#how are you omg. midterms. explodes
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Omg omg dabble idea bc I’m obsessed with this headcanon.
I think Chifuyu gets psychosomatic illness when he’s even the slightest bit stressed. The symptoms get worse the more pressured he feels.
After even one sneeze, Mitsuya is eyeballing him the whole time, because he knows despite Chifuyu never telling anyone.
I can just imagine Mitsuya getting pissed off in Chifuyu’s place when he sees the little guy so sick he can barely stand. 🙌🙌
Holy- I'm learning so many new words today! :D This is absolutely amazing and I love you for sharing this with me- I've gotcha covered, Ducky! :D
CW: Sickness, Swearing
“Chifuyu, what the hell?”
It started out as a sneeze. Just a simple little “Achoo!”- nothing anyone in Toman put much thought into. Heck, not even Chifuyu thought much of it- must be seasonal allergies.
Definitely not because Midterms, a big Toman meeting, Peke-J’s vet appointment, and Baji’s birthday were all falling in the same week. Nope, definitely not any of that.
Chifuyu was convinced he had this. What was a little stress? He’s been through worse. And yet- soon the symptoms were getting worse. Sneezes turned into congestion, coughs grew more hoarse and hard to hide. Eventually he was waking up in the wee hours in the morning nauseated.
Still- he pushed on. He had this! He just needed to get through the upcoming week and he’d be fine. Once it was over, he’d be his usual self again.
For the most part- Toman believed him.
Except for Mitsuya.
That man saw everything.
Currently the pair were in Chifuyu’s room, the mentioned boy far too sick to even sit up on his own. His body felt like one huge furnace, and he wanted to both rip off all the sheets binding him to his bed and climb into a freezer. He barely heard Mitsuya come in- just heard his disappointed exclamation. “I’m fine..I just-” A hoarse cough exploded from his chest as he doubled over, hands rubbing his back to help him through it. When he looked up, he found Mitsuya glaring at him.
And in his hand, a glass of water.
“Dumbass. I can’t believe you’d let yourself get this sick! Here you are practically dying on us and you’re too stubborn to say anything!” Mitsuya’s back was turned as he dug through the convenience store bag, pulling out cough medicine. “Honestly- it’s bad enough Draken and Mikey only JUST sorted out their bullshit, and now this? What are we to do with you-”
The sound of sniffling made him pause. When he turned around, he found Chifuyu’s head bowed, tears rolling down his cheeks. “Oh Chi..”
“I’m not-” The blonde sniffed, reaching up to wipe his face. “I’m not cr-rying!” He ducked down, shamed at how weak he looked before Mitsuya of all people. “Ju-Just..give me a se-econd.”
Mitsuya didn’t say anything, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. A moment later, he reached out, resting a hand on the younger boy’s head. “So stubborn, even now.” He sounded fond, almost like he was smiling. “Tell me what’s going on. I can help, you know.” He reached over and snatched up the planner laying by, poking through it as Chifuyu wiped his face. “Ah, okay. Easy enough. Look- I’ll take care of Peke-J for you; I’m free that afternoon. Baji’s birthday- Toman’s gonna do something; we’ve got that planned out. You just focus on getting better and knocking out finals, kay?” He reached out, ruffling the other’s hair.
“....Okay.” He sounded so young, like his sisters getting over a fit. Mitsuya almost hugged him right there like he’d do with them.
Instead, he cuffed his chin, smiling. “That’s my guy.”
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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svnarin · 6 months
hello my beautiful gorgeous bae named rie 💋
FIRST OFF, our blender almost exploded yesterday when we were conducting our research experiment with my group mates. i kept telling them not to overuse the blender at max speed, but they didn't listen. now they broke my family's blender LMAO. i was doing something else when i heard two of my groupmates, who were using the blender, start screaming. and then i turned my head to look at them to see the blender was smoking and then it burst into flames while still on, etc etc. GOOD THING MY GRANDFATHER WAS THERE TO SAVE THE DAY. we were panicking and didn't know what to do even though all we had to do was to unplug the blender, which was what my grandfather did LIKE PLEASE GOD BLESS HIM WE WERE LITERALLY IN AN ENCLOSED SPACE I REALLY THOUGHT THE BLENDER WAS GONNA EXPLODE AND HIT US WITH ITS DEBRIS. it was such a traumatic experience and the way i coped after the incident was to laugh things off LMAO
ANYWAY, another thing is, I AM SO TIRED. other than research, i have a lot of schoolwork lined up considering it's already our midterms in two weeks. we also just had our national achievement test yesterday and today! and let me tell you, the soon i got home, i immediately passed out on the bed from 2pm to 7pm from how tired i am LMAO. heck, i even fell asleep during the exam </3
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6okuto · 3 years
Asking the LL gang to teach them how to kiss?? Either during the crush stage or them recently becoming their s/o!
— mc asking the M3 + rime to teach them how to kiss
note from nia: this is my studying break because i have a midterm today (it's 1am) and i'm . Goo. also my favourite pen died i think this is a bad omen . if i do badly i want u guys to know i will straight up be disappearing from the face of the earth
expectedly, the most outwardly enthusiastic of the M3
it's like shock > realization > teasing smile ("woah, aren't you going to take me out on a date first?") > genuine appreciation for the amount of trust they have in him
he's one of the people who say you just kinda Know how to do when you do it and mc stares at him like ok,, thank you,
he leans in and says "well, you know what they say about first hand experience"
sage can always tell if they're nervous so he reaches for their face so they have to look at him and says "do you trust me?", smiling reassuringly when they nod
very much the type of person to kiss once, pull away for a second to look at them, then go in for another. also the type of person to place one hand on the back of their head while the other rests on their waist
"see? you're a natural." sage, 4 seconds later, realizing the opportunity in front of him, "actually, i think you could be even better. wanna go again to practice?"
she looks up at them like ? pardon . you want what? obviously not going to complain though, she's wanted to kiss them for so long
and the fact that she gets to be their First Kiss? a little part of her wishes it could be somewhere special but the intimacy of them asking like this makes up for it
answers any questions genuinely, even (especially) if mc feels like they're a little silly because she wants them to feel as comfortable as possible with her
if mc feels embarrassed she's tilting their head up towards her and offering a soft smile :[ "you don't need to be embarrassed about anything. thank you for trusting me."
if their hair is long enough she is Going to tuck it behind their ear
she asks "are you ready?" before brushing her thumb over their cheek, cupping their face, and leaning in
omg anisa holding their hand and smiling after . "how was that for your first kiss?"
very willing to kiss again. like so willing to kiss again she's grinning before she grabs them and mc wraps their arms around her while laughing a little
felix thinks he just died .. again
if mc asks him while he's drinking something he is Going to spit and or choke on it
"you want me to be your first kiss?" "i mean, we're...dating?"
in the back of his head he knew they'd kiss eventually,, dreamt about it, even. he's taught dangerous spells so how bad could This possibly be (that's what he says to relax himself but honestly he'd rather have a spell explode in his face than mess this up)
he's Really hoping he can make this worthwhile for them, knowing how important and intimate it all is
honestly felix is such a sweetheart smh . he asks "are you sure about this?" multiple times before finally going "alright," taking a deep breath, and holding their hand as he leans in
felix kisses them while lightly holding onto the hem of their shirt
when he finally pulls away mc watches him flush as he clears his throat, "you—you uh, are a natural, as expected."
if mc asks to do it again, after another 2 seconds of short-circuiting felix manages to pull himself together and put on that teasing smirk again, "i'd love to."
mc's here for a crazy silly goofy fun time aren't they
mc blurts it out the first time but then he makes them repeat themself so it's just. "Can you teach me how to kiss?" ". . .hm?"
"can we...can you..uh," "hm? can i what?" and he has his chin resting on his palm while he smirks and waits
he teases them but not too much, he doesn't want them to feel insecure or bad about it. he won't admit it but he feels special
if mc starts getting a little flustered and asks what they're supposed to do with their hands, which way to lean, etc. etc. he just amusedly watches for a while before stopping them
"hey, look at me, sweetheart. don't overthink this, you're fine."
rime grips their waist while they kiss, and if he notices their hands awkwardly hovering he leads them to do the same
when they finally pull away he watches their reaction but when they don't say anything he's just like ,, "what? did i render you speechless? i have that ability," oh i hate him!!!
10/10 will kiss again, good chance it turns into a longer session if wanted :thumbs_up: :heart:
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tays · 5 years
little things i loved in miss americana
benji being so smol!!!
the journals and her quill and ink phase omg
the video of her walking out to sing the national anthem
pretending that it was fine when she found out reputation didnt get any nominations THAT HURT 
“i know i said some bullshit on the phone” being the original lyrics for ME!
knowing that ME! was gonna be the first single straight away in the early production stages
video of her singing lucky you !!
“taylor swift IS the music industry”
having ice with wine, im here for it
comparing newborn babies to tamagotchis, a mood
hiding from the paps in a giant umbrella
on beauty standards: “its all just fucking impossible”
all the happy home video moments with joe yet never showing him on camera was perfect
“turning on my party shoes for vocals”
her and joe hugging backstage that made my heart explode!! 🥺
taylor talking to brendon about how she envisioned the music video with scenes from the music video intercut with what she was saying, that was GREAT
“whatever makes you you, like EMO KIDS, THEATRE, DANCE SEQUENCES, LA LA LAND”
“when it’s like me it’s like DANCERS, CATS, GAY PRIDE, PEOPLE IN COUNTRY WESTERN BOOTS, I start riding a UNICORN !!”
the fact that they included the sexual assault case!
the beautiful court sketches were such a nice touch
andrea telling her how proud she was after that show 🥺 “im so proud of you for taking the bag of shit they gave you and made it into this”
and taylor telling her “it’s okay now” 😭😭
taylor getting so passionate about fighting for tennessee christian values and basic human rights that she started crying
“i need you to forgive me for doing it because im doing it”
taylor, tree and andrea drinking wine while they make the post and freaking out about it together
“the president could come after you” “yeah fuck that i dont care”
“you know what? donald trump likes my music 25% less :DD”
“i have a really slappable face”
getting to hear a new song for the first time in the early production stages without having heard the finished product I LOVED THAT
johnathan saying “you were really major at midterms honey” and giving her advice !!!
doing todrick’s nails!!
“give me a good review on yelp”
“sorry was i loud? in my own house, that i bought, with the songs that i wrote, about my own life?”
seeing all the lover billboards up in times square !!!!
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definitelynotsuzumi · 4 years
Make a Wish [Chapter 2]
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Zen x Reader
Mystic Messenger x Puella Magi Madoka Magica
With one impulsive wish, comes many dangers and responsibilities.
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The events were playing out exactly as they had in the game. You bit your lip as you alighted the bus to reach the area where Rika's apartment was. Kyubey did not seem to be bothered by the people jostling him when you were taking the bus. 
'Am I the only Magical Girl here, Kyubey? Or are there more?' You wondered as you walked down to the apartment complex. 
'You are not alone. I can say that there are easily just as many Magical Girls in this universe.' Kyubey licked his paws before staring at you. 
'I just hope that I'm not intruding on another girl's space...' You sighed before you followed what Saeran had instructed you to do. Pressing the passcode to the apartment, you went in. As you stepped into the room, lines of code filled your screen as a chatroom loaded up. 
You shut the door behind you, reading through the conversation. 
Yoosung: Failed my midterms fml T_T
Yoosung: [Crying emoji]
707: Cus you played LOLOL all night lol
Jumin Han: If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA. 
Yoosung: I'm still on the list? +_+ 
Jumin Han: Yes. 
707: Nice~ Can't believe u get to work straight after college lol
707: In this day and age!
You gave a small chuckle as you read the conversation. It was taking a while for them to realize your presence in the chatroom. However, you still enjoyed their interactions with each other. 
707: Wait!!
Yoosung: Why?
Zen: ??
707: Think someone entered the chat room;;
Jumin Han: Isabel...?
Zen: Wtf. How did it get in here?
707: Hacker!
Yoosung: Hacker?! Therae's a hacker in over room!!!
Yoosung: Sevnee do somethign!!
Zen: Hey, typos -_-;;
The chatroom exploded in a fit of confusion and fear. You took a seat on the cushy couch as you exhaled heavily through your nose. 
(Y/N): Hello...
Yoosung: Gahhhh it's talking!!
Yoosung: [Shocked emoji]
Zen: So it's not two smartphones
Jumin Han: Who is it? 
Yoosung: Find out what it is!
Jaehee: How did you find out about this place? Where did you download the application? 
You exhaled again. Just as it had played out before. Kyubey had decided to wander out of your purse, sitting on your lap as you popped a caramel candy into your mouth. You indulged Kyubey with one of the caramel candy squares as you typed your response. 
