#how do you find things on this website i need to reblog some gifs but i have been through the entire silas tag and a very long section of
Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 20
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC Smut & Language- Minors DNI New as of 9/11/2023
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: "I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."
My entire morning was dragging after finding out about the TMZ article and Instagram post. I could feel the staff's eyes on me and hear the whispers. Everyone knew about it. Once I had a minute to myself, I sent Dieter a text about everything. That was two hours ago, and he still hadn’t answered. I had a feeling he was dealing with a shit storm of epic proportions. The longer I went without hearing from him, the more anxious I felt.
As my final meeting was coming to an end, I saw a notification pop up on my phone. Normally I wouldn’t check my phone during a meeting, but I needed to hear from him.
DIETER: Sorry it took me so long to respond. This morning has been crazy. You want to come over to my house when you leave work? I’m meeting with my manager and publicist.
ME: Yeah, I’ll come straight there.
DIETER: Just a head’s up... TMZ is about to post an update. They have info on you. They are refusing to keep it under wraps. We tried everything. I’m sorry.
I sighed heavily and let out a quiet “fuck” under my breath. Everyone sitting near me looked in my direction. Aubrey had heard it too, but she continued speaking as she gave me a concerned look. I opened the browser on my phone and hit refresh on the article. There were multiple updates posted since earlier this morning. Several ‘sources’ had indicated that Dieter was under the influence of some unknown substance during the confrontation, which they said was related to concerns over his current relationship. They had also added a screen shot of this morning's Instagram post. Another ‘source’ raised concerns about his current mental health status due to his unusual behavior the last few months.
I squeezed the bridge of my nose where a deep throb was forming. This was so ridiculous and blown out of proportion. Who were they even talking with to get this information? I hit refresh again. Sure enough, there was a new update. They had my picture from the company website along with all sorts of details about me, including where I worked. I exhaled slowly as I leaned back in my seat. Aubrey was just wrapping up the meeting. While everyone filed out of the conference room, she and Kerrie walked over noticing that I was upset. When they asked what was going on, I didn’t say anything. I unlocked my phone and handed it to Aubrey.
Aubrey’s eyes grew wide as she handed the phone to Kerrie.
“Wow. That didn’t take long, huh?”
“Where are they getting this information? It’s not even accurate.”
“There is no telling,” Kerrie said as she returned my phone.
“I should probably go before the paparazzi show up here.”
I quickly walked back to my office to gather my things, then headed out the back door toward my car. I noticed there were already a couple of people across the street milling around with cameras. I kept my head down, walking in the opposite direction toward where I parked. I managed to make it out of there without being noticed.
I arrived at Dieter’s a short time later, without incident. When I keyed into the front door, I could hear voices coming from the kitchen. I paused to take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.
“This is fucking ridiculous. Where are they getting their information? Someone that was there with Anna has to be feeding it to them.”
A woman’s voice spoke up, “D., you were yelling. I’m sure anyone seated around you could have figured out what it was about.”
“Yeah, but what about these sources? It’s all total bullshit. I swear, it sounds like Ann...”
I sat my bags down on the couch before walking into the kitchen as Dieter was speaking. He was leaning against the counter, until he caught sight of me. He stopped mid sentence, walking over to hug me tightly and immediately started apologizing.
“Stop apologizing. It’s fine. I’m ok.”
He pulled away as he moved his hand to cup my face. He gave me a questioning look, trying to decide if I was being honest or not. He seemed satisfied with what he saw before leaning in to give me a quick kiss on the lips. He reached down to grab my hand and led me further into the kitchen to where the man and woman were sitting at the kitchen table. He then introduced me to his publicist, Elaine, and his manager, Ty.
Elaine was probably in her late forties. She had blonde hair swept up into a neat bun. She was dressed business casual, but there was something elegant and genial about her. Ty seemed to be around the same age. He had dark hair with a hipster vibe about him. His face was very smug and judgy. Something about him was already rubbing me the wrong way.
As Dieter introduced us, Elaine gave me a warm smile and shook my hand. Ty on the other hand, looked me up and down before saying, “I would love to say I’ve heard a lot about you, but he has told us absolutely nothing before today.” He followed that statement with a tight smile before turning his gaze to Dieter in an admonishing way.
“That’s not accurate. I told you about her a long time ago. I just didn’t share intimate details because my personal life is my business.”
“Yeah, until it’s not,” Ty shot back at him.
Elaine jumped in, “Ok guys, let’s not argue. Let’s just figure out how we’re going to deal with this, please.”
“D., I’ve got to ask… you swear you're not using again? Be honest. We can’t help if we don’t know.”
Ty glanced over at me as he spoke. Almost like he wanted to see my reaction.
“I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have asked that in front of your lady,” he added.
My eyes were focused on Ty. I could feel the intense look forming on my face. I knitted my brows together and tilted my head slightly as I tried to read his body language. That was exactly his intention. Was he testing us or just trying to be an ass?
“It’s fine, Ty. She already knows everything,” Dieter said as he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. He could sense that I was on edge with this guy. He gave me a comforting smile before turning back to Ty.
“I can’t believe you’re really asking me that. I’m completely clean. I didn’t even have any alcohol to drink last night. Neither of us did.”
“You’ve been so secretive lately and haven’t really been in touch with us unless you have to be. I’m just making sure. We don’t know what you’ve been up to,” Ty replied.
“I’ve been on a fucking break. Here. Staying out of trouble like you told me to do.”
I was starting to get annoyed with Ty’s line of questioning. He was being very negative. I felt the need to say something.
“For what it’s worth, I can vouch for him. He’s been working really hard at getting his shit together and he’s been doing great. Truly. We’re together the majority of the time, so I would know if he was doing something like that.”
“I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Ty asked. I narrowed my eyes at him in response. He waved his hands and shook his head in a way that said ‘never mind’ before continuing, “Look, I don’t know you. No offense, but for all I know you could be feeding him lines of coke off those pert tits of yours all the while telling us everything is hunky-dory.”
I had to bite my tongue. I nodded my head as I gave him a tight smile and exhaled loudly. Dieter braced for my response, but I didn’t give one. I wasn’t really sure how to handle this situation.
Elaine interjected, “Ok, that’s enough Ty. Stop being a dick.” Ty gave her a sarcastic smile before leaning back into his seat and crossing his arms.
“Look D., I can tell by looking at you that you’re clean. Don’t listen to him,” she added.
I turned to go grab my laptop and phone off of the couch, then walked toward the back door. Dieter gave me a questioning look. I couldn’t stay in here with this guy for another minute.
“I’m gonna go sit out here and work until you're done.”
“You don’t have to do that. You’re in my life now. I don’t mind if you're involved in these discussions.”
“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” I raised my brows at him. He knew what I was saying. I was going to lose it on this guy if I stayed. He gave me a tight nod in understanding.
I exited to the back yard and walked over to sit under the canopy of the rounded daybed to avoid the afternoon sun. I propped myself up on several outdoor pillows and stretched my legs out before getting back to work on my laptop. It was hard to focus given the day’s events. My thoughts were wandering as were my eyes. I couldn’t help glancing toward the glass doors. I could make out Dieter’s dark figure pacing around the kitchen, gesturing with his arms as he talked. Based on his mannerisms, he seemed frustrated. I felt that too.
I wasn’t sure how much time passed before the back door opened. Dieter came out carrying a takeout container and two bottles of water. He sat everything on a nearby table before crawling up the daybed toward my right side. I slid my laptop off to the left, giving him space to hover above the right side of my body as he leaned in for a lingering kiss. He pulled back slightly as his eyes roamed over my face.
“Lunch is here. Gotta make sure you don’t get hangry.” I chuckled.
“Thank you. How is it going in there?” He sighed as he sank down to lay his head on my chest. His right arm reached around and hugged me tightly.
“It’s going. I think we’ve settled on releasing a statement. Elaine is drafting it now. I’m not cool with people thinking I was under the influence. That’s the part that bothers me the most, aside from them posting all the details about you, obviously.”
“Can I ask you about that Instagram post?” He groaned.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve talked to you before I did that. I was hell-bent on making a point.”
He raised his head to look at me. He had a fierce look in his eyes, “I meant it though. I don’t need anyone but you. You’re kinda it for me and I don’t care who knows. They can all fuck off if they have a problem with it. I hope you’re not mad about it.”
“I’m not mad, but a heads up would’ve been helpful. I had to find all this stuff out from my assistant and boss as soon as I walked into the office this morning. Under normal circumstances, I probably would’ve found it to be a turn on, actually. But, the whole public side of everything just adds a weird layer to it, you know what I mean?”
“Shit, mi vida, I’m sorry. I really didn’t think that through. It was impulsive. I shouldn’t have done it.”
He scooted to sit upright, then pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck while he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. He began to run his fingers through the back of my hair.
“I’ve never been in an actual relationship, so I’m probably gonna fuck up… a lot. I’m asking for a little grace in advance because I’m not really sure how to navigate all this. But... I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
I pulled away, reaching to cup his cheek as our eyes met.
“We’ll figure it out together. You just need to make sure you’re communicating your thoughts and feelings with me, ok?”
He shook his head in agreement before reaching to grab my hand that was resting on his cheek. He held it as he turned to kiss the palm. Then he leaned forward to kiss me on the lips. His tongue quickly found its way into my mouth for a moment. He pulled away, giving me a deep gaze. His eyes were now hooded with desire.
“I better get back in here before Ty comes looking for me.”
“I don’t think Ty is a fan of me.”
“Ty is a dick. He’s also friends with Anna, so there’s no telling what’s going on in his head.”
“Oh, is that gonna be a problem?”
“Possibly. We’ll see.”
I gave him a concerned look. He responded with a tight small and raised eyebrows before moving to get up and walk back toward the house. As I watched him, my eyes were drawn to the two silhouettes in the kitchen window. Elaine and Ty had been watching us.
I suddenly felt like our private moment had been violated. Then again, I should probably get used to that. The quiet world we had been living in was quickly crumbling around us. I had a sinking feeling in my gut that we were about to be tested. My only hope was that we could handle it.
I moved over to the table with my laptop so that I could eat as I continued to work. However, that was soon interrupted by my cell phone ringing. It was Lauren calling. She must have finally gotten wind of what was going on. As soon as I answered, she was in full interrogation mode.
“What the actual fuck is going on? What is all this stuff on TMZ? And that Instagram post? What the hell happened in Sonoma?”
I quickly filled her in on all the details as I nibbled at my lunch. I could feel my chest tightening as I relayed the events from the previous night.
“Well, I’m happy you both finally stood up to Anna. She is such a bitch. I can’t believe she said that shit. It’s so fucked up. It’s almost like she was trying to get that kind of reaction out of him.”
“Oh, I’m fairly certain that was the exact reaction she was shooting for. She knows how to push his buttons, unfortunately.”
“Should we be concerned about his reaction? He’s never been like that before, right?”
“Not that I’ve seen. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t concern me a little. He wasn’t responding to me initially, but I think he was just trying to focus on staying calm.”
“Yeah, hopefully that’s all it was.”
Lauren and I ended our conversation after that with promises for the two of us to get together soon. It felt like we hadn’t spent any quality friend time together in ages, and I hated that. She had seemed less engaged lately, blaming it on being short staffed at the shop. I briefly found myself wondering if she had something going on that she wasn’t sharing. It would be unusual for her to keep something from me though. I wasn’t sure if I had the mental capacity to think about that too much at the moment, so I dismissed the thought.
Soon after hanging up with Lauren, Aubrey called to check in and see how I was doing. She told me to take the following day off to try and relax after the madness of today. She also told me to work from home for the next little bit until things calmed down, noting that guys with cameras were hanging around the building. All I could do was apologize. I felt awful that my place of employment was having to deal with this mess too, but she was having none of it.
“Talia, after what I saw in here with you two yesterday, I can’t bring myself to care. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that happy or content. It is what it is. We’ll handle it.”
I could feel myself getting a little emotional. Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. She was always more supportive of me than she needed to be. I had to take a moment to steady my voice before responding.
“Thank you. I appreciate it. Hopefully it will blow over quickly.”
After hanging up with Aubrey, I sat staring at my laptop, completely disassociating for a time, feeling like my mind needed a break. I was soon brought back to reality by the sound of footsteps. When I glanced up, I was greeted by Elaine’s approaching smile.
“Do you mind if I join you for a few minutes? Dieter and Ty are on a conference call with the studio. I don’t want to be in on that one if I can help it.”
“Uhh, yeah, sure. Have a seat,” I motioned to the seat next to me as I moved the empty food container out of the way.
She sat down beside me, still smiling before she continued, “You work for Aubrey, right?”
My head snapped back toward her, eyes widened in surprise.
“Yeah…how did you…”
“We have friends in common, so we’ve spent a lot of time together. I didn’t realize who you were until I read that article. I’ve heard her say a lot of really good things about you.”
“Oh well, small world.” I gave a timid laugh. I wasn’t sure where this was going.
“You know, I was with Dieter during a few meetings in New York. He seemed different, even then. I’m pretty sure he was enamored with you the moment you met.”
I couldn’t help the look of disbelief that came across my face, “I doubt that.”
“I’m serious. I mean, he’d been trying to straighten his life out for some time, but something changed after that trip. He seemed a lot more focused and determined. I think that had a lot to do with you.”
I couldn’t help the half smile that crept across my face. If I was honest, I think I was probably enamored with him before we even said a word to each other that first night at the bar.
“I’ve been working with Dieter since the beginning, and I’ve never seen him like this with anyone. I can see that he’s in love with you. I think you’re good for him. So, ignore anything Ty says. He’s blind and also a dick. If you need to throw some of that sass at him that I’ve heard so much about, do it. He needs to be put in his place every once in a while.”
I chuckled. Of course, Aubrey had mentioned that. It was the thing she loved most about me. I could always say what she couldn’t. As far as Elaine was concerned, she was definitely earning some points in my book. I felt like she was being sincere and meant what she was saying. I was happy to find that Dieter had at least one decent person on his side.
“Thank you. I probably needed to hear that. I’m happy he has you. Everyone else I’ve met so far, aside from his family… I’ve just not been impressed. I can understand why he feels like he doesn't have enough support.”
“It’s not the easiest industry to work in. Especially when you have things going on like he does. I’m happy he found someone from the outside that he can trust.”
We were interrupted by Dieter sticking his head out the back door to announce they were off the call. I decided to give up on work for the day since I couldn’t concentrate and had made zero progress. I gathered up all of my things and followed Elaine inside. Elaine and Ty didn’t stay much longer after that, thankfully.
Dieter made a point to set his phone to ‘do not disturb’ after they left. He was over it all and looked exhausted. He flopped down on the couch. I followed, squeezing in between him and the back of it, cuddling into his side. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. Both of us sat in silence for some time before he spoke up.
