#how i plan a single day out to do all my errands bc the next 2 days will be recovery
gotyouanyway · 7 months
i keep having dreams where i get a wheelchair and then i’m wheeling around like “oh my god i’m shopping rn and i’m not in pain!! this is the best day of my life!!” 🫥🧍🏼
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lutbys · 4 years
Christmas Party
Day 1 of Christmas at Hogwarts:
1st – You and Draco are sworn enemies. Always have, always will. But an evening spent decorating the Slytherin common room has got you both rethinking your choices.
a/n: MY DUMB ASS! I woke up this morning to no notifications for day one and i was lowkey sad bc I thought no one like it but when I checked again, I POSTED IT PRIVATELY UGHHGUGG *biggest facepalm of the century. No, at this point I've smashed my head against the wall* So I guess its on the 2nd of December then hHHHH I’m truly sorry for my dumbmity.
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin reader
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“You want me to do this all by myself!” you gawked at the boxes upon boxes of Christmas decorations Pansy dug up for tonight. “And how do you expect this to look good?”
“That’s where you come in silly! I’ve seen your decorating skills back home and its impressive. That’s why you’re our party decorator” Pansy replied, gleaming at the shiny tinsel and the mountain of fairy lights. Who knew there was enough space in this dungeon to store such cheerful items?
“But I didn’t agree to this stupid party in the first place!”
“Typical of y/n to back out at the last minute. What next? You didn’t plan on getting married so why host a wedding?” you hear Draco scoff as he descended down the stairs that lead to the dorms, his arms tucked into each other and his face disgruntled just like how he would every time he caught sight of you.
“Shut it Malfoy. I don’t see you being of much help either.” To that he only scoffed and turned his back to join in on a conversation with Blaise.
It wasn’t rocket science for anybody to realize you and Draco were never on the same page. Its been like this since the first year, from the awful hair pulling to sabotaging each other’s cauldrons during potions class. You never knew why but when you first caught sight of the boy, you’d knew you’d hate him.
“Now that the venue is all settled, Nott, Zabini and I are going to Hogsmeade for the snacks. Draco you coming?” Pansy ticked off errands from her endless to do list, her eyes racking through the list multiple times like the perfectionist she is.
“Waste my time walking around? No thank you.”
“Then its settled, Draco you can help y/n doll this place up. The faster, the better.” Before he could utter an excuse, the busy girl had pushed the two other boys away and exited the common room.
You stood in awe at the situation your best friend put you in. The two of you stood dumbfoundedly among the boxes as you raked your brain on how you were going to turn this musty dungeon into a welcoming hall.
“I suggest we throw all this shit out and call it a day.” Draco grunted, kicking a box of ornaments till it toppled and you watched as three glittery green globes fall and break into little pieces. “Unlike you, I actually have important things to do.”
“Like what? Being a git? Who do you think is going to clean that up Draco?” You bit back, pointing to the scatter of broken glass that once used to be delicate trinkets. 
“you know what? I’ve had enough of you for today. I’m going to decorate this part of the room” You gestured your hands around the fireplace “And you can decorate all the way over there”
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, Draco agreed and moved over to the tables along with his pick of decorative items.
You’ve been staring at the fireplace for longer than you wished but your mind is blank. Completely blank. And you dreaded to turn and see how much Draco has done because all you’ve been hearing for the past half hour are the crinkles of the tinsel and his frustrated moans whenever the wrapping paper didn’t fold the way he wanted it to.
Your eyes shifted from box to box as you tried to come up with something creative. Sure, your living room back at home would look extravagant to guests but that was all mom’s doing, all you had to do was help put them up. 
It was the absence of the gold chain that once perched itself on top of the dodgy Santa stuffy that caught your attention.
I swear I saw it a moment ago
You were also wondering why the gold star for the tree was missing too! After rummaging through the countless number of boxes, there was only one other person you could think of to have stolen it.
“Oi Malfoy! Next time you take something from my side, ask!” You rolled your eyes at his obliviousness.
“Why would I want things from your side? Mine looks better to begin with.” “Then where did the star for the Christmas tree go?” your confusion grew as he mirrored your expression. What is happening?
Just then, you caught sight of a little dark grey blob running across the room, its little feet making little to no noise against the carpeted floors. You and Draco turned to each other with wide eyes, Care of Magical Creatures taught you well enough to identify it as a Niffler, the little rodent who steals.
“What the hell are we going to do?” you whisper-shouted, eyeing the single seated sofa you last saw it run by.
“Its your problem y/l/n. I’m not touching that thing.” 
“Don’t be daft Malfoy, if we don’t catch it, your stupid watch will be next!” Draco scoffed at your exaggeration, but his reaction quickly dimmed as he fingered his wrist at where his fathers watch used to be.
“My watch! You jinxed it you little minx.” 
“See! If we don’t catch it now who knows what will be nex- Hey!” you watched the sly critter reach out for the string of tinsel on the floor, barely grabbing hold before going back into hiding.
Your feet worked faster than your brain as you lurched towards the sofa, trying to grab hold of its little tail but to no avail, it was faster. “Draco look out! He’s coming your way!” 
Before it could dodge the white-haired boy, Draco had caught it swiftly. The poor creature tried to wriggle himself to escape, but Draco’s grip was stronger. “Hagrid’s right. It does feel funny.” His face grimaced at the sight of the thing, its flat beak and teeny arms was not sitting right for him.
“From what I remember, all you have to do is hold it by its hind legs and shake it.” You watched him follow your instructions and everything instantly fell out of its pocket. From coins to a small piece of confetti, it rained gold. You laughed in bewilderment at the sight in front of you. Sure, you’ve learned anything and everything about these magical creatures but having the opportunity to see one in real life was quite a scene to remember. It seemed Draco too was amused with the sight.
“What a cheeky little rat! Look at all he’s stolen.” Draco said after trapping the Niffler in a nearby crate. “I don’t think this is the only house he visited.” He held out a gold Gryffindor badge that once belonged to a prefect.
“That was pretty impressive. Never seen one in my life!” your hand raked through the lost knick-knacks like it was a treasure chest. “I’m going to put this back, Pansy should be back anytime now and I know she’d freak if she came back to this mess.”
Draco too took the liberty of scooping from the pile and just then, your hands touched. You couldn’t tell if it was the adrenaline of having seen a Niffler or never have had contact with Draco, but it felt different. Almost, nice. 
It was when you looked up when you realized how close you both were to each other, close enough that your breaths mingled, close enough that if your lips were to touch-
“We’re back and we’re ready for the biggest party yet!” Pansy excitement boomed from the picture frame they entered through; her hands filled with bags from Honeydukes. 
Like acid being poured over, you both pulled away instantaneously. “What the hell happened in here!” The once happy girl’s smile went agape when she saw the mess beyond her. The chairs were toppled, the lights that were supposed to be on the walls were scattered on the floor, and a suspicious looking crate was moving on its own.
“We had a bit of a Niffler situation” you scratched the back of your neck guiltily, you had failed the one task you were given, and miserably at that. “But it’s okay! I promise you I will fix all of it.” Your words seemed to encourage her, knowing her trust on you was strong.
“You have an hour and an HOUR only.”
“The most memorable party of the year!”
“This beats Gryffindor’s for sure” 
You rolled your eyes at the cocky compliments thrown around, knowing well enough it all came from your group of friends. You didn’t know how, but you miraculously made this place lively with the time given. Having your friends entertain you whilst at it added bonus points. Now, you awed at how the lights made the room glow and the green, black and white banners hung proudly by the fireplace.
But one thing kept running through your mind as the party went on in full swing.
You couldn’t get this afternoons incident out of your head. You never noticed how his eyes were so mesmerizing and his scent so intoxicating that you would have all your clothes doused to smell like it. 
And he couldn’t get you out of his head too.
Draco stood lonely near the staircases, having no mood to mingle as he was knackered from the days events. But it was also an excuse to think over things when it came to you. He rewinded the scene over and over again, wondering what would happen it the moment never stopped, if Pansy wouldn’t have opened her loud mouth and disturbed them.
You both parted -quickly at that- as soon as the group came back, not daring to look into each others eyes for the rest of the evening.
But here you were, searching through the crowds for the one pair of eyes that had made your heart stop.
And you found them.
Staring straight back.
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janellion · 4 years
rainy day with kags (4 lexee)
@oyakags asked: hello hello :) i’ve been thinking, and i was wondering if you would want to write a little somethin about spending a rainy day with kageyama? :) i don’t know if that’s too vague. absolutely no rush and of course you don’t have to at all if you don’t feel like it, but i love kags & you plus i love the vibe of rainy days and i feel like you are a master at vibes ♡
LEXEE!! thank you so much for requesting this!! i had so much fun writing it & thinking about you & kags (bc yeah i tried to cater it to you as much as possible hehe) i kinda took it in a different direction so i hope you like it! ♡ also master at vibes? you’re gonna kill me w these compliments i swear i-
pairing: kageyama tobio x gn! reader (written as f!reader but can be read as gn!reader)
genre: fluff (meet cute)
summary: sometimes the universe surprises you
wc: ~2.2k
song recommendations: rainy girl - andrew mcmahon and the wilderness x | she always takes it black - gregory alan isakov x
This morning when you left the house, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and you could feel a warm breeze on the air. For all intents and purposes, it was a perfect summer day.
But, the universe had other ideas
Two hours into your planned day of errands, you feel a single raindrop wet your cheek.You brush it off with a gentle sweep of your hand, dismissing it as a fluke, and continue walking down the path of the outdoor mall, taking in the colorful storefronts and shops around you. 
But a few minutes later that first drop was followed by another, and then another until the sound of rain hitting the ground around you began to fill your ears
As happy as you were this morning about the sunshine, your heart leaps at the possibility of an unexpected storm. You take a moment to tilt your face up to the sky, feeling the warm summer rain against your face, wetting your hair, and seeping through the shoulders of your shirt as you raise your arms to feel the rain on your skin
You feel a smile creep onto your face, enjoying the spontaneity and rush of the summer storm around you before you hear a voice yelling from behind you. You whip around to greet the voice, wet hair sticking to your forehead, cheeks flushed from excitement, and eyes bright
When you turn around you find a tall dark haired man jogging toward you, dark eyes wide and staring at you with a light flush coloring his cheeks. He freezes as your eyes meet his, setting his jaw as your eyes drift to catch his adam’s apple bobbing up and then back down, before he closes the distance between you and clears his throat to speak
“You uh, were just standing in the rain,” he says, voice surprisingly low, as he holds out an arm to you, a crumpled piece of clothing in hand
You quirk an eyebrow at him, a smile ghosting your lips, before taking the offered clothing. You uncrumple the dark fabric in your hands until the shape of a rain jacket begins to form
- You pause for a moment before looking at the man in front of you, noticing how handsome he is, his dark eyes earnest and open, despite the purse of his lips
- He looks down at you, raising his eyebrows as he speaks, “Well you were standing in the rain. And I didn’t want you to get wet?”
- He ends the sentence with a cough, looking off to the side as he feels his cheeks begin to heat up again
- You laugh warmly, eyes twinkling as you take in the wet state of his clothes, the now-wet fabric of his shirt hanging from his broad shoulders and clinging to his arms
- You feel your cheeks flush before snapping your eyes upward to his face as you sling his jacket over your shoulders
- You smile as you push your arms through the sleeves noting the way they extend far past your hands, before smiling warmly up at him, “Thank you, that was really nice of you, uh,....?”