(Y/N): Reveal yourselves first. I'm the most confused one here...
Jumin Han: How fierce. 
Zen: Are you a woman?
707: Zen. Be more serious, plz?
707: And wait a sec on the woman thing.
707: Looking it up.
707: [Yoohoo emoji] 
Jaehee: Such a search violates privacy laws.
707: Ya. I'm only saying I'm looking it up. 
707: No evidence that I'm actually hackginh
Yoosung: Seven, that's obviously a lie. lol
Yoosung: And I know that typo's on purpose.
Yoosung: Still...
Yoosung: Won't it tell us about itself if we tell who we are first?
Zen: To be honest...
Zen: I agree with Yoosung.
Jumin Han: More like you want to show off who you are. 
Yoosung: Should we...introduce ourselves?
Jumin Han: Are you serious...?
Jaehee Kang: I think it is a bit too early for that. 
Zen: Hi. I'm Zen. (24 yrs old) Musical actor...Don't look me up on the internet.
Zen: It's embarrassing. 
Yoosung: Zen, you are so brave!
Jumin Han: Guess he wanted to show himself off. 
Zen: No way~!
Zen: [Photo] 
Yoosung: Omg...A photo too.
You felt your cheeks tingle as you looked at his photo. He was beautiful. You curled up, pressing your burning face into your knees. You felt affection creep into your heart. The reason why you had made that wish with Kyubey was finally talking to you. 
He did not know you, but you knew him... It felt painful to you as you continued chatting in the chatroom. 
'But at least...He's real this time...' A thought whispered. You nodded to yourself as you finished your conversation with the RFA. You agreed to join and help with their parties. 
"Ha..." You wiped your face with your hands before smiling to yourself. You could finally achieve your dreams here. 
Summoning your Soul Gem to check on it, you noticed that it was glowing brightly. A Witch was nearby. 
"Let's get going Kyubey. Best to start on my stockpile before I lose my powers." 
Meanwhile, in an underground bunker, Seven blinked in confusion as he stared at the security footage. What was that glowing object in your hand? And where were you going after entering the apartment of secrets?
He chewed on his hoodie's strings as he stopped to ponder. While his quick background check had come up with an innocuous record, your behavior on the footage was strange. You seemed to be talking to some invisible force. 
Could it be Rika's ghost? Seven shivered before shaking his head. He was thinking too much. He still needed to look into the hacker. He could always check in on your strange behavior later. 
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gallickingun · 4 years
Bro I want the traitor to be Denki, for the twist of it all.
i mean, let’s go down the line, right? 
- literally has been PLAYING dumb this whole time. you mean denki has had a brain?? a big enough brain to play EVERYONE??? 
- bakugou. god i can’t imagine. he would legit explode everywhere. you telling me that he came to terms with and became friends with denki kaminari only to have him be the reason the LOV was able to capture him in the first place? 
- jirou. idk if you ship it but.she would KICK. HIS. BUTT. omg. 
- deku. izuku baby would be devastated. like, i personally don’t think they’re super close but i mean deku is kind to everyone and he would feel so awful. you mean denki is part of the reason that all might had to give up the last of his power??? oof boy finna go feral. 
- kirishima. my guy... oh my guy... kiri would freak out. partially on bakugou’s behalf, because how could you do that to bakugou but also like, just because kiri is so trusting and so kind. it would break his heart. 
- momo. she HELPED HIM on the midterm. no telling how many study sessions they’ve had since then because he’s been pretending to be an idiot. 
seriously though, the guy who pretends to be a complete stupid head being the big baddy (or at least the helper of the big bads) is the biggest twist because it’s so unexpected. because like how smart do you actually have to be to pretend to be that stupid 
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hey! Sorry I had some pre-midterm tests to deal with! :/ anyway, for the supportive characters and stuff for gladnis, could I see stuff with glaives, the other chocobros, and... up to you! (A little bit of little sister Iris would be heavenly though...)
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I don’t know if these two asks are the same person (are you? :o) BUT LOOK AT THAT. SAME WANTS, SAME NEEDS, SO I SHALL PLEASE THE THIRST. And I hope it’s ok to put these two asks together? They’re asking for nearly the same, so I thought it was ok, but if either of you have any troubles with it, you tell me, okie? :3
Anyways, these are gonna be shorter for each character as they’re plenty, but they’ll form one big post so I hope you like it! :3
How other characters (besides papa Regis) support Gladnis:
My boy is…slow.
He’s really smart, he’s just…very dense.
He’s known both Iggy and Gladio since he has memory, he’s just…very, very…v e r y dense in these matters. Very. Like. Very.
Ignis literally TOLD him about his crush on Gladio MULTIPLE TIMES.
Did Noctis catch it? OF COURSE NOT. He thought Ignis just over worried about his personal relationships, and never noticed he spoke about Gladio in ways he never spoke about others. And same the other way around, Gladio also spoke about Iggy with Noct AND THE IDIOT STILL. DIDN’T TIE ANYTHING TOGETHER.
Sixteen year old Gladio, blushing crimson red, messing with his uniform: “Do you…do you think…Ignis will think i look stupid? Or…maybe…or maybe if I do something to my hair…”
Noct just be like lmao why are you so stressed over a uniform you dummy thing what does ignis care anyway lol
He knew via Ignis. And of course he didn’t get it.
“Today was really nice. Gladio and I went to the park and just spent a nice while talking…I hope…maybe we can have a second date soon…”
Noctis is like yeah that’s nice
“And it’s official now! I don’t know why, but it just makes me more nervous, but in a good way. Is it normal? I’ve never…I’m just so happy, from among all people, Gladio chose me? AMONG ALL PEOPLE NOCT.”
yeah that’s nice specs :)
Noctis thinks Ignis is just talking about friendship, and when he uses romantic terms like date or boyfriend he THINKS IGNIS IS JOKING BECAUSE WHY WOULD HE BE TALKING SERIOUSLY
noctis pl…please
He finished processing it for real HAVING TO SEE THEM KISS. 
Noct was talking with Gladio, chatting chattering, then said bye. Gladio was going through a hallway, Ignis appeared, they said hello, then hugged, and proceeded to kiss. 
Noctis.exe Processing data.
Ignis and Gladio spent the while hugged snuggled and talking, and smooched again.
Noctis.exe Processing, please be patient.
Ignis and Gladio held hands and started going away together.
Noctis.exe has short-circuited
Noctis supports them, just acts like he doesn’t give a damn.
Noctis is The Teenage Brother; will go Ew at everything romantic they do in front of him.
Gladnis snuggle.
Gladnis smooch.
Iggy pokes Gladio’s nose and Gladio proceeds to pepper his face in smoochies.
*noctis gagging noises*
Gladio may shove Noctis in between them on purpose to annoy him. There were have them, Gladnis smooching with a much smaller Noctis trapped in between their chests, flailing, screeching, completely ignored and about to explode.
Noctis is the Worst wingman.
“Hey Noct, do you think Iggy will like me in this outfit?”
he’s busy with the face buried in a cushion while he rots in boredom, DON’T INTERRUPT HIM.
“Hey Noct. Do you think Gladio already has one of these? I want to get him one but not sure if he has one already.”
Yeah what? Noctis you’re not helping
Noctis does as Regis and will sometimes use his power to get these two to be together, but, unlike Regis, he won’t say shit about it and will even deny it.
The prince requires of his chamberlains in this room which is conveniently empty and there just casually happens to be a secret door for the roof on this particularly starry night.
Noctis is a gossipy little shit, but in a good way.
“Omg Iggy guess what today Gladio spoke about his cap ripping, see, I already told you what you can get him for Crystal Day, hm? HM? YOU’RE WELCOME.”
Also uses it to his favor.
“Ten gil and I tell you what Ignis wants to do for his birthday. He told me. Hm hm. For real. TEN GIL I SAID.”
There’s this magazine that put up some tabloid stupid article that distorted something Ignis said and made Gladio look bad.
Noctis is alone in his office, feet on the desk, swinging a little on the chair, phone to the ear, and FREAKING AN G R Y.
“Yes, that’s what I said; put the article down and make another one clearing it. No, I’m not your boss, but I still request it. I will request it only once more. No? Then how much do you want for the brand? I will buy it and do it myself. Yes, I will buy it. My name and occupation? Prince Noctis CXIV, why? Oh? Aah, so NOW you want to put it down? How nice of you, guess you only needed time to re-consider it, right? It’s ok, it happens to the best of us, how kind of you.”
Ignis is trying to help Noct walk out of some place without being asphyxiated by the media, so he gets the spotlight.
“Mister Scientia! There’s rumors you and the Shield of the prince are DATING?”
Ignis freezes a little.
Noctis proceeds to let out tHE BIGGEST BURP OF HIS LIFE.
Next day tabloids “Prince Noctis BURPS LIVE! OOPS!”
Socially Awkward Ultra Timid prince Noctis actually stood there POSING for the cameras for ten minutes to get them distracted from the relationship announcement.
“Prince Noctis will host Huge Extra Most Expensive Billionare Birthday Party OF HISTORY!! WOW!!”
((big birthday party was pizza time with the chocobros lmao))
If Gladnis ever have a misunderstanding or problem, Noct is the first they go with. Noct is there to comfort them individually, and, smart boy as he is, he also figures out the mistake and plays a big role at fixing it.
“What? Oh no, that’s not what he said. Or not as you think. He meant…”
“Oh? Oh no, that’s not what he was doing!! Ahahah you dork, no! Actually…”
Noctis keeps asking “When are you dorks getting married?” to embarrass them and make them go shy.
Joke is on him when they DO GET MARRIED.
Noctis keeps complaining that how dare they be boyfriends, how DARE they be boyfriends, MAKING HIM, THE ACTUAL PRINCE, THE THIRD WHEEL????? 
But whenever Gladnis have the slightest misunderstanding, Noctis is first to go SMACK SENSE BACK INTO THEM HOW DARE THEY GET UPSET WITH EACH OTHER
Noctis has also used his title to make reservations in restaurants that clear THE WHOLE RESTAURANT just for Gladnis lmao
Noct has always hated that when he makes a reservation, they clear THE WHOLE RESTAURANT like NO, why would he want to dine in an empty place!? Not like he goes out often, but he’s learned that his title has that accidental effect, so guess who’s using it for Gladnis anniversary dinners.
When they want to get fancy, or when Noct wants them to go fancy, at least. Normally they just go for noodles the DORKS
Noctis covered half their wedding without even being asked because HE LOVES THEM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
((the other half was Regis and he was so upset he wasn’t allowed to cover it all, this dummy papa))
Noctis best supportive baby bro, please hug him.
You knew about fanboy #1, but where is fanboy #2?
In the bushes, stalking them, snapping surprise photos to show them later.
“Prompto, that’s creepy.”
Prompto that’s not the point, just…don’t.
How Prommy knew about Gladnis, hm?
It wasn’t that exciting, pretty modern way to know.
Noctis told him via text lmao
Nocto! >:|
Prommy’s reaction was sort of cute, though. He’s a bit sharper than Noct to notice these things, but he still didn’t expect it. He thought about the two as a couple because he liked the sassy interaction, but he wasn’t sharp enough to see it wasn’t sass, it was ACTUAL FLIRTING. He was so used to the two being good friends it just. Didn’t occur to him that it was a real thing and not just him seeing things.
Noctis tells him via text.
Prommy is gasping OUT LOUD.
He gasped so loudly and sharp he chocked onto his own saliva and fell off the bed.
He ended up repeatedly swinging the feet in the air and against the mattress and squeaking. Squeaking.
says the boy that didn’t know it
Prompto’s trying to talk about it all day with Noctis. 
Noctis talks about it for three minutes then goes “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh can we please nOT”
Noct is just Like That with everything that isn’t videogames or fishing, have mercy on him. 
“Dude, and who told who? Dude, have they kissed already? Does lord Clarus know, omg. Dude, DUDE, DOES LORD CLARUS KNOW OHMYGOD”
Prompto’s THIRSTY for gossip and news on his new favorite ship.
Prompto’s stalking them on social medias waiting for the first of them to drop the first hint of romantic something. Why? Just to squeak about it. There’s literally no other use for it.
Prompto’s now Asking and not stopping.
Arcade with Noct? “NOCT, WHO-”
Prompto’s always asking about their relationship to either of them when he gets the chance. He could talk about it ALL DAY and go on and on.
“Why are you so interested in our relationship, Prompto?”
“I DON’T KNOW, IT’S JUST SO WEIRD, I’M SO CURIOUS. It’s like…its. It’s you *takes a fry* and it’s him *takes another fry* and it’s…*puts fries together* and it’s you.”
…prompto, don’t.
Prompto is the Anti-Noctis. 
