#hoping a swift but painful death to colonization
tautozhone · 5 months
can argue to death with me about how age restrictions on youtube are necessary but i will be DAMNED before i say Hinds Hall deserved to be age restricted. average american child on youtube can listen to H*rbu D*rbu (censoring in hopes to avoid algorithm engagement with the song) which is IOF praising genocidal propaganda, and- big fucking shocker- its not age restricted. i’m 100% sure the only reason Hind’s Hall was restricted was to deliberately suppress and avoid the spread of the song.
#tauto talks#i know damn well that it doesn’t matter that it’s songs in different languages shit in arabic is not free from age restrictions just because#it would not take a kid much leg work for someone to find an english translation if they wanted it#pop culture has an inseparable impact on the public perception of so fucking much and it sucks to say but i bet some people hadn’t had#everything delivered in a way that made them care#macklemore has a weird history of social activism in his music i apologize every day for making fun of him in highschool for thrift shop#like his song kevin does a lot to tackle americas overprescription to addiction to jail or death pipeline#it is sympathetic to the experience of an addict in ways a lot of people generally in society are not#this song did a bit to turn perspective to industries at fault and not the individual suffering#so watching hinds hall be age restricted? feels deliberate. as every move of suppression has felt#feeling particularly full of grief and hate today because i graduate soon#i can only think of every writer like me who did not get to see the stage like i will and it aches#stories the world will never see because it removed the chance#it’s almost like the youth of america are some of the most vibrant and opinionated and energetic parts of the population. youth affords time#change spreading like wildfire cannot be put out as fast as it grows#keep burning#free palestine#palestine#gaza genocide#free gaza#eyes on rafah#eyes on sudan#eyes on congo#eyes on darfur#liberate the world#hoping a swift but painful death to colonization
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Yandere alien Bucky x astronaut darling
I find this request very unique! I’ve never actually thought about this before, so thank you for bringing this creative idea <3
P.S. The action takes place in the future.
The Reason
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Pairing: alien!Bucky Barnes x astronaut!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, kidnapping, death of minor characters, allusion to breeding and non-con.
Words: 2985.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, everything was pitch black for a couple of minutes. Your body hurt so much as if someone threw you into a well, then pulled your dead body out, and threw it back in. The oxygen mask on your face felt heavy as hell.
You easily recognized the monotonous sounds of life support system since it wasn’t your first space mission. Damn, what had happened? Did you finally get that significant brain damage Dr. Strange was so concerned about? You didn’t remember blacking out so violently after your last spaceflights. This one wasn’t even your longest.
When you saw the room, you stared at the unnaturally high ceiling that you couldn’t blame on your blurry vision. It just didn’t look the same. Did they move the Adaptation Center to a new building or something? Did Dr. Strange mentioned it before? You couldn’t remember, really. You didn’t think he did.
Despite the fact that you felt weightless, moving your body seemed nearly impossible as you struggled to move your legs. Shit, and there you thought those magic drugs NASA offered you last time were way better than their usual treatments. 
Wait. You didn’t finish your mission. You weren’t returning to Earth yet as you had around 6 more months to spend in space. Had something happened? Did Dr. Str-
Oh yes. Dr. Strange was dead. You still remembered his face when Sergeant Barnes, an extraterrestrial from Theseus-17, had shot him right in front of you.
When you saved them from their greatly damaged spacecraft, it was five of them: Steve Rogers, the Captain, their leader; Tony Stark, the Pilot; Bruce Banner, the Doctor; Vision, the Pastor, and James Buchanan Barnes, the Soldier. All of them simply used human analogues of their true names, but the members of your crew didn't protest: since Theseus-17 was incredibly far even for your highly technologically advanced spaceships, you knew very little of its inhabitants. Apparently, they attempted to establish a good relationship between your races - especially since you had so much biological similarities. In fact, they might be the closest to humans among other species you had ever encountered before, you thought.
Well, it was true, but you failed to see they would use it to their advantage to the fullest.
They were a militaristic alien race with predominantly male population controlled by stratocratic government. Their planet was three times smaller than Earth, but their technological advancement was unbelievable, especially compared to human's: it allowed them to invade several other small planets and colonize them in the past. However, due to some extreme DNA mutations, their female population was declining decade after decade resulting in zero births over the last five years. The Hydrarirans, as they called themselves, were rapidly facing extinction, Steve told you while explaining the reasons why they were so far from their home.
You had a pretty long talk after Bucky had shot Dr. Strange, and Tony strangled Wong. You barely remembered what had happened next, though you could guess you ended up being drugged by Hydrarians. Fuck. Did you send a signal back to Earth? You couldn't tell. Well, you certainly remembered Dr. Strange sending a message about saving the crew of Theseus-17 spacecraft. If you went missing, it would be a clear sign of something going very wrong.
But you still were God knew where. Gradually becoming extremely nervous with each passing second, you looked at the countless wires attached to your body and started to pull, forcefully taking them out of your skin and silently crying - you didn't remember feeling so much pain since the times of your first space mission. Violently throwing away the oxygen mask, you crawled on the bed until you fell to the floor with a loud thud. Shit.
You stayed there for a couple of minutes, afraid Hydrarians would quickly discover what you were doing, but since you heard nothing, you crawled further from bed to a wide glass wall, your vision still blurry. Where were you? It didn't feel like a spacecraft. It felt like you were brought to an unknown planet, and when you saw two red suns shining in the black sky, you realized it was exactly like Steve described his planet to you.
No, no, it couldn't be. Theseus-17 was God knew how many light years away. Their ship wasn't in the condition to fly you there so fast, yours even less so, and you certainly hadn't been put in a cryostasis. However, how well did you know what technology these alien freaks possessed? What if they could be using some teleport able to cover enormous distances? It could easily be an option.
Crawling further to the window, you had finally reached it and touched its cold surface. It certainly looked and felt like a glass beneath your palm.
The black meadows you stared upon were nothing like the ones you saw from a window of the little house where you spent your childhood. This place was wicked, evil. You could feel it in the air as you inhaled that strange, sickly sweet oxygen or whatever it was. No wonder their women couldn't handle living here, and you wouldn't last here either. It was clear what you were brought here for, and even the thought of it was repulsive to you. How dare they? How barbaric were these freaks, intending to use human women as some breeding machinery? If their military experiments made them facing extinction, then let it be, you thought, horrified and disgusted at the same time.
You rubbed your droopy eyes, feeling the wetness on the back of your palm as you tried not to cry, thinking what were your options except to submit silently to your abductors. How were you going to navigate a ship back home? How were you going to steal a ship? Actually, how were you going to leave this damn room, considering that your body was almost unable to move because of the time you spent in space? Recovery would take quite some time, unless Hydrarians had advanced medical support for cosmonauts. You hoped they did, because spending months to recover while staying with these savages wasn't an option.
Huh, it was better to listen to your mom and become a doctor. Now you'd be sitting in your cabinet and listening to concerns of elderly ladies, not being locked away on a planet with no female population. You had hard times imagining what they would do to you if you end up being thrown in a crowd of mad men yearning for intimacy for years.
Rubbing your eyes again, you exhaled loudly. You were in deep, deep shit.
When the white wall beside you suddenly moved to the side, allowing a tall, menacing man in a black military suit to enter, you held your breath, watching Sergeant Barnes walking into the room. You thought of his metal hand with a red star engraved on it - he could snap your neck with one swift motion if he wanted to, though he could probably do it with his flesh hand, too. Certainly, he was both skilled in combat and cybernetically enhanced, so escaping with him guarding you would be extremely problematic. You'd prefer to meet Vision instead of the grim Soldier.
"What are you doing, woman?" Barnes asked as he saw you on the floor with your back pressed to the glass wall, your arms bleeding from violently tearing the wires of the life support system out of your body. Apparently, you didn't look as good as he expected you to.
"A woman has a name." You said sternly, watching one of your abductors marched through the room and trying your best not to tremble. If he was raised in a stratocratic society, he valued power and strong will more than anything else, probably, so you had to pull yourself together.
“I am sorry.” He suddenly said, bowing his head as he stood right in front of you. “If it pleases you, I will refer to you by your name only, Y/N.”
You blinked, your vision still unfocused and blurry - a part of you was thankful for that since you couldn’t see Soldier’s face clearly. You doubted he looked very friendly, despite talking to you with some respect.
“Don’t touch me.” You commanded as he leaned closer to take you back to bed, his shiny combat boots touching your bare leg just slightly, making you shiver involuntarily.
“We have medication to nurse you back to health, but you still need the life support system. Please, do not resist.” Sergeant Barnes once again tried to pick you up, but you grabbed him by the wrist instead, silently staring at his pale face half-covered by that black mask he wore.
The man got silent and froze on the spot, looking at you with a strange glint in his eyes. He certainly didn’t seem menacing or angry, but there was something in him you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Why wasn’t he upset by your behavior? Soldier didn’t try grabbing you forcefully, nevertheless.
