#how I wish I jsut couldn’t feel any bad feelings at all
These are not normal reactions
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pepprs · 1 year
ok actually yeah. i really need to do dishes and go to bed and not stay up late mentalillnessposting a little too viscerally on tumblr the night before i facilitate a workshop in front of the literal president of the university and the vp of my division (LOL about that btw. actively shitting my pants.) but oh my GOD. so saying goodbye to lia was actually fine in the moment. neither of us cried and we talked about all the ways we’ll still be in each others lives and reasons we’ll have to interact in the near future. and she gave me an extremely heartfelt thoughtful gift and we left on a very hopeful note and i felt better and content bc there’s still the rest-of-life and we’ll see each other there. but like an hour before that as i mentioned i was HYSTERICALLY sobbing. in full view of people i know AND people i don’t. and i just sat there and sobbed while everything carried on around me. everything carried on around me!!! and i feel like im about to sob again thinking about it.
#purrs#delete later#idk. i typed a bunch here and then deleted it and now idk what to say. i just feel so lonely. i have had fucked up relationships with every#single older adult in my life and never had someone who could a) stay in my life b) be consistently present in my life c) meet my emotional#needs d) actually See me and accept me for who i am. Like not one person who can be all four of those things. and i have to be all four of t#those things for myself now because im 24 and i missed my chance. but how fucking shitty and painful is that? especially after a year like t#this. the way it’s literally ending the SAME way last year did. huge scary promotion (which i haven’t even talked about on here or to anyone#but lia today actually. but it might be huger and scarier than i thought. which is good but also HUGE -‘d scary. and not a bad thing of bc o#course but it’s so fucking… perilous? like it makes me feel profoundly imperiled because i have extremely good reason to feel that way. and#i have to endure the mortifying ordeal of applying for my own job AGAIN after the first time was so horrible. lol) and also losing a beloved#mentor figure who understood me in a way no one else did which mattered immensely even if they couldn’t do the whole presence thing or#whatever. and now i only have one older adult in my life left (aside from my therapist who doesn’t really count bc i only see her once a#week and we barely know each other still) who is like. here and helping me and i KNOW i am so sick in the head i KNOW and i should not be#writing it but every single day i am fucking terrified that i am being or will be separated from him emotionally or physically jsut like all#the others so. LOL!!!!! i am normal and well adjusted. but it’s like so fucking painful because im grasping at straws but again the reality#is im 24 and the only people on this earth who it is fair for me to expect all 4 from and who should’ve provided it to me are my parents.#and i missed my chance with them forever and now i have to do it myself. and that’s ok sometimes and i can handle it… except in the moments#where im sobbing hysterically and everything carries on. when i am in my darkest moments i want to run to an older adult and have them#comfort me but i truly cannot do that with any of the ones i still have left / regularly interact with for so many reasons. and it’s so#painful it makes me sick sometimes. and now i have to be the romy and the lia i wish to see in this world. but how can i do that when i#haven’t finished grieving over them leaving which feels like leaving ME — NOW — in this moment when i have never needed more support of that#kind more. how can isummon it within myself. im not ready yet. i need a long hug and a hand to hold that won’t (have to) let go. when im#crying i need someone to take me somewhere and comfort me and calm me down. and im 24 so i can’t ask for it. but oh my god i need it. and i#missed my chance. and lia left today and she only ever did that for me metaphorically but… tonight i feel more alone than ever.#and it’s like i don’t even have the emotional intelligence or whatever to ASK for that. bc im playing by ear and i don’t know how to read#the music of it. im self taught. that fucking sucks. that SUCKSSS. also that’s too strong a way to put it liek obviously my friends who are#closer to my age are INTEGRAL to me being able to function and i learn from them and cherish their support. but just like i can’t be a mom#to me my friends can’t either. so it’s like what the fuck do i do. get steamrolled by relentless grief and rage every day i guess.#also side note. everything carried on when i was in brighton too. i came home early ofc but it’s like nothing changed in my absence. and#that has fucked me up SUPREMELY. i think that might be a root of it. like hm… it seems my presence doesn’t have impacts. but idk
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Tour without You
Summary: fans saw the video of cal singing ghost of you and people think you two broke up.
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a/n: SO YALL KNOW WHICH VIDEO I'M TALKING ABOUT RIGHT? Idk if he was actually crying, but a part of me tells me he was, but idk who knows, but i hope he was okay and is doing okay now.
You were currently home watching duke at yours and cal’s place. You couldn't go on tour with cal because of work, so being alone was a norm you had grown into. Whenever you didn't go on tour you and cal would spend time calling one another whenever a show was over, so he could see you and if you needed to comfort him for anything. He hated when he had to leave you alone, but you would reassure him you had someone that was a part of him. Duke would usually stay with the dog sitter, but when you stayed back home you watched duke. You two would have some quality time together as usual so the small pup can use his energy throughout the day.
For Cal though today, just wasn't his day. Their bus tour had taken a re-route, they got to the venue late, he couldn't focus during rehearsal since it was cut short, from them arriving late. Usually when stress came he was able to handle it well, but you usually were there to comfort him right there and then, which also added to his stress as well, not being able to be with you in moments like these. Fans in the audience and online had seen his expression and worried for him, especially when singing Ghost of you. He hated that his stress would reflect how he acts during shows, but today was really bad for him. Cal doesn't really notice when fans are recording, but a video had gone viral during the concert within minutes and fans skepulating about you and cal. You had no idea of this hence you not being near your phone all day and having a nice day out with duke. Your phone had been blasting all night and once you got home with duke you checked it once seeing all the notifications on all of your socials.You were slightly confused as to why there were so many so you checked it out.
@5SOSUPDATES: is it possible cal and y/n broke up? Could be because they haven been posting with one another. Also today’s performance he seemed sad, especially during Ghost of you.
“What the hell?” you said as the puppy barked at you as you continued to look for something that gave you some sort of idea that was going on. Then MTV also made a topic off of it.
You were quick to find the resources they were using to claim these speculations and there was a video of cal singing ghost of you, at first it was all good, he was singing good, you saw no sad emotions, but when it got to him harmonizing, with the ghost of you, that's when his expression changed. At first you thought that it was just the way he was singing. But you looked over and yeah you were convinced he was crying.
You tried to first go over anything you might have said to make him upset, but there was nothing, you texted when you could and he seemed fine the night before, so you didn't know what was wrong. Unless he lied to you, which he would do when he was away from you. He didn't want to bother you, but you always told him to talk to you when he was feeling down and not himself. You were always going to be there to talk to him always. Just then you got a call from mali, you were quick to answer as she probably has seen these as well.
“Mali, hey.” you said as she spoke, “hey super weried, but have you been on your socials and possibly MTV?” she asked as you sighed, “yes i have.” you said as she contuned, “okay, is it ture?? Did you two break up? Omg did cal do something because i swear-” she said as you giggled and cut her off, “no we didn't, well at least i think so, but uh, no i called him before this show and he seemed fine, but you know how he is, he doesn't tell the full truth until you get it out of him.” you said as she hummed, “thats true, well are you talking to him tonight?” she asked as you hummed back, “yeah i should be getting a call in about an hour, i dont think he has checked his phone yet, so i'll call you first thing alright?” you said as she hummed and you two said your goodbyes. As your phone was still blowing up, more and more rumours were being made, but you didn't expect to be getting attacked.
5SOSWILDFLOWER: Yall, there are some photos of y/n with another guy before cal had gone to tour, guess cal has a reason.
Caly/n_stan: i don't think she would cheat though, they've been together for years.
Lukehemmingsstan: i mean yeah but people change especially when dating a celeb, and it wouldn't be the first time a 5sos member would be cheated on.
@mikeycliff5sos: i mean you can tell she was just in it for the money and the fame, she never spoke about her job.
You were at first confused as to what pictures you were talking about, but then you clearly remember you were with the dog sitter, who happens to be a guy. He was one of Cal's best friends and he always took care of duke when you were away. You were there before cal had gone to tour, to tell him personally that you were staying with duke, since you knew him and it would be nice to catch up on duke’s behavior. Of course the fans didn't know that, but that didn't mean they should attack you. You were kinda stressed about this situation, especially with the things being said, fans even started to question your real intentions with cal and wondered if you were just after cal for his money and fame questioning your line of work as well, which wasnt public because you line of work was importnatn, you were a visual editor at entertainment company and well you kept it private and you didn't want any problems.
On cal’s side of things, he hadnt checked his phone at all wanting to handle one side of stress at a time. After teh show he realxed before calling you, making sure he looked good and fine. But once he lifted his phone he had seen so many notifications, at first he thought it was about the show from tonight but when he clicked he saw everything that was being said about you and him that you two had broken up and the means things being said about you. He was quick to call you as you answered quickly hoping he was okay.
“Hey” you both said quite rapidly, “sorry you go first.” cal said as you sighed and spoke, “are you okay? But i want to know the full truth cal, you know you can talk to me.” you said as he rubebd his head and wished he had spoken to you before anything, he knew if he talked to you hten these rumours wouldnt be made. “Fuck love, im sorry, we had to reroute the show for tonight we got there late, and rehearsal was rushed and, today i didn't do my best to hide my stressed emotions, i tried, but i couldnt, all i wnated to do was talk to you before the show, but i wasnt able to,” he said as his voice was cracking and you felt bad for him, you knew he handled stress well, but you knew today was one of those days, “bub its okay, just talk to me about this kind of stress to help you when you can, no matter what time it may be. I know im not htere, but remeber im a phone call away, always. No matter waht okay, you call me when youre feeling like this.” you said as he smiled a little missing you so much more than he should be able to.
“Youre too good for me you know that? Im sorry for waht the fans are saying, i'll straighten it out babe, they shouldnt be saying this stuff about you,” he said as you giggled, “its fine, it hurt at first, but i mean this all happend beucase i was out with dukes dogsitter,” you said as he laughed a little, “gosh the fans are really out of hand, i love you so much, youre there for me more than many times i could even count, you know youre it for me,” he said as you blushed hearing his words, he would tell you this all the time. It was true, you were it for him and he was it for you. “And youre it for me too, and i'll happily be there for you, always you know that.” you said as he smiled and jsut couldnt wait to get home to you. After talking for about 2 hours, you said your goodbyes and you had gone with the rest of your day as cal had straighten out with the fans about his citation.
He posted a picture on his story of you and captioned it:
To clear out the rumours from today, me and y/n are happily together. y/n has not and has never cheated on me, for those who know she is everything to me and i will do anything to not lose her. There is no anger towards this situation jsut please, be careful with what you say on the interent, even if y/n and i dont post about us everyday its not htat wer are not together, we like to live in the present with one another since i go away for tour. Usually shes here with me, but sadly she isnt. So again please just be aware with what you are posting, we are human and things that were said towards her will hurt anyone.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1+2]
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Original title: 地下墓地 & 強い渇き
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 8: Sakamaki Subaru [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: This is one of the few Subaru CDs I have yet to translate and it makes me sad because I want more content of my boy. ;w; The MB CDs in general are not my favorite because they’re very heavy on the blood-sucking and breathing sounds. Personally, I prefer something with a little more...actual plot, haha. It’s cute to see Subaru hold himself back for the MC’s sake though. ;w;
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
Track 1: Underground Cemetery
*Rustle rustle*
“Uu...Kuh...Where...am I...?”
Subaru slowly wakes up.
“It’s pitch dark...Am I inside my coffin? ...No, I’m not. ...Then where is this place...?”
[00:30] “...!! Is that you...? You’re here as well...?”
He tries to move closer but flinches in pain.
“...ーーUu! ...Fuck! Seems like I got hit pretty hard on the head back then...It hurts...Ugh! Fuck this shit...!”
“Hah...You want me to calm down? How am I supposed to keep my cool under these circumstances...!?”
“We’ve been locked up who-knows-where. Those guys who smacked both of us out cold...They’re of the same kind as me.”
Your eyes widen in shock.
[01:20] “Exactly. They’re Vampires. That’s why it upsets me even more.”
“Ugh...Haah, haah...”
“Haah, haah...Shit...Those bastards...Just doin’ as they please...I’m seriously pissed off they got a surprise attack on me...”
You frown.
[01:50] “...Hah? Did you think I’m completely invincible to any kind of pain or injury...? Well, it’s true that it takes more than a couple of punches to kill a Vampire, but we can get wounded or all beaten up.
You try and comfort him.
“...!! W-What...? Get your hands off me...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hah...Are you showin’ pity or somethin’...? Pattin’ my head like that...Haah...”
[02:30] “Ugh...I can only imagine you have a couple of screws loose. I always suck your blood as I please, so shouldn’t you be...You know...happy that I’m wounded?”
You shake your head.
“Heh. You don’t feel that way?  ...Shut up!”
“...Don’t be actin’ like a miss goody-two-shoes! Ugh...Actually...You...smell kinda off...?”
*Sniff sniff*
[03:19] “...!! It’s the scent of your blood!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Don’t tell me...Did they do somethin’ to you...!? Oi, answer me! I’m askin’ if they did somethin’ to you!”
You tell him you don’t know.
[03:36] “You don’t remember...? Don’t lie to me! There’s no point in tryin’ to cover it up! ...Tsk. Those bastards...I definitely have to beat them to pulp now or I can’t rest in peace...! Kuh...I’ll wreck them...Every single one of them!”
“What’s their objective even!? They beat me up, then lock us up in here after suckin’ your blood...Kuh...I can’t believe this...”
[04:14] “They’re makin’ fun of us...I bet they’re gettin’ a kick out of watchin’ my every move...”
You wonder what they want.
“What they’re after? ...That’s obvious, isn’t it!? They jsut want to...ridicule me...Ugh...Kuh...The fuck...!? What’s this thirst...!? Ugh...”
[04:47] “Didn’t you hear me when I told you to keep your hands to yourself earlier!? Are you deaf!? Haven’t you...gone even more crazy than usual...? Is it ‘cause they sucked your blood?”
You feel offended.
“...’That’s cruel’? How so? I’m just speakin’ the truth. ...Heh! I bet it felt good for you? You’re that kinda woman. I’m well awaーー ...?”
*Crumble crumble*
“...Watch out!! Ackーー!”
Track 2: Intense Thirst
*Crumble crumble*
“...Ugh...Fuck...The ceiling collapsed...”
“Oi...Everythin’ alright...? ーー Kuh!”
*Rustle rustle*
[00:18] “...Ugh...There’s a large boulder...on top of my leg...”
“You keep still, ‘kay?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Uu...Fuck! Hahー!”
Subaru tries to wriggle his way out.
“Haah, haah...I’m stuck...Honestly, I’m out of luck...Anyway, this place...”
He looks around.
[00:49] “It must be an old building of some sorts after all...You...have no idea where we are, huh? ...Hah, of course you don’t. This is probably an...underground graveyard...One especially made for Vampires...Reiji has told me they exist in this world as well. The basement of old buildings have been turned into cemeteries. Che...Disgustin’...It’s narrow and gives me the creeps...”
*Crumble crumble*
[01:32] “Ugh, fuckーー! ...However...My power levels aren’t what they’d usually be...Like this rock on my leg...Fuck...Under normal circumstances, I’d have no issue shatterin’ it...Haah...Lame...”
*Rustle rustle*
“...I must look like a fool...”
“Say...Are you not scared...? It’s pitch black in here...Humans are afraid of the dark, aren’t they?”
You frown.
[02:20] “I don’t mind the dark...You could even say this feels extremely comforting to me...”
You grab hold of his hand.
“...? Why are you holdin’ my hand?”
You explain.
“...!? So you’re scared after all...? ...You’re in the way, let go...!”
“...Stay away from me...! Haah, haah...My throat’s...even more parched than usual...Haah, haah...Whatever! Don’t try and meddle with me...! ...Just...move away, ‘kay? Haah...Hurry!”
*Crumble crumble*
[03:14] “...I want to be alone right now. If you weren’t makin’ a damn fuss near my ear, this place would be barely any different from bein’ inside my coffin.”
You protest.
“Wha...? Aahn...? You won’t leave and you couldn’t even if you wanted to?”
