#hopefully this is okay?
spumonibones · 5 months
I've noticed that yandere corrupted Venti pics are aplenty, but ...
I think a corrupted yandere Xiao fic has potential
Oh very much so, especially with the karmic debt, and the theory that Abyssal Corruption actually enhances your negative ambitions!! (Good stuff for twisting love from afar into an obsession that results in abandoning his post) I can probably type up at least af fic idea for it! Unfortunately at the moment I'm not at a point I could write a fic like that - still looking over my shoulder thanks to some personal experiences. These two have been a sort of "safe, comfort" ship since. But! I'm pretty sure I saw some fic summaries with that! When I find them, I'll send those your way! :]
As for a fic idea... Hmm. I know there's a popular Time Loop theory for Genshin. But, I'm not a big fan of it? Far too often those storylines get fumbled hard, and it would feel too much like a cop-out to escape the growing retcons instead of accepting that the story has changed since the game's start. (Which is pretty normal for games of this nature) Ah. Sorry. Anyway. There could be a parallel timeline. Maybe in that one, the Sinner from the Abyss acted sooner, and Teyvat has been coated in Abyssal energy? Oh, Xiao's beta design would work well for an Abyss-infected variation! (More under cut because WOW this got long??)
If his Barbatos died trying to stop the Sinner, it would be motivation to find ways of different times in which Barbatos still lives. Given the Monstadt story prologue, we know that Venti can get "poisoned" from Abyssal energy. If our... Let's call him, "Void Xiao," to mitigate confusion. As players we're taught to associate the Abyss Realm with the Abyss Order, though we've learned in Fontaine these don't always go hand in hand. Another term for the Abyss Realm is the Void Realm, so it'll function for these needs.
I looked up the definition of yandere, and included it for anyone that may need it! (I actually like this because it notes that this incorrectly tries to attribute these actions to mental illness. Individuals with mental illness are significantly more likely to be victims! When looking at "real life" examples of yandere attitudes, it's often individuals with no respect for the boundaries of others, and a sense of entitlement. No one owes anyone else their time or affection - always place firm boundaries, and if you ever feel unsafe do what you must to get out of the situation to be safe!!)
Back to the story idea! Hmm. Maybe VoidXiao got access to Forbidden Knowledge and that's how he jumped timelines...? If the Sinner took over Teyvat, the Heavenly Principles/Primordial One wouldn't be there to enforce the Laws they created. The whole world would be infected with Forbidden Knowledge and Void energy, and access would be easy. Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure the game describes karmic debt to be different from Abyssal Corruption? But it (karmic debt) does sound similar to Forbidden Knowledge in its affects.
And if we go that karmic debt and Forbidden Knowledge ARE connected, he might even just have access to it as the Abyssal Corruption enhances that ambition to possess, and in a way protects him from succumbing to karmic debt to instead control it? Hmm. Might be bit of a stretch, but there's potential, maybe?
But, it would allow for a corrupted yandere Xiao! Though I feel like someone already wrote this...? Ah, if this is a fic summary I read and am just regurgitating, please let know the fic! 😭 I'll link it and delete my text if this is the case!
I'm sorry if this isn't a good request fulfillment orz
I think the first thing Void Xiao would do, is try to kill the main timeline Xiao and dump him in the Chasm where no one can find the body. Xiao could get saved by the Black Serpent knights, of whom are on a loop of protecting people and with the Abyssal Corruption on our Xiao, might mistake him for a dying hilichurl. The Fatui underground could then further help him identifying what they believe is an injured person and as we learn from them while in there, they aren't inherently bad people. I think they would genuinely try to help him, even with their limited resources.
Anyway, Void Xiao would split his attentions between capturing the time he lost with Barbatos, never being close enough to risk hurting Venti with the Abyssal energy (in Monstadt prologue, we get confirmation it "poisons" Venti when he gets hurt by it when the Traveler+Paimon interrupt him attempting to heal Dvalin). But also that distance is so Venti *can't* identify that Void Xiao is compromised. Lots of bittersweet moments, with Venti happy that what he thinks is his Xiao finally wants to spend time with him. Void Xiao savoring each visit, the painful reminder it could be so easily taken away again, that this was something he once refused and now sees was for silly reasons.
