#Soulmate fic
suppose-i-was-worm · 7 months
Like the Beat of a Drum pt 1
It began when Tim’s soulmark came in- fourteen years later than most children. He didn’t tell his parents, already well aware of what they thought of his late/non-existent soulmark.
He knew what society thought of people who were more than ten years older than their soulmate, and he didn’t want to be labeled a cradle-robber, so he discretely bought a patch to cover it with. Being markless was also helpful for being Robin- nothing to identify him by or to threaten his soulmate with.
Bruce said that having a soulmate was fine, as long as nobody ever saw your mark- even Tim hadn’t seen Bruce’s mark, though he knew where it was.
Tim didn’t know if he wanted a soulmate, but he was the first (and only) to admit that he couldn’t wait to meet this “Daniel Fenton”.
What he wouldn’t admit to anyone is that sometimes, when he was feeling particularly lonely, he could hear a heartbeat other than his own, pulsing from the mark just over his sternum. People would think he was crazy, and that was something he couldn’t afford on top of being labeled markless.
Nobody could know that Tim had a soulmate. He almost pitied the kid who got stuck with him.
Danny hadn’t had a soulmate before he died. He’d never heard a heartbeat that was a perfect harmony to his own, even when he listened hard.
After he’d died, the heartbeat he began to hear was always loud in his ears, and he had a smudged bit of writing on his hip. When he’d gone to Frostbite about the weird new mark, the yeti explained that other universes had soulmates, and their marks might be different from his own universe.
“You’ll find the right one someday, and then your mark will become clear.”
Sometimes Danny tried to imagine what his soulmate would look like. Would they be fine with him being a ghost? Would they treat him like the rest of the world did, with disgust and revulsion and distrust?
Surely not. Soulmate implied that they would be perfect counterpoints to each other. He assumed that meant they would get along.
The mark was always clearer when he was Phantom. Sometimes he imagined it cleared up a little as Danny depending on the choices he made, but he wasn’t sure about that- it’s not like he’d told anyone that he had a weird new tattoo, and it was in an odd place to look at.
He often found himself floating and looking up at the stars on quiet nights, day-dreaming about having someone perfect for him and him alone.
Tim grit his teeth and kept moving, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in his chest as he fought. He knew he hadn’t been stabbed- that felt different. Clearly, his soulmate was in some kind of trouble.
It’s not like he could do anything for them- he was currently fighting some ninja-cultist-assassin weirdos with Jason.
“We will raise the Ghost King and he shall bring fire upon the world!”
Dick had already swooped in and saved the little girl they were trying to use as a sacrifice, but something had triggered the summoning circle anyways after Tim had tried to mess up one of the lines. It was bubbling neon green, and Tim couldn’t decide if it looked more like the Lazarus pits or more like highlighter ink.
His second heartbeat pounded, a loud drum beneath his hidden soulmark, a soulmark that had been sore for days.
He had worried, of course, that someone was in danger and he couldn’t save them- especially as the fight started and the pain became worse.
To his relief, after the sigil started bubbling, the pain receded, as did the noise, and he could think about other things. Such as the so-called ‘Ghost King’.
With a rumble and a crack like thunder, the green pit spit out a slight figure that hung in midair for a moment, before dropping like a rock onto the place where the pit had been moments before.
Tim knocked out the last cultist and turned to face the new threat, but was instead greeted with a young man with floating white hair, curled up on his side, green blood oozing rapidly from… All of him.
What the hell?
Danny woke up slowly, feeling all sorts of sluggish. The ectoplasm in the air was thick, so he must be in one of two places- Amity, or the Infinite Realms.
The lack of restraints around his wrists and ankles made him think it was the Realms, but when he pried open his eyes, he was shocked to find himself somewhere altogether unfamiliar.
It was a medbay, of sorts- that he could tell, but from the glass wall he could see a vast cavern, filled with various bits and bobs. He could hear bats distantly chirping above him.
Before moving more than his head, Danny took stock of his situation. He did feel weighed down, yes, but it felt more like blood loss than anything else. There were bandages across his chest, and the heart monitor was letting out a long beep, as if warning everyone in the vicinity that the patient was dead.
Something heavy was taped to his hip, over his soulmark. He winced at the thought- Jack and Maddie had attacked that area with a single-minded intensity, thinking it was the thing that caused him to ‘possess their baby’.
Probably another bandage, but who would go through the trouble of wrapping him up? No one in Amity would, at least, nobody who had the kind of tech he could see. Vlad would just find a way to manipulate him because of his pain, not patch up his wounds.
The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was a tugging at his core, pulling him away from the Fenton lab and into a world of green before that world went black.
“You’re awake.”
Startled from his thoughts, Danny looked to the door to see a young man in primary colors and a domino mask. The stranger tilted his head.
“Can you understand me?”
Danny tried to answer, but all that would come out of his dry mouth was a rasp, so he settled on a nod.
The stranger came closer, bringing with him a glass of water that he held to Danny’s lips.
Suspiciously, Danny took a sip, but all he could taste was clean water, so he drank slowly until the stranger pulled the glass away.
“Wh-where am I?”
“Gotham City, New Jersey.”
Now, Danny hadn’t ever been stellar at Geography, but he was pretty sure he’d never heard of a city called Gotham. Part of him thought that it would be just the right place for Sam to live- Goth-am.
“Would you be up to answering a few questions?”
The stranger was looking at him expectantly, so Danny nodded. Maybe he’d get information if he gave some.
“Wonderful. Do you have a name?”
The stranger typed something out into a computer Danny hadn’t noticed before.
“Thank you. Where are you from?”
Tim hadn’t been expecting such a mundane answer from the odd person in the Batcave medbay, but he was well aware that metas came from all over the world, even if they got spit out by Lazarus portals.
“Do you know how you got here?”
Phantom shook his head.
“I was- in the lab, and then everything was green. I passed out pretty fast after that.”
Now, the bats might be emotionally stunted, but Tim was the greatest detective that ever lived, so analytically he was fine. ‘In the lab’ plus the wounds the meta was sporting? That told a disastrous story.
“Can you tell me if anyone else was in the lab with you?”
Phantom paused for a long time.
“I just want to help, Phantom. There might be other metas in danger there.”
Tim hadn’t expected Phantom to not know what a meta was- that painted an even worse picture than he thought.
He made sure his voice was kind and even when he answered.
“Powered individuals with the meta gene. I haven’t run your DNA yet, I was waiting for you to wake up for permission, but I’m sure you have the gene. There are protective acts in place to stop the abuse of powered individuals- we want to help.”
Much to his surprise, after gaping through his explanation, Phantom laughed!
“No! I’m not- no- my condition- it’s medical, not genetic.”
Tim winced. This poor guy, he’d been brainwashed.
“There wasn’t anyone else in the lab. I saved the rest of us before getting caught.”
Phantom’s tone was airy, but Tim could hear an underlying strength to it.
“What am I supposed to call you, by the way?”
Danny watched as the stranger went through several stages of grief at his question, and wondered how in the world it had been an odd query.
“I’m- Red Robin. Of the Gotham Bats.”
Oh. That’s why. Danny nodded sagely.
“Sports, I see. Which one requires masks? Cribbage?”
Ope, there went several more stages of grief, perhaps even some as of yet unknown to man.
“No. The Bats are vigilantes. We work with the Justice League, a group of superheroes in charge of world safety.”
Look. Danny might live under a proverbial rock in Amity Park, but superheroes? Never heard of ‘em. Point one to being a different universe.
Well. Point several, he just couldn’t remember the others. Wait a second-
“Are soulmarks a thing here?”
“What? Yes, why?”
Danny shot up, despite the pain in his chest and side and- everywhere.
“Can you show me a soulmark? Do you have one?”
Red Robin’s face shuttered behind the mask, and the heartbeat in Danny’s ears sped up a little.
“I do not.”
“Oh. Sorry. I just- Sorry.”
There was a noise from outside of the medical area, and then a voice called out.
“Red Robin? Is our guest awake? I brought a representative from the JLD.”
The vigilante got up and went out quickly, and Danny felt really bad for hurting him. For a few minutes he was left alone, so he lay back down and stared at the wall.
And then. And. Then.
Danny shot up into a sitting position again, pointing at the man in the trench coat who came into the room.
Trench coat man looked confused.
Not caring for his stitches or monitors or anything like that, Danny struggled onto his feet, forgetting the pain in his anger.
“Do you, John Constantine, know how much of a pain in my ass you are?” He sneered and let his voice take on a nasally tone. “’Oh Great One, Phantom, lord of the realms and all that shit! John Constantine sold his soul to me, but he sold it to my cousin too! Who gets the soul now?’”
Danny ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
“You know who gets his soul now, Constantine? I fucking do! I-“ He flagged- maybe he shouldn’t air out this guy’s dirty laundry in front of strangers? “Anyways, fuck you, dude. Find a way to get me home and never fucking sell your soul again.”
Tim was honestly shocked that Phantom had been able to move in the state he was in, even with what Tim suspected was accelerated healing.
His extra heartbeat had started pounding a mile a minute the moment Phantom saw Constantine, but Tim ignored it for now, instead focusing on their guest.
When Phantom mentioned being sent home, Tim had to step in.
“I don’t believe that is wise, Phantom. You came to us severely injured. My conscious would not let me send you away without-“
Constantine was backing away from Phantom, so fast that he ran into Dick standing at the door.
“Nope. Not dealing with that. No offense, King Phantom, but you’re above my paygrade.”
Phantom (king?) stood still for a moment, looking lost, but then he drew himself up.
“John Constantine, I am your paygrade. Send me where I’m supposed to be.”
Tim watched curiously as Constantine winced.
“That’s some. Pretty vague wording there, your royalness. That is a spell, that I can cast, but whether it does anything or not?” He shrugged. “Can’t tell.”
Phantom slumped, and then waved a limp hand at Constantine.
