Makes me tingle all over.”
I lightly shoved him away. “Such a weirdo.” I smiled as he gasped and laid his hands over his heart.
“I’ve been wounded mi amor.” He leaned against the counter.
“Aww poor baby.” I pouted at him.
He glared at me, “Alright Dinah Rachel--” I quickly covered his mouth.
“Okay, okay. No need to pull my Hebrew name into this.” I sighed. “You’re getting better.”
I moved my hands from his mouth. “Well, I did work with Gal, picked up a few things.”
I tilted my head at him. “You started learning to pronounce Hebrew when we were just starting out?” I felt my pulse pick up.
A light dust took over his cheeks and he rubbed the back of his neck. “It was important to you, and I know Spanish is much easier.”  
I bit my lower lip to keep from crying. “That-” I sniffled.
“Oh no,” he quickly moved and hugged me close to him. “I’m so sorry baby.”
I nuzzled his chest and gripped the back of his shirt. “That’s so sweet.” I whimpered out.  
He rubbed my back. “Aw baby.”  
I looked up at him. “You really are the best.”  
He smiled and I stood on my toes pressing my lips against his. He hummed kissing me back and gripped my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck letting my fingers tangle into his curls.  
His tongue brushed against my lower lip and as we began to explore each other’s mouths, a sizzling sound pulled us apart. We looked over at the stove to see the broth for the soup overflowing.  
“Shit,” he reached over and turned the burner down. He shook his head and grabbed two bowls from the cabinet. “Let’s eat and then we can continue.”  
I hummed and grabbed the spoons as Pedro filled the bowls. “I like the sound of that.”  
He smiled and we walked over to the couch before settling in.  
It was going to be nice having him home, even if only for a few weeks before his next project.
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ladysapphire928 · 1 year
Ok, so I’ve been sitting on this one for a year but here it is. The books I got through during 2022! Now, it says read, but I’m a busy college student so these were mostly audiobooks haha. Now, I only finish books that I find enjoyable so I guess this is my yearly recommendation? I have over 100 books on my To Be Read list and I’m always looking for more haha
Also, handwriting reveal???? I usually write in cursive so this was also my way of keeping my print up
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0 notes
suashii · 2 months
something short and sweet for samu :3 established relationship, osamu calls reader honey, ~700 words ❤︎
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the morning air is clean and crisp, even more so on this secluded trail than it is on the city sidewalks. you usually wouldn’t find yourself here, surrounded by trees, pebbles crunching beneath the soles of your shoes, but when osamu had invited you to join him on his run—insisted that you accompany him—you couldn’t say no. while the scenery is unmatched, attempting to keep up with the man makes it difficult to enjoy the chirping of the birds and the cool wind on your face.
he’s ahead of you—far enough that you couldn’t touch him if you reached out to grab him but close enough that he’s still in your sights. with each stride you take, it seems as though he takes three more.
“w-wait,” you wheeze out, slowing to a stop to catch your breath. your knees bend and your hands come to rest on them as you suck in a deep breath of air. “i need a break.”
your words stop osamu in his tracks. he turns around to face you and a smile takes over his face. his eyes are partly shielded by the brim of his hat but you’re almost positive you’d see the humor swimming in the gray irises if they were visible. “already? it’s only been, like, fifteen minutes.”
“cut me some slack,” you tell him, standing to your full height with your hands on your hips. you’re still trying to steady your breathing but the stance is almost a defensive one. “you do this every week.”
you mean that he runs this path every sunday morning to start his day, that he’s familiar with the route and has perfected a tempo that works for him. he knows you mean that but he still can’t help but poke fun at you.
“what are you talking about? you run too.”
you laugh, more out of disbelief than humor. the curl of his lips is telling and deep down you know he’s trying to get a rise out of you but you can’t help but take his bait. “yeah, on a treadmill. at my own pace. keeping up with you is impossible—your legs are too long.”
the comment draws a chuckle from his chest that seems louder than it truly is in this hidden spot within the trees. the sound never fails to brighten your mood, though, you cross your arms and paint on a frown to keep from folding so easily.
“you told me this was going to be a ‘relaxing jog’ and it hasn’t been either of those things.”
despite your posture and expression, osamu can tell you aren’t mad. you’ve been together for years and he can count the number of times he’s genuinely upset you on one hand. he knows your tells—like how you refuse to look at him and how you go quiet. he’s glad he’s only brought out that side of you a select few times and even though he’s sure you’re joking now, he never intends to push you that far.
his legs move automatically, closing the distance between you two. when his arms open, you step into them and let yours drop to your sides as you let your forehead rest on his chest. you can feel his heartbeat, still elevated from the exercise. he encases you in the warmth of his embrace. it’s comfortable and familiar and you’re starting to think that you’d be content standing here forever when osamu’s voice rumbles against you.
“shall i carry you the rest of the way?”
you snort and smack his chest. the offer is unserious but you know that if you say yes, he’d be willing to do it. there’s something tempting about the idea of clinging to osamu’s back for what’s left of his workout, but you didn’t tag along to be a nuisance. you tip your head up to meet his eye. “how about i set the pace?”
he hums in agreement. “i can follow your lead.”
“and…” you start, taking a step back so you can see him better, “i want breakfast as an apology for your misrepresentation of what this would entail.”
your second condition is enough to make osamu laugh, although, this time you allow yourself to smile at the sound. his laugh is pretty high up on the long list of things you love about him.
he nods. “fine. but i was gonna make you breakfast anyway, honey.”
