#hot girls cite their sources
skelavender · 8 months
inspired by a comment left by @wannaliveattheholidayinn on chapter 3 of shelter, that one bit in how i met your mother, and @pookie-mulder’s tags on this post
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comment and bonus below the cut !
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aryas-faces · 28 days
Debunking Popular Team Black Arguments
“Alicent abused Rhaenyra!”
Except nothing in the book supports this. In fact, Alicent adored Rhaenyra at first. She called her daughter, asks, “Criston protects the princess, but who protects the princess from Criston?” And then the only reason, per the book, there started to be conflict between them is because Alicent wanted Aegon to be Heir, and for herself to be the first Lady of the Seven Kingdoms. And even than, it doesn’t say Alicent treated Rhaenyra poorly, just that there was tension between them
And in fact, there is more textual evidence that Viserys abused Aegon than there is for Alicent abusing Rhaenyra. Let’s look at the only canonical time Viserys addresses Aegon directly:
“The boy is Alicent’s own blood. She wants him on the throne.”
This is in response to Alicent’s proposal to bind Aegon and Rhaenyra together in marriage and let them rule together. So he not only dehumanizes Aegon by calling him Alicent’s blood (not even son), but also distances himself from acknowledging Aegon as his own child as well
And than there is the only time they directly interact:
Right after Aemond loses his eye, he says that Aegon was the one who told him Rhaenyra’s kids were bastards. Aegon said everyone knows. And so in response to this, “No eyes would be put out (Viserys) decreed…. But should anyone-‘Man or woman or child, noble or common or royal’- mocks his grandsons as ‘Strongs’ again, their tongues would be pulled out with hot pincers.” Viserys is indirectly threatening Aegon here. This is in response to learning that Aegon “lied” to Aemond about Rhaenyra’s sons, of course it’s a threat
And of course, Aegon’s description says he has sullen eyes and pouty lips, aka, he is consistently sad. Why? Probably because his father hates him
“Alicent tormented Rhaenyra and her kids!”
Calling obvious bastards bastards isn’t torment, and it’s actually treason on Rhaenyra’s part to pass them off as Heirs to Driftmark
“Aegon sexually assaults the maids!”
This is actually a hard one because you can’t actually disprove this one. There is the line about pinching and fondling the maids. However, neither word, pinching or fondling, is inherently sexual, so you can also easily read it as him being a Flirt with the maids. Especially because when he is caught with having sex, the book specifically says she is well cared for. He is being caring to a common girl he is sleeping with as a royal in medieval times. That truly speaks to his character
“Aegon is a pedophile, Eustace doesn’t deny her age!”
Eustace’s account isn’t written in response to Mushroom. It is written independently. And the book calls this rumor Mushroom being Mushroom, and then also in response says the girl is well cared for. And The Princess and the Queen, which has no sources, matches Eustace’s version, as well not saying anywhere in the text that girl was 12
“The only reason the Greens usurped her is because she’s a woman!”
Uh no. As they say in the Green Council, the throne by all rights and laws is Aegon’s. Yes, the laws are sexist, but instead of changing them, Viserys sees Rhaenyra as the exception not the rule. The king isn’t above the law. If he wanted Rhaenyra to be heir, he should’ve changed the law. And Otto, Alicent, and Criston ALL cite her cruelty and the fact she would kill Aegon to secure her claim as to why they do this
“Rhaenyra only became cruel when her children started dying!”
Not true. Before any of her kids die, she demands Aemond be tortured for saying the truth about her children, feeds Vaemond to Syrax for the same, marries Daemon shortly after their spouses die, commits treason by passing bastards as Heirs to Driftmark. Rhaenyra is cruel long before any of her children die
“Rhaenyra wouldn’t kill Aegon, it’s a manipulation!”
Why? Just because she offers to spare him? She also says the only reason is because she doesn’t want to be a kinslayer as that would make HER look bad. It’s not out of love or mercy, it’s out of fear of kinslaying. And it doesn’t take much to convince her out of it. Aegon’s peace terms reach her, and her response is, “I will have my throne or I will have his head.” So no. Aegon was ALWAYS in danger of being killed by her
“Rhaenyra is meant to be the hero and Aegon the villain!”
Then why is Rhaenyra cut by the throne while Aegon isn’t? Then why is Rhaenyra motivated by power, while Aegon is by love for his family? Why does Rhaenyra’s cruelty turn her council against her, while Aegon’s is loyal until the end? Why does, while Rhaenyra loses King’s Landing because of her cruelty, Aegon win Dragonstone by turning the Blacks there as well as the smallfolk to his side through charisma ALONE. Why is Rhaenyra’s death written as the villain finally dying, while Aegon’s reign after is described as bittersweet because he defeated her but would never know peace or joy again. Why would Aegon’s death be avenged, and also implied to be suicide? And finally, why would Rhaenyra be forever known with Female Meagor, while Aegon forever known as the True King?
“The book is Green/Maester propaganda/biased against Rhaenyra!”
Be so for real right now. Why would George write a book full of lies? He makes it very clear who is lying and when. The unreliable narrators aren’t a license to pick and choose what you believe. And you genuinely believe most of what’s in this book is a lie, than you have 0 media literacy
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angelasscribbles · 7 months
My Lonely Valentine (The Agreement) A One-Shot
Series: The Agreement
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons, or should I say almost lemons? Lemon adjacent?
Word Count: 3,269
A/N: This is a prequel one-shot. Occurs before the events in the main series.
Submission for the @choicesholidays Valentine's Day prompts.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley walked into the informal dining room of Balymore, her estate in Valtoria, to find the table draped with a red silk cloth, flames flickering from wrought iron candelabras, and gleaming silver cloches gracing the tabletop.
Her mouth fell open and she turned to her husband in name only in astonishment. “What is all this?”
“Oh…ah…” Drake stuttered over his words as his brain spun frantically trying to find the right thing to say that would make his romantic gesture less romantic and not awkward. “I…um…I know you were disappointed that Liam had to cancel your plans for today, so I just wanted to do something to cheer you up.”
Disappointed was an understatement. It was Valentine’s Day and Liam had cancelled their plans. She shouldn’t be surprised. She should be used to it. But it hurt. A good cry and a hot bath had helped, but after a long nap, she’d found herself ravenous. Her quest for food had led her downstairs where she’d followed her nose to find the source of the delicious aroma wafting up to her.
Confusion pinged through her as she took in his demeanor. “What about your plans? Didn’t you have a date?”
“Yeah, well, that fell through.”
“Oh, Drake, I’m so sorry!” Her voice was full of so much sympathy that he felt like an ass for lying.
“It wasn’t anything serious anyway.” The truth was, he had canceled the date when he’d realized Riley would be left home alone. He had only asked the girl out so that he wouldn’t be home when Liam arrived. Not out of jealousy, but fear of discovery. He was sure his best friend could read his love for his supposedly in-name-only wife all over his face.
It was getting harder to fight his feelings for her. The more Liam fucked up and neglected her, the harder it became.
He wasn’t jealous of Liam per se. He loved the guy, and he was fully aware of the myriad web of circumstances that had led to him having to marry for political alliances and not love.
The effect it had on Riley was the same and it hurt him to watch her suffer. He had agreed to marry her to keep her at court and near Liam. A marriage of convenience. A favor for his friends. An act of service for the two people he loved most in the world.
The problem was that the longer they lived together, the closer they became and the harder he fell. He had tried to fix it, put distance between them, but his stupid, traitorous heart wouldn’t let him move on. And he had tried.