“Yeah, I didn’t figure. Sorry I yelled at you. I’ll try not to lord the whole ‘I own your soul’ over you too much. Can you at least get me back to the Realms?”
“It might take me a while. What will you do in the meantime?”
Sighing, Phantom made his way back to the med cot, sitting on the edge gingerly.
“Heal the rest of the way. Haunt an abandoned building. Do whatever the hell ghosts do in this dimension.”
Dick spoke up, and Tim could tell his brother was a little shell-shocked.
Phantom winced.
“I mean, as long as ghosts aren’t like, science experiments in this one. Been there, done that. Not fun.”
Constantine shrugged.
“There aren’t a lot of you running around, you should be fine.” He turned to Tim and Dick. “Bats, don’t cause an interdimensional incident. Phantom may be a good king, but he’s still a king.”
“Only on days that end in y.”
With another shrug, John disappeared in a swirl of tan trench coat.
Tim looked to Phantom, who was scowling at the place that Constantine vanished from.
“Well, your majesty, can we offer you any assistance?”
With a groan, Danny stood back up off the bed.
“No- I think I’m healed enough to get out of your hair by now. Uh. Thank you for your hospitality and all, but I should be… Trying to find a way home.”
“Whoever is back where you came from wants to hurt you, Phantom.”
Danny wasn’t sure why Red Robin seemed to care so much. Sure, he had pretty much decided that if anything happened to Red Robin he’d ice everyone in the vicinity and then finish the job on himself, but that was just him. He was pretty sure everyone imprinted on the first person they saw in a new reality.
“There are people I have to protect.”
He had to keep himself from wincing at the half-truth. He’d ordered the ghosts to stay away from Amity Park right before Jack and Maddie had captured him, so they were fine, but he had to protect Jazz and Sam and Tucker from finding out that the Fentons were so awful as to attack their son.
“You have to protect yourself first.”
The other man had stepped into the room.
“You’ve obviously been through something hard, Phantom. Take a break. We can find a safe house for you to stay in until you are feeling better. I’m Nightwing, by the way.”
Danny nodded to Nightwing, and then looked expectantly at Red Robin, who was tapping away at his wrist computer.
“Collectively, the only one of us with a suitable safe house is Red Hood. His have great security systems, but aren’t connected to the bats main computer network in any way.”
He looked up from his computer with a smile.
“Ready to meet a zombie, Mister Ghost King?”
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haruka-norikoyo · 1 month
Biggest Fan
Monoma Neito x reader | Soulmate AU
The gasp I’ve gusped (yes past tense to the fourth dimension) when I thought of this scenario. Mild spoilers for the end of the manga.
The fourth birthday is a momentous occasion in one’s life. Not only is it the year where most develops their quirk, it is when one is assigned a soulmate.
No one knows whether it is a quirk or something entirely foreign. Many believe there is divine power at play. Because, after all, how can one have such power? It is a phenomenon which extends throughout the entire world. On a person’s right wrist appears the first words that their soulmate says to them. When those words have been uttered, they simultaneously disappear, and they now know their soulmate.
Monoma Neito got his quirk before his words. It’s not unusual, just rather rare to be an early bloomer. Normally, developing a quirk early would invite excitement and respect. “You can’t be a hero with a quirk like that.”
He’d copied another kid’s quirk, excitedly showing it off to his friends. But quirks are unique to oneself, aren’t they? Something to take pride in because only you can do it. So for someone else to be able to do it too?
“That’s something a side character would have.”
He stopped showing it off to other kids after that. Though, before he knew it, it was his birthday. Neito never understood what’s so exciting about getting random words on his wrist and someone he’ll be stuck with for the rest of his life. He’s a kid, after all. Getting his quirk was much more interesting to him. But after the response he got, he doesn’t get his hopes up.
All his relatives were eagerly checking his wrist for the soulmate words. It honestly was a little suffocating to be crowded the whole day with “do you have it yet?”. He can’t wait for it to be over.
Then, a gasp. He turns to see his mom pointing at his wrist. “Neito, your words!”
“Oh,” he glances down. Now that it’s here, he can't help but be a little curious. “Excuse me, Phantom Thief? I’m your biggest fan!”
His eyes widen, but before he could properly think about what it entails, he’s surrounded by everyone at the party. All of them eager to see what his match would tell him in their first meeting.
The next time he saw the kids who said he’ll be nothing but a side character, he rubs it in their faces.
“Look at this! My soulmate calls me Phantom Thief in our first meeting. That means I’ll be a pro hero— and what’s that? I already have a fan.”
“That— that doesn’t mean anything!”
“Yeah! It’s probably your name for a comedy show or something!”
But their words don’t reach him. He has a fan. Sure, it’s his soulmate, them being his biggest fan is a given, but still. Someone out there will be watching him. “Hahaha! Envy me all you want— my soulmate loves me way before we ever meet!”
“You’re still banking on your soulmate’s words?” Is something he heard numerous times, especially when he made it known he signed up for UA high school. Standing amongst other examinees, he wonders if his soulmate is there too. Maybe they’re already watching him. He shakes his head. No, they call me by my hero name. I won’t meet them until I become a pro hero…
He looks up at the big gates of the practical examination, his lips forming a smile as he discreetly copies the quirk of the examinee beside him. Looks like I’ll have to work hard to meet them.
The sports festival was his chance to get his soulmate’s attention. Yet, all everyone could talk about is the class that got attacked by villains. He hatched a plan to take them down and help his classmates.
“I believe it would be beneficial if we don’t show everyone our quirks in the first round. Looking at the past sports festivals, it’s likely to backfire on us, so it’s better to keep a low profile and then show off our skills in the more important rounds. Of course, none of you have to follow up on this. I won’t blame you for wanting to stand out. This is the sports festival, after all.”
He figured Shiozaki and Testutetsu would want to go all out. Sure enough, they did.
“I wouldn’t mind going through with it,” Kendo says. “But what about you?”
Neito raises his brow. “Naturally I’ll follow through with it..? What’s with that?”
Kendo gestures to her own wrist, which already doesn’t have her words. “Nothing, I just thought that your biggest fan would want to see you go all out.”
Maybe without the words on his wrist, he would’ve followed through with his plan. As he crosses the finish line in 7th place, he looks at the crowd. They aren’t cheering as loudly as for the top three, but with the hundreds of people presently cheering, the stadium is still deafening. Did you see me? Neito gazes down at his wrist, wondering that if they did, is soulmate is as in love with him as he already is?
He got a few internship requests despite not making it to the third round. Currently, his classmates are busy picking their hero names while he sits back, already having decided his.
Awase groans from the front of the class. “Argh! Monoma’s lucky, his soulmate says his hero name already so he doesn’t have to think about it..!”
Neito shrugs. “I’m sure you can think of something…”
Awase groans in response.
What an eventful first year…
Shit happened. He fought in a war with other kids his age. Crazy. Well, at least it’ll go down in the history books.
He stands in front of the statue displayed for his efforts in the war. His face and his hero name is engraved on the marble surface. He was a key player. The start point for Deku and Dynamight in the war. It was made known to everyone.
“Most people know my name and what I did, but don’t necessarily recognize me like those two…” Neito sighs, rubbing the back of his head as he recalls the screaming first students swarming to Bakugo and Todoroki this morning. “Guess I’ll have to work harder still.”
He falls silent.
Neito turns his heel, walking down the walk way of other statues mounted after the war. “Woah, he really does have a statue..!” He looks over his shoulder, spotting a student running in from the entrance. Right, they’re permitted to go off campus during lunch hours again. Neito watched in amusement as the student marvels at the statue. Their face glows with excitement as they pulled out their phone, discreetly attempting to take a selfie. Though, they obviously felt too embarrassed to do so on their own, ending up with blurry pictures.
Hm, he has time…
He approaches. The student nearly drops their phone straightening themself out to look inconspicuous. “Need help taking a photo?” he asks with a smile.
A hint of recognition passes through the student’s face. They turn to him in bewilderment, yet, at the sight of him they seem to forget that train of thought. Their eyes widen, and they cup their hands over their mouth. Neito chuckles while they stare at him in silent excitement, looking down. Damn, now that he’s faced with a fan he doesn’t know what to do.
“Excuse me… Phantom Thief?”
“Hm?” he brings his gaze back up. The student move their hands away from their mouth, revealing the brightest smile he’d ever seen directed at him, or anyone for that matter.
“I’m your biggest fan!”
“My…” his eyes widen. He looks down at his wrist. It’s gone. His words are gone. “You’re my…”
They blink at him, tilting their head. Albeit their confusion, they still watch and listen carefully for what he’ll say next. Did they not notice? Were they so enthralled by meeting him that they forgot their own words? The idea makes his heart swell. Before he could even register his own actions, he reaches out for them, hands on their shoulders.
“S… Say that again!”
“Eh?!” they can’t help but step back, face warming up at their proximity. “Um… I’m your biggest fan?”
Someone watching from a distance wouldn’t be able to tell who the fan in the situation is. Although, one could probably say it’s both. “Your words… do you know how much your first words helped me over the years?” he breathes out, heart thumping so loudly. This adrenaline is a relief that is incomparable to anything else. “Huh? Over the years? U-Um…” Oh dear, it looks like the student might short circuit. “Ah, sorry… I got carried away.“ Neito steps back, releasing their shoulders. “But, you really don’t notice?”
They stare at him. After a few seconds, it finally dawned on them… the realization they made earlier. “You… said my words…” They look down at their wrist and gasp. “They’re gone!”
“Yeah,” Neito nods.
They point at him, eyes wide. “You’re my soulmate!” “That’s right.”
“Holy shit.” Neito laughs as they cover their mouth once more. “My soulmate… my soulmate is Phantom Theif? For real?! I’m not dreaming?”
“Does it feel like a dream?” he asks teasingly with a raised brow.
They nod vigorously. “C-Could I… get a picture with you?”
He grins, watching them fiddle with their thumbs nervously. “Of course. Mind if I take it for us?” “Oh sure, here,” they hand over their phone.
