sensedgadboalove · 1 year
Victory (Original Mix) 1.1 by gAdBoA
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random-racehorses · 7 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: GREEN HOUSE
GREEN HOUSE is a mare born in France in 1993. By HOUSTON out of ALGRINA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/green+house2
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi! Not to alarm anyone, but The House2 and The Death Staircase are having another series soon, and there is something bl happening there:
The Death Stairs Are ETERNAL
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🍃🕊🍃 Nahjal Balagha 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 Part 1 🍃
The Sermons
Sharif Razi
🍃 Sermon 2: I praise Allah seeking completion of His Blessing...
🍃 Delivered on return from Siffin 🍃
🍃 Arabia before proclamation of Prophethood
ومن خطبة له ) عليه السلام (بعد انصرافه من صفين
وفيها حال الناس قبل البعثة وصفة آل النبي ثمّ صفة قوم آخرين:
I praise Allah seeking completion of His Blessing, submitting to His Glory and expecting safety from committing His sins. I invoke His help being in need of His Sufficiency (of protection). He whom He guides does not go astray, He with whom He is hostile gets no protection. He whom He supports does not remain needy. Praise is most weighty of all that is weighed and the most valuable of all that is treasured.
أحْمَدُهُ اسْتِتْماماً لِنِعْمَتِهِ، وَاسْتِسْلاَماً لِعِزَّتِهِ، واسْتِعْصَاماً مِنْ مَعْصِيَتِهِ، وَأَسْتَعِينُهُ فَاقَةً إِلى كِفَايَتِهِ، إِنَّهُ لاَ يَضِلُّ مَنْ هَدَاهُ، وَلا يَئِلُ مَنْ عَادَاهُ، وَلا يَفْتَقِرُ مَنْ كَفَاهُ; فَإِنَّهُ أَرْجَحُ ما وُزِنَ، وَأَفْضَلُ مَا خُزِنَ.
I stand witness that there is no god but Allah the One. He has no like. My testimony has been tested in its frankness, and its essence is our belief. We shall cling to it for ever till we live and shall store it for facing the tribulations that overtake us because it is the foundation stone of Belief (iman) and the first step towards good actions and Divine pleasure. It is the means to keep Satan away.
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ، شَهَادَةً مُمْتَحَناً إِخْلاَصُهَا، مُعْتَقَداً مُصَاصُهَا، نَتَمَسَّكُ بها أَبَداً ما أَبْقانَا، وَنَدَّخِرُهَا لاِهَاوِيلِ مَا يَلْقَانَا، فَإِنَّها عَزيمَةُ الاْيمَانِ، وَفَاتِحَةُ الاْحْسَانِ، وَمَرْضَاةُ الرَّحْمنِ، وَمَدْحَرَةُ الشَّيْطَانِ.
I also stand witness that Muhammad (S) is His slave and His Prophet. Allah sent him with the illustrious religion, effective emblem, written Book,1 effulgent light, sparkling gleam and decisive injunction in order to dispel doubts, present clear proofs, administer warning through signs and to warn of punishments. At that time people had fallen in vices whereby the rope of religion had been broken, the pillars of belief had been shaken, principles had been sacrileged, system had become topsy turvy, openings were narrow, passage was dark, guidance was unknown and darkness prevailed.
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ، أرْسَلَهُ بِالدِّينِ المشْهُورِ، وَالعَلَمِ المأْثُورِ، وَالكِتَابِ المسْطُورِ، وَالنُّورِ السَّاطِعِ، وَالضِّيَاءِ اللاَّمِعِ، وَالاَمْرِ الصَّادِعِ، إزَاحَةً لِلشُّبُهَاتِ، وَاحْتِجَاجاً بِالبَيِّنَاتِ، وَتَحْذِيراً بِالايَاتِ، وَتَخْويفاً بِالمَثُلاَتِ، وَالنَّاسُ في فِتَن انْجَذَمَ فِيها حَبْلُ الدِّينِ، وَتَزَعْزَعَتْ سَوَارِي اليَقِينِ، وَاخْتَلَفَ النَّجْرُ، وَتَشَتَّتَ الاْمْرُ، وَضَاقَ الْـمَخْرَجُ، وَعَمِيَ المَصْدَرُ، فَالهُدَى خَامِلٌ، واَلعَمَى شَامِلٌ.