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writinghotchner · 5 months
fandom: criminal minds pairing: hotch x fem!reader (could be read as hotch x oc, i guess) rating: M (nsfw) words: 1,224
read below, or on ao3.
insomnia has once again webbed its way through her brain and shattered through her eyelids. it's nothing new, she's dealt with it most of her life. with an annoyed, tired sigh, she turns fully onto her side to face her boyfriend letting her eyes scan his sleeping face as puffs of his breath fans across her nose. she sighs again, frustrated that she can't sleep and that he can. just as she's about to fling the blanket off of herself and stomp to the living room to be grumpy on the couch, he cracks an eye to look at her. she immediately huffs out a laugh.
"did i wake you?"
he clears his throat and rolls onto his back, stretching his body a little. "i felt you staring at me." he turns to look at the clock on his nightstand. two a.m.
she laughs at that, reaching over to palm his cheek, it hits him with a soft unpainful smack. "i'm sorry. i was admiring your ability to sleep."
he rolls back onto his side, wiggling a little closer to her. "can't sleep?"
she sighs. "no, my brain won't shut up long enough."
he hums his response, his eyes slipping closed again.
his eyes open slowly to look at her. "hm?"
"help me fall asleep...?" she studies his face as well as she can in the dimly lit room, but she sees him crack a grin, his eyes coming to life.
"how do you suppose i do that?" his voice is still rough with sleep sending shivers down her spine, igniting the fire already growing deep in her belly.
without saying anything, she reaches for his left hand and guides it slowly towards her already throbbing center. she lifts her right leg up a little to give him room and he automatically palms the entirety of her, the warmth of his large hand making the heat already boiling between her legs unbearable.
"god, baby, please.." she chokes out in a whisper, but he keeps slowly, lightly, running his hand over her.
"please what?"
she throws him a pointed look and he grins. "i want your fingers inside m-"
before she can even finish that sentence, he skims his fingers up over her mound, and then wiggles them under her panties, brushing through her trimmed pubes. he doesn't pull her lips apart like she's dying for him to, instead he rests his entire palm on her pubic bone and lets his fingers play softly at her opening, feeling how hot and wet she already was. she squirms under him, clenching helplessly at nothing. he chuckles. "already so wet, hm? were you planning on waking me up or were you going to take care of this yourself?"
she huffs out something between a breathy laugh and a moan as she reaches under the blankets to grip at his wrist. "you're killing me here, babe."
"oh, we can't have that, can we?" he says and then quickly presses his two middle fingers down and then up, pulling her lips open and then stopping to press the tips of them against her clit. she squirms against his hand even more, her bottom lip caged between her teeth.
"aaron hotchner, i swear to god," she pants, the grip on his wrist tightening.
he props his head up on his right hand so he can look down at her, the street light from outside barely shining into the room so he can see the shadows of her face. she looks up at him right when he starts moving his fingers in small circles. she licks her lips and lets them fall apart to suck in a breath.
he speeds up his movements, watching as her face as it contorts with pleasure, her chest rises and stutters, an annoyed yet pleasurable groan leaving her throat.
"baby, please," she nearly chokes out. he chuckles to himself, loving that he can do this to her - make her beg and moan.
a few more deep pressure circles to her clit and he slides his fingers down to her opening and presses inside of her slowly. "is this what you want?" his voice is low and teasing and she can practically hear the grin on his face through her now closed eyes. he uses the heel of his hand to press back into her clit and her leg twitches.
the grip on his wrist moves down to grab the back of his hand, her fingers over his, and she makes him push himself deeper into her. her fingers brushing against her own entrance with the movement.
"jesus, fuck, god," she cries out, squeezing her eyes closed. his fingers are thick and always fill her up the way she needs, especially when he uses two. he sets a slow steady pace, pressing them as deep as they can go and then drags them slowly almost all the way out of her before quickly sliding them back in to his knuckles. she squeezes her legs together, trapping their hands in place. she can feel the tendons in his hand every time he moves his fingers, and she grips his knuckles as he picks up the pace.
strangled moans fall from her lips as she moves her hips against him. he curls his fingers and holds it momentarily against the spongey tissue that makes her feral which causes her to immediately arch her back and release a guttural moan. when he starts to move his fingers again, picking up the pace even faster, she slides her right leg back so he can have more room to move his hand. he moves faster now, the wet slapping sound of his hand ramming into her and her strangled breaths filling the room.
it only takes a few more pumps and curls of his fingers before she's squeezing his knuckles tight. she presses her her own middle fingers into his, trying to push his fingers in farther as her orgasm sparks through her, her own two middle fingers slip in with his for a moment and she thrashes against him, her eyes still squeezed shut. he can feel her lower stomach spasming and it makes him bite his lip to stop his own pleasured sounds. her breath catches in her chest as her orgasm continues to static its way through her. he leans in closer to her, "breathe, honey."
a final strangled, broken moan leaves her throat and she sucks in a harsh breath, her body goes limp, and her hand falls away from his as she continues to breathe heavily. he doesn't remove his fingers right away, he leaves them buried inside of her, unmoving. she slowly opens her eyes and looks at him. "fuck," is all she can manage to croak get out.
"tired?" he asks, his voice strangled with his own wants now, but willing to go on if that's what she needs.
before she can answer he's pulling his fingers out of her and sliding them right back up to her clit. she can feel the gush of warmth follow his fingers out and it makes her moan again.
"are you?" she husks.
"wide awake." and with that he leans over and catches her mouth in a heated kiss as he moves his body on top of hers and settles between her parted, shaking legs.
