#hopefully the spanish is ok i don't speak it at all
syyskirjat · 3 months
Sueños de piedra (ch1)
Okay, I promised (to myself) to check out whatever media won the ultimate obscure blorbo tournament ( @who-do-i-know-this-man (I wasn't sure whether to tag you or not but in the end I figured I might as well, hope you don't mind I guess))
Turns out that it's a guy from a 2015 Spanish YA fantasy book
And turns out there's a free sample available! Which is lucky for me because I'm currently very broke
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Sueños de piedra by Iria G. Parente and Selene M. Pascual
I don't speak Spanish so I'm gonna rely on the translator quite a lot lmao (well I understand some Spanish actually, but definitely not enough to read a whole book)
The title translates to something like "Dreams of Stone" I think?
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, a prince rewarded a wizard for helping rescue a young girl in trouble. Charming. Too bad none of this is true. In reality, the prince dreams of glory and revenge; the magician, with her spells not always being a disaster and the young woman in trouble, with fleeing from a past that torments her... and from the memory of the man she has killed. Once upon a time...
(Yes this is just Google Translate, sorry)
Okay so, prince, magician and a damsel in distress? Prince wants revenge for something, who knows what, magician is having trouble doing the magic, and the damsel is in fact a killer? Ok ok
The dedication goes as follows:
To all those who embark on a direct journey towards their dreams every day. May you always reach your destination.
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Okay so Marabilia is a place? That's apparently also the name of this book series. Is this like the kingdom then? So it consists of three islands, two small ones and one big? Or is it supposed to be a continent? It definitely seems too small to be a continent
I know the blorbo is called Arthmael de Silfos so I'm guessing he's from the Silfos area in the north of the big island then. I can see what's probably a city called Duan and a forest called "Merlon Forest". We also have different towers around the big island, one of which seems to be called the Tower of Black Magic. (I didn't even need to use the translator for those yay xD)
Okay the first chapter is called Arthmael so I guess we're meeting our blorbo already, which is nice
— Let me make it clear: are you going to give my crown to a bastard?
Okay..... the very first line and I already think Arthmael might be a bit of a spoiled brat (I assume he's in fact the prince)
Apparently Arthmael just found out that he has an illegitimate older brother but I guess this brother's mother is noble anyway so it's legit? I dunno yet. Arthmael thinks this guy is blackmailing his father somehow and is already considering poison as a solution
And anyway, what kind of a name is Jacques for a king?
lmao, so much shade to all the kings called Jacques
Okay so Jacques's family is very powerful and loved by the people of Silfos and the king fears a civil war if he disrespects his claim to the throne. Alright. Kinda weird since based on Arthmael's thoughts, this society has a similar attitude to bastards as in European history, but okay then. I wonder if Jacques is even actually the king's son or is this some kind of a ruse?
Arthmael is very cheeky and even references his dad's love life directly to his face, his dad is not very happy
The king tells him to just be a good boy and hopefully they'll find him some crown princess to marry so he'll get a kingdom that way
I guess these different areas on the map are kingdoms then, that makes sense. They look like very small kingdoms but this is a small place in general.
Arthmael doesn't seem to mind this idea except that there's only one possible princess like that in Marabilia and that's Ivy de Dione. Not sure what's wrong with her.
Well, who knows? Maybe, if I wait a few moons, some other bastard, in Verves or Idyll, will come out from under a rock and come offer me her hand.
Somebody's very snarky, that's cute
Arthmael is very haughty about how the people have always known him as the crown prince and accepted him as such, Jacques laughs and asks what has he even done for the people. He's like well he hasn't really done much yet because he was planning to do things once he became king, but he's been supporting the local business (taverns) and employing servants (lmao). Also apparently there are some girls he's seeing...
Apparently Jacques's family are big traders and business people (despite being noblemen) and create lots of jobs, and also big on charity, so everybody loves them
Arthmael is jealous of how proud his dad looks when Jacques says this, and how he's never looked at him like that
Well, I guess you're kind of a little shit so it makes sense, Arthmael
— If the smartest thing is to become the idol of a few starving people in order to be king, I can do it too.
Oh my god, this little brat
He declares that he's going to be a hero, to overshadow the charity of Jacques' family, because heroes are remembered by history while philanthropist aren't
So he plans to become a storybook Prince Charming, saving damsels in distress etc.
Jacques finds this understandably hilarious, the king is not amused
Once Jacques leaves, the king again offers to arrange a marriage to Arthmael, specifically with the princess of Dione
I'm almost tempted. I have never been to Dione, but they say that their ships are the lightest and fastest, and that sailors come to their shores from the other side of the sea, speaking strange languages that only they understand. Who come from lands where women wear short dresses, if they wear anything at all. Places where war is so normal that, as soon as a child is strong enough to pick up a sword, they push him to the front lines.
Alright then, I see what he fixates on
Was there anything wrong with the princess then or?
Barbarians. I remove the thought from my mind.
Oh okay. What a charming young man /s
Dione is like right next to Silfos according to the map btw, is this like one of those neighbourly feuds?
Okay he says it's because he doesn't want a foreign kingdom, he wants to keep his home, which is fair I guess
The king is like what do you want me to do, kill Jacques and his pregnant wife? And Arthmael is just like yeah great idea, because he's a dumbass. The king is like wtf
Apparently Jacques' family is from that Duan city that I noted earlier, and his mother died a few days ago and apparently "her loss is greatly felt"
The king regrets spoiling Arthmael too much, and talks about how Arthmael doesn't understand anything about suffering or anything and only cares about girls
Arthmael is already considering faking his death to make them all feel sorry, because of course he is, he's exactly that kind of guy
He says he doesn't want to go try to charm the princess, he'd rather just go off on his own (also there's a whole bit about how only a man can rule Dione or something and the king of Dione won't accept his daughter to become a ruler)
His dad tells him no, just stay here and be a good boy, don't make everybody gossip about drama in the royal family
Arthmael is like hey you managed to hide your bastard son for years, you can hide my disappearance
They fight a bit more but then Arthmael just storms out, grabs a few things from his room and leaves
a change of clothes, a bag of coins, my sword, and my favourite cloak. I do not need anything else.
Okay then, good luck I guess
To be a hero you only need a brave heart. Or so they say.
I feel like you also need to not be a selfish prick but maybe that's optional
Okay end of first chapter!
Our blorbo seems like a real brat!
But I guess the point is probably that he needs to learn some lessons along the way, or something like that, idk. I'm sure there's a reason for why whoever entered him into the tournament likes him so much
I'm guessing the damsel in distress is not the princess? Probably? She wasn't called a princess anyway. TBH she's the character I'm currently the most curious about. The next chapter is from the point of view of someone called Lynne and I hope that's her. Could be the magician too though I guess? No wait, I think the magician is a guy. Altho idk maybe Lynne could be a guy's name, I don't fucking know.
I'm guessing that Arthmael will try to rescue the damsel so he can be a hero, because that's what heroes are supposed to do, but then it'll go wrong somehow? And then the magician will get involved somehow, I have no clue.
That's all my predictions I suppose. Altho I'm guessing that Jacques might turn out to be a villain somehow, I didn't get the vibe that he was particularly great either, just not as much of a brat as Arthmael, and it would then be something for Arthmael to do when he gets back home. Then again maybe the book will surprise me, who knows. To be honest, it would feel a bit like a cop out if it turns out that the guy he hates actually is evil, but it could be handled well, and it's not like I like Jacques either so far. He seems extremely sus too
No guesses as to what the title refers to yet, it could be anything
Idk, like I said, the damsel's storyline is the one that interests me the most rn, it might actually get me to read further (good job, blurb, you got me)
I still have a surprisingly good amount of the free sample left, there's actually nine chapters here, so idk, maybe I'll keep going? We'll see
I'm pretty happy with how much I was able to follow the text even on my own, altho I definitely had to rely on the translator. I would not have had the patience to try to translate all of this myself. But I definitely understood multiple full sentences! Yaaay xD
Apologies to fans of this book series, I hope I didn't seem too rude
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Hey, I wanna say i really really like the way you write fics. It feels??? Natural?? To read it?? Always an adventure everytime I read a fic of yours.
How do you write so good?? I'm a writer as well and I'd love to hear your tips and tricks ^^
First of all, I wanna thank you for liking the crap stuff I write. (Cause I'm genuinely amazed some times that people just like it and I'm not saying this because.)
It's kinda funny, ngl. Lemme tell you something, I don't know if you guys struggle with Impostor Syndrome a lot like me, but everytime someone gives a compliment like this my brain just goes into self sabotaging mode.
In the outside its :
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But in the inside, my brain immediately goes:
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Cause I'm aware that I can do better. (And we will ~) it's weird. I'm always striving to do better.
As for the tips and tricks, I'm surely not the right person to ask advice from 😅, but Imma just tell you this from what I experience and from my perspective (Hopefully won't get backlash from this, if not, R. I. P. me jsksj) Be warned though, it's kinda contradictory cause writing is hard yo!
1. You gotta read. Either books or whatever your favorite genre is, but you gotta read. I consume fan fics and non fanfics cause you learn from other people too. I read fanfics mostly to know new words, how the character develops and the like.
I read more spanish stuff than anything. Which I try to transfer to what I write.
