#house cleaning westminster
cleanqueendenver · 2 years
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bucketandshine · 1 month
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Hire House Cleaning Services in Westminster, CO
https://bucketandshine.com/ - Bucket & Shine takes pride in being recognized as Westminster's finest house cleaning services. Our professional and friendly approach, combined with our unwavering dedication to quality, has made us the go-to choice for discerning homeowners and renters in the area. Contact us now!
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mcleaningservices · 5 months
M Cleaning Services
Website: https://m-cleaningservices.com/
Address: 15150 Magnolia St, Westminster, CA 92683
Phone: +1 714-475-1391
M Cleaning Services is a reputable house and commercial cleaning company that has been serving Orange County and LA County for the past three years. We are dedicated to providing customers with excellent service to build long-term relationships. Our team of experienced and qualified cleaners will leave your home spotless and sparkling.
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Office Cleaning Services in New Westminster
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Honeybee Cleaning offers exceptional office cleaning services New Westminster, dedicated to maintaining a pristine and organized workspace for your business. Our specialized cleaning team is committed to delivering a thorough and efficient cleaning experience, ensuring that your office environment is not only spotless but also conducive to productivity.With years of experience in the cleaning industry, Honeybee Cleaning has established itself as a reliable partner for businesses seeking top-notch cleaning solutions.
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count-a-w-k · 2 months
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Going through my mind before setting off, I felt like Bilbo Baggins going on adventure. Jumping up and down getting ready, warming up for the ride, while waiting for my friends to come outside and see me off. On my phone I was getting likes and good luck messages from friends on twitter. I knew the encouragement from them was sending positive vibes through me. I then set up a playlist of music, which would help me on my first leg.
Then at 11pm my friends came out, with her boyfriend; I went over to them, and they gave me their blessings. I hugged my friend goodbye, and her boyfriend went with me to film me starting off on my journey. He started the recording, and I said, “see you all in Portsmouth”. Then off I went, into the dark heading west. I started iTunes, ready to press play on playlist. What I didn’t realise was that I had forgotten to save the playlist, so I stopped and picked out a couple of songs. The music kicked in and off I went, knowing I wouldn’t be home till later the next day.
Receiving comments on my phone from friends on twitter still wishing me luck inspired me as I was going at my own pace. The progress along the A13 was going fine, first came the railway bridge nice and easy to get over and once over I could freewheel for a bit. Then onto the second, this time a bit steeper as it crosses the River Rodin. As I was freewheeling down and made sharp ‘S’ turn, off the main road and onto a dedicated cycle path. Halfway down the path I noticed a four-legged animal standing there on the cycle lane. So, I came to a complete stop so as not to disturb it. To my surprise, three more appeared - it was a family of foxes foraging around for food. I kept still and watched, thinking ’just don’t disturb them’. So, for ten minutes I waited.
Then a nutter on an electric bike whizzed by me, giving me a shock, and straight into the path of the foxes. I thought ‘Mad sod!’. The foxes noticed what was coming towards them and quickly scarpered. So, I took off, pedalling slowly to see if they were still around, but the family were gone. Oh well I thought and carried on, knowing I knew was pushed for time as I wanted to get Westminster and be within sight of the tower as Big Ben struck midnight. However, that wasn’t meant to be, because it took me thirty minutes just to reach the edge of the City of London, 2 ½ miles from the tower. I kept looking at the time on my phone. Could I get to Big Ben before midnight? I had five minutes. So, I sped up doing my best.
Then, cycling down Castle Baynard Street, I saw three men on publicly rentable ‘Boris bikes’ up ahead in a narrow tunnel. They were cycling erratically and there was way to overtake them. I thought ‘Great people who can’t ride a safely.’ Looking at the time on my phone, I realised there was now no chance of making it in time, so slowed down waiting for the opportunity to pass them.
After a couple of minutes, where the Embankment passes under Waterloo bridge, the cycle lane widened and I went into high gear flying past them, ringing my bell to warn people on the side pavement that I was about to pass them. When I finally reached Big Ben, it had already chimed midnight, so I pulled over outside the main gates to the Houses of Parliament.
I took the opportunity to look at the notifications on my phone, then took a photo of the clock, showing the ‘ten past twelve’ on its face. ‘Maybe next time I will get here in time,’ I thought.
Five minutes later I was back on the road, for the next leg, heading for the Thames path at Richmond bridge, where I intended to take a break. My usual route to Richmond takes about an hour. The warm night air was making my throat dry, and I was sweating like mad so, about half-an-hour, passing a pub next to Parsons Green, I decided to stop. Unfortunately for me, the pub was closed, and the staff were cleaning up ready to go home. Seeing a woman sweeping up outside, I explained what I was doing and asked if I was too late to get a drink. She said that I was too late, but kindly she went back inside and got me a full pint of water. I drank most of it and poured the rest over my head to cool me down. After thanking her, I got talking to these young gentlemen, who must have drunk the pub dry as they looked totally paralytic. We chatted for about fifteen minutes. I told who I was and explained to them what I was doing. They thought it was a kind act and after that I was back on the road, heading over Putney bridge and along Putney High Street, before turning right at the lights for Richmond.
The travel-time between Putney and Richmond didn’t feel as long as it had done in the past. The roads were very quiet, mostly people walking along the street after a good night out. Then I finally made it, pulling off the main road into a small park then down the ramp onto the Thames path.
Making my way to the park bench I usually sit on, I stopped and got off the bike. Sitting down, I got my food and drink out of my bag and tucked in. I thought it was going to be quiet, however the sound of people still enjoying themselves filled the air. After finishing, I recorded an update video for twitter, stating were I was. Then I decided to move to a different park bench and try and get thirty minutes shut eye.
I called my mother to let her know where I was and after a few minutes, this random stranger approached me. But you will find out more about what happened next in part two…
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Visiting the Supernatural shooting locations Part 2
Please find part 1 here.
On our final day, we did Deer Lake and Riverview as the main viewing points.
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The thing y'all gotta keep in mind is that there are so many locations, that we drove by countless of them just driving around, so I'm not showing you most of what I saw because I didn't get pictures of it all and also because tumblr wouldn't allow me to post so many photos.
