#how i wish this man was real solely so i can bicker with him like a younger sibling-
Interviews with the Guys - Hikaru Kazama
So turns out the original blog did Hikki's interview first... whoops! Well, last is better than never, so last but not least, time to interview Hikaru, a history and fighting teacher!
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1. Why did you decide to teach history?
Well, actually, the staff here asked me to teach history because I’m pretty good with it. I’ve spent a lot of time catching up on what I’ve missed and learning all about the centuries before me. Back in my day, we didn’t have books to tell us all this stuff so it’s quite fascinating. Besides, laughs, I lived through some of it.
2. Do you have a favourite student? Can you tell us who?
Oh, that’s not a very nice question. Well, I guess if you can keep it off record, there is a certain girl who just joined- ah, no, I can’t say that! All of my students are a joy to be around.
3. What are some of your hobbies?
I really love learning about history and doing things like going out to the movies and all the wonders modern technology has to offer. But sometimes I yearn for the quiet, simpler things and that’s really the only time I feel at peace.
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rocorambles · 4 years
Pairing: Akaashi x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Mafia AU, Kidnapping, Rape/Non-Con, Forced Impregnation, Objectification, Degradation, Humiliation
Summary: You should have known better than to think you could ever truly escape from him, especially when you carry something he treasures so dearly inside of you. 
You reminisce on the early days when you had met the beautiful dark-haired man, when you had been swept off your feet by striking blue eyes and a serene composure. 
Akaashi had never been just normal to you and you remember how he had made your head spin with the air of mystery he carried around him, how your heart whipped back and forth between the always surprising mixture of sharp blunt words and eloquent poetry he entrapped you with. He was a man full of surprises, truly multi-faceted and you remember watching in awe at how quickly he could go from easily and agilely maneuvering his toned athletic body in the gym to lazily reading classic literature with a hand posessively but gently wrapped around your waist as you curled up besides him on the couch. 
There are many words you could have used to describe Akaashi. But dangerous? Dangerous was not one of them. 
Funny how quickly things can change. 
Even as careful as Akaashi is, even he can’t foresee unexpected circumstances, especially when you are more entangled in the webs of his life than he ever meant for you to be. And he is forced to reveal who he truly is to you or kill you when you get caught up in things and with people who shouldn’t have ever even known you existed. 
You wouldn’t be the first woman he’s killed and his mind flickers to numerous dead bodies, corpses of prostitutes and other unfortunate women strewn about when things became too complicated, when they threatened his position and the safety of his clan. But he can’t bring himself to pull the trigger, can’t even bring himself to think about aiming at you. 
You’re not like the other fleeting distractions and for the first time ever, Akaashi Keiji breaks Fukurodani policies by revealing everything to you in the hopes that you’ll accept him as everything he is, that you’ll join him for the long run. 
Blue eyes storm over when you don’t look at him with the love and acceptance he expected of you, only fear and disappointment apparent in your eyes, and his hands instinctively clench into fists when you flinch away from him, scrambling to create space between the two of you when he reaches out to reassure you that underneath the terrifying family name and insignia, he’s still just him. 
Fine. You’re scared? He’ll give you something to actually be scared of.
His fingers dig deeper than necessary as they roughly drag and shove you, movements harsh and rough enough to make a very clear point, but never enough to permanently mark you. He likes his possessions as pristine as possible after all. And he smiles at how quick you are to go limp in his arms, obediently letting yourself be led when Akaashi’s silky voice patronizingly tells you what a shame it would be for your beautiful body to be decorated with bullet holes. 
You know who Boktuo Koutarou is, even if you’ve never physically met him. Everyone in your city knows who he is, his name whispered and murmured in the streets, tales of his erratic temperament and ruthless wildness spread far and wide. The Fukurodani clan has always been a powerhouse in the underground world, has always controlled your city with an iron fist, and Bokuto, even by Fukurodani standards, has more than risen to the challenge of continuing his family’s undeniable reign, garnering respect and fear even among the monsters that share his insignia. So even though you’ve never met him, you know exactly who you’re shoved to your knees in front of, who Akaashi reverently speaks to and asks for permission from to keep you at the base as his pet, and you don’t dare open your mouth or raise your head, absolute terror paralyzing you. 
Gold eyes peer at you in interest. Whores aren’t uncommon in the base, lewd moans and slick sounds sometimes making the base seem more like a brothel than the home of illicit dangerous business and Bokuto has always encouraged and rewarded his men with the best cunts money can buy especially after particularly successful or tiresome raids. But for as long as he’s known Akaashi, he can count the number of times the younger man has partaken in those base pleasures on just his fingers and even then, they’ve always been one night stands, brief flings. So he’s surprised, to say the least, when the dark haired man asks to keep you around as his little toy and he has a gut feeling that you’ll become a permanent extension of the family, but how can he deny the man who’s resolutely stayed by his side all these years, who’s pledged his life and loyalty to him? Akaashi asks for so little and if all he wants is for Bokuto to provide protection and surveillance for one more body to be happy, then so be it.     
You’re no stranger to sharing a bed with Akaashi, but this is different. You had always thought that he had been holding back with you, swearing that you saw a hint of something darker gleaming behind blue orbs only for it to dissolve away as you were swept away by sensual languid pleasure and gentle, attentive words. And you hate that you were right, voice going hoarse as you scream at the top of your lungs as you’re ruthlessly taken over and over again, a coldness in the eyes you had once loved that pierces deep within you, animalistic possessiveness in the way he marks you, long slender fingers leaving bruises in their wake as he holds your writhing body in place as he thrusts in and out of your abused lower lips. 
Day in, day out. All you know is a fitful sumber that exhaustion forces you into and Akaashi. His scent, his touch, his voice. You’re drowning in his essence. Dying. No. That would be preferable. At least there would be an end. And you silently grieve, unable to even cry real tears anymore when you wonder when this will ever end, if this will ever end. 
As much as Akaashi would love to permanently lay beside you, duty and appearances do call from time to time and he reclines across from Bokuto, watching the black and white haired man boisterously chat with Kuroo Tetsurou, the current head of Nekoma as scantily clad women surround the two men, dragging fingernails down their chests and shamelessly shoving their breasts into their faces in the hopes of gaining their favor. They sure do seem to be enjoying themselves and Akaashi grimaces when one of the prostitutes begins to loudly moan as she grinds against his leader’s swelling erection which doesn’t go unnoticed by sharp eyes. 
“Akaashi, don’t be so uptight. Why don’t I send some of them to your room tonight to help you loosen up?”
Bokuto knowingly smiles in amusement when he’s promptly rejected. 
“Ah, that’s right. You still have your cute pet. But you know Akaashi, pets are temporary. Don’t you think it’s time to make it a little more permanent? Maybe put a ring on it? Hell, I love kids. I wouldn’t mind having a few runts running around the base, especially if they’re yours.” 
Their conversation is interrupted by a rude scoff and Bokuto snarls at Kuroo’s taunting words. 
“Because God knows Bokuto isn’t having kids anytime soon. No woman could stand bearing his kids and listening to his loudmouth for the rest of her life.”
Akaashi tunes out their bickering as the gears in his mind churn. 
He had kept you on your birth control pills, not wanting to disturb his time with you as he broke you in and figured out exactly what his plan for you is. He knows he loves you, knows there’s no life for him without you. But he wasn’t a dreamer. He’s fully aware just how dangerous his life is, how impossible it is for the both of you to be able to grow old together, how much more likely it’ll be that both of you end up dead side by side in a turf war gone wrong. Yet now all he can think of is what you’d be like as a mother, how you’d look pregnant with his children and when your pills run low, he tears your prescription to shreds in front of your eyes. 
You have more fight left in you than he thought you would and he’s enraged by how much you despise the thought of carrying his children, every desperate plea for him to not cum inside of you while you’re unprotected, a direct insult to him and his love for you. All he sees is red as he breeds you over and over again, stuffing you full of his cock and his seed, never stopping until you’re filled to the brim with the sticky proof of his adoration, stomach heavy and sloshing with his declared affection. 
Turbulent emotions ransack you and you wish you could blame it solely on the hormones raging throughout your impregnated body, but you know it’s deeper than that. It had been so easy to become numb to being used, being known as nothing more than Akaashi’s pretty pet, being the victim of a cold, ruthless stranger you realize now that you never really knew. But it’s agonizing to once again see the hints of the man you had fallen in love with and your heart aches at how gentle and considerate Akaashi is to you once more as your belly begins to swell, a comforting hand rubbing your back and holding your hair away from your face as morning sickness has you heaving over the toilet bowl. And you feel something break and shatter into a million pieces inside of you when one night, as your due date quickly approaches, he kneels in front of you, slipping the engagement ring of your dreams onto your trembling hand. 
“I know this isn’t how you dreamed of any of this happening, but I promise you, once the child is born, I’m going to give you the wedding you always wanted and do my best to be the husband and father you deserve and want. I love you.”
You sob, tightly returning Akaashi’s embrace, burying your face in his chest, wishing with all your heart that things could have been different, that you could go back to those early days, that everything in between was a dream, a nightmare. 
But this is reality and as you cradle your baby bump, you know that you need to do something, anything, now that it’s not just your life on the line anymore. 
For the first time in a long time, it seems like fortune is finally on your side as Akaashi relinquishes his leash on you, trusting that your growing bump will permanently tie you to him, that you won’t even think of trying to escape in your current state. And you play your role perfectly, smiling and leaning into his careful touches, accepting the gifts and attention he lavishes you with, looking to all the world like an excited expecting mother perfectly matched with her doting fiance. 
Akaashi resumes taking up longer projects and jobs, no longer seeing a need to keep as careful of a watch over you or a need to remind you of your place besides him every night. And seeing one of their higher-ups relax makes everyone else careless, no one paying you much attention, no more armed men outside your door and windows when Akaashi is away. 
Really, it’s embarrassingly easy for you to escape, so easy that you wonder if this is a trap, almost expecting Akaashi to appear from around every corner and drag you back to the prison he had created for you, and you shudder when you can almost feel his hands against your skin, his voice murmuring cruel cutting words into your ear. 
But no one stops you and you slowly, but steadily make the long journey to Inarizaki territory, discreetly settling in and making a new home for yourself, starting a new life. Inarizaki and Fukurodani have never dealt much with each other, their territories so far apart that it’s pointless to clash or ally with each other when there are so many other enemies and friends closer to both their homes to deal with. You pray that it’s enough to hide you, to allow you to leave your wretched past behind. 
It seems like your prayers are answered as month after month passes, as your belly grows and grows, as you give birth to a beautiful baby girl. You can barely remember a life outside of motherhood, your heart overwhelmingly full of love and happiness as you watch your daughter grow. And as you watch her take her first few wobbly steps as her first birthday passes, you let yourself finally believe that you can really move on and look forward, locking the blue-eyed demon of your past behind you once and for all. 
Except that demon doesn’t want to be locked up, that demon is far too strong and cunning for your flimsy padlock, and you clutch your daughter to your chest when your door slams open one night and your apartment is swarmed by men with the Fukurodani insignia, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes when one last final figure makes their way past your threshold and you stare into familiar blue eyes. 
As if your daughter can sense your anxiety, your fear, your hopelessness, she begins to loudly wail and bawl, wrapping her little arms around your neck and drenching your neck and shirt with her tears and snot, reminding you just how much is at stake right now. 
You do your best to fake some semblance of calmness, drawing on your maternal instincts to still the quivering of your voice as you gently whisper soothing words in her ear, telling her everything will be fine, telling her that these are just mommy’s old friends, all the while watching your ex-lover gracefully make his way towards the two of you, subtly shielding her little body with yours as he approaches. 
Realistically you know there’s not much you can do if he does mean harm to her, but you’d gladly die defending her to the best of your abilities if it came down to it, already ready to beg for her to be spared and for just you to be punished for your transgressions and your betrayal. You finch when you feel his weight settle besides you on the bed as he sits on the edge of the mattress, heart pounding as you feel his familiar presence, and you quickly turn to face him, only to be completely stunned by the softness in his eyes as he gazes at your daughter. 
Relief floods through you and you hesitantly shift, allowing him easier access to see her, something bittersweet trickling inside of you as long slender fingers gently reach out to caress tear-stained cheeks, as your daughter’s sobs die down and curious eyes peer at the stranger who’s touching her. And deep inside you know Akaashi won’t harm her, will fiercely love her, as he tugs her out of your arms and pulls her into his lap, a sad smile pulling on your lips as you watch father and daughter reunite. 
Deep inside you also know that you won’t be as lucky and your fears are confirmed when Akaashi stands, still cradling your giggling daughter in his arms, blue eyes pinning you down with a look you recognize all too well. There’ll be hell to pay for your actions. 
You feel nauseous, body already aching and throbbing in anticipation of your punishment. But you plaster on a smile for your daughter as she happily plays with one of her favorite toys in the backseat of the car between Akaashi and you, peppering her tiny face with kisses as Akaashi and you tuck her into the gorgeous nursery he’s prepared for her, and wishing her good night as Akaashi leads you back out, continuously waving until the nursery door is firmly closed. And only then does your act drop and you sob as a hand harshly grips your wrist, tears only flooding down more as you recognize the hallway you’re being dragged down, body shaking when you’re shoved into a room and a bed you had tried so hard to forget. 
Clothes are being torn from your body and you thrash around as lips descend upon you, a mouth hungrily molding with yours, yelping when teeth harshly bite on your lower lip before pulling apart. You feel so exposed, so helpless, so vulnerable as icy blue eyes glare down at you, Akaashi’s body pinning you in place as he takes in your figure, scrutinizing every line and curve of your body, mapping every familiarity and difference from the last time he’s seen you. But you lay still, wincing when his grip on your wrist becomes bone crushing when you try to instinctively cover yourself from him. 
“I trusted you. I love you. And this is how you repay me? Running away from me? Keeping my daughter away from me?” 
You open your mouth to stutter out some feeble excuse, but gasp when a hand wraps around your neck, warningly tightening before relaxing. The weight of his palm still against your throat keeps you silent. 
“There’s no excuse for what you did. But I promised you that I’d be a good husband, so I’ll forgive you if you show me how sorry you are.”
You nervously watch as he completely lets go of you, eyes trailing after him as he settles his back against the headboard of the bed, beckoning you over to him with a single finger. And you can’t help but feel like foolish prey walking into a trap as you obey, body quivering in fear as he pulls you in and positions you so that your legs straddle his thighs, back arching and a cry slipping past your lips as he teasingly captures one of your nipples in his mouth and sucks. 
“Still so sensitive.” 
You hate how well he’s trained your body, how easily your body betrays you even after being separated from him for over a year, how well he knows every inch of you inside and out and shame and humiliation lance through you when a long digit easily slides into your already dripping heat. 
“I think you’re more than ready, darling.”
Even past your wanton moans, the clanging metal of his belt unbuckling echoes throughout the room and you whimper as something hard presses against your entrance. 
“Come on, love. It’s time for you to apologize. Do you know how much effort and time I spent searching for you?”
You yelp as the hands resting on your waist dig into your flesh before relaxing and rubbing soothing circles into your skin. 
“But it’s okay because you’re here now, you and our daughter are here now, and neither of you are ever leaving me again. Right?”
You vigorously nod your head as blue eyes sharply stare at you, relaxing when they soften and a small smile plays on his lips. 
“Good girl. Now prove it to me.” 
You almost wish Akaashi had just forced himself upon you, finding it so much more demeaning to sink down on his cock all by yourself as he impassively sits back and watches you. But you’re sure that’s the whole point of this, for you to show your submission and acceptance through your actions. After all, nothing he ever does is meaningless. 
And you truly do feel broken, like nothing more than a good wife, a good pet as you wildly shake your hips, bouncing up and down on his cock in a way that makes your breasts jiggle, pussy clenching even tighter and gushing even more when he orders you to look him in the eyes all the while. 
“You’re making me feel so good, sweetheart. You’re so beautiful. You were made for my cock, made for me. Tell me who you belong to.”
In hindsight you’ll be embarrassed by how quick you are to babble his name over and over again in response. But here and now? All you can think about is the warmth in your chest as he praises you, the warmth in your belly as something pleasant and overwhelming builds inside of you. And Akaashi groans at how tightly you squeeze around him as your peak nears, almost cumming from just the hazed over arousal in your lust-filled eyes, pulling you in for a sloppy kiss and swallowing your cries of ecstasy as you reach your high, body convulsing and twitching in his arms as he holds you steady, lips still locked with yours as he thrusts up a few more times before finding his own release and spilling deep inside of you. 
You slump onto him, exhausted body collapsing and still twitching from the onslaught of pleasure. But as the fog from your mind begins to ebb away, you involuntarily tense at the whispered “I love you” that sounds like nails scraping against a chalkboard, hesitating too long to respond in kind. And you know you’ve made a huge mistake when blue eyes are coldly regarding you once more, shivering from both the cold and fear as he pulls back from you before shoving you onto your back and settling between your legs.
“Looks like you need a little more encouragement to reciprocate my feelings. That’s okay. We have all the time in the world for me to show you just how much I love you.”
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real-fanta-sea · 3 years
Hello!!💚😊 do you still write kiss requests?? For Trevor/Mike ship and can I request something for 'bury the hatchet' mission with 11 or 57 number? I really love to see how Trevor saves Michael so😍😱
Thank you!💗
Hi sweetie! I'm sorry it took me so long, but it's finally here! Find it under "keep reading". If you prefer AO3, click here to read the fic. tw mentions of violence, kissing, kinky old men
"Get the boyfriend!"
"The WHAT?" Michael huffed out, along with a small puff of fog, as he crouched behind a thumb stone that felt too small to shield him. Of all things, why would they think they were dating? Like, that were the signs? Can't two guys share a trailer, a bed, a shower, a coffee mug, cigarettes, whiskey bottles and take-out receipts without arising suspicion? Can't two consenting adults watch each other read a porn magazine while relieving stress? Is it a sign of marital status to carry someone over a threshold while high on... whatever was Trevor high on? Michael cringed inwardly as a bullet grazed the top of the stone and made the falling snowflakes find refuge on the back of his neck. There was no time to mull that over. The crunch of footsteps and angry commands closed in, and he had to act fast.
