#hori told me himself
batterycows · 2 months
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Tenko when he comes back and uses Reconstruction to denomu Spinner, exorcise the spirit of William Afton from Dabi, get Toga out of whatever hole she’s hiding in, and bring back Deku’s freckles
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
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Hc trio au meme again
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primeraser · 2 years
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allforonesucks · 2 months
I made this at 5 AM and it’s my first ever edit please do not bully me PLEASE
song: New Way Out by Poppy
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nutzgunray-lvt · 1 year
I will FOREVER be salty about how Hori paints his characters with valid criticisms against the status quo as in the wrong:
Monoma - hates Bakugou, therefore hates 1A by association and is painted out to be some over the top arrogant asshole who freaks out every time they so much as breath (Monoma's not my favorite, but he's 100% right when it comes to Bakugou).
Rock Lock - doesn't want the first years (maybe also the third years, idk?) involved in the Shie Hassaikai raid due to how dangerous it is and due to having recently had a newborn son, is painted as someone who's being overprotective and unfair to these heroes in training.
Inko - isn't comfortable with Izuku continuing at UA after the Forest Camp Attack, is painted as being overprotective (I have my issues with Inko, but she had an incredibly valid point here).
The media - rightfully criticizes UA's utter inability to protect their students and reign in Bakugou's behavior (the hill I will die on), is painted as trying to unfairly persecute UA/Aizawa.
Present Mic - uses common sense to deduce that there's a traitor in UA's midst, is portrayed as being a shit stirrer who's quick to distrust his colleagues and students (another hill I'll die on).
Gran Torino (a minor one) - calls Aizawa's high expulsion rate as what it is: nasty (showing that even he has standards), is immediately corrected by Present Mic that the expulsions are "only on paper" and Aizawa truly cares deep down (which actually makes it WORSE since it stays on their permanent records regardless).
Other students taking the Provisional Exam - call out Bakugou for being an obnoxious asshole, are immediately painted as "not understanding how hard he works."
Pro Heroes and Present Mic - call out Bakugou for not taking Ochako seriously in the Sports Festival, are told to RETIRE for not understanding how Bakugou clearly works harder than anybody else to be a hero (but then Bakugou proceeds to get the second highest amount of internship offers, so idk what the fuck point Horikoshi was trying to make here).
Vlad King is a weird one because while his one-sided rivalry with Aizawa/1A is obnoxious and unprofessional, he IS a better teacher than Aizawa is and it's a point not focused on aside from an off hand comment by Aizawa. You'd think this would make him examine whether or not his beliefs are truly benefiting his students or have Nedzu call him up and say, "what's up with your class consistently underperforming against 1B?"
Best Jeanist is perhaps the ONLY Pro-Hero to see Bakugou's behavior for what it is and takes him as an intern to rectify it... but proceeds to focus on all the wrong things (his style being the main one) and not really get to the core of his goal.
Society as a whole doesn't trust heroes for a myriad of reasons (some unreasonably, some for extremely valid reasons) and are painted as being unfair and incredibly biased against heroes as a whole.
Izuku leaves UA due to AFO having Ragdoll's Quirk, is essentially ganged up on and beaten/shamed into submission by Class 1A who completely disregard his POV (I don't agree with him putting himself in this position, I'm just pointing how it makes sense narratively).
Me, trying to make sense of all of this -
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Like... how is your story supposed to be nuanced and your characters three-dimensional if you paint the complainer as always in the wrong?
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bibibbon · 3 months
smth i hate abt hori is how easy it would’ve been to use the lov to show how hero society lets people slip through the cracks as a result creates villains, but he never fully expands on the idea.
jin’s parents died when he was in *middle school* MIDDLE SCHOOL! which means he could’ve been anywhere between 12-14. and then because of a motorcycle accident that *wasn’t his fault* he got a criminal record, was fired from his job, and became homeless. and then he just spiraled from there.
toga is biologically wired be to fascinated and obsessed with blood. but instead of helping her, her parents are disgusted by her and force her to suppress herself until she inevitably snaps.
dabi is a product of his fathers abuse and it was allowed to go on for decades because his father is a famous pro hero
compress is just an unapologetic evil bastard tho and i love him for that
This is also one of my problems with horis writing!!! Villains in MHA all had wasted potential and I absolutely hated the way their arcs went!
I guess the only arc that I can semi agree on is toga himiko's arc to a certain extent but that even has wasted potential that I talk about down below 👇. I discuss what togas arc could of been and different directions her character could of went.