That spot that's highlighted in Riverview? They shot 1x05, 1x10, 1x13, 1x18, 2x01, 2x19, 3x15, 4x06, 4x09, 4x13, 4x16, 5x04, 5x11, 6x10, 6x21, 7x02, 7x03, 7x10, 7x17, 7x21, and 10x09 there.
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And that's just one building in Riverview.
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It's a beautiful park and we got really lucky with the weather and it only poured rain for half of one day. Even with the bright light, it felt very creepy and I can only imagine how it would look and feel with fog or on a cloudy day. There were a lot of signs warning people not to enter the building or stay on the premises after dark.
A lot of the finale was filmed around Deer Lake. Unfortunately, the Burnaby Village Museum was closed because apparently it's only open to the public in the summer. We weren't able to visit there, but we were able to visit several other filming sites.
One of the things I noticed is that often episodes are filmed in clumps. For example, Regarding Dean was filmed in a few locations, but they grouped together the filming at the various locations to make it easier to film. The restaurant they went to was the Denny's near the motel they went to.
At this Deer Lake location, they filmed multiple scenes from the finale Sam playing catch with son, Dean's funeral pyre, the tree scene, the house the vamps broke into, Sam going for a run, and the pie scene, plus scenes from other episodes.
We found the tree where Baby was parked
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which was in a slightly different location than the map said, but close enough that we found it easily. This place looked so different
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But we're at a different time of the year and we're visiting 14 years later, so it's probably due to that.
One thing that I forgot to mention on the earlier post is that while Bobby's house is gone, the junkyard is still standing and an active business.
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We had read online that the owner is very friendly, but it felt kinda awkward going in there and taking photos while people are hard at work. There's a giant dog that barks at you when you walk in.
One place I wanted to visit, but didn't get to was the Spur 4 Bridge where the finale ended.
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There's a few shooting locations up there including the spot where Sam and Dean split up in 5.02 and the purgatory scenes in s15, but the Spur 4 Bridge is a hike since it's on a private road. Most people access it through the Fisherman's Trail
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Although it's rated as easy here, someone who hiked it recently said that due to a rockslide, bring boots. You can also bike around it.
Since it was such a long hike, I decided to save it for next visit, when I'll plan a whole day around it. I also want to visit the place where they defeat Chuck, which is up in Minaty Bay and visit the area south of Richmond where they filmed Mystery Spot and several BM scenes.
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As for getting around in general, the city of Vancouver is very bikeable and there's different bike rental options available. I don't know about transporting them between locations, but you can do this section by bike easy
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We had a car, which enabled us to travel to a wide variety of sites and visit locations such as the Lulu Trestle (1x07, 3x07, 4x03, 4x13, 9x14, 12x22, 15x18).
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Now you can get to the Trestle by public transportation, but it'll take you an hour from Burnaby Village Museum by bus versus a 16 minute drive. If you don't have access to a car, I'd focus my visit on the cities. At one point, we split up and I took the Sky Train from Burnaby to Westminster and it was very safe and easy. I also took a few buses to get to and from various locations. Vancouver was, in my experience, a very clean, safe city, with lots of public restrooms. Just don't continue going east of Gastown. There may be other parts that are unsafe, so if you are unsure, send me a PM and I can tell you exactly where we went.
I also recommend Salmon n'Bannock, which is an Indigenous restaurant that had some of the best food I've ever had.
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Hope this helps! It was an amazing experience and I highly recommend that you visit. I'd pick out your favorite places before you arrive because there's so many places and it can get overwhelming looking at the map!
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adoracora-elizabeth · 2 months
Music made me love you, chapter 7
Cora opened her eyes, she looked at the clock, it was one o'clock at night. Why did she wake up? She had only gone to bed two hours ago. She had tried to write, but all she managed to get on paper did not look like something she could put in her book. She turned around and closed her eyes again, but then she heard why she had been woken up. Remarkably familiar sounds came through her open window. She felt her heart skipping a beat and quickly she got up. She wrapped her nightgown around her and sat down at her desk.
The piano player was back, after weeks of silence, he was back. She felt the same urge as she had felt the first time that music came through her window. Words were coming up like an erupting volcano. After what felt like only five minutes, the music stopped.
Cora looked at her desk, and a big pile of paper had formed next to her. She looked at the paper that was under her hand. Was this it? Did she finish her book? No, it could not be. She had struggled so much and now she just finished. She browsed through the just drafted papers and indeed she had managed to finish her story.
The piano music had silenced again, next time the music would sound, she was going to search where it came from. Her book was finished, so she could go and explore.
With a happy sigh, she stretched. She did it, she finished her book. Finally, she had two more days left to get her writing digitalised. It had given her the nerves that she had not finished her writing yet and by magic there the music was. She was relieved that she left her window open, otherwise she would not have heard.
She looked at the papers again and smiled. Time to get more sleep, tomorrow she would start typing. But now she deserved a good night's rest. One without the weight of her book on her mind.
"Robert, you need to come home." Violet’s voice sounded on Robert’s voicemail.
He slowly stretched and looked at the clock, eleven in the morning. Oh no, he had overslept. He had planned to be back in Westminster in the morning. But his late-night playing made a mess of those plans. He quickly took a shower and put on clean clothes. He called for a cab and hoped that the city would be slow in traffic. He did not want to explain why he was late after already missing five calls.
He arrived later than he hoped, but his mother did not pay attention to that detail. "Your father needs you. Why weren't you here this morning?" Violet said disdain when he finally entered the house.
"Mama, I told Papa that I would be back tomorrow morning. I did not know he wanted me today already. I thought he needed some time to acclimate at home."
"This is not our home, and you know that."
"Mama, I know Downton is your home, but for now this is your house too."
"Correct, our house. It is not our home."
Robert sighed. "Is Papa in his office?"
"He is still in bed. He did not feel well enough to get up."
This surprised Robert. His father never stayed in bed, how bad he felt, he always got up. This stroke did truly hit him hard. Robert took the stairs with two steps at the time and knocked on his father's door. A soft yes sounded. When he opened the door, he indeed found his father sitting upwards in bed. He had some documents spread around him. He did not look well, Robert thought. The curtains were still closed, so after a quick greeting he started to open them.