He did the math frantically. His pistol still had 16 bullets ready to be planted into the brains of whoever he aimed at. There was another full magazine in his jacket pocket. Good. Michael peered above the top of the stone, now chipped into a monstrous row of teeth. The silence has been ruptured by the sound of breaks. Judging by the urgent stomping, there were far more than 33 men to bury that night. Michael ducked and ran towards a statue of an angel reclining over another piece of stone, big enough to hide him under its sorrowful wings. Finally able to stretch out, he took a deep breath and cracked his neck. He remembered the last time he had to fight off so many people and cursed when he shot a look back towards Brad's grave. At that time, there was no blanket and a cup of hot coffee waiting for him. At that time, dance macabre was all too real for comfort. But it was not a time to die; he convinced himself. Not in the freezy shithole called North Yankton. Not without a fight.
Just when he peered over the side of the sculpture, the world around him slowed down into a strange state of blue trance. He shot four men in a matter of seconds, retreated to his cover, and resurfaced again behind a different piece of stone. All he could feel was a stinging sensation on his face as he collapsed with snowflakes, a soft crunch of virgin snow below his feet mixed with the recoil of the gun in his hand, going off in time with the rhythm of his heart. He wouldn't have minded if the state of focus and tranquillity remained his primary state of being. To be faster than others, not feeling the bullets licking skin and flesh off of his body, killing without remorse - he missed such balance in his retired life.
Not many voices filled the graveyard when Michael finally threw his pistol away and snatched a gun from a random unlucky henchman whose blood was rapidly cooling on the ground. The relative silence unnerved him. The math didn't add up, and even when he cracked his neck again to relieve some of the pressure, the popping sound didn't fill the space enough to be comfortable again. Only when he ascended from the aisle, ducking, eyes darting all over the dark place, he noticed how fast he was breathing and that his hands were shaking.
Fuck it, he thought to himself, that one extra burger, coke and pizza every now and then, when he couldn't sleep, did hurt after all. Maybe Mandy was right to nag at him for smoking too. Before he could make an oath to himself to start exercising once he got away from the situation. Before he could even turn around in awe, the bushes behind his back rustled and gave birth to a furious Chinese man. The newborn didn't spare a second to hit the back of Michael's head with something Mike later identified as the butt of his gun and knocked the dumbfounded Michael unconscious.
It didn't take long for Michael to wake up, but the world was swirling around him into a smudged black-eye blue mush, and it reeked of puke. There was a horrible echo of voices nagging in his throbbing head, and it took a lot of him to recognize two twitching shadows dragging him through the muddy snow. For a split second, he felt weightless as the shadows threw him inside a gaping black space and the thunder of the van door being shut made him shriek in pain.
For what felt like an eternity, his existence was reduced to watching a streak of orange light running towards his chest and vanishing before it reached his head. Michael scrutinized the small cut out in the wall that divided his dark cell and the cockpit of the van and marvelled at the sounds emerging with every blink of the orange light. The slight rocking of the vehicle only served to make him more nauseated in between his scattered thoughts. Why haven't they killed him was among the first coherent questions his brain was capable of producing. Why would they want him alive? The light blinked away rapidly and brought about the noise of radio static and two voices fighting over what frequency to tune in. Get the boyfriend. Why was the question coming back then?
Michael groaned as the deafening sound of Channel X pinned him to the ground again. Boyfriend. He recognized the music. He remembered. They thought Trevor would pay whatever price they demanded in exchange for his safety. A bitter chuckle escaped his lips, and he didn't try to stop it for a change. How they could still think that after witnessing their bickering at Brad's grave, Michael wasn't entirely sure. What he knew with paralyzing certainty was that no one was coming to save him, and it was Trevor's fault. In between the blinks of light and throbbing pain, his memories ran back to the moment Brad unknowingly shielded Trevor as it often did in the past ten years and wished once again Dave either pulled the trigger a second later or aimed for Michael's head.
He didn't know whether to be annoyed or thankful when screeching breaks interrupted his daydreaming session. Judging by the high-pitched angry Chinese, they either had some very unfortunate flat tyre, or they ran into trouble. Or, which was something Michael didn't want to think about, they arrived at their lair and discussed the best way to make a chop suey from his guts. He shifted slightly, shaking off the inappropriate thoughts his mind offered him. It did him no good to think about alternate universes where all his problems were gone, and he was roasting under Los Santos sun by his pool.
The sliding door opened, and Michael was immediately hit into the face with a sluggish white light and smell of iron. Just one glance at the tiles plastered all over the walls, hooks idly clinging in the draft, and he knew exactly where they were. A shiny tray with a handsaw grinned right back at him from the centre of silhouettes of men. Oh god, he was so screwed. So fucked over. He made a mental note to kick Trevor in the balls when... IF... he sees him again. A pair of hands grabbed his ankles and pulled him out of the car, his head bouncing off the ground when it hit ice-cold concrete. Michael shivered. Was it really all there was for him? Would the famous Michael Townley, the phantom of the north, end up minced into Flormart burgers? A curse escaped his lips when he imagined the limp, tasteless slice of pickle and an unnaturally orange slice of cheese tiredly melting on his flesh in someone's microwave. He could withstand any torture but that.
"Hey you, you are awake, aren't you?"
Michael winced inwardly and squinted his eyes against the bright light. "Oh, am I? I didn't know! Are you a doctor or something?"
There was a prompt leathern shoe planted into his face. Michael hissed upon contact, the smell of cheap shoe glue imprinting into his memory. So much for a well-meant, friendly sarcasm.
"Ok, I got it. I'll shut up."
"You better should, pig!" There were several snorts around him, obscured by the bright light. Michael's cheek throbbed. If he was a pig about to be made into bacon strips, he swore to take them with him. The guy who kicked him circled around like a shark.
"Now, tell me. Where does your boyfriend keep the drugs?"
Michael just snickered and shrugged as best as his tied arms allowed. The shadows stepped closer, towering above him. He felt another kick; this time, the shoe bit into his ribs, making him hiss.
A pair of hands yanked him onto his knees. The floor crushed into them, a painful reminder he should have picked up yoga when his wife told him so.
The sole of the shoe pushed into the middle of his back, stretching his muscles to their capacity. Michael's forehead was pearled with sweat. He could barely breathe. Any further, and he was sure he would throw up.
"Do you think we are stupid?"
The pressure worsened. Michael gasped for air.
"We've seen him carry you over the threshold, and we know from a reliable source you share the bed with him,"
A picture of Ron shaking in the middle of a hostile office, surrounded by the same shadows, flashed through Michael's mind before he blinked it away. Another mental note was taken. Kick Ron's balls right after kicking Trevor's.
"Believe it or not," Michael gasped and tried to turn just enough to look the bastard who stepped on him in the eye, "I don't know anything. Oh, and it's not me who squats; I am more of the top kind of guy."
It occurred to Michael the Chinese guy who led the interrogation had a strange sense of symmetry because before he knew it, he had another pulsating bruise spread over the other side of his ribs. He wanted to think the remark was worth it, even though his body told him otherwise.
"Hang that fag on a hook - let's see if he remembers with more blood in his brain."
For a second, Michael panicked. There were too many hands grabbing and groping him, turning him, and he remembered how he, as a little boy watched spiders do just that with flies in their webs, both horrified and fascinated. He has always considered himself a spider in such situations. Oh, how the turntables! He now was the fly, and the spider was walking away.
The hands kept him floating in the air, and the man stopped in his path, turning around.
"Hm? What is it?"
Michael's eyes rounded, even though he desperately tried to fight the trepidation. "You are terribly wrong about this. I am not his boyfriend, just an acquaintance. I have no idea how you guys are affiliated, but whatever this is about, it all runs down to money, right?"
The man folded his arms on his chest slowly, visibly taking pride in Michael's panic, but his thin lips kept shut.
"I'll pay you if you release me. Generous money, actually. That's what you guys want, right? That's what everybody wants."
The man took a few steps closer, right under one of the beaming tube lights. Michael gulped when he saw the grin on his handsome face. It took him a surprisingly low effort to come close to Michael and grab his jaw in a vice grip.
"Have your whining ever worked on anyone?"
Michael shook his head ever so slightly. He got a shark-like grin in response.
"What we want is to know where your lover, Trevor Phillips, keeps his merchandise and take what is contractually, thus rightfully ours. Tell us, and maybe we will let you go."
His eyes were as black as Trevor's when Michael last saw them, yet there was no shadow of affection in these. The man who looked at him was by all means already dead inside. The hand slipped away from his jaw, but Michael could still feel where his new friend left purple imprints.
"I thought so. Never mind, after the night spent upside down, I hope your point of view will change. HANG HIM!"
All of a sudden, there was a roar of an engine from somewhere above. Michael tried to locate the sound, but it glided away, much to his captors' disdain. There was a cacophony of stomping and foreign words bouncing off the walls, mixing in with the cry of sliding door and hum of the engine coming back.
His voice was too weak against the noise. No one noticed him twitching; no one cared he was still there.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" was the answer from one of the men, along with a sting of a gunstock on his eye. Michael didn't need answers anymore, though, as the barking of shots and cries of mowed down men crept through the open door. Not so silently, he cursed Trevor for dragging him right into the middle of mafia wars, something he had no desire to see up close. Leaving him in the graveyard alone with a mob? One kick in the balls. Letting them kidnap him and hang him like a piece of ham? Two kicks in the balls. Letting the mafia kill him in a shoot out? Thousands of years of haunting Trevor and another kick in the balls as soon as they both reincarnate. Gunshots from outside closed in on him.
Michael tried to break free from the ropes but only managed to swing back and forth.
At first, Michael thought he was hearing things. In his state of panic, his brain couldn't get a grip of how the hell Trevor knew where to find him, let alone come and rescue him after he almost shot him. Then he thought that some kind of vessel must have busted in his head, for the familiar voice was accompanied by an even more familiar tall outline topped by a crown of ruffled dark brown hair. He couldn't help but blink rapidly a couple of times, dumbfounded in the middle of the slaughterhouse.
There were rushed steps, a sound of a gun falling to the ground, followed by two trembling hands cupping his face. Michael closed his eyes and relied on other senses to confirm his suspicion. First, there was a smell of late-night coffees, morning cigarettes, diesel fuel and cheap soap he bought for Trevor not so long ago. Second, there were two big hands, fingers brushing around the edges of his bruises in a way they did years ago when they both were different people, but somehow they did remember how to soothe him. Third, there was a deep-set voice trembling with worry whispering his name. And finally, when Michael opened his eyes again, there were the amber eyes, glazed, terrified and hurt. There was no doubt anymore. Trevor came back for him.
"Oh god, I was so fucking afraid!"
Michael couldn't keep angry when faced with the first shy tears welling in Trevor's eyes, but his ability to speak left him as they fell down and disappeared into the blackness of Trevor's shirt. So instead, he let Trevor's hands caress him, oddly at peace with the gentle touch on his face.
"To think I almost lost you again!" Trevor bit his lip. Something about the droplet of blood blooming under his teeth left Michael breathless. "I was so angry, infuriated much, yes, but then I imagined you laying there with Brad and..."
Trevor gazed into Michael's eyes with such urgency it immediately reminded him of their first kill. The fear mixed in with the red gleam in his eyes, the sense of irreparable, coming back from the past to haunt them. Lost in thought, Michael didn't register the swift movement right in front of him and was caught by surprise by a feeling of having his lips pressed against Trevor's.
They were hot, trembling, and tasted of cigarettes and blood, a mixture Michael desperately tried to forget about. Where they first gently touched his, as if they couldn't believe he was still alive and well, they pressed harder in mere seconds, making Michael's eyes flutter shut. It was difficult for him to admit, but Trevor's lips were the only drug Michael craved for long and lonely ten years. For once, he let his nagging reason get hushed by the shy movement of Trevor's lips, and all the hatred slipped his mind momentarily.
At length, Trevor broke the kiss, and still holding onto Michael's cheeks, he gently propped his forehead against Michael's. Michael let him take a break, listening to his shallow breathing, and their thoughts were buzzing almost audibly where their skin touched.
"Oh god, to think I almost lost you..."
"It's ok, T; I'm still hanging on."
"Yeah, but what if I didn't turn around and follow that convoy? What if they killed you?"
"You could say I would hang around for a bit, and then they would kick me out."
Trevor raised his head and furrowed a bit. "What's that with you and emphasize on hanging?"
Michael raised eyebrows at him and waited till the realization would dawn on Trevor. It took three seconds for Trevor's eyes to round and his mouth to form a perfect 'o'.
"Oh, yeah, uh, I see. Wait a moment, sugar."
Michael's feelings on Trevor holding a knife were usually on the border between panic and deep fucking rooted urge to run for the hills. When Trevor approached him and swung it around his face, Michael was momentarily inclined to the second option, twitching nervously under the cold gleam of the knife. Trevor eyed him with palpable exhaustion.
"Stop wiggling goddammit, do you want to get cut?"
Michael pouted at him.
"Hey, don't give me THAT face, pork chop! It wasn't MY idea to tie you up and hook you here!"
Trevor's knife slowly cut through ropes, murmuring as it bit through thick threads. The very tip brushed against Michael's leg, leaving goosebumps in the wake of its cold touch.
"But I have to say this is kinda hot, eh?" Trevor's grin was back, the brightest light in the room. "How about we try it again when we get back home?"
"What the FUCK are you talking about, Trevor?"
Trevor leant in, still grinning, his knife gliding against Michael's waist.
"I mean, I will send Patricia shopping,"
The knife dipped lower, slipping under Michael's shirt. He gasped, inwardly cursing for giving Trevor the tiniest bit of gratification.
"then I'll take some nice silk rope,"
The dull side of the blade ran through chest hair lush between trembling peaks of his nipples.
"tie you up and make some sweet, sweet love to you, cupcake!"
Trevor's lips were so close, his breath on Michael's lips again, who was petrified with anticipation. His heart hammered against the patch of goosebumps on his chest, and if the last bit of rope didn't snap and let him slide off the hook, Michael would have leaned in himself and stole that kiss. But, instead of the sweet release, he was sent to the cold ground head first, folding like a rag doll upon impact.
Not only Michael sustained another hit on his head, swearing and kicking around, not unlike the turtle Amanda bought for the kids and that he and Jimmy used to torture by putting it on its back, laughing about the way it tried to turn over, but it was Trevor who was laughing his lungs out, folded in half. Michael tried to stab him with a menacing glare, but it didn't help in the slightest. Gathering the last shred of strength, Michael scraped to his feet and balling fists full of Trevor's jacket, he threw them both against deadly green tiles.
Trevor's laugh died out soon after the impact, but the grin remained despite Michael pinning him down. At first, Michael's intention was to beat him up, partially to let the frustration out, partially to get revenge for the stolen kiss, but he was taken aback when Trevor's hands closed over his fists and squeezed gently.
"Whatcha gonna do, Mikey?" Trevor uttered in an irresistibly husky voice that sent shivers of excitement to all the wrong places, "Beat me for saving your life?" Michael growled.
"You fucking..." but the words he wanted to say got sucked back into the vortex of emotion running free in his ribcage. No, beating wasn't what Michael's mind supplied him with when it came to what to do with Trevor. He could barely resist the vivid pictures of Trevor, hair running down his slender back, undressing in front of him, leaving marks on his neck and long scratches speaking volumes about how Michael liked to celebrate their victories. And then, on that day, Trevor was there. Older, but just as tempting, daring, enclosing Michael in the smell of both freedom and slavery with each exhale. Michael took a deep breath. He couldn't help but give in to the craving.
Trevor yelped when Michael crashed his lips with his so hard their teeth clinked together. That was the thrill he wanted to relive, and as soon as Trevor's hands rested against his lower back, pulling him closer, Michael surged deeper and dared to brush his tongue against Trevor's. The choked moan he managed to draw out fueled his fingers in their haste, letting go of fabric and instead bury themselves into Trevor's hair, pulling him closer. Trevor's skin could have combusted any second with the heat it emitted, and Michael couldn't resist yanking him closer, eager to get burned once again.
"Mikey... Jesus Christ!"
Trevor could barely breathe, so much Michael could tell by the heaving of chest caught between the wall and his own body. He was proud of the trembling in Trevor's touch, of shallow breaths and flushed cheeks right in front of him. He still got it.
"What?" Michael grinned impishly and let one of his hands slide down Trevor's back and squeeze him. Trevor yelped in surprise but didn't try to wriggle out of the embrace and even giggled when Michael let his hand rest there. Trevor leaned in closer, his breath sending shivers down Michael's spine as it touched his ear.
"Let's go home, cupcake."
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psychemeanscure · 3 years
PART 29 {Finally!! and it’s been a week of stress indeed. 😞 But thankfully things slowly gets better and better for our Mum YJ 🤗 And for the record? I just wanna say, I’MAPUPPY!😂🤣 I maybe expert on reading smuts but I do am puppy in writing. hahaha. So for you  who was left hanging from the prev. part... Better live it to your imagination guys. keke}
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Gentle breeze of summer hay, daylight hues of morning skies, a serene waves of crystal seas. And of course, what’s much more perfect for Jang Taeyoung other than his living Aphrodite’s side profile. Sitting on her daybed balcony, wearing an ash gray robe, drinking her set of bottled water. ‘Fresh from a bath.’ He can tell.
“F*cking hell.” Scolding his own innuendo while she ain’t even doing anything but sit!
A resting elbow, a root of knuckles assisting a tight jaw suppressing a taste of his volatile prey once again. Shifting gazes with a rising pet under the sheets of hot mess they’re in throughout the night. “I can’t blame you Bud. It’s been a while indeed.” Like a consoling friend to his long sleeping member. Yet, she’s beautifully tempting to ignore for so he decided.
Sung Eunyoung on the other side, cannot contain her smiling from coming. Feeling absurd by a single thought in mind. She, being intimate with the man she used to brush off her senses surprises her. Not in her whole life did she expect that but now? “Unbelievable. You are so unbelievable, Sung Eunyoung.”
“Unbelievable. Yes, it is.”
A breathy voice speaks after her. That the same person who exactly did a great chaos of her sanity. Jang Taeyoung’s snaking hand on the fabrics of her robe is enough for her to feel the tingling sensation she starts to familiar with. Slanting to get a glimpse of him from behind for there she is being drooled by those dark orbs which only sees is her and only her. She saw it all. The way her own reflection radiates the apples of his sight. And for the first time in a long time…
She felt proud. He’s solely hers. “Jang” She have to say it, like a validation she wanted to seal. And so she did. A peck to her shoulder, a rubbing thumb circling her belly as well as a seeming smile he gives in, and the sight that never left hers. She confirmed.