Could it be your contact, then? You might be the first woman to touch him in years. Thinking of it, the very next moment you recoiled, crawling away to increase the distance between you two.
Maybe the man was disappointed, but you couldn’t see it with that blank expression he wore as he suddenly sat down on the floor close to you, and then took his mask away, showing you his rather handsome, yet gloomy face. He looked... human, and it truly scared you. 
“I know you think we are a threat to you, but we are not.” He said calmly, watching you. “I will not hurt you. I promise.”
You were ready to laugh at that. “You’ve killed my crew, people who I’d been working with for years.”
“Yes, and I am sorry for that. It was necessary.”
Necessary. What an interesting word he found to describe what he and his comrades had done.
“Don’t you understand what will happen once people from Earth learn about you and things you did?” As he cocked his head to the side, his dark uneven hair falling on his shoulder, you realized he wasn’t scared at all. “We can wipe you out of existence. Even if all of your kind are soldiers, there are billions of us, humans. You aren’t a threat.”
“We are not trying to be one.”
He extended his hand in attempt to touch you, but you recoiled and crawled away a bit further, narrowing your eyes at Sergeant. Whatever he was doing, it couldn’t be good for you.
“Please, do not be afraid. Right now you are the most precious being on our planet, and anyone trying to hurt you will be beheaded at the very least.” 
Of course, you were. If Captain told you the truth, you were the one and only young woman on Hydra. You would be treasured, but you dreaded what they would do to you. Even thinking of it made you face twist in revulsion.
“What makes you think using me like a cattle won’t hurt me?”
“A cattle?”
For a few seconds Soldier got silent, and you realized he was searching the meaning of this word - now you managed to see a strange device on his ear that looked like an old Bluetooth garniture or something. Then the man looked at you with a surprised expression on his face, and you felt an urge to bite your tongue to stop thinking how human he appeared now.
“I assure you, you will never be degraded to such an inferior being. On the contrary, we can give you anything you wish for. I know the status of women on Earth is still far from being equal to men’s, but you are godlike to us.”
Carefully lifting his hand again, Barnes had took a shiny black glove from his flesh arm and showed you his hand with five fingers, spreading them for you to see he was as human as you. For the first time you felt like you wanted to cry, and bit down on your lower lip. God, why? Why did he look just like any other man? Why was he trying to seem kind to you? It would be so much easier if he was hurting you, pressing your face into the floor and binding your arms.
“I swear to you on the name of my mother, I will do anything in my power to make you happy.” 
Apparently, it was some sacred oath, judging by the way his cold blue eyes gleamed, but you weren’t buying it. Make you happy? The one and only thing he could do was letting you go back home, to your own kind, and allow you to forget what had happened above your ship, the image of Dr. Strange with a wide hole in his chest still making you clench your fists.
“Why are you so sure we are a good substitute? If your own women weren’t able to survive here, what makes you think human females can?”
“Because our extensive research proves it. Moreover, a couple of human females have already been living here for several years.” Your face became distorted with horror at his words. “Captain’s wife was even able to give birth to two healthy children this year. They are the first children to be born on our planet in the last five years.”
“Humans will destroy your planet. They will kill all of you when they learn you’re kidnapping our women!”
“We are already in contact with your kind.” Dropping the glove to the floor, Barnes attempted to smile at you, confirming your suspicions he barely knew how to do it. “It is true, you are much greater in number than we are. But all of us are warriors with far more advanced technology and abundant resources. We will be able to damage your planet heavily before you eradicate each and every of us.”
The more he talked, the harder it was to follow - without the life support system, the lack of oxygen was making it harder for you to breathe, impossible to focus as you started breathing heavier, louder than before, but still refused to come back to bed, staring at the man in front of you with disgust and fear. God, it was better to suffocate than stay here with him.
“Do you know we possess twenty times more the amount of Vibranium you humans do?” Crawling closer to you like a spider, Soldier was watching you with both great interest and concern written all over his face. “We also have tritium and plutonium, too, as well as minerals you do not have on Earth at all. We are ready to trade them for something humans have in abundance.”
You were close to vomit, your eyes tearing up as you rubbed them furiously. You tried convincing yourself no one knew you were going to be captured by ruthless aliens. Of course, no one on Earth knew anything about that. There was no agreement between Theseus-17 and Earth to trade women for Vibranium and other resources. It would be direct violations of human rights and...
And it was very likely of humans to do, considering the lack of resources you had been facing over the last couple of decades.
When you started weeping, horrified of the things awaiting you in the nearest future, Sergeant finally reached you, wiping away your tears with his flesh hand. His touch was very subtle, gentle even, as he tenderly pressed his finger to your cheek, feeling the warmth of your skin. His hand was warm, too.
“It’s not true.” You cried, turning your face to the glass wall and leaving wet marks on it. “They’ll come for me... I won’t become s-some shared property.”
“Of course you will not,” he shushed you gently, enveloping you in what seemed like a hug, lowering your head to his shoulder. “You will be a queen to me. I will treat you right, I swear.”
Stilling, you bit down on your tongue, feeling the metallic taste filling your mouth as you drew some blood. Concentrating when your brain was lacking oxygen wasn’t easy, but you could still breathe, inhaling deeply, trying to calm yourself. He said something about Captain’s wife, didn’t he? He said she gave him two children. He said you wouldn’t become a shared property.
Dear Lord.
“I won’t be yours.” You whispered through tears, pushing the man’s chest in desperate attempt to keep him away from you. “I’m not your possession. I won’t be yours!”
You saw him frowning at you, his expression growing darker, more impatient, enraged even as you crawled away from him, your legs too weak to hold you. Oh, he didn’t like you looking at him like that when you realized you were given to him like some prize he won in an amusement park.
But Soldier wasn’t having it. Had you ever thought what it cost him to spend years in combat to earn his privileges, his right to travel among the best of the best? Did you know how much time he travelled across multiple universes to find exactly what he was searching for? Huh, you couldn’t even imagine what he felt when the team got coordinates of your ship, when he saw you for the first time on hologram, smiling and laughing at jokes of Dr. Strange.
Grabbing you forcefully and lifting you off the floor, he raised you in the air above his head, making you silent in fear of being smashed against the floor.
“I have fought for you.” He let out a guttural growl like an animal. “I have killed for you. I have earned my privilege to have you, and no one can challenge my right. You are my woman, and you will stay here with me.”
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki @helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi @hurricanerin @void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @soleil-dor @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @iheartsebastianstan ​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @ninefuckingoneone
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amylillian22 · 4 years
Life Is Too Damn Short - Chris Evans Imagine
Word Count: 1,969
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Grieving, Hints of sex, Mentions of Chadwick’s death
Author's Note: Rest in Power Chad✊🏽
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I sat down and opened the pizza box. Before I could take my first bite, the power went out. I groaned as I turned on my flashlight on my phone. I dropped my slice of pizza and began to look for a better flashlight or candles. I opened the hallway closet only to find out I didn't have either one. My phone vibrated in my hand, signaling a new text message.
Neighbor: You okay?
My lips formed a small smile before responding. Yup. I got my trusty flashlight on my iPhone
Neighbor: 🙄🙄🙄 Not exactly helpful Neighbor: Come over. I got plenty of candles.
I wanted to respond back with a stupid remark. Something along the lines of, 'of course you would have candles from entertaining all your late night lady friends'. Except, I fought against that idea and simply responded with, 'On my way!'
I grabbed my XL pizza box and walked out the door, not thinking about locking it behind me. I took a couple of steps before knocking at the door across from my apartment.
"Took you long enough!" Chris exaggerated with a bright flashlight in his hands, nearly blinding me. He quickly perked up when he saw the pizza box in my hand. "You brought dinner?"
"Yeah. It was easier to order the XL since it waa their special tonight," I said as I let myself in and made my way to his kitchen with the help of Chris' flashlight guiding me. "The delivery guy dropped it off a couple of minutes before the power went out. Oh shit," I stopped in my tracks.
"What? What happened?" Chris asked immediately.
"I hope he didn't get stuck in the elevator."
"Geez. That would be terrifying. Let's hope he made it out before the power went out."
We sat by the window in the nook Chris had in his kitchen. We talked and laughed as we eat the pizza. Chris playfully scolded me every time I gave Dodger a piece of my crust. After we watched the sunset, his apartment was completely dark. I followed Chris with a flashlight in my hand as he lit candles in his bedroom. Dodger circled around on top of his bed a couple of times before laying down.
"Alright, there we go. That's the last one," Chris said as he blew out the match.
I turned off the flashlight and sat in the edge of his bed. "I'm not surprised you have this many candles in your bedroom."
"Really?" He asked before sitting down next to me.
I gave him a teasing smile, "I see all those girls you bring back."
Chris rolled his eyes. "They mean nothing. Besides, I haven't brought anyone back in months."