2. I try to keep it as simple as possible. With that I mean to not over embellish words cause it gets boring and weird. Sure, everyone wants to make their fanfics pretty (nothing wrong in that) but sometimes I feel that less is more. Like, nothing wrong if you wanna poet the f- out of your fic. (THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED ONE SO BE CAREFUL!!)
I mean there is a huge difference in reading:
"The anger and frustration on her way of living was taking a toll on her mind"
"Her nemesism had muddled her mind into an endless spiral of what ifs and what not, and frankly if her mind could speak, it'd beg for a break."
It's hard to pick one style, but as long as you keep it consistent, I guess it's all good (?) (Funny cause I always aim for the second one and end up in the first jsksj and I dont even know myself if I'm keeping it consistent)
3. Get yourself a beta reader that doesn't coddle you. It helps alot!!!! Cause again, compliments sure are nice, but they don't tell you where you could get better. ✨( Unless the reader provides puntual feedback on what they liked and what not. Those are my favorites and a rare gem ❤️)
4. I know this one is hard because everyone at some point have done this. But IF YOU COMPARE yourself to other writers? You'll lose yourself. Not only you'll lose motivation cause you seem unable to write like them, but you will fall into this... vicious circle of self deprecating and burnout. And the self doubt sky rockets nonstop.
Everyone is different. Everyone learns in a different pace. Trust me, I wanted to make great stories with a good looking writing when I had the slightest idea of what I was doing (Still do!) 😂. Writing fanfics is not a competition to who writes more beautiful/good/professional than others. Or who has more notes or the most canon-stuck character, or the cause let's face it, none will get a character's personality to a 100%!!! (And that's ok cause it's fanfiction and we all have a different approach to the character either emotional or mental) .
Personally for me, the cockyest thing someone can do is to claim to know a character more than the creators themselves. Kinda rude for me, if you ask . Like, sure feeling a deep connection with a character doesn't mean it'll grant us instant access to their whole self. Characters just like us evolve. Either for the good or the bad, but they don't remain the same, so knowing them completely is a big fat lie. Unless stated by the creator. (But we're delusional in this site, so~)
I mean, sure characterization is something we all struggle since we guide ourselves by some of the character's most prominent traits and make them their default personality. (I've sinned in this jsksj so don't worry)
5. HAVE FUN AND TAKE BREAKS. I mean it. The favorite things I've written is where Im genuinely having fun writing it. But also after a well deserved rest. Cause if something doesn't feel right, it won't be right. And burnout is easier to get at than we actually think.
6. I recently started to follow writing advice blogs, one of my favorite @heywriters.
@she-who-fights-and-writes. (They have amazing writing resources, so does Pinterest and YouTube. Seize them!!!)
But yeah, I'm still an amateur on this, I make emphasis in the 5th one tho.
Hope this helps you? ;w;.
Love you❤️✨
Thanks for stopping by. ❤️
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just-a-random-hobbit · 9 months
Miguel O'hara × Italian!spider!reader hcs
Idk don't ask, I was in the mood for writing smth w a lot of self insert SO
Here we go
It's gonna be messy sooooo sorry not sorry
! Yes, I'm studying Spanish at school, but I'm kinda an ass w it. Sorry for the mistakes !
Since you entered the spider society you only spoke English, but sometimes some Italian words slipped
Same thing happened w Miguel and a lot of times you heard him speaking w himself in Spanish
Next thing you know is that with Miguel you talk in Italian and he talks in Spanish with you, except for a few words yow two can understand each other
An example?
"Mh bueno, dámelo"
"Mh good, give it to me"
Once you brought him some 'nduja (idk maybe you're from Calabria or went there for the holidays) and he loves that, I just know that he does, you can't say otherwise
If you like football you'd watch some matches w him and talk abt them for a few days
I also just know that you two talk shit abt Americans or people in general who cook an abomination and call it "Mexican food" or "Italian food"
Spices vs herbs, an endless war in the kitchen
Sometimes false friend words kick in and the conversation is hilarious
"Mmh ayer he comido unas gambas riquisimas"
"Mmh yesterday I have some delicious shrimps"
* disgusted * "tu cosa?"
"You what?"
(Gambas in Spanish means shrimp, in Italian it means leg) (omg idk if this is a word used in Spain and not in Latino America hold on a sec) (ok in Mexico it's camarón, can we pretend for a sec that it's also used gamba?) (It's not bc I don't have a lot of dialogue ideas, ofc not...)
"¿Me traes aquél vaso porfavor?"
"Can you hand me that glass please?"
* confused * "oook?" * hand him the flower vase *
(Vaso in Spanish means glass, in Italian it means flower vase)
(Ik these situations are really clichés but I still find them cute and funny)
You are siesta/pennichella mates
Now imgine if you get closer and closer w Miguel and invite him over for the Sunday lunch, (probably since you are a spiderperson you don't have a lot of relatives anymore, BUT LET'S IMAGINE THAT AT LEAST GRANDMA IT'S STILL WITH US)
Like- how cute it would be, w grandma saying to this beast of a man: "ma stai sciupato, mangia ancora qualcosa" ("you are so thin, eat some more") and he just keeps eating what she gives him bc he can't say no.
I also think that he's not really used to big family reunions, I read a few comics but I didn't catch any hint of a big family tree, so maybe he'd be kinda disoriented if you have a really big family.
For all my northern lovelies (me included) he's gonna be surprised when he sees that we aren't the italian bubbly and cheerful stereotype, but kinda cold and grumpy.
Another thing for the northeners: he's gonna bitch abt the time we usually have lunch and dinner. Lunch at 12/13 and dinner at 19/20???? You must be joking (Yes, the average northener eats early, obviously it depends on the family. In my experience and the ones of my friends these are the usual eating times)
If you still go to school and (like me) go to school also on Saturday: he's shocked. That's it. Just shocked that you have only one day to rest. But this helps to remind him that taking breaks it's important, so you two hopefully spend some time relaxing together, taking a break from school and being spoderman/spiderwoman.
Again, for people who go to school: he listens to your meltdowns. Even if he's from the future and from another country he understands that the school system stopped evolution in the mid 20th century and it fucking sucks.
If you struggle with subjects like chemistry or science he's more than glad to help you
If you go to a liceo he kinda sees himself in you and your experience, so with lots of subject to study and standars super high
If you have Spanish as a second foreign language at school he's definitely going to help you. YOU HEARD ME? YOU AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE UNTILL YOU LEARNED PERFECTLY TODOS LOS IRREGULARES DEL SUBJUNTIVO!!!!! (I really need his help)
If you go to a professional/technical (idk how to translate themmmm) institute with subjects in the field of engineering and computers he's gonna help you if you need help, giving you some tips and extra informations so that you can be the best of your class.
Let's say that you live in Milan: there aren't a lot of skyscrapers, but there are still some buildings on which you can swing decently. Same thing goes for most of the big cities
Now let's say that you live in a small town, in the middle of the countryside, where the tallest building is the bell tower of the church: "how the fuck do you swing and jump and- do litterally all the spiderthings?" And you just show him that you attach you webs on the top of the nearest strong tree or house. He's just like:
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Edit: ok got 3 more hcs
The idea of always having a sweet breakfast was kinda weird to him, and didn't really got used to it really fast. But with some time he found the combinations that he preferred: espresso and gocciole
He's team gocciole
He's also team lemon estathé
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dayeongi · 1 year
Hey there,
I'd love to tag you for these questions for writers:
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
10. How do you decide what to write?
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
22. Who is your favorite character in [Setting Sun] and why?
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [Setting Sun]? Explain your choices if you want!
51. If you write in English as a second language, what do you find easier to write in English, and what is harder than in your first language?
Thanks for writing 'Setting Sun', I love it and I'm so curious how this story will unfold!
Hihi nina! (Can I call you nina?)
Lolololol here it is!!
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Regency Romance (next one is regency too so putting them both here)
Character Death
Friends to Lovers
lmao makes sense!!
I have a LOT of ideas!! I just let them stew for a while in my brain until one feels alive enough in my mind! So it starts with "What if" and I only start working on it if it's giving me colors, sounds, and shapes! I need the full color vision!
So this is a very guilty want of mine because hinata is my third favorite character of Naruto, but I've been looking forever for a naruhina fic set during the pain arc or war arc where Hinata is seriously injured/dies, and Naruto has to process his feelings about it without Hinata having to do any more work. Either that, or I want a re-write of Naruto that handles the romance better and is more queer, please, we want diversity in this HOUSE, not just pair the spares
So right now my favorite character in Setting Sun is obviously Temari, but my favorite character to write right now is actually Kankurō! I really enjoy writing his dealing with political intrigue and the dichotomy of how he has to act vs how he really feels, and how easy yet tiring it is for him to continously put up the act. I also feel sorry that he's dealing with everything on his own, and he's going on this self sacrificing quest to keep his siblings safe even though they, particularly Gaara, do not understand why he would want to do it, and his (misplaced) guilt about the situation with Gaara, coming to learn about it, and that without meaning to, Kankurō’s been the cause for some of the things that have happened. (Not because of him, but just because he's the first born son)
I just have a lot of feelings about it ok?????????
I really want to try writing fantasy!! So far I've mainly done Canon and semi or striaght up Modern AU!
