#hopefully the event play and rewards will make up for this
acearohippo · 1 year
Dislyte: drops new event
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Story is about Athena esper
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4 new espers drop and NONE OF THEM have white hair
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More club content updates
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More opportunities to six star some legendaries with the esper fuse update
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But no mention of a desolate lands refresh/update
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Markiplier is apparently making a guest appearance
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Realises that it's ok because Tawaret, my love, is not apart of this update so she shan't be tainted
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19 notes · View notes
lostwords-found · 2 months
Oh no. Oh fuck. I am relistening to some of the earlier Protocol episodes, and I have a horrible, terrible, no good very bad suspicion about Gerry.
I could, I want to emphasize, be completely wrong! I could be wildly, hilariously, off the mark. But--hear me out. This is going to take some explaining about what I think is going on in the bigger picture worldbuilding stuff; hopefully it'll be coherent, but fair warning, it may get a bit long.
First: there have been a lot of cases that have boiled down to trying to keep only the "good"/desirable/etc aspects of things or events or people, and discard the "bad"/unwanted, right? We saw this happening very explicitly in episode 23 with Alesis Newman, and way back in episode 2 with Daria the painter, but a number of episodes have presented variations on a similar theme.
Two variations in particular that I've been thinking a lot about are the violinist in episode 4 and the gambler in episode 9. The violinist can play his violin beautifully, but he wants to be rid of the price in flesh and blood that it demands. Similarly, the gambler wants the rewards of rolling high on his magic dice, but wants to be rid of the misfortunes that come with rolling low. Crucially, both episodes make clear that in this type of balance--something unwanted for something wanted--you can't just make the unwanted piece vanish. It has to go somewhere, it has to happen. But you can make it happen to someone else, somewhere else. And when that's how the game works, one of the major questions for players who want to get ahead then becomes: "how do I make the bad stuff stay happening somewhere else, and keep reaping the benefits of the good stuff that balances it out?"
Here's where this gets wildly speculative and from here on I freely acknowledge that I may be talking out my ass:
I think the Magnus Institute was investigating that question. I suspect a great many alchemists before the Institute, probably going back to the times of Albertus Magnus, were investigating it as well. I think the Great Work they were attempting -- the "universal transmutation" alluded to in episode 21 as the Magnus Institute's aim -- was the exact opposite of Jonah Magnus's own "Great Work" in TMA. In other words, I think they were probably trying to make the world an eternal paradise, rather than an eternal hell.
But if you're getting rid of all the "bad" stuff, all the suffering and misfortune, it's got to go somewhere.
I think they were sending it through to other worlds.
I'm not going to get into all the reasons I think that right now, because that's a whole essay in itself, but basically--the Leitners in TMA? The artifacts? All the little bits and pieces of evil given physical form, that never had a clear origin point in the world where they caused so much suffering for so long? We've all been worried about them winding up here, post-Archives... but I think this is where they came from in the first place. I think they were sent away in the hopes that an increase in "bad" in other worlds would lead to an increase in "good" in this one. Remember all those books Albrecht von Closen found in the tomb in the Black Forest in TMA, that Jonah Magnus later stole and let loose on the world? Remember that Albrecht found a mysterious coin along with them dated 1279? Albertus Magnus died in 1280; I strongly suspect he sent those books from the world of Protocol to that of Archives shortly before his death, much as the world of Archives sent the tapes away centuries later. But I think Protocol's world kept sending things away, kept trying to export "bad" and import "good". Remember all those happy, laughing volunteers bringing strange and sinister items to the charity shop on Hill Top Road in episode 7? "All for a good cause."
Okay so. Now. With that bit of hypothetical framework for Protocol's worldbuilding in place, let's next go back to Alesis Newman of episode 23. Her expressed wish is to create a new her. "Someone better. Someone the pain can't touch." Someone who can be everything Alesis wishes she could have been. Someone "free of all (her) mistakes."
But increasingly it sounds like what she actually wants isn't to create someone new. It is to create someone who is only a part of her current self. Someone who, she says in one of her last few posts, will "just be the good parts of me."
And if that's the case, if what she's really trying to do is make someone who holds only the "good" parts of her, someone who can be happy and strong and perfect and loved by everyone forever... what happens to the bad parts of Alesis Newman, as she currently exists? What about the parts of her that feel pain and fear, the parts of her that make mistakes, the parts of her that she rejects?
One might assume, from the experience she narrates, that those pieces of her are simply being destroyed. But that doesn't line up with the suggestion we've seen from earlier episodes that there has to be some kind of balance maintained in these bargains. What she actually says is happening to her--and what the forum members have apparently told her will happen, through this process--is that she and this "new her" are "becoming one... and then two."
I don't think the "bad" parts of Alesis Newman are dying. I think they're also going to become a "new her"--they're just going to go somewhere else, somewhere the new, happy, strong, perfect version of Alesis Newman never has to see them.
Still with me?
Now let's talk about Gerry. Let's talk about the smiling, laughing, irrepressibly happy Gerry Keay we meet early in Protocol. Gerry who seems to have everything that the Gerry Keay of Archives was denied.
Gerry who underwent tests at the Magnus Institute as a child, and who, per the static over his and "Gee Gee's" words, holds a few more secrets about what went on there than he let on to Sam and Celia.
Back when I first heard Gerry's appearance in episode 8, it sure felt like a narrative gut punch: This is who he could have been in Archives, if not for the presence of the Fears. This is what Jon and Martin's final decision threatens to destroy--for this safe, happy version of Gerry, and for everyone else in his world.
I'm now suspecting it might be significantly worse than that. I think the Magnus Institute might have done to Gerry Keay something similar to what Alesis Newman later did to herself: made him New. Kept only the good parts--ensured a happy, comfortable, good life for him. In which case, all the bad stuff--all the parts of Gerry Keay that would ever have to suffer from bad luck, to feel pain and fear and misery...
...well. They'd have had to go... somewhere else, wouldn't they.
Which would suggest I had the causality the wrong way around the first time I heard Gerry's appearance in Protocol: maybe it's not "Gerry has a happy life in this world because he didn't have to suffer everything that the Gerry Keay of Archives did."
Maybe it's "Gerry in Archives had to suffer everything he did because Gerry in Protocol was made to always be happy."
439 notes · View notes
cybrsan · 7 months
Light It Up! — K.HJ, P.SH
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STORY SUMMARY: The year is 2077, and the world is a lawless dystopia where tech giants and major corporations hold all the power. Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa are an infamous criminal duo who have made names for themselves fighting against the "techno brainwashing" of society. Discovering they're on the brink of getting caught, they decide to go out with a bang—and who better to help them than their favorite plaything?
PAIRING: Kim Hongjoong x F!Reader x Park Seonghwa
RATING/GENRE: M ; smut ; criminal / cyberpunk / dystopian AU
WARNINGS: Arson, breaking and entering, clubbing, alcohol + drug use, pet names (doll, precious), rioting, violence
NSFW WARNINGS: Choking, creampie, cum stuffing, cunnilingis, deep throating, exhibitionism, fire play, fingering, free use, hair-pulling, knife play (light), multiple orgasms, play party, public sex, spitroasting, sub drop, threesome, overstimulation
A/N: Don't blame me, blame the MATZ m/v.
LINKS: Masterlist, cross-posted on AO3.
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“And… there!” 
After days of meticulous planning, organizing, and making shady, back-alley deals, it’s finally done. The last camera is in position—everything is ready for the big event. All that’s left for you to do is step back and admire your work.  
Switching on your illegally procured holodeck, you press a few buttons and watch as the space around you completely transforms. What was once an abandoned warehouse is now a club that could rival any in the city center. Neon lights pulse to heavy synth, serving bots whiz from place to place,  and the makeshift bar looks inviting enough with rows of expensive bottles on display. Whether or not the liquor in the bottles is worth the price, well… Hopefully people will be too distracted to notice. 
The focal point, the one thing you are most proud of, is the transparent stage that extends at least 15 feet above the dance floor. Taking in the grandeur of it all is more than enough to get you excited for what's to come. You're certain that Hongjoong and Seonghwa will put on the performance of the century. 
Today is incredibly important for both of them, and the fact that they have trusted you enough to include you more than makes up for the long hours and strenuous work. They’re currently out setting up their "grand finale," which they have been painstakingly cryptic about. You have your suspicions, not that you need or even want to know the specifics. 
A low whistle pierces the air. "You really outdid yourself this time, doll." 
You turn to look at Seonghwa as he enters, and your heart practically skips a beat when you take in his appearance—he must have changed in preparation for the big event. His hair, pulled away from his face, lets you focus on his features; dark eyes, full lips, all beautifully accented by his smoky makeup. His outfit is one you haven't seen on him before, but it suits him perfectly, from the gold chains hanging around his neck to the deep cut of his silk shirt.  
"Thanks, Hwa," you reply bashfully, dusting off your hands on your jeans. "Just trying to do my part." 
He approaches you, a smirk tugging at his lips. The way he stares at you, drinks you in… it makes you feel like a prey animal who has found itself in the sights of a predator. You blush and cast your gaze to the floor, suddenly fascinated by the specks of dirt at your feet. 
"And you have done it spectacularly." He lifts your chin with his pointer finger, forcing you to look him in the eyes. "I think you deserve a reward." 
Seonghwa drops his gaze to your lips for just a moment before he leans in, closing the space between you with an almost agonizing slowness. The kiss is gentle and commanding all at once and you shiver, immediately pulling him closer. The fatigue, the stress—all of it melts away.
His fingers tangle in your hair, pulling on it with just enough force to make you gasp. His tongue slides expertly against yours, the taste of him something sweet and darkly rich, like cherry liquor. It’s addictive. But the moment ends too soon for your liking, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
Seonghwa doesn’t pull away entirely, resting his forehead against yours as he lifts a hand to brush a stray lock of hair away from your face. He lets his touch linger as he traces a path down your neck, lithe fingers playing with the necklace dangling above your chest. Three dainty, silver hearts. One for you, one for Seonghwa, and one for—
The rev of a motorcycle engine cuts through the air, and your head snaps toward the sound just in time to see Hongjoong park his bike at the door. He takes off his helmet and shakes out his hair which you’re surprised to see is freshly dyed. It almost makes you laugh; of course even as he’s out running errands for his coup de grâce, he finds time for fashion.
“Not starting the party without me, I hope?”
Hongjoong’s heeled boots click pleasantly atop the concrete flooring as he walks over to the two of you. His synthetic fur coat is a bright orange, the complete opposite of what one might expect a criminal on the run to wear. But both he and Seonghwa have never been ones for hiding.
“Never,” Seonghwa replies, clapping a hand on the back of the younger’s neck. “Did you get it done?”
Hongjoong scoffs in a teasing manner. “Did you doubt I would?”
“Of course not.” Seonghwa squeezes Hongjoong’s neck once before letting go and clapping his hands together. “Looks like it’s time for the show.”
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A few hours later, the party is in full swing. The once-empty warehouse is now filled to the brim with people dressed in cloaks and masks for the sake of anonymity. Some are on the dance floor, grinding against each other, while others have drifted toward the bar, downing shots and laughing.
Toward the back of the room, there's a group huddled around a table, huffing glitter, black lace, and who knows what other kinds of drugs. Meanwhile, others are tangled together on couches, lost in the throes of ecstasy. The air is so thick with the smell of smoke and sweat that it almost makes you dizzy.
A hand wraps around your neck from behind, pulling you against a warm body, and you gasp. “That’ll be us later, precious,” Hongjoong whispers, hot breath fanning against your ear. Your nervousness ebbs away, immediately replaced by eagerness.  “Do you like watching them? Or maybe you’d prefer to be the one being watched?”
You lean back against him, the hand around your neck a welcome pressure. “Both,” you breathe.
You feel his chest rumble with laughter. “Good.” 
He separates from you, and you turn to face him. He seems so confident, so excited, that it’s hard to believe he and Seonghwa are about to paint targets on both of their backs. Hit by a wave of anxiety, you lean forward and kiss him. He immediately reciprocates, nipping at your bottom lip and eagerly exploring your mouth with his tongue. 
Kissing him is always different than kissing Seonghwa. Seonghwa’s kisses are controlled, with a hidden power brewing behind them. There’s always a promise of more, a hint at what is to come when he finally lets go. On the other hand, Hongjoong kisses with reckless abandon. He is uninhibited, always ready to devour you whole. When he pulls back, a string of spit hangs between you before snapping.
“You nervous?” You nod, and he gently tweaks your chin between two fingers. “Don’t be. Those tech bastards have no idea what we have in store.”
“I just want the two of you to be safe.”
“And we will be,” he assures you. "After everything goes up in flames. Trust me, precious. Trust us.”
“I do.” And it’s true. You trust them with everything that you have.
“That’s our girl.” He kisses you again. “It’s time to go live.”
You take out your holodeck, and with the click of a button, all the cameras you set up switch on. You hurriedly switch channels through all the local stations, thrilled to see that it worked and the entire club is being streamed live to every device in the city. 
You stop the music and make the lights go out, causing a hush to fall over the crowd. You shine one beam of light directly onto the stage and you watch as Seonghwa steps out to address the throng of people below. He is captivating and has no problem commanding all of the power in the room. 
“Welcome one and all,” Seonghwa begins, voice booming over the speakers. “If you’re here, it means you are brave enough to fight against the corporations that enslave our society!”  
