#household: moore 2
meliesims · 7 months
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First snow in Downtown.
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rurpleplayssims · 1 month
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transmutationisms · 9 months
a friend suggested hermeneutics to me as a field of study and a decent number of authors in the field r reliant on psychoanalysis and that was so very confusing for me 😭 i understand tht interfacing with "wrong" schools of thought is important but it's such a wild 180 turn from like..completely disregarding psychiatry in my daily life lmao
well it's more that psychoanalysis is one particular hermeneutical method, right? like there are other very different schools of thought on meaning-making. so you can study hermeneutics or practice exegesis and never touch analysis, is my understanding.
anyway though when i say psychoanalysis is wrong or subjective or whatever i'm generally talking about 1) specific schools of analysis that impute their particular theories / forms / archetypes to a transhistorical, a-social, mythologised human psyche, and 2) the tendency among liberal and other non-materialist commenters to causally impute changes in the world-political context to psychological conditions, rather than the other way around. this is where someone like wilhelm reich becomes really vital imo, although even freud was aware of these issues to some extent (though like not really interested enough to try to theorise outside them lol).
i think plenty of psychoanalytic concepts have applicability in particular contexts, like for example maybe you take a 'complex' that is formulated in observation of, say, bourgeois viennese white women in the early 20th century, and there are often real insights you can generate by interrogating how that complex forms in those people, and why, and again all of the interior analysis here should be subordinated to the analysis of the material conditions: labour relations, the role of the household in capitalist political economy, the production of the roles and positionalities of bourgeois genders, and so forth. all of these things are what produce the 'complex'; not the other way round. psychoanalysis at its best has a capacity to interrogate the dialectics of psychological interiority in context and i actually think this is very much worth doing and would like to see more communists commit to it. it's not a deference to a pre-determined set of rules laid out by freud or anybody else; it's a mode of investigation that i think can be entirely materially oriented, and is more conducive to understanding psychological complexity than most of what passes for 'social sciences' today lmao.
in history you see examples of this happening if you think about the difference between 'psychohistory'---a mode of historical writing that claims to analyse material events as influenced by some individual's or group's decontextualised psychological states---and something like a cultural history that attempts to explain something about an age's psychology as a function of its material conditions and relations of production. think, like, what walter benjamin had going on. and then compare to eg desmond and moore's deeply unserious darwin biography. so i wouldn't say "engaging with psychoanalysis" has any singular degree of rightness or value or whatever---it's a question of how you're engaging, and with what political commitments, and how you see the psyche in relation to its material conditions. all of this is also what i would say about any school of psychology or psychiatry, though there are some that are just hostile to materialist analysis by nature, eg bioessentialisms of all stripes.
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xsulsulnooboo · 21 days
Sims ideas created by me with the help of ChatGPT
Feel free to use this and show me your sims when they're done _______________________________________
1. Lilith Nocturne (Vampire Witch)
• Traits: Evil, Genius, Loner
• Aspiration: Master Vampire
• Occult: Vampire
• Clothing Style: Victorian Gothic, dark corsets, long flowing black skirts, lace gloves, and high boots. Think dark elegance, with silver and red accents.
• Backstory: Lilith is an ancient vampire who secretly dabbles in dark magic. She seeks to master both vampirism and forbidden witchcraft to dominate the supernatural world.
2. Mortis Grimes (Undead Revenant)
• Traits: Mean, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
• Aspiration: Public Enemy
• Occult: Ghost (resurrected)
• Clothing Style: Ragged, old-fashioned clothing, torn and weathered. Always in shades of grey and brown as if he's crawled out of the grave. Wears broken chains and tattered formal wear.
• Backstory: Mortis was buried alive centuries ago, and now he's back from the dead, seeking revenge on those who wronged him, even though their descendants have no idea.
3. Selena Shade (Possessed Doll)
• Traits: Insane, Materialistic, Childish
• Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy (because dolls love to be adored)
• Occult: Not an official occult type but behaves like a possessed object
• Clothing Style: Dresses like an antique porcelain doll: frilly dresses, bows, ribbons, and patent leather shoes, all in faded pastel colors.
• Backstory: Selena was a beloved childhood doll, but her owner cast a forbidden spell, trapping her spirit in the toy forever. Now Selena haunts households, yearning for attention.
4. Sable Morgana (Dark Fae)
• Traits: Erratic, Self-Absorbed, Kleptomaniac
• Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
• Occult: Spellcaster
• Clothing Style: Mystical and ethereal, but with a sinister twist. Think flower crowns with thorny vines, tattered faerie wings, dark flowing robes mixed with intricate jewelry and face paint.
• Backstory: Sable is a dark faerie who was banished from her realm. She thrives on chaos, and her mischief often turns deadly. She's obsessed with causing misery in the mortal world.
5. Edgar Blackthorn (Mad Scientist)
• Traits: Genius, Insane, Paranoid
• Aspiration: Nerd Brain
• Occult: Human
• Clothing Style: Lab coats, goggles, and slightly singed Victorian-inspired scientist attire. Wears gloves and carries strange mechanical gadgets.
• Backstory: Edgar once worked on government secret projects but was exiled for conducting unethical experiments. Now, he conducts experiments in his basement, dreaming of creating life-or ending it.
6. Vespera Nightshade (Living Nightmare)
• Traits: Evil, Noncommittal, Loves the Outdoors
• Aspiration: Soulmate (twisted goal: she wants a partner to consume their soul)
• Occult: Custom-shadow demon/creature of nightmares
• Clothing Style: Long black cloaks, velvet dresses, always barefoot with smoky or fog-like aura around her. Dark purple and black dominate her wardrobe.
• Backstory: Vespera is a creature that feeds on fear. Every night she haunts the dreams of her chosen victims, slowly driving them mad. She's looking for a "lover" to torment for eternity.
7. Isaac Morrow (Cursed Musician)
• Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Perfectionist
• Aspiration: Musical Genius
• Occult: Human (cursed)
• Clothing Style: Formal, 19th-century concert attire. Old, decayed tuxedos with a ghostly pallor to his appearance. He always carries a violin.
• Backstory: Isaac was once a celebrated violinist but made a dark pact to ensure his talent. Now, he is cursed to play endlessly, never satisfied with his work, driving others to despair with his haunting melodies.
8. Ophelia Graves (Witch of the Moors)
• Traits: Loner, Jealous, Brooding
• Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
• Occult: Spellcaster
• Clothing Style: Long black robes, tattered scarves, and ancient relics. Always barefoot with disheveled hair and muddy hems. She wears necklaces made of animal bones.
• Backstory: Ophelia lives deep in the moors, feared by the townsfolk who call her a witch. She practices necromancy, longing to raise her lost lover from the dead.
9. Victor Revenant (Living Dollmaker)
• Traits: Loner, Creative, Evil
• Aspiration: Master Maker
• Occult: Human (with dark magic)
• Clothing Style: Victorian, leather aprons over classic gothic suits. Always carries tools and looks slightly unkempt, with blood-stained gloves.
• Backstory: Victor is obsessed with making life-sized dolls that are "too lifelike." Some whisper that these dolls are people who crossed him, enchanted into eternal silence.
10. Eira Frost (Ice Queen)
• Traits: Self-Assured, Evil, Loner
• Aspiration: Freelance Botanist (but she kills plants instead)
• Occult: Custom-spirit of winter
• Clothing Style: Ice blue dresses, sparkling tiaras, and crystal jewelry. Her clothing seems to shimmer with frost, and her skin has a cold, blueish hue.