"Can you keep them closed, please? I have a headache." With one hand he covered his eyes.
Robert got alarmed, a headache? Again? "Papa, are you alright?"
"Do not start son. Come close the curtains and sit down. We have a lot to discuss."
Robert did as was told, but instantly sent a text to Rosamund that she needed to come.
Robert left the bedroom about thirty minutes later. He noticed that his father was tired. He was slurring his words again. And the little movement that he had in his left hand was gone.
"How is Papa?" Rosamund asked when he closed the door.
"I am not sure. He seemed more tired than yesterday, but maybe he had a bad night. He was complaining about a headache." Robert answered, wringing his hands. "Do you think something is wrong?"
"He had a stroke recently, so there is obviously something wrong. But do you think he could have another stroke?" Rosamund looked at Robert with worry in her eyes.
"Is that possible?"
"I do not know."
"What are you two hoovering around in the hallway." Violet’s voice sounded from downstairs.
"We were just talking," Rosamund answered. "Please go check on Papa in a couple of minutes." She sad softer to Robert.
"Rosamund, can you come quickly." Robert texted his sister. He was standing next to his father's bedside. He had a grey skin tone again and his mouth was drooping.
"We need to call an ambulance, right now!" Rosamund said when she entered the room. "Papa?"
Patrick did not react; he was staring in front of him.
"Papa, do not worry. The ambulance is coming. Everything will be alright." Rosamund said to her father.
"Everything is, clearly, not alright," Robert said under his breath. "Where is that ambulance." He said louder.
"We called them five minutes ago; they will be here soon."
"Patrick?" Violet's voice sounded. "What is happening?"
Rosamund got up and walked over to her. "Mama, it looks like Papa has another stroke. We called the ambulance already.
"This cannot be."
"Your husband has incredible luck. The bleeding was small this time. But he needs to keep more rest and he needs to take the medication on time. I cannot guarantee that he will survive a third time." The doctor looked at Violet. "He needs to be at a place where it is quiet and calm."
"Downton. We need to go back to Downton." Violet said. "There it is quiet and very calm."
"I think that is a perfect idea." The doctor agreed.
Robert sighed softly. This would mean he had to go to Downton too. It was too far from London to go to Richmond for the night. Like he did last night. He would not be able to play, but the worst part was that he would not be able to see Cora.
That woman had a magic effect on him, and he could slap himself, why did he not ask for her number? He had been too afraid of her rejection. But she was sending him signs that she was interested. Did she not? When she touched his arm, the last time he saw her. It was as if electricity was sent through his skin. Her slender, soft, and warm hand on his arm, felt natural. And her smile. Oh, her smile. It was mesmerizing. When she smiled it was as if the sun peaked through the clouds on a rainy day. Her eyes were blue like a beautiful lake. He wanted to stare into them and drown in them.
"Robert!" Violet’s angry voice woke him out of his daydream.
Startled he looked at his mother. "I am sorry Mama. What did you say?"
"I said that I expect you to come to Downton too. I will arrange for a nurse to help your father at home. You can drive us; your father brought the Bentley. We are leaving now."
"I think it would be best if your husband got some rest here before you take him to Downton. Let him stay here for the night, so we can keep an eye on him. If tomorrow his vitals are still in the ok, he is free to go." The doctor said gently.
Robert was surprised at how well that man was able to guide his mother in the direction he wanted. "I think that that is an excellent idea. We can pack the bags and we will leave tomorrow after rush hour. Thank you doctor." Robert got up.
"Rosamund, can you help Mama with her bags?"
"Me? Why me? Where is Sofie?"
"Sofie?" Robert asked surprised.
"Mama's lady’s maid." Rosamund now looked surprised at Robert. "Do not tell me you never met Sofie?"
"I know Maud, but I thought Maud was also Mama's lady’s maid. But I have never heard of Sofie."
Rosamund sighed. "Well, now you know. Sofie will help Mama pack. You will need to pack your own bags, since it will be a while before you return back here in London."
That prospect made Robert sad. He loved London and not just because Cora was in that city. He loved the buzz, but mostly he loved the convenience of a big city. He would ask John to look after his house in Richmond. The concierge of his Westminster apartment building would look after his apartment there. And Rosamund also had a key.
"Right. I will go home and pack." He turned towards Violet. "Mama, I will pick you up around ten in the morning and then we drive here." He made a gesture with his arm. "To the hospital and pick up Papa."
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conradscrime · 1 year
The Canonical Five: Catherine Eddowes
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March 31, 2023 
Catherine Eddowes was born on April 14, 1842, in Graiseley Green, Wolverhampton. She was the 6th of 12 children born to George and Catherine Eddowes. 
In 1843, the Eddowes family moved to London, where the family moved around a lot in the city. Catherine’s mother died of tuberculosis on November 17, 1855 at the age of 42. 
By 1857, both of Catherine’s parents had died, and as a 15 year old Catherine was admitted to a Bermondsey workhouse as an orphan. During this time, Catherine and a few of her siblings attended a local industrial school where they would be taught a trade. Catherine, with the help of her sister Emma, and her aunt got employment as a tinplate stamper in Wolverhampton. She then moved there and resided with her aunt, while continuing her education. 
Within a few months, Catherine was fired from this job, with claims that she had been caught stealing. Losing this job was said to cause tension between her and her aunt, and she relocated, living with an uncle Thomas Eddowes in Birmingham. 
Catherine moved around over the next year, between Wolverhampton and Birmingham. She was only 5 feet tall, slim, with dark wavy auburn hair and hazel eyes. She was described as a “very jolly woman, always singing, intelligent, and scholarly but possessed of a fierce temper.” 
When in Birmingham, Eddowes began seeing a former soldier named Thomas Conway and had two children with him, a daughter in 1863 and a son in 1867. There is no evidence that the two actually got married, though Thomas often called Catherine “Kate Conway.” She later got Thomas’ initials tattooed in blue ink on her left forearm. 
