#hopefully i'll remember to add the right tags in the future
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi! Do you mind tagging your reader fics 'reader insert' for filtering purposes? Having a general tag helps people filter out reader content if they're uncomfortable with it without blocking every individual character/reader tag
Well since you asked so politely, I don't see why not.
I suppose I never got into the habit of adding a general "x reader" or "reader insert" tag to my reader insert fics because I've done them so infrequently. Mostly for events I did here on the blog. I suppose this will help me as well since I do like thoroughly tagging the things I post and reblog. (Which makes one wonder how I never thought to include a more general tag sooner... When my mind blanks, it blanks badly./lh)
Thanks for so kindly pointing that out, Anon. 👍 Have a good day!
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mathiwrites · 8 hours
Writing - Drafting Process
Clearly, I am avoiding actually writing by talking about writing. I was thinking about the drafting process today, and maybe this can help someone! For me, this process applies specifically to long stories to which I already know the conclusion, not my oneshots or update-as-I-go fics.
Honestly, I only found out that I write this way after my first fanfic. It's something that I do naturally, but with all the fun writing discussions I got to participate in lately, it was a fun exercise to actually break down what I do. It might sound daunting, but I promise that it's not as formal as you think!
I'm absolute a ✨vibes✨ writer, the drafting process is mostly for consistency and making sure I get to the end!
There are many ways to write, so for those who might still be looking for their process or those looking for something new, hopefully this can inspire you.
For larger stories, I always get a surge of inspiration. I usually create a DUMP document where I dump all my ideas. At the very top of the document, I create an outline with the major story segments and then whenever I think of a scene, I add into that outline.
For example, my outline for my ACOTAR Prequel was created in chronological order, but also by location.
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I would also start by adding:
The scenes that come to mind and I have muse to write
The necessary scenes that are either fundamental to character development or plot development
The transitional scenes
So, in that order, I can get a pretty decent idea of what I need to get done.
I also always make character sheets when I write. Not in a formal way, but just a page where I dump anything that I wrote in the story so I remember word for word what I said. That or I'll color code highlight, but a character dump is easier.
It's absolute chaos, but I prefer ideas to be as raw as possible. I'm an emotional writer, so I want to be reminded of it the way it came to me.
The writing starts here for me. The goal is to just write. Don't think, don't question, just write and depending on what medium you're using, drop a comment with notes for your future self to come back to. Sometimes, I'll even add a line between sections that I don't want to write to say "COME BACK AND INSERT TRANSITIONAL SCENE", highlight it or mark it in red.
More often than not, I'll start by writing out the scenes that appear in my mind vividly. For example, in Wildflowers, the first scene I ever wrote was actually Chapter 4. I knew that I wanted to write out Hybern Castle and if you read the scene completely, it was barely edited because it came to me so strongly.
Then, once I've finished writing the "muse driven" scenes, I start writing by importance.
Do not worry about about fleshing out the story. That will come later.
If I'm struggling with finishing, then I usually tag in a beta reader who's job at this point is to answer one question and one question only: "Is this good?" I think a more accurate phrasing would be -- Am I on the right track for this story? I'll do another post for how I work with my beta.
At this point, I only focus on the story and character development. Don't worry about the little details. For long stories, I might choose to print the story out because it helps refresh and reset my brain. It's also easier to read/annotate hundreds of pages this way.
Read through your story once.
Add notes to where you feel the story needs to flow better, either add transitional scenes, or something that need to add or hinder to your character.
Write out the scenes.
Bring in the beta and ask: "Story-wise, is there anything missing? Is there anything about the character that needs to be clarified?"
For example, a question that came up for Wildflowers is why would Tamlin be different from his abusive father and his siblings? He wasn't. Not at the beginning. He would have been raised to look down on humans, so in the second draft, I went back and thought of scenes that would help inform his choice to empathize with humans.
Calling this draft 3 is tentative because you may choose to do multiple drafts of this section. Once I've gotten most of the story down, I will pick one element that I want to focus on editing. I will do a read through and annotate what needs to be fixed for each "element".
For example, I might want to check the consistency of the character physical descriptions, so I will read once focusing ONLY on pieces of writing that contain that. Then, maybe I wanna go back and make sure Rhysand's voice is sassy enough. Another read through focusing ONLY on his dialogue.
I find this method is really great because it allows you to work on that specific element rather than getting overwhelmed with everything to fix.
These are what I usually read through if you're looking for ideas:
Character descriptions
Lore elements
Show vs. Tell
Tense (past vs. present)
Relationship depth (especially for side characters)
One would think this is where I would add foreshadowing but I'm not that organized of a writer. Again, I just go with the ✨vibes✨ and it usually works out.
I call this the final edit because I will probably write forever if you let me. In this draft, I focus on proofreading, grammar, sentence structure and clarity of the writing itself.
Yes, there are typos that usually escape and haunt you forever especially if you're a binder like me.
I also get my beta to help me with this as a second set of eyes, especially to give me feedback on stylistic choices.
I don't know if this helped anyone, but this was fun to write! I like doing guides and thinking about stuff, so yeah, this is usually my process. It takes about 2-3 months if I'm locked and loaded focus-wise.
Let me know if you have questions, I'm happy to help!
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lotus-btas · 1 year
BTaS Update: May-July 2023 - Pages of Lotus
Back again after a VERY long while without an update. Sorry for that, I'm forgetful.
Let me catch you up to speed on how the progress for Beyond Time and Space has been going these past few months, where we are now, and how we'll do things moving into the future.
Starting with the past, I'm gonna be fully honest: I haven't made a lot of progress with episode 2. Towards the end of May and the entire month of June, I've been suffering some serious burnout, to the point where interacting with my work would make my physically ill and exhausted. For a while I thought about skipping episode 2 entirely and moving on to 3, but then remembered that I stopped working on ep 3 because of my dissatisfaction/change of ideas with ep 2 that mentally stopped me from moving into the next arc. I'm still semi trying to get over it, but every day I can feel my creative drive starting to kick back in. I just need to sit down, focus, and get to work, which is a lot harder these days than ever before.
I also mentioned in the past how I was gonna host a beta reading for the first episode of Beyond Time and Space on the 20th of May. That also didn't happen. Not only was I sick with a headache on the 19th of that month, but I was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and spend the 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd recovering. Plus, that post got little to no interest or attraction, so making a sign up that no one would bother to mess with seemed kind of pointless.
As of the present, right now I'm working on trying to balance my energy between BTaS and my other projects and interest, to make sure that my burnout doesn't get as dangerously bad as it did in May and June. It seems to be working. None of them are making much sound progress, as I keep getting distracted by my own thoughts, but it's keeping my energy in check, which is all I need.