Allah was being disobeyed, Satan was given support and Belief had been forsaken. As a result the pillars of religion fell down, its traces could not be discerned, its passages had been destroyed and its streets had fallen into decay. People obeyed Satan and treaded his paths. They sought water from his watering places. Through them Satan’s emblems got flying and his standard was raised in vices which trampled the people under their hoofs, and treaded upon them with their feet. The vices stood on their toes (in full stature) and the people immersed in them were strayed, perplexed, ignorant and seduced as though in a good house2 with bad neighbours. Instead of sleep they had wakefulness and for antimony they had tears in the eyes. They were in a land where the learned were in bridle (keeping their mouths shut) while the ignorant were honoured.
عُصِيَ الرَّحْمنُ، وَنُصِرَ الشَّيْطَانُ، وَخُذِلَ الاِْيمَانُ، فَانْهَارَتْ دَعَائِمُهُ، وَتَنكَّرَتْ مَعَالِمُهُ، وَدَرَسَتْ سُبُلُهُ، وَعَفَتْ شُرُكُهُ.
أَطَاعُوا الشَّيْطَانَ فَسَلَكُوا مَسَالِكَهُ، وَوَرَدُوا مَنَاهِلَهُ، بِهِمْ سَارَتْ أَعْلامُهُ، وَقَامَ لِوَاؤُهُ، في فِتَن دَاسَتْهُمْ بِأَخْفَافِهَا، وَوَطِئَتْهُمْ بأَظْلاَفِهَا وَقَامَتْ عَلَى سَنَابِكِهَا، فَهُمْ فِيهَا تَائِهُونَ حَائِرونَ جَاهِلُونَ مَفْتُونُونَ، في خَيْرِ دَار، وَشَرِّ جِيرَان، نَوْمُهُمْ سُهُودٌ، وَكُحْلُهُمْ دُمُوعٌ، بأَرْض عَالِمُها مُلْجَمٌ، وَجَاهِلُها مُكْرَمٌ.
🍃 In the same sermon Amir al-mu’minin referred to Al an-Nabi (the Household of the Holy Prophet) as under
ومنها: ويعني آل النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)
They are the trustees of His secrets, shelter for His affairs, source of knowledge about Him, centre of His wisdom, valleys for His books and mountains of His religion. With them Allah straightened the bend of religion’s back and removed the trembling of its limbs.
هُمْ مَوْضِعُ سِرِّهِ، وَلَجَأُ أَمْرِهِ، وَعَيْبَةُ عِلْمِهِ، وَمَوْئِلُ حُكْمِهِ، وَكُهُوفُ كُتُبِهِ، وَجِبَالُ دِينِه، بِهِمْ أَقَامَ انْحِناءَ ظَهْرِهِ، وَأذْهَبَ ارْتِعَادَ فَرَائِصِهِ.
🍃 In the same Sermon he spoke about the hypocrites
منها: يعني بها قوماً آخرين
They sowed vices, watered them with deception and harvested destruction.
زَرَعُوا الفُجُورَ، وَسَقَوْهُ الغُرُورَ، وَحَصَدُوا الثُّبُورَ ،
🍃 Ali Muhammad
آل محمد (عليه السلام)
None in the Islamic community can be taken at par with the Progeny3 of the Prophet (Ali Muhammad). One who was under their obligation cannot be matched with them. They are the foundation of religion and pillar of Belief. The forward runner has to turn back to them while the follower has to overtake them. They possess the chief characteristics for vicegerency. In their favour exists the will and succession (of the Prophet). This is the time when right has returned to its owner and diverted to its centre of return.
لا يُقَاسُ بِآلِ مُحَمَّد (عليهم السلام) مِنْ هذِهِ الاُمَّةِ أَحَدٌ، وَلا يُسَوَّى بِهِمْ مَنْ جَرَتْ نِعْمَتُهُمْ عَلَيْهِ أبَداً.
هُمْ أَسَاسُ الدِّينِ، وَعِمَادُ اليَقِينِ، إِلَيْهمْ يَفِيءُ الغَالي، وَبِهِمْ يَلْحَقُ التَّالي، وَلَهُمْ خَصَائِصُ حَقِّ الوِلايَةِ، وَفِيهِمُ الوَصِيَّةُ وَالوِرَاثَةُ، الاْنَ إِذْ رَجَعَ الحَقُّ إِلَى أَهْلِهِ، وَنُقِلَ إِلَى مُنْتَقَلِهِ.