“Well...I guess we’re kind of stuck in place now that the wall crumbled apart...”
[03:48] “Ah...Fuck...! This is such a pain...! If you can’t leave, then at least shut your mouth! I don’t want to hear another word from you. ...Kuh...Once I’ve recovered my strength...I’ll make quick work of these damn rocks...and we’re gettin’ out of here at once. 
Ugh...Haah...Argh...Somethin’ is off after all...I’m so much more thirsty than usual...Hah...Did they drug me in some way while I was out cold...!?”
You ask Subaru what he’s doing.
[04:40] “...You want to know what I’m doin’...? Isn’t that obvious!? I’m gonna wreck this stupid boulder...and get out of here! Ugh...Ah...Shit! Haah, haah...Che! Guess it’s no use after all...The fuck’s goin’ on...!? ...It feels like the front and back of my throat are glued together...Haah, haah...Fuck...Since you’re right next to me, it’s even worse...Haah, haah...Move away from me! The scent...of your blood is too strong...Hurry!!”
You try and scoot away a little.
[05:37] “Ah...Haah...The scent of your blood...is makin’ me feel sick...So...Aahn? What...?”
You ponder over the cause of his thirst.
“If it’s ‘cause some other Vampire sucked your blood? Cut the crap! What do you mean!? ...I didn’t...mean it like that or anythin’...”
You speak up again.
[06:11] “Shut up! Don’t make me repeat myself time after time! ...Do you want me to suck your blood or somethin’, aahn!? ...If that’s your wish, then fine by me. I’ll start by shuttin’ up that noisy mouth of yours...”
Subaru suddenly pins you down.
*Rustle rustle*
“You want me to do this, don’t you?”
He kisses you passionately.
“Do you want me to...plunge my fangs into you...and give you pain? ...Aah!?”
*Rustle rustle* 
[07:08] “If that’s not what you want...then keep your hands off me. Time after time...You come my way without bein’ prepared to deal with the consequences...Ugh! It’s damn annoyin’...!”
“Uu...Fuck...My head’s spinnin’...”
[07:39] “Haah, haah...What’s happenin’...? The thirst keeps on growin’ stronger...Fuck...Haah...Ugh...This might be...pretty bad honestly...”
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cornholio4 · 3 years
Truth Spoilers
I have read about the Truth and how they couldn't give Lukanette some time and have them break up in the episode where it's confirmed they are dating. So now that episode is now joining Chameleon and Ladybug on my blacklist of Ladybug episodes along with the Shanghai special. I can at least get this salt idea out there and can I p[lease ask this about fellow Salt writers: can you at least include Chloe salt in it as she definitely deserves it more than any other character with her being tied for Lila. She may have moments where they want you to feel sorry for her but she is ultimately selfish, self-centred, loves being cruel to others and I will never stop bringing up she never showed even a tiny bit remorse for intentionally almost getting a train filled with people killed so that she could pretend to be hero.
Plus I have to dislike Jagged Stone for the revelations in that episode, I guessed it but it was executed perfectly. For this who now hate him due to having to deal with absent fathers then I understand and won't blame you. Wish they pulled it off differently like that him and Anarka broke it off with Jagged not even knowing that she was pregnant.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng had wanted to get over her crush with Adrien Agreste and just enjoy herself with her boyfriend Luka Couffaine but having to be Ladybug and keep it secret from him was doing nothing but hurt them both. At the end of it Marinette truly loved Luka but it wasn't fair of him to keep this up. She wanted to break things up with him when he asked for a little honesty but couldn't control herself by saying that she was Ladybug.
They had both been stunned silenced and Luka noticed Tikki in her bag, having been Viperion of course meant that he knew about Kwamis. They had hugged and Luka asked if she had truly wanted to end this or if they can try to make it work now because he told her that he now understood and thought that it would be worth it for her.
Marinette was kicking herself for breaking the secret after so long but couldn't help but realise how much things were easier now with Luka knowing and understanding when she had to go off, with them managing to reschedule.
Right now Marinette's girl pals were at Liberty giggling as they watching Luka playing on his guitar with Marinette's face on his shoulder looking like she would snap if somebody tries to move her. Then the girls began squealing to notice Jagged Stone enter with Penny.
"Hello Juleka, Luka and great to see you too Marinette." Jagged greeted them and there was a tense look as both Juleka and Looked greeted him. While they wanted to get to know him, there were tension and still issues of all those years of abandonment which Jagged was fully aware off and accepted while doing his best for them from now on. "Luka, you are marrying Marinette into the family, aren't you?" Jagged asked as Marinette jumped up and shrieked in embarrassment.
It was already bad enough when Anarka had began to greet Marinette as her daughter in law already, "What... No... Far too early to think about that Jagged... Don't you encourage him!" Marinete snapped with a freaked out look at Juleka who was nodding along to what Jagged had just said.
However Marinette noticed Alya had put on her phone excited and told the camera "Hello Ladybloggers, I am here live with Jagged Stone, the father of my best friend Marinette's boyfriend Luka!" Marinette sighed and went to tap Alya on her shoulder.
"Alya, this is not the time and place for this..." Marinette tried to Alya but was ignored as Alya just about shoved the camera into Jagged's place.
"Jagged Stone sir can I expect to get an interview about the times Ladybug has saved you and the song that you sang for her, plus we can put in my friend Lila Rossi and you can discuss the time that she saved your pet kitten from a runway!" Alya asked and Marinette facepalmed, she was too focused Alya embarrassing herself than any ramifications that may happen due to this.
"What are you talking about, I never liked cats and I don't know any Lila Rossi... Is this one of those tabloid garbage like the one that claimed that Ladybug is my daughter or the one that said that Gabriel Agreste is my long lost twin brother? I just came here to spend time with my kids and to write some music together!" Jagged replied quite frustrated as Marinette pulled Alya back with anger in her eyes.
"Alya, there is a time and a place for this and this was clearly not the time, they are trying to build a relationship as a family together with an already rocky start and that's more important than you trying to get hype for your blog! I am sorry but it's time for you and everyone else to go!" Marinette snapped taking Alya by the arm and pushing her to the plank to walk and did the same for Rose, Alix, Mylene and a protesting Juleka.
Marinette calmed down a bit as Jagged, Luka, Penny and Anarka were looking at her with wide eyes and amusement. "Sorry about that, I will give you alone time as well..." Marinette said facing the plank but Anarka stopped her.
"Marinette dearie, I hope you know that you just kicked my daughter out of her own home." Anarka explained to her as Marinette's eyes were wide and her mouth open as she panicked. She then ran down the plank and began apologising a thousand words a minute to Juleka. She jsut smiled and was more amused about it than anything else.
The next day at school Lila was trying to give excuses to her classmates about whether any of the stories were true, the Ladyblog had live footage of Jagged Stone denying knowing her. "If you made up the story of Jagged then how can we believe the other stories like Prince Ali or Ladybug?" Alya asked her feeling humiliated over it and had to spend some time being scolded by her parents saying that hounding celebrities for interviews on the spot could get her into legal trouble and could become a tabloid reporter. She already had scolding enough or intentionally going into dangerous Akuma battles for live footage.
Then came Marinette running into the door slamming the door, "Marinette, you were right..." Alya began say but Marinette moaned that she was not in the mood. "Something the matter Marinette?" Alya asked in concern.
"I had to run from being hounded by the school's wrestling team wanting me to join..." Marinette replied since Alya had recorded live the footage of her throwing the whole lot of them out of the Liberty.
There were some amusement and Juleka told Marinette "it's alright Marinette, I know what it's like with the attention of people knowing that I'm Jagged Stone's daughter. Just what you do before you decide to kick your future sister in law out of her own home..."
Marinette was ready to scream to the heavens as the class laughed.
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prey-to-go · 4 years
Can you write a fic where Peter is telling tony about a bad experience with a costumer and tony noms him to make him feel better?
(Of course!!!))
Peter knew he shouldn't get used to the literally pampering Tony would provide with their session. The demon didn't immediately demand to eat him. It was nice being able to talk about his day while sitting on a counter. It was even better when Tony would feed him little snacks.
He did have to admit he was surprised when he got booked by someone else but money was money and he was sure it wouldn't be that bad.
Oh how wrong he was. The whole experience had been awful, just the carelessness of the predator and the bruises left behind, the whole no choice in anything made him nearly break down again.
Peter rubs his eyes quickly as the elevator brought him up to the penthouse level. He didnt need to cry in front of Tony again. The first time had been shitty enough.
The doors opened and he nervously stepped out. He knew he had nothing to be afraid of with Tony considering the demon was just so gentle with him, however last night's order was burned into his mind.
Having said that he couldn't stop the whimper and the desperate scramble back to the elevator when Tony stepped in front of him.
"Peter?" Tony murmurs soflty. Peter tried not to flinch when the demon got down on the floor more towards his level. The demon only said one word but god the question of 'Are you alright' hung in the air like a thick fog.
"M-m sorry I just...I." Peter grimaces when tears start pooling yet again. Something about Tony just made it near impossible to lie or hold any emotion back.
He flinches when the demon carefully picked him up, both hands cradling him like he was a precious jewel. It always amazed him at how gentle Tony truly could be.
"Oh kid." Tony practically crooned out. Peter sniffles, trying to keep the tears at bay which wasnt exactly working. He leaned closer to the demon, a silent plea for affection.
His plea didnt go unanswered either, gentle hands cradling him close to the solid mass of the demons chest. While Tony didnt usually have a heart beat Peter could hear it right now, a steady lull of thumping.
"What happened?"
That broke the dam Peter sobbing hysterically. He blubbered out the whole story about how the pred was careless, left bruises, and every single detail that made him terrified of the demon right now.
Tony listened to it all not saying anything but crooning softly at times and gently rubbing his back. Peter all but melted into the touches craving the comfort. He couldn't exactly go to his Aunt with this, he didn't want to tell her after all.
"Feel better?" Tony asks once Peter had cried himself out. The kid nods sighing shakily. It was embarrassing how many times he had cried infront of the demon at this point.
It was silent for a moment until a impatient growls came from the demons middle. Peter couldn't emotionally bring himself to care and while there was that brief feeling of panic it was squashed away when Tony shushed him softly.
"I'll order someone else kid, do you want to go home?" Tony asks. He hated when Peter god distraught it made him feel guilty and down right protective over the small thing.
"N-no! No! I'm alright- I really am Mr.Stark." Peter stutters out. He didnt want to inconvince the demon anymore than he already had. He flinches when he was moved away from Tony's chest, staring up at the large face.
"Are you sure? You have a choice kiddo."
That just made Peter feel even more guilty. He was suppose to be doing his job and yet here he was sobbing to a customer about his problems. He wipes his face to get rid of any stray tears and nods.
"Yes! I'm fine- I just..please be careful and-and I might be a little flighty cause ya know I didnt really have time to adjust with the other guy which scared me a lot- I mean not like you wo-" Tony cut off his ramble by gently tapping his head. He looks wide eyed up at the demon, half expecting to be shoved into his mouth.
"I'll go slow and be careful kid."
Peter didnt realize how much reassurance that simple little sentence could hold, but there it was. He nods and squeezes his eyes shut, tensing up when warm breath washed over him.
"I'm going to start now kid, just relax alright?"
Peter nodded again, swallowing nervously. He wasnt going to look- he didnt want to see. He froze when he felt Tony slipping him inside, his hair and suit dampening as salvia pooled around him. He let a small whimper out, everything around him going still.
"I-im fine." He manages to choke out, flinching when the tongue twitched under him mindlessly. Nothing happened for a bit, fingers firmly holding his legs as the demon swallowed the pooling saliva but not him.
He slowly started relaxing, hesitantly opening his eyes to look around. It wasnt as scary as he thought it would be. He imagined the sharp teeth looking more threatening up close but something about it being Tony made it oddly comforting.
"I'm fine." He echos a bit more confidently. This was Tony not some random pred who didnt care about him. The demon actually cared about him.
Everything started to move after that, the tongue gently lapping at him, soaking him even more than before. He couldnt help the small nervous giggle as it pushed over him.
He tenses a bit when everything moved, his face sliding back further towards the demons throat. He wanted to be terrfied to cry or back out but the overwhelming feeling of safety kept slipping into his mind.
There wasnt much time to contemplate if he really wanted to back out considering the demon swallowed thickly, his torso slipping with ease into throat. It still baffled him at how easily predators could just swallow someone.
There was a slight pause then Tony guiding his lower half more into his mouth, another swallow pulling him deeper into the demon.
He winces at the tightness surrounding him but it didnt last long before he was spilling into the stomach. A sigh of content coming from Tony, Peter quickly moving around to get comfortable, squeaking when a wall squished into him.
"You doing alright?"
Peter nods quickly flushing with embaressment when he forgot that Tony coudlnt exactly see him.
"I-im fine I...thanks for ah..not being a jerk Mr.Stark." He says shyly. He squeaks again when the weight pressed into him in a circle motion. It never ceased to surpise him that Mr.Stark knew exactly where he was and how to keep him grounded.
"Why would I be a jerk to my favorite little snack?" It was a teasing tone but the sentiment still made Peter warm inside. He wished all customers were like Tony. He let a small laugh out, hesitnelty leaning into the wall.
"I'm not a snack Mr.Stark!" He says with a grin. All his fears fading away as the rubbing continued. He coudlnt believe that all his fears could melt away like this.
"Mmhm sure."
The rumbling of Tony speaking was weird but oddly a bit of a comfort. It was jsut strange knowing that he was completely surrounded by the demon. Nothing could get him here.
"I'm not!" Peter argues back with a small smile, leaning into the stomach wall. It squished around him cradling him with ease. Stomachs had no business being this comfortbale. He would never be able to find a couch this plush in his life and that wasn't fair.
"You're my little petey pie, a perfect little snack." Tony croons soflty. Peter giggling slightly. The demon always knew how to cheer him up.
Peter didnt know it yet but Tony was booking him for any day he worked, regardless if he'd be able to swallow the kid down or not. If worst came to worst Pepper could babysit for a bit.
After all Peter was Tony's snack.
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fiftyshadesof-h · 4 years
The Second Choice
Warning: Unhappy Ending
Summary: Reader is heartbroken because Spencer can’t move on from his past love.
“Spencer, I love you.” You whispered out quiet enough so you wouldn’t wake him. It was the first time those words left your mouth, the first time you regretted saying those words.
You were laying next to Spencer in the bed, your leg hooked over his hip, his arm wrapped around your back, holding you tight against his body as though something would pull you away from him at any minute.
You laid atop him, the feeling of his chest moving up and down against your body leaving you calm, but distraught. Distraught because you fell in love too hard, you fell in love with the way he laughed, the way his curls fell infront of his face when he leaned down, the way his laugh gave you an unexplainable amount of joy, but the thing that left you awake at night was that you knew he didn’t love you, maybe he couldn’t love you.
Before Spencer and you first started dating a couple of years ago he explicitly told you that his last girlfriend passed away, he never went in to much detail about the events that led up to her death, only the fact that he had never been the same since then.
So as the months passed you fell more for Spencer, and maybe he did too, just not in the same way.
You knew he cared about you, he had to. You couldn’t handle it if he didn’t.
When you stopped thinking about him, finally ready to sleep you felt the tear fall down your face. You rolled your lips into you mouth trying your best not to cry.
You looked down to Spencer again seeing him content in bed, the low lighting in the bedroom gave attention to the delicate features of his face, you couldn’t help but admire him.
Slowly, you lifted yourself off of his body, a groan leaving him before he just turned to the side, his back facing you.
Did he ever even want me?
You constantly wondered to yourself. The most painful feeling was feeling unwanted by the one person you wanted the most. You would give the world to him if you could.
Before you walked to the bathroom the light on your phone went off, an alert that you ignored instead looking to the time.
12:37 AM
Finally closed away in the bathroom only a nightlight illuminating the room, you could barely see your hand infront of you.
But this, this darkness was how you felt constantly, surrounded by nothingness. You deserved more right?
You leaned against the back of the closed door, sliding down till your butt hit the ground, you put one arm around your bent knees, the other going up to your face to wipe it.