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Lazy Summer Rain
AN: Heyyyyy y'all. I'm starting 2024 of a lil slutty with my first fic for @moonknight-events' MK Bingo. 🙌 Hope y'all enjoy. 😌
You’d had other plans, plans to spend the day with Marc outside—maybe grab breakfast at the cafe downstairs or have a picnic at the park across the street—but waking up to the rain had quickly quashed them. Can’t say you’re too disappointed by that at the moment, though.
Rated: M+ (this is smut so, i mean, you’ve been warned?) Prompt: Rainy Day Words: 943 Pairing: Marc Spector x F!Reader Warnings: pwp, kissing, morning sex, soft!Marc, praise kink (if you squint), cockwarming (please let me know if i missed anything) AO3
The rain taps rhythmically on the windows, the sound of it soothing, just loud enough to drown out the sounds of the outside world. It makes you want to forget where you are, forget what time it is, what you had planned on doing today, makes you want to forget everything but him, everything but Marc.
He’s braced over you, forearms on either side of your head as he kisses you sloppily, deeply. He grinds into you, hips pushing you down into the plush mattress with every thrust, the slight squeak of the bed mixing with the soft pants and moans you exchange as you kiss. You get lost in him, running your hands lazily up and down his back, over his shoulders, up his neck, and back down toward his ass.
You’d had other plans, plans to spend the day with Marc outside—maybe grab breakfast at the cafe downstairs or have a picnic at the park across the street—but waking up to the rain had quickly quashed them.
Can’t say you’re too disappointed by that at the moment, though.
You break the kiss with a gasp as Marc shifts, his cock hitting that special place inside you. He grunts as you flutter around him, his warm breath puffing against your lips as he pulls your leg higher over his hip.
“You close, baby?” he rasps, jaw tightening as he somehow sinks even deeper inside you. “Gonna come for me? Hmm?”
You whine his name as pleasure sings through your body, his fingertips digging into your thigh as he holds onto you, his thrusts becoming sloppier, faster. Thunder rumbles in the distance, the rain falling quicker now, beating harder against your window. His nose bumps against yours as he leans in, searching for your lips, and you sigh just before he claims them again.
You’re close, so close, can feel the coil inside you tightening, about to snap, the heat building and building— 
Marc’s groan is choked as you come, your body bowing and shaking beneath him as you drench his cock with your release. The wet squelch of his thrusts is loud in your ears despite the rain now as he fucks you through it, prolonging it. 
He’s still hard inside you as you come down, his face hovering over yours as he watches you closely. You smile at him, reaching up a hand to cup his cheek in your palm, his dark curls tickling the tips of your fingers. He smiles back, shifting slightly to press a gentle kiss against your wrist.
“Okay?” he asks, eyes roving your face.
You hum, pulling his mouth down to yours for a quick, sweet kiss. “That’s one way to put it.”
He sniffs a laugh, stealing another kiss as he begins to grind into you again. You’re still a little sensitive, but the gentle stimulation is pleasurable all the same. You hold onto him as he works himself (and you) back up, smothering the soft little noises he makes with your lips. He groans, breaking your kiss when you begin to meet his thrusts, his brow furrowing in concentration.
“You’re doing so good, Marc,” you praise, running your hands up and down his back soothingly. “So good.”
He swallows thickly, eyes watching you closely for a moment before leaning in. His pace never falters, even as he shifts, bringing his hand down between your legs. You whine when he circles your clit with the tip of his thumb, the pleasure building inside you once more. He groans when you clench around him, pulling his lip between his teeth as he slowly pushes you toward the edge again.
“Please don’t stop,” you plead, pulling weakly at his shoulders. 
Suddenly he’s not close enough, not deep enough. You want to be covered by him, surrounded, you want to drown in him. He seems to understand what you need, shifting again so he’s draped over you, hands fisting in the sheets on either side of your head, his thrusts quicker, harder.
You moan, peaked nipples brushing against his chest as he presses in closer, resting his forehead against yours. Your hands slide down his back, goosebumps raising on his skin, as he continues thrusting into you. He’s so close, you know he is, can tell by his clenched jaw, half-lidded, almost black eyes—but he’s holding himself back, he’s waiting for you. 
“It’s okay, baby,” you breathe, your hands sliding down to cup the muscled cheeks of his ass. “Let go for me.”
Marc groans, burying his face into your neck, thrusting into you rapidly as you cling to him, as you whisper encouragement in his ear. Your breath catches as you reach your peak again, but this time it’s softer, warmth flooding your body, making your fingers and toes tingle pleasantly. The gentle fluttering of your cunt is enough to finally drag Marc over the edge, his moan smothered in the crook of your neck as he empties himself inside you.
You stay connected, entwined, for what feels like hours, the constant patter of the rain against the windows soothing, lulling you both back to sleep. When you wake again later, you’re beneath a plush duvet you don’t recall pulling over yourself, the afternoon sun streaming in through the windows. Marc lay on his belly, his face half-buried in his pillow, arm curled loosely around your waist. For a moment, you just watch him, smiling softly, marveling at how peaceful he looks in sleep, how content. Then you shift closer, doing your best not to disturb him as you burrow into his side, sighing as his warmth envelopes you, and you drift off again.
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If you enjoyed this, please let me know! I appreciate every single reblog and/or comment. Thank you. 💖
🌟 Masterlist 🌟 MK Bingo Masterlist 🌟
i am no longer doing a taglist. please follow @charmingupdates for updates and turn on notifications.