“Morning, sunshine.”
Before she knew it? She’s already responding, giving the same curve as he did. “Same as you, Mr. Jang.” Her smile that he cannot take, he eventually stole a kiss on her glossy lips. Thus she hissed a glare, frowning by the sudden chaste she least expected. “I knew it. Tss. Seriously, Jang Taeyoung. Hold it, will you?”
Just to garner his famous snigger. “I can’t promise though. You already awaken him, Eunyoung. You tell me.”
True to his words, she did felt its pet inside his sweatpants bulging behind her. Rolling her eyes, she retorted. “Por favor, Loco. You tire me so shut it.”
Much to her dismay, there ain’t much worse than a stubborn Jang Taeyoung it is. What’s new. A traitor hand sensually sneaking inside her, yet after a slicking smirk on his face. “Is that so? But it seems like I’m much tired Mi amor, considering you even went up first than I am. Isn’t it?”
A jolt from her own, and she’s sure she’ll going to deal another of his expertise. While a sudden image he almost forgot to open up pops his mind. “And oh! Speaking of first…” he begins his contractions.  “You’re a damn seducer woman. Sex education, eh? And here I thought you merely took up the common ones. Damn, if I only knew about it early I should have ravished you even back then. You and your wise mind it is, Ms. Sung.”
‘So he saw it. Mierda!’ she can only think of scolding herself. If not her being too occupied that time, she would have known what his contemplating stare mean the moment he stands in front her piled achievements. “So I was wondering…” thus he started his interrogating response.
“Since the educator has already enlightened the writer. Then isn’t it best for the writer to do his part too?”
Right after the impeccable swirl work of his tongue through her neck, he follows his judgement. “Here, in your daybed. You, my tempting empress and I, your welcoming slave. Writing a better version of Kamasutra. What do you think? Hm?”
And she lost it.
As to a delirious awe of her parting lips subsided, slumping back leaning by the nakedness of his chest, carves of its toned tattoos filling the heat of her whole soul. She accepted her defeat again, for rumor whom she cursed to avoid through a lifetime has it. Him, being the infamous Jang Taeyoung in bed that every bold ones looks forward to. Is indeed one fat truth! Which now she shamelessly admits includes her. A one big slap to her denials. A screw momentum for her living pride. She’s hopeless for she starts to become unsure herself between the reason of her own desire.
Was it because of the fact that he’s simply a natural taming scavenger? Or rather it was his effortless sweet talk calling of giving her names of his liking? Either, or. It’s just seems her writer has finally taught her of what a word insatiable means. A kind of pleasure that had slowly become her favorite thing. Before she realized? They eventually did it again. In her daybed. Feeling the sweats of their aftermath solitude. Hearing each other’s heaving breaths.
Sometime later. Reviving from a huffing state she opts to turn her head to face the weariless man next to her, spooning her and ready for a possible round he’s wishing. Yet, not on her watch as she quickly grabs his sultry hands off her. “Loco, please. I have other things to put at work. Spare me, will you?”    
Even when she ends up slapping him afterwards. Him and his slyness, what’s new. “Cabrón.” A set of warning before a groaning contrary by him happened. “Tss. You and your threats.”  
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“And when did a simple warning become a threat,” Sitting up to fix her disheveled robe. Frowning to face the culprit himself. “Huh?” followed by a glancing inquiry she demands for answer. “Whatever smart Sung. As if you let me slip anyway.” A frustrated man came to visit for defiance.
She almost forgot to suppress herself to snigger. For heaven’s sake! She supposed to remain compose even, yet damn this sulking loco of her ruining everything that the only choice she had is to hold her breath to stop a bursting demeanor. Good thing she had her back on him that he’s clueless of what she’s up to, trying to make herself calm as much as possible.
Biting her lips for the last time, “You’re mad at me?” she managed to reciprocate an indecent follow-up, facing him. “FYI Mr. Sly fox, whose fault is it anyway that I have been bombarded with numerous calls from my superiors and so my presence is a must this instant? Good thing my phone is still working even after being thrown. I’ll definitely kill you if it isn’t. Tss.”
“Dare if you can.” Raising up while avoiding her sight, he sprints back inside her bedroom picking up his tussled summer shirt to as well cover his shirtless figure before mockingly staring at her. “As if I was the one who rejected the call even, when in fact the only thing I did was to tease you. That is.” Upset by how suddenly hard to button his shirt, a cussing Jang finally came by. “F*cking shirt!” a forcing hand frustratingly put on-hold.
And she can’t hold any longer. “Hmpp--- pfft! Hahahahah.”
“Now your laughing. Wow.” Indeed. She had freely put herself from laughing out loud, so enough to flex her low vibrato. “Really, woman?” Another of his rebuke for she still doing it. “Sung Eunyoung! I tell you woman, if you don’t stop I might just---“
“Okay! Okay. I’ll--- hahah--- sorry. Okay, uhum. I’ll stop. There. Are we good?”
“Whatever. Tsk.”
Sensing his mug menace, she eventually stopped for real, approaching the man who felt victimize. “Hey, cutie.”
“Did you just call me---“
Something sealed onto his lips before he could actually finish his sentence. It was hers to begin with. The savoring taste he cannot attain to sweep away for so in just a snap of it, his frustration fade away. As fast as that, she swiftly turns the table while he has to curse himself for being a muted cub with this volatile woman in front of him silkily volunteering to button his shirt herself before giving a scrutinizing stare that drown him to dive in the depths of his sensible soul.  
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“Is this the real you, Jang Taeyoung? An ever persistent man with the woman he like? Hm?”
He remained speechless. Not long before he clamor to decide beneath himself. Proclaiming to dive along the eye-banging they begun to get used to. “Yes. And you have never been the woman I like, Sung Eunyoung. Let me just correct you in that part because you’ve always been a lover for me. That is.”
He confessed, and she was taken aback. Silently gulping on her own, she can only hide her fluster. She won’t let herself get defeated that easy. Not yet. Sliding away her hold from his nape as she crossed her arms provoking him instead. “You, sly. You pretty sure it isn’t just the lust talking?”
Levelling her pace, he countered back. A brow, twisting to bicker. “Given. You can’t blame me. I’ve been caged enough with celibacy, woman. Just so you know.”
“Is that so? Well sad, Loco. Seems that woman of yours can’t spend a whole day for you.”
“F*cking sh*---“
“La mierda. Halt that vulgar mouth of yours, will you?”
“Like who’s talking as well. Now woman, if you keep making excuses just not to spend time with me, it’s not working.”
She surrendered. A sweeping hand thru the air and a clicking tongue of mockery. She debated. “Aish. Fine. For the peace of your mind then let me just tell you Mr. Jang Taeyoung that aside for the urgent school agenda, I will actually go straight to meet my parents for dinner. There? Does it answer all your question?”
Crossing her arms once again before the unexpected bafflement she never imagined to see from him happened. Looking by his reaction, she was left confused as if he suddenly reminded of something he had forgotten in a while. Nevertheless, she crossed the idea anyway. Choosing her assuming one instead.
With a dreary sigh, she banters. “Right. How come I expect that my parents-pass will actually work for you. I’m foolishly hoping for nothi---“
“Oh?” surprised by his reply, somehow she unconsciously responded the same before shrugging the thought off and obliged to fill her discontinued one different from the original she opts to be.
“--- Miraculously. Thank you then, Loco. Congratulation eh, that’s new.”  
She even dared to add some teasing at the end of her sentence, just to be unheard by still zoning man in front of her. “Cabrón?” Wanting to get his attention, she retaliates not knowing it was actually a start of a counter. An eyeing man bound to release an unexpected reply. “Can I tag along?”
“Of course, you sha--- what?!”
An embellish retort came after her indeed. “Come again, Jang Taeyoung?” A sassy man tacking its hands in his pockets responded instead. “I said can I tag along. So, can I?”
“And why would I?”
“You never know…” Shrugging off, a knowing smirk faces her.
Thus the stern word she decides to give in. “Now if you’ll excuse me, Mister. I have to get change already.” Forcefully pushing the stubborn man behind her closed doors, a piercing shut has been heard.
But screw her for underestimating everything for it was still her in the end being clowned by what was happening around her all along. “What the.”
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“--- hell?”        
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lettrespromises · 4 years
#LettresPromises informs you : You have one notification. ──➤ 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐕𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋!
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> Kita Shinsuke sent you a letter, would you like to read it? #CC of the letter directed to : @babythotshq​.
──➤ #𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff. ─➤ #𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 : Hallmark movie marathon. ➤ #𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : none.
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letter from the author :  ❝dear reader, dear @sachirou-senpai​,  this piece is my participation for the babythots winter wonderland collab and also the occasion to wish you, ellie, the merriest christmas of them all (although i’m late.) i’m hoping this letter will warm your heart, i loved writing every bit of it and couldn’t stop thinking about whether or not you were going to like it. i adore you.  sealed with a kiss,  nikki, your secret santa.❞
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The table in the living room had become the metaphorical throne for all sorts of garments— amongst them, a pile of candies and other diverse kinds of sweets gained the omnipotency of the attention because, after all, what could be a movie marathon without the inexorable stack of candies which followed? It would be like breaking a silent tradition, movies (whatever the kind of movie for that matter) and snacks went hand in hand together like an unspoken rule. But just when you thought the messy pyramid of sweets on the table wasn’t enough, your glance fell on the figure of your boyfriend holding a bowl of popcorn freshly taken out of the pan where they had exploded like a myriad of fireworks just a few minutes ago. His hold was so careful, a true reflection of his own personality, after all. « Shinsuke, love, don’t you think we have enough snacks right now? » You half-questioned, your gaze flickering between the ridiculous amount of sweets on the table and the incredulous look painted on his face.
« If there is one thing I learned from the movie nights with the rest of the volleyball team, aside from knowing how to break up a fight with the twins, is that there is never enough snacks. » Touché. And he knew that he was right by the way a hint of a grin manifested itself amidst his facial features.
« I mean, when you’re putting it like that, it’s not like I can resist, right? » You half-asked, knowing this question had every characteristic of a rhetorical question. You just wanted to drown yourself in a paradise of sweets, drown by sugar, and snuggle close to your boyfriend. Whilst you were holding the TV remote in your right hand, the left one was busy patting the vacant spot next to you on the couch, explicitly inviting the salt and pepper haired man to sit next to you and find himself the victim of your ceaseless waves of love. Kita did as you told wordlessly, and took a sit next to you as you felt the cushion deepen a bit at the newly added weight, but his presence was already comforting you.
« Are you ready for the marathon? Because once we start, there’s no stopping! » The words poured from you mouth in a continuous flow of enthusiasm, your orbs moving onto his credulous expression which quickly morphed into a faded smile at the sudden realization of spending so much time with you and you only.
« You make it sound like something alarming. Should I be worried, dear? » Kita tilted his head back to face you, the grin on his face deepened to dig into his cheeks and let appear a pair of precious dimples, fine lines blooming at the corner of his eyes.
« There’s nothing to worry about as long as I’m here, just stuff your face with sweets, cuddle me and watch these good ol’ cliché movies with me. » There’s nothing he could complain about. He reckoned himself that he had neglected his time dedicated to you to invest it in volleyball-related activities, but without stating the obvious, he much preferred spending time with you rather than hear the continuous bickering of the twins.
« Right. Nothing to worry about as long as you’re here. » He repeated without any real kind of purpose, planting these words into your skin by kissing your temple as if he was sealing a promise. Like a reminder to himself, if you will.
Your fingertips soon found the right combination on the remote to find the very first movie of the marathon ahead of you, your digits moved mechanically without second thinking, as if you had practiced these moves over and over again whilst waiting for Kita to spend this night with you.
The screen of the TV was soon colored by a whole spectrum of colors gravitating around the color scheme of Christmas, an accord of red, white, green and gold. But even with the distraction and the colorful explosions on the screen, Kita had still his hazel eyes set on you, a gleam of genuine adoration dancing in the corner of his irises. And why of course, no one could truly ignore his glance, and even when he was looking at you with metaphorical hearts in his eyes, you still felt a pressure weighing on your shoulders. You looked up to him, a brow raised to emphasize wordlessly your interrogation.
« It’s nothing. » He said, having already picked up on your silent question and so your eyes darted back to the screen, « you’re insanely beautiful », he whispered to no one but himself, yet another vocal reminder of how lucky he was.
But the more the scenes arrived and went away, the more you felt your body lean on Kita. He felt the urge to adapt his hold on you to your new position, bowing his right arm so he could welcome you in the warmth emanating from his chest and thus challenge the fireplace. Your cranium was laying between his shoulder and his collarbone, a soft balance where your head fit just fine.
But regardless of the parts of his anatomy, your body parts always seemed to fit perfectly with his. The latter reminded Kita of an old tale his grandmother used to tell him and how lovers, a long time ago, used to be one. But the Gods were so jealous of their powers and love that they decided to separate them, and since their natural form had been cut in two, each one longed for its own other half for all of their life, and so they would throw their arms around each other, weaving themselves together, wanting to grow together.
Truthfully, Kita did not pay one bit attention to the movie. He memorized some of the characters, surely, but all he could think about was how well you were fitting in his arms, how poetic this embrace was, how you were molded just for him and how you were molded just for him. And whilst still thinking about this myth, he was sure that he was your soulmate in another life.
Before he could even realize it, the second movie had started, and he could’ve sworn to himself that it was the same plot… Or was it? Oh well, he was going to pay attention this time, it was a promise to both himself and you. His hold tightened a bit around you, accustoming to the way he had straightened up himself to adopt a position perfect to focus solely on the movie.
It’s safe to say that he was absorbed. He had made mental maps of who was who and how this character was linked to another, hell, he was even already guessing what was bound to happen in the rest of the movie. Kita focused so intensely that it seemed that the noise emanating from the screen had cancelled out the sound of your soft snores, after all, his heartbeats were the perfect lullaby to fall asleep.
You looked so at peace, your dreams were surely the guardians of your quietude, and he had least hoped that he was in one of them. His fingertips brushed ever so softly against the crown of your hair, each motion was calculated not to wake you up, and it’s like he fell in love with you all over again.
« Because once we start, there’s no stopping, you said. Well, my love, it looks like you met your own end. » Kita’s words were mere whispers thrown into the quietude of the reigning atmosphere.
He solely needed to move his hands behind your thighs to put you in a position which would make it easier for him to carry you, those thoughts soon became reality as he was now holding you, a forearm secured behind your thighs whilst his other hand traveled from the nape of your neck to meet his other palm. He had never been so cautious in his life, after all, your slumber was at stake. And each step he took on the stairs was as quiet as the vacuity in outer space.
Kita’s hand gained its original spot back on your neck as he began to close the distance between your asleep form and the mattress, protecting your neck just like how you’d protect the neck of a newborn to avoid any harsh movement. And there you were, in your most serene before his eyes after a poor attempt at challenging him for a hallmark movie marathon.
You woke up the next morning, the sudden feeling of hot trails left by Kita’s hold on you that night awakened at the same time as you, and although your vision was blurry from the sudden adjustment to the lightening and the intrusion of the rays of sunshine which had pierced through your curtains, you could discern a foreign presence on your nightstand amidst your distorted vision of reality.
You blinked once. Then twice. And smile at the realization.
It was a basket composed of fruits, tea bags, water and other kinds of bakeries his grandma must have surely given him. But the most drastic detail was the note he had left along with the rest, in that detailed lettering of his :
« My love, make sure you eat your breakfast properly. I am looking forward to the second half of the movie marathon tonight with you. I love you.
Signed : Kita, your boyfriend. P.S : you are safe as long as you are with me, too. »
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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The Soldier. Miya Atsumu
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2K
Notes:  The first installment to my mini-collection entitled “Soldier, Poet, King,” inspired by the song of the same name by The Oh Hellos.  That song really makes me want to dance in a meadow of wildflowers in a white flowy dress, no front.
June 28
My love,
I pray that this letter finds you well.  The months that have drifted by where I have not been able to see your smile have caused nothing but heartache.  But, the prospects of seeing you once again fills me with even more determination to come home to you.  Each night that passes is one night closer to this war being over and one day closer to being by your side again.  
I sense that this will draw to a close soon.  There is talk amongst the troops that our final attack will be launched within the coming months after the adequate preparation is made.  I hope that you think of me during these trying times.  Knowing that I have crossed your mind for even an instant is enough to stay alive.  My love, I wish to return to you as soon as possible.  We can finally seal our love and begin a new life together, that’s a promise.  Please know that I think of you each minute of every day.  You are in my head at this very moment while I scribe this letter to you.  Waking and asleep, I yearn only to have you in my company once more.  
I hope that you write back quickly.  While I am many miles from you, these letters that carry the faintest hints of your perfume are my only piece of you.  It is nothing compared to the real thing, but I will gratefully take what I can.  Until the next, my love.
                                                                                                 Miya Atsumu
The small piece of parchment is folded and slipped back into the drawer of a nightstand where it will wait to be read again the next day.  The ink had begun to fade, the edges worn from constant handling.  It had been nearly three months without any sort of communication from your beloved.  There had not been a single letter come through the post with your name written across the envelope in his messy script, but every day you still ran out to greet the postman, that tiny light of hope still shining brightly within you, even if only for a few moments.  But, it would only be diminished as the mail was handed to you and just as it had been for the past three months, the postman would smile sadly, knowing just as well as you did that there was no letter from Atsumu.  
Your heart kept repeating over and over that he was fine, that maybe he was so busy getting ready for the end of the war that he didn’t have time to write to you.  Maybe his letters were getting lost in the mail and there were half a dozen envelopes with your name on them sitting in a pile of letters.  But, even you knew that that was a far stretch of the imagination.  The others who had found love in the arms of military men had been hearing from their own sweethearts.  It was the height of conversation during every encounter.  “Have you heard from him?” “Yes!  I just got a new letter last week.  And you?  Has he written to you?” And each conversation was only met with a saddened expression when you explained that, no, he hadn’t written to you in a while.  You were always assured with a delicate embrace that he would write soon, but as time ticked by, those reassurances began to make you feel worse and worse.
He promised that he would be back.  He promised to make you happy, grow a life with you.  If there was one thing you knew better than anything, it was that Miya Atsumu never broke his promises to you.  But, that heavy feeling that you found sinking further and further in your stomach each night was becoming difficult to ignore.  Each day that passed without a word from him was just another day where you came closer to believing the worst.  Surely, though, if something had happened to him, someone would’ve told you.  One of his friends from the military would’ve written to you or, at the very least, you thought that Osamu would’ve told you about how his brother was doing, but there was nothing.  No one was able to inform you of Atsumu's condition and the unknown was eating away at you with every passing hour.  
