#horrortale headcanons
ant1quarian · 7 months
,,, A horrortale Headcanon.
tw: cannibalism, trauma
Sure Sans and Papyrus eventually "recover" when they get to the surface- but healing is a rough and rocky slope, filled with vines threatening to wrap around your ankles and trip you up.
Which is why I propose an idea:
Sometimes Papyrus will be in the middle of eating something and it starts to taste like human flesh to him, so he promptly loses his appetite and has to stop himself from throwing up.
Sometimes Sans hoards food. He can't handle meat because it reminds him too much of when he was The Butcher underground. I don't actually feel like he likes intimidating people; it hurts sometimes when those who used to his best friends have turned their backs on him.
Sometimes Papyrus disassociates.
They both don't like the snow.
Both Papyrus and Sans are adverse to a specific shade of red and it will throw them into dissociative episodes or panic attacks
Because remember, everyone, trauma isn't always logical! :D
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bicho-kromer · 10 months
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The boys are getting ready
Nightmare is a Christmas hater but even he falls for the little shiny lights
The sweaters are inspired by @xpau-official Christmas comic
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stellocchia · 1 month
Random headcanons for Nightmare's gang:
Nightmare sometimes forgets Dust's, Horror's, and Cross' names. In those situations, he either calls them 'you' or just gives the order to Killer so he can pass it on
His forgetfulness isn't because his memory is bad, it's just because he doesn't care enough
Nightmare spends most of his time at the castle locked away in his office. The others think he's gotta be working, but he's mostly napping in there because the corruption expends a lot of his energies
Dust is a nerd. He's got excellent memory, so he's great at card games where you have to count cards or things like Memory. The others don't get to find this out for a while, but, when they do, Killer steals some games that they stash away where Nightmare won't check
Horror would prefer to be a vegetarian, but they don't have enough resources at the castle to get a choice
Horror's most prized possession is a picture of him and his brother that he luckily had on him when he got kidnapped
Horror and Dust are not the first versions of themselves that worked for Nightmare. Every version had a different nickname, (Murder, Axe, Skull, whatever you can think of) which does partially contribute to Nightmare's forgetfulness because to him they were all interchangeable
Killer would start using he/they/it pronouns if he had enough free time to figure itself out. Unfortunately, that will have to wait until after their escape
Killer's most prized possession is an onyx knife Horror, Dust, and Cross made for him a day they selected as his birthday since he couldn't remember when that was
Cross hides XChara's existence for a good while at first because he's afraid of the others' reaction to him since he looks so similar to one of the beings that tormented them. The introduction ends up still with just as much yelling as he feared, but at least no weapons were summoned
Cross is the strongest among the henchmen and has the best technique. But because he's so rigidly set on fighting like he was taught, he often ends up losing to the other three who have never fought fair a day in their lives
As Nightmare perceives affection and comfort as weaknesses, Cross, Killer, Horror, and Dust aren't really allowed to cuddle or hug in the castle. So they tend to get whatever affection they can sneak in with each other while on missions
Cross is actually the best cook among them. He knows how to make filling rations that don't taste exceedingly bland
Conversely, Killer is the worst cook, because it's really hard to keep his goop from dripping into the food while cooking. And it tastes absolutely horrid
Dust's most prized possession, after his scarf, it's a small collection of funnily shaped rocks that Killer and Horror keep picking up in various AUs and gifting to him
Cross' most prized possession, after the heart pendant, it's an apron that the others embroidered for the day he chose as his birthday (since he also couldn't remember when that was) that says: 'This chef is a real grate guy!"
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
thinking about how nightmare doesn’t pay killer and likely doesnt have any food in the castle, and killer can’t travel multiverses on his own, so his only options are to steal and rob food from his victims while out on missions or starve.
and he decides to starve because he doesnt care about himself until the cats start lingering around and holy shit. those tiny creatures need substance, they need little treats, and they need the high quality stuff and also vet care. so now he takes to stealing cat food and equipment and threatening vets to give the strays a look over
and then nightmare brings in horror and murder and now holy shit. more responsibility. they need foods, they need substance, they need sweet treats. horror is barely any bone at all man’s so malnourished.