In 1868, Catherine and Thomas moved to London, living in Westminster. The couple had a third son, born in 1873. During this time in London, Catherine began drinking, causing arguments between her family. According to Catherine’s daughter, Catherine and Thomas began living on “bad terms” throughout the 1870′s, mostly due to the drinking. 
In the late 1870′s, the relationship turned more violent physically, as Catherine was often seen with black eyes and bruising on her face. It was said that Thomas found Catherine’s drinking “intolerable.” 
Catherine left Thomas and their children in 1880, and in 1881 she had moved in with a new partner, a man named John Kelly. The two had met at Cooney’s common lodging house located at 55 Flower and Dean Street, Spitalfields, a known spot for criminal activity. After this, she became known as “Kate Kelly.” 
The deputy of the lodging house stated that Catherine’s drinking wasn’t to excess, however there is a record that she was brought before the court on a charge of being drunk and disorderly in September 1881. She was discharged without being fined. 
Catherine made money by cleaning and sewing around Spitalfields, however it is believed she engaged in sex work from time to time to pay her daily rent. 
In September 1888, it was said that Catherine had told a superintendent that she was going to claim the reward money for the arrest of the Whitechapel murderer (Jack the Ripper) saying “I think I know him.” 
In the early afternoon of September 29, Catherine told John she was going to travel to Bermondsey to borrow money from her daughter. She told John she would return by 4pm. 
At 8:30pm, a police officer named Louis Frederick Robinson saw a group of people outside 29 Aldgate High Street. When he approached he found Catherine laying drunk on the pavement. Catherine was then taken to the Bishopsgate Police Station to be detained while she sobered up. When Catherine arrived she said her name was “Nothing” and had fallen asleep in her cell. 
After 12:30 am on September 30, 1888, Catherine asked the police if she could be released. At 1am, Catherine was released. Instead of turning right to take the shortest route back to Flower and Dean street, Catherine turned left. 
She was last seen in a narrow walkway named Church Passage at 1:35 am. Three witnesses saw her there: Joseph Lawende, Joseph Hyam Levy and Harry Harris. 
Joseph Lawende would later say that Catherine was standing and talking with a man of medium build, with a fair moustache. Catherine was facing the man and had one hand on his chest, although it did not appear to Joseph that she was resisting the man. 
The man was described as around 30 years old, about 5′7″, and wearing loose fitting pepper and salt coloured jacket, a grey peaked cloth cap and a “reddish” neckerchief. Joseph said the man resembled a sailor. 
At 1:44am, Catherine’s body, which had been mutilated and disembowelled was found in the south-west corner of Mitre Square by policeman Edward Watkins. Catherine was found lying on her back with her head resting on a coal hole and turned towards the left shoulder.
Edward Watkins had previously walked by the area 14 minutes earlier, at 1:30am, and did not see anything. Watkins had gotten assistance from a watchman at the Kearley and Tonge warehouse, George James Morris who had been an ex-policeman. Morris claimed he had been sweeping the landings inside the warehouse with the door opened but had not heard anything. 
Other police officers who were around the area also reported that they heard nothing. Around 2:55am, a blood stained piece of Catherine’s apron was discovered at the bottom of a stairway on Goulston Street, Whitechapel. A police officer claimed to have not seen the garment at 2:20am when he passed through. 
Scrawled on the wall above where the apron was found in chalk was written, “The Juwes are the men that Will not be Blamed for nothing.” It is unclear whether this was written by the killer or had already been there. 
During the autopsy it was determined that Catherine’s throat had been cut, and her intestines had been removed from her body and placed over her right shoulder. Her body was warm, and no stiffening at taken place. It appears she had been dead within half an hour. There were no superficial bruises and no blood on the abdomen. Catherine’s face had been mutilated. 
Catherine’s cause of death was haemorrhage from the left common carotid artery. The mutilations had been inflicted after death, as her death was immediate, thus there would not be much blood on the murderer. Catherine���s left kidney had been taken out and removed carefully. 
The murderer was believed to be someone who knew knowledge of cutting up bodies, such as animals. It was said during the autopsy that the person responsible would not possess enough anatomical knowledge to be a surgeon, but perhaps enough that they could be a butcher or a slaughter man. 
However, a police physician named Thomas Bond disagreed with this, saying he believed the person did not have any anatomical knowledge. George Sequeira, the first doctor on the scene, and the city medical officer, William Sedgwick Saunders also agreed the killer probably did not have any anatomical skill. 
The official inquest began on October 4, 1888. John Kelly testified saying he had last seen Catherine at 2pm on September 29. John also claimed that Catherine did not work as a sex worker, didn’t drink much and made her earning by hawking goods. 
The testimony from others also deemed that Catherine must of died around 2:20am, and the mutilations on her body had been from a knife at least 6 inches in length after death. The murderer most likely kneeled on the right side of Catherine’s body while doing them. 
Police went door to door to search for the perpetrator but found nothing suspicious. It is believed that Catherine was a victim of Jack the Ripper, as the murder took place close to the boundary of Whitechapel and the mutilation of her body, specifically the removal of her left kidney and part of her womb was similar to Jack the Ripper killings. 
Catherine’s injuries were very similar to Annie Chapman, one of Jack the Ripper’s previous victims. 
It is believed that the murderer had left Mitre Square northwards towards St James’ Place, towards Goulston Street, where he had dropped a piece of Catherine’s apron. 
Goulston Street was a 15 minute walk from Mitre Square, directly on route to Flower and Dean Street, where Catherine lodged. It is believed her murderer also lodged around the same area and was perhaps on his way home after the killing. 
On October 1, 1888, the day after Catherine’s murder, a postcard from signed by Jack the Ripper, known as the “Saucy Jacky” postcard was received by the Central News Agency. The writer claimed he had killed both Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes as a “double event.” 
It’s been reported that the postcard had been mailed before the murders had gone public, making It less likely that a random person would be playing a prank. However, this later was postmarked more than 24 hours after the killings took place, which was long after the details had already been known to journalists and the public. 
It was later claimed by public officials that the author of this postcard was a London based journalist, and they dismissed this as a hoax. Most Ripper historians believe this to be a hoax as well, as many believe all of the correspondence from Jack the Ripper was not from the true killer. 