Gladnis snuggle. Noctis goes Eeeww
*Prommy puts a hand to his chest and aaw’s*
Gladnis smooch. Noctis goes EEEEEEEEWWWWWW
*Prommy clutches chest chest and whimpers*
Ignis proceeds to poke Gladio’s nose who then proceeds to pepper his face in smoochies. Noctis is gagging.
Prommy’s hiding his face in his hands and SQUEAKING into a pillow.
Prompto’s always doing shitty photoshop pictures of Gladnis that are ridiculous on purpose just to make them laugh. 
Prom is there to yell NO when Noctis makes a mean comment.
“Stinky dorks-”
“NO!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEBIRDS!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!”
“EW go get a roo-!”
Prompto. He. He made Gladnis puppets.
Ignis is too busy, like absolutely fucking loaded of royal stuff and so he’s away and unable to reach? Aaw, don’t be sad big guy. *puppet Ignis proceeds to smooch him*
*Puppet Ignis proceeds to give Gladio a million cheesy compliments and pick up lines in an unnecessarily high pitched voice*
*Puppet Ignis is nuzzling at him and insisting on kissing*
It’s not Prompto, it’s Pocket Ignis, you rude ungrateful ass.
Gladio’s not annoyed, he’s actually pretty amused XD
Gets tired of Prompto not leaving him alone, though? Gladio’s going to be “Ok you conviced me, come here Iggy” and tries to make out with the puppet, hence making a hysterical Prompto screech and try to run away.
Same goes for Ignis. Gladio’s away on some Crownsguard or Shield training at the outskirts? Away and gone and missing?
There we have an Ignis quickly striding across the flat escaping while Prompto tries to catch up with him with his cheesy pick-up lines and pet names with the Puppet Gladio.
When Gladio asked Prompto if he wanted to be his bestman for the wedding, Prompto nearly freaking had an aneurysm the poor eager hyped thing. 
Best supportive buddy ok, pls hug.
He knew via Gladio.
Because guess who’s Gladio’s WINGMAN AYEEEEEEE
Cor, actually
BUT NOT THIS TIME. This time Nyx bby. Cor was Advice Man. Nyx was Accomplice Mate.
Gladio would tell Nyx his progress with his crush. Nyx would always listen because it was so stupidly adorable. 
It started because both would take longer in the training halls than the rest so they’d often meet at the shower/dressing room, and conversation started little by little. Conversation on Ignis first came up when a sixteen year old Gladio was being a bit clumsy, dropping his stuff and putting his shirt backwards and stuff, so of course an amused Nyx had to ask.
“I’m…we’re…some friends and I are going out tonight but…there’s…there’s this guy I like and I’m a bit nervous and…”
Nyx Romantic Aid Buddy senses tingled.
25 year old Nyx thinks IT’S SO CUTE OMG THE TEENAGE SHIELD HAS A CRUSH THAT’S SO AMUSING LMAO so he tried to help
Helped Gladio gather his stuff, dress nice, and calm down by talking smooth and cool with him, and inspired him to go ask that boy out or, if not, at least impress him.
From that day on, Nyx would ask just casually how things were going with the crush, and Gladio would inform. 
And it went on for YEARS lmao both as a crush and when they were already boyfriends and so on
Gladio first kept informing him of what he THOUGHT Ignis thought of him but no advances
“You know, Gladio, it’s been quite a while since you first told me of your crush and you still haven’t asked him out?”
Nyx kept encouraging him day after day after day, and it was perhaps partly the reason Gladio dared say anything. either because he was inspired or just annoyed lol
When they started talking about it, at first Nyx had no idea who the crush was and Gladio forgot to tell him alkajsd
One day when Nyx first started insisting Gladio ask him out, Gladio insisted he couldn’t do it and after a long while he just went “it’s just…it’s…it’s…Iggy? you know…the prince’s adviser?”
Nyx went  .u.  ohno that’s adorable best friend crush
Guess who now is not being very subtle on it (thankfully Iggy won’t notice lmao)
Ignis is ??? h…hello mr glaive that never before spoke to me until now out of nowhere and so excitedly and daily?? 
Also, whenever he gets the chance, he freaking. MISLEADS IGNIS ON PURPOSE TO MAKE HIM GO WITH GLADIO.
“Mr. Ulric, would you happen to know where lord Drautos is?”
Guess which Amicitia is holding guard in that room.
Nyx is accidentally bumping into either of them when they’re together trying to make them fall into each other into a romantic awkward hug that will turn into an adorable ask out for a date.
Nyx this isn’t a romantic tv show it doesn’t work like that you just made Gladio drop his candy
Nyx is giving Gladio A THOUSAND NOT SUBTLE SIGNS when he sees him with Ignis
Gladio is trying to have a casual, normal conversation with Ignis.
Gladio is unable to focus in what Ignis is telling him because Nyx is flexing like a gorilla while making strange faces.
Nyx throws Gladio into meeting with Ignis without preparing him.
Nyx and Gladio are standing at a hallway just talking and chatting casually and GASP IGNISISCOMINGGOGOGOGOGOGOOG *SHOVES HIM INTO THE OTHER HALLWAY MAKING HIM NEARLY FALL AGAINST IGNIS*
Nyx thinks Gladio is ignoring him when he’s making signs to him so he’s now literally MAKING SIGNS TO HIM, like. A cardboard piece with a message on it NYX WAS TRYING TO GIVE GLADIO DIALOGUES LMAO HOW IS HE SUCH A DORK
Nyx is switching the conversation to Ignis if Ignis is passing by.
Gladio and Nyx are talking about some food stall they both seem to know and AH YES IT’S SO NICE YOU THINK THAT OF IGNIS, GLADIO
Gladio’s constantly made a blushing, nervous mess in these situations when Ignis turn to look and Nyx just KEEPS GOING. 
When Gladio told Nyx he had finally asked Ignis out and he said yes, Nyx stood on the bench and literally roared out “Yes” to the roof with the arms open and down like a dinosaur screeching. 
Every time Gladio is talking with Ignis now, or hugging him or anything, when he looks up from behind Ignis, there’s Nyx alone or with his other two friends making thumbs up and nodding and JESUS LORD CAN YOU NOT STARE GUYS, STOP.
Best Romance Aid Buddy, please hug.
Libertus knew via Nyx.
Libertus wasn’t the slightly shaken. He had this blank face on as he kept drinking from his smoothie. Calmly put it down. 
“Weren’t those two brothers?”
Libertus is still a bit lost in the royal families’ relationships.
Nyx is sharing slight harmless gossip on the situation with Libertus. Libertus doesn’t really care much but he’s happy to hear Nyx. Not like he has lots of options anyway lmao
“He ALMOST asked him out this time but he shied away again, dammit.”
“I know.”
Libertus is busier in his own stuff and world to care about people he rarely interacts with, but Nyx’s excitement slowly catches his attention with time.
Even Libertus can’t be saved from some cute romantic story.
Eventually, it’s Libertus who approaches Nyx for the gossip.
“Yo. How is Shield boy doing?”
The curiosity, of course, leads him to start spying a bit as well.
There we have Ignis standing in a hallway reviewing some papers when he feels a stare, so he turns and there, in the distance, is some Glaive that’s never spoken to him, smiling at him, and waving.
what the hell
Now every time Nyx gets all hyped because he’s seeing Gladnis interact, Libertus gets dragged along so he just stands there and stares too. 
Nyx is the “IMPRESS HIM, HUG HIM, YOU’VE GOT HIM NOW KISS HIM” guy. Libertus is the kind to make *index fingers goes into the O formed by other hand’s thumb and index* signs at Gladio.
Libertus is going with Amicitia junior to get a laugh from how she talks about Gladnis. 
“And the other day Ignis went to our house and he helped papa prepare dinner, and it was very delicious and I had a wonderful time, Ignis is great and I always tell papa to adopt him and sell Gladdy at the market.”
Libertus finds little Iris’ sister talk funny. 
Libertus is shoving condoms into early-relationship-stages-Gladio’s pockets so they fall off while he’s talking with Ignis just to make them both embarrassed.
When they do start having sexual interaction, though, Gladio just gets free condoms now and joke is on Libertus.
Libertus just wants to have fun.
Crowe’s confused, but hell does she support that.
Why was Nyx the only one that wasn’t surprised, where are you two dorks getting all your info from omg
Crowe noticed before Nyx told her.
Crowe’s sharp on this one. She did think Iggy was ace, but she wasn’t 100% sure because she could see the signs.
Crowe’s like (ಠ‿ಠ) every time she sees them interact after the first time he caught a first glimpse of a sign.
Sort of like how Libertus started waving hello at Ignis from afar, except she’s much sneakier and hasn’t been caught and does the creepy (ಠ‿ಠ)
Crowe’s trying to set them up every time. Indirectly.
She’s asking Luche to smack Pelna without him knowing Drautos will be watching so Drautos is chiding Luche and Pelna for their kidly fight, getting Drautos busy and distracted a bit, Cor will be curious and will approach and ask what’s going on, Gladio will look for Cor because he’s late for his training, so he’s going to ask someone if they know where Cor is, and Crowe is SO MAKING ANOTHER OF THESE LARGE PLANS TO HAVE IGNIS BE THAT ONE PERSON AT QUESTION REACH.
Crowe this is unnecessarily intrincate stop
Crowe’s giving flirting advice to Gladio, too
Glaive Trio = Gladio’s Wingmen Squad
Nyx is the supportive cheering guy. Libertus is the sexual jokes dork. Crowe is the STYLE ADVISER.
“Sweetie, you don’t want to tell him that. Unbutton the collar, your hair a bit more like…this, chin up, and you give him a look like you don’t care about anything. You grab his shoulder. And now a smolder as we practiced. Voice deep. Tone smooth, but sound a little raspy. And you say. Hey.”
Crowe’s giving Gladio a Judging Look every time he says he wasn’t able to ask Ignis out. It’s enough to make Gladio feel embarrassed and little (in a good way that makes him go YEAH IT’S NOT THE BIG THING I CAN DO IT.)
“You’re such a nerd with your condom jokes, Libertus.”
Crowe is making condom jokes, too, the double faced nerd.
Crowe is telling Gladio she could lend him her bike to impress Ignis.
“Just a problem, Crowe.”
“…I don’t know how to ride this. And he does, so I don’t think he’s gonna be impressed.”
Crowe is trying to make Gladio grab that Sexy Attitude, BUT HE’S JUST. TOO MUCH OF A NERD, HOW DOES HE HAVE ANY REPAIR.
((it’s nice slap, no worry))
Crowe is the dangerous (harmless) threatening friend that will insist as in REALLY insist for asking the crush out.
Nyx tells her and Libertus for the tenth time that Gladio chickened out last minute again.
Crowe is going over to Gladio.
“It’s not that hard, boy. I swear to the Six, if you don’t do it, I’ll do it for you.”
“I…I can’t…”
“Ok, I’m going.”
Crowe actually. WENT WITH IGNIS. 
Gladio’s standing in the hallway internally screeching so hard his face is red and he’s about to have a heart attack while flailing all over the place, and Crowe’s getting to Iggy.
Gladio thinks she’s just kidding and will just walk past him.
Crowe’s tapping Ignis on the shoulder and now they’re talking.
Gladio’s on the floor spazzing.
He can’t live anymore bye.
Crowe’s just making casual talk with Ignis lmao just did it to make Gladio have that breakdown because AH YOU DIDN’T LIKE HOW IT FELT, DID YOU? DID YOU???? WELL NEXT TIME I’LL DO IT FOR REAL SO YOU ASK HIM OUT NOW, BOY.
Crowe’s stealing Iris when Gladnis want lonely time but don’t want Iris to like. Suspect anything kajsdka.
Crowe’s clearing the area for Gladnis when they’re all smoochie snuggly and some idiot like Luche is about to walk by.
Hey Luche. *throws a towel to his face*
Crowe is warping to Gladnis when they’re about to smooch just to startle them lmao
Crowe’s having more fun than Libertus
Sometimes, after or while making out with Ignis, Gladio looks up and Crowe’s on the other end of the hallway like (ಠ‿ಠ) *eyebrow wiggle*
Crowe no
Crowe’s always. ALWAYS. The one finding them the secret spots in the Citadel when they want a quicky.
Gets them the tools, too *eyebrow wiggle*
Good girl Crowe approves.
He knew about it through Regis because…fanboy #1 had to tell all his friends of course.
Cor is mid sandwich when Regis KICKS HIS DOOR OPEN
Cor still has his mouth half-opened for the bite he was about to take. Regis is welcoming himself in his office and grabbing a chair and sitting all while rambling near screeching
Regis was so excited he left without having had one word from Cor.
