#hopefully its not bad
rougedemigods · 2 years
1899 do not disappoint me
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She got em 😔
This is very old. But life has been repeatedly kicking me while I'm down, and I want to share something because sharing these stupid drawings and seeing how people react brings me some joy :')
I'll admit I did plan on finishing this at some point, but it's gotten too old to the point where... it's just too old. I don't want to touch it.
Also YES dib is catfishing zim 1000000000000%
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iooiu · 1 year
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playing around with future donnie’s design and all i can say for sure is this:
1) lose an arm gain three
2) dies
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gwyoi · 2 months
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hi everyone sorry to make another post, but I was sick with a sinus and ear infection that I had to miss 4 days of work to recover from. I just need enough to get out of the negatives and pay for my car insurance, which is $160. I’ll hopefully be getting a second job remotely soon but until then I am a little bit fucked.
4/12/24 - $0/300
paypal - gwyoi
venmo - gwyoi
cashapp - gwyoi
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meroaw · 5 months
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firestar's ceremony
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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birdricks · 6 months
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the final phrase of my last sentence / hangs in the air, sounding stupider and stupider
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cornkernelcorp · 1 month
Three age periods of the Bastard himself!
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Unripe to growing, Banana Eel was originally just a cursed child whom wandered from house to house- until he eventually found himself on the sea. He found work in it, though he often got into trouble for stealing stock and being a general nuisance. One run-in with pirates, and he was changed forever. Felt quite inspired by their greed and glory.
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Then, a few decades in the future. Much more browned and ripened- partly by his age but much more by his curse. There was a side effect he discovered very late into his life, and it was that his body ripening (and further down, degrading/rotting) is dependent on how often he used it... and well, he uses it a lot.
His later years focus on getting rid of the curse, as it got hard to live the same way he did before.
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mitskikissme · 10 months
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As promised zolu as a late birthday gift for @kalofi !! Tried drawing them more or less how u do!!
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nonbinoclard · 10 days
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i spent WAY too long on this dumbass post. please enjoy
(original post)
there is a HUGE part of me that deeply regrets coloring this bc. idk. it feels a teeny uncanny. i used their in-game portraits as color references which was a big challenge for me and i really dk if it came out looking good but…..at least i learned something… i think!
anyway. check out the lineart, i fuck w the lineart a lot
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i know harry looks weird but i need you guys to be supportive bc im sensitive ok? ok
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viivie · 2 months
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y'all,,, y'all i've been working on this for like the past two months its finally finished shaking crying spinning in a spinny chair exc exc
I don't normally add these but since I put a lot of detail and effort into this one there's some closeups + a ramble under the cut c:
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This is actually a remake of the first drawing I ever posted to tumblr c: At the time I was really happy with it,, but I definitely feel like I've improved a lot and I'm actually really proud of how this piece came out :,D I just wanted to include a bunch of my favorite things in a drawing,, so,,, uh,,, egl-esque fashion + sanrio + pastels + three houses my beloveds,,,
originally I was gonna also include individual like transparent pngs for the lords but that would require a bit more rendering and I Am Very Tired(tm) so. Maybe some other day LMAO
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basslinegrave · 4 months
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yourhighness6 · 4 months
I've seen a lot of people say that Zutara would just work in the live action if they eliminated Aang's crush on Katara in the first couple seasons and NO. no no no no NO. I want Zutara to happen as much as the next person, but I think Aang's crush should stay intact. If they include the want vs need plot line introduced in "The Guru" in book 2, it could be an easy way to launch some much needed character development for Aang. Having him struggle with letting go of an unreciprocated crush at the beginning of book 3 might actually be a jumping off point for what Bryke tried to do with his arc in the final book, making him seem wiser, more mature, and assertive without coming off as a complete jerk like he did in the animated series.
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moeblob · 8 months
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Me, too, Blade. Me. Too.
(I am taking donations to buy a gigantic $250 stuffed cheeseburger. It's giant. I want it. I will never obtain it. I saw it in a shop window and..... wow. Big.)
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wabblebees · 11 months
((please rb if you vote! obv this is just silly but im curious+wanna see ppls opinions<3))
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semisolidmind · 1 year
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Villain Wukong Wins! -Try Again?
(i was rendering this and it started to look sorta like a game over screen, so i added some text. in reference to my bad end wukong post about him being a villain, macaque taking his place in the journey, and him taking reader hostage)
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