- He flushes again, taking in the sight of your bright eyes blinking up at him through wet eyelashes, hair wet and sticking to either side of your face, and a wide excited smile painting your soft lips before he realizes that you’re still waiting for an answer
- “Oh it’s Kageyama. Kageyama Tobio,” he finally says, bringing his eyes to yours before giving you a soft smile
- You return his smile and feel your body relax before your face falls as you realize — you’re both still standing in the rain
- “Oh my gosh, wait! We have to get you out of the rain, you don’t have a jacket anymore!” You say, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him under the nearest awning to escape the rain
- Kageyama’s eyes widen as he feels your skin against his, warm despite the cooling sensation of the rain as it evaporates on his skin
- As you finish pulling him out of the rain, you look at him, eyes wide and apologetic, “Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry I don’t know how I didn’t realize you were getting all wet! I’m so sorry about that!” You exclaim, arms going to his shoulders to feel the dampness of his shirt
- He flushes at the contact, mind flashing back to the image of you looking up at him through wet eyelashes, a moist sheen on your smiling lips, before chuckling softly as he looks briefly down at the ground between you before bringing his eyes to meet yours, “It’s completely fine. I don’t blame you at all,” he says
- You exhale in relief, arms retreating back to your sides, before a smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you take in the sight in front of you
- He looks down at you through dark bangs, eyebrows quirked and lips pulled into a barely-there scowl, “What’s so funny?” He asks, not attempting to hide the suspicion in his voice
- You return his gaze, barely able to hold back a smile as you say, “Were you on your way to get a haircut or something?”
- With that, his scowl melts into a wide smile, and his eyebrows rise up behind matted bangs in surprise as his eyes begin to crinkle with laughter
- He brings a hand up to his hair, fingering the dark strands as water drips from them
- You watch as a single droplet makes its way down his cheek before landing on his barely exposed collar bone
- You snap your eyes back up to his quickly, feeling your face heat up, as you bite the inside of your cheek, only catching the end of his sentence
- “-standing there in the rain,” he finishes saying, a light blush on his cheeks, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he speaks, betraying the soft look in his eyes
- You smile at him, nodding in understanding, pretending to have heard him before glancing at the door behind you over your shoulder
- You perk up upon noticing where you two have ended up: a coffee shop, and turn back towards Kageyama, smile bright on your face
- “You saved me from getting soaked, the least I can do is buy you a coffee,” you say, gesturing over your shoulder to the door of the coffee shop behind you
- His eyes widen briefly in surprise before he lets out a breath you hadn’t realized he had been holding
- You feel a strong arm wrap reach behind you, your eyes widening in surprise and cheeks flushing at the proximity of Kageyama’s face moving towards yours, before you’re pulled from your thoughts by the jingle of a bell
- Kageyama looks down at you, eyebrow quirked and a smile trying to push its way past his lips
- “After you”, he says, pushing the door open even further for you, revealing the bustling sounds of the shop and allowing the familiar smell of coffee to lazily drift out the doorway to greet you
- You pause for a brief moment, enjoying the proximity of Kageyama’s face inches from yours before turning around and stepping into the shop
- With your back turned, you don’t get to see the smile that’s been fighting its way past that scowl finally make its way onto his lips as he walks into the shop behind you
- You approach the counter, looking up at the playfully decorated menu hung up behind it, trying to decide what you want, before that strong deep voice pulls you from your thoughts
- “What do you want?” Kageyama asks, wallet already out, at the front of the line
- Your jaw drops momentarily and your eyebrows come together as you approach him, a teasing smile on your face as you recover
- “I was supposed to be treating you!” You laugh gently, trying to bump him out of the way with your hip
- To your pleasant surprise, he doesn’t move an inch, just looks down at you with the corner of his mouth quirked up and expectant eyes as he gestures to the waiting barista in front of you
- “OH I’ll have an iced vanilla coffee please,” you say, smiling at the barista as they take your order
- Kageyama hands over his card and you huff at him softly before sighing
- “Thank you, seriously” you say, looking up at him as the two of you walk to the other side of the counter. “I feel like I’m going to owe you a million favors by the end of the day,” you say, laughing sheepishly
- Kageyama looks at you, smiling that soft smile that lights up his dark eyes, before saying, “You don’t owe me a thing. I-,” he pauses for a moment, mind flashing back to when he first saw you, carefree smile on your upturned face, arms open, free and uncaring in a way he’d never experienced but felt so drawn to, “I really wanted to.”
- Before you can consider the faraway look in his eye, the barista calls Kageyama’s name and places your coffees on the counter with a smile
- “You two are a really cute couple,” they say, before turning around, completely oblivious to the effect their words have on you and Kageyama
- You take your coffee, heart beating fast and heat threatening to creep its way up your cheeks, before searching out the only open spot in the shop: a plush loveseat next to an electric fire
- You make your way over to the seat, failing to notice that Kageyama is still glued to the same spot you left him, blush painting his cheeks, stuttering as he tries to correct the barista who has long since moved away from the counter
- As you settle into the loveseat and take off Kageyama’s jacket, he takes a deep breath and releases it, trying to calm his nerves, before walking over to sit next to you
- You turn to him and smile, settling further into the couch as you get comfortable
- Kageyama on the other hand, is sitting like he’s about to be scolded by his parents for staying out past curfew, back straight and eyes forward
- You laugh softly at the sight in front of you, wondering how such a commanding and confident man can be simultaneously so awkward and shy
- You reach over and tap his shoulder, feeling the muscles tense at the brief touch
- “Relax,” you say, smiling over at him and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as he finally turns his head to face you, “I’m not gonna bite”
- With that, he chuckles softly, mumbling something under his breath, before you feel the muscles in his shoulders relax, his tense body melting under your touch
- With a small chuckle you remove your hand and reach for your coffee, not failing to notice the stark change in temperature from the heat through Kageyama’s shirt to the chill of your coffee as you turn to watch the rain pour outside
- Kageyama seems to deflate a bit at the removal of your hand, but soon corrects his posture, grabbing his own coffee before following your gaze to look at the storm outside
- He pulls in a breath before turning to you, eyebrows furrowed, his dark eyes intense and trained on you, before releasing it
- You turn, sensing his gaze, a little taken aback at the intensity
- “What were you doing out there in the rain?” He asks, voice filled with a soft and measured intensity that you’re coming to associate with the man across from you
- You let out a breath, relieved that he wasn’t going to ask you something terrible and serious, before shrugging
- “I really love the rain, especially in the summer,” You say, turning to face him and bringing your eyes to meet his before continuing, “The warmth in the air and the cool rain on your skin. Who wouldn’t want to stand out there and enjoy it?”
- You pause, biting your lip before deciding to continue
- “There’s something so beautiful about a freak rain storm when it’s supposed to be nice outside,” you say, finally, returning the intensity of his look before continuing, “It’s like the universe wanted to send you a little surprise, you know?”
- Kageyama blushes before breaking eye contact with you to look back at the pouring rain outside
- His mind flashes back to the sight of you, face turned to the sky, eyes closed and carefree, smile on your face, and arms outstretched, looking for all the world like the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen
- “Yeah,” he says softly, turning to look back at you with that same intensity, only this time you finally recognize it’s undeniable warmth, “I think I know exactly what you mean.”
taglist: @softkatsuki
a/n: this was alternatively titled “rainy girl” but @megalodon-writes said i wouldnt title it this & a dare’s a dare
if you have any ideas/requests, please feel free to send them in! i can’t guarantee that i’ll do all of them, but i’ll certainly try ♡
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coldpeachsoju · 5 years
M-may I request something? 👉👈 something like prosciutto helping a poor lost tourist and being a gentleman and showing her around Naples 😳 (or alternatively, new dad prosciutto looking after his new born while his partner recovers)kfkfkerk (இ﹏இ`。)
both prompts are good and tbh that alternative might be a part two to this 🙈
hope you enjoy !
Prosciutto helping lost tourist Reader
Prosciutto was bored.
His cold eyes glazed over the scenery before him as he rested against the adobe wall of a local cafe, previously having a coffee inside not too long ago. He studied the array of shops and buildings that lined the streets, kids running down the sidewalk playing tag, hearing their laughter and shouts. The florist across the street was conversing with one of the women that lived in the building next to his shop-Prosciutto couldn’t make it out what they were saying exactly so he played out a conversation in his head where the poor man was trying to sucker her into buying something through some two-faced lie. It wasn’t too warm today, not too cold either- it was the perfect weather to go out today.
The hitman wasn’t having any of it though. No new missions, no errands, he hated it. He had forgotten the monotony of a simple life, he wondered how it was that people managed to do this, to just go with everything that came and live without a care.
A smirk crept on his lips as he spotted someone across the street squinting down at a map, watching them look up here and there at the street signs before groaning in frustration. Classic tourist, Prosciutto thought before turning the gears in his head. A light went off in his head, maybe this would be a fun little routine breaker.
He puts his cigarette out beneath polished shoes before stuffing his hands in his pockets and making his way over.
Across the street, you were completely lost as to what direction you were supposed to be going. You had a destination, but the streets were a lot more confusing than what you were used to, even after spending a few days in Italy at this point. You looked around for a moment to ask for help, paying no mind to the figure making his way towards you before you sigh in defeat and lift up the map to look over again.
“Ti sei persa?” A smooth voice breaks you out of your jumbled plight, causing you to snap your head up towards whoever it was. As soon as you meet this man’s cool blue stare, your breath hitched in the back of your throat. Not a single blonde strand of hair was out of place and he fit in that patterned suit quite nicely. You had seen plenty of attractive men on your trip so far but he had stolen first place with just one glance.
Prosciutto wasn’t expecting his heart to skip a beat when you lock eyes, his first thought being ‘cute’ when he gets a good look at your face. Your curious, lost stare with furrowed brows and lips parted in confusion was absolutely adorable to him. He regains his train of thought and clears his throat, breaking the silence between the two of you, “Sorry.” He chuckled before repeating himself in English this time, voice coated in an accent that wasn’t too heavy, “Are you lost?”
You took a second to find your words, unable to process that this very attractive stranger was offering you a helping hand. It felt too much like the beginning of some cheesy romance movie. “Oh-uh, yeah.” you managed to cough out, directing his attention to the map in your hands. “Can you help me find this restaurant? One of the staff at the hotel recommended it to me.”
His eyes glaze over the area circled in pen on your map before he shakes his head and  tuts lightly. “I know a better place. That one isn’t bad, but they like to trick pretty little tourists like you. Come, I’ll get you a good deal.” He shot a wink towards you, knowing damn well that he’s got you in the palm of his hand. “Call me Prosciutto, what’s your name?”
He offered you his arm to take, which you gladly accepted, linking your arm with his and telling him your name before whisking you off on an impromptu tour. The alarms were going off, hollering in your mind that this man could very well be dangerous, but he had managed to sweep you off your feet within a minute and his handsome looks made you swoon. The way he had smooth talked you into going with him, his nicely pressed suit that you didn’t doubt being a designer brand, his exposed chest-you were instantly hooked.