Cor sat there in silence with the sandwich in his hands while his brain processed what just happened.
When he understood he just smiled, lifted the eyebrows, thought “who would have thought”, and continued eating his sandwich.
Have mercy on him, he’s dry and cold and a stone.
Cor was always Gladio’s Advice Man. Nyx encourages, Cor guides.
Cor is petting Gladio on the head every time he’s pining or moping about being unable to ask Iggy out.
Cor is Practice Dummy for Gladio’s attempts at how to confess.
It didn’t work lol
“Wait you knew all along? Why didn’t you tell any of us!? It would have made it much easier, we’d have known it was mutual and we’d have confessed earlier.”
“…it wasn’t my secret to tell.”
COR >:|
Cor is the most supportive uncle you’ll ever find. From afar. Very quietly.
Cor is there to support Clarus too when Clarus becomes a Lost Papa on the matter. Doesn’t understand much as Cor doesn’t have a similiar experience, but a buddy can always listen.
Cor is there to support Ignis when he becomes a little insecure as to if it’s alright to be dating someone from the second most important family of all Lucis and maybe Eos.
Cor is there to support Gladio when he becomes a little insecure as to whether or not he’s being a good partner as he thinks Ignis deserves because it never feels like he’s doing enough.
Always having his mug of coffee with him, of course.
Ignis’ parents are forcing him into extra training time?
Ignis himself is overdosing on work and refuses to listen even to Gladio.
Ignis is nervous about dinner with the Amicitia.
Cor secretly made sure to put Clarus in a really good mood before work shift was over.
“I’m sad. I have watch on the main hall at five, so it won’t be over in a good couple hours, and Iggy finally had some free time today…”
Boys went out late at night and were home pretty late. Clarus was angry.
“They were at my place. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Cor :0
it fine they young let them live 
who would have thought that under that stoic face there was such a nice devil, Cor
Cor is always number one person they go to when they want to share some Gladnis thing in conversation. It’s just so easy to talk with him, he has no expressions and doesn’t answer, it’s like talking to a lamppost.
He does give advice or comfort if needed, though.
Cor always comes up with holidays plans or discounts for the two.
“Do you look up holidays for two on your spare time just to tell us?”
“…they pop up randomly in my computer.”
Cor you don’t use your computer.
Cor is a bit too honest. Doesn’t mean any harm, he’s jsut being honest.
“You don’t want to kiss Gladio today. He’s stinky.”
Cor dealing with Gladnis in the everyday
“Ok, we’re in for our sparring session today, we-”
“Cor can I go smooch Iggy? He’s over there at the window :3″
“No. Defeat me and you can”
“Ok, today’s session-”
“*Ignis’ sad puppy eyes*”
“-is cancelled, I heard Gladiolus is at the fifth floor, go look for him and say hello for me.”
he’s not giving preferences lmao he just has to train Gladio but couldn’t resist Ignis’ unintentional sad puppy eyes. WHO IN THIS WORLD CAN.
Cor is answering for them to the media.
“Mister Gladiolus, is it true you and Ignis Scientia are dating?”
“No, we’re not.”
“No, I was asking-”
“I’m not.”
“…I was-”
Cor sees the struggle they go through with the media and Noct jumping in to save them and thinks it’s very noble so let’s give the boy a break, and be the shield ourselves.
Cor is now bodyguard for the Gladnis in public.
“Mister Amicitia!”
“No, I mean Mister Amici”
“Y e s ?”
Media tries to go to Ignis
Cor’s popping out of nowhere with his dead face like
“Y E S?”
Cor’s using the Gladnis to encourage them to train harder.
“If you want to save him you have to defeat me.”
“And I’m not having mercy on you, hm”
Ignis is tied to the ceiling somehow
“Get through me and he’ll be safe”
They won only once. Because Ignis broke out of the cage. and maybe they had Nyx help. And maybe Cor was blindfolded.
He’s the Legend, you can’t just win against Cor like it’s nothing.
Uncle Cor picked Gladio’s wedding suit. 
Uncle Cor will be the most hysterical loving grand uncle but we’re not there yet akldsjf
Uncle Cor good boi he approves and likes yes yes
S I S T E R  I N  L A W   I R I S
Iris the Adorable and Equally Frightening. Iris the Badass. Iris the kiddo. AS HER ROLE IN GLADNIS.
Iris was like nine or ten when Gladnis became official.
Iris likes Ignis and has always done. She once asked Santa Crys that Clarus adopted Ignis because he’s just such a good Big Bro.
Iris did genuinely asked Clarus once to adopt Ignis and sell Gladio at the market. 
She loves Gladdy wholeheartedly, it’s just Sibling Stuff.
Ignis has always been good to Iris since even before he and Gladio were a thing, and it’s always been genuine, not just that “get the little sibling love to have easier access” thing. 
Ignis and Iris even spend time alone without Gladio.
Ignis has gone to pick Iris up from school.
Ignis has given Iris his jackets if it’s cold or raining.
Ignis has cooked for Iris a million times.
Ignis has been her confidant for YEARS for things she feels too shy to share with anyone else, even Gladio.
Why do I feel I’ve already written Ignis-Iris headcanons and these exact same? 
Ignis constantly lets Iris use him as model for make-up or nails or hair.
Iris constantly sews plushies for him. Ignis has a whole shelf full of little and big plushies he’s been gifted.
Iris will go to Ignis if she sees him and try to drag him home since she was like seven.
Ignis nearby? Yes, papa, we’re taking him home. What do you mean no? I will feed him and make a bed for him in the living room.
Iris, he’s not a pet aksjdf
Iris and Ignis have their own little bubble and Gladio’s not allowed in, I’m sorry
There they are the two dorks. They’re talking. They’re talking about SOMETHING. What is it? What is it? YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. WHY THEY ARE GIGGLING, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.
Iris spoke so much and for so long about Clarus adopting Ignis that Gladio was a bit scared of how she would manage the news of them in a relationship because that would cut the option of adopting him.
Iris took it surprisingly well.
A bit too well.
Iris screeched.
Iris jumped out her window. 
Her room is on the second floor.
It’s fine, she’s trained since little because the little shit could never sit still and Cor had to do something to at LEAST teach her to land since age 5 because the gods know this child needs to know how to land.
Iris ran around the house for an hour before she got tired and collapsed in the grass, and even there she kept flailing and screeching.
Clarus arrived home to Gladio calmly watching TV eating ice-cream while a nine year old Iris was sprawled on a side of the house like her sould abandoned her.
Iris is a Prompto equivalent of The Asker.
Someone is knocking on Gladio’s door at two a.m.
“Gladio have you told him you love him.”
Gladio closed the door in her face.
Iris never stopped trying to drag Ignis home even when she was already 15.
There she is, calmly going, grabbing Ignis’ wrist, and saying nothing while heading to Clarus’ car.
Family dinner at the Amicitia, nothing is going on, nothing relevant has happened for months, everyone is quiet and
The happiest motherfucking day in Iris’ life was when Ignis called at her door, sat down on her floor, and said “Would you be so kind as to teach me to make a moogle plush toy myself? I’d love to make one for Gladio.”
Iris is fan #1 of Prompto’s Gladnis photos and is always asking him to show her.
Iris gets some of those photos framed. She’s not even gifting them to them, she’s just putting them at the livign room because LOOK AT THIS HAPPY FAMILY, THAT’S MY BROTHER IN LAW AND MY BROTHER AREN’T THEY THE MOST BADASS ADORABLE COUPLE IN THE WORLD AREN’THEYGODDAMMIT!!?!??!
Gladio is annoying Iris on purpose.
“Gladdy, I’m gonna have Iggy kick your ass.”
Ignis is very much ready to kick Gladio’s ass if Iris asks him for it.
Iris likes to cause little harmless misunderstandings between the two just for the sake of it.
“?? Ignis? I thought I’d bring the tools.”
“?? No, I was told I’d bring the tools? What are we cooking if no one brought the food?”
Iris is containing the laugh from the living room. 
“Hey, I thought I’d forgotten my scarf here?”
“No, you took it home with-”
Iris sometimes gets gifts to give to Gladio so HE can give them to Ignis
“Iris, I already give him a bunch”
Iris alongside with Prom is always trying to get them nice, romantic dates. Cheesy sometimes. Overly cheesy sometimes. 
There you see the whole scenery Prommy and Iris put up together in a garden, a tiny table and cushions for a comfy date, in a little silk-drapes tent decored with lights, candles, and a couple flowers.
“Iris we just wanted to watch dumb cartoons”
Not like Iggy and Gladio are complaining but omg the EFFORT
You know what sorta sister in law Iris is?
Gladio and Ignis are having a private conversation at the garden.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?”
Iris from somewhere in the universe
Honestly how badass is Iris here, you pick on her, she brings forth her TWO BIG GUARDIAN BROTHERS 
Iris be. Cutest most troublesome most supportive sister in law since she’s a kid, ok? SHE’S MORE INTO GLADNIS THAN GLADNIS THEMSELVES.
Aaaaaah man, this took quite longer than I expected, but was it worth it! I had lots of fun with it, and I hope you enjoyed it too? I REALLY HOPE SO BECAUSE THIS IS FOR YOU ALSKJDFDLGKJ
Also, I hope the midterm thing went okie!! Sending you lots of happy raccoonie thoughts for school to be gentle and go FANTASTIC! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Thanks for the ask and LOTSA MAGIC YAYS FOR YOU! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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singulari-taee · 6 years
The Danger in Duality | 05
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BTS X Reader
“You and your seven squad members must take on the struggles of being world-class assassins while also living as full-time college students.”
    The sunlight was painful when your eyes finally adjusted. You groaned, stretching out onto the empty spot next to you. There was a moment of confusion in your morning haze as your brain caught up to the night before.
    Oh, right. He had been there last night. In a last ditch effort to calm your nerves, you let him sleep up there with you. Yoongi, your smart-mouthed squad member, of all people.
    Everything looked as if usually did--nothing out of place, the blanket from the floor neatly folded on your dresser. It made you wonder if he was ever there in the first place. Your hand went to your waist, left with the ghost traces of his touch. The whole thing was so strange, you thought. In all your years of knowing him, you never took him for a cuddler. But for some reason, you weren’t completely put off by it. And that’s what worried you the most.
     Whipping your covers off, you began your daily routine as you got ready for classes. You went to wash the dishes that you had left on the table the night before. Though to your surprise, they were already clean in the dish rack.
    Your eyebrows knitted together. Luna must have washed them when she got in, you figured. Shit, you couldn’t keep up with the piling debt of favors you owed her anymore. You sighed, turning on your heels as you left the apartment.
      Classes passed slowly. It was the usual--everyone played on their phones, took naps mid-lecture, and asked dumb questions that could have been answered if they had just done the fucking reading.This only added to the painful Thursday lull.
     You trekked across campus towards the boys’ apartment, a kind of solace when the day came to an end. You began to run down your mental to-do list. Begin research for your history project, send a couple emails, sharpen your knives, do your calculus homework, update your kill log, and maybe even go to the gym since you hadn’t had a mission in 2 weeks. You’d try to get some of the boys to come if you could--Jungkook would go for sure, that kid practically lived in the gym.
     Crossing the street, a familiar frame walked toward you. The petite girl waved almost frantically with a wide smile.
   “Hey!” you expected her to walk past, but she parked in front of you on the sidewalk, “How’s it going?”
     You shifted feet awkwardly, looking past her at the apartment building that was just so close. “Okay I guess. Just glad to be done with classes...you?”
      “Not so good,” Luna sighed, “I went to the library to print something for a class but all the machines were broken. I have to turn in my assignment in an hour or I’m screwed.”
     “Damn, that sucks.”
   She turned over her shoulder, “Oh, don’t your friends live there?” she asked, pointing to the building behind her.
    “Yeah, I was just headed over there now actually.”
     “Do you think they have a printer I could use? It would only be like 2 seconds!”
   In the back of your mind, you saw the loud machine that sat unused in the corner of their living room, collecting dust over the months.
    “If they don’t it’s okay I guess, but I just really need one. This assignment is worth like 10% of my grade and if I don’t get it in then my average is dead and I already know I won’t be able to bring it up if the midterm is anything like the last exam and….”
     You watched her ramble on, stressing. As you came to your conclusion, you already knew the boys would kill you for it later.
    “Yeah I think they do,” you said slowly, “Come on, I’ll bring you.”
   She launched into a string of ‘thank yous’, and you immediately pulled your phone from your pocket and typed in the groupchat.
----------------------- You: HIDE EVERYTHING!!
Namjoon: ???
Hoseok: What?
Seokjin: WHY
Taehyung: omg
Jimin: wtf???
Seokjin: _____ we have 3 assault rifles, a machete, and a dozen poison darts on the kitchen table WHAT are we supposed to do with them??