and if they bite the dust then its on killers head so how hes robbing stores and Walmarts to get them food while out on missions and also threatening doctors to tell him everything about malnutrition and starvation on humans and monsters.
and meanwhile he still hasnt touched a single crumb of food for himself. maybe cause the boss hasnt given him any so he wasn’t supposed to have any.
and like maybe theres no animals or even humans to hunt for food but horror knows how to make a fire and properly take care of meat so long as he has the meat, and murder and killer are both intelligent and observant enough to learn by watching him.
and all this assumes that nightmare’s castle doesn’t really have a working fridge, stove, microwave, or oven because why would he really? He doesn’t need food and any of the gang that starves to death can be replaced.
and then maybe this is one of the things that color’s influence and presence ends up changing somehow. like he calls that old man out and points out that his ‘tools’ are mortals with mortal needs and unless he wants to deal with the hassle of having to constantly replace them, then take better care of them maybe??
Or make it possible for them to take care of themselves (not that many of them really would). And if you don’t want them to constantly try and leave then maybe give them actual reasons to want to stay??
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All skeletons
All skeletons can purr, they have the physical capacity to do it. Do they want to though?
Undertale Sans - He usually has a very good control on his purring and it's extremely rare you hear it. One way to make him purr is by petting his head while he's deep asleep. But he's rarely deep asleep and all the other times he might just stare at you in confusion lol.
Undertale Papyrus - Too much praise. It's rare though as Papyrus never lacks praises, but sometimes too many praises are too much and he blushes, purring loudly. He hates it though.
Underswap Sans - It's extremely rare and only when he's so happy he loses complete control of himself. His purr is also very low so it's hard to tell he is purring.
Underswap Papyrus - He's a big purrer and he doesn't hide it. When he's happy, he likes to show it. His purr is not that loud so it's hard to tell when he is, but he is, often.
Underfell Sans - Only in private and when he feels really really safe with his S/O. He doesn't want anyone else to know he can purr, think of his reputation.
Underfell Papyrus - Even though he will act like that never happened, Edge can sometimes purr when you're flirting with him. It's never for long though as he's very self-conscious about it and will do all he can to hide it, including throwing you by the window.
Horrortale Sans - He's not purring, he's making tractor noises. Oak purrs for all sorts of things, very loudly. When he wants attention, when he gets attention, when he's happy when you looked his way for two seconds... He's not hiding it. He purrs so loud that sometimes his brother has to take you to another room to have peace lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - Even though he hates it, his body instinctively mimics his brother's purr sometimes lol. He has no control over it and it makes him curse every time because he doesn't know how to stop it???
Horrorfell Sans - Only when he worried and you start petting him. It helps him to calm down. He's not purring other than that.
Horrorfell Papyrus - When you praise him, it can happen. But he immediately starts to cough to hide it because, duh, of course, he doesn't purr what are you imagining?
Horrorswap Sans - It might happen once or twice when he feels very comfortable, but other than that, he's not purring. He has other ways of showing affection.
Horrorswap Papyrus - That's one of the last sounds he can make without his jaw so he will certainly use it as often as he can. It's his way of saying "I'm fine today". It can be more or less loud with what he's trying to say.
Swapfell Sans - He can sometimes purr in his sleep, but that's his max lol. Don't you ever call him out on this because he will bite you and fight you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He purrs when he's flirty. It makes his voice more cavernous and sexy. Well, he thinks at least. It's not working that much in reality lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He can purr but you'll never catch him alive. Maybe one time in a coma, but that's all lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has a low purr for long cuddle sessions. It means he feels very safe and happy right now, which is actually not that hard.
Outertale Sans - It can happen when he feels a bit lonely. It helps to soothe himself. Moon has a bit of separation anxiety.
Outertale Papyrus - He's purring to make the children he's looking after sleep for their nap. It's working really well!
Dancetale Sans - Only when he's half asleep on your lap and you pet his head to make him sleep.
Dancetale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, but it can happen once or twice when he's really excited and happy. He's self-conscious about it though and quickly grasps a hold of himself so no one notices.
Dancefell Sans - He doesn't purr often, but not rarely either. He loves having attention and he's favorite things ever is the shower of kisses. He starts to purr hard when it happens.
Dancefell Papyrus - He purrs very rarely, mainly when he's having a very good time.