In my opinion himiko was already introduced as somewhat irredeemable. The first time we see her we are told that she killed 6 people known so far and on around 5 of them she performed blood letting. Also her first victim she literally sliced him up and started drinking his blood (some including I theorise that she maybe even ate some of his body parts). I think it adds to the story simply because togas love or idea of love is based on her becoming that person and having parts of them on her whether that be literal or metaphorical.
I personally like the idea that toga is an irredeemable victim. Toga is someone who was failed by the system and had went through a lot for sure but the actions she did were also things that she should be accounted for ( I talk more about toga and what makes her different from lady nagant in another post). In the end I personally enjoy seeing toga be a humanised not redeemed victim of society that has also commited many crimes.
When it comes to other members of the league I feel like they could of all had better arcs in general.
I remember talking to @doodlegirl1998 and she suggested that twice and togas characters could of very much switched roles as twice is a character who parallels more with ochako (both struggling financially) and hawks would get more repercussions for killing a child (toga). However, I also do like twices death but I do have some problems like how I wish his death would of been thoroughly explored and we see how it impacted everyone or we should of gotten more from twice himself in general.
Dabi deserved better and I really would of wanted him to have a redemption arc, receive some concequences but end up with the todoroki family WITH ENJI DEAD (I HATE HIM!). I hated the whole Dabi always had an ice quirk and that he was just the second choice, always the second choice all along.
Shigaraki and just how much AFO was involved ruined everything for me also Shigaraki knowing about AFO was a horrible twist which made shigarakis characterisation even more inconsistent. I would of liked to see a Shigaraki redemption where he himself works towards one by starting to question AFO and get into the leader role a whole lot more while using the MVA to his advantage to get information, resources and more.
Spinner could of ended up being the better stain and learned form stains mistakes while also changing with shigaraki. I also feel like he needed more build up with his own counterpart like shoji and a thorough explanation and development of the whole hetamorphis discrimination thing.
Compress was evil for fun and it's fun to have those types of characters. One thing that I really would of liked to explore is compress's and magne's interactions. I feel like their arcs could of been interwoven (maybe I ship them a little who knows 🤷‍♀️) magne's death should of had more substance to it and all it just felt lacking and compress's disappearance the same.
Now when it comes to minor villains Iam a huge advocate for MUSTARD!! AND GIVING US A MUSTARD REDEMPTION 👇👇👇
I also think that muscular and moonfish should of obviously went to prison but that this could of been used as a way to shake the leagues trust for shigaraki. If any of the league members were to end up in jail would shigaraki help them? Maybe he won't as he didn't do that to muscular or moonfish or maybe he has stated to care for them more and he would as he is growing into that leadership role.
I would have it so that the Dr garaki is just an evil menace who starts to become much more greedy and manic causing AFO's death and going insane.
Kurogiri or kurooboro in this case would go through a different type arc that's down below.
In the end all of the villain characters or characters that don't up hold the status quo are victims of society. I think your ask could also apply to the hero characters that are also harmed by the system like hawks and izuku.
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transhawks · 9 months
Top Ten Hawks Moments of 2023
For Keigo's Birthday and for the end of this year, I have decided to make my top ten Hawks moments for all the chapters published this year.
10. "Hawks" gets torn into shreds by AFO
we had a lot of near-deaths for Hawks this year, but I think this was the most memorable as it happened, giving a very needed burst of humor to the AFO vs Hawks and the Heroes fight. Tokoyami's reaction was particularity heartbreaking.
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9. Whatever Level of Gay was Achieved Here
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This entire chapter was framed in a way that constantly put Hawks and AFO contrasting and melding and there are panels where their thoughts connect. I thought it was a very good way for Hori to make their dynamic fighting each other stand out. Also, the fight was ridiculously homoerotic.
8. Hawks Reminds Us It's About Connections, Stupid.
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A theme for the post-Jaku part of this manga has always been heroes needing to bridge that gap and see if they can connect with the villains. It's interesting that Hawks has been the canon mouthpiece among the adults for that view when he so utterly failed his own narrative-assigned connection. I know there was so much pushback in this moment because Keigo again thought of Endeavor, but it stood out to me in repeating this allegory of OFA linking everyone as the solution to the conflict in the first place.
7. Realizing They All Have the Power to Make Their Own Narrative
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Against a villain like One For All who wants to believe he's in his own light-novel, Keigo's own issues distinguishing reality and fantasies managed to settle down. He's always resigned himself to being a caged bird and a martyr, so being pitted against a villain so into life being a foregone conclusion helped Keigo remember they all have more agency than they give them credit for.