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
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Featuring Fallout 4 characters
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presiding · 2 months
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humansider by @lapinneok
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shady-tavern · 11 months
Healing Hearts
Warning for implied Animal and Child Abuse, though nothing graphic, please take care of yourselves.
Cloud was a very small and very hopeful cat. Her fur was as gray as the storm clouds she had been born beneath and her family had expected great things of her. She had been very energetic as a kitten, looking forward to finally being big enough that she could help out and be of use. 
To finally be as proud as her big brother, as strong as her mother and as crafty and swift as her father. There was plenty to do with climbing trees to look for birds, tracking mice and keeping lookout for the pack of wild dogs.
But as it turned out, Cloud wasn't very good at many, many things. She fell out of trees when she tried to climb them, she rarely landed on her feet and couldn't stealth through tall grass if her life depended on it. She got distracted watching out for the wild dogs and failed to warn her family in time.
"Maybe it's better if you leave," her brother told her one day, annoyed and tired. His heart was clearly troubled and grim with unpleasant determination. "You are ruining the hunt for all of us and it's unfair that we work hard just to keep you fed when you can't do anything for us."
"I'm doing my best," Cloud protested, upset and hurt and panicked at the idea of being all alone. Of being cast out. "Where would I even go?"
He flicked his tail dismissively. "Anywhere that's not here. Mom and Dad already expect a new litter of kittens and it will be hard enough for us to get them through winter without you there, mooching off of us."
When Cloud looked beseechingly at her parents, her father was studiously looking to the side, tail flicking restlessly. His heart was dark and heavy with what they had decided to do and yet he was too scared to meet her eyes, too scared of seeing the pain he was causing.
Her mother was tired and half asleep, her eyes were apologetic but she didn't speak up. Her heart was worn and exhausted and busy guarding the growing lives beneath it in her belly.
"Go," her brother said quietly, brushing past her. "I'm sure you'll find your place somewhere out there."
Cloud didn't leave right away, even as her heart felt cleaved in two. She lingered and skulked along the edges of her home, until at last the silence of her family drove her fully away.
She felt so desolate, it was nothing but pure luck that she didn't run into the pack of dogs or any other trouble. She walked until it started to rain and then she curled up within a hollowed tree along one of the dirt paths humans had made to travel along.
It took her a long moment to notice the whimper over the gentle, steady rain. Her ears flicked and for a second, she considered not getting up. She was grieving and tired and felt as though her heart had turned to paste, but at last she dragged herself to her feet.
Following the noise, she soon came upon a big, black dog, scars across its muzzle and it was tied down to the ground with a fraying, rough rope. Cloud stilled, startled, but the dog didn't react. He just remained curled up, shivering a little.
"Are you alright?" Cloud asked after a moment and the dog blinked one eye open. He looked very sad and very small, even though he was big. His heart was the darkest and heaviest Cloud had ever seen, filled with pain and grief and worthlessness.
"I was a bad dog," the dog said at last, quiet and so mournful it broke her heart a little. "I always mess up everything."
Despite herself and all her family's warnings, she felt a pang of understanding sympathy. She hesitated, then approached the desolate dog, noticing that he was lashed down so tightly he couldn't get up even if he wanted to.
"What happened to you?" she asked, aghast and the dog closed his eyes again, curling up tighter.
"My master didn't want me," the dog said in the tiniest voice and Cloud was horrified, before anger overtook her. She marched up to the dog and started to chew and claw at the rope until the frayed part snapped.
"Get up," she said and nudged at the startled dog until he clambered to his feet. He was too thin to her liking. "You can't stay here."
"Then where do I go?" the dog asked, fur matted and ears drooping. "I'm not gentle enough with children, too stupid for tricks, too dumb for guarding and too cowardly for fighting. I'm good for nothing."
The words hit home harder than Cloud had thought. She, too, was good for nothing. Too clumsy for climbing, too loud for sneaking and too easy to distract for keeping watch.
"I don't know," she answered at last. "I don't know where to go either." At least he was free now.
When she turned around to leave, the dog hesitantly crept after her. When she didn't protest, he followed her all the way to the hollowed and now they were both curled up within. The space was just barely big enough for them to fit.
After a moment of staring outside Cloud got up again and he looked visibly startled when she curled up against his side. He was warm, even if he smelled of stale air and dust.
They remained there as they waited out the rain and night fell. Some owls hooted and a fox screeched and the dog flinched a little, but stayed calm when she didn't react.
At the first hint of dawn, hunger drove Cloud to her feet. The dog followed her again as they walked down the road in the direction most of the humans traveled.
"Where is your family?" the dog asked quietly after a moment.
Cloud had to wait until her throat stopped aching with grief until she could respond, "They don't want me." She glanced up at her big companion. "I'm not good at anything either."
The dog looked upset on her behalf and hesitated, then offered, "Maybe we can be good at something together?"
That made Cloud thoughtful. Maybe the dog was right, she decided as they walked. Maybe if they worked together, they could make it. "Alright," she said at last and the dog perked up hopefully. "Come on, I think I know where to get food."
The dog looked relieved and eager. As they crested the hill, a settlement came into view. Cloud's family had always warned her away from those places, but she had overheard birds chatting with each other, as they watched her try and fail to climb. They found her clumsiness greatly entertaining.
"People leave food they don't eat outside," she told the dog when he hesitated to set foot into the small town. "We'll be careful. And look, it's still early, so barely anyone is awake."
Hesitantly, the dog followed her at last, almost crawling with how small he tried to make himself. Now came the tricky part. Cloud had heard the birds talk about food, but she had no idea where exactly she was supposed to find it.