The first year they were together had been so full of turmoil that he had just focused on getting her through it. Once they had moved to Valtoria and she had settled into her new position as Duchess, she had encouraged him to find a relationship of his own.
“You shouldn’t have to suffer just because I am.”
The full truth of the situation was that he had only half-heartedly dated so that she would stop worrying about him and his happiness. Because he would do anything for her. Even date other women. But his heart had never been in it.
Every relationship he had entered had ended before it really began. Two or three dates at most. Several of the women had dumped him citing with confusion that he seemed to actually love his wife.
Everyone on the planet could see that, apparently. Everyone but her.
Because she was too busy letting Liam break her heart over and over.
“Still. I’m sorry your date canceled. I know what that feels like.”
“I’m fine.” He brushed her concern off with a twinge of guilt but telling her that he had been the one to cancel would just open up questions he wasn’t ready to answer. Or more to the point, questions he wasn’t sure she was ready to hear the answers to.
He would confess his feelings right then and there if he thought she returned them. But she was in love with Liam. He knew that.
“Stop worrying about my love life and come eat before it gets cold.”
She inhaled deeply as she stepped toward the table, “It smells so good! What is it?”
“Deep fried chicken and cheese stuffed avocado.” He told her as he pulled her chair out for her.
Her face lit up as she sat. “Really?”
“Yes,” he affirmed as he took his own seat. “I know it’s your favorite.”
“But…how? I gave the kitchen staff the night off!” Neither of them had planned to be home.
“Oh, ah…” a flush spread across his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I made it.”
She pulled the cloche off the plate then turned her head to him in bewilderment, “You made this?”
He scoffed while shaking his head. “Don’t act so surprised. I can cook. You know this.”
“I mean yes but this is next level!” The avocados were browned to perfection and served with a beautifully roasted Mediterranean vegetable medley, garlic mashed potatoes, and piping hot Ciabatta bread.
He tried to lighten the mood. “I’m offended that you’re this impressed, Riley. I have mad kitchen skills.”
“I know. I just can’t believe that you did all this for me.” A single tear slid down her cheek.
He leaned forward in concern, wiping the tear away. “Hey, hey, hey! What’s that about?”
“Nothing,” she smiled at him through the wetness pooling in her eyes. “These are happy tears. I didn’t think this day could be salvaged, but you somehow managed it.”
“Yeah, well, what are husbands for?” He gave her a disarming smile as he sat back in his chair and turned his attention to his plate.
She laughed at their shared joke. He always said that when he did something nice for her. It was funny because he wasn’t really her husband.
But he kind of was, wasn’t he?
She dropped her eyes to her plate to cover her sudden flush. He was always doing sweet things like this. He was always there when she needed someone to talk to. Though she would never tell Max or Hana, Drake had become her best friend.
He had left his job as a member of the King’s Guard to move to Valtoria with her. He had been there for her when her grandmother passed away. The last time Liam had stood her up, Drake was ready with her favorite pizza and a movie she’d been wanting to see.
What are husbands for?
It was beginning to feel less and less like a joke because it had become the truth.
How true?
She suspected Drake’s feelings for her. How could she not? She had pushed him to date others. It wasn’t fair to let him waste his life taking care of her when she was in love with another man.
Yet here he was, on Valentine’s Day, taking care of her once again.
She stole a surreptitious glance at him as they ate. Maybe he had deeper feelings for her than she initially suspected.
No, she was imagining things. He was just being a good friend. Because that is what he was. Her friend. And Liam’s.
Guilt swirled through her at the thought of her supposed boyfriend. Annoyance followed the guilt. He had stood her up. Again. Why should she feel guilty for anything? He married another woman for the love of God.
Not because he wanted to.
The guilt was back at the reminder of the impossible situation Liam had been placed in, but it was mingled with hurt, embarrassment, and a fair amount of anger.
She knew everyone thought she was an idiot for waiting around on scraps of the king’s time and affection. For uprooting her entire life to chase after him to Cordonia in the first place, for staying even after his rejection, and for continuing to believe that she was a priority to him.
Everyone but Drake.
He never judged her.
She lifted her eyes to his face as he regaled her with tales of Max’s misadventures from when he had tagged along on Drake’s latest fishing trip with Bastien.
“… And then he tripped over the side of the boat and fell in the water!” Drake shook with laughter at the memory.
Riley forced an obligatory smile, but she had missed most of the story, her mind occupied with an entirely new idea.
Her eyes focused on his mouth hoping he didn’t notice the flush on her face as her mind refused to stray away from imagining what his lips would feel like on her neck, on her mouth…other places….
She forced her eyes down to her plate and focused on eating her dinner. The dinner that her husband in allegedly name only had taken the time to prepare with his own two hands.
When the meal was over, she tried to clear the table, but he wouldn’t let her. “No, no, I’ve got this! I’m just going to clear the table and rinse the plates real quick. Why don’t you go pick something to watch? Whatever you want.”
“You sure? You did all this work. The least I can do is let you pick the movie.”
“Nah.” He waved her offer away. “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
A multitude of emotions swirled through her as she watched him walk out of the room with the dishes. If you’re happy, I’m happy. He meant that. He was always saying things like that. He was always going out of his way to do little things to make her happy.
She made her way to the media room and flipped absently through the streaming selections as a million images of Drake fell through her mind. Drake, making her laugh when she was sad. Drake, holding her when she cried. Drake, always keeping himself between her and the reporters. Drake, scrambling eggs in their kitchen at two a.m. because they’d stayed up late watching stand-up comedy specials again.
When had he become such a huge part of her life? Yes, she had married him, but that had been on paper only, so she could stay near Liam.
And yet it was Drake who had attended her grandmother’s funeral with her. It was Drake who had taken care of her when she had the flu last year. And it was always Drake who picked up the pieces after Liam shattered her heart time and time again.
Why was she keeping him at arm’s length?
He showed up in the media room with her favorite blanket, a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and a small box tucked under his arms.
She accepted the cup and the blanket while trying to peer at the box. “What’s that?”
“Oh, this?” He teased, holding it out toward her but up out of her reach.
Her eyes widened as she glimpsed the label. “Are those dark chocolate truffles?”
“Drake!” She laughed as she deposited her cup on the end table and made a grab for the promised treat.
He lifted them easily out of her reach with a teasing smile. “What? Did you want these?”
“You know I do!” She tried to pout but the smile tugging her lips upward made that difficult to maintain.
“I don’t know….” He pretended to think deeply about it. “Maybe I should keep these for myself.”
With a joyful laugh, she launched herself off the couch, her fingers touching, but not completely grasping the elusive chocolates. The impact of her body colliding into his, combined with his misstep as he tried to dodge her, sent him toppling backward onto the couch where he landed in a slightly reclined position. Her momentum carried her forward so that she landed on top of him, laying on his chest, looking up into his face.
They were both laughing as their gazes met. A sudden silence descended on them as they stared into each other’s eyes. The smiles faded as lips parted and breath caught.
She moved first, bringing her lips to his. Her kiss was tentative. His response was not.
His arms went around her, the box of truffles dropped and forgotten on the floor. He pulled her tight against him as his tongue deftly took control of her mouth. One hand tangled in her hair as the other slipped under her shirt to caress the smooth skin of her back. A plaintive whimper escaped him as he pressed his rapidly growing hardness up into her.
Riley responded, melting into his embrace, no longer tentative. She pressed herself against him as their kisses became more passionate, almost frantic.
She broke the kiss to gasp for air. “Drake…should we—"
Drake froze for a moment, and then jolted upright, gently moving her off him. “Shit, Riley!” He raked a hand through his hair as he pushed himself back away from her. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry!”