🍃 Alternative Sources for 🍃
🍃 Sermon 2 🍃
(1) Ibn Qutaybah, ‘Uyun, I, 326;
(2) al-Tabari, al-Mustarshid, p. 73;
(3) Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, al-’Iqd, III, 112;
(4) al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 331, 354;
(5) Ibn Talhah, Matalib, I.
1. The Preserved Record.
2. Good House means ‘Mecca’ while the bad neighbours mean the ‘Unbelievers of Quraysh.’
3. About the Progeny of the Prophet Amir al-mu'minin has said that no person in the world can be brought at par with them, nor can any one be deemed their equal in sublimity, because the world is overladen with their obligations and has been able to secure eternal blessings only through their guidance. They are the corner stone and foundation of religion and the sustenance for its life and survival. They are such strong pillars of knowledge and belief that they can turn away the stormy flow of doubt and suspicion. They are such middle course among the paths of excess and backwardness that if some one goes far towards excess and exaggeration or falls behind then unless he comes back or steps forward to that middle course he cannot be on the path of Islam. They possess all the characteristics which give the superiority in the right for vicegerency and leadership. Consequently, no one else in the ummah enjoys the right of patronage and guardianship. That is why the Prophet declared them his vicegerents and successors. About will and succession the commentator Ibn Abi'l-Hadid Mu`tazili writes that there can be no doubt about the vicegerency of Amir al-mu'minin but succession cannot imply succession in position although the Shi`ite sect has so interpreted it. It rather implies succession of learning.
Now, if according to him succession is taken to imply succession in learning even he does not seem to succeed in achieving his object, because even by this interpretation the right of succeeding the Prophet does not devolve on any other person. When it is agreed that learning is the most essential requirement of khilafah (caliphate) because the most important functions of the Prophet's Caliph consist of dispensation of justice, solving problems of religious laws, clarifying intricacies and administration of religious penalties. If these functions are taken away from the Prophet's deputy his position will come down to that of a worldly ruler. He cannot be regarded as the pivot of religious authority. Therefore either we should keep governmental authority separate from Prophet's vicegerency or accept the successor of Prophet's knowledge to suit that position.
The interpretation of Ibn Abi'l-Hadid could be acceptable if Amir al-mu'minin had uttered this sentence alone, but observing that it was uttered soon after `Ali's (p.b.u.h.) recognition as Caliph and just after it the sentence "Right has returned to its owner" exists, this interpretation of his seems baseless. Rather, the Prophet's will cannot imply any other will except that for vicegerency and caliphate, and succession would imply not succession in property nor in knowledge because this was not an occasion to mention it here but it must mean the succession in the right leadership which stood proved as from Allah not only on the ground of kinship but on the ground of qualities of perfection.
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rottmntliberation · 2 years
Sorry all out of the super stunner chicken royal burger meal and also out of the vanilla thickshake and Hungry jacks closed down years ago, your ordering food in the white house2
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astro-nidan · 2 months
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bravegrumpy · 4 months
The Diary of a Great Servant to the Quartanos: Nurturing Siklish Talent
The diary of a servant to a Great Family By Cos Cylonol I just hired a new Siklish kid, Sam, to train into becoming a Great Servant to the Quartanos. Sam is very lucky that he chose our dumpster to look for food in, as Ceil Quartano1 is unusually generous, given that he is the head of a Great House2. He expects the standard respect, but will actually listen to another’s point of view, when…
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SIAC Arbitration: An Overview
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Introduction Arbitration is a method of resolving disputes between parties without resorting to litigation in courts. Arbitration is usually faster, cheaper, and more confidential than litigation. Arbitration also allows the parties to choose the arbitrators, the rules of procedure, and the applicable law. One of the leading arbitration institutions in the world is the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). SIAC is a not-for-profit international arbitration organisation based in Singapore, which administers arbitrations under its own rules of arbitration and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules12. SIAC was established on 1 July 1991 and is located at Maxwell Chambers, formerly the Customs House2. SIAC has a reputation for providing high-quality, efficient, and impartial arbitration services. SIAC has handled over 6,000 cases from 147 countries and territories, involving parties from various sectors and industries1. SIAC has a panel of over 500 independent and experienced arbitrators from 46 jurisdictions, who are experts in various fields of law and practice1. SIAC also has a Court of