Farmtale Sans - He can purr. But you'll never catch him alive either. He's a very secretive guy. Maybe after a few years of deep relationships, but it will be a one-time experience.
Farmtale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, he's too shy to assume it. Usually, it happens for ten seconds and then he stops himself and blushes deeply. He might do it longer if he's really comfortable around you.
Mafiatale Sans - He has a spot on his neck that activates the purring. He hides it really well though so good luck to find it.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Nah, he's not going to show you. You can barely see any expression from him in the first place, so a purr? Never.
Mafiafell Sans - He only purrs when he's with his dogs. He loves his dogs. You're not sure if you should be offended or not.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He never purrs except in bed with his S/O while he's... You know.
Ink - He doesn't have enough focus to relax and purr, sorry. His brain is working 200% every second of his life so no time for purring.
Error - He only purrs when he's eating chocolate. He never eats chocolate in front of anyone so chances are you're never hearing him purr.
Disbelief Papyrus - Like Papyrus, intense praising is what send him into purring mode. He's resisting better to your attacks though, so it's harder to get him.
Killer Sans - He's purring when you're praising him. It's not that hard. He likes attention. He likes attention so much he won't let you go before two hours so you can continue praising him.
Dustale Sans - Uh... He purrs randomly, mostly at times he's staring at you intensely without blinking like he's going to hunt you down. It's not cute, it's scary.
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wolfbeestudio · 1 month
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When Axe was first adopted, he had severe food aggression and would eat too fast
His owners would start training him first by just being near him while he eats. Just letting him know that no one is stealing his food. This was all on a VERY strict routine.
Over time, he would be okay with others being around, and start easing up on eating too aggressively. Once that behavior was eased, his owners got him specific bowls to help him eat slower and help with his digestion. Of course, he only gets the best home-made cat food~
Now he's a little purr machine who neither overeats or eats too fast, and is completely okay with eating around the other cats
He is also pretty impossible to not give a treat ♥
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Horror never was too feisty with people touching him, but for a long time was the kind of cat that may just hang out in the same room with you
After a few months of living with his owners, he found his favorite, and let down his walls enough to learn the enjoyment of cuddles and napping together. The other owners can be a little jealous of his favorite, but melt when they see just how happy he is
He's also the best little space heater on a cold night. He's large, full of purrs, and very chill to hang out with his favorite for a long time
At the very beginning, he needed to be separated from the other cats during mealtimes. He would absolutely break out fighting if other cats were near his food.
Otherwise, he was very okay and accepting of the others when he first arrived. Other cats could never beat him before, being such a big boi and having survived so many fights. In time, he learned pretty quickly the joys of being a housecat with the guidance of the other kitties, especially Nightmare and Dust.
He's not keen on play fighting like Killer and Dust. He'll watch from the sidelines and stand up when they start getting too rough. He's much more happy to take sunny naps, hang with his favorite owner, and play with his mousey toys
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Glad to see a undertale au author still up and running.
Thoughts on writing a feral underfell bitty sans (possibly abandoned, escaped from a bad place, neglected? Who knows) the reader finds injured and patches them up + befriends them?
Some bitty fics include feral bitties travelling together, like a horror or classic sans with a fell.
Basically, go nuts, no strict requests. Interpret it how ever you like :)
Hope you like this request, idk just enjoying the fandom.
Enjoy the rest of your day/night ^-^
I am so happy to do this! It reminded me of a picture I found on Pinterest that I wanted to adopted fell san bitty. Here is the picture. Also, I'm gonna do it with fell and horror since they where abandon for there looks and attitude.
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To anyone else reading this: You will adopt him, and if you don't, I will find out where you live and kill you. Then I'm gonna bring you're ass back from hell and make you write a sorry letter to a fictional character.
Enjoy <3
FellSansBitty X Reader X HorrorSansBitty
It was just a normal day in Ebbot city. All you wanted to do was get a coffee and some treats but mother nature decided that you where gonna deal with nature and threw the biggest Strom the city has seen.
You where currently running down the street, you're jacket over you're head to stop getting wet.
While on you're way back home, you ran by a alley you passed a million times. Though, this time was different. You heard crying. You stopped and tried to listen over the heavey thunder and rain but you couldn't.