Hongjoong steps up next to him, and while he’s smaller in stature, he exudes no less power. However, he stays silent as Seonghwa continues, “We will not be silenced any longer. Tonight, we raise our voices in defiance; we will no longer bow down to those who seek to control us!” 
The crowd explodes into thunderous applause but immediately falls silent when Hongjoong raises a hand. "But tonight isn’t just about the revolution—it is also a celebration of our freedom, our individuality, and our unity. So let loose because everyone in the city is watching and we all know that, deep down, they wish they were us!” 
Cheers and shouts fill the room once again as everyone raises their glasses in solidarity. Your heart swells with pride as you take it all in. You have become a part of something far greater than yourself and, just like your boys, you are willing to do whatever it takes to see it through to victory.
You switch the music and lights back on and the party resumes in full force. People seem to go even harder than they were before, playing up their hedonism for the cameras. Seonghwa and Hongjoong have disappeared into the crowd, likely to mingle and spread their message one-on-one. 
Seonghwa favors the dance floor, hypnotizing those around him as he moves. A contented smile tugs at the corner of his lips as his hips sway to the beat, as beautiful as he is provocative. He flits from person to person, holding them close as he whispers into their ears. He occasionally catches you watching him, always making sure to tease you with a wink. 
On the other hand, Hongjoong stalks the perimeter of the room, moving from group to group. His skill lies in charming people with his words, and tonight is no different. Everyone who speaks to him smiles and laughs, completely enamored with everything he says. He shakes hands, claps shoulders, and you have no doubt that if people weren’t loyal before, they will be when he’s through.
You stick to one of the quieter corners of the room in order to keep an eye on the cameras. You need to make sure that everything is running smoothly both in and out of the club; the last thing you need is for someone to reveal your location or try to hack into your network and ruin everything. You also keep a close eye on your boys, making sure they stay safe.
It’s past midnight by the time they come and find you. Hongjoong sits on your left, placing a hand on your thigh as he leans toward you and kisses your cheek. His lips linger a moment longer than necessary, and as he pulls back, he purrs, “You should be out there, dancing, having fun.”
“I am having fun,” you say, taking the champagne glass offered to you by Seonghwa. 
Seonghwa sits on your right, throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you against his side. “You would be having even more fun if you put down the holodeck.” 
Hongjoong takes it from you, throwing it haphazardly onto the cushion beside him. “Don’t argue.” 
He leans forward again, this time lightly nibbling your earlobe with his teeth. You gasp, knuckles turning white as you tighten your grip on your glass out of instinct. Seonghwa watches the two of you with half-lidded eyes, his hand trailing down your side and slipping underneath the hem of your shirt to trace patterns over your flushed skin.
“It’s a night for celebration, doll,” he murmurs. “You have done your job. The only thing we need from you now is… well, you.” He squeezes your hip and you jump slightly. “The badges will be here in a little over an hour according to one of my sources. While not as long as I’d like, it gives us just enough time to have a celebration of our own.”  
Your thighs clench in anticipation—you know exactly what he’s hinting at. 
"Lead the way, then," you say, setting your half-empty glass down.
Seonghwa’s gaze meets Hongjoong’s over your head, an unspoken agreement passing between them. They stand up and pull you toward the dance floor, surrounding you, one at your front and one at your back. You sway between them to a slow, seductive rhythm, closing your eyes as you let yourself enjoy their attention.
Seonghwa’s hands rest on your waist, pulling you against him as he starts to move his hips in tandem with yours, grinding against you. Meanwhile, Hongjoong cups your face, thumb tracing your bottom lip. His eyes are dark and intense as he captures your mouth with his own in a searing kiss. 
Seonghwa’s grip tightens, fingers digging into your skin as he watches Hongjoong devour you. He keeps one hand on your hip while the other snakes around to cup the back of Hongjoong’s neck, causing the younger to moan into your mouth at the touch. Now with a possessive grip on you both, Seonghwa gets to work nipping and marking the exposed skin of your shoulder. 
The room seems to disappear around you as they continue to explore you, their mouths and hands feeling like they are everywhere at once. It's intoxicating, even more so than the champagne you were drinking earlier. You feel Seonghwa’s hand trail even lower, disappearing under your waistline, snapping the band of your underwear against your skin.
You gasp and Hongjoong laughs against you, nipping at your bottom lip before pulling back with a satisfied smirk on his face. “Let’s give them a good show, hm?” 
You let the two of them drag you onto the stage, cheeks ablaze as you realize exactly what they’re planning. You’re hyper aware of the fact that you are being watched; even though most of the club-goers are lost in their own pleasure, the viewers that are steaming have nothing better to do than keep their eyes locked on you. 
Seonghwa clicks his tongue, squishing your cheeks between his fingers. “Look at our girl, acting so shy.” His fingers find your heart necklace, tugging at it just hard enough to make you gasp. “As if wearing this doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want to you, whenever and wherever we want.” 
Hongjoong takes a switchblade out of his pocket, flipping it open with a maniacal grin on his face. He uses it to cut away your clothes, exposing your body for everyone to see. Your knees shake and whether it is out of anxiety or anticipation, you can’t tell. 
He traces the tip of it against your skin, the cold metal leaving goosebumps in its wake. “We know you love it, precious,” he says. “Don’t you want everyone to see how good we make you feel? Think of all the viewers out there that will feel oh-so-scandalized but still won’t be able to look away. Not to mention all the greedy whores who will be getting themselves off to us, wishing they were in our places.” 
Seonghwa pulls you against him just like he did on the dance floor, once again letting his fingers tease his way down your stomach. But this time, he lets them travel even lower, dipping into your folds. 
“Look how wet you are just from this,” he remarks, bringing his fingers back up and spreading them so you can see the evidence of your own desire. He then extends them to Hongjoong who greedily laps at them, sucking them clean. 
You whine, trying to keep your legs closed from embarrassment, knowing anyone below the stage can look right up at you and see exactly how aroused you are. But Seonghwa won’t let you, shoving his knee between your thighs. Almost instinctively, you grind down on it, letting another pathetic sound slip past your lips. 
Hongjoong’s eyes glint with wicked delight at your reaction, his own hands reaching out to cup your breasts. “Someone’s eager,” he teases, tweaking a nipple between two fingers.
You hear a few wolf whistles from the crowd, a few lewd comments being thrown your way, but they only make you more excited. 
“I…” You’re panting heavily, making it hard for you to speak. You have to take a deep breath before trying again. “I want you. Please.”
“Anything for you, doll,” Seonghwa coos, returning his attention to your core. He pushes in one finger all the way to his knuckle with no warning and, if it weren’t for his hold on you, your legs would have buckled. 
“Fuck.” The curse slips from your lips, half whimper, half moan, as he continues pumping his finger inside your wet heat. 
Hongjoong lowers his head, taking one of your nipples in his mouth as he pinches and tugs at the other. You grip his shoulders for purchase as your head lolls back to rest on Seonghwa’s chest, whining at the onslaught of sensation. The feeling of Seonghwa inside of you while Hongjoong lavishes his attention on your breasts is unlike anything you have ever felt. 
As Seonghwa adds another finger, Hongjoong’s lips mark a path from your breasts, to your stomach, and then lower as he sinks to his knees in front of you. He grabs your thighs, fingers digging into your skin, just as his tongue finds your clit. His tongue draws figure eights around it as Seonghwa continues to pump his fingers relentlessly inside of you. 
“T-too much…” you gasp. But neither of them slow down—if anything, feeling how close you are makes them double down on their efforts. Hongjoong sucks your clit into his mouth at the same time Seonghwa adds a third finger, curling them inside of you. 
Seonghwa kisses the back of your ear, his hot breath making you shiver. “You’re so beautiful like this,” he murmurs. 
That small bit of praise is all it takes to send you tumbling over the edge, eyes rolling back as your body goes taut with pleasure. Hongjoong eagerly laps up your release, only prolonging your orgasm. Seonghwa gently removes his fingers from you and you hear rather than see when he brings them to his mouth, tasting yourself on his skin. 
Hongjoong pulls back, licking his lips to clean them of your release before his trademark smirk returns. “I think it’s time for you to return the favor, precious. Don’t you think, Hwa?” 
Seonghwa trails a hand down your spine, humming. “I don’t know if she can handle it.”
“I can,” you gasp, eager to please them just as they did you. “I can, I promise. Anything you want.” 
You almost jump from surprise as some spectators in the crowd start yelling their vulgar suggestions as to how exactly they think you should please your partners. You’re sure if you looked at your holodeck, the live chat would be filled with similar comments as well. 
Hongjoong laughs, grabbing your face in his hand. “Don’t worry about them. You can have us however you like.” 
Blushing, you say, “You choose.” 
His eyes light up and he immediately looks behind you to Seonghwa. Just like earlier, some sort of silent communication passes between them, and then you feel Seonghwa’s hand on the small of your back, urging you to bend over. 
“Why don’t you show our Joong what that pretty mouth of yours can do while I fill you up, hm?”
You barely have enough time to nod your agreement before Hongjoong is unbuckling his belt and freeing himself of his constraints. You nearly salivate at the sight of his cock, red and wanting. He grabs your hair and pulls, tugging you forward as much as he can with Seonghwa’s bruising grip on your waist keeping you in place. Tears prick at your eyes but it’s as pleasurable as it is painful, and you take him into your mouth eagerly.
The head of Seonghwa’s cock teases your folds before he finally pushes forward into you. He starts moving at a slow, torturous pace, pulling out of you before slamming right back in. Each thrust propels you forward, forcing you to take Hongjoong deeper into your mouth. You feel so full, so used. It’s incredible.
“Look at her,” Hongjoong coos, staring down at you. “Look at how well she takes us.” 
Seonghwa just groans, grinding into you so deeply that you have to choke back a moan around Hongjoong’s cock. He’s gotten quieter, his thrusts sloppier, a telltale sign that he is losing himself in his own pleasure. Meanwhile, Hongjoong’s grip tightens around your hair, guiding your head back and forth on his length. Each thrust cuts off your air supply, making you see stars.    
Seonghwa’s hand snakes around to your front, fingers finding your swollen clit. You moan again, and Hongjoong echoes you as the vibrations travel up his cock. 
“Shit,” he curses. “So fucking good.” 
Seonghwa’s thrusts grow increasingly erratic and you hear his breath hitch; instinctively, you clench around him, and he spills into you. His release sends you spiraling into your second orgasm of the night, walls fluttering around him as you milk his cock of every drop. 
Hongjoong pulls out of your mouth not long after, squeezing the base of his shaft to prevent himself from following the two of you over the edge. The second Seonghwa steps away from you, he is taking his place, forcing himself inside of you before any of the elder’s cum can drip out. 
“Hongjoong,” you gasp, nearly falling forward from the force of his thrusts. Seonghwa maneuvers himself so that he can support you, holding you in his arms as Hongjoong pounds into you with bruising force. 
“Gonna fill you just like Hwa did,” he growls. “Make you mine. Ours. You’re ours.” 
“Can’t… can’t…” Words escape you, your mind going blank. 
“Yes, you can,” Seonghwa says, stroking your hair. “You can take it. You can come for us one more time.”
His voice is comforting, but you also hear the command in his tone. You choke out a sob, nodding weakly as Hongjoong guides your hips back against him again and again. You can feel another orgasm coming on already, the coil tightening in your stomach. Seonghwa continues to murmur words of praise, stopping only to pepper kisses along your heated skin. 
The coil snaps and you cry out as you come undone, Hongjoong’s cock still buried deep inside of you. His hips stutter and he curses, his warm release mixing with Seonghwa’s. He slowly pulls out and you can feel as some of their cum trickle down your thighs. You collapse against Seonghwa completely, no longer able to stand on your own two legs. 
You feel light-headed and blood pounds in your ears, muffling the cheers you assume are coming from the crowd. You’re too far gone to be embarrassed, and a lazy smile tugs at your lips—the three of you surely gave them the show of a lifetime. 
Suddenly, you feel heat lick at your skin, and you snap back into yourself fully, cringing away from it. Your eyes focus, and you see Hongjoong flicking a lighter open and closed, open and closed.  
“There’s our girl,” he remarks. He brings the lighter to your skin again, just close enough for you to feel the heat of it without it burning you. “I think we were a bit rough with you, precious. You were totally out of it, shivering and everything.” 
Seonghwa is behind you again, rubbing his hands up and down your arms. You press further against him, squirming as the heat tickles your skin. 
“Back with us?” Seonghwa asks.
You nod. “Yes, yes, I’m fine.” 
“Okay. Hongjoong—enough.” 
Hongjoong stops immediately, flipping the lighter closed with a tsk. “Fine. It’s gonna get hotter in a minute anyway.”
Now that you’re focused, you finally hear the shouting and crashing coming from below. The very people who were just watching you on stage are now rioting, destroying the warehouse and everything in it. The cameras, the bar, all of your hard work—now there is just destruction, everywhere you look. 
You shoot up, hurriedly dressing yourself so that you are no longer the only one naked as panic begins to take hold. “What’s going on? Seonghwa, Hongjoong, we need to—”
You waver on your feet, nearly tripping. Luckily, Seonghwa catches you. “Calm down, it’s okay,” he says, hushing you. “This is all part of the plan.”
Hongjoong gestures to the crowd, pointing out some things you missed. “See how some of them are drenching the place with gasoline? We’re gonna light it up.” 
Maybe you’re still delirious from your multiple orgasms, but you are having trouble understanding what the two of them mean. “Why? I thought… I don’t know what I thought.”