I also decided to start working on a pilot for Beyond Time and Space! Yeah! The one thing that I should've started with, especially because this is an animated series, I'm doing now, a full year after I wrote the first episode! Kinda ironic! I find a huge benefit of this being that I know my characters super well now, but the big disadvantage is finding something for them to do; how they can interact with this new environment that I'm putting them in for a single short episode. That's also been a little draining. Might need to brainstorm some more.
And, last but not least, going forward. My plans from this point on is to hopefully have a more consistent update schedule (every or every other Saturday, if I can remember), maybe create and show off some art made specifically for the updates, like a visual summary. I'm also working on a twitter account for Beyond Time and Space that is currently up, but probably won't have anything on it for quite a while. I'm a full believer that it's never too early to share your work, but I'm an anxious gun that needs some sort of visual content to back it up, if that makes sense.
Anyways this is really long. Apologies for that. I would add a TL;DR, but I'm kinda in a rush now because I gotta cook dinner. Just getting this out of the way beforehand (and because the time it took to write this was the same amount of time I had left before the time to cook dinner struck, so it kind of just fell in my lap). Maybe I'll include one once I reblog with the tag list.
Thanks for spending your time reading this update! Your eyes are a blessing :D
- Yors Truly
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katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
about me/info post! (long)
intro: hi! first things first: call me kats. that's not my real name (obviously), but my actual identity is none of your business, so that's a suitable alternative and one i rather enjoy. and no, i'm not putting my age in my bio. that's also not your business, but suffice it to say i'm an adult.
any pronouns work, so don't feel like you have to ask about that because i genuinely could not care less. what you refer to me as does not change anything about my identity, so hey! no misgendering possible, you don't get to dictate who i am so there's no use trying.
current project: Incipient/Combat Fatigue (a bakugou-centric, angst-with-a-happy-ending, krbkdk fic! no link yet but there will be soon!)
request info:
i take requests and will write most things! if i’m not willing to write it i will let you know, so don’t be afraid to request something (even if it’s anonymous!) for fear of judgment. i’m open-minded and have no fav ships, so just because you’ve seen me do kiribaku or shinkami already does not mean that’s the only thing i write. (rambles about poly class a at length and forever)
in terms of content limits it’s hard to say what’s a firm line for me and what i may write depending on circumstances, so i’m not going to list that here. it’ll just be a case-by-case basis.
however! one thing i am not capable of writing is any character x reader content. i know a lot of people like that, but if that’s what you want, i’m not your guy. i prefer to stick to canon, and i refuse to read any x reader myself, so if that’s your request, just know i can’t compromise on that. (this also goes for self-insert or y/n type stuff. you do you but that makes me gag.)
my current project will always take priority over any requests i receive, but that does not mean that i won't ever get to requests! just means that if i'm in the middle of a project, i won't drop it to write you a fic (unless you're going to pay me. /hj i might negotiate that.)
i feel the need to state that while i do not currently have any (as far as i can remember??) nsfw content on my blog, it may not stay that way. i will tag things appropriately and add necessary disclaimers, but if you want to strictly avoid any potential nsfw stuff, just be a little wary. knowing myself it’s far more likely that if i Do write anything nsfw, it’ll be on my ao3, but i think this is an important disclaimer to add just in case.
remember that i am a writer but i am doing this in my spare time while working for an education, so unless you're willing to fund that, you don't get to decide how i run my blog.
tag info:
i don't know how tumblr works. that's my disclaimer right here because this shit makes no sense to me. but tagging is important (?) so i have a few tags that i use a lot (when i remember), so here's info on those:
"kats asks" - these are posts that involve my ask box!
"kats rambles" - me, rambling. that's really it. this counts as one because it's long and mostly me going on and on about things.
"kats rants" - me, ranting. this is for the rambles that are angry. (if you start a fight with me on these i'll fight back. fair warning.)
“kats updates” - updates on me personally. so if you care about me beyond the screen, check this tag. if not then uh. ow /j
“kats writing list” - the list of posts i want to write later. would save to my drafts but i’ve saved a shit ton of spoiler posts that i want to read after i’m caught up, so uh. yeah
pretty self-explanatory. if i add more tags in the future i'll (hopefully) update this. (and please for the love of fuck if you know how to use tumblr and anything about all of this. tell me. i'm begging)
extra (probably important):
tone is a little funky online so i use tone tags (/j, /s, /gen, all that stuff) when i feel it's necessary (and please feel free to use them back at me because holy hell). if you're unfamiliar with them just ask, i'm not shy. i got the brain weird so i do what i've gotta do to not sound like an asshole all the time.
that said: i am sometimes an asshole. not in the bigoted sense, just in the "if you disagree with me about [fandom topic] i will rant at you about it and you opened that can of worms so you can lie in it" type sense. feel me?
gist is, if you tell me you don't want confrontation, we're chill! i am a nice person most of the time and am always willing to have a civil discussion. but i get dopamine and adrenaline from arguing so sometimes a little discourse is fun, and if you come at me sounding like you want a fight, i reserve the right to fight back for as long as it pleases me and then tap out when i get bored.
i don't really do the whole "DNI if" thing (see above). it's like this: anyone can interact with me, but if you interact with me, you're saying i can interact back, and if you don't like it, that's not my problem. i realize this may make me sound unsympathetic or like a dick (oops) but hey! c'est la vie. you're responsible for your own online experience; it's not my job to police you and if you don't like my content that's not my problem.
basically just tell me if you're coming at me from an angle of "hey i want to be mutuals and discuss things in a polite and open-minded way" or from an angle of "hey i think your takes are fucking stupid, you wanna go?"
also, if you insult me, chances are i will not understand the insult (i'm stupid /j), so it's best not to bother. but i can't stop you and hate is funny so i'll probably just make fun of you back. (if you're gonna throw hands you better be prepared to catch 'em ykwim)
but at the end of the day this is just a series and has no real life impact on me so y'know. i won't take it too seriously if you don't and we can walk away without being offended or hurt.
other info: if you want to know more about me or want something included here, feel free to leave a message in my inbox!
i've got a couple ask games on my blog here and here, and i'll try to remember to update this if i add more.
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lyteupthelyfe · 3 years
Since it seems both my posts and this blog have been getting a little bit of traction, I thought I might as well introduce myself properly to y'all!
Hi! I'm lyte! I run this blog/account! I hope you have a good time here!
More (blog type, fanfic I'm writing, blog future) below the cut!
So yeah, I'm lyte, and for clarity, yep, this is a multifandom blog, mainly for Fire Emblem: Three Houses and RWBY, though the other fandoms in my bio mean that if I wanted to, I would unhesitatingly post about, like, Octopath or Breath of the Wild, or whatever.
And on that, this is mainly a thoughts/discussion/theories/analysis blog, as in if you looked through all of my original posts and reblogs that I've added on to, like 90% of it is gonna be a theory or discussion or the like. And, reblogs/comments etc are encouraged! If you've got thoughts you wanna add to something I've posted, go ahead! Same for if you wanna know my opinions on something or respond to an ask meme--the askbox awaits!