Neito extends his arm out, holding the phone still until the camera focuses on both of them. Of course, his statue is there in the background. After all, that’s what they originally wanted to photograph.
“What’s your name, by the way?” Neito asks, pulling away. He still has the phone, though.
“(L/n) (y/n).”
“Ah, good, now I know what to write in your contact. I can put my number in, can’t I?”
“Y-Your number…” (y/n) awes. It’s only natural to keep in touch with their soulmate, but having someone the Phantom Thief whom they love so much in their contacts is something they never thought would happen. “I’d love that!”
Neito types in his number into (y/n)’s phone, and hands it back to them. “Alright. Done. Send me a text any time you wanna meet up. And if you need help as my underclassman, feel free to come to me, okay?”
(y/n) nods. “Okay.”
“Then… I’ll see you next time.”
“Um! One last thing!” (Y/n) purses their lip, debating whether on saying it or not. “May… may I get your autograph?”
“An autograph?” Neito raises his brow with a grin, watching as they scramble to find something from their bag. “Even though I’m your soulmate?”
“It’s a big bonus that you’re my soulmate but— I’ve been a fan of you since seeing the sports festival replays!” Determination burns in their eyes as they extend a board and sharpie to him. “See? I even have a special place for you to put your autograph. Please?”
“Oh, how could I refuse a request from my biggest fan?” he snickers in attempt to distract from the blush dusting his cheeks. He takes the board and sharpie, fingers brushing against each other’s.
“(Y/n), thank you for supporting me even before you realized it. Sincerely, your soulmate, Phantom Thief.”
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themirrorghost · 11 months
I can't write for the life of me, but I've just thought of a tasty soulmate-fic premise (romantic or platonic!):
When their eyes are closed, a soulmate can see what their other half sees.
Whether it's super clear, or just impressions, or perhaps the more one stares at something the clearer it gets, just imagine the potential.
Soulmates taking turns to close their eyes and communicate through notes to find eachother. Soulmates who know when the other's fallen asleep because it's completely dark on the other side. Soulmates who can't sleep because their other half is somewhere way too bright and have to write passive-aggressive notes asking if they could "please turn the lights down!" Soulmates who are bored and would rather watch the others everyday life, no matter how mundane. Soulmates who's friends and/or family make fun of them for zoning out to watch through their other halves eyes instead of paying attention.
And then, on the other hand? The angst potential is delicious-
Soulmates who are so desperate to stop their other half from knowing that they wear a blindfold, or straight up blind themselves, to prevent it. Soulmates who hate the thought of someone intruding on their private lives, whether they're meant to be together or not. Soulmates who have terrible home/work lives and hope against hope that their other half doesn't find out or worse. Soulmates who are abused or get into fights often, trying their damnedest to protect their eyes above all else. Soulmates who's eyes are damaged, accidentally or otherwise, terrified of the thought that their other half won't ever be able to find them.
There are so so many ways you can swing this:
One soulmate afraid that their other half had died, having never been able to see through their eyes. Their soulmate was born blind, and managed to see things they thought they never could/would thanks to their soulmate.
Soulmates that met during childhood, living their lives as a whole, using their connection for simple, silly, domestic reasons.
Familial soulmates! Twins who aren't quite psychic but know what the other is doing all of the time. Siblings who are stuck with eachother and pretend to hate it, but are secretly glad they'll always have the other. Found family where it feels like they've always had the other and are impossible to separate.
Long-distance soulmates, teaching eachother about where they were born/grew up, showing eachother things precious to eachother.
Daytime Vs Nighttime soulmates who are barely ever awake at the same time, treasuring those in-between moments.
Soulmates with nightmares, one waking up in a panic, blinking hard and trying to calm down as quickly as possible. The other getting glimpses of the aftermath as they blink, perhaps rushing to their side if they can, comforting their distressed soulmate.
College/University AU soulmates knowing too much about their other halves area of study. Writing eachother notes to go to bed or to eat when they both forget and stay up studying way too late.
Assassin/Spy AU soulmates, using their bond to complete their missions as effectively as possible. Or perhaps the assassin/spy's soulmate is their target. Especially tasty if you throw in undercover work.
I could write a million of these prompts-
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greeninkredletters · 2 months
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Snippet from my Soulmate AU oneshot featuring our favorite enemies-to-lovers pairing ✨
(Not) Just Another Option on AO3, 11k, T
Artwork commissioned from the very talented @julesart04 .
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little-diable · 1 year
What Was I Made For? - Soulmate Aaron Hotchner (smut)
Inspired by Billie Eilish new song for the Barbie movie. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader has been forced to accept that her soulmate has moved on, leaving the mark of his name to fade out on her wrist. But what if her soulmate is her new supervisor? Will they realise that they were destined to be?
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, some angst, a very fluffy ending, soulmate fic
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader (3k words)
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I used to float, now I just fall down, I used to know, but I'm not sure now, what I was made for?
(Y/n) could still remember the first time she had learned about soulmates, she could still remember how her heart had picked up its beat, pounding in her chest as she imagined how being loved unconditionally must feel like. Ever since that very day she had counted the passing by hours, wondering when she’d cross paths with them. But the years had blurred by, forming one cloud of confusion, and as she had grown older, (y/n) slowly but surely had accepted that she’d never cross paths with the person whose first name was burned into the skin of her wrist. 
Over the past weeks (y/n) had been forced to watch the name lose some of its strength, like a fading scar, growing lighter with every passing day. The first day she had noticed the change, (y/n) hadn’t been able to stop herself from crying, giving into the pain flushing through her like a wave set to drown her – they had found somebody else, joining a bond that should only be shared between those that were made for one another. But they had chosen a different path. Perhaps they had grown impatient, no longer believing that (y/n) was somewhere out there. 
Whatever it was, it cut deep, leaving a mark that would never heal her breaking apart heart. 
The streets were unusually busy as (y/n) tried to make her way through the crowd, eyes flickering down to her phone screen every few seconds, praying that she wouldn’t be late to her first day at her new job. Sweat was pooling on her forehead, forming small drops that clearly projected her nervousness, clinging to her like a shadow sewn to her boots. 
Her eyes focused on the impressive building of the BAU, the headquarters she had wanted to work in ever since she had been a young teenager. Once filled with excitement, with dreams she longed to fulfill, a giddy wave of anticipation that had pulled her under years ago, dampening the flame that had once burned in her chest oh so brightly. 
“Hold, please!” (Y/n) called out, eyes set on the dark haired woman that had just stepped into the elevator she’d need to take. A heavy, almost relieved sigh left (y/n) as she managed to join the woman just in time, watching the doors close. “Thank you.”
“Of course, are you alright?” (Y/n)’s eyes flickered to the name badge the woman was wearing, reading the all too familiar name  – Emily Prentiss. A smile tugged on (y/n)’s lips as she took in the frame of the woman she had looked up to for years, praying that one day she’d be able to share her workplace with her. 
“I am, thank you. My name’s (y/n), I’m joining your team today.” The elevator came to a halt before Emily got the time to respond, shooting (y/n) a soft smile before they stepped out into the hallway. Her eyes met the rich brown ones of a man clad in a perfectly fitting suit, shooting her a warm smile. (Y/n) couldn’t understand why her heart was skipping a few beats as she looked at him, remembering the pictures of the man she had seen in newspaper articles. 
“Good morning, (y/n), I’m Aaron Hotchner, your supervisor. It’s good to finally have you around.” He shook her hand with more force than she was used to, biting down on the gasp wanting to shake through her. She could only give room to the quiet “Hello” leaving her, glad that he had already started guiding her to her workplace, introducing her to the others. 
(Y/n) could barely spare the warm welcome any of her attention, eyes flickering back to Aaron’s at any given chance. There was something about him that pulled her closer, leaving her intrigued, wondering why he had this very effect on her. Perhaps it was the fault of his name, sharing the same letters with the person she had been destined for, but the second her eyes found the ring clinging to his finger, (y/n) had shaken the very thoughts begging her to ask more questions, left to ponder over her fate in the quiet, dark parts of her mind. 
I don't know how to feel, but I wanna try, I don't know how to feel, but someday, I might
An exhausted sigh left (y/n) as she stepped out of the elevator with Aaron, Emily, Spencer, and Derek in tow, burning eyes focused on her phone. They had just returned from their newest case, chasing yet another killer that had been plagued by his struggling childhood. (Y/n) barely paid Penelope’s welcome any mind, watching Aaron walking up to his office, greeting the smiling woman that had been waiting for him. 
Pain flushed through her as she watched them exchange a soft kiss, disappearing inside his office. She was frozen to the spot, unable to move with her heart clenching in her chest and her fingernails leaving marks on the skin of her palm. 
The past week had been filled with getting to know one another, allowing (y/n) to adjust to the new team that already treated her like a family member, helping her with her questions, allowing her to go over every little detail. She had barely shared any words with Aaron, admiring him from afar, wondering what was going on in his head. Whatever it was that kept plaguing him, (y/n) wanted to be there for him, though the second she tried to step in, to strike up a conversation with him, her mind forced her to step away, reminding her that she was just a stranger to him. 
“Hey, you okay?” Derek placed his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. (Y/n) could only murmur a soft “Yes”, hoping that he’d buy the fake smile tugging on her lips. He studied her for a few moments before he kept on speaking, “You’ll come with us today, we have to celebrate your first case as part of our team, and no, you can’t sit this one out.”
(Y/n) couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling, allowing a few chuckles to pass her pressed together lips, “Alright, I’ll join you. Who's coming?”
“Us all, besides Hotch, seems like he has to catch up on some missed time with his lady.” Suddenly her throat felt tighter, unable to speak another word as tears welled up in her eyes, forcing (y/n) to blink them away before the others could pick up on the sadness she was held hostage by. There was no escaping from this sensation, no way out as she struggled to keep on breathing, drowning in the waves that had been created to guide her rocking boat, once set on protecting her, now set on making her suffer. 