“This was all a distraction,” Seonghwa explains. “The club, the livestream, us putting on a show. We did it so that all eyes would be on us, and all the badges would be wasting their resources trying to find our location.” 
You nod slowly as the pieces begin to come together. “So, while I was setting all of this up…”
“We were out there. Planting bombs at some of the biggest tech headquarters in the city.” Hongjoong smiles, spreading his arms wide. “Our coup de grâce, just like we’ve been saying.” 
Despite all of your suspicions, this is something you never would have been able to guess. Before you can even begin to truly comprehend the magnitude of what they’ve done, sirens pierce the air. Everyone screams and begins to run out of the warehouse. Seonghwa grabs your hand, and nods to Hongjoong. “Now!” 
Hongjoong throws his lighter to the ground below and flames erupt instantly, devouring everything in sight. Luckily, most of the crowd has already escaped, and you feel confident no one should get caught in the aftermath. Still, it’s pandemonium, and smoke fills your lungs as Seonghwa pulls you closer, shielding you with his body as he hurries toward the nearest exit. 
Hongjoong follows after you, but lags behind as he keeps looking over his shoulder at the fire with a sadistic grin on his face. “That’s how we do it,” he yells, voice barely audible over the blaze.
“Get yourself together,” Seonghwa barks. “We need to get out of here before the cops realize what’s going on and find us.” 
Suddenly, Hongjoong trips, his foot catching on some loose debris. Seonghwa reacts instantly, yanking him back to his feet and throwing an arm around his waist. The three of you continue onward as the heat of the fire licks at your back. You crash through one of the exit doors, and stumble away into the night, disappearing into the sea of masked faces. 
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All across the nation, devices light up with the same headline: “City in Chaos as Blazing Inferno Distracts from Large-Scale Bombing of Tech Giants.”
“Nation-wide manhunt underway. Suspects Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa believed to be connected to an underground criminal group called The Black Pirates…” 
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NETWORKS: @cromernet @kflixnet @pirateeznet
TAGLIST: @yessa-vie @nebulousbrainsoup @ad0rechuu @sanniesbunnie @seonghwaddict @fruitcakebin @kickti @abby-grace @fireseo @yunhofingers @ohflorah @oiminho @baekbao @byuntrash101 @hyukssunflower @thatnerdytomboy @straykidsholicleigh
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queenvitch · 8 months
Wish I Were His Dream
When the reader is hopelessly in love with Vinsmoke Sanji, while he falls in love with Nami.
This was written at like 3am so it might sound pretty stupid, but this fic is based on Connan Grays Heather and I took a lil inspiration from Saeran in Mystic Messenger!~
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I will become the world's greatest journalist who writes honestly about the events between the government and pirates. That's that. There's nothing else to it. That is the goal I hold close to my heart since it is the only goal that matter for me. What other dream could I chase after if not that?
Since I joined the Strawhats, I have not wished to do anything except chase after my dream and help my friends on their journey to reach their dreams. I often offer helping out with the smallest things if it means their happiness is rewarded; helping Robin water her flowers, testing out Usopp's new gadgets, fixing up Luffy’s torn clothes… I always wish for their happiness since I have grown quite attached to them- I never intend to have my dreams clash with theirs. If it ever did...why would I travel alongside them? Would I not be a nuisance who makes their progress backtrack? Yes, I would be a bother to them. However, since I do not have any dreams that clash with the Strawhats, I will continue traveling the seas with them. Hopefully our family- that has been brought together despite the odds of us getting along- stick together. That has become one of my other dreams that reside in my heart despite our short history together.
Looking over the pages of my journal, I re-read what I had written in the past up until today. Laughing at myself silently I lifted the cup of black coffee that sat near my journal and took a slow sip, all while staring at the man in front silently whisking away at something that will most definitely become a marvelous delicacy for us rowdy pirates to have the pleasure of eating later on today.
His back faced me, with his broad shoulders casting a shadow from the light emitting through the window in front of him. His soft blonde locks swayed every time a breeze entered the small kitchen. The striped blue button up that he wore would stretch and pull with the slightest movement of his arms, which exhibited the strong lean muscles he had underneath his clothes. The place I sat at made him seem like an angel. To be fair, he honestly is not far from being a real one. The man who was now at the fridge- searching for some unknown ingredient to me- had started humming a soft tune to himself. I listened earnestly attempting to puzzle together what song had managed to get stuck in his head. Identifying the song to be the one played the night before by Brook- our crew's most favorite song yet- I closed my eyes and let a very small smile form as I enjoyed listening to the man's small performance.
Memories about a certain moment when I had discovered one more dream of mine flowed through my head; The moment when I discovered how dear our crew's chef is.
The moment I discovered that the chef was such a sweet person that I wished to keep him happy above my own happiness. The moment when I discovered that I wished to keep him beside me and I at his side at all times. That moment when I discovered I love the chef.
I love Sanji.
The thought of loving Sanji full heartedly made my chest flutter and my cheeks burn.
I remember that moment so clearly. It was when I had collapsed from exhaustion in the bath room one day. He had been searching for me all over the ship, he had a sundae prepared for all the crew but preferred to deliver the desserts to the ladies out of courtesy. I was undressed with a towel and ready to bathe to replenish my strength, but my body gave out when I turned on the faucet. I had fallen face first onto the tile floor. When I awoke, I was informed of my overworked body giving out and how I was found by Chopper.
He told me Sanji carried me down from the bath to his office. I found myself wearing an oversized sweater instead of clothes, although it was embarrassing that the perverted chef saw me in such a state it was also really respectful of him to cover me up with his own clothes. Even if such decency was expected out of everyone, it made me realize that the man was not such a crook and actually took it upon himself to behave in such a way with no one having to supervise him.
After that collapse in the bath room, I had a fever for a week. Sanji stayed by my side when he was not preparing food. He served me the most nutritious soups, changed my towel out often, checked on my temperature, and called Chopper over with paranoia that I had not improved. He had no reason to do any of this, but he did. He may have done it out of sympathy since he had seen me in the nude, however I began seeing him in a different light since then.
Opening my eyes, I looked at the chef once more then turned back to my journal and coffee. I flipped to a page where I had analyzed him when I had been exposed to him behaving differently. I realized my feelings for the man not long after writing this excerpt. I now question my foolishness to look into him more.
Although I once knew Sanji to be simply a loyal comrade, I have recently pondered the complexity of his character and see him entirely anew.
Sanji is a passionate and sympathetic man. He believes that everyone should have the decency to finish their meal out of respect for those who do not receive a meal. He takes initiative to help those who are in need of a hand no matter if it is a starving crook of a pirate or a lonesome head searching for his body. He dreams of a magical place named the All Blue, and becomes giddy whenever he revisits in his heart his cherished goal.
But his most prominent trait is the fact that he is known to be a womanizer. A ladies man. A flirt. A pervert.
I believe that his perverted personality stemmed from his admiration of women, from seeing women to be superior and worshipped for everything. Maybe he cherished the abilities of women to bring and sustain a new life...maybe he cherished the soft kindness that most women carry with them...maybe he cherished the strong women who ignored sex stereotypes...I believe that whatever he admired- or better yet- everything he admired on women led for him to simply love everything about them. He gushes over a female's body, mind, and soul.
When I look at him as a whole, I see a chivalrous kind-hearted man.
Oh, what a fool I was.
I looked at the man who had been moving around the kitchen. I accidentally sang a part of the song as I saw him practically dancing in the middle of the kitchen. He paused, and turned over to me.
“Oh…” I sat up straight upon realizing I interrupted his moment to himself. “Sorry…” I offered an apologetic grin up at him as I sank into my seat about to return to my journal and coffee.
“(name)-chan...” His face turned red slowly then he started wiggle dancing while spouting our compliments on how cute and shy I am.
“You know you can sing for me if you would like, (name)-chan?” Hearts formed in his eyes as he thought of the possibility of me singing for him. I laughed and declined his offer.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t realize I was caught up in your humming. You can get back to it, I just want to review my journal right now…” He stopped gushing over me and gave me a confused expression.
“Why are you sorry?” cheekily grinning at him, I tilt my head to the side without answering him.
I downed the rest of my coffee and washed and placed it away. I walked back to the journal sitting on the table, with Sanji continuously staring at my movements. Ignoring him until he stopped, I flipped through my pages in an attempt to distract myself from the blonde’s stares. When he returned to cooking, I felt many glances shot in my direction.
The door to the kitchen was swung open all of a sudden. In walked the red haired Nami, with a newspaper in one hand and a pen in another. She had barely entered the proximity, but Sanji had automatically offered to serve her a cup of hot coffee and get her a snack if she wished. Accepting the offer, she sat across from me and immediately started reading today's news.
Looking down at my journal scribbled with thoughts of Sanji and sketches of him from the backside, I dejectedly smiled. He didn’t offer me anything when I walked in earlier. I made and served my own cup of coffee. I looked up at the navigator sitting across from me and admired her beauty. I glanced at the chef who stared at her longingly. Smiling to myself in mockery, I stood up and left the room.
Finding myself in the aquarium alone. I followed the fishes dancing in the water. They made me ponder what Sanji’s All Blue would be like.
His dream… Surely he must have another desire like I do. What if his dream is to be with Nami?
My dreams conclude of being the best journalist the world has seen, keeping my family happy, and for Sanji to be by my side and I to his.
This is why my younger self was so foolish.
My dreams clash with one of my crew's dreams now…
I told myself that if that ever happened, I should leave to not burden the Strawhats… But I really don’t want to… Am I selfish for wanting to stay by his side despite him not wanting me?
I really do adore her… She’s such a perfect girl that I would not question anyone falling for her.
Nami is lucky.
She is beautiful, strong, smart, kind, and overall attractive to all. She has many emotional scars and deals with them so admirably...She somehow can become stronger from everything that puts her down. I look up to her. I wish I could be just like her.
I confess that she beats me in everything… I’m not as pretty. Or smart. Or strong. Or kind… But I still envy her…
After continuously hiding myself behind laughter and smiles to the crew for months on end, Sanji began speaking with me more often.
Of course I relished in his attention whenever he would offer it to me, but his thoughts and conversations with me always returned to the same topic. Nami, our navigator.
Everytime he would mention another woman in my presence, my heart painfully throbs. Why can't I just get over it…?
I should be happy for them both.
Yes, I cherish them both but when I am around either one of them my head spins like crazy from the stress of having to put up a front of a happy crewmate. I continuously will ignore this sensation though. I don’t want to ruin their chances with each other… I don’t want to lose either one of them…
I have noticed Sanji flirting and swooning over other females less and less every day. His feelings for her are growing so tremendously that his playboy behavior has dwindled into simply a chivalrous behavior- a respectable behavior that remains loyal to a certain person.
Since he comes to me for emotional support in pursuing Nami, I can feel that one day he will ask her straight up to be with him… I know him… He will definitely make it a romantic and extravagant event. I expect for many flower petals, a fancy dinner, a clean suit, and maybe a gold ring or necklace as a gift. He is simply such a romantic… Of course he will make it a big ordeal. That’s just who he is. I love him so much… I wish that instead of her, it was me who he is pursuing…
I was in the Library reading when Sanji came in for me. I closed the book and gave him my full attention. He looked serious, and I wondered if it was about his love ordeal.
“I need help…” He gulped and stepped closer to me. “(name)-chan, please, help me with your womanly opinions! I plan to ask her to be mine, but I want to make it perfect!”
Staring at him with my mouth slightly agape, I looked down and responded in a quiet voice. “Any ideas?” I then gave him a gummy smile with my eyes closed. He mirrored my expression and sat down next to me.
Turns out my guess earlier was correct. He wanted to have me help choose the gift and flowers to go with his Italian themed dinner.
He is so cliche.
The romantic gestures are so guessable.
But I am not complaining. What position am I in to even complain? I’m desperate for the slightest amount of attention from him.
Tomorrow night. That is when Sanji will attempt to woo Nami.
While we were out shopping today, we chose a golden heart lock necklace with N+S engraved in the heart. It was really pretty, and we found a painter who was able to draw them together according to their wanted posters. It turned out nicely…
The flowers chosen were red rose petals to be strewn about and center pieces of Peonies. I picked up a bouquet of blue roses for myself, but Sanji was quick to include it with his order.
It's almost laughable how terribly friend-zoned I am. Sanji, the one I cannot have, bought me blue roses as a gift of thanks for helping with his love interest pursuit…
Sanji ran to me in my bedroom in his ice suit. He looked amazingly handsome. His white vest sat on top of a white button up, the colors contrast with his red tie making it the main appeal to the outfit. His long legs covered in white strode to me so quickly that I had no other choice but to snap out of my trance.
“Where is your coat?” I stood up to meet him halfway across my room.
“The button popped off…(name)-chan, can you please fix it? The dinner starts in fifteen minutes!” He held the coat that was hidden behind his back out to me. I noticed the red rose that was supposed to sit on his pectoral was in his other hand. I reached out to grab the rose out of his hand and place it in the water among my blue roses.
The sight of the roses made me squint in heart break.
Unlike me, Nami is being gifted red roses and peonies…
“Let me grab some thread and needle.” Leaving him standing near my desk while I searched for the items needed, I ignored the numbing pain in my chest.
“Thank you (name)-chan!!” I smiled gently at him.
Nami has a kinder smile than me...
“Of course, Sanji. Anything for you!” Tears almost slipped out of my eyes when I took his coat with eye contact. I started fixing his button as quickly and neatly that I could.