“I’ve been asked to go see my therapist tomorrow. I’m a little pissed that Ty has no confidence in me.”
“How involved is he with that stuff?”
“Not really that involved. He just likes to make sure I’m going regularly. He doesn’t know the details of anything.”
“Well, maybe it's not a bad idea. This week has been a lot for you. It couldn’t hurt. I can take you if you want. Aubrey told me to take tomorrow off. I can pop in to visit Lauren at the shop while you’re there.”
“Yeah, sure. I think I’d like that.”
We spent the rest of the evening on the couch together catching up on some of our shows and enjoying each other’s company. It was a nice end to the day given how it had started. It was exactly what we needed to recover from the drama.
When the alarm went off at 7AM the next morning, Dieter was not there. I sighed when my fingers met with the cold sheets on his side of the bed. As I lay wondering how long he had been awake, he came walking into the room wearing nothing but gym shorts and carrying a cup of coffee. He handed it over to me as I sat up.
“Despierta, bella durmiente.”
I squinted at him in confusion, “What?”
“Wake up, sleeping beauty,” he repeated in English with a smirk.
“I don’t know about beauty. I’m pretty sure I look like a hot mess.”
I could tell my hair was sticking up in every direction after having Dieter’s hands tangled in it for an extended time the previous night. Even though we were both worn out, we still had the need to partake in some stress relieving activities before sleep took us. It was becoming part of our nightly routine at this point.
He rolled his eyes at me, “Whatever you say, mi amor.”
I smiled at his response. I understood that pet name.
“I happen to like the wild sex hair look, it’s a good reminder of our late night activities,” he added with a playful smile and a wink before walking into his closet.
“I probably need to run to my house to grab some clothes.”
“I should just give you space in my closet so you have some things here for days like this.”
He walked out and threw one of his band t-shirts at me to wear. I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Is that right? Are we those people now?” I huffed out a laugh.
“Just trying to make your life a little easier babe,” he replied with a flirty grin.
“I guess this means I shouldn’t make you live out of a gym bag at my place anymore then.”
I gave him a teasing look as I took another sip of my coffee.
“I mean, it would save me from all the wrinkles and it’s the polite thing to do.”
He shrugged as he sat down on the bed beside me with a toothy smile on his face. I reached up to slide my hand around to the back of his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He briefly paused to take the coffee mug out of my other hand and sat it on the nightstand. Then, he lifted the comforter and crawled underneath it, hovering above my naked body to settle in between my thighs.
As he kissed down the crook of my neck, he reached down to my folds, rubbing gently. He groaned when he felt how wet I already was for him. He inserted two fingers painfully slow as his thumb found the bundle of nerves at my center. His touch caused a sudden jolt of heat to radiate through me. I arched up toward his mouth, which had found its way to my breast. My hands twisted in his curls as he kissed and sucked every inch of me that he had access to, causing me to climax quickly. It was amazing how well he could work my body into a frenzy. I didn’t understand it, but I welcomed it without hesitation every time.
He continued to shower me with soft caresses and kisses until I came down from my high. My immediate response was to reach for his shorts and shove them down his hips far enough to release the hardness I could feel pressing against me. As soon as he was free, I lined him up with my entrance. He responded by slowly sinking into me for the first few thrusts. He abruptly switched to hard thrusts in, all the way to the hilt, but pulled out ever so slowly. With each thrust in, I could feel my muscles quiver slightly. Ready to be taken over the edge again. A small whimper escaped my mouth every time he slammed into me. This pace was maddening, and he knew it.
“Fuck, I’m so close. Stop teasing me. Please,” I managed to cry out between moans.
“What do you need, mi amor. Tell me.”
I could feel his warm breath against my ear as he spoke in a low, sensual tone.
“Faster… please.”
He acquiesced by gradually increasing speed, but still thrusting just as hard. It didn’t take long after that. I quickly came undone around him. He followed soon after, burying his face into my neck. Muffling the low grunts that were escaping his lips.
He hovered above me with his head leaning down toward my chest for several minutes, trying to catch his breath. When he raised it to look at me, I reached for his face and ran my thumb down his plump bottom lip as we looked into each other's eyes. Taking in the shared emotions of the moment. Our time together only seemed to be getting more passionate. It was a miracle to me that we could handle it. I took that as a testament to how much we had both evolved emotionally.
“We really should get in the shower, or else I’m gonna be late.”
I nodded in agreement before giving him one last kiss. He pulled himself out of me with a small grunt, moving to get up. He discarded his shorts on the floor before he walked toward the bathroom. I followed behind to join him. Showering together was becoming pretty routine at this point too. Any chance we got for bonding time, we took full advantage of.
We both had to rush to get ready so that he wasn’t late for his appointment. I didn’t have time to stop and get fresh clothes, so I ended up wearing my skinny jeans from the day before with his t-shirt. Luckily, I had a spare pair of comfy sneakers stowed away in my car.
He was quiet on the way to his appointment, seeming somewhat anxious. He had his right arm propped on the passenger side door with his hand fisted under his chin as he looked out the window. His left hand sat on his thigh while his thumb rubbed back and forth against the other four digits non-stop. I reached over to grab his left hand, entwining our fingers together, hoping it would help calm him. I wasn’t sure that it did.
I pulled up to the front door of his therapist office to drop him off. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before exiting the vehicle. I really hoped his session went ok. I wasn’t sure how much more he could handle this week.
After dropping him off, I made my way over to Lauren’s shop. I needed to pick up some supplies, but also wanted to visit with her if she wasn’t too busy. However, when I got there, I was informed that she was taking the day off because she wasn’t feeling well. I found that to be odd. I tried calling her as I wandered down the painting supply aisles. She didn’t answer. I sent her a quick text.
ME: Hey, stopped by to see you and they said you’re out sick. You ok? Need anything?
I didn’t get an immediate response back. Maybe she was asleep? Weird.
I continued browsing for another twenty minutes or so. Finally, my phone pinged.
LAUREN: No, I’m good. Just sleeping it off.
That’s it. Nothing else. Typically, she tended to overshare the gory details. Something had to be going on with her. I felt like I needed to talk to her about it.
I gathered up the remaining items that I needed, then headed toward the checkout counter. I still had some time to kill before going to pick Dieter up, so I decided to run by his favorite smoothie place to pick something up for us. When I got there, it was fairly empty. However, I could feel eyes on me as I stood in line. I glanced around and noticed a couple of girls sitting in a booth looking my way like they recognized me. Geez. I felt like I needed to resort to wearing a hat and sunglasses like Dieter often did. I made a point to turn away from them so they couldn’t see my face. Luckily, I got our order fairly quickly after that and hightailed it back to my car.
I made my way back toward Dieter’s therapist office. I managed to find a parking spot nearby to wait. He still had about ten minutes left. To kill some time, I pulled out my phone to scroll through social media. As soon as I opened the app, I checked the one message alert that popped up. It was from Kerrie. She shared a picture of me at the smoothie shop that had just been posted by a fan account. There was a second picture of Dieter wearing the same t-shirt at some point in time. So they take inventory of his clothing too? And I had literally just left the place.
“Fucking hell. This is so ridiculous.”
I shook my head, closing the app without reading any of the comments. I didn’t want to know what they had to say. Just as I threw my phone down on the middle console, I saw Dieter walking out of the building, briefly stopping to pull out his phone. I assumed to check in on where I was. I quickly pulled out of the parking spot to meet him.
He had an irritated scowl on his face as he got into the car and shut the door a little harder than necessary. I stuck his smoothie in front of his face, and he softened some as he took it from me. He turned, giving me a small smile before sticking the straw in his mouth. I took a minute to pull out onto the main road before I spoke, “I’m almost afraid to ask, but did everything go ok?”
He was quiet for a time as he continued to work on his smoothie. I could tell he was thinking about how to respond.
“He wants to make some adjustments to my medication. The med provider agreed, so I’ve gotta go pick up some prescriptions.”
“Why does he want to do that?”
“Because I’m still having trouble sleeping and the anxiety is getting worse. They’re trying a different sleeping pill and different dosage amounts on the other stuff. I know it’s just because I’m leaving to film soon. It’s got me a little amped up. I really don’t wanna be dealing with medication changes on top of that. It tends to mess with me until I adjust.”
I didn’t really know what to say. I reached over to grab his hand in comfort. He spoke up again, directing me to one of the local pharmacies so he could pick up his prescriptions. I parked and started to grab my purse, but he told me I could wait in the car. Before he got out, he grabbed his hat, sunglasses, and earbuds. His ultimate “don’t talk to me” look. He reached in for his drink before shutting the door. I watched him walk toward the main entrance with his head down. He looked defeated and I hated it for him. He still had a long road ahead of him.
It took a while before his prescription was ready since they had just called it in. He finally came shuffling out the doors forty-five minutes after he went in. He was immediately approached by someone shoving a camera in his face. I could tell he was annoyed, but still smiled and chatted with the guy as he walked. I assumed it was paparazzi since they were clearly recording the entire interaction. When Dieter got to the car and opened the door, I could hear the guy yelling my name and asking how I was today. I mustered a small smile and wave as Dieter shut the door.
“I guess our quiet little bubble has burst, huh?”
“Yep. Welcome to my world.”
He gave me an annoyed look as he put his seatbelt on. I backed out as the guy continued to film. We were both beyond ready to go home.
During our remaining two weeks together, we spent as much time at home as we could. Dieter enlisted his assistant, Rylee, to pick things up for us as needed. She was a sweet girl and seemed like a genuinely good person, which I was thankful for. She had a lot of spunk and a fun personality, with brightly colored hair to match. He was going to need that while he was away. He was going to need all the help and positivity he could get.
As his departure date neared, he was clearly getting more anxious. He tried to keep himself busy preparing for the role during the hours that I worked. Our free time was spent wrapped up with each other, locking the rest of the world out. It was the only time he seemed to relax in the slightest.
Since his change in medication, there were some days he felt terrible. He started having intense headaches and nausea almost immediately. The doctor insisted that was normal the first few weeks, which was frustrating for him. He was worried it wouldn’t stop before filming began, adding an extra layer to his anxiety. It did seem to be happening less as the days went on, but that did little to ease his fears. It also didn’t seem to be doing much to remedy the issues for which he was taking them, further frustrating him.
In an effort to keep his spirits up, we started planning our trips to see each other. The first trip would be three weeks after filming started. I would be spending a week with him while he worked. He had a scheduled three-day break four weeks after that. Which meant he would fly back home during that time. By then they would be getting into filming out in the middle of nowhere, so we decided to play it by ear at that point because of my work schedule. I had hoped that having those planned visits would give him something to look forward to. A positive distraction to focus on rather than the negative thoughts he said often plagued him.
The morning that he was set to leave, he was a scattered mess. His thoughts were all over the place. He was jumping from one topic to another as he rushed around to make sure he had everything he needed. I felt like he was doing everything he could to not focus on the fact that he was leaving, which was probably a good thing. Both of us seemed to be avoiding that topic directly.
Rylee was traveling with Dieter, so she showed up around an hour before their car arrived to take them to the airport. They went through several checklists to make sure he was all set. I was thankful for that because I had no idea what all he needed. It also helped to keep him distracted.
Before we knew it, their car was out front waiting as they hauled their luggage out. We kept our goodbye brief with a tight embrace and passionate kiss, all while avoiding direct eye contact and not saying a word. We both knew if we lingered too long, one of us would break down. I didn’t want to stress him further, so I knew we needed to avoid that at all costs.
As soon as his car was out of sight, I lost all composure. I couldn’t help it. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it was making me nauseous. I was worried about how he was going to handle this. As I sat on the couch trying to pull myself together, my phone pinged.
DIETER: Love you, mi estrella. I miss you already.
ME: Love you too. I’ll be with you again soon enough. Call me if you need me, please.
DIETER: I promise I will. I’ll text you when we land.
After I calmed down, I turned off everything and locked his house up. I decided to go back to my place for now. I needed to distract myself. When I got home, I went straight to my craft room and started a new project, a painting for Dieter. He had mentioned multiple times that he wanted me to paint one for his house. I felt like this would be the perfect distraction.
I had an image in my mind that I wanted to recreate for him. A reminder of our most intimate experience, but also a reminder of a happier time from his past. I started by covering the canvas with the brilliant colors of the rising sun, before moving on to the more symbolic images that would serve as the focal point of the piece. The images were slowly beginning to take shape as I blended the dark wood colors with gold, green, and white. I got lost in the project, my emotions finally going numb and thoughts going blank as I had intended.
A/N: Hopefully this chapter wasn’t too much of a mess. My concentration has been all over the place this week for whatever reason and it was a struggle.
Anyway, so there we have it. The fallout from the very public argument with Anna. How we feeling about that? Do you think it will create any problems for our lovely couple? Did your feelings change about the Instagram post after their talk? What are your thoughts on the new characters? Do we think something is going on with Lauren, or is Talia overthinking it?
Dieter has officially left to film, which is what everyone has been dreading. How do we think everything that he is currently dealing with is going to affect him? Any predictions on how this is about to go?
What about Talia’s painting? Any predictions on what it might be?
So many things to ponder in this chapter!
I am issuing a warning now. Things are going to start getting a lot rougher going forward. There is going to be some extreme drama and angst building until it finally hits a breaking point due to a major event that’s going to be pretty heart wrenching for everyone. So, be prepared for the crazy journey ahead.
Mood board for this chapter is included below in case you missed the teaser. 😉
Next Chapter
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Tag List: @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @for-a-longlongtime @hisandsnakes @chaoticfestninja @survivingandenduring @partyofone3413 @cakipy-blog @pedrostories @titlee78 @poodlebae @guelyury
Let me know in the comments below if you would like to be added to the tag list.
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aquariclily · 9 months
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🔞 Minors do not interact! 18+ only, & preferably 20+.
⠀General Roleplay Information!
All my blogs are listed here!
I personally prefer long RP stuff to be discussed through messages or Discord as I value OOC trust & communication. However, I'm good with filling in interest checkers as well.
I accept most inbox submissions, even for non-(Tumblr)roleplayers. But please don't expect for literally all inbox replies to turn into threads (though, you can ask.)
I can't consistently cut posts bc I'm generally on my phone & open Tumblr on the app.
I roleplay on both Tumblr & Discord. Discord RP's are a little more prioritized sometimes because it's more easy for me for short/more casual stuff. I'm open to try out other platforms if convenient.
NOTE: I am highly selective with my canons.
⠀Do Not Interact…
— DNI if your blog contains the following: Pedo/Incest/Bestiality/Anything Too Problematic (think of e.g. uncomfy~immoral/illegal taboo stuff, etc.) I really don't care what tf you're into - I just don't want to SEE these things on my dash. (Plus, I also don't want trouble.)