She made sure no one spotted them, winding around corners and ducking into hiding spots until the dog suddenly lifted his head.
"I smell something. This way." They followed his nose and soon Cloud smelled what he had caught on the wind. The scent of blood and meat.
There was a building where humans clearly did their killing, which was strange but she wasn't going to question it. Not when bits and pieces got tossed outside. The downside was, they weren't the only ones. Other dogs milled nearby, while wary cats watched from the shadows, ready to swoop in and grab what they could.
"We can find food elsewhere," the dog whispered, looking scared of confrontation. Cloud was about to agree, when their stomachs growled. It hurt and the sound his stomach made was so much worse than hers. He needed food. They both did.
She took a deep breath and stepped forward, her new friend whispering in warning, but to her surprise, he followed still. The dogs paused in their excited staring at the big window and four heads swiveled to look at them.
"Fuck off, kitty," the meanest looking one growled at her, heart sparking in warning like a fire about to blaze bright. "Or you're part of our breakfast."
Her heart was pounding, but even if she was good at nothing, at least she could be brave. She had to be, or they'd go hungry. So when the dog lunged forward with a snarl, she lashed out. It was nothing but pure luck that she had moved when she had. 
Her claws dug deep into the dog's nose and with a pained yowl they flinched back, dripping blood and now they looked scared, the fire in their heart doused swiftly. The rest of the pack lunged to attack and it became a frenzy of clawing and biting and her new friend joined the fray, determined but just as bad at fighting as he had said he was.
"Enough!" someone shouted above and they all flinched apart, staring up at a disgruntled human. "There is enough for all of you, so stop or you'll get nothing at all."
Cloud backed up a step and the pack reluctantly did the same. The human sighed and reached inside to start emptying two buckets, making sure to spread it out as much as possible so everyone got something.
"Hungry lot," he muttered as they all started to snap up pieces. Even the other cats hurriedly grabbed whatever had fallen closest to them. The man's heart was kind despite his rough voice and sharp words and Cloud found herself relaxing a little.
Cloud's big friend managed to snag a piece the size of his head, along with something smaller that dangled from one tooth. Cloud herself grabbed the biggest piece she could and they hurriedly retreated until they felt safe enough to eat.
They laid in the sun together afterwards, sated at last and they enjoyed the sun after a rainy day, keeping an eye out for trouble. They soon explored the town and started to map out the alleys and streets. Cloud made a note of which people were nice and which weren't.
There were so many hearts, good and nasty, bright and dark. Many shifted throughout the day, reflecting the emotions people went through. It helped Cloud in figuring out which humans would be willing to share their food, making her seek out the ones who had happy or soft hearts.
The dog managed to sniff out more places that tossed food outside and Cloud managed to be fast enough to swipe a small fish and later a sausage from someone handing it out to other humans in exchange for something shiny.
"We're doing good so far," Cloud said and the dog hummed in agreement, looking tentatively happy.
They found a place for the night and as the days passed, they settled into a new routine. In the mornings they waited by the butcher, as the man and his employees were called, who threw them all the bits and pieces humans didn't want to eat. Sometimes he tossed them things that smelled a little old, as though they were about to rot, but those were still edible enough for the alley animals.
In the afternoons, Cloud and her friend lingered by the market or other places that had nice people and they ate whatever else they were given or tossed. They sometimes got into fights over food or territory, but managed to establish themselves well enough to get by. 
She was vicious and her companion was big and even if he wasn't good at fighting, he learned to pin down whoever recoiled after getting hit by Cloud's claws. It wasn't pretty, but they made it work.
One afternoon, while Cloud was looking up at a woman with a kind heart with big, pleading eyes, she noticed a struggling crow overhead. The bird looked to be young and one wing was clearly injured. It flew from the roof to the next, barely making the journey. When it tried to get further away, it tumbled and disappeared in a nearby alley.
Accepting the piece of ham Cloud was given, making a quick, sweet noise in thanks, she hurried to where the bird had fallen. She found it crouched between a half broken crate and a trashcan, looking like it was panicking. 
Upon looking closer, the wing wasn't just hurt but tangled up in some kind of see-through, tough string or wire of some kind. The crow's heart was so heavy with grief and fear it might as well have been made of a large stone.
"Do you want some help?" Cloud asked politely around her piece of ham and the struggling bird froze in place, staring at her with wide eyes. "I promise I won't hurt you. Where is your family?"
"Gone," the little bird croaked faintly at last, heart growing even heavier. "I'm alone."
Cloud winced a little. Losing one's family was awful. She set the ham down and carefully approached. The small crow was clearly too terrified to move, but when Cloud started to carefully pull off the string tangled around the wing, the crow inhaled sharply.
When the string was removed entirely, the little crow stared at her in astonishment. A small gurgle of hunger came from the bird's stomach. Cloud thought for a moment, then offered her the piece of ham.
"Can you eat that?" she asked and the bird bobbled a quick nod. "Don't stay here too long, or someone will find you."
With those words, Cloud departed, only to hear struggling hops behind her. Glancing back, she saw that the crow was following, only to stop, ham pinched in her beak.
"Come on then," Cloud decided after a moment and the crow hop-walked to her side hurriedly, glancing around nervously.
Cloud lead the crow back to where the dog was dozing in their hideout and introduced them to each other. It quickly became clear to the bird that she had nothing to fear and the dog was more worried about getting pecked than she was about getting bitten.
And thus, Cloud gained another friend.