Kinda going off the multifandom angle, I'm also a multishipper. If/when I post (or even write about in a fic) shipping content, that doesn't mean that I'm ride-or-die for that ship and that ship only by far.
Which reminds me, I haven't said it already but I am on Ao3 as lyteupthenyte! I have two active fics at the moment:
The Apex of the Worlds, an epic, multi-pov crossover fic that collides the worlds of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Octopath Traveler, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and is currently about a quarter or so done. You don't need to have necessarily played all three games, as I try my best to introduce each character/world so that while a google or tumblr search might be needed here or there, you won't be completely lost in the dark (hopefully). Synopsis as follows:
"After one hundred years, Link has to stop Ganon from rising again, and so too must Zelda. Sidon lives in the shadow of Mipha, while Yunobo thinks himself falling short of Daruk's legacy. Paya hopes to protect the Sheikah, all the while running from the tragedy of her past, and Teba does his part for the Rito by tamping on his deepest calls for righting the world. Riju is lost on how she can lead a people she's left endangered, but Adrian—born of the Yiga—is just as torn between his orders and his heart. Across an impossible distance, Edelgard's fragile dream is loftier than the stars themselves, while Primrose just wants to hide from herself.
But...what if they can somehow turn their world—their worlds—on its head? Just what would happen next?"
And Placeholder (Right Where You Left Me) is a short, also currently quarter-done, character study/fill-in-the-gaps RWBY fic about General Ironwood and an almost questionable rule-bending friendship with Ambrosius, the Relic of Creation, as he moves through his own life and the events of Volume '0', Volume 2, Volume 4 and Volume 6. Synopsis:
James Ironwood is usually a stickler for the rules. Rules like "Don't keep the Relics outside the Vaults."
Except, ever since he met Ambrosius, the Relic of Creation, he doesn't really want to follow that rule. For some ridiculous, gods-damned reason, he can't bring himself to put the Staff back in the Vault, not yet. Not. Yet.
But why? Why, why, why? For someone to talk to? To talk to without a moment passing by? To hold onto mystery and fantasy for just that bit longer?
For anything, is it really worth the riskiest friendship in all of Remnant?
And, well, that's about it. I'll post about things I like, updates to the fics, any new fics I might write, thoughts, theories and discussions.
Oh! And just as i remember, there are a bunch of #lyte “….” tags on my blog! The most active one atm is “lyte does contraclass”, which follows my current fe3h playthrough!
Oh, and per my blog title, I absolutely do simp for many fictional men because I think they are all very pretty. But I won't post simp content. Probably.
At least... I don't... think... I will?
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please dial again later
summary: you call the doctor. the doctor gets your call a little too late.
word count: ill add this later 1,483
a/n: not a request fill, just a little idea i had that i needed to get down. school is coming up very very very very soon, and i'm a lil stressed out so i haven't really been writing, but hopefully i'll get those requests done soon! this fic is kinda dedicated to @bushlandwriting, whose tags on their reblogs have really been getting me through the back-to-school rush. thanks so much lovely!
(also i almost titled this "you used to call me on my cellphone", so enjoy)
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gif credit: @minimoefoe
Ring, ring!
The gentle chimes of a phone ringing filled the interior of the TARDIS console room, the soft sound bouncing off the hexagonal walls. The Doctor looked up from her work - well, it wasn’t really important work, she was just tinkering, but if it kept her mind busy then it was work - and caught Yaz’s eye from across the room. She was staring at her phone, confusion written over her face, and the Doctor caught her question before she could even open her mouth.
“Wondering why you’re getting a call in the Time Vortex?” the Doctor asked, pulling her goggles off her face. 
“How’d you…” Yaz trailed off. Her bewildered expression morphed into an amused smile. “Nevermind.”
The Doctor bounded over to Yaz’s side and leaned over her shoulder to look at the phone’s screen. Unknown number, it read, the slide to accept button flashing slowly. Yaz eyed her phone apprehensively. “Should I accept it?” 
“Why not? No harm in trying,” the Doctor replied. “Well, there might be. But we’re in the Time Vortex. Should be fine.”
Yaz swiped the button. Glancing at the Doctor, she lifted the phone to her ear and spoke. “Hello?”
The Doctor watched Yaz’s eyebrows pinch in confusion, watched her mouth hanging open as the person on the other end spoke. Then, silently, she lowered the phone and held it towards the Doctor. 
“They’re asking for you,” Yaz said.
“What?” The Doctor took the phone from Yaz’s hand and looked at the screen. It still read unknown number, but now the chances of it being someone unknown where much slimmer. The Doctor didn’t know why that scared her so much. “Are you sure they called for me and not another Doctor?”
“There aren’t more of you,” Yaz said. “Are there?”
Loads, the Doctor wanted to say. “In a way,” she said instead. “This call might not even be for me.”
“No harm in trying,” Yaz echoed. A quiet voice crackled from the phone’s speaker, and the Doctor gulped. 
“Right,” she muttered. She turned around, slowly lifting the phone to her ear, and took a deep breath. “Hello? The Doctor speaking.”
The Doctor froze.
To Yaz, she looked perfectly calm. Standing still with her feet planted to the floor. But to the Doctor, calm had an entirely different definition: calm meant that her racing mind had just stuttered to a stop and calm meant she didn’t know what to do next. 
It was you on the other end of the line.
You spoke again, soft and croaky. “I’m sorry, who is this? Have I got the wrong number? Uh, I’ll just hang up -”
The Doctor could practically feel you - hearing your voice is enough to make her imagine you by her side, just like you were so long ago. Your smile, your laugh, bright against anything the universe threw at you. 
She wanted to scream. She wanted to shout, cry, throw Yaz’s phone against the wall, curse the TARDIS for the call. 
She did none of those things. Deep breath, Doctor. “Wait,” she said, her voice strained. “It’s me, I’m the Doctor.”
You coughed. It sounded strange through the phone. She remembered this, the memory coming to the front of her brain clearly - one day, when she was a bowtie-wearing young man, she’d dropped you off at your home and you’d gotten sick. She remembered coming to your house and seeing you days later, miserable and wrapped up in blankets. She remembered you complaining that she hadn’t picked up your calls. She remembered tucking you into bed and waiting until you’d fallen asleep to climb into bed and lie next to you.
“No,” you chuckled. “No, you’re not the Doctor. He’s a guy.”
“I’ve had an upgrade,” the Doctor said. You laughed softly, your breaths puffing against the receiver. You were probably still lying in your bed, waiting. “Hello, sweetheart.”
“Oh.” You were silent for a moment. The Doctor heard the faint rustling of sheets as you shifted. “Well, hello there, future Doctor.”
The Doctor could feel a wave of emotion washing over her, and she closed her eyes. If Yaz looked hard enough, she would have seen the Doctor’s hands shaking ever so slightly. Regret washed over her first, so heavy she could have drowned in it. 