       Luna had been speaking the entire time you typed. You caught some words, responding with grunts in between as you climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor. You nodded and gave what little reactions you could to draw out the walk in feigned interest, but the distance to the door only shortened. Your feet dragged along the floor, still covered in wet footprints from the rain of the night before. In no time you were in front of the wooden barrier, and you begrudgingly brought up your fist to give 3 slow knocks.
      When the door opened, Namjoon stood in the doorway. A tight smile was spread across his face as glanced over you and Luna. You knew he was trying to hide his heavy breathing.
      You looked past him into the living room, where the others were casually splayed across the sofas.
     Too casually. The place was never this quiet. Or clean.
     “Hi,” he said as he opened the door to let you both walk in, “I’m Namjoon.”
     “Hey, nice to meet you, I’m Luna.” she said as she reached out to shake his hand. She waved at the boys, “I’ve only heard about you but I’m glad to finally meet you guys!”
    “Same to you,” Hoseok said, sparing a glance up from his laptop to smile.
     “Luna was wondering if she could use your printer for an assignment,” you said.
    “It’ll be really fast then I’ll be out of your hair,” she said.
     “Yeah sure, it’s over here,” Namjoon said and walked her over.
     You made your way over to a free spot on the sofa, the entire way feeling eyes digging into your face. When you finally gave in to look at them, you turned to see several stares, mixed with all of the confusion and annoyance you were expecting.
  ‘What.The. Fuck?!’ Jimin mouthed.
   You shrugged, “Sorry!”
     Seokjin was making a scene with his body, arms flailing as he wordlessly screamed at you.
     “You’re lifesavers, you have no idea,” Luna said as she turned around.
     Seokjin froze, arms awkwardly placed above his head. He beamed, his smile as bright as it was fake, “I’m glad we could help.”
      The printer loudly spit out the papers, and Luna placed them in her backpack, “I really hate to do this, but can I use your bathroom before I go?”
     There was a pause around the room.
     “Uh yeah sure, you can use Seokjin’s. It’s back here,” Namjoon said, leading her down the hall. His was definitely the best option. His room was always the cleanest, and free of weapons.
      Namjoon walked back into the living room, and everyone listened intently for the sound of the bathroom door closing. You could already feel the energy building, and you knew all of that pent up pressure would explode soon enough. When the light sound of the door came, everyone turned to you and erupted in heated whispers.
     “_____, seriously?!” Hoseok spat.
     “Your roommate?!” Jimin said.
     “We had to stuff everything in the couch and in the pantries!” Jungkook said, “I almost stuck myself with a dart trying to rush!”
     You held your hands up, “HEY! I said I was sorry! I couldn’t just let her fail her assignment.”
    “I mean, you could have,” Jimin said.
     Yoongi snorted. He was sitting on the opposite end of the sofa, shaking his head. He hadn’t said anything since you had walked in, an out of character move to say the least. He’d be the first person you’d expect to dig into you over something like this, clawing into you with some backhanded comment that was bound to make you both go back and forth until someone intervened. But no, he was silent.
      The evening news had began, the anchor’s drawl calling everyone’s attention. Watching local news as a group had always been a good way to keep your eyes out for potential crimes and missions you’d need to take care of later.
      The screen flashed with red letters reading ‘Breaking News’, as a mugshot of a young man appeared in the far corner. He was in terrible shape, face bruised and scratched, eyes tired and bloodshot. He seemed strangely familiar, the face triggering something in your memories that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Then it registered.
      “Wait...Jimin isn’t that your frat brother?” Seokjin asked.
     “Whoa, that is him,” Taehyung said, scooting closer to the edge of the sofa.
     “This man, Lee Haneul, walked into to the city police station this morning and reported himself for drug possession and possession with the intent to distribute. Lee carried many substances with him, including cocaine, several methamphetamines, and rohypnol, a common date rape drug.”  The anchor said.
     They showed a clip of Haneul in handcuffs being escorted to a police car, head down and out of it.
      “Police say that it was a very strange situation,” the reporter said, ”When the suspect was searched further, they were horrified to find that one of the man’s testicles had been severed. He did not state how it had occurred, saying that he could not recall. Investigators believe that it could be an effect of the drugs. The suspect is pleading guilty to all charges, and if prosecuted could face up to 20 years in prison.”
     The room turned to Jimin, who was suddenly interested in his fingernails.
    “You didn’t...” you said.
     “Jimin…” Taehyung began.
    “My God,” Namjoon sighed. 
    “Wow,” Hoseok said.
     He shrugged, “I told you I would handle it.”
     You stared open-mouthed at the boy, “You really cut one of his balls off?”
    “Yeah, why only one?” Jungkook asked.
    You could all hear the the sink run in the bathroom, and soon after the door opening.
   Luna walked into the living room and grabbed her backpack, “Thanks so much for everything, I couldn’t have done it without you--”
    Suddenly a kitchen cabinet flew open. Two pistols tumbled out as they clattered loudly onto the floor. Luna turned to the sound and you jumped up immediately.
      “Luna!” you were next to her in a second, bringing an arm around her shoulders,
     “You know it's no big deal, we’re all happy we could help you out!” you quickly guided her to the front door. You pulled it open and you walked her out.
     “You’re really the best, _____. Anyways, thanks again! It was nice meeting you all!” She called over her shoulder as you watched her walk down the stairs and out of sight.
     You closed the door, back against it as you took a deep breath.
   “She seems nice enough,”  said Hoseok.
   “I don’t know, I still get psycho vibes,” Jimin said.
     “Rich coming from the guy that just cut another man's balls off,” you said.
    “Correction, it was just one ball,” he said, “And he shouldn’t have been such a shitty person. I’m just handing out karma”
    “What are you going to do if he tells that you were the one who did it?” Taehyung asked.
    “After the night we had, believe me, he won’t say a thing.”
     As a member of the squad, none of you were supposed to use your abilities to take justice into your own hands outside of your given assignments. There was only an explicit rule about killing off the clock, and technically Jimin didn’t break that. Though torture was never banned, it was expected that you all would use your own moral compass and self control to make your own decisions. Jimin had gotten Haneul to turn himself in by his own means, effectively getting another dangerous criminal off the street. Technically, by The Academy’s standards, Jimin didn’t do anything wrong.
     “Let’s hope so. The last thing we need right now is for The Academy to get us out of some more shit,” Namjoon said, “After that gun incident they’re not too happy with us right now.”
     Everyone eventually went to find the weapons they had hidden around the apartment. Namjoon went to retrieve the AK-12 he had jammed under the kitchen sink, Jungkook pulled the poison darts from the couch cushions, Yoongi slid out the machete he had camouflaged under the wood of the fireplace. Everyone was working to get things back to normal, save for Hoseok. He was in the corner of the room, focus trained on his computer screen as he scribbled notes into one of his notebooks. You remembered him mentioning something about some big group project for his midterms coming up, and it seemed to be the bane of his existence lately. (“I have one request. When I die, I’d like for everyone in my group to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.” he had said.)
    “I think that’s everything,” Seokjin said to the pile of weapons stacked on the coffee table.
    “No,” Jungkook began, “I put 12 darts in the couch and I can only find 11.”
    “It’s in there somewhere. Just don’t sit on the cushions too hard.”
    “Hey! They’re giving away free cheese fries at that fried chicken place on the corner today,” Taehyung announced as he pointed to an ad on his phone, “The deal is over at 8.”
    The place was a hole in the wall probably as old as the city itself, but the fries were so good you’d do shameful things to get them for free on any other day.
    It was now 7:40.
     “You’re shitting me! Why are we still standing here, let’s go,” you said.
    “The line is probably around the building,” Hoseok said, “I’m swamped with work and I have to meet with my group later. If its too busy then I can’t go.”
   “You need to eat though, right?”
    “They do have good fries…” he said to himself.
    Contemplation crossed Hoseok’s face before he gave in. Seconds later everyone was putting on their jackets and practically running out the door.
     Though the line wasn’t long, the inside of the restaurant was chaotic. Voices and clattering plates were the main soundtrack, the place filled with rambunctious college students and overwhelmed waiters.
    The group rushed to the only empty booth in the place. A frenzied waitress came over a few minutes later. She was quick in taking your orders, seeming to try her best to be hospitable but obviously overwhelmed by the buzzing around her.
     “Is your fried chicken batter made with onion powder?” Namjoon asked the waitress.
       There was a collective eye roll. It was a given that Namjoon would have some question about the food whenever you went out to eat. It would happen every time, without fail. It could be a place that you’ve all been to a dozen times, and he would still come up with something new to satisfy some newfound curiosity. (Are your Arnold Palmers more lemonade or sweet tea? How long do you grill your steaks for them to be considered well done? What’s the third most popular thing on the menu?)
    “Here we go again,” Jungkook muttered.
    “Is he serious?” Seokjin asked you.
     The girl seemed to snap out of her frenzied state. You could practically see her rewinding the question in her head, “Um, I’m not really sure but I can ask the kitchen.”
   “It's fine, we’ll all just have an order chicken and cheese fries for everyone. Thank you!” you said.
    She left the table how most waiters do when you all eat together, fast and confused.
    You turned to him. From his wide eyes and lanky armed shrug he clearly didn’t understand.
    “What? I read an article last night talking about the dangers of onion toxicity and wanted to be sure.”
     “You’re sitting in a restaurant with a C level sanitation rating and you’re worried about onion toxicity?” Yoongi asked.
    “Honestly, you could probably catch tetanus from just the forks in this place,” you said.
    “True, but the food is so good if I saw a hair in my fries I’d just mark it off as extra seasoning and keep eating,” Hoseok said, still writing in the notebook he had brought with him.
     None of you could say he was too wrong. It was just that good.
    “Fine whatever, enjoy your high blood pressure and onion-induced anemia,” Namjoon muttered.
     There was a collective ding! around the table. It was a familiar sound, one that made your heart rate speed up just the slightest out of habit. Your phones only made it when you were all being contacted by one entity in particular.
     You all immediately fished in your pockets with silent urgency. A long red message popped up on your screens.
Mob Hideout uncovered.  
“The Menaces” :  Mob with drug smuggling focus. Crimes include murder, theft, arson, and drug distribution. Most influential with males ages 17+. Responsible for 15% of civilian murder deaths in last 3 months. The Menaces will be looking for new recruitments tonight within a group of interested young males at the top of the hour.
In-Location Scouts will need to be on site compiling information while acting as patrons of the casino. The “Recruitment” Plants will need to act as an interested candidates for the Mob and momentarily infiltrate. Security Surveillance will need to keep a watch for odd activity and notify those inside immediately.
In-Location Scouts: Namjoon, Yoongi, _______, Jimin, Jungkook
“Recruitment” Plants: Hoseok, Taehyung
Security Surveillance: Seokjin
Location: Grand Castle Casino.
Recruitment in abandoned parking garage in south east wing.
Private rooms in south west wing serves as a brothel for high rollers, servers in casino also work there as prostitutes.
Find main target names, photos, and location coordinates below.
      You all met eyes for a brief moment before scrambling out of the booth and bolting for the door.
   “Everyone meet back at the apartment in 20!” Namjoon said.
    The group turned to run home, but Hoseok’s hands shot up.
   “Wait, wait, wait!” Hoseok said, “I can’t go.”
   “What?!” Namjoon asked.
    “I have this midterm group project remember? I have to meet with my group in half an hour and if I’m not there I know we’ll all fail.”
    “So you’re ditching the mission for a project?!” Jimin said, in disbelief, “Just text them and say something came up!”
   “You’re one of the biggest roles in this mission, we need you!” Taehyung said.
   “It’s due tomorrow and we’re not even close to being done! My grade is already shit, I need this. This mission came out of nowhere what do you want me to do?!” Hoseok said.
   “Come!” Jimin said.
   “Whatever, we’ll figure it out later, lets just go!” Namjoon said.
    You were at your apartment in record time. You slung open your bedroom door, digging through your closet and throwing random clothes on the bed. It was rare that you all got surprise missions like this. But when you did, everyone took it even more seriously than the others. The Academy wasn’t one to send you out unprepared, so if they said a mission needed to be completed immediately, it was urgent.
    That’s why it was irksome that Hoseok bailed. Even though it wasn’t planned, and you knew he had been working on this project for a while, no one had ever just decided to not come on a mission before. It was unheard of, and you couldn’t even imagine what The Academy would say if they ever found out.
     You threw on a black cocktail dress, hiking it up to slide two small combat knives into the hidden bands on your thigh. You had packed on more muscle since last time you wore it so it was more fitting than you remembered it to be, but you didn’t have time to be picky.