6. I think all of Keigo's Rizz was in Fierce Wings
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Seriously, this is his normal fake hero persona on STEROIDS? It's fascinating how naturally this stuff comes to him. Like damn, he even has his tongue out, mocking All For One as he gets hoisted by his own petard, and has an arm around a vestige lady who looks suspiciously like All For One's mom, which I am accepting as canon until told otherwise. Say what you want about Hawks, for all his failures and paradoxes, the dude has serious BDE. I'd rate this higher but he had a lot of good moments.
5. Nothing beside remains, round the decay
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Probably one of the most striking panels this year, seeing a defeated, quirkless Keigo struggle to get up and meet the horde of encroaching Toga-Twice clones, holding the last remaining feather in a landscape of complete destruction made me think heavily of the Ozymandias poem. Keigo, who has always represented the hero system with his whole diamond-insignia carrying chest, seeing all the consequences of his actions and the futility of his actions in stopping the very future he'd allowed himself to commit murder to prevent. I wonder if it struck him how little it all meant as he faced his "presumed" doom.
4. Farewell, Fierce Wings!
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we bid goodbye to the quirk that continued to fight even as it was stolen into the eldritchian amalgamation that is All For One! The look in the vestige's face is so resigned and bitter-sweet as he decays away. Keigo isn't his quirk, but it's remarkable how willing to face death both of them are.
3. What he really wants
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The interesting thing is the narration implies that either Keigo was telling Naomasa that the aging made AFO stronger as the battle happened, or still had enough control over his emotional state after being left in the dirt to tell him what he observed. The latter is, well, not that surprising when it comes to Keigo, who won't let being quirkless or maimed or delimbed get in the way of being at his job, but that's not what Hori shows us.
No, Hori doesn't show us Keigo standing up or sitting up, no he shows us a Keigo clinging to Tokoyami, a complete break in the many masks he wears to show actual devastation and need for comfort.
There's no Keigo pretending he's okay. There's just one panel showing us a young man embracing his unconscious student after probably one of the most horrific experiences in his life. Keigo, who has been mentioned to be a person who puts so much distance himself and other people, is the one the one clinging to Fumikage.
2. He really was, wasn't he?
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As the Twice clones disappear, we see a melting Toga-Twice on the brink of killing Keigo, who makes no move to stop her as she slices him open. No, he seems almost penitent as he accepts death, only pausing to tell her he knows why she's killing him. Make no mistake, the moment he saw Twice back, he knew what this was all about; killing Jin. In this moment, he doesn't hold himself back with saying killing Jin was necessary - the future Jin's murder was meant to prevent came about anyway, no, this is just Keigo being honest that he really liked Jin, anyway. This panel might show the first real regret we've gotten from him, which is likely why he was so open about not fighting back. Because Keigo knows that he does "deserve" this.
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1. Haven’t you already done your best, Hawks?
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Chapter 185, this panel introduces us to Hawks.
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Two hundred chapters later and we finally see Hawks, for all intents and purposes, resoundingly defeated. His quirk is gone. The army he had as back up, defeated. His student lying defenseless beside him. His hero-partner having left to fight his own battles.
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And yet, despite it all, despite losing his quirk, despite every sign of failure around him, especially as he now has to reckon with his own moral event horizon, Keigo's capable of saying one thing:
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
Bro, Aizawa can go kick rocks. That last ask you posted got me so mad about him all over again.
I have no clue how Hori meant to write Aizawa. On one hand, he admits he really has no idea what the fuck he's doing as a teacher, doesn't actually teach his students anything, lets Bakugou do whatever the hell he wants with no consequences, and was wrong to treat Izuku the way he has been since day one. He even admits that he has no clue about his students DESPITE THE UA TRAITOR BEING ONE OF HIS STUDENTS.
On the other hand, he's arrogant enough in his teaching abilities to get offended when Mic calls him out for being a terrible teacher, doesn't say shit about Ida's internship choice despite knowing how suspicious it is, only gives ONE "I'm sorry, Izuku" with ZERO reflection or introspection as to why he hated Izuku so much, and hypocritically accused All Might of favoring Izuku despite not just blatantly favoring Bakugou and Shinsou, but shutting down Mic when he brought up said favoritism.
Worst thing is, everything in the second paragraph is to be taken at face value. We're supposed to see him as Kakashi 2.0 and this amazing teacher, but really he's just an arrogant asshole who if he were a real teacher, would have gotten MANY students killed due to his negligence and love of dishonesty.