“So, tell us, any boyfriends around?” Derek’s smirk left (y/n) smiling, taking a sip of her drink before she shook her head, unable to hold eye contact. 
“No, I’m still waiting for my soulmate to find me.” Penelope’s hand found (y/n)’s, slightly squeezing before she turned her wrist, eyes focusing on the barely there mark. They struggled to read the letters, once again forcing (y/n) to accept her cruel fate. “As you can see, I wasn’t graced by a soulmate who wants me.” 
“Oh, sweetheart, don’t say that. I’m sure they’ll eventually find you.” Derek squeezed her shoulder as Penelope kept talking, words (y/n) couldn’t spare any attention, since they hurt too much. She could only pray that someday she might be blessed by a better fate, by something pushing the kind of love she was aching for through her veins. 
“It’s alright, there’s nothing I can do for now.” The others stared at her for a few moments, sharing pained glances, hating that they couldn’t help her. 
“What’s his name, if you don’t mind me asking.” JJ’s soft voice seemed to soothe her pain, allowing her heart to stop clenching inside her chest, at least for a few moments. (Y/n) had to take another sip of her drink, hoping that the alcohol would manage to give her the strength she needed to explain her story. 
“Aaron, his name is Aaron.” 
When did it end? All the enjoyment, I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend, it's not what he's made for, what was I made for?
“(Y/n)? Can you hear me?” Her eyes rolled back into her head, momentarily trapping her in the blanket of darkness surrounding her. Pain flushed through her, leaving her head throbbing, wondering how she had ended up like this. Just seconds ago she had chased down their unsub, till he had suddenly wrestled her to the ground, head coming in contact with the hard ground. “Look at me, (y/n).”
Aaron’s soft voice forced her eyes open, watching the man stare down on her with his eyebrows furrowed, with a raging storm filling his dark pupils. He was seemingly worried, unable to let go of her as Dereked chased after their unsub. (Y/n) could only watch how Aaron gasped her hand, eyes flickering down to the bruises forming, momentarily freezing as he took in the almost completely faded out mark on her wrist. 
A gasp rumbled through (y/n) as Aaron brushed his thumb over the letters, touch lingering for a few moments before he spoke up once again, “Can you stand up? We should get you to the hospital.”
“No doctors, please.” With trembling limbs (y/n) was pulled to her feet, groaning as another wave of pain shot through her. Aaron pulled her into his chest, hand cradling her head. She barely picked up on the words Aaron and Derek shared, and could only understand that the man had gotten away, forcing them to stick around for another day. 
Aaron didn’t let go of her, not as he guided her to his SUV, not as he started the car, hand holding hers almost possessively. No words were shared between them, allowing her head to finally calm down, letting go of the harsh pain, turning into a rather dull sensation. 
“Come, I’ll take you to my room.” A defeated sigh clawed through (y/n) as she followed Aaron, hating that she was burdening him, though eventually finding rest on the edge of his hotel bed, watching him disappear inside the bathroom. “Close your eyes.”
He started cleaning her face, careful not to hurt her as he brushed the warm towel over her skin, taking in her features as (y/n) closed her eyes. She didn’t pick up on his wandering gaze, flickering down to her wrist once again. Before Aaron could stop himself, his hand found hers, allowing him to read the letters that have once been oh so bright. 
“Who is it?” It was just a whisper, and yet (y/n) could pick up on the words all too clearly. Her eyes shot open, finding Aaron already staring at her. She heavily swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump growing in her throat, though without any luck, feeling trapped in her own body.
“Uhm, it’s your name, Aaron. Guess it’s some funny coincidence, or something.” (Y/n) pulled her wrist from his grasp, letting her shirt cover the bruning skin, clearly feeling uncomfortable with the silence they were now trapped in. It took him a few moments to snap into motion, unclasping his watch so that he could turn his wrist towards (y/n), showing her the mark that had been hidden. Her heart picked up its beat as she read the name, her name, sticking to his skin.
“As you know, I’ve been married before. I was young, didn’t believe in the concept of soulmates, I wanted to make my own decisions, live life how I wanted to. But after losing my wife, I felt so lost, and yet I began to find comfort in knowing that the right person was still out there for me.” A tear dripped from her eyes, followed by another, and another. Aaron’s thumb carefully wiped her tears, finding rest on the bed, right next to her. 
“The mark started fading a few weeks ago. And then, as I met you, I think my heart already knew that it was you, but then I saw you with her, and I,” the rest of her sentence was left unspoken, interrupted by the feeling of Aaron’s lips finding hers, sharing a soft kiss. Neither (y/n) nor Aaron tried to stop the kiss, mouths parted to allow their tongues to meet. She was pulled into his lap, clinging to him as if she was scared that she’d be ripped from him any moment now. 
“I am sorry for hurting you, that was never my intention. Beth and I,” Aaron needed a few moments to ponder over his words, cupping (y/n)’s warm cheeks. “Whatever we have, it’s not nearly as strong as this. I will take care of it when we are back, and then I’d like to take you out on a date, if you let me.” 
The door to (y/n)’s apartment fell shut with a loud thud, a sound that got swallowed by the moans leaving the two, bodies searching one another as they kept kissing. Aaron had just brought her home after their date, yet ready to let go just yet, gladly taking up the invite to follow her inside. At the first given chance their bodies had found together, finally giving into the pull that had grown stronger over the past days. 
“Bedroom?” He murmured the word against her already swollen lips, chuckling at the strength she used to pull him with her, showing Aaron the way to her bedroom. She was pulled right back into his grasp, allowing him to undo the zip of her dress, shuffling the material down her body. Her trembling fingers struggled to undo the buttons of his shirt, though (y/n) was determined, set on undressing the handsome man. 
“Such a pretty sight, I’ll make sure to explore every part of you, but for now I need to feel you.” His growls left her chuckling with glee, gasping as Aaron pushed her down on her bed, following moments later with only his boxers on. (Y/n) ripped her bra from her frame, exposing her naked chest to his piercing eyes, allowing Aaron’s lips to explore her soft skin. He drew moans from her, giving room to the sounds that would burn themselves into his mind like stars being created to grace the night sky. 
Even though both were desperate to feel one another, their movements had nothing rushed to it, forcing the two closer and closer together. She felt him against her thigh, begging for her touch, allowing her to pull his boxers down his thighs to grasp his twitching cock. Their moans blended together, forming one sound both would forever remember, thinking back to their first night together years from now. 
“Aaron,” he moaned at the use of his name, begging her to say it again, speaking it like a prayer made to grasp God’s attention. “Fuck me, please, I need to feel you.” 
With his lips finding hers once again, he gently pushed her hand away, making space for his fingers grasping her panties, ripping the soaked through material from her. She was dripping for him, already sensitive from the few seconds he used to circle her pulsing bundle of nerves, preparing her for the upcoming moments. 
She gave him a slight push back to reach for a condom, watching Aaron roll it down his cock with skilled movements, not breaking eye contact once. Their hands found one another, fingers linked together as he aligned himself with her heat. With her breath hitched in her chest, (y/n) sunk back into the mattress, deeply exhaling as he pushed into her. 
“You okay? We can always stop.” His lips kissed their way from her ear down her throat, grinning whenever he found a spot that left her gasping. Only a soft “Don’t stop” left (y/n), begging him to start moving, to fuck her into the mattress. Her eyes couldn’t stay open, clinging to the new sensation, needing to adjust to Aaron’s size. 
He was gentle with her, set on taking his time, cherishing every moment together. This is what he had always missed, that special feelings others have talked about, sharing insights into their nights together with their soulmates. This felt different than all times before, it felt right, so full of emotions, Aaron had a hard time breathing on. 
No words were shared between the two as Aaron fucked her closer to the edge, thumb rubbing her sensitive bundle of nerves with care, hoping that she was feeling the same sensation his system was filled with. Her moans told him everything he needed to know, finding pride in the way her heart seemed to skip beats, forcing her to breathe faster. 
(Y/n) tightened her grip on his hand as she felt her orgasm approaching, eyes rolling back, toes curled. Aaron built up the speed of his thrusts, watching her unfold as he fucked her through her high. He wasn’t ready to let go just yet, didn’t want this moment to be over, even though numerous others were set to come upon them. 
Her glassy eyes found his seconds before he came, sharing a sweet, encouraging smile with the groaning man. Aaron released himself into the condom with a heavy breath rippling through him like thunder breaking the quietness of the night apart. They stayed linked together, searching one another's body for minutes to come before Aaron parted from her. 
“Aaron,” (y/n) gasped his name, forcing him to return back to bed. She had her eyes focused on her wrist, staring at the letters that were no longer faded out, but bright, like they had been years ago. A teary smile was shot his way as he pulled her in for a kiss, murmuring a soft “I’ll never let you go again”. 
Think I forgot how to be happy, somethin' I'm not, but somethin' I can be, somethin' I wait for, somethin' I'm made for
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fizzigigsimmer · 30 days
Moonwood : Part 7
Billy comes down off his perch on the stump and his boots land heavy in the dirt. It’s impossible but it kinda feels like the ground shakes a little with his steps as he walks toward Steve. The crowd parts for him, dozens of eyes watching them hungrily, until Billy stops just in front of him. Looming.There is no other word for it. Billy casts a long shadow over him. His broad shoulders completely block out the firelight and Steve’s view of everything beyond them. That shouldn’t be hot. But it is. Like, Steve has never been this much shorter than a partner before or wanted to feel like they could just obliterate him without much effort. Maybe Billy being his soulmate has broken Steve’s brain a little.
Wordlessly Billy makes a gesture for Steve to follow and begins to walk away. Steve locks eyes briefly for a moment with Sasha who flashes him a tooth filled grin. It feels a little threatening somehow, but it might just be the way the firelight gleams in her eyes. Steve shrugs off the uneasy feeling, swallows back his fears and follows after Billy with his head high.