“What are you sorry for? I kissed you!”
“It was just the heat of the moment.”
“Is that all it was?” She asked him softly.
“Yeah…” He responded unconvincingly.
“Are you sure it wasn’t more than that?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…” her fingers twisted the hem of her shirt nervously. “You made this whole romantic dinner…”
“I wanted to cheer you up. Because we’re friends and—"
“You went out of your way to get me my favorite candy.”
“No, I didn’t. I just….” He closed his eyes with a shuddering sigh before pushing through with the lie. “I was already in the store, and I saw it…”
“You’re a bad liar.”
His eyes flew open, and he fixed her a look that was almost pleading. “What do you want from me, Riley?”
“I think the question is, what do you want from me, Drake?” She scooted closer to him taking in the way he watched her warily. Like a rabbit watching a coyote approach, his face full of fear, longing, and a guarded passion.
He swallowed thickly and tried for a normal tone of voice. “The movie…”
Her hand slid up his thigh to the bulge in his pants. “A movie? Is that really what you want right now?”
“Fuck…” he breathed out in defeat as a shudder ran through his body. He grabbed her wrist to stop her but instead of pushing her away as he had intended, he found himself pulling her into him as he leaned forward, and then they were kissing again.
Lips and hands explored bodies and pulled at clothing. His heart thundered in his chest as a small part of his mind screamed at him to stop, to put the brakes on this.
That part was overruled as she pulled her top off and dropped it on the floor next to them. He stopped breathing for a moment as he drank in her naked form. He yanked his own shirt off and dove back in.
Riley arched her back as she gave herself over to the sensations cascading through her body. Drake’s hands on her bare skin were calloused, rough. The friction was a sharp contrast to the smoothness of her bare flesh. It felt good, forbidden, delicious. She shivered as goosebumps erupted along her spine.
His hot lips on her throat sent ribbons of white-hot desire shooting through her and coiling in her center.
She cried out in protest when he withdrew that touch. “Why are you stopping?”
“I…we shouldn’t…”
“Don’t you want me?”
A self-deprecating laugh slipped out of him. “I want you so fucking bad….you have no idea….. but not like this.”
“Like what?”
“You’re upset…vulnerable...”
“I was upset.” She drew his hand back to her body; he didn’t resist as she placed it so it was cupping a pert breast. “That’s not what I’m feeling right now.”
He was struggling mightily to keep his voice even as he gasped for breath. “…don’t want you to regret…”
“I won’t…”
“You’re in love with Liam…”
“I am…” She dropped her hand and pulled back a little. “We can stop if you want.”
“If I want?” His gaze searched hers, unsure exactly what he was looking for.
“Yes, you. I don’t want to stop.”
“But Liam—”
“I don’t want to think about Liam right now, Drake. I don’t want to think about tomorrow or what any of this means. But…” She moved away from him reluctantly. “I understand if you do.”
He instantly regretted the distance between them.
Before he could decide how to proceed, there was a knock at the door.
Drake’s eyes closed as frustration, relief and a smidge of anger pinged through him.
There was only one person it could be this late.
Talk about timing.
He quickly pulled his shirt back on and tossed her blouse to her. “I’ll go answer the door. You might want to fix your hair, it’s a little mussed.”
“No, it’s okay,” he told her as he pulled her to him and dropped a quick kiss on the top of her head before pushing her gently away. “Go make yourself presentable. I’ll show Liam in.”
“Right.” She redressed and hurried over to the closest mirror to smooth her hair back into place.
Drake combed his fingers through his own hair on his way to the front door. Pulling it open, he greeted his best friend with, “Thought you couldn’t get away, Your Majesty?”
“Some last-minute things came up, but I finally managed to slip away.”
“It’s a little late. Valentine’s Day is pretty much over.”
Liam glanced at his watch as he stepped through the doorway. “Not really. Where is she? And why are you home? I thought you had a date.”
Drake shrugged. “She canceled on me. Sick pet or something.” He was only a little horrified at how easily the lie rolled off his tongue. “Riley’s in the media room. We were just about to watch a movie.”
Liam started down the hall. Looking over his shoulder, he asked, “Are you coming?”
“No. I’m going to turn in early. You two have fun.”
He needed a shower. A cold one.
He sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He slammed his bedroom door behind him and then leaned back against it, gently banging his head into it several times before muttering to himself, “The fuck did I just do? Stupid, stupid, stupid!”
He shed his clothes as he walked across to the room and into the ensuite. He needed relief.
The water pounded down on him as he wrapped his hand around himself. His head tipped back and his eyes fell closed as he remembered her half-naked form in front of him, the feel of her skin under his fingers, the taste of her lips…..
He groaned out loud as streams of milky whiteness pulsed out of him and splashed onto the tile. He placed both hands on the wall and leaned forward, letting the water run over the back of his head as he watched the detritus of his desire swirl down the drain.
It wasn’t the first time that his ardor for her had landed him in this position, but he knew it was different this time.
They had crossed a line tonight. A line that couldn’t be uncrossed. Even though they hadn’t done the deed, the genie was out of the bottle-- his feelings for her, their obvious sexual attraction to each other, all of it.
He just had no idea what to do about any of it.
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miapcain · 6 months
are the outfits in VDtWOF inspired by anything in particular or generic in a way?
Thank you for the ask! I love getting these :p
I had the opportunity to borrow a historian's rare book on 14th century bohemian clothing after he heavily criticized the last game I had a big hand in, Rhythm of Triverz, for period inaccuracies. That gave me a convenient ceiling for the most advanced gowns and armour you could expect in the region at the time. Resources on this are extant online but many don't cite their sources and most good ones are maintained on individual german historians' websites, so I need to do more research on this in general, but here are my basic rules for designing their clothes:
Everyone wears long gowns. Hose were pretty rare in this period. Women might have slightly longer dresses
Everyone wears a plain "shift," a garment that's worn under the main article of clothing. This is the one that gets washed
Garments, even rich ones, are unicolour. Mixed fabrics and colours appear later.
There's very little embroidery or detailwork on regular clothing
A garment will be worn with a belt, which might be longer the higher a person's status, and a pouch carrying an eating knife and other personal items
Most people will wear a head covering. Married women will always cover their hair outdoors, other women might do so too, and all women and girls cover their hair in church. Most common hats should be bundhauben or gugel.
A garment can be worn with a contrasting cloak (blue/red is a common one)
Jewellery is occasionally ok, but no piercings (?)
Shoes as we know them are more 14th/15 century; no big boots. Most shoes will be more like pointed leather socks or for ladies silk slippers. Poor people might wear wooden clogs.
No or very few fancy cuts. Later on you see tunics and gugel with with triangular or even fancier hems; This possibly exists very rarely in a limited capacity on things like a noblewoman's 'Kruseler' veil at this time, but that's probably it.
No black. No one depicted in this comic would be rich enough to waste money on black dye. Nuns and so on wear undyed or brown wool.
Military clothing is more "primitive" than might be expected. Not really any fancy visor helmets or big articulated suits of armour yet, most men-at-arms and even knights wear a mail shirt and a surcoat
As I understand, and I'm more than happy to be corrected on any of this, this applies almost universally. Peasants working in the field will wear dyed colourful garments, not plain rags. If it's hot, you don't take the outer garment off, you tuck the front hem of it in your belt to expose the shift. Masons will climb ladders and haul stone in this stuff. Some labourers or craftspeople will wear an apron and other specialized clothing like a toolbelt, too.