On October 16, 1888, a parcel was delivered and received to the Chairman of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, George Lusk. Inside the parcel was a human kidney, and the infamous “From Hell” letter, as the writer had written the address as from where the letter came from. 
The writer said they had fried and ate the missing kidney half, and the writing was similar to that of the Saucy Jacky postcard. 
The kidney was taken to a nearby London hospital where it was determined that it was most likely a human kidney, from the left side, and the organ had been preserved. It was believed the kidney came from a woman who was 45. 
However, the next day it was reported that it was near impossible to be able to tell the age or gender of who the kidney belonged too. It was also not determined how long the organ had been preserved before being sent. 
It was believed by some that the kidney was that of Catherine Eddowes, as it matched the length of the renal artery that was missing from her. The kidney also showed Bright’s disease, which Catherine had. 
Police surgeon Brown said the kidney had been trimmed up, and that the renal artery was absent, meaning it cannot be confirmed to be Catherine’s and that it could’ve been anybodies. 
Catherine was buried on October 8, 1888. She was laid in an unmarked grave at #49336, square 318 in the City of London Cemetery. Her coffin had a plate inscribed which read, “Catherine Eddowes, died Sept. 30, 1888, aged 43 years.” Catherine now lies beside the Garden Way in front of Memorial Bed #1849. In 1996 cemetery authorities gave Catherine’s grave a plaque to formally mark it. 
In 2014, DNA matching one of Catherine’s descendants was extracted from an 8 foot section of a shawl that was supposedly from the scene of her murder. The source of stains on the shawl could not be actually classified as blood, but are hypothesized to be from blood spatter and possibly semen. 
The DNA on this shawl is believed to be matched from a descendant of Jack the Ripper, a suspect named Aaron Kosminski. 
The shawl was supposedly taken by a policeman investigating Catherine’s murder scene and had been passed down to family generations. The shawl ended up at Scotland Yard’s Crime Museum in 1991, but unsure of how authentic it is it has never been publicly displayed in the museum. 
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greenhomeelectric · 9 days
Pros of Tesla Charger Installation In Denver And Westminster, CO
The world has begun taking steps towards eliminating deadly fossil fuels from all appliances. Cleaning the environment by ridding it of those ugly carbon footprints is the need of the hour. Traveling cannot be eliminated, however. No worries! The advent of electric vehicles (EV) has ensured environment-friendly ways to commute to the workplace and embark on long journeys without marring the atmosphere. Tesla is the biggest and most popular manufacturer of EVs today, and the vehicles require regular charging to remain operational. Many homeowners and proud owners of EVs find it essential to order Tesla charger installation in Denver and Westminster, CO, which comes with multiple benefits. ​ Charging the vehicle at home can save time and improve productivity. The user needs to contact a seasoned electrician who is skilled enough to go ahead with the installation. Asking the local electrician may not be the best solution. The chosen professional must have the proper credentials and the requisite skills. Moreover, the individual should be able to assess the existing electrical system and note whether it can support the charger. Fortunately, such electricians will also be able to procure the necessary permits to ensure that there are no problems in the future.
Wishing to have a Tesla charger installed is not enough. Instead, the homeowner needs to connect with a company or service provider to determine whether the existing home can support the installation. It is also essential to check the existing electrical system and have the following ready before the electrician arrives to install the charger:
· Right Electrical Capacity · A Dedicated Circuit · Location in the Garage or close to the parking space
There are advantages to installing the Tesla charger at home or on business premises. The most appreciated pluses include the following:-
· Speedy Charging- A dedicated circuit for the charger can rapidly charge the car. The time is way better than waiting at a standard outlet. The actual charging time at home will depend on the make and model of the car as well as the type of charger used.
· Convenience- The user may charge the vehicle at night or during the day during working hours. This negates the need to head out to the nearest charging station in all types of weather conditions. The convenience factor plays a huge role in increasing the sakes of home chargers and installation in the garage or driveway.
· Home Value- The electric vehicle is the future, with experts stating that conventional vehicles will become a rarity soon. Having a Tesla charging point installed within the premises can become the USP of the seller eventually. It is advisable to install the charger when the property owner hopes for an improved ROI.
Advanced technology has succeeded in making the property genuinely convenient and comfortable. A connected house can also ensure perfect security for the residents. Smart home installation in Denver and Lakewood, CO, is the need of the hour, with most US citizens expressing interest in such homes.
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Westminster Persian Rug Resto
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Preserving Elegance: Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Pros in Orange County, CA In the realm of interior design, Persian rugs stand as exquisite pieces of art that not unaided add up the aesthetic glamor of a announce but next carry later than them a wealthy cultural legacy. For residents in yellow County, CA, and the surrounding cities, the care and child support of these everlasting treasures are of paramount importance. Enter the realm of Persian rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Pros, experts dedicated to preserving and enhancing the beauty of these intricate floor coverings. One of the key advantages of engaging Persian rug Pros in yellow County is their specialized knowledge in rug cleaning. over time, these rugs can be credited with dust, dirt, and stains, diminishing their visual allure. Professional rug cleaners hire unbiased techniques and eco-friendly solutions to delicately cleanse the rugs, ensuring the removal of impurities without compromising the integrity of the fibers. Beyond cleaning, these experts excel in rug repair and restoration, booming supplementary enthusiasm into worn or damaged Persian rugs. Whether it's unraveling threads, frayed edges, or moth damage, the capable hands of these professionals can meticulously rearrange the rug to its former glory. This not unaided preserves the investment but next allows homeowners to continue enjoying the beauty and historical significance of their Persian rugs. Orange County and its against cities help from a network of Persian rug Pros equipped later than the finishing to handle a variety of rug materials, from wool to silk. Their dexterity extends to color restoration, addressing fading or discoloration that may occur over time. Through a inclusion of received methods and unbiased innovations, these specialists ensure that your Persian rug retains its booming hues and intricate patterns. Engaging the facilities of Persian rug Pros next offers a sustainable entrance to house decor. Rather than discarding a beloved but damaged rug, restoration experts unbiased for the preservation of these cultural artifacts, contributing to a more eco-conscious lifestyle. In conclusion, for those in yellow County and surrounding cities seeking to preserve the allure of their Persian rugs, the finishing of rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Pros is invaluable. Their adherence to preserving the beauty and history woven into each rug ensures that these everlasting pieces continue to captivate and inspire for generations to come.