Just once you wanted to be someone’s first choice, to be the person they wanted to share a life with.
You were never that person.
“Always the bridesmaid never the bride.”
The tears were now falling down your face more steadily in a silent sob, your hand infront of your face covering the wavering breaths leaving your mouth.
“baby?” You heard come from the other side of the door. You sucked in a heavy breath at the sound of Spencer’s voice.
That damn voice that made you fall in love.
“Yeah, Spence?” You stayed behind the closed door, quickly wiping your face off, trying not to sound like you were crying.
He was a genius though and he knew what was happening. “Please open the door. What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t stand the worry in his voice so you finally turned the doorknob slowly, hesitantly before you opened it to a very sleepy looking Spencer, his hair messy from the bed, dressed in a t-shirt from a tv show and some plaid pajama pants.
He turned his head to the side, a frown adorning his face. You almost ran into his arms but instead you walked slowly towards him, standing just a few inches away from him until he reached out and pulled you into his arms.
The tears you had previously wiped off your face now placed over the fabric of Spencer’s shirt.
“I’m sorry Spencer, I’m so sorry.” He pulled away form your words, keeping his grasp on your upper arms holding you in place.
“For what, what’s the matter?” He said as he used the back of his hand to wipe the tears away from your face. Once they were gone he left his palm cupping you cheek, his thumb stroking along the pink, swollen skin of your cheek.
“I tried so hard not to Spencer, I really did.”
He still looked confused, his eyebrows scrunched up in an unreadable expression. Part of him knew exactly what you were referring to he just hoped it wasn’t true.
“I love you Spence, so much it kills me.” You breathed out, stepping away from him, removing his hands from your body.
You turned and walked toward the living room, your arms crossed over eachother as you folded into yourself.
“You- you can’t. Please don’t say that.” He begged as he followed closely behind you.
You turned around, your abrupt moment taking Spencer by suprise as he halts his movements.
“God Spencer, I know I can’t say it! I know I can’t because I know you can’t love me back.” You said back to him raising your voice as you got out all the feelings you’ve been hiding.
“and I- I don’t know why you can’t love me, or why no one can love me.” Your voice shook as the words left your mouth.
Spencer’s eyes were now glossed over, liquid burning the corners of them. “Please I don’t want to do this to you, please just- don’t make me do this.”
He keeps speaking as a tear falls down his face, the first tear you’ve seen leave him you realize. “I care about you so much, but I just can’t love anyone else after her.”
“I don’t want to lose you y/n. If I- if I say that then you’ll be taken from me, I can’t- I just can’t lose anyone else, I can’t lose you.” He says, stuttering over the words as he takes in heavy breaths.
“You have to understand.” He says moving closer to you, but instead you take a step further back, distancing yourself from him before you run back.
“I’m trying so hard Spencer, I really am but I can’t just pretend this doesn’t hurt.” You said motioning between the two of you.
“I’m heartbroken, I am always, always! the second choice, I can’t be that Spencer, not to you, not when I care about you so much, not when I love you so much.” He winced as the word love leaves your mouth again.
“Sometimes I just feel- people make me feel like no matter how hard I try, how hard I love, how hard I give I will never be good enough for anyone.”
“I’m not even good enough for you Spencer!” you continued not letting go off a single breath until your sentence finished and you let out a choked sob, your hand moving up to wipe away the stray tears as your lips roll into your mouth.
“I didn’t want to love you, I didn’t plan on it but you had my heart in your hands before I could even say no.” Spencer kept quiet until you finished, when you did you looked up to meet his gaze, the lamp that had been turned on now showing the harsh features adorning his beautiful face, the flushed cheeks, the red, puffy eyes. The lively, beautiful eyes, now turned dark and empty.
“The girl,” Spencer started, tears filling his eyes faster now then they were before. He reached up and used the back of his hand to wipe away a tear,
“I loved her, very much.” He said, causing your heart to be shattered once again.
“I never got the chance to love her though, the chance to hold her in my arms, to fall asleep with her, to live and grow with her. Someone took it away from us, and it- it was my fault because I loved her.”
“She was taken because I loved her and I- I just can’t lose you too, not like that, not like this.”
You let out a breathy laugh, sniffling and wiping your eyes once again before continuing.
“Spence, I wish so badly I never fell in love with you, in fact I wish I never met you,” He gasped softly at your hostile words, good.
“Because,” You had to stop every so often to quiet the sobs trying to leave your mouth, taking deep breaths trying to keep yourself calm. “because if I never met you, I would have no need to want you, no need to for loving you, or crying over you. I would never ask you to pretend to love me.”
“But I can’t stay here and be the second choice, the one you can never love. I deserve love Spencer, I deserve to be wanted by someone, to be adored by someone, and that someone is- they just aren’t you.”
You sucked in a sharp breath of air as you looked at the broken expression on Spencer’s face.
“I’m so sorry Spencer.” You repeated the words from earlier tonight. He let out a sob before turning back to the bedroom and shutting the door.
You knew you loved him the day you stopped being mad he was breaking your heart.
Now with the door closed, and Spencer being on the other side you realized how utterly alone you were.
You were so, so tired of fighting for once you just wanted to be fought for.
Minutes later Spencer stepped out of the bedroom, his face hung low. You were happy to see him step out of the room only to realize what was in his hand.
The noise of your bad hitting the floor was like a slap to the face. “Leave.” He said, now looking you directly in the eyes, a wild look on his face.
“Spencer pleas-.” You were cut off by him again.
“I can’t have you here, no I won’t- I won’t do it. If you’re gonna leave me like everyone else then jsut fucking do it!” His voice now raised, tears pooling in his eyes once again.
You looked at him, eyes wide, unable to speaks.
“Get out! Leave please, if I have to lose someone else fine, I don’t need you, I don’t- I don’t need anyone! I can trust myself, I can’t trust you, I can’t trust anyone because you all just leave in the end!”
He was so angry, but not jsut at you at everyone in his life.
“I’m so sorry.” You said not able to hold back the sob that leaves your mouth.
Next thing you know you’re standing in the living room alone again.
This is the loneliest you’ve felt in your whole life, your whole life just fell apart infront of you and all you can do is stare blankly at the shut door, the room just beyond holding the man who picked you as second.
All you wanted to do was bust through that door and hug Spencer, to tell him that it’s okay and you would never leave him, but instead you walked through the front door, letting it slam behind you, the gust of wind not enough to wake you up from this nightmare.
the end.
A/N: hi thanks for reading! This is extremely short but i just had the idea during sad hours :))I just wanted to say that I love you and you are worthy of love and all the kindness that the world can give you <3
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
The Lonely Road
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader
Rating: Teen (for online harassment)
Requested By: None
Word Count: 2,400
Author’s Note: Inspired by the song Outnumbered by Dermot Kennedy, so feel free to give it a listen as you read. Originally this was gonna be a Valentine’s story, but now Valentine’s is over, and so I just took out the brief mentions of it. Also it’s a Gerard story so of course it’s longer than intended so taking parts out probably is for the better 😅 Shout out to my number one @mariawritesfanfic for helping me wrap this story up
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You scrolled through your twitter feed, as hours on the tour bus left you with few other options to pass the time. Your new album had just come out and you wanted to see how people were reacting to it. 
OMG @(YFN)(YLN)’s album is awesome! Everyone check it out now!
The only reason she’s famous is bc of @gerardway
The album is ok if you consider she fucked her way into stardom
I stg if mcr ever breaks up it’s gonna be (YN)'s fault
(YN) should just break up with gee so he can be with frank liek everyone knows he wants to be
You felt sick to your stomach as you read through the messages. Sure there were tweets from fans saying how much they enjoyed the album, and they love Gerard and you together, but those weren’t the ones that stuck out in your mind. It was the negative messages that caught your attention and soured your mood.
As if he was reading your thoughts, a text from Gerard appeared on your screen. “Hey sugar, congrats on the album. It’s amazing and so are you xoxo love you”
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes at the love and kindness of his message. “Thanks love," you replied before tossing your phone aside. You pulled shut the curtain on your bunk and let the tears fall silently. 
You had met Gerard at an award show. You had always been a fan of his and My Chem, but you were beyond nervous to say anything to him when you saw him across the room. When he approached you and said he actually had been listening to your music and was a fan, you thought you might transcend onto another plane of existence right then and there. You found him to be surprisingly easy to talk to and exchanged phone numbers so you could hang out sometime.
Hanging out sometime turned into hanging out often. Then one night under the stars in his backyard, your casual hanging out turned into sharing your thoughts, hopes, and fears you'd never voiced to anyone. The next day you were worried you'd never see or hear from him again, having revealed too much of your emotional baggage too soon, but that afternoon he called and asked you out on a real date. The date was perfect for two people like you and Gerard, complete with a tender, careful kiss that took your breath away. In an instant, you were falling hard.
After that it really became you and Gerard. When all of your friends found out, they were so happy for both of you, as they could see how happy you made each other. Then one day the rest of the world figured it out as well. Gerard had come to one of your recording sessions and had snapped a picture of you laughing in the recording booth and posted it online with the caption "the most beautiful person making the most beautiful sounds ❤" The fans put it together and a barrage of messages flooded your social media feed. Some people thought it was cute, many were awful, but you let it all roll off your back as you were too in love to care what anyone thought.
Months passed, and now that album was out. You had hoped Gerard would be able to join you on the road, but My Chem was in the studio themselves so he wasn't able to be there. You understood, but being away from him for the first time, while dealing with the stress of releasing an album, your first tour, and his angry fans, it was almost getting to be too much.
You had finally fallen asleep only to be awakened what felt like moments later by your manager Christine's voice.
"Rise and shine rock star, time to charm the lovely people of," she paused and you could hear her flipping through papers, "Fort Wayne, Indiana."
You sighed. You had wanted this for so long, it had been your dream for years. But now you were questioning everything.
"We're joined in studio by (YFN) (YLN), her new album just came out last week and we are loving it here on 106.7 FM," the overly cheerful radio host announced. “You have a lot of fans here in Madison!”
"Thank you," you replied with a tired smile. You hoped your lack of energy wasn't evident by your voice.
"Tell us, how much of an influence was your boyfriend? And for anyone who hasn't heard, (YN) is dating that oh so sexy MCR frontman, Gerard Way."
You had gotten this question at almost every interview, as if you were incapable of creating your own music. "He was there for some of the recording sessions, but a lot of the album was written before we met, so not a huge influence musically."
"What's it like to date someone so famous?"
"I mean, it's not like a topic of conversation for us," you replied sharply. You glanced up and saw the look Christine was giving you. "I mean, we talk about music and our projects and give each other feedback, but that's pretty much it. We're pretty normal weirdos."
After the interview was over and you played a few songs live, and then reboarded the bus.
"What the fuck was that?" Christine asked as the bus rolled down the road.
"What the fuck is with these interviews? It's never about me and my music. It's about Gee or the people on the internet and all the bullshit! That's not why I'm out here! I want to talk about my songs!"
Christine nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry girl. You're right. I'll make sure the next one we keep it focused on the music. We can't have you blowing up on another host."
"I didn't blow up! I snapped at worst," you retorted, rolling your eyes.
"Either way, we're on our way to Iowa now."
"Can't wait," you muttered and crawled into your bunk.
The dark cloud that had settled over you was not going away or getting better. While Christine was doing a better job of reminding the interviewers beforehand to lay off the relationship questions, they still came up, sometimes after the actual interview was over, sometimes they just disregarded your wishes all together to get juicy gossip. You did your best not to appear annoyed, but the longer you were away from Gerard, the harder it got.
She's an ugly, untalented leech! She doesn't love gee or else she would have put a song about him on the album!
He doesnt seem happy like he used to before her
The album jsut sucks. I mean i didnt listen to it, i just assume it does
She should just die
You couldn't take it any longer. The constant, incessant stream of hate coming at you was too much. You dialed Gerard and went into the back of the bus, shutting the door behind you.
"Hey (YN), how is everything goin?"
"I can't do it anymore Gee," you said, trying to keep your voice steady 
"Do what?" He asked, immediately concerned.
"Tour, be a musician, be someone in the public eye, I can't take it!" You sobbed, unable to control your emotions any longer. "I feel like I have no privacy anymore! Everything I do is wrong, everything I don't do is wrong! I just wanna give up! I don't wanna do this anymore!"
"Hey, hey, sugar, it's ok. Did someone say something to you today?"
"It's been every fucking day," you cried. "I wanna come home, I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't want anyone to know who I am anymore."
"Take a deep breath," Gerard said, trying to keep you calm. "Where are you?"
"On the bus."
"Where are you going, or where were you?"
"I don't even know anymore. All I see is fucking corn everywhere."
"Ok, umm, where is Christine?"
"In her bunk," you sniffled.
"Can I talk to her?"
You got up and made your way to the bunks and knocked on the frame surrounding Christine's.
"Yea?" She asked, opening the curtain. "Woah, girl, what's wrong?"
"Gee wants to talk to you," you said holding out your phone.
"Hello? What's going on?" Christine asked Gerard. She listened and nodded and mm hmm'ed along. "She seemed stressed, but not that bad," she said as she watched you sink wearily to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. "No, I hadn’t heard that… Yea, we're setting out from Omaha now, on our way to Denver," she paused. "Ok... Yea... Sounds good. Yea, we'll get our girl through this."
You looked up at her from your spot on the floor and she smiled down sympathetically and handed the phone back to you.
"Gee?" You said softly, the anger and fear and frustration having quieted.
"Hey sugar, we've got a plan for you, you're gonna be ok. But where are you hearing from the people that are criticizing you?"
"Twitter," you mumbled and you heard Christine mutter "I knew it."
"Delete it, you don't need that in your life. You're too talented and beautiful and wonderful to let anyone make you feel anything less," he said gently. "I love you, (YN) ."
"Love you too," you replied, a smile finally cracking through.
"Get some rest, we'll talk soon."
You had immediately crawled into your bunk and fallen into a deep sleep. The weight of your thoughts no longer weighing you down now that you had shared them with Gerard. When you finally woke up, you were rolling into Denver. You made your way to the front of the bus to find Christine on her phone.
"What's on the schedule today?" You yawned.
"You need a day off. We've been pushing you way too hard, and I just wish I would have realized it sooner. So we moved your interview to tomorrow afternoon and we're staying here overnight."
"Really?" You asked, stunned.
"Yep, we're going to the hotel right now."
It was incredibly refreshing to be in a hotel with a real bed and shower, and everyone was actually thankful for your meltdown that got them this break. 
You took an extra long, hot shower to allow your muscles to relax, and then crawled into bed to call Gerard and give him an update. As his phone rang you heard a knock on your door. Keeping your ear to your phone in case he picked up you answered the door. 
"Gerard!" You squealed as you launched yourself at him and he wrapped you in his arms.
"I missed you so much (YN)," he murmured against your neck. "I couldn't stand to hear the pain in your voice and not be there to make it better.”
"But you hate flying! And your studio time!" You exclaimed as you pulled him into your room and he dropped his bag on the floor.
“We were spinning our wheels and needed a break from recording,” he smiled reassuringly before he leaned in and kissed you with all the longing that had built up over the weeks apart. You ran your hands through his black hair and felt the tears slip down your cheeks. “And I’d fly to the moon if it meant I could spend a minute with you. I just wish I could have been here for you from the beginning, I wish I realized that you were struggling.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me. I thought I could handle it, but everything kept chipping away at me until I broke down completely.”
“I wanna worry about you, (YN). You’re my girl and I love you, and I wanna be there for you no matter what,” he said softly, wiping away the tears on your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you replied. “It’s just hard when it’s coming at you from every direction.”
“I know,” he said, pulling you back to him in a tight hug. “But for today it’s just you and me. No one else matters.”
You smiled up at him before pulling him into another sweet kiss.
The next morning you woke up with Gerard’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close. It almost felt too good to be true. As he slowly started to wake up, he gave you his lopsided smile and you couldn’t help but grin in return.
“I needed this so much,” you said as you buried your face against his neck.