Exactly, he's so inconsistent. I suspect this is due to his role as Horikoshi's mouthpiece. Isn't it a little suspicious that both times that Bakugou faced criticism from the public, Aizawa was conveniently placed to shut them down? Because the heroes at the Sports Festival and the reporters at the press conference are supposed to be us. Horikoshi, through Aizawa, is telling us how we're supposed to be regarding Bakugou, despite the fact that Bakugou's actions completely refute what Aizawa's saying.
(The worst thing about this is that it works. I suspect a big reason why people are so convinced that Bakugou's character arc was good is because of what Aizawa says. It's easy to buy into something if it's being told to you directly)
It's actually a shame because Aizawa didn't have to be a bad character. He's actually a pretty good hero, and his attitude towards Izuku's ideals wasn't exactly wrong. His execution absolutely was and he's really shitty about it, but I can understand the fear that someone who's self-sacrificing with a quirk he can't control will get himself killed.
The issue is Aizawa didn't care enough to a) actually understand what was going on and b) make the effort to teach Izuku better. So everything about him- his background, intention, trauma, beliefs- means nothing because he's not actually taking the steps to address and amend them.
Someone- not naming names- tried to make the argument that Eri ruined Aizawa's character. But honestly? She's the only reason I like him even a little bit. If we discount the light novels (and we should because from what I can tell they're awful), their relationship can be cute, even if we only ever see him escorting her around. Those little moments make him more human. It's not great (because again, they're barely together), but it does endear me towards Aizawa, if only a tiny amount
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donkeys-waffles · 3 months
I'm gonna say it, I miss AFO. Okay okay listen hear. Me. Out. He's awful, terrible, barely human. But he was so dramatic and petty, like God forbid he handle something maturely. Being 200 years old means nothing to this man when his mental processing is stagnated at age 6. And I love that for him. Truly, I do. Oh, and God, his fashion sense, this man owned NOTHING aside from fancy suits. You'd expect being mutilated for years in such a way would make him want to live in more comfortable clothes, or I don't know in the privacy of his own home. It's so interesting because those suits were part of his villain identity, the same identity he couldn't strip himself from. Even that minor detail is so reflective of how he views himself, nothing more than a villain, a monster, not a man.
He paints himself as 2D instead of an... individual (because lord knows he's not a well-adjusted adult). And ugh, I loved picking him apart, he was so interesting for that because he had one of the most horrifying back stories that told us so much about his life and so little at the same time.
Like, Hori made Vigilante, so why not make one about villain society next because we never did see what AFO meant by having friends all over the world. And I DESPERATELY want to see big bads that worked with him willingly, knowing what he's about and everything, people that are just like him or worse. We've seen a lot of his victims, but I want to know more about his 100% willing and knowledgeable associates.
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mayumiiyuu · 1 year
Love!!!! I've 🍃🍃 and I just had the best idea for a Bokuto story! Imagine you are dating sweet himbo bokuto and after about 6 months you confess to him that you're a masochist (like Hori in Horimiya). You ask him to degrade you in public and he just can't because of how much he loves you and respects you. You keep encouraging him and eventually when you're being extra bratty during his MSBY practice, he calls you an attention craving slut or something infront of the team and drags you off home "you're going to regret asking me to degrade you". 😍😍😍😍😍
I LOVE YOUR MIND SO MUCH!!!!! I will give u a consensual smooch in the brain if you’d let me!!!
18+ content!!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT (pls)
timeskip! bokuto x reader
warnings: degradation, jealousy, spit kink
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Bokuto loves you so much, more than anything or anyone else in the world, so when you told him that you wanted to be degraded by him in public, it through him for a loop. This boy does nothing but praise you so he’s lowkey questioning whether or not you actually liked it when he praised you in bed huhuhu poor baby boy just doesn’t know what to do with himself.
He’s so shy whenever you mention it, too, always so timid and blushy whenever you bring it up, especially when you beg for him to do it while you guys are in public.
but bokuto has his limits, and you were going to make sure to push every single one of his buttons until you got your way<33
usually you’d be a little quiet during his practices, giving him a little whoop here and there for motivation. but this time? you wanted to be an absolute menace. you’d say hi to him and his teammates, but this time you went so far as to giving them all a big hug, except for bokuto who only got a kiss on the cheek from you >:0 mans is fuming silently as you pay more attention to the other MSBY jackals rather than him, despite his silence, his serves and spikes are hard enough to take out someone’s hand as he slowly gets more frustrated.
he finally hit the tipping point when all of them were finally done with practice, you approached sakusa with such an innocent smile on your face, the man totally unaware of your devious plan to make your significant other jealous.