— OOC garbage behavior such as; Racism/Sexism/T.ERF/S.WERF/G.ender critical/M.AP/Z.oosexual/A.lt-right/Any discrimination or insensitivities to marginalized groups/etc. I will block that shit on sight.
— "Collectors". I block collectors on sight. I have terrible experiences with them. I usually block them on sight (for my mental health.) If you want your OC x Canon ship, you must offer double-up or leave me alone. Find some other blog.
— I'll repeat: No minors. Roleplay is for 18+ only, 20+ is preferred (not mandatory. This is because I'm 30+.) However, minors are free to follow my blog(s) if they are SFW. It's just that I don't want to roleplay with them.
— If I blocked you: Don't fucking block evade me!!
Notes: I block very liberally to curate my Tumblr Experience™ (it usually means that I just don't want to interact so don't take a block too personal) & it would be too laboring to fully elaborate on every small thing that just bothers me. (Along on how a lot of people on this website lack basic reading comprehension… not worth it. 🗿)
If you read this. Please don't worry about me blocking you out of the blue, I usually (kindly) confront people if we're mutuals for a while.
I admit that I suffer from trauma (C-PTSD) so curating my experience is very important. I don't want to list my specific triggers because it can be used against me but it's in the range of taboo/extreme stuff (what's in my DNI.)
⠀RP Do's…
— Just wing it. Don't get intimidated, I like casual RP's on Tumblr too. Don't worry too much about length/detail.
— Try to read the Blog/Muse Info's. Not mandatory, but it would be nice. This post is just the general RP rules (hence, it's posted on my main.)
— Be patient. Acknowledge that there is an actual PERSON behind the screen. I am not an AI. Don't treat me like one. I have my preferences, & prefer to stick in my comfort zone. And sometimes I get busy. Sometimes, I just want to do different things. Sometimes, I'm just too tired, moody, sick, or whatever reason. You can ask what's up when in doubt, though. It's fine. I'm just saying that I have a life, my preferences, and that I need my rest.
— Talk OOC, plot stuff, discuss dynamics between our muses, etc. I may fill in interest checkers but I personally prefer to work through messages. Interest checkers don't really work for me on my canons so I no longer do that. I value good OOC communication. This is how you get things done with me.
— If there is a problem, talk it out. Let's acknowledge that we're human and being humans means that we're flawed and we all can have our bad days; I want to keep my mind open and hear you out.
— Give attention, show some excitement; I gravitate to those who seem most interested & express it. Don't worry about ♥/reblog-spam lol, I don't mind. I like the attention.
— Come up with ideas. Talk about our muses & world-building. You could never ever bother me with genuine interest & passion. Passionate writers are admirable.
— If you struggle with coming up with ideas: Ask! I will not mind if you ask, because that indicates that you're interested! Which is a good thing. I'll gladly brainstorm for you.
— Drop threads & start new ones if you lost muse. It's fine.
— Take a break if you need it! ♥
⠀RP Don'ts…
And I can't stress it enough.
— Don't be weird. Respect my boundaries. I am very tired.
— Don't sexualize/romance the muses that are minors or child-coded.
— Don't godmod. Don't try to control my muse without my consent.
— Don't expect me to ship something if we haven't discussed it. Also don't be a jerk if I say "No". I'm still selective. Don't demand me to do double up for ships if I don't see you demand it to others & don't see it in your BYI/RP Rules. (It's unfair to put a double standard to me.)
— Don't disrespect my wishes and preferences in roleplays. I am not an AI that is willing to write literally everything. Don't get mad if my muse isn't going to act the way you want them to. Don't guilt trip me for retiring muses: My muse for things isn't going to stay the same forever.
— Don't pressure me to write things I'm not (or no longer) interested in. When in doubt, just ask. If you don't ask; I guess you'll just stay in doubt then! Sorry.
— Don't make OOC vagueposts & stuff like that. It makes me nervous and worry if it's about me. I also will raise a brow at you if you give OOC drama more attention than roleplay, this can result into me confronting you or even unfollowing you if we're not close enough. Outside that: I actually DO support callouts of genuinely shitty & problematic people with actual/proper evidence! I'd rather not want to end up interacting with e.g. someone who's predatory or weird around minors.
— Don't be afraid to message me!! I'd love to talk.
— Feel free to message me for my Discord if interested. Be sure to have some clear information about yourself somewhere before I add you!
— My status often says that I'm "offline". I want to reply at my own pace.
— Even on Discord, I take my breaks.
⠀⠀♡ this post to confirm that you've read the "General Roleplay Information"!
— Message me if there are any questions! Don't be shy if you don't understand some things.
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fyodors-husband · 2 months
hii can u pls do nsfw or sfw hcs for shibusawa :3?? This man is underrated AS HELL and im sure ive liked every fanfic in this website abt him (there are just like 7) and the most gorgeus too 😭 tysm ill understand if u dont write for him ☹️ have a good day!!
of course anon! I don't think there are any characters I don't write for lmao - I have actually done shibusawa HCs before, but I love him so of course I'll write more!
This will be all sfw for now as im in a fluffy mood today, and shibusawa needs some love :(
CW: tooth rotting fluff. Hair-brushing, cuddling, very close contact, slight OOC, English is not my first language
(Not many warnings today >:), also I will probably make a separate post that's a NSFW HCs / fanfic about him later )
°~•~○~°~•~○_FLUFF BELOW THE CUT_○~•~°~○~•~°
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Very quiet at first, not shy but just dosent engage
It would take a while for him to become interested, and even longer for him to be interested romantically
Once he does he kind of questions himself "why do I like them? What's going on with me? This is strange"
Its not like he hasn't had crushes or relationships before
Just not very often as no one is interesting to him
You would but also wouldn't realize he likes you, on one hand he never shows it on his face, but he'll start bringing you gifts, offering to do things for you
If you end up asking him out he will say yes
If you don't end up asking him out he'll eventually get bored and fed up and probably just consider you dating, if you ask he'll say "we've been dating for three months now?" (He's a little toxic like that but we love him)
Like you know what he's talking about 😭
if you end up staying I his room you'll eventually sleep together, in the beginning of the night he'll litterally sleep om the opposite side of the bed
If you ask to cuddle he'll just straight up say "no."
But in the morning you wake up with him basically ontop of you
If it's an accident or on purpose? You'll never know
if he woke up before you, he might stay there just watching you, depending on his mood
Scares the shit out of you when you wake up because he's basically staring like "😐"
not very emotionally expressive, very much prefers to show his love through gifts and acts of service
If you give him a gift back he'll have a terribly hard time trying to accept it
Hes the type of guy who thinks that you deserve the world but dosent know how to show it at all
Youll never really know what he actually thinks, as long as he's there with you though he still loves you
Takes alot for him to be comfortable with PDA and such
The most you'll get in public is holding hands and that's only ever infront of "close friends" so to speak
He takes very good care of his hair and he WILL expect the same from you
If you can't do it yourself he will do it for you, finds it comforting in a strange way
He likes to braid alot, even if your hair is short he'll find a way
If it's to short for a braid and it dosent need to be brushed he'll run his hands through / over it
Always comes up with an excuse as to why he has to do it though
He loves you alot but he just never shows it in convential ways :,)
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I love him he's so pretty
Thank you for reading, likes and reblogs help!
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wonryllis · 4 months
wahhh perfect timing thank you so much for letting us come to you for help 🥲
is it possible to write and do everything on mobile tumblr even if it's inconvenient? i'm a new writer and i really want to do all what other writers on here are able to do (like the formatting and all those aesthetics i suppose!) but i'm worried i'd specifically need to have a laptop to publish my works as proper as theirs, but since i don't have one i'll have to make do 😞 you seem to be knowledgeable about it so i want to know if it's possible to do everything on the mobile tumblr (just with a little more hassle, but possible nonetheless!) or should i try website tumblr on mobile? i'm afraid it would refresh any time though and i lose progress 😵‍💫
how do people do the wordcounts? i can never seem to get the hang of it, do they write their work somewhere where words can be counted or does tumblr already have that feature that i don't know of? bc if so, i don't know any apps for that (all i really have is my phone TT) and if it's okay, can you perhaps let me in on what you use for it or alternatives on the phone, please? (i'm really a newbie with tumblr and all🥲but i want to be able to navigate it expertly soon :))
i have also noticed that some writers do not have a cut to their work, like you know the 'keep reading' button? yes, i had this fic in my likes that had 30k wordcount and no cut at all and i had one heck of a time scrolling through my likes to find some things whenenever i come across that fic 😭😭😭 i thought that tumblr automatically cuts your work if it gets quite long, but it seems to be done manually if i'm not wrong? 😀
you seem to be the perfect person to ask these questions to so i hope you don't feel bothered by how much i've just blurted out :')
oh yes let's go bubbles it's time for me to shine^ㅁ^you have found the PERFECT person for these questions!!
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you're welcome love, you can come to me anytime you have any queries i'd love to help!! it's totally okay and don't worry with time you will be able to expertly have your way around the app it's not that hard! and like i said you can always ask for help, if not me then someone else. and no you did not bother me at all <33
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( 001. ) i dare say close to all of that formatting, aesthetics, writing and literally everything a blog needs is 100% possible just using the mobile tumblr!
i personally have never used the laptop for my tumblr besides just looking through my notifs when my phone is on charge. i legit do everything single thing from my phone, even the writing.
though i would say some things require you going back and forth with the web tumblr but it's okay cause it's not like an everyday thing.
things you can do on the mobile app: writing, post layouts(the three picture thing, different fonts, dividers, read more line thing), add the links(in posts), asks(answer and send including pictures and links and anonymous), change your description(including colors and fonts), change your background and accent colors, change your profile picture, queue, schedule and reblog posts, making side blogs and literally anything besides those mentioned below.
things you can not do on mobile tumblr and hence have to use the web tumblr: using colors(including gradient) for your fonts besides the default colors allowed on the app(you have to do it through html post editor available on the web tumblr post editor options), adding links in your description, blocking someone from your side blog, checking your activity status as in how many followers or notes you gained in a day or week or month, mass post editing(which is like editing the tags of multiple posts at once this one you need the laptop!) and that's all i can think of for now but it's the main things.
the chances of losing progress on tumblr is possible whether you use mobile app tumblr, mobile web tumblr or laptop tumblr. best thing is to use your google docs to write and then copy paste it to tumblr at the time of posting.
( 002. ) bingo! you are correct. tumblr does not have the feature to show the word count so writers do use different apps for it. google docs has the word count feature and i use it for my longer fics, wattpad also has the word count feature so for my headcanons and reactions i usually use wattpad.
( 003. ) this one is a bit complicated in a sense, let me explain it in small steps. so when you publish something you always have the option of putting the keep reading cut anywhere you want.
tumblr has this thing where under a specific tag, let's say enhypen imagines tag, in order to not clog up the dash of that specific tag it automatically adds the keep reading if your keep reading cut shows more than what tumblr allows. however all the other places like if anyone has liked it or rebloged it, the post will appear as originally or as presently the post is formatted.
so if in your likes that post is showing the entire fic it means the writer has not added the keep reading cut anywhere. but when you search up the enhypen imagines tag and find the same fic it will show a keep reading cut as per tumblr's rules.
this is the button for the read more option!
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boydepartment · 2 years
Pizza Parlor- Lee Felix: Chapter 8.5
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Description: Y/n is a stressed-out college student who has no idea what she is doing with her life. She is always wrapped up in nostalgia and her friends seem to know exactly what they're doing. Feeling insecure one night she decides to go on an old website. Club Penguin. Little does she know; she would encounter a certain penguin who was also having a rough night.
Stray Kids are idols, TXT is not.
Partial smau, mainly written.
Warnings for chapter 8.5: cursing!
WC- 50
back next
Song for Chapter 8.5: Scrawny - Wallows
Chapter 8.5: Happy Dance
Felix was truly over the moon, when you ended the call yesterday (well now a couple days ago??) saying you had to go on your trip to Seoul he almost threw up. BUT NOW he was over the moon. He gets to see you, her, Y/N, REALBOBFROMANIMALCROSSING, JOONSGF. He had to be prepared, like genuinely prepared. He saw the time on his phone, 12:43am. Quickly hopping out of bed he threw a pair of sweats on and a big jacket. He threw a beanie on over his now blond hair? Honestly, he didn’t know how that happened the staff just did it. Felix wasn’t complaining though.
He almost fell putting his shoes on and he rushed out, he had to be prepared, okay.
Wait, was this a date? Or just a meeting?
Shit he should’ve ASKED!
Okay either way, something nice right?
He walked out in the cold air and rushed to the nearest store that was open this late at night. He needed flowers, SHIT HE SHOULD MAKE BROWNIES! Quickly Felix grabbed whatever he needed. When he was done, he plopped it down on the counter, the cashier looked at him then sighed tiredly. Felix rushed home and quickly put water in a random bowl he could find then got the flowers situated.
Okay good, now time to bake. He was digging for the pans and then popped back up from behind the island.
                “Holy shit you scared me.” Minho said, “what the hell is going on?”
Felix’s silly little grin almost instantly gave it away, they all knew about this trip Y/n was so busy saving up for because Felix would complain about not getting to see her due to it.
                “Holy shit.” Minho said dumbfounded.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Taglist: @bloofairyfox @yellowroses-world @g4m3girl @forevrglow @nepytune @rensimps @curly-fr13s @amara-mars
Taglist is always open :) if I ever accidentally leave out a tag please just remind me. I have horrible goldfish memory.
Author's note: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the love this story has gotten recently!!! I have gotten a lot of love and comments and reblogs and I am just so happy everyone enjoys it! I pinky promise the next chapter is def gonna be good good!!! Heheheh!! I am going to try and finish the couple projects I mentioned yesterday this week, not the full blown fic but some of the little side series! That'll probably require another masterlist but idk we will cross that bridge when we get there.
Chapter 9 is completed it just has to be proof read and then I need to decide on some other things regarding this fic! Sorry that this .5 was so short, I had to fit something in for this hehe and I thought it was cute <3
Today is a slow college week so I will definitely have time to work on my projects here on Tumblr, I am so very excited to say the least.
I hope everyone is doing fantastic! Remember to eat and drink a lot of water! That is very important! If you can try to do some stretches! It feels really nice to stretch and crack lol
If any of you need anything my dms and ask box are always open <3
I love you!