   You rushed to the boys’ place, running up at the same time as Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin, who were all panting as they carried their weapon cases. The oldest boys come bolting down the stairs.
    The squad jogged over to the parking lot towards the van. Seokjin usually parked in the same place every day, so it was to your surprise when the spot was empty. From the look on his face, he was just as surprised as you.
   “The van is gone,” he whispered, head whipping as he scanned the lot.
“What do you mean the van is gone?!” Jungkook asked.
     “The van is gone! It was here earlier today, and now it’s not!” he barked, “Somebody stole my van!”
    “You sure you didn’t just forget where you parked?” Taehyung asked.
   “I park in the same place every goddamn day! All my monitors, locators, mics-- everything was in there! How am I supposed to do my job?!” Seokjin grabbed fistfuls of his hair, beside himself.
    “We don’t have the time for this! We’ll find the van later Seokjin, we have a mission right now,” Namjoon snapped, “Okay, the casino is near downtown, right? So, the best option for us would be.... to take the train.”
   “The train,” Jimin said, flatly. It was less of a question and more of a ‘are you serious?’ statement.
   “Any other bright ideas, then? Our main mode of transportation is god knows where right now, I don’t see any other alternatives, Jimin,” he said, “The station is 2 blocks from campus, 5 from here. We can make it if we run.”
    If Namjoon of all people was saying you should run, you knew this was literally the only option you had.
    “Look, he’s right. We don’t have the choice to be picky. Let’s just go,” you huffed.
    You all shared a look, then picked up your feet to run to the station. The looks you all got were nothing compared to the night of the frat party. You passed groups of your peers, turning to look back twice at the group of 7 careening down the sidewalk.
   You all rushed to the ticket office.
   “Is there a train going to downtown now? When does it leave? How long will it take to get there?” Namjoon asked the teller. He was breathing hard, questions barely distinguishable.
    The woman looked him over with a roll of her eyes, unbothered despite his antsiness, “Yes there is a train, it��s scheduled to leave in 2 minutes, and it should be there in 20-”
   Namjoon all but threw a bill at the teller, “7 tickets please!”
    She huffed and slowly pulled some from her drawer, seeming to drag just to annoy you. Namjoon snatched them from her hands and you ran, following him.
    The train was seconds from pulling off from the platform when you jumped on.
   The space was crowded with the evening rush, and you all barely had space to move in the packed car. The civilians looked you all over. You could admit, it was a strange site, a group of twenty-something year olds dressed like they were all going to completely different places. You were lucky that your weapon cases looked like briefcases or else you’d all the in trouble.
    “Fuck are they looking at?” Jungkook muttered, adjusting the mask over his mouth.
   “Jin, if it makes you feel any better--” Taehyung began.
    “It won’t. Don’t talk to me,” Seokjin snapped, arms crossed. He radiated pure rage and annoyance, a dangerous cocktail even for him.   
     A woman in front of you took a step back to make room for more bodies, causing you to back away in the already limited space. Your back collided with another figure, and you turned to see Yoongi. He was squished, flat against the door of the train. You were pressed against him, butt to his crotch with no room for movement. You cleared your throat.
    “Sorry, I can’t move.”
    He grunted.
    Even through the many biting smells in the train, you picked up the familiar smell of his cologne.
    The train made a sharp turn in the tunnel, making you bump even further into your squad member.
   “Shit,” you mutter, almost losing your balance. You stepped onto his shoes on accident. He looked down at the floor to see your bare feet, your heels in your hand.
      You were good at a lot of things, but running in 5-inch heels wasn’t one of them. The last thing you needed was to twist an ankle on the way to a mission, you figured, so you ran the way-- shoe-less. Of course, not your first or desired choice, but you’d touched worse in your life--much worse. The frigid floors beneath your feet made you hyper aware of the filth that surrounded you in the train car.
    Yoongi stuck his legs out, the toes of his shoes wedging under your heel to separate you from the floor.
    “Yoongi, what-- I’m good, I’m not gonna stand on your feet.”
    “Just do it. This is my good deed for the day and I’m offering,” he said, “But if you give me foot fungus, it’s your ass.”
      You sighed, stepping onto his shoes. You grabbed the rail for support as the train continued to move.
     “God, why’re you so heavy?” he complained.
    You put even more pressure on his feet. He stifled a groan.
    The roar of the train fell to silence as it came to a halt. The doors opened, and bodies poured from the car. Your squad members gathered and hurried through the doors of the station into the downtown nightlife. The casino was across the street, a marvel of flashing lights.
      “Okay,” Namjoon said, “A few things didn’t go as planned but it’s fine. We’re fine. We just need to make some changes. Jin will you be okay?”
     “Since I don’t have any of my stuff my job will be hard...really hard...but not impossible. There has to be a security room with cameras in the place that I can work with. I just need to find it.”
     “I’ll go with you to look for it,” Jungkook said.
    “We know Hoseok was supposed to be here but we’ll have to work with what we’ve got for that role. That leaves us with...Tae,” Namjoon said.
     “I can do it,” Taehyung declared.
    “Are you sure? There was supposed to be two recruitment plants for a reason, one of us can take Hoseok’s place--”
    “They chose me for a reason too. I’ve got it. Trust me.”
      Namjoon nodded, “Okay. Everyone have their roles? Weapons? Earpieces? Alright,” he put his hand in the middle, and the others did the same, “Make it clean. Make it quick.”
     There was an echo of the phrase, and then you broke apart. You crossed the street and split into your separate groups. Your group squatted by some nearby bushes, taking the weapons you needed from the cases before sliding the big box deep into the brush.
    After walking the perimeter of the building, you found a side entrance, protected  by a single security guard. You came up behind the man, putting a chloroform napkin over his face. The man sank to the ground, and Jimin and Yoongi carried him into the shadows. Yoongi snagged the keys from his waistband and lead you all inside.
      The inside was filled with drunken chatter and the whir of games. People all over giving up wads of money for a night they were sure to regret later.
     “I don’t like the feeling of this place,” you said. Past the smiling faces and flashiness, there was an underlying unease, “2 o’clock. Two guards on the upper level.”
      The boys spared a glance up, seeing the two men in black suits standing above you all, surveying the floor below.
     “They don’t look like regular security,” Namjoon said, “They’re Mob affiliates for sure.”
    “There's more in that far left corner,” Yoongi nodded.
    “Shit they’re everywhere,” Jimin said. It seemed like every few feet there was another man wearing the same black suit, face a little too serious for the environment.
    “Jungkook, Seokjin, how are you guys looking?” Namjoon asked the earpiece.
     “Still haven't found anything yet, we just got inside,” Jungkook whispered, “Seokjin is terrified though, you should see him over here.”
     “I’m not scared, okay? Being inside is just...different,” Seokjin said.
     “Tae, what about you?” Namjoon asked.
     “I’m on my way to the hideout, I should be there in a few,” he replied in a low voice.
     Jimin put his arm around your shoulder, “You look like a snack, and I’ve got the munchies.”
     You made a face, “That was probably the ugliest thing you’ve ever said to me. And that's saying something.”
    “But I’m not lying! Hey, Yoongi, doesn’t she look like a snack?”
     Yoongi glanced at you, “She looks like leftovers.”
    “And you look like scraps.”
     “But even leftovers still get ate,” Jimin said, “He’s just jealous of what we have, love. Don’t listen to him,” he whispered.
    “I never do,” you said and elbowed Jimin in the stomach.
      You scanned the room and felt like you were being watched. You looked and caught Yoongi’s stare. He was looking you over, eyes glued to your body when he finally made it up to your face. Your eyes met, and he looked away, suddenly engrossed in a conversation with Namjoon.
    Your eyebrows knit together. The hell was that? you wondered
     A server walked by, a sway in her hips as she carried a tray of drinks.
     Jimin let out a low whistle, eyes glued to her retreating figure. He had a lightbulb moment.
    “I’ll go talk to her and get into the brothel...for information.”
   “The Academy said the brothel was for high rollers only, and you haven’t spent a dime here,” Namjoon said.
   He rolled his eyes, “Please. Watch this.”
     He followed after the server, who was now standing at the bar. He placed a hand on her back, leaning against the counter with a bright smile.
        “You’ve gotta give it to him, he’s got a lot of confidence,” Yoongi said as the three of you watched.
      “I mean this is his thing,” you said.
    Jimin said something and smirked, never breaking his gaze as he looked at her under his long lashes. The woman laughed, and even from where you stood you knew she was blushing.
    “Okay, say he does get in. How long do you think it’ll take before she takes him back there?” Namjoon asked.
    “10 minutes,” Yoongi said.
    “Give him a little credit,” you said, “I think 5.”
    As soon as the words left your mouth, she grabbed his hand and lead him away from the bar.
    He looked over his shoulder and winked.
    “He’s good,” you mused. If you had to say anything about Jimin, it was that he was great at his job.
    He walked with the server through a few back doors of the casino. The server typed a code into a padlock, grip still tight on his hand. It opened to a long hallway with many numbered doors, red lights coating the entire space with an alluring energy.
     “While I wish I could have you to myself tonight, I’m off the clock,” she pouted, looking up at him with a lust he was all too familiar with, “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”
    They walked down the hall, their footsteps echoing off the walls. They stopped in front of one door labeled  ‘#4’. She tapped on the barrier, and it opened to a young woman in white lingerie. Her hair was messy, falling to her waist and adding emphasis to her curves. She eyed Jimin momentarily, a smile slowly spreading.
   “I see you brought me a good one,” she said.
    “You better thank me later,” the server said before turning to leave, giving Jimin’s hand a final squeeze and blowing a kiss.
   Jimin walked into the room. It was small, nothing else but a bed. The room was also covered in a red light, adding to the lure and temptation.
   She started to fiddle with his buttons, “Lets take some of this off, yeah?”
    “Jimin, a reminder that this is a mission and we can all hear you. Please don’t actually fuck her.” you said.
    “Please,” Seokjin echoed.
   He put his hands over hers, stopping her, “This looks really nice on you.” He said about her lacy ensemble. His hands lightly went from the tops of her arms down to her hips, “It would look good off too, I’m sure.”
    “Why don’t you find out?” she began sliding off her strap and he pulled her closer.
   “Later. I actually had something else in mind,” he said. He caught her eyes, holding them. A moment of confusion crossed her face. He quirked a brow at her, his seductive nature only enhanced by the light in the room. Just like that he saw her resolve waiver.
    “Oh...okay…” she said.
    He sat on the edge of the bed, and she followed.
    “White really suits you,” Jimin remarked, looking her over. She had been ogled by other men all night, but his gaze was different. It was loaded, more intense. She rarely talked much to the others, going straight to business, but he was different. It was refreshing. He was like a flame, dangerous yet so beautiful you couldn’t look away.
    “Thank you,” she replied, pulled into his gaze.
   “This place is really something. I thought it was just a regular casino, I didn’t know they had beautiful women like you here too. Must be my lucky day.”
    He didn’t have trouble reading her. Given her attitude, he knew she couldn’t have been in the business for too long. She had to be new. This would be easy, he thought. He would barely have to touch her.
      She laughed, running a hand through her hair. She was never nervous around clients, but around this man? She felt like she was losing control of herself, “This place is anything but regular.”
    “Really?” he asked, “Tell me more.”
    “Oh...I probably shouldn’t have said that. Nevermind.”
     “No,” he put a hand on her thigh, thumb tracing light circles, “Tell me...I want to know.”
      She made the mistake of looking at him again, and she was trapped in his eyes.
    “I mean, there’s just a lot that goes on behind the scenes that a lot of people don’t know about. But I’m not allowed to talk about it.”
    “Oh?” he brushed her hair behind her ear and leaned in closer, her heart rate steadily increasing. He placed a hand on her head, angling it so her neck was exposed to him. Her breathing grew shallow, and she was hyper aware of the hand still on her thigh. Her eyes closed, reveling in the touch of the gorgeous man. “Not even for me?”
     “I...I…” she breathed.
   “I just have a few questions, baby.” His breath tickled her throat, and his fingers creeped up her leg.
   “I just want to be touched,” she begged, “Please just touch me.”
   “How about this? I ask you a question, and for every one you answer you get to take something off for me? Deal?”
    Her eyes fluttered open, and she nodded, “Okay...what do you want to know?”
  “First...why is there a brothel at a casino?”
    She fidgeted, “We just make money for...them.”
    “The Menaces?” Jimin asked.
   She nodded, “The Casino too...it's a cover. What we make here and what’s made out there just goes back to them.”
    “Good. Take that off,” Jimin said, nodding to her garters. She slid them off her legs.
     “I heard that they’re recruiting boys tonight, do you know anything about that?”