“I did too,” he said squeezing you tight, his voice still raspy with sleep.
“Thank you for being here. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he said leaning down to give you a quick kiss. “Wait, I didn’t give you your presents yet.”
“What presents?” You asked sitting up, as he reached over the side of the bed to grab his bag. "I don’t have anything for you!"
"It's nothing, just a couple things I made for you," he said pulling out a large flat envelope and handing it to you.
You carefully pulled out the drawing that was inside. "Oh it's beautiful!”
"It's us the night we watched the stars and talked for hours. That was the night I realized I was falling in love with you. I was so scared you wouldn't even like me like that," he laughed softly.
"It's perfect," you replied. "What's this? ‘Gee+(YN)=gross, a big sappy love mix’" you laughed at scribbled handwriting on the cover of the cd case. Around the words was a big heart and lots of little hearts.
"It’s a mix of songs that remind me of you, and me and you, but Frank decorated the cover. He doesn't really think we're gross, he's just-"
"Frank," you laugh.
"Exactly," Gerard replied. "I was just hoping this would help you get through the last days of your tour."
"It will," you smiled and threw your arms around him. “I think just having you here for a day was enough to get me through. And I know now that I shouldn’t just bottle up what I’m feeling.”
Gerard nodded. “We’re a team, you and me. Let me help you when you’re down and keep you safe from all the bastards and shit talkers.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled as you leaned in and kissed him. “But only if you promise to let me help you do the same.”
“I promise.”
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blinder-secrets · 5 years
Back Again - Tommy
a/n: surprise!!! ive been gone so long, i know :( here’s a slice of angst (and a bit of smut) to make up for it and lets ignore that this is perhaps inspired by how i feel bad for jsut disappearing on you all 
tommy x fem!reader
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The woman who greets you is smiling as you approach. She looks kind enough, but even her warmth can’t quieten your nerves. ‘I have a meeting with Mr Shelby,’ you say, closing both hands around your bag to still their shaking. ‘I think I’m early.’
She hums. ‘No, you’re on time. He’s in the meeting room to the left.’
You nod and thank her, forcing one foot to go before the other. There’s no reason to be as nervous as you are, but no amount of self-reassurance can stop you.
If it wasn’t for how guilty you feel, you might have been excited for this, but instead your stomach is knotting itself with worry. It’s too late to turn back. You’d decided it was time to explain yourself, so you would do that. Closure is something you both needed.
He hasn’t seen you approach so you let your hand linger on the knob, looking at him through the glass of the door. He looks the same. His hairs shorter, the suit he’s wearing is finer, but he’s just the same. You half wish he wasn’t. It’d be easier if you looked at him and didn’t recognise him as the man you’d known.
You don’t knock, you just enter and shut the door behind you, leaning against it as you wait for him to take you in. He does it slowly, and as blankly as you’d anticipated.
After a moment of just looking at you, his hands fiddling with an un-lit cigarette, he gestures for you to come forward.
‘You changed your name,’ he says, his voice low.
You only manage to bring yourself three steps closer. ‘I got married.’
He nods. The cigarette is lit now, and smoking from his lips.
‘I’m a widow,’ you add, wanting to clarify it before he asks anything that would hurt you.
He half shakes his head; it’s either in pity or lack of concern, he doesn’t add anything to help you work it out.
Forcing yourself forward, you walk down the room some, choosing to sit in the seat three down from where he is. You put your bag flat and remove your gloves to lay them on top of it, using the actions to calm yourself. You don’t know why you’re so nervous. This is a man who’s seen every side of you, every part, every slip of skin. There shouldn’t be anything to be scared of, and yet.
‘Are you here for business, [y/n]?’ He’s gotten impatient, and your first name slips from between his lips like he’s still familiar.
‘No.’ You meet his eyes. ‘I just thought…��
‘You thought you’d bring private matters, to my place of work?’
You bite your cheek, sighing before you speak again. ‘You aren’t easy to get a hold of, Tommy.’
He takes a drag on his cigarette and blows the smoke toward you. ‘With reason, love.’
Your gut twinges. He’s doing it on purpose of course, to belittle you, to guilt you - whatever his reason, it hurts all the same. The last time he called you love, it was soft, pleading. A final move in the game you were playing with him.
‘I’m sorry for leaving the way I did,’ you say, blurting it out before you can think and rethink how you should really say it. ‘I was scared, and I didn’t know what to do, or how I felt, so I just went.’
Tommy is watching you but he isn’t saying anything, he barely even looks like he’s listening.
‘I was young. We both were.’
He takes another drag of the cigarette.
You shift in your seat, pulling your arms from the table to fold them across your lap. ’I just thought you should hear it from me. You need to know that I’m sorry for how it went.’
His head dips to the side slightly, his hand lifting to gesture quizzically. ‘Do I?’
‘It was a long time ago.’
‘It was,’ you agree, annoyed that he’s cornered you into an empty conversation.
There’s a stilling silence, only broken by the creak of the chair as he leans back, lazy eyes dragging over you. It’s hard to believe that he hasn’t thought about it. That he hasn’t wondered where you went or why you left without saying anything. That he didn’t spend months looking for you afterwards.
‘Would you have agreed to see me if you’d known it was me?’ You ask.
He exhales. ‘I knew it was you.’
‘Oh.’ You turn the thought over, but he speaks again before you can reach any conclusion.
’I know you got married, and the husband died before you could have a child.’ His voice is husky, but he doesn’t clear it. He just speaks through the snag in his throat like he knows he’s saying something he shouldn’t, like he has to force it out or risk not saying it at all. ‘I know you went to London, then to Liverpool, and now you’re back here, in Birmingham. With me.’
You shake your head, ‘I don’t understand.’
‘I had to know,’ he says, eyes dropping slightly. It’s the first hint of sentiment you’ve seen from him.
‘So you, what? Followed my-‘
‘Just one trip,’ he interrupts. ‘Just one conversation and a look into some records.’
‘A few months ago.’
So he had been thinking of you. It’d weighed on his mind all these years like it had on yours. Bothered him enough to have him searching through records like you were a missing relative.
‘I see.’ You swallowed. There was no clear route of conversation from here, you’d said sorry and he hadn’t acknowledged it. You hadn’t planned for anything else past that. ‘Are you well?’
He snuffs, laughing through his nose as he looks away from you. ‘Came all this way to ask how I am,’ he says to himself. When his eyes are back on you, they've dropped the amusement and returned to the same bored gaze from before. He was tired of it. Or hurting. You still couldn’t read him. ‘What do you want, [y/n]?’
‘I told you.’ You keep your voice steady. ‘To apologise and explain.’
‘And you’ve done that.’
It didn’t feel like you had. Your words had gone into the air between you and dissolved completely. They hadn’t even touched him. 
‘I know about you too,’ you said after a pause. You hadn’t wanted to bring it up, but you needed something to level the playing ground. ‘About your wife, the charity...’ 
Your words trailed off when you saw his expression pinch. 
‘I'm sorry to hear it, Tommy.’
He goes to shake his head but can’t commit to the movement, his lips pouting slightly. 
‘You’ve done well, with the charity, and the business.’ you say. He has. He’s done everything he said he would and then some. ‘It’s wonderful.’
‘Wonderful.’ He repeats it flatly, then nods, and stands with a groan. 
Your times up. He’s reaching for his suit jacket and fixing the cufflinks on his sleeve, barely giving you chance to sort yourself out before he’s crossed the room to stand beside you. 
‘Right, sorry. You’re busy.’ The nerves are back again, from the proximity of him, and your hands shake as you try to gather your things and stand at the same time. ‘One second.’
‘[Y/n].’ He says your name simply, his hand lifting to put a finger to your wrist. 
When you still, his eye-line’s level to yours and his cologne snakes down your throat like you’re drinking it. He’s so close it overwhelms you. You can see the curl of his lashes, the shadow of stubble across his jaw, the crack in the skin of his lips. 
‘If you really came here to say sorry-’
‘I did.’
His hand twitches, finger lifting toward your mouth, as if he was going to press it against you - only for it to stop and drop again. 
‘If you came here to say sorry,’ he continues, ‘then apology accepted.’ He hesitates. ‘If you’d had stayed, you’d be as dead as the rest of them.’
Your face flushes cold but you nod, at least he understands. He understands and he cares, at least, just enough to give you the relief you’ve been desperate for. 
‘If you came for something else-’ his eyes drop to your lips, then lift again ‘-we can talk later, after I’ve finished.’
It doesn’t require much thought, you just swallow, in an attempt to shove your heart back down your throat, before telling him yes. 
Yes you want to talk later. Yes you came for more than just that. Yes you miss him. Yes, yes, yes. 
It’s his turn to nod now, his eyes steady on you. ‘Alright. Be here at seven.’
‘Seven,’ you agree.
You knock this time. There was no receptionist to welcome you in, and only a few workmen on the factory floor as you arrived. It was empty enough to feel forgotten about - you’d have goosebumps if your skin wasn’t so warm, your cheeks heated by the notion of what you were doing. 
‘Back again,’ you call, lingering in the doorway of his office. 
He’s stood, facing away from you, pouring whiskey into a set of glasses. ‘Shut the door,’ he says, his eyes flicking toward you for a second. 
You do as you’re told and shrug out of your coat to hang it on one of the hooks beside you. Everything you’re doing feels too slow, too careful. You’re putting off what you know is coming, even though you want it. Even though it’s a done deal already. 
When you reach him he hands you a drink, holding his own out afterwards to clink them together. 
‘What are we drinking to?’ you ask, unable to bring your eyes from his.
‘To us,’ he says. ‘To starting again.’
It takes fifteen minutes for him to make his point. 
Fifteen minutes, before he’s dragging your name in hot breaths across the skin by your jaw. Fifteen minutes, before he’s got you up on his desk, with your legs around his waist and your hands in his hair. Fifteen minutes before you’re his again.
‘I missed you,’ you breathe, head back as he sucks against your neck, leaving marks from the edges of his teeth.
You missed his lips. You missed his hands on your waist, his thigh between yours. You missed everything about it. 
He doesn’t answer but pulls back instead, setting his mouth on yours again. You kiss him, tongue teasing between his lips, as his hands move to your shirt. 
After a moments struggle, he stands straight and nods to your chest. ‘Take it off,’ he pants, moving to unfasten his trousers. He’s rushing, too desperate to take his time - and if you weren’t just as eager you’d mock him for it, tease him for acting like a teenager getting his first fuck. 
‘Anything else?’ you ask, half teasing, half submissive.
His head shakes and he’s against you again, his hands running up your thighs, catching the fabric of your skirt as he goes. When it’s bunched above your hips, he puts his palm against you, feeling you through the fabric of your underwear. 
‘Fuck.’ The word slips from him as his gaze drops down. He watches himself, chest heaving, his brow growing damp from the heat between you. 
You put a hand around the back of his neck, the other propped back against the desk to keep you upright. You hold yourself as close to him as possible, your legs tight around his back, panting by his ear as his fingers work you through the cotton. 
‘Don’t make me wait,’ you say, barely audible through your ragged breathing. ‘Please.’
He listens. For once he listens.
His hand’s gone and your underwear goes with it, his hips positioning themselves squarely between your thighs. You kiss him again and he meets you there, teeth catching your lips each time he takes a breath.
When he pulls back next, it’s to line himself with your entrance. He glances back to you and you nod, giving him the signal to push into you. You cling to him as his hips press upwards, your eyes rolling back at the feeling. 
His breath escapes as a moan, light and breathy into your neck. 
‘Fuck,’ he says again. ‘I missed you too.’ 
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fanforthefics · 5 years
For your send me an au and I’ll give you 5 hc for sidgeno. Assistant Geno and boss’s husband/boyfriend Sidney
this went a little sideways, but: 
1) These are the things Geno knows about Sidney Crosby, before he starts working for Flower:
he’s one of the best actors in the world (Geno would argue he is the best, but apparently some people disagree). He’s been acting since he was about ten, won his first Oscar at 21, and is still the best ever. 
He’s reputedly awkward in person, though no one says a bad word about him. Very Canadian, the articles tend to say--polite and polished like all child stars are. No whisper of any of the excesses of child stars, though; the sort of squeaky clean that makes people imagine he must be into something really weird. 
He’s really good looking. This is maybe very related to 1, though Geno would argue it isn’t. 
He’s probably dating Marc-Andre Fleury, and has been for years. 
2) Geno gets the job as Flower’s assistant mainly out of luck and the good fortune of being old family friends with Sergei Gonchar. He knows just how lucky he is; he’s only a few years in the US, right out of grad school in communications, and that’s not exactly a profile that screams employable. but somehow Sergei knew someone who knew Flower’s agent, and now Geno is Flower’s personal assistant. 
It’s a good job, and a fun job, honestly. Geno had expected that being an actor’s personal assistant would mean a lot of being bossed around by some bratty, entitled diva, but Flower’s great--he respects Geno’s time and space, he generally asks Geno for things instead of demanding them, and really, it seems more like he just wants someone to hang around with than anything else. 
Except for the pranks. The pranks Geno was warned about beforehand. 
So Geno likes his job, and it’s really interesting to see this side of the industry. There’s just one issue. That issue is 5′10, built just as thick in real life as he seems on a screen, is just as polite as on screen but also playful and personable with his friends in a way that Geno was not expecting from someone who always seems so serious on screen, and also there. A lot. 
“Yeah, Sid’s coming over,” Flower had said, the first time it happened. “We’re gonna run lines or whatever.” He’d paused, as Geno had gaped more than a little. “Is that okay?” 
“Sid? Sidney Crosby?” Geno had mumbled, and Flower had laughed. 
“Yeah, he’ll be over a lot,” he’d said, and that was that. Sidney Crosby came over. Geno stammered out something even though he really did know English. Sid was unfailingly kind and polite. Sid and Flower had disappeared into a lounge. Geno had screamed into a pillow. Everything was fine. 
3) If it had just stayed as that, everything would probably have been fine. Except Sid was over a lot. Sid was over a lot, or he and Flower went out and did things a lot with Geno hanging around, or they went to events together, and so Sid was just there a lot, until he stopped being Sidney Crosby and started being Sid, who was polite and kind but also ridiculously intense and competitive and a little awkward and so much more than jsut Sidney Crosby. 
And also, Geno had to remind himself, Flower’s boyfriend. Well, Flower was pretty quiet about that stuff, about all his stuff from before he made it, and Sid’s need for privacy was legendary, but--Sid was always there, and they went to events together and laughed on the red carpet, and sometimes their friend Tanger came over and teased them about the magazines, so--Flower’s boyfriend. Geno’s bosses boyfriend. A movie star. Not, Geno told himself, every time Sid smiled at him, interested in Geno. 
4) Flower finds Sid’s crush hilarious. 
“Of course he’s your type!” he crows, the first time Sid comes over, sees a tall guy with a great smile and a face that’s interesting, which in Sid’s experience is far more rare than one that’s handsome, and immediately drops into media mode as self-preservation. “I couldn’t have planned this better myself!” 
“You could have warned me,” Sid hisses, glancing at the door. Geno’s just outside. 
Flower laughs. “Why would I do that when i could see you squirm?” he asks, and Sid punches him for that, with the ease of a decades long friendship. 
So maybe Sid comes over more often than he usually would. Maybe he spends more time hanging out with Geno than mingling at events or chatting with his other friends. He doesn’t neglect anything, of course, and Geno’s--he’s smart, and more than that he’s genuine, he doesn’t hide anything. What he feels, he feels; it’s written all over his face. It’s refreshing, for Sid who’s lived around Hollywood since he was a child. 
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Flower asks, after Sid spends the first ten minutes of going to a bar with Tanger’s with Flower chatting with Geno, instead of sitting in a booth with them. 
Sid scoffs. “I can’t do that.” 
Tanger raises his eyebrow. He’s an outside observer here, but he is also very amused and gives Sid a lot of shit. Sometimes Sid thinks he needs better best friends. “He looks at you a lot. He’ll say yes.” 
“That’s not--he’s smart. He went to college. He doesn’t want...this,” Sid says, waving a hand at himself. 