"I've noticed." He didn't say anything, but I wasn't ready to drop the subject just yet. "Why did you stop?"
He let out a deep frustrated sigh and leaned back until his back touched his bed. "I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I realized as much as I'm scared of commitment, that's not what I wanted."
I nodded, completely understanding his reasoning before I fell back to lay down as well.
"What about you?"
I let out a small chuckle. "What about me?"
"I never see you with anyone or bringing a guy home."
I turned to face him, "you spying on me, Mr. Evans?"
"Only in the same way you've been spying on me," he chuckled back.
"I don't know," I shrugged. "A combination of not finding the right guy and commitment issues too, I guess."
Chris held his gaze with mine. His eyes were soft and gentle. Even in the dark with a couple of candles on, they were mesmerizing. Beautiful and deep.
"What?" He whispered.
I smiled and shook my head. "You'll laugh at me."
His lips stretched wide, into that beautiful smile of his. "Tell me. I promise I won't laugh."
My smile vanished and my heart rate began to pick up as I thought of the two words I wanted to tell him. I swallowed hard and slowly reached out for his cheek. His smile disappeared as my thumb traced along his cheek bone.
"You're beautiful," I whispered. Chris didn't say anything, which scared me. I thought maybe I had somehow screwed up and ruin the friendly neighbor friendship we had.
I began to pull my hand away, but Chris stopped me. He placed my hand back on his cheek. Again, I slowly traced my thumb against his cheek bone. His hand slid down to my wrist, holding it gently before it slowly made its away down my arm, over my shoulder and ended on my hip.
"I lied," he whispered as I felt his the pad of his thumb circling against my bare skin just above my yoga pants. "I stopped because of you..."
"Me?" I whispered carefully.
"You," he said before he slowly leaned towards me. He captured my lips with his and kissed me once. He pulled back to look at me, wondered if it was okay that he kissed me.
My hand slid to the back of his neck and pulled him towards me. His lips immediately found mine. They were soft and gentle. The kiss was sweet, releasing all the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. The kiss slowly progressed into a heated and passionate kiss. Suddenly, I was laying on top of him, with my legs in between his. He had one arm around my waist and the other was in my hair.
I pulled away, gasping for air. Chris rolled us over and he was on top. Although he was well built, I didn't mind his weight on top of me. He pushed my hair back and cupped my face. His eyes roamed every inch of my face. "God, you're fucking beautiful."
My lips formed a small, genuine small as my finger tips brushed against this facial hair. My heart was thundering against my chest and my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. I had no idea Chris felt the same way I felt about him. A small part of me wondered where we would be if we had admitted our feelings in the beginning. I guess timing is everything, because right now, in this moment, it felt right. And, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Chris' phone by his nightstand started going off, non-stop. We both turned to look at the glowing phone. It wasn't ringing, but we could see a bunch of notifications popping up on his screen as it continued to vibrate.
"Just ignore it," Chris said. We turned around to face each other, ignoring his phone. He leaned down to kiss me once more, before his phone started ringing. He groaned in frustration before burying his face in the crook of my neck.
I giggled and played with his hair. "Must be important. Pick it up. We'll finish what we started."
Chris got off me and sat on the edge of his bed. "It's my brother."
Suddenly, my heart dropped. Something terrible must have happened if his phone was blowing up and now Scott was calling him. I ignored Chris talking to Scott, respecting their conversation as I reached for my phone. I saw the "Breaking News" alert my screen:
'Black Panther' Actor Chadwick Boseman Passes Way From Colon Cancer at Age 43
I gasped, refusing to believe it's true. I turned around and saw Chris was already off the phone with his brother. His head hung low and I heard sniffles. I immediately crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He clung on to me as his sniffles turned into sobs. I cried with him, for his loss and because it was heartbreaking to see Chris in this much pain.
I held on to him for as long as he needed me too. I rocked him back and forth, trying to soothe him as much as possible. Dodger rested his head on Chris' knee, trying to comfort him as well.
After a while, Chris sobs returned to sniffles again. He pulled back, his eyes were broken, puffy, and bloodshot. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't.
"Shhh, I know, baby, I know," I whispered as I cupped his cheeks and brushed away the fallen tears with the pad of my thumbs. "It's okay. It's okay to feel what you're feeling. It's okay to cry. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to grieve how ever you choose to."
Chris looked at me before he leaned in kissed me, hard yet so passionately. "Life is too damn short, Y/N."
"I know," I whispered against his lips.
"Dodger, go to the kennel." Dodger grabbed his lion stuffed animal and walked out of Chris' master bedroom like he was told.
Chris locked the door behind him. He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it off in one swift move. I stood up in front of his bed and disregarded my long sleeve. Chris walked towards me. When he reached me, he lifted me up. I immediately wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. His hands rested firmly on my butt.
"Chris, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked carefully.
"Yes," he answered immediately without any hesitation. "Do you?"
I leaned down and kissed him. His hand moved up to the back of my bra strap and began unhooking it. I pulled back and lifted my arms, helping Chris disregard my bra. I wrapped my arms back around his neck, moaning at the sensation as my harden nipples pressed against his bare, hard chest. He leaned us both down back on his bed, our lips never once breaking the kiss.
People have their own way of grieving. There's no right way and there certainly isn't a wrong way either. We each grieve differently in our own way. This was Chris'. He wanted to love, he wanted to cherish what meant the most to him, and I wanted to do exactly the same thing to him, because I do love him and life is too damn short.
The Next Morning
We had been up for several minutes, but neither one of us bothered to move. Our arms were wrapped around each other and our legs were tangled underneath the bedsheets. Chris fingertips brushed along my bare back.
I looked up and immediately locked eyes with his. "What are you thinking about?"
"You marrying me." His answer was honest and he immediately said it without any hesitation.
I slightly pulled back from him. I tucked the bedsheets underneath my arms and covered my bare chest before sitting up. "What?"
"Marry me, Y/N."
"Chris, you can't be serious."
He finally sat up with me and held my left hand in his. "I've been in love with you since you moved in a couple of years ago. I'd like to think you have been too." I nodded. "And last night..." he trailed for a couple of seconds. "I have always known life is too damn short, but I never realized how short until I got the news last night. Chad lived his life to the fullest and although it was short, he didn't waste a second of it. I don't want to waste another second of my life. I don't want to let another second without you slip by. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
My eyes had welled up as he spoke. When he finished his proposal, the tears had fallen down my cheeks. I sniffled and cupped his cheek. His eyes began to water. I leaned in and kiss him. "I love you, Chris, and nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of our lives together."
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Conversion Corner: Mass Effect Races part 5
Krogan and Turian
 With a history  mired in enduring hardship, the krogan are a fierce race of warriors who have faced setback after setback, from the nuclear war that forced them into tribal, survivalist cultures, to the viral genetic disorder engineered to stop their invading rebellion in it’s tracks.
A race built for a harsh environment, krogan are the only bipedal race in the ME universe to have wide-set eyes, a necessary adaptation given how many species of powerful predators live on their homeworld. They are a tall and swarthy race of reptilian humanoids with thick skin and osteoderms, as well as a large fat-hump above the head behind the shoulders for storing nutrition and water during lean times. Internally, their great fortitude is in part due to the abundance of redundant organs in their body, including a secondary fluid-channel-based nervous system which makes them nearly impossible to paralyze.
In addition to this, krogan are similar to boars and other particularly ferocious beasts In that they can ignore incredible pain when heavily injured, making them incredibly dangerous in combat.
Once, a long time ago, the krogan had made great strides in advancing as a civilization, building walls and cities. However, this ensured a greater survival rate for an already fecund race, leading to a population boom and a lot of bored krogan looking for a real challenge. So they turned on each other, wars and conflicts escalating until weapons of mass destruction plunged their world into a nuclear winter, and forced the krogan back into a tribal lifestyle, that is until they were approached by the salarians to be uplifted to the galactic community as a warrior force against the encroaching rachni.
While this was effective, the krogan proved to be utterly self-serving, using the gifted technology to start their own war to conquer the galaxy, and were only stopped by the turians using a devastating bioweapon developed by the salarians as a deterrent, the Genophage.
This virus dropped the viable birthrate of krogan infants to a mere fraction of what it once was, crippling their previous style of warfare by removing their numbers advantage.
This sudden change had massive repercussions on krogan culture, and now a malaise of fatalism has overtaken them. While they still live in tribes and seek fulfillment in combat, few see any hope, and the already self-focused people  struggle to find meaning in the krogan ways anymore.
Those that do hold out hope still work to restore their people, the females of which live in separate tribes judging applicants worthy to try and mate with, not to mention pouring funds into finding a way to reverse the genophage. Make no mistake though, the females of the species are just as fierce and motivated, and are not just waiting around for someone to fix their problems, but who knows? By the end of the series perhaps a certain protagonist has helped them out?