Arbitration, which oversees the case administration and appointment of arbitrators, and a Secretariat, which handles the day-to-day operations of SIAC1. Arbitration Clause for SIAC To refer their disputes to SIAC for arbitration, the parties need to include an arbitration clause in their contract. An arbitration clause is a written agreement between the parties that they will submit any present or future disputes arising out of or in connection with their contract to arbitration, instead of litigation. SIAC provides model arbitration clauses on its website for the parties to use or adapt. The model clauses vary depending on whether the parties wish to arbitrate under the SIAC Rules or the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, and whether they wish to specify the seat (legal place) of arbitration, the number of arbitrators, and the language of arbitration1. For example, a simple arbitration clause for SIAC Rules arbitration could be: Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be .* The Tribunal shall consist of arbitrator(s).* The language of the arbitration shall be .* *The parties may agree on any seat, number of arbitrators, and language of arbitration. If they do not agree, these matters will be determined by SIAC or the Tribunal in accordance with the SIAC Rules. Invocation of Arbitration Clause To commence an arbitration under SIAC, the party initiating the arbitration (the claimant) must submit a notice of arbitration to SIAC and to the other party (the respondent). The notice of arbitration must include: - A request for arbitration; - The names and contact details of the parties and their representatives; - A reference to the arbitration clause or agreement; - A brief description of the contract and the dispute; - The relief or remedy sought; - The preferred number of arbitrators (if not agreed by the parties); - The preferred seat of arbitration (if not agreed by the parties); - The preferred language of arbitration (if not agreed by the parties); and - A copy of the contract containing the arbitration clause or agreement1. The claimant must also pay a non-refundable filing fee to SIAC. The amount of the filing fee depends on whether the arbitration is under the SIAC Rules or the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules1. The date on which SIAC receives both the notice of arbitration and the filing fee is deemed to be the date of commencement of the arbitration. Appointment of Members of Tribunal The number and method of appointment of arbitrators are determined by the parties’ agreement or by SIAC in accordance with the applicable rules. Under the SIAC Rules, if the parties have agreed on a sole arbitrator, they may jointly nominate an arbitrator within 14 days from receipt of notice from SIAC. If they fail to do so, SIAC will appoint an arbitrator. If they have agreed on three arbitrators, each party may nominate one arbitrator within 14 days from receipt of notice from SIAC. The two party-nominated arbitrators will then nominate a third arbitrator within 14 days from their confirmation. If any party fails to nominate an arbitrator or if the two party-nominated arbitrators fail to nominate a third arbitrator, SIAC will appoint an arbitrator1. Under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, if the parties have agreed on a sole arbitrator, they may jointly nominate an arbitrator within 30 days from receipt of notice from SIAC. If they fail to do so, SIAC will appoint an arbitrator. If they have agreed on three arbitrators, each party may nominate one arbitrator within 30 days from receipt of notice from SIAC. The two party-nominated arbitrators will then nominate a third arbitrator within 30 days from their confirmation. If any party fails to nominate an arbitrator or if the two party-nominated arbitrators fail to nominate a third arbitrator, SIAC will appoint an arbitrator1. In both cases, SIAC will appoint an arbitrator from its panel of arbitrators, unless it considers that there are exceptional circumstances that require the appointment of an arbitrator from outside the panel. SIAC will also take into account the parties’ preferences, the nature and circumstances of the dispute, and the nationality, qualifications, and availability of the arbitrators1. Rules of Procedure - The rules of procedure for SIAC arbitration are mainly governed by the parties’ agreement or by the applicable rules. The parties may agree on any procedural matters that are not contrary to the applicable rules or mandatory law. The Tribunal has the power to conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate, subject to the parties’ agreement and the applicable rules. Some of the main procedural matters that are regulated by the SIAC Rules or the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules include: - The exchange of statements of claim and defence, and any counterclaims and replies; - The production of documents and other evidence; - The appointment of experts and witnesses; - The conduct of hearings and written submissions; - The determination of issues of jurisdiction, admissibility, relevance, materiality, and weight of evidence; - The application of interim or emergency measures; - The calculation and allocation of costs; and - The rendering of awards13. The Tribunal may also adopt any additional rules or guidelines that it considers appropriate for the efficient and fair conduct of the