The blonde knew Naples like the back of his hand, impressing you greatly and you internally thank fate for handing you such an attractive tour guide for free. He weaved through the streets with you in tow, guiding you away from any tourist traps you were sure you would’ve fallen for. You’re enamored with all the information he’s giving you along with all the sights around you, admiring the colorful architecture and the rich history of the city.
Once the two of you arrive, you’re instantly seated at a table and it appears the staff holds Prosciutto in high regards. They’re most attentive to the two of you, greeting you with a warm welcome when they see him by your side, and offer their best wines and put in a special order to the chef. The restaurant isn’t too flashy or grandiose, it has a homely and warm feeling to it, and you understand why Prosciutto had taken you here. Families are enjoying a meal together, laughing and catching up with friends and neighbors they happen to run into here.
While waiting for the food, Prosciutto takes a moment to ask some questions about you and in return, reveals the bare minimum about himself-at least, to your knowledge. His interest grows the more you talk about yourself, and knows that this has gone a lot farther than he expected. He isn’t complaining though, as he asks about where you’re from.
Prosciutto adores the excitement that went ablaze in your eyes as the two of you engaged in  a conversation about your countries. The way you gush about your hometown has him say, “Maybe you can show me around in the future.” The idea of taking Prosciutto around your home turf has you going red in the face and taken aback for a moment.
“I’d love to!” you declare a little too eagerly, finally forming a response. He leans back, amused as the food arrives and the two of you enjoy a meal together. Prosciutto pays for the whole lunch afterwards, catching you off-guard slightly even after you insisted to pay at least half of the bill.
“All apart of the tour package,” He quips, “my services aren’t free.” He holds back a laugh at the aghast expression that takes over your features, “I’m joking. I’ll walk you to your hotel.” There’s more to that offer, you can tell by the more flirtatious tone his voice takes as the flustered heat in your face rises for the hundredth time again and you regain your composure.
You link your arms with his once more, both of you becoming fond of the company of each other.
Prosciutto brings you to your hotel, as he promised, getting your hopes up further as he offers to take it a step further and walk you to your room. “Just making sure that you’ll be safe. Naples can be dangerous if you’re not careful.” he elaborates, your thoughts grow wilder by the second.
The silence on the way to your room is almost killing you, unsure if he’s been teasing you or not. You really hope he’s implying something by bringing you back, especially after the time spent with him today, but you know it’s not likely he’d act on anything. The way he looked so gentleman-like too wasn’t helping. When you get to the room, you turn to him with a flushed face after unlocking the door, “Would you like to come in?”
You’re a little let down when he politely declines your offer, “I’d love to, but I have a meeting soon.” You curse yourself for getting your hopes up so quick. You quickly perk back up when he speaks up again. “Will you be around here for long?”
“It’s my last week in Italy.” You admitted, heart dropping when you saw a hint of disappointment flash across his features. Your eyes darted around the inside of the room for a pad of paper and a pen. “Hold on.” You spot them laying atop the bedside drawer and rush to write a few things before tearing off a piece of paper. You hurry back to the doorway and hold the torn parchment out to him. “Here, take this.”
Scrawled in your handwriting was your email and phone number to your hotel room.
“I really want to see you again if that’s okay.” You admit, wanting to know him a little more before you had to leave, watching him stare down at your writing.
“It’s fine with me, I was hoping to show you the frescoes at the cathedral.” he replies, looking back at your hopeful expression. “See you soon.” He turns on his heel and leaves the hotel as you sit in anticipation for your next encounter together.
The blonde man looked at the scrap of paper in his hand fondly before looking up at the blue sky, watching the clouds go overhead, and making plans in his head to make it a trip the both of you would remember.
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mxrcayong · 5 years
oh sehun - collegeboyfriend!au blurb
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lmao this is my first blurb ever so sorry if it’s shit
- late grocery runs!! he would always run out of food and/or get snacky after dance society practices. 
- he’d always put random shit in your basket - eitther things he’d want or things that would make you laugh
- cup noodle and sojju dates!! you’d just sit in the pantry or wherever and watch whatever k-drama is new or just talk about bullshit
- picking you up for uni! he would be living in the dorm ages away so he’d take the train all the way to your dorm, wait outside the building (or if it’s the one security guy who liked him, would wait outside your door), and bring you to class
- unless he had a 9am and you don’t (or vise versa)
- then he picks you up for lunch at the café place nearby 
- study dates!! you’d award each other with kisses or small dares. your favorite dare for sehun would be ‘show me how much you love me in an interpretative dance’ 
- saving up for events and activities like escape rooms
- skin care sundays!! one sunday each month is reserved for face masks and movies 
- you don’t ever have to worry about him liking other girls bc he’s sososo affectionate
- he’s constantly holding your hand or wrapping his arms from behind you 
- sometimes, if you guys share any tedious activities or events, he’d lean his head to your shoulder and whisper complaints, snarky comments, or sassy comments into your ear
- but when he loves a lecture or a class, you see his eyebrows furrow with concentration. his eyes never once leave the slides and he writes all his notes down in a messy, but in the same but odd way beautiful way in his notebook
- student discount dates!! you would do the weirdest and most thrifty things - from vintage clothe shopping or watching any discounted movies at midnight -- even if the movie has gotten 1/100 on rotten tomatoes
- running errands together and teaching each other simple chores - you teach sehun how to cook, sehun teaches you the basics of fashion / mixing things together, you teach him how to do laundry, he teaches you about how to take care of your skin and how to get motivated
- you’d sneak into his dorm all the time
- or vice versa
- he abosolutely hates sleeping alone
- he’d want to cuddle you
- you’d share the single bed and squish in together
- sehun’s legs literally fall off the bed
- but he’d wrap them around you in an embrace
- he’d tell you how much he loves you and talks about whatever is on his mind
- you’d talk about how your days went, about plans for the next day, about the newest celebrity drama, about a weirdly shaped rock outside
- if you ever fight, sehun made you promise you’d never go to bed angry
- so even if the fight goes unresolved, you two pinky promise to deal with it tomorrow and still sleep in the same bed
- he’d cuddle into you more than usual
- and the smell of his cologne would remind you everything would be okay
- but for real, sehun would give you a silent treatment
- so like, when he cuddles into you, it acts as a reminder that he loves you and that the silence he’s giving you is not reflective of how he thinks of you
- sometimes he’d leave passive aggressive notes on sticky notes
- hm, i wonder what it’s like to actually listen to someone’s feedback for once... it’s totally not like it’d be helpful at all! :) 
- good morning texts if one of you have to leave the bed early for class
- texting each other after your last class to meet up 
- going to libraries together and studying while sharing the same earbuds
- if you  get stressed, sehun would do goofy faces to make you laugh or talk about things he’d want to do with you when the work is done to give you motivation
- sometimes you both go to the library, even if one of you don’t have work for moral support
- ...and distractions
- legit one of you would end up doing a proper lip-sync performance while the other studies
- sometimes the other would fall asleep on each other’s shoulders
- you two would go to the gym together -- even if you don’t work out
- most of the time in the gym anyway, you guys just play stupid versions / very unathletic versions of team sports with the exo boys
- you and the exo boys would have a tradition of arcades, karaoke, and koreaan BBQ after exams or “hell weeks” 
- the boys make fun of sehun for being “whipped” 
- he doesn’t help himself by hiding his face in the crook of your nneck
- he’s both the most affectionate and most conservative person you’d ever meet
- he’s also both so shy and so loud
- he’s the best contradiction there is because he can be the most annoying person in the room but the one person in the world who could make you smile in no time
- he knows how to get college stress off your mind 
- and he encourages you to do the best you can
- he knows he likes to distract you, but he knows when you shouldn’t be distracted
- if he notices you’ve been studying all day and haven’t eaten, he brings you your favorite cup noodle or fast food or whatever he can find to your room
- if you’re in the library and can’t eat, he forces you out
- sometimes he’d text you reminders to take care of yourself or for simple things
- you’d respond jokingly saying “dont forget to breath” in a snarky-stressed way
- but lets be real, when he’s sick or not taking care of himself, he can either be the most mature/quiet person about it or the biggest baby
- you’d basically coddle him when he’s sick because he’s a big baby
- but as a result, whenever your sick, he showers you in compliments for being “so strong” and would bring whatever he thinks you need
- he’d also be the boyfriend who’d buy you tampons if you really need it wo shame
- he’d proudly parade you around during pub crawls and events - like your relationship would no way be secret, everyone would know
- if he’s drunk, all he looks for is you
- if he’s sober, he talks about your accomplishments and acts like you just won the nobel peace prize
- he’d pick you up from every major assesment, and vice versa
- basically i want a college sehun in my life
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seanfalco · 4 years
I am loving you and Kat’s Punk!AU fics!! If it is okay, could you write Valdo x Aevryn’s wedding please? I bet it was quite a fun one!! 🙈 🤣
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Valdo Marx x oc (Aevryn Swift) Word Count: 2585 Rating: G Tag list: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats @nevadawolfe @magic-multicolored-miracle @coffee-and-stories @whatevermonkey a/n: Thank you so much for this request.  I had a lot of thoughts about their wedding, so hopefully it wasn’t too all over the place.  I might make a separate post with more in depth headcanons bc honestly there’s so much I didn’t end up writing lol;;;
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“How many people are out there?” you asked in hushed awe, your eyes bulging as you glanced out at the sea of people seated across the garden’s lawn in white chairs, decorated in Valdo and Aevryn’s colours: black, emerald, and gold.
“Uhm… I’m not sure,” Aev muttered, somewhat distractedly, sparing an anxious glance at the crowd of guests, most of whom she didn’t even know, but who her parents and Valdo’s had insisted needed to be there, especially since they hadn’t gotten their way with the wedding ceremony -- wanting a traditional Catholic wedding despite their childrens’ lack of religious beliefs.
The sun shone cheerily down over Kensington Gardens while fluffy cheerful clouds peppered the expanse of pale blue sky and a pleasant breeze took the edge off the summer heat.  Aevryn couldn’t have asked for a better day to marry her best friend and man of her dreams, so why was she suddenly so nervous?  She’d been imagining this day for so long with nothing but excitement in her heart, but now as she paced under the shade of the ivy tunnel she was certain of nothing.
“Hey, how’s Aev doing?” Yennefer asked, her voice pitched low as she came up behind you, her violet eyes flicking over to the bride.
“Uhh… I think she’s starting to freak out a bit,” you whispered back, watching Aevryn continue to pace, her hands twisting anxiously in her skirts.
“Shit,” Yennefer muttered, heaving a sigh as she swept past you to attempt to calm her friend; her emerald skirt swishing around her legs.  “Hey Aev, what’s going on?  Is something the matter?”
“What if he changes his mind, Yen?  What if something happens and-and, look I know I’m being ridiculous,” she cut in with a scowl, frustration plain on her face, “but I’m suddenly very scared.  I mean, look at all those people!  This suddenly feels so real and Gods I’m shaking now.  What if he changes his mind?”  
Yennefer threw you a look and you hurried over, placing a comforting hand on Aevryn’s back, patting her soothingly.  
“Hey, come on now, we’re talking about Valdo Marx here, he is not going to change his mind about you, of all things,” Yen assured her and you nodded in agreement.
“Yennefer’s right, I mean, he’s loved you since you were kids.  He’s loved you nearly his whole life.  This is just… jitters.  Stage fright,” you explained, hoping your words would help.