 +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis
Hp 6
Size and Type: Krogan are medium humanoids of the krogan subtype
Racial Traits:
Krogan Ferocity: Once per day, a krogan brought to 0 Hit Points but not killed can fight on for 1 more round. The krogan drops to 0 HP and is dying (following the normal rules for death and dying) but can continue to act normally until the end of their next turn, when they become unconscious as normal. If they take additional damage before this, they cease to be able to act and falls unconscious.
Natural Armor: The thick hide and plating of a krogan grants them a +1 racial bonus to AC
Shoulder Hump: Krogan double the number of days without food or water they can go without having to make fortitude saves against starvation and thirst. After having done so, a krogan must spend a week eating one and half times their normal meal requirements in order to restock their internal stores and use this ability again.
Redundant Organs: When a krogan fails a fortitude save against an effect and gain a condition or ongoing effect because of this, at the beginning of their next turn, as a swift action they can attempt another fortitude save at the same DC to remove the effect, even if they wouldn’t normally get another save. If the effect already grants later saves to throw off the effect, the krogan gains a +2 to that save. This also applies to poison and disease.
Resilient: Krogan gain a +2 to Fortitude saves against environmental effects like temperature and radiation.
 And finally, let’s focus on one last iconic race of the ME universe, the Turians!
Clad in a flexible metallic carapace, turians are a disciplined race from a world of harsh radiation, their society based on survival through military might.
Standing at about a head’s height over humans, turians are a lean, muscular race of humanoids that resemble a missing link between earth birds and reptiles, with sharp teeth and claws definitely left over from predatory ancestors, and a dull metallic sheen to their plated skin, a thin-layer of thulium that helps block out the worst of the solar radiation that blasts their homeworld. The males also boast a crest of backwards-sweeping horns on their craniums.
Turian society is very much hierarchy-based, with individuals advancing based on their skill and merit. As a heavily militarized society, service in both warfare or peacekeeping capacity is the most common form of advancement, a prospect they approach dutifully and eagerly.
This is because the turian mindset very much focuses on the value of service to others, and while there is still room for individual goals and desires, the turians tend to conflate the needs of others as being their needs as well, which makes them naturally dutiful, if at risk of being loyal to unworthy leaders, which is a hard concept for turians to deal with, especially among their own, since theirs is a society of honesty and duty, where the general expectation is that everyone above and below you in the hierarchy knows what their job is and is doing it competently. After all, if they couldn’t do that, according to turian society, they couldn’t have made it into that position in the first place.
Turian society also teaches it’s people the value of responsibility. A turian must own their actions, for good or bad. This does not mean they find deception impossible, but turian spies typically put themselves in a position where they cannot be asked directly about their loyalties whenever possible, since they have difficulty when directly asked.
Since the military serves as such a pivotal part of their society, entirely colonies can be hired as a private military company, or may serve the interests of their species in colonizing or fighting against threats. Turians don’t believe in half-assing war, either. If they are fighting against a foe, they bring their full military might to the table. No border skirmishes, no small-scale conflicts. This however, has gotten them into trouble in the past, particularly during first contact with humans.
 +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Hp 4
Size and Type: Turians are medium humanoids of the turian subtype
Racial Traits:
Military Heritage: Turians gain a +2 to Culture and Profession (soldier) skill checks to recall information about military, tactics, and weaponry.
Reflective Hide: Turians treat areas with a radiation level as one step lower than normal to determine if they need to save against it and/or what the save DC is. This does not give them immunity to weapons with the radioactive special property or the irradiate critical hit effect, but it does grant them a +2 bonus to the save against the effect.
Sense of Duty: Turians gain a +1 to attack rolls when using the harrying fire or covering fire action, as well as increasing the bonus they grant when using aid another with an ally to +3.
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Chapter Fifteen: I am Ben for Her
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His eyes, marred by a dark scar, glistened with tears, their expression all together apologetic but determined. His face however was crumpled with pain, his countenance displaying his inner turmoil, his lifetime of personal conflict, of a destiny that saw him torn in two halves that could never reconcile.
She wanted to scream, she wanted to grab him, to tear the lightsaber from his hands as she realized what he was about to do, but she was merely a spectator to the scene, not truly there.
Ben knelt before her, his body shaking with the inescapable fear of death that resides in us all. Shirtless from the waste up, trickles of sweat dripping down from the tips of his tangled dark hair, the muscles of his arms flexing with anxiety as they held his glowing red lightsaber to his left side.
A moment of silence passed between them as he stared into her eyes, bottom lip quivering. A tear escaped his fixated stare, slipping past the dark circles beneath his eyes, rolling down his cheek until it fell from his chin, followed by another, a stream now flowing from both.
Suddenly Ben’s face jerked with shock, his mouth falling open with a gurgled sound, as Rey watched on in horror, the glowing red of the lightsaber slicing through his side with the unnerving, yet familiar sound of searing flesh. With a movement too swift to follow the lightsaber appeared at his right, carving across his abdomen.
The image turned black as if wash away by night.
“You have got to be the most incompetent pilot I have ever met!”
“I’m sorry, but did we not just save your life? Did we not just save a bunch of people?”
“Oh yes, because ramming a ship in to a building is the best strategy.”
“Look, it was Rey's idea, and it was our only option.”
“Of course it was her idea,” Ben grumbled, glancing down at Rey in his arms, her limbs limply swaying as he briskly walked down the long hall of a medical centre, following behind an anxious medical droid that led the way. Behind him followed a gaggled of individuals. Trying to keep pace with him was the pilot, Dameron, a little bloodied and worse for wear, who was trying to explain what had happened. Just behind was the ex-stormtrooper practically trailing on Ben’s heels like a worried pup, chiming in with concerned comments about Rey’s well being. At the end of the odd parade was Senator Calrissian, hand on his chin, other arm resting behind his back, deep in contemplation as he listed to the pilot.
“Solo, do you have any idea who could have been behind this?” Calrissian finally spoke, fingers still stroking his chin as his bright cape trailed behind him.
Ben's face twisted with disgust at his familial name. Years of loathing his identity could not suddenly be erased with a move towards the lightside of the force. “I have an unfathomable number of enemies, who's to know. I'd have to inspect the ship and the body of the pilot. Although I will say, something about this all just does not feel like a mere assassination attempt. It feels too calculated. Your pilot here says this ship was just out of orbit, it seems too risky to linger there. And how did they know when the trial conclusion was starting and where I would be? And how was the ship not detected on any warning radar?”
Ben knelt down slightly as he passed through the doorway of a small hospital room, making sure not to bump Rey’s head or limbs in the process. The medical droid motioned for him to lay her down on a small bed as it turned around and began busying itself with equipment. Supporting her head he lay her down. Blood, now crusted, was falling off in small flakes from her forehead. Her face was dirty from the smoke that had began to suffocate the Falcon. He stared down at her, adjusting a strand of her hair out of her eyes. He wished he could scold her for her stupidity, but also wished he could commend her for her bravery. In truth it was his fault. Had his guards been down she could have warned him sooner, he could have then warned others and hoped they would believe him.
Although he could feel the worry and concern emanating from the pilot and deserter, Ben knew she would be alright. It was only a mild concussion and lots of bruising. She simply needed rest. He glanced up. Calrissian stood just outside of the doorway, staring at him. As soon as they made eye contact he flicked his head, motioning for Ben to join him in the hall. Even though her life wasn’t in danger, if he left, he did not know whether he would be able to return to her. The results of the trial were never announced. His fate may be sealed in death.
Ben looked around the room. The pilot and deserter we in a corner talking in hushed tones, ignoring him. Happy to be unobserved he knelt down and gently kissed Rey’s cheek, closing his eyes at the sensation of their contact, at the warmth of her skin. Standing abruptly he stalked out of the room, mouth in a hard-set line, arms stiff at his sides, and stopped just outside of the door.
Calrissian paused, his mouth opening as if to say something but then he closed it, looking up at Ben before finally speaking, “I have a feeling you’ll know who the pilot of that craft is, or at least, will know how to find out. I also think you’re right to be suspicious of this whole thing.”
Ben raised a brow, “...and why aren't you suspicious of me? And for that matter, why am I not flanked by guards right now? Why haven't I been taken back to my cell?” There were too many questions left unanswered, they were keeping him anxious and confrontational. He’d been kept away from the public, been isolated, and now he was spoken to like a regular person, he was treated not as Kylo Ren, but as Ben Solo, for once in a very long time by anybody but Rey.
Lando laughed, his dazzling smile flashing across his face, “Good question. Technically I am guarding you. And why might you ask is it just me? Well quite frankly the tenseness of what has been happening, the trial, the attack, I did not want you feel like a cornered Wampa with guards all around. If I hadn’t said something there would have been no chance of anyone letting you take the girl here, of walking out of that place.” He shrugged smugly, proud of the level of clout he had at Cloud City. “Either way I think I trust you kid. Under that tortured soul and intimidating front, I see your mother and father. I even see a bit of Luke in there. I definitely see my godson.”