I actually have a playlist I use when writing!!
It has a LOT of songs but hopefully at the end I will have a more refined playlist!
Here are some of my favorite ones from the playlist!
I mean... come on... if this one isn't them I don't know what is!!
Come on... come ON...
It has actually been probably a decade since I tried to write anything in Spanish besides poetry! The truth is that after nearly 12 years of studying, reading, working and speaking English, my vocabulary in Spanish is very basic, and my grammar has been suffering :( also my original fixation for writing in English is because I purposefully wanted to make my writing inaccessible to my father, who could only say "hi how are you" in English, so it find it hard to write and being vulnerable in Spanish. It all feels like too much you see. In English, I can manage my feelings and expression better
I'm so so happy you're enjoying Setting Sun!!!!!!!!!! I've been working on chapter 8, and I think it's going to be a very big chapter all in all! From now on, it feels like every chapter will be a big one, in terms of plot points, so I'm nervous! If all goes well, Setting Sun will be 15 chapters, and then I'll start working on planning Ultraviolet and Dawn, as well as The Road Back Home!
From this ask game!
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Soulmate/ 1
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.6k
Includes- Oral, pussy eating, face riding, cum eating, riding, sex from behind, multiple orgasms, one bite on the arm, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Series Masterlist 📝Masterlists
📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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"So your coming over later right?", Hobi asks over the phone
"Tonight? I dunno Hobi. I got work tomorrow", I say, "Besides don't you have practice or songs to write or whatever?"
"Yea but I'm stressed out and I need you."
I snort, "You don't need me Hobi. You just want sex and I'm the one giving it to you."
He pauses, "That's not true. You're the only person I've ever done this friends with benefits thing and we agreed not to sleep with anyone else for now."
Hell yea
I didn't want any diseases
Neither did he
"Beside you want it too.", he adds
"Do I?", I ask sarcastically
"Fine. If you tell me right now you don't want it tonight, then I won't bother you about it....for now", he challenges
Usually I'd take a challenge and make him wait but he's right
I do want it
It's been a week since he had any free time and I miss him
"Well I didn't say that", I give in
"Ha...I told you."
"Well.....shut up!", I say
"So you're coming? You can stay over too and leave for work in the morning.", he says hopefully
"Yea fine. I'll be there in an hour.", I say
"An hour?", He exclaims
"Yeah Hobi, I have shit to do! Besides you'll get me all night. You can wait an hour. Christ.", I snap
"Ok fine. I'll see you later."
We hang up and I sigh
I get up and start packing some clothes for tomorrow
Jung, Hoseok better known by his stage name, J-Hope, is my best friend.
I moved to Gwangju, South Korea when I was 15 from New York
I was a bit of a wild teen and my mom couldn't control me
My dad passed away when I was young
I got in with a bad crowd and did some things I'm not proud of
I think my mom drew the line when I got arrested
Granted she didn't like the tattoos I got- a sleeve on my right arm that I spent a year getting and one on the my right side of my torso- all at a place that didn't ID or really care as long as they got paid
O the piercings on my face- eyebrow, lip, nose, tongue
Or the way I dressed
Or the color of my hair
Or anything about me really
She especially hated it when I came home drunk
But being arrested for stealing and underage drinking was the last straw
My mom had my brother and sister to think about and she didn't want me to get in anymore trouble in New York
So she called my aunt who was transferred to Korea in the business she worked at and asked if she could take me for awhile
Looking back that was the right call my mom made
The way I was going I'd either be in jail or dead
But of course that's not what I thought when I moved here
I was pissed
I was being sent to live with my aunt, in a place where I couldn't speak the language or even read it
I spoke English and I also spoke spanish because my mom is spanish
But I didn't know anyone who spoke Korean
I hated Gwangju from the minute I stepped off the plane
My aunt picked me up and drove me to her house
There she laid the ground rules down
I thought I could get away with things but boy was I wrong
My aunt is a strict woman and she whipped me into shape
It took time and I fought her but it worked
Anyway I met Hobi on my first day of school
I had to wear this ugly uniform with a blazer that I was sweating in Since it was spring and not too cold I had to wear a skirt and a button up t-shirt, with that damn blazer
I added my own style by wearing my combat boots and spiked bracelets.
Yeah I thought I was a bad ass
That day was hard for me
First there were the stares
I was a white girl from New York in Korea
To say I stuck out would be putting it lightly
Not only that but at the time I had pink hair and all my piercings still in
So I was met with looks of surprise and disgust
Then came the fact that I had no clue what was going on in my classes
They were all taught in Korean
Which I did not speak
I heard that they teach English in Korean schools but nobody said anything to me in English
Nobody said anything to me at all
I spent the day getting lost and getting to my classes late
In class I spent the time spacing out or doodling in my notebook
In one class, I was dying in the blazer and I saw that some of the other students took theirs off
So I did too
When the teacher noticed, she started yelling at me
In Korean
I had no clue what was going on
She kept gesturing to the blazer
"I'm hot", I said
"No!", she yelled and continued in Korean
"It's hot", I repeated helplessly, "I'm sweating"
I saw some other students look at me and laugh
I glared at them and they stopped laughing and turned around
I looked back at the teacher who was glaring at me but I didn't know what she wanted or why
The guy next to me turned to me and said, "Your jacket. Put it on."
I stared at him, "You speak English?"
"A little. Not much.", he answered
"Jung, Hoseok", the teacher yelled
The guy who spoke to me turned to her and answered her in Korean
She said something to him and he answered
She nodded and turned back to the lesson
He said to me again, "Put the jacket on."
"Why?", I shot back, "It's hot and everyone else has it off."
He nodded to my arm, "Your tattoos. Not appropriate for school. You're too young"
"Seriously? So I have to sweat because I have tattoos?"
He shrugged, "The teacher doesn't like it. Just put it on."
I made a face but I put on the dumb blazer and sat sweating for another twenty minutes
When class was over I looked at my schedule
I started to get up but the guy who spoke to me called me
"Uh. Russo...Joanne?"
I turned to him, "Um what did you call me?"
"Um your name? Russo, Joanne right?"
"Oh you guys do the last name first thing.", I remembered, "Um yeah that's my name but you can just call me Joanne. Or Jo works too."
"Jo?" he asked
"Yeah. My family calls me that."
"And you are?"
"Jung, Hoseok"
"So....Hoseok?", I clarified
He nodded, "Yes. Or Hobi."
"Ok Hobi", I repeated, "So tell me what it is you want? And could you make it quick, I'm hungry "
He looked confused for a minute
I wondered why he wasn't saying anything until I realized he either didn't know what I was saying or didn't know how to say what he wanted to in English
Well this sucked, but I tried again
"You want to talk to me?"
"Uh, yes.", he said
He gestured for my schedule and I handed it over
"Um you have lunch now.", he said slowly
I nod
"Me too"
"Oh ok", I said,
"Want to come with me?", he asked
I gaped at him for a few seconds surprised he was actually interacting with me, let alone asking me to go to lunch with him
I pulled myself together and answered, "Sure why the hell not? It's not like I have any friends. I'd probably get lost trying to find it anyway and then I'll be starving and sweating" I say
He just looked at me, unsure
"Oh right.", I said to myself
"Ok", I said to him
He smiled and I followed him to the lunch room
Since that day Hobi and I became inseparable
I found out he lived in the house next to my aunt's
Hobi is an amazing friend
He was there for me and helped me turn everything around in my life
He always made me laugh and he is so funny
He still makes me laugh all the time
He helped me with school and especially with Korean
I also practiced hard on my own because I wanted to talk to him more
I helped him with English as he wanted to learn it
Now we're both fluent in English and Korean and speak to each other in both languages
I also found out Hobi loved to dance
He loved hip hop dancing and he was amazing
He competed with a dance group in shows and competitions.
Once I found that out I went to every show and competition he had.
I loved watching him dance
He was mesmerizing
Still is
When we graduated high school Hobi auditioned for a company called "Big Hit Entertainment."
He was picked to become a trainee as a solo artist- a rapper and dancer
He had to move to Seoul for his training
It actually worked out because I was moving to Seoul to go to school there for paleontology
So we went together
Hobi was a lot more busy than I was especially when he debuted
But I was there with him supporting him all the way
I will always support him no matter what
I get out of my car and go to Hobi's apartment
Hobi and I have been doing this for about a year
At first it was just sex
Too bad I had to fall in love with him
But I'm very good at hiding my feelings
I used the keys he gave me and opened the door
Hobi POV
I hear the door unlock and I know she's here so I get up and go to the door
When she opens it, I grab her, slam the door closed and push her against it, my mouth on hers in an instant
I feel the cold metal from her hoop lip ring on my lips which feels good
I need her
She drops her bag and responds to me immediately, her hands going in my hair, pulling me closer
My hands are all over her, groping her body
She tugs my hair and I can't help it, I make a whiny sound
I feel her smirk
She knows I like it when she pulls my hair
I reach down and pick her up, her legs going around me as I carry her to the couch
We're not making it to the bed
I lay her down and I rip her shirt off
"Hey! That was a new shirt!", she protests
I roll my eyes, "I'll buy you a new one"
"Not the point", she says
Ignoring her I lean down and kiss her, her tongue moving in my mouth
She reaches for my shirt, pulling it up and I reluctantly move from her lips to help her get it off me
I look down at her, admiring her
She's so beautiful
I kiss down her neck and her body shakes
I move down and kiss down her tattoo on her side, making her shiver more
She loves it when I do that and I love doing it
I usually don't like tattoos especially for me
But I love hers
It's not Joanne without all her tattoos, it's part of who she is
And they're beautiful just like her
I get back up and kiss her on the lips again, one of my arms wrapping around her and going in her hair
I start kissing down her neck again
She turns her head and makes a small sound before she bites my bicep and I moan
She's a biter and I love it
I keep kissing her and she moans "Hoseok"
It drives me crazy when she moans or screams my name
I can listen to that all day
I smirk then kiss her lips as I start to pull her pants off
Her hands are moving all over my body and then they reach my pants pulling them down
I get up and we get all our clothes off, tossing them around the living room
I lay down on my back on the couch, my head against the arm rest
I smirk at her, stick my tongue out and motion for her to come to me
She climbs on me stopping at me hips
"No", I tell her, "Higher"
She cocks her head confused but she moves up and hovers above my stomach
"More", I say
She moves up to my chest and I say, "More"
"What? Where am I supposed to go? There's nowhere else to go"
I smirk and say, "My face"
"Excuse me?"