The other would be him trying to empower Venti by gathering more believers. I know there's general agreement that Venti is much stronger than he let's on, and I won't get into that discussion too much. But in this story, if however strong he is wasn't enough to survive the Sinner, Void Xiao would see fit to give him more strength to maybe stand a better chance when the time comes in this world. (Perhaps there was never a Traveler in his timeline, and that's why the Sinner acted sooner?)
I can see him rescuing people from old habits, telling them that Barbaros sent him to save them. Venti would notice more people going to the church, worshiping the statue. Would get a bit confused, why are people getting more into... That? All the while, Void Xiao is feeling jealous. He understands WHY everyone wants to fawn over Venti when he sings, when he plays music. But do they have to get so close? And Monstadt citizens start getting hurt, going missing. Venti recognizes the pattern, and while he investigates Void Xiao goes with, pretending he doesn't know who did it either. All while adoring how "kind" Venti is, even to worry about his "stalkers" (none on the citizens ever were).
Our Xiao has strength to call for help, and Zhongli comes. Gives him the adeptal drink to help stave off the mix of karmic debt and Abyssal Corruption threatening to consume him, too. His only resistance is that he SAW what he becomes if he let it, and that if he doesn't resist Venti WILL get hurt and he'll be helping to hurt him instead of warning him. Once strong enough, he struggles towards Monstadt, hoping he isn't too late.
Back over, Venti is noticing the trend and speaks with Dilic, well aware the man has also been following closely. They make a plan. Diluc pretends to be tipsy and be "too friendly" with Venti, and Venti "leaves." On Diluc's way back to the Dawn Winery, he gets attacked and is READY.
Except he's face to face with a demon. Diluc struggles in the fight, recognize the Abyssal energy his opponent is using. Venti shows up to help (he was tailing Diluc with enough distance), and is horrified to see the state Void Xiao is in, that HE'S the one that had been hurting people. Void Xiao holds Diluc hostage, telling Venti that he's doing what he has to. Doesn't Venti enjoy time with him, too? Doesn't Venti want to be with him? Venti asks him to let Diluc go. Diluc is one of his children, and was just pretending because Venti asked him to so he could find the culprit. He tries to reach out to the last goodness on Void Xiao, not wanting to hurt him but also trying to save Diluc.
Diluc is not blinded by the love that Venti is. He can very well see that Void Xiao is ready to kill Diluc once Venti isn't there to force the corrupted one to save face. He uses his Delusion (in Canon he has the one that killed his father), and the Pyro distracts/hurts Void Xiao enough he can put some distance. Venti helps hold off Void Xiao, and tells Diluc to run. Diluc doesn't want to leave, but Venti goes Full Barbatos and gives that look parents give to their kids to know they can either willingly go to their room or get carried to it. So Diluc runs, but back to Monstadt for backup.
Void Xiao, now terrified he's going to lose Venti again, shifts to more desperate measures. If Venti is corrupted, maybe he'll be safe? Maybe he'll understand? Too far deep into the affects of the Abyssal Corruption to realize this would kill Venti. So Void Xiao pleads - please? Won't Venti hold his hand while he succumbs to karmic debt? Playing on that kindness Venti has. And why would Venti refuse? Warped as Void Xiao is, he still thinks this is his Xiao! Yes, he'll get poisoned, but he'll just go to Windrise again to get cleansed.
Except Void Xiao grabs him, claws in and bites down so Venti can't get away without hang to literally rip the other off. The energy immediately starts trying to seep in, Venti struggling to get away, trying to find how to do so without hurting Void Xiao too much. Void Xiao is whispering it'll be okay, giving the soft kisses he always wanted to give but until then couldn't.
And then Xiao shows up, cutting clean off both Void Xiao's arms to save Venti. It's slow-mo. Venti turning, eyes widening to see his Xiao there, full of exhaustion but there. Xiao glaring at Void Xiao through his mask, more angry that he was killing Venti with cruelty while whispering how much he loved him. Void Xiao, who's eyes never leave Venti even as the corruption forms monstrous arms so he can "save" himself and Venti "from" this timeline's Xiao.