Billy leads Steve down a small crooked path, away from the fire pit and the crowd of young people around the chopped off tree, toward a line of naked looking ones strung with lanterns. Beyond them the forest thickens into a shroud of darkness, reminding Steve that despite the festival vibes, that these are wild woods. Danger lies inside them from bears and wolves… and maybe something worse than either of those.
He shivers a little, and then flicks a nervous glance toward Billy but Billy’s face is an icy mask of indifference as he walks with his shoulders squared and a wide swinging gate, like he’s used to wearing a tool belt around his waist. Maybe he is, Steve’s unhelpful mind happily supplies him with a vivid picture of Billy bare chested, in nothing but a holy pair of blue jeans and a utility belt and his mouth actually waters.
"Aren’t you worried about where I’m taking you?" Billy asks abruptly in a low, growly tone, and Steve jerks. The faint light from the lanterns casts dancing shadows over Billy’s features as his eyes bore into Steve. All around them the trees rustle in the night breeze - they sound like whispers.
"No," Steve shoots back defiantly, cocking an incredulous eyebrow. “I mean should I be? Everybody saw us leave together. If you murder me it’ll be the easiest case in the world to solve.”
Billy huffs. His lip curls in dissatisfaction. His laugh is a low rumble in his chest, more felt than heard. 
"Murder is not on the menu tonight, Harrington." He leans closer, and the faint hint of his earthy, musky cologne makes Steve's heart pound just a bit faster. “But maybe something else is,” he adds, his voice dropping to something sultry and low.
Steve feels a thrill shoot up his spine. It’s not fear—no, definitely not fear—even if it should be. He realizes suddenly that this is the closest he and Billy have ever been. There’s always been at least a school desk if not more between them, but now Billy is close enough that Steve can count each of his eyelashes - and fuck they’re long. Hargrove keeps staring at him and licking his teeth like he’s looking at dinner, and it gives Steve goosebumps. Because he knows what came after ‘my what big teeth you have’.
The woods around them feel alive, and there is something about being this close to Billy that makes Steve’s blood sing. He tries to remind himself all of the valid reasons he has to be pissed with Billy, and why he should be a lot more weirded out by how horny he is for the guy, but he just can’t muster it. The air is crisp, filled with the tang of pine and the distant scent of sea spray from the coast. And Steve wants answers.
“I’m not scared of you,” he says again, his voice steadier than he feels. There's an edge to it now, a challenge that Billy hears and he looks at Steve for a long moment and then smiles—a slow, dangerous curve of his lips.
“That right?” Billy muses, stepping back to appraise him. His gaze travels over Steve slowly, stripping him, and Steve tries not to squirm.”We could really test that theory and leave the circle.”
The words linger in the air between them and Steve’s breath catches. He stands taller, shoulders back, meeting Billy’s intense stare head-on.
“You’re talking about the lanterns right?” he replies with a spark of defiance. Billy licks his lips, his smile growing wider. His teeth look bigger somehow, and Steve wants to believe it’s just because of how much closer they’re standing but he doesn’t think that’s it.
“Yep,” Billy says softly. “I dare you to go beyond this circle of lanterns.” He gestures around them where small lights glimmer faintly like stars fallen to earth, encircling them in a protective halo of light laced with wolfsbane— the herb Steve’s mom had said weakend a werewolf's strength.
She said it was for humans. Presumably it’s what is keeping Billy and the other Moonwood folks from wolfing out on their neighbors. Despite his initial trepidation, Steve does feel safe here. But beyond this circle anything could happen.
“You can stay if you want. We can go back to how it was, you minding your place and me minding mine.” Billy says, like he read Steve’s mind. “But past these lanterns, I’m not just a guy from school anymore.”
“Is that who you are?” Steve blurts before he can stop himself. “Just a guy from school?”
“You want to know who I am? Is that it?” Billy asks and Steve swallows hard but nods slowly.
He knows what Billy is offering—more like threatening—is no small thing. To step outside the light means stepping into Billy’s world fully and it’s a dangerous world.
Steve can’t help but feel very small in it. He hesitates, his heart hammering against his ribs like a frantic drumbeat. Billy sees it and the light dims in his eyes, his lip curling.
“Not so brave now, are you?” He scoffs, muttering how Steve should be scared, because it’s crazy to knowingly leave safety and walk into the dark with a werewolf; but Steve thinks he looks disappointed - like maybe there was a part of him that had hoped Steve was crazy.
Taking a deep breath, Steve steps forward—one step closer to Billy and one step away from the ring of safety provided by the lanterns.
“Okay,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper but determined. “But if I do, you have to answer a question.”
“That’s it? One measly little question?” Billy asks and Steve adds.
“And you have to answer it honestly.”
Billy’s lips curve into a half-smile, a hint of victory mixed with something else—perhaps respect—flickering in his eyes. Steve gets the feeling that Billy already knows what he’s going to ask, that maybe all of this was some kind of attempt at scaring him off. But it’s not working, and Billy didn’t expect that.
The night seems to hold its breath as he nods slowly, his gaze never breaking from Steve's. "Deal," Billy finally murmurs.
With a deep breath to steel his nerves, Steve walks under the protective circle of lanterns and into the darkness where the shadows sway. He could always find his way around pretty well in the dark, but under the thick canopy it’s too black for Steve to see much of anything.
But Billy doesn’t seem to have the same worries, and puts his hand on Steve’s shoulder to guide him. Steve jolts a little at the touch and the fission of heat it sends down his spine but says nothing. Their feet crunch on fallen leaves and crickets chirp all around them. As they venture deeper into the forest, the canopy above thickens, weaving a tapestry of darkness and scattered starlight.
Finally they reach another break in the trees. Ahead, standing in a small circle of bare earth and illuminated by a sliver of moonlight, stands an ancient tree—towering, its branches gnarled and bare. The trunk is wide, twisted and old, its paper thin bark marked with carved symbols that Steve can barely make out in the dark. Hanging from the limbs are strands of feathers and beads; they sway gently in the night breeze, making soft clinking sounds.
“Whoa.” Steve steps closer to the tree, fascinated by it. He knows somehow that the tree is magic. There is something about it that draws him, pulls at him like gravity. Somewhere in the darkness a voice whispers and he turns his head sharply to try and catch them. It sounds like a woman he thinks… but it also sounds like wind, and either way it’s not as important as what’s in front of him. The tree calls to him.
His fingers stretch out, yearning to trace the grooves of the carvings, but just as his fingertips are about to brush against the bark, Billy’s hand snaps out and catches his wrist.
“Don’t,” he says, sharp and urgent in a way that makes Steve’s blood go cold.
“What? Why?”
“That’s witch magic!” Billy answers, his grip on Steve’s wrist tight as he pulls Steve back, easy as pulling a child. “It’s left over from the war, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t working. Why do you think nothing’s growing around it? Don’t you know anything?”
“About witches? Of course not!” Steve tries to protest only for Billy to shout over him, grip so tight now that Steve feels the bones twist in his wrist.
“I know you can’t feel it, but Christ Harrington can’t you see it? Open your eyes!” Billy practically screams. Steve wants to tell him that he had felt something, that was the entire reason he’d tried to touch it in the first place, but Billy’s too worked up now. Yelling, “you’ve got the survival instincts of fucking baby deer!”
“What is your problem? Dude - let go! It hurts!”
“Oh I’m hurting you? You went into the woods alone with a werewolf Steve, what did you-”
“Stop!” Steve finally pulls his hand free from Billy’s grip, cradling his throbbing wrist and gasping a little at the pain and Billy looks horrified. He pales, reaching for Steve again but falters when Steve flinches away from him.
“Shit. It’s not broken is it?”
“I’m fine!” Steve grits out in defiance, because Billy is looking at him now like he’s tragic, and breakable, and he liked it better when Billy was losing his shit on him for no reason.
“You brought me out here asshole.” He reminds them both. “You literally dared me.”
“It was a test.” Billy confirms, only a touch calmer than before but it’s something.
“A test? For what: to see if I would back down?" Steve sneers to hide the hurt from the thought that Billy Hargrove is probably his soulmate, but obviously doesn’t think he’s good enough. Steve’s soulmate thinks he has to test him for worthiness. He tries hard to drown out the voice that thinks that sounds just about right.
He flexes his hand a few more times to release the tension in it before letting it rest at his side. He looks up at Billy, squaring his shoulders, planting his feet in the dirt, and stares him dead in the eye.
“I’m not going anywhere until you answer whether or not you’re my soulmate.”
Steve feels a chill ripple down his spine—a mix of fear and exhilaration as the words hang between them.
For the longest time, Billy doesn’t answer. And then finally, he does.
“Yes. Why do you think I’ve been going so easy on you?” He says, like he hasn’t been giving Steve hell for two weeks at school, when they’re supposed to be each other's everything. Like he didn’t drag Steve into the woods away from help and scream at him for being stupid, just to test him.
“You’re also a pip. A runt. A half breed.” Billy adds, oblivious to the anger building up inside of Steve. “You should never have been born.”
Steve stumbles back a step. He can’t help it, Billy’s words cut at a deep insecurity he’s carried all his life. His dad never said those words. Not in that exact way, but the sentiment was still felt. He’d regretted marrying Steve’s mother and getting saddled with the disappointment that was the one child her body could stand to give him.
Billy to his credit looks extremely uncomfortable with the words coming out of his mouth.
“Look, that’s not what I think. That’s just what people used to say, alright? And there are a lot who still think that way.”
“Why?” Steve asks, voice cracking thinking - why aren’t I good enough?
“Cause you’re like the size of a gnat.” Billy’s hand gestures over him as if Steve’s five feet and ten inches is miniscule. But when you’re built like Billy Steve supposes maybe it is. “You wouldn’t last three seconds in a territory battle. You can’t shape shift and you don’t have our strength. You bleed like a human and you’re slow to heal. But honestly, the most damning thing is you don’t have soulmates.” Billy finishes helplessly.