I bet Nami could do it better than me…
Once I finished, I put the coat on him and fixed his attire up. I fixed his hair and grabbed the rose from my bouquet.
Sanji quietly watched me as I got him ready to send him off.
She would most definitely send him off with more attentiveness...
I can’t even look him in the eye right now…
Just as I was about to place the rose on his chest, Sanji placed his hand in the area it was meant to go in. Looking up at him, I ask why he did that. He shot me a closed eye smile and spoke in such a natural caring tone.
“I just feel like your bouquet could use a red rose among the blue, (name)-chan!’ I blinked at him in confusion and despair.
Sensing my confusion and assuming my sadness was due to him not wanting the rose he explained himself further.
“I have more roses, so don't worry.” He took the rose out of my hand and kissed it.
With my eyebrows furrowing together, making myself seem concerned instead of sorrowful, I spoke in a voice that shook with each word.
Everything he tells me is a stab to my heart.
“Don’t you think that the bouquet should be blue, only? Or red only? Having them both makes the situation complex…” I looked back my the flowers sitting on my bedside.
“I think the beauty of a bouquet comes from having variable colors mixed together.” Once again, the grin he shot me made me want to cry.
“Don’t you think maybe Nami should receive all of the red roses? I mean, you did get them for her.”
“(Name)-chan, it’s just one rose. You have helped me so much, I could never repay you fully…” He lifted my chin to make me look at him rather than the flowers we spoke about.
The rose he kissed… He places it directly in front of my mouth allowing for the soft petals to tickle my lips.
After I took the red rose out of his hand, he gave me a chaste kiss to the forehead. He then stepped back.
“Thank you! For everything, (name)-chan! The dinner time is soon so must be on my way. Good night, (name)-chan!” He stepped out of my room and I could hear his foot steps disappearing as I stood frozen in my room.
Sliding to the floor I held the red rose in my hand so tenderly as I finally cried out the frustrating feeling of being rejected for so long.
Why did he have to kiss me?
Why would you give me this red rose?
Crawling to my bedside, I carefully placed the red rose amongst the blue roses. I curled into a ball on my bed, staring at the roses and wishing for the red one to never wither away.
He belongs to Nami…
Nami belongs to him…
I wish I were Nami.
Gosh, that hurt my heart...
~ Miss Queen
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
February CPNs
hello! it’s that time of the month again that i compile the sweets brought to us by the boys! this month started out very quiet but in this fandom will mean that things will take a turn in the next week/s. you just never know what will happen next. i have added some commentary here on certain incidents that i didn’t talk about separately on my blog to have “bonus content” for this round-up.
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• XZ’s GQ cover and collaboration sweets + additional ones connected to fake rumor
• not really cpn, but our boys continue to make it in the weibo hot search trend report - i still hate sina weibo but i understand how it’s relevant for them.
• XZ’s wedding suit from the AV festival. yes, this was made for him but we just had him wear that white backless wedding suit by jacquemus for GQ and now this? hmmmm. me thinks he has a preference? lol. he prefers white and that’s fine, but the choice of what looks like a wedding suit is 👀. i am on standby, let me see if this continues.
pair it off with WYB! and it’s perfect. tho i would prefer it if they are both in white. 🤍
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• xzs has the same caption as a cpf
• yibo’s watch and gg’s GQ props connection the number 91 and 3.
• chinese new year candies - gg’s weibo post, wyb’s red envelope cover clues etc
• rufeng shares new thailand fm rehearsal footage
• tencent video posting their new year vcr so close together! they could have easily posted it one after the other but maybe they didn’t want some solo fan drama. i’m happy that bobo continues to collab with 10c, and ZZ is not exclusive to 10c anymore— so hopefully this means in the future they can work on a project together <3
• clowning over XZ’s song in spring festival gala as you wish + same composer as wyb’s singles and how wyb was listening to a song from this artist lately.
• this parallel between their looks. it’s not just their characters that match each other, but their outfits from certain events. so classy!
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but i think this one is the best. seeing them get recognition for their acting in the past few months has been very rewarding. all the hard work and challenges are bearing fruit. remembering them talking about wanting to become professional actors and really take that path — studying and dreaming together. now here we are 🫶🏼
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• a cute tidbit, but the cat xz is playing with is called xiao wang. that’s because on it’s back looks like the character for wang! what a coincidence!!!! 🥹
• Bottled Joy stirring the CPN pot again by posting this on 2/13. As You Wish. The context of the post is that, as you wish — fans can get these wallpapers and photos of Bobo. but it’s a coincidence cause it’s the english title of the song GG sang @ BRTV Spring Festival Gala. 👀 the colors too, white and silver which is the same color combination of GG’s outfit. This may be meh to some, but knowing Bottled Joy’s cpn history, you can’t blame us.
• Golden Hour and Eason Chan songs @ yibo’s playlist
• Small weekend roundup - includes mention of asian pop magazines where the boys are both mentioned, supplement to xz using tickets for his spring festival photos last year as support of bobo’s movie and the phone card case appears.
• Rumor of Wang Yibo being in Hengdian - one / two / three ( i feel like this one is up there with the leica camera and gg’s bday cpn but this one is more risky on their part. as i have said in my posts, what is important is they are safe and happy. it’s their personal life. their relationship is between the two of them. as cpfs, we should be protecting them and not be people they are wary of. if we are not careful, we are no different from ss and yxh. )
• On 2/20, Yuehua & YBO have posted about the slander recently going around related to WYB and that they have reported it to the police. This went really high on HS and was widely talked about, even Du Hua reposted and reacted to it. Hours later, XZS has posted their own reminder to fans in relation to people disturbing his drama filming. What made it more important is that XZ reposted it too and put in a very firm reminder to everyone.
to give some context, the horrible rumor regarding WYB was spread around by mostly XZ fans. There was a melon that said “X” has STD and then toxic people started saying it’s WYB ( cause toxic xz fans doesn’t want it linked to XZ because of the clue given so they throw it to WYB. i know it sounds stupid, but it’s actually a common tactic done by both sides ) and even fabricated some photos. another actor, xukai was also implicated and he also reported to the police.
so this can be read by so/os as XZ&XZS trying to cover up for the toxic solos and what they did. i get why other people will think that and i personally wanted them to address the bad things his solos do. however i also understand why xz and his team can’t “betray” the solo fans. that’s just how it goes. however, in cpf interpretation, this is XZ’s way of taking away the heat from wyb and a way of putting a stop to the conversations about that horrible lie. it worked in a way that it went on HS, but not as high as WYB’s. I was also surprised that XZ reposted it himself. i am aware that the leaks and everything else is a serious issue and XZ is someone who hates being a bother to the crew. but he usually doesn’t do this. he usually leaves it to XZS or the drama account. This tells me that he personally wants to lend his name and his weibo account, to get more of the heat. The last line he said can also be a message to his toxic so/os: respect others and respect yourself.
• On 2/20, there were tarot readings some BXGs have enjoyed. One is this that is a new year CP reading done on 2/4. What made fans 👀 are:
1. this card, where OP said it’s them being hand in hand and don’t get tired of each other. and in the background is a sacred building, which symbolizes them having a vow to each other.
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more cpn was added into it when GG did MFW and people realized not to take this literally cause it could be representing the Duomo.
2. Here is the part that was v interesting to cpfs cause this person gave a prediction that followed what we cpn and happened in the next couple of days.
The two of them haven’t had many official activities recently. So from February 4th, there is a chance for the two of them to meet each other in the past few days. And as soon as the two of them meet, they won’t be going out. Yibo knows he is active but he will close up and be willing to hide at home for XZ.
this is so close to what we speculated! that they spent a quiet cny break together. 🥹🥹🥹
3. Next one is so on point it’s scary cause i have already discussed the bad rumor going around and was directed at WYB before this entry. OP was sort of right. tho i don’t know it this will be another hateful rumor, i hope not.
My prediction is that it will be in March 2024, around this time, I feel that WYB will have a a force of public opinion surrounding him. It's unfriendly to him. This power of public opinion including but not limited to WYB. If we use the 8 of Swords to understand the external environment, it is a relatively sharp. There is some public opinion about the two of them that may cause some trouble
If something happens to WYB, XZ will immediately rise up and have to rush out to protect him. XZ will work hard behind the scenes silently in his own way and are some practical actions.
I don’t think i need to further explain. It fits what happened in 2/20. 👁️👄👁️
4. WYB’s resources for 2024 will be very good. In the first quarter, the number of resources was not very large but the quality of the resources is very good. Then the Queen of Pentacles in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, the Queen of Cups.
For context: The Queen of Pentacles, therefore, depicts a certain level of success and prosperity. But the rabbit at the bottom cautions us that we should be careful of where we leap when we are chasing that success. Queen of Cups - Generally speaking, this is a positive card for both career and finances, suggesting you're "in tune with yourself, have a good work-life balance going on, and overall a positive job experience.
The reading is close to 1 hour long and I just can’t translate it all so i’m going off what CPFs are highlighting.
• XZ’s pre Milan flight Gucci & camcorder cpn
• Fake Rumors : getting caught kissing / spending time during CNY
• XZS first post in Milan is the invitation given to XZ by Tod’s for the show. Those who had the same time as Milan saw the actual time stamp which is 1823. A beloved kadian number!!!!!
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• xz’s collar and whole look for GUCCI MFW gave us so many thoughts. lol. i know sexualization of the boys is a complicated issue in the fandom but when things like this happen — how can we stop? lol. no. but seriously. it is what it is.
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• checking their fingernails + similar pose to HB
• a comment that implies xz went to zhuhai with wyb to ride a motorcycle
• their photos match so well. 🌅
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from zz’s post in milan. it’s filled with the elements they love like the moon and a beautiful sunset background. gg was also showing off his re web shoes which is of course, because he is a gucci ambassador and all that but the “web” cpn is getting stronger. however, i am personally losing my mind over the implications in the caption he used.
• clues in zz’s mfw interviews, matching talismans on their phone cases and similar ads for shu uemura & loreal
• 8 fake rumors from CQL shoot/era that i posted about 📝
• A place CPFs landmark lol
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• spotted same mannerism! twins ☺️☺️☺️☺️
see you all next month for another round up of sweetness! just continue to support the boys and ignore the toxic moves of irrelevant people. fandom is supposed to be fun and a safe space so i hope we all fight to keep that love & peace here 🫶🏼
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thealias0 · 3 months
I might have came up with alternate resolutions for both The Giggle and Empire of Death in the shower
I think that those resolutions are both really underwhelming and deserved more. So, let's start what i came up with The Giggle.
Originally, The Toymaker was defeated by him just messing up. No clever play from anyone. 14 and 15 haven't displayed one of their biggest traits, which is their Time Lord super intelligence. They only displayed their ability to play catch, which is just such a waste imo. My proposal: Game of catch goes just like it did in the episode, but eventually 14 and 15 look at each other in understanding. They have cooked a plan. 14 catches the ball and throws it to 15, but he misses and ball falls off the edge of the rooftop. Both act shocked and 15 immediately sprints into the building. Toymaker looks at what just transpired and laughs and screams. "Go ahead, run if you wanna play hide and seek next. You will not escape me anyways." Turns to 14. "Are you proud? Your next incarnation revealed himself to be a coward! I expect many things from you, Doctor, but that sure surprised me. Now, you lost the game, so now's time for me to collect my reward." 14 smirks. "I wouldn't be so sure, as I believe... it is still falling" The moment he said that, the ball hurling from the entrance to the building hits The Toymaker and falls to the ground. In the way stands none other than 15 visibly exhausted from running and expression of relief on his face. Toymaker visibly angry, scared and confused asks: "Wh- What?! How did you... No... don't tell me-" "That's right, Toymaker" 15 expeled. "There are no rules forbidding the usage of time machines" 14 finished the thought. Then the flashback plays out showing the whole thing from 15's perspective. He runs as fast as he can straight to the TARDIS passing himself on the way, travels to the time and place where the ball is supposed to land, catches it, travels back and runs back to the rooftop passing himself on the way back. The rest transpires as it did in the original. I'm not claiming it's the best, great or even good alternate ending, but i think it would be more satisfying than what we got.
The resolution for Empire of Death is one of the most disappointing events I've ever seen in Doctor Who. It made Sutekth into a complete joke. Are you really telling me that the supposed most powerful being in existence. A god so powerful and terrifying that even The Toymaker ran in terror, wasn't able to handle a fucking rope? I don't care if it's a "smart rope" whatever that means. Toymaker was able to turn bullets into confetti, people into bunch of bouncy balls and implied he could turn galaxies into figet spinners or whatever. Sutekth is supposed to be more powerful than that and he couldn't do anything about it? Sutekth deserves much better than this. So this is what i came up with. It isn't nearly as detailed as the toymaker stuff, but i hope you'll enjoy the concept. So, i decided to actually use the spoon to save the universe in hopefully interesting way. I didn't think of any good scenario yet, but here's my idea for the concept itself. What if Doctor defeated Sutekh by using his power against him using the spoon. By that i mean that The Doctor could psychologically manipulate Sutekh into believing that the spoon through some classic Doctor Who technobabble, power of love and fairy tale salt spilling mumbo jumbo became an actual weapon capable of defeating him. Sutekh being a god and having power over reality itself could subconsciously make that story a reality and unknowingly empowering the spoon with his own power, which then Doctor could use to defeat him.