arbitration, such as the SIAC Practice Notes or the International Bar Association Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration. Conclusion SIAC arbitration is a popular and effective method of resolving international commercial disputes. SIAC arbitration offers many advantages to the parties, such as flexibility, neutrality, expertise, efficiency, and finality. To refer their disputes to SIAC arbitration, the parties need to include an arbitration clause in their contract. To commence an arbitration under SIAC, the claimant needs to submit a notice of arbitration and pay a filing fee to SIAC. The appointment of arbitrators is done by the parties or by SIAC in accordance with the applicable rules. The rules of procedure for SIAC arbitration are mainly determined by the parties’ agreement or by the applicable rules. The Tribunal has wide discretion to conduct the arbitration in a manner that ensures a fair and expeditious resolution of the dispute. Read the full article
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sportyconnect · 1 year
The Badgers' 2023 Schedule The Badgers' volleyball schedule for 2023 is a mix of home and away games, featuring matches against some of the nation's top teams. The team's performance in these games will be crucial in determining their position in the NCAA rankings. DateOpponentLocationTime (CT)Aug 25Utah StateUW Field House7:00 PMAug 26LipscombUW Field House5:00 PMAug 27SMUUW Field House2:00 PMSept 2PurdueWest Lafayette, IN7:00 PMSept 3CreightonOmaha, NE7:00 PMSept 9UW-Green BayUW Field House7:00 PMSept 10IUPUIUW Field House5:00 PMSept 16IllinoisUW Field House7:00 PMSept 17IowaIowa City, IA7:30 PMSept 23NorthwesternUW Field House7:00 PMSept 24MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN7:30 PMSept 30IndianaUW Field House7:00 PMOct 7Ohio StateColumbus, OH7:00 PMOct 14PurdueUW Field House7:00 PMOct 15IllinoisChampaign, IL7:00 PMOct 21MichiganUW Field House7:00 PMOct 28Penn StateUniversity Park, PA7:00 PMOct 30PurdueWest Lafayette, IN7:00 PMNov 4MinnesotaUW Field House7:00 PMNov 11IowaIowa City, IA7:30 PMNov 18Big Ten TournamentTBATBANov 25NCAA TournamentTBATBA The Badgers will continue their season with a series of matches against top-ranked teams, including Illinois, Iowa, Northwestern, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, and Purdue. The season will culminate with the Big Ten Tournament on November 18th and the NCAA Tournament on November 25th. For a detailed look at the Badgers' 2023 schedule, visit the official Wisconsin Volleyball Schedule page on SportyConnect.com. Gearing Up for the Season As the Badgers prepare for the 2023 season, they will be focusing on several key areas. These include honing their serving and receiving, strengthening their defensive play, and developing effective offensive strategies. The Importance of Each Game Every game in the Badgers' schedule is a stepping stone towards the ultimate goal - the NCAA Tournament. Each match is an opportunity to improve, to learn, and to climb up the rankings. The Badgers' performance in the Big Ten Conference, one of the most competitive in the country, will be particularly crucial. The Badgers will face off against some of the top teams in the country, including Purdue, Illinois, and Minnesota. These matches will not only test the Badgers' skills and resilience but also provide invaluable experience that will come in handy during the postseason. One of the highlights of the season will undoubtedly be the match against Illinois on September 16th at the UW Field House. The Badgers will also face a stern test when they travel to Minneapolis to take on Minnesota on September 24th and November 4th. Key Players to Watch The success of the Badgers this season will hinge on the performance of their key players. While volleyball is a team sport, individual players can often make a significant impact. Fans should keep an eye on the team's setters, who will play a crucial role in orchestrating the team's offensive plays. Preparing for the Big Ten Tournament and Beyond As the season progresses, the Badgers will have their sights set on the Big Ten Tournament, which begins on November 18th. The tournament is a golden opportunity for teams to secure their place in the NCAA Tournament. The Badgers will need to be in top form to compete against the best teams in the conference. The NCAA Tournament, which begins on November 25th, is the culmination of the college volleyball season. It's where legends are made, and dreams come true. The Badgers will be hoping to make a deep run in the tournament and bring the championship back to Madison. "Champions keep playing until they get it right." - Billie Jean King The Role of the Fans The fans play a crucial role in the team's success. Their support can lift the team during crucial moments and can often be the difference between victory and defeat. So, whether you're watching the game at the UW Field House or following the action on SportyConnect, your support matters. Final Thoughts
The 2023 season is set to be an exciting one for the Wisconsin Badgers. With a challenging schedule and high stakes, the team will need to bring their A-game every time they step on the court. But with preparation, determination, and the support of their fans, the Badgers have every chance of making this a season to remember. Remember, the schedule is subject to change. For the most up-to-date schedule, visit the official Wisconsin volleyball website. Stay tuned to SportyConnect for the latest news, updates, and analysis on the Badgers' journey through the 2023 season. #SportyConnect