• Backstory: Eira was once the spirit of winter who brought beauty to the land, but after being betrayed by her lover, she became cold and vengeful, freezing everything and everyone who crosses her path.
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typingtess · 5 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Glory of the Sea”
The basics:  The team hunts (see what I did there) for an Admiral abducted from his home.
Written by:  Faythallegra Claude wrote season 13’s “Perception”.
Directed by:  Terence Nightingall directed "Expiration Date", "Old Tricks", "Warrior of Peace", "The Sound of Silence", “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” (which he co-wrote) and “Divided We Fall”.
Guest stars of note: Duncan Campbell returns from “Of Value” as NCIS Special Agent Castor, John O'Hurley as Navy Rear Admiral Ted Gordon, Bryan Lillis as Jessie Fiore, Audrey Wasilewski as Meredith Huxley, Charles Kohut as Jim Bones, Brent McGregor as Long John and Tre Hall as Marcus Moore.
Our heroes:  Go on a treasure hunt.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Not so sure about the treasure. Sam:  Totally doesn’t believe in the treasure. Kensi:  Working well with Rountree today. Deeks:  Looking at places where Bertie can live. Fatima:  Solving puzzles with the Admiral. Rountree: Figures out the lock number by thinking like Gordon. Kilbride:  See Kensi.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:   No bachelor party. Sam:  Fire at the Hanna household was contained with more embarrassment than damage. Kensi:  Thinking she’s not the fun parent. Deeks:  Possibly the fun parents because of the blonde surfer look and skydiving. Fatima:   Helping Kensi achieve fun parent status. Rountree:  Thinks life is about the journey, not the treasure at the end. Kilbride:  Enjoyed Michael Mann’s “Heat 2” novel.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Earns a mention about Callen’s wedding gear.
Who's down with OTP:  One half was apartment shopping with his mother.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Great Callen and Sam episode – lots of banter, wedding talk, bachelor parties and treasure.
Fashion review:  Callen has on a long-sleeve dark blue tee-shirt.  Sam is in a charcoal grey long-sleeve tee-shirt.  Kensi is wearing a dark purple cap sleeve top.  A white turtleneck with chocolate brown pants for Fatima.  A black short-sleeve tee for Rountree.  The Admiral wears a darker blue suit than usual, white shirt, blue tie.
Music:  John O’Hurley sings “Weigh, Hey and Up She Rises” to open the episode.  “Sloop John B” by The Merrymen ends the episode.
Any notable cut scene:   Yes.  Kensi and Rountree talk in the boatshed before Marcus Moore arrives.  She has a question for him – how did he bring up his sister alone?  Rountree said he didn’t really have much of a choice.  Kensi just doesn’t understand - Rountree was a kid.  Kensi and Deeks are adults.  That gets a laugh from Rountree.  Kensi agrees, “Rosa’s easy.  Deeks is like having a baby chimp.”  She asks him seriously how did he get through it all.  There were lots of tears, lots of mornings where he was scared.  But he had to go on for Jordyn’s sake.   And they had each other which made it easier.
Kensi thinks Rountree did an amazing job.  Jordyn is so accomplished.  Rountree said all he did was keep her clothed and fed, Jordyn did all the amazing stuff.  Kensi doesn’t believe that.  Rountree tells her he really wouldn’t want to do that again.  Kensi is confused – raising Jordyn or rasing a child of his own.  Either one is Rountree’s answer.  He isn’t sure about bringing another kid into the world.  He’s also not sure about wanting to do it again.  Kensi tells him that when he meets the person he’s supposed to be with, “and you fall madly in love”, things change.  Rountree thinks it might.
What a terrible scene to cut.  Find this one a home in another episode because it was a great look at Rountree.
Quote:  Sam:  “You know what treasure is to me?” Callen:  “A 50-pound kettlebell and some baby oil?” Sam (laughing):  “Family and friends, a good day's work.”
Anything else:  In a small Los Angeles home, a gentleman is making himself a smoothie for breakfast where the main ingredient is alcohol.  Singing “Whey, Hey and Up She Rises” as the man works on his smoothie, the power goes out in the house.  There are kids outside causing trouble outside – “oh, those damn kids!”  The man grabs a spear (as one does when the neighborhood kids are full of mischief) and goes to his door.  When the man opens the door, he met by a group of men wearing ski-masks, looking for a fight.  The man puts up a decent defense of himself but is subdued.  A hood is thrown over his head as he’s taken from his home.
While Deeks is using a personal day to help Bertie find a new place to live, Kensi is working on a list of fun places to take Rosa.  Fatima is interested until she hears Kensi’s suggestions – a production at the Geffen, visiting museums like the Getty, LACMA and MOLAA.  The MOLAA, Kensi notes, is the only museum in the entire country dedicated to Latin American art. 
Fatima thinks a play and four museums aren’t exactly young girl fun stuff.  She thinks shopping at the Grove, being part of an audience when a TV show is filmed, celebrity house tour around LA or visiting an escape room could be fun.  Kensi is all about art and theater.  Fatima is all about Kensi “ushering Deeks into the role of fun parent.”  Kensi talks about not being the fun parent and Fatima gets it – surfer Deeks is the default fun parent unless Kensi really wants it.
In the driveway, Sam gets a phone call – the fire department was by the house.  Alone in the house, Raymond forgot he was making steak and eggs.  Small fire, no real damage according to the fire captain.  Callen is sympathetic – how does a man like Raymond go from commanding a battalion to suddenly need a caretaker?  “Kicking and screaming,” according to Sam.
Changing the subject, Sam wants to know if Callen has been fitted for his wedding suit.  He hasn’t.  In fact, he’s been thinking about grabbing a suit from wardrobe – they’re all really good.  Sam is horrified.  The suits have gunpowder and blood in them.  Besides, Hetty would kill him if he took the suit for an unauthorized event.  Callen laments that Hetty would have to come out hiding to do that.  Sam pushes his tailor again, even promises to pay for the suit.  Callen and Sam are called to Ops.  Kensi and Fatima are already there.
The man kidnapped from his home is Rear Admiral Ted Gordon.  Neighbors heard the struggle and a security camera picks up Gordon and his abductors leaving the house.  The security video is from behind – no clear faces, no visible license plate.  Gordon has no family – no wife, no siblings, no kids.  He has been on leave from the Navy in advance of his pending retirement.  His prior assignment was working with a civilian tech contractor Nautical Robotics.  They specialize in robotics – mostly underwater gliders than can travel unmanned through the ocean.
Sam is familiar with the Navy’s gliders – they can do scientific research, catch drug smugglers, deploy weapons.  The Russians and the Chinese have both captured these gliders in the past, claiming they are “spy boats”.   Sam doesn’t disagree with the term.  The team thinks instead of trying to recreate one based on the captured “spy boats”, a hostile actor grabbed Gordon so he could make a glider for them.  Castor picked up Jessie Fiore, Nautical Robotics chief engineer.  Kensi and Rountree will interview him in the boat shed.  Callen and Sam are off to Gordon’s home.
In the boat shed, Fiore isn’t sure why he’s been brought in.  Kensi mentions Gordon, who Fiore calls “the Navy arm of our project.”   The two were close.  Operating the glider requires two people.  Fiore is shocked to learn Gordon was kidnapped.  Kensi asks if Gordon mentioned threats.  Fiore says no but didn’t think Gordon would say anything it he was threatened.  “Ted’s not scared of anything, just like my Dad.”  Fiore invited Gordon to family barbeques until the two had a falling out after Gordon appeared on the Marcus Moore tech podcast.  With 12-million subscribers, Moore’s interview of Gordon never mentioned all the people working at Nautical Robotics.  “A tiny shoutout could have catapulted my career.”  There are questions if Gordon even had permission to appear on the podcast.