“hi kiyoomi!” you beamed, holding up your hand ina small wave, to which he responded with a wave back, only for you to take his hand and measure it out against yours. “wow, your hands are so big! good job on your serves today, I see you’ve really improved—“
“is that how it is, (name)? you wanna act like an attention seeking slut while your boyfriend’s around? hm?” bokuto all but yells out, causing the rest of the people within the vicinity to jump, and you take your hand away from sakusa’s almost immediately.
bokuto grabs you by your wrist as he drags you towards the locker room. kiyoomi winces as he sees the death glare bokuto gives you.
as soon as you’re inside, he basically slams you against one of the lockers, wrists held tightly in his hands as he pins them above your head, leaving you a cowering, vulnerable mess. in spite of his rough treatment, you feel your legs quiver in anticipation, a wet spot forming in your panties as you feel his hot breath against your cheek as he leans in closer to whisper in your ear.
“you’re gonna fucking regret asking me to degrade you, because from now on, you only get to respond to names like slut, whore, and cumdump? are we clear?”
you couldn’t have nodded your head faster at his words, he presses closer to you, grabbing you by your thighs which tell you one thing: jump. and you do, wrapping your legs around his torso as he ruts into you, mouth on yours in a heated kiss, you can’t help but moan as he bites your lower lip. feeling how hard he is through his shorts, you pull him to you closer, wrap your legs around his waist tighter, wanting nothing more but friction between your aching cunt and his thick cock.
suddenly, you feel yourself being dropped onto the floor, wincing as you feel the cold tile hit your knees. bokuto pulls out his cock from his shorts, slapping up against his abdomen, already leaking beads of precum along his tip. you can’t help but drool at the sight of him. noticing your stare, he smirks, grabbing you by your hair, using his other hand to open your mouth with his thumb pressed upon your lower lip.
“fucking cock hungry slut,” he spits into your mouth, and your swallow it happily. “‘m gonna make such a fucking mess of this pretty face.”
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helga-grinduil · 4 months
i need a voice of reason to tell me that hori wouldn’t do this to tenko. this doesn’t feel hopeful and heroic at all like what happened to the little boy deku wanted to save 😔 i want to believe that hori loves shigaraki so much that he wouldn’t just “kill” him in two pages…….
kurogiri sacrificed himself to save tomura and told him that his friends are waiting for him. if tenko is dead that sacrifice and words were pointless
i am not even gonna talk about how this is against the themes and what deku was trying to achieve
this is specifically 'shigaraki tomura' talking to deku here. all he talks about is destruction and he looks like his pre-mva tomura self. the fact that this is clearly 'shigaraki tomura' talking and not tenko or mix of both makes me think that it's specifically tomura who is dying, not tenko.
there is still the question of tomura's quirk being a half of overhaul, meaning, having potential for reconstruction as well as destruction.
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slug-cube · 2 years
I cant believe i have to say this but if you still hate bkdk in 2023 you need SERIOUS help in reading compheresion. let me run it down for you real quick about midoriyas character:
he is strong headed and fucking stubborn. no, he wouldnt have killed himself, and no, i dont care if you relate to midoriya and hate bakugou because guess what. midoriya isnt YOU. midoriya isnt LIKE YOU. he doesnt think of himself as a victim, and he doesnt hate bakugou, and if i have to say this one more time im going to lose my mind.
the "bakugou abused midoriya at a inch of his life" is just WRONG LMAO hori made it clear that bakugou was at his peak shittiness on episode ONE. even the guys he hung out with said "you went to far- this isnt like you dude" which means his behavior was out of place and unsual. and guess what? afterwards? he didnt cross that line ever again.
how does midoriya feel about it? well i thought it was pretty clear- but heres a refresher: when bakugou said for midoriya to kill himself, what did midoriya do? he got upset. why did he get upset? not at bakugou- he was upset because bakugou would get in trouble. not because bakugou told to off himself, but because possibly bakugou would recieve punishment. he did not give a shit that bakugou was being an asshole, because he was going to do what he wanted anyway. he was going to become a hero anyway. he was going to do whatever it takes anyway, because he is EXCACTLY like bakugou abiet more unreasonable and implusive.