Still, you clung onto the lingering promise that was beginning to fade from the parchment.  He would be back.
But, then another moon passed and your reality began to sink in.  You had unfolded and read that final letter so many times, the creases beginning to rip from the wear.  There were smudges in the lingering ink where shaky sobs had fallen to the parchment in the privacy of wavering candlelight.  You would grow old all on your own, your one love being buried in the ground with thousands of other men who had fallen on the battlefield at such a young age.  
“Have hope.  My Kita says that the war is coming to a close.”
But, it was so very easy to have hope when there was something telling you that he was alive and well.  How were you to continue holding on to this idea that was kept trying to fly away from you?  While the dove flittered away, a large raven loomed behind you.  How could you possibly focus on keeping the dove in your grasp with the chilling gaze of the raven’s beady eyes boring into your soul, constantly reminding you of its presence?  You couldn’t, no matter how much you struggled to keep that little white bird contained, it kept slipping out of your hands, leaving you with the scary alternative.  
Each day became harder to bear.  Each day that passed where you couldn’t hear Atsumu’s warm laughter, see his lazy gaze that never failed to be so full of adoration for you, each day that he wasn’t bringing your hand up to his lips in a kiss, one that told the world that you were his while still abiding by the social norm, was like living another day in your own personal hell.  To share those hasty kisses in the privacy of your home, but still not letting lips be attached for long in fear that someone might see an unmarried couple engaged in such a taboo act of love, the feeling of his lips pressed against your own in such fevered declarations of his fondness for you felt like a dream that had happened one too many eons ago.  The knot that grew in your chest with each thought of him brought your sobs closer to surfacing all over again.  But, rather, you choked them all away, keeping your head high in a way that you knew would make you Atsumu proud.  You could almost hear his low chuckle, feel his hand patting your head gently, “You’re really something, aren’t you?  Always so confident.  You’ll be fine without me for a little while, princess.”
The thought alone was enough to make you snort.  If only he could see inside your mind right now, see that you were anything but fine as the worst possible outcome played over and over, never pausing to give you a break.  The image of Miya Atsumu laying out in the heat of a battlefield, bloodied and wounded, trying to fight for one more breath kept weaving its way into your mind, but it always ended the same way.  Those bright brown eyes that always held an air of excitement would fall dim, his toned chest would struggle to rise and inevitably fail, head lolling limply to the side as a fellow platoon member closed his eyelids for the last time.
“I hear that the soldiers are returning this week,” Ayaka said as she sat across from you one afternoon, the tea cup rising to her lips.  You hadn’t touched your own cup.  It still sat on the table in front of you, two sugar cubes waiting to be stirred in.  Your thoughts had been gnawing at you non-stop, but this prospect-
He could be coming home.
It brought the dove back into reach, even if only for a moment.  You were able to forget about that steady gaze of the raven, focusing solely on the white bird that had returned to you.  
“Do you know when?”
“Thursday, I believe.  My sister and I plan on coming into town to greet them.  Would you care to join us?  Even- even if he’s not there, you could at least get a sense of closure.”
You didn’t want to think about the possibility of Atsumu not marching along the ranks of men, you just wanted to see him one more time, to tell him that you loved him all over again.  But, even as you weighed the idea that your friend could be right about his fate, you found yourself nodding in agreement to her proposal.
The letter had been read three more times, each night ending with clutching that wrinkled piece of parchment to your chest, wishes made to some nameless being in hopes that he would come back to you.  “Please. . .”
Blue military jackets adorned by weary looking men lined the streets, people smiling and cheering that their loved ones had returned home after such long months of being gone.  Ranks were broken as people rushed to the awaiting arms of their families, but as much as you scanned the rows, you couldn’t find that familiar blonde hair poking out from under the issued cap.  Each row that passed had you slinking further into yourself, the truth bringing that all-to-familiar tug at your heart.  
“‘Samu, give me that!  You’re just being an ass, come on!” 
“If you want it so badly, come get it.”
The tears flowed down your cheeks for a whole new reason.  At the very end of the ranks, a group of men were clustered together.  They all fared worse than the others.  Some were missing limbs, most were just covered in bandages, deep stains of red contrasting against the stark white.  Bringing up the very rear, a young man bickered with another, desperately reaching for the wooden crutch that was being held just out of reach.  
That beautiful sound was the only thing he wanted to hear.  His name from your lips.  It had his heart racing and a wide toothy grin spanning across his features.  The gunshot wound on his thigh throbbed with each crutch-less limp in your direction, but he didn’t even care.  You were running towards him, slowing only enough so that your momentum didn’t take him to the ground.  Arms flung around his neck, his easy laughter being the only sound in your ears.  It felt just so surreal, the soldier finally returning to the arms of his beloved.
“I was so worried about you,” you whisper, burying your head in the shoulder of his uniform.  
“I know, princess.  But they wouldn’t let me write to you or anyone else while I was in the hospital.  If I could have, I would have sent you a hundred letters to remind you just how much I love you.”  Atsumu leans away from you, wincing as he tries to place weight on his injured leg, but despite the pain, he takes your hand in his.  Lazy brown eyes never leave your face as he brings it to his lips, a loving kiss placed to your knuckles.  There’s no denying the happy smile on his face as he lets you caress his cheek.
“I made a promise to you, princess.  And I don’t break my promises,” he starts, reaching up to lay his hand over yours.  “I can’t wait to marry you, princess.”
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
| Prompt
“Don’t tell people we’ve slept together. Or at least don’t word it like that…”
a/n: let me know if you want to be tagged!♡
There was the smell of freshly cut grass around the garden, the horses were back in their place all warm and cozy. She looked over at the green space, there was a sense of security around. It could be the upcoming spring weather, the birds were chirpier than usual.
Or maybe it was the man on her bed.
It had been a long time coming. She knew that and so did he, she had welcomed it when he tried to take things further. She’d tried hard to avoid this, to get rid of the filthy thoughts that would take over her mind when he was around but now that he was laying on the bed with eyes on her back, she thanked the heavens silently.
He was beautiful.
 She smiled, the sun was bright and warm as it kissed her skin, he watched her from the bed. She had held her guard against his charm for a long time, it had been a long fight and he’d won, he’d won her heart and she hated that he did.
But she was also glad that he had been the one to do so.
She turned around, his eyes had been on her ever since she woke up and she liked the attention he was so intent on giving her. She gave him a shy smile, there was a lack of direction she was feeling, she didn’t know what to do.
There had been one too many nights spent together talking, bickering almost as she’d hit his words with her quick wit. There were too many times she’d caught him staring, dares and bets made behind their back on when they’d end up in bed together and now that it had happened, she wasn’t sure of how to proceed.
But he did.
He’d waited entirely too long for this to happen and he wasn’t gonna let her go so easily. She’d been in her daydreams for the past year and a half, he didn’t sleep at night so her visits were scarce at night time. She’d caught him staring more than once, the small touches and chuckles were too obvious to ignore.
She watched him get up, finally stopping with the ogling of his eyes while she wore her robe, he watched the material touch her soft skin, the skin that had been caressed by him just an hour ago. He wanted to kiss the top of her head but he wasn’t too sure, she was fragile after all.
“Good Mornin’...” she whispered under her breath when he came close, their bodies almost touching while she stared up at him with sleepy eyes.
“Yeah, it ‘s.” he spoke, finally inching closer to plant a kiss at the top of her head.
It caught her off guard but she enjoyed the warmth spreading through her body as she reacted to his touch. It earned a small smile from him before she walked away a little after to get some breakfast.
The house was huge, it was no wonder where her money went. Alfie knew she was wealthy, he knew of the business she made and that she was good at it but he’d thought that she was more of a cozy home person, but she was living in a mansion from what he saw.
He liked the power she seemed to hold.
“Morning, Miss..” said some of the household staff as she walked downstairs, there were many people living around that worked inside the house, they were family to her now.
She returned the gesture with a small murmur as he followed behind, tucking his slacks back in his pants while a few of the girls giggled, they knew she’d spent the night with him.
He was the first man she’d brought home in four years.
She was independent, self-sufficient and way too stubborn. It usually meant that she would need to compromise, men didn’t get that she wanted to be on her own and she had no intentions of abandoning her own values for someone that daft.
But he wasn’t of that kind.
“Lily, is breakfast ready?” she asked the younger girl after greeting her, Alfie watched her rotate around the space smoothly, it was obvious that the staff liked her very much from the way their eyes lit up at the sight of her.
Even more so because a man was right behind her, her man.
“Yes, Miss..” the girl said, walking towards the kitchen right before her eyes met the strange man.
“Will your guest be joining you?” she asked, almost too innocent at the tone of his voice.
Y/N touched her shoulder and told her to get things ready before facing Alfie, she didn’t know if he’d want to stay. Her uncertain eyes met his anticipating ones, there was a gentle smile on his lips.
“You can stay for breakfast.” she spoke, letting him know that it was okay but also gaining the upper hand by suggesting the idea.
She was a smart one.
“I’d love to, doll..” he spoke, voice hoarse from the oozing sleepiness he seemed to carry.
She nodded, eyes averting his as she walked back into the kitchen where Lily was. She usually had a quick wit, a beautiful smile on her lips at most times but she was stripped of most qualities now that he’d seen her vulnerable. 
The previous night was out of a dream but she realised she didn’t want to wake up.
She knew it would either result on them being together or him leaving for good now that he’d gotten the thing he wanted, men usually did that. She knew it was possible but she wished he’d stay, for as long as possible.
They moved to the kitchen slowly, his hand on the small of her back while she felt a pink hue spread along her cheeks. She smiled at the staff around as they all sat down at the table to have the meal, the young boy who took care of the horses said grace as Alfie glanced up at the people around, they seemed like a family. 
There were giggles at the table, small touches on shoulders as they talked the day up. Alfie watched Y/N converse with the people around, her charm came naturally to her. It was obvious she was full of love for these people.
This wasn’t the complete Y/N Alfie knew.
She was witty, stubborn, strong and a little closed off. He knew she used sarcasm and her charm to conceal what she was really feeling. This person before him sitting at the breakfast table was different. She loved openly, there was an air around her that drew people closer and she didn’t come off as closed off at all.
He loved the new side of her.
Alfie’s chuckles filled her ear when she walked him to his car, he was getting along with the younger boys around. Y/N’ eyes met his, ready to say farewell but her mind went somewhere else while Alfie stared at her lips, he missed her skin against his, it felt natural. 
It had been everything he expected and more, it felt like a dream still. She had somehow agreed to go out, it had been even more of surprise when she invited him upstairs and there was a bliss that followed him to the dawn of the morning and it felt surreal, she felt surreal.
She gave him a small smile, her witty sense coming back as she stared at the man with sparkly eyes.
“Alfie, can you...” she spoke but hesitated to finish the sentence, all of his attention was solely focused on her as she made up her mind and spoke up in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t tell people we’ve slept together. Or at least don’t word it like that…”
It earned a chuckle from him.
A part of him felt slightly hurt, because she didn’t want people to know that they had slept together, even though the second part of the sentence made it better. She didn’t mind that people knew, Alfie was respected and feared even more, so she didn’t worry about him. She didn’t care for what people said behind her back either so it wouldn’t be a problem.
But it felt like it was a dream still. She thought that after she woke up, the groggy weather would pull her back from the haze and she’d be dealing with the ugliness of the real world but that hadn’t been the case when she woke up.
She had felt his secure arms around her, smell of rum and vanilla all over her while she embraced the warmth he provided. The weather was far from its usual state, it had been extremely lovely, birds were chirping around while she gazed around the garden, the day seemed too picturesque to be real.
She chuckled at his lively state before speaking again, she didn’t want things to go downhill.
“I don’t mind that people know, Alfie....I just-”
“I know, dove..” he smiled rather fondly while his hands found her cheeks. “..no need to explain, right, won’t tell a soul..” he spoke before giving her a kiss and leaving for work.
But she knew.
She knew that he’d be smiling all day and when Ollie saw his boss in such a state, he’d ask. She knew that Alfie would tell him about how he’d stayed the night at her place and how chirpy he’d be all day.  She knew he’d let his workers go home early to his loved ones so that he could go back to his loved one.
And she was looking forward to it.
Tagging: @bicevans​ @clairecrive​ @parkbearum​ @sourirez​ @yuzuhirado​
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Dressed to the Nines (Fenrir/Reader/Seth)
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Pairing: Fenrir / Reader / Seth  Fandom: Ikemen Revolution  Rating: SFW - Thriller  Prompt: Stalker + Bite Word Count: 1,412 Written by: @moos-cow​ / @hamster-damn​
October 31st.
There you were, standing in front of the mirror, drinking in the reflection of your own clad in a daring midnight blue off-shoulder gown.
“Stunning,” Seth spoke from the threshold of your room with a small box in hand that contained the final touch to complete your ensemble. He strode to stand behind you, warm hands lightly brushing over the fabric of your gown before settling on the curve of your hips, and his lips meeting the bare area between your neck and shoulder, “Absolutely stunning.”
You quickly turn in his arms to face him, "Who do I have to thank for, then?" you ask with a cheeky grin before leaning in for a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you, Seth. This dress looks absolutely beautiful."
"And you take beautiful to a whole new level, sweetie." He says, tucking a stray lock behind your ear. "Ah! We have something for you-" Seth lifts the small box up to your eye level. "Turn for me."
You turn as he unboxes the item to reveal an identical midnight blue choker necklace with a dangling crystal before securing it around your neck. But before you could comment any further, a chipper voice calls out from the hall and light tapping of boots quickly reach your room.
"Yo, Seth! Alice! Ya guys ready to go or-- wow." Fenrir stood by your doorway agape at the sight of you. Although he was already wearing his mask, a blush could still be seen creeping up high on his cheeks.
You take Seth's hand in yours and saunter towards Fenrir, taking his hand in your other free hand. "To the Civic Ballroom, yes?" the two follow after you to the waiting carriage with a spring in every step.
You arrive at the Civic Ballroom with your two escorts by your side. The doors to the annual ball opened before you, and the different sights, sounds, and scents wafted out to greet you. Officials and personalities from every quarter of Cradle had come and gathered to don their best outfits for a night to celebrate the spooky. Albeit masked, some of them you could still identify.
Among the dazzling sights before you, the buffet table caught your eyes the most, making it your first stop for the night. You filled your plate to the point of nearly overflowing, "Enjoying yourself, aren't we?" a chipper voice suddenly called from behind you.
You turned with a pastry-full plate in hand and a charcoal colored macaroon in the other. "Ray?" you call, but alas, there wasn't a sign of a single soul behind you. You study the area only to find nothing out of the ordinary.
You strut back to your table where you found Luka and Sirius with each a flute in hand. "Sirius! Luka!" You called to the two, sliding the tower of pastries you procured from the buffet table in front of them, "Have you seen Fenrir and Seth?"
"Seth's at one o'clock." Sirius tilted his flute towards the crowd around the 10 of Spades. Your eyes meet with Seth's for a brief moment before he goes back to entertaining the other guests.
"I saw Fenrir messing around with Ray earlier." Luka spoke quietly as he languidly reached for a lemon bar, obviously tired from socializing with the guests.
The ambient chitchat from all over the ballroom gradually faded as the music from the string quartet began to play. People from the center of the room moved to the sides as couples walked hand-in-hand to the center of the floor.
"Excuse me, miss" a man extends a hand to you from the side, "May I have the pleasure of having this dance?" Although you were slightly taken aback, you still reached your hand over to take his. A little dance won't hurt.
One became two, then three.
Three songs danced with three different guests, only the last one you identified to be the Queen of Hearts. His unmistakable mint hair and haughty comments resulted to your relentless bickering throughout the whole song. He tired you out so much, you needed to step out for a drink and some fresh air. The balcony on the second floor sounded like a nice idea to you.
Out the doors and into the dimly lit halls you went, pausing every so often to admire the artworks that hung on the Civic corridors. The sounds of the party slowly faded away the further you went, leaving you to the ambient silence and the tapping of your heels.
Moments later you realized that there were taps that weren't in sync with yours. You abruptly stopped and turned, but so do the taps. You strained your eyes to search for whoever or whatever was stalking you. Nothing. You continue your walk down to the moonlit balcony slightly bothered as you recalled the officers' haunting stories of the old building.
'Banging on conference rooms on the 2nd floor', 'Screams of fallen officers from the Gardens', 'The piano suddenly playing in the Main Ballroom', 'Whispers in the hall', and the infamous 'dragging of furniture across the diplomats' offices.'
A chill ran down your spine at the thought of the stories. You glanced at the doors to your sides, fervently wishing for not a single one to sound as you chanted "Ghosts aren't real" repeatedly from under your breath.
Five more doors 'til the balcony.
At your final glance, you catch an apparition trailing behind you. Your eyes widened in shock and you picked up the pace of your walk, racking your brain for ways to get out of this mess. The stairs was far behind you, you were too far down to scream for help, and daring to exit via the balcony was rather reckless. You needed to hide.
You twisted the knobs on the doors that you passed, all were locked except for one. You hurriedly entered and locked the door behind you, breathing heavily to catch your breath.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
You stumbled back at the loud banging on the door. The knob shook for a bit, but then stopped. Leaving you alone again to the ambient sounds of your surroundings.
You stepped out of your heels and began to walk around the room to inspect. The fireplace was on, yet there was no sign of any occupant. "Hello?" you called out for confirmation. Nothing. You slid your empty glass on the sole round table and leaned on the said furniture to calm your racing heart.
Just as you began to relax, the chipper voice from earlier spoke once again, startling you by its close proximity. "Having fun?"
A grin crept up your face as you caught the strained notes in his tone. You knew this voice too well to miss it. "Not so. I expected a bit more... thrill." You replied playfully and abruptly turned to the gentleman behind you.
Your breath hitched and your grin turned to pure shock. Before you was the man you were expecting, but not at all. His mouth and suit were drenched in a carmine liquid that reeked a certain metallic stench. "F-Fenrir," you stuttered, frozen in place as your eyes darted towards what laid behind him, behind the sofa-- a lifeless body.
You take a step back and bumped into the table. The glass tips and breaks as it fell to the floor, causing you to jump once more. Strong arms trapped you between his body and the furniture as he slowly leans in, nuzzling at the crook of your neck. 