So that's what i came up. I am not a writer, so i apologize if that's an unbearable slop of a read. I'm not claiming that the dialogue i wrote is any good, as im just not experienced in writing. All i did here was not very thought through and only served the purpose of conveying my core ideas about the alternate resolutions for those stories. Hope you enjoyed and have a nice day
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so-called-quail · 7 months
Just finished tabbing my copy of Return of the King:
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Rambles below the cut BUT before that I need to acknowledge @sindar-princeling and her undying dedication to the LOTR Newsletter. She's been working hard this past week working around the shutdown of Tinyletter and moving the newsletter onto another platform. Although I wasn't subscribed to it this year, I am very grateful to her commitment to keep this project running. So a big thank you to Mills, our wonderful newsletter coordinator!
I recently read my physical copy of The Two Towers on my own time, outside of the newsletter, to get myself to finish the book. A year ago I got wiped out from the long entries that started to roll in at the start of TTT, so I gave up then. It's been a year, and now I am determined to finish this series. So I've decided to do my best to follow along with ROTK in the newsletter format! I want to do this by reading along with my physical copy, because,
A.) I collected physical copies of the whole trilogy a couple months ago, as incentive to read them all someday. I'd like to follow through with that! It feels rewarding to read books you own :)
B.) I'm hoping that a physical copy will push me to keep up with the entries. Doing the work to tab every corresponding date in the book gave me a better idea of what to anticipate with pacing and length of entries, so hopefully I can plan accordingly for reading each entry.
Reading along with the newsletter timeline is fascinating. It adds a lot more weight to the passage of time and how events play out. Plus it was fun having the time of day and year align while reading along! I'd like to preserve that as much as possible as I finish this series.
Anyways! Wishing myself luck with making it through the series this time. See y'all at the start of ROTK!
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fateinthestars · 3 months
COMPLETED: The Star Crossed Myth Mansion in Sims 4
Way back in November last year I finished building the Star Crossed Myth Mansion in Sims 3 with aid of @star-crossed-mid 's blueprint post
NOW: I have also finished building the mansion in Sims 4 for those of you who want it for that game as well/instead!
(I used Sims 4 Tray Importer to save the file. I don't know whether you need that to add it back into the game, but details here just in case. Please tell me if this doesn't work!)
A few notes before I get to the tour and comparisons between the Sims 4 house and the in-game mansion:
Uses items from the following expansion packs: Discover University, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Dine Out, My First Pet Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff. (Note: The cushions in Aigo's room are from the current login rewards event thing)
The sims 3 version of the mansion was rather tight at the back so this time I made sure to make it have a slightly larger footprint so that the dining room should now be walk aroundable by the sims. The slight changes I made to the shape of the house also meant I was able to make Tauxolouve's bedroom less cramped.
The Sims 3 version of the mansion was on five floors, with just Hue's room on the fifth - unfortunately Sims 4 only supports four floors above ground so I've had to take some creative liberties with where Hue's room is (It's attached to the end corner of the fourth floor rather than being in the roof).
That said: Sims 4 allows for two basements, so instead of a really cramped reflecting pool room behind the main staircase, that is now a large basement area.
Some items were placed where they are with the bb.moveobjects on cheat so if anything chucks itself in the family inventory when you first place the house, please turn that on and use the screenshots below to put them back into place. (It shouldn't do this but if you decide to change part of the build, it might).
Hopefully that's covered everything. 😅 Oh! And I actually did part of the garden area this time!
Tour and comparisons between the Sims 4 House and the Mansion in-game under the cut. (So loads of images in this post)
And if you're asking will I also make the Gods to go with the house? The answer to that is the same as for Sims 3: I still hope so.
The Outside of the Mansion
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Garden Gazebo
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Reflecting Pool Room
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Ground (First) Floor
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Living Room/Parlour
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Leon's Room
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The Baths
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There wasn't really anything of the style of this statue to put in the middle - though if you've unlocked the Artist Career awards (I think it's for level 9?) the dancing lady statue thing could maybe go on the plinth if you want.
First (Second) Floor
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Scorpio's Room
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Ichthys' Room
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As per the Sims 3 house some creative liberties had to be taken here - though I think maybe this one works better? (Thanks again to @pwamisaurus for some suggestions)
Krioff's Room
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Partheno's Room
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Tauxolouve's Room
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I'm way too ludicrously happy about how this one turned out in Sims 4 😅
Second (Third) Floor
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Dui's Room
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Zyglavis' Room
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I've only seen the kitchen mentioned in some of the special stories and no picture so far. If it comes up I'll change it but I seem to recall Teo saying 'is that that weird room with all the gadgets?' so I'm taking it it is at least an advanced Kitchen.
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No idea whether there is actually one of not. But yeah just basics here so you can play a game of the sims properly if you wish.
Third (Fourth) Floor
Aigonorus' Room
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Teorus' Room
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Unlike the Sims 3 one I actually put the lighting on the wall in this one!
Karno's Room
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Dining Room
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The balcony in this one should hopefully be a better size, and yes I sort of attempted the canopy thing this time.
Huedhaut's Room
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As I said this isn't really in the right place, but it's a constraint of Sims 4 amount of floors. Hopefully it works where positioned here and hey - glass roof like it's supposed to have! (I've also just realised I didn't search for any jugs but those can be placed if you like - hardest part here was the bookcases, and yes this is one of the rooms that the moveobjects cheat was used for)
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scuttlingcrab · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Ahhh! Thank you so much for sending this to me! I am honoured! ❤️
I'm proud of all my pieces, but I think these are my favourite ones (it might change later though, haha):
1) A Warlock is Born & A Warlock's Sacrifice
This is part of the same story, so I count them as one fic. I just had to split them up into two parts as it was taking me 12 years to write them, haha.
Warlock is Born: Korrilla summons Raphael to aid her in a fight at the Devil’s Fee. Raphael recruits a new warlock to his cause.
Warlock's Sacrifice: Raphael seeks the aid of his prized warlock after he finds an intruder has broken into his House of Hope. Raphael confronts Tav in the aftermath of combat.
2) In Search of a Hammer
Raphael learns from Korrilla that Tav foolishly sold the Orphic Hammer in an attempt to earn some last minute gold. Raphael hunts down the Hammer before his dreams are destroyed forever. (I will be posting Chapter 2 this weekend BTW! FINALLY!)
3) Fiendish Rewards
Raphael appears at Withers' party, hoping to finally collect the Crown of Karsus from Tav. However, an unexpected turn of events causes Raphael to re-think his plans.
4) A Perfect Fit
Raphael receives an unexpected gift from Tav.
5) The Devil's Muse
Raphael gives Tav, his very favourite client, a generous gift after she signs his contract.
And... I know it said 5, but I wanted to highlight this one about Minthara!
I have grown obsessed with Minthara as of late. I'm making my way through playing the Dark Urge for the first time, which means I've finally been able to romance her and have her in my party. Her story, her character, it's all so unexpected, so beautiful, and so deep. And I am in love. So I will hopefully be writing more about her soon! BUT I wrote my first fic last weekend that I'm just so smitten about. It was basic and lots of fun - hopefully a great starting point on my Minthara fic journey, haha.
Bonus: Badges of Honour
After another successful fight against the Absolute, Minthara and Jaheira cosy up by the campfire, exchanging stories about their various scars.
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sewmice · 1 month
Thanks for the reblog, I just hope people can clear this and come away still playing… this event is enough to make anyone want to scream into the abyss. I’m almost impressed at the thought process behind this design, no wonder Broccoli changed from Shining Live, this is so much more profitable… for them.
This event being...something. The previous ones all having issues. And up until this huge login bonus, rewards just not being enough for pulls has been not a great start for the game. And with the player base, and hell just Utapri fanbase, just being lower than back when Shining Live started, it makes a mistake way more likely to ruin the game's chance at thriving. Also having a harsher event after the Session Lives and Tokiya's were pretty nice is....rough. And definitely might run people off who are already getting annoyed with the other issues.
Granted, the fanbase is still kicking pretty well, more so in Japan. The whales are still whaling. Tickets are still a fight. But like...we know it's gone down.
The move away from Shining Live is obviously more complicated than Broccoli wanting more money. The game was getting stagnant. It was developed by KLab, who was well moving away from rhythm games and have their own issues. The player base was declining. The spark was gone. I kinda wish Broccoli had leaned more into what made SL great when they took over, but the changing of games was kinda necessary. And it got Heavens fans their boys. Adding them to SL would have required heavy changes. Easier to start from scratch.
I do want to point out what has been great about Live Emotion so far! Reasons why we should stay encouraged and hope Broccoli keeps making good changes (because they have! We just had a qol update! They're giving us the 5000 login bonus too!) And this post is gonna get long lol
The boys in SL....got bland? They were only their idol sides, because even the backstage stuff was on camera. We stopped really seeing their depth and personalities, and that's the whole point of Utapri! To see them and work with them behind the screen! The idol stuff was supposed to be secondary! But since season 4 ended, all we've had is SL, movies, and other side projects that are JUST their idol side (aside from the Starish OVA).
But Live Emotion has us as Haruka again! We're by their side when they're actually being themselves! We get to romance them again! We're seeing Utapri as it was again! And as someone who has been here since 2012, god it feels so nice?? Like old times?
We're acknowledging and even having other characters in the stories. Both presidents have already shown up! And while no one else aside from them is listed in the voice cast yet, surely others will show soon? At least Ringo and Ryuuya. (they should've been in Starish's chapter at the school but whatever) Fucking Rodriguez has a mention in the event?? Like, the world is alive again! It's not just our 11 to 18 main boys (depending on content)
Old content and outfits are being used which will help with the concept fatigue SL had. And also it's just nice to see really good old designs not just be forgotten! I'm not a huge fan as to how Ultra Blast is being handled. It feels weird to have some people get SRs. In the same way I didn't like Oodorokiman and Shining Romance/Force Live being mixed SRs and URs. But I've seen other people upset and in the same way SL stopped doing that, hopefully Live Emotion will too.
And again Broccoli has been listening to feedback and making changes. There's still...a lot of work to do. But SL also made a lot of changes over time. So hopefully they keep listening and things get better. Because there's parts of this game worth protecting and wanting to continue. I loved how SL did stuff too. I wish we had everything about how SL did stuff with gachas and event mechanics, but the story and character quality of Live Emotion. We just gotta...push Broccoli in that direction.
I really hope the event doesn't scare people off! We're on 2 full months of the game. The first of this event type. Stuff can still change!!!
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wynterrolls · 9 months
Obey Me (OG) Newbie Guide
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Author's Note
There are multiple guides for this game existing already. Most could be found in Obey Me sub-Reddit or by searching in Google. Since the game is already 4 years old, this game has finished the main storyline and already moved on to a new prequel game called Obey Me Nightbringer (NB). Obey Me (OG) is still up and running at the time of this writing, since they run the events in both OG and NB, so if you want to still play this game, then that's up to you. Keep in mind though that this game is grindy.
In this post, I'll make a concise guide that will help new players (hopefully) traverse in the game. As always, this guide isn't only from my own experience, because I'm going to include tips from different sources here. The links for the sources could be found at the bottom of this post. I've created this guide with the idea that this is my game notes just in case I forgot about this game.
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When starting an account
You can't reroll account in this game thru normal means.
It's not recommended to reroll in this game since you'll get a free UR Asmodeus card in mail but, if you're like other players who want to reroll just to get a card of their favorite guy or you want to get ahead by having more UR cards early in the game, then here are the steps.
Play the tutorial by skipping dialogues until you get a 10-pull. The cards you'll get is fixed.
Keep skipping until you clear 1-6.
Click the home button and go to mail after being bombed with announcements. Claim all. (You'll get enough to do a 10-pull.)
Roll in Nightmare. Preferably in event banner.
If you don't like the results, create transfer code for this account. (Walkthrough on how to setup Transfer Password here.)
Close the app in this phone.
Have a second phone or an emulator (e.g. Bluestacks) with Obey Me app.
Open the Obey Me app in the second phone or emulator.
From the title screen, click Transfer Data > Enter Transfer Code > Input your Transfer Code and Transfer Password > Tap Transfer
Once done, the account is now transferred to the second phone/emulator. Close the app.
You could use the first phone to create another account again.
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All about UR or UR+ cards
UR/UR+ cards are the endgame goal to collect in the game. The difference is that UR+ cards either have outfit for character or moving background, while UR cards don't. Both have similar power level.
UR/UR+ card is the highest rarity. SSR cards could work for early game, but would need to be replaced once you reach harder content in game.
There are two types of cards needed to create a team - demon cards and memory cards. Demon cards can be obtained from Chapter A, any event banners, or event reward ladder, while Memory cards from Chapter M, from event reward ladder, or from shard farming in hard mode in lesson 61+. Chapter A and Chapter M are considered standard banners in game.
NOTE: You can't have 2 demon cards of the same character in 1 team. You need to have varying characters for each attribute.
Different ways to obtain UR/UR+ cards:
free pull in Chapter A for demon cards
free pull in Chapter M for memory cards
[RECOMMENDED] pulling in event banners with devil points (DP) or demon vouchers (DV)
[NOT RECOMMENDED] pulling in Chapter A and Chapter M with DP or DV
buying UR card shards in Akuzon with raven (Akuzon > Exchange Raven > Piece of Card)
grinding past events in Lonely Devil for UR cards
UR memory card shard grinding in hard mode of Lesson 61+
UR memory card from limited-time event login rewards (happens during holidays or anniversaries)
UR demon card from 10-pull birthday banner
** It is advised to save up the DP and DV for the limited-time event banners.
** It is advised to save up DP or DV enough for a 10-pull before your birthday. The date you write as your birthday will have a special 10-pull banner that will guarantee a UR card.