When you got closer, you where able to hear it clearer. When a loud thundering boom made it's present, you heard a whimper. When you followed the noise, you came across a wet, broken down box. On the front it said "bitty for sale." There were numbers also scratched out.
25$, 15$, 5$, and free. You looked inside and you saw a bitty. Bittys where interduced to human kind when monsters arrived above ground.
Humans took them quickly and made more of them. They are now used for therapy, friends, pets, and teatchers for the disabled.
Though there were times when bittys did stuff they were not meant to do. Like bitting, talking back, and actually running away from their owners. People called then "broken bittys."
When that stuff happened, people would take them and dust them or put them down in human words. You did not believe in that way since it was wrong, and living things should have free will.
So when you opened the soggy broken box open, you came face to face with the bitty. It looked up at you, scared but also hissed at you in fear.
You used your best smoothing voice to calm into bitty and reach your hand out. Showing it that it can get on your hand if it wants.
When another loud thundering boom was heard, it quickly grabbed you're hand and you slowly raised it up.
Now that it was in your hand, you quickly brought it underneth your jacket and got a closer look at it
It looked like....
It looked like a little cherry. It had a big furry black and yellow jacket and shorts.
It had red eyelights.
It looked at you while you stood up and quickly ran to you're house.
Once you reached you're house, you where quick to grab a towel and help the bitty dry off.
It grumble and snapped at you, saying it can do it it's delf
Once it was dru, you interduce youreself. "Hi, my name is (Y/N). What's you're name?"
"....sans...but I like being called red...."
You nod and ask him if he wants food.
You make him some grilled cheese and give it to him.
He complains that the grilled cheese was too cheesy, but he was lying that he hated it since he was eating it faster, then he could chew it.
You had to tell him a few times to slow down.
While he eats, you asked him why he was in that box.
Red stopped eating and looked at the ground.
"No one wants a mean looking bitty..."
Obviously you don't like that so you pet his head and say to him. "I don't think you look mean looking. I think you look tough."
Red looks at you surpised. He looked at you like you were joking, but how you were petting him, you wernt joking.
He blushes and pushes you're hand away.
"I ain't cute."
You chuckle and nod. "Of corse you're not."
"I said I ain't fuckin cute! Now stop fucking petting me!"
You guys are gonna have a instresting relationship.
Pretend that's you're hand.
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When you got a better look at the bitty in you're hand, it looked hurt.
It had a hole in its head, torn up clothes, and seemed to be shaking from the cold.
You held it aginst youreself and ran home.
Once home, you quickly grabbed a towl and help it dry it off, being mindful of its hole in the head.
Once dry, you asked him for a name.
"......sans......but people call me horror."
You nod and ask if he wants some grilled cheese.
His eyes seem to shine at the sound of food and quickly nods.
You make some and give it to him.
You watch him devour the grilled cheese in seconds.
You had to tell him to slow down.
Once he was done eating, you asked the hardest question.
"Why where you in that box?"
Horror stopped eating the crumbs and looked down
"No one wants a broken looking bitty."
You're hurt by his words but after a bit, you take 2 fingers and pet his good side of his skull.
He immediately looked at you surpised but smile and purred.
You just got a skeloton cat bitty.
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voidandabyssal · 10 months
Three random Jokester Skelly boys’ reaction to not only making their crush laugh, but hard enough to make tears streaming down their faces as they wheeze through the stomach pain for the first time.
woo boy, he's blushing, he's blushing. Oh god sEND HELP!
no, but seriously. He's definitely just fallen even harder than before. If there was any doubt about his feelings for you before then that's all been cleared up.
He pats you on the back, throwing out some more puns that he knows you'll find funny, even as you laughingly beg him to stop, he just can't! This is too great of a moment for it to end.
woah, whatever he said must've been hilarious. Axe doesn't really remember what you said but he joins in the laughter, finding your own pained amusement funny enough.
He whips off a few more jokes, trying to find whichever one made such a reaction.
Knowing him, it was probably a really dark joke or something.
Eventually both of your laughter turns to quiet giggles and he blushes as he looks at your face. 'Damn your pretty' was all he could think.