They became known as an unlikely trio around town. The little crow, once her wing healed, flew overhead to scout around. They managed to swindle and steal enough food for themselves and kept each other safe from those who did not like having them around.
The hearts of her companions slowly lightened, losing some of the unhappy dimness. They were still burdened, but they had perked up a bit, had regained some of the spirit the world had stolen from them.
Cloud thought they scraped by just fine and she thought about her family in the forest less and less. Her life was going well, most days. 
Sometimes they had to fight harder than usual to have something to eat or to avoid mean people and sure, sometimes she was envious of the pets that had cozy, warm homes where they were always well fed, but those feelings always faded away soon.
She could have found a human for herself, but that would have meant abandoning her friends. She wasn't going to do that. Not when she wouldn't have come as far without them.
It was a gray day, as gray as her fur, with a storm rumbling in the distance, shaping up to be as wild as the one she had been born beneath, when she heard crying. It was human-crying as well, not animal-crying.
Humans usually took care of themselves just fine, but something about the sound didn't sit right with her. Peeking around the corner, Cloud saw a young girl sitting crouched beneath an awning, clothes torn at one shoulder. She was pressing herself against a firmly closed door.
"Please, let me in," the girl begged in a keening voice and her heart was an open, bleeding wound in her chest, oozing despair and panic. "I promise I won't do it again!"
"Go away," someone shouted from beyond the door. "Be lucky we don't just burn you at the stake!"
"I promise I'll never do magic again!" the girl begged around a sob. "I promise I'll be good!"
"Don't lie, we both know you're good at nothing and good for nothing," the voice answered harshly. "Go, this is the only chance I give you, for your late mother's sake. She should have never let you live when you were born with the witch mark."
The girl cried harder and begged again, but no voice answered this time. She slumped down the door at last, curling up tight and cried. Cloud hesitated, then slunk forward. The girl looked up at her meow and when Cloud nudged her leg, she found herself scooped up by trembling hands.
The girl was warm and cried until she was too exhausted to continue. The door didn't open and no one came for the girl. Cloud stayed with the girl for so long, waiting, that the dog and crow came looking for her.
"Come on," she said at last and nudged at the girl until she got up and followed them.
The hideout was a little small for a human girl, but they made do, curling around her to keep her warm. Her heart was still open and bleeding, still oozing despair, but the panic had softened and was nearly gone, instead replaced by exhaustion. 
They were going to take care of her, Cloud decided and when she looked at her friends, their hearts and gazes reflected that same decision.
It was more difficult to keep a human fed, that was for sure. Cloud and her friends worked hard to get enough food and the girl never complained and helped as much as she could, begging for the shiny coins that the crow started to look for. 
She once came back with a piece that made the girl gasp and they didn't go hungry for an entire week. They ate the best food they had ever gotten that week.
The girl was smart, Cloud realized. She knew exactly where they could go to get food and as time passed, Cloud observed her doing strange things. Things no other human did. She stood beneath the full moon and her skin seemed to glow the faintest bit, sometimes she held things in her hands she couldn't have gotten on her own and sometimes she got little glimpses of the future.
Other people started to notice as well sooner or later. They got no more food from the butcher or the other shops and previously nice people avoided them in the streets.
"We don't feed witch-cats," one man who had always given her a piece of fish hissed at Cloud when she meowed sweetly at him. "Leave!"
"My uncle says I'm a witch," the girl murmured when she lit a fire with the snap of her fingers. They had no food tonight, hadn't had much to eat that wasn't stolen out of trash cans in days. "It won't be long now before they decide to burn me. And...I fear what they will do to you."
There was only really one solution then. Cloud exchanged a glance with the dog and crow and that night, while the town slept, they left. On the way out, they stole everything they could.
The crow stood guard outside and sat on windows, watching people sleep as the girl whispered at doors so the locks clicked open. They left with sacks of shinies the girl had used in the past to get food and old skins to stay warm. Next they grabbed food and better, good skins to wrap up in and then they disappeared into the night.
They managed to find their way through the dark, with the crow's eyes in the sky, the dog's nose and Cloud's ears. They fought off whatever dangers came their way as they traveled with cunning and sheer viciousness and a healthy dose of desperate determination.
But as the air grew colder with the passing days, Cloud realized they needed some place to settle. The girl wasn't strong or old enough to make it through winter out in the open and it was slowly growing colder. Luck was on their side at last, when they stumbled across an old cabin, surrounded by a crumbling stone wall.
"A witch's hut," the girl whispered. "I heard rumors that those places draw witches to them when they stand empty for too long, but I didn't think that was true."
It was dusty and smelled old and stale inside, but all the walls were intact, the roof didn't leak and the windows didn't creak. A fire was lit swiftly in the chimney and they curled up, their hearts glad for a dry, warm place to sleep in.
Soon the downright dreary, slightly creepy place transformed. It was as though it came alive the more they made it their home. The floorboards gleamed like they had been recently polished when they were dusted and washed, the walls looked freshly made when the cobwebs were all swiftly removed. 
The garden grew and transformed and with each day, the crumbling garden wall seemed to repair itself. Weeds disappeared and vegetables and herbs grew strong and vibrant instead, offering a last, big bounty before winter came.
The brighter and warmer the place became, the more it turned into their home and Cloud watched the hearts of those around her to grow lighter in turn. Relief at having finally found a safe place softened everyone and allowed hope to shine brighter and brighter the more time passed.
They had found a true, proper home at last and after some exploring once winter had passed, they discovered a village nearby. They cautiously ventured into it to trade shinies for things. Soon it was a normal sight for the residents to see the girl with her animal companions. 