Steve sort of gets it now. Why Billy’s elders would say people like him should not be born, if they’re born alone, weak, and without magic. It would sound awful to him… if he hadn’t been born amongst humans. And that’s the limit to Steve’s understanding because he doesn’t for the life of him understand what is supposed to be so terrible about basically being human.
That’s the heart of the issue here isn’t it. Billy is a werewolf and Steve might as well not be. All of this werewolf stuff is alien and terrifying to him, but he’s being pretty open minded about it. So why on earth would he apologize to anyone for being human?
“The only reason your kind exists is because some idiots don’t have enough self respect to wait for their true mate.” Billy yammers on, and Steve finally snaps.
“Hey!” Steve finally snaps, rushing to push Billy with both hands. Billy is taller. Billy is stronger. But he staggers back a step, looking down at his chest in surprise. Steve’s palms tingle where they touched Billy’s bare skin through his open shirt, but he ignores the sensation, too pissed to even be horny anymore. He is seething. It hurts, hearing how lowly Billy thinks of him, but he isn’t going to let anyone talk down about his mother.
“Harrington -” Billy starts, like he means to explain himself but Steve doesn’t want to hear it.
“Don’t talk about my mom. Ever.” he warns, something hot buzzing under his skin and Billy’s pupils widen, silvery light dancing over his irises.
Slowly. Billy smiles.
“Noted. You’ve got some fight in you after all huh pretty boy?”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Why not?” Billy challenges immediately. “It’s true. The thing about your mom, maybe not. I don’t know her story. But I know yours. Pretty boy, charmed life, destined to end up behind some boring picket fence in suburbia with your boring little wifey and two point five brats.”
The words sting even though Steve has no idea why they should. He knew Hargrove wasn’t exactly his biggest fan, but he never thought the reason why would be something like the way he was born.
“You don’t know shit about me Hargrove and you just said we’re mates.”
“Yeah!” Billy snaps back, “and that shouldn’t be possible! You don’t have any magic so you should just be some boring little nobody, not my soulmate!”
Steve has never felt total rejection like this. Like he just wants to scream curses at Billy and throw punches until Billy’s face is as bruised as Steve’s feelings; but there’s something about the way Billy says it that holds him back. Anger and disgust would make sense, but that’s not the thread humming through Billy’s words. It’s fear.
But fear of what? He can’t possibly be afraid of Steve can he? But thinking he’d be afraid for Steve is somehow even harder for him to believe.
“Why not ‘your’ soulmate?” Steve asks, because he just can’t leave well enough alone.
Billy’s jaw clenches, eyes flashing in the moonlight. The turmoil in them is more profound than Steve could have imagined the other teen was capable of feeling.
It’s enough to drain all the anger from Steve’s chest and have him trying to hold on. He doesn’t know what is pulling Billy away from him but he’s not giving in to it. Not without a fight.
“You don’t understand,” Billy begins, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Then tell me. Tell me what I don’t understand.” Steve pleads.
“There's... there's more at stake. My parents... both sides of my family, they led the clan through the persecution and the witch wars before we settled here. The alpha’s heir is always selected from the same three families, and with my parents being from two of the strongest I was the obvious choice." Billy continues, each word seeming to cost him. "As the heir, everything I do reflects on my parents and the future of the pack, Steve.”
Steve's eyes widen slightly as pieces of the puzzle that is Billy Hargrove fall into place with painful realization.
“So you being top dog at school, and the way everyone treats you like some sort of king, that’s because you’re gonna be the next alpha?”
Billy nods slowly.
“I’ve known it all my life. Been looking forward to finding my mate and not being alone in it.” Billy adds, his voice roughening to a growl with emotion. “But with you…” His words trail off as if he’s afraid to finish the sentence.
“With me what?” Steve pushes bitterly, not willing to let him hide. “With me everyone will pity you, while you’re stuck carrying dead weight?”
Billy frowns. Shakes his head hard and snaps his teeth together with a click before grunting, “No. I didn’t say that!”
“You’re not saying much of anything! Except that humans are weak and I’m basically human so -”
“So what, you want me to say sorry?” Billy interjects with a snarl of frustration. “Sorry I offended your delicate sensibilities pointing out how frail humans are, but it won’t change shit. You get with me and there will be a target on your back. I can’t lead if I have to worry about protecting you!”
“Then don’t!” Steve shouts, beyond caring anymore that it’s probably not the best idea to get into a shouting match with a werewolf. “Don’t worry about protecting me!”
“I can’t help it, Steve!” Billy shouts right back, throwing his arms wide. “If I could quit it I would, but I think about you every minute of every day and I don’t know how to stop.”
For a moment they’re both frozen, staring at each other with wild eyes. Steve’s heart drums in his chest. Then he’s stepping forward, closing the gap between them. His hands are trembling as he reaches up to cup Billy's face between his hands. Billy’s breath hitches, his eyes locked on Steve, a turbulent sea of emotions swirling within them.
“Steve…” Billy whispers hoarsely, his voice breaking. But when Steve pushes himself up onto his toes he leans in, pressing his lips against Steve’s in a kiss that sears with intensity. It’s as though a dam breaks, days of pent-up longing and desire finally flowing free. And the truth long denied is, Steve has never wanted to fuck someone as badly as he wants to fuck Billy Hargrove.
Steve gasps into the kiss, taken aback by the powerful shock but unable to resist the addictive pleasure of it. Billy’s lips sting his, little electric shocks that send heat through his body and make Steve’s knees weak and his head dizzy. He wraps his arms around Billy's neck and holds on tight, demanding more with his mouth.
The world around them blurs into nothingness as the kiss deepens. Billy slides his hand up Steve's thigh, fingertips ghosting over the bulge in his jeans before resting just above his belt. Two fingers hook in his waistband and Steve moans softly.
Billy devours the sound, claiming Steve’s mouth like he’s trying to swallow him whole; but as the kiss grows more fervent, Steve can feel when Billy starts to change. Beneath his hands, Billy’s body begins to tense unnaturally, the skin rippling like disturbed water. The kiss ends abruptly as Billy groans, his brow creasing in pain.
“Billy?” Steve asks, concerned. Billy shudders.
“I—I have to stop…” he manages between gritted teeth. Billy breaks away suddenly from their embrace and steps back. His body is shaking now—but not just from desire. It’s something else. Something more primal.
“Billy? Billy what’s wrong?”
“I—I don’t know. This isn’t supposed to happen!”
Steve watches in confusion and then alarm as coarse hair begins to sprout along Billy’s forearm where his sleeves are rolled up.
“Holy shit.” He breathes in horrified realization. Because Billy is turning. Billy Hargrove is turning into a werewolf right now, and Steve is all alone. He has one split second to think that maybe things are okay. That just because Billy is turning doesn’t mean he has to be afraid. Billy will still be Billy, and the guy who just kissed him till he was hard in his jeans wasn’t about to turn around and slaughter him.
But then he actually looks at Billy again, sees the way his features have contorted and his eyes glow an unnatural yellow, and every instinct he has says it before Billy can.
“Run,” Billy growls out forcefully, already stumbling back further into the shadows under the trees where the moonlight doesn't reach. “Get back to the circle—now!”
Panic seizes Steve and without wasting another second he turns and runs back the way they came, toward the safety of his pack and the lanterns. Behind him, he hears a low growl dissolve into a long pained howl.
The sound tears at him and in his mind he sees Billy again, hunched over in pain, trying to hold himself together, the fear and apology in his eyes making human what could only be described as beastly. It’s crazy, but he wants to turn around and go back. Do something to ease the pain Billy is in. But another hair raising howl from somewhere behind him pushes him forward. Something tells him it would be a mistake to go back now.
Steve runs like his life depends on it, because it probably does.
Friendly tags for those who have asked in the past:
@darleenjade @sweetwaterangel @dragonflylady77 @natchula @tip-tap-tired @sparklingsprinkles @adelacreations @bluetree76 @deadfromtheneckdown @heavensfinest @marklee-blackmore @slightlydepressedmelon @percabeth-trashcan @a-lovely-craziness
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thepenultimateword · 6 months
Soulmates Prompt List
I hope it’s ok if I use the red string in some of these prompts. Since it’s cultural, I don’t want to appropriate it or anything; I’ve just read so many fun soulmates stories based around that concept lately that I thought it would be fun to write some prompts.
1. The red string will guide you to your soulmate when you are in close proximity (within a few miles) to them. Unfortunately, [A]’s leads them to a funeral. Fortunately, they’re a necromancer.
2. Pirate’s red string has always led them into the sea. They always figured that meant that they were “married” to their sea life. That is until one day the string goes tight and they are pulled overboard and find a merperson on the other end, desperately trying to bite the string free.
3. People don’t have just one soulmate. There are many potential soulmates depending on the path one follows. Villain has take advantage of this fact after realizing that their powers are strengthened with each soulmate’s soul they devour. They don’t care much for losses, much preferring their position as a ruler and almost god. That is until they until they meet Hero, the first soulmate they’ve ever cared to spare.
4. Soulmates know each other at first sight. It’s sort of ZING! Or a ZANG! Or something like that. [A] was always told they couldn’t miss it, but now [B] is looking at them like they were just electrocuted and [A]…felt nothing.
5. Thief sees the words mid-heist. The words they never told anyone but wrote on their arm at 13 during soulstice to be able to recognize their soulmate one day. However, even with proof, Detective seems to think Thief is making up another one of their deceptions to escape. Or maybe they’re just in deep deep denial.
6. [A] is cursed to remember and [B] is cursed to forget. They are Soulmates in every life but not always successful ones. Turns out [B] only regains their memories of past lives when [A] succeeds in making them fall in love with them once again. It’s a tiring thing, wooing their love in every life, but it’s more painful to be forgotten.
7. Fate has already chosen matches for each person, but that does not stop some people from trying to “steal” soulmates, ignoring the rules that forbid flirting with anyone not prearranged for them. In fact, quite a few people have started claiming that soulmates should be a choice, but can anyone really defy fate?