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deko-ideen · 2 years
Drei Strandhäuser zu verkaufen
Drei Strandhäuser zu verkaufen
loveladies-nj-beach-front-house5 loveladies-nj-beach-front-house4 loveladies-nj-beach-front-house3 loveladies-nj-beach-front-house2 loveladies-nj-beach-front-house1 loveladies-nj-beach-front-house Colonial-osterville-mass-beach-front-house2 Colonial-osterville-mass-beach-front-house1 Colonial-Osterville-Mass-Beach-Front-House dana-point-beach-front-house6 dana-point-beach-front-house5 dana-point-…
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vipsonly · 3 years
Taurus/Cancer Energy
These two signs are so different yet so similar and their energy honestly goes so unmatched. There's something about how comfortable they are able to make not only you feel but anybody feel. The saddest part i'd say though is that they themselves are typically very uncomfortable. A taurus is a fixed sign and their ways are very rigid, stereotypically known for being the most stubborn. I'd say they have very high standards as to what is truly comfortable. If they don't find or feel it with you they will definitely start to look else where. Cancers on the other hand, cardinal energy and big big mom energy, are looking to make any environment comfortable for anybody. This also has to do with self-love and self-care as well. Cancers not only want others to feel more comfortable, satisficed, and be able to be true to themselves. They also want to be able to experience these things.
Having a taurus in your life is genuinely so intense because of their high standards. If a taurus has chosen you in any type of relationship, then you know you are genuinely worth it. They are very picky and cautious about who they give their energy and love to. Once they finally see facts and also feel feelings then they are able to commit to you completely. They however really need both and at the end of the day personally I feel a taurus's facts and logic will trump their feelings. I personally feel that tauruses are meant to throughout their life slowly open up their heart more and more and accept the way they feel.
Cancers will most likely keep you in their life regardless if you're that good or bad of a person but I think they key here is Effort. You can tell how much they love you and care about you based off of their effort toward you. Are they buying you things? Are they holding your hand when you're crying? Did they come pick you up when you were upset? Etc. A cancer's love is so beautiful and motherly.
As taurus rules the second house of security and material posessions, with all of the money energy I thought taurus was a very shallow money-hungry sign. As I learned more I realized that along with security comes home and family. I never realized an obsession over money is directly tied into security, Tauruses are scared of losing all of their comfort. Ruled by Venus, they want that luxury life and they want to truly be able to breathe and let go. But they result to being obsessed with material posessions and money because they want control of something and these are the only things in life you really can control. What a taurus is really looking for is a family, love, and support. But they will always choose money ultimately because money won't ever break their heart.
As cancer rules the fourth house, House of Home, this is very closely related to the second house. Their emphasis is more on their home life and environment, which is why they spend most of their money on posessions for their home. They enjoy renovating their house and decorating it to make it feel even more like a home. They are also very money oriented sign but I feel that Taurus and Cancer have the same wants but approach it differently and have different smaller values.
This energy Taurus/Cancer, i feel is personally so so beautiful. Anybody with these placements are so so sweet, but of course like with every person, this may be hard to feel or see sometimes. Keep communicating and be patient, because they are being patient with you too. They never waste their efforts and time, if they keep you close its because you remind them of home.
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itshouseofwarpeddesire · 11 months
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simsfvr · 5 years
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Manuelita was shocked by the vision of the skeleton! And here finishes their trip to Selvadorada. Next day, elimination day. The Pint Rel script tool is not longer working in my game. So I’ll have to do things differently for the elimination and maybe I’ll have to post a poll for you to help with the expulsion because I couldn’t do it myself at this point, I’m fond of all of them!
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markvincentlapolla · 5 years
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#vegetarian #coconut #sauce with #LimeRice and #avocado from #instacart and #market32 that @klapolla shopped for and picked up. Next time in house delivery. #House2 https://www.instagram.com/p/Byd7bSlFsVO/?igshid=12rg4p5ax1lst
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astro-nidan · 2 months
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