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androfergiespaces · 1 month
Westminster Persian Rug Repai
Persian Rug Pros 177 Cloudbreak Irvine, CA 92618 (949)335-9788 Website URL: https://persianrugpros.com/ Preserving Elegance: Persian Rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Pros in Orange County, CA In the realm of interior design, Persian rugs stand as exquisite pieces of art that not forlorn swell the aesthetic pull of a tune but along with carry taking into consideration them a rich cultural legacy. For residents in orangey County, CA, and the surrounding cities, the care and maintenance of these classic treasures are of paramount importance. Enter the realm of Persian rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Pros, experts dedicated to preserving and enhancing the beauty of these intricate floor coverings. One of the key advantages of interesting Persian rug Pros in orangey County is their specialized knowledge in rug cleaning. beyond time, these rugs can amass dust, dirt, and stains, diminishing their visual allure. Professional rug cleaners employ modern techniques and eco-friendly solutions to delicately cleanse the rugs, ensuring the removal of impurities without compromising the integrity of the fibers. Beyond cleaning, these experts excel in rug fix and restoration, active further animatronics into worn or damaged Persian rugs. Whether it's unraveling threads, frayed edges, or moth damage, the intelligent hands of these professionals can meticulously revolutionize the rug to its former glory. This not forlorn preserves the investment but along with allows homeowners to continue enjoying the beauty and historical significance of their Persian rugs. Orange County and its adjacent to cities lead from a network of Persian rug Pros equipped taking into consideration the carrying out to handle a variety of rug materials, from wool to silk. Their expertise extends to color restoration, addressing fading or discoloration that may occur beyond time. Through a concentration of usual methods and modern innovations, these specialists ensure that your Persian rug retains its active hues and intricate patterns. Engaging the facilities of Persian rug Pros along with offers a sustainable admission to house decor. Rather than discarding a beloved but damaged rug, restoration experts modern for the preservation of these cultural artifacts, contributing to a more eco-conscious lifestyle. In conclusion, for those in orangey County and surrounding cities seeking to maintain the allure of their Persian rugs, the carrying out of rug Cleaning, Repair, and Restoration Pros is invaluable. Their adherence to preserving the beauty and history woven into each rug ensures that these classic pieces continue to captivate and inspire for generations to come.
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Walking Soccer Association
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William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
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bucketandshine · 29 days
Comprehensive Maid Services in Westminster, CO
https://bucketandshine.com/ - Bucket & Shine specializes in comprehensive maid services designed to cater to your unique needs in Westminster, CO, whether it's a one-time deep clean, a recurring cleaning service, or a move-in/out clean. Our expert house cleaners are dedicated to providing meticulous attention to detail, leaving your residence spotless and inviting. Contact us now!
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summitcleaningco · 3 months
Top-Quality House Cleaning Services in Broomfield, CO :
https://summitcleaningco.com/ - Summit Cleaning provides top-quality professional house cleaning and maid services in Westminster, Broomfield, CO and all surrounding communities. Our experienced house cleaners use high-quality products and the best equipment to clean your home from top to bottom to meet your expectations, all at affordable prices. Get a quote now!
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blakereformation · 5 months
The Beguinage in Bruges
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I chose this location primarily due to how beautiful and unique this place is. Dedicated to the purpose of housing religious women who come to live in an area that provided support; You can see that nature was the primary focus for these Beguinages. The houses were made simplistic and clean. They feel welcoming but don’t draw attention away from the beautiful gardens and trees surrounding the beguinage. That is why I chose the Beguinage in Bruges.
The Beguinage in Bruges was important to reformation as it was a prime example of what the reformation was. It was a time that challenged the ideas and traditions people of the medieval times had considered to be set in stone. Before this time there were two options for a woman's life. She could either be a wife and a mother or a nun. By going against this tradition by providing an alternative they allowed women to live how they truly wanted to live.
I was surprised by the fact that although these women were devoting their lives to religion and being single, yet they were still part of society. I was also surprised by what seems like a drastic move to make in one’s life by moving to an area dedicated to the religious single women but no vows were required. This was something that women wanted to do and not something they had to do and that is what I felt most surprising.
Westminster Abbey
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I chose Westminster Abbey for my blog because of its significance to the English and British Monarchs. Every British king or queen with a few exceptions have been coronated here as well as 18 of these monarchs have been buried here. I also choose it because it is a prime example of Gothic architecture with its full display of buttresses and flying buttresses that support the Gothic arch used throughout west Munster abbey.
It connects to the reformation because this was where King Henry VIII was coronated. This man had a big impact on the Renaissance as he was ruler of a power house country at the time, and started his own religion in retaliation of the Pope not bending to his demands. This was important as before the Renaissance kings had been under Popes in the Hierarchy of power. Now for the first time a king has decided that he is greater than a Pope and doesn’t need the Pope. He was also known for his several wives and all of them being unable to produce a male heir. He overthrew the hierarchy of the Middle Ages and pursued his own beliefs and all of that started with him getting coronated at Westminster Abbey.
One thing that surprised me is that there is a lady chapel that was an extension of Westminster Abbey in honor of the Virgin Mary. As someone not very knowledgeable on Catholic traditions it’s surprising to see anyone other than God and Jesus being shown and honored in a church. On top of this they have chapels dedicated to the Royal Air Force, Saint Edward the Confessor's chapel, St. Faiths Chapel, and many others. Overall it was surprising to know that all of these people had chapels in Westminster abbey dedicated to their memory.
Church of St. John
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Basilica of St. Servatius
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The Church of St. John, Maastricht is the red tower and the basilica of St. Servertus is the brown brick church. The reason for choosing these churches was their uniqueness in style that is emphasized by the two separate buildings being part of the same church. The church of Saint John appears as if it’s out of a fairy tail with its extremely unique color of red, it’s immense height, the golden clock, and the contrasting base that seems to follow a completely different style. The basilica of St. Severus is completely different however. Although appearing more similar to a traditional Catholic church the two towers and the cylindrical areas that come out make it distinct. The main thing is that these two things are so close together. Alone they would not seem nearly as special but together the combination of contrasting styles amplifies the ecstatic and is why I choose these churches for my project.