im sorry but midoriya isnt a helpless ray of sunshine that needs your help in saving him. he broke the bones in his arms until recovery girl said "hey listen, if you pull this crap one more time- your arms wont work. period." and yknow what he thought about instead. "ill just use my legs! and break those instead!" BECAUSE HES FUCKING BATSHIT CRAZY!!! YOU GUYS!!! HE BROKE HIS HAND AND USED HIS FINGER ON HIS CHEEK TO CREAT A POWERFUL WAVE TO HIT TODOROKI WITH. YOU THINK HE ISNT CAPABLE OF TELLING BAKUGOU TO FUCK OFF!?!?!
you seriously underestimate him and im tired of it!!! hes more feral than bakugou is!!!!!!! you should be SCARED of him. he would wreck his own shit just to wreck yours. like i dont know where this fanon fucking izuku self came from but STOP TREATING HIM LIKE A INNOCENT DOE WHO CANT DO SHIT. hes the mc for a reason. now go away <3 forever <33
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
A Thought, A Theory
I'll probably make a more indepth post or may just update this one once the offical translations get dumped (which means pictures!), but I have a bit of a crack theory that chapter 430 isn't as real as we've been led to believe.
(As for when this actually takes place, that's up to you but I like to imagine the start of his third year marks the beginning of his mental decline)
This mostly comes from some inconsistencies in regards to the hero rankings and some other stuff
Its stated that Best Jeanist and Endeavor are still active. With the exception of Jeanist, this should not be possible for obvious reasons.
2. Something feels off visually and narrative-wise, I don't know how to describe this other than everything looks too ideallic. Like it feels too sanitized and sterile, this probably because Hori ripped the last bits of life this story had away. But hush. Also Aoyama is there didn't he leave UA? (and Japan)
3. Apparently people forgot the connection between Endeavor and Shoto. Normally this would be a good thing as Shoto would be able to become his own person.
This falls flat when you remember that also includes people forgetting the reason and happenings behind Shoto's existence, it just feels to good to be true. Everyone overlooks the bad and gets tunnel vision over any semblance of good.
Now you may be wondering, so what's going on.
Well, Midoriya's having a breakdown fantasy to cope with the fact that he won't be becoming a hero due to the loss of his quirk.
It sounds crazy but consider the following.
Midoriya subconsciously knows the way he's been treated was wrong. This manifests within the escapists fantasy in Bakugo's drop in the rankings + the attitude surrounding him (as well as his damaged hand never fully healing)
He meets a kid who just so happens to be in a near exact same position as he once* was (and still is to an extent). One could take this as his mind's way of trying to cope and heal itself, by having Midoriya do what he does best and help others, henceforth working though his trauma by using the kid as a stand in.
*Even the kid's "bully" seems to be a warped version of Bakugo (perhaps this is how Midoriya tries to fool himself into believing how it was)
We see Kota. I believe that here, Kota serves as what Midoriya thinks he could have been had he not failed. Kota is the idealized version of Midoriya here, the unobtainable.
I believe the abandonment/limited contact from his classmates to be based in reality, unfortunately. Whether it was by choice or forced by their PR to preserve their images (can't be seen around the "freaks" for too long, now can we?). The lie may come in the form of busy schedules.
(either it's what Midoriya tells himself or he's been told, you can't tell me they can't just make a group chat or video call. At least a High School Reunion)
The Mech Suit is a massive cope, it's the dying whimper of Midoriya's childish hope that All Might will save the day. This time there's no magic quirk, no garrish mech suit, no plot twist.
No. There's only Midoriya and the consequences of his, his classmates and hero societies actions. It doesn't matter how shiny and seamless the illusion, how sweet the lie.
You can't hide the blood.
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marunalu · 4 months
Hi. Many fans disappointed with new chapter. I see many complaining. I am more pissed because of Bakugo.
I am now sure that in next chapter Izuku will be catched by Ochako or sonehow Shigaraki give Izuku OFA back or his original quirk. Dont know.
How do you think DFO will be revealed then Shigaraki and AFO destroyed? Both spirituality and phisicaly.
Well, its no wonder people are upset after that shitfest of a chapter. That propably was the most anticlimactic final bossfight I have ever seen in a manga and after all the talking how izuku wants to safe tomura, dude just dies and izuku is fine with it. He just failed his attempt to save the person he wanted to save the most, but hey I guess the fistbum makes up for it (it does NOT!) Im actually curious how the japanese fanbase reacted to all of that.