8. Soulmates appear in each other's dreams the night before they meet in person. After such a dream, [A] recognizes [B] immediately, and from the look on [B]'s face when they lock eyes, they recognize them right back. So why are they lying and claiming they've never seen [A] before?
9. People used to be born with predestined matches, a matching mark appearing somewhere on their skin upon first meeting. But one day it simply stopped, so humankind had to manufacture it themselves. Now, upon birth, every baby is implanted with a device--they are legally required to upload all personal data to the device's cloud throughout their life--to simulate such a mark, only to activate upon contact with a compatible match. The ways of spontaneous soulmates are now only a story of the past. [A] is fully invested in the technology, however, [B] doesn't believe humankind should have ever messed with the decisions of fate.
10. In a post-apocalyptic world, [A] expected their soulmate to be dead. Not that it mattered anymore. Almost everyone was dead. And love was not going to keep them alive. But when a thief sneaks into their safe house and tries to steal supplies, [A] tackles them to the ground, catching a glimpse of the soul mark on the thief's neck just as it fades. Their soulmate still exists. And the feelings that come with that knowledge are very confusing.
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Alignment (McDanno fic)
The Steve/Danny soulmate fic only I wanted, because I refuse to let y’all perpetuate the myth that Steve McGarrett wouldn’t love being a submissive. I have a submissive Steve and dominant Danny agenda that I won’t apologise for and I’m making it everyone’s problem.
Whole thing is 6 chapters and already written, I imagine I’ll post 1–2 times a week for the next month or so until it’s all live.
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mydetheturk · 11 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Trigun Stampede (Anime 2023), Trigun (Anime & Manga 1995-2008) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Meryl Stryfe/Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl Stryfe/Vash the Stampede, Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl Stryfe/Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood Characters: Vash the Stampede (Trigun), Meryl Stryfe, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Lina (Trigun) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Post-Season/Series 01, Post-Episode: e12 High Noon at July (Trigun Stampede), Vash has Memory Issues, Tags Subject to Change, Rating subject to change, Grief/Mourning, Memory Loss, Established Relationship, Banter, Wolfwood is great with kids, off-screen violence, the off screen violence may end up on-screen violence later Summary:
It's been two years since July. Meryl and Wolfwood have never really moved on. They've mostly stuck together, barring a few times where they have had to separate, always coming back to one another, orbiting like binary stars around the black hole that is their grief.
And chapter 2 of my Mashwood Soulmate Fic is up! Enjoy 💜
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g0ose-bumps · 11 months
Soulmate Goose fic (1/?)
Ghost gets a soulmate goose. It goes as well as anyone might expect.
The goose was staring at him. It's head tilts. 
"Hey Lieutenant, you happen to have any—" Gaz freezes at the sight of the goose. 
"No fucking way!" He exclaims. "Really?" Unrepentant glee curling Gaz's words as his head swivels from goose to frozen lieutenant. "You have a soulmate goose!"
The soulmate goose stood languidly, taking no mind of the sergeant's gawking nor the lieutenant of whom it had so suddenly appeared in front of. 
"Don't." Ghost grits out, his gaze focused on the animal in the corner of his office.
It was an absolute unit of a bird. Ghost estimated it was at least over five feet tall since its head was just under his chest height. The body was round and quite plump. Pure white feathers took up the whole corner of Ghost's drab office, making it look like a feathered puffball had taken up residence beside his desk. 
Gaz continues on blithely. "Bollocks sir, it's massive!" The bloody sergeant sounds even appreciative of the fact. Ghost would be having words with him later after he dealt with the goose. Afterall, there was no way this soulmate goose was attached to him. There was just no possibility he'd ever have a soulmate. Right? 
The goose blinks. 
He inches toward the knife strapped to his thigh. Ghost's tendency to have weapons on him at all times was paying off. It might be a fool's errand, but perhaps he could persuade the beast off with the choice side of his favourite tool. 
"Does anyone else know? Was this recent? You gotta—"Ghost cuts him off, his patience evaporating. "Not another word Garrick."
The goose rears up at the movement, beady eyes following Ghost's hand. 
Ghost throws the knife and it aims true, the knife solidly implanting into the body of a now very angry goose. It shakes the knife off furiously.  The weapon phases through its body like liquid sand and settles with a loud clunk when it hits the floor. Pristine chest feathers untainted by any wound greet Ghost's miserable sight. 
Its eyes scream murder. 
Ghost is fucked. 
He starts running.
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kellykadesperate · 1 year
hey new robron fic just dropped i'm not kidding: inextricably yours
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suppose-i-was-worm · 5 months
Like the Beat of a Drum pt 2
**I'm not entirely happy about this, and have NO clue where it's going next, but we'll see!**
The Red Hood clocked Danny as not all he seemed as soon as they were alone together. After some negotiation (Danny threatening to vanish into thin air and Hood threatening to tell Red Robin), they came to a consensus.
Danny would be in human form unless one of the other bats were around, and Hood would keep his big mouth shut.
“No spooky supernatural stuff in my borough, kid.”
Danny decided not to tell the other man that he himself had a fair bit of spooky supernatural stuff going on.
He should probably keep an eye on that- Corrupted ectoplasm was never a good thing, and Red Hood was crawling with it.
Living in Crime Alley was easy. Hood had put him up in a dingy little apartment, fully stocked with anything he might need- and no surveillance equipment. Danny had checked. He spent his time while he finished the healing process taking the toaster apart. And the microwave.
Hood visited while he was arms deep in the oven and put a kibosh on larger appliances, but he started bringing small broken appliances around for Danny to fix. It was nice, having another undead hanging around. Someone who understood the constant itch under Danny’s skin to keep moving, keep working, keep reminding himself he was alive.
He even was finally able to see his soulmark! It was a name, somebody called Timothy Drake-Wayne. Hood had seen it and made some sort of choking noise, and when Danny asked, he was told that Drake-Wayne was publicly markless. Weird.
Danny was pleased that the wounds to the area had healed completely though, not marring the text at all.
The wound on his chest, not so much. It stood out, inflamed and sore against his otherwise pale chest. Its presence reminded him a little of the lichtenberg scars that crawled down his arms in his ghost form.
Maybe the Drs. Fenton had somehow killed him again, and now he was a halfa twice over? This was his penance, he supposed, for trusting them after everything.
Tim’s favorite coffee shop was packed, save for one table with a lone occupant. Once he’d gotten his deathwish coffee, he made his way over to the table.
“Excuse me, do you mind if I-“
The table’s occupant, a young man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes, nodded toward the other chair before Tim could finish his sentence.
“Feel free, man. It’s a busy day today.”
Tim couldn’t help but wonder where he’d seen the other before- his face was familiar in a strange way, and he felt- he felt surprisingly attracted.
His soulmate heartbeat thing had been unusually quiet since the night Phantom arrived, whereas before it sounded loud and clear in his head at least a few times a day and long into the night.
He was allowed to talk to cute people while his soulmate was still young, right?
“Spend a lot of time here?”
The stranger shrugged.
“Here and there. Haven’t run into you before, which I think I would have noticed. I’m Danny, by the way.”
Tim didn’t think much of the name. This young man was far too old to be his Daniel.
“Nice to meet you, Danny. I’m Tim.”
He reached out a hand, and Danny shook it firmly, giving him an odd look that quickly passed.
The two of them sat and chatted for a while, and Tim found himself wondering how he’d missed this person around Gotham- he was well spoken with a soft accent, whip smart, and gorgeous.
Tim’s watch buzzed, reminding him he had a meeting- he could have sworn he had two hours between his coffee run and his meeting, but perhaps he’d been chatting too long.
“Shit! I have to go- it was nice meeting you!”
He chugged the rest of his now-cold coffee and darted out of the coffee shop.
It wasn’t until after the shareholder’s meeting that he realized he hadn’t asked for Danny’s number.
Jason looked up from his desk as his office door was flung open, and then watched in amusement as Danny scrambled out of the grasp of the goon trying to pull him away.
“Sorry Boss, he slipped by us! I’ll- OW! He bites!”
“Stand down, Marcus, he’s a friend. Head over to medical if you need to- the little shit’s feral.”
Grumbling, the goon let go of a smug looking Danny and made his way to the other door while Danny swanned into the office and made himself comfortable on Hood’s guest chairs.
“How did you find this place?”
Shrugging, the kid pretended to inspect his nails.
“You know, just followed the scent of daddy issues and rancid ectoplasm- not hard. Didn’t peg you for the office type, though.”
Jason leaned back, crossing his arms.
“What do you want.”
“Timothy Drake-Wayne is Red Robin, yes?”
Trying to keep his posture casual and unconcerned, Jason tilted his head.
“What makes you say that?”
“I met a guy named Tim at the coffee shop and he’s got the same ghosts as Red Robin.”
Danny slapped a newspaper down on the desk between them- the cover page was Tim, looking very CEO and businesslike.
Jason was pretty sure Tim and Danny would get along like a house on fire, if Danny had already figured him out.
“Also, I felt his heartbeat when we shook hands and it matches the beat of my soul.”
Pausing, Jason parsed the information he now had about Danny.
“Wait, you can see ghosts that follow people?”
“You can’t?”
Jason stared incredulously at Danny for a few beats, and then the younger man sighed.
“Right. Your ecto is all screwy. Remind me to fix that. Yeah, I see ghosts attached to people- not everyone has them, and not all of the ghosts are actually, you know, dead people, but yeah. I don’t normally think about them because they’re everywhere, but same ghosts often equal same person.”
Danny slumped further into the chair after he finished talking, letting out a small whine.
“What now?”
“Jason, he’s cute.”
With a sigh, Jason pointed over at the newest handful of appliances he needed Danny to fix for the residents of Crime Alley.
“Take that and get out of my office.”
Tim sighed and let his pen drop- if Jason was here and looking for him, he probably wouldn’t get much work done. Not that he was getting work done now- balancing a pen on his nose wasn’t really work.