At first he's in shock, he knew he was funny, enough of Snowdin laughs at his jokes. But he didn't think he was that funny.
bro's stunned, can't speak, he just watches as you cackle loudly,
Eventually you calm down and he starts teasing you about it. You tease him back about the bright orange blush he has and he shuts right back up.
You'd be worried with how quiet he is if you didn't notice the way he was looking at you.
Boy is already plotting out his next greatest joke, he wants to see that reaction again.
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jay-justjay · 8 days
Weird headcannon but I imagine there’s a portion of the Omega Timeline that just simps for the bad guys.
Like, there’s a dedicated fanfic site and everything. They discuss who they ship, and get into wars about it… but most of the time it’s “x Reader”
Thing is, they don’t know jackshit about how each member actually acts. They never met any of em before and are going off of what Ink says.
They think:
Cross is a sigma alpha male
Killer is a sexy fuckboy
Murder is named Dust and is also the murderous emo boyfriend
Horror is a walking stuffed animal who indulges in cannibalism
And that Nightmare is a hotass King of Darkness and emo with a secret soft spot.
So needless to say, Killer is very confused upon being saved and sent to the OT. He didn’t expect for there to be an entire fanclub of simps on his ass…
Cross just goes “yeah they do that” and Killer is even more confused
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rightfulcutsiepie · 1 year
Horror Sans when you take the lead.
- You found it endearing and cute when he suddenly got shy.
- "Don't be scared." You'd whisper close to his face. Your breath hitting him like a warm pillow on a cold night. He melts in your hands when you trail them up and down his body.
- He was the embodiment of fear. He was raised to be feared and be the one example of it.
- Yet, he couldn't help trembling and bouncing his knee when you got closer.
- You were so different.
- The disturbingly large Crack in his skull, his one red eye that never left your face. His silence.
- It never bothered you.
- You didn't mind taking his clothes off before taking off your own.
- You didn't mind crawling on top of him and initiating the kisses.
- You didn't mind praising him and taking your sweet, sweet time admiring his body and beauty.
- He felt like a little kid, frozen and not knowing what to do with his hands and where to put them.
- Then you put his hands on your waist and he just wouldn't let go from there.
- He especially didn't let go when you'd stick your tongue down his throat while taking all of his inches at the same time.
- Your pussy felt like a second home to him.
- so warm. So inviting. Controlling and wet.
- you'd suck him in and his eye would roll to the back of his head. He was ashamed of whimpering in your ear.
- your moans drove him up a wall, way more than raw screams of terror would.
- he wanted more and got more when he sank his teeth into your neck, a little blood coating his tongue.
- in that moment, he came, his hot load rushing into you.
- you came at the same time as him, your whines getting highers as your movements became more rushed and erratic.
- his hands dug into your waist and you didn't mind one bit.
- He wasn't ashamed of digging his face into your neck, wanting every bit of warmth you could offer.
- you'd tell him you wanted to shower because you felt icky and sweaty. He didn't care.
- he wanted to feel you close to him. And he did.
- he wanted to find a way to tell you that you should be his significant other. His sweet baby.
- but all that could fall off his tongue was "I'm gonna starve you in my basement so you can start depending on me more."
- Luckily, you got the gist. You agreed.
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mystiffox · 6 months
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— bad sanses [crescents] redesign
heyy! thought i'd make a lil debut/intro to my canon utmv (named blue's verse bc i am So Original) starting from night and the gang :]
if anyone has any questions about my verse, you're more than welcomed to ask!! i'd be happy to talk about these skellies bc they occupy most of my brain rn
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Killer goes by Shiv while Horror goes by Axe based on their main weapons. Dust goes by Lav, short for Lavender. Nightmare still uses the same name, but the boys always call him Night :]
clothing notes (and extras):
Shiv is the one with the most fashion sense, but even he's been lazy and decided to just walk around wearing a funny t-shirt and shorts sometimes. Definitely the one who gets everyone clothes during supply runs (yes he's fashion besties with plum). Likes clothes with many pockets for storage, too! Whether that's got snacks or daggers in them, you'll just have to dig around yourself /lh
Axe wears lumberjack/farmer-esque clothing to hint at his connection to Farmtale! Farmtale is protected by Nightmare (in secret) as it harbors the last of Horrortale's survivors— the AU was too corrupted to sustain itself— while also being the Crescents' main food supply. The patched jeans and sleeveless vest are actually gifts from the Farm brothers. Them and Axe (+ Axe's brother, Oak) are very close, subsequently making Farmtale a second home to the Crescents.