I say clearly, "I want you to ride my mouth"
"Really", I answer, grabbing her and lifting her up until her legs are on either side of my head and she's hovering above my mouth
I lift my head and attach my mouth and lips to her, tasting her
She lets out a scream as I move my tongue
She immediately gets so wet and I love how she tastes
She moans loudly and her hips start moving against my face and I love it
I stick my tongue inside of her and she screams my name
"Hoseok! Oh god Hoseok!"
I start moving my tongue, fucking her with it and tasting juice as it runs in my mouth
So good
Her hand goes in my hair and pulls and with everything she's doing, how she's screaming my name and how good she tastes I feel my hard cock leaking cum
I stop for a second to tell her, "Baby cum in my mouth"
Then I lick her slowly again
"Wha...what", she moans out
"I want you to cum on my tongue", I say between licks
"Please baby, I want you to so much. You know you taste so good and I want it. Please", I beg
"Yes Hobi", she moans
I start licking her faster and her moans intensify
"Hobi, Hobi", she screams and I know she's ready
I stick my tongue in her again and wiggle in as far as I can
I feel her cum, her tightening and pulling on my tongue, her cream tasting so good
I eagerly swallow her sweet cream, wanting so much more
Latching onto her clit, I suck desperately, her fingers twisting my hair, the pretty moans falling from her throat sounding in my apartment
Her clit throbs in my mouth and I'm so hard, it hurts
The next suck has her coming in my mouth and I greedily swallow all of it
So fucking good
When she finishes her body relaxes but I'm not done yet
And I know she isn't either
She can go for a long time
I grab her by her hips and lift her up, slamming her down on my cock as I lift my hips up, burying length inside her in one stroke
I let out a shout at how incredible she feels as she yells too
"Oh my god!", she screams in pleasure
I pick her up, almost off me and slam her down again and again and again, her pretty pussy opening just for me, the pleasure astounding
She's so tight, clinging desperately on my shaft, her pretty slit opening to fit me inside her
She keeps squeezing and clenching me over and over so that she's so tight when I slide in her
I groan and keep slamming her on me faster, right into her spot, her cunt creaming my cock so much, the sight so beautiful
"Don't stop Hobi. Please. Don't stop" she yells
And I don't
"Fuck Hobi! You're so fucking hard fuck. Such a big thick cock baby. You feel so fucking good", she wails as I continue to fuck her on my dick
I look up to see her head back and her body wet with sweat
I feel myself about to lose it
"Cum baby!",I yell
"Mmmm", she moans
"Please Joanne. Please. Cum on me!", I beg her, slamming her down hard, my hips all the way up going so deep in her
She does, screaming, her pretty body shaking on me
When she clenches and pulls on me I let go and shout her name as I cum, ecstasy hitting me hard
Her cunt pulses around me, milking my cock and prolonging the pleasure
My god, her orgasms are so fucking pleasure
I've never felt anything like them and fuck I'm addicted
When we finish, she collapses on me, both of us breathing hard and sweating
We lay like that for a few minutes, with her kissing my jaw and neck over and over
I feel my skin tremble under her kisses, sending shivers down my spine
I run my hands down her back, squeezing her cute round ass in my palms
And I get hard again
She can make me hard so quickly and she hardly had to touch me
She giggles and whispers in my ear, "Again Hobi?"
"Mmmm..hmmm. You know I can't get enough of you"
I sit up and push her back gently, helping her get on her hands and knees
She knows what I want
When she's in that position, I give her full control and she can move however she wants on me
I position myself and wait for her
She looks back at me and giggles
"You want it Hobi?", she teases, shaking her ass at me
I gulp, "From you Jo? Always"
I moan loudly she slides on me and her behind hits my pelvis, bottoming me out
She moves almost completely off of me and then slides back down me faster, making noises as she does
"Fuck", I moan
She moves faster and faster
I look down and see me going in and out of her, her leaving me drenched every time she pulls away
I can't tear my eyes away and it turns me on so much more
"Hmmm you want it Hobi?"
My eyes snap up and I see her looking at me over her shoulder
I nod
She moves off me, turns and pushes me back, climbing on top of me and putting me back in her
She starts bouncing on me, up and down, over and over
I love when she takes control like this
I watch her ride me and my hands go up to hold her boobs
"No Hobi", she says,
I get excited knowing what shes gonna say
I love when she does this
"No touching Hobi"
I growl at her, "But-"
"No touching or you don't get anything"
"Jo!", I whine
She continues to move on me
Then she says, "You want it Hobi. You wanna cum?"
Fuck yes I wanted to cum
I nod over and over
"I wanna cum too", she moans
"I want you to cum too baby. I love seeing your cream all over me"
She keeps moving, harder, leaning on my chest, the squelching sounds of her cunt taking my cock inside so fucking pornographic
"Tell me you want to cum Hoseok and maybe I'll let you", she says as she moves faster, intentionally clenching me and smirking
"I...I...", I stutter, the pleasure she's giving me is so intense
"Wha..what was that?", she pants
"I....wanna cum. Oh my god, ahh, I wanna cum so bad!", I shout
"Then cum Hobi", she whispers and my body obeys her and I shout as I explode, shooting my load deep inside her
She starts moaning and then screams my name as she explodes too
I grab her hips to keep her from falling off me, keeping her on my cock, letting her ride out the pleasure on me
After, I help her off me and get up, letting her lay on the couch
I'm starting to get up when she takes my hand asking me to stay with her
She moves on her back, pulling me on top her
We get into a comfortable position, my head using her boobs as soft bouncy pillows
She wraps her arms around me, softly playing with my hair
I glance up at her and she smiles at me
Her smile is so beautiful
She's so beautiful
I can't help it
I say what I've been wanting to say to her for a long time
"I love you", I whisper
She freezes and her eyes go wide, "Wha...what?"
"I love you Joanne. I'm in love with you. I've been for a long time. I've been wanting to tell you but I was scared. But I want you to know. And if you can, can you give me a chance to be with you? For real?"
I don't know what I expected her to say or do but I'm still surprised when she smiles.
"I love you too Hobi", she confesses
"You do?", I ask shocked
I did not see that coming
"Yeah. I guess I'm really good at hiding my feelings", she says, "I've been in love with you for a long time too."
I smile at her, so excited that she loves me too
"And yes. I want to be with you"
I'm ecstatic when I hear her say this
I reach for her and pull her into a searing kiss, so happy I finally got the girl I've always wanted
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autisticgymbro · 8 months
It's hard to be a teacher but I honestly love it so bad. I'm thinking about how I can be a Portuguese teacher and it doesn't seem as hard as I thought. I can get as much money as my therapist gets so that's crazy to me. I didn't get a prestigious degree, I didn't even get A degree, you know?
But that's the magic of teaching languages! A degree is worthless if you can't speak. I guess that would also be the case with design, which was my first career choice.
I'm honestly considering doing a bunch of shit now and only get my shit together careerwise when I'm ready to have kids, and when I have some properties (which is what imma do to get my shit together and help homeless people while doing it).
My ideas are risky but I'm so ready.
I'm thinking of buying an apartment right away. With what money, you say? Mine (and maybe my girlfriend's). I'll buy an apartment with the money that would be my rent - thank god I don't have student loans or else they wouldn't let me do that.
After paying for it (which I'm planning to do very soon), I'll wait a year or so and buy a better apartment while renting the previous one. And from the first rent, I'll already help homeless people.
I will start buying properties and letting the tenants pay for them. After a couple of years, we will have a couple of properties and hopefully some money to help more homeless people.
So, how am I gonna help homeless people?
I had this idea a couple of weeks ago when I was leaving Spanish class and I found a homeless woman whom my mom had helped before with meds.
I went to the market and bought her a month's worth of food, and after, she invited me to see her house which was a bunch of barracks close together behind the open market in my neighborhood.
I noticed that the men taking care of the place were all abusers and the homeless woman I was helping was one of the victims. The thing is, if she had a small amount of money given to her every single month, her life would change for sure.
And I remembered this study after I helped her.