Flashes of his night terrors streaked across Ben’s closed lids, fire, agonizing screams, death and destruction, splatters of blood maring his pale cheek, a red lightsaber in his grip. He shook the images free, face twisting in a snarl, “Well you shouldn’t trust me. That is not who I am anymore,” he spat out through gritted teeth, “I’ve turned yes, but I’ve turned for her,” he pointed behind him in to the room, “Who I am at the core has not changed, I am still Kylo Ren, but I am Ben for her, I saved those lives for her, I stayed in chains for her. I’ve done the right thing, and will do the right thing not because I believe it to be so, but because to her it is what needs to be done. I am who she wants me to be, but I am still Kylo Ren.”
Calrissian shook his head woefully, “You’re wrong. In your heart you do not believe that. I won't stand here and argue with you because I know you're too headstrong for that, just like Han, just know you’re wrong. But for your sake and mine, let’s hope, either way, you do what is right. If you're curious, you were given a prison sentence, not death, and if you can help come to the bottom of this then you may have some freedom after all. I'll have to broker some sort of deal on your behalf, but we'll see. Now come on, let’s take a closer look at that ship, and the body.” Calrissian thrust out his hand towards Ben, a security clearance pass in his palm.
The flurry of activity in the trial chambers had died down significantly when Lando and Ben returned to inspect the ship. The bodies of the dead had been removed, along with most of the crumbled ceiling. What remained were the two mangled ships, one half in the building, and the other outside, their fires extinguished. Dawn had broken, and through the gaping hole left by the foreign ship light shone into the room. Next to the unfamiliar ship lay the covered body of it’s pilot.  As the two came up to the wreckage Ben could hear Calrissian mumble something under his breath about the loss of his beautiful ship.
Ben circled what was left of the ship as members of the city’s security personnel in grey armor joined them. One spoke up. “It’s an MRX-BR Pacifier.”
Ben turned to the soldier annoyed, “Yes I know,” He grumbled the words, turning back to the ship.
“Well was it a part of the First Orders fleet?”
Ben scoffed, “We never would have used such outdated equipment, these ships were produced during the Imperial era. I’m not surprised only one body was found aboard, typically these are only flown by a single individual for colonization missions. It seems whoever this was simply used whatever ship they had at hand, and by the state of this particular one,” he pointed towards an undamaged section of the ship at a series of welded on scraps of metal on the hull, “it’s been given some repair. I can only assume this attack did not come from any First Order force, if any remain.” He paused, standing up straight in contemplation. “That is of course unless it was carried out by a bounty hunter.” He turned to look down at the covered body of his unknown attacker.
Crouching down next to the body Ben pulled back the white tarp covering it. The creature beneath was a familiar species to him. Standing it would have reached up to his shoulders. The creature was ape-like with a thick layer of dark green fur covering it’s muscular body. The only parts devoid of fur was the very top of its head, it’s hands and feet. The creature was clothed in an even darker green tunic and pants, torn and burned from the crash. Ben reached towards the creature which lay on its back and grabbed the collar of it’s tunic, turning it back to reveal a small, hand-stitched Bounty Hunter insignia. “Strange,” he said, almost to himself, pulling the sheet back over the creature and standing up to face Senator Calrissian and the inquisitive city security force.
“What?” A pair of soldiers ask in unison.
“It is extremely rare that a Yrashu would become a bounty hunter.” Ben eyed Calrissian who was nodding, having followed the same train of thought, but he continued for the benefit of the soldiers. “They have in the past aligned themselves with the republic and the Jedi Order for they themselves are force sensitive beings. It would be unheard of for one of their kind to stoop as low as becoming a bounty hunter considering their aversion to taking how, and how high their moral compass is.”
One of the soldiers stepped forward, their words full of venom, “And what would you know about a moral compass. I can't believe they let a killer loose among us.”
Calrissian stepped in between the soldier and Ben, sympathy in his eyes. He wrapped his arm around the soldier in a friendly fashion and steered him away from the small grouping, “Why don’t you go take a walk Jax.” The soldier nodded and walked off. Calrissian turned back to Ben. “His sister died fighting with the Resistance.” Lando whispered toward Ben before turning back to look at the body. “What do you propose?”
Ben wasn't sure what to say. Was his opinion really being asked? He hesitated for a moment before speaking up, “I propose a small contingent of forces, non-intimidating forces, travel to Baskard and talk with the Yrashu tribe there, or even talk with the human monks living among them. If anyone will know anything about this pilot or why he defected from his tribe, it will be his own kind.”
“Then that is what we shall do” Calrissian smiled, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt, “I’ll ask you men to pass on the message to Baron Administrator Vox and to the Resistance’s new lead General who may still be in Hospital Wing Y.” The soldiers gave Calrissian curt nods before turning and leaving.
Ben had a sneaking suspicion that Calrissian knew all along what conclusions Ben would draw, and that this all was a little game to play in front of the soldiers, in front of witnesses, to highlight Ben’s capabilities and benefit to the New Republic. He played along with the facade. “I’m assuming this small force would benefit from having someone already adopted in to their tribe so that talks could go much smoother?”
Lando beamed at Ben with satisfaction, “Exactly”
So the Senator remembered after all, Ben mused. He thought back on his youth and the time he had spent on Baskarn, left there to be taught by the monks and Yrashu while his parents were on yet another diplomatic mission for the Rebel Alliance. While there he was initiated through Momu and became part of the tribe until he was taken away again to be housed by another group of strangers, neglected as Leia and Hands allegiance to the galaxy seemed stronger than their allegiance to their own son, than their duty as parents. Ben's hands curled into angry fists at his sides. Although his time on Baskarn was a happy one, the history of his neglect and what it had acted as a catalyst for, what it started within him, made him seeth. Seeth for the familial years lost in the past, and for those lost in the future by his own hand. “I suppose I am to join this mission?” He said through gritted teeth.
Calrissian turned to leave the wreckage, motioning for Ben to follow, which he did. “You suppose correctly. See now I’m still formulating this plan in my head but what I’m thinking is you, the girl, once she’s recovered, the ex-stormtrooper, and the new Resistance General. He’ll need to go of course, mostly to ensure your compliance.” Calrisian, walking at a fast pace led them down a series of maze-like hallways, mostly talking to himself. “It needs to be a small force, as you said, so that it doesn’t intimidate the Yrashu, but also so that it can go undetected in the case this mission goes further than intended. Hmm yes, we wouldn't want to alert anyone that the New Republic perceives a threat now that there is some peace. If other planets are on edge they may not want to join us, especially if they think the First Order is rising again.” He paused in front of a non-descript door along a hall with other such doors. “I will plan this out and submit an official request for this mission, but I suspect we will have no qualms on the part of the new General. Convincing others to let you go may be a bit tricky but I’ve been told I have a way with words.” He gave a short chuckle. “Now this is your chambers, you are welcome to use it, or not. You are free for now until I sort things out, but I suggest you not venture from the senatorial or administrative areas of the City. You’ll be monitored of course.” The Senator played with the edges of his mustache as he spoke, his tone light-hearted. “I should be off now, there will be much to go over with others and I have some errands to run. We will inform you when Rey has awoken of course and proceed from there.” He turned to leave, cape twirling around him.
“Wait. Why are you doing all of this?” Ben couldn’t fathom. Of course Calrissian was his godfather and must feel some ties to his parents through him, but he had killed Han, Lando’s friend. He had betrayed the New Republic and the Resistance. Why wasn’t there animosity?
Calrissian paused, foot mid-step, and turned around, his face serious. “Hope played a large roll in the lives of your parents. As long as there was hope, in a single mind, there was potential for change. They are gone now, they cannot hope, and so I hope for you on their behalf.” With that he turned and left, leaving Ben behind speechless.
He came to her as soon as he heard she'd awoken, practically skidding across the slick floor of the medical centre despite his exhaustion. He slowed his speed however as he approached her door. The halls were empty but for the sounds of sleeping patients and buzzing medical droids rolling down the halls. He peered around the corner of her room.
It was dark except for a small orb-like lamp in the corner next to her bed, illuminating the side of her small frame. She was sitting up, hair dangling in her eyes and falling just past her shoulders. She was fussing with the robes she had been changed in to by the medical droids.
He smiled to himself. He’d seen her as a warrior, as a rival, but he’d never seen her so vulnerable and so human. He opened his mind to her and projected what he saw. As soon as the image passed from his mind to hers Rey looked up confused.
“You’re alive” She said the words almost breathlessly, her eyes scanning him over frantically before she calmed, realizing he was okay. “What, what happened?” She crossed her legs, making room for him at the end of her bed and placed her hand down, inviting him to sit.