“Oh he wants that,” Flower retorts, waving a hand specifically at Sid’s ass. 
“Okay, so he thinks I’m hot. So do a lot of people who get annoyed by me.” 
Flower rolls his eyes. “Sid--” 
“And,” Sid fixes him with a serious look. “I can’t bring him into this, even if he is really into me. That’s not what anyone wants.” Flower opens his mouth, but Sid keeps going. “As you of all people should know.” 
Flower shuts his mouth. He is the person who has been using Sid as a shield for years so people don’t ask about where he goes when he disappears off to Montreal to live with Vero and be a normal person for a while. 
“So no, I’m not asking him out,” Sid says, firmly, and hopes it’s firm enough for Flower and Tanger to let it go, even if not to stop teasing him about it. 
5) “He is very impressive, is he not?” someone asks, and Geno spins from where he was watching the shot. Kris Le Tang had appeared there, like models generally melt out of the woodwork on a movie set Which maybe they do, but this one is Sid’s movie set, and Flower’s just there because shooting went long and they were supposed to go out for lunch. Which maybe is why Tanger is there too, now Geno thinks about it. 
“Yes, is very good,” Geno agrees, glancing back at Sid. It’s an understatement, of course. “Think everyone knows that.” 
“Sure they do,” Tanger agrees. Geno doesn’t know him as well as Sid, though he knows that Tanger’s the third in the trio. He’s a little harder to read, a little more dangerous seeming--like how he looks at Geno now, a little sharply, a little like a cat considering a mouse. “You definitely do, I think.” 
“I’m--fan, yes,” Geno agrees. He’s not ashamed of that. “You fan too, I think, or else not friend?” 
“Sid needs friends who aren’t fans,” Tanger replies. He’s looking very intently at Geno, like he’s trying to say something more than his words. Given that it’s in both of their second language, Geno wishes him well. “Fans don’t really know him, not like friends do.” 
“Yes, I’m see,” Geno says. He’s still watching Sid, as he laughs with the sound guy fixing his mic, easy and casual. “Has lots more to him than fan sees, yes?” 
There’s a pause, then Tanger claps him on the shoulder. “He does,” Tanger says. “I think you’ll do.” 
He walks away, and goes to find Flower, who’s standing by the food because apparently he couldn’t wait for lunch. Sid looks up from the microphones, sees Geno watching, and smiles at him. Geno smiles back. 
It’s not until later, after Geno spends a long time but less time than he would like watching Sid work, that he realizes what Tanger was doing. Sid needs friends, not fans--he’s warning Geno away from Sid, reminding him that Sid and Flower are a thing, because he must have noticed how Geno looks at Sid. 
Geno can take a hint. From what he’s heard of Tanger and how he defends his friends, he should maybe he glad the warning was this subtle. 
6)  They both pine for a long time--Geno thinks Sid is out of his league and also dating his boss, Sid isn’t sure how to read honest interest in him, if it’s just attraction or more, and would be cautious anyway. Flower and Tanger watch with interest. Until--
7) One of the main problems with Geno’s job is that it generally requires punctuality. Geno is against punctuality as a rule, and Flower doesn’t seem to mind (Sid sometimes gets a little antsy, but Sid isn’t paying Geno, so Geno tells him that he’s ignoring Sid, which usually gets Sid to giggle), so usually it’s okay. But one day, for whatever reason, he manages to be early, which is basically unheard of. 
Which is probably why he overhears Flower on the phone, talking in French, but in an unmistakable sort of tone. It’s...sappy, in a way that Geno hasn’t ever heard Sid and Flower interact before; they’ve always been very proper in public. But this is definitely sweet. It makes Geno feel a little better and a little worse--better, because he does what Sid and Flower to be happy; worse, because he’d maybe been having ridiculous fantasies about how Flower and Sid would figure out they actually don’t love each other and then Geno could, like, sweep Sid off his feet or something and show him how someone really ought to treat him. But if this is how they act when Geno’s not there...
Except the phone must be on speaker, because then Geno catches very feminine laughter from the other side of the call, and some more French in that same tone. 
Geno goes very still. He doesn’t--the conclusion is inescapable, and it’s even more so, when he hears the sign off with what sounds like a kiss. Flower is cheating on Sid. It’s--he doesn’t know what to do. 
He’s sure he seems stunned, when Flower comes out and sees him there, greets him. Geno definitely growls at him, or something, before he catches himself, but Flower apparently just puts it up to a bad mood. 
Geno goes through the rest of the day on autopilot. He does his job, but--how is he supposed to look at Flower, knowing this? But also maybe his loyalty should be to Flower, who is after all his boss? But--cheating on Sid? Friendly, deceptively open Sid, who only allows a few people close enough to see his soft belly (Metaphorically, Geno has yet to see Sid shirtless outside of a screen and thinks that’s probably best for his continued sanity. Also, he’s pretty sure it’s not soft). Sid, who clearly adores Flower. Who--
Geno makes it the rest of the day, before he ends up snapping something at Flower as he leaves, then he ends up at Sid’s door. Well, the gates to Sid’s house; there’s an insane amount of security on it. Geno’s been inside a few times, dropping Flower off or picking him up, but he’s never gone there on his own. 
Still, he gets inside easily enough when he says his name; the door opens and he’s ushered inside by a Sid in sweatpants, bare feet, and a t-shirt that’s seen better days. Geno is momentarily speechless. 
“What’s up?” Sid asks, shutting the door behind him. For all his millions, the house is--big, but not ostentatious. Maybe even homey. “Did Flower need something? He shouldn’t have sent you over, I could have messengered whatever it--” 
“He’s cheat,” Geno bursts out, because he can’t hold it in any longer with Sid talking at him all sweet and--Sid like. 
Sid’s eyebrows go way up. “What?” 
“Flower, I hear, he--talk to woman, he’s cheat on you. I’m not want to tell you, because he’s my boss, but--you should know. Is not right, what he do. To you.” 
“Um, Geno,” Sid starts, and he sounds the sort of gentle that means he doesn’t believe Geno, so Geno keeps going. 
“I know you not want to believe, I’m not want to either, but I hear, and I’m sure.” 
“Yeah, I know you--” 
That’s even worse! “You know!” Geno demands, his voice getting louder. “You know, and you not say anything? Is not--you should not put up with this, should--you deserve more,” he settles on, because that’s what he knows is true. “More than boyfriend who’s cheat. You deserve--everything. Should not stay if--” 
“Geno,” Sid snaps, and Geno’s mouth snaps closed. He’s not sure he’s ever heard that tone from Sid, the sudden command in it, but of course Sid can do that too. “Geno,” Sid says again, a little softer. “This woman Flower was speaking to--it was in French?” Geno nods. Sid’s face relaxes, a little. “Oh, yeah, that’s Vero, don’t worry about it.” 
“Vero?” Geno repeats. “Who’s--you have,” he hesitates, finds the English, “Open relationship? Poly?” If he did
Sid goes a little red, then shakes his head. “Has Flower seriously not said anything to you? After all this time?” 
“Sid,” Geno whines. He’s starting to feel like he missed something. 
“If Flower hasn’t said--” 
“Sid, tell me. What do I not know?” Geno demands. Sid’s lips twitch. 
“Vero’s Flower’s long time girlfriend.” 
Geno pauses. Blinks. “No, you’re his long time boyfriend.” 
Sid shakes his head. “No, we just--hang out, and we’re good friends so the media sometimes thinks that, you know? And we let them, because it lets Flower and Vero stay low key and keep her away from the spotlight, and it keeps people away from me.” Geno blinks. This is--he can’t quite compute it. “You really didn’t know?” Sid asks, and now he sounds confused. “You’ve seen us together a lot. You thought we were actually together?” 
“I’m not know, I think you’re private! Not want me to see!” Geno bursts out. “I’m not think too hard about it.” 
"But that makes no sense,” Sid argues, because of course he does. “Flower’s all sappy with Vero, in relationships, and even I’m more affectionate than that. I don’t treat boyfriends like I treat Flower.”
“How am I suppose to know that?” Geno retorts. Then, “Boyfriends?” he asks. “That--that’s true?” 
Sid goes a little flushed, but it’s pretty clear Geno doesn’t have an issue with that at this point, so, “Yeah,” he says, clearly and firmly. 
Geno nods. Swallows. “You have one now?” he asks, and Sid shakes his head. “Oh.” 
“I’m busy,” Sid goes on, like he needs to explain it. “Shooting’s been insane this year, and I’ve got my work with the Foundation, and--” 
“Yes, I know,” Geno does. He’s been there for a lot of it, or heard Flower talk about it. “So. You single?” 
“Um, yeah. But don’t spread it, the thing Flower and I do works, and--” 
“Yes, of course,” Geno snaps. He’s not going to just betray them like that. (And, a part of him he doesn’t want to listen to says, as long as people think Sid’s dating Flower no one else is going to ask him out and Geno might--). “Um. I should go, if no--” 
“You could stay, watch the game,” Sid suggests, offhand. 
“Yes!” Geno maybe says it too quick, too eager, but Sid only grins. 
“Um, warning, I’m apparently annoying to watch games with, I get--” 
“Yes, I see,” Geno agrees. He’s seen Sid and Flower watch games before, seen how much Sid talks and how into it he gets. Geno’s sometimes annoyed by it, but also ridiculously fond of him for it. As long as Geno’s in the right mood, it’s fun to argue with him about it.  “I want to watch still.” 
“Oh.” Sid’s cheeks are a little red. 
“I tell you how you’re wrong,” Geno goes on, and SId tilts his head back and laughs, and Geno can’t look away. 
8) Flower definitely laughs himself sick, when Sid tells him what Geno said. “You never tell, how I”m supposed to know?” Geno protests, but Flower keeps laughing and texting Vero. Sid is...suspicious, maybe. Flower would definitely do something like this as a plot. 
“Well, yeah,” Flower agrees, when Sid gets him alone outside of Geno’s earshot. “Not at first, but then--yeah.” 
“Flower, that wasn’t--” 
“Making him wait for it was good for him,” Flower says, waving his hand dismissively. “If he’d asked you out right away, he wouldn’t have known you, and then you’d have gotten your heart broken. Again,” he adds, pointedly, which--fine, Sid knows it’s happened before. “Now he knows you, so when he asks you out, it won’t be blind.” 
Sid hates his friends, sometimes. “He didn’t ask me out,” Sid points out. That seems like a glaring problem with Flower’s plan. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what’s taking him so long,” Flower hums. He’s got a light in his eyes like he’s plotting something. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Flower says, and Sid groans. 
9) This is what Flower plots: 
“So you should ask out Sid,” he says, and next to him Tanger crosses his arms and nods menacingly. “Not in a, I’m your boss and I’m ordering you to do it way, but in a, he’d definitely say yes if you wanted to way.” Tanger nods again. It is, for some reason, still menacing. 
Geno gapes. This is not what he expected when Flower asked Geno to come into his office. “You tell me not to!” he protests, throwing it at Tanger. “You say I’m not--” 
“I said Sid shouldn’t go out with a fan,” Tanger says, smirking again like he knew exactly what he said. Geno is beginning to think all of Sid’s friends are just evil. “You aren’t just a fan anymore though, are you?” 
“That’s not--” Geno gives up on that threat, “And he’s movie star! He’s who should ask me!” 
“He’s not going to.” Flower’s serious, suddenly. “He doesn’t want to leverage any sort of admiration you might have had for him, no? And it is not easy, to go out with actor. This is why I kept Vero a secret. So he will not ask that of you.” 
“But--" Geno gets that, he does. He’s seen Flower’s life, Sid’s. But--it would be worth it, he thinks. And Sid’s so private anyway. “I could.” 
“See?” Flower turns to Tanger. “Told you.” 
Tanger shrugs, very gallicly. “I never said he would not.” He looks at Geno. He’s not smiling. “I said he should be very careful, if he did.” 
Geno glares back. He’s not going to just--back down, or shit. Tanger can glare at him all he wants. Tanger starts to smile back. 
10) In the end, Geno asking Sid out is a non-event. Sid showed up early to Flower’s set before they were going out for dinner, and while they’re waiting, Geno leans over to Sid. “You want to come over for dinner, sometime?” he asks. He’s maybe been thinking about this a while, what to do for the man who has everything, or the money to buy everything. 
Sid’s eyes are sharp, but he smiles. “You can cook?” he teases, trying to feel out what’s happening. What sort of invitation this is.
Geno shrugs. “I warm up food mama left,” he admits, shameless. Anyway, that matters more, in some ways, than cooking himself, and Sid’s been around long enough to get that; his eyes widen, and he flushes. 
But, “Yeah,” Sid agrees, watching Geno evenly. “I’d like that.” 
Geno grins. He’s going to treat Sid exactly like he deserves, and it’s going to be great. 
11) Here are the things Geno knows about Sidney Crosby: 
he’s the best actor in the world (Geno’s making a stand on this one). 
He’s not nearly as awkward as people think he is, and he’s more extroverted than anyone thinks. He’s also deeply weird, talkative, competitive, and kind, but that’s only for people who know him well. 
He’s probably the most handsome man in the world too. 
He is definitely not dating Marc Andre Fleury. Geno is damn sure of that. 
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minecraftoworymode · 4 years
picked a whole bouquet of whoopsie-daisies the other day reading some Very badfeel content so to cheer myself up here’s some super self-indulgent ramblings about romeo recovery post-s2
“YOU CAN DANCE IF YOU WANT TO YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR INTERNALIZED MISOGYNY BEHIND” or how romeo learned to stop worrying and indulge in the ““feminine”“ shit in life
when romeo transitioned he scrubbed everything that could be potentially viewed as feminine from his appearance and behaviour. while he did everything he could about the former (hairstyle, clothing, body language, voice), it didn’t feel like enough bc he couldn’t change some things that ppl used to be jerks- his frame (short and lithe), his family, his being trans- so he made up for it by trying to “act” like a “real man”. this unfortunately meant he was super vulnerable to manipulative alt-right indoctrination tactics (”we will validate you as a man as long as you endorse our assholery and share our shitty beliefs about what it means to be a man”) and he was on the verge of getting sucked into gamergate ideology when [THIS LORE IS ANOTHER POST] and hey, now the world is minecraft. u dont gotta perform gender roles for villagers they dont care. xara will not only actually eat ur liver for pulling The Bullshit but when you are kind she smiles, so bright and warm, and it is very very nice so maybe you should keep on doing that. n fred? fred is chill with their Everything in a way uve only ever Dreamed of. romeo marinates in this sauce for a couple centuries and comes the closest to being comfortable in his own skin he’s ever been.
after the Incident he slam-dunked himself back into the hypermasculinity juice bc it was a mindset “safe” from feeling pain, whether his or others’. n since the worlds the admins created dont have the same ideas of gender as the world they came from, once he’s been dethroned romeo has a particularly hard time adjusting wrt That on top of all the other 2750347502730 issues he has to face
anyway flash forward a couple months of being incredibly volatile bc he now has to confront all the terrible things he did and how Dare u make him do that and maybe if hes nasty enough he can provoke someone into killing him and saving him from having to unpack All Of That- (note from @simple-mooshroom-herder​: Xara and Jesse at least grasp that Romeo will probably burn himself out on this bullshit eventually and the best thing to do is interact with him with a certain level of healthy detachment. Eventually he'll see that theres no "getting out of this" and he'll start to do the Work but until then its very frustrating to see that tactic take him nowhere.)
- one day petra notices how he’s constantly staring at all the ppl wearing cute dresses in beacontown and at first she thinks he's being creepy but then realizes that he's not being creepy and actually she knows exactly how he feels bc she also used to look at ppl wearing clothes super not suited for combat like that, like she wished she could wear them too, like if she just didnt have to keep up this image of the Warrior who is Not Soft Ever-
n ok. listen. these worlds have been specifically engineered to be better and kinder than the one the admins came from, and when people mess up- even REALLY mess up- people are generally not only willing to forgive you but support you as you try and get better. it’s instinctual for communities to respond to misdeeds with rehabilitation and reconciliation, rather than retaliation and renunciation (tho its not an overnight thing and it generally takes 1-3 people to spearhead the process, esp if the actions have affected a large group of people). like. ivor created something that almost destroyed the entire world, not just beacontown, yet by the end of season one he’s grown to be a part of the team- n its not just jesse & co being forgiving here, bc when ivor made his s1 build with 3 lava source blocks people objected to it, but by s2 he not only has lava in his build but a giant lake of it. (im assuming the fences around said lake are coming eventually, bc safety is still important, but the implications im choosing to take from this are a) despite almost ending the world people let him into their lives anyway and b) the community not only grew to accept but encourage his self-expression.)