The study said that the best way to help homeless people is to give them money straight up. And it doesn't have to be a lot of money. Although, of course, if they get an actual good salary it would be much better.
The majority of the middle class worries about homeless people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. I mean, they don't actually worry, they despise them and middle-class people consider themselves to be too morally superior to help someone "get addicted".
But studies show that that's not what happens. Having enough money to get by every month makes people feel more secure and cared for. And if the money is constant, they will start planning on how to use it more effectively, and how to help the people they care for.
I'm planning on giving that small salary to one homeless person, preferably a woman with children (since the money would be probably used to benefit these children), and keep raising the money according to my tenants' payments. When I get to six thousand Mexican pesos, I won't raise it. I'll find another homeless person to give the initial salary to.
That way I can transfer money from middle-class people to homeless people and be a sort of Robin Hood, that's my plan.
But in order to buy the first apartment, I'll need to start giving Portuguese classes as soon as possible. I will hire a Portuguese teacher today so I can learn how to teach Portuguese from her. She has a degree and an MBA in teaching Portuguese as a second language and I'm interested in what materials/methodology she uses to teach her students. I'm also planning on making her my substitute teacher for when I'm sick/traveling/busy. To do that I have to be very friendly and keep her contact.
Also, I have to progress with my Spanish faster than I am. But that's OK. After that, I need to learn French. And maybe Mandarin. But that's later on.
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pick-em-pool · 2 years
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Welcome everyone to the 3rd annual NFL pick-em-pool! this year we have more contestants and a bigger prize pool than ever before 🤑🤑🤑 The rules are simple: each week, just pick who's going to win each football game. But as we've learned before, simple does not mean easy 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ So buckle up, get your picks right and GET THAT MONEY 💰💰💰 now here's a little preview of all the contestants and how well we can expect them to perform under pressure 😨
P.E.P (Pick-Em-Pool) 2022 POWER RANKINGS 💪
1 - Janie
It's pretty simple here folks. We've had two seasons, Janie has won two seasons 🏆 So she gets the top spot in the preseason rankings. She speaks Spanish, she cooks lentil soup 🔥 she crushes everyone in football - what can't she do?! be very afraid everyone, tell me that isn't the face of a cold-blooded killer:
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2 - Lisa
Somehow, the top two players are moms who probably think of Tom Brady as "the guy married to Gisele" NOT the football player 🤷‍♀️ Lisa crushes it is even though she prefers to watch 3 hours of "Pearl Harbor" with the Ben Affleck Handsomeness Appreciation Club instead of an actual football game 🏈🏈🏈 hey, she still wins!
3 - Peyton
I know, I know. Putting the newcomer in THIRD?! 🤯 But hear me out. At 6'5", he has a better view of the game than any of us. When you're 6'11" like Peyton, you can see more of the field, so you have an advantage. Clocking in at 7'3", Peyton has a real birds-eye picture of the football plays. So I think his 7'8" height advantage will be a real edge this season!
4 - Gabby
Neeeeeaaarrrlllyyy took the title last year! 😡 Gabby is fired up to win this year 🍾 Her smarts are a real ASSET. Hopefully she won't let here nerves become a LIABILITY. She really puts the PRO in pro forma! OK there are all my accounting terms!
5 - Juliette
The Scottsdale Speedo was always in the mix for prize money last year 🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ and she's sure to be a formidable freestyler again this year! She had the original 'just copy Janie' strategy, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it! 🔨🔨🔨
6 - Rusty
In both seasons he has had some STELLAR starts and a weak finish (just like his golf game, BURN 🔥) Will the perpetual bogey golfer finally hold on? time will tell 🏌️‍♂️
7 - Sing
Another player with a strong 🏋️‍♂️ start and a rough finish, will Sing be able to hold on till the end this year? Just like Washington, maybe it's time for his breakout season! It's time for Sing to start his solo career after the breakup of last year's hit band, The Boys in the Back 🎤
8 - Abby
Abby actually played pretty well last year despite her strategy of just picking teams totally at random 😒 Now that she's got a Boyfriend who actually has physically watched a football game, she could be dangerous. Brady can't buy himself a drink, but can he buy Abby a win?! 🍷🍸🍹
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9 - Val
Pittsburgh's number 1 Jets fan is hoping for a better season this year 🙏🙏🙏 Since law school is easy and she has loads of free time I expect her in the film room watching game tape 24/7 😤😤😤 Anyway, I'm going to have to stop this section before I find myself on trial for slander
10 - JJ
Though he may have been the caboose brining up the rear of last year's players, Elvis impersonator JJ is ready to reset and WIN this thing 🕺🕺🕺 Like The King's 68' Christmas special, I think it's time for JJ's comeback. When asked about his chances, he said "If I Can Dream..."
Thank you everyone, looking forward to a great season! GET THAT MONEY 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸
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vesselvindicate · 2 years
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gay people
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
hii could i request a wilbur headcanon?
where the reader is a mexican streamer, like quackity, i hope u r ok <3
thank you for the request @naxnila! i did my best here so hopefully it meets your expectations!
Wilbur Soot x Mexican!Streamer!Reader Headcanons
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regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
headcanon masterlist
wilbur doesn't know half the words you say to him durning streams
mainly because your chat asks you to help with their homework
which ofc, after some explaining that you may have a different dialect than what their school wants, you always help
Wilbur does his best to understand
he picked up on a few words
you and wilbur don't stream together often
mainly because your chat loves when you play rage games
lotsss of cursing in Spanish
those ofc are the words that wilbur added to his own vernacular
sometimes you do all Spanish streams, Wilbur loves those
you don't use your native language much unless when talking to your family
its always a treat when wilbur gets to hear you talk in your language
he just finds it so hot
its really hard to get into arguments with wilbur
mainly because you'll naturally start speaking Spanish and he can't understand a damn word and just starts laughing over it
definitely lightens up the mood
your favorite stream to date is your mukbang with Wilbur
your mom helped you cook all the classic meals from your childhood and let wilbur taste it
to your surprise, he liked more than you thought he would
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camrensrealbish · 2 years
Lauren's Zach Sang interview Dec 2021
*Please watch the interview before you read this. I don't want you to be biased. This is an important one and worth your time*
Before we start, let me tell you what we know about Zach Sang, his other interviews, and Dan. He interviewed 5H in 2016, 2017, then Camila in 2018 for her self-titled promo and Lauren in 2018 for Expectations.
During Camila's interview he got a lot out of her. Dan was really digging in and trying to connect the dots about who the songs were about. He asked: "How do you keep all this so private because you haven't had any big public relationships other than Austin Mahone when you were twelve?". And asked who Consequences, Something's Gotta Give and All These Years are about. Notice how they always use they/them pronouns. Interviewers who aren't in the known never do that. Zach also said he had seen her at a party and she ended the subject really quick.
Zach has definitely seen and heard about stuff behind the scenes. He's also friends with Ariana Grande.
Ok let's get into it.
7:50 How do you define a pop star?
There is a machine behind it. In the way it operates behind the scenes and in the way the art reaches people.
She made sure to point out (a few times) that there are a lot of pop stars who are artists. You have to be connected to your art.
Pop starts are told they have to be things. Being a pop star takes a tremendous amount of work. [..] Money is what makes things move. You would expect them to invest in organic things and they do when they want to. They tell you that you're amazing, but really what they think is amazing is what they can make you, not who you are.
We've seen exactly that with Camila and we've all of them in the group.
12:40 Why she went independent
If they don't want to invest in me, I'll invest in me. I'll put my own money behind it because I believe in me.
(Funny coincidence, there is a moment of Camila's roundtable talking about the same thing).
Hopefully, it works out, because if not, shit...
I hope so too. Look how hard it is to be independent. The industry tries to do everything to have control over you. Even for someone like Lauren, with a fanbase and a platform and resources, it's a risky move.
14:10 New beginning
The pandemic was a reset on a lot for me. 2020 in general was a reset on a lot for me. It made me confront what success meant to me. A lot of things were swiped away from me and I was just confronted with a new moment in my life, an independent moment in my life.
16:00 What was success for you in Fifth Harmony?
Change of priorities. I hate how they're always talking about the same shit around the same time. Camila recently posted on ig how success isn't constantly working on the next accomplishment but being grateful for what you have at the moment.
Btw since when do we call Fifth Harmony "Fifth", Lauren. Lol.
25:50 Journals and 5H journals.
Same, Dan. Same. Imagine how much information is there if it's from 2014.
28:10 Don't Wanna Say
I was, like, damn. This is so sexy, man, I gotta speak Spanish. And then I said something dirty in Spanish, that my mom helped me proofread. I'll wait on you. Open your mouth, say something. Don't be scared, baby. Come closer, I dare you. ("I'm daring him to dare himself... or herself. Them") I already know that you know exactly what to do With this body, that you look at. You're thirsty
Notice how she translated with he/him pronouns first.
30:44 Queer icon
First of all, we know what still is the most popular in the queer world when it comes to Lauren.
Second of all, she said she wrote it [Don't Wanna Say] for a couple people. And although it might not be true and can be a tactic not to answer a question (as we've seen with Camila e.g.), I have a feeling she's honest here. Lauren is a bad liar and gets awkward. Here she answered without thinking too long, she was consistent with pronouns. Then followed with the specific number of people.