Aevryn nodded shakily, as if wanting to believe you both.  “Yeah, yeah,  you’re right,” she murmured, twisting her engagement ring around her finger.  “I just wish… ugh, I wish I could talk to him...”
“Uhhh,” Yennefer hesitated.  Luckily she didn’t have to think of an answer as Jaskier approached, the crunch of gravel beneath his shoes announcing his presence and Aevryn’s head snapped up, her expression warring between relief and worry.
“Jask!” she gasped, enveloping him in a tight hug from which he shot you a reassuring grin as he squeezed her before stepping back.  
“You look stunning,” he exclaimed, taking in his friend’s creme and gold gown, complete with flower crown perched on her somewhat wrangled mess of hair.  
“Thank you,” she murmured, waving the complement away impatiently.  “How’s V?  Is everything alright?  Is he freaking out too?”
“Please reassure her,” Yennefer cut in, planting her hands on her hips.  “She’s turning into a hot mess here and if she’ll listen to anyone, it’s you, Pankratz.”
“Actually, I came as a messenger,” Jaskier explained, his lips twisting somewhat in displeasure at the thought of being relegated to an errand boy, but the expression was quickly wiped from his face as you came to stand at his side, smiling up at him.  “Valdo wanted you to read this.”  He pulled a small folded sheet from his breast pocket to hand to Aev.
She took the paper and unfolded it, her sea green eyes quickly traveling over Valdo’s neat scrawl before a smile tugged at her lips which she quickly covered with her hand.  
“What does it say?” you asked, curiosity getting the better of you.  The other two looked just as inquisitive, though they were trying hard not to show it.
“Oh, you know V.  He’s waxing poetic, as usual, but he’s excited to see me,” she murmured, cheeks flushing slightly.  “He said he can’t wait to marry me.  That he’s been waiting all his life for this day.  Stupid romantic idiot,” she muttered fondly, folding the paper up and slipping it into her bodice, next to her heart.  “Jask, can you give him a reply for me?”
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes but nodded.  “I guess,” he sighed, ruining it with a grin.  “Is it not enough that I was coerced into being Valdo’s Best Man?  Oww!” he yelped as Aevryn punched his arm.  
“Jaskier,” she warned, proceeding to jab her finger in his face.  “Have I told you how much I appreciate you doing that for him?” she exclaimed, quickly penning a response to her fiance’s letter.  “I know you would have rather been my Man of Honour, but V just doesn’t have a lot of close friends…”
“I know, I know,” he relented.  “You know I’d do anything for you, Aev.  And Valdo’s not... as bad as he used to be,” he admitted begrudgingly under his breath.
“I know,” she replied, smiling softly as she handed her paper to Jaskier to deliver.  “Thank you Jask.”  
“I’ll see you soon,” he quipped, “and don’t worry, everything’s gunna be perfect, you’ll see!”  Flashing his most charming smile at the three of you he quickly turned to hurry back to where the groom and Geralt were gathered.
You turned back to the bride to find her rereading the scrap of paper from her husband to be, smiling softly though her lips trembled slightly with emotion.
The look on Valdo’s face as Aevryn’s father walked with her down the aisle was most definitely the highlight of the ceremony.  You’d never seen Valdo look so enraptured -- his emerald eyes misting over as he shook with silent sobs.  Completely overcome with emotion, his curls bounced slightly and a wide grin broke over his face as Aev stopped in front of him, taking his hand and looking equally as emotional; a single tear rolling down her cheek which he quickly wiped away.
The second most memorable moment was the kiss -- Valdo dipping Aev low without hesitation as she kissed him back just as enthusiastically to the deafening applause and cries from the crowd; your own voice joining the celebration as you caught Jaskier’s eye across the aisle.  He looked so happy for his friend that it made your own heart ache with joy, honoured to have been part of their day.
Hands twined tightly together Aevryn and Valdo led the crowd to the reception area, not a far walk away; tables and chairs set up under several tall airy tents strung with hundreds of flickering fairy lights.  The dining tables were set with the finest place settings in gold and emerald, and elegant centerpieces of geometric terrariums held beautiful arrangements of succulents.  The sight was breathtaking and you joined the couple at the head table, seated next to Jaskier.
“You ready for our first dance, love?” Valdo asked, leaning in close to whisper in Aevryn’s ear and she blanched slightly as her eyes swept over the crowd of attendants, which had only seemed to grow after the reception had begun.  She caught sight of several influential people and a handful of celebrities and other musicians -- no doubt signed to her father’s and father-in-law’s music label, and swallowed slowly.  
“I suppose,” she murmured and Valdo noticed her trepidation.
“Don’t think about them.  Just keep your eyes on me, okay?” he murmured, brushing a kiss to her jaw.  “Besides, by the time we begin you’ll only have eyes for me anyway.”  The smirk he directed her had her tilting her head curiously. 
“What are you planning?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him fondly; excitement radiating off her.
“You’ll just have to see,” he replied, pausing to glance out at the guests that were clinking enthusiastically on their glasses, his smirk only growing before he captured her lips with his, giving the audience what they wanted.
Soon Aev was positioned in the seat of honour, unable to completely banish her radiant smile as Valdo took the small raised stage, slinging his guitar over his dark emerald tux while Vicious Mockery joined him.
“Before we begin our first dance, I decided I wanted to set the mood by serenading my beautiful wife,” Valdo explained into the microphone to the excited murmur of the guests, though his emerald eyes never left Aevryn.  “To back me up are her closest friends, the band, Vicious Mockery.  Aev, this one’s for you.  Always and forever.”  
Turning away from the microphone Valdo looked to Jaskier.  “Thank you,” he murmured softly and Jaskier nodded, a sincere grin flashing across his face before they began playing, Valdo’s eyes once more seeking out his wife.  As he began to sing for her she began to cry, tears slipping down her face, one hand coming up to clutch at her throat as the other covered her mouth until Valdo jumped down to join her for their dance, his arms circling her and pulling her close; fitting together like two matching puzzle pieces.  
True to his words she didn’t even notice the eyes of their guests on them as they slowly circled the floor, her forehead pressed to his as he murmured affirmations of his love for her; more couples joining them on the dancefloor as the song transitioned.
The night wound on and the moon rose overhead, joined by the twinkling of stars in the clear inky expanse above while the Swift-Marx party raged on, certainly not slowing anytime soon.  Aevryn danced with more people than she could count -- sharing a meaningful moment with her own father and then Valdo’s (whom she’d known since childhood and who already felt like a second father to her anyway), before Jaskier cut in, twirling her around the floor, a giant grin on his face.
“Did you ever think in a million years you’d be here?”  Jask asked, leaning in conspiratorially, while across the floor from them Valdo was dancing with [Y/N], making pleasant small talk.
“What do you mean?  Partying it up at Kensington Palace?  No,” Aev replied with laughter, her eyes flashing mischievously, knowing what he meant.
“No, I meant, married to Valdo Marx,”  Jaskier clarified, rolling his eyes.
“No.  I mean, at one point I did, but then I didn’t.  But then I hoped...”  She shook her head, her smile faltering.  “Honestly Jask, this feels all too good to be true, and I’m half expecting tomorrow to wake up and it’s been nothing but a dream.”  Her voice cracked slightly and Jaskier sobered.
“It’s not a dream, Aev,” he assured her.  “I meant what I said in my toast.  You deserve more than anything to be happy, even if it’s with him.  And I’m glad for you.”  He paused, glancing over at Valdo, “You know how much I hate to admit it, but Valdo’s really… come a long way, hasn’t he?”
“Yeah, he really has,” Aevryn replied proudly, her eyes finding her husband.  Her husband.  The words still seemed surreal.  “He’s a good man.  He really is, even if he’s not your favourite person in the world, and that’s fine, because he’s mine.”
Aevryn collapsed into her chair next to Valdo, his arm instinctively snaking around her waist as she leaned against him, reaching for her champagne glass, downing the rest in one swig.  They’d been dancing with their friends in between drinks and had both ended up taking the stage to sing a song together, their voices mixing and harmonizing as if there were no better duo in the world.  After the rush of adrenaline both were starting to feel exhaustion beginning to creep in, and Valdo pulled Aev into his lap.  She nuzzled against him, smiling as she fiddled with his half unbuttoned dress shirt; his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, after he’d shed his tuxedo jacket.
“How you fairing, love?  Getting tired?”  He asked, dipping his face to catch her eye; his sweat dampened curls sticking to his forehead.
“A little,” Aev admitted, her fingers tracing his jawline as she gazed up at him.  “Actually, I’m getting a little hungry.”
“Yeah?  Me too,” he replied, glancing over at the table of food before frowning.  “You wanna get out of here for a bit?”
“What are you talking about?” Aevryn exclaimed, snorting a laugh.  “This is supposed to be our party, and there’s food right over there.”
“Yeah, so?” he countered cheekily, cocking an eyebrow.  “No one’ll notice if we step out for a little while.”
“I think it might be the opposite,” Aev argued, but excitement filled her at the idea.  “Y’know I think I saw a pizza place across the street from Hyde Park.”
“Now you’re talking, Swift,” he purred, “or perhaps I should say Swift-Marx,” he added thoughtfully, stroking his goatee.  “My clever wife.”
“I like it when you call me that,” Aevryn said, grinning against his lips as she kissed him.
Sure enough, no one seemed to notice the bride and groom slipping away and running off hand in hand down the trail to the park entrance.
“Oh my Gods, this pizza is better than sex,” Aevryn groaned, taking another bite as Valdo leaned across the booth, his green eyes flashing.
The other patrons of the small restaurant had given them a few strange looks, as they’d entered, which turned into amusement as they realized the couple was obviously dressed for a wedding -- Aevryn’s poofy skirt filling the booth comically.
“Oh really?” he asked, eyebrow cocking jauntily.  “Is that a challenge, dove?”
“Maybe,” she smirked, pulling his deep green tuxedo jacket tighter around herself.  “You wanna prove me wrong?”  Her voice dropped to a husky suggestive tone that sent a shiver racing through him, and in that moment Valdo wanted nothing more than to hoist his wife over his shoulder and cut out on the rest of their reception to take her back to their hotel room for the night (though he knew he couldn’t do that, at least without bringing his parents’ wrath down on his head).
“Oh, believe me you little minx, I will most definitely be proving you wrong, soon enough,” he drawled, running his fingertip over the back of her hand, resting on the table.
Aevryn set down her half finished piece and took Valdo’s hand in hers.  “I love you.  So much,” she whispered suddenly.  “I love you more than all the stars in the sky.  You know that, right?”  Her voice shook slightly, as if she needed to get the words out. 
A smile stole across Valdo’s face, his heart filled with fierce affection.  “Of course I know that,” he murmured in return, “ I love you too Aevryn Swift-Marx.  I’ll love you til the day I die.”
“Good.  Because all I want is to spend my life with my best friend, making all the best memories.”
“And so you shall, my love, so you shall.”
Little did they know that through the window one of the photographers from the reception had followed them, capturing this hidden little candid moment; the pictures of which would become quite popular over the next few days with their fans.