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Note how Vesna wears a plain linen shift under her nicer yellow dress. I usually draw her with the sleeves all the way at the wrist, which would be the appropriate way to wear them, but she has it folded back here to make the composition nicer.
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Bonus: Amusing pictures of King Václav IV slaying (150 years after when Vesna is set) and the "work uniform" of a bathhouse maid
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shineemoon · 1 year
6 most legendary stages, out of 800 episodes aired by Mnet's “M Countdown”, selected by PDs
✨ SHINee - Dream Girl ✨ Mnet's "M Countdown" chief producer Yoon Shin Hye picked SHINee's "Dream Girl" stage, which aired in February 2013. According to Yoon: “I remember many artists' performances, but SHINee's 15th anniversary this year was a hot topic. Among them, 'Dream Girl' is an episode that is talked about so well that even some of the members do not notice that the microphone pedestal was missing.”
✨ SHINee - Everybody ✨ Aside from "Dream Girl," Chief PD Yoon also selected SHINe's "Everybody" stage and cited its perfect choreo, movement, costumes, cameras and lighting. Watching it, there's no single boring part, satisfying viewers from the beginning to the end of the performance. (Source: KpopStarz)
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whomadewaffles · 7 months
Pjhazel incorrect qoutes Part 2!
this one feels more pj-centric so...sorry to the haters, but I think she's amazing so.
As last time, long post under the cut, sorry for not citing the sources, bad language and raunchy humour abound ect ect.. enjoy!
Hazel: Pspspsps
Pj *walking over to her*: What are you doing idiot, trying to call a cat?
Hazel *frantically taking notes*: Holy shit it worked
*note: to me, Hazel is dog coded, and pj is very cat coded*
*Hazel has a date with a girl at school, and pj is having a normal one about it*
Josie *gasps*:...You're JEALOUS!
Pj *clearly jealous*: I am NOT jealous. And I'll tell you why I'm jealous - Because I'm not jealous!
josie: You're not making any sense.
Pj:  - Oh and all of a sudden you're the President of Things that Make Sense?!
Pj *talking to Mr .G with the club about the next meeting or something*
Pj: Cool, thanks, dad
*everyone staring at her*
Pj: Why is everyone staring at me?
Isabel: You just called Mr .G “dad”.
Pj: *scoffs* No, I didn’t, I said thanks, man.
Mr G: Do you see me as a father figure, girl?
Pj: No! If anything, I see you as a bother figure cause you’re always bothering me.
Josie *not one to miss out on messing with her best friend a little*: Hey! Show your father some respect.
Pj: I didn’t call him dad!
Hazel *carves "pj + Hazel" into a tree*
Pj: What a nerd.
Pj *adds "4ever"*
Hazel: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
Pj: …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out in bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Hazel: Mother nature is beautiful
Pj *panting trying to catch her breath*: MOTHER NATURE IS A WHORE!!!!
Pj: relax, Principle meyers won’t be able to trace this back to us.
Josie: Are you for real? He traces everything back to us! He traces things we haven’t even done back to us!
Pj: You're wearing make-up.
Hazel: Oh, it's just eyeliner. Do you like it?
Pj: ... Looks okay... I guess.
Pj *freaking out to josie later*: she looked so good.
Josie: I know.
Pj: I'm so gay.
Josie: I know...
Pj: Being horny 24/7 and a virgin is not for the weak.
Hazel: Do you even have a self-care routine?
Pj: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
Pj : Going overboard is basically 75% of my personality.
Pj: I'm a gorgeous hot mess.
Hazel: Sometimes I worry I'm being awkward, but then I remember it's half my charm, so I redouble my efforts immediately.
Hazel: Things look a little tense.
Pj: Don't worry, I'm gonna open with a joke.
Hazel: Please don't.
Pj: But now they come for my girl?
Pj: My sweet, defenseless hazel?
Hazel: ...
Hazel: …I know how to make bombs.. I have 16 taekwondo medals, and I'm the best fighter in the club?! I killed someone with a football helmet?!
Pj: Good news! I didn’t screw up!
Hazel: …
Pj: I screwed up less badly than usual!
Hazel: …
Pj: Screwed up with less immediate consequences than usual
Pj: *drunk and hitting HEAVILY on Hazel*
Hazel *blushing*: Usually, I would love to take you up on the offer, pj, but you're too drunk to consent...
Stella-Rebecca: Aww, that's sweet, Hazel. I'm sure pj appreciates that you don't want to take advantage of her.
*pj driving with hazel in the passenger seat*
Pj: I'd be really lost without you, Hazel.
Hazel: Pj! That's so sweet, I'd be lost without you aswell.
Pj: No, no, literally, where the fuck are we.
Pj: Would you still love me?
Hazel: ...If what?
Pj: *voice cracking* No, that was the question..
*note: its pj's abandonment issues coming through*
Pj: the power of women's history month is coursing through your veins
Mr.G: Women's histordeez nuts!
*Warning: this is an ANGSTY one, my friends- don't worry, they work it out. As a sidenote; watch the scott pilgrim show if you haven't already. It's so good*
Pj: the truth is, I was too afraid to face you and my feelings
Hazel *angrily*: So you left without a word?!
Hazel: You made me feel like nothing.
Hazel: You we're afraid? Good for you!
Hazel: All I ever wanted was for you to see me.
Pj *holds back tears knowing she fucked up badly*
Hazel: No, I'm not tired of being nice. Yes, I still just wanna go apeshit. These things can coexist, stop asking me.
Hazel: my kink is saying something incredibly corny and watching you speed run the five stages of grief as you realize with horror you still want to fuck me.
Pj *pillow over her face*: I am begging you, Hazel, please get a new kink…
Pj: Hazel figured out she can sneakily stick a note on someone’s back.
Pj: But she doesn’t know they should say things like “kick me”, so they just have cat facts on them.
Hazel: You idiot!
Pj: I’m sure you’re right, but why?!
Brittney: Can you come collect your freak of a girlfriend please, she's doing things
Hazel: No.
Hazel: I set her loose on purpose, she needed enrichment.
Isabel: Ever since you started dating, you've become really nice and kind to Hazel. It's sweet
Pj: Well, duh, I'm not stupid. You don't bite the hand that fingers you, or whatever the saying is.
Pj: I need bitches, how to I get bitches wise one 🙏🙏🙏
Rhodes: Well, first off, you gotta stop calling them that, girl.
Pj: It's nice to see you again.
Hazel: Are you talking to my cooch?
Pj: Yes.
Pj: Vulnerability is like so hard. If I told you anything sappy, Hazel, please know that I had to do hand to hand combat with seven layers of embarrassment, regression, and abandonment issues.
Hazel: Pj, people love you and care about you whether you like it or not. I love you whether you like it or not. And no matter how hard you try to push me away, I'm not going anywhere. So just get used to it, okay?
Pj: I guess I’m just a bad person.
Hazel: No, you’re not a bad person. You’re a terrific person. You’re my favorite person. But sometimes you can be a real asshole.