A flashback of the podcast has Gordon chatting up the gliders and their capability.  He talks about “my gliders” in a Navy authorized interview.  Fatima learns that after the interview, Moore flew to China and met with a groups of hackers.
Callen and Sam arrive at Gordon’s home talking about robots, thinking at some point RoboCop will be real.  Sam jokes about replacing Callen with RoboCop before wondering how his father would deal with an electronic home health aide.  Inside the house, Sam thinks the place looks like a maritime museum.  Antique compasses and cannon balls, the place looks like a museum to Sam (maybe Kensi can take Rosa there).  The bookshelves have been tossed, same with several drawers with papers.  Callen picks up the one of the model boats.  It reads “SOS” on the back.  Sam notices the sails all have a morse code on them.  The sails spell “Inside”.
In the boat shed, Kensi and Rountree question Marcus Moore.  The trip to China was to expand the reach of his show – he met with some tech firms with money to spend.  Kensi asks Moore about a meeting with some black-hat hackers who have caused trouble for a number of big hospitals.  Moore denies knowing the people he met were hackers.   Moore thought he was meeting with people who work in green energy.  Rountree mentions the Gordon interview which Moore thinks is irrelevant – the Navy approved the interview.  The kidnapping comes up and Moore is worried.  Gordon was a difficult interview – always interrupting the flow to make calls away from Moore in the recording booth.  Moore could see that Gordon was angry.
Callen breaks up the wood boat and finds a leather journal inside.  Gordon went to a lot of trouble to hid the journal but also went to a lot of trouble to make sure it could be found.
From the boat shed, Kensi and Rountree get a debrief from Fatima in Ops.  Gordon’s calls were to a librarian in the LA Public Library system, Meredith Huxley.  She works in the maps department.  Gordon called Huxley five times in a short time span.  Kensi and Rountree are off to interview Huxley.
Returning to the office, Callen and Sam run into Admiral.  Callen is reading Gordon’s journal.  The Admiral recommends “Heat 2” instead.  The kidnappers were looking for something – probably the journal.  The journal is about buried treasure – a Spanish galleon sunk somewhere off the California coast with the crew burying the ship’s riches nearby.  The Admiral now knows why Gordon never married.  A SEAL buddy of Sam does some deep sea treasure hunting in Florida – no luck.  The Admiral wants to why Gordon kept such a specific diary – there are drawings of the ocean throughout the book.  One drawing is missing a big section.  The team is either looking for people stealing robotic technology or they’re going on a treasure hunt.
At the library, Kensi introduces herself and Rountree to Meredith Huxley in what looks like a map room in an LA library.  Huxley is unhappy to have Navy cops sent after she returned Gordon’s antique map.  The map, Gordon believes, leads to buried treasure.  Huxley isn’t so sure.  She did, however, verify the map was legit – 17th century Spain.  But with her planned visit to her daughter in Sacramento, Huxley locked it into a secure drawer in the library. Gordon picked it up as soon as Huxley returned.  The map may not lead to treasure but it is true antique and worth a good deal of money.  In his rush to retrieve the map, Gordon left behind some notes he took.  Huxley offers them  to Kensi and Rountree.
The journal is full of information, including a manifest for the Spanish galleon, the stars in the sky the night of ship wreck – incredible details.  Gordon has a riddle for the location of map - "The Lone Sailor can't see the treasure, but he looks to the map at his parallel dove."  Sam is good at riddles – thinks the Lone Sailor Statue in Long Beach.  Callen and Sam are on their way to check things out.
Gordon’s notes were mostly about the symbols on map.  To find the treasure on-shore, Gordon first had to find the ship.  If he find the ship and deciphers the symbols on the map, he should be able to find the treasure.  About a month ago, Gordon told Huxley he found the ship using glider technology.  Kensi remembers Fiore saying the glider needed two people to operate it.  Fiore likely knows about the shipwreck and the treasure hunt.  Kensi asks Fatima to bring Fiore in again.
Callen and Sam arrive at the Lone Sailor Statue and with Fatima, start working through the riddle.  The statue of the Lone Sailor is looking at the ocean, which is south.  The statue is on Paloma Avenue – paloma means dove in Spanish.   With the latitude of the statue being 3376, Callen and Sam are off to 3376 Paloma Avenue – Antique Mariner Bookstore. 
While the bookstore is closed for business that day, the door is opened.  Callen and Sam enter the store and hear noises in the back.  Two men in ski masks are taking in the back.  Callen and Sam say “federal agents” which causes both men to run.  Sam captures the man who jumped into a storage room while Callen’s guy escaped in a white van that looked like the vehicle used to kidnap Gordon.   No license plates.  Back in the store, Sam takes off his guy’s ski mask – it is Jessie Fiore. 
Callen and Sam question Fiore, who isn’t cooperating.  He’s afraid for his life.  After being convinced that Callen and Sam want to find Gordon and keep both Gordon and Fiore safe, Fiore opens up.  Gordon was still in the van that got away.  The plan was to go to the Channel Islands and find the treasure.  Sam asks which one of the Channel Islands – there are five – but Fiore doesn’t know.  The map was drawn before the different islands had names.  Gordon wouldn’t tell anyone which island.  Sam asks Fatima to track a boat Gordon had and where it is located.  It is probably near the treasure.
Kensi and Rountree finish with Meredith Huxley.  As they are about to leave, Huxley pulls out a briefcase belonging to Gordon.  It is very heavy – makes a loud noise when she places it on a library desk.  Kensi asks to look through the bag.  It is empty but weighs a lot.  With Kensi finding a false bottom, Rountree breaks out his knife to see what’s there. 
The man with the van is Jim Bones, a name earning a chuckle from Sam.  Fiore explains that he helped Gordon find the shipwreck with the glider.  Once they found the shipwreck, Gordon wouldn’t share the location of the treasure but promised to give Fiore his share once it was discovered.  An angry Fiore didn’t trust Gordon to do that so he joined an online forum of treasure hunters.  Jim Bones and a guy name Long John promised to help Fiore.  Fiore promises he didn’t know the two would kidnap Gordon.  Calling Gordon “amazing”, Fiore says Gordon didn’t give up the map even after the was roughed up by Bones and Long John.  Only after they put a gun to Fiore’s head and promised to kill him did Gordon give up the bookstore’s location.  Fiore feels guilty – Gordon took a beating and gave up the bookstore location after Fiore betrayed him.
Kensi opens the false bottom.  There is a small key safe.  Opening the key safe using the year of the shipwreck, Kensi and Rountree find part of the missing piece of Gordon’s journal.
In the book store, one of the file cabinets is opened.  It was a locked drawer, now opened with a key.  Gordon said that is where the map was held.  Opening the other drawers to see what’s inside, Sam finds one is jammed.  Finally getting it opened after a struggle, Sam finds and cypher decoder wheel and an encrypted manuscript written in Latin.  There is another piece of paper cut from Gordon’s journal. 
The Admiral walks into Ops and asks Fatima about narrowing down the island.  She hasn’t – Gordon visited all five with his small boat.  Callen and Sam send their missing drawing piece and Fatima is able to put them all together.  Looking at the drawing on the big screen, the Admiral notices a letter in one of the waves, a U.  They also find a Q, N, A and T.  Fatima can’t make that into a word while the Admiral isn’t going to even try to pronounce it. 