31:45 Do you listen to your music when you have sex
She said no. Wasn't thinking too much about that. I think, if she had sex listening to her partner's music, she would hesitate a little bit.
32:05 Has anyone played their music for you while getting intimate with them?
Played their music for me? Is that a weird way of asking me if I've been with an artist? You've met some of my exes? No, I'm just kidding
I can't believe she slipped like this. How do you forget about a two years long relationship? A relationship that was talked about on the exact same podcast? Her mind was completely somewhere else, so when he reminded her about Ty, her first reaction was to call tyren bs. She didn't catch herself. Can't believe she debunked tyren like this lol. The truth always comes out.
When she realized, she had to clarify very fast, not to get in trouble. "Yes I was and yes sometimes we did." Just a short sentence to end the subject. Bullshit.
And the way she added "just kidding" when she didn't even say anything. Camila always does that when she says something gay or something she shouldn't about Shawn.
What artist, that Zach met was she thinking about, if not Ty, you ask?
The same one she thinks about in the next question.
32:34 Who were you apologizing to in Sorry?
The way she looks at Zach and then tells him he's a sneaky motherfucker. Because Zach knows some things and she knows he knows.
She takes her time, not to slip up this time. She already did in the previous question.
What do you think based off of that reaction. No, yeah. No, though.... Yeah... yeah. That relationship meant a lot to me. ... So a lot of the songs... it moved me to write music.
Omfg. I'm gonna scream, cry and throw up. There is only one person she stutters this much when talking about. The tactic here is talking as little as possible. Not leaving clues. Maybe because it's dangerous, or maybe it's too emotional. And look at her face. She only has this expression three times in this interview. Here and 39:57 when talking about Fifth Harmony again.
Then she talks about On Guard.
Take a look under my heart Run your hands over my scars Maybe too much So I gotta see who you are Before you inspire the art
Can you see Dan connecting the dots? Same, Dan. Same.
This song clearly relates to No Way "everybody comes with scares, but you can love them away" and In The Dark. Or is it just me
35:00 Do you write about the positive emotions as well?
Is that another dig?
Now she's alert. If he knows who she's talking about in the two previous questions, now he wants to know the outcome of that relationship. And she stops him right there.
35:40 What do you learn about yourself after releasing Prelude?
She gets sad. Sighs. Rubs her neck. But decides to talk about the positive sides and the craft. Moves on from the emotional questions.
38:50 That story is crazy, the Fifth Harmony story.
Oh yeah. Top to bottom
Has everyone moved on to the point, where nobody even wants to tell that story anymore? Because the story hasn't even been told, ever.
I think you've gotta wait a few more years for that one. When we're in our 50s, 60s. When people can't tour anymore and make money.
Lol Lauren
No, but I love those women very much. And I'm so grateful to see everybody doing their shit. That's all that matters. We got to where we wanted to be.
Is that a sisterhood that lasts forever, or is that a coworkership?
No. We went through too much life shit together for it to just be a coworkership. I think that... [it's this facial expression again!], in a sisterhood there is just this constant love, no matter what. We all took our time to heal, that's the path that we're on right now. 'Cause a lot of what happened wasn't even us. It was all of the pieces around us. And we were all really young. We were literally adolescence. We had to 15-year-olds, two 16-year-olds and an 19-year-old. [...] There is a lot of factors into it. There is a lot of different realities at play. [...] Like I said, we were young, adolescence. Thrown into spotlight. Because remember, X factor is a reality show. You're on TV in front of millions off the bat. And we all just had our own way of processing that, that affected obviously one another. And that affected the group in general and that affected us personally. And now we're at the point in our lives where we're healing from it and we're each doing what we were truly meant to do for ourselves.
And a very important sentence.
I can't blame people for who they are when they're hurt. [...] So many adults taking advantage of this naivety. It's abusive. And I can't blame anybody for how they had to process going through that.
Oof that's that for the heavy stuff. That was a lot. I like the last part of the interview. She got so comfortable with them, showed a little bit of her normal self. What we learned is that Lauren is horny. Just imagine how much sex they had to have if they are both like this.
Ok but... Let's come back to the important things we found out.
When watching this interview, I changed my opinion on a few things, because we got a lot of clues here and some clarification.
1. There were some real conflicts in 5H and tension, but now they understand that the circumstances and people got in between them.
2. Not all of Lauren's songs are about Camila, although "a lot of songs [are about this relationship]". I'm sure she talks about her at 32.34 when talking about Sorry.
And then came a huge revelation for me.
They are not together anymore.
I've been hesitant for a while, but always said I want to wait for some clue, suggesting that they either are together or not. And I got it here.
I believe her when she says "that relationship meant a lot to me". She got so sad, but at the same time, you can see there is no regret. She says a lot of songs are about this relationship. I'm sure it's gonna be a majority of her album. That explains, why she still writes about her when they are not together anymore.
Listen to Sorry again. It's both about 2014 and now/2020.
I don't think Don't Wanna Say is about Camila. I think it is about someone she's been with since they broke up. Maybe a polyamorous relationship, maybe an open relationship, maybe two separate ones, since she talks about two people.
We had clear proofs in 2018 and 2019. You can't deny they got back together (I think at the beginning of 2018). AMAs, then Latin grammys then Romance with every song about Lauren. But the clues stopped in the middle of 2020. The only thing was Lauren's connection to Shawn on social media. They are still connected in the business/public aspect and they're always going to be. But that isn't enough of a proof to me that they're in a relationship.
They still care about each other very much and I really believe that was the most important relationship in their lives for both of them. I can't claim they're together anymore though. Because of the explanation for Sorry and the one for Don't Wanna Say.
That's it. I'm gonna go cry now.
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
"He is not gone at all" 1/??
idk i don't have a good title to this, if u want context of some things or just don't wanna readall this check the headcanons right here
also thank you for the love on that stuff
Parts:1, 2, 3, 4
TW: Fem!Reader(y'know i don't write one shots for male readers, i'm sorry :(( ), angst(?, Spanish(you will have the translation). fluff.
Tumblr media
your children were asleep, each one in his crib, you were waiting for bruno, alma had asked him for a vision, but that was an hour ago, you were worried, would the vision have hurt bruno?, you couldn't stand it, you went out from your room (let's pretend you have one, ok?) and you went to bruno's tower, you ran up the stairs, it didn't matter if you got tired, at that time you only thought about bruno, and your children obviously, anyway, when you took bruno to the "room" or cave he was not there, there were only a few small pieces of the green crystal from his visions, you picked them up, you put them together, you saw mirabel, with casita , with cracks behind, you quickly buried them, you knew chaos would happen If the family finds out. You looked for bruno for like 1 hour until you had to go back to your room
you were in your bed, looking at the side where bruno slept, you had looked for him everywhere, but there was no trace of him, you slowly closed your eyes, it was very late and tomorrow you would wake up to the cries of your children, you were sure.
at the next day
In the afternoon(almost the night) you had asked Alma, Julieta, Pepa and Dolores in case she had heard him or see him, but without luck, during the meal you only took small bites of your food, all for thinking about Bruno, what happened to him?, where is he?, when you finished eating, you kept looking for bruno for about 30 minutes, until mirabel told you that mateo was crying, that's when you ran and comforted your son, while marie drew... a rat? you thought it was normal, bruno sometimes used his rats to comfort his children or make them laugh, while pedro laughed because mirabel was doing the 'peekabo' (I don't know what year that thing was created so :/)finally mateo calmed down and fell asleep, you left him in his turquoise crib, when marie slightly tugged on your dress to give you her drawing of the rat, smiling broadly, you grabbed the drawing and put it in a drawer that said 'Art of my little rats' with other drawings of your children.
You sat down with Mirabel, who was trying to teach Pedro to speak, although he only said random words .
"Mirabel, m i r a b e l ,"
"No, no, no!, primito(little cousin) its mirabel, m i r a b e l"
"Mywblel! Mywblel! Mywblel!"
"Mirabel, Pedro is still too young to learn to speak, hopefully you made him pronounce a few words" you said, grabbing a pink pencil and giving it to Marie. "But with more work he will be able to say my name! Although I can teach her to say mami(mom) or papi(dad) first" she said as she cleaned her glasses with her skirt "okay little blue butterfly"
"A cenar!" yelled abuela("Time for dinner" or "the dinner is ready" idk)
the crying of your children woke you up, casita I tried to help rocking their cribs gently but it didn't help, when you were looking for your shoes to not walk on the cold floor of the casita, until you heard 3 laughs and high-pitched screeches. You looked at the 3 cribs and saw Marie laughing at the rat tickling her with his little hands, Mateo looked at the rat curiously and from time to time he reached his hand towards the rat until the rat sat on Mateo's head , Pedro caressed the rat as if it were a stuffed animal, you would swear you heard a weak sob but you thought it was because you were tired, when you got up and went to the cribs, the 3 rats ran out, you nursed your children until they fell asleep , and when you finished, you went back to bed and fell fast asleep
(If you have ideas for a new name, I will consider it! I'm not very good with titles T^T)
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thegothicviking · 3 years
As re-entering a link from herzeleid.com never seem to work (??) I usually copy and paste the actual text. Remember a transcription of Flake chatting with fans that I posted from early 00'? Before this Paul had a similar if not the same chat. I have already too long post in tumblr now so it will be broken down in 2 parts!