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October 9. Exactly a month later, funny how I work
What’s good, I’m still thriving hope you are too :)
Only a month in and I’ve already had one midterm; I have two more before Friday (it’s Wednesday). Usually I know how well I’m going to do going in; these two? I absolutely do not. It’s mostly because I have never taken classes remotely similar to either before, yet I’ve gone to every lecture, so it’s really just roulette at this point. But I’m rolling with it!
I got a job: I walk dogs with Wag! I get to walk some heckin cute dogs, and my step count has shot up to a daily 15-20k effortlessly. It’s actually been pretty slow this week, but last week I made about $80 which was nice pocket money. I had to spend it all bc I had a few haircare-related emergencies but I plan on using the money I earn from now on to open a Roth IRA before the semester ends, and then after that saving for a nice spring break vacation w my boo. when i said i’m thriving!
Academically, I do need to find a tutor for physics, because my prof is a pretty bad lecture and I’ve fallen behind on textbook readings, so if any of y’all know good Columbia peer tutors for 1401, please hook a girl up. Also, I’m (finally) taking gen chem lab, and I am somehow failing! My TA has her head up her ass and takes points off for incredible things. But on the other side, I haven’t missed a single pset in physics or a single lab report in gen chem. 
I’m actually taking an intro course in coding (in Python) this semester, and it’s my most rewarding class and also the class I’m doing the best in! With minor help from friends, I’m completing all the projects by myself and I couldn’t be prouder. It’s also my only 4-credit course this semester, so with any luck it’ll cushion my GPA. I’ve always been intimidated by computer science, so my success in this class so far is really validating.
I know it sounds like I don’t have much of a life outside of classes, and that’s kind of true, but I’m actually really happy with my life as it is! I don’t go out into the city much, but the thrill I used to get from that, or from going out with friends weekend nights, I now get from staying on top of my classes. That might be because I’m taking all STEM courses this semester for the first time, which really excites me! These days, if I’m not in class, studying or at required sorority/URC events, I’m either in the lab, playing/running with my dog, or in my dorm watching Netflix and snacking. I get the occasional meal--maybe 5 meals a week--with a friend, and I have frequent study sessions with the new friends I’ve made in my intro-level courses. Weekends I usually run errands and do chores, with Saturday being my “veg out” day and Sunday being my “weekly cleanup” day (laundry, vacuuming, grooming my dog, etc.). Mondays I’m back on my bullshit!
Thanks for checking in; catch you in the next one :)
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blackhole-imagines · 5 years
His Combatant (Grimmjow x Reader)
This is a story i put a lot of work into, its on my Wattpad as well. I placed the link at the bottom so no one thinks I stole this story.
It’s kind of weird it has kind of lives me castle/mythology vibes, but I still really like it.
It’s about a Fraccion who was under Harribel, but due to her overconfidence in her abilities she was transferred.
Now that I think abt it it’s kind of out of character bc Harribel would never give one of her girls up but whatever let’s just pretend Lmao
Ch. 1
Hueco Mundo was very different than what an outsider may think. Hollows were savages; yes, but there was a whole intricate system that outsiders knew nothing of. As the beast became stronger it became more intelligent, so it is only natural that there is some order going on outside of Las Noches. Las Noches however, was much more complex. The Arrancars and Espadas didn't just roam around aimlessly through the castle halls. They have jobs, errands to run, friends. Some are better at socializing than others, but that is more than okay.
The Espadas are assigned castles inside of Las Noches. These castles didn't just house the Espada and Fraccion, but other arrancars as well. The Arrancars are each assigned a castle where they will be living and working. Naturally these Arrancars are commanded by the respective Espada of that certain castle. The castles weren't anything like the fairy tail ones, the were the typical white buildings of Las Noches with gold details on the outside. The castles were built so that they surrounded the main castle, Aizens castle. The buildings were ordered clock wise, so the First Espadas castle was in between the second and tenth Espada's. They never touched, the buildings, everything was spaced out so that no one was breathing down each other's necks. It prevented conflict.
There was a girl who had just finished patrolling the castle boarders. She was no ordinary Arrancar, she was one of the Fraccion. One of the more skilled out of the bunch. She belonged to Harribel: the third. Patrol was a crucial part of living in Las Noches. There wasn't anything like a civil war but it was pivatal to always have a look out. This castle was the only one ran by a female Arrancar, and some have tried to take that as an opportunity to attack. Other times they had to watch out for refugees. Many have taken refuge in the third's castle looking to escape the more ruthless Espada. At the moment they were at full capacity and could no longer take anyone in.
Announcing her entrance with a knock, she entered the third's quarters. Lady Harribel was seated by a small table and seemed to be filling out some paperwork. As the girl approached her rightful Espada, she descended on her knees. Harribel gave her a brief nod and allowed her to speak. "Lady Harribel, the northern and eastern boarders are quiet. Apache should be returning from her patrol duties soon". "Rise ___" She did as she was asked and quickly got on her two feet. "We need to talk" Harribel announced. The Fraccion nodded slowly becoming anxious.
Lady third scribbled one last thing on the document she was working on and placed her her pen down. Harribel's normally sharp eyes seemed softer today and it bothered the girl even more. She felt something was wrong the minute she stepped foot in this room.
"As of today" she paused "you will no longer be one of my Fraccion". Her breath caught in her throat, she was silent, in shock. Her thoughts ran amok in her head; did she do something wrong? Had she upset lady Harribel? Was she not strong enough? No, she knew none of those justified lady Harribel's reasoning. Not once had the Espada lifted her gaze from her now former Fraccion.
"So what now? You're demoting me to the bottom of the food chain?" She asked with a slight pitch of sharpness in her tone. Harribel noticed right away and stood up, the ex-subordinate quickly lowered her head. "You will retain your title as a Fraccion, just not mine". "Then who's" She implored. "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" there was a pause, she did not want to hear that name. He was one of the three most ruthless Espada's in Las Noches. The amount of Arrancar that had dragged their bruised and beaten bodies here, bleeding in order to escape, the sexta sickened her. "But lady Hallibel why? I'm the strongest of your fraccion, there in no reason for me to be sent to that brute. You've seen what he's done to who make him mad" her voice held frustration and desperation "then don't make him mad".
Her hands were balled in a fist, drops of red falling onto the white floor. Tears had threatened to escape her eyes, but she held it in. "____" she paused her voice much softer this time "this is precisely why I'm doing this, you're too confident in your abilities. It's not a bad thing, but you need a challenge, a reason to always be on your guard and this is it". The salty liquid broke trough and cascaded down her red cheeks. "You shouldn't be so trusting and comfortable around your environment, you never know when someone will come for you. Lord Aizen and I talked about this, it was either Nnoitra, Szayelaporro, or Grimmjow. I would never give you to the 5th, and the 8th was out of the question." She had parted her lips to respond, but nothing came out.
Harribel released a long breath "this will be good for you, pack a bag and be at the 6th gate by dusk" after nodding her head she made her way to the door "lady Harribel... may I visit" she questioned "Only if he allows". She bit her lip in frustration and quickly made her way out. She took the long way to her room, intaking every inch of her home. She didn't want to leave. As much as she hated to admit, she was scared. Injuries she had seen, had patched up that was made by the sixth, he was merciless. She had only been in Grimmjow's presence a handful of times and none of them were pleasant. The last time she had seen him she made sure to never see him again. She was mistaken.
Thinking about it made her body shiver. She will never forget that day. There was an Arrancar she had spotted while on patrol, he was dragging his body through the sand because one of his legs was blown off. She rushed to his rescue because at the time they were taking in refugees. It all happened so fast, one minute she was running and the next she saw blue and white in front of her. All she heard was a scream and the man was dead. The sexta's body had covered hers from the blood that gushed out of the mans body. Grimmjow turned towards her wearing a cynical smirk that she would never forget.
Entering her room had brought her back to reality. She walked over to her closet and began packing necessities. When she had finished she sat on her bed and pondered. She couldn't wrap her head around it, lady Harribel was right. She had become less attentive and more trusting, but it was no reason to send her away. When the sky became pink she got up and went on her merry way. To get to Grimmjow's castle she couldn't walk around to get to it, not unless she wanted to be fired at by cero's. Her new home was located almost across her old one. She had to go through Aizen's castle, his castle was connected to all the others.
The skies were now grey and she stood outside of the 6th gate awaiting her escort. The man who had come to pick her up introduced himself as Shawlong, he was tall, skinny, and carried himself with honor . She admired that in individuals, his hollow mask was very different than hers. His resembled a hat that had a spike to its right side and it covered his left eye. Hers resembled a forehead crown that had a sharp end that reached in between her eyes.
Unlike the thirds castle that was lively and full of life, this one was dead. There hadn't been a single other arrancar in sight. "Where is everyone?" She looked at Shawlong for an answer. "Many of our arrancar do not know how to behave around lord Grimmjow, so they die. Others flee to other castles" nodding her head she kept silent. "You mustn't be scared, lord Grimmjow detests fear" he paused "but he has good intentions" she scoffed, but kept her mouth shut.
Shawlong showed her to her room, it was different from her previous room. It was simpler, she didn't hate it. "I'll come find you when our lord returns, you may wander the hall if you wish. Do not go into the room with the double doors, unless you intend to die" that quickly caught her attention, she knew where not to go to. After Shawlong left she began placing her things down. The room was surprisingly clean, it surprised her that they kept up with their cleanliness due to the lack of inhabitants. She walked over to the large mirror in the corner of the room and began examining herself. Turning her body in different directions just to check herself out. She had the standard hakamas on, her top was a white long sleeve bodysuit. With a deep breath she undid the black sash around her waist, pants sliding to the floor. The rest of her clothes soon followed, she tossed them in a bin she assumed is where laundry went. Her nude frame walked across the room and entered the bathroom. She started her shower and planned to go to bed right after.
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asoftslytherin · 6 years
sweetener. ch. vi
a/n: i’m so sorry this took forever. i kept changing my mind on certain things and eventually had to split this chapter in half and if you look down at the word count, you’ll understand why. 
summary: people are stressed about the wedding. namely you, but not about the wedding, technically. basically, you’re just stressed.
warnings: innacuracies about how weddings work in the uk. bad writing bc i’m editing this after i post it because the painkillers about to kick in and i really wanted to get this up as soon as possible. slight violence, idk if you could call it that but i just wanna cover all my bases. a little smuttiness. swearing, duh. a smidge of angst. drama? scandal? intrigue?
word count: 6k.
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(as per usual, i don’t own the pic i just edit. also i’m actively trying harder to use more poc in these pics bc i don’t want any lovelies to feel ostracized bc i’m trying (hopefully doing at least okay) to keep this race neutral)
Before anyone realized it, the wedding was in a week. There was no bachelorette party, simply because there wasn’t enough time to have one, let alone plan one. Who knew about the guys, and honestly, who cared? You and every other bridesmaid had way more important things to take care of. The upside of all of this wedding prep drama was that Lily was handling it quite well. You weren’t sure if she was just really good at hiding when she’s about to freak out she’ll just snap one day over nothing, or if she was just genuinely relaxed. James only had one request for the bridesmaids: that their dresses be the color of Lily’s eyes. It was simultaneously the sweetest thing you’d ever heard and made you want to vomit. Some of Lily’s friends from school came into town the week before the wedding since they were some of the bridesmaids. Marlene was the Maid of Honor, obviously, and you, Mary, a very sweet girl who reminded you of sunshine, Dorcas, someone you knew immediately that she was not someone to be messed with, but nice nonetheless, and Alice, a friend who had already been married a year or two, were the bridesmaids.