Lav prefers oversized clothing and probably likes to use weighted blankets to ground himself. Shiv dresses him up most, and Lav just tells him to get dark/neutral clothes with purple accents for him. It feels nice to be taken care of. Usually wears a beanie/cap when he’s at home and is without his hood (has the shortest tail out of the trio, hides it well).
Night prefers fancy-casual because he knows how it feels to wear clothes that didn't fit/weren't comfy for him (still has his old crown, somewhere..). Definitely wears a nightrobe at home too. Technically the necklace is a vial of his own negativity(?) extracted by Sci. I wanted to make it so that everyone else has that on certain charms/pendants infused with that same negativity to act as a hidden tracker for Night to pinpoint where his boys are (and his own necklace could act as an emergency booster if Night gets too weak)
[older ref version]
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elizakai · 7 months
Ok, i’ve got a kind of out of pocket idea but hear me out…
Horror Sans has someone else’s eye, right? His original eye was his main magic source, and it’s been replaced.
Horror is often portrayed as having very low magic in the fandom, often with the ability to summon a few bones or a blaster if he’s lucky.
BUT, hear me out, his magic source has changed. The magic keeping him sustained is different magic…
What if, when and if he is able to summon attacks or use magic outside of strictly survival functions, his shift in magic means he steals new abilities from this new source.
The eye he took is from a royal guard member (shown in the horrortale comic itself) and while we don’t know the exact magic type of this monster, if we ASSUME most of the guards use the same abilities as these two…
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(clearly different monsters using the same attack patterns in unison)^^
Then I think it would be very interesting to consider Horror using these new patterns as well, instead of his original attacks.
If he IS able to manifest this magic into anything (as in after he’s hypothetically able to properly sustain said magic with actual food and such.)
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These guards utilize healing magic (the green shield replenishes health upon touching it.)
Meaning Horror could, hypothetically, access the ability to heal as well…
I think the logic is sound, if nothing else it’s a fun idea!!
…Or maybe i just like the idea of Horror throwing star attacks like a magical princess :))
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mikimakiboo · 29 days
Little headcanon time with Horror
Since Horror lived through a litteral famine he knows what hunger feels like and what damage malnourishment can cause, so when he started to get attached to his teammates after starting to work for Nightmare he made it his mission to make sure no one would ever be hungry ! It's a tough job as all four of Nightmare, Cross, Killer and Dust have VERY bad eating habits (Nightmare eating anything without any regard as to if it's edible since he lived outside all his childhood, Cross having a very strict diet and excessive training sessions, Killer forgetting to eat because depending on the stage he's on he can't feel when he's hungry, Dust straight up refusing to eat as a form of self punishment for his sins, ... )
So he makes sure they eat regularly and in good quantity
Now, that's cute, but as you know I love adding a little angst, SO
Horror having aphasia, he has trouble finding the right words, and often messes up by saying something that comes off as mean when really he was being nice
The one he watches the most is Dust as he is the most difficult to get to eat, and he would sometimes look at him and go "you gained weight", which Dust doesn't appreciate because he is already having a hard time appreciating himself, and these commentaries actually make him want to eat less, so it's an infinite spiral of eating, gaining weight, not eat anymore, losing weight, eating, ... etc
But the thing is
Horror didn't say it to be rude, he said it because he is genuinely happy that Dust gained weight, because to him weight means that he has a healthy eating habit, that he is not hungry and doesn't restrain himself from eating when hungry like he used to do
But now Dust is sad and he won't eat anymore and Horror doesn't know what went wrong because he was doing so good ! But it's okay, he'll take care of him and help him gain a little more weight, just like he does for everyone
Horror's dream is really seeing everyone being a little chubby, not obese as he knows obesity isn't good either, but he wants to see them gain a little weight, as a proof they aren't hungry, as a reminder that the famine is over and everyone is alright
Because he loves them so much
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howlsofbloodhounds · 27 days
something i placed in the tags of one of my posts got me thinking about how it seems to be a common headcanon in the fandom that killer frequently nicknames people.