NOTE: You need 80 card pieces and 60,000 grimm to form a single UR card.
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Surprise Guest
Surprise Guest randomly comes out after you manually battle a stage. One of the 3 guys in the demon cards you used will appear. Getting their 3 interactions right make them gain intimacy points.
Their preferred touch interactions after battles can be found here. Better go look at the list yourself because the options are many.
You can also get gifts when you get a heart reaction for all 3 interactions. You could get 6 gifts per day. Gifts include:
2 AP x10
2 Grimm x1,000
2 Raven x1
There are several ways to obtain gift items for characters during Surprise Guest:
can be bought in Akuzon > Items > Present, costs DP
[RECOMMENDED] can be bought in Akuzon > Exchange Raven > Present, costs raven
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
unlocking gift nodes of Devil's Tree from cards (Click here to find out more.)
possible reward from sending characters in :D Jobs
** To know more about intimacy, click here to check Thal Fox's in-depth guide on intimacy.
** Here's the updated link for the Lesson Intimacy Bonuses.
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All about Devil Points (DP)
Devil Points are premium currency used in game and can be bought using real money.
From one-time DP sources [free]:
unlocking gift nodes in Devil's Tree in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
clearing the boss stages in each lesson, DP found in To Do > Total > Tasks
reaching certain point requirements in event reward ladder
clearing the missions in To Do > Total
clearing the missions in To Do > Demons
claiming event login rewards (happens during holidays and anniversaries)
From recurring DP sources:
completing To Do > Daily (18 DP)
claiming Day 8 and Day 14 rewards in Attendance card for non-VIP players (10 DP)
claiming Day 8 and Day 14 rewards in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players (30 DP)
TIP: To do the level up card x3 and upgrade devil tree x5 daily mission, do these using N, R, SR, and SSR cards you have. You could easily get these missions done with minimal grimm cost.
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All about Demon Vouchers (DV)
Demon vouchers are used to pull in Chapter A and Chapter M in Nightmare. These can also be used in limited-time event banners.
Ways to obtain DV:
unlocking gift nodes in Devil's Tree in cards. (Click here to know the specific cards.)
buying DV in Akuzon > Exchange Raven > Nightmare, costs 45 raven
completing missions in To Do (Click here to know what specific missions rewards DV.)
claiming event login rewards (happens during holidays and anniversaries)
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
buying the flash sales with DP
TIP: Save enough DP to buy these flash sales. To learn more about these sales, click here to check out Thal Fox's comparison guide on different flash sales.
[PRIORITY] Level Up sale - costs 99 DP
Solomon's Summoning Sale - costs 150 DP
You Got This Set L - costs 500 DP
** Congratulations Set Flash Sale (Level Up sale) does not occur until the player has reached level 15. From that point, the sale will appear:
Every five levels from levels 15-40 (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)
Every three levels from levels 43-58 (43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58)
After reaching level 58, the sale will be made available at every level increase.
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All about Grimm
Grimm is used for upgrading card level, unlocking Devil's Tree nodes, and pulling in Chapter G. This is a scarce resource if you are a F2P so you need to allocate this carefully on the cards you only want to use and level up.
Ways to obtain grimm:
sending characters in :D Jobs
doing x3 or x5 of the latest battle stages you've cleared
claiming Day 2 and Day 10 rewards in Attendance card for non-VIP players (7,000 grimm)
claiming Day 2 and Day 12 rewards in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players (30,000 grimm)
completing missions in To Do
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
participating in event ranking
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
buying the Congratulations set flash sale (Level Up sale)
buying the AP recovery set flash sale (appears every 12 hrs)
TIP: Unlock Ristorante Six as fast as you can so you could earn the max grimm you could get.
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All about AP
AP is used to battle stages. Without it, you can't do anything in the game. Replenish rate is 1 AP = 5 min.
NOTE: It is strongly advised not to hoard APs by letting your AP bar capped. Better spend the APs to let the AP bar replenish itself.
From one-time AP sources:
buying the Congratulations Set flash sale (Level Up sale)
completing missions in To Do > Total
completing missions in To Do > Demons
participating in event ranking
claiming event login rewards
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know what specific cards.)
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
From recurring AP sources:
288 AP from natural regen (if no sleep, awake for 24 hours straight)
20 AP from Surprise Guest gifts
50 AP from watching x5 ads daily
50 AP from AP exchange in Friend list
30 AP from 12pm - 2pm Fridge Mission (local time)
30 AP from 6pm - 8pm Fridge Mission (local time)
30 AP from To Do > Daily
60 AP from claiming Day 4 and Day 12 rewards in Attendance card for non-VIP players
200 AP from claiming Day 3 and Day 13 rewards in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players
200 AP from buying the AP Recovery Set flash sale (appears every 12 hrs)
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All about Raven
Raven is used to buy items in Akuzon > Exchange Raven. Pretty good resource to grind for if you need specific items.
Sources to obtain raven:
claiming Day 6 reward in Attendance card for non-VIP players (1 raven)
claiming Day 6 reward in VIP Login Bonus for VIP players (10 raven)
pulling in Chapter G with 27000 grimm until you max the skill level of your N, R, and SR cards, the next pull with max skill level would convert the card into raven
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
potential reward from sending characters in :D Jobs
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
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All about :D Jobs
:D Jobs is where you can obtain grimms, Surprise Guest gifts, raven, keys, and daggers, and increase intimacy points for characters you send.
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TIP: Always send the characters in :D Jobs.
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All about Daggers
Daggers are used to uncap the max level of card. This is done in order to increase the power level of the card, to be used in harder lessons in main story.
For example, UR/UR+ card has max level of 100. You need 10 daggers of same sin attribute with the card, 100,000 grimm, 100 gems of main sin attribute, and 100 gems of secondary sin attribute of card in order to increase the max level of this card. Each uncapping of max level of card is increased by +10 levels.
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Ways to obtain daggers:
potential reward from sending characters in :D Jobs
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
maxing out the Surprise Guest encounters for rewards in To Do (1500 max per character)
participating in Otaku Boot camp (Do they still run this in OM OG?)
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All about Devil's Tree Items
Devil's Tree items are needed to unlock the nodes in Devil's Tree.
Ways to obtain the said items:
doing the Akuber orders (each day has corresponding sin attribute)
completing missions in To Do
reaching certain point requirement in event reward ladders
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to find the cards.)
grinding the hard mode stage for RNG drop of items
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All about Lonely Devil
Lonely Devil is a mode where you could rerun the past events in game. You could unlock a past event using LD tickets or by paying 10 DP.
Players who have missed their desired rewards from the event ladders rerun this event in order to continue what they have started. The total points acquired from previous run is saved and could be continued on your next run of same event. The event rerun lasts for 4 days. However, cheat cards don't work in here.
Lonely Devil is a great way to obtain UR memory cards in the game. Daggers could also be obtained here.
Ways to obtain LD tickets:
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in cards (Click here to know the specific cards.)
reaching certain point requirements in event reward ladders
potential event login reward (happens on holidays or anniversaries)
** To know more about Lonely devil, click here to view the in-depth guide of u/SeriousLatte.
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All about D-energy
D-energy is used to increase the chances you could have in capped battle stages. Battle stages that have x3 cap are event stages and hard mode stages. Using one D-energy gives 3 battles. If you run out of D-energy, 5 AP will be used to get 3 more battles.
Ways to obtain D-energy:
unlocking Devil's Tree gift nodes in card (Click here to know the specific cards.)
buying the Congratulations set flash sale (Level Up sale)
reaching the certain point requirement in event reward ladders
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All about Card Mechanic and Total Power
UR/UR+ cards have max level 100 and could be uncapped until you reach max level 200. SSR cards has max level 80 and could be uncapped until you reach max level 160.
Each card rarity has their own power level that is used in battle stages. This part will be further explained in a separate post (because I think I'm almost reaching the 30 max image cap in a post). I will link the post here later on.
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All about Lesson Summaries for Obey Me (OG) Main Story
If you don't want to grind the main story and just want to read the whole story, here's the link for the lesson summaries for lesson 1 to lesson 80.
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Miscellaneous Info
You can drag your finger across the hearts that appear on screen during battle instead of tapping them individually. WAY more effective.
Choosing quick clear x3 or x5 on battles only gives EXP to player level, not including the card level, but you still get grimm and rewards.
Save glowsticks. Rainbow glowsticks are the more powerful buffs in battle.
You don't need to complete all daily missions in To Do. Just clear 7 missions in order to get the 18 DP daily.
You can leave your rewards sitting for as long as you want, and collect them whenever.
AP will carry over when you level up.
You can edit the game's graphics settings if you have lag. Just go up to the top right corner and hit the settings gear.
Work towards building a deck that covers all colors with a variety of characters, both demon cards and memory cards alike.
Try to keep your in-use cards (your deck, as opposed to your overall collection) evenly leveled.
Don't forget to level your memory cards. They are also important in total deck power.
Daily server resets at midnight JST or UTC+9. Convert into your local time to know when it will reset in your location.
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Useful Resources
Resources to look into to know more about this game.
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Banner Image Source
How to reroll in the game using emulator by u/Guilty-Ticket
How to reroll in the game using second phone by u/AngelicaLily
How to setup Transfer Password walkthrough video by Obey Me Official
Transfer Data from Fandom Wiki
Surprise Guest
Devil Tree Rewards from karasu-os.com
Intimacy Guide by Thal Fox
Obey Me Flash Sales by Thal Fox
Flash Sale from Wiki
Obey Me Guide from VN Guides Wordpress
The Hidden 68 DV in OM by Thal Fox
F2P Guide to Obey Me! by u/gniehc
Daily Login Bonus from Wiki
How to obtain daggers? Question by u/Master-Computer4437
Ways to farm daggers by u/kindacutekindapunk
Guide on Lonely Devil by u/SeriousLatte
Unlocking a Card's Maximum Level Cap from obeymewiki.com
Using DP for getting more battles answer by u/Clarasiir
10 Tips for people who are starting out by u/RustyBoyo
Lesson Summaries for Obey Me (OG) from obeymewiki.com
Lesson Intimacy Bonuses from Fandom Wiki
Obey Me advice thread from u/LadyBastilla
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➥ Back to my otome game masterlist.
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Update Log
12/20/2023 - Uploaded this post.
01/01/2024 - Added Player's birthday info
01/27/2024 - Added the reminder line at the top and server reset in Miscellaneous info
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So, about a week now ago I started a heavily modded Stardew farm. Specifically on August 16th. On this first post I will include what mods I am using as well as a quick catch up of some major events as I am currently in mid Fall, right after the Stardew Valley Fair.
So starting with is the mod list shown here in these 6 images.
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Next up is the list of characters which I used Tier List Maker to make.
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For major events. There really hasn’t been much. Because of the Reremixed Bundles mod, I only have the bus done for the community center. Also because of the amount of mods, it will take me a while to experience everything and so I am taking my time with the game.
I don’t even have a house upgrade or the coop. But I have a silo and the horse.
I also have eight hearts with Sterling from East Scarp and he is my highest hearts villager second being Mr. Ginger with 6 and Caroline and Eloise with 5.
I have completed 2 special orders being Willy’s gather but meat and Beatrice needing refined quartz. Although I don’t know if the reward has been added to that special order as the mod is still being finished.
I also have the Wild Cat Cave thanks to a mod for the Farm Cave.
I’m honestly really excited to play more, and I’ll try to update this when I can.
Updates on the page:
Speaking of the sims expect an update on that by the end of the week. I haven’t played much since starting Stardew so it will be on pause after this next update but it will continue in the future, I will also probably be adding new blogs soon too, it all depends. I apologize if my blogs aren’t the best as I am new to Tumblr and the blogging scene but I am excited to learn and hopefully grow this by just simply talking about what I love.
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isolaradiale · 10 months
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Another year can the gentle winds of winter be felt across the island. Snowfall accompanies it soon after, blanketing much of the island in glistening shades of monochrome. Breathes unfurl into wispy puffs of white, steam rising up from the hot cocoa that sits in the cool air that keep your hands and body warm with each sip. Winter has come and, with it, another time for activities that promote holiday cheer...
As a note: these activities are separate from any ongoing or upcoming events and you are free to participate in both! Just keep in mind that WinterFES activities do not count towards ranking up because this is not an event.
WinterFES activities are available until January 31st! We will be adding additional activities at some point during this two month period as well!
BUILD-A-GINGERBREAD MAN High-tech meets sweet treats in this customized kitchen. For a price of (dust), citizens of Spirale can use screens to design a gingerbread cookie to their likeness. You can watch machines behind the glass cut, bake, and decorate your cookie as you command. You could make a gift for your friend… or make a cookie that looks like your worst enemy, and bite off their face. There’s something for everyone!
SOUPS UP For the duration of December a giant pot of soup can be found in the center of Fibonacci. The type of soup changes from day to day, and how it replenishes nobody is quite sure! Regardless it is free for the taking and never dries out. Could this be the work of our goddess Ofiuco? Or could it be something more sinister? (It isn’t more sinister, it’s free soup.)
ICE TO MEET YOU A station has been set up in Fibonacci where you can come to view and sculpt ice sculptures. If you destroy any creations that are not your own, expect to have all of the Dust emptied from your account you jerk. All sculptures must be safe for work.