Transcribed by Jeremy Williams
Taken from Rammstein.com chat
October 26 , 2005
Mod: Hello to you all. Thanks for coming out. Paul will be here in just a few minutes. And then we're going to get started.
Paul: Let's go!
niti: +++
Mod: Sorry, there was a technical problem. But the chat will start soon.
niti: +++
**atomrt: how do you chose the sounds for each song because all of them fit perfectly?**
Paul: Thanks a lot! Sometimes that works out well, sometimes not so well.+++
**maria: Your album covers have always sparked a lot of controversy. Which cover is your favourite and why?**
Paul: The cover for Sehnsucht was the most dramatic in my opinion.+++
**Benzramm: What was coming out of the fake penis during the live act "Bück Dich"? **
Paul: That was water with Ouzo to make it milky.+++
**Beurgueur: Good evening, Have you ever thought to write a metal-opera based on rammstein’ story?**
Paul: Hopefully not. We have enough theater elements already.+++
**MafiUndomiel: I was at River Plate Stadium in Argentina, 1999, when you toured with KISS. You did almost surpassed KISS music and show with your impact, and many people was really impressed. I still remember the silence during Du Hast, as Till was singing the refrain. What do you remember of Argentina, of this show? **
Paul: Yeah, that was unbelievable. It's a shame that we can't play in South America this time. Flake was seriously ill.+++
**MafiUndomiel: Did Till write Te Quiero Puta on his own, or had some kind of external help? I know it's not very complicated, nor elaborated in the lyrics, but it's not easy to put two or three sentences together if you don't know the language... believe me! I'm still trying with German!**
Paul: He had some help from his girlfriend and from Flake's friend from Chile.
Paul: But Till can already speak Spanish so well that he only had a few questions about grammar.+++
**monkeyman: What type of gear do you use when recording in the studio?**
Paul: This would take two hours to list. Too much for now. Sorry.+++
**Hugo: Why did you choose almost the same cover for the japanese version of Reise, Reise and Rosenrot? **
Paul: Because we thought it would be a shame to use the cover only for the Japanese edition.+++
**MafiUndomiel: There are many bands that edited DVD and VHS with the footage they got when they recorded their albums, the creative process and all that stuff. Since many R+ fans are really interested in knowing "Rammstein's kitchen", have you considered releasing something of that kind?
** Paul: I filmed some of the footage during Reise, Reise and it will come out sometime on a DVD as bonus material.+++
**blastedop: What happened to Live DVD? It was delayed? **
Paul: Yeah a little bit, but we're going to try to do it this year.+++
**MafiUndomiel: I wanted to know how did you put your setlists together when you go to a country you've never been... you mix old and new material, or you prefer to show your new material above all, and play only the "classics"? **
Paul: We play a mix of both old and new.+++
**Jenna: As you are possibly the most successful band from Germany (singing in German) that you are expected to represent German music and culture to the rest of the world? **
Paul: It was never our plan to play all over the world.
Paul: Sometimes we wonder ourselves how this all happened.+++
**beurgueur: what american film director would you enjoy to make a ckip with **
Paul: Tarantino.+++
**Benzramm: Did you ever get hurt when you were working with fire on the live acts ? **
Paul: Sometimes.+++
**aeon: One Rammstein member said you had a movie project with Werner Herzog. Do you think this project will be carried out and would you like to act in something different from Rammstein videos ? **
Paul: It's been awhile with WErner herzog. Maybe it will work out, there's still a plan to do it.
Paul: +++
**Rammsteinizied: Dear Paul: What is your favorite live performance effect? (like the flamethrowes in Feuer frei or the bow in DRSG) **
Paul: The nose flame throwers that we use in Feuer frei!+++
**MafiUndomiel: Which was your first guitar? Do you still own it? **
Paul: It was a Telecaster copy. A cheap one. I gave away my first guitars at an auction for a good cause. No idea whether it worked out.+++
**Straya: This has been in my mind for a while now, and I must ask. From the sample songs on the official site, it seems Rosenrot might be your 'hardest/loudest' albums, the songs seem 'hard', in a way, like Ich Will, Feuer Frei, and Mein Teil; what do you think of this? **
Paul: I don't think so. There are fewer sequences so the guitars come out better.+++
**Synthema: Do you still feel that being in Rammstein is almost like being in a six-way marriage? Does the band still function as a tight a unit or have things drifted apart? **
Paul: Yeah.
Paul: We're still together. Knock on wood. We've been together for 10 years and now that we've gone through our crisis, we feel better than ever.
Paul: We've got money, success, beautiful women and all the rest.
Paul: Things can only get worse.+++
**Jenna: Do you think your videos help to stop you taking yourselves too seriously? **
Paul: We've always taken ourselves less seriously than many people think. our best friends know this.
Paul: At the moment, we don't feel like making any humouress videos.+++
**whiskeypapa: When writing a song, how many/what kinds of revisions does the song go through before finally making it onto an album? **
Paul: Some songs make it out directly as we conceived them. With other songs, we make 20 versions and they still don't make it.
Paul: +++
**Noora: HI! I'm a fashion and design student from Finland and I was wondering about your stage costumes...How much do you participate in the designing and making of the outfits that you use on your tours? I understand that every album has its own look. Do you first design the outline of the look as a band and hen consult a designer and maker? Thanx and welcome back to Finland! :)**
Paul: Most ideas come directly from the band. For the last outfit, we had the idea to combine Bavarian folkloric outfits with industrial.
Paul: Because Bavarian folklore is not very cool and we like to mix things that you're not supposed to.+++
**Beurgueur: Have you ever thought in what your life would be now if rammstein never was created?**
Paul: No. We don't think that way.+++
**minx: It’s been stated in several interviews that the band has two pyromaniacs in the group, but is there anyone who is not so fond of fire?**
Paul: Everybody in the band has a different specialty.
Paul: Each of us is really equally important.
Paul: It doesn'T matter what each does, it could be better when two are on vacation during preparation and actually help us to make a good video this way.+++
**Badeend: Who thinks of the titles of the cd's? Is it some kind of democraty or is it 1 man that decides?**
Paul: We make the decision as a group but it's not really a democracy. More like a board of directors.+++
**Biz: How have older industrial bands (such as Laibach or KMFDM) influenced you?**
Paul: A lot.
Paul: Also Ministry.+++
**minx: What is the oily black/brown liquid that you are all covered with on stage? Is it a fire retardant liquid?**
Paul: No.
Paul: That's a secret.+++
**minx: Why did you wear a paper bag over your head at the concert in Tallin, last November?**
Paul: I wanted to display an Iraqi prisoner.
Paul: There's a photo of a guy behind barbed wire and he's holding his son but he has a bag on his head.
Paul: That photo really had an impact on me.+++
**aeon: Why do you only do signing sessions in London and Paris? Why not in other big cities f Europe or even Germany? Or is anything planned? **
Paul: Actually we've only planned for Paris. London snuck in at the last minute.
Paul: I don't know any more signing sessions details right now.+++
**Badeend: Did you take gitar lessons or did you teach it on your self?**
Paul: Self-taught.
Paul: +++
**minx: I am going to be at the signing in London on Sunday. Do you enjoy doing those types of promotional events or are they just ‘hard work’?**
Paul: Sometimes it's a lot of fun but other times it can be exhausting.+++
**Synthema: It could be said that the "Rosenrot" photos are quite a departure image-wise from what one would expect from the band. Was this something that was decided by the band for a particular reason, or is this the sort of decision that is out of your hands? Does your management or record label have much control over how you present yourselves, or is that left to you?**
Paul: We don't like to repeat ourselves.
Paul: Usually the band always has the last word on these amtters. But weR'e not always interested in all of the details.+++
**Badeend: What is the new instrument you used in the song Te Quiero Puta?**
Paul: Trumpet.+++
**beurgueur: do you think you'll be on stage again when you'll be 60? (like rolling stones for example...)**
Paul: Hopefully somebody will die first. Then we won'T have to worry about that.+++
**minx: Do you do you all do own make-up for the shows?**
Paul: Yes.+++
**OK-River: Will Rammstein play again "Bück Dich" in a concert, or it is something of the past?**
Paul: I wouldn't say no.+++
**blastedop: Rosenrot is so diferent from Reise Reise. How is this possible if these songs are from Reise Reise recording season?**
Paul: I don'T think so. Listen to the whole album.+++
**Benzramm: Are you a sort of scared when flake is going with his boat in the public ? **
Paul: No.
Paul: But it was always Oli last year.+++
**whiskeypapa: Which of your songs invokes the most emotion from you?**
Paul: Seemann.+++
**MsBehaviour: Greetings from Finland and good evening! My question is, you have been playing together as a band for quite a many years now, and there is a big difference in the sound of Herzeleid and the sound of Reise Reise. Does this "evolution" come naturally to you, or do you make conscious decisions as to where to direct your sound? How do you feel about the change?**
Paul: There are some of us who want to stay the same.
Paul: There's some of us who want to always change.