Diluc arrives with Jean, Kaeya, Rosaria, and Lisa (Jean knew, Kaeya and Lisa figured it out, and Rosaria learned about it while tailing Venti when doing her own investigation of the injured/missing citizens). Xiao orders them to get Venti to Windrise, as their best option is Barbatos not dying? But Void Xiao tries to prevent that, and it becomes a battle to not get infected themselves, and getting Venti who's getting weaker to the tree.
It's difficult and long, but they do get to Windrise. Venti gets stronger, Void Xiao gets weaker. And at the end, the last of the Abyssal Corruption leaving a dying Void Xiao, Venti holds him. Gives him those last moments that he never got. Afterwards, he checks on his children, on his Xiao. Everyone is hurt, but not tainted. Before Xiao leaves Venti tells him, "he told me that he regretted never spending time with me, and then it was too late." And then he asks, "Are you the same?" Hopeful that maybe, maybe all that time he spent with Void Xiao wasn't just the influence of Abyssal Corruption. That this isn't one-sided on Venti's part in this time.
"...I would like that." Xiao admits. Because his biggest regret in the Chasm, where he thought he might die... Was that he never spent time with Venti. Never got to be the reason the other smiled, and all this time... Now? He's learning Venti felt the same.
And so they do.
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iamthemaster · 9 months
@meepfromspace said: “You can’t do this! You can’t do…IT’S NOT FAIR!”
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The Master couldn't take the Meep seriously. And it wasn't just because of the creatures innocent looking appearance, which was probably the only advantage the Meep had. It was because of the simple fact that all 'to-be rulers' shared one thing in common -- there can only be one, and with two of them working together, betrayal was bound to happen sooner or later.
"Oh...don't fret your little self over it. It's all part of the game. There can only be one true conquerer of the universe...and that will ALWAYS be ME! I am THE Master, after all."
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lgcmjun · 1 year
ꜜ chemistry, with @lgcyoojoon
evaluations are always hard on minjun, no matter how confident he was feeling at the time and the one he went through just a few hours ago left him floorless. he could still feel his hands shaking and his throat closed, his face burning with shame when the words coming from his dance teacher echoed in his ears again - he wasn't breathing properly, his voice was weak, he couldn't match the tempo of the choreography. his stress levels were so high that he was grateful his roommates weren't there right now, so he could cry and yell and thrash the place (not really) and no one would witness it.
still pretty much on the edge even after taking a shower, he chooses the only safe option around, his eyes falling on the small package delivered to him earlier that morning, a treat from his brother - cooking always made him feel detached from his routine so if that doesn't help him, at least he would have a batch of cookies to eat. it's a win-win situation, in the end, he thinks as he starts to open the cabinets in the dorm's kitchen, gathering all the ingredients he needs for his recipe.
minjun isn't surprised when a familiar face gets in front of him, with a concerned look. the stupid invisible string connecting him and yoojoon is so evident that even if he tries to hide from him that everything is okay, he'd sound like a fake liar; also his shaking hands are a dead giveaway anyways. "thought you'd be busy, hyung." he speaks quietly, adding flour to a bowl, cautiously. "you didn't need to come."
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ionomycin · 3 days
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temple at the end of the road
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edwardbonnets · 1 year
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how to ask the demon you've been smitten over for 6000 years to dance: an angel's guide
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theaccursedninth · 2 months
“turn you in? you know i could never do that.”
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The Dark Elf stared up at Jack, orange-tinted blood trickling down the side of his head. His iridescent eyes widened for a moment, and his hearts--pumping hard to keep him alive while his blood soaked through his armor--began to ache. It was only for a moment though; a bitter smile pulled at Malekith's lip and he looked away.