then I got to thinking about like killer calling dust “bunny,” and its cute when its used in a friendly or romantic context but I think i like it when its used in an almost affectionate context for killer but for dust its demeaning and dehumanizing.
and then I got to thinking about potential animal themed dehumanizing language he may use for for like horror and cross. and like maybe horror is “hound” or “mutt” or simply something along the line of “dog” and cross gets the extra bit of ✨infantilization✨ with “pup” “cub” “doggy” and “puppy”
my man is a grade A asshole but its okay because it’s entertaining
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When Skeleton does something too mean or bad S/O will wrap them up in a blanket burrito as a punishment. The blanket burritos are inescapable. All main boys except for Willow I don't want to hurt him
Undertale Sans - He's giggling the whole time, not regretting anything for even one second. He accepts the punishment as you're obviously encouraging him to nap. He lets you deal with Papyrus once he gets home to explain to him why he's sleeping instead of doing the dishes.
Undertale Papyrus - He's pouting in his burrito. You're ruining his routine and he's mad. Now he's late and he's going to have to do things twice as fast to recover. Please let him go, he's begging you! That's not funny, how did you even manage to make it impossible to escape? It's a blanket, not one of his elaborate traps!
Underswap Sans - He's struggling, growling, and rolling on the ground in his burrito, trying to free himself. It was funny for the first two minutes, but now he's losing his mind because he hates staying still for more than two minutes. You're laughing at his misery but do nothing to free him.
Underswap Papyrus - That's fine. He gives you the sad pathetic puppy eyes and waits for you to break down. Eventually, it works, only for him to betray you by immediately lunging at you to give you a taste of your own medicine. Now you're the one stuck in the burrito, and unlike you, Honey is very patient and not too much in a hurry to free you.
Underfell Sans - He makes annoying noises with his mouth to piss you off, smiling like a shark in his ridiculous blanket burrito. He's never going to stop. You can try to flee, he's going to teleport right behind you to continue to annoy you. You better let him go fast or he's going to do it even louder.
Underfell Papyrus - You want to annoy him? Good, he can do that too. Edge is screaming. Just screaming. Nonstop. Very loudly. He's going to ruin your day, and won't hesitate to puncture your eardrums if you dare to ignore him. Think of the neighbors, they're definitely going to call the police on you if you don't do something. Edge knows he has already won. You just don't know it yet.
Horrortale Sans - He whines. Not too loudly, but just enough to be annoying. If it doesn't work, he just falls silent, staring at you with sad begging eyes. He can even cry to make you feel bad. As soon as you free him though, he switches back to normal mode, like nothing happened, and you understand he manipulated you, fake crying and everything. He has no regret.
Horrortale Papyrus - He knows really well he can escape your death burrito thanks to his back problem so he teases his brother when he is stuck inside one. You swear they're children sometimes.
Swapfell Sans - Well that's fair. He accepts his defeat. You win this fight for now. But not the war. As soon as he's free, he goes back to his room, throws a blanket from the stairs and your pillow, and locks the door. You're sleeping on the couch tonight as he's pouting all night like a child.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh come on! That's not funny. He's trading his freedom against date ideas. Don't you want to go to Disneyland? He can take you to Disneyland! Or to the mountain! Or to the dump if you want! Please let him out of this horrible prison!
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's displeased. How dare you put the mighty and terrible general of the royal guard in such a humiliating position. He keeps taunting you, asking you to fight him like a real warrior instead of hiding like a coward in the kitchen. You think he can't see you? And he swears if you take one more photo he's going to get really mad and you really are not going to like what's next! You challenged him to come at you. He gives you a death stare, so angry, as he desperately tries to free himself. You better find a way out of this country before he manages to find a way out of this.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Oh well. Since he can't move and that he's comfortable, why struggle against it? Coffee simply falls asleep there. His brother passes by and says he can't believe he got caught this easily. If it was him, it would have never happened. Clearly, he's W E A K. He doesn't see you standing right behind him with a second blanket. Wine doesn't know it yet, but he's already a blanket burrito.
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scared-cr0ws · 1 year
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doodled horror <:)
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