Noting the letters are in different waves coming closer to the shore, ordering the letters as they make their way to the beach, it spells Tuqan.  Tuqan is a Palestinian poet according to Fatima.  It is also the Chumash word for San Miguel Island.  The Chumash were indigenous to the area and treasure hunters would us that in their maps.  Callen and Sam are going to be sent there on a chopper but San Miguel Island is a Navy test site for missiles and other unexploded ordinance.
Arriving at San Miguel Island, Callen and Sam in their vests with the big guns find Gordon with his kidnappers.  They are being very careful.  The island is full of places where one misstep means “kaboom” according to Sam. 
The kidnappers want Gordon to dig up the treasure.  They have a metal detector and weapons pointed at Gordon.  Gordon mentions Juan Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer who died on the island.  Before his death he cursed the island – people of ill-will are cursed if the come to the island.  The unimpressed kidnappers threaten Gordon but he tells them his destiny will not be controlled by men like them. 
Callen and Sam creep up.  They yell “federal agents”.  This gives Gordon the chance to take his shovel and knock out one of the kidnappers.  The other kidnapper makes a run for it and hits some of the unexploded ordinance.  Kaboom.
The area was cleared by the Navy’s bomb squad and medics took away the kidnappers.  Gordon admits he’s stunned Callen and Sam found him.  Callen mentioned that Gordon didn’t make it easy.  Saying that he was looking for the treasure for decades, Gordon says he realized that if he was ever lost at sea, all of his work “would have been for naught.”  He set up the journal and the puzzle to leave his discoveries to a person with the same spirit he has.  It never dawned on Gordon that his passion would put him or anyone else in danger.  They mention Jessie Fiore.  “Gold and silver are worth a fortune but a human life is priceless, even a scoundrelous traitor like Jessie.”
Gordon thanks Callen and Sam who are ready to fly him back to the mainland.  Gordon isn’t going anywhere, instead he wants Callen and Sam to join him on his adventure.  Callen declines.  Gordon says the two don’t believe the treasure is there.  Callen is evasive, Sam’s a hard no.  Gordon promises to report to the SecNav about anything he finds.  He tells Callen and Sam that when ships were made of wood, men were made of steel.  Callen and Sam like that.
As they walk away, Callen thinks about a beach wedding.   Sam thinks Callen would like a beach bar wedding instead.  The two talk about sharks – Callen doesn’t like a beach with sharks.  Sam suggests the Great Lakes.  All the while, Gordon is studying his map and getting ready to dig.  Sam is down on beach weddings – weather is always an issue.  Sam’s suggestion is to let Anna plan the wedding with Callen using the magic groom words – “whatever you want, honey.”  Sam is looking more for another wedding event – the bachelor party.  Callen doesn’t want any part of the bachelor party.  Even though Deeks has booked the flights.  Cage diving with sharks in Mexico.
Fatima meets with Kensi in the bullpen.  She has an idea of turning the cultural/educational places as part of a scavenger hunt.  This way it is fun - Rosa can learn some things and get a feel for Los Angeles.  Fatima will even help.  Kensi thinks it is a great idea but thinks it is asking a lot of Fatima.  Fatima is all in – it will be fun, put some brain teasers to keep the mind sharp.  Kensi wonders if this makes her the fun parent.  It would unless Deeks takes Rosa skydiving – which he totally would do.
Rountree joins Kensi and Fatima.  He wonders if Gordon will find the treasure.  They admire how he loves the hunt – it is about the journey, not the outcome.
Callen and Sam are sharing some beers on the back deck of the boatshed.  Sam is talking about hiring the nurse from the hospital in “Dead Stick” to take care of Raymond.  Callen thinks they should have put Gordon on the chopper with them back to LA.  Sam disagrees – Gordon is right where he wants to be, looking for the treasure. 
The Admiral arrives.  He’s pro-treasure hunting, it started capitalism.  Sam isn’t – treasure is family, friends and a good day’s work.  The Admiral hands Callen and Sam a gift from Gordon before he leaves.  Sam opens the little pouch and pours the contents into Callen’s hand.  It is a little bit of the treasure.  Callen is stunned.  Sam isn’t. 
What head canon can be formed from here:  Again, I really think the cut scene was a huge loss not only for the episode but for the series.  It was a great look at Rountree.
I’m sorry they didn’t use John O’Hurley more.  The man is a great comic actor and he could have really filled out that role instead of being in the very beginning and the end.  This episode could have been the final season’s “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” – played for laughs with a good case of the week – but played it a little too straight.  A funny hour once a season is always a good thing.  A funny episode without Deeks – often the source or the butt of the humor in the show – is a fine effort. 
Callen and Deeks as an anti-bachelor party grooms.  Did not see that coming.      
Episode number:     Season 14, episode six.  It is the 308th episode overall.
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sailorsharky · 2 months
⚓️Journal of a Sailor IV⚓️
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-= Log: 1 =-
-= Time of writing: 0908=-
-= Weather conditions: Warm, mostly overcast with breaks in the clouds. =-
-= Duties done: Sign on, mooring & unmooring, assist in tug operations.=-
Good morning, dear logbook.
Well, I arrived aboard in the early evening yesterday.
Turns out that we work in shifts aboard the ship, with me being in the nightshift.
Not much to comment on, as this is work that I have done before, but I do need a bit more practice here and there.
No matter. Now it's time to rest up and hit the hay while it's daytime and be ready for the next shift at night.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
-= Log: 2 =-
-= Time of writing: 0838=-
-= Weather conditions: Rain and lightning early in the evening, clearing up at night.=-
-= Duties done: Mooring & unmooring, assist in tug operations, household duties.=-
Good morning.
I really don't have much to say, as we spent most of the night on standby, with only two ships to tow towards the end of our shift.
All in all, rather uneventful.
We'll see what comes next.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
-= Log: 3 =-
-= Time of writing: 1733=-
-= Weather conditions: Mostly clear, occasional cloud cover..=-
-= Duties done: Mooring & unmooring, assist in tug operations, household duties.=-
Good afternoon, dear logbook.
Last shift was exceptionally busy, with five ships we had tk take on tow across the night.
I hadn't the energy left to write this log until after I woke up.
Other than that, things are still going relatively well. And I just have a couple of shifts left to go before I head on home again.
Here's hoping this coming shift is not as busy as last night's.
See you in the next entry.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
-= Log: 4 =-
-= Time of writing: 0835=-
-= Weather conditions: Broken cloud cover.=-
-= Duties done: Mooring and unmooring, assisting in tug operations, household duties, practicing knotwork and splicing rope. =-
Good morning, dear logbook.
This night's shift was a much calmer affair, with only a couple of ships to take on tow.
This left me with some time for myself, which I spent practicing knots and splicing of a 3-strand rope.
The latter took quite a few retries (and an abundance of muttered curses), but the end result is a new skill gained, another bit of rope I can practice with and, of course, said rope now having an eye on one end.
Not much else to this shift, really. I just hope we won't be so ungodly busy in the next one.
As for now; sweet dreams.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
-= Log: 5 =-
-= Time of writing: 0745=-
-= Weather conditions: Rain.=-
-= Duties done: Mooring and unmooring, assisting in tug operations, household duties, more practicing. =-
Good morning, dear logbook.
Not much to report on. Fairly busy night, but not like the one in entry three.