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frostbite-the-bat · 10 months
what do you do in petz + how the fuck is spam tong in petz
ok, so! petz, or in this case, PF Magic Petz specifically, is an old, OLD pet simulator game from the 90s! it's made to run on doo-doo potato computers, and uses it's own wacky technonogy called, and bear with me, "ballz", to render the pet models.
there's other games by pf magic, but we'll focus on petz. before they became stinky ubisoft petz. (ubisoft bought petz) nono ignore that. this is PURE FUCKIN' MAGIC PETZ! (thats what pf stands for)
you adopt a dog or a cat... and you take care of it! and unlike most modern pet sims - your pet truly has a personality of its own. for the game's age it's actually surprisingly complex, and the community is finding new things each year! i believe just last year (or two years ago??) we found out petz have FAVORITE COLORS.
each pet is unique in their own way!! signature animations, favorite foods, what relationships they have with other petz, how you've trained them... one pet may love being fed cheese, while the other may not.
of course there's also personalities for each breed, as each breed has it's own personality. i can't explain this one well, so give this a read!
i used to play petz a lot more back then, nowadays i just check in on it sometimes, but the genuine connection you may get to feel towards your silly guys is real.
fun fact i only adopt cats. i dont do my breeding from scratch but the guys i adopt from other people or PUGS (petz universal game site) (i hope i got that right) i dont like the sounds dogs make. i still need to finish graphics for all my cats. heres some of them. i love them.
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what really makes this game is the community! it's a small, but surprisingly lively and friendly community! many of these people may even be twice your age, enjoying this silly pet game online with everyone, it's wonderful! the game is very moddable, and people make their own breeds, toys, areas... anything you think of, it can be put in this game with enough time and creativity!
some people make realistic, breeds, and some people make Silly Guys! like me for example! i'm really into fan-made media petz! it's how i got into the game, after all! i've made some hexied (modded petz) of my own!
ralsei is my best example. gif taken from my site
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also, most people around the petz community have their own websites! for their downloads, shows, or to show off their petz!! what you can do is endless. i made my site because of that, though it's in constant disrepair and i SWEAR one day i will move to neocities.
and yes!! shows!! people do shows!! you can pose and take pictures of your petz and it'S actually a very pixel precise thing, trying to get your pet to do a show pose! people do these shows on forums and even give each other little graphic trinkets like badges!!
speaking of graphics... STAMPS!! petz fans love stamps!! i collect some, too, but my collection isnt as impressive as some other people.
people even have stamps for their own sites, that's where these come from!!
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already creeping to petz spamton, dont worry!
but about petz hexing, i wanna give a shout out to the skinstealer system at the bad_death site. i admire their work so much. check it out!!! i reblog their things sometimes. (well..on my petz blog but i'll start doing so here, too)
Well. you prolly werent there for it but petz spamton took some places of the internet by storm and OH BOY WAS IT BOTH REALLY COOL BUT ALSO VERY TIRING SOMETIME. im not the creator, i do not take credit, however i am partially responsible as that entity was created on my server. (after my friends talked about the reanimated joshua and the promised land video from saberspark - its a big collab and we talked about the people who worked on it. one of them was Moonkitti who has a petz profile picture. i then left the convo but my friend who i wont name so they feel comfy <3 remembered petz and had the wonderful idea of Modding Spamton Into It.)
petz spamton doesnt look like this anymore its had many updates. (you can see the history on my spamtons as id update a new one and keep it with certain updates!! for example otterpop doesnt have colored paw pads, but mango does.) but this is the original. i had an og adopted as well but i lost it </3 BACK UP YOUR FILES BACK UP YOUR FILES BACK UP YOUR FILES BACK UP YOUR FILES. I MISS YOU CHEESE-TON.
and WELL.. PEOPLE LIKED THIS MOD...! much much fanart... and even some drama uh oh please people dont sexualize feral animals. thanks. go to hell and die. it was both very fun but as you can imagine it got overwhelming especially for my friend so i am keeping them anonymous!! they do have a sideblog for petz just named "petzspamton" if you want to see The Og.
it got many people into petz!! it was wonderful to see people discover this old game. hell! even i got into it this way! though as trends are, they usually go away eventually. i stay however because im ill. hashtag number one spamton pet breeder. dont take it the wrong way. i like spamton mixies.
oh yeah! the breeding in this game! SURPRISINGLY VERY COMPLEX. WONT BE GETTING INTO IT. but! two petz can have a baby! including modded petz! it can create Monstrosities. but some are niceys! i like both the cursed ones because funny but also getting some niceys to keep :) i have many mixed spamtons!!
for example iceshock (white) and creature! (grey)
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the possibilities truly are endless !!
but yeah. the hype died down but its always funny meeting people, talking about interests, we get to deltarune. I mention petz, then they say oh yeah petz spamton i know that AND THEN THEY REALIZE WHO I AM "YOU MADE THAT SPAMTON VIDEO" BRUH IT HAS 4K VIEWS ONLY LIKE HOW DO YOU FIND THIS SHIT . THIS HAPPENED ONCE OVER SOMEONE I MET ON A FUCKING CLUB PENGUIN PRIVATE SERVER. i do not like micro fame but oh my god this shit is always so fucking insane and funny to me i love it i love being a fucking cryptid. BUT ANYWAYS
things layed dormant. petz spamton server dead as hell. my own server #living tho #gaming #swag #iamruinbornaftonialwayscomeback.
but man if i may get goopy orizfhhguguughh ill be fr height of petz spamton hype got Tiring .im sosososos glad the server we had for it was tiny as hell and secret because MAN. URUGHH
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cyncerity · 2 years
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I posted 482 times in 2022
360 posts created (75%)
122 posts reblogged (25%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 456 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#cyncerity - 345 posts
#mcyt gt - 278 posts
#mcyt g/t - 274 posts
#dad’s troubles au - 92 posts
#not g/t - 67 posts
#tw vore - 57 posts
#cyn art - 51 posts
#cynshitpost - 43 posts
#g/t - 29 posts
#store shifter au - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#don’t forget how much you and this community mean to him even now cause i’m damn sure wherever he is he’s watching all this go down hskslsh
My Top Posts in 2022:
this took three days but i’m actually really happy with it? that never happens??
anyway, feel free to send asks for this au, i think by now we know that i’m thinking about it too much, but i hope you like these!
also click for better quality
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See the full post
131 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Steddie stranger things borrower au is all I need and want in my depressing life
just for you 💖
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The nickname “big boy” just became twice as flirty jokingly mocking
133 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
this isn’t my usual content but i could not rest until i drew this
this is kinda a “secret world of arriety” type au (if you’ve ever read “the borrower” or “the littles” book series, think of those) but with stranger things!
idk how much i’ll do with the idea cause stranger things isn’t my main hyperfixation, but i’m in love with this idea
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See the full post
156 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
This was based off of an instagram meme that i think was made for women over the age of 50, but when vore inspiration strikes, you have to do something.
So, here’s this!! I may make this a series, I may not, but it may depend on if y’all even like this story or not lol
so without further ado, here’s some crimeboys noms >:)
tw: kinda implied mentions of neglect/abuse, swearing, and vore
He had to get away. Tommy couldn’t stay another day in this damn house, he felt like he was suffocating. He had to leave, somehow.
All of his things were already packed. The little he had was stored in various bags he had stolen from the attic when the thought of running away had first occurred to him. When he had first realized that he couldn’t stay in this shithole any longer.
Now to think of where. That had been his main concern. Hotels were too expensive, and god knows he didn’t have any friends who would let him stay with them.
Which left him with one option, though he was dreading it.
A few months ago, a new app had been created. A way to book “unique” temporary living arrangements with giants. It was part of some weird initiative to get humans and giants to get along better, and had fully stapled itself to the claims that some humans who lived with giants made about how being eaten could be “relaxing.”
That’s right, as awful an idea as this seemed to Tommy and almost everyone else, there was now a way to book what could qualify as the worlds weirdest airbnb within giants. Literally. Apparently some giants were completely ok with random humans using their organs as a weekend get away, because there were plenty on the app for Tommy to scroll through. And scroll he did.
He had realized a while ago that this may be the cheapest option, and had gone through the website for hours until he had found someone. Early 20s, no criminal record that he could find with a limited google search, good reviews that he could tell were mostly from humans friends that he had, but the man seemed nice enough. He ignored the paranoia that told him that this man was only cheap because he would lure Tommy to his death. That the moment he and Tommy met, it would be over, and he’d be just another missing and forgotten person. Another victim to a random giant where there’d be no proof of his death and nothing to-
No, he couldn’t afford to think like that. This had to work. And, besides, was it really worth still living if he had to be at this house any longer? As much as he hated himself for thinking it, he’d rather let this stranger be the death of him than spend another second with his abusive shit family.
Tommy had messaged him once or twice and had paid him once already just to settle the deal. He ignored the feeling of dread in his gut every time he even thought about the giant, but he couldn’t help but be nervous. After all, this man would be holding his life in him until he got his shit together enough to at least get a job. He didn’t know how long that would be, but he needed to be practically untraceable. He couldn’t risk his family finding him. He couldn’t risk being taken back home.
He sent one final text to the man about where to meet. He knew it was late, but he had warned him in advance that he was probably gonna get a text in the middle of the night, so he slowly crept out of his window and, seeing that the coast was clear, ran, not looking back.
He would never look back.
Tommy had arrived at the meetup spot and had been waiting for 30 minutes and, still, no sign of the giant. Ok, now that he thought about it, maybe this did seem a little suspicious. Supposing the giant was a normal ass man, getting a text saying “meet me in an abandoned Tesco parking lot” was a weird thing to receive at 2:45 in the morning. But, again, Tommy was shooting to be untraceable. He couldn’t risk anyone seeing him or his giant. Could he call this stranger “his giant?” Whatever. Tommy knew his family. He didn’t want other people to get hurt, but he couldn’t do this alone. Even if it was a stranger, he needed help.
Tommy just sat and kept thinking, thoughts spiraling into what he would do if the giant never showed up, if he actually had to do this by himself, when the ground began to shake. Tommy quickly stood up and had to strain his neck looking up to see the giant approach. And, holy shit, this fucker was tall.
Tommy had never met a giant before. Hell, almost no humans had. But from what he knew, they shouldn’t be this tall. He felt his knees begin to shake and his palms sweat as he took in the full size and image of the monster that he had hired to eat him. He had fluffy brown hair, wire rimmed glasses and a yellow sweater with a brown puffer jacket on and, weirdly enough, had a mask covering his mouth. He seemed to be hunched over, looking around for what Tommy could only assume to be him, pulling his red-brown beanie further over his head almost nervously. His eyes frantically scanned the empty lot until he found him, where he quickly made his way over as Tommy stumbled back, falling onto the ground and shaking violently from the cold and fear.
“There you are!!” the giant said, “Tommy, right? I’ve been looking all over for you! What were you thinking making this the meetup spot?!”
Tommy could barely speak. It felt like his head had been stuck in a freezer, his throat frozen and his mind muddled and cloudy, unable to form a response. “I-I..it….i- it was c- close…” he whimpered, stumbling back farther. The giant only then seemed to notice Tommy’s fear as he sighed and knelt down, trying to be more eye level as he spoke quieter. “It’s ok, kid. Fuck, you’re younger than I thought you’d be. You mean it’s close to your house, right?” Tommy nodded hesitantly and Wilbur continued. “Thought so. You probably didn’t want to haul your stuff all the way to the giant side. It’s just…i’m not technically allowed to be here.” Tommy looked up at him, confused, his breath slowing and his panic was subsiding now that the giant wasn’t towering over him and scanning the grounds for him like a fucking predator hunting it’s prey. The giant must’ve noticed his confusion, as he continued. “This isn’t a mutual territory. If i get caught here, i could get in a lot of trouble. I tried texting and calling you to tell you, given that humans don’t know a lot about the laws giants have to follow, but you weren’t responding, so i figured i’d just come and make this quick before the cops notice me.” He said. Ah, so that’s what the surgical mask was for. So the cops couldn’t recognize him. He held out a finger to Tommy, and he tried not to think about how this singular finger was taller than his whole body. “I’m Wilbur, by the way, i don’t think i ever introduced myself.” Tommy shuffled closer and grabbed the tip of the finger in an awkward attempt at a handshake. “I-I’m Tommy.”
“As nice as it is to meet you, you seem really nervous. First time?” Tommy nodded again, miraculously feeling less nervous by the second. Something about this guy, maybe his calming voice or how much more human he was than Tommy assumed he’d be, made Tommy trust him.
Or maybe it was the fact that this was the first time in a long time he had been treated with kindness. His family was barely decent to him, so this was a nice change, if an unexpected one.
“First time meeting a giant, actually.” “No offense, I can kind of tell.” Wilbur said, though there was no judgement in his voice. “Y’know, you don’t have to do this now. We could always resched-“ “No!!” Tommy shouted, interrupting the giant. “No, no, I want to, I have to, I’m out of options, please.” At that, Wilbur began to look concerned. “Tommy what do you mean ‘out of options?’ Are you ok? Do you need help?” “This is my help! Sure, maybe I’m a little bit fucking terrified, but i have nowhere else to go. I- I can’t go back, please, please, Wilby.” Tommy finished, the nickname naturally rolling off his tongue like he had known the giant his whole life. Wilbur looked at him with a vague look of concern and pity before bringing one of his giant fingers closer to Tommy’s face. Tommy didn’t even have time to react before it gently swiped across his cheek, wiping away tears he didn’t even know he had shed. “Ok, ok, i’ll help, it’s alright.” He said, giving Tommy a warm smile (he assumed; his eyes scrunched up a little near the outer edges, which seemed like a good sign he was smiling) that only slightly hid the concern still plastered on his face. And though Tommy still couldn’t see most of the aforementioned face, his eyes portrayed everything Tommy needed. Wilbur wore his heart on his sleeve; he liked that.
Tommy could have sobbed in relief as Wilbur’s words fully sunk in. He was going to get away, and the thought of finally being free was enough to drown out any more fears of what was about to happen. Wilbur then reached behind him and grabbed some of his bags, which looked ridiculously minuscule in his hand, as he brought them up to his mouth before pausing. “Do you want to go down first or do you want me to do to do these? For some people, it can be a bit nerve racking to see me swallow something first.” Tommy thought about it, then shook his head. It’s not like he wanted to see his few meager possessions disappear down the throat of a giant, especially knowing he’d have to join them, but he wasn’t gonna chicken out now. He just needed a few seconds to collect himself, and what Wilbur did with his bags in that time was none of his business.
Wilbur calmly lifted the bags back up, all of them at the same time, and slipped them under his mask. Within a few seconds, Tommy saw a vague outline slip down Wilbur’s throat, bobbing his addam’s apple a bit as they descended to where Tommy would be staying for a short while…maybe he should have gone first.
It all reminded him of a nature documentary he had seen on snakes once; he could see the outline of some poor rodent slowly trail down the snake to its final resting place.
Tommy tried not to think about that last part. After all, he’d be fine. He wasn’t prey, not to Wilbur, anyway. To his family…maybe. Not like they mattered anymore, though.
Tommy felt giddy enough at that thought that he stepped forward towards Wilbur as he watched the man press against his midsection gently, presumably to make sure Tommy’s bags had ended up in the right organ. After that confirmation, Wilbur looked back down, setting his hand palm up next to Tommy. “You ready for this, big man?” Tommy grinned at the nickname, at the way Wilbur treated him. Like a person; an equal. He grinned so hard it almost hurt. “Ready as i’ll ever be.”