“Are you still there?”
“Always,” the Doctor whispered.
“Okay, good,” you said, then hummed. “Is this a spoiler? Everything River’s told me so far is telling me that this is a spoiler. But I think it’s a good spoiler.”
“You sound really cute,” you murmured, your voice heavy with sleep. “I really like your accent. Are you from the North now?”
“Suppose I am,” she replied. “You like it?”
You yawned, and the Doctor couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “Are you what I have to look forward to?”
You would never even get to see her twelfth face. “Yes,” the Doctor said, her throat closing up. “I think you should get really excited.”
“Hang on, super important question,” you said suddenly. The sheets rustled again, like you had sat up quickly. “Are you finally ginger?”
The Doctor smiled again, though her hearts were twisting in her chest. This was a taste of what it would have been like if you had survived, if she hadn’t failed to protect you, and she wanted it. “No. But I am blonde.”
You sighed dramatically and fell back against your bed with a thump. “You know what they say about blondes, they have more fun. Speaking of fun, am I having fun? With you?”
The Doctor opened her eyes and turned around, glancing at Yaz. Yaz startled - there were tears running down her face, stray strands of blonde hair plastered to her skin. You’d struck the Doctor, deep in her hearts. It hurt, and all the Doctor could think was “why?” Why this? Why you? Why now, when you weren’t by her side anymore? What was this if not torture for her aching hearts?
“Spoilers,” the Doctor croaked. 
You laughed. You laughed, and the Doctor nearly broke. The wounds of your departure weren’t fresh, but the sound of your laugh was enough to draw blood once again. She didn’t want to admit that she missed you, because it meant that you were truly gone.
But it was the truth. “I miss you.”
“Miss you too,” you sang. Your voice stuttered, words overlapping over one another - the call was breaking up - but she tried to hold on to the cheeriness in your voice. “Oh - someone’s at the door -”
“That’ll be me,” the Doctor said.  And if it was her last chance to say it - “Goodbye.”
“No, not goodbye,” you said, and the Doctor imagined you smiling so brightly at her, “see you soon.”
The TARDIS broke the connection.
“Yeah,” the Doctor whispered. “See you soon.”
The doorbell rang again. Still giddy, you threw your phone onto your bed and stumbled down the stairs, your blanket wrapped tight around your body. What a call! You’d have to make sure it wasn’t a strange fever dream later.
You opened the door and grinned at your visitor - the Doctor, your floppy-haired bowtie-wearing Doctor stood in your doorway, a bright smile on his face. His smile dropped a little when he saw you, and he leaned forward to look at your face. “Are you alright?”
You probably looked like a mess. You hadn’t combed your hair since you laboriously climbed out of the shower, your face was flushed with a fever, and you were like a burrito inside your thick blanket, trying to keep away the chill. The answer, of course, was no, but you had more pressing questions.
“You weren’t answering my calls,” you said, pouting, and the Doctor paled. “Someone else picked up.”
“Who?” the Doctor asked, wide-eyed. “The TARDIS must have rerouted the call, did you get Sandshoes? Please don’t tell me you got Sandshoes -”
You laughed, cutting him off. “No, I didn’t get Sandshoes. Or Technicolor Dream Coat. I got a girl.”
The Doctor’s eyebrows shot into his hairline. “I’m going to be a girl?”
“She’s blonde,” you said cheerily. The Doctor frowned, stepping inside and shutting the door carefully behind him.
“Blonde isn’t ginger,” the Doctor grumbled. A second later, his face broke into a big smile. “That’s brilliant, though. I’ve always wanted to be blonde! That was second to ginger.”
“She had a cute accent,” you continued. “I think you’re going to be really pretty.”
“Yeah?” The Doctor grinned. “I’m already pretty. Or so I’ve been told.”
“Quit fishing for compliments, pretty boy,” you chimed, sidling up to him and resting your head against his shoulder. The Doctor wrapped a careful arm around you, and you settled into his warm touch. “I’ve really missed you.”
(And hundreds of years away, the Doctor lived in the memory of you cradled in her arms, enjoying the time you still had together.)
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snarkwrites · 3 years
first; jimmy darling | ahs:freakshow [ m]
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So.. I am.. quite rusty. It's been a while since I sat down and wrote anything at all, let alone anything smutty. Recently, I got back into watching American Horror Story and naturally, I started with one of my personal favorite seasons, Freak Show.
I'm not saying this oneshot is going any further than that.. But I did do certain things to leave the door open for that. Only if you guys think you'd like to see more. If not, this smutty first time idea is OUT of my head, rust is being written off... Hopefully.
18+ only. This is sexual content. It is not meant for children, m'kay? If you're under 18+ you need to navigate away from this post because it is absolutely not meant for you.
If you're sticking around, here are the things you need to be aware of:
First time / virgin OFC, body fluids, unprotected sex... Very.. emotional.
There's actually nobody on my American Horror Story taglists. If you'd like to be tagged in the future, go [ here ] and add yourself or you can hit me up, tell me where to add you and I'll happily do that.
Other stuff:
[ faq | tag list doc ]
“ It’s your turn, Jenny… downstairs.”
Anna’s words drew me out of my own thoughts and I swallowed hard, staring at the basement door for a few seconds; unsure of what I’d let Anna and my friends talk me into. Trying to convince myself it wasn’t a big deal and that girls like me = the plain ones, the shy ones, we didn’t have many options when it came to becoming a woman. Reminding myself that I was the one who wanted this. That it was either Jimmy Darling or Dandy Mott and I’d rather die than let Dandy Mott within a foot of me.
,, Then there’s the fact that when you saw Jimmy in the diner last week, there was this magnets pull. That feeling like you’d known him your whole life… Not to mention the dreams it stirred up after.”
Bearing the thoughts in mind, I took a deep breath and stood. My legs were shaky and my heart was pounding away at my chest like it wanted to break free. I reached for the doorknob and Anna called out with a gentle, teasing laugh, “Oh come on, don’t back down. If it helps… He’s real gentle. Real sweet.”
I swallowed hard again, nodding. Turning my back to the other girls and reaching for the doorknob all over again. It felt like everything was passing by in slow motion, from stepping through the basement door, walking down the stairs, but finally, I stood in the basement.
The brunette male glanced up at me. The others had been whispering all night about his magical hands… The things he could do with those webbed fingers of his, but all I could do was stare at his eyes. Drown in the molten brown depths silently.
“C’mon doll. I don’t bite.” Jimmy spoke up, flashing me the teasing grin of a charmer. The kind of grin that normally, I’d think was too easy, too relaxed. The kind of grin that spelled trouble most of the time.
His smooth coaxing tone when he spoke caught me off guard, making me focus on what was about to happen and not just my own thoughts. My heart sped up just a little more.
I took a step towards him, twisting a mousy brown strand around my fingertips. “Yeah.. Anna, she told me you were gentle.” I managed to mumble as I gazed up at him.