Did some more practice with regards to knotwork, splicing and throwing mooring lines.
My accuracy and reach with the latter is not up to snuff yet, but I am getting closer.
That's all I've got for now.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
-= Log: 6 =-
-= Time of writing: 1736=-
-= Weather conditions: Rain in the evening, gradually clearing up.=-
-= Duties done: Mooring and unmooring, assisting in tug operations, household duties. =-
Good afternoon, dear logbook.
This second to last shift was very uneventful.
We had just two ships to take on tow and we were finished at around 0200.
Now, the last shift's coming up, and I do hope it'll be just as uneventful, to be honest, as I've a long train ride home afterwards.
I'm not sure yet if the taxi will pick me up at the quay or at the hotel, so just in case I'll be bringing my luggage with me aboard.
We'll see what tonight will bring and I will keep you posted.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
-= Log: 7 =-
-= Time of writing: 0746=-
-= Weather conditions: Mostly clear with the occasional hazy cloud cover. =-
-= Duties done: Mooring and unmooring, assisting in tug operations, household duties, sign-off. =-
Aaaaand that's another trip dlne and dusted.
As I'm writing this, I am on the way back home, away from the industrial landscapes that characterizes the cities by the sea. And back to the forests, fields and streams of the old sod I call home.
It's been a good contract. Though, not without friction here and there. But nothing that couldn't be solved by a talk together with my colleagues.
Overall,I did enjoy my time aboard, despite that, and as fellow workers I did appreciate them, and they in turn appreciated my presence aboard (even though I still need to learn a couple things here and there.)
But, with sage advice, some practical lessons and experience under my belt, I'm confident that the next contract will go smoother, whenever that'll be.
Now, back to hoppin' platform to platform for the many trains I need to take to get home.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
⚓️End of Logbook IV.⚓️
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amethystamanda · 10 months
In 1630, the first (acknowledged) small permanent settlements appeared in Newfoundland. King Charles I is on the throne in England, far away across the Atlantic Ocean. It's widely debated if there should be permanent settlements allowed, or if fishing should be restricted to a migratory fishery (out in the spring, home to England in the fall) to train sailors for the Royal Navy. On the one hand, settlers mark the land as theirs. On the other, they have to supply them, and they claim valuable shoreline from the valuable migratory fishermen--the shoreline which is used to salt and dry cod to prepare it for trading, which was a very valuable market (in general; there were highs and lows).
Philip Blackmore has decided to become a member of one of those first tiny settlements. His house is in the area they are now calling Brindleton Bay, and that's where he, his daughter, and his fishing servant are going to live. In the fall, he will make his decision on if he will tell young William his plans or send him back home.
They are all relieved to find the house still standing when they arrive. That is not always true. Sometimes a building or equipment may go missing or be damaged or burned over the winter.
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The first thing for Hannah to do is plant some seeds. And was that laundry left ALL WINTER? Yuck! She also needs to make a trip to the merchants. They could only bring so much with them. She has to get some supplies on credit. She meets the Widow Crumplebottom, Mrs. Moors, and Mr. Burt. The men needed to head straight out to fish. In the evening, Hannah makes gruel for them to eat.
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This is their life now.
(About the laundry. Let's just say getting this save back to a spring Sunday morning was a journey. It started on a fall Sunday evening, with 4 week seasons while I play on 2 week seasons. There was a fire. Hannah failed high school. Hannah and Philip aged up. William didn't age a day. The entire household got replaced. Someone made tea and new Hannah grabbed some before I noticed--green tea, from icemunmun's floral tea pot, not real anachronistic tea from tea leaves. This all happened while the game was mostly paused. New household failed Whitsun on Egg Day. Fun times were had by all.
Then I had a game bug and it was easier to restart the save rather than go through all of that again. Lots have been cleared up to StrangerVille before I lost steam and skipped to Henford and Granite Falls and the rest will get cleared when they become annoying. Most but not all sims are deleted. The remaining are dresser cleaned to wear appropriate clothes. This post is from the first go around, but except for the people Hannah met, it's pretty much the same)
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ganymede-princess · 1 year
WIP List
Updated: 27/12/2023
Just want to preface this by saying that I can't guarantee when/if these will come out, but I want to have a public record of what I have worked on so my followers can get a feel for what to expect from my fics. I am very scatterbrained about writing and I tend to move around these WIPs adding to them randomly until I get a strong enough fixation on one. For instance, I wrote the very start of Entanglement Theory, left it alone for a full year, and then finished the rest of it in only around a week.
Please comment/DM me if you would like to be tagged when/if one of these is completed and published. Also if you read a WIP summary that you would really like me to finish, please comment!
Titled in red are WIPs with very little progress towards them/only exist in concept.
Titled in yellow are WIPs with a relatively substantial amount of work put into them.
Titled in green are archival WIPs that were completed when I was younger and are ready to be edited and adapted for reupload.
Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings) Based loosely on the song Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) by Looking Glass, Aragorn is contracted to kill a warg that is terrorizing a village that his lover lives in.
Eric Moore (King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard) Coffee shop scenario, followed by a date to a football game or a gig.
Captain David Collins (Banished) Collins teaches a young convict woman how to read and falls in love with her.
Robert Capa (Sunshine) Collection of scenarios that didn't fit into Entanglement Theory (part 2 of Vignettes), Doc helping Capa celebrate his birthday post Payload delivery, and Capa and Doc getting to know eachother during their training.
Bret (Flight of the Conchords) After his breakup with Coco, Bret reluctantly sets out to find love again.
Joe Elliott (Def Leppard) Joe hangs out with his neighbor/girlfriend while his parents are away and they reminisce on how they first met.
Per "Dead" Ohlin (Mayhem) Black cat/golden retriever dynamic, Per becomes obsessed with a sunshine girl and feels himself becoming a better person because of her.
Brian Connolly (The Sweet) Reader is Andy's sister and has mutual feelings with Brian so they go on a date.
Dhani Harrison (son of George Harrison) Reader's mum works with George at his recording studio, leading to her having dinner around at the Harrison residence.
Jim Morrison (The Doors) After a final breakup with Pamela, Jim seeks comfort in a close friend.
Steve Marriott (Small Faces/Humble Pie) Reader skips school to hang out with her boyfriend Steve.
Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd) Based on the song Here I Go, Syd comes around to visit a girl he's been seeing only to find that she's gone and her sister now lives there.
Zoot (The Tribe) Zoot catches a young woman looting in his territory, and taking a liking to her, decides not to punish her as severely as he ordinarily would.
John Deacon (Queen) Reader attends university with John and harbors a crush on him, until she decides to take matters into her own hands and ask him for help with an upcoming assignment.
Athelstan (Vikings) When Ragnar brings Athelstan home to Kattegat as a hostage, his daughter takes the monk under her wing and comforts him.
Enjolras (Les Miserables) Enjolras discovers that one of the Amis is not what he seems.
Neil Young (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young) After Neil buys his ranch in California, he strikes up a friendship with the Foreman's daughter.
Malcolm Young (ACDC) After avoiding each other for some weeks, Malcolm and his friend confess their feelings for each other.
George Young (The Easybeats) Reader takes care of Malcolm and Angus when girls overrun the Young household.
Jimmy McCulloch (Thunderclap Newman, Stone the Crows, Wings) During a recording session with Pete Townshend, Jimmy realizes he has a crush on Townshend's niece.
Todd Anderson (Dead Poets Society) After graduating from Welton, Todd travels across the country to attend a progressive new university in Washington State.