Tommy felt himself be lifted and watched as Wilbur used his free hand to lift his mask just enough for Tommy to fit under and into his mouth. Tommy quickly found a perch on his lip and tried to climb in the rest of the way himself before realizing holy shit oh prime good fucking god his teeth were sharp. Wilbur made muffled cry of concern as his hand came back up under Tommy as he stumbled a bit. But, after the initial shock of the teeth being way sharper than he thought, Tommy managed to climb in the rest of the way successfully.
See the full post
182 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the last post did so much better than expected! i’m genuinely really surprised, thanks for all the support on my short little shitty comic hsjsksl
Anyway, here’s pt. 2!!
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188 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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ohworm-writes · 2 years
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I posted 380 times in 2022
205 posts created (54%)
175 posts reblogged (46%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 238 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#worm.txt - 145 posts
#worm.answ - 103 posts
#worm.rbs - 31 posts
#anon.com/🐍 - 23 posts
#1000 follower event - 14 posts
#wilcza.com/my-dear - 13 posts
#one year event - 13 posts
#1 year event - 13 posts
#navigation - 12 posts
#navi - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if you have a different idea for the personalized little tag i do then you can dm it to me so i can have that unique tag all set for you :)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just saw the movie about- what, 30 minutes ago? Oh. My. Gods. Above. This is the only thing I will be talking about for the next 3 weeks.
I’m already in the middle of planning a fic (read: I’m insane). HOWEVER, this being said, the fic will be posted within the next few days.
Someone has to help feed this fandom as it grows. ;-) See you soon, and remember! Don’t talk to strangers…
178 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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295 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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Pairing: Jschlatt x Gn!Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Minimal cursing
Synopsis: Fall is in full swing in you and your boyfriend’s shared home. So, that means some baking is in order, yes?
Word Count: 1.3k
Author’s Note: Miss me? Here’s a little something to give you a taste. I’m back.
See the full post
419 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
This whole situation is almost ironic to me. See, a few days ago I was sitting in my room and the thought of Techno came to mind. It was random, I’ll be honest, as I haven’t thought about him since April. But anyways, I wondered, you know, “How long has it been since he uploaded?” “I wonder where he is/ what’s he doing now”.
But, most importantly: “I hope he’s okay.”
I was at a party yesterday when I got the news. We were watching some movie and I wasn’t at all paying attention to it, so I went to TikTok to pass the time. And then I saw it. Someone uploaded a video saying something along the lines of “I hope this isn’t real”.
So, I checked what happened, and there it was.
My friend came over to talk and checked his phone and then he saw it and we were just speechless. I couldn’t process it until the car ride back, where I started tearing up and then fully sobbing when I got home.
I started rewatching videos as I cried myself to sleep, and then I woke up this morning and it started all over again. And while it hasn’t stopped, I have to continue to remind myself to be strong because this goofball was my inspiration! So much of myself is taken from him and I constantly have to remind myself that “It’ll be fineeee.”
I’m not okay, but really nobody else within this fandom is right now, I know that. But we have to be strong, as much time as it’ll take.
Cancer dies with the person it takes, so even here he didn’t lose: a draw, if you will. We’ll learn to be okay, however long it’ll take. And it’ll take a lot of time, believe me, but we’ll be okay.
Everything is within his calculations.
683 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I need more people to write for The Black Phone like- I’m at the point where if nobody will do it in the next 5 seconds, I will.
There are 2 fics over the course of any website I can find for it, and I swear to the gods above I KNOW the movies doesn’t come out for another few weeks but PLEASE!
Like- we can all agree that he’s hot, right? It’s not just a small group of people, right?
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You guys get it, right?
Edit: Let’s acknowledge this character was based off of John Wayne Gacy and it has been stated in interviews that this character would be a pedophile. I can’t tell you who you can’t and can simp or obsess over, but I’d like anyone reading this to take in these facts. This post was made before the film debuted and before I knew who this character was based off of, and in no way do I support or condone it. I’ve since left this fandom of sorts, and while I do find Ethan Hawke attractive, I can no longer say the same for this character.
843 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
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freedominthecircus · 1 year
So there was a post I reblogged a while back (In fact it was this particular post here) that got me really thinking and I wanted to muse a little bit.
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I know some people have hangups on the use of actual spell chants when it comes to casting - I've read it myself when I find myself bored and delve into the general Witchblr tag. Whether it be cringy, or some just flat-out don't believe in it; It got me thinking about my relationship to casting and why I believe that those simple lines my mouth forms and the time it takes is important.
For a TLDR if you don't want to read the original post (though I do recommend it cause literally anyone on this website is more well-put together & more eloquent than I): They are talking about medieval medicine and the impact a prayer had in telling how much time was needed to use an abrasive paste on a wound. It devolves into more interesting information - but what sticks with me is the telling of time involved, and how much substitution I personally allow myself within my own craft.
When it comes to the actual speaking of words, I've rarely ever done it. I've always lived with others, so I drew up with the thought processes of never wanting to bother them that continues to this day even with my husband. I don't want to be heard - so I always figured if I could transform the words into energy instead that it would be a good enough replication of what the original writer would have wanted.
Now I'm thinking along the lines of time, especially when it comes to spells that may even proceed the 1900s. Have the reasons those spells have not worked before wasn't because of a lack of focus or energy: maybe it was because I didn't give it the correct amount of time to manifest  vis-à-vis the time it takes to say the spell.
Does the time it take to say those words have any effect on the spell? Does that stew bundle of herbs need 30-something-odd seconds to jot down on a timer somewhere, or wouldn’t it just simply be easier to recite the spell twice like it tells you to?
With this kind of realization, I'm also smacking myself in the face for not realizing it a lot sooner. Like - I'm pretty rigid in the ingredients I use for spells. There are some things that I believe whole-heartedly that you need to make a spell work and no substitution or energy equivalent would be enough. Why wouldn't I consider time to be the same way?
I'm not sure (I've had a little spirits tonight) and I would love to hear others thoughts on this and their take and such?
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faizablog1 · 2 years
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I posted 1 time in 2022
That's 1 more post than 2021!
1 post created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 1 of my posts in 2022
#earn passive income online - 1 post
#make money today - 1 post
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#earn passive income online
My Top Posts in 2022:
How can I earn real money online? Making money online can be a lot more complicated than it looks. There are a lot of different ways you can earn real money, but most require some degree of work. Here are four ways to earn extra cash and make some money while doing something you love. How can I earn 1000 rupees a day online?
The Internet has helped people to earn a lot of money and the best part is that it is easy to earn huge amounts of money if you have knowledge and skills. There are several ways how one can earn 1000 rupees a day online, it all depends on you, and everything depends on your attitude and discipline.
You can earn 1000 rupees a day online if you want by clicking on the banner below. In just a few clicks, create your account and start earning money today!
How can I make $100 online?
How can I make $100 online? For one thing, there are lots of ways to make a living online. You might be interested in selling an item or service, such as teaching a class, or maybe you have some kind of creative talent that could be used to help others. You can make $100 online by using your computer to do things that take a lot of time. For example, if you play video games or listen to music while you surf the Internet, it takes a lot of time and effort. You can make $100 by advertising products and services you have for sale. If you have something worth selling, such as books or other types of products, people will often pay good money for what they want. To sell them whatever it is that you want to sell, create a website listing your products with links to more information about each item on your site. Post ads in forums that attract people who are interested in what you’re selling and enter contests on websites that offer chances to win free tickets or gifts.
How can I make 1000 a day?
To make 1000 a day, you can set up a shop and sell your product on online platforms. There are free websites that help sellers to setup their online stores and sell products online. You can also look for bloggers who can help promote your products to the huge audience.
If you know the buttons to press and which ones to avoid, then you can make a lot of money fast! I will teach you how to make 1000 a day. I am confident that within 30 days with me, you'll be making up to $20,000 in your first few months.
Get more sales and instant traffic to your website with this template. Create an adsense account and place your ads on these pages. The ideas below can be used to create hundreds of sale pages and 15-20 different products, aimed at new customers that are ready to buy just one product, so they can start making money in minutes!
Well, to increase your earnings, you need to first identify what makes it worthwhile for you to earn 1000 a day. Is it a good work-life balance? Do you like your job? Does the income growth meet your needs? And most importantly, do you enjoy coming to work everyday?
0 notes - Posted December 16, 2022
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I posted 11,882 times in 2022
562 posts created (5%)
11,320 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,799 of my posts in 2022
#mine - 83 posts
#yearning - 80 posts
#important - 79 posts
#this - 45 posts
#jia shitposts - 40 posts
#prev - 38 posts
#i- - 38 posts
#heartstopper spoilers - 34 posts
#yes - 26 posts
#shitpost - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#during the end of 3 idiots when piya and rancho kiss its like kaisi movies dekhte ho tum log band karo isse aaj ke baad kabhi ni dekhna ye
My Top Posts in 2022:
so i'm making this kind of a masterpost of all the masterposts i could find here, so its easier for me to find them in case i need them. i made it for me cuz saving imp posts on drafts was making it difficult to sort it out, but you guys can save this too. if you find any post missing, please add it:)) also these posts are NOT MINE. im just copying the links and pasting them here. please keep in mind these have really serious triggering stuff and really non serious stuff too
(red is for really important, sensitive, emergency, or health related stuff, green is for really important but not that emergency stuff)
what to do if you're having a heart attack and you're alone
how to tell if your drink has been spiked
tips that can save your child from getting harassed or worse
chemicals that should not be mixed in any way or ✨death✨
its okay to leave uncomfortable situations
something adorable that will make you happy
crisis text line
deadpool teaches you how to tell the symptoms of abnormalities in your man berries(or woman berries but the berries down there)
please dont kill yourself . do this instead
facts that can save your life
these are MAP (pedo) flags people. stay away .
you are important
dealing with the worst case scenario
what to do if you fall in an ice hole
8 rules of writing
how to start a fic rec blog
awesome playlists
some piracy websites lists. fuck capitalism
sfw sex education sites
if you're having a bad day or night
does the dog die website evolving!
how to do emergency cleaning
studying tips
how to deal with anxiety
important. for safety
anti anxiety
app that can help you avoid self harm
how to make origami butterfly page markers
See the full post
1,096 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
okay great now im imagining walker saying "im not saying hello to a poodle " and annabeth saying "percy, i said hello to the poodle. you say hello to the poodle " and then walker scobell saying hello to the poodle
2,014 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
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Malte Gardinger as August and Sebastian Croft as Ben hating their characters is one of the biggest moods ever
2,460 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
He's a 10 but he hasn't got the patronage of Lady Catherine De Bourgh
3,253 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
list of things that are special today-
22/2/22 (all twos)
22/02/2022 (PALINDROME)
22/2/22 on a tuesday (two-s day)
34,321 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
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thespackster · 2 years
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I posted 9,562 times in 2022
That's 4,744 more posts than 2021!
120 posts created (1%)
9,442 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,427 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#fur - 8,988 posts
#.gif - 302 posts
#fav - 150 posts
#pokemon - 129 posts
#.txt - 77 posts
#smoking - 67 posts
#ask - 41 posts
#.mp4 - 35 posts
#among us - 30 posts
#anon - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#the closest thing to hate mail is someone personally dming me that they blocked me for following and reblogging from another tumblr user
My Top Posts in 2022:
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what did you just call me
suit by aeluromancy!
52 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
For my artists who are new to tumblr!
i wanna help you by giving you the basics for posting your art!
tag your art posts!! I mean it! If you want visibility on your art! TAG IT. Some tags hold more weight than others in the fact that people search specific tags for the same thing! Example: a furry tag I feel have worked best for me is sfw furry, but I also tag other ones like furry art, clean furry, anthro, anthro art, furry, etc! sfw furry is one of the first five tags usually on my art post! experimentation with tags will help you figure out which ones work best for you! I know I have my own set of tags I like to look through!
Queuing / Art Dump / Formatting
So some of you will have ALOT of art to post! you CAN choose to dump it all at once, but what I may recommend is to queue it up! It avoids spamming and makes your more visible in the tags! you'll keep popping up at the top of the recently posted in tags so folks who just start browsing dont have to scroll as far down! As for your followers, it seems like you more active! posting everything at once and disappearing will look like you abandon the site every so often. queuing it up or doing little burst rounds every once in awhile makes you look more active on the site! Also if you have a bunch of the same kind of art, say YCH or Icons! Format them nicely! I'm talking about have four of the pieces in one post and queue that up as a post! even if it's similar pieces this can work really well! folks here on tumblr LOVE it when you format thoughtfully! you can make it look very nice or you can make it comically atrocious! making it look nice is the SAFER bet!
tumblr has very few algorithms, this ones important bc it's what skyrocketed my own blog: engage. with. other. folks. SERIOUSLY. reblog other's art, leave replies, browse tags, like posts. While tumblr's algorithm is nonexistant on the feed. it does track who you engage with. doing stuff like this will have tumblr recognize your blog and recommend your blog on other blogs it finds similiar. even on tags. ik if you browse the sfw furry tag, mine does show up! and by going to friend's blogs, ill occasionally pop up as on of the "blogs like this one". you dont need to be specific on how you do this other than stay within your interests. actually using the website helps you get off the ground, its algorithms are not fighting against you here.
tumblr is a very different beast from twitter, but fairly straight forward and much friendlier to artists. this is what's worked for me personally. TLDR: To find success in tumblr: tag your posts, spread out your posts, make your posts look nice, and actually engage with other folks here.
57 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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i painted my own skate deck and promptly got called a gay furry at my local skate park ❤
760 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
*comes up to you*
*ˢ ⁿ ᶦ ᶠ ᶠ ˢ ⁿ ᶦ ᶠ ᶠ ˢ ⁿ ᶦ ᶠ ᶠ ˢ ⁿ ᶦ ᶠ ᶠ ˢ ⁿ ᶦ ᶠ ᶠ *
935 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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sometimes all you need is the least amount of weasel
2,250 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ifridiot · 2 years
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I posted 8,089 times in 2022
70 posts created (1%)
8,019 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 442 of my posts in 2022
#tagged for me - 27 posts
#luce writes - 23 posts
#tyler bait - 13 posts
#frank castle - 10 posts
#uuu - 10 posts
#wade wilson - 10 posts
#cable - 9 posts
#nathan summers - 9 posts
#cablepool - 8 posts
#deadpool - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#or they tell you you're remembering your own life wrong because the story you tell 'couldn't have happened to a child that young'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I believe with all my heart that he can do this
29 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
For the mini fic: Cablepool, with the prompt 'noise'
There's a noise Cable makes when Wade does something just right, and call Wade a sucker, but he can't get enough of it.