QUID PRO SNOW Wandering in Cotes, it’s not foreign to see pixies, especially in their playground. However, it seems they’ve invited their frosty little cousins known as frost fairies over to play a few games with them… and you! Making your way into here can land you a pretty sweet reward, given the price you pay. That is, these fairies will be more than happy to make you anything you wish out of the snow and ice were you to give them a small treat or a gift of their liking.
I’M GOING GHOST… INTERACTING! Traveling through the Forest of Airaisal, one can find a passageway that mysteriously opens up on its own, leading to a path less traveled. Whether you choose to take it or not is entirely up to you. Electing to traverse it, you’ll find yourself in a small, private glen where you will encounter the ghost of your past, present, or future self. Whichever appears is up to you, though once it appears you’re welcome to interact with it as you deem fit. Maybe you want to console your past self that everything will be alright? Or perhaps you’d like to reflect on your present self, or at least the one that exists before you arrived here in Spirale. There’s also the option to speak to your future self, on what they think of you now, or maybe guidance on what might come. The possibilities are endless…
NOM RANCHING Visitors to the ward, especially around the Eternal Tree, will come to find magical marshmallow treats that appears to be causing chaos due to magical means! Whether it’s pelting themselves against passing visitors, knocking precious things over, or merely just circling about as a chaotic distraction, it’s clear the only way to keep them in check is to capture them and have a sweet treat so they don’t overwhelm  the area. Hopefully you came with an empty stomach and a sweet tooth, to boot!
SNOWFLAKE SCAVENGER The Mermaid Cove Mall planned on having dancing snowflakes as an attraction, but it seems the snowflakes formed a mind of their own and… danced right off of their displays! Deciding to salvage the situation, the mall is now making a game out of it–find five of them and bring them back to the desk, and you win a gift card! Watch out, though. The snowflakes are notoriously hard to capture, and seem to take your own strengths into account… This won’t be an easy task!
XTREME ICE CHALLENGE The ocean shores of the boardwalk have become completely frozen and boating is no longer possible nearby. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t fun to be had there! An obstacle course has been made for the daring complete with icy ramps, jumps, and obstacles.. Come with skates or without, but the organizers take no responsibility if you slip and break your nose.
SILVER-WHITE WINTERS For the duration of WinterFES, Spirale University is offering a different selection of classes related to the season. There are knitting classes where you can learn to make mittens and scarves, latte art classes to help you decorate your warm drinks for the season, and general classes to help you learn to wrap presents like a pro!
CAROLS OF THE BELLES On evenings in the Archimedes ward, ringing through the streets from the Calliope Theater courtyard, you’ll hear voices as lovely as the singers using them. A chorus known as the Winter Belles begin their lovely lyrical lineup, and the concerts are free to attend. There are also a few open slots to join them, as long as you attend chorus practice.
CRYSTAL FUNHOUSE This large palace is made entirely of ice, and from the inside, one can hear chimes through its halls. Inside are several attractions: a mirror room, a hall full of beautiful ice sculptures, a complementary shaved ice bar for those crazy enough to eat them in this weather… But follow the chimes, and you’ll enter the ballroom, which is completely dark save for the tile floor. Each step you take makes a note that sounds most like you, and the ballroom lights up to the tune of your very soul as you dance across the floor… …What would happen if two people danced together?
YOU BAKE IT YOU BUY IT Throughout the Star Trail, many stalls have been shifted around in order to make a large area for those who wish to put their skills to the test in what seems a continuous bake off. Not only that, but it seems they require volunteers to be the judges of the savory sweets that are gonna be pumped out throughout the days. Fancy yourself an excellent baker who can blow the socks off of any taster who tries your dish or those who wish to place their palettes to the test? Well, have a seat and be served… quite literally!
TERRES-TREE-AL DECORATING Once more, a safe passage has been made into the Mistwood, leading to an area called the Traveler’s Garden. Some might remember the need to plant more trees and won’t be surprised to find that those planted back in Spring have now sprouted rapidly and is ready for decorating! Those who planted them can find them in the same spots with several boxes around them full of holiday decorations to get them decorated and ready to shine bright for the snowy season. Oh, and no worries, even if you weren’t able to plant one back in Spring, you’re still more than welcome to help decorate them!
TIS THE SKI-SON In a clearing that breaks off from the decorating, various large hills of snow have sprung up from out of nowhere. Trekking up to the top or taking a ride on a few snowmobiles manned by some island residents will reveal that it’s a makeshift ski and snowboarding attraction! Once fitted with one of your preference, as well as given a safety helmet and goggles, you’re free to slide down those slippery slopes and show off to your pals. Or maybe you’ll just biff it as you catch sight of that rumored dragon in the distance as you ski on down!
SOMETHING SEEMS ICE-FISHY While the Swirling Gulf can still be accessed, it would seem that a large portion of the waters nearby has been magically frozen over in a thick sheet of ice that can be reached with their submarine transportation system, allowing many people to walk with ease across it. Several holes have been drilled into it as well, allowing people to partake in ice fishing! Though a various amount of fish can be caught, there is also the risk of danger that you may be (un?)lucky to find a murderous large fish at the end of your line. But that could just be a rumor, right? No way there’s some large ghost fish or dangerous sea creature that you could reel in, right…
SNOWMANNING THE FORT Deep below, found in various areas of the sunken city such as the Mainland, Coral Bay, and even near the Kelp Forest, snow that never melts has been brought down and packed into areas where many can build snowmen to their liking. Laced with bioluminescent qualities that offer you any type of color, you can make colorful creations come to life with ease. Not only that, but once completed, the snowman will imprint the emotion belonging to its creator, expressing itself in an exaggerated display on how they currently feel. Whether they’re the happiest they’ve ever been or happen to be a little Scrooge-y at the time, these snowmen are ways to express yourself from the bottom of your heart.
ONSEN AND OFFSEN Recently, there’s been some magmatic activity closer to the surface on the back side of the volcano… suspected Nuee Ardente Society activity. Nothing (too) dangerous, though, and in fact, it happens to be below a spring source, turning the small ponds and water pools around the area into hot springs! Despite the snow blanketing most of the rest of the island, the areas immediately surrounding the pools are kept clear, mainly by the hot cocoa vendors who are taking advantage of this sales opportunity. Be careful, though, because the magma flow isn’t constant, and the temperature of the water can fluctuate in either direction, for better or for worse.
JUST THE WAY YOU LIGHT IT Leading up to the natural tunnel that gives access to the renown Garden of Ash, many might take note of a beautiful array of lights and colorful flowers that are laid out like a path into the garden itself. It’s highly encouraged to take this path at night, where many hand strewn designs light up in the dwindling hours, also illuminating the various plants which grow in the ashen soils, all while making the already falling ash even more snow-like to fit the snowy landscape the island has become. Some of the lights can even reflect of any glass in the vicinity, creating an almost kaleidoscope effect that can take the breath away of onlookers.
RINK AROUND THE CIRCUITS While more daring skaters might take fun in Golden Ward, more casual goers might find a bit more joy in the ice skating rink set up on the shores of Moon Beach where the waters have been frozen over and smoothed out. Even more alluring, the ice beneath seems to have a mesmerizing array of glowing colors that light up and forms into playful patterns beneath the ice to the beat of the current playlist. Whether you bring your own ice skates or have them provided, you’ll be sure to have a blast gliding along the top of the neon colors!
SNOW FUN ALLOWED There’s a designated arena, full to the brim with snow that never seems to run out, dirty, or melt. Events take place not only throughout the day but also well into the night, with the arena being well-illuminated even at the darkest of hours. A good portion of the arena has been set up with barricades and obstacles for the ideal snowball fight zone, with regular switches between free-for-all or team games; the remainder has been sectioned off to protect any poor bystanders from errant deckings in the face, and is much more for making snowmen, snow angels, or any other sorts of snow activities you can think of.
AN UPLIFTING WINTER FAIR Life has gathered from far and wide to partake in a wintery celebration that spans the entirety of The Uplift. Snow falls from the sky and gathers on the area's many steps, and it would be quite a tumble if you were to slip and fall down them. You can find all manners of stalls, selling things from warm treats to winter clothes and toys. The perfect place to take a partner or friend to in order to enjoy some hot cocoa!
DON'T LOOK OUT BELO(H NO!) Because of the colder, snowy weather, steep slopes and ramps have formed between the isles and have been repurposed for the Ultimate Skiing Experience. Just keep in mind that you are jumping between flying islands, and there is absolutely no service available to save you if you fall. That means it's best you have wings, levitation, or know someone who does to come with you!
CAROL OF THE (C)OLD ONES Even the Abyssal denizens in the Echo seem to be in the festive spirit. Taking the new crystal elevator in the museum lobby leads visitors down to the depths of Abyss, letting them out in a place that looks like a banquet. In this 360 degree crystal dome, the shadowy monstrosities outside the barrier begin to manifest... except they all seem to form a choir of beautiful, ethereal voices. As guests have dinner in the dome, they may see the shadows put on spectacular light shows in the darkness, like stars in an ever-present void. This is a formal event, dress for the occasion!
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mariacallous · 6 months
How do you say “Winter is coming” in Japanese?
It’s hardly a criticism to say the new series Shogun, currently airing on FX and streaming on Hulu in the United States and Disney+ elsewhere, may remind audiences of Game of Thrones. The HBO spectacle based on George R.R. Martin’s novels was one of the more transformative television events of our age, inspiring several close-but-no-scimitar imitators. Netflix has The Witcher, Amazon has the preposterously expensive The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, and HBO has the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon, all of which have their charms, but none have quite caught the wildfire-in-a-bottle of the original.
It is with great joy, however, that I can report an heir is finally here. The wannabes prove it wasn’t the wizards and winged beasts that ignited our collective passions: It was the palette of complex characters at cross purposes, the knotty alliances, and the inscrutable schemes that conquered our imaginations. Shogun, based on James Clavell’s bestselling 1975 doorstopper—which was previously adapted for television in 1980—is a fictionalized version of a power struggle in early 17th-century Japan, in which five regional lords vie for control after the death of a leader who maintained stability but whose son is too young to rule. Adding spice to the stew are Portuguese Jesuits (whose black ships are building a secret base in Macao) and the arrival of a crafty English pilot sailing under the Dutch flag with a secret mission to destabilize Portugal’s foothold in the region—but maybe to also make a buck or two. That’s the very shortened version, anyway, but hopefully enough to hook you.
Shogun is that rare television series that demands extra mental effort but truly rewards for the work. (Blessedly, FX has created a thorough study guide to help you keep all the characters straight.) Moreover, its roots in history and genuine customs lend it a great deal of gravitas. Truth, as we know, is often stranger than fiction.
But “strangeness” is a wobbly term these days, particularly for a Hollywood-based production about another nation’s history. As soon as the series was announced in August 2018, producers made it clear it would deviate from the earlier, NBC television event. The 1980 iteration of Shogun, which featured Richard Chamberlain, the legendary Toshiro Mifune, Welsh character actor John Rhys-Davies chomping it up as a strapping Spaniard, and narration from Orson Welles, was arguably the apogee of the big-budget miniseries trend that included Roots, Jesus of Nazareth, The Winds of War, and North and South and was a ratings juggernaut perfectly timed for a growing American interest in all things Japanese. And it was very much told from the perspective of its Western protagonist, deploying a classic white savior trope.
That storyline—loosely based on the real life of William Adams, the first Englishman to navigate to Japan—is still core to Shogun, but the new series, developed by the husband-and-wife team of Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo, takes what Clavell wrote and broadens it. The Adams character, John Blackthorne, played by Cosmo Jarvis, is now one of three equally important main characters, including Lord Yoshii Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada) and Toda Mariko (Anna Sawai). Indeed, it is Sanada who gets top billing in the opening credits.
One indicator of the new telling is this: In the 1980 version, when characters spoke Japanese, it went untranslated. “The viewer will be in the same situation as Blackthorne and will learn what is going on just as he does,” a producer boasted of this creative choice at the time. In the current version, spoken Japanese has subtitles; it is text, not ornamentation. What’s more, while I didn’t use a stopwatch, I’d say about three-quarters of the show is in Japanese.
While some of the producers are Japanese, the writers are not (though some are of Japanese heritage), so the dialogue was written in English, then rigidly translated into Japanese, then handed off to a Japanese playwright who spoke no English but had expertise in this time period, and then translated back for subtitles. Many of the scenes involve tense conferences in which language is translated on the spot, which is incredibly fertile soil for a brilliant performer like Sawai to say one thing with her voice but mean something else with her expression. (Not to make this too complicated, but within the story, no one is speaking English; however, some characters do speak Portuguese, which we at home hear as English—trust me, this makes sense when you watch it.)
This is just one reason why Shogun is not passive viewing. Those who watch television with one eye on Instagram are going to have problems with this one. (And they should—put down the damn phone!) Not only is there a cascade of characters with different shifting alignments, but one of the central themes is deception and delayed revelation. This is a story in which not really knowing what the hell anyone is thinking is central to its success. This is symbolized by the “eightfold fence,” a Japanese philosophy of isolation that has played into its political maneuvers over the years but in a rich drama like Shogun means that when a woman is professing her undying love to her husband, she may secretly wish nothing more than to be dead.
The new series’ decision to broaden the perspective (and also beef up the women’s roles) may have been a red flag for some worried that it would sand down some of the material that, let’s face it, makes 17th-century Japanese culture look a little, well, intense. To put it bluntly: Could a series for our overly sensitive age show a character boiling a prisoner alive just so he can zone out to the sound of his anguished screams in a prurient haze? The answer is yes. And while that sadistic character isn’t exactly a good guy, you kind of end up liking him a little bit by the end.