Theo Faron (Children of Men) Theo is on the brink of suicide, but can't bring himself to be the second person in five minutes to buy Quietus from the same pharmacist cashier.
Bill Weasley (Harry Potter) Still conceptualizing this one, but I have the idea that the reader is around Percy's age and is the daughter of Rufus Scrimgeour.
William Murray (FUR) Will wakes up in a stranger's bathtub after a night of drinking.
Rhaegar Targaryen (ASOIAF) Follow up to The Crimson King, about Frida being called back to King's Landing to act as Rhaegar's cupbearer.
Chandler Bing (Friends) After you spend the night with Chandler, he calls in sick for work in the North Tower. Then you and the gang converge in Monica's apartment to watch 9/11 as it unfolds. Yes, I have an autistic hyperfixation on 9/11. Yes, I would be writing this to cope with Matthew's death. Yes, I would take this crack completely seriously.
Felix Catton (Saltburn) You are on a scholarship at Oxford and Felix invites you to spend summer at Saltburn. You find out that he picks a new "underprivileged" person to offer this experience to every year, often casting people aside when he is bored. You make it your mission to make Felix see the error of his ways.
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militantinremission · 2 years
The Woman King: The latest example of 'Tricknology' at work
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History is written by the Victor. We have to be mindful of this, whenever We see historical accounts of Our People. Slave Reparations have become a global conversation, & the descendants of European Colonizers, as well as those that benefited from Slave Labor are working feverishly to shift the narrative to Afrikan Tribes. Ultimately, They should be the ones to pay. There's some truth there, but Afrikan Chiefs & Kings received 'trinkets' (Rifles, Rum, Dashikis, ect...), while The Colonial Powers attained a Work Force that enabled them to control Global Affairs. Afrika is essentially Asset Rich but Cash Poor. Europe & America benefited from Slavery far more than Afrikan Kingdoms, & are therefore required to pay the lion's share of what is owed.
There are several problems w/ 'The Woman King'. To begin w/, it is historically inaccurate. Several Black Media Outlets have pointed out that Dahomey was a notorious Slave Trading State. They use Smithsonian documents, & historical accounts from 'The History Channel' & other sources to show how Dahomey not only traded Slaves to Europeans, they enslaved tens of thousands of their tribal rivals to fuel their domestic production. This notion of the Dahomian 'Woman King' being a Slave liberator, is Disney Magic. This may explain why it is failing @ The Box Office; during a time when it literally had No Competition. Antonio Moore of 'Toneralks' pointed out 'The Woman King's' average of $1,300/ Screen, compared to Black Panther's average of $18,000/ Screen.
My biggest issue w/ this movie, are the people behind it. This feat of 'tricknology', was the brainchild of Maria Bello. According to her, she was writing about 'Women's History'. She wanted to tell a 'Brave Heart' story set in Afrika. What We got, was a fantastical mix of Harriet, Black Panther & Braveheart- all rolled into one. It was written by Dana Stevens, & Directed by Gina Prince- Blythewood (of 'Love & Basketball' fame). Jason Black, of 'The Black Authority' did a dumpster dive into the background of these Women. Both of the Writers are White Women, & the Director is a Bi- Racial Black Woman raised in a non- Black household. The question arises: How can 3 Women w/ NO TIES 2 the Afrikan or Black American Experience actually write & direct such a narrative?
The obvious answer, is w/ Great Casting. 'The Woman King' is a $50M Production. The Cast includes: John Boyega as King Ghezo, Lashana Lynch, Sheila Atim, Thuso Mbedu, along w/ Viola Davis, as General Nanisca. NO ONE seems to be critical of the performances; the issue, is Maria Bello's 'narrative' itself. The only acting critique that i've seen, is in regard to Viola playing a teenaged Nanisca. Unlike David Kaluuya's portrayal of Fred Hampton, Viola is credible as an 'Amazon Warrior'. Most of the positive comments that I have read about this movie, are in regard to the performances. Even in the Social Media debates, supporters lean heavily on the Actors. This group has argued that 'The Woman King', is just a Story, why are We getting so worked up over a Movie? It's just entertainment.
Some have made claims that any critique of this movie, is part of a misogynistic agenda to undermine Women in general, & dark skinned Black Women specifically. Again, The Cast has been largely celebrated for their performance. This rhetoric plays into the 'tricknology' behind Maria Bello's Storyline. Ironically, Black Women have been the biggest critics of 'The Woman King'; Black Men are standing w/ their Women, but Black Women are making the most noise. When looking @ this movie through panoramic lenses, a few things come to light:
The blatant attempt to tug @ Black Women's heart strings w/ the story of an Afrikan Woman strong enough to stand up to the 'Dominant Men' of her universe- King Ghezo & the European Slave Traders. Black Women were expected to embrace this 'Historical Tale of Black Girl Magic' the way We embraced 'Black Panther'.
The inaccuracy of this 'narrative'. In it, The Oyo are solely blamed for trading Slaves to The Europeans. The truth is, Dahomey paid tribute to Oyo for the use of Porto Novo, before eventually defeating them. They controlled Porto Novo when the British Navy blockaded the Port to end Slave Trading in the Region.
Dana Bello presents Nanisca in the image of Harriet Tubman. She tries to convince King Ghezo to shift from trading Slaves, to trading Palm Oil; & later fights to liberate Slaves. There is no substantiation of this, but even if this is true, the narrative ignores the fact that Dahomey kept a large Slave population for their Palm Oil production & other industries. They were a Slave Economy.
Why this character? There is this emphasis on a 'Woman King', but isn't that essentially a 'Queen'? Elizabeth 1 & 2, Catherine 'The Great', & Victoria were ALL strong Women on the throne of Power. None were referred to as a 'Woman King'. Instead of focusing on a controversial figure like General Nanisca, why didn't Maria Bello & Dana Stevens look @ other Strong Women in Afrikan History? Hetshepsut was actually a Pharaoh (Shekem)- The ONLY female Pharaoh On Record. Queen Nzinga stymied The Portuguese. Queen Amina led her troops into battle. I understand the feminism behind a story about Amazons, but Nanisca is a flawed character. The Writers had to warp her story in order to tell it.
The ongoing effort by Hollywood to virilize 'Strong' Black Female characters. Wonder Woman, & now Nubia are how Amazons are classically depicted. General Nanisca doesn't fit this model. She falls into the societal perception of Serena Williams. No matter how feminine Serena presents herself, Society sees her like a female Mike Tyson- a Pit Bull in a dress. Maybe it's a Western view, but Black Women can be Strong, Powerful, Nurturing, AND [Very] Feminine. The Writer that puts those traits into a Black character will achieve that coveted 'Black Panther' reaction.
The pushback over 'The Woman King' has legitimacy. Black Filmmakers should be the ones telling Our Story. If Non Black/ Afrikan people desire telling ANY PART of Our History, a (collectively respected) Black Historian should be required to critique their screenplay. The pushback shouldn't stop w/ the Writer(s), Producers, or Director. The Cast Members should also be held to some account. Lupita Nyong'o was approached to do this Movie back in 2018, but backed out of the Project, after doing a documentary on The Agojie Warriors for The Smithsonian Channel. It's rumored that Lupita cried when she learned what Agojie Warriors did to The Yoruba. Viola Davis et al could've done their research.