You and Sirius had put a hold on the “meet-ups”, since you were both running around doing wedding errands and no time between work and the wedding. He’d still sext you occasionally, which just made you want him even more and it took some persuading and empty promises to make him stop. At the same time, those occasional texts would be to see how your day was going or just to talk. You told yourself he was just being a good friend, since there was technically a “friend” part to “friends with benefits”, and to not read anything into it, but there was a teensy part of you that was hoping that he had a teensy part of him that felt what you were feeling for him. Whenever those thoughts came up, you shoved them back down. Who had time for emotions am I right? Lily was the one who was allowed to have emotions right now, not you, you told yourself one morning while getting dressed when your eyes stopped on the dress you wore the first night you met Sirius. Nope. Feelings? Don’t know her.
You pushed through your workdays, concentrating solely on the task at hand, even if it just making copies or sending an email, you were only allowed to think about that email or that menial copy. Your phone was off the entire time you were at work, if you got a text from him while working, deep down you knew that you wouldn’t get anything done for the rest of the day because you’d be staring at your phone. When you got home from work you only did things that needed to be done for the wedding, if you had nothing to do, you’d text or call Lily because you knew she’d have something for you to do.
That Wednesday before the wedding you had finished tying ribbons on mason jars for the centerpieces and texted Lily, she needed to pick them up and if she just happened to have something to do for the wedding, then you’d do it. Because you’re a good friend. When Lily knocked on the door, you paused the podcast you were listening to (you didn’t really listen to music anymore, too many songs were about the feelings that you were currently suppressing) and basically sprinted to the door.
“Woah, hey,” Lily stumbled over her sentence, a little startled at how quickly you’d opened the door.
“Hello beautiful!” you beamed at her, probably looking ridiculous with a smile that big on your face. “Come in!” you gestured for her to walk in to your place.
Lily chuckled and walked through the door, setting herself down on the couch and crossing her legs. “You’re very enthusiastic today, what’s up?” Lily gave you a quizzical look.
“I’m just excited for your wedding, that’s all!” you sat down next to her and softly patted her on her knee.
Lily looked down at her lap and then looked back up at you. “Y/N, I would believe you if you hadn’t been acting like this for two and a half weeks. What is going on with you?”
“What?” You were somewhat taken aback by her question. “There’s nothing going on. Just work and working on your wedding, that’s it.”
Lily gave you a knowing look before she spoke. “When was the last time you saw Sirius?”
“What does he have to do with anything?” You were getting more confused by the second.
“Just answer the question, as an early wedding present.” Lily casually put one of her arms around the back of the sofa.
“A week ago, maybe a week and a half? We’re pausing things until after the wedding since he’s the best man and I’m a bridesmaid and there’s shit to do,” you somewhat glared over at her. “Why?”
“Because for the last week and a half you’ve been more eager to get things done for the wedding than my mother. I’d expect every text from her to be about my wedding but not you. It’s almost like you’re avoiding something.” She gave you a concerned look. “Did something happen with you and Sirius?”
“Wha- No! Things are fine between us! Am I really being that intense?” You finally figured out what she was getting at and tried your hardest to play innocent.
Lily picked up her phone and handed it to you, “I just want you to read through all the texts you’ve sent me for the last week and a half.”
You internally winced and took the phone from the redhead next to you. Every single text you sent her was about the wedding and if you could do anything or that you had an idea or wanted to know who you’d be sitting next to, and you’d been texting her almost daily. Inside, you knew that you were using the wedding to keep yourself from thinking about Sirius and that kiss in your bedroom and that feeling in your stomach that you hated. You set her phone down next to you and put your head in your hands, elbows resting on your knees. “Okay fine, but you can’t tell anyone! Maybe Marlene, but nobody else. Not even your soon to be husband,” you emphasized before looking directly into her green eyes and taking a deep breath. “After the night all of us had ramen and hung out here, while you we were taking things back to yours and James’ car, when I got the last stuff in the cars James told me to get Sirius because he hadn’t come outside yet. Well, Sirius was in my room just looking at my books and I told him they wanted to leave and he gave me this look and kissed me and…”
“Had you never kissed him before?!” Lily exclaimed in shock.
“No, I definitely kissed him before then, calm down,” you smacked her knee. “He kissed me and it like it was a quick kiss, but I wanted more but not in a sexual way, if that makes sense. Like he tried to pull away but I pulled him back down and, oh my god this is gonna sound so fucking stupid, but when I let him go my lips felt all tingly and then he gave me that same look when he left my room. And since that he’s been texting me every now and then, like not just sexts like asking how I’m doing and wanting to talk and I don’t know if he’s being friendly or has feelingslikeIdoandIdon’twannafuckitup.” You blew out a gust of air and flopped your torso on the back of the sofa.
“Not gonna lie, I didn’t entirely get what you said but I got ‘feelings’ and ‘fuck it up’, so I think I know what you’re saying. Plus Marlene texted me that night and said you had a ‘stupid look on her face since Sirius left her room’ and we kinda put the pieces together,” Lily grinned.
You were a little annoyed that your friend made you admit what you’d been denying for a while. What kind of friend makes someone come to terms with their emotions? “I’m gonna kill both of you,” you groaned.
“I just want to say that it’s okay to have feelings. If you didn’t I would call a doctor to make sure you’re not some kind of robot,” Lily leaned over and held one of your hands. “Plus, you can’t do this anymore. Mostly because there’s literally nothing left to do for the wedding except the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and the actual. fucking. wedding,” she bore her eyes into yours and emphasized those last three words. “And on top of that, you’re gonna have to see Sirius at all of those things so you need to not act like a lunatic around him if you don’t wanna actually make things complicated between you two.”
Frowning at her you nodded. “You’re right. I can’t just avoid my problems, but it’s so easy,” you whined. “I think it’s so easy to just push all my feelings down because he’s ‘Mr. Non-Commital’ and you heard him at dinner! The longest relationship he’s ever had was with Marlene and that was back in school! All signs are pointing to ‘don’t get attached’. Plus, I’ve already been hurt way too many times by guys nowhere near as hot or as good in bed or as nice or as- Ugh! You see what I’m getting at?” You threw your hands in the air and widened your eyes at Lily. “This is a no win situation.”
Lily put her hands out in front of her, kind of looking like Chris Pratt from that scene in Jurassic World. “Okay, I get it. You’ve been hurt and that sucks. But you can’t give up just because someone attractive may or may not be into you! Why don’t you just try your hardest to be chill around him until after the wedding stuff is over and James and I are in Rome? That way, you aren’t acting like you’re going to explode, and when you do, I’ll be in another country!”
“Thanks, Lily,” you said in a monotone voice, watching her pick her phone up from the cushion next to her and begin typing a message to someone.
“I didn’t even tell you that you could tell Marlene! At least not yet,” you felt a little dejected.
“Oh, we both already knew,” Lily said casually, not looking up from her phone. “I’’m just letting her know that she owes me five quid because you told me about it first and not Marlene,” Lily shut her eyes and gave you a big grin.
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
The wedding rehearsal itself took about fifteen minutes total. Surprisingly, weddings take like no time if just take out the actual matrimony stuff. Who knew? You definitely tried your hardest to be a normal person around Sirius. It probably just looked like you were really concentrating on standing in that one spot, that’s what you were hoping that was what it looked like. Every now and then you looked at Sirius just to see that he was looking right at you, with that smirk on his face, it might have been because Lily had asked all of you to dress nicely for the rehearsal and you settled on the dress you wore the night you met Sirius; partly because you liked torture probably, and it was the nicest dress you had. You felt your face getting warm each time you saw that smirk and prayed that people would think you were just a little warm. In November. In England.
When the rehearsal was officially over, James and Lily called the wedding party over to where they were standing, probably wanting to just thank you all for being in the wedding or something nice like that.
“Okay, you guys,” Lily began with an incredible grin on her face. “You know we love you and that you have done so many favors for us and some have even flown in to be here which means so much to the both of us.” She turned her grin up to James who was looking at her like she hung the stars, basically the way he always looked at Lily, but somehow it was with even more adoration than before, which none of you thought was possible.
James continued to look at Lily for a couple of seconds before he was elbowed in the stomach by her and realized he was supposed to say something as well. “Oh, right,” he snapped himself out of his daze, causing all of you to laugh, since this was just how James has always been around Lily. “The two of us wanted to take you all out to a nice dinner, just us, no relatives or anything. We just wanted to show you our gratitude and catch up with some of you and the rest of you can just drink and be merry,” James laughed. “We have some cars outside waiting for us. You can split up however you’d like, don’t really care either way, just be in a car in ten minutes!” He clapped his hands and walked towards the doors to the sanctuary you were in (Lily’s mother insisted the wedding be in a church).
Before you could even take a step, Sirius was right behind you, his mouth against one of your ears. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were wearing that dress just for me.” Turning around, he was standing about as close as he could without being flush against you, until he wrapped an arm around you and made it so he was truly flush against you. He was wearing a suit, something you didn’t know he owned and if Lily and James weren’t treating you to dinner, you’d be dragging him to your car.
With him so close to you, that feeling in your stomach graduated from a twinge to essentially what people referred to as “butterflies”, a metaphor you hadn’t fully understood until that very moment. “It’s a good thing you do know better, considering we’re in a church,” you said through gritted teeth, feeling the arm around you dip lower and lower down your back and you had to grab his elbow and yank it back up to an acceptable spot. “Regardless, we have to leave in ten minutes,” you rationalized.
“Oh, we both know what can be done in just ten minutes,” he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine that you were sure that he could feel through your dress.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered all the composure that was left in your body, standing up straighter, looking directly into his piercing eyes. “And we both know that we’re not doing that here,” you smiled innocently. “However,” you leaned into his ear this time, “there are cars right outside, waiting for us.” The second the words left your lips, Sirius’ hand was clutched around your wrist, leading you towards the exit, causing you to stumble and tell him to slow down so you could grab your purse and jacket. Of course, he didn’t give you any time to actually put the jacket on, so when you were dragged outside you really wanted to put on that jacket, but as you were putting it on, Sirius was opening the door to one of the town cars on the curb and yanked you down into it and shut the door behind you.
“Any more coming?” the driver asked, looking at the two of you through his rearview mirror.
“No it’s just the two of us,” Sirius hastily replied. “No rush, we can leave with the rest of the cars, we aren’t in a hurry.” Sirius then pressed a button or switch, you weren’t sure, on his door handle and a partition came up between the front section with the driver and the backseat where you and Sirius were.
You gave him the side-eye. “Really?”
“You’re wearing that dress and you weren’t expecting this? Wait- that sounded awful. I mean, you look- And I haven’t-“ He paused and studied your face for a moment. “It’s been too damn long.” He was leaning towards you as he spoke and his words almost slipped out of his mouth and into yours. He kissed you quickly and forcefully, his hands gripping the sides of your face and pulling you as close to him as possible. You kissed him back with the same amount of force, your hands threading through his hair and mentally stopping yourself from just leaning over and straddling him, which gave you an idea.