He stepped closer. Smiled down at me.
During all this, I hadn’t gazed down at his hands a single time. He hadn’t dropped my gaze a single time, either, those eyes locked on mine. Almost as if he were staring right into my soul. I took a shaky breath.
He eyed me for a few seconds. Swallowing hard. I watched his throat bob as his eyes settled on my lips and he cleared his throat and asked me quietly, “Do I know you? You remind me of somebody.”
I shook my head no. Despite the very vivid recurring dreams that started after I saw him in the diner. Because there wasn’t any way I could know him, I’ve lived in Florida since I was born.
,, but what about the dreams you had when you were a kid? That you lived in a little travel trailer?”
Jimmy didn’t seem to believe me, but he didn’t dwell on it. “Anna told me you were wantin’ more.” he chuckled quietly. Raising a webbed hand, raking it over a soft mess of brown curls as he looked me up and down. Waiting on an answer.
That answer felt like it was stuck in my throat. My mouth opened and closed and all I could do was nod.
He stepped closer; continued to speak. Calm and quiet, soft. “You sure? Because you don’t look real sure right now, doll.”
His hands skimmed over my sides. I didn’t flinch away or anything. I just stood there. Staring. Trying to will myself to answer. Trying to reconcile both this magnetism I felt pulling me to Jimmy and the fact that despite having never met him before in my life, he felt so familiar, as if I’d known him a lifetime.
“Anna told me I was gonna like you.” he stepped just a little closer, our bodies brushing. His hands still skimming over my sides, going still at the hip. He stared me down, waiting. Chuckling quietly. “C’mon, doll. You gotta talk to me.”
And finally, I managed to speak.
“I’m sure. I… I want to do this.” I stammered out quietly. I managed a smile. Reaching down into the pocket of my pale pink dress for the money I’d bought with me. “I’ll, uhh.. I’ll even pay extra.” I stumbled over my words, keeping my eyes trained on my feet.
He laughed quietly. Reaching up and tucking webbed fingers beneath my chin as he made me look at him. He shook his head no. “Keep your money, doll. Normally, I’d take you up on it. But I’m feelin generous tonight.”
I started to protest. I knew he needed the money, that was the whole reason Anna was throwing this party. She’d talked to him when he stuck around after her mom’s Tupperware party the week before and he’d mentioned money being tight.
Despite my attempt at protesting, he caught hold of my hand with his other hand. Shaking his head no all over again. “Relax.” he coaxed gently as he closed the distance between our bodies. The contrast of hard muscle against my softness had me exhaling sharply. Staring up at him quietly, in awe.
“Just curious here.. How far have you gone before, doll?” Jimmy asked.
I bit my lip and took a shaky breath. “Kissin. And I wasn’t so good at that, either.” I mumbled quietly.
“Maybe you were kissin the wrong man, doll.” Jimmy muttered as his fingers tangled in loose waves, using his grip on my hair to pull my mouth into his. Rough lips bumped against my mouth clumsily, latching on to my bottom lip as his free hand lowered, settling on my hip. He rubbed me against him and my breath caught in my throat, a gasp breaking free and lingering in the space between our mouths before being swallowed, Jimmy’s tongue tracing the outline of my lips as it slipped between them.
“ Anna was right.” Jimmy muttered breathlessly as I raised my arms, slipping them around his neck. Molding myself against him even more. “Oh?” I mumbled in a daze as the kiss deepened and my teeth latched onto his bottom lip, tugging, making him growl quietly as he continued, “When she said I was gonna like you, she was right.” and chuckled to himself quietly as the kiss broke and we pulled apart to breathe.
My thighs were starting to get slick and this dull throbbing ache was settling in. He scooped me up and stepped over to the mattresses nearby, dropping me on top of them carefully. Lowering himself to settle on top of me. One rough webbed hand caressed my cheek as he rocked himself against me.
I whimpered quietly, feeling the way he strained against worn denim. My hand disappeared between us, shaking fingers trying to pull the button of his jeans free. He chuckled quietly, burying his mouth in mine all over again as he lowered the hand placed on my cheek, guiding my hand away from the button of his jeans. I whined and rocked myself against him clumsily and he muttered softly against my ear, “We got all night, doll. I’m gonna take my time with you, sweetheart.”
The warmth of his breath against my skin sent an electric tingle racing through my body. My fingertips dug deeper into broad shoulders and I met his gaze, nodding.
The music from upstairs drifted down and the door at the top of the stairs banged shut quietly as it faded away, leaving nothing behind but the sound of our heavy breathing. Jimmy pressed into me a little more, carefully. Pulling his face away to stare down at me.
“My hands scare ya?” Jimmy questioned quietly. The tension that crept into his body as he waited on me to answer had me trying to get closer. Pulling him down on top of me completely. Raising one of my hands to his cheek and rolling my thumb over his bottom lip. Trying to relax him as he’d done for me earlier. I shook my head no. Gazing back up at him. Reaching for one of his hands. Wrapping mine around it. “Not at all, Jimmy.” I answered.
My answer seemed to have him taken aback. For seconds that seemed to stretch to hours, we lie there, staring at one another. His eyes searching mine. Maybe he thought I was lying. I wasn’t. I was being totally honest.
“Anna told me somethin else, doll…” Jimmy muttered at last, breaking the silence between us. Dragging his fingers over my cheeks as he gazed at me thoughtfully.
“Yeah?” I breathed out the word heavily, reaching up to caress his cheek. Pulling his face down, putting his mouth closer to mine. “What’d she tell you?” I breathed out as my lips brushed against his clumsily, latching onto the corner.
“She told me about what you said. When you saw me at the diner last week?”
I felt my cheeks heating up. Oh, I remembered exactly what I’d told Anna. It wouldn’t do me any good to play coy, I knew I couldn’t hide it if I tried. There was just something about those deep and thoughtful brown eyes as they locked on me, waiting on an answer.
“Which part?” I asked, my words coming in short and breathless pants as I dared to graze my lips against his.
That handsome and charming smile was back as his mouth crashed against mine all over again and he mumbled softly, “ The part about you saying I was a handsome guy. Oh, and my favorite part, me havin the kinda lips you longed to kiss… Color me curious doll, is it turnin out to be everything you imagined?”
I let out a ragged breath. At least she’d told him the tamest of the things I’d confessed to her when she kept bugging me about why I was staring so hard at the guy. I smiled up at him, gasping as he pressed himself into me a little more, pinning me flat against the bed. “ You are. Too handsome for me, actually. As far as the kissable lips,” I breathed out the words as I pulled away slightly to stare at him, “ Beyond what I imagined.”
Rough and webbed fingertips pressed against my soft lips as he shook his head and hushed what I’d been about to say. “Don’t say that, doll. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? Do ya?” as he bucked himself against me. Grabbing hold of my hand, guiding it down to the bulge strained at worn denim. “Do you feel what you’re doin to me? Trust me, doll. When I say you’re gorgeous and I want you real bad, I mean it.”