As a Community, We have begun to question those who speak for Us. That should also be expanded to include those who represent Us in Sports & Entertainment. The current debate surrounding HipHop Music & Culture has some people saying that We need a vetting process. Entertainers that don't represent Us w/ respect & dignity shouldn't be supported. In the case of 'The Woman King', it shows a trend regarding the roles that Viola Davis chooses. I personally think that she is a powerful Character Actress. Viola Davis brings an intensity that few can match. She is the Cecily Tyson of Generation X. I put her on the same level as Cate Blanchett & Meryl Streep. That said, I must admit that I have struggled w/ some of Viola's roles.
I muddled through 'The Help', but 'How to get away with Murder' & 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom' confused me. What were these characters trying to get across? How are these roles helping to frame a positive Black perspective in Society? I find myself asking the same question in regard to General Nanisca. How does THIS depiction help the global perception of Black/ Afrikan Women? I don't mean to dump on Viola Davis, but she's The Star of this lie. John Boyega has shown that like David Kaluuya, he's an 'Actor who just happens to be Black'. Viola acts like Sistah Gurl when she does interviews, so I think that she has some explaining to do.
Why would she play a role that would move Black Americans, West Indians, & Afro Latinos to cheer for the people that enslaved & delivered Us to European Slave Traders? THIS is the essence of 'Tricknology'. Meanwhile, Agojie Warrior Holloween Costumes are already being advertised to Our children.
-Black Girl Magic indeed.
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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21/01/23-Blog 3 of 3: Mercer Way, Romsey
Following on from my previous posts about today, to make it into a smashing day of birdwatching we then went to Mercer Way in Romsey some parkland a known spot for Hawfinches at this time of year where one had been seen today and we saw some in January 2018. Along with others at various points we watched for over an hour and eventually managed some glimpses of the bird in trees. Then as the constant sun today just started to feel as though it was lowering this sunset coloured colossal finch settled in good light atop the tall trees in a very clear view. A mesmerising sighting of an iconic species, I was in aw watching it and taking photos I got the fifth, sixth and eighth pictures in this photoset of it. Last year Hawfinch became my first ever bogey bird (the one I usually see in a year with not too much trouble that I don’t for ages in a year) that I didn’t go onto see, the first time since 2012 I’d not seen this species so it was the perfect script to see one so early in 2023, especially a view like that and me being the only one in the household that didn’t see a Hawfinch last year spotting it first of the three of us today. What an epic and special bird to see, making out its firm and striking features. One of two big year ticks for me today alongside Cetti’s Warbler at Winnall Moors earlier to take my year list to 124. That’s three species already I can name off the top of my head that I didn’t see last year which is always interesting. Funnily enough when we came in 2018 as well as getting Hawfinch pictures I photographed a Redwing here as I did earlier at Winnall Moors. 
There were other great birds to see here this afternoon also headlined by two raptors I hold dear with astonishing views of Red Kite and Peregrine overhead in the bright blue sky not bad for a built up area I’d say even if the former is renowned for towns and cities of course. I took the record shot in the third picture in this photoset of the Peregrine and seventh picture in this photoset of the Red Kite. This made today and today and yesterday a bit of a raptor fest with Buzzard and Sparrowhawk seen at Winnall Moors and the Kestrel at Lakeside yesterday. Here we also saw; Robin, House Sparrow, another nice Goldcrest the last couple of days, Blue Tit and Long-tailed Tit nicely, Starlings gathering nicely in the air which is always stirring to see, Collared Dove, Woodpigeon, Magpie and Grey Squirrel I seem to recall. With possible Blackbird and Bullfinch seen, and Black-headed Gull and Rook on roofs nearby on the way in. I liked seeing catkins and the fruit of a plane tree which the first picture in this photoset shows here too. 
It was lovely to take in nice views here of the green grass and trees with the sun lowering, I took the final two pictures in this photoset of sun through trees type shots a type of shot I enjoy doing that I’ve had a good day for. I took the second and fourth pictures in this photoset of views here today. It was great to speak to and share the experience with others here today too, including people we know/have met before a good theme of a big day of wildlife and photos for me today. Seeing gorse on the way here and Magpie out the back with Greylag Geese heard at time spent at home between the two trips out today seeing some geese tonight just before it got too dark to see I believe too was nice.
My other posts about today are here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/707085250592915456/210123-blog-1-of-3-winnall-moors-post-1-the and  https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/707085601005010945/210123-blog-2-of-3-winnall-moors-post-2-ten
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templardom · 13 days
God’s Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
Why has the wicked man renounced God? He says to himself, “You will never call me to account.” Psalm 10:13 (BSB) 
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24 (KJV)
This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5 (NIV)  
Do not call conspiracy everything these people regard as conspiracy. Do not fear what they fear; do not live in dread. Isaiah 8:12 (BSB) 
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (NIV)
May no slanderer be established in the land; may calamity hunt down the man of violence. Psalm 140:11 (BSB)
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Calamity will surely destroy the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished. Psalm 34:21 (NLT) 
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meliesims · 6 months
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After changing the layout, I wanted to update the exterior too.
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rurpleplayssims · 1 month
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pint4punt · 23 days
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Run Masters:
Rust to Rushing Champions
Reports of the running back position’s demise may have been premature as the market for the league’s under appreciated stars came roaring back this offseason. Several household names got the big pay days and realistic hope of competing for a championship that eluded them in 2023.
Fanbases of the teams’ who gave their backfield a nitrous boost can only dream that the talent their team already has can elevate said workhorse to CMC-level production for their team. While hoping for a legitimate MVP caliber season from a Running Back may seem idealistic, there’s no question that fantasy value is up on several of the best backs in the game. But the real question is, which renovated backfield will be the most dangerous this season?
Today we’ll look at how each player fits with their new team and throw in our two cents on who has the best chance of usurping the current rushing champion in Christian McCaffrey. With that said let’s rush right into it!
Joe Mixon to the Texans
A year ago projecting the Texans as a playoff team, let alone a Super Bowl contender, seemed a laughable notion. Then the revelation known as CJ Stroud took the field and set the league on fire en route to winning Offensive Rookie of the year. Nobody outside of Leonardo DiCaprio could possibly have as big a hard on for a 22 year old as the Texans must have for their young Quarterback that led them to the divisional round the same year he was selected 2nd overall in the draft.
Needless to say, an outstanding first year campaign from Stroud and new Head Coach Demeco Ryans has accelerated the Texans window dramatically into ‘win now!’ mode. With little growing pains to show and 3 more years of Stroud playing for peanuts (relatively speaking), the Texans have basically discovered plutonium and need to capitalize as much as possible if they’re going to try and compete with the Chiefs and the Ravens this year.
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Enter Joe Mixon coming off his fourth 1,000 yard rushing campaign. If nothing else, Mixon has been the pinnacle of consistency, averaging right around four yards per carry with one fumble in three years and playing in 47 of a possible 51 games. Coming in at 220 lbs, with excellent hands (52 receptions on 64 targets for 376 receiving yards in 2023), and the ability to take on huge workloads (his 257 carries last year ranked 5th in the NFL), Mixon should be a significant upgrade over the incumbent Dameon Pierce who lost his starting job to journeyman Devin Singletary last year.
Saquon Barkley to the Eagles
For Giants’ fans, seeing their best player sign with their hated arch rival in the Philadelphia Eagles had to be like catching your wife in bed with your Boss. It’s not bad enough that they regularly ruin your life, but they also have to take away your only reason to live. For Barkley on the other hand, this could not have worked out much better. In addition to getting a lucrative extension ($37 million over 3 years) and getting to regularly face the team that dicked him around when the bill came due, Barkley can finally play behind a top tier Offensive Line (albeit sans Jason Kelce) that can help him truly maximize his skillset and his quads. It also helps that his new Quarterback is a legitimate rushing threat without the tripping hazard. Though Fantasy Managers should temper mentally prepare for goal line siphoning whether you draft Hurts or Barkley.