You kissed him for a few more minutes, wanting to savor him, but you realized that if he was missing you as much as you were missing him, you could use this to your advantage. You began slowing the kisses down, removing your tongue from the equation and turning the full-on makeout session into soft pecks on his lips. Pulling away momentarily, you saw a look of pure confusion dance across his face. You slowly brushed your lips from his lips to his ear and sultrily said, “I thought you said we weren’t in a hurry.” You leaned back slightly to gather his reaction, which was sexual frustration and confusion.
“What do you- No,” he glared down at you. “I haven’t seen you at all in a week and a half and now you’re teasing me?” Part of him looked a little hurt, but you knew that he was playing up his reaction. “Literally any other time I would be so into this, but oh-ooh-“ He glared at you again as you slowly put your hand on his thigh and rubbed the inner part with your thumb. “This is just mean.” He squinted his eyes at you, not even flinching when the car began to move.
You smiled to yourself, turning your head and pretending to look out the window, sighing, letting your hand creep slowly up Sirius’ thigh. You felt his muscles tense underneath your hand and heard what sounded like a growl slip from his obviously clenched teeth. Your smile got a little bit wider. You’d never heard a noise quite like that from him. You looked back over to the man beginning to unravel next to you, watching him shake a strand of hair out of his eyes and turn them towards you.
“You do realize that two can play at this game, darling?” he smirked back, inching slightly closer towards you. He reached an arm across the back of the seat, hung a couple of his long fingers down, letting them find their way to your neck and let them stroke up and down the side of your neck, barely touching you causing a gasp to escape your lips and sending shivers down your spine for the second time that evening. Why did you do this to yourself? You still had a whole dinner to get through. Soon enough, his lips were brushing against where his fingers had just been. You really hadn’t thought this through. He was breaking your defenses faster than you attempted to build them up just moments before. You attempted to concentrate on the hand that was moving closer and closer to Sirius’ growing erection, just the sensation of feeling how hard he was for you, mixed with his kisses that were creeping up your neck and close to meeting your lips.
Before you completely broke, you turned your head away from him, so his lips couldn’t meet yours and moved your hand from his crotch, placing your hands in your lap. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw that Sirius had a look of concern on his beautiful face. “Have I done something wrong? I swear I didn’t mean anything when I was talking about your dress. I-“
You put your hand on his and looked directly at Sirius. “No, nothing’s wrong.” You gave him the smirk he’d given you so often. “I just decided I wanted to be in charge tonight.” You looked down at your hands and caressed his thumb with yours.
Sirius took a deep breath and raked his fingers through his hair with his free hand. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving it. But why?” He had a look of bewilderment on his face.
You coyly leaned your ear over to his to whisper: “Just think about how good it’ll be when we finally get together.”
Before you had a chance to explain your wording, the driver had come around to your door and opened it for you. You hadn’t even noticed that the car stopped. You removed your hand from Sirius’ and grabbed your bag from the floor of the car, slipping your jacket on as you slipped out. You thanked the driver and kept your composure distracting yourself by looking up at the restaurant you were at. You’d never seen it or heard of it before, then again, you couldn’t really read the name of the place. The sign just looked like an ’S’ connected to wiggly line, so honestly, it could have been anything. The rest of the wedding party began getting out of their cars and making their way towards James and Lily who were standing just outside the entrance. Lily seemed to notice that you were standing uncomfortably with your arms across your chest. The redhead raised her eyebrows at you and you gave her a pointed look that said “Don’t ask”. She simply nodded, knowing not to push the subject and turning her attention to Marlene who was walking up to Lily to ask what kind of food they served at whatever this place was called, she’d always been kind of a picky eater.
Soon enough, the lot of you were sitting at a giant round table in a room separate from the restaurant. It even had it’s own door. You attempted to not be seated next to Sirius, but due to different people wanting to sit next to each other to catch up, you had no choice. Sirius, who still hadn’t taken his coat off, most likely to what you had done to him in the car, quickly excused himself, while everyone else was taking their seats.
Remus, who was sitting on your opposite side leaned over towards you. “So how are things between you two?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
You lightly sighed and pretended to look at the menu. “I think it’s fine right now, but… I don’t know, I don’t think we want the same things,” you shrugged.
Remus chuckled. “Well, I think-“
“Oh no, Remus is giving his opinion, this can’t be good,” Sirius laughed, sitting down next to you.
“Oh, we were just talking about,” you began, still pretending to read your menu, “how ridiculous these prices are. Jesus Christ, Lily! I don’t even think I can afford water here,” you looked up at Lily with your eyes widened.
“Y/N, what part of ‘taking you out to dinner’ do you not understand? We’re treating you guys. And you aren’t allowed to order the cheapest thing on the menu so we don’t spend as much on you. I’m watching you, Y/L/N,” James said with a stern look on his face, pointing two of his fingers at his eyes and then pointing them towards you. You smiled and nodded, they were the ones getting married, after all. What they say, goes.
The waiter came around and got everyone’s drink order, luckily this place had your favorite drink on their menu, so you could at least relax a little bit. What you’d slipped out to Sirius was still hot on your mind. The table was soon filled with conversation, people catching up, talking about old times at school. You learned that James, Remus and Sirius were notorious for getting into trouble. They even had another friend that hung out with them but he was always quiet and died years ago in a terrible car crash into a lake where he was then eaten by an alligator.
“It’s so funny, it’s almost as though nothing has changed with you three,” Mary smiled, leaning back in her chair. “Remus is still extremely practical. I’m honestly surprised that you aren’t a professor somewhere”
“Actually,” Remus began, “I’m considering going back to uni for my doctorate. That’s the best thing about literature, they just keep making more of it.” Remus joked and looked down at his drink, obviously not liking the attention being on him in this capacity.
You put your hand on his forearm and squeezed it lightly, smiling up at him. “You’re too smart to not be great at whatever you do.”
He lightly smiled back, keeping his eyes on his drink and you removed your hand from his arm, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable than he already was. You took a small sip of your drink and looked around the table, feeling slightly out of place. As if he was reading your mind, Sirius moved his hand under the table and took yours, lightly making circles on the back of your hand. You looked over at him and smiled, feeling like everything would be okay.
The feeling of Sirius holding your hand had you in a slight trance for a moment, you didn’t realize that Mary continued talking about the three guys in their ‘heyday’.
“Of course James and Lily are getting married. I vaguely remember hearing James say that if he ever married Lily that he would… what was the exact quote?” Mary looked off into the distance trying to remember.
“Oh!” Dorcas exclaimed. “It was ‘If I ever get the chance to marry her I’m doing a musical number at the reception’!”
The whole table began to laugh as James put a hand on his chest, feigning offense. “Well now you’ve gone and ruined the surprise,” he joked, folding his arms over his chest.
“Now, let’s not forget about the infamous Sirius Black,” Alice smiled, pointing a finger to the man who was still holding your hand.
“Or as we liked to call him: ‘Mr. Non-Commital’,” Mary laughed. You tensed, unsure of what to do, wondering if you should even move. You really just wanted to be invisible.
“He used to swear that James was an idiot for pining after Lils,” Marlene added.
“But his rationalization of it was that you can’t just be with one woman at a time. ‘Sample every flavor’ is something I heard him throw around a lot,” Dorcas nodded, smiling at Sirius. You immediately dropped his hand from yours and began fidgeting with your fingers, trying to seem as calm as collected as you could to the rest of the table, even though it felt like your worst fears were being broadcasted.
“Alright, alright,” James started to attempt to diffuse the situation. “I think we’ve beaten on his ego enough for one night.”
Mary, Dorcas and Alice rolled their eyes at James and began whispering amongst themselves. You let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and downed the rest of your drink. You felt like you were going to be okay, until Dorcas let out a hearty laugh and almost yelled, “Oh my god! I forgot about ‘sexcapades’!” The three girls began laughing again.
You stood up and Sirius gave you a concerned look, “I’m just going to the bathroom,” you said somewhat defensively, taking your purse with you to fix your lipstick that you knew wasn’t looking great from how hard you had been pursing your lips together. You were glad no one else noticed you leave, you had stared at one of your forks for about thirty seconds after what Dorcas said before getting up so it wouldn’t seem suspicious.
When the door to the room closed behind you, it was like you could breathe easier now that you had gotten out of that situation, for now. You walked through the door that led to the restrooms and turned towards the women’s door until someone grabbed your wrist. “Sirius? What are you doing?” you ripped your wrist out of his hand and widened your eyes at him when he didn’t give you an answer.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he spoke softly, a look of genuine concern on his face.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You put your best mask on, the one you’d spent years perfecting. “Everything’s fine,” you smiled and gave a small shrug.
“Y/N…” Sirius whispered, reaching for one of your hands. “I know that-“
“Black.” A man with long black hair and a large nose had walked into the hallway.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Sirius said underneath his breath. “Really? Why are you even here?” Sirius nearly yelled as he turned to the man behind him.
“Am I not good enough to be here, Black? Or am I interrupting something with the woman I’m assuming is your, ahem, escort for the night?” The man had a devilish grin on his face and you wanted no part in any of this.
“I’m leaving.” You walked past Sirius and the greasy-haired man.
Right as you got to your door you heard the man say “Oh, don’t look so despondent, Sirius. We both know you have the money to just find another whore.”
You stormed out the door, walking as quickly as you could to the front of the restaurant. Not completely sure how you were getting home. Assuming you’d stumble upon a taxi or something. If you walked far enough away you could get an Uber without Sirius trying to catch up with you.
You needed to be alone.
Sirius’ night already wasn’t going great when you had excused yourself right after the things the girls had said about him. If it were possible to go back in time and beat his own ass, he would. “I’ll be back,” he said to no one in particular, walking through the same door you had just used.
You walked faster than expected, and Sirius had to pick up the pace if he was gonna beat you to the restrooms. Opening the door, he saw you and lunged towards your wrist, letting his legs catch up once he knew he could talk to you.
“Sirius? What are you doing?” He honestly didn’t think he would get this far and wasn’t sure exactly what to say. When you kept staring at him, he knew he had to lay it all down.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Sirius looked up at you, trying to find the eyes of the girl he shared a car with. He hated seeing you like this.
Sirius saw your face change as if something inside of you had flipped a switch. You were shutting down before his very eyes. “Why wouldn’t I be okay,” she said with a plastic smile. “Everything’s fine.”
Sirius obviously knew that everything was not fine. He’d been in the same room as her and heard what they’d said about him. “Y/N…” Sirius began reaching for one of your hands, wanting to feel your hand against his one more time just in case you never wanted to see him again. “I know that-“
Sirius was suddenly cut off by a voice he would know anywhere. “Black.”
Snape. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he said under his breath. If he weren’t in a nice restaurant, he likely would have screamed it. “Really? Why are you even here?” Sirius was trying his hardest to not explode and it wasn’t working that well as he heard his voice reverberate off the walls somewhat. He turned to look at the last person he wanted to see right then, only wanting to punch him in the face.
“Am I not good enough to be here, Black? Or am I interrupting something with the woman I’m assuming is your, ahem, escort for the night?” Snape sneered at him. Sirius only saw red. Every fiber of his being was telling him to make Snape pay for those words, but the other part focused on the fact that you began walking away.
“I’m leaving,” you said in a straight tone.
Sirius let you walk, knowing there was nothing he could do at that moment that would convince you to want to have anything to do with him.