    “Not much, only that those poor boys have it way worse than us. Its harder for them to leave. I���m not around them that much, but from what I’ve seen they beat the living shit out of the new recruits. I guess to see if they’re built for this. They just recruit young guys because they’re easier to use,” she said, words flying from her mouth.
    Yeah, this would be really easy.
    “Bra,” he demanded.
     Her fingers couldn’t undo the clasp fast enough. She took it off and threw it onto the floor, hungry.
    “I know the guys in the suits out there are all Menace guards. Is there anyone else that I should keep an eye on?”
    “Everyone that works here is Mob affiliated. The servers, bartenders, and dealers. Even the cleaning crew. “
   “Good. Panties.” 
    She lifted her hips and slipped them off into the pile by her feet.
     She was completely naked now. Jimin looked her over and smiled, leaning in again. She closed her eyes, breathing uneven as he neared the shell of her ear. He was so close, she just needed him to touch her, she had never wanted anything more.
  She felt something drop into her lap.
    “Thanks, babe.”
   She looked down to see a thick roll of cash, held together by rubber bands.
   By the time she tried to register what happened, he was already out the door.
    Past the large room of games, the rest of the first floor was oddly quiet. It was a maze of sterile white halls and unmarked doors that made the two squad members uneasy.
    Seokjin walked in front of Jungkook, tiptoeing anxiously.
    Jungkook slapped a hand on his shoulder, and the oldest yelped. Jungkook stifled a laugh.
     “I told you to stop doing that! You’re not funny!” Seokjin said through clenched teeth.
     “I couldn’t help it,” Jungkook whispered, “Having fun inside with the big kids?”
    “Fun’s not the word,” he replied, “I still can’t believe someone had the nerve to take my van. Who steals vans?! I was parked next to a Mercedes!”
   “Maybe they’re gonna sell it for parts or something.”
   “I swear if they-”
    There were footsteps approaching, and the two of them paused to hide behind a nearby wall. Three men walked past, talking into walkie-talkies.
    “We just left the security room, everything looks good,” one said.
    “Great. The recruits are filing in now. We’ll start in 5,” replied a staticky voice.
     When the hall was clear, the two walked on. The men were leaving the direction they were approaching, so the security room had to be close.
     “Here, take this,” Jungkook reached a gun over to Seokjin who eyed the weapon hesitantly, “I’m here to protect you, but you should have something too.”
    The oldest took the weapon gingerly in his hands. Sure he knew how to use it, he had been to basic training just like everyone else. But there was a reason why he was behind a computer all the time while the others handled the hands on work. It just wasn’t his thing.
    They rounded a corner to see five men standing in front of a single door.
    The men looked at them, guns drawn “The hell are you doing back here?!”
    Jungkook turned to Seokjin, “Stay behind me.”
    The youngest pulled a gun from his holster and fired, bullet landing in the middle of one men’s forehead as he slumped to the ground. The men paused in shock before spraying the hall with bullets. Jungkook ducked, shooting a gun out of another man’s hand and then hitting him straight through the heart.
     Seokjin stood open mouthed, frenzied as he tried to keep up with Jungkook who was quickly making it closer to the door. Another man ran up to Seokjin ready to shoot when Jungkook kicked the gun out of his hand and then roundhouse kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold. He shot him too, he couldn’t be too sure.
     A man came out of the room, horrified at the scene before him. He pulled out his gun, and Jungkook disarmed him before he could pull the trigger, grabbing him by the hair and slamming him against his knee with a hard crack. The last two ran up to him, and Jungkook pushed them both against the wall, one piled against the other. He placed the end of his pistol against one of their foreheads, and fired, the single bullet piercing both of their skulls and covering the wall in red.
    Jungkook turned to look at Seokjin, who was standing in the middle of the hallway, dumbfounded
   “See? Piece of cake,” Jungkook stepped over the bodies and opened the door. There was a wall covered with screens, focused on patrons, entrances, game tables and parking lots.
    Seokjin took a seat before the screens, “Alright, we found the security room,” he told the earpiece.
   “Good, do you see Taehyung?” Namjoon asked.
     There was one fuzzy screen that showed a dark parking garage, a group of young men walking in a line as they were brought in by large Mob bosses. He could see their squad member at the end of the line, head down and in character.
    “Got him.”
    The musty garage was lit with a few flickering lights, the smell shooting to the back of Taehyung’s nose as soon as he walked in. A few muscled men had given him a “pat down” earlier, which just consisted of them hitting him harder than necessary to see how he’d react, but he kept a straight face.
    He followed the line of boys into the space until they were told to stop. They stood before a group of large men, each holding some sort of weapon at their hip. They appraised the boys, each breathing heavy with a tinge of fear in their darting eyes.
     A man stepped forward, tattoos covering every inch of exposed skin. He was one of the leaders, Taehyung noted, along with the others in the room. They were all in the photos The Academy had sent earlier. His targets were all mere feet away.
    “So you wanna be a Menace, huh?” he asked, getting silence, “I SAID DO YOU WANNA BE A MENACE?”
   The boys jumped, muttering answers with eyes down.
    He walked towards a boy, “Why do you wanna be here?”
   “I-I don’t know--” he was interrupted when the man landed a punch in his gut, making him curl up and fall to his knees.
   “Wrong answer.”
    He made his way to the next boy. The man and the others began making fun of him, giving his face a few slaps as they pointed at his clothes in an ugly display of power. They went from boy to boy, pointing out flaws, slapping them around, and reveling in their weakness.
   He finally made it to Taehyung who was looking straight ahead, refusing to make eye-contact.
   “I remember you from the pat down. Not gonna lie kid that was impressive,” he remarked. He shoved Taehyung’s shoulder, but his feet stayed glued to the ground.
    The man looked back at his friends, “Shit, look at him! He might not look like it but he’s sturdy.”
   “Say kid, what are you good at?” another man asked.
    Taehyung shrugged, “Whatever you need me to be good at.”
    He laughed, “He’s got spunk too? I like him.”
     The one with the tattoos nodded, “Okay. I think we can get started with the initiation.”
   A Mob boss tossed a machete over and he plucked it from the air easily.
   “Do you know how to use this?” he asked.
   Taehyung eyed the weapon, unsure of where this was going, “Yeah.”
    “Great. Grab one of them why don’t you?” he said. One of the men yanked a boy from the line into the middle of the parking lot. He was scrawny, clothes hanging from his small frame. His expression was stoic, but Taehyung could tell he was terrified. He couldn’t be any older than 14. Someone handed him a machete as well.
    The man pushed the weapon into Taehyung’s grip, “Prove yourselves. You two will go at it, and the last one standing gets in. Simple enough.”
   Taehyung’s heart dropped, “You want me to kill him?”
    “What? Are you crazy? No.”
    A voice rang through his earpiece.
   “Tae, hold it together. Keep character,” you said.
   “No?” The tattooed man repeated.
    “Tae, just play along for a bit,” Namjoon said.
    “He’s just a kid,” he said through his teeth.
   “You’re not going to do it? Whoaaa look at Mr.Tough Guy getting soft!”
    The man closest to the boy came and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground.
    “Stop!” Taehyung screamed.
     “Who are you yelling at, boy?” The tattooed man said as he took a step closer to Taehyung’s face. His breath reeked of cigarettes.
    Past him, he could see the other men slap and kick the boy, who was already in a ball on the floor.
    “This is how initiation works, you gotta earn your place here. Just know that if you don’t do it, then somebody will,” he said,  “And don’t think if you refuse you can just walk outta here either, kid. If you don’t do it, then...let’s just say you’re gonna get a little more acquainted with this machete than you thought.”
     Taehyung stared daggers through the man, blood boiling. The screams of the boy echoed around the garage. The other recruits looked away, wishing they could be anywhere else.
     “I’ll give you till the count of three!” the man shouted, “One...Two….Three…”
    You had settled at the bar.
     “I haven’t seen any of the main targets here yet,” Yoongi said, “Where the hell could they be. Seokjin, you see anything?”
    “Yeah they’re all in the garage with Taehyung and the other recruits,” Seokjin replied.
    You all could hear vague conversation through Taehyung’s earpiece, but were in the dark as to what was happening.
    “Does everything look okay with him?” you asked, taking a sip of your drink.
    “Yeah so far. These mob bosses are huge, though. Like, could probably destroy Jungkook in an arm wrestling match huge.”
    “How dare you?” Jungkook said. You could practically see the glare, “You can’t talk you can’t even bench 150! Even  ______’s roommate could probably snap your arm off.”
    “I never said she couldn’t. Now give me some space! There’s like 5 other chairs in here, why are you breathing down my neck?! Ugh, I can’t wait to get my van back.”
   “Namjoon you’re usually good at reading people. What do you think about Luna?” you asked, turning to your leader.
    He sighed, “Off of first impressions alone? Maybe not crazy...but she is a little odd. I see what you mean now about her being nice.”
    “Right! So nice! Too nice! She offers to do my laundry, makes me breakfast, and now washes my dishes. I forgot to put away the ones I used for dinner last night and I saw them in the dish rack this morning.”    
    “That was me,” Yoongi said.
    “You?” Yoongi wasn’t one to pick up after other people. He would just tell you off about how dirty you were until you decided to do something about it.
    He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, somebody had to clean up after you since you obviously can’t.”   
    Or so you thought.
    “I really should have pushed you out into the storm last night. I’m really regretting it now.”
    “I would have loved to see you try.”
    “You know what, I can’t wait to lay in my bed tonight without your loud ass snores keeping me up.”
    Yoongi’s looked like he had a retort on the tip of his tongue but stopped himself. His expression softened.
    He shifted in his seat, “I don’t snore.”
    “Oh that’s where you were last night. I knew I didn’t hear you come in,” Namjoon said, half-listening, half-surveying the room.
    The bartender had come back with the bill. You reached out to take it, and a large hand trapped yours, going for it at the same time. Yoongi’s eyes went from the tab to you. His hand didn’t move.
    “I’ve...got it,” you said, sliding your hand away and placing a 10 down.
    Yoongi brought his hand back and cleared his throat.
    You did the same. Why was he acting so weird? Why were you acting so weird?
    You zeroed back in on Taehyung, hearing bits of his conversation.
    “You want me to kill him?” he asked, “What? Are you crazy? No.”
    “Shit,” Yoongi said.
    “Tae, hold it together. Keep character,” you said in a low voice as more guards passed you.
    “Tae, just play along for a bit,” Namjoon said.
    “He’s just a kid,” Taehyung said.
    “They’re making him kill a kid?” Yoongi whispered to himself, disgusted.
    “We’ve got all the information we need here, we’ve gotta do something, I don’t know how much longer he can hold up by himself--” Namjoon began.
    Taehyung screamed, “Stop!”
    “This doesn’t look good, you guys. You should head over there now,” Seokjin said.
    “Tae, hold up a little longer! Try to distract them or something! We’ll be there in a bit,” Namjoon said. It came out loud, and a guard that was passing stopped in his tracks. He looked you all over, scrutinizing Namjoon who was seemingly talking to nothing.
    “Excuse me, sir,” the guard walked up to him.
    Namjoon broke out running, bolting away from the bar and leaving you both behind. The guard ran after him. Two more guards that were near eyeballed you and Yoongi as they walked towards you. You were still frozen at the bar.
    “We running?” you whispered.
   “Yup,” Yoongi said.
     You both darted away, hearing the footfalls of the men on your trails. You weaved through the slot machines and opened a side door. It lead to another random hallway. Yoongi pulled open a broom closet, and you both stuffed yourselves inside. You could hear the men run past the door, screaming at the other about which way you both had gone.
     Their footsteps retreated, and you became aware of how little space you truly had in the tight closet. You stood against one wall and Yoongi faced you with his back against the opposite side. His arms were placed at either side of your head to keep his balance in the narrow space, caging you in. The closet was dark, the only illumination coming from the crack under the door, but you could still see a sliver of his face.
      You were both breathing hard, trying to quiet yourselves as you heard more people walk past. His chest rose and fell with every labored pant. He looked down, meeting your stare. There was something there that you had never seen before. An interest. A fascination. Dare you say desire?
     It seemed to happen in slow motion. He ducked down, craning his head closer and closer to yours until your faces were just inches apart. You didn’t understand. All you had to do was put your hand up and push him back, but you didn’t.
     His eyes searched yours for a moment as he closed the distance between your lips.
    A voice suddenly snapped you back.
    “Guys, Tae needs backup! You better get in there now!” Seokjin screamed.
    You separated, and Yoongi jolted back to the opposite end of the closet. You opened the door, avoiding his eyes as you both hurried to the garage.
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eungishat · 7 years
fools ch.26 (summary)
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Fools chapter twenty-six, by Youngha and Illustrated by Park Dam NOTE: click the link if you want to see Eungi: jealous, shirtless, blushing, pouting, and falling in deeper in love with Jungwoo. 