The local herbalist was willing to take the girl under her wing and as they were accepted by the village, they settled into a better, warmer and well-fed life. The girl grew older and as the years passed, Cloud noticed that she didn't really age anymore and neither did the dog and crow.
"Well, you're my familiars now," the witch said, carefully cleaning off small crystals she had found in a river. She smiled wide and happy. "That means we're family for as long as you want to be."
Oh, that was very sweet. Cloud cuddled up to the witch and got the best scratches in return.
"You know," the dog said that evening as they dozed on the thick, soft carpet in front of the warm fire. Snow was slowly falling outside, but they felt none of the cold bite inside. "I'm so glad you found me that day. Even if I'm good at nothing, I still have a life I could have never dreamed of."
Cloud frowned at that. "But you are good at many things," she said and when the dog looked ready to protest, she hurriedly tacked on, "Your nose saved us many times and you always found food for us no matter what. You kept us from going hungry."
The dog ducked his head, bashful but hopeful so she kept talking, "Even if you say you can't fight because you're too cowardly, you always helped me no matter how scared you were. That's real bravery, you know?"
"Oh." The dog was quiet for a long moment, then whispered, "You really think so?"
"Yes, there is no doubt," Cloud said firmly.
The crow flapped down from her perch in the rafters and nodded. "You're strong and big and warm and you always take care of us," she said. "Whoever told you you're good for nothing lied to you. You guys..." She hopped a little closer, voice going warm. "You're my family. When I had nothing, you came and gave me everything."
The dog gently nudged their heads together with a little rumble. "And you're mine." He was quiet for a long moment. "I...never thought about it that way. Do you really think I'm pulling my weight?"
"A hundred times over," Cloud said with certainty, then nudged the crow as well. "And you're our family too."
The crow chirp-cawed happily and they laid snuggled together on the carpet. The crow was asleep and Cloud was about to doze off when the dog murmured, "You're no good-for-nothing either."
Cloud opened one eye and he shifted his head to look at her. "You saved me when no one else would have and you have done the same for our crow friend and our witch." The dog tipped his head a little to the side. "And then you helped us figure out how to survive. We wouldn't have made it if we hadn't all stuck together, if you hadn't found us. So, you know, you're definitely good at something."
Cloud was wide awake now while the dog fell asleep, snoring ridiculously loud within moments. She watched the dog and crow a moment longer, then looked up to where their witch was making a protective charm for a worried villager.
When the witch noticed her staring, she looked up and smiled. "Sleep," the witch whispered. "We're safe here. Safe and happy and we're going to stick together, won't we?"
Cloud chirped a little noise in agreement and settled down. Her heart felt full and as warm as the fire they laid near.
Without realizing, without even meaning to, she had ended up getting everything she had ever wanted. A family that loved her and a purpose, as strange as it may look to others. And sure, she wasn't good at any of the things other cats were good at, but now she didn't have to be. Now it was a good thing that she was strange and different.
She fell asleep with a smile and in the morning the world outside was snowy and cold, but her heart still glowed bright and warm. And when the witch looked knowingly at all of them, when Cloud noticed that they all walked unburdened, she realized they had done it.
They had healed the wounds on their hearts.
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stevebabey · 1 year
❤️🔥 hiiiii!! here to request a number 23 from prompt list 1: “fumbling with their hand as you tell a story.” i feel like you’d make it so soft and sweet <3
can u tell i was feeling so bad when i started writing this <3 nothing bout this prompt says angst but low nd behold, here's some hurt/comfort !! thank u for requesting alice m'dear :") this is like extra for u considering how sweet u are to me <33 1k+
It’s terribly late.
Really, the both of you should’ve wandered upstairs to bed at least an hour ago. There’s work tomorrow, early for you, less so for Steve, but it’s work all the same. He’ll grumble in the morning like he always does, tired and yawning all through his morning coffee.
Despite knowing this, Steve doesn’t even think of suggesting to turn in soon. Not when it’s one of these nights. 
Sometimes, Steve finds it takes gentle coaxing to get you to unwind from your day. When you spend so much of the day tense, reining in reactions and biting your tongue, he knows it takes more time, more touch. It’s worth losing the sleep, staying up to talk it out. Worth it to know he’s giving you peace of mind. That he can protect you from even restless nights.
Most of the time, you won’t even realise you’re wound up — it’s impossible to sift through feelings when all you feel is down. It’s not until after Steve’s worked his magic that you can tell how long the day has really been. When the stress leaks out of your shoulders and you slump into him like a puppet with its strings cut.
It’s one of those nights tonight.
You’re up on the kitchen counter. How you ended up there is lost in the haze of your tired night. You faintly recall tumbling through the door, somehow after Steve even though you started work before him. Overtime is a bitch.
Between then and now, you’re certain you’ve managed to shovel some food into you but mainly, you’ve been watching Steve fuss about the kitchen. To you, there’s no better remedy that the sight of your lover.
He’d already made dinner by the time you’d gotten in the door, some simple pasta dish, cheesy and delicious. He’d insisted on doing the cleaning up as well, seeing your low-lidded eyes and curled in shoulders. The fatigue rolls off you in waves. It makes Steve’s heart ache in an awful way.
So, he had kissed you sweet and ushered you up onto the counter, his warm hands helping under your thighs when you’d groaned and barely made a move to jump up. He mumbled something soft into your hair, ‘my tired, sweet girl’, and sealed it in with a kiss.