"Thrill eh? How 'bout a little bite, then?" He whispered in a sultry tone. “You look absolutely delicious tonight.”
With all your strength you can muster, you pushed him back and ran towards the door. Fumbling with the lock in the rush to unlock and open it. As the door swung wide open, Seth was there by the opening.
"Seth!" you screamed and pushed him away from the room. You grab his wrist and scrambled on your trembling legs to make a run for it with him. But he jerks you back and pulls you right into his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist to lock you in place.
"Fenrir, what did I tell you about playing with your food?" the older man scolded as he pulled you back into the room. You cry and you kick, but his grip never faltered. “Look at you, you’re a mess!”
"Forgive him, sweetie. He's still... adjusting."
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Summary: The stakes are high. The water's rough. But this love is ours. Word Count: 10.816 Genre: Fluff? Angst? Who’s to say? Certainly not me, the author. Fandom: InuYasha Pairing: Inukag Format: oneshot AO3 Link: 🌹 Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“Sota, put this thing away. I won’t ask you again.”
“Fine!” The teenager let out in exasperation, putting the phone back into the confinement of his pocket.
His grandpa was making him lose his mind. In the interlude of fifteen minutes, the old man had managed to rant about how kids these days always had their faces stuffed into some kind of screen twice.
The bit about damaging the sight and going blind by the age of thirty-five because of it? A lecture all of its own.
“In my time,” he began, making Sota fight the urgency to groan, “we treated the elderly with respect and behaved at the table. It’s a sacred moment!”
“We’re not even eating, anyway! Kagome and her stupid boyfriend are late.”
“Sota! Manners!” Intervened his mom. “We don’t want InuYasha to think Kagome’s family is made up of inconsiderate barbarians, do we?”
Sota rolled his eyes, but remained silent. It was gonna be a long night.
There they were, in Earth’s lamest restaurant, waiting for his sister to arrive with her new boyfriend, who, going with the odds, was probably a goody-two-shoes nerd, just like that Hojo guy.
There was no one his age within the radius of a mile.
He was starving.
And to top it all off, bored to death.
It wasn’t like Sota didn’t love his family. He really did. Besides, seeing Kagome again was something he was looking forward to. Since she had moved out for medical school, they hadn’t spent much time together and although the boy would never admit it, he had quite missed their daily bickering.
He just wished they could met at home, in company of his TV and video games, where he could actually avoid his grandpa’s constant scolding in the holy peace of his bedroom.
“Look! Look, look, look, look, look.” As if on cue, the man in question elbowed Sota’s arm, coaxing him to eye the restaurant entrance. He silently snorted, wondering why his grandpa felt the annoying need to repeat the same word grumpier and more demanding each time. Didn’t he know Sota could hear him just fine from the first one? Nevertheless, wanting to get it over with, the boy did as he was told. A silver haired gentleman stayed awkwardly in the middle of the entryway, his attention torned between the salon and the outside. Even from afar, his demonic heritage stood out, but the dog ears crowning his head wasn’t the only remarkable feature he carried. “See his arms? What a disgrace, to dishonor his own body like that. I pray you, my boy, that you never inflict such disappointment on your old grandfather. I couldn’t bear the pain of seeing my only grandson grow into mafia scum.”
Sota didn’t respond the overdramatic affirmation. He was wonderstruck.
In spite of the anxiety the guy irradiated, he still looked pretty cool, dressed on dark jeans and an elegant white shirt. He had his sleeves rolled up to the biceps, displaying an impressive amount of tattoos. They covered all of the skin, from his wrists to his forearms, possibly ending at the shoulders. It was hard to make out the different shapes, given the distance, but every single one was drawn in black ink.
“Stop staring, you two.” Sang his mom. And Sota was about to obey.
But then, in entered his sister.
Kagome clung to the tattooed, supposedly criminal man, causing him to relax on the spot as her gaze scanned the room.
When the girl finally found them, her face lighted up in an excited smile. She said what, reading her lips, Sota interpreted as ‘there they are’ before taking him by the hand and heading right to their suddenly silent table.
It seemed that the night wouldn’t pass by without its share of emotions, after all.
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“InuYasha,are you ready? I don’t want to be late!”
The hanyou sighed in front of the mirror. Did she mean finished with dressing up ready or psychologically ready? It didn’t matter. The answer was no for both.
InuYasha had tried on almost every clothe he had. It served him right for letting piles and more piles of worn-out band t-shirts compose his wardrobe.
His mother had a point. He could definitely use a little makeover.
Every piece felt either too ordinary or too odd, so InuYasha gave up and went back to the button-down shirt he had put first — one of the few decent things he had to wear.
Now closed in their bathroom, determined to pay his mother’s atelier a visit as soon as possible and obsessively aligning the outfit, he couldn’t help but think the reflection staring back didn’t look like him at all.
“Actually, can we reschedule?”
“No way!” Squeaked his girlfriend, her steps louder and louder in her approach. “We’ve been postponing this for too long. Okay, I’m coming in!” She announced, opening the door at once.
“Whatever happened to privacy?”
“It moved out when I moved in.” His girlfriend threw him her best heart stopping smirk and walked in his direction. “Don’t you look gorgeous?”
“Keh. You always say that.” And he had yet to hear it without blushing.
“It’s always true.” Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck. With the extra inches the heels provided, she was nearly his height and her rose lips hovered temptingly within the reach of his. “Won’t you get hot on this shirt, though? We’re in the middle of summer.”
“I’ll be fine!” InuYasha burst out before he could bite back his tongue. Kagome considered him attentively, her narrowed eyes growing wide in realization.
“You’re hiding the tattoos, aren’t you?”
InuYasha looked away.
“I want them to like me.”
It was a difficult enough task to achieve. Being a half breed, he was despised by demons and feared by humans — apparently his ears, fangs and claws, not to mention the unusual color of his eyes and hair, were a lot for them to take in. The absolute last thing InuYasha needed was for her family to think he was some sort of delinquent too. Which, of course, they would.
He figured, since people would be afraid of him either way, he might as well took it to his advantage and do whatever he wanted, consequences be damned. As a result, whoever wasn’t scared of his demon blood sure pissed their pants at the sight of his tattoos, taking him for a criminal. InuYasha couldn’t care less. There was a good amount of fights against human opponents he won that way.
But that was before her.
Not caring is easier when you have nothing to lose.
InuYasha didn’t doubt his actions would blow up on his face, eventually. It was all they ever did. But never, not even in a million years, he could have predicted Kagome. Now consequences were here to bite him in the ass.
Her folks had plenty to unpack the way it was. At least with the tattoos he could do something about.
“InuYasha…” Her slender fingers caressed his chin, demanding his focus entirely for herself. He complied. “You don’t have to do this. I want you to be yourself.” She grabbed his right arm and rolled the sleeve all the way up, revealing the intricate mosaic of figures, doodles and forms he collected along the last decade. “They are going to love you.”
“Easy for you to say, now that my family worships the ground you walk on.”
It had only taken a mild sunday lunch. By the end of it, Kagome had Mr. and Mrs. Taisho eating from the palm of her hand, just like she had their son. That was the day his mother had furtively handed him the engagement ring she inherited from her mother, claiming Kagome was the one he should give it to when the right moment comes. There was no falter from his part.
A month had passed, Kagome and his mom texted one another on a daily basis, and the damn thing still weighed deep inside his pocket. InuYasha carried it with him everywhere, waiting for the perfect occasion and concerned that she might find it if he left it lying around.
“Well, worship is such a strong word...” Said Kagome, doing with his left sleeve the same thing she did with the other, but this time allowing herself to trace the black marks of his arm, lingering on the newest, the little sakura flower InuYasha had gotten solely for her. He raised his eyebrows. “Okay, maybe your parents do it a little bit, but your brother hates my guts. You gotta give me that.”
“Nah, Sesshoumaru hates everyone. You ain’t special.”
“Huh… Thanks?”
InuYasha smiled at her adorable grimace, but it was short lived.
“What if they don’t? Like me, I mean.”
Both of them knew it was a real possibility.
If they were being honest, they hated each other at the beginning themselves. Most of it, undoubtful, due to repressed sexual attraction. Still, they were constantly jumping at each other’s throats before starting to jump at each other’s bones.
Attracting and repelling like magnets, they have been through a crazy amount of screaming, crying and slamming doors. Once it was clear that what they had was much more than sex, the need had risen to protect that love at all costs.
They had to.
Every odd was against them.
He was a half demon. Most people hated him at worse and tolerated at best — and that had a lot to do with his family’s money, Kagome being one of the uncommon exceptions. In fact, she was the exception to essentially every rule he had.
She was also a human. No, not only a human. That would be too easy. The girl was a priestess. Her family was responsible for a fucking shrine.
Their relationship was the epitome of taboo.
So they had kept it on the low for as long as they could, adopting a discreet profile even after she moved in with him. They didn’t want to risk it, didn’t want to jinx it. It wasn’t worth it.
Their love was theirs and theirs alone, too precious to fall into the cruel claws of the world.
It was a shame it couldn’t stay that way forever.
Sooner or later they would have to leave the safe heaven inside those walls and he was terrified of finding out whether or not they could take it.
Kagome’s kindness, her unprejudiced beliefs... They had to come from somewhere, and she affirmed it was from her family. How would her folks react, however, once those beliefs were put to the test? InuYasha learned from experience that, sometimes, people struggled to stick to their morals the second they stopped being convenient.
“Then it will be just another bump on the road. What’s one more?”
Her hands flew to undo his top button — and nothing more. Tensing involuntarily when her digits contacted the exposed skin, InuYasha let out a shaky breath as she retreated to explore his chest over the shirt, shamelessly going lower.
“Weren’t you the one in a hurry just now?”
“I am.” She defied.
“I’m not.”
InuYasha placed his hands on her waist and pressed her against the nearest wall. He couldn’t help it, not after the things she said. Especially when she said them with that dress on — light blue, contrasting with the darkness of her hair, the skirt hugging her waistline, widening at the bottom. No sleeves. Only provocative, unbelievably thin straps. So different from her everyday white clothes.
It was his favorite and he had no doubt it was intentional.
Her mouth was off limits. InuYasha knew better than to mess up her makeup mere minutes away of such important event. Her neck, on the other hand…
“Don’t you look gorgeous?” He asked, nose burying on her skin.
“Uh, uh. D-don’t you sweet talk me.” Kagome tilted her head, giving him unrestrained access and grabbing a handful of his hair as he hooked her leg around him, fingers lifting her skirt up, venturing further and further.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She was limp in his embrace. InuYasha recognized by instinct when his body was the only thing preventing hers from melting to the ground.
“We… We’re doing this.”
“I know.” He eagerly kissed her collarbone, downing to the start of the cleavage. 
“It’s just a harmless dinner...” She was panting now, nails traveling through his back, applying sufficient pressure to make quite the damage had he been naked. InuYasha went up her throat, his tongue wandering free.
“...And then… T-then we’ll go... to my childhood house.” Kagome paused and he knew it was to hold back a moan as he relentlessly kissed his way up to her chin and jawline, finding destination at her earlobe. “You’ll get…” He bit it. “... T-to see my old bedroom,” bargained her. InuYasha smirked.
“I’m listening,” he whispered, returning to her neck. InuYasha had every intention to suck on the inviting flesh until it left a mark, but restrained himself. Something told him her family wouldn’t be fond of it.
His resolve not to claim her lips, though, were increasingly fading. Whatever. Better beg for her taste now and for her forgiveness later.
Reading his thoughts — as she often did —, Kagome gently pushed him away. Good. Their proximity, allied with the escalating scent of her arousal, wasn’t making them any favors in the ‘getting out of the house’ department.
“Come on,” she tapped his hand, subtly pleading for him to release her leg, a lead that InuYasha followed with extreme reluctance. He observed as his girlfriend regained composure. The fingers that not long ago were mapping, grasping and scratching every inch of him now fixed the dress strap he had no memory of pulling down. To a newcomer, it would look as if nothing had ever happened. “We’ll have a wonderful time.”
“To be fair, I was having a wonderful time just now.”
“Oh, I can tell you were. That’s exactly why we better get going.”
“Fine.” InuYasha sighed, letting himself be dragged out of their bathroom as she giggled at his less than thrilled disposition.
And there was something about her laughter — so vibrant and carefree — that, combined with the welcome comfort of her hand on his, made InuYasha feel invincible. Having Kagome by his side was like entering the boxe ring already ten points ahead.
“Do you want to go through the basics again?”
Crossing the living room, InuYasha recited his mental notes without missing a beat, the perfect picture of an A+ student, even if for the most part of his life, he had been a solid C+.
“Don’t swear. Don’t bring up your father. Don’t mention we live together.”
“Good! Unless...” Kagome stopped and turned to him. Half hesitant, half hopeful. “Do you think I should tell mom I moved here?”
InuYasha was conflicted. It was only fair that she did. His parents had heard the news the day she brought all of her stuff in. And in spite of knowing he’d give her the world if she so wished, Kagome never asked for much.
Yet, he was scared. Scared that Mrs. Higurashi disapproved the arrangement. Scared she would tell her daughter to leave.
What, then?
He had forgotten how his apartment — their apartment — used to be before the bright colors and pout-porris. Before the plants, the second toothbrush on the sink, the pictures frames and the intoxicating scent her body left all over the sheets.
And he didn’t want to remember.
According to Kagome, however, her mother was an understanding, open-minded woman, who put her children’s happiness above everything else. Which certainly  worked in his favor, since InuYasha had turned making Kagome happy into his daily mission and, modesty aside, he believed to be doing a pretty damn good job so far.
InuYasha starred at their fingers, still interlocked, and reminded to be brave.
“If you feel like you should...”
“I do! I honestly do. We used to tell every little thing to each other. I miss that.”
“Then go ahead.”
“Really?” She thanked him with a tight hug, her palpable excitement coming off her in a giant wave that almost washed all of his doubts away. Almost. 
“What about the others?”
“Sota is a child, it’s not of his business.”
“And your grandfather?”
Kagome moved within his embrace, revealing pursed lips when she did.
“Yeah... He’ll definitely need more time. Let’s give it three to five years!”
A surprised laugh left his lips when he saw the truth behind the joke.
“You’re freaking out about telling him, aren’t you?”
“Am not!”
“You totally are!” He said, deflecting from the fact that he, too, was panicking and that waiting five years or more to have that talk was actually a very appealing idea.
“It’s just… He can be a tad traditional sometimes.”
“Awesome!” InuYasha said, with every drop of sarcasm he could gather. “We both know I’m all about traditions.”
Smiling, she reached for his hand again.
“Shall we?”
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They call it ripple effect. It’s the situation in which one event produces a certain impact, inevitably spreading and producing further consequences. The concept usually comes with the classic example of throwing a rock in a steady pond, which InuYasha thought fitting. Whenever the half demon first stepped into a crowd of strangers, he pretty much felt like that rock.
Heads would turn straight to him in cascade. Surprise. Terror. Disgust. Condescension. Pity. As years went by, he had gotten it all.
Be as it may, soon enough the staring would abruptly get directed anywhere else and be replaced with whispers they didn’t know he could hear. Eventually, the waters would settle, but after the initial contact, the pond could never go back to the way it was. Neither could the rock.
His father had taught him to keep his chin up no matter what. The hatred of lesser men was an irrelevant price to pay for being unique. He should be proud of who he is. His mother had told him not to seek validation from others when he already had people who loved and cared for him unconditionally. Those were the guidances InuYasha religiously lived by. Still, sometimes, the hanyou wished he was allowed to just be. 
That night was surely the case.
The restaurant was crowded. It should be, in such a busy hour. The habitual glaring didn’t go unnoticed by InuYasha when he walked in — it bore holes on his flesh and broke into his bones. As usual, he brushed it off.
His focus oscillated like the flames inside the ornamental lanterns that provided warmth to the place in shades of red, orange and yellow.
Before him, undistinguished buzz raised above the background music and the pervasive smell of food served as a cruel reminder that he hadn’t put anything in his stomach since lunch. The lights, the sounds, the people, the scents. It was an overwhelming sensation to contemplate it all. In another day, in a calmer state of mind, he would have spotted her family in a heartbeat. Kagome, the loving daughter she was, had shown him enough pictures of them for the task to be a child’s play. Still, he didn’t dare to look. Not yet. Not when he was so unsure of what he might find written all over their faces. The same phrases on different pages.
Behind him, a delighted Kagome chatted in the staircase with the woman she had introduced as her middle school history professor. InuYasha had promptly forgotten her name. In no mood for engaging the conversation and wanting to save all of his small talk for dinner, he had politely excused himself, opting for walking ahead while the two of them reminisced.
Obviously, he had underestimated her communication skills, because a considerable amount of time had passed until Kagome caught up to him. Her arm tangled up with his quite easily. All at once, everything was gone, reduced to the speck of dust they were. There was only Kagome, searching the room in concentration. And there was only him, dazed by the smile that accommodated so well on her face, by the colors dancing on her cheeks and lights glittering on her eyes.
“There they are!” Kagome announced, breaking the spell.
His throat went completely dry. On his brain, sirens ran off, telling him to run for his life. How disappointed would she get if he grabbed her and fled? InuYasha also wondered, in vain, what the opponents he had faced would think, if they discovered what a coward the man who had ruthlessly knocked them out truly was. Kagome guided him towards the table where her family awaited, dispelling the intrusive thoughts away.
“Sorry we’re late!” She sat down and so did InuYasha, taking the free spot by her side. “We got caught up in traffic.”
“That’s alright, honey.” Mrs. Higurashi reassured with a tone as sweet as her smile. “I’m just glad you’re here now. We’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. So much!” She replied, drinking each component of her family in, as if to carve their features into her memory so she might have something to hold onto until they met again. After a brief pause, Kagome kicked off the introductions. “Everyone, this is InuYasha. InuYasha, this is my family.”
Her grandfather was a perfect materialization of the pictures InuYasha had seen, with his wrinkled skin, grey hair and stoic expression. Her mother, too, matched up his expectations. The woman portrayed an effortless type of beauty, all dimples and heart-shaped face framed by wavy, short brown hair.
It was Sota who surprised him the most.