These churches connect to the reformation in what it represented. The Basilica of St. Servatius and chapel of St. John was a representation of Roman Catholicism and what came before the reformation. The leaders here would have experienced conflict as reformation spread and threatened the traditions and power the church leaders had. As people began to believe the teachings of other religions attendance for these churches and the power of the church leaders decreased.
What I found surprising about these religious buildings is how close they are to one another. This was my initial reaction as these religious buildings are a couple of feet from each other but it really shouldn’t be when you realize that the Church of Saint John was made to reduce the number of people pushing the maximum capacity of the basilica of Saint Servatius. This allowed these two churches to assume separate, specific functions. The church leaders were able to delegate the responsibilities of baptisms and parish church while the basilica of Saint Servatius could now be a collegiate and pilgrimage church. If you didn’t realize these churches were intended to cover the responsibilities of a Catholic church together and thought they were separate churches then it would be initially surprising however when you realize they are same church just with 2 separate buildings it makes sense.
Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral
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I chose Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral because of its beauty and the lord behind the cathedral. The myth of the church leaders making a deal with the devil to give him a soul in exchange for the funds to finish the cathedral is interesting and has an even more interesting ending to it where the church leaders trick the devil by sending a wolf to have its soul sacrificed in place of Charlemagne’s. From this story lore continues as the devils finger is supposedly in the handle of the door. Such beauty and a story behind it is why I choose Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral.
It connects to reformation heavily through its ties with Charlemagne. Charlemagne was the holy Roman emperor that was able to successfully centralize power in the Holy Roman Empire. The centralization of power is what allowed the Roman Empire to become one of the four Kingdoms coming out of the Middle Ages by forcing the extremely fragmented area to fight as one. Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral has a myth tied to Charlemagne but it was also the cathedral of Aachen. Charlemagne decided that Aachen would be the capital of the empire and the most important residence. This was largely due to the hot springs present here that supposedly had healing capabilities. So overall it was a very important building in a very important city to the man that through his centralization of power in the Holy Roman Empire was able to bring the world out of the Middle Ages.
One thing I found surprising was the fact that the images all over the cathedral but specifically on the ceiling told the stories of the Bible. I was surprised by how well these images convey the stories they were trying to tell. They only covered the key points but with a little context you can clearly see what images are trying to say. The images are beautiful but they weren’t just for decoration. People at the time coming out of the Middle Ages couldn’t read, and so they relied on images to tell the stories. This is how the common people learned what the Bible said because they couldn’t read it themselves.
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
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I chose Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore because of the story behind its construction. It was the time of the Renaissance and people were discovering things rapidly so they built the Cathedral intended to have a dome at the top. The only issue is that the knowledge of how to build a dome had been lost. The people of Florence were so confident in their intelligence of their people that they believed by the time the cathedral finished the ability to build a dome would be rediscovered. They overestimated their abilities and so the roof was exposed to the sky for years until Filippo Brunelleschi finally rediscovered the dome and made it the biggest one in the world.
This connects to the reformation as it was a result of the mentality that surrounded the reformation. Ideas were springing up everywhere and their ambition for knowledge was leading to creations and works of art that hadn’t been seen since the Roman Empire. Such a massive cathedral was already ambitious with its unique design differentiating it from everything else, but creating this building with a dome was
What surprised me was the ambition and achievement behind the dome on top of this cathedral. It was the biggest dome in the world at the time but also the first built in Italy after the Middle Ages. It’s surprising because of how recently the knowledge to build the dome had been reintroduced. Instead of starting out small and working up, Brunchelli immediately built the dome for the cathedral in Florence, completing a long awaited cathedral and showing how well he truly understood the science behind making a dome.
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hotgirlmythology · 5 months
Hayley, proponent of grand maritime theft
I have decided to make a bio for another of the characters from the lime house universe.
History thus far:
Despite her current depressing life in the greatest britain (as opposed to lesser britain, also called Sealand), Hayley was never really built for such dismal climes. Born in sunny southern California and with a childhood consisting mostly of sand and shopping malls, she would seem for all the world like the type of girl to graduate college with a degree in communications and go into online influencing, marketing perhaps. Of course, life is never so cut and dry, and the economic situation of America didn't help. Because the government and military were in the process of organising Operation New Leaf (the Octavia invasion), they didn't really care how much debt the country got into, as the plan was that it would all be swept away. Thus it became a period of insane subsidies and income for all, the people in power trying very hard to make people like them enough that when the army started running around blowing things up the people wouldn't revolt. Shopping malls came back with a vengeance, people with more money than they knew what to do with spent their nights trawling the wharfs and towns, clubbing til the waves got high enough for a swim and a surf - using the expensive new government floodlights. Nobody knew quite where the money was coming from, but for new adult Hayley this was paradise. Wandering the coastline with her gang and falling into situations that looking back she cringes upon eventually led her to an even more challenging prospect. Hayley likes to be challenged by things (one of the reasons she is intensely bored in westminster), and stealing yachts... that was a challenge. Sure she had stolen bikes, wallets, keys before, but it just stopped being interesting after a while. Find someone strolling the beach or in a quiet corner, talk them up, feel up where the most likely score was and then flick it out while canoodling. Most people she got them from were too drunk to remember her face anyway. You could not, however, canoodle with a boat.
Hayley therefore took up ship-boarding. You got them all the time, newly wealthy middle-managers high off the government-subsidised income blowing it all on a fancy looking boat. A wiser person would not be so stupid as to let Hayley and two of her friends onto his boat, so she never bit off more than she could chew. She was always good in that way, possessed of the rare instinct of when to fuck off. She had no trouble at all finding marks though, men whose eyes got about as far up her body as her bikini and stopped, drunkards laughing in the night and calling them up from where they lazily floated around the boat to take a drink. After all, why wouldn't you invite three hot women with razor sharp diving knives and knuckledusters onto your boat. Truly, more money automatically makes you wiser. Once on the boat and after securing any guns on board it was fairly easy to either intimidate or surreptitiously steal keys from the owners before dumping them into the sea with a life buoy.