It had been soothing just to watch him, sleeves rolled up while he scrubbed at the soapy dishes. Rinsing the plates and working instinctively, letting the story about his own day come out in quiet rumbles, just letting you listen. You hum from time from time to let him know you’re listening, even if you feel a bit hollow.
But now, dishes done, Steve’s onto his most important job — drawing out the burdens of the day from his you. The cups of tea he’s fixed for both of you are beside you on the counter, long forgotten. Steam stains the air, just a hint of peppermint. 
Steve’s moved between your legs, hips leaning against the counter. He’s close enough that an inch forward and your head would rest against his collarbones. One hand sits on your knee, feather-light touches of his thumb against your skin. The other is held between yours, letting you fumble with it as you talk. Your hands work his fingers, playing with it idly as you talk.
“Yeah? And what’d she say?” He asks, voice low and head tilted to show he’s listening. 
“Y’know, just the usual. It wasn’t what she said, just like,” You sigh wearily, drawing a line down the middle of Steve’s palm with your finger. Your eyes stay fixed on your motions, his hand in your own. Your voice is smaller than you intend as you try to recall the rude memory of your manager today. “The way she said it? I don’t know, does that even make sense?”
“It does,” Steve assures, his hand giving your knee a quick squeeze. When your head remains bowed, still fiddling with his hand, Steve flips it over, his hand covering both yours to still your fidgeting.
“Hey,” He says, soft. His head ducks low, trying to catch your eyes. It’s alarming to see a sheen in them, glossy in a way he knows means tears. Something tears in his heart, his concern doubling in an instant. “Sweetheart, woah, woah, hey.”
You let out a pathetic sniffle and that’s all it takes for Steve’s instincts to kick in, pulling his hand out of your grip to bundle you into his arms. You cave, crumbling into his chest and burying your face away — one of his hands cradles the back of your head, loving strokes along your scalp. The other provides consoling sweeps along the curve of your spine. It all really just makes you want to cry harder.
“S’okay,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss into the side of your head. It’s warmth seeps into your skin, a silent comfort through your tears. "It's okay, honey."
It feels so utterly stupid to fall apart over something so little, just a bad day that’s crept under your skin, made its home in your nerves. It feels unbearable, trying to unwork it from your blood. You’re not sure how long you cry, just that Steve’s there the whole time.
When you finally pull back, shuddering breaths, Steve’s fingers make quick work to wipe your tears. Calloused fingertips that sweep across your under-eyes, tender and kind.
There’s a light kiss against your forehead, another against your damp cheek, gentle as ever. Steve doesn’t speak, his eyes just searching your face — though you can’t tell what he’s looking for. You’re too dead tired, exhausted by your own emotions, to give any semblance of a smile, even though you feel a bit better now.
“Bed now?” He suggests, voice soft and low. The clock on the wall ticks loudly in the lull of words, a reminder of how long ago you both should’ve been asleep. You nod, pitiful and small. Steve trails the both of you upstairs, sets out your pajamas while you brush your teeth, then waits in the bathroom doorway til you’re done.
It’s close to midnight when you both finally crawl into bed. Steve’s arms are around you the moment you’re beside him and you find immense comfort with your head against his chest. The echo of his heartbeat plays like a lullaby beneath your ear.
“Sorry for keepin’ you up.” You whisper in the dark.
Steve’s arms tighten around you. He shifts around for a moment, then his hand sweeps back the hair off your forehead, and he gives a soft kiss there. It lingers for a few seconds, and when he pulls back, he snuggles closer, resting his cheek atop of your head.
“M’sorry you had a bad day.” He counters. You know he means it completely.
“I love you,” the words slur a bit, feeling yourself already dropping off closer to sleep. It’s impossible not to when you’re this warm and this damn tired.
You’re asleep before you hear his response but it doesn’t matter, you heard it in every kiss, know it from every sweet gesture and moment of the evening. He loves you, and he takes care of you. The sleep is a peaceful one.
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prince-jelli-fish · 1 year
I’m like 90% sure this is what happened in Another Twist
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gautiersylvain · 7 months
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lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums ¤ a fanmix for romanced spawn astarion spanning the events of the entire game
also a special thanks to @astarien and everyone who contributed to #baldur's gate radio play as those posts were a huge inspiration
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innoctemastra · 6 months
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An ambitious young woman with a good marriage, well on her way to quite some position, and then that man came along and you...melted in front of him... I did not melt.
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mintyyyjades · 1 month
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spy x family code: white movie, out of context
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kekaki-cupcakes · 11 days
kekaki's 250 follower event [ft.billie eilish]
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holy crap I never thought I would get this many followers and a billie album so quickly so of course I had to internally combust and then make a massive deal out of it <3 Free Palestine <3
17/5 to a time decided later depending on how many people interact lol.
BIRDS OF A FEATHER ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ a playlist based off a character, headcanon of a character, blah blah blah you know the deal. will include a song from the album.
WILFLOWER ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ tiny blurb or list of headcanons.
THE GREATEST ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ art! Could be of a character, an oc, yourself, a ship, whatever your heart desires <3 and if it is of yourself you can dm me the photo so you don't have to send it in a public ask ofc <3 <3 <3
THE DINER ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ a moodboard based off a character, a headcanon of a character, character au's, character x reader, whatever you feel.
friendly reminder that I'm a minor, and will block you if requests are inappropriate <3 hope you enjoy the event and the album [!!!] and feel free to request as much as you'd like
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jensensitive · 2 years
some moments of jensen’s perfect, beautiful, sweet, less masc voice that I’m fond of ✨
(you might also like: jensen doing his little accents)
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