It's not (shockingly) a sex thing. Or at least, not strictly. Wade can get Nate to make the sound when they're in bed (or on Nate's couch, or in the kitchen, or wherever else clothes happen to come off), but it's just as likely to happen elsewhere.
It's an approval sound, low and throaty, somewhere between a grunt and a hum. With Nate's growly Charlton Heston voice, it's a sexy sound, even when the moment isn't right for sexy things.
Just a little sound, soft even, but Wade loves it. He finds himself, on his best behaviour – or at least his most useful behaviour – going out of his way to make it happen.
39 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Cash-strapped sexy writer seeks YOUR wallet TODAY!
Home repairs are hell and I’m trying to get out from under a doozy of a bill I’ve had to put on credit. If I can pay my tab before April 30th 2023, I won't owe any interest, which would be rad. Unfortunately, disability pays like shit. SO.
Would you like to buy a series of commissions? Now's your chance. How about a backstory for your new OC? Wham. Want to read some niche porn? I've gotcha there too.
What’s on offer:
Original fiction (includes erotica) – 10c per word
Fanfiction (includes erotica) – 5c per word
Editing (fiction, non fiction, essays) – 5c per word
Copy writing for websites, flyers, etc. – 10c per word
I’m willing to write for basically any fandom, or even OCs if you provide me with character details. However, if you want me to do lots of research (watch a show, read a book, study a wiki about your obscure fave), I have to charge for my time.
Opening five slots a month, starting today!
Examples of my writing are HERE
Venmo (@Ifridiot) or PayPal accepted
GOAL: 000/ 375 month
TARGET AMOUNT: 1081/$3000 by April 2023
170 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
Hey all, so I finally found a good therapist who doesn’t think that lupus can be cured with positive vibes and veggies, and although he’s only charging me 40$ a session, I’ve now got to find an extra $160 a month on top of the utilities, student loans and the other fun shit that I barely meet each month. I also need to get my cat groomed and vaccinated this or next month, which was planned for until the electric company decided to double my usual bill.
I’m a disabled trans writer. I write gay erotica, angst, and monster fucking, both in fanfic and original work. I’m willing to write for most any fandom, or even OCs if you can provide me with character and plot detail. However, if I’m being asked to do extensive research (watch a show, read a book, study a wiki about your obscure fave, learn the nuance of your OC), I will need to be compensated for time.
I’m doing at least 500 words per $12 spent. This means you are GUARANTEED 500 words, but likely will get something more like 750. The more money you spend, the more words I write you. Spend more, get more words, easy peasy. Max commission at this point is 5000 words guaranteed ($120).
 Please talk to me first before paying for a commission, in case what you want is something I can’t or won’t write. Hard no’s include but are not limited to: incest, bigoted anything (no racism, trans/homophobia, ableism), gratuitous violence against animals or minors, pedophilia.
Email me (fixyouupnice @ gmail) or send an ask to discuss what you’d like written.
I’m currently opening six (6) slots to start!
1. @eritela
2. @formlessvoidbeast
3. @eritela again
If you can’t donate or don’t want to commission, please help by reblogging.
Paypal is HERE
Examples of my writing are HERE
UPDATE: the electric bill has been paid! I'm still working on the medical debt. Unfortunately, I just got stuck with another 500$ bill on top of the 230$ I owe for various blood tests and imaging stuff. Help is still very much needed and appreciated!
407 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Nobody's stopping you from taking 4 tablespoons of butter, melting it in a pot, and adding two tablespoons of minced garlic. Nobody's stopping you from letting that garlic saute for like two minutes, or from then adding in two tablespoons of shaved parmesan. And nobody will stop you from stirring half a pound of al dented pasta into that buttery mess, cracking some pepper over it, and feasting on the garlicky spoils gained from such labours.
Nobody's stopping you. The cops can't even arrest you for it.
33,223 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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flowgninthgil · 8 months
Pinned Post!
Current PfP from Taken form there, made by BeautySnake
All past PfPs can be found in my mess
I'm an openly anarchist person, probably from the same reality as you, and reblogs are gonna show that, but I also like arts and silly things, things that put joy in your life, but also things that allows you to see things from many different angles, all of those things that creativity only can give.
I use any pronouns by the way, literally, I usually take the exemple of cactuses, beats me why.
you know those things that are greatly limited by the fact that it takes time to create, the time you need to get the money that you need to keep on living?
We work to earn the right to work, to earn the right to give ourselves the right to buy oourselves the right to live, to earn the right to die.
Bat - > (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) < - Bat
Anyway, this also serves for me to get some posts easely accessible 'cause I really like them and I like too many things to just search them back in the list, so here they go:
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Always seek the root of the problem:
If you have an abusive family, this is a good number of advices to help you until you can safely leave:
Artistic Consent VS AI, Part 1: Glazing.
Artistic Consent VS AI, Part 2: Nightshade.
People should try PiHole, I assure you, your privacy on internet matters.
I mean it, your privacy is important.
"Slow the Fuck Down"
Protexting private information can be hard, sorry
Cool things that internet allows you to do.
HTML is awesome.
Too many imbed for tumblr, switching to not-cool links from here.
Keep the Windows open:
Fuck windows, opt out those useless things
Fuck Google, here's some websites you won't find.
Google Algorythm is fucked and full of spam.
Twitter's Community notes are not Universal Truth.
Trick to get some disk freed up on your computer.
Fuck Spotify and the others.
The Cloud! Off-site SSD.
Please, take care!
Your body and mind matters.
It's OK to not be ready, or saying no.
Lazyness doesn't exists.
Learning how diet actually works is important, pizzas are supposed to be healthy.
Your posture matters, take care of your spine.
Breast Cancer CAN affect you, no matter who you are and what your biology is.
Know how you feel and what it means.
Say "Thank you" instead of "Sorry".
Fuck Depression.
Caring about others requires knowing about them.
Communication is key, in every interraction you can have, even the bad ones.
Look out of intersex people, especially at birth.
What is Ableism and what does people mean by it? (Thinking of things concerning disabled people from an Able point of interest.)
To Disabled Persons in the United States of Central North America, get a Abled Account.
Sex education is important for kids.
Explaining Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Don't keep everything to yourself, it's not good for anyone.
Autistic lack of empathy.
Explaining Borderline Personality Disorder.
Down Syndrome does not keep people from being normal people.
Hey, people in rehabs and mental health facilities are people too.
It ends up making a very interesting point about disabled people.
Creation is an art!
AO3 & tips:
AO3 search filter.
If you don't private them, authors can read your bookmarks on AO3.
Compression Sleeves can help you when drawing.
Training is key! and this is awesomely simple!!!!!
Grey vs Gray!
From stories:
bittersweet, short, fantasy story.
Introducing a character:
Sci-Fy but it's not bad:
Changing your point of view.
Remarkable movie about Trans People!
Pokémon Lore!!!!
To Imagination!
Here's how to make fantasy names:
More fantasy world logic!
The Organic, the Mechanical, and the Holy.
But with reallife origins.
People need glasses, and imaginary people too.
Your work is actually Great.
It's about feminism and how all women are normal, but I think it can get you some useful bases on dressing up people.
Rude Compouds on Reddit.
Cultural mixity create great food!
Awesome person, horrible surroundings.
And History is a tool!
It explains,
Paper on cool alt people
Diversity of Arabic languages.
Exploring Music throughout history:
How bad can I be? I'm just building the economy!
And remember.
Did you know girls were awesome?
People lived here before you.
Bayard Rustin and the Civil Rights.
Former capital of the armenian kingdom:
Company town is not new.
Cool Dutch gay guy which tried his best to help during the occupation
Nazis didn't burnt book randomly, they knew what they were burning.
Fuckers and Nature All Around the World:
Helping people DOES help, don't prevent them needs in fear of scams, differences or such:
A little bit can do a lot for people.
More than anything, Welfare helps people.
I seem to have reached the maximum of links someone can add to a Tumblr Post... Can't even be a linklog on this tumblelog website! Anyway, here's the links and the name I gave them, they just aren't clickable:
Disgust is no reason to shame or be unsupportive. (Kinks and fetish are valid, because far-right is using them to bring you down.)
Fuck racists.
A Philosophy for Queer Labels.
Learn from others around the world (Anarchy)
Unlearning White Supremacy. (I guess some people need to.)
You missed it out, but it's okay, we just have to give it to others to make it up. (about trans people missing out on growing up as a teenager.)
Cool story about how talking about sex is considered bad. (School director filming educational/humanising porn with his wife and publishing it on the internet without telling anyone getting fired for it.)
Economy! (Seatle people burning up medical depts of people.)
Nature is beautiful:
Biology VS. gender norms. (Little informative drawings)
Fishes are not stupid, you know? (actually watched a documentary about it, fishes shows every signs of intelligence you might think of.)
Gretta Thumberg's growth. (lost the link :Sadge:)
Deep Sea livings. (Cool and dangerous in strange ways)
TERFs and Nazis:
J.K. Rowling is both.
You're not Destroying nature. (Big corps are.)
What is Blood Quantum? (American way to force amerindians to get erradicated.)
Pearl Harbour on the Cost of Giving Birth in the USCNA (United States of Central North America)
Corporations are a Platypus. (Phineas and Pherb is awesome.)
& more to come
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Redesigns of enby, ace, aro, and agender by @the-unicorn-nick, trans flag by @vampk1zzer, and colours from here by @caninophobia.
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lythpomme · 2 years
it’s summer ✿ steve harrington
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❀  [1.8k] best friend!steve harrington x fem!reader ✎.ೃ࿐ ˖♡ Every summer is hell. Both physically, and mentally. It's hot, and you still can't help but stay in your room all day. Right now, it's late, really late, and you're having another night-time descent to depression. You need someone with you, so who's best to call but your best friend? Wait- no- sorry! Nevermind... ╰┈➤ angst (also hurt/comfort?), fluff, implied suicidal ideation (if you've been thru it, you'll see it), descriptions of an anxiety attack, symptoms of depression, best friends to lovers !! , reader is implied to be shorter than steve and can wear his sweaters (doesnt say how it fits them tho!)
a/n: HI so this is actually my first fic uhmmmm!! i've based this fic a little on my own experiences with staying up late bc of anxiety, depression, all that jazz—and if at any point you feel triggered, its completely okay to click off! if i've missed any warnings pls dont hesitate to comment! same goes for things i could improve on! ALSO!! GUYS REBLOGGING HELPS A TON!! IT GETS WRITERS MORE REACH N STUFF!!! 
a/n 2: i edited a bit lol
also! you do not have permission to translate/post this onto other websites, tumblr is my only posting site as of now, and i will inform yall if i ever decide to add another. 
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It should be playful splashes of water, and half-melted popsicles to beat the heat. Water balloon fight filled days, and picnics in the park. Stargazing in the cool of the night, and tired heads resting on shoulders. Where sweets and junk food replace heavy textbooks and tossed aside essays. 
Yet, it’s 4 seconds in, and 4 seconds out. It’s, “5 things you can see, 4 you can touch…” It’s sleepless nights filled with loneliness and anxiety. It’s dried-out tears on your cheeks as you stare at the dark of your wall. You can’t close your eyes without the intrusion of no-good-thoughts. You can’t keep them open without feeling like your lungs are closing in on themselves. You’re too scared to sleep, dreading having to battle through another, repetitive and emotionally-exhausting day. You just want it to stop.
‘Splash some water on your face to ground yourself’ your mom had told you. But as soon as you open your eyes, patting away leftover droplets, your gaze drifts over to the bathtub. A bucket of water, filled to the brim. You’re tired, everything is too much and you just need a break. The cold prickles against your fingertips, gliding smoothly as you draw patterns. Plugging your nose, you dip your head in; coming back up with a sense of refreshed-ness. Albeit, short-lived, but refreshing none-the-less. You find yourself chasing that feeling.
A soft stream of water…
You gasp, running to turn off the sink faucet. The stopper had somehow broken, and plugged up the sink. Fortunately, only a small puddle had formed during your reverie. God, you’d be dead meat if your mom found out you’d accidentally flooded the bathroom at 2am. After getting a rug to clean up your mess, you take a look at the mirror. Your swollen eyes had calmed down after being soaked with ice-cold water. You had as well.
Not ready to go back to the dark confines of your bedroom, you sat down on the closed toilet seat. Only now, do you realize what you were thinking about whilst zoned out. And, god, did it scare you. Your breathing got more ragged, shallow, and all your senses were heightened. You were home alone. 
The vent was getting too loud, and the lights too bright. The bathroom mat beneath you more spiky than soft. Knives were running through your heart. Tears were threatening to fall, and you wanted to crawl out of your skin. Everything was getting so uncomfortable. You just wanted to shed like a snake and float away into the night; carried by the wind to faraway places. You needed something to ground you. Tell you that you’re okay. And by instinct, your feet led you to the kitchen phone. Dialing the oh-so-familiar digits that you knew by heart. You fidgeted with the phone cord, focusing on the swirly loops going through your fingers.
Doooot, doooot.
Doooot, doooot.
A faint ruffle, then a sleep-dowsed voice spoke, “Hello…?”
You waited a few seconds to respond, processing the fact that Steve actually answered. You didn’t expect anyone to pick up at this time. Especially not him. A small whisper followed, meek and lined with unspoken apologies, “Hi.” “Y/n? Shit- Are… are you okay?” Steve could hear the sadness in your voice, the emptiness and longing for comfort. His heart broke a little at the thought of you going through this again. He knows about the many sleepless nights you go through, mind racing with terrible thoughts, “Wait, I- no- That was a stupid question, do you-” You panicked. Feeling bothersome because you had awoken Steve from his slumber; guilty knowing how much he needs it. “Uhm- I… Can you…” A deep breath in, “nevermind, I’m-sorry-I-woke-you-up-bye.” You spurt out quickly, putting the phone back without waiting for an answer and running back up the stairs. 
Back to your blanket pile of pathetic-ness. Because that’s what you are, right? Just a pile of pathetic-ness who always bothers those around them with their problems.
He probably hates you now. Called him up at 3am for nothing? You’re so needy. He can probably tell that you’re fucking obsessed with him. Your friendship will probably go downhill from here. And that's all your fault.             You stuffed your face into your pillow. Just wanting the night to end. The ticking from your clock is the only thing that can be heard, besides your breathing and the occasional night breeze. You sigh, and focus on the ticking sound to push any negative thoughts away. Tick.
Ti– Plink!
… Plink!