I mean, of course hori had to force bakugou in it for a final time. Hes his golden baby boy afterall. Izuku cant do anything without bakugous or other peoples help. He is not allowed to shine on his own in his own fight against the main villain in HIS story. Nope, bakugou needed to help to give the final blow to afo TWICE, because HE is the true VIP of mha! I have actually seen quite a few bakugou fan who were not happy about it. If even his FANS complain about how forced and unnecessary that part was, maybe hori should ask himself if his staning for that one specific character is not going a little bit to far. I mean, seems like we just were all dumb. At the beginning of the story we were told izuku is a useless loser because he cant do anything without the help of others and in the end it turns out it was true. How could we not see that comming? The mc was not allowed to defeat the main villain himself and needs others, espicially his abuser to help him. Wow, what a great message! And the most depressing point is that hori was clearly trying to make that look like a positiv thing. There is one thing I can say for sure. I will never touch any work from hori ever again.
If this was really the conclusion of the final fight, then congratulation hori, you managed to write a more rushed and horrible conclusion for your story, then tite kubo did with bleach (which to be fair was not kubos fault but shonen jumps). Hori did literally EVERY SINGLE character except bakugou dirty and in the end even startet to write against his own established themes in the story.
Regarding dfo: I already mentioned it a few times in the past. Im still positiv dfo is canon BUT I also said I dont think anymore that dfo will end in a satisfying way. Which actually goes against what hori said, that readers wont feel dissapointed when he reveals hisashis true identity. But, right now I dont see how hori plans to manage that even with a twist. Even if lets say the clone theory ends up true (which would be hilarious because I was JOKING when I came up with it), it still would feel like so much wasted potential. And the thing is, while it would make me happy if it turns out true I would still be mad about all the rest hori fucked up which would make it impossible for me to enjoy the dfo reveal. And as much as I love dfo, if it turns out the afo clone theory is true and hisashi is the real afo who gets a happy ending while tomura stays dead and doesnt get one after everything afo did to him and the rest of the lov stay miserable too, I will still give hori the middlefinger. The only way I would be able to enjoy it is if hisashi ends up as the afo clone who choose a different path then his original body. It would still make dfo canon just in a unexpected way and it could be interesting to see in hisashi that afo COULD have been happy if he had choose a similar way.
I dont know, maybe in the end there is really some kind of twist involved. Shonen jump still hasnt announced that mha will end in the next few chapters and normally they do that at least 5-10 chapters before the final chapter. Maybe we are just panicking over nothing and hori has everything planned out perfectly. Maybe there is more to come. We really cant say for sure. There are still some plots who need answers and I cant see how hori wants to conclude everything in just 2 more chapters. On the other side this final arc was horrible rushed, even more horrible written and all in all a big dissapointment and waste of a lot of peoples time.
Who knows maybe thats why there is a break next week. So hori can wait for the reactions of the readers and include whatever twist he may think could work.
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mikeellee · 7 months
So in regards the leaks and how the general fandom is acting towards Shig and Izu seeing each other memories.
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Like, let's dissect here. One thing is bothering me in lieu how the MHA treats redemption arcs is how the victims have no saying in the redemption of the villain(and BK let's not forget what he really is) the fandom wants to babiefied the villains without facing the real consequences.
Won't talk about PoS here. Let's talk about Shiggy.
Fandom says he is groomed by afo and so...he needs to be saved. I talked to @doodlegirl1998 about this. She proposed the idea of afo suggesting things to Shig which...yeah makes sense.
Brainwash trope: it's a trope where a character acts differently from the norm thanks to external reasons. For the trope to work we need to see how the character is before the brainwash.
What we know about Shig before being Shig.
*He is Tenko.
* He has a fluffy corgi
* His family died .
Shig fandom insists Tenko was this paragon of goodness. We are told that btw never showed. "Tenko helped those two faceless and shapeless kids. He is an angel" and the fandom nods.
What we really see of Tenko is how he was abused bc Hori really couldn't make his backstory a clichê. The SHIMURAS are dead and......no one really care. What they bring to the story?
We don't know how Tenko was, really
Then afo took him in.
He didn't groomed Shig. A groomer (if we go by a non sexual way) would be all the steps of the person's life to mold....afo didn't do that. He see him give a really cruel name to Shig, see the Dr give the hands (I so think they laugh at this) and leave him alone with Kuro.
Not grooming.
But afo could have suggested Shig to use his quirk without care.
Which comes to my point .....Shig chose to continue on this path. Shig chose to attack us, to kill those heroes. It's was on him. Afo doesn't have a hold on him...Shig did himself.