BUT ANYWAY before i go off on that even more one day petra and romeo basically put on an impromptu fashion show in jesse’s house (bc their house is huge and, kind of perfect for a fashion show, and also right next to the order hall’s armory whence they stole a bunch of fancy swords to match the outfits) n theyre having a blast until the hero in residence , returns to their residence (and with COMPANY) n romeo is absolutely Mortified- caught red-handed showing feelings of an almost human nature, oh my god, this will NOT do- n this whole grand soliluquy of shame and excuses and apologies grabs the steering wheel of his tongue but he cant even spit a single syllable out bc jesse and lukas almost immediately dip leaving romeo panicking for a second before they come back with their inventories FULL of cute outfits, including a billion skirts and dresses, some of them are even enchanted so theyre like. super shiny or constantly flowing or things like that.
this actually ends up spiralling into a town-wide... not quite fashion show bc there's no runway or anything, everyone just shows up in their cutest/coolest outfits .. fashion convention?? Anyway several people come up to him and compliment him on his outfit casually before continuing along, not recognizing him not only bc of how hes done his hair and makeup n what hes wearing but he just seems... so happy (he might be wearing something on his head? like a headpiece or hat or something? but also maybe not hmm)- whoever this is, he's not hunched over like he's got several centuries' worth of sins crawling on his back he’s not trying to shrink and make small a human-shaped apology for the simple fact of his existence not dragging his feet like hes ready for, dreading, a hundred mile trek through the desert repenting hes just. hes literally just Vibing
anyway he's mostly been silent or just providing very quiet "thank you"s but when it turns out that some people showed up ready to play music and there's a song that he knows he literally cant help but start jamming out its the GOod Stim everyones a-dancing and a-jiving and some people start to sing and so of course he does too (the healing power of dancing and singing in cute outfits.... unfathomable) but. ppl recognize his voice
and after a few seconds he notices how quiet it's gotten all of a sudden n everyones looking at him like "oh shit thats the admin" and honestly his heart breaks. visibly
then someone starts singing, so quiet it takes a moment for him to hear over the sound of an encroaching panic attack (oh god he has airpods in), but when he looks over theyre smiling - theyre smiling at hiM???? AND IT DOESNT EVEN LOOK MEAN??- and doing this very simple step, that he catches onto just as easily as he matches their singing (its a fairly common little tune n dance)
theyre like standing like a good few meters away but as they take turns with lines in the song they slowly inch closer
and he thinks hes starting to recognize the dance that the steps theyre doing is from but at the part in the song thats coming up ur supposed to allemande left and even tho theyre like, less than a meter away now literally no one has really wanted to get close to him, let alone actually touch him, so hes totally expecting them to be like 'psych' and humiliate him in front of the entire crowd-
he completes the step without even thinking about it n continues onto the next in this state of dull bewilderment where there is but one braincell active in his head and it is just going, in a very tiny voice, "danser?"
- when they linked arms the person briefly seemed surprised that he didn't like, chew their arm off or anything (he had. kind of snapped at people a few times during the past few weeks), but then their shock turned into a wide smile and they sort of- nodded? at someone over his shoulder like 'come and join us, it doesn't look like he's going to kill me after all you guys can put the eulogy writing on hold'
what rly makes his heart do the confused and hopeful conga is that this isnt even anyone romeo knows, its a total stranger. or- like- he saw them while he was pretending to be jesse he just didnt care to get to know them beyond ‘name and gimmick’- its not even someone who has any reason to think he'd be cool to befriend its literally jsut someone taking a chance on him (tkae a chance take a chance take a chance take a cha)
afterwards hes like "i should thank jesse for putting you up to that, it was fun" and theyre like "what? jesse didn't "put me up to" anything, dude, you just looked super choked. * something something surfer lingo who would i be if i just left someone to feel bad when they could be having fun dancing you know?*"
he H
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mollysmythtymsyllom · 5 years
Last Kiss
Reality didn’t hit her until she had pulled onto Lark’s street. She pulled over just before Lark’s house and sat in her car, turning it off for a moment. Fingers graced her lips, where she still felt Tessa’s own. That’s when the tears came, because suddenly everything was being felt. That had really been her last kiss with Tessa. Tessa, who had not once ever judged her or called her a child or told her she needed to grow up. Tessa, who always came to the late night booty calls, despite basically being a mom. Tessa, who came over to witness her drunk self trying to defrost donuts and reheat all the left overs with a damn space heater – and helped her.
Cody was a domestic child, in a sense where she was hopeless when it came to laundry and cooking, and keeping things organized the way an adult would. But Tessa loved her despite that. Well, hold on – love was never spoken about. No, she was projecting. Here she was, sitting in her car, on the street of her work partner, and a woman she knew she was in love with. Sure.
But.. something was stopping her, and it wasn’t the fear of rejection. It wasn’t her chickening out. This was.. different. She touched her lips again, closing her eyes and resting the back of her head against her ferrari’s car seat. “I love her..” She whispered to herself, eyes opening as if her own voice, admittance, and words shocked her. And they had. “I love her.” She declared to herself, more openly. Looking across the way to Lark’s house, everything tore at her, to the point where she just spent the next endless amount of hours at a shooting range, batting cage, and gym. A bar, too, but she drank only water, and was mostly there for atmosphere and pool.
She won two hundred dollars, and the first person she wanted to call in celebration wasn’t Lark. It was Tessa. Tessa wasn’t her fallback; a second choice; a means to an end. No, Tessa was the choice. Maybe it wasn’t love. Maybe it would of been smart to choose Lark. But with Tessa, she suddenly was fearful of rejection. Love or not love, it was Tessa that Cody wanted to be with.
Was it too late to show up randomly at the house of an ex? An ex that had only become an ex hours earlier… on Thanksgiving? One hundred percent. But that didn’t stop Cody from parking her car at home, and calling a cab to Tessa’s. It didn’t stop her from getting into the building, and knocking continuously on Tessa’s door until she answered. Of course, then she lost everything she had come up with to say.
“I won two hundred dollars playing pool today. Because that’s what I did. I shot my gun around, worked out, dipped some dumbass into losing at pool. But I’m sober, which.. was a really bad fucking idea, now that I’m here. But you were the first person I wanted to tell. Lark- I know my feelings for her. But after winning that money- she’s the easy choice, Tessa. I thought- I thought that meant she was my first, but.. and now I’m hungry because I missed dinner and drove around all day, and seriously wishing I had some alcohol. And.. this is notthe speech I had. And I had four. I jsut.. I’ve never been more terrified, because.. Tessa, I’ve never wanted to work at something with someone like this before.. and I’m shitty, and need to grow up sometimes, and I’ve no sense of how to do this or what’s right or wrong, and I’m probably more to handle than any of your siblings.. but I didn’t want to choose what was easier for me.. I didn’t want that to be our last kiss..” She swallowed, licking her lips, trying to keep her voice from cracking. “And I just really hope you don’t, either..” @arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark​
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The past forty-eight hours had been a whirlwind and a half. First Tessa had told the woman she was falling for to go after someone else. It had nearly broken her heart when she overheard Devin and Cody talking. When she learned the truth about why Cody had been acting differently since she got back from her undercover mission. Cody had fallen in love with her partner while she was away. Tessa didn’t have time to fully internalize how she felt about the whole thing when she had made the cut. She didn’t have time to deal with a complicated relationship, so she had told Cody to go after Lark. She let Cody go. What was that saying? If you love someone. . .? Well maybe she wasn’t in love, like I said, she hadn’t let herself think it through. She didn’t have time, what with Devin asking her and all her younger siblings to move in with her, Will proposing to Devin, then Josy going into labor at the dinner table, Tessa hadn’t been able to think much about Cody.
Now, Will and the rest of her siblings, excluding Max and Ryan who wouldn’t leave the hospital, were staying at Devin and Cody’s house. Tessa chose to go back to her own place to get at least one minute of peace and quiet. She needed to calm down after all the craziness. She needed to look inside herself and consider her own feelings. She needed a moment alone to mourn what could have been between her and Cody. The first thing he did when she got home was make herself a cup of tea. But before the water was even cool enough to drink without burning her tongue, there was a constant knock on her door.
Tessa sighed, assuming it was one of her siblings, who had forgotten to get something that they needed to stay at Devin’s, or maybe someone hoping to help Tessa find God. “Alright, Alright!” Tessa had said before opening the door. She saw the look on Cody’s face, and couldn’t help what she said next. Then Cody did just what she asked, she spit it out.
Tessa stood there, her mouth partly open as she listened to the other woman ramble on. Cody spoke about where she had been, and how Lark was the easy choice, and how she didn’t want to make the easy choice. She talked about being scared, about never wanting to work for a relationship the way she did now. She rambled on without letting Tessa get a word in edgewise and by the time she was done, it took Tessa a long moment to even come up with what to say back to her. “Why don’t you come inside?”
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lupinwritings · 5 years
Not sure if you'd do this but... Pete being lowkey a sugardaddy?... I love the idea of Pete spoiling Patrick when he's not used to special treatment.
Hi, um, I love this idea. Power dynamics can get real problematic real fast so I’m going to do my best to play with that dynamic without it nearing abuse at all because that’s bad. Hope you enjoy.
Patrick straightened his tie and gritted his teeth as he stepped into Pete’s office. He’d been at the company for just over two years and only met the CEO, Peter Wentz, a few times. It was his last day before he left the company to do more independent music as opposed to production and he had been excited until he got a voicemail that morning scheduling him for a private meeting before he clocked out for the last time. He exhaled through his nose before he raised his eyes, reminding himself that he jsut had to get through this meeting and then he was done.
Peter wasn’t the traditional boss, his hair was long and usually pushed back with enough gel to give him a bit of a fifties greaser look. Patrick might have thought he was handsome if he hadn’t been so scared of why on earth he was having this meeting in the first place. Peter had his legs crossed with one ankle over his other knee and was leaned back casually as if this was an everyday thing for him, which, it probably was. “Sit down, Patrick, you’re not in trouble,” he said with a hint of a smirk on his lips.
Patrick took and seat and smoothed out his jacket and then pants. He could feel his heart in his throat and hoped he didn’t look as nervous as he felt.
“I have to admit, I was sad to see your resignation. You’re a good musician. There’s nothing I can offer you to convince you to stay?”
Patrick took a breath before he shook his head “thank you but - I got a music degree to create my own music, not to manage someone else’s.” He realized his fists were clenched and consciously made himself relax “I appreciate the offer, though.”
Pete nodded and clicked his pen absently. Patrick’s eyes flicked to his hand for a moment, no ring. “I understand. Well, I wish you the best. You were one of our most promising employees so I’m sure you’ll be very successful. Should you ever need anything…” he scribbled something on the back of a business card before standing and offering the card and his hand to Patrick “don’t hesitate to reach out.”
Patrick stood and took the card, then shook Peter’s hand “thank you, Mr. Wentz. It’s been a pleasure to work under you.”
A flicker of amusement passed over Pete’s face before he nodded “Pete. It’s been a pleasure to have you.”
The next few weeks were far more stressful that Patrick had imagined. He didn’t have professors or teaching assistants who could help him get gigs anymore, he was on his own for the first time as a musician. He got a few spots playing at bars and even one at an art festival but it was constant work and it didn’t pay nearly as well or as steadily as his previous job.
On the bus ride home from a meeting with the manager of an upper-class Chicago bar, he felt something in the pocket of his suit jacket. He absently rubbed the face of the card without even looking at it, while at his previous job he’d collected his fair share of business cards that he had no use for so finding one in his suit wasn’t strange. He closed his eyes and sighed, he needed this gig - rundown bars only got someone so far, getting a spot at an upper-class place for actually get him some name recognition or tip money, especially if he could manage a recurring gig. He eventually pulled the business card out to give himself something else to think about for a moment.
The front read “Peter Wentz. DCD2 Records, CEO.” and then Pete’s office number. He flipped it over and saw a second phone number written, the one from the meeting on his last day. He figured it would be another office number that would go through a secretary and probably never get to Pete but he took his phone out anyway and dialed the number. It was late enough that the bus was quiet and Patrick could hear every tinny, electronic ring as he waited for for a voicemail, seeing as it was far past office hours.
Patrick hesitated a second, he hadn’t expected an answer “is this Peter Wentz?”
“One and only, who’s this?”
“Patrick Stump, you said to call if I needed anything.”
Patrick could hear Pete’s tone change through the phone “damn, I was starting to think you’d never call. How’s life?”
Patrick chewed his bottom lip, he wasn’t used to hearing Pete so casual “could be worse. I like getting to make my own stuff.”
“Mhm,” Pete mumbled, he sounded tired and Patrick hoped he hadn’t woken him up “so what made you call?”
Patrick’s leg was bouncing but at least his voice sounded steady “any chance you’ve got any connections at a bar called Harbor Lights? Sorry, I’m sure that’s really unprofessional. Just - fuck, I need this gig.”
Pete hummed “easy. Yeah, I know some people. Tell you what - you meet me for coffee tomorrow and we’ll talk. Get some rest, okay?”
Patrick grinned and nodded even though Pete couldn’t see it “yeah, okay. Thanks - thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it. I’ll text you details in the morning.” Pete hung up before Patrick could say goodbye. He slipped his phone and the business card back into his pocket as the bus got close to his stop, still smiling slightly.
The coffee bar was way above Patrick’s price range but he reasoned that he’d have to spend money to make money. He wasn’t going to argue with the man who might get him his first good gig about coffee locations. He spotted Pete after a moment and took a seat next to him at the bar. Pete turned and smiled before shaking Patrick’s hand. “Good to see you again, man.”
Pete looked good in a suit, Patrick remembered that from their interactions at the office, but Patrick decided that he looked even better casual. He had on skinny jeans and a white button up that had the top couple buttons open under a suede jacket. “You too. H-how are you?” Patrick bit his tongue after his stuttered, his social anxiety would really be the end of him.
Pete smiled, though, and shook his head “better since you called me. I was worried I’d freaked you out.”
“No, I just…” don’t say forgot, he reminded himself “didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never do that, sweetheart. Now, you’ve got an interview with Dan?”
Patrick nodded “had one yesterday. I just know - I mean, that place must get so many applicants for a position like that and -”
Pete cut him off “don’t worry about it, I get it. I’ll put in a good word. You deserve it. Dan and I have worked together for years.”
“Thank you,” Patrick exhaled, still a little stressed, “it means a lot.”
Patrick got out his wallet as the barista walked over to take his order. Pete put a hand over Patrick’s before he could get his card out “don’t. I���ve got it.”
Patrick opened his mouth to argue but he really wasn’t in a position to turn down a free coffee “thank you, again. Can I ask why you’re being so nice to me?”
Pete let go of his hand and sipped his own coffee “because you’re a damn good songwriter who deserves to make it…” for a moment Patrick could have said Pete looked nervous “but also because you’re cute and you’re not my employee anymore.”
Patrick blinked at him for a moment and searched for words.
“Sorry,” Pete looked down “wishful thinking that you’d - anyway, I’ll make that call for you tonight. Feel free to pretend that didn’t happen.”
“No - I…” Patrick stuttered “I mean, really?”
Pete shrugged “I’d be stupid not to give it a shot. Hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t. I’m sorry, I’m bad at this. If you’re asking me out I’m saying yes.” It wasn’t Patrick’s smoothest line but it was a hell of a lot better than his previous silent staring followed by stammering over incoherent sentences.
“Yeah? Alright, cool. Thanks.”