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While the Eagles followed up their 2022 NFC Championship with the worst sequel since the Hangover 2, it’s hard not to look at an Offense that features AJ Brown, Devonta Smith, Hurts, and Barkley and not have high hopes. Even Kellen Moore can’t fuck that up…..right?
Derrick Henry to the Ravens
Picture you’re the green dot linebacker. You look in the opposing backfield and see a two-time MVP/perennial rushing threat under center. To his left is King Henry. That’s the moment you realize, this rushing attack is even more likely to impose its will on you than P. Diddy. Even a slight misstep can result in your defense getting bulldozed by Henry at the second level or Lamar taking one to the house. This ground game is the ultimate realization of thunder and lightning and may very well be the biggest rushing threat in the league.
Teams won’t be able to simply stack the box either, now that Lamar has legitimate vertical threats in Mark Andrews, Isaiah Likely, and Zay Flowers who put up 858 yards and five touchdowns as a Rookie last year (though hopefully he can avoid some of those costly postseason mistakes in his sophomore campaign). The Ravens would also certainly benefit from quality snaps from another one of their receivers such as Rashod Bateman or promising rookie Devontez Walker, but the biggest question for them is if Henry’s royal reign will continue?
Henry made the Pro Bowl once again last season and still rushed for over 1,000 yards and double digit touchdowns last year with yards per carry consistent with the previous two seasons. But he also celebrated his dirty thirty earlier this year. If any Running Back can give Father Time hell, it’s Derrick Henry, but with a lot of tread on the tire at this point in his career, it’s fair to ask how long he will be able to take over games and put teams on his back. Luckily, for the first time in his career, it’s not all on him.
Enough Pussyfooting, Who Can Dethrone CMC?
There’s so much to like about all of these moves and fantasy leagues will be abound with debates over this exact topic. The steady presence of Joe Mixon should give CJ Stroud the extra half second to feed the ball to his armory of weapons (more on that in a future article), while his prodigious skills as a Quarterback and a laundry list of playmakers will force defenses to give up space underneath. But we’ve seen this movie before with Cincinatti’s army of talent, Mixon is a great player, but he isn’t making an MVP run in this lifetime.
Saquon could be transformational for the Eagles’ Offense. Or he could be a slight upgrade over what they had last year when they got eliminated in the Wild Card Round. Or he could deal with another injury prone season. Hey we’re not rooting for it, but he was available in free agency for a reason. If it works, this offense will be absolutely unstoppable on short yardage situations. If Barkley misses a lot of time, the Eagles are going to feel it, while Giants’ fans will owe Joe Schoen an apology.
Derrick Henry to the Ravens makes all the sense in the world. It’s exactly what both sides need. The Ravens need a consistent rushing threat that isn’t their signal caller so the attention is not always entirely on him. Derrick Henry needs an offense with names teams know other than him! It’s like Silk Sonic or the iPhone, you never realized how much you needed it until it fell in your lap.
If any ground game can rival Christian McCaffrey in a Kyle Shanahan Offense, its Derrick Henry lined up next to Lamar Jackson. This offense is going to make every Defensive Coordinator it runs into throw their headset on the ground and rage quit if Derrick Henry is even 70% of himself. Henry is more durable than Saquon and more dominant than Joe Mixon and the Ravens have an unabashed love for pounding the rock. If this move doesn’t propel them past Kansas City nothing will. All hail the king.
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sailorsharky · 7 months
⚓️Journal of a Sailor⚓️
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-= Log: 2 =-
-= Time of writing: 2242 =-
-= Weather conditions: Mostly cloudy during the day, overcast and frequent rain in the evening. =-
-= Relative windspeed: 16-21 knots =-
-= Duties done: Cleaning PPE closet, organizing deck locker, familiarization, stowing equipment on deck, tidying up the deck, assisting in mooring & unmooring, assisting in taking ships on tug. =-
Hello again, dear logbook. Today has been a long and busy day, as you can see by the list of duties done.
Aside from the household (shiphold?) cleaning and the like, we took two ships under tug over the course of the day. Going through the locks with one of them was a very interesting experience!
Also, after taking a ship on tug yesterday, the chief mate taught me some required knots every sailor should know. I haven't had much foresight to practice them back on land, but it's starting to come to me now that I got two lengths of rope and some references to practice with.
The crew is still a merry bunch, if a tad crass, but, hey, that's how it goes in this industry. There are plenty of tall tales and stories from home to go around, but I haven't got much to add yet myself, as I'm fairly new to this line of work.
As I'm writing this, we're on our way back to our berth. And when we're done mooring alongside, it'll be high time to catch some much needed sleep.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
🌟May Polaris guide you always🌟
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kickmag · 3 months
R.I.P. Angela Bofill
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Singer Angela Bofill died June 13th aged 70 at her daughter's home in Vallejo, California. The announcement was made on her Facebook page by her manager Rich Engel and no cause of death was listed. Bofill was born in  Brooklyn, New York, and grew up in a Bronx household with parents who had sung with Afro-Cuban jazz great Machito. The exposure to Latin music and soul shaped her versatility as an artist. As a teenager, she sang in New York City's All City Chorus of top singers from the five boroughs' high schools.  She graduated from the Manhattan School of Music with a bachelor's degree in music and started her career in the late '70s with GRP Records. Her 1978 debut album, Angie, introduced the world to her 3 1/2 octaves of uniquely rich and soulful vocals. Her cover of "This Time I'll Be Sweeter" was her first single and it was an R&B hit. Angel Of The Night was her second album and "I Try" which she composed as a teenager, charted and became one of her signature songs. "What I Wouldn't Do (For The Love Of You)" was another hit song from this album. The Cuban-Puerto Rican singer was one of the first Latinas to have a fanbase from R&B and jazz audiences. Clive Davis signed Bofill to Arista and during this time "Tonight I Give In," "Too Tough," "Let Me Be The One" and "I'm On You Side" were some of her commercial singles. Narada Michael Walden, The System, George Duke, and Denny Diante produced her albums for Arista. The record company never knew how to market her but she still found her audience and critical acclaim. 
Bofill's most consistent radio presence came from jazz outlets and Quiet Storm shows where album cuts like "Under the Moon and Over the Sky" "The Feelins Love," and "Rough Times" were played in addition to "I Try." She recorded five albums for Arista before going to Capitol Records and releasing the Norman Connors-produced Intuition in 1988. I Wanna Love Somebody came out on Jive and her last album Love In Slow Motion was a Shanachie release. In the early 2000s, she did backup vocals for Diana Ross and Kirk Whalum. She also appeared in the stage plays God Don't Like Ugly and What a Man Wants, What a Man Needs. In 2006 Bofill had a stroke and in 2007 she had another one. In 2011 she returned to the stage with The Angela Bofill Experience, narrating her life story as Maysa Leak, Melba Moore, and Phil Perry performed her music. TV One made her the subject of an episode of Unsung in 2012. Nas, Big Sean, and Rick Ross are some of the artists who have sampled Bofill's music. Will Downing covered "I Try" for his 1991 album A Dream Fulfilled. Bofill was inducted into the Women Songwriters Hall Of Fame in 2023. 
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