He strode across the room with long steps and gently lowered himself down on the edge of the bed, his face in shadows. “The quick version is I was a selfish fool and only caught the end of your message. I saved as many as I could but there were a handful of casualties. Your friends are all okay. You’ve suffered a concussion and have been unconscious for a day. You also have some serious bruising here and there, as I’m sure you can feel. There is no serious damage though. We’re going to find out who that pilot was; you won’t be cooped up here for long. We fly tomorrow.” His voice was somber, he couldn’t mask his own displeasure at the way events had unfolded.
“We?” She raised a brow in question.
He stood, gathering the small pile of her belongings on a nearby counter in to his arms; his back to her. “They chose not to execute me, they chose to act as an example to the galaxy.” His tone was flat, almost emotionless. Ben turned, clutching her things in one arm, he extended the other for her. Smiling she threw the blanket back, took hold of his hand and hopped out of the bed shakily. “ I’m here now because they’ve given me a small chance at freedom if I can show that I truly have changed. If I can prove my allegiance is now with the Resistance and New Republic. Solving this attack is that chance. For now I am free, but it may not last.” He steadied her, taking her hand gently in his and wrapping it around his arm so as to better stabilize her.
Rey’s happy expression melted away, and she squinted her eyes up at him as she took hold of his arm, letting him lead her slowly down the hall of the hospital. “There’s something you aren’t telling me.” She stared up at him with seriousness, noting the dark circles under his red eyes.
He kept his eyes in front of him, avoiding her gaze. “I suppose I feel guilty without chains. I feel that I should not be allowed outside of my cage for what I’ve done. I should not be given even the small pleasure of escorting you back to your chambers, although inside it brings me immeasurable comfort.” She was right, it was true. And he did in fact speak the truth that his guilt acted as an invisible restraint upon him. But it wasn’t just the guilt that kept him from rejoicing at the potential to start new, for a second time. He didn’t trust himself to be free. Something was bubbling within him. Was it the dark side of the force like the core of a planet, melting and churning, waiting for cracks in the surface so that it may spew forth in a destructive eruption? He couldn’t be sure. Perhaps it really was the guilt of what his life had become, of the wrongs he had committed, of the lives he had taken. Possibly he has just spent so long being Kylo Ren, acting under the assumption that he was destined for greatness, that others were below him, that love was not something tangible to him. How could he be expected to act once again like a man when he had been an animal for so long.
Rey was quiet at his side. He sensed the thoughts and questions bombarding her mind, but she remained silent. They walked in silence out of the small hospital in the senatorial quarters of the city to Rey’s chambers not too far away. Passing out of one building and in to the next, the night around them was alive as ships whirled above the city, but the halls of the buildings were silent and deserted. Ben had mapped in his mind as soon as they had arrived in Cloud City where Rey’s chambers were in case an opportunity would come to see her, in case she was in danger, it had been an automatic thing to do, and so he brought them to her door without pause.
He gently untangled Rey’s arm from around his and passed her her security pass that he had been holding. She grabbed the pass and opened her door, turning around to look up at him. “Please stay.” She whispered the words, her eyes pleading.
He shook his head, extending the rest of her things towards her, “I don’t think I should.” He wasn’t sure why he wasn’t giving in to what he truly wanted, which was to hold her, be held by her, sleep soundly for once in his cursed life.
She grabbed her bloodied and burnt clothes from his arms and turned on her heels, walking in to the small living quarters, leaving the door open behind her.
Ben sighed, a small smile playing at the corners of his pout, and followed in behind her, closing the door after himself. Inside the rooms were pitch black, save for the light of Bespins two moons shining in through a number of circular windows. He slipped off his boots, and stripped off his black tunic, letting it fall to the floor and found Rey in the small bedroom, streaks of moonlight illuminating her figure as she tiredly slipped under the blankets of the bed. He followed, pulling back the covers on the other side, his body relaxing as he reached out for Rey across the bed and pulled her back up against his chest so that she was curled against his body. Knowing she was badly bruised in some places, he gently slipped his arms around her waist and tucked his face in to her neck. He inhaled deeply, finding comfort in the smell of her, Ithorian roses.  
Rey shifted slightly against him, her tired voice almost a mumble as she gently spoke. “It’s felt like a lifetime since that escape pod landed. Since we built a small fire in a cave and huddled together for warmth through the night, too uncomfortable to really sleep. After everything that’s happened, fighting you, war, death, destruction, and now the trial. All I’ve ever wanted was your arms around me. I’ve never been in love before, but that’s part of it, isn’t it? We’ve never had that. Ever. In our lives. It doesn’t seem like you’ve ever had that from your parents, I know I haven’t from mine. You can’t imagine what it feels like to have that from you now.”
He held her tighter. He could imagine. He’d never felt something like this before, the comfort of love in one's arms, the mental and physical ease, and the security of being in her bed. He hadn’t curled up in bed like this since he was a young boy, but even then his mind has been full of anxiety and frustration. Now his mind was calm, content. He closed his eyes feeling a deep sleep begin to overtake him. He could say it now with ease and certainty, it was a fact of life now, not simply a troublesome dilemma or something that caused more conflict in his already strained life. “I love you,” He whispered as he began to drift to sleep.
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bookmawkish · 6 years
The best kind of trouble - Loki/Heckyl
@worldoftherandom I guess this kind of fills the “they’ve been sleeping close due to necessity since before they got together” prompt? XD
I just wanted an excuse for some fluff, to be honest. Because I’m a sap. This little episode takes place at some unspecified point before Loki and Heckyl turned up on earth and met Tony and Thor in Chapter 2.
All the Loki/Heckyl stuff
“We’re not going anywhere fast, are we.”
“Please continue,” says Loki, who is currently lying half on his side in an attempt to not get wedged tight. “Your statements of the blindingly obvious are beautiful.”
Heckyl sneers at him, but the expression is lost as Loki can’t really see it. The two of them are inside the confines of the master frigidarium hypocaust on Iobreon - a system which works similarly to the caldarium, but with freezing air circulating from the ice caves below rather than heated air - and it’s barely large enough for Loki to get his shoulders through. Moving through it is a tedious and slightly painful process, but move through it they must if they want to get out. They’ve been escaping now for several hours, moving slowly, taking breaks in the occasional larger vent areas just above the main cold chambers where it’s possible for them to uncurl a little, stretch, breathe. It is not a comfortable situation. The rock tunnels are far from smooth.
Plus, it’s extremely cold. This is not an issue for Loki, whose Frost Giant blood is impervious to abrupt drops in temperature and may even help him function better: but Heckyl, while being alien and unfeasibly long-lived, is still a living creature with a self-regulating body core temperature that needs warmth to keep working properly.
Heckyl is slowly freezing to death in the tunnels and there’s not a thing to be done about it except keep him moving and hope for a swift release from the compound.
Loki, who is in the lead, closes his eyes briefly in dismayed irritation at Heckyl’s request. They can’t stop much more. They’re already moving slower than ideal and he’s all too aware that while his own ancestry protects him, his companion’s health is in danger.
“I said, stop. Are you deaf?”
The wearier and more ill Heckyl becomes, the snappier and ruder he gets. Loki likes him a lot: they have a great deal in common, not least the many darknesses in their pasts, but by the Norns the man is cantankerous. Regardless, Loki will not see his valued companion die under such circumstances, not if he can be hassled and goaded into surviving.
“No and no,” Loki says. “Keep moving. The only thing that needs to stop is your whining.”
Heckyl snarls a stream of elaborate and vicious insults back at him, but they’re still moving and right now that’s all Loki is interested in.
However, the next time they hit a vent chamber and the two of them have just enough room to sit side by side, Loki is forced to reconsider. He looks at Heckyl in the dim light, sees the stressed breathing, the constant shivering, the discoloured evidence of skin beginning to freeze. If he keeps on like this he’ll pass out, get stuck in the tunnel, and Loki will have a terrible time moving his body.
“We’ll rest here.”
Heckyl doesn’t acknowledge this. His eyes are open, staring at the exit shaft on the far wall, as if already assessing his ability to squeeze through it and continue.
“Go to sleep,” Loki orders. “I’ll go ahead, come back for you. We may be closer than we think to the exit, it’ll help to know.”
“I’ll freeze.”
“You’re half frozen already,” counters Loki, not trying to be unkind, but equally feeling that mindless optimism has no place in this current discussion.
“Then I’ll be completely frozen. Is that what you want? A giant, me-shaped icicle? I knew you hated me, I just had no idea how much until now. Well, thank you. Thank you so much.”
Another thing about Heckyl is that as his stress levels rise, his maturity levels often drop. Loki tries not to smile. He really shouldn’t find it that endearing. Truth be told, he’s been nursing a growing attraction to the man since he first met him, and even the most difficult of circumstances (added to the undoubted difficulty of Heckyl’s personality) don’t seem to be breaking him of it. What to do? He has no idea if Heckyl is even interested, although it has to be said that he’s a terribly obvious flirt: will attempt to charm or verbally seduce anything on first meeting if he sees a benefit in it. It’s rather attractive, if Loki’s being honest.