Even more extreme (and also in the first episode) is when a character accepts that an underling, who spoke in his defense but did it in a way that defied protocol, must not only commit ritual suicide but also have his infant child killed so as to ensure his family line is obliterated. What’s more, the guy who approves of this is our hero, Sanada’s Toranaga.
Indeed, the frequent act of seppuku is just one of the Japanese customs that is baffling to Blackthorne’s Western eyes, and his character remains a stand-in for the audience in that regard. (Far more benign is the belief that it is disrespectful to step on moss—OK, note taken!) But an important change from Chamberlain’s Blackthorne is that Jarvis’s version is frequently a whiny, nasty jerk. Jarvis’s performance, which owes a bit to Tom Hardy at his most energetic, is a spitting, cursing blowhard with a short fuse who would probably have a much easier go of things at first if he would just chill out. (It is, at times, meant to be funny, and it is.) The Japanese call him “The Barbarian,” and given English attitudes at the time toward bathing compared with the much tidier Japanese, you can see why. One of the best compliments I can give Shogun is that, periodically, you will think, “Wait, why am I rooting for any of these people?!” but still feel a lot is at stake in the drama.
While there is a great deal of gore in the series (now I know what a computer-generated horse looks like when hit by a cannonball), there is an overwhelming amount of beauty. The kimono budget must have been through the roof on this thing. Even scenes that clearly include additional greenscreen are lit with care. This is key for a culture that, despite some shocking violence, places importance on order and grace. With 10 one-hour episodes, there is time to linger on how tea is properly served, how sake is poured, or how a geisha who takes pride in her trade can elevate it to artistry.
But none of that would matter if the storyline weren’t compelling, and I suppose Clavell would not have sold 21 million books if he wasn’t on to something. Shogun is probably his most famous, but I recall seeing his name on covers everywhere as a Gen X kid. My own mother dragged around the enormous Noble House, split into two volumes in hardcover, for what seemed like months. Most of his work fits into a larger “Asian Saga,” though he had enough clout in the early 1980s to direct a television special based on a dystopian short story (The Children’s Story) and get parodied on Late Night With David Letterman.
For all the exoticism and complicated history, however, it’s the inner hopes and desires of these characters that will linger. “Flowers are only flowers because they fall” might seem like a corny line out of context, but in the delicate world of Shogun, it is a moment of perfection and one of several in this extraordinary series.
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sakumasmut · 1 year
this is gonna be my last (late) submission for the event, hope everyone else had fun!
Pregnant!Afab!Keito Hasumi x Gn!Reader
tags: petplay, pregnancy, lactation, nipple play, groping, lingerie
“You look so pretty like this.”
Keito shuddered as you took one of his hardened nipples and rolled it between your fingers, biting back a moan. A headband with cute cow ears adorned his head, much to his embarrassment and your delight. The cow print lingerie he wore barely covered his intimates, especially since you had shoved the top piece aside to grope his breasts with both hands. You couldn’t help yourself—after all, it was a delight to feel how much they had grown in the span of a few months. And as much as he tried to hide it in public, right now, while his back arched in reaction to your touches, you could clearly see the round curve of his belly, the telling sign of a second trimester pregnancy.
His thighs rubbed together, trying to hide the arousal that was building up behind the matching cow print panties that was feeling much too tight right now. Nothing could escape you though, and you smirked as you squeezed his nipple, another gasp escaping him as a trickle of white liquid escaped from it.
“My cute little breeding cow likes getting milked, does he?”
You tweaked the nipple again, allowing the liquid to come out in a steady dribble. His face turned red as you leaned down to lick it, making a show of tasting it with overexaggerated hums of delight.
“S-Stop overreacting, it’s just breast milk.”
“Hm, odd, I don’t remember cows being able to talk.” You pulled your face away to look at him, raising an eyebrow. “What sound do they make again?”
Normally Keito wouldn’t be so compliant, but his hormones were making him too needy to care for his pride, nor to remark on your kinks.
“That’s a good cow.” You went back to squeezing his breasts, rewarding him for playing along. “I bet I could fill up a whole bottle with how much milk you’re producing.”
His eyelids fluttered shut, breathing quietly as he focused on your touch. Even with the lack of control he had, Keito found the way you were groping him oddly comforting, while relieving some pressure from his chest at the same time. It was reassuring that you enjoyed the changes his body had gone through, and each brush against his skin, horny or not, was a silent way of telling him you embraced his new body, and the changes it’d continue to go through. His hands cupped the bottom of his heavy belly, breathing ragged as you continued your ministrations. He wasn’t actually lactating that much, but the excitement that filled you when any breast milk did come out from your squeezes truly made him feel like a cow being tended to by its owner.
You moved one hand away, but quickly latched your mouth onto the breast, not wanting it to be left unattended for even more than a second. You rolled your tongue over his sensitive nipple, the suction from your lips making Keito cry out in pleasure. The dampness of your mouth was a sharp contrast to the way your teeth nipped at his sensitive bud, wet tongue swirling circles around it before you popped your mouth off his tit and switched to the other one, taking turns either massaging or sucking his chest.
His moans got shakier, shoulders trembling as pleasure coursed through him. Your free hand trailed down his belly, rubbing it soothingly before it went further down to his crotch. Your palm pressed against the wetness of his clothed cunt, the fabric rubbing against his folds and making him more desperate. Keito found himself beginning to grind against your hand, chasing the friction that would hopefully lead to his high.
“Hah, /name/, p-please…”
“What was that?” You smirked, pulling your palm just inches away from his cunt. “I can’t hear disobedient cows.”
“M-Moo, moo.”
It sounded more like a plea than an animal sound, but you accepted it. You pressed your palm down hard on his cum soaked panties, rubbing it up and down against his sensitive skin. You focused on the clit you knew was hidden behind the higher part of the lingerie, and you were rewarded with more cute gasps and whines from your cow, making your hand go faster. The pleasure from being fondled was building up, and Keito was heading right towards the end. It was the kicking from within his body that finally pushed him over the edge. With a barely restrained cry, his cunt clenched around nothing as he squirted out cum, his fluids drenching the panties to the point it began to leak onto the bed. You retracted your hands as he cradled his belly, panting softly as he recovered.
“Ahh, you really are adorable. Did you enjoy my touch so much that you came already?”
Keito couldn’t respond with anything other than a nod, but his appearance said all, especially his disheveled and probably ruined lingerie. You eased him onto his back, pushing his legs apart to observe the mess between his thighs.
“Looks like my cow is producing more than just milk for me.” You smiled, using your fingers to brush his drenched panties aside. “Let’s see if this also tastes good.”
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Better Than None
1200 words for 1200 followers #12
A/N: Hi friends! Welcome to the 12-A-Palooza! This event is my way of saying thank you for sticking with me. Your support and kindness toward me and my writing is out of this world and I’m grateful for every last one of you! This was the one that I posted that silly & fun vs. dark & gritty poll for, and I cannot tell you all how glad I was that the overwhelming majority went for the fun option. This one made me laugh to myself as I wrote it, and it was an absolute pleasure to write something so light for Joel. It goes back to a HC I posted about many moons ago, about Joel + video games, and is not connected to anything I have written for these characters, or anything I am currently planning. It is a true stand alone that's only purpose is to make you all warm and smiley, so I very much hope you all enjoy it!
Warnings: absolutely none aside from campy Mortal Kombat graphics & a terrible (but hopefully believable) made up finishing move.
Requested by: @jessahmewren Song: Kiss With A Fist Character Choice: Joel Miller - I went back and forth and back and forth and BACK and FORTH on this one, but I decided to be a little cheeky with the prompt instead of taking it literally ;)
Summary: Just a normal night at the Miller residence.
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“Hey! Don’t-” 
A string of grunts and meaty thwacks interrupted your protests, blood splattering in the corners of the television screen. 
“Can’t what? Hm?” Joel asked, the barrage of attacks continuing without relent. “Can’t beat the sh-” 
It was your turn to cut his sentence short, a grin curving your lips to wipe the one off his face. Another round of frenzied blows landed, followed by more grunts. “Who’s beating the shit out of who now, Miller?” 
Before he could reply, another voice chimed in. “Um… Neither of you are beating the shit out of anything.” Ellie snorted. “I mean, look at the bars.” She pointed at the top of the screen where two long bars displayed your characters’ health. “They’re both still practically full. Your kicks aren’t even landing.” 
You laughed, shooting a look over your shoulder at the girl. “Well, you know, I thought I was coming over to watch The Breakfast Club, not to play a game I’ve never been good at.” 
Joel and Ellie had been in Jackson roughly two weeks when you were assigned to a patrol with him. You’d heard from others - Tommy included - that he could be gruff, standoffish. But either they were wrong or you were lucky, because he’d proven to be neither. Quiet, and clearly carrying heartache on those broad shoulders. But everyone did these days. Every newcomer who walked through those tall gates for the first time did so as a revenant of sorts, worn ragged by what the world had become. What they’d lost. What they’d done. You hadn’t forgotten what it was like to try to put your suffering to rest. 
It was clear that that was all Joel - and the girl he cared for as a daughter - were trying to do. 
So you’d matched his quiet. You hadn’t asked questions or tried to provide comfort. You hadn’t flirted  like you knew some women in town would do when paired up with a man as handsome as Joel. Four hours into your shift you were rewarded by his first attempt at small talk, pointing up at a cluster of stars.
“Think that one’s called Cygnus. It’s a bird. Maybe an eagle?” 
You glanced over to see him still looking up, starlight shining in his eyes, showing you strands of soft leather amongst the dark brown. Like that he hardly resembled the road-roughened wanderer he’d been when he arrived. It was that night that you met the true Joel Miller, that night that would stick in your mind and your heart as you continued to get to know him. 
“You like astronomy?” 
“Ellie does.” He shrugged. “Tryin’ to learn so I have somethin’ to talk to her about. Girl loves space. She’d live on the moon if she could.” 
His answer was simple and you found it sweet that he was trying to find common ground with her. It made you smile. “Who wouldn’t?” That earned you a small huff of laughter so you went on, raising your own pointer finger. “You were right about it being Cygnus, but it’s a swan. Aquila is the eagle, and that one should be…” Moving your hand across the sky, you located the other constellation. “Right over there.” 
Two days later you’d gone through the shelves of books you’d been collecting, finding the one you were searching for - The Idiot’s Guide to Space - and bringing it over to his house. He wasn’t home then, so you’d left it with a note. You’re not an idiot, but I thought this might help anyway.
That gesture had gone a long way with both Joel and Ellie, and before you knew it you had been accepted into their little family. The budding friendship between you had slowly turned to something more, until you found yourself invited to movie nights and dinners, falling asleep on his couch with his arm around you and your head on his shoulder. 
But Tommy and Joel had come across a working playstation with a small cache of games on their last rotation outside of town, so this month’s movie night had been swapped for a game night, you and Joel currently engaged in the first round of fights after a crash course in button smashing from Ellie. 
On the other couch, Tommy and Ellie watched, commenting on every misstep and failed attack.
“I thought you said you taught ‘em how to play this game, squirt.” Tommy gave Ellie’s elbow a bump and reached for a handful of popcorn, voice low as he spoke through a smirk. 
“Okay, one?” Ellie bumped him back and pulled the bowl into her lap. “Don’t call me that.” 
“Grow, then.” Tommy tossed a kernel into his mouth and chewed around a wink. 
Rolling her eyes, Ellie ignored him and continued. “And two, I tried to.” She stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth and used her salty hand to gesture at the couch where you and Joel sat. “It’s not my fault they still suck at it.” 
Tommy chuckled. “No, I guess it ain’t.” Narrowing his eyes, he watched as your character jabbed her fists through air. With a tilt of his head, he pointed at the television. “You get next and make quick work’a whichever one of ‘em winds up winnin’. Then you’n me’ll show ‘em how it’s really done.” 
“Please. I’m gonna kick your ass, old man.”
“Old? Who you callin’-” He reached into the bowl of popcorn to grab another small handful. Instead of eating this one, he tossed it at Ellie’s head, the girl responding with a scoff. “You’ll see, you little smartass.”
Her faux annoyance melted into laughter as she wrinkled her nose. “Austin’s a lucky kid. You’re gonna be a cool dad, Tommy.” 
Tommy blinked, mouth dropping open. He wasn’t expecting a genuine compliment, especially one that so readily put his worries to rest. If there was one thing he knew about his adopted niece though, it was that she didn’t mince her words when she was talking to people she trusted. 
“Take… that!” You broke the moment with a shout, jamming a random combination of buttons to unlock a finishing move. 
Your character delivered one of her signature lines - how ‘bout a kiss, loverboy? - and then as she locked lips with Joel’s fighter, brought both of her glowing, powered-up fists to his temples and punched, smashing his digital head between them. On screen, the word FATALITY flashed in big block letters, your character lifting both arms before the message changed and read GAME OVER.
“Did you just… punch kiss me? To death?” Joel blinked incredulously at you, the controller in his hands falling to his lap. 
Biting your lower lip, you laughed. “I did. A deadly kiss is better than none at all though, right?” 
With that he grabbed your controller from your hands and leaned in to press his lips to yours. “Good thing I don’t have to settle for that one then.” 
Once again the moment was broken from across the living room. “Uh, hello? Time to give up your controller, Joel.” He pulled back and gave the girl a faux glare that only made her snort out a laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll avenge you.”
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