And my point is, Shig can't ever get a redemption action if we don't account the victims.
How the victims and their families would feel about a Shig wanting to redeem himself?
Ok imagine that. Everyone forgive Shig...maybe they all see Baby Tenko and are. Heartbroken by his cuteness ...they forgive him as easily as some Shig simps wanted .....what this means to Shig then?
What he would do with this forgiveness? Would he try to change? Would he care? What the story would be if everyone forgive Baby Tenko?
I'm profoundly annoyed how Izu has to see the SHIMURAS being murder, how the fans will see this as "oh no. Poor Shig" (don't get me wrong ...it is horrifying as it is....silly. the entire family is dead. It's lazy) and no one will give a shit about Izu's past, just to not break a pattern. We will see the horrific scene of SHIMURAS being killed...a scene Izu will see as well....and doubt we are going to see Izu's past....and if we do see....
Fandom:😒why we are wasting time on this
Fandom:😁proof Izu will save Shig. Go save Shig.
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bibibbon · 1 month
I'm convinced that the translators saw the backlash on the different scans and tried to modify the dialogue to make chapter 430 sound better than it is. It doesn't change the fact that even though villainy has fallen and there's more time for heroes to relax. That none of 1A decided that Izuku was worth their time. I can't stand the copers right now; they are just making excuses for Hori right now.
Plus, Ochako and Tenya had their own team dedicated to quirk counseling and she didn't think to invite her best friend Izuku someone known for being intelligent and obsessed with quirks. Izuku really has some scummy friends. No wonder the cucking memes are going wild right now. Ochako and others just seem like junior members of the MLA for ignoring Izuku after losing OFA. The MLA is bound for a resurgence doesn't it lol.
Not to mention I still can't get over the fact that Izuku had to wait 8 years to get some stupid armor when All-Might had his special suit built in a couple of weeks to fight AFO. If the editors had some sense, Izuku would have already had the power suit before he even graduated from UA and be in the top ten hero ranks by now. But that might have made Izuku look awesome possibly outshining Mirio or Bakugo and we can't have that now, can we. but Hori really wanted to make Izuku look like a bum. Izuku needs better friends and an author.
Hi @agentterios 👋
Iam not sure if Viz manga or official translators actually did do any of that but I still do have my issues with the MHA ending overall.
My main point that confuses me is that if there are less villains then how are the heroes doing more work?!?! Are they more focused on rescuing and changing society? If that's the case then cool I don't have a problem with that but it's the fact that we don't see much of it. We are told that ochako and iida have started a quirk counselling project which like you mentioned adding Izuku to it (or having him involved in the background) because of his quirk analysis or just analytical abilities would be a great addition to them and should of been canon. Doing this would of 1) proved that izuku even though he has lost his quirk he is incredibly close and still works with his classmates and 2) would allow for one of my favourite Izuku characteristics shine.
Alps I find it very weird how the manga states that izuku and the rest of 1A don't hang out at a lot due to work but we don't even get a small panel of him texting them or him hanging out with individual members of 1A. I feel like if we got something like that it would of shown us that yes Izuku is still in contact with them but nope. I also feel like this is one of the reasons why so many people including I might of misinterpreted the thing into 1A ditching Izuku because we literally don't see them hang out or do anything outside of heroics together. Now that I think about it the whole found family bond of 1A is centered around them being heroes and in heroics so that's all they have and it's not a good look.
First I hate the idea of izuku losing his quirk (I have seen different interpretations but I still think it sucks) and two i find it incredibly unrealistic how izuku (a boy who did anything to become a hero) simply not do anything for 8 years. That's not the Izuku I know at all. The Izuku I know would do anything to help others and even try and be useful or a hero but this one just sits back accepting defeat and that his dream is over?!?! The boy who said his body moved on it's own to help others simply gives up and doesn't do anything until he is given a suit?!?!?!
There's also the fact that I don't like the whole suit thing. Maybe I would of liked it if izuku worked with Melissa and mei to make it himself. Something about izuku making it and earning it and learning and adapting to reach his goal is much more satisfying and adds more to his character than him being given a suit and becoming a hero. Izuku working in the background helping heroes whether that be with projects or strategies and analysis also should of been something he should of done during the eight years.
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Also, I have been avoiding Izuku related content from twitter and tiktok like the plague so no I haven't had the misfortune in seeing another gag that the fandom makes about izukus pain without them acknowledging how the manga events effect his character
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