Eungi and Jungwoo are messaging each other for a span of five days. Their messages are short, concise, and don’t really have much to do with the story. (But it’s cute, i guess, so i’ll translate it)
monday - 2:14 pm
〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo :  where are you? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : im with my friends at a cafe~ you? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : busy. 〕
tuesday - 5:47 pm
〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : what are you doing? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : with my friends~ we have an assignmentㅠ 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : alright. 〕
tuesday - 11:32pm
〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : are you studying? 〕
wednesday - 8:09am
〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : sorry, i fell asleep yesterday. do you have anything you want to tell me? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : never mind. 〕
thursday - 12:27pm
〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : did you eat? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : nope! not yet. 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : where are you? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : i’m on my way to go to the cafeteria with my friends! would you like to join us? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : i’m good. 〕
friday - 11:38am
〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : hey 〕  〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : yesh? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : you’re with your friends right? 〕  〔 katalkᴛᴏ eungi : omg how did u know???? 〕 〔 katalkᴛᴏ jungwoo : lmao 〕
Eungi looks through Jungwoo’s posts and is aggravated by how much fun Jungwoo is having without him. Slightly saddened by Jungwoo keeping his attention towards someone that isn’t him, Eungi doesn’t want to do anything as he is too tired.  He plops onto his bed not really thinking about anything in particular and bolts up when his phone rings. 
His heart is thumping wildly in his chest as he picks his phone and–
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–immediately throws his phone back on to his bed. He’s incredibly disappointed that it’s only Kyungjoon and refuses to pick up the phone, even opting to cover his ears and bury his entire self beneath his covers. There’s a brief moment of relief when his phone stops ringing, but the ringing immediately picks back up. Annoyed by Kyungjoon’s persistence, Eungi reluctantly answers with a rude, “What?”
Too bad the person on the other line isn’t Kyungjoon, but in fact, Jungwoo; he immediately fixes his tone. Eungi clutches onto his chest, scared that he spoke to Jungwoo with such a rough tone, but regains his composure in a snap. (He also silently screams ‘OH MY GOD IT’S JUNGWOO!!!’)
Jungwoo wonders if Eungi would like to have lunch together and he immediately agrees to it. 
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 that is, if you’re at school. 』
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 oh yeah. i’m at the library right now. where should we meet? main gate? 』
(Eungi is, in fact, not at the library.)
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 the library? then i’ll go– 』
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 NO. don’t. let’s meet in front of the main gates. i just have to talk to someone for a bit. there’s no need to come all the way over here. just stay at the main gates – the main. gates. so just – i don’t know – wait fifteen minutes. it’s an important talk so i can’t leave right away. 』
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 kay then. see you soon~ 』
They hang up and the first thing Eungi does is to check his face in the mirror and he notices that his face isn’t in its best condition as he had pulled an all-nighter, but he believes Jungwoo will understand is less-than-desirable status since it is midterm season. He hesitantly changes his shirt and, when he reaches for a new pair of pants, he slips and falls head-first to the floor, but this doesn’t stop him from looking at Jungwoo’s message as soon as it arrives. 
He smiles, seeing Jungwoo assure him to take his time meeting him and – grabbing his glasses, backpack, and slipping on his shoes – he heads out as calmly as he can…
…which means running to meet up with Jungwoo. 
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 my heart was pounding wildly, almost as if it was about to explode. i wasn’t sure if was because i was running quickly or because of another reason; i never thought i’d ever be running to school after i moved out… 』
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 i don’t remember how i was feeling or what i was thinking before this. i just knew that the cherry blossoms were beautiful; that the wind felt nice; that the weather was warm; and that, right now, the most important thing was that… 』
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 …i’m running to meet choi jungwoo. 』
By the time Eungi reaches the main gate, he’s out of breath and confused as to why the only thing he sees is Jungwoo. This is also when Jungwoo notices him. 
Eungi runs that last sport to get closer to Jungwoo and he notices Eungi’s glasses. (Jungwoo is completely unaware of the fact that Eungi had no time to wear contacts because he was such in a hurry to meet him.)
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 they look good on you. 』
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 tell me something i don’t know. 』 (note: he doesn’t say this exactly and i’m not exactly a pro in korean slang, but any other way i translate this just sounds awkward.)
Jungwoo smiles at this, and then asks if Eungi’s hot. He answers that he’s not and confused by this, so Jungwoo points out that he’s sweating profusely. He grabs a tissue from his bag and reaches for Eungi to help wipe off the building sweat. Finally noticing that he’s sweating, Eungi agrees that it is indeed very hot and takes the tissue from Jungwoo’s hand. Eungi has finished wiping off his sweat, but he completely misses the stray flower petal lingering on his forehead. 
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 so where are your little pals? 』
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 oh my friends are already waiting at the restaurant. how bout we eat all together? 』
Jungwoo giggles, seeing Eungi’s obvious dissatisfaction. He notices the flower petal clinging to his forehead and lightly plucks it off of him. When he blows it away, Eungi’s complexion blooms into a bright blush. 
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 i’m kidding. i told them i already had plans and sent them off. Let’s go eat! 』
As Jungwoo saunters off, Eungi – still blushing – stares at him in awe. 
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 ………o-okay. 』
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closetcasefabray · 7 years
i was just thinking about cophine getting high together & then imagined modern day clexa doing the same & omg a whole headcanon is now exploding out my brain. so here’s this not-a-fic.
so clarke would have tried weed in hs & she would get high once in a while, but she was a good student & pretty popular so her parents never really saw any change. & one time jake catches her coming in late & he can totally tell she’s high & he’s just like “we’ll talk in the morning.” when he does, he doesn’t tell abby but just tells clarke not to drive high & recommends against smoking bc lungs are important. & he ends it with “i trust you kiddo. you can make your own decisions. im proud of you for being you.” bc he’s jake & he loves her so much (& also thinks marijuana should be legal & regulated).
so clarke is at university (i normally imagine them at UMD just bc Polis & TonDC are Maryland/DC references) & she’s roommates with raven, & the two of them like going to the roof of one of the campus science buildings & smoking bc sometimes the professors leave telescopes on the roof for labs. raven gets medicinal marijuana & explained that her parents knew she already smoked so they wanted her to do it legally & “the leg thing just helped expedite the process.” so they smoke pretty regularly. (eventually raven tells clarke that she was in an accident when she was with her boyfriend, finn, on his motorcycle.)
clarke meets octavia in her math class & they both hate it but numbers come easier for clarke than O so clarke essentially carries O through that class despite paying zero attention in class. O is on the track team, so she doesn’t smoke but hangs out with clarke & raven on the roof.
lexa is a sophomore but really ahead & could easily graduate early. but she’s double majoring in political science & psychology with a minor in world literature. clarke has dyslexia & while she does know various strategies to read & study well, she devotes most her energy toward her pre-med materials. that unfortunately affects the quality of her weekly papers for her english lit gen ed class. so she goes to the writing center where of course lexa works.
& clarke is pretty intimidated bc lexa is dressed for the career fair the first time she meets her & just looks like she has all her shit together. when lexa asks her what she should focus on for critiques, clarke just says “everything.” & lexa does that small smile & clarke is just like “wHAT IS THIS FEELING????”
even though lexa rips her paper apart it was fine bc clarke could watch her hands move across paper all day. one day clarke asks if she wants to go to the food court since lexa gets out at the same time. so they do & they end up talking & clarke ends up confessing she has dyslexia & lexa encourages her to go to the student disability services office so a formal letter could be sent to the professor, but clarke says how it shouldn’t be an excuse. & lexa is like super serious & respects clarke’s choice but also says, “it’s not an excuse if you do go. it’s about being honest with yourself & the professor. you’re fully capable of doing great work, & dyslexia isn’t a reflection of your intelligence, but just letting your professor know may help form a more effective curriculum.” they exchange numbers & the next day, clarke sends her a thank you text bc she went to student services & her lit professor’s office hours & they decided on bi-weekly 3pg papers instead of the weekly 2 pg papers.
then clarke eventually asks her out as they leave the writing center one night & lexa has to ask, “like a date?” & clarke mildly panics but lexa explains “i have a girlfriend.” costia, who is this really wonderful art history major & photographer back home in PA & attending Penn State, who she met through a summer internship before lexa’s first year in university. but lexa thinks they’d make good friends & clarke refuses to be a douche who broods in the “friend zone.”
lexa doesn’t go to parties, but she drinks occasionally. so clarke invites her to the roof with O & Raven & they end up drinking two giant bottles of cheap wine. when lexa admits she’s never smoked weed, it becomes raven’s mission to get lexa high, mostly bc lexa is so serious & she wants to see what she would happen. but lexa passes on the weed & is grateful bc clarke smoked & got the spins & puked off the side of the roof.
another time, raven gets a few edibles & splits them with her friends so she, O & Lincoln (OT/PT major, junior, also on track) are playing frisbee on the quad while super high & clarke is drawing & sitting bc physical exertion is so not her style, esp when stoned. & lexa gets out of class & sees clarke so she joins her. & when clarke looks up & sees lexa approaching, she gets the biggest cheesiest smile bc it’s lexa & its one of the few remaining warm days of fall so she’s in a knee-length dress & just looks stunning. she sits down & lifts up clarke’s sunglasses & laughs & asks “how high are you rn?” clarke just giggles–something she only does high–& replies “very.” & lexa just grins & pokes clarke’s cheek & says “i can tell bc your dimples. you have them the entire time bc you can’t stop smiling.” & clarke just replies “or maybe i’m just happy to see you.” & then O appears with her arms full of snacks & clarke is like “good call, O” & O is like “tf are you talking about???? this is mine.” but raven & lincoln brought munchies for clarke.
then when it’s just the two of them, lexa asks what it feels like being high. clarke’s still stoned so it’s hard but says “you can’t really know the feeling without getting high….. your stream of consciousness goes on every tangent. your thoughts take the scenic route… also your internal voice becomes really apparent, but it’s not critical or anything. things feel easy.” & lexa just concludes “you’re an anti-anti-drug ad.”
so lexa tells clarke one day she wants to try weed so clarke’s super excited & wants lexa to be comfortable & they go to the roof, just the two of them & smoke & lexa quickly learns smoking hurts her throat & lungs a lot but clarke packed ice water which helps. when clarke can tell lexa is stoned, she laughs bc her eyes are glossy & just beautiful & that small smile of hers doesn’t leave her lips. but she reassures lexa that she looks fine & isn’t obviously high.
they lie on a blanket & lexa asks clarke to hold her hand bc she feels strange & clarke just smiles & takes her hand & gives it a little squeeze. but they end up talking & laughing bc of some stupid story clarke told & even though clarke’s heard lexa’s laugh, she loves the sound of it in that moment. & she’s jus like “wow. im so in love with her” inside of course.
that night gets lexa into trouble with costia bc long distance is dumb & costia can tell lexa is falling for clarke. they break up before the second semester so lexa throws herself into work but clarke is persistent about making lexa interact with ppl outside of academics & they end up smoking on the quad one night & lexa is p sure she could kiss clarke but she knows she should tell her how she feels first & not kiss her & have clarke assume it was just bc they were high. but they hold hands even though lexa feels fine.
so they both end up super busy bc midterms but they study together in the library. clarke has a nervous habit of tapping her pen & the sound makes lexa anxious, so one day she puts her hand on top of clarke’s tapping hands & clarke apologizes but lexa removes her hand then takes clarke’s right & runs her thumb along the back. it ends up being the kind of sensory stuff the both of them needed & becomes habit.
both of them finish their midterms the same day so they hang out to celebrate which basically turns into them taking a nap in clarke’s bed & raven taking a million ways photos & taking bets from O & lincoln about how long it would take them.
but something about missing clarke on spring break spurred lexa into action so their first day back at school, they’re two of the first back on campus so they go the roof but don’t have weed & as clarke is rambling about something lexa just hugs her & clarke laughs & asks “what’s this about?” & lexa says “i missed you.” & clarke smiles & says “me too.” & then lexa kisses her & it’s grossly cute & clarke kind of sighs as they hold each other after. & blah blah they’re in love & just the grossest.
but what originally spurred this whole thing on was just me thinking “i bet lexa would get horny when high” so my brain is essentially the tag “porn with feelings.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway. i’ve got shit to do i guess but thought i’d share.
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lucyvsky · 7 months
beloved how are you doing i'm sending you all my productivity and love ... <33 !!!
BELOVED JANNAH!!!!!!!! i am . well ill be honest ive been better. but i have temporarily escaped my depression funk AND i have a plan to get all of my finals done finally............... the world is not so hopeless and i am going home in two weeks. forever and ever and ever the world is so beautiful
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