I shook my head. “No. I’m not, I’m really not.”
I wanted to believe him, but I was smarter than that. When you hear enough people tell you otherwise, you start to accept what you hear as fact.
His lips strayed from mine, dancing down my neck. I rubbed against him and he growled quietly, one of his hands drifting down to squeeze my hip, rocking himself into me. Catching my gaze and licking his lips as he took several shaky and drawn out breaths. His mouth brushing against mine just barely. Enough to tease. “You are.” he rocked himself against me all over again and I lowered my hand, palming at the front of his jeans. Whimpering as that needy ache built to a fever pitch.
I could feel myself starting to drip. The more his mouth and hands roamed. The harder he pressed into me and the more he rocked against me, the wetter I became. He crashed his mouth against mine again and muttered into a deep kiss, “There’s too much keepin us apart right now, sweetheart.”
I nodded in agreement, despite knowing that nobody had ever seen me naked before.
,, You were the one who said you wanted to change that… Remember? And tonight feels special. Better than you thought it was going to feel. He’s being so gentle and thoughtful.”
He tried to unbutton the front of my dress and untie the tie at the waist himself, but I could tell he was having problems. I sat up. Jimmy was agitated with himself, apologetic with me, sitting on the edge of the mattresses, staring at his hands as he grumbled quietly about not being able to do something as simple as undress me. I tapped his shoulder and caught his face in my hands, crashing my mouth against his. “It’s okay. It’s fine. I… I can help.” I offered in a quiet whisper.
“If I wasn’t a freak, you wouldn’t have to, sweetheart.” Jimmy muttered, shaking his head. Dropping his gaze. It hit me then, just how insecure Jimmy Darling, the man with the magic fingers, truly was. I bit my lip and took a few shaky breaths, pulling myself together. Gathering up the nerve. I’d come too far to be talked out of what I wanted, my reason for letting Anna set this up for me tonight.
All I had to do was follow through.
“Could you turn around?” I asked the question timidly. Jimmy chuckled. Biting his lip as he stared at me for a few long seconds before nodding and turning to face the wall. I unbuttoned and untied the dress, letting it fall to the floor at my feet. Leaving me in my pale pink slip.
I slipped off the mattresses, walking up behind him. Pressing against his back. Jimmy turned around, his eyes roaming hungrily. “You sure you wanna do this? With me?”
“For the last time. Yes. It has to be you, okay? I… I want you.” I muttered as I rose to tiptoe, pulling his mouth against mine. My hand dropped between us, tugging up the white tank top over his head. Letting it settle on the floor as soon as I got it off him. I drug my fingers down his chest, giving a soft giggle when I heard him growl quietly and felt him shiver a little at the soft touch. My fingers hooked in the waistband of his jeans and I paused, staring up at him. Swallowing hard. Trying to keep my nerve.
He gulped and stepped into me. I took a few steps back as he nodded towards the mattresses behind me, standing still when the backs of my knees brushing against the edge of the mattress. He pushed me down gently. I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, letting them pool to the ground. Jimmy tugged his boxers down, his thick cock springing free. Making me stare, my eyes widening at the sight of it, standing at attention, the tip glistening with precum. I swallowed hard, muttered mostly to myself, “It’s so big, I…” as I wondered if I could take all of him.
Jimmy chuckled. Settling between my legs to keep them spread as he leaned down and crashed his mouth against mine. “It’s not gonna hurt long, doll. I promise. I’ll be real gentle, okay?”
“O-okay.” I muttered. Jimmy tugged the slip up my body, letting me sit up so he could pull it off completely. Then he gently pushed me flat against the mattresses all over again, his thick cock rubbing right against my throbbing, wet center and making me gasp and writhe against him, desperate for friction, for anything that might help the ache.
“No panties, huh?” Jimmy mused in awe as he worked his mouth down the side of my neck.
“I…” I whimpered, fingers curling against the mattress and carding through his hair as he rubbed against me all over again and gazed down at me. “I knew what I was coming to do tonight.. Wanted to make it easier for you...”
Jimmy chuckled. “Good girl. Such a good girl.” his voice was velvet and gravel and a stubble lined jaw brushed against my skin, sending shivers through my body all over again. One of his hands captured both of mine over my head, holding them against the mattress as his mouth latched onto my neck carefully. Too carefully.
“Jimmy, c’mon.” I begged breathlessly.
“What do you want, doll? Use your words. C’mon, talk to me.” Jimmy coaxed, locking eyes with me as he tilted my face so that I couldn’t look away.
“Kiss my neck… Like you were before…”
“It might leave marks behind, doll… You don’t want me doin that, do ya?”
“I do.” I gasped as his the tip of his cock teased against my opening, turning a dull throb into a pounding ache that had my stomach coiling and had me dripping even more. “If I leave marks, doll.. Means somethin. Somethin a little more than what you came down here for tonight… Ya understand, sweetheart?” Jimmy’s eyes settled on me expectantly and he licked his lips as he let them roam.
“What’s it mean?” I asked quietly. Clinging to him as best as I could. Pulling him down on top of me even more. I wanted him closer. What I really wanted was to feel him buried inside me, but given my lack of experience, I felt it was for the best if I let Jimmy take the lead here.
“Means you’re my girl.” Jimmy’s mouth caught against mine, his lips locking on my top one. I felt his hand slip down between us, fingers dragging slow over my wet sex as he gave a quiet growl. He stared me down, curious gleam in his eyes. “I don’t think you want that, doll. Trust me.”
“ What if I do?” I asked, rubbing against him. Begging for more. Repeating my question when he didn’t say anything because I wanted him to know that I chose him and tonight for a reason. Otherwise, I’d have kept on the way I’ve been living. I just wanted him. I needed him. “What if I do, Jimmy Darling? Is that so bad?”
Jimmy blinked in shock. Bit his lip as he seemed to mull it over. His fingers slipping inside my throbbing sex, working me open carefully. Slowly. Stopping quickly when I tensed and grimaced at the sharp sting of pain that came with being stretched out for the first time. Waiting until I started to relax and tried to rock myself against his fingers, desperate for some kind of relief, anything to dull the ache.
“You’re jokin.” he muttered as he pressed into me, his mouth against the shell of my ear, nipping at my earlobe. “You can’t want that, sweetheart. I got nothin to offer. Nothin.”
“Maybe I do. There’s something about you, I… I can’t explain it. I don’t want things, okay? I don’t want empty words. I want you.”
“There’s something about you too, doll… But the life I live.. My hands…” Jimmy countered, stubborn. His fingers worked me open even more. Thrusting deeper inside, scissoring. I gasped and arched my back, clinging to him.
“It’s better than what I have going on. Quiet little librarian. No family. Nothing keeping me here. And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you in the diner. I even dream about you, Jimmy Darling.”