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
why do you infantilize Lyanna like she doesn't know her own mind? she's already a grown woman if we go by the standards of Westeros. you might as well say Daenerys ordering the torture of the daughters is done under duress. or joffrey was just a misguided boy in the end. He's even younger than Lyanna. Ygritte would have slit Jon's throat when they were alone if she really wanted to. same with Arya if she married Ramsay. it's in the text that is what they would do and they parallel Lyanna. don't you think the author was trying to tell us that Rhaegar did not rape Lyanna?
again i say your justification in text does not exist.
everything you are mentioning isn’t even remotely similar to what lyanna went through! joff, dany, robb, they are LEADERS making MILITARY CHOICES that involve killing, torturing, burning crops, sacking cities, and harassing peasantry. lyanna is third born, not in any sort of leadership position, and makes a dumb choice for reasons we don’t have any context for. this is like saying alys harroway is responsible for the shitty decisions maegor makes since she agreed to marry an already married man. i’m also not reiterating the arya point beyond - go reread her chapters. seriously, go reread her riverlands arc and watch her, gendry, and hot pie get their asses handed to them over and over again and then tell me that she would be capable without any magical help of killing ramsey.
and think about what you are you saying here - does this mean ramsey never raped jeyne poole because she didn’t kill him? does this mean rhaella was never raped by aerys, because she didn’t kill him? is daenerys not a rape victim, because in order to cope with the horror that was her life married to drogo, she forced herself to fall in love with him and mourns his death? was naerys not almost literally raped to death by aegon, all because she was too sickly to kill him? in the show, alicent is 15 when she marries viserys - are you saying this was fine actually, because according to westerosi standards she was basically a woman grown? sansa parallels lyanna too - does this mean joffrey never abused her, because she romanticizes him in her head for a while?
also, do you want to know ygritte never actually slits jon’s throat (after losing a fight to him, because sometimes you just lose a fight, a fact you have very pointedly ignored to make this silly point)? it’s because jon is nice to her! he doesn’t, for example, keep her under constant watch in a tower guarded by three of the most elite knights in all of westeros, until she dies of a birthing fever while screaming out for tormund to come save her!! we have like three lines of dialogue from lyanna and not a one is about rhaegar! you are citing a source that does not exist!!
and i am ending with - i do not give a single solitary shit that lyanna was considered a grown adult at 16 by westerosi standards. drogo’s marital rape is acceptable by westerosi standards. robert’s abuse of cersei is acceptable by westerosi standards. what EYE think the author is telling us is that sometimes princes do not have the best interests of their people at heart, and sometimes little girls will romanticize the terrors they experience so they can get through the day. what EYE think is that dany, sansa, and jeyne, all very young girls who are married off to powerful men with no choice, all think of killing themselves to escape their lives. because 14, 15, 16, is the age of a CHILD and not an adult.
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understandingbimbos · 8 months
If you are specifically only interested in bimbofication as transformation AND bimbos as a cultural figure, I feel like that’s a difficult perspective to reconcile. Because there are hardly any bimbofication-transformations in mass media. Popular bimbo (or bimbo-ish) figures are almost always just “like that,” the bimboism is essential to their personality and always has been. Hot girl makeover narratives are a popular genre but they usually go to pains to make it clear that the subject’s personality/sense of self is mostly unchanged.
Anyways I think your writing is really interesting and articulate and hope you keep going. Do you have a sense of your target audience? I feel like your work probably doesn’t appeal to most people in the fetish because it’s nuanced and critical, which is a good thing, but hard if you want more people to read/engage with your stuff. Good luck!
I want the book to be open to and palatable to outsiders as a source of information, but I don't have specific or concrete audience besides that. I would like my approach to the subject matter to be somewhere between Dworkin and Scott McCloud.
And... yes, you do not see bimbofication in the mainstream. The closest I've seen any film come to it is Nightmare Sisters from 1988 and Repligator from 1998, and calling either of those mainstream is being very generous. I think there's also a bit part in Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama. And the comic adaptation of Dragon's Lair has Daphne getting dumber while she's trapped in her bubble, there's no growth but she already has a sexy/curvaceous body.
Then there's those two episodes of Sabrina, the one where she gets stuck looking like a walking pinup, and one where her evil doppelganger curses her to become stupid and boy crazy. There's that infamous scene from Leprechaun 3 with Stretch. One sort of indirect one that sticks with me, and I think I've mentioned this before, is what happens to Lorraine in Back to the Future 2. When Marty goes back to the bad present that Biff fucked up and his mom now an alcoholic trophy wife in a glitzy dress and big fake implants, but I don't know if that stuck with anyone else.
Lastly, I've seen others cite the animated explanation sequence in The Stepford Wives (2004) and Foxy Loxy's transformation in Chicken Little (2005). I don't think I've posted anything from any of these movies, and I really probably should.
I'm also not sure if this is something I've actually posted or just thought about but it struck me quite recently that bimbofication is really just an inverse of the Galatea myth, as in Pygmalion, as in My Fair Lady, as in Born Yesterday, Pretty Woman. Where you have in these narratives low-class women and sometimes straight up actual bimbos being reformed and becoming proper ladies, bimbofication is the exact opposite. You don't see it because it is a narrative tragedy, nearly horror, nowhere near romantic, a proper lady becoming a common whore...
(Which reminds me, I forgot the best "mainstream" "bimbofication" sequence, Halle Berry in Movie 43, remind me to post this later)
Anyway, like I was saying, a nightmare. But when we consider it in the context of Pygmalion, ancient myth, the very idea of bimbofication becomes a lot less insane. Pyggie took to crafting Galatea because he saw women practicing prostitution and begin to detest "the faults beyond measure which nature has given to women". It only stands to reason that there have been at least some people throughout human history, way before any of us were around, before bimbos, before bimbofication, that felt the exact opposite -- people who detested not whores but the stuffy or virtuous woman. People who's ideal Galatea would be no pure and innocent but wanton and shameless. And when George Bernard Shaw adapted and modernized this story in 1913, I'm sure that idea wormed its way into the head of even more people, even though we may never know. Someone had to read or watch the story of Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins and dream of the opposite, respectable lady to stupid bitch.
(Which reminds me... I forgot The Twilight Zone Episode, Number 12 Looks Just Like You. I have a post drafted on my other blog referencing that you might see soon. Maybe. Maybe not.)
I guess that's all to say, you are absolutely correct that there is no real basis for bimbofication in popular media. The seeds have existed here and there for a long time but that doesn't mean any of it was a direct or intentional influence. I think I made a forum post asking bimbofication authors about it and their frame of reference seemed to be entirely underground science-fiction and other erotica writers.
And who's to say who inspired by the bimbofication BDSM people, or how far back that goes? Or the artists who draw transformation sequences? Who drew the first bimbo TF sequence? Did the idea just come to them? That's kind of the thing.
Respectable lady to stupid bitch slut, no matter how niche this fetish is, is NOT a novel concept by any means. For those of who are into bimbofication as a revenge fantasy, its pretty much basic misogyny, no different than Pygmalion's, just in a different direction.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
So I came across a meta post based on screenshots [X][X] of the list of book titles shown in 4x18 that Chuck published. There's a discrepancy where only 24 titles are given when there are 60 tv episodes across that span. Now not only did the meta author skip right past the possibility that since novels are generally longer than a tv show episode, books might generally cover multiple episodes? As well as the even more likely possibility that whoever was typing up the list for the props department got lazy?
The post directly jumped right into full on stan conspiracy-think of how this must be why all the fans in the SPNverse are Sam girls because Chuck purposefully omitted all of Dean's best episodes! Naturally this gets built on in the replies & comments, with even more conspiratorial leaps about how the writers were trying to make fans in-universe love Sam and think he was a hero because nobody does in the real world (snort) yadda yadda Chuck won theory is true yadda yadda D/C was silenced *sob* yadda yadda the story was writing itself without the permission of the writers writing it [crazy eyes].