Patrick laughed, it was strange to see Pete caught off guard “sorry, you’re just a little… out of my league.”
Pete raised an eyebrow “seriously?”
“I mean… yeah.” Patrick looked down.
Pete reached over and tilted Patrick’s chin back up “you’re cute, I’m serious. I figured you’d already have a partner or that you wouldn’t be interested.”
Patrick shook his head “nope, totally single. I don’t really get out much with working a lot and making ends meet right now.”
Pete drew his lips together and hummed thoughtfully “listen, sweetheart… I’m not - just let me know if you need anything. Not just with work. I don’t want to find out you’re not able to pay bills or afford for or anything, okay?”
“Peter, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s Pete, and I know. I just don’t want you struggling if I’ve got the means to help. I don’t mind taking you out once and a while while you’re still figuring things out.”
Patrick leaned over and hugged Pete, he wasn’t sure if that was the proper thing to do but he needed to say thank you somehow and he didn’t have much else to offer, Pete’s hands on his waist and back felt good, though. He hoped he wouldn’t mess this up.
Like I said, I LOVE this dynamic. I hope you guys liked this as much as I did and please let me know if you want a sequel because I will happily write one. I’ll also write a sequel once this gets to fifty notes. Send me prompts if you have any other ideas and have a great day!
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castellankurze · 5 years
FSF: Someone (or multiple someones?) takes a bubble bath.
fanfic for Completely Normal RPG, run by @lordcaliginous.  Also tagging @mystictheurge and @tamsynspeaks as per what is now standard procedure.
Takes place sometime in the month of December.
A Completely Normal Week
The motorcycle’s engine throbbed as its rider took the final turn into the driveway and slowed to a stop.  Shouko dismounted and unlocked the carport before walking the bike inside, pulling her helmet and hanging it off one of the handlebars.  The interior of the carport was a disaster, with her mom’s car tucked snugly up against the left side where it had accumulated a fine layer of dust while the rest of the available area was full of tools and spare parts.  Some had been left behind by her father, and Shouko had added to the motley collection over the years until the back wall of the carport was hardly accessible, but it wasn’t like they ever used the decorations stored back there.
“Hi mom, I’m home,” she announced as she stepped through the front door, tossing her keys into the nearby basket with a jingle.  The Kogawa household was a snug, two-story place with a pair of bedrooms and a bathroom on the upper level with everything else downstairs, and the only response to the girl’s voice was the slow churning of the ceiling fan she’d left on last night.
Once she’d stripped off her riding leathers, Shouko settled down at the table in the family room to do her homework.  This consisted of a block of time lasting no more than one solid hour, subjects broken up by use of an egg timer.  Over the years she’d gotten pretty good at judging how to mostly finish any given piece of homework in the time allotted, and if she was off, well, partial credit was better than none.  She answered questions as fast as she drove her bike, though with considerably more guesswork.  'You could be an A-rank student if you wanted it,’ more than one of her teachers had groused at her.  Shouko had come up with any number of excuses over time, but by and large as long as she maintained a D most had learned to live and let live.
At the conclusion of her hour, Shouko packed away her school stuff and left it by the door, there to be grabbed tomorrow morning.  That done, she ran upstairs to change her clothes into a set of gym shorts and a plain white shirt, stuffing her earbuds in her ears before heading off to the treadmill.
Most of Shouko’s teachers had guessed at her athletic ability, but those who dismissed the girl as a slacker would have been shocked to see the utter concentration on her face as she sprinted at top speed on her mother’s treadmill, a dumbbell clutched in each hand, stopping only for the occasional drink of water.  There once was a time when she would have been soaked with sweat at the end of the workout, but an hour’s run nowadays was little more than maintenance.
When all was said and done Shouko retired to her bedroom, a cavern of rebellious rock music and video game posters from both Japan and America and a battlestation that looked like something that might have been ripped from a NASA installation.  Shouko spent her stipends on two things: her bike, and her computer.  Lately Saika had been a third, but both longstanding habits were things that that she’d dove into headfirst until she could take apart either and put them both back together blindfolded.
“Oh great, a Genji,” someone complained almost as soon as she’d locked her Overwatch character in.  "Nice match everyone, better luck next time.“  Thirty-nine kills and two deaths later Shouko wished everyone a nice day.  Quickplay was so damn stupid, and on the next match she chose Roadhog just to mix it up.  Someone else whined about multiple tanks and Shouko rolled her eyes.  60% of team damage taken.  It wasn’t her fault nobody else could find the point.
"I’m going back to TF2,” she growled aloud, grabbing for her pack of cigs.  Of late she’d taped a warning to the front in black capital letters: TWO A DAY.  Miyumi always got squirrely when she lit up and Saika always winced.  Since she couldn’t avoid the former and felt bad about the latter she’d been cutting down.  Given her life lately, it wasn’t like she was gonna live long enough to die of cancer.
She showered and collapsed in bed, lit by the soft red glow of her electronics.
The motorcycle thrummed and growled as she cut the engine and stowed it.
“Hi mom, I’m home.”  The keys jingled as they landed in the basket.
An hour for homework.  She finished all of it this time.
Today was arm day, and Shouko spent her workout hour doing curls and lifts while Netflix ran some anime she barely payed attention to.
“Hey Eowyn,” someone said as soon as she logged into FFXIV.  "Can you craft me a thing?“
Ten mintues later.  "hey are you up for a Castrum Abania run"
“Patch is in like three weeks,” she said with a bit of a sigh in meatspace.
“ya but I really want that sword for glamour plate its ok if you dont wanna go”
“It’s fine I can blow it up with you.”
“thx youre the best blm”
“Hey, Eowyn.”  She blinked.  That last one had been a whisper instead of guild chat.
“What’s up?”
“I just wanted to say, you don’t seem yourself lately,” her guildmaster said.  "Just wanted to check and make sure you’re alright.“
"Yeah I’m good.  Just been super busy with all the schoolwork lately.”
“I know the feeling.  Are you gonna be full-time again in January?”
Shouko frowned.  "I’ll try.“
"Just take care of yourself.  Game comes after real life.”
“:) I will.”
She showered and slept a little fitfully that night.
A series of whispers alerted her to the attention of several classmates glancing her way.  "Hey, Shouko, can you…“ one of them asked with a blush, curling one arm.
With a grin, she pulled up her sleeve and flexed, to a flutter of giggles.  Shouko was never gonna be as strong as Erika, but her daily regimen was having noticeable effects, like leaving her look cut as hell.  She was probably down to 15% body fat by now, looking lean and mean.
"Hey, Shouko?” Saika asked at the end of the day.  "Would you like to do something Saturday?“
"Sure,” she said, hefting her bike helmet and making sure Saika clipped the spare’s chinstrap in place.  "What did you have in mind?“
"Nothing much, just…dinner somewhere?”
Shouko turned the ignition and revved the throttle.  "Sounds great.“
After she dropped Saika off she made for the gym, where she could get the type of workout that wasn’t so easy at home.  Balance beam, rings, parallel bars - it all came back as easily as breathing.  Shouko could spin rings around any of the other girls there.  When she wanted to, she could sprint down the balance beam and leap to the vault and from there catch herself on the rings in a split-second one-two-three move that sometimes provoked gasps from newbies.
As little as three years ago, Shouko had been doing this kind of thing pretty much daily.  She wondered, sometimes, what her old teammates were up to these days.  She didn’t wonder enough to come in on any day but Wednesday, thought sometimes it was extremely tempting to show up jsut to show the lot of them what she could pull off nowadays.  She’d never been a Simone Biles, and probably never would be - in fact now that it crossed her mind she wondered if Simone had had an awakening of her own? - but she could have thrashed the regionals nowadays.  Funny how things worked out.
She swam a few laps in the pool to cool down and showered before heading home.
"Hi mom.”  Jingle.
An hour for homework.
She played a little Mortal Kombat and crushed some jackass who made fun of her tag.
The Honda thrummed as she pulled into the drive.
“Hi mom.”  Jingle.
Her phone buzzed while she was doing her homework and she didn’t bother looking up until she was done.
“Hi Shouko, they asked me to visit our office in Melbourne while I’m down here, so I’ll be hopping a plane tomorrow.  I’ll be a few more days.  Have my phone if you need me.  Love you!” read her mom’s text.
Shouko stared at it for a minute and texted back “k lu2
Her feet slapped hard against the treadmill.  She needed to replace the damn thing when nobody was looking.  She was getting to the point where she really needed a higher top speed.
Her Star Wars RPG group canceled again, so instead of playing her Jedi she just spent some more time in CoD blowing holes in people while Fullmetal Alchemist played in the background.
“How are you even watching that,” someone complained in voice chat at one point.
“Listen,” she growled around a cigarette, “don’t hate because Olivier Mira Armstrong has my back.”
He responded with an insinuation that technically wasn’t wrong, but still got him blown to smithereens several times before he finally ragequit.
Shouko stayed up until almost three in the morning before she slumped into bed.
“A 99.  Excellent as always, Ms. Aratani,” the teacher said as she handed out papers.  Shouko could see the way Miyumi’s lip trembled as she took the proffered test like it was about to bite her hand off.
“87.  Good step up, Shouko,” the teacher said when she reached her.
“Thanks,” she said as she took the paper.
“I mean it,” the woman said, leaning closer.  "When you put your mind to a subject you really show your potential.“
Shouko was silent as the teacher moved on.  "Thanks,” she grumbled under her breath.  The paper crinkled as her hand crushed it.
“Um…excuse me, Kogawa?” the voice caught her as she was walking to her bike.
“Yo?” she said, turning with a blink of her eyes to see a semi-familiar face.  One of the girls who’d been looking at her the other day.
“Do you mind if I ask you for a piece of advice?”
Shouko blinked again.  "Uh?“
"It’s just…you and Saika…”  The girl was blushing hard.  "How did you.  Um?“
Shouko couldn’t help a chuckle, and she pulled out her customary after-school cig and lit it with a snap of flame from her dagger.  The girl didn’t even double-take.  Normal people saw what they expected to see.  Shouko didn’t even bother carrying her lighter anymore.  "Look.  You want my advice?  Just go talk to her,” she said as she straddled her bike and pulled out her favorite wraparound shades.  "Life’s too fucking short and we gotta make time with the people we got before we get left in the dust, you know what I mean?“
"Um…I guess?” the other girl said, rubbing her cheek.
“Trust me.  Jump on it,” she said before she revved the throttle.
“Hi mom.”  Jingle.
She did her homework so fast her handwriting looked like the fevered sprinting of a deranged chicken.
Her fingertips ached with so many push-ups.
She ended up mostly just browsing the net that night and went to bed.
She came out of the bathroom that morning to the sound of her phone buzzing insistently.
“Saika?!” she asked sharply, heart racing.
In the little mirror on the opposite wall, she could see the way her own face dropped.
“Oh.  Hi dad.”
She did the math.  It was eight in Hitachinaka, which meant it was ten in Ontario.  PM.
“It’s super late.  You should get some sleep.  The plant won’t want their engineer showing up super tired.  No, not her, I haven’t seen her in months.  Saika’s nice.  Yeah, bike’s running great.  School’s fine.  Mom’s in Australia now, they called her down from Jakarta.  I’m fine.  Dad, I dropped gymnastics like two years ago.  Yeah, tell Karen I said hi.  Maybe in a year.  Yeah.  Bye.  …love you too.”She threw the phone against the pillow and did her daily run outdoors.  It was cold as hell and overcast besides, but sweatpants and a sweatshirt were all she needed with the way her heart was pumping.
She was gone two hours.  When she got back she had a missed call and another text.  Saika.
“Hi Shouko, I’m sorry but I don’t think I can go out tonight.   I think I must have eaten something bad. x.X  I feel like crap.  Call me when you can.”
“Want me to bring over some soup?” she asked when the phone picked up.
“No,” said a mewling voice.  "I just want to curl up under ten blankets.“
"I’m sorry,” Shouko said.
“No, I’m sorry.  I don’t want to leave you hanging.  Promise we’ll make it up, k?”
“You know it.  Get some rest.  L-  …later.”
She looked at herself in the mirror.
The flame daggers hissed as they glanced off Shizuka’s katana.  Shouko was fast, but the Eventide rep was more experienced and fast as hell for her own part.  The open field was about the only place where the pair of them - any of the girls - could really throw down and get a workout in the most important manner.  Dojo masters tended to take it bad if you blew up a wall.
“Your concentration is bad today,” Shizuka observed when they finally broke in the late afternoon.
“Yeah.  Hey, Shizuka, got a question for you,” she said around the butt of a cigarette.  Typical for her, Shizuka didn’t reply verbally, but only raised an eyebrow.  “You ever heard of anyone who stayed friends if one went Eventide and one went Radiant?”
Shizuka glowered.
“Didn’t think so." 
The Honda chugged as she parked it in one of the narrow bike-only, and she didn’t bother taking off her leathers since it wasn’t like she was going mallratting.  She stopped off at the pharmacy and bought some soda, some beer, some chocolate, and some soap.
"Rough day?” the attendant asked in a sympathetic tone.  She barely even glanced at Shouko’s ID.
“Uh huh,” she confirmed.  In the parking lot, she slid the candy bar she’d palmed out of her jacket sleeve and munched it.
Once home, she dumped the soap in the tub and ran hot water until the foam threatened to spill over.  Then she lit a cigarette and slipped in, groaning slightly as it almost scalded her.  She let her phone play American synthwave until the battery ran low and the water was cold and she was prune-fingered.
She looked at the battlestation and threw herself into bed, wrapped around her spare pillow.  The wind blew hard that night.
Two hours for homework instead of one.  Weekends.
There was no meeting of the study group this week and so the day was uneventful, except for one instant when she was flipping channels and there was a news report on the ongoing decommissioning of Fukushima which caused her to mash the power button.  Natural disasters were not something she wanted to think about right now.
She ordered pizza and spent the evening playing Brutal Doom and listening to Rage Against the Machine.
Tomorrow was a brand new week.
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ziggory · 5 years
Riverdale Liveblogs 3x07 - 3x13
Instead of making you all suffer through six separate liveblogs as I was catching up, have them all in on post!
3x07, “The Man in Black”
Remember when Jughead was the biggest woobie ever with a bunch of sad shit happening to him. Fun times. Honestly, Jughead’s just really taking advantage of finally being on the roadtrip he was denied
Justice for Jingle Jangle. Why did we need a new drug? Or I’d be fine with it complementing the other but NOooOooOOOO. It’s trying to shove JJ out of the spotlight!
Elvis’ granddaughter could’ve just drugged the eggs but instead she chose to nearly give Archie a concussion. Hiram might chop her head off if his Archiekins gets permanent brain damage
Let Archie kill a man!! Jughead got to skin someone who was fucking up his life. Why can’t he let Archie take his shot!? I can’t hear you about consequences
Your business is failing because trading away the final piece of the Soutshide to open a vanity project in the form of a dry speakeasy was not a great idea. Also, gamers can give you business. I’ve seen it!
The show can make Veronica say all these supposedly empowering lines, but I’m never going to forget that she supported a for-profit prison
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This voiceover was completely unnecessary. Honestly, it’s sort of a slap in the face to Lili’s acting as if they didn’t think she could convey certain things without some hand holding
I’ve seen movies. They make you swallow that shit on the spot
So many negative thoughts being awkwardly confirmed
Honestly, this is what happens when you keep exploiting the place for abuses to help your investigations but never fucking shut it down
3x08, “Outbreak”
Does Moose need drugs to get it up? He said Midge liked to get wild, but methinks he liked it of his own volition as well. And just what I wanted. Shadowy makeouts while high on drug laced childhood candy
Kevin needs to find out who put a curse on his dick. ANOTHER hookup interrupted by bodies in danger
I don’t know why a group of high school boys acting like typical jackass high school boys with loud laughing is cause for thinking they’re all high.