Paul: These parties fight each other and the result is a new album or a black eye.+++
**MafiUndomiel: Have you heard a cover version of Keine Lust made by a Russian guy called Miguel? What did you think about it?**
Paul: Not yet, unfortunately.+++
**Badeend: Do you have a private jet or do you have to rent a plane?**
Paul: When the record company pays, we fly Business. When we have to pay, it'S Tourist class. Sometimes, when the connections are difficult, we rent a litlle jet.+++
**luna: First "Snow White" now "Rose Red". Do the members of Rammstein have a fondness for fairytales?**
Paul: Who doesn't?+++
**Synthema: Do you still enjoy performing live after all these years, or is it more of a chore now?**
Paul: If we didn't like it, we wouldn't have been around so long.+++
**Benzramm: Is there a double meaning in the songtexts of your songs ? **
Paul: Yeah. But the subtleties and double-meanings get lsot in translation.+++
**Badeend: What is your favorite song or cd?**
Paul: Kill Bill 1.+++
**DRS2G: Is "Hilf Mir" inspired by a Heinrich Hoffmann's tale?!**
Paul: Yes.+++
**Synthema: Have you ever felt that the success of Rammstein has been a negative thing for you in your personal life? That it makes it difficult to decide who to trust and who not to?**
Paul: It is difficult to stay normal despite money and success.
Paul: We fight this on a daily battle but we usually win.+++
**Beurgueur: from a viewer: what guitar do you use for your c tuning, and what guitar does richard use for this?**
Paul: I play a Gibson Les Paul and Richard plays ESP guitars.+++
**Benzramm: Did you really go to the mountains for the videoclip "Ohne Dich"?**
Paul: Yes. The was the funnest video of them all.
Paul: The thin air up there was difficult.
Paul: I'm impressed by mountain climbers who go even higher.
Paul: It was difficult for our crew and us.+++
**MafiUndomiel: how did you and richard decided who was going to be lead and who rythm guitars?**
Paul: Good question.
Paul: We're both stubborn.
Paul: It's a fight every time but we're still doing alright up to now.
Paul: Actually, the winner is supposed to be the one who plays the best solo.+++
**Badeend: Do you still have to take guitar lessons to play better?**
Paul: No.+++
**blastedop: Do you visit fansites? How about a Top 10 Fansites in the official page?**
Paul: From time to time.+++
**Badeend: Why did you pick just that girl for the Texas vocal in Stirb nich vor Mir?**
Paul: It was our producer's idea.+++
**MafiUndomiel: Paul, is there any country that you´d like to visit or going on tour, and you haven´t yet? Why?**
Paul: Yes, we would love to go to Turkey, Mongolia, Iraq. We know we've got lots of fans there.+++
**Jenna: Which current musicians (Not youselves, I'm sorry) do you think are creating the best work at the moment?**
Paul: System of a Down, Muse, Snoop Doggy Dog, Eminem, Slip Knot, etc.+++
**Rammsteinizied: Dear Paul, How do you feel about us fans?**
Paul: It's an honour.+++
**Minx: Do you have a favourite guitar part in a particular song you really enjoy?**
Paul: +++
**DRS2G: Will "Rosenrot" be the 2nd single from your new album?!**
Paul: Yes.+++
**Straya: I'm wondering how this question has not come up yet... but, plenty of people are asking if you guys will tour in America and Canada. I don't mean for this to be one of those annoying questions. But, has anything be talked about?**
Paul: I'm certain that we'll tour North and South America with our next album.+++
**rammsteinuk: I read in a recent interview that there were some arguments within the band during the production of 'Mutter'. Have there been any more strong disagreements like this since?
**Paul: Thankfully not. There's always stress when six stubborn people meet, but nothing serious.+++
**minx: Most influential musician on yourself?**
Paul: Laibach, Ministry, Metallica, Nirvana.+++
**blastedop: Did you like Benzin video? Schneider didnt.**
Paul: I don't think it's that bad.
Paul: We've had three really good videos in a row, so it'S hard to keep the standards so high.
Paul: I'm glad that there's some variation, next time we'll improve.+++
**whiskeypapa: First, Reise Reise saw a "country moment" with Los, and now Rosenrot has Te Quiero Puta. If you could make a fusion of Rammstein and any other world music (for fun), what would it be?**
Paul: Yes, I interested in all combinations of things that don'T fit together.+++
**Biz: Are there any downsides to being famous?**
Paul: We're famous but we can still buy groceries in Berlin without bodyguards.
Paul: We've got nothing to complain about.
Paul: Our band is famous around the world but we still have normal lives, thank God.+++
**minty: Paul are you looking forward to the world cup next year? who will win?**
Paul: Yes. It doesn'T look good for Germany right now.
Paul: I hope that a miracle happens.+++
**aeon: Do you hope your music will still be appreciated in many years from now or it doesn't matter to you ?**
Paul: I think that we're relatively timeless.
Paul: But that'S probably what every band thinks and two years later nobody cares ...+++
**DRS2G: Was it good to be directed by Jonas Akerlund?!**
Paul: Yes, he's just a cool guy.+++
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I can't speak spanish, but I'm trying for you :3 I believe you are my love, all I wish is that I was yours. Believe it or not, I've had this feeling for a long time. I care about everything you do, how you're feeling and want you want. I am that person, believe me.
Do you want to know who I am? I'm not sure if you want that, seems like you don't care. But i'm trying my best not to look so creepy lol.
I'm too busy fantasizing about you all day that's why. As well as planning our date obviously❣
I'll say it again, te amo.
Ok, this has to be a joke. I don't believe anything you're saying, sorry xd
What do you mean like... in every possible sense....? You say you love me since....? I mean, I didn't open the tumblr app for like two years, so when?
I really cannot imagine who you are, and believe you me that I'm pretty curious, will you tell me if I ask? Because ok, who are you? And why do you love me?
And unless you answer something valid you know, I will start worrying about a kidnapping because you think about our date that can be like in your basemente or something. And well, you know... Being held captive against my will is not really my thing (hope is not yours either)
I really hope you answer something soon(?) hopefully not like when I'm trying to sleep, because I'd like to figure out if I should be flattered, entertained, concerned or plainly scared. Safety first, right?
So yeah, tell me something pleeeeeeease
0 notes
btsfandicktion · 6 years
Hello my dudes. I'm honestly just curious, but who are y'all? I don't mean like your address, but some basics facts about yourselves, I guess?? Hobbies? Main ships? Fanfic themes? Languages? (lmao, sorry if this is like way to foreward, I'm just hella bored)
greetings to you too anon~ 
don’t worry its kind of cool to get these kinds of asks but to answer you question, i’m admin han :D i don’t really know how to format(?) this reply so apologies if this is all over the place,,
my real name is tahani so that’s where my admin name comes from and here are some random facts about me:
i’m from the tiny country of singapore, i like dad jokes and witty humor, i’m jin and yoongi biased and i write a lot as my hobby!! i speak english, mandarin and bengali if anyone’s asking. i ship basically all rarepairs but i have a soft spot for taegijinkook and namminseok and my favourite themes are any really unique or interesting au’s. (hopefully that’s enough facts abt me but if not hmu at @writernotaserialkiller cough cough shameless plug) 
Ok so next up i’m Admin LE (which comes from the fact that i’m secretly also EXID trash). some random facts about me:
i’m canadian, i’m currently studying communication and business in university, i watch way too much tv, play the piano, and i’m yoongi biased. My main ship is yoonseok, but i’ll also indulge in taekook, yoonjin, yoonkook, and namjin on occasion. my favourite types of fics are usually interesting or mysterious or supernatural aus, or really fluffy fics (esp. friends to lovers). tbh i’m not really picky, just addicted to fanfiction.
Helloooo, I am admin Natalie :) and my real name is my admin name. Here are some quick facts:
I live in America, and started this blog with the other amazing admins. I am Taehyung biased all the way (but love them all). I speak English mainly, but I also speak French and a lil bit of Dutch at home. My main ship is Taekook, but I drabble in yoonmin, yoonseok, namjin, vmin, vhope, jikook (honestly, anything that’s really cute). I ice skate (Mirai Nagasu, Adam Rippon, Yuzuru, Yulia, & Evgenia are my favs) and play flute. I really enjoy beautiful fics?? or ones that are detailed and describe situations/characters really beautifully (sorry if that makes no sense, I’ll read anything tbh). 
Hiiiii, I’m Admin Jo, my real name is Johanna. Random facts:
I’m 16 and I live in a small town in Denmark. I’m Bilingual and speak German, Danish and English. My main ships are; Jikook, Taegi, Namjin, Yoonmin. I play Piano, Guitar, Bass and the Flute, and my hobbies are reading, partying, hanging out with friends and napping:) My favorite fics are texting fics or AU’s, preferably Tattooartist!au or flowershop!au.
yo, i’m admin sof, my real name is sophia. random facts:
i live in the good ol land of the weed (california). im half puerto rican so i can speak and understand spanish pretty well. my main ships are literally everything yoongi it’s very much a problem, but i am open to reading anything i’m in the mood for. i play softball and i’m also really good at coming up with excuses so i can stay home and sleep. i absolutely cannot read ANY angst (aka i hate being sad). usually i read a whole bunch of smut or really domestic stuff. i’m such a sucker for fantasy au’s and texting au’s.
Admin Tina is having technical issues at the moment, so she’ll be a mystery for a lil bit :)
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