Plink! You sprang up from your bed. That isn’t your clock ticking anymore. And it’s coming from the window. Cautiously, you grab the closest solid object near you, ready to chuck at whatever’s outside the glass. You swish your curtains aside and… Steve? Your brows furrow as you take him in; clad in plaid pajama pants and a gray pullover, backpack in his hand, pebbles in the other. He sighs in relief when your figure appears in the window. As soon as you hung up on him, he sprinted to his car, grabbing a few things along the way. He knew you were having another bad night, and it stung his heart—of which you hold—remembering how quiet and shaky your voice sounded. He yells as loud as he can at 3am, “Y/n! Can I come up?” Shock and confusion makes up your expression, blinking a few times before nodding and opening your window. Steve being Steve, he climbs up with ease, kicking off his shoes before engulfing you in a big, bear hug. Your face trembles, your emotions coming back to you all at once. He pulls back, grabbing his backpack and bringing out his maroon sweater to put on you. Oh, that sweater.
He knows how much you love it, despite actively denying it. Steve pulls you back into him, your head buried in his shoulder and you cry, “Shh, sweetheart. Let it all out, you’re not alone anymore… I’m here,” he mumbles into your hair, stroking your head comfortingly. His overwhelming affection made you cry even more, which made him hug you tighter.
A few minutes pass, and you’ve moved to your bed. Steve tidied your room up, taking dirty dishes downstairs, and swiftly coming back up with a glass of water, “Drink.” 
           When you’re done he places it on your bedside table, and cups your face in his hands, analyzing it, “What’s wrong? Or are you not ready to talk about it? I mean, that’s totally okay, we can just lay in bed or whatever.” You give him an appreciative, tight-lipped smile, and gesture to him to lay beside you. Your voice comes out a bit raspy as you thank him, “Steve… I don’t know how to explain to you how grateful I am for you to be such an amazing…” Sniff, “friend… Uhm– I don’t know what I’d do without you, honest.”
Steve smiles, and pulls you in for another hug; your head on his chest. He hopes you can’t hear how fast his heart is beating, and you hope he can’t feel yours, “‘Course poppet. Anything for you.” Your heart skips a beat at the innocent confession, he meant that in a platonic way—and you’re just emotionally vulnerable, right now… Right…? You push your feelings aside, which are probably deceiving you. You look up at him, but he’s already looking at you. You think you can see blush rise to his cheeks as he looks away embarrassed, you tease, “Like the view, Harrington?” Unconsciously, he squirms under your gaze and rolls his eyes, “Aren’t you supposed to be, like, sad right now?” Playfully, you sit up with a ‘humph’, and turn away. You steal the whole blanket from him, “Okay,” before inhaling and letting out a cry reminiscent of a toddler’s. “Literally shut up.” Steve laughed, grabbing you by your waist and tickling you. You jump from his touch, but he pulls you back just as fast. His fingers press harder, and it makes you laugh even louder. Giggles and snickers turned your once sorrowful room into a place of pure joy. No longer was it filled with a sense of loneliness, but a fuller, happier feeling of love. Silly, teenage love. 
As you both calm down, you feel warmth rise to your cheeks. Steve is redder than a tomato below you, at that you let out a small giggle. “What?” he asks, “Shit– my hair’s messed up isn’t it?” But that makes you laugh even more, which makes him laugh even more. You collapse into his chest, tired from all the emotions you’ve gone through tonight. 
A beat or two passes, the both of you enjoying each other’s presence in silence. It was never awkward when things died down after some banter. Your eyes grow heavy, and you nuzzle closer to Steve’s neck. Leaving soft butterfly kisses that have him growing warmer underneath you, “Thank you Steve. M’grateful to have someone like you…” You brush your lips against his skin; too short to be considered an actual kiss, but lingers long enough to cross the platonic-romantic border. As you fall into your body’s pleas for slumber, a confession of romance tumbles out. Quick, and casual; as if it's said on the regular, which it isn’t. At that, you both freeze. Steve processes your words in his head, “You… what?” You’re quick to put up your defenses, not willing to be hurt again tonight by your own, reckless actions, “Okay, I– Uhm-well-I… I meant that platonically…?” your voice goes up at the end, making you cringe internally at how fake that sounded, “Shit– sorry, it’s just that-”
Quick to interrupt, a confession of his own slips out, “I-love-you-too.” And Steve can see the wave of relief immediately sweeping away your tensed shoulders. You smile up at him, and kiss the corner of his mouth. As much as he tries to fight it, a huge smile appears on his face. Full of genuine elation and adoration. Steve pulls you closer, boops your nose with his, and pecks your lips.
Pulling away, he tsks, “Don’ be a coward, poppet.” Which is immediately met with a punch to his arm, and a peck back.
You throw your arm over his chest, and he pulls the blanket up. Signs of day tickle the sky; indigo, berry blues, a touch of vermillion, finished with a faint sprinkle of stars. Your clock reads 4 AM, but you don’t care. You aren’t going to wake up alone. And you certainly won’t be getting through each day by yourself.
Gone are the constant grounding exercises, and puffy, red eyes; sleepless nights, and negative self-lies. They’re replaced with love-filled hugs, and endless tickles. Feeling loved on bad days, and tissue-caught sniffles. It’s late diner dates, and shared milkshakes. Subtle gazes, and trips to the lake.
It’s finally summer.
© revised 2023 fikafika
354 notes · View notes
221bshrlocked · 3 years
rated r
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader (Professor x TA Student)
Words: 5299
Warnings: Swearing. Oral (male receiving). Reciting poetry during sex because why not. Penetrative, unprotected sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong people). Slight dom/sub elements. Very slight though. Mostly sweet smot. Creampie.
Based on this little headcanon.
Y/N: I literally just had a quick idea and I can't resist when someone tells me to write something so here you go. Some shameless teacher/student smot. Please please let me know how I'm doing in the comments and as usual, reblogs are always appreciated (if you're interested in rpf fanfiction). This isn't beta'd...Also, the poem recited here is by the one and only Chian Poet, Pablo Neruda. You can add yourself to the taglist(s) here.
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He knows he’s been scrolling through the pages for too long but he can’t stop himself. Ever since he took the position, he swore that he’d only ever read the reviews turned in at the end of the year because he loved improving on his style. But this was different. This was a hell hole that he didn’t realize he could spiral so easily down from just one review. At first, Pedro thought that he’d go on it to see the more honest reviews of his courses and teaching. You could only write so much on the evaluations without feeling guilty and this was a proper and free resource.
What he didn’t expect was to find almost no criticism of his classes and pretty much every comment discussing his looks and what the student would be willing to do for extra credit. He thought he was on the wrong website at the beginning but nope, this was the right one. Like all other things, Pedro was slow at first but then some comments became real suggestive and he began to read between the lines. But no matter what he read and understood, he never seemed to get a handle on one specific type of comment which only consisted of one word.
He’s not sure what to make of it and the thought is brushed aside when he hears a knock at his door. Pedro looks up and sees you standing at his doorway, paperwork in one hand and phone in the other. He doesn’t know what prompts him to do so but he immediately shuts off his laptop and tries to calm down, hoping that he isn’t blushing too hard from what he’s been reading.
“I’m about to go get some coffee, want anything?” You ask as you scroll through your phone and look up when he says nothing. “Professor?” You raise an eyebrow at him when he continues to stare at you.
“S-sorry I um, no. No thank you. And for the millionth time, just call me Pedro.” He huffs in irritation, and frowns when you roll your eyes at him like you always do and shake your head.
“Sorry, not trying to get caught calling professors by their first name. Your friend takes that too seriously and I’d rather not annoy him any further. Anyway, I’ll be in my office if you need anything. Oscar told me you’ve been falling behind again with grades and I’m almost done with his stuff so swing by if you need to drop anything.” You wait until he nods in confirmation before walking out towards the cafe and Pedro can’t help but feel his annoyance grow when you leave instantly.
He looks at his door as if you’ll appear again, meditating on the issue he’s been having for a while now. Every time he tries to convince himself to tell you how he feels, he remembers how difficult things could get for you. Even though he wasn’t on your committee or anything, he still knew how people would react should you get caught with him. He swears underneath his breath and turns on his laptop again, anger only rising when he remembers what he was searching before you came in.
Seriously, what the fuck was wrong with these people? He cringes at more reviews and curses the fact that the website was anonymous. He closes the page and tries to get his mind off of the weird reviews for a bit, working through some of the quizzes until he notices how late it is. Shoving the rest of the essay quizzes in his leather bag, Pedro takes the folder filled with multiple choice and walks out of his office. He heads towards Oscar’s office and knocks on it a few times. When no one answers, he looks at his watch and sees it wasn’t late enough for you to leave yet. Taking out the spare key his friend gave him, he unlocks the door and steps in, eyes immediately following the light of the side room where you are. He shuts the door behind him and makes sure you can hear him walk towards you.
As soon as he walks in, you look up and smile at him, making grabby hands towards him when you notice the folder he’s holding.
“Knew you wouldn’t resist,” you laugh when he smiles nervously at you and stands there long after you told him you’ll get them back to him in a day or two. When he doesn’t move, you put your pen down and tilt your head to the side.
“Anything else I can help with?” You ask again, watching his eyes as they look around the room as if the answer was in here somewhere. But he never responds and instead, he puts down his bag and walks towards your couch. You say nothing as he sits back and stares up at the ceiling. As soon as he starts untying his tie and unbuttoning the first three buttons of his shirt, you knew something was off.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” You push everything aside and grab your coffee, taking a sip as you waited for him to finally acknowledge you.
“Can I ask you something?” Pedro asks and you can tell from his tone that this was something serious. You smile deeply and nod at him, a part of you hopeful for whatever he was about to throw your way.
“Of course!”
“So I overheard some students talking about this website where they leave reviews on their professors…”
“Oh no, did you go on ratemyprofessor?” You cut him off immediately and regret the little outburst because Pedro shuts his eyes and takes off his glasses to rub his face.
“S-sorry I- I’ll be quiet.” You wait patiently until he puts his glasses back on and looks up at you. There’s something in his eyes that you can’t quite place but you can tell from the way he’s ringing his fingers that he read something he didn’t like.
“Some of the reviews were helpful, really helpful. But most of them were, I don’t even know what to consider them and it’s been bugging me all day, especially one word that I kept on seeing over and over again.” His voice is low and you curse yourself for fixating on how beautiful he sounds, and frankly looks, as he sits on your couch and opens up to you about whatever this was.
“Were they rude? Did- did someone call you names or something?” You try to see if he’d tell you anything specific but he shrugs his shoulders and looks away.
“I don’t know.”
Realizing that he was probably annoyed and embarrassed that he was coming to you, you pick up your phone and kick your shoes away from below your feet before you take the seat next to him.
“Mind if I look through some?” You ask before you unlock your phone, looking at him until he turns his attention to you before you smile softly at him.
“Also, I hope you know that most of these are usually idiots trolling other students and the professors on campus. There isn’t any truth to them whatsoever and you need to ignore them because they’re sometimes by students who failed the classes and they’re just looking to give the professor a bad name so not many can sign up an-” The words die in your throat when you scroll down and read the third comment on his page.
Your eyes widen in shock at how forward the short sentence is and you decide to not look at Pedro as you read the rest of them.
As you scroll down, Pedro’s nervousness grows because with each movement of your finger, your eyes widen even further and your breathing either stops completely or picks up at a rapid pace.
The silence is deafening and when he can’t take it anymore, he asks you to stop because it only gets worse.
“These are...umm, wow. Very flowery language. And the imagination is just-”
“Please stop.” Pedro cuts off your rambling, knowing that he probably made things more awkward than necessary.
“Got it.” You take the last sip of coffee before putting the cup on the floor and tapping on your phone.
Pedro wants to ask you what you think of these reviews but he can’t focus on anything but your previous comment on how untrue the website mostly is. He was right, you probably didn’t think he was attractive after all.
You know that things will only get weirder if you remain quiet so you break the moment and hit him on his shoulder to catch his attention.
“What was the word you were confused by?” You ask almost hysterically and Pedro looks at you as if you grew a second head before he decides to answer you.
“There were some reviews that were alright but at the end, they’d just have the word ‘dilf’ or ‘big dilf vibes’ along with a smiley face and...well, I don’t know what that is or whether that’s a good or bad thing.” Whatever you were expecting him to say, this was probably at the last of the list and you almost choke on air when you see how genuinely irritated he is by this whole situation.
“Have you uhh, not looked this up or anything?”
“No because I don’t know what the fuck will pop up if I search that.” Pedro rarely swears and you’re caught off guard by how forign yet beautiful the curse word sounds falling from his lips. Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself for the worst possible conversation you’ll ever have with him and try to sound as calm and collected as possible.
“Well, you see, the word dilf is an acronym and it usually refers to an older man who has children and- and is viewed by some as sexually attractive.” You hope this is the end of the inquiry but like all the other chats you’ve witnessed, Pedro rarely lets go of things until he’s crystal clear on them.
He’s quiet for a few moments and you dare to look up at him, only to find him blinking confusedly at the floor and narrowing his eyes almost in anger.
“What? I- I don’t even have kids, how does this make any sense and why do students think this is okay to write on the internet?” Pedro’s voice grows and he doesn’t realize he’s yelling until he looks over and sees you grimacing at him.
“That’s okay, and like I said, this is what it usually refers to. People sometimes say it to men who’re older and are sexually attractive but don’t have kids...like you give off those vibes. Basically, you’re an attractive older man and that reminds some of fathers who are also on the older side and are still attractive. As to the other question, all I can tell you is, kids are dumb these days and they have no shame.”
“But what if other professors see this and start to think I’m a joke?” You can tell his fear is genuine and you shake your head immediately, taking his hand and squeezing it to get his attention as you calmed him down.
“Look, everyone knows this website is garbage. No one goes on there I promise, and you will be taken seriously. You have tenure too so I don’t see why you’re worried about this.” You wait until he nods in affirmation before you remove your hand. As you’re about to stand, Pedro asks you one more question.
“Wait, you said it’s an acronym?”
Fuck. When did you say that?”
“Uhh, yeah. Yes.” Pedro is looking at you like you have all the answers and you can’t help but find it the cutest yet sexiest look he’s possibly given you. He’s so vulnerable and the thought of offering comfort in a different way shakes you to your core.
“What does it stand for then?”
“Does it really matter I mean-” You try to end the conversation but Pedro only demands a little more roughly, and you almost melt into him at how firm his tone suddenly is.
“What does it stand for?” His voice is more serious and you swallow the lump in your throat before you tell him.
“It stands for ‘dad I’d like to fuck.’ But since you’re not a dad, it just means that they want to...fuck you.” You hope you aren’t being too crude for him and when you turn to meet his eyes, you find them much softer than earlier, perhaps even more relaxed.
He says nothing but continues to stare at you, a part of him wanting to ask you if you also thought similarly. When you don’t try to move off of the couch again, Pedro gulps and allows his eyes to take in your body language.
Something about you being comfortable in your office and taking off your shoes makes him wish he could kiss you but he brushes the thought aside and musters up the courage to ask you what’s been on his mind ever since he opened up the website earlier in the day.