He chuckled huskily against my neck. His lips finally latching on, suction forming. His fingers slowed and I got a chance to catch my breath, relax a little. I could feel a mark forming on my neck. “We’ll see, okay? If you don’t try and find me after tonight, guess I’ll have my answer.”
I had no doubt in my mind. I was going to take any chance I could to try and find him.
Things happen for a reason.
“Jimmy, p-please.” I stammered out, rocking as best as I could against his scissoring fingers, “I need you now.”
His mouth dove against mine all over again. Needier. Deeper and more frantic. “Now, huh?” he muttered lazily as the kiss finally broke.
“Now.” I begged, rocking myself against his fingers as they scissored in and out of me faster and faster. My stomach coiled tight and my breath caught in my throat. I dug my fingers into his shoulder and the mattress and I tried to dig my heels in too, but nothing helped. I needed friction. I was so close to getting off that frustrated tears stung my eyes. “Please, baby?”
The term of endearment seemed to make something within him snap.
“It’s gonna hurt a little. I can’t help that, doll.” he groaned against my neck as his lips moved over it erratically. His cock teased against my sex and I tensed a little as it buried inside me. He stilled on top of me, peppering kisses and gentle nips against my face and neck, dragging his tongue over the outline of my lips as he stared down at me with a tender gaze before muttering quietly, “You okay now, sweetheart?”
“Mhm.” I mumbled, grazing my lips against his neck as I rocked myself into him, determined to get friction, one way or another. “Jimmy, c’mon. Please?”
He flashed me a tender smirk. “Like I’m gonna deny you anything, doll.” he mumbled as he started to slowly fuck into me, a hand moving down to my hip, stopping my movements. “Let me take care of ya, okay?”
I nodded, pouting up at him. His hips crashed against mine slow and steady and when his mouth found mine, my tongue slipped past his lips eagerly. The kiss deepened to a point where I felt myself getting light-headed. Clinging to him as I moaned his name over and over, making him smirk each time I did and it got a little louder. When the kiss broke, I muttered softly, “When do I get to take care of you, huh?”
“Later, sweetheart.” Jimmy promised as his cock buried inside me completely, stretching and overfilling me, making me grip onto him tighter. My lips grazing against his neck and latching on, leaving a small mark behind and making him growl, start to pound away at me a little harder and faster before he had to slow down all over again.
I clung to him, whimpering. Begging him for my release.
“Not yet, doll. Not done with you yet. You feel too fucking good.” Jimmy groaned into my mouth as his lips engulfed mine. His cock strummed against my spot and I writhed beneath him, dragging my fingers up and down his back, stopping when he tensed up just a little and winced.
“ ‘S okay, doll.” he muttered into the deepening kiss. My orgasm built to an almost blinding ache that had me shaking, barely able to hold on as he fucked me deep into the mattresses beneath me, his hips slamming into mine erratically, his hands and mouth all over me.
“Fuck. Oh fuck, doll. Don’t wanna stop.” he breathed against the shell of my ear, “But I can’t hold on much longer… Let go for me?”
I needed no coaxing at all. My orgasm tore through me, leaving me shivering and shaking as I struggled to keep the pace he set. His hips stammered and he rose up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, driving him even deeper inside, “Don’t stop.. C’mon, baby. Let go.” I coaxed breathlessly.
He bit his lip, staring down at me as he slowed down, tried to pull himself back from the edge. I clung to him, rocking my hips up to meet his thrusts and despite him trying to still my hips, I managed to keep going, making him shiver and melt against me as the warmth of his release flooded me, making me moan all over again as he settled on top of me, capturing my hands in his and burying his mouth against mine.
He collapsed to the mattress, pulling me against him as his arms wrapped around me. I went to say something but he shushed me, muttering quietly, “Let’s just lay here. I just…I wanna lay here, hold you and pretend.”
I wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to pretend anything, but I knew he wouldn’t hear it. I knew I’d have to prove him wrong.
And honestly, I was fine with it.
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nocherryblood · 3 years
So, only recently, in the past week I've been getting a lot (and a lot, for my blogs, is six) of random followers, and it was making me a little suspicious, so in the end I just decided to check everything out and see what was going on.
I mean, did a post of mine do really well or something? Did someone tag me a bunch of times? Did someone reblog something?
I checked who had followed me recently, and, low and behold, it was: bots! How great.
But what was even worse, was that these were s*x bots (I'm censoring some words to keep my blog somewhat safe). S*x bots.
So since I've seen a lot of these over the past few weeks, I've decided to put together a little of what I've found. It's nothing new- and it's pretty much common knowledge- but hopefully it might help a few people out (especially since I'm one of many people who try to keep their blog safe from harmful, or 18+ content) and maybe even help keep some people a little safer here on Tumblr
So, here we go:
First of all, check the pfps and usernames. Sometimes they'll be something like "d3rtyg1rl", but not always. Other times it'll be something like "sangdori" or "jpi011" (those are two real accounts that followed me, I've just changed one or two of the letters in them)- so something that sounds like a regular Tumblr account to tebe average user. So if the username checks out as 'normal', the next thing to look at, is the profile picture.
These, similar to the usernames, and all the other things I'm going to mention, may seem normal at first. Some of them may be fluffy kittens (a lot of them are "generic"), others may be a seemingly innocent selfie, a few of them are just blank Tumblr and some are just... straight-up 18+ photos. So be aware that not all of them are going to be easy to spot right away.
Right, so now we've come to the part where you've checked out the usernames and profile pics, and they both show no signs of anything sinister. Good- now, if you're still suspicious, it's time to check the actual account itself.
The first thing you might want to take a look at, is the content they've uploaded, or in some cases haven't uploaded, onto their blog. This is where things can get deceiving. Many of these accounts have just one "generic" post- such as slime, kittens, glitter, etc (usually these are eye-catching things, which means it can draw people, especially children, in)- immediately followed by some sort of sexual content underneath that, usually in the form of a nude photo or p*rn (some are obscured, though most aren't), which catches you off-guard, to say the least.
Now, as I said before, not all of these bot accounts are the same. Some don't have any uploaded content at all- this is where checking their Likes page comes in.
(And I'm aware that this may sound like we're stalking someone's account at this point, but trust me, we're not. We're just trying to keep ourselves safe- and these are not people, remember, they're bots. Bots don't care, bots don't have feelings. Bots don't care if we block them). So, back to the point, the next thing we check is the Likes pages.
Now, some of these pages will be purely 18+ content, as you would expect. Just straight-up p*rn links, or nude photos. But others, however, seem innocent at first... that is, until you scroll down the page. Usually, it's just liked photos of (again, the generic, and eye-catching stuff) some cute animals, a GIF of slime, or a popular meme, but if you scroll down a little further underneath that, you'll see that same innapropriate content all over again.
Though again, as with all the other things I've mentioned, some of these liked pages seem fine upon inspection, which is where we move onto the final thing to check if what you're seeing is a bot account: the following page.