“good people like Archie” 
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Gladys being a Jarchie shipper is pure. I will not stand for this no homoing
Wait, Cheryl did actually get to be Student Body President? I thought they were just going to let that circle the drain and disappear
THE PRISON WAS A FUCKING COVER?!?!? So all of S2 was just…oh my fucking god, I’m going to do drown myself
“good looking shortsatck” Love it. Goddamn, I love Gladys
Do they know that the way they write Hiram and Veronica feels like it’s been dipped in ten layers of incest? He talks to her like she’s the mistress he wants to bed
The affection the Jones women have for Archie is cute
The Gargoyle King being a hallucination is the most disappointing thing
TABLETOP RPGS ARE NOT FUCKING BORN OF MADNESS. Ugh, my inner geek is angry with rage
Oh, now you care about the kids in conversion therapy
So I guess they didn’t go to Toledo for Christmas??
Lili should get a raise for this Griffin Queen shit
I’m more emotional than I would usually be over these Fred scenes given Luke Perry’s recent condition
I missed alcoholic Hermione. And lmao this Watchmen realness
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I love Silent!Kevin getting nothing to say in that office! Just fucking great
we need to know more about this fucking Governor. Racist piece of shit who gets upset about vandalized statues of genocidal war criminals, AND he’s under Hiram’s thumb.
3x09, “No Exit”
Will someone get bit by a monkey? I can only hope
Oh fuck off with the Star Wars reference. IT DOESN’T FIT
Stealing from the rich to give to the rich. How very one percenter. And Toni, all your friends are living in tents by the river
While the implication of Jughead sleeping over is nice, what the fuck was the point of last episode’s cliffhanger. This timeline makes no sense
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They’re so fucking low budget that they couldn’t even show the bear, LMAO
I forgot what Fangs sounded like. Didn’t FP retire? ARE THERE EVEN ANY ADULTS LEFT IN THIS FUCKING JOKE OF A GANG. But Damn, Fangs is good at crying. So pretty
Aww, I actually missed the hammy ass warden
Every time Joaquin’s name is mentioned, another dagger in my heart
The fact that the sisters have been fake nuns this whole time is just…what the fuck. AND THE FUCKING SOCIAL WORKER KNEW AND JUST LET THEM KEEP OPERATING!?!? LET THIS WHOLE FUCKING TOWN FALL INTO A HELLMOUTH
Remember when Jughead was outraged about the Serpents being paid security at the Pickens festival thing? Time is a flat circle
“SAVED”!??! REALLY NANA ROSE!?! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL THE CHILD GROOMING YOU DID!? And uh, Fred and Sierra should know about that sordid piece of Penelope’s past
Damn, Veggie is hot as fuck
You know who else could’ve gone undercover for the Serpents to infiltrate the Gargoyle gang?!????? I HATE YOU FOREVER, RAS. ANOTHER AU FOR THE DRAWER
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3x10, “The Stranger”
LMAO that they tried to make us think Archie died
Being attacked by a bear in Canada means not having to suffer through crippling debt because of the hospital bill for the rest of your life
Sidenote, but I really thought the painting of Veronica would have a bug or something. The fact that she just kept the painting instead of burning it says something
Oh so the core four are THOSE type of friends
Betty’s money >> those kids
Claudius just doesn’t want to do actual work
They let a kid pass the first grade when he couldn’t read? So the educational system has always been rather shit
Hey there, Silent!Kevin! Just sitting silently with your slowly developing biceps
Does Reggie know what PTSD is
I spy with my little eyes Kevin in the corner putting his PE clothes away! Once again robbed of a shirtless scene
FUCKING TALL BOY!?!? Lol, this is really good for my drawer fic actually. Keep sounding like a spiteful man! It’s semi feeding me
Wow, they really crammed in two Varchie sex scenes
Hiram deserved this and every agonizing second of pain he felt
Raw milk, huh? Yeah, that’s all you need to bait Kevin into this cult
Bye Claudius, no one will miss you
I want Hermione/FP to fuck
Jughead throwing a party to make things better is the biggest twist this series has ever done
Archie the alcoholic, eh. If this lasts more than one episode, that’d sure be something
3x11, “The Red Dahlia”
This is the noir episode, isn’t it. I’m…really bad with noir so an episode from THIS team is going to be…very trying
Awww, FP mentioning Joaquin is an extra pang. I wanted to know more about their relationship
I’d love to see the notes on this draft when Jughead tries submitting it to a publisher. Unless he goes the self pub route
Who even runs the newspaper now?
Betty, you’re like the last person to talk about black and white morality
Archie sounds like the protagonist of Office Space at the end when he finds his calling in construction
I still need Jughead and Veronica arguing about classic cinema
I wonder where Penelope learned those crocodile tears, Nana. Like I never need a scene of her criticizing her ADOPTED DAUGHTER again
Cheryl is pretty forgiving of the uncle who sort of helped with her institutionalization
Have these boys never watched an episode of Breaking Bad? Put that body in a barrel
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So has Veronica had a change of heart about Daddykins? I’m so confused
SMITHERS!?!? YOu’RE STILL ALIVE!? Protect this man
Remember when Betty was a camgirl for ten seconds and watched all of her fake brother’s porn videos
Josie’s voice is pure butter, and the show needs to stop pretending that we want to hear anyone else sing
Why doesn’t Toni have a job at Veronica’s dry speakeasy? She used to be an actual bartender!
“Kevin’s dad boxes at the gym” being a line from Josie is the most beautiful line in this episode
Well at least they explained the seizures.
What is even the point of Minetta having faked his death just to be Hermione’s kept man
Well, damn, I really didn’t see this FP reveal coming. I wish he was the sheriff Hermione was fucking. And given all the things Jughead used to say and aim at Keller, it’s interesting to see him have to deal with his dad being somewhat in Hermione’s pocket
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Lmao at this Bad Boys line. I see you, synergy
Honestly, how dare Archie shoot the person who was going to kill Hiram. I guess that’s one way to bury the Archie/Hiram grudge
Hermione’s trigger finger is life goals
3x12, “Bizarrodale”
So first off, fuck that title and everything it implies.
Second, this is the episode where I’m supposed to finally get fed, eh? FINGERS CROSSED
I forgot what Kevin sounded like after not talking for four episodes
Veronica watches Netflix confirmed, and yet I guess she just scrolls past Orange is the New Black every time it’s recommended to her
Why are Kevoose makeouts always in shadow? Is it to disguise the fact that when they makeout it’s with their lips sealed shut
The actor who plays Major Mason followed me back on my burner instagram
Awww, Sweet Pea is a relationship guy with a gooey little heart!
Sierra pegs Tom confirmed. Love these two kinky fuckers
The way Tom says “Gargoyle King” goes straight to my nether regions
So does Britta have a kink for people outing others against their will? I swear this is a plot point in Ship It too
I feel like these issues are something they should’ve talked about way more. Making Moose’s coming out be an ultimatum is pretty gross
How DARE they not let us hear Josie sing?!??! Ohhhh, if we’d heard Josie sing then we would sent death threats to the fake Juilliard board. I never want to hear Josie’s teary little voice again because it hurts my feelings
Lmao, this is the second time a parent has been judgmental of how the Lodges involve Veronica in their business
Remember that time Moose and Cheryl made out? I’m forever traumatized by that
Hiram and Hermione strolling in like a fucked up Gomez and Morticia
I’m sure that Dilton would approve of his friend from another lifetime using his secret bunker to pop his cherry. But only Moose. Yes, I ship comics Dilton/Moose
Oh, HeeEYEEEEEEE, IT’S LIKE A BUNCH OF MY FIC DREAMS COME TO LIFE. Wow, I finally got pandered to. Kevin being in dagner is like…the basis of the majority of my drawer fics
I’M FUCKING PSYCHIC X2!!!! Well huh, this puts that earlier diner scene in a new light
Yesss, please keep calling him Tommy and talking about how Kevin looks like your old friend with that sad, wistful tone. Please feed my fic bunnies
Christ, Ashleigh has such a fucking amazing voice. I can actually bear KJ’s singing
I never want to see Kevin cry again. Fucking Maramaduke
Gladys can step on me, and I’d apologize
I don’t think that bacon is fully cooked
So Veronica just decided to not move back out because the path of least resistance?? And she’s back in her Daddy’s clutches because....he got shot???
The Serpent with the awesome dreads is still there! Can he be an actual character with a name? He deserves it
Between last episode and this one, I am being fucking BLESSED with Daddy Keller content. 
VERONICA IS a FUCKING REPUBLICAN CONFIRMED. I guess we all know who scrolled right past 13th on Netflix! 
They’re really trying to sweep up their awkward plot mistakes from last season, eh
I need a flashback of young Alice in this ugly fucking wedding dress
This is some Rocky and Mickey shit. Hopefully Keller doesn’t have a heart attack while confronting Mr. T
San Junipero water, huh. 
Why is Archosie so perfect
Ehhhh, the last time they talked was eight episodes ago. Will this scene be about how Kevin’s recovering post-Moose?? Of course not. My hopes for investigative Kevin are once again yanked away. Though of course remember that time she got him to catfish a murderer without telling him that Chic had killed someone?? Fun times
“cute gay farmies”
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Veronica is the opposite intimidating ESPECIALLY in the face of Gladys who we all know has actually fucked up a bitch
The monstrous Freeform ate Malachai, eh. Ghoulie jackets are still the best jackets
I’ve never watched Apocalypse Now so this scene is wasted on me
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Keller looks like he gives good hugs
How the fuck did Jason learn about The Farm?
This is Polly’s revenge for being sent to the Sisters
It’s awkward how Choni just sort of disappeared from the episode
Damn, Archosie has everything going on
Hermione, you should’ve just killed Hiram when you had the chance
Gladys doling out gang advice is just everything I wanted from her
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k-hiphopshit · 7 years
Take Care Little Girl (Simon D x Reader)
Request by anon. Enjoy!
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You loved Kiseok, from the moment you saw him even when you did not believe in love at first sight somehow you fell in love as soon as your eyes met, you thought he was going to be the man of your life, you loved him and he loved you but sometimes love is not enough.
You quietly packed your stuff, only the sound of the clock and your sniffles were heard around the house... the house full of memories, memories that you cherished and memories that you want to erase forever in your mind, the memories that made you put all your stuff in a few suitcases. Fight after fight, curses followed by petty insults, smashing stuff and closing doors, accusation after denial, tear after tear, all that stuff that broke his and your heart. It was time to face the music, you had to put an end of this even that would hurt you, it would be better for everyone, since you hurt each other every day it won't be much of a difference you thought bitterly.
You waited for him,sat on a stool at the beautiful kitchen you had designed, the kitchen you used to cook meals for both of you, the kitchen that he would make breakfast, the kitchen that you broke so many plates and glasses, yelling from the one side of the table. You turned to the clock and saw the time, he would be there any minute now, your heart started racing, it was like you were going to pass out right there, you felt nauseous and for a second you thought that maybe you should unpack. You shook your head refusing to back down, you had backed down so many other times, not anymore, it was final and it had to happen, this loving relationship became toxic and you had promised to never let anyone make you feel lost or helpless.
As soon as you heard the door open and close your heart went from fast pace to completely still, your breath hitched to your throat and your body suddenly became cold. You knew he saw the suitcases, you could tell by the silence, he usually calls for you. You took deep breaths as you heard his footsteps approach you, when you opened your eyes he stood right in front you, his face showed hurt, you had to hold yourself from breaking down right there.
"You are leaving me?"
He sounded so broken, so vulnerable and it made you feel so guilty inside, you could feel a knife going straight to your heart as he started right through you.  A part of him expected this, he just prayed it would never happen, he couldn't help but blamed himself too, he thought he would be the one to protect you, instead he became the root of your pain and he hated himself for it.
"I don't want to, Kiseok we are in pain, we can't be like this"
"I love you, you are my woman"
"And I love you but love is not enough, do you want me to hurt you even more?"
"You never meant it"
He whispered to himself, he knew your Love for him ran deep and he knew that you would do anything for him, that's why you are sacrificing yourself to become the bad guy and end this.
"Let's say you forgive me, can you forgive yourself?... cause I cannot forgive you Kiseok, I just imagine... her"
You couldn't handle it anymore, you broke down in tears, completely collapsed on top of the cold surface and cried. He had cheated, yes it was one time and you thought you could move on, turns out you can't, after that it just went downhill and it mostly was because you could not trust him, everytime he had to practice, every time he went on tour and she was there... you just went crazy and many times you end in a fight over the phone, text, face time, anything. 
You felt his hand your back, you knew he hated when you cried specifically when he was the reason behind those tears. He rubbed your back soothingly, holding back tears himself, he had destroyed you, he felt so ashamed for what he has done, every day of his life after than night, the one woman that he adored he betrayed and traded for someone that had not done half of the stuff you had done for him.
"I love you (y/n), I love you so much"
He whispered in your ear, placing a kiss on your hair. You managed to pull yourself together and wipe away those tears, as you raised your head and looked at him again you reached for his face with your hand.
"I love you too, with all my heart"
You don't know why but you just pulled him closer and placed a soft loving kiss on his lips, the last kiss. As you pulled back you got on your feet and gave him the best smile you could give.
"Be good okay? No drinking and no partying"
"I will, call me if you need anything. Take care little girl"
You turned your back on him and went towards your stuff, grabbing your luggage and opening the door, you looked to his side one more time, as tears ran on your face again.
"Go on, you will regret it if you don't leave"
"I love you Kiseok"
"I love you too but you have to leave, you know I don't like it when I cry in front of you"
Dealing with a break up is already hard, being on the public eye is even harder, it almost feels impossible. People did not know about you and him, which made it even more difficult since you had to put on a smile and perform, give interviews, sign autographs, take pictures like you were not dealing with a bad case of a broken heart. You only found peace at the privacy of your dressing room, your house and the booth, so many touch ups for make up, so many tissues around the house, so many tear stained papers that you could barely make out the words you had written. After the release of your new song "I can't stay" people started to catch on, luckily you and Kiseok had never made public appearances even as friends so people did not suspect him, they jsut knew you were dealing with a very emotional break up.
"Hello and welcome back to our radio station, today we have with us a very special lady, miss (y/n), welcome"
"Thank you, it's been a while"
You said with a fake smile. You dreaded this interview, you begged your publicist to call in sick for you, obvioussly it did not work. You knew they would ask questions abou the song, which you did not know you would react.
"So you have just finished a tour and you came out with a new song right?"
"Yes, it's called I can't stay and it's available on Itunes"
"So I have to ask... why did you write such an emotional song, cause i have to admit I cried when I first heard it"
You took a deep breath and braced yourself for the worst.
"Well... I recently went through a break up and... I was and I still am very conflicted and sad about it"
"May I ask why?"
"I was with that person for a long period of my life, I lived with him and a lot of things happen from both sides and it was happening for a long time now so I just said that I can't stay anymore"
You could feel the tension in the room, the producer could see how you struggled to speak and put sentences together, honestly your eyes were already getting cloudy.
"Do you still talk to him?, cause you sound angry in the song"
"I have not but I do want to keep him in my life cause... i love him and he loves me, we didn't just stop loving each other, but you know... reality is not always good to us"
"Are you on to the next?"
"No, I can't move on yet. I need to deal with it and leave it and then move on to be real happy, I honestly do hope I found someone that will make me as happy as he did cause he did make me happy and he gave me his all and I gave him my all but that kind of dissapeared from the relationship... one second"
Your voice broke as you spoke, you closed your eyes and took a really deep breath, trying so hard to not let those tears spill. It was the first time you ever talked about thiss and it brought all those emotions back, all the pain, all the hurt all the anger, it just hit you right in your heart.
"It's okay, we will stop talking about it now."
"Thank you"
As you got back to your dressing room your phone vibrated, you had a message. You saw his name on the screen and it terrified you, what if he was angry at you for talking about it on air? What if he was hurt for betraying him? You opened the message with shaky hands and saw the screen.
"I'm sorry, I love you too, don't cry for me I want you to smile. Call me when you want, we can go for a beer"
You smiled as the tears hit the screen, it's not fair! you wished you could hate him, you wished he hated you, but no, breaking up while still being in love made it even harder, you wanted to run back to him. You hit reply and started typing
"I would love that, maybe when we get better. I'm sorry too, I love you"
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