From Kagome’s descriptions, InuYasha was under the impression the boy would be way smaller than he actually was — although he was small, considering he was still a child. The half demon couldn’t decide if Kagome was oblivious to Sota’s growth due to her crazy student schedule or if it was her big sister bias that affected her judgement, but it was clear that Sota was gonna be taller than her in the near future. The boy also looked very clever for his age — even to someone in InuYasha’s case, who knew little to nothing about kids — and stared at him with something suspiciously close to expectancy.
InuYasha cleared his throat.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“The reciprocal is hardly true.” Whipped a dissonant baritone, so rigid it cut the air. “I haven’t heard much of you, that’s for sure and certain.”
There was no naivety left on InuYasha to believe the lack of reciprocity the man mentioned had anything to do with whether Kagome had told them detailed stories about her new boyfriend or not.
Apparently, Mrs. Higurashi had picked up on how shallow his last sentence sounded as well, because she was quick to swoop in and smooth things over.
“You were, indeed, a mystery, InuYasha.”
“I told you why.” Intervened Kagome, in an apologizing tone. “We were still figuring things out.”
“Well, if you two are done with figuring things out, can we please eat?” Sota retorted. InuYasha had no complaints there. Unfortunately, the elderly man interrupted them with the unapologetic conviction of someone who wasn’t aware a conversation was being had, or that simply didn’t care.
“Are you a Yakuza member?”
It didn’t go unnoticed by the hanyou that the man had addressed him twice without calling his name once. Nonetheless, the question was absolutely directed to InuYasha. Even if the word ‘Yakuza’ wasn’t instantly associated with the tattoos he carried, there were other indications. The abrupt silence that followed, one step away from a cliff of awkwardness, for instance. Or the hawk eyes of Kagome’s grandfather, studying his every move.
Luckly, he had warned his girlfriend in advance something like that could happen. More often than not, it did. To the point where he was used to it. And as much as she didn’t like it, he resolved to brush it off, at least for the night.
“Because of the tattoos?” He asked, playing dumb. “I get that a lot, but no. I just think they’re cool.” InuYasha shrugged, then felt the uncontrollable need to over explain himself: “The tattoos, I mean. Not the mafia.”
That earned him a laugh from Sota and a chuckle from Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome and her grandfather didn’t find it so funny.
“Grandpa, tattoos are very common thing all around the world! Don’t you think if everyone who had one was a Yakuza member, we’d be in serious trouble by now?” InuYasha observed her spit the acid comeback, thrown off to see their parts inverted. Usually, he was the one starting fires left and right and she was the placid source of water that always put them down. Again, the man ignored it.
“Then what do you do for a living?”
InuYasha almost smirked. That was precisely the sort of cliche interrogatory he was expecting — no, that he was wishing. After walking on so many eggshells, they were finally entering known territory and, as he felt the firm path of a parents pleaser answer forming under his feet, his confidence boosted.
“I’m majoring in business administration. My father wants my brother and I to learn as much as we can, if we’re gonna run the family company someday.”
It was extremely satisfying to watch the guy trying and failing to come up with any judgemental thing to say. His mouth sealed into a thin line.
“But what InuYasha really wants is to be a boxer.”
His head snapped to Kagome, astonished that she would turn him in there and then. The girl was not kidding when she demanded him to be himself.
“No way!” Sota exclaimed the words in the precise way his sister did when she was excited.
“Isn’t this dangerous, dear?” Mrs. Higurashi was genuine concerned. Her cinnamon irises studied him carefully, as if already searching for wounds. It reminded him of his own mother.
“Actually, InuYasha is undefeated.” Kagome replied for him, not bothering to hide the pride tone in her voice. 
So it’s chill when you brag about it, but when I do, I’m a cocky jerk. He amused, simultaneously deciding it sounded better when she did, anyway.
“Awesome! How come I have never seen you fight on TV?”
At Sota’s crescent interest, InuYasha answered in a bursting of atypical modesty.
“I didn’t get there just yet.”
“I’m sure it’s a matter of time.” Encouraged Mrs. Higurashi. Kagome’s grandfather scoffed. “I must ask you, though: how did you two met?”
“My sister isn’t the most athletic of girls.” Agreed Sota.
“I can’t believe I missed you.” The girl fired back.
“That’s true. But I can tell you first hand that she’s got a mean right hook.”
Her brother was thrilled. Her mom, not so much.
“She punched you?”
“Oh, my.”
“No! I gave her a couple of self defense classes, that’s all.” InuYasha hurried to explain.
“Oh!” Mrs. Higurashi seemed visibly relieved her daughter didn’t walk around purposefully breaking the criminal code. “Well, in that case I really appreciate it. Thank you, dear.”
“So that’s how you met? Self defense classes?”
“Not quite.”
The self defense classes came way later, in what InuYasha labeled as the ‘denial’ phase.
It started on a random night. They were arguing over something stupid, for a change. Things escalated rather fast and, against his better judgement, they had angry sex on her couch. He hadn’t thought much of it back them, telling himself they were just blowing off steam, that it wouldn’t happen again.
Only it did.
Over and over.
It was useless to fight it. No way to escape it. After a while, InuYasha had stopped trying and accepted the fact that every road lead him back to her bed. What he couldn’t, wouldn’t, refused to acknowledge, however, was that somewhere along the way, an invisible line was crossed and, as animosity gave space to awkward cordiality and awkward cordiality gave space to unlikely fondness, Kagome became much more than a mind-blowing fuck, even if at first he was too stubborn to say so.
And so, InuYasha came up with socially acceptable excuses to spend more time with her without it coming off as a big deal, hence the self defense classes. They were perfect for them, once it was something he mastered and it involved lots of physical contact. Besides, the half demon slept better at night, knowing Kagome could throw a proper punch at anyone who got too handsy. It wasn’t part of the ordinary self defense program, but then again, she was no ordinary girl. Although her spiritual powers assured no youkai would lay a finger on her, the priestess was on her own in terms of human threats. What InuYasha did was making sure that was enough.
They’ve been inseparable ever since.
“We’ve met through Miroku long before that.” Kagome clarified, conveniently leaving the petty behavior and childish arguments they had that first day out of it. “InuYasha is his roommate. Also, Sango has been friends with him since he was ten.”
“Oh!” The table nodded in understanding, working the math for themselves. It wasn’t a difficult calculation to make.
Miroku was a close friend of her family. Quite literally, given they were neighbors for as long as the bastard could remember. His family was spiritually gifted like no other and took to themselves the responsibility to help little Kagome Higurashi to improve her abilities to the fullest. As a result, they grew up together. People often confused them for siblings and at heart, they were.
InuYasha met the nuisance of a friend several years later, when both of them entered college. Graduation certainly wasn’t his biggest goal in life. Far from it. It was more like a boring thing he had to do in order to conquer his deserved space in the real world. Regardless, the half demon was eager to enjoy his first shot at independency.
He found a great place right outside campus, but the extent of time he could afford it without resorting to his folk’s pockets was limited. Doing all of the domestic chores by himself wasn’t appealing, either. He needed a roommate.
A river of candidates flooded his inbox — it was truly a fantastic deal — Miroku stood out for being the only human to reply to his advertisement. Curious, InuYasha booked an interview. The man was clearly a womanizer, appreciated a good booze and was the farthest thing from what he claimed his family to be. Or from what InuYasha looked for in a friend.
And yet, to his total bewilderment, they hit it off right away.
How was he supposed to know Miroku would fall for Sango?
His best friend Sango. 
The same Sango who helped him to train under the correct and outraging pretext that she had always been faster, that his defense was pathetic and that she would hate to see him get his ass kicked.
Gorgeous, confident, heart of gold Sango…
Yes, standing back from it now, InuYasha was a fool for not seeing it coming, since that was the obvious part.
The not so obvious one was that the two lovebirds would engage into a very loving, very serious relationship and that when Sango’s turn came to move out for college, Miroku would suggest an old friend to fill the vacant roommate position in her new apartment. A freshman as well, named Kagome.
And so InuYasha’s undoing began.
An unplanned dinner with mutual friends was hardly the most remarkable way to meet someone, but whenever InuYasha thought about the exquisite series of coincidences, about all of the incidents bound to happen in order to put them face to face in that distant autumn night… Well, he couldn’t shake the feeling it was meant to be, even if he had never had much faith in destiny, soulmates or any of that corny crap, there was no denying that suddenly every love song started making sense.
Flash forward and Miroku switched places with Kagome to better attend the living situation for the four of them. And that was that.
“What a… Delightful turn of events.” The venomous remark of the Higurashi patriarch brought the hanyou back to the present. This polite facade was what bothered him the most and InuYasha wanted the man, just for once, to say what he actually meant to say.
“Isn’t it?” Said Kagome, her enthusiasm palpable. If the girl had noticed the sarcasm hidden in that comment — and InuYasha was willing to bet so —, she made a point to disdain it, landing one hand on his knee, a discreet act of support.
Her grandfather clenched his jaw.
“InuYasha, you mentioned your family owns a company.” Mrs. Higurashi changed the subject unapologetically. “Any chances we have heard of it?”
He clung to the distraction like it was a life jacket.
“Probably, yeah! Taisho Inc.?”
“As in Toga Taisho?” Sota asked, his chin dropping. “Toga Taisho is your dad?” 
“And Izayoi is his mom.” Kagome added, fixing a knowing gaze on her own mother, whose bewilderment now mirrored her son’s.
“The Izayoi?”
“The one and only.” The hanyou nodded, accustomed to the heated reactions his distinguished bloodline got him. For better or for worse.
“Oh, her brand is fantastic! I read somewhere every clothing collection is environment friendly. And they’re so affordable, too!”
“Mom, you’re jabbering.” Interjected Sota.
“Sorry.” She said. More to be polite than anything else. “I’m a huge fan of her work!”
“So I’ve been told.” InuYasha glanced at Kagome, who stared at him right back. It was all it took, and he would be able to draw a meticulous picture of what she was thinking: both their mothers, chatting and enjoying a cold cup of tea under the setting sun like long date friends. Knowing his mom — and now Mrs. Higurashi — that was quite a possible scene.
“I’m sure the two of you will meet at some point.” Proclaimed Kagome. “Anyway… You won’t believe who InuYasha and I bumped into when we arrived—”
“Miss Kaede.” Sota and Mrs. Higurashi simultaneously answered, and at Kagome’s questioning expression, the boy shrugged. “She saw when we got here and came to say hi.”
They ordered minutes after.
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The meal was hot and tasty, one of the best InuYasha had ever had. It helped that having dinner with her family, as it turned out, had been an overall pleasant experience. Light. Breezy. Sota and Mrs Higurashi did a wonderful job at keeping him comfortable. InuYasha would go as far as saying they had liked him, and for that he was insanely grateful.
Kagome’s grandfather, however, was a whole other story. The guy despised him and didn’t lift a finger to cover it, but he had spent the rest of the night relatively quiet about it, so InuYasha labeled it as progress.
He had offered them a ride home and they had accepted, just like Kagome said they would. It was funny, the speed in which he grew accustomed to their dynamics. Kagome and her brother mindless bickering, their mother pretending exasperation while secretly pleased, the drive filled with childhood tales and life updates, a innocent joke every now and then. It was decidedly something InuYasha could be a part of.
Their property was a rustic piece of land inserted between one urban construction and the next, refusing to be touched by modern convenience. Kagome’s enchantment for the place was justified. Growing up in there couldn’t have been anything less than magical.
“It’s not much,” Mrs. Higurashi apologized, “but it’s home.” She opened the door and turned on the light.
The house seemed bigger on the inside. Not fancy big. Cozy big. On every wall, past and future merged themselves in harmony. The decoration, simple and of good taste, spoke anecdotes of the merry family living there.
As they entered the living room, a movement alarmed his senses, and in a quick motion InuYasha dove in just in time to grab the falling ornamental vase before it hit the ground. The responsible for the almost disaster meowed and jumped off the glass shelf, making a point of stepping on InuYasha with indifference to then greet the others.
“You must be Buyo.”
“Nice catch!” Congratulated Sota.
“Oh, my! Thank you, InuYasha. This vase is very dear to me.” He handed her the adornment, which was immediately restored the its rightful spot. “Kagome, why don’t you show your boyfriend around?”
Obediently, her daughter let go of the purring cat and played the role of guide, giving him a comprehensive tour through her former home. Truth to her word, she saved the best for last.
“Before we get in, I want you to remember I was young and didn’t know any better.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” He established, gesturing for her to rush and turn the knob.
Her bedroom was a gleeful explosion of pink and purple. From the roof to the floor, most of the surfaces were bathed in different shades of the combination. Sheets. Teddy bears. Carpet. Alarm clock. Curtains. Posters that could now pass for vintage. InuYasha was impressed. Despite all reason, the aesthetic actually worked.
He barked a laugh.
“What did you have against the other colors?”
“Shut up, I was five!”
InuYasha ignored her in favor of snooping around. Objects that dared not to stick with the pink or purple agenda were inevitably highlighted by it. He went after those first.
“So many CDs!” InuYasha contemplated, inspecting her collection attentively. Music was a passion they shared. Even though she was a pop kind of girl and he fell more into the rock line, they had been able to find common ground, eventually. Like Rihanna. Or The Beatles. “Are you kidding me?”
Kagome acknowledged his raised brows and the copy of a NSYNC album he was holding with a giggle.
“I stand by it.”
Books also filled the room. For starts, there was the Biology ones, piled up on her writing desk in a greater amount than what could be considered healthy — and more worn out than the math editions. On the main bookcase, he ran his claws through the good stuff. Jane Austen. J.K. Rowling. Stephen King. He wasn’t much of a reader, himself. His relationship with literature came down to the bedtime stories her mom lulled him to sleep with and A Song of Ice and Fire, which Kagome was currently reading because of him, albeit they had binged Game Of Thrones together.
Among her personal, reduced library, there was one book that gave the impression not to belong. It was larger, made of aged, tawny leather and no inscription was printed on the spine. Curious, InuYasha pulled it out, discovering the item to be a photo album. He pointed to its cover. 
“Can I?”
“Knock yourself out.”
She paid no attention to him as he sat on her bed and cautiously flipped through the pages, too lost in her own nostalgia.
The compilation began at a hospital room. A younger Mrs. Higurashi exhibited a teary smile to the chubby newborn nestled against her chest, the arms of an equally jubilant man involved them in a hug. Mr. Higurashi had elongated traits that narrowed his chin and pronounced nose in a gentle manner, like time had purposefully left his boyish attributes untouched. He resembled Sota. In everything except his wavy, dark hair. InuYasha grinned. Kagome had her father’s hair.
The photograph below showed three pair of legs, lazily lying on white sheets. A woman, a man and between them a baby, the size difference contributing to make the latter even cuter. Next to that, a picture of baby Kagome old enough to sit up, dressing onesie pajamas and chewing on a pacifier. Her grandfather appeared every now and then, feeding her porridge, kissing her tiny palm, exasperated at the paint mess she had done on the hall.
InuYasha watched her grow up the deeper he advanced. From crawling to standing behind Mrs. Higurashi, wrapping her little arms around the long skirt of her mother as she did the dishes. From that, to climbing onto a chair to help her father with the baking, covered in flour in front of the kitchen table while he proudly cleaned her up. Picnics. Beach trips. Birthdays. Every milestone was documented. After her first day at school — a big red ribbon on her hair —, new characters came to scene. Miroku, by her side on the backyard, one of his teeth missing and autumn leaves sticking to the two of them everywhere, twin wide smiles on their lips. Buyo, only a kitten napping on her lap as they sat on a tyre swing. She was wearing a beautiful dress and sneakers, her feet inches away from the ground.
There was a significant passage of time when InuYasha turned to another page. He knew it because, abruptly, Sota was there too, even though Mrs. Higurashi had been pregnant just a few images ago. The subtitle read Kagome, giving her baby brother a bath. In reality, she had used shampoo to pin all of his hair up. Her growth was perceptible as well.
There were no pictures of Mr. Higurashi anymore.
Instead, Sota, Miroku and some other friends conquered a little more of space, as Kagome got closer and closer to become the woman InuYasha came to know. The final picture was of her high school gang. Ayumi, Eri, Yuka.
And Hojo.
She had dated him back then and they were friends to this day. Naturally. Because Kagome was fundamentally a good person. And the fucker was unabashedly still into her.
The worst thing was, he couldn’t even bring himself to resent the guy. As a matter of fact, the hanyou pitied him. If InuYasha was in his shoes, he doubt he could ever move on from Kagome. Be that as it may, he much would have preferred they had held a grudge, blocked each other on social media and called it quits. Like normal people did.
Kagome was staring out the window by the time InuYasha shut the album and returned it to its shelf. He let his face fall into the curve of her shoulder — a flawless fit — in the process of embracing her waist. She leaned her head to him, her fingertips caressing his forearms.
Out of respect, they had left the door open, but it was just for show. His keen senses ensured they could get away with innocent displays of affection without having to worry about unexpected interruptions.
“What are we lookin’ at?”
“The Goshinboku.” The view of her bedroom was composed by a stunning garden, a mighty tree standing tall in the center of it. “When I was a little girl, there was a tyre swing attached to it. My dad built it for me. And grandpa almost had a heart attack because the tree is supposed to be sacred.”
The fresh memory came rushing back, of a lovely girl, her sleeping cat and a tyre swing.
“He sounds like a good man.” InuYasha let it out, mentally kicking himself at the same time. Don’t bring up her father, remembered his inner voice, a second too late. Damn it, he thought, I was doing so well. But they were alone. And Kagome was the one to raise the subject.
“The best.” She agreed, the longing painfully distinguishable in her timbre. “The colors are his fault, actually. He let me pick them and insisted I’d help him painting, saying it was my room and therefore I should be an active part of its making in order to truly look my own. I felt like such a grown up, with that brush in my hand! It wasn’t until years later I realized he had done most of the heavy work, of course. My enthusiasm about the colors decreased with time, I gotta admit. But I never wanted to change it, because whenever I see them, I’m taken back to that day.”
InuYasha was at a loss for words.
In one night, Kagome had shared more about her father than she had in their entire relationship, the topic always a delicate one.
To measure her pain, he tried to imagine what would be like. His life without Toga Taisho in every step of the way, with his goofy jokes and thunderous laughter, teaching him how to shave, talking about girls, buying him his first pair of boxing gloves. Cheering him on. Most fathers wouldn’t be as supportive of his career choice. Especially when it meant stepping down from the family empire.
InuYasha couldn’t even began to understand.
Unexpectedly, he was assaulted by the crushing need to hug his old man.
“He’d be proud of ya. You know that, right?”