My other glaring issue - aside from the obvious of what an absurdly biased load of batshit all of that is? I just do not understand why someone trying to suggest a genuinely legitimate theory about a show spanning fifteen years and many different writers? Wouldn't consider for a hot minute before running full tilt with an idea: Hey, this is one random-ass prop screen from one episode that Sam scrolls by fairly quick, does this actually line up with how much of the story we're shown the in-universe fans getting elsewhere? Spoiler: No.
Let's ignore that Chuck specifically mentions the ghost ship from Red Sky at Morning, which isn't on the list, in that very same episode. He could be getting visions of stories and not writing them - unlikely but possible. No, lets jump to Crowley using the books in Clip Show to track down and kill "everyone [Sam & Dean have] ever saved". He says he's able to do it because he has "his sources and a crack research team" as he's shown with a pile of Chuck's books as he's saying it [X]. It's unlikely he would have found Sarah from Provenance through another source besides the books, but theoretically possible.
What you can't use handwaves to set aside, though? Is that as the scene continues, he holds up a copy of what is clearly A Very Supernatural Christmas [X], which is not on the list. It's shown again as part of Metatron's library in Meta Fiction, along with Tall Tales [X], also not on the list. These are direct in-universe physical books shown onscreen. While we're at it, there are a couple of times fan characters make it clear in dialogue other episodes/books exist. In The Real Ghostbusters, Demian and Barnes walk by Sam and Dean playacting a scene directly from Hunted about John's last order regarding Sam. Same episode, Becky tells them about Crowley getting the Colt from Bela, specifically citing the title of Time is On My Side. Last one, in Fan Fiction, Marie immediately jumps to knowing what a tulpa is and says, "Well, in Hell House, Sam & Dean-". None of those three books are on that list. So that list is NOT a comprehensive one for all the published books in-universe.
Part of me really wants to go on an even more extended rant here about fixating on one blink-and-you'll-miss-it detail and imbuing it with six metric tons of meaning without even once seeming to consider if it's actually remotely significant or, y'know, put in with legitimate intention. Even if the meaning being projected isn't completely bonkers. Seeing this done over and over again by people latching myopically onto whatever random tidbit will let them jump to the conclusions they already want ... sigh. Like, this is not how you come up with a good theory, starting from an utterly rotten base!
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otmaaromanovas · 2 years
hi! Approximately how long was OTMA’s hair when they died? I have heard something about them being able to part it but that’s it. Thank you!
Off memory, it was about shoulder length. One source describes their hair as being "tumbled and disorderly" the day before their murder, seen by the washerwomen who came to clean the house. However, take that with a pinch of salt because it comes from Helen Rappaport's book, and she did not bother citing her sources :(
They shaved their heads in Spring 1917, so it had just over a year of growth from being completely shaved.
Here's what I could find:
The search of Ipatiev House revealed a number of hair pins (now owned by the Russian History Museum, Jordanville), indicating that the girls' hair was at least long enough to be pinned back, or perhaps pinned up, as this photo of Anastasia at Tobolsk in OTMA's bedroom suggests.
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Most of the sources directly relating to their hair come from Tobolsk.
Here is a letter from Alix to Anna Vyrubova dated 15 December 1917:
'...Anastasia, to her despair, is now very fat, as Maria was, round and fat to the waist, with short legs. I do hope she will grow. Olga and Tatiana are both thin, but their hair grows beautifully so that they can go without scarfs...'
Funny story about her short hair from Anastasia sent during the journey to Tobolsk (I think that this was actually an English exercise set by her tutors, I've kept in her original spellings):
17 August 1917
My dear Friend. I will describe to you who [how] we travelled. We started in the morning and when we got in to the train I went to sleap , so did all of us. We were very tierd because we did not sleap the whole night. The first day was hot and very dusty. At the stations we had to shut out window curtanse than nobody should see us. Once in the evening I was looking out we stopped near a little house, but there was no staition so we could look out. A little boy came to my window and asked: "Uncle, please give me, if you have got, a newspaper." I said: "I am not an uncle but an anty and I have no newspaper." At the first moment I could not understand why did he call me "Uncle" but then I remembered that my hear is cut and I and the soldiers laught very much. On the way many funy things hapend, and if I shall have time I shall write to you our travell father on. Good by. Don’t forget me. Many kisses from us all to you my darling.
Your A.
And here are some photos for context...
Olga's hair in 1917, before being shaved off:
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Two photos of Tatiana in Tobolsk, one with very noticeably shaved and short hair and one more full (featuring Olga). I would guess that the first photo is from when they just arrived (the sunny weather also gives this away) and the second is towards their end at the Governor's House.
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We know that the photo of her with her head shaved is from Tobolsk, rather from 1913 when she had it shaved, as the same little child appears in this photo sat between Olga and Alexei:
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Maria's hair in Tobolsk (middle, without hat)
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Of course, they mostly wore hats in Tobolsk (it sounds absolutely freezing!!!) so it's hard to tell under their hats and shawls the exact length, especially considering they probably pinned their hair up as soon as it was long enough
But there is this photo, taken after Maria, Nicky, and Alix left for Ekaterinburg:
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I'm sorry I couldn't answer more specifically about their hair at Ekaterinburg! I am 99% sure I have read in a book that their hair was shoulder length, I believe it might have been from the account of the Father Ivan Storozhev who gave service to the family shortly before they were killed, however I cannot remember which book... You can read more about Father Storozhev's testimony here and here. A number of Father Storozhev's personal items were auctioned in 2017, including items tied to the Imperial Family. You can view them here.
If I come across the quote I'm thinking of, I will add it here.
Also, unrelated, but there is a very interesting scientific paper you can read here (I think you might need library of uni access unfortunately) that describes how strands of hair found in a portrait of Alexei helped with DNA identification. It's far too scientific for me lol, but interesting at a glance.
This next bit is VERRRRRRY very very unlikely, but the whole family and their entourage had identification photos taken when they arrived in Tobolsk. I would assume that this would include photos of their hair uncovered as it was for ID. However, this are seemingly lost to time. They might turn up one day, but I'm not too hopeful unfortunately. But if they do, it would give us a lot more info, and some good quality close ups of the family.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
Hi going on anon for the sake of safety and so on- I've been digging into the stuff around Sparkly/edgarallancrow2030 because some people have been accusing a friend of being that person- and I needed some clarification on some things if you potentially had it.
Do you know around what age that person is now? From the writing before it seemed they were a woman, is this assessment accurate?
Sorry for this randomly coming out of nowhere but I'm trying to find any and all information I can on this person and front to know for certain what's up.
Its fine, I can understand wanting to figure out if Sparky is around you or not, given the amount of times I had to deal with being unsure if a new follower was Sparky stalking me again or not. In terms of what your asking about Sparky:
*I sadly cannot tell you what Sparky's age is because I do not know how old he is either. Sparky either didn't put his age on all the blogs he made or if he did, they varied in ages. One claimed he was 23 for example, but as you can see with his current twitter, he's claiming to be 30 now. I just know at this point, he falls into the adult age range. *The whole being a woman claim you are likely getting from the first ever blog Sparky had, aka trans-gliter-girl-sparky (aka where Sparky's nickname came from cause its either that or refer to Sparky with whatever blog he has going right now and that's impossible to keep track off so), as he claimed to be a trans-woman on that blog, but later on in different blogs, dropped that via claiming at first to be going by differing pronouns and then finally, just went by he/him on blogs and on his current twitter, so Sparky's gender is he/him confirmed.