Of course, all of this becomes academic if Heckyl succumbs to the cold right here, which is something Loki finds himself very unwilling to let happen.
“Come here,” he says, deliberately making himself sound as bored as possible with the whole situation. It’s not like come here involves a lot of work. They’re practically shoved up against each other as it is in the tiny space. But Heckyl is pissed off to the point of childish, and is therefore doing his best to be as far away from Loki as is possible, huddling into the rough wall, face turned away, and additionally doing the best sulking using just his shoulders that Loki has ever seen. Loki has to severely discipline himself to not find it hopelessly adorable. The man needs saving. Dote over him like a teenage girl later.
“You’re a fool and I will not see you turn into a - what was it? - Heckyl-shaped icicle. Come here and stop acting like an...an infant.”
“You’re freezing as well,” Heckyl complains, somewhat muffled. “I’m not touching you. I’ll get frostbite.”
“You already have fr - “
“I know!”
Loki exhales in exasperation, shifts over, and without further discussion just grabs Heckyl around the waist, drags him away from the wall and pulls him in instead against his body. As it happens, Heckyl’s not wrong about one thing: Loki is definitely cold. But there’s living, soft cold and there’s dead, abrasive cold, and of the two, living is better.
Heckyl bitches immediately and loudly at being so crassly handled. This, Loki takes as a good sign, because he who has enough energy to bitch has enough energy to live. And, as he’d half-expected, Heckyl’s resistance lasts about as long as it takes him to realise that Loki (while yes, cold) is actually a good deal warmer than the permafrozen rocks. He stops his antagonistic wriggling, at least. His complaining lasts a lot longer, but eventually that too subsides as he starts to warm up, even if only a little, cradled into Loki’s lap with Loki’s arms wrapped around him.
Loki knows he’s won when after having gone almost a full minute without snarking, Heckyl gives a little sigh and lets his head drop against his shoulder, the topmost blue streaks of his hair just brushing Loki’s jaw.
“Rest,” Loki murmurs, more to himself than to Heckyl, whom he suspects from the laxity of muscle and pattern of breathing is already asleep. “We don’t have long.”
As it turns out, it only takes them a further hour to finally reach the exterior vent, and crawl out into the mercifully temperate planet surface, where Heckyl goes through a further period of grumbling as he defrosts enough to make walking possible. Then they successfully escape, because they’re a wily pair and there’s probably not a locked room anywhere that can hold them for long. Individually they’re smart as angels: together they’re completely diabolical.
And it’s this innate devilishness at their hearts that means they end up on the run time after time, in jungles one week and in deserts the next - from planets where the atmosphere is full of water, to tiny pocket universes without shrimp. Staying out of trouble isn’t something that comes naturally to either of them, and now working together their ability to get into scrapes is at least doubled, if not tripled. This is really nothing to Loki, who thrives on chaos, and of course there’s that one small extra that makes any of the additional mayhem completely worthwhile, in his view.
Because ever since the frigidarium tunnels on Iobreon, Heckyl seems to have decided that anytime they’re going to be sharing close quarters, it’s now his unassailable right to use Loki as a pillow. Or a mattress. Or possibly a blanket. Either way, whenever they feel secure enough to stop and rest, Heckyl immediately turns, climbs into Loki’s lap like a spoilt, entitled cat and proceeds to curl himself up with his head resting trustingly on Loki’s shoulder, falling asleep almost instantly. The sensation of being trusted so completely is rather overwhelming for the lord of lies.
Yes, I’m definitely in trouble, Loki thinks, when Heckyl has colonized him once again as they hide out in a cave behind a waterfall overnight, but this is the best kind of trouble to be in.   
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
People Share The Grossest Things That Have Ever Happened To Them During Sex That’ll Make You Barf
Let’s face it. Everybody love sex. The experience of sex is distinct and truly one of its own kind. Honestly, life would be so boring without it. However, even though sex is as great as it can get, it does “come” with some situations that can sometimes get awkward and very unpleasant. Here are some of the stories from Reddit that people have shared.
#1 Reading this by fineblushlane will make you want to think TWICE before randomly giving head to someone you don’t know.
So a few years ago I had brought a new girl back to my apartment after being out drinking all evening. We were too drunk to make the beast with two backs so we passed out until morning.
When we awoke we started kissing and canoodling and I decided to go down on her. This is one of my favorite things and generally will do it as long as it takes to make a girl orgasm…
Anyway, I head down south and pull down her panties to see the hairiest bush i’ve ever seen in my life. Not only is it hairy but the hair is very long and also messy looking, kind of bedraggled. Like a homeless guys beard or an abandoned birds nest.
Slightly less enthused but still determined I plunged in face-first and started getting busy. The taste of this beaver, if possible, was worse than it looked. It was fetid and bitter and to make matters worse I had numerous pubic hairs caught in my throat which were tickling me and making me cough.
I decided to pull back for a second to regain my composure. I thought if I pulled open her lady-bits I might be able to have a better angle of attack on her clit. I opened up her pussy to a terrible sight. There were multiple lumps of what looked like cottage cheese dotted around her pussy lips and clit.Each lump ranged from a few millimeters in width to half a centimeter in size. It looked like some sort of fungus was growing there.
Needless to say I was fucking revolted and started gagging. I knew that despite my love of pussy I could not go down on her again without puking my guts up. I mumbled some excuse about a headache and not feeling good and fled to the bathroom, whereupon I spent ten minutes washing my mouth out and brushing my teeth.
Even now I shudder when I think back upon “cottage cheese pussy girl”.
Edit: A friend just pointed out to me that the girl from my story is now the Lehman Bros of spank bank material. Perhaps if you ever have a boner and want to lose it sharpishly you can think of cottage cheese?
#2 This story by SisterNamedJan took the famous phrase “Giving someone the taste of their own medicine” to a whole new level.
  He pulled it out to come on my face, I was unprepared and snorted his semen up my nose. We started making out and I sneezed his semen onto his own face.
Probably grosser for him than for me, but not by much.
  #3 Aaaaaa667’s girl is definitely a keeper
  I had recently found a new girlfriend. A cute, blonde girl with lots of curves in all the right places. We had been together for a little while (this was back when I was a Jr. in college and she was a freshman) when we went to this huge party. We both ended up getting totally trashed and wound up back at my place. Needless to say I was waaay to drunk to get any bidnass done that night. The next morning we woke up and started to get it on. For some reason, Im always really randy after a night of heavy drinking. Anyway…midway through the sex, we are doing it doggy style with her on all 4 at the edge of the bed and me standing behind her on the floor. I am hammering away like a rabbid jackrabbit when, all of a sudden, i get that sour food, extra saliva feeling in my mouth. I knew what was coming but it was too late. As the puke surged up my esophagus, I clenched my hands over my mouth in a death grip, but to no avail. I spun around and tried to aim for my waste bin….but it was no use. I ended up projectile vomiting in about a 3/4 circle. I managed to go from her right side, across that wall, across the wall behind me (and the bookcase that was there), all over the waste bin, and i over spun and went passed the waste bin and got it on my floor and the bed on her left side. Luckily, only some puke flak got on her back….
She’s a great girl though, that was 3 years ago and we are still together…
  #4 This one by kidmonsters almost made me puke.
  I was in a band in college and we played a show this one weekend. I was pretty smashed after drinking for free all night, and this surprisingly cute chick saunters up and started with the whole, “oh my god, you like write songs and stuff?” Despite the fact that I am usually a bit shy in situations like this, she had her arm around me and is doing all the work. “Fuck it, let’s do this,” I think to myself. While she is mid-sentence, I grabbed her hand and started walking her out the door.
We headed back to her apartment, and things started to heat up. We were on her bed, ripping off eachother’s clothes. Suddenly, in one swift move, she pounced me, knocked me onto my back, jumped on top of me, spun around and started sucking me off, 69 style. I was totally into it, and started reciprocating. Only a few moments pass before I felt a tap on my forehead. My face was fully between her legs, yet there was this tap tap tap on my forehead. Every couple of seconds, tap tap tap. This tapping continued and started to take me out of the moment. I pried my face from between her legs to get a better view of what was going on. To my horror, I witnessed, dangling from her asshole, a fucking tape worm, bouncing like a fettuccine noodle with every excited movement she made. I was totally disgusted, but kind of in shock, and she had no idea what is going on, just gobbling away down there. Before I knew it, I had thrown her off of me and I was stringing together a long series of “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” as I put on my pants and ran out the door.
  So, the boy and I like some backdoor fun from time to time. We talk about it more than we do it because it’s tiresome to get ready and clean up after… usually worth it though ;). One Saturday afternoon, the boy is performing some world class cuminonumbulus when I feel a pressure at my nether orifice. I soon realised he was using some beads on me. We had some filthy and very very satisfying sex, then I went to the bathroom to clean up without removing the beads.