“I do.” Kagome sighed. She was at the verge of crying, he could tell. “I wish he had met you.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
“So...” Kagome bravely pushed her sorrow underneath, recovering the cheerful temper that was so typical of her. “Did you find anything good in that photo album?”
“Oh, yeah!” InuYasha nodded, taking her unsaid ask for distraction for what it was. “Miroku won’t hear the end of it.” She laughed and he relaxed at the sound. “Come on, let’s go downstairs. Your grandfather is getting distraught.”
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“How did you do that?” Sota watched the TV screen in awe as their characters fought. InuYasha had just released a powerful blow, inflecting several damage on his opponent.
Sota pressed the combination and as soon as he did, his character recreated the attack, hitting InuYasha back full force. The kid learned fast.
“Sweet! You gotta teach me more of this stuff! Can I come over to your place sometime?”
“Sure!” He answered, in autopilot. Kagome quietly pinched him in the tigh and the half demon realized his mistake. Don’t mention we live together. What an idiot he was. InuYasha wouldn’t have to mention anything if her brother saw it with his own eyes. “I-I mean, if that’s cool with your mom. It ain’t a quick drive.”
“For real?!”
“Yeah, just… Text me first.”
“You got it!”
InuYasha shrugged apologetically to his frustrated girlfriend. It was the best he could do.
“Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi swiftly called from the kitchen. “Can you help me with the desserts, please?”
Involuntarily, his ears twitched to follow her trail of noises. Steps. Crockery getting handled. Whispers.
“Alright: your honest opinion. Go!”
“Oh, I think your opinion is the one that counts.”
“It’s the one that counts the most. It’s not the only one that counts.”
“In that case, I must say you make a lovely couple. InuYasha caused an excellent impression on me. The way he looks at you… Your father used to look at me just like that.”
There was a pause.
Out of habit, InuYasha kept hitting the right buttons, but his interest was far away from the game.
“Now, what else are you wanting to tell me?”
“How did you know?”
“A mother always does. What is it?”
“InuYasha and I… We’re living together.”
“I had my suspicions.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Are you happy?”
“The happiest.”
“Well, then. That’s all that matters to me.”
“Thank you! I love you so much!”
“I love you too, honey. But it might be wise not to let your grandfather know for now.”
“I figured as much.”
“One more thing.”
“Are the two of you using protection?”
“What? It’s a fair concern.”
InuYasha had darkened multiple shades of embarrassment, all of them red. Sota took advantage of his temporary stupefied state to deliver the final blast, settling their score.
“I totally let you win.”
“You wish!”
The two women walked into the room, dessert glasses on their hands. Sota accepted the one his mother offered him while Kagome sat on her previous spot by InuYasha.
“This candy is a family recipe.” Mrs. Higurashi explained. “It’s also the reason why we didn’t order a dessert at the restaurant.”
InuYasha hadn’t complained. In terms of food, sugary snacks were hardly his favorites. He opened his mouth, planning to decline the treat in way that wasn’t too rude, but his girlfriend beat him to the punch and sticked a spoon full of the stuff inside his mouth. The flavor outburst on his tongue was unprecedented, caramel being the base of it. The kickoff was undeniably sweet, pursued by a salty ending that assured a refined balance.
“Holy f… ork.” Don’t swear. At least this time he managed to caught himself before the failure.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Said Mrs. Higurashi, as InuYasha grabbed his portion from Kagome’s grasp and ate the whole thing in eager spoonfuls.
“How come you never made me one of those?” He threw Kagome an accusatory glance.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t think our relationship is that solid yet.”
InuYasha was formulating a sly remark when he heard her grandfather struggling to carry a heavy wood box.
“Sir, wanna some help?” He volunteered, already jumping to the rescue.
“I’m old, not invalid.”
“It wasn’t my intention to suges—”
“Grandpa, please don’t be dramatic.” Intervened Kagome. “We don’t want a broken hip, do we?”
Grudgingly, the elder turned his burden over to InuYasha, who followed him out into the storehouse. He was serenaded by the crickets and the constant instructions of the wrinkle bag, urging him to be careful.
“Where do you want this, sir?”
“There.” He pointed to the left corner of the room and InuYasha accomplished the task without breaking a sweat. Or a priceless relic. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” The temptation to spin on his heels and exit the building was tremendous. For Kagome, though, he had to make an effort. “I guess is safe to say you don’t like me or my tattoos very much. That’s alright, I get it. You just met me. But I promise you, sir, I would never, ever, do anything to hurt your granddaughter. I’m a hundred percent committed to Kagome. In fact…” InuYasha fished the ring off his back pocket and presented it to him. “I intend to propose to her in a near future. You don’t have to answer right now, just know it would mean a lot to her… To us, if you could give us your blessing.”
The man glared at the ring as if it was a viper ready to strike.
“I wasn’t aware this relationship of yours was that serious.”
“Well… It kinda is. I… I love her.”
InuYasha felt naked, so very naked, under the somber gaze of that man. However true his words were, he wasn’t the type to pour his heart out, let alone to someone he had met for less than the duration of a night. Vulnerability was something to be avoided. Let your guard open, you get knocked down. A lifetime of boxing will teach you that. Still, Kagome was worth way more than his stupid pride. 
“I see. In that case, you must end it at once.”
“I held my peace because I was convinced, the moment my granddaughter introduced you as her boyfriend, that this was bound to break. Do not take it personally. I can’t possibly be the first one to point it out and chances are I won’t be the last. You are far from the man I imagined her future husband to be. Yet here you are, speaking of marriage. It is up to me, then, to open your eyes and remind you the implications of it.”
“The implications of it.” The hanyou half repeated, half questioned. The superior tone in which the man expressed himself was enerving and the fact InuYasha had no idea of where he was trying to get only worsened the tension.
“Your mother is human, is she not?” All of the pieces fell into place right then. He would rather they hadn’t.
“Yes, she is.”
“Then you better than anyone must know of the hardships she had to endure as a result of her lifestyle.” 
InuYasha was numb. Completely anesthetized. It was to be expected his stupor would soft the pain of the bad memories. It didn’t.
Romeo and Juliet got nothing on his parents. His mom had told him the story time and time again. They had met each other on a tropical storm. Her car died and of course he was there to help. She kept his coat. He kept her phone number on a piece of paper that accidentally was ruined by the rain. When their paths crossed again, he was a divorced father and she was engaged. They managed to get it right anyway. Timing was a comical thing. It never worked with rationality.
Both families were against it. Strongly against it. His mother was no longer welcomed in the house. They had burned to the ground any evidence she once belonged to that place. The only thing she took with her was the ring of her deceased mother that InuYasha now held inside his clenched fist. She wasn’t allowed in the Taisho mansion either, but it just meant his father wouldn’t set foot feet there as well.
There were grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins InuYasha didn’t have the chance to met. Because they didn’t want to. Other than from Sesshoumaru and his mom, that was it for him in the family section.
He used to resent it. When he caught a homesick Izayoi crying. When his father yelled at the management of some restaurant about their anti-human politics. When she was denied entrance because InuYasha was in her arms. When the family tree of the other kids in school was so much more complex than his. Fortunately, he came to terms with it. Family had little to do with blood.
“It wasn’t her fault and it wasn’t your father’s, either.” InuYasha heard him go on. “Regardless, this is the way things are. The way things have always been. And pretending otherwise is to believe in fairytales. You can not blame me for wishing a better fate upon Kagome.”
“Kagome is happy. I know she is!”
“For now. What would be of this so called happiness in the long run? Keep in mind Kagome is a priestess. What if this union causes her to lose her spiritual powers? Even if she doesn’t, a child born out of it would carry demon genes. It can not be avoided. It can affect their reiki greatly.”
“W-we haven’t talk—”
Kids. The subject was never discussed between them. It was not a secret Kagome wanted to have children. She should have children. Motherhood suited her. InuYasha, on the other hand, didn’t give the topic a lot of thought. He just accepted that, taking in consideration the lengths he was willing to go to make her happy, babies weren’t even that bad.
Now, his treacherous brain was plaguing him with the forbidden images. Another aged, tawny leather photo album, theirs to fulfill with pictures of a raven haired, golden eyed toddler. Kagome, pregnant with his child. It wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad at all.
“Listen close, boy. I take no pride in that, but when cancer took my son away… It tore this home apart. Kagome? She was the one to put it back together. It was an unfair burden, for someone so young to take. And it meant countless sacrifices from her part. My granddaughter had to grow up too fast too soon. She deserves the luck of an ease love. You seem like a decent man, tattoos aside. That is why, if you love Kagome the way you claim to do, you will let her go.”
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“I’m talking to you!”
“I’m driving!” Even to himself, the excuse sounded weak. For fear Kagome would pick up on his bullshit, he opted for diplomacy. “Can you repeat what it was?”
“My family! Did you like them?”
“Yeah, they’re great.”
She could sniff it out his lies from miles away, one of her many infuriating talents. It was a good thing InuYasha wasn’t lying, then. Her mom and brother had won him over without even trying. Her grandfather was difficult, to say the least. But ultimately, he only had Kagome’s best interests at heart. How could InuYasha not hold someone like that in deep appreciation? They shared the same priorities, after all.
“I’m glad.” Kagome sticked a palm out of the window, to cut the chill night air. Not even that diverted his concentration from the road ahead, hands sweating at the tigh grip on the steering wheel. They let the silence set, until her profound exhale disturbed it. “Do you miss your motorbike?”
Before Kagome, a classic black Harley used to be the love of his life. He had saved every penny he ever gotten in order to get it. It was the first significant thing he had ever bought with his own money. Sadly, the maintenance was pretty expensive and by the time they started going on double dates with Miroku and Sango or Koga and Ayame, an average car proved to be the obvious, more practical choice. It had its advantages. Convenience. Economy. Illegal activities on the backseat. His mother was radiant, too. She had somehow convinced herself owning a motorcycle was a creative way of signing his own death certificate.
He didn’t regret it.
But he couldn’t chase the wind in a car. Kagome wouldn’t hold him for dear life in a car.
“Me too. Maybe we can afford to buy it back, someday.” His stomach sank. There would be no ‘someday’. Not for them. “InuYasha?”
He turned the radio on and neither of them talked the whole way home.
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Water was pouring down, warm and nice against his skin. InuYasha stood under the shower far more than the necessary. His hope was that if he stalled long enough, Kagome would be sleeping by the time he left the bathroom. It was an act of pure cowardice, but it was for the best. If she was awake, he would be tempted to take her one last time, and what kind of monster he’d be by the morning, when they would have to say goodbye?
Kagome was sitting on their bed, waiting for him with his AC/DC shirt on. InuYasha should have anticipated she wouldn’t be entirely oblivious to his internal turmoil. He hadn’t done the neatest job hiding it and she knew him like no one else.
“Alright, what is wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“Just who do you think you’re kidding?”
“Can we please do this tomorrow?”
“No! You’ve been acting strange since we left. I tried to give you space, but I won’t be able to sleep unless you put my mind at ease.”
From all the scenarios he had ran on his head of how this conversation would go, this was without a doubt the worst one. He didn’t want to end their relationship in the middle of the night, dressed only on his sweatpants, risking her to storm off that late. He owed Kagome more than that. Massaging his temple, InuYasha realized his hands were tied. She wouldn’t let it die. He sat by her side and ripped off the band-aid.
“We should break up.”
Her reaction to the news was a mystery InuYasha wasn’t dying to find out. She could cry, she used to do it for less and his ego would appreciate it. She could scream at him, it was totally understandable. She could slap his face, he probably deserved it. She could leave. He wouldn’t blame her.
“No.” Plain and simple.
Whatever he expected her to do, that wasn’t it.
“That’s right.”
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“Exactly what I said.”
“We’re breaking up!”
“No, we’re not. Are you in love with someone else?”
“Well... No.”
“Have you stopped loving me?”
“That’s… That’s not the issue.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m bad for you, Kagome! Can’t you see that?” His ferocity made her quiver and cursing himself, InuYasha counted two heavy breaths to try and tone it down. “Can’t you see everything you’ll miss out just to be by my side? I can’t do that to you. I won’t. What we have… It can be easy here, but in the real world...”
“Did my grandfather put you up to this?”
His startle gave him away. It was pointless to deny.
“He only said what we already knew and were too stubborn to accept.”
“How dare he?!”
“He’s right, y’know? This is the best thing for you.”
“How dare you?” She poked his naked chest, her fury unleashed like InuYasha hadn’t seen in a while. “Who are you to make this decision for me?”
“I’m someone who saw his mother be casted out and humiliated on a daily basis over it!”
“Have you ever asked her if she would do it again? Because I’m pretty sure I know the answer. And mine is the same.”
“What about children? You wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they would inherit your spiritual powers if you had ‘em with a human.”
“I don’t care about the stupid bloodline tradition! It’s not like demons and humans are at war anymore. Any child we might have will be loved, powers or not powers. I refuse to let outdated morals dictate how I live my life, I refuse to let them get in the way of my happiness. And I can’t believe after everything we’ve been through you would give up of me that easy.”
“Easy?” InuYasha hissed. Kagome didn’t back down one bit at his rompant. “You think this is easy for me? This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and if it’s possible you’re making it even harder. For once in my life I’m being selfless. For once in my life I’m putting someone else first. Because I fucking love you!”
Finally, finally, her lips crushed into his. It was a long time coming, as if every single event since he had seen her in that blue dress earlier were building up to that moment. He welcomed her touch like was second nature, greedly pulling her close to devour her lips. The taste of mint toothpaste flooded his senses and suddenly the whole universe shrunk to the shape her mouth. Her slow hands went from his cheeks to his wet hair, tangling on the messy strands and inducing the nape ones to rise up.
Only then InuYasha understood.
He was fooling himself.
Selfish. His love for her always was and always would be selfish. He could try to stay away, he could try to shut her out. In the end of the day, all she had to do was snap her fingers and he would be running to her. There was no escaping it. She wanted him, he was hers.
Little by little, InuYasha broke the kiss, their foreheads still connected as their hearts restored their normal pace.
“I don’t want to make things difficult between you and your family.”
“I’m sorry about tonight, InuYasha. I was so excited with the idea of you and my family getting along, I forgot to be more careful and pushed it too far with grandpa. Let’s give it time, okay? He’ll come around. If he doesn’t, you are not the one making things difficult. He is. People tend to be afraid of what they don’t know. It doesn’t matter. It’s not theirs to know, it’s ours. And we shouldn’t allow their opinions to interfere. No prejudiced beliefs can take me from your side. As long as you want me, there are no deal breakers. So what do you truly want?”
“What I truly want…” He got up and went to their wardrobe, reaching the depths of the drawer where he kept his jeans for the hidden ring. He found it and fell into one knee in front of her. “It’s to spend the rest of my life with you.” She gasped, hands flying to cover her mouth as her eyes overflowed. “This might be crazy soon, but it has also been a crazy night. Kagome, will you—”
She knocked him down in a hug that turned into another kiss, tender than the prior. They had time to pleasantries now. They had all the time in the world. InuYasha wanted to laugh at the expense of his unplanned rebellion. There he was, making the exact opposite thing her grandfather had ordered him to do. And he was still a bit unaware as to how.
“Will ya let me put this thing on your finger or what?” He questioned when she pulled away.
“In one condition.”
“Which one?”
“Don’t you ever break up with me again.”
“It won’t be a problem.”
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A/N: this is for the brilliant @dyaz-stories​ who requested “The stakes are high. Tthe water's rough. But this love is ours” + “And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored. Cause my heart is yours” for the lyric game.
I hope you don’t mind the “my father” to “my grandfather”change, but I thought it was more fitting, given the circumstances. Sorry I made you the bad guy, grandpa, but someone had to be! Also, I know the lyrics say that the snide remarks about the tattoos would be ignored, but no matter how hard I tried to stand by it, Kagome refused to be silenced.
About the tattoos: I’ve read somewhere cherry blossoms mean female beauty, love, happiness, renovation and hope. They symbolize the end of winter and beginning of spring… which is pretty much everything Kagome represents to InuYasha.
That being said, happy Inukag Week! Yes, I do celebrate it as if it was a hollyday. No, I do not think I’m obsessed. I like this couple a normal amount. And this fanfic just happens to fit the prompt “acceptance” from day one, so here you go @inukag-week​
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
Irrefutable evidence that Damon was in love with Bonnie, but was oblivious to the fact (part 5)
Exhibit E
Season 8, Episode 10
Extract from the official TVD Transcript
BONNIE: Hey, stranger.
DAMON: Looks like I'm interrupting a reflective moment.
BONNIE: It's fine. I'm reflecting on the good things for a change.
DAMON: Wish I could say the same thing.
BONNIE: What you did while you were under Sybil's control wasn't your fault, Damon. You didn't have a choice.
DAMON: "Dear Bonnie. I’m a coward. I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter but I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems. You're gonna make me face the future without Elena and you're gonna help make me the best man I can possibly be, same way she did. And I'm absolutely terrified of failing you both. So I'm leaving, because I'd rather let you down once than let you down for the rest of your life. And I hope it's the happiest life because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, a mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend. With great love and respect, Damon."
BONNIE: Gotta admit, it's a hell of a letter.
The Video Edivence
The Argument
 Ah, the letter… where to even start with this iconic piece of evidence! Let’s begin with the timing. Bonnie goes into Damon’s subconscious, and is the key player in being able to help Damon snap out of his comatose state. Just after Bonnie was in his subconscious, and helps him work through his issues, he finally finds the courage to let her know what he wrote in that letter…. coincidence? I think not!
 Now, let’s recap. In the previous exhibit we established that Damon’s decision to desiccate was for Bonnie, and that the only way he was going to manage to pull this off, was by having her think he was doing this for himself; and not telling her about his decision in person, but through a letter. A letter he knew she would be too pissed to read, giving him enough time to go through with his plan. This point is extremely important, Damon knew Bonnie wasn’t going to read the letter (or at least any time soon), he knows her all too well; reason why, it was the perfect medium for him to truly express his feelings and motivation. Another crucial point here, is that Bonnie assumed that Damon said goodbye through a letter, because that way he could imagine her reaction but not actually see it; which is why she says: “but that’s not my reaction, this is…”. He knew he could bare his soul in that letter, and that, when she eventually found it in herself to read it; she would understand why he made that decision. And so, three years later, that moment finally came. Except, she didn’t read the letter, he actually recited it to her, by memory! That alone, says a lot; I mean he freaking memorized it! You only memorize the things that truly matter. Now, on to the letter itself, and we are going to analyze the shit out of each word. Here we go…
 Dear Bonnie,
I’m a coward. I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter, but... I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems.