"Then what will you do with me, Captain," he rasped, and oh, how he hated to say those words. The Accursed Lord of the Dark Elves had once ruled this universe! His name alone was enough to evoke surrender. To demand power. Yet here he was now, stripped of the energy that promised him the End of this wretched Timeline, holding himself up on knees and shaking arms because his dignity refused to allow him to collapse. That's not the way his narrative went.
'What about the Doctor, then? What would 'e have to say about this?'
The Accursed's face dropped, and his gaze traveled to the dust and debris that had once been the center of Cardiff. The Doctor has no place here, he thought, wondering idly how many of his soldiers had survived Asgard's counter attack. Were they searching for him, now?
The old voice clicked its tongue, a sound that echoed in the back of his mind. Malekith's expression tightened.
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packsurvivcs · 2 months
@vesperzyr liked this for an HOTD starter
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Tourneys were so boring, and she found that they didn't keep her attention at all. Yet here she was, being forced to watch men try to knock each other off horses, in hopes of coming out on top. The idea alone made her want to roll her eyes, she was trying to figure out the best way to move away from her seat, her family was all focused on the action and it would allow her for the best opportunity to just, disappear. Maybe she'd even managed to find some forgotten weapons in the flurry of activity and get to practice her skills. When she was certain no one was paying her attention, she rose and began to move towards the exit, finding herself face to face with someone she hadn't expected. "Apologies" she said quietly, avoiding eye contact in an attempt to continue her escape.
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leillorien · 1 year
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fell for the oldest trick in the book 🤦‍♂️
long time no post! i’m currently in the middle of my annual lotr rewatch and i can just never resist these two <3
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
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i'm living the dream, in the dream, i'm buried alive two bed grave, one bath, car in the drive mirrored covered windows block the light feeding back reflection distorts life cut connection — jesca hoop
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lotus-piers · 2 months
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chk chk boom mv teaser 1 | stray kids
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verflares · 3 months
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new link design goes crazy
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rameiixo · 2 months
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izutzoomie.. sorry
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objectify that old man
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perrigoaway · 7 months
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Finished Turnabout Serenade with my sisters today and I had to quickly draw this concept (Also an excuse to draw Apollo AND my girl Ema.. love her.) Also I had to draw them mugshots for this THE KISSY FACE IS NOT SERIOUS just like he's not serious.. he'd so pull the Instagram influencer lips..
Slight spoilers below the cut, just in case!
Can you IMAGINE how freaking funny it'd be if you were Daryan, listening in over the headset, only to hear two people talking about "wanted? Nobody wants him!" about your band mate? Ngl if it was me, I'd end up laughing LMAO which would be bad for him considering.. you know. I really enjoy the worsties dynamic Ema and Klavier have because.. it's just hilarious, honestly. I love how she talks trash about him every waking moment, she is waiting for the SECOND she passes her exam and her 2 weeks notice is ON his desk
Joke made by my sister here @abandonedart
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marsosims · 2 months
In case anybody needs it, in order for your game to load faster, you should remove any special characters from the packages in your mods folder.
This includes characters such as parentheses, brackets ([ ]), exclamation marks (!), spaces ( ), number signs (#), 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔.
These will make your game slower!
To prove a point, I have made the difficult (but therapeutic decision) to rename ALL of the CC I download and sort them properly into folders and I load into my game in like a minute with 6gb of mods. Obviously, this isn't as much as some other people have, but I do believe it does help my game run a bit faster and smoother.
If you think the task of renaming every single package is too daunting, you should also really look into downloading the Bulk Rename Utility program. It will help you tremendously.
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scarredfeathers · 2 years
This would be the first time anyone would see Jewel without long sleeves in years and honestly the thought terrified her. She looked at herself in the mirror, her scars not covered... her heart pounding and she wanted to cry
"I have faith in you" @havvkinsqueen said from the other side of the curtain Jewel pulled back the heavy fabric - the shy bookworm was wearing a pale blue formal dress, it had been fun to come shopping and watch her friend try on dresses. Somehow the redhead had been talked into trying on one.
Now here she was standing in front of Chrissy, who looked lovely in her own pick, while Jewel scratched at the most obvious scar on her right arm with her thumb, unable to bring herself to meet her friend's gaze.
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