“Oh, don’t look so despondent, Sirius. We both know you have the money to just find another whore,” Snape spat at him. He heard the door close after Snape’s comment, letting him know that you had heard everything.
Sirius grabbed Snape by the collar and pushed him against the wall. “Don’t think I don’t see the ‘coincidence’ of you being at the same restaurant as James and Lily the night before their wedding. If you even think about being within fifty meteres of the wedding, or Lily, I will be the one to handle the situation and give you what you deserve. Do you understand?”
“Fine,” Snape coughed out. Hearing that, Sirius dropped him to the floor and hoped that he could still find you.
The first place he looked was the room where he had been just minutes prior. The second he opened the door all eyes were on him.
“Sirius, what’s going on? I just got a text from Y/N saying ‘heading home, not feeling well, enjoy dinner. see you tomorrow’. Did you do something?” Lily questioned him.
“I went to go talk to her and Snape, yeah that one,” he added when everyone’s eyes widened, “saw me talking to her and assumed she was my escort and then he called her a whore and she ran off.”
“Where is he now?” James asked, the same anger in his eyes.
“Might’ve run off, I don’t know. I did tell him to stay the hell away from the two of you and said some other things,” he threw in that last part before he leaned down and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. “I’m gonna go find Y/N and make sure she’s okay,” he said quickly before bolting out the door.
You’d put your phone on Do Not Disturb right after you sent the text to Lily and got in the cab. You were grateful that the cabbie wasn’t a talkative one, or maybe he just noticed he had a girl on the verge of a breakdown in his car and knew better than to try to talk.
He dropped you off, you paid him and tipped probably more than you should have, but you were glad you found a cab so quickly. Opening your front door, the first thing you saw were yours and Marlene’s dresses for tomorrow hanging in the middle of the living room. Another reminder that you couldn’t escape this. You grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge, walked back to your room and flopped onto your bed. You were quite hungry and flipped the pizza box open so hard, the corner of the box hit the home button of your phone.
(37) missed calls from Sirius
You sighed, picked up your phone, about to type up a text to Sirius to leave you be, when his face appeared on your screen.
You gave in.
“Leave me alone.”
“Y/N, let me explain,” Sirius pleaded.
“What could you possibly say that would make any of this okay?” You felt your throat begin to close up but refused to let yourself cry over this. You can’t cry over a guy and then be in a wedding with him the next day.
“Give me five minutes, and if after that you don’t want to see me ever again, then I’ll respect that, just please give me a chance,” you heard the worry and hurt in his voice.
You glanced at the clock on your bedside table.
“You have exactly five minutes.”
to be continued…
a/n: if you made it this far honestly you deserve an award. also lemme know if i should make a taglist. the next chapter won’t take as long to get up bc a. i don’t have surgery in the foreseeable future and b. i know where i’m taking this. i think i left an easter egg for avps in this i don’t remember i’m gonna make a grilled cheese and curl up in my sock drawer and sleep for days.
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nancykali · 7 years
(1/3) Hi I hope it's okay to send in these type of asks to you bc i love you & your writing and i love stoncy but i'm super shy to post this on my own blog. But anyways i've been thinking of the first time jonathan and steve makeout. both of them are still unsure on their feelings towards each other, let alone towards guys in general, and having a poly relationship is new that jonathan feels bad for making out with steve w/out nancy being there (but she highly encourages it!) that the next time
(2/3) jonathan sees nancy he blurts it out like a confession “i’m sorry i made out with steve last night!” and nancy reassures him “that’s okay. it was a date night for you two, i would be surprised if steve /didn’t/ try making out with you.” “you….you’re not mad? it feels like i was cheating on you a little” jonathan replies back, wringing his fingers together. nancy grins “you’re dating not only me, but steve as well. and steve and i are dating. it’s not cheating.” a few seconds pass
(3/3) and nancy leans across the table with a huge smile, “so, making out with steve harrington. awesome, right?” and jonathan leans in too with a smile, “yeah, it was pretty great.” I’m sorry this turned out so long but I just wanted to share this and I just couldn’t get the idea of nancy and jonathan swooning over their boyfriend out of my head! you don’t have to reply or post this, and i’m sorry to bother you! 
(please anon who sent me this, if you see this let me know!! You sent it to me so long ago I’m so sorry ;-; I procrastinated bc i wanted to give you a quality reply *covers face* not a good excuse)  
Of course I’m thinking of my own fic >.> “Smoke and Mirrors” bc in that I have Nancy and Jonathan talk about Steve and how they both love him. but that’s nsfw so no pressure to read that ofc (regardless if it was nsfw or not)
This just makes me think of how the longer they’re together how natural it is for them to have one-on-one date nights. They wouldn’t plan them far in advance, except when it’s something really special.
Like if Nancy and Jonathan happen to both have the night off work while Steve is working, or Steve and Jonathan have mid-afternoon off while Nancy is in class, or Nancy and Steve go out for coffee/brunch on a day Jonathan has to work early. 
If it’s a long drawn out actual “date night”, they of course inform the third party a day or more in advance, like, obviously. The situation you describe I love it because it clearly shows there’s clear, healthy communication between the three of them and that’s what I love in any relationship, but it’s just gives me warm fuzzy feelings when writing/reading about poly relationships. 
And when they have one-on-one dates when the third person is not at work or in class, the third person will be able to spend some relaxing time alone, or doing errands, or going out with friends. That’s a healthy thing to have in any relationship, times when the other (or third) person can have time away from their significant others. Of course they always have each other in their thoughts when they’re apart from each other, but they want to be able to focus on other things, and on each other individually. Having time when all three of them aren’t together sometimes is good for their relationship.
And just imagining the beginning of their poly relationship, them all getting used to this, it would make sense that Jonathan would be the one uneasy at first, because Steve and Nancy have been dating before he was with either of them. 
Nancy would definitely be the one to reassure him first, just like you wrote. And when the three of them are together again, Nancy speaks up about Jonathan’s anxiety to Steve (in a way just to communicate with Steve so he understands, not to single Jonathan out or anything) and Steve to Jonathan is like, “Dude, don’t ever think you can’t tell us if something makes you uncomfortable.” And he rubs the back of his neck, looking down, adding, “Like, if Nancy and I want to have a date night, would that bother you?”
And Jonathan actually takes time to think about his answer, because he knows it’s important, and he says, “No, of course not. I’m not jealous when I see just you two together.” And Steve pulls him into a one-armed hug and kisses his neck and Nancy is grinning and latches onto Jonathan’s arm and says to Steve, “And you’ve told me how you love seeing me and Jonathan together, haven’t you?” ofc saying this for Jonathan’s benefit (but it’s also true). And Steve gives this lascivious grin, looks right at Jonathan, and says “Oh yeah.” And he takes Jonathan’s hand and adds, “and that means I’m totally cool with just you and Nancy together without me sometimes, too.”
And Jonathan blushes crimson and they all kiss and happy poly bbs are happy.
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the 100 4.06 feels recap
alright my fellow cw garbage brethren, i’m about to eat a bunch of mac and cheese and watch this silly television show. feels will commence. as always- highlights up top, the rest down below
Monty talking shit about everyone right to their face
Octavia Blake will make u cry #guaranteed
“and John Murphy’s heart grew three sizes that day”
Raven Reyes
tfw ur home’s been burned to the ground :( #sadface
i wish Jasper had sung “cheer up Jaha” like that song from willy wonka
“OMFG!”- what i literally said out loud when Jasper quoted Dr. Seuss
“i will shoot the next person to who touches this man, so help me!!!!!”- me whenever anyone hurts bellamy
i am living for Raven in this nightblood storyline.
Raven in this shippppp simulatttttionnnnn like YESSSS #RavenMOTHERFUCKINGReyes (hey @nataliecrown  haha)
“i’m fine shut up” haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i’m honestly loving this Raven and Murphy pairing (though I feel like the show never dealt enough with the fact that Murphy shot Raven) they both have zero time for each other’s shit
Clarke’s like “it’s ok, our plans were garbage, so dying is probably a better alternative”
this Clexa stuff is getting to me #singletear
then Niylah broke out into a round of “No Day But Today” from RENT and Clarke felt ready to be a hero again
they’re doing a really good job this season of giving both Monty and Raven a lot more to do which is WONDERFUL
“i’m gonna check on Octavia before I go”- Bellamy 24/7 365
Clarke is like “i’ll send my mom ur love”
 And Marcus is like “please don’t do that literally."
the musiiiiiiiiccccccc playing behind this Blake siblings scene :’’’’’’’’((
Bellamy’s like “u ok lil sis? want some juice b4 u sleep?” And Octavia’s like “i’m literally gonna murder everyone but u” And Bellamy’s like “haha k” and leaves
Monty telling everyone how dumb they are all the time i am aliiiiiiiiiiiive
aw Murphy’s playing catch with his only friend, a wall
i know this is supposed to be like #BadBrainRaven but i’m just sitting here nodding my head at everything she’s saying
the fact that once Raven’s recovers Murphy looks at her like he’s actually concerned (bc he is) is a LOT
#SeaMechanic is real y’all (and i like it)
Luna comforting Murphy is a lot
ok i like Luna now this is good
“being Clarke” i swear
if Monty came on the trip Roan would have been more well hidden #justsayin
“looks like we have another problem” #the100
ok so the show is actually sort of dealing w/ the fact that john shot raven
“i don’t wanna be the last person on earth” “sounds pretty nice to me” hehehehehhe
i wanna hire Luna as my life coach
“i think peace is overrated. It’s the fighters that survive.” a john murphy thesis if i ever heard one
OMG Octavia and Ilian over here at Murderers Anonymous
Bellamy’s pause b4 he pulls back the tarp cause HE WON’T BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT IF IT’S CLARRRRRRRRKE
love that the Arkadia Starbucks wasn’t burned down
“ur son would be ashamed of you” like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
“meditating isn’t gonna help me land this stupid ship” i loled
“perfect sucks” true enough
“i’m sorry, Luna?” hahahahahhhaahaha
aw Murphy’s continuing to develop self worth you guys. what a good.
“ur such a good trapper go trap”-Bellamy Blake, dragging this dude like he’s hard or some shit
i don’t understand how Arkadia/skikru is run??? like a mob breaking out makes sense to me cause like no one (outside of the 7 lead characters on this show) is allowed to be part of any decision making????? idk it defies reason
OMG Papa Miller showing us where Baby Miller learnt it all from
“u gotta be kidding me” Bellamy, every single day of his life
ok i’ll buy Roan as the Mad Max to Clarke’s Furiosa
that smiiiiiiiiiiile
oh cool, another execution party at Arkadia
Monty trying to reason w/ Octativa delinquent babiiiiiiiiiies
I knew Kane wasn’t gonna let this happen. he and Jaha over here pulling the fire alarm at school cause they don’t wanna go to gym class
actually tearing up now
honestly i love Ilian
didn’t anyone check to see if the Black Rain alarm was legit? like, no? they all just went inside an played checkers i guess
“a king who runs an errand while his people are in Polis” #ErrandBoy
Roan, like, save the world first, work on diplomacy later
“WE GOT A PROBLEM,” the eternal cockblock on The 100
:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( let Raven Reyes live
ok that’s it folks! that was a really fun episode! #NoOneDiedToday thanks for reading! <3
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