And in terms of stuff I can give you that can help a little more in identifying Sparky:
*Sparky's name is Ian (sources being his blogs and such). *Sparky claims to be in America (sources again being his blogs and also when someone I know went on an alt and talked to him, he assumed it was me and told me to come to the states and give....*gag*...daddy a kiss). *Sparky also claimed to be in terms of ancestry: Irish, Iberian and Mexican (source being one of his blogs). *Sparky used to mention a grandma a-lot at least (source basically all his blogs). *Sparky is a pro-shipper whose very much into incest and age-gap ships (...Do I need to cite a source when you likely saw his tweet saying incest is hot and based??? Because that was all he had in his following in all his tumblr blogs as well and was into age-gap ships like Percy Jackson X Luke Castellan and basically confirmed liking these ships in his bios each time). *Sparky is a self-admitted pedo who did erotic role-plays with minors and for all we know could still be doing that but trying to hide it better now (source sparky himself). *Sparky is into anime and animation fandoms- I can't exactly name a-lot of the anime ones beyond Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Fullmetal Alchemist (based on headers and icons used on his blogs)- but in terms of animation, shows like South Park and The Owl House. *Sparky also likes DC based on icons and usernames and following and posts in the past and actually started hating/stalking me over me hating the MCU so likes the MCU as well. *Is a self admitted bootlicker for cooperation's like Disney and is also a monarchist (mainly cause I hate the monarchy...yeah Sparky admitted in the past that whatever I hate or like, he will do the opposite).
That's all from top of my head and also screenshots I could find. Hopefully this was a help to you, and I do hope for you that you don't have Sparky near you because...yeah Sparky is um...a fucking mess. If you want anymore info, I recommend checking out @antipeegirlarchive as their last post has info and screenshots about Sparky.
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starlight-write · 1 year
🔥🧠Welcome to Braindump Central™🧠🔥
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❤️ Welcome to my own personal Hell! ❤️ Here is where I store all my weird thoughts and writing projects that would have my neurodivergent ass shunned by my friends and family if revealed to the real world.
Originally, this blog was meant solely for writing tk fics (tw btw!). And while that is still our primary focus here, you can also find some regular-ass fanfics on my AO3 account, (which will be revealed soon enough) as well as sleep deprived ramblings, a shit ton of reblogs, and all sorts of other nonsensical shit.
The current annual hyperfixation that haunts my every waking moment is Hazbin Hotel, if that wasn't already obvious enough. So most of what I write will revolve around that.
Other fandoms I will write for are My Hero Academia, The Amazing Digital Circus, and The Owl House. (I live under a rock and don't know much else.)
Requests are Open and here are The Rules™!!!!
1.) Story Prompts, Character Headcannons, Character Pairings and similar ideas are all free game. (Also if you just want to talk, please I'm so lonely.)
1.5.) Requests aren't limited to fandom or tk fics! I love a good challenge so if you got a good prompt you wanna hit me with, I'm all ears!
2.) Obviously, I reserve the right to deny any requests if I can't vibe with it but don't think that means I appreciate your inputs any less!
3.) I will not write anything NSFW. (Dude, there are children here!)
4.) Requests will NOT be answered in a timely manner as I have the time management skills of a narcoleptic seahorse and run off of hyperfixation and spite alone.
5.) I'm not comfortable writing anyone's OCs for fandom fics, sorry.
6.) Keep it silly. Keep it fun. Don't be an asshole.
About the Author: (over sharing)
Here's some personal details about me that I feel like have a significant affect on my perception of reality and therefore my writing as a whole.
First things first, my irl pronouns are she/her. But let's be real, we're on Tumblr so call me whatever you want. Get creative with it.
I'm a 21y/o software engineering student diagnosed ADHD. (I keep praying to God but he's not answering) But y'know, that double homicide clearly wasn't enough and I got nerfed with a chaotic and relatively unstable living situation so if I go ghost for a hot minute that's probably why.
I identify myself as a sapphic-oriented AroAce abomination who ironically, is in a happy relationship with a man... (It was an accident I swear!) I'm just as confused as you are don't worry. So needless to say the pairings I write are going to be affected by that aroace lens but hey, if you're like me and enjoy exploring platonic dynamics a lot more then you've come to the right place!
Your girl also has a condition known as Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MaDD), as if my pea-brain wasn't screwed enough already. Pretty self explanatory, basically means I have this dumbass condition where I have to disassociate into my fantasy worlds for hours and hours on end instead of actually contributing to society. Fun, right? I mention this not only to spread a little awareness but also to *cite my sources* in a way. Pretty sure it's forced me to become a better writer in a way, too. So it's not all bad ig.
If you want any more personal information out of me you either gotta hunt down my FBI agent or fill out my friendship criteria form on Github.
Now scroll and enjoy yourself.
Also if I get one more dm blasting me for the badges I probably won't do anything but IT WAS FOR THE BIT!!!!
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kyndaris · 1 year
A Hidden World
Popo and I woke early the next day, mostly owing to the return of my temporary insomnia, but also because during our trip through Turkey, we were expected to always be on the coach by 8AM. As for why my insomnia returned? Impossible to know although I chalk it up to me watching YouTube videos quite late on my phone and sneaking in a few songs on my Switch before bed. 
Hey! Even though I was travelling overseas, a girl’s got to treat herself, all right?
Regardless, we were up and getting our luggage stowed into the underbelly of the coach and eating a decent breakfast. By 8AM we were seated on the coach and ready for the long journey east to a small town in the Black Sea region of northern Turkey: Safranbolu. 
Along the way, we stopped for lunch and also enjoyed brief toilet breaks at petrol stations along the highway. At one particular stop, a Shell station, I purchased some hot chocolate that was middling at best. To be fair, it was still superior to whatever I had in North America but once you’ve had Australian coffee/ hot chocolate, there is simply no going back. Especially if you like milk froth.
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It was about 2PM when we pulled into the UNESCO World Heritage City of Safranbolu. Of particular interest to tourists is the Old Town, which showcased hundreds upon hundreds of preserved red-roofed Ottoman houses on cobblestone streets. The only thing missing were horse drawn cabs. While I was wandering the streets and admiring it from above, the architecture of the houses somewhat reminded me of old Tudor-style houses although there werestill quite a few differences.
Unfortunately, leading Popo around the city centre meant that I missed out on many an explanation from the tour guide. Wikipedia, which is CLEARLY a reliable source that should be cited often, tells me that the name of the town derives from the spice, Saffron, and the Greek work ‘polis.’ 
And to be fair, the growing  of saffron or ‘safran’ by the locals is still very common practice in the city, what with all the saffron scented performed and flavoured Turkish delights that were on sale. 
Once we had viewed the the Old Town from above at a lookout, we headed to our hotel that was close by and modelled in the original Ottoman style. Afterwards, we headed to the centre to get in some ‘shopping. And shop I did! In fact, as I roamed the stores, I bought myself a handmade leather courier bag for only 700 Turkish lira! Others might have been able to haggle further this was not a skill I possessed.
Walking along with a few other members of the tour group, we stopped by a few stores to try out their free samples of Turkish samples. True, it was a ploy to get us to come in and actually buy their merchandise, but it also helped satiate my sweet tooth.  In fact, I even picked up some Turkish delights, courtesy of one fo the tour members hoping to bribe me back to their place and into the clutches of their diabolical mother who wanted to keep me as a prized pet. 
You might be asking anyone would do that. And for that well thought out question, I have no answer except maybe I had somehow imprinted on this mother. Or she thought me cute and adorable in spite of my actual age and temperament. 
After all, I can be quite playful and mischievous if I so wish. I was born in the Year of the Monkey! But, I’m also quite serious and very down-to-earth.
And if that sounds like an excuse, it is. 