After looting the boats they were usually either cleaned and dumped or sold. Hayley's new wealth went mostly into an offshore account or on paying off by lump sum a highly expensive and yet totally irrelevant college degree. By this point she was very comfortable and frankly did not even need the degree anymore (hers was in psychology, and as it should be clear to anyone who has read this, she did not have the patience for risk assessments or ethical analyses). She instead planned to slot neatly into a management role in a front company owned by someone who owed her a favour (several extremely large favours) and enjoy a respectable salary doing a disrespectable job.
In one of the government's greatest acts of secrecy, Operation New Leaf managed to start without any leaks reaching the press. Helicopters bearing the new "Octavia" flag dropped off soldiers across the country, who made a big show of shooting and blowing up buildings before taking the reigning party hostage and declaring their new nation. Once people realised that they were not going to get shot they mostly went back to normal, but the sham martial law that was declared caused Hayley to get caught wandering down the street with a stolen wallet in her handbag. Thus she made a run for it and stowed away on a cargo ship bound for Britain. By bribing and knowing roughly how a ship of such size operated she managed to stay as an engine cleaner until she could hop on a lifeboat and sneak off towards the coast.
She went the wrong way.
Ending up in france was not quite the end of the world, as she had taken french in school. She hitchhiked to paris, only needing to menace one touchy driver with her knife, and arrived in the centre with what mattered most - her card with the offshore account. It still worked, so clearly her identity hadn't been discovered, and she began a long sojourn as a maid working primarily in english-speaking hotels and holiday homes, of which there were a pretty large amount. Eventually, she found a job with Valerie Artagne during the summer months, and decided to stay on long-term with her even after discovering several drugs that even in her old life she would have failed to come by. Valerie, for her part, was only too happy to have a criminal watching over her flat, as she was very used to hiding expensive things from prying eyes and in the grand scheme of things Hayley's eyes were not that prying. Hayley, being asexual, also could be relied upon to take a very no-nonsense attitude to the people Valerie brought home, which was invaluable when they woke up in the morning demanding more sex.
Eventually Valerie headed home to see her friend-with-benefits-but-also-just-a-friend Jamie, and Hayley tagged along with her. Passport control was a bit irritating but Valerie hit upon the excellent idea of blagging a ride on the british embassy's private jet. Jamie went into parliament, Hayley needed a job and Valerie persuaded her it would be both easy and safe to get a job in the houses of parliament. It was easy because everyone else left due to the limes, and it was safe because nobody wanted to sack the only person who seemed to want to work there. Hayley is now effectively in charge of all the maintenance personnel directly employed by the houses of parliament as well as the one who compiles all the information from each day's meetings. She does not enjoy herself very much.
Hayley is, at heart, quite a passionate person, which is why she gets along well with Valerie. She knows what she likes and spends much of her time missing it. However, the majority of her time in parliament she is a very sober and matter-of-fact person, going through the motions of her job enough that she isn't written up on it.
Hayley is also loyal. Once she has decided to be, that is. Criminals are not known for their loyalty, but Hayley has enough wealth to afford a moral compass at this stage in her career, and will not betray someone she likes, despite these people often not knowing that she likes them. The Lime Disposal Squad's cabal of socially inept ex-nerds, for instance, have earned a place in her heart from resolutely trying to clean limes out of her office, despite the fact that she seems to them as very severe. This is what has kept them from being shut down and replaced with a more professional body.
She prefers a roundabout approach to problems rather than trying to tackle them head on. This makes her excellent as a negotiator in delicate political matters that most of the current elected officials are underequipped for (given they only got in after all the previous ones left), and she has been known to give even the more influential MPs a going over when they start throwing too many limes. None of them want to go to the press over it because the press is as yet unaware that lime throwing is the primary method of conflict resolution in Westminster.
When one's preferred wardrobe was designed for a basically year long summer spent on a beach one is not exactly adapted to a life spent in London. Most of Hayley's outfit centerpieces are jackets or trench coats aside from when she's going somewhere suitably warm for her to show off (literally anywhere that is indoors and heated).
Her colours are warm yellows paired with cooler, almost silvery, golds and whites, but obviously as it's hard to find sunflower coloured overcoats she has found a new friend in silvery grey. Not dark grey, it always has to be light, and it always has to be "Just right". The amount of money she pays, people are only too happy to fulfil her pickiness, and while not completely satisfied most people who meet her on business can't help commenting that she is very fetching in her silvery suit jacket and impeccably pressed trousers (hot woman is hot who would have thought wow).
Fun clothes are sundresses, bikinis, the works. Mostly yellow. She kind of eschews worn jewellery because it tended to be quite easy to lose in a life such as hers but does have a few small piercings that aren't likely to get caught on things, a couple in ears that are either studs or rings and a ruby stud in her navel because she couldn't find someone who had a tiger's eye piercing.
She WOULD wear sandals or flip flops but people give odd looks when she does this and so to maintain appearances it's heels all the way, pumps too.
Goofy aah:
Hayley is asexual, which may seem odd when one considers her choice of behaviour. Why would an asexual person engage in sexuality?????? I hear you cry. Fear not, I shall explain to you at length:
Hayley does not feel sexual attraction to people. She does however feel sexual arousal because you know she is a human and humans feel sexually aroused over different things. Hayley (would you believe it) enjoys feeling attractive, and this includes feeling sexually attractive, and so she engages in sexuality without any particular desire for anyone. If she didn't keep a knife in her inside pocket this would probably be dangerous to her but eh. She a girlboss for real.
Oh also she's aromantic. No she can't be your partner, she can be your friend, I have a million other OCs for you to fantasise about watching sunsets with. You can spend your time with hayley looking at her dreamily and thinking "Wow.... she's like sooo hot...." while she tries to drag your attention back to the latest excel spreadsheet on her computer (her heart's not in it)
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columbianewsupdates · 5 months
Spotless Dominance: Cleany Reigns as New Westminster’s Top Choice For House Cleaning
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