I’m so glad I did that.
I sat on the toilet to get the beads out.
I’m so glad I did that.
Those beads were solidly embedded in a great big turd.
I just stared at it dumbly for a moment before the smell hit me.
  #6 That has got to hurt. _NetWorK_ hope its ok now.
I had this happen to me too, got home from working a night shift 8pm to 8am went at it with the wife then noticed a bit of blood, figured oh she started her period got off went to the washroom to clean up then noticed blood on the bathroom floor figured I must of have not wiped the underside, my stomach churned when I saw that my frenulum (banjo string) was now in two pieces. This is when the pain starts…
Had to call my friend who worked close to my house get him to get out of work 30 minutes early to drive me to the hospital. Here’s the main content of our conversation.
“Hey John, it’s Mike can you drive me to the hospital? I think I broke it.” “Broke what?” “IT man” “Oh shit I’ll be right over”
The trip to the hospital was another story within itself, ended up having a to have it packed with surgical skin graph (they are special bandages that are meant to promote skin repairs) and not use it for 5 days… I waited 3 and now it’s all messed up it can pop out whenever it wants and where it’s suppose to stop it just keeps rolling back… I really should have waited to extra 2 days 🙁
#7 That accelerated quickly. Darzel’s experience is more of a lesson.
Girl beneath me, rolls me over onto my back – in the process we roll off the bed and we land on the floor, me on the bottom and her still straddling me. Her leg went straight through a big glass of water. Blood everywhere. She had lacerated her leg straight to the bone in a clean cut: I could see her muscle. Within ten minutes of our initial playing around there were 6 firemen and 3 policemen in the room (she was mental and shouted down the phone that I had a gun so they would come sooner). I was high and drunk and so her roomie took control. Paralysed by shock and weed, I had to hide while they took her in the ambulance as she was THAT crazy that I was expecting her to call rape.
She required 62 stiches, 40 on the muscle covering her shin.
This is the singular most traumatic experience of my life
  #8 Love is in the air, is it not mads-8?
Sixty-Nine. She came. She farted. My hair blew in it’s fetid breeze.
  #9 When you are really determined, you do what apatton19 did.
A girl I had been dating for awhile climbed on me for 69. As she scooted back, I saw something white, realized too late that it was a clump of toilet paper, and got it in my mouth. Pretty nasty, but I spit it out and kept going.
  #10 Oh my, you don’t see that every day now do you? By amaacct.
I work in an emergency room. One time we had a patient who had a colostomy (for those who don’t know, this is a surgically placed hole in the abdomen where shit comes out of after the colon is rerouted away from the ass)
Anyway, some girl comes in once with an infection in her stoma (abdominal shithole). Turns out it was gonorrhea. Her husband had been cheating on her, picked it up and had been fucking her in her stoma
  #11 Parallel universe version of ‘don’t forget to pull out’ by hong_kong_phooey
  Having sex with my wife, and then noticing that something didn’t feel quite right, she still had a tampon in from 4 days prior…and i had to help pull it out….
  #12 Tellme_areyoufree ‘s poor roommate will never think about this the same way again.
Freshman year of college, I met this guy and brought him back to my dorm (I’m also a guy). He seemed nice and everything, and he was cute, and we started to fuck around. Eventually he decided he wanted to bottom (i.e. get fucked), and so we started having intercourse…
I started to smell the distinct smell of fecal matter very soon. I thought “whatever, I guess you should expect a little smell when having anal sex.” I continued, and the smell continued to get worse.
Eventually, we finish, and I pull out – only to see a stream of shit spew out of his ass. It was everywhere. I mean, fucking everywhere. It was explosive diarrhea-type shit, on my bed, on me, on the wall even.
… and then my roomate walked in.
I found out later that the dude had a severe bowel problem of some kind, and really shouldn’t have bottomed. My ex-roomate is still a friend of mine, and I still have to assure him that that’s not what gay sex generally looks like.
#13 Quite not what Pict was expecting..
Sucking a chicks nipple in the dark. She was loving it. All of a sudden there is liquid.. Lactating.. sick. So keep going, she seems to be loving it.
Lights come on, dun dun dunnn, I had been sucking the pus out of a boil.
  #14 This story by TI-83 doesn’t have a happy ending.
I remember this story happening to an acquaintance a few years ago.. So said acquaintance meets up with a few friends and they roadtrip for a night of drinking and debauchery in Canadia. The group ends up at a strip club and the protagonist of the story ends up picking up one of the strippers by the nights end. For some unknown reason, this guy thought it was a good idea to go down on the stripper before they do the nasty. They all drive home the next day and all is good. The day after driving back, the guy wakes up in the morning and can’t open his eyes and proceeds to freak out. Paramedics are called. Turns out that the stripper he had gone down on had crabs. The crabs had gotten into his eyelashes and surrounding areas. Literally his eyes were crusted shut from the various liquids his body expelled (blood, plasma, etc.) as a result of the crabs feeding off his lifeblood. Horrible stuff.
  #15 Pay heed to what Sobe86 says at the end.
I was going out with a girl, and one night we got drunk and had sex without protection. She wasn’t on the pill, so she had to go to the pharmacy and get a morning-after type thing.
So a few days later, we were fooling around in the dark. I fingered her a bit, went down on her. I noticed it tasted a little weirder than normal, but didn’t say anything. She repaid me in similar fashion. Afterwards I go to the bathroom, and turn the light on. My whole face and arms are covered in blood. I look like a vampire after a feeding frenzy. Initially I thought it was a cut on my face or something, but I couldn’t find anything wrong. Also, the blood was not like any blood I’d seen before, like it was really thick and gooey. So I go back to the bedroom, turn the light on, and her entire lower regions are bathed in this syrupy horrible red gunk. It’s all over the bed sheets, and all down the side of her legs.
She understandably freaks out. We call emergency services etc. At first we thought I cut her down there with my fingernails or something. But it turns out when a girl uses emergency contraception, it can wreak havoc with her menstrual cycle. And I spent 5 minutes lapping up her period blood. We never spoke of it again. Remember kids: if she isnt on the pill, use a fucking condom.
  #16 I-330‘s guy will never keep a pet cat.
Last summer my husband and I were living with roommates who had a cat. We were drinking and started getting hot and heavy, he stripped down and jumped on the bed, said something about it being wet and jumped back up. One of us had left our bedroom door cracked and the cat had gotten stuck in the room, and pooped all over our bed. Worse is that apparently this cat was sick with worms. My poor husband was covered in kitty diarrhea, blood and worms.
#17 What emorrow64 shares is more than just a bad experience.
Goin down on a guy can be like being locked in the trunk of a car with old cheese. WASH YOUR BALLS! And it wouldn’t hurt to trim a lil. The grossest sexual encounter I’ve had was a guy who sweat so profusely it was dripping on me, then he flipped his sweaty ass around into my face to attempt what I can only assume was a 69 position but was more like bein force fed a butt sandwich and I could see the sweat glistening on his ass/ball hair, that, and the cheez smell coming from his balls made my eyes water and I threw him off me and ran to the shower. 30 minutes of soap and hot water and I still didn’t feel clean.
  #18 An all-time classic story by rivalthecreator but just as unpleasant at the same time.
Steve and his girlfriend Samantha went off to college in August. She went to Florida State, he went to Penn. So, she decides to fly to PA to visit him. He was really happy to see her so he decided to give her some oral action.
He had done this numerous times before and he always enjoyed doing it…but for some reason, this time, she smelled really horrible, and she tasted even worse. He didn’t want to offend her though because he hadn’t seen her in months…so he put a Jolly Rancher in his mouth to cover it up, even though it didn’t do much to help.
In the course of eating her out, he accidentally pushed the candy inside of her… and stuck a finger in to grab it out. He took it out, and put it back into his mouth and bit it. Only…it wasn’t the Jolly Rancher.
It was a nodule of gonorrhea.
As in, the blister-like structure that gonorrhea makes filled with diseased pus was the size of a fucking Jolly Rancher and the poor guy BIT it. I guess it was really dark in the room. He freaked out and started vomiting all over the place when it exploded in his mouth…
He demanded to know what was going on, turns out she had cheated on him at a club like, the first week of college, and fucked some random guy and the stupid bitch had no clue what was wrong with her. She noticed a strange smell though.
So now, Steve is freaking out that he now has gonorrhea of the mouth and God knows what else.
#19 The description by Criscoxl is actually gross, but the thing as a whole is very cute!
So this one time I’m having sex with my girlfriend right, and it was all good and sexy so we finish up and everything seems cool.
Then about 9 months later a fucking little human being comes out of her pussy! I mean just like pops out and I saw that shit with my own eyes!
The little fucker is still living with us.
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