In any case, our half-day in Safranbolu was quickly over and we retired to our hotel with its quaint little room that was supposed to sleep two.
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whomadewaffles · 7 months
Some pjhazel incorrect quotes I've been saving for awhile...I feel like with how starved for content shippers of these two are right now, keeping these to myself would be a crime. I'm SO sorry for not citing sources. I wasn’t originally planning to post these, and finding them retroactively is like.. impossible.
Pjhazel is the focus, but others are included as side characters. So if you don't ship them, then just scroll on by and go about your day, please!
Also, for a heads up that will apply to all 3 parts: expect bad language and sex references cos obviously.
Oh, and this is part 1 of 3, even if it is the longest part
Long post under the cut!
Josie: You slept with Hazel? OUR Hazel? Callahan??
Pj: I didn't know what else to do! She had those big, sad eyes. I couldn't help it.
Josie: ...sure, sounds like you had no other choice.
Pj: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or sarcastic and those are two things that describe me perfectly.
Hazel, jumping out of pj's closet: BOO!
Hazel: *makes the patented Hazel callahan sad face*
Pj: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
Pj: Did you disarm the bomb?
Hazel: If I disarmed it, would I come running in here and shout, TERRIBLE NEWS!?
Pj: hazel, you are such a nerdy little dork, you can't pull any girl.
Hazel * has been crushing on her since they met*: okay. that's fine.
*2 years later*
Hazel: so what did you say? Repeat that again.
Pj: 🤡
Pj: It has come to my attention, that I have some unresolved feelings or resentment toward my father.
Therapist: a little late, but I’m happy you’ve taken this first step. Now you can start looking to overcome that.
Pj: Already done. I’ve found a full proof solution…I’m going to ignore it. Completely and utterly.
Pj: just like my dad did me.
Pj: the secret to being impulsive successfully is being faster than the consequences of your actions. you can't let them catch you or its all over
Annie: is that why everytime Hazel even looks at you since you kissed her you run away like a little bitch?
Pj *trying everything she can to kiss hazel again without just admitting she likes her like a normal healthy person*: Hey, are you aware that kissing reduces stress?
Hazel: Okay.
Pj: Hey, you look stressed. Like, really stressed. Just wanted to let you know.
Hazel: It’s not that I don’t trust pj, I just... don’t trust her impulse control
Hazel: None of you might remember this, but there was a time when PJ considered herself out of my league.
Hazel: Oh, how the mighty have fallen (into my arms)
Hazel *trying to teach her girlfriend how to take better notes in class*: to make it easier, you should always highlight the important things
Annie: Hazel, why are you covered in different colored highlighter?
Hazel: don't ask
Pj: she's important! okay!?
Hazel: I'm freaking out, How do I make our first date really romantic?
Stella-Rebecca: Be mysterious.
Hazel: Okay!
*later, while on a date with pj* 
Pj: So where are we going?
Hazel: None of your fucking business.
Pj *is shocked and a little turned on* 😳
Pj: Yeah, I lost the ability to give a shit at a very young age. It was a very tragic accident. Never recovered
Pj: *on the phone with josie* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
Josie: You’re pulling Oreos apart and shaving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you?
Pj: Maybe.
Pj: I love you.
Hazel: I thought I annoyed you?
Pj: You do annoy me. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible, but I want to spend every irritating moment with you.
Pj: Im tired
Hazel: You should come to the gym with me! We could make it a date and exercising gives you energy!
Pj: Yeah, the same energy you need to go to the gym
Pj: Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me
Pj *texting*: I'm showering
Hazel *texting back*: oh nice, send a pic of you're hair in a giant spike lmao!
Pj: rest assured, rational me and impulsive me are having a fucking smackdown 24/7 100% of the time
Hazel: Please, this is the 4th time its happened, I'm begging you go to a doctor.
Pj: I'm sorry is this OUR broken nose? Stay out of it.
Pj: I asked Hazel out.
Britney: Oh, I’m sorry.
Pj: Why?
Brittney: Well, I assume she said no.
Pj: No, she said yes.
Brittney: Really? Then I’m sorry for her.
Pj: Shout out to my girlfriend who just randomly decided to eat my chapstick.
Pj: You're annoying.
Hazel *in her head*: Enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst with happy ending, 300k+ words
Pj: I win
Hazel: I am literally pinning you down
Pj: I know
Hazel: So sorry for making you fall in love with me because of my autistic swag and kissable lips.
Pj: *Drinking a bottle of water*
Josie: Since when do you carry water? I've known you my whole life and you never do that.
Pj: Hazel freaked out ‘cause I told her I never drink water
Pj: Now she’s making me drink 8 glasses a day
Pj: It’s like, there’s water in soda, coffee, the little pools of water on pizza…
Isabel: …That’s grease
Pj: Well it’s wet isn’t it!
Hazel: You're in love with me?
Pj: Unless you're not in love with me. Then I take it back, because, you know... I'm cool.
Pj: You are an absolute fucking dork.
Hazel *singing*: Yeah, but I'm your dork!
Pj *happy sigh*: Yeah, you're my dork.
Pj: I'm a very good liar.
Josie: Yesterday, I asked if you were missing  hazel while she was gone, and you said "no" right before bursting into tears.
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frogndtoad · 2 years
1, 9, & 20!
1) book you’ve reread the most times? not ENTIRELY certain, but i have a hunch it's either The Book Thief by Markus Zusak or The Wee Free Men by Sir Terry Pratchett. both absolutely formative novels that i still reread and enjoy. the former of which has come with me to many of my major life events.
9 ) when do you tend to read most? depends on what kind of a mood i'm in, but every couple weeks i decide i'm going to get really into reading a chapter of a book before bed and while this doesnt Always happen it's enough of a start and stop to make up for all the afternoons by the river or mornings in bed or lunches at work or whatever.
20 ) what are things you look for in a book? oh boy!!!!! this list is noncomprehensive but some things that i DO enjoy a lot are:
ecological horror/botanical scifi. i also just like when i can tell the author has an interest in biology. constantly chasing the high of annihilation and also the one story in orange world about the echolocating girls in the ruins of miami.
a strong sense of setting
focus on art and community!
interesting looking short stories with no weird sex stuff. i love short-form speculative fiction why do so many authors i try seem to decide that if they write a good enough weird sex story they dont have to write an interesting story or like. idk write well at all. it's like the tijuana flats hot sauce of short fiction. this is basically my standard for short stories.
MASSIVE works cited sections. especially in nonfiction and historical fiction but idk smth about a beefy reference page gets me excited regardless of subject. show me ur footnotes. i'll go to great lengths for historical fiction with several pages of tiny print sources.
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lucentaire · 4 months
meta - the fairy hills dorms
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So what is important is that my portrayal of this character has only lived in the dorms for a short time as she moved out as soon as L.axus had reached S-class and was legally an adult and they could move into their own living quarters, which was within a year of her joining the guild. I do have a lot of mixed feelings about this place---I feel like the rent is pretty high, especially in the context that most of the girls moved in there at an age when they reasonably could not rent their own apartments.
(I do think that hopefully, the rent that was cited in the o-make was adjusted to match the fact that the renters are all adults now, but that is me being quite charitable with the source material. Worst case, it has always been like that.)
I do think that even if Rena did live in the dorms for a time, she probably did not really . . . enjoy it. The dorms have a lot of really cool features like the hot spring, but freshly traumatised Carena would not have been able to indulge in these things as she would have been much too anxious at the time. I also don't think that she would have necessarily enjoyed the communal aspect of the dorms; she is a bit of an introvert.
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