Jason rounded the batcomputer, idly tossing his helmet from one hand to another, a massive grin stretching across his face. It was a scheming face, a face that said he knew something Tim didn’t, and Tim hated not knowing things.
Jason’s grin stretched wider.
“You’ve been keeping secrets!”
With a sigh, Tim turned his attention to the computer. Of course he kept secrets- the entire family had secrets. Hell, the secrets that the entire family kept probably also kept secrets.
Undeterred, Jason shoved his head (read: his entire upper body) in between Tim and the computer.
“So, where is it?”
Tim raised an eyebrow at the other man, hoping he looked as judgmental as he felt.
“Where is what, Jason? My spleen?”
The grin on Jason’s face faltered for a moment before returning with full force.
“Your soulmark!”
The weights Dick had been working with in the training area hit the floor with a loud thump, and Tim could only assume their oldest brother was storming over to berate Jason.
Heh. He was right.
Jason pulled away, grabbing the arm of Tim’s chair and dragging him along to be a human shield as Dick approached.
“Nu-uh, Dickie- I’ve got good info, here. Timmy has been hiding his entire soul from us!”
Tim would like it to go on record that he hated everything, everyone, and especially Jason. He tuned out Dick’s raised voice and Jason’s responses, trying to figure out how the other could have found out.
He almost always kept the patch on- it’s not like a civilian camera could have caught him without. Even when he took the patch off to wash or to tend a nearby wound, he made sure to do it in his Nest without any recording devices nearby.
The only way Jason could have- Maybe he’d met Daniel and seen Tim’s name? Some poor kid down in Crime Alley? A four year old at best. Eurgh.
He tuned back into the still heated conversation.
“-kindness isn’t hard Jason, and you can’t just use the excuse that we’re siblings to bully Tim for being markless! I never thought you had it in you, you-“
“It’s under my sternum. How’d you find out?”
Dick’s tirade stopped short as Tim answered, his mouth dropping open comically. Jason pumped his fist triumphantly.
“You handed him to me on a silver platter, Timbo.”
Tim did not gape, that would be unbecoming and Janet Drake would never allow a son of hers to be unbecoming.
“I’m sorry?”
Jason grinned, an evil, evil grin.
“Daniel Fenton. You gave his case to me.”
Dick’s voice was high and reedy, and Tim looked over to see that he was looking distressed and probably a little faint.
Jason snickered. Rude.
“I do not have a case for my soulmate.”
Jason snickered again, and pointed at the batcomputer.
“Then what’s that?”
Both Dick and Tim turned to look- it was just the file on Phantom- but by the time they turned around again, Jason was roaring out of the cave on his bike.
Tim flipped him off, just because he could.
Dick collected himself before Tim did, whirling to face him and yanking Tim’s shirt up before desperately scraping at the bare skin, trying to find the patch.
With a sigh, Tim pushed Dick’s searching hands away and peeled off the patch himself.
He felt bare without it- completely exposed to his brother’s sharp eyes.
“You never told anyone?”
Shrugging, Tim slapped the patch back on, pulled his shirt down, and turned back to the batcomputer.
“Came in late- didn’t want some poor kid to get saddled with me.”
By the hitch in Dick’s breathing, Tim could tell the older man was about to get sentimental on him, or berate him for talking bad about himself.
This day couldn’t get much worse, could it?
The Arkham escape alarm sounded from both boys’ phones, and Tim sighed yet again. Way to jinx himself.
Phantom floated invisibly above the Red Hood, filtering away the ectoplasm that rolled off of him in waves as he stood with the other bats.
“Nightwing and Robin, you’re looking for the Joker.”
The ectoplasm spiked at Batman’s growl, and Danny sighed soundlessly. Keeping Jason away from his vengeance was not the right way to go about things.
“You want another dead Robin if they find him?”
“I do not want a dead Joker, Hood, and I know there will be one if I let you after him.”
Red Hood crossed his arms with a snarl, and Phantom settled closer to the man’s shoulders, keeping a steady wave of calm floating from his core.
The beat of his soul was pounding with excitement, and he took a moment to glance over at Red Robin, who was glaring in Red Hood’s direction. Danny couldn’t begin to fathom why.
Once the bats scattered, Phantom brought his head closer to Hood’s. The older boy was muttering mutinously under his helmet.
“What if we found him first?”
Hood’s head shot up to look in Danny’s direction.
“I could help, and then we could go home and finish Jenga.”
“Help do what?”
Danny dropped his invisibility long enough to flash Jason a grin.
Red Robin and Spoiler crashed into a warehouse, weapons at the ready, only to find half the rogues they were looking for tied up and watching a fight going on in the center of the room. Tim’s heart was beating a mile-a-minute with adrenaline, and so was his second heartbeat. He had been rushing to find the Joker at least, especially after Red Hood went off comms.
It took him a minute to identify the people in the fight, if it could really be called that. From what he could tell, it was a mostly unilateral beat-down of the Joker by Phantom.
“What the fuck.”
Stephanie was watching with wide eyes from his side, and Tim caught a glance of Jason watching from the other side of the warehouse, helmet off and a green glow about his face.
“We need to get to Hood and make sure he doesn’t do anything.”
Spoiler nodded, but before she could move, a shadow shifted next to Hood and Black Bat slipped from the shadows, putting a hand on the man’s arm. Hood turned his head in her direction, nodded, and then went back to watching the show.
Black Bat stepped away, seeming satisfied with Jason’s response.
Phantom smacked Joker with a backhand slap loud enough to startle Tim, and the psychopathic man went flying back into the wall, crumpling into a heap at the base.
Tim watched as Phantom floated over to Hood, chest heaving despite no sounds of breathing.
“Are you Avenged, Bat of Gotham? Feel it in your Core.”
The greenish glow to Jason’s face flickered and then floated up and away from his face, dispersing in a thin mist.
“I am Avenged, Phantom.”
Phantom landed with a smile.
“See? Killing him wasn’t necessary- just a little beatdown.”
The second heartbeat in Tim’s sternum began to slow as Phantom held out a hand to Red Hood.
Jason took it and shook, smiling grimly.
“Red Robin?”
Spoiler was at his shoulder, but Tim couldn’t tear his eyes away from Phantom’s face.
“Red, we need to get Joker to the hospital.”
Black Bat moved from beside Jason and punched Tim on the shoulder.
“Ask him out.”
Tim startled.
“I- what?”
She made the sign for soulmate discreetly, and Tim felt his face flush. Phantom couldn’t possibly- but then he thought about Jason’s cryptic wording about Tim’s soulmate the other day.
Surely not. Surely.
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The Pocket AU Masterpost
Original Works
The Pocket Guide to Pockets (1/1) - A beginner's guide to facts about and care of Pockets. A new type of Soulmate AU. Honey You're Familiar (Like My Mirror Years Ago) (1/?) - On Calum Kilpatrick's first day of school, he comes to the breakfast table with a Pocket in hand.
MCU Pocket AU
Pocket Full of Sunshine (1/2) - Every home ought to have at least one Pocket. This isn't quite how Sarah Rogers thought hers might have one again, but Steven will be Steven. The Coney Island Days - A picture of Steve, Steeb, Bucky, and Booky, on a Coney Island afternoon. Pop Goes the Weasel (2/2)- Steve takes the serum in New York, and it has a reaction overseas. Bucky doesn't need it proven he didn't take all the stupid with him, Steven.
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adekalyn · 2 months
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Chapter 4 just posted: Death Is But A Continued Passage on ao3.
Mikaelson Brothers x oc
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greeninkredletters · 2 months
(Not) Just Another Option ✨
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Introducing my Dramione Soulmate Trope oneshot revealed this last week! I've always wanted to write my own take on this trope and finally did something about it when I saw the Soulmate Fest 2.0!
Gorgeous artwork by @julesart04 🎉He did such a great job!
What is a soulmate? That seemed to be the question of the hour.
Hermione Granger needs to know what a soulmate is and GASP seemingly the one person with answers happens to be her friends' childhood nemesis. What's a witch to do?
AKA, a public soulmate revealing ceremony where shocking reveals lead to less-than-shocking alliances.
(Rated T, 11k words)
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Can I request 🌹 for daydream soul mate prompt
"when soul mate get hurt a flower would grew on that spot"
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You remembered one of the first times those flowers grew on you. It was just on your finger, and you asked your parents what it was. They told you about the soulmate legend, and you thought it was so cool! Then they just kept growing. When the wound healed the flowers would die and wither.
Then one day they grew again, but they grew over one of your eyes and across your back. You screamed, panicking and wondering what was going on. Your family tried to calm you down, but you couldn't be calmed.
You were freaking out because what the hell happened to your soulmate? After that day, the flowers over your eye never died, so you were blinded in that eye but the ones that spread across your back went away after a while.
Over the years, you got used to the flowers over your eye. They were annoying, but you were able to deal with it, luckily and you always keep an eye out for anyone that had one damaged eye but you've never met anyone like that. It was strange; it sort of felt like they just... weren't there.
Then you met him.
He appeared out of a swirling portal one day, two others coming out with him. You could, honestly, not care less about the other two the leader was the one that caught your attention. He was covered in this... goop? It had the same color as the sky when the sun was setting but darker, and tentacles that were whipping around on his back. Over his eye was more of that goop, the same eye that was covered in flowers for you.
This was your soulmate?
The other two jump down from where they had been, the goopy one starting to talk, "Greetings everyone. I am Daydream, and I am here to make everyone happy. It is very nice to meet you all1" He laughs, holding up his arms, "I can tell many of you are afraid, but fear not, we are the good guys! Protecting you all from my terrible brother and his goons." the one with the large brush swipes it up and black ink spread out changing shapes. Horses all running together, sea animals swimming. It was beautiful.
The blue one starts to run around, greeting everyone in a happy tone. Even though they were all being so nice... you had a strange feeling in your gut. This didn't feel... safe.
Then your eyes met with Daydream's, and he blinks then smiles and moves down. He was coming right towards you...
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