To be quite simple... this is where you'll need to look at a bunch of accounts all over again... hooray! If you find that some of the accounts seem suspicious from just looking at the pfps and usernames, then great, that usually means you know that the account you were originally looking at is a bot account, and you can block them and be done with it (and even if you're not entirely sure, blocking them will keep you safe, and besides, it doesn't hurt anyone- believe me, your safety takes 100% priority over having that one extra follower).
But, if you can't tell just by looking at them, and you're still suspicious, and you don't want to just block the original account you were looking at... then this would be the time do all of the above again (checking likes, following pages, and content) just to make sure.
If you don't find anything else suspicious, then congratulations, it's probably not a bot account, and you don't have to worry about it. But again, if you ARE worried, then PLEASE do just block and/or report, the account. It's better to have one less follower, than be unsafe, or have to feel uncomfortable.
Now, if you've been through all of the above, and/or you're pretty sure that what you've seen is a bot account, then it's time to either block it, or report it.
To block an account, simply tap on the little 'human/person' icon in the top right of that specific account, and tap 'block' (note: this will only report them from one of your blogs. If you want to block them from another, or all of your blogs, you'll have to add them to the block list for taht specific blog). To report someone instead, just tap 'report'.
So, you might be wondering: what's the difference between reporting someone and blocking them?
Well, I'll tell you as best as I can. Blocking someone means:
They won’t be able to follow your blog, or send you fan mails or asks to your blog, and they won't be able to see your blog’s posts in their Dashboard. In addition to that, neither will they be able to like, reblog, or reply to your posts, and your blog won’t show up in their search results. It's a really good option.
They'll still be able to read your posts if they somehow come across them, but they can't interact/reblog them- at all. The only way people would even know you've blocked them is if they find that they get denied permission to interact with your blog- but remember, the chances of the finding out that youve blocked them is VERY slim, if it even happens at all (though remember we're talking about bots here though, not actual people, I just thought it would be useful information to include anyway).
Alright, so now onto reporting someone. Reporting someone means that:
The account will receive an email stating that they've posted banned content and must take it down. Tumblr will then still automatically take it down, and the account either gets suspended or deleted.
I would say that reporting the s*x bots would be the best thing you can do in this situation (you can still block them afterwards), seeing as the account will hopefully then be taken down (instead of just blocked on your blog) after being reviewed, which could help keep Tumblr at least a little safer once it does.
And just in case you were wondering: no-one will know if you've reported their account. The only way they'll know they've been reported (and they won't know who reported them) is if their content gets taken down or if their account is deleted- so don't worry about people accusing you of reporting them, as Tumblr keeps it anonymous anyway.
(Again, I've only added that part as useful information, seeing as s*x bots aren't real people and therefore won't care if they've been blocked or reported.)
There's more information about reporting and blocking people, along with Tumblr's policies and guidelines here, if you need it:
Right... so I think that just about covers everything I wanted to say. If there's anything I've gotten wrong, or you think you could add on to, just drop a note or reblog this to help. After all, I don't know everything about these s*x bots, and just writing from my experience and what I've noticed about them. So help and/or additional information would be greatly appreciated.
I'm just fed up of seeing them everywhere and them making me think I've got a new follower who's actually interested in the blogs I make, when it's actually just a not trying to take me to some random p*rn website. It's wrong. So I just decided to write about my frustrations.
Now, Tumblr, if you could please sort your shit out, that'd be great, thank you very much, and we can all get on with our day.
If you've read this far, thank you very much for your time, and I hope I've managed to help you at least somewhat when it comes to dealing with these types of things in the future, or maybe just given you a little more awareness about how to stay safe on Tumblr, and other similar sites.
Anyway, I hope y'all have a wonderful day, and that you stay safe. Happy new year, too! 💛💙
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yeonjuins · 2 years
AJADKJAS no yeah I get it and yes! I know what clip you’re talking about- it’s so funny that mark will gush over someone but when someone does it to him he’s like 🤨 SKSKSK but I’ll link the video where I saw the clip in
ohhh okay it would be good thing if it’s just that you’re waking up at 7am because it could be easier to fix if you’re able to (like if you don’t have any classes or anything) but yay! congrats on finishing it! ♡︎♡︎♡︎ and make sure to rest well ♡︎♡︎♡︎
AJSKSKDKKD mood though- no literally me too!! like I just felt so bleh today but I forced myself to go because my attendance is wack. and I’m literally on the verge of tears because I have two exams already on Thursday like… idk maybe my perception of time has been off but it seems like I just took the other exams I did-
oh oh okay I remember that now KSKSSK I didn’t know they had a character limit for asks though but I should’ve know since there’s a character limit for tags lol but !! at least I’m getting by with the copy and paste
me tooo like I can’t dance worth of nothing but i absolutely love watching choreography videos there was a time where that was all I watched and I subscribed to like so many and like that would be the only thing I watched AKSKSK I would be happy to hear your tangent about dances at some point though!!
AJSKSKDKDKD its okay thank you for sharing but here you gooooo https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdmrJDSo/ it’s the fourth clip
no literally they actually add the previous tags for me and I’m like ???? It’s funny but not funny that every update they do is either horrible or not necessary
(lengthy response!)
my dear love i am wiping your tears away ): ur exam is tomorrow i hope u do well my dearest i believe in you so much.. omg btw if you don't mind me asking, what time zone are you in ;0 i'm in est for reference (just wondering cause you were mentioning dates and im like oh hm you are in the future !??! are you in the past !?!? are we in the same time ?!??! DID YOU ALRDY TAKE UR EXAM /?!?!)
I LOVE THAT TIKTOK YOU SENT SO MUCH ASHUDJKAMW MARK HYUCK DYNAMIC >> i love their brotherly love for one another it makes me very ((":
for some reason the weather here recently got SO BAD ?! IT BEGAN SNOWING ?!?! D: which is so ironic because i was like overheating yesterday in my room but then this happened....
i slept at like 3am last night but SURPRISINGLY i didn't take a nap in the library... i think the insanity is getting to me so i am awake off of sheer will power right now ;; since the weather went to shit and it's cold in my house, i've just been trying to kill time at my internship because there's really nothing for me to do but i feel guilty if i clock in hours without actually doing anything </3 trying to busy myself with dumb things but i end up just scrolling through tumblr and contemplating some things
i feel like my days lately has been literally me just killing time... waiting for something to pass until the next event happens
ONNN THE BRIGHT SIDE !!! i do have stuff happening in april it's literally just the days in between that make me 🥴i'm going to see an orchestra on friday with my friend !!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then i have a whole week off soon so HOPEFULLY I CAN !! FUCKING !!! FIX MY SLEEPING SCHEDULE !! MAYBE I'LL MAKE A GFX !!! IDK anyways i hope ur exam goes well my love mwuah ktihes
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