“So do you still think there’s no truth to any of the reviews?”
The question catches you off guard and you can’t help but stare into his dark brown eyes to make sure this wasn’t a joke. He surprises you again and looks down at your lips, biting into his own lower lip before he turns his attention to you again.
“I- I um...I mean my opinion doesn’t really matter you know so-” You laugh nervously and try to break the tension but Pedro cuts you off again with a stern expression.
It’s a soft whisper but it shakes you to your core and you realize that perhaps this wasn’t as one-sided as you initially thought it to be.
“I think that you’re an exceptionally attractive man and that you’re somehow even more handsome when you start to rant about Latin American literature, especially Chilean poetry. I- I don’t think I’ve met anyone as knowledgeable about this topic as you and I wish I could audit one of your courses but I’d probably end up not paying any attention because-” You stop yourself before you can go any further but Pedro doesn’t give you the chance to grow quiet, grabbing your hands and bringing them to his lips to lay soft kisses on them before he urges you to go further.
“Because what hermosa?” His voice is hoarse and you can’t help but lean into him as you whisper those last confessions in the dimly-lit office.
“Because I’d be too busy imagining you reading to me your favorite pieces as I- I…” Pedro sees longing and reluctance in your eyes, reads in between the lines and makes a split second decision. He inches closer to you and slips his hands across your neck, pulling you into him and swallowing your surprised gasps as he molds his lips with yours. You’re shocked at the turn of events at first, not sure of how to react to his desperate touches. But as you feel his fingers twist harder in your hair, you can’t help but relax into him and return his kiss. He moans into your mouth when you part your lips for him, and pulls you in until you straddle his thighs.
You know you should stop and reconsider what the two of you are about to do but you can’t find it in yourself to care any less. Pedro somehow senses the reluctance in your touches and he breaks the kiss not a moment later. He doesn’t let go of you though and you shut your eyes for a second to collect your bearings.
“I- I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me.” He’s first to speak and your eyes flutter open at the whispered apology.
“I liked it.” It’s the simplest three words Pedro has ever heard yet they do something to him and he realizes that it would break his heart if you asked him to let you go. When he says nothing and continues to stare at you, you clear your throat and try to get off of him. But the hold he has on you tightens further and he refuses to let you go, making you wish his gaze didn’t have this much control on you.
“I’m not your professor, I’m not even on your committee. But I know how this would look if- goddamn it. All I’m saying is, I don’t want to force you into anything but I- I’m willing to take the risk if that’s what you want.” He manages to say before his mind is scrambled with thoughts of you writhing underneath him and before he could tell you to forget he ever said anything, you lean forward and softly kiss him until you feel him physically relax beneath you.
“I do, I do want you.” You can’t help but smile as soon as you see those familiar dimples growing the longer he looks at you. There is a sudden shift in the air around the office and your smile slowly falls when you finally register just how much you want him. He says nothing as you get off of him and begin to strip. As your shirt and pants hit the floor, Pedro begins to unbutton his shirt and kick off his shoes. He’s about to take the glasses off when you stop him.
“Please, keep them on.” Your plea makes him twitch in his pants and he doesn’t notice you getting on your knees until you move his hands away from his belt and begin to undo it yourself.
Pedro is mesmerized, unable to look away from you as you undress him and stare at him like he’s the most beautiful sonnet to have ever been written. His heart is close to beating out of his chest and when he you push his thighs open to make space for yourself, he finally snaps out of his haze and grabs for your hands.
���No wait you don’t have t-”
“Please...I want to.” You whisper to him and wait until he nods before you slip your hands underneath the elastic of his boxer briefs and pull them down. You can tell he’s nervous from the layer of sweat forming on his chest and the way his fingers are itching to grab for something so instead of diving right into him, you lay your palms across his thighs and massage them until he begins to ease at your touch. Pedro doesn’t dare to look away from you and as you try to make yourself comfortable in between his thighs, his mind panics and he thinks you’re about to move away from him.
“No estés lejos de mí un solo día, porque cómo...porque, no sé decirlo, es largo el día.”
Don't go far off, not even for a day, because --  because -- I don't know how to say it: a day is long
The words are spoken before he realizes what he’s doing and he watches as your chest rises and falls at a rapid rate with each word he moans to you. You recognize the poem immediately, having heard him gush about it during one of his seminars. But somehow, in the privacy of your office, the words carry a much deeper meaning to you and you lick your lips as you lower yourself down and kiss his navel.
Pedro almost jolts at the softness of your lips and he doesn’t bother to hold back as he pushes his fingers into your hair again, not to force you to do anything, only to ensure that you would remain near him where he could feel your heat caressing his skin.
“Keep going...please.” You ask him before you continue to kiss across where he’s begging for you and as he takes a deep breath to try and remember the next words, you firmly take his hardening cock in the palms of your hands and lay a kiss on the leaking tip. You keep your eyes on him and smile when you see his stomach clenching tightly. Kissing him one more time on the underside of his cock, you lick your lips and slowly inch his cock in your mouth.
“Mierda...y te estaré esperando como en las estaciones, cuando en alguna parte se durmieron los trenes.”
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station  when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.
Pedro is struggling to form a coherent thought but the warmth of your mouth drives him to continue. He wants nothing more than to return the favor and he realizes he is when he notices the way you suck on him and moan every time he recites a new verse to you. You shut your eyes to savor the heaviness of him in your mouth, not caring for how loud you’re being as his hold tightens around your hair. You could feel him thrusting in your mouth and you almost laugh because he’s so enraptured by you that he doesn’t know he’s shoving his cock deeper into your throat.
“No te vayas por una hora porque entonces...en esa hora se juntan las gotas del desvelo- oh fuck, fuck please baby I...you look so pretty, mouth full of my cock.”
Don't leave me, even for an hour, because  then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
He’s a moaning mess already and you finally pull off of him, smiling devilishly as you watch him stare at the trail of saliva connecting your lips with his cock. He clenches his jaw tightly and swears even more when you spit on sock and begin to jerk off the tip while you lean down and kiss his balls. It’s filthy and shameless but you don’t care enough, wanting to show him just how much you want him.
Pedro sits up and groans when he feels you lick and suck on his balls, hips jutting forward when you return your mouth to the leaking tip of his cock and massage his balls instead.
“Y tal vez todo el- el humo que anda buscando c-casa...venga a matar aún mi corazón perdido. Mi corazón...fuck!”
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift  into me, choking my lost heart.
Pedro screams when you surprise him and take his cock as far down your throat as you could and begin to swallow around him. The pressure of your throat muscles drives him mad and he falls back to the couch to try and stop himself from coming down your throat.
“Fuck baby baby please...I- I won’t last any longer. Come here,” Pedro reluctantly pulls you off of him, growling his need when he sees the mess you’ve made of yourself. He immediately pushes you into the mattress and shoves your thighs open, his chest quivering when he sees how wet you are for him.
“Is this all for me querida? You liked sucking my cock so much?” He asks as he licks his fingers and teases your slit.
“Pedro… I need you, just fuck me already.” The word is like a bucket of cold water and he hesitates when he realizes that he doesn’t have any condoms on him.
“Fuck wait, I don’t have any condom.” He sits back in disappointment, all the while massaging your thighs and keeping you close around him. “I- I’m on the pill and I’m clean...haven’t had any since I started this degree so-”
“Really? But you’re-”
“Jesus Chr- can you question my non-existent sex life later...I need you to fuck me, please.” You frown at him when he just stares at you, and he only catches up with what’s happening when you pull him by his hand until he falls on top of you.
“I’m clean too...a-are you sure mi cielo?” He asks one last time and prays that you don’t go back on your decision. When you cross your legs behind his back and force him closer to you, he turns his attention down your body and grabs his cock. You hold your breath as you watch him tease your entrance, letting it go when you feel him slowly inch his cock deeper inside you. It’s too much and not enough and you dig your nails into his broad shoulders when he finally sheathes himself inside your walls.
“Oh god fuck bebecita you’re- perfect. Fucking perfect. Ay que no se quebrante tu silueta en la arena, ay que no vuelen tus párpados en la ausencia.”
Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;    may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.
Pedro nuzzles into the crook of your neck and kisses your skin to help get you relaxed for him. You sigh his name over and over again, begging him to move when you feel him pulse inside you.
“Please...fuck me.”
It’s a short request but Pedro groans when he hears just how wrecked you are when he’s barely even touched you. He knows he won’t last long and he’s trying his hardest to not embarrass himself. But you feel too tight and too warm around him and he thinks this must be heaven because there’s no way anything so magnificent can exist on the earth.
The sound of your soft giggles fills his ears and Pedro pulls away to look at you, only to realize that he’s just said all of his inner monologue out loud in your ears.
“I- I don’t care if you’ll cum in a second Pedro...just fuck me already please. I’m- I need you.” You lean up and peck his lips before you slither your hand down your body and rub at your clit.
“That’s it, touch yourself sweetheart. Go on, let me feel you cum on my cock querida. F-fuck, no te vayas por un minuto, bienamada, porque en ese minuto te habrás ido tan lejos.”
Don't leave me for a second, my dearest,  because in that moment you'll have gone so far
Pedro continues to recite to you, marveling at how much tighter you clench around him whenever he moans those sweet words to you.
He picks up the pace and shuts his eyes to avoid looking at how beautiful you are as you come undone beneath him. Your sighs and pleas are music to his ears and he questions again how he managed to catch your attention when you could literally have anyone you wanted. Before he realizes what he’s doing, Pedro lets go of the couch and wraps one hand around your throat, wanting nothing more than to feel your heartbeat sounding against his skin. He doesn’t squeeze hard to cut off your breathing but he does get a little rough when he sees how much you’re enjoying his harder touches.
“Oh fuck Pedro...you’re- you feel so good. So fucking good. I- can I cum? Please let me cum.” He’s surprised by the question but finds the prospect of you giving him power over your pleasure more of a turn-on than he cares to admit. Wrapping the other arm around your back, Pedro braces his foot on the floor and pulls you up on his lap, swallowing your moans as he begins to fuck up into you.
“Dame un beso...you want to cum? Then fucking kiss me...kiss me like you want- no, need me. Kiss me like I’m the only one made for you.” He doesn’t know what prompts him to say such things but when you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss, his lungs give out and his hold on your waist tightens.
You’re swallowing his growls and he’s sinking into your desperate pleas and as he thrusts into you a few more times, you feel yourself fall over the edge, cunt clenching around him so tightly you swore you’ve never felt so full before.
Pedro breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on your sternum, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm until he began to feel a strike of pleasure zap through his spine.
“Fuck oh god fucking shit I- que yo cruzaré toda la tierra preguntando, si volverás o si me dejarás muriendo.”
I'll wander mazily over all the earth, asking,  Will you come back? Will you leave me here, dying?
Pedro breathes out the last two lines of the poem before he cums, forcing you on his cock a few more times as he shoots his seed deep inside you. You shiver at the warmth spilling in your cunt and painting your walls, never once stopping from kissing across his skin as he slowly brings you down to the couch and refuses to get off of you.
The room feels much hotter than earlier and you don’t let up on your caresses until Pedro smiles at you. A fit of giggles breaks the silence and you can’t help but laugh even more when he frowns down at you.
“What's funny now?” Pedro asks as he maneuvers himself a little off of you.
“Your glasses are all fogged up...can you even see anything?” You ask jokingly and apologize almost instantly when he begins to tickle your neck with his mustache.
“Well someone wanted me to keep them on so,” Pedro takes them off and throws them to the ground before he begins to kiss down your chest. You sigh when he brings his lips to your hardened peeks and teases them with soft licks.
“I mean...I wasn’t sure if you’re able to see anything without them. Those dilf vibes you know.” You hold onto his hands so he doesn’t tickle you again but when he says nothing, you look into his eyes and hope he wasn’t offended by your words.
“Hmm, and yet you were the one begging me to fuck you.” Pedro whispers across your flushed skin and you hiss when he slowly pulls out of you and grabs his undershirt to clean the mess he made between your thighs. He clenches his jaw when he notices how much it pleases him that you’re filled with his cum and he hopes you don’t notice this slightly caveman-ish side of him. But you’re too perceptive for your own good and you sit up on your elbows and stare at him as he dabs at your wet skin.
“Thinking of becoming a real dilf...professor?”
The words make him freeze and he looks into your eyes with embarrassment.
“Not as vanilla as I thought then…” You wink at him and lean over to kiss him when you see how nervous he’s suddenly become. Pedro doesn’t dare to move a muscle as he watches you put your clothes back on and try to look presentable. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen now but when you throw him his clothes, he follows your lead silently and hopes that you’ll notice how new this is for him.
“I know a pizza place that’s still open...how about we order to-go and finish this off at your place.” The smile that takes over his features is almost boyish and you can’t help but pull him in for another kiss.
“Just so we’re on the same page, this isn’t a one-time thing...right?”
“Oh heavens no. You recited your favorite poem to me as you fucked me...no way I’m letting you go now...Professor.” You smile when he murmurs something in Spanish as he collects his stuff and walks out behind you.
“Keep that up and we won’t even make it to the pizza place.” Pedro warns as you lock the office door behind you and make your way through the empty hallway.
“You make that sound like it’s a bad thing!”
“Depends on what your opinion is on car sex.” Pedro winks at you when he looks over and sees the shocked expression on your face.
“How scandalous of you Professor Pascal.” You feign innocence and run ahead when you see him trying to catch you.
“Down girl.” Pedro warns one last time and he tries his hardest to stay serious but the smirk you hold for him makes him break and he shakes his head in anticipation of what you’re about to say to him.
“Or what...you’re going to punish me Professor?”
“Oh bebecita, you’re in for it now.”
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Pedro Pascal (and any of his characters):
@pastel-0-princess @feelmyroarrrr @libbymouse @its--fandom--darling @spideysimpossiblegirl @princess76179 @cheekygeek05 @miraclesoflove @purple-mango @freeshavocadoooo @metalarmsandmanbuns @acthenerd @greeneyedblondie44 @cannedsoupsucks @purplepascal042 @talesfromtheguild @f0rever15elf @vibin-hippie @onesmokinbabe @leaiorganas @words-way-of-life @kideyz @lovesickmadsadpoet @niall7inches @rosiefridayrogersunday @sleep-tight1 @itsfreeekinbats @cybergroupie @marsplsstop @ezrasbirdie @diogodxlot @janebby @juletheghoul @bii-aan-ckaa @nohartandsole @djjarins @lamelyssher @giselatropicana @pescopadral @blackmarketmummy @laviipopii @ew-erin @fan-of-encouragement @melody13522 @clydesducktape @planetariumx @sambucky21 @thirddeadlysin @leannawithacapitala @fangirl-316 @thou-creature-of-the-deep @what-iwish-you-knew @mandoamando @nabootycall
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