These first words clearly reflect he is talking to himself first. He recognizes he is a coward, that he couldn’t face Bonnie, and that he is running away from his problems… Except the problems he is talking about is not what you’d expect; giving the context we have already proven to be right, which is that he desiccated for Bonnie, not for Elena. He is acknowledging that he is running away from confronting his problems, which are, whether he sees it or not, the fact that he has fallen in love with his “lover’s” best friend, that he has no idea how to deal with it, how he could ever confront her (and here I refer to both Elena and Bonnie), or himself with that truth. I know, you might think, that’s a bit farfetched; but just bear with me, and I’ll prove it to be true.
 You're gonna make me face a future without Elena.
Let’s ask ourselves this question, why is Damon writing as if there is no future with Elena? Again, she’s just in a long-ass nap, so there would be a future with her…. The only way there couldn’t be one, was if he didn’t see one. Aw, the subconscious can be a little sneaky beash sometimes!
 And you're gonna help make me the best man that I can possibly be.
I have to take a breath here… Okay, all better now. Can we all agree that these words prove that the woman, Damon acknowledged as the one that can ACTUALLY help him become a better man, is the one and only, Bonnie Bennet!!! I mean, come on, clear as water!!!!!
 The same way she did.
Now, this was clearly a forced insert from the writers to make sure the audience knew Elena was the one that made Damon a better man. Maybe this could have fooled someone if they hadn’t already showed us that he in fact wasn’t. Damon did a hell of a lot of awful things when he was with Elena, and also in her name. So, this is obviously untrue, and a clear sabotage of Damon’s handwriting. What we did witness was that the only character development Damon ever got, the only time Damon did things because they were the right thing to do (not just doing right for someone, but doing right because it’s right), came out of his friendship with Bonnie. Sorry writers, we caught you tampering with evidence, so this specific line, is discarded.
And I'm absolutely terrified of failing you both.
We are going to discard the “both”, given the previous argument. Having said that, this is clearly Damon expressing, and admitting, his deepest fear is failing Bonnie! Not only by not being able to protect her, but also by not being the man she deserves.  
 So I'm leaving. Because I'd rather let you down once...
Extremely telling words; he has let down Elena, numerous times, said so by herself, so why would he say, “let you down once…”? Because he is obviously ONLY talking about Bonnie; this to reinforce the last 2 points; and the fact that the ONLY thing Damon couldn’t bear with, was failing Bonnie. As previously proven, this had NOTHING to do with Elena.
 than let you down for the rest of your life.
This conveys just how much Damon values Bonnie; he’d rather leave her than let her down; her happiness and wellbeing are above anything else. It also clearly shows how much he cares about what she thinks of him. And of course, how afraid he is of telling her how he really feels about her; his self-doubt about being a man worthy of her love, because he knows she deserves the world. Which is reinforced by the next lines…
 And I hope it's the happiest life.
If this is not indisputable evidence that Damon’s sole concern is BONNIE’S happiness, I don’t know what is! These words prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the ONLY time Damon has ever truly, selflessly, and sincerely, loved and cared for a woman, it’s this time; and that woman is BONNIE SHEILA BENNETT.
 Because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, a mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend.
I mean, come on, when has your “best friend” ever said something like this to you? And if they have, it’s because they are in love with you! This is clearly NOT PLATONIC! And it shows, yet again, just how much Damon cares for Bonnie. With a nice addition in reference to their cute bickering dynamic, a trademark in their relationship.
 With great love and respect,
Let’s highlight, “great love and respect”, the only time Damon Salvatore has EVER uttered such words to ANY woman he has been related to. With Bonnie, Damon finally found what loving someone was truly about… It wasn’t about obsession, possession, codependency, or something that had to be “complicated”. In fact, it was as simple as: LOVE + RESPECT = TRUE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to understand. These words prove that Damon LOVES and RESPECTS Bonnie.
 In sum, through this letter we see a side of Damon he wouldn’t dare show anyone else; except… Bonnie. She, and only she, knows the real Damon Salvatore. As a closing statement: Damn! We gotta admit, that’s A HELL OF A LETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Nice addition, the actual letter evidence. This is what the letter really said, but since Damon was still afraid Bonnie might figure him out, he changed a thing or two while reciting it 😉
 Dear Bonnie,
I'm a coward. I should be saying this to your face not writing this letter but, I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems. You're gonna make me face a future without Elena, and you're gonna help make me the best man that I can possibly be. And I'm absolutely terrified of failing you. So I'm leaving. Because I'd rather let you down once, than let you down for the rest of your life. And I hope it's the happiest life, because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, mediocre crossword player, and my best friend.
 With great love and respect,
 Till the next hearing! =)
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starkerxstarker · 4 years
This fic is for @twokinkybeans​ 600 follower line prompt challenge!
My prompt was: "If you sass me one more time, I'm just gonna have to find something else to occupy your mouth with."
Title: Interrupted Rating: E Words: 2336 Warnings: None
Read on Ao3 
Tony had been busy recently. SI business had been taking up all of Tony’s attention all this week. On Monday Tony had to clean up after a PR fiasco when a tabloid published blatant lies over the weekend. There was no doubt Tony would win the lawsuit, it was a clear case of libel and Tony has world class lawyers to boot. But the situation still monopolized all of the man’s time for the beginning of the week.
Directly after that, Tony had nearly back to back meetings with business partners, both current and prospective. Tony barely got meals in between all the phone calls, conferences, meetings, and press releases. He even had a meeting at three in the morning because some investors from China wouldn’t budge on their time schedule.
All of this left Peter feeling rather neglected. Of course, he knew Tony couldn’t help it, it wasn’t his fault and he wasn’t ignoring Peter on purpose. Tony was an important man with important business to attend to. But that didn’t change the fact that Peter had hardly gotten to spend any quality time with his boyfriend for days and no sex for nearly a week.
Tony had promised Peter that Saturday would be just the two of them. No calls, no meetings, all of his attention would be for Peter. Which is why when Saturday morning rolled around and Tony’s business phone rang, interrupting their sleepy make out session before it even really began, Peter was extremely irritable.
Tony groaned as he pulled away from Peter and gave him an apologetic look before he snatched the offending cell phone off the bedside table. But the look did nothing to comfort Peter. He did his best not to huff like an agitated toddler as Tony sat up, leaving the bed and answered the call with a put on professional voice.
Peter watched with a frown as Tony pulled on some sweats from their drawers along with an old t-shirt and headed out of the bedroom towards his office room, turning back to mouth a silent ‘I’m sorry’ to Peter before exiting. Peter sighed to himself in the now empty room, trying not to be too upset. He knows it would be a disaster if Tony just blew off that call, but it doesn’t stop Peter from being disappointed. After a few minutes of moping Peter decides to get up and head for a shower. Maybe by the time he’s done with a long shower, Tony’s call will be wrapped up, and then Peter will already be clean and prepared to spend the rest of their day together.
So Peter takes his sweet time in the shower, letting the water get nice and hot before he even steps in, soaking himself under the spray thoroughly before lathering himself with fancy lavender scented body wash. He even double washes his hair.  The brand of shampoo and conditioner Tony buys makes Peter’s hair extremely soft. He does whatever he can to drag it out trying to at least enjoy it, hoping Tony will be free when he gets out.
But when Peter is finished toweling off, getting dressed, and even blow drying his hair, Tony is nowhere to be found in the bedroom, kitchen, or living room. Which means he’s still preoccupied in his home office. Peter swallows down his disappointment and irritation and figures he can kill some more time with breakfast.
The coffee maker has half a pot still warm, Tony must have made himself a mug while Peter was showering. Peter pours himself a large mug and decides on toast and some fruit since he’s really not in the mood to actually cook. He eats slowly at the kitchen island, but as he’s reaching his last sips of coffee and his final nibbles of toast, Tony still hasn’t reappeared.
Ordinarily, Peter wouldn’t intrude into Tony’s office space. He only uses it when absolutely necessary. If Tony had his way, he wouldn’t even have an office area at home, keeping Stark Industries solely at work. But sometimes that just wasn’t possible. But this was supposed to be their day together, finally, after a busy week, and Peter just wanted to check in to see if Tony was almost done.
He quietly entered the room to see Tony sitting in his office chair, looking as irritated as Peter felt. He curtly spoke into the phone saying that “No. That wouldn’t be possible, I’m sorry,” in a tone that indicated that he was, in fact, not sorry at all. It took him a few moments to even acknowledge Peter’s presence with a glance, and as it looked like he was about to open his mouth to speak to him, he cut himself off with an incredulous “No” before launching into a rant about how business deals are supposed to work.
That goes on for a few minutes before Peter speaks up, “Tony?”
It catches the man’s attention and he pushes mute on his phone before he responds to Peter, “Honey, I’m sorry this is really important.” He speaks quickly.
“Yeah, I know. I just-” but before Peter can even inquire about how much longer it’s going to take, Tony has already unmuted himself and is back bickering with whoever is on the other line. Peter’s irritation grows, nearly at a breaking point, seeing as Tony’s spent the past almost two and a half hours on a work call on what was supposed to be a work free day.
Peter waits a good ten minutes more, hoping he can wait it out but there seems to be no end in sight. He speaks again when there’s a length of time when Tony is quiet, “Do you know when you’ll be done?” He asks, trying to not sound annoyed but Tony just waves him off, obviously trying to listen to the phone and not Peter.
Peter scoffs at that, his irritation boiling over now, and calls out Tony’s name more insistently. Tony once again mutes his call and turns to Peter. “Peter. This is a critical deal, you really can’t keep interrupting me.”
Peter doesn’t hold back mouthing off this time, grumbling. “They interrupted us first.” Which was true, but Tony didn’t seem to appreciate the sentiment as he scowled.
“If you sass me one more time, I'm just going to have to find something else to occupy your mouth with until I’m done,” Tony all but growls out. Peter thinks he’s won over the man’s attention. Sure, warming Tony’s cock while he’s on the phone definitely isn’t what Peter had in mind today but it sure will get the ball rolling in the right direction.
So Peter spits out a bratty ‘whatever’ to provoke Tony one last time, and it works because Tony’s eyes darken, then he snaps his fingers and points down to his feet in a clear command for Peter to come kneel. Which he immediately does while trying to keep his excitement hidden behind a grouchy look and an eye roll as he sinks to his knees between Tony’s legs, already wanting to pull Tony’s cock out of his pants.
But Tony bats his hands away with a sharp ‘no’ as he shifts to keep the phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder and leans over to open one of his desk drawers. Peter is confused why he’s being denied but waits and watches as Tony pulls out a plain black box. He slides it open to reveal what seems to be a substantially sized dildo, which confuses Peter even more until he realizes it’s actually a cock gag and that is not what he was wanting out of this situation.
Peter didn’t even know they had one of those, but Tony often hides gifts and future surprises in his office because he knows Peter never comes into the room. So there’s no chance Peter would accidentally come across the secrets. This must be one of those items. Peter groans quietly, extremely disappointed that even now, he’s still not getting his boyfriend’s cock.
Tony only taps at Peter’s chin and commands ‘open’ to which Peter begrudgingly obeys. The gag is pushed into Peter’s mouth and it’s definitely big, bigger than Tony’s cock for sure. It reaches the back of his throat and the girth isn’t forgiving either, but it's not unmanageable. Peter swallows a few times to try to get adjusted as Tony secures the latch at the back of Peter’s head, keeping the gag firmly in its place.
“That should keep you quiet until I’m done,” Tony says smugly, clearly knowing this was not what Peter had expected. But almost immediately his attention is drawn back to the phone and he hastily unmutes himself to speak, Yes! Yes, I am listening. Yes, those terms are much more reasonable. I think I can work with that.” And just like that, Peter is ignored again in favor of the phone.
Peter is definitely not thrilled about the situation. He feels tricked, thinking he was finally going to get something after the long sexless, affectionless week. But here he is with his mouth stuffed with a toy when he’s only inches from the real thing. The synthetic cock is stiffer than a real one and doesn’t have much give, stretching his throat and his jaw enough to be mildly uncomfortable after a few minutes. With it pressing down on his tongue and being unable to close his mouth, saliva builds up and a bit of drool escapes his lips involuntarily.
It's somewhat humiliating to have a cock lodged in his throat, not even for the purpose of pleasuring, just to have him opened. Even more so with the fact that he’s being completely ignored. Tony talks on and on about negotiations that Peter really doesn’t care about and he wishes Tony would wrap it up already. The stretch of his jaw and the spit dripping down his chin are both becoming uncomfortable by the time Tony and the person on the other end of the call seem to reach an agreement and even after that it's nearly ten more minutes of parting formalities and goodbyes.
Once Tony finally ends the call and places the phone on his desk, Peter looks up at him expectantly, if not a bit resentfully. Tony turns his attention down to Peter, “Now it wasn’t so hard to just stay quiet while I was working, was it?” He asks in a condescending but playful tone. Peter only huffs through his nose in response.
“Look at you taking the new toy so well. I was saving it for a different occasion but it just fit so well right now, didn’t it?” Tony went on, still talking to himself as Peter couldn’t speak. “But you’ve waited all week long for the real thing. So I think it’s finally time you get it, hm?” Peter nods vigorously, as much as he can with the gag down his throat. Tony chuckles at the enthusiasm and releases the latch, gently pulling the toy from Peter’s mouth and sitting it on the desk for the time being. He swipes a thumb across Peter’s chin, collecting the drool that gathered there and wipes it off on his sweatpants. “Just drooling for my cock aren’t you baby?” he asks full and well knowing it was unavoidable due to the gag. “Go on, take your prize baby. You’ve earned it,” Tony encourages and Peter doesn’t waste another second shoving the waistband of Tony’s pants down and pulling his cock out.
“Finally,” Peter mutters before wrapping his lips around the head of Tony’s rapidly hardening cock. Peter makes a satisfied sound as he takes more into his mouth. Everything about Tony’s cock is so much better than the stupid gag. The taste, the texture, the warmth, all of it incomparable to the cheap imitation, no matter how expensive the toy may have been.
Tony hisses in pleasure as Peter sucks him down into his wet heat and tangles a hand in Peter’s soft hair. Peter is easily able to deepthroat him since he spent the last better half of an hour with his throat held open. Tony groans at the feeling, a deep rumble in his chest and he isn’t going to last very long like this. Peter wasn’t the only one suffering from blue balls over the past week, after all. “God, you feel so good Peter. Missed this so damn much.” Peter hums around Tony’s cock and he can feel the warning signs that Tony is getting close. His hips making small stuttering motions into Peter’s mouth as Peter takes him down to the root and laves his tongue all over the underside of his shaft.
Tony’s fingers tighten in Peter’s hair, pulling deliciously as he spills into Peter’s throat moaning his younger lover's name. Peter takes it all like a champ as spurts of cum are shot down his throat, only somewhat disappointed at the fact that he didn’t get much of a taste of it. Tony guides Peter off his cock by his hair, breathing heavily and looking down at the sight of Peter, cheeks pink, eyes blown wide with arousal, and lips shiny and swollen. If he was physically capable he could’ve came again from the sight alone. “Fuck… always so good for me Peter,” Tony muses as he lovingly strokes at Peter’s hair. “I’m sorry our day got interrupted.”
“I missed you this week,” Peter pouted, voice a bit strained between the gag and Tony’s cock.
“I know. I missed you too. But I promise, the rest of the day absolutely belongs to you. And tomorrow too,” Tony picks the cell phone up and completely shuts it off. “Anything anyone wants can wait until Monday,” he says decisively. “Now let’s get you off this floor.” He pulls Peter up from the floor and Peter climbs into Tony’s lap, crashing their lips together in a deep, needy kiss that sets the tone for the rest of their weekend.
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embrythecall · 4 years
a twilight tag game, you say?
pick 5-10 characters and write your take on the canon version of them vs. fanon version of them. fanon doesn’t have to be what is generally accepted in the fandom, it can be your own idea of what you think a character is like. then tag the same number of people as characters you pick, if you can.
I was tagged by @teamjacobthot -- thank you so much! I’m excited to get into this :) 
(obviously because i adore him with my whole soul) 
chill aka probably just shy let’s be real here
likes to bet on things? 
seems to have the most common sense
HERE WE GO, EVERYBODY *cracks knuckles*
def the smartest one out of him, jake and quil. 
an observer. definitely a people watcher. he reads the VIBEZ
very, super, ultra, mega sarcastic. almost cynical. I feel like he’s probably a realist in a lot of situations rather than either an optimist or a pessimist. probably leans a little more towards pessimism though 
refuses to learn about his dad (though, I personally believe it’s Joshua Uley, but that’s a long headcanon for another day unless someone specifically wants to know my thoughts on it more haha)
a super romantic without knowing he’s a romantic? 
real tight with his mom-- they’ve only ever had each other since old daddio has been out of the picture the entire time and she’s probably never really dated (once again, i have more thoughts on that too but you know, i digress)
also i SUPER headcanon that he almost ALWAYS only refers to her as, “Ma,” unless it is a serious situation in which he uses ‘mother’ but i do NOT feel like he is a ‘mom’ person. at least for his own mother. 
honestly these are just all my own headcanon i have no idea what people think about him :S 
for me, i think him and Jacob are closer than Quil is to either of them. In my mind, when embry’s mom Tiffany first got to town, she became really good friends with Sarah Black and thus, Jacob and Embry have kind of been friends since birth, quil only coming in a little later maybe and just not having the same kind of friendship that embry and jake have
I think him and Leah secretly get each other. Like they don’t talk much or anything, but Embry never makes comments to or about her and doesn’t participate in the guys being absolute jerks to her. 
also, he just guzzles that respect women juice. like, he was raised solely by his mother so like... he was taught to respect women and also i think this makes him more empathetic to other people which is why he wouldn’t be mean to leah or say mean things about her because he’d understand to a level and might even see pieces of his own mother in her because they both were screwed over by men and he never EVER wants to be that to anybody ever
probably plays guitar but NEVER shows anybody 
usually the but of a joke between jake and quil. 
also the decider in arguments between jake and quil
i have a zillion more but i’ll quit while i’m ahead
is a slut for muffins
he thinks he’s a ladies man (thinks) 
more outgoing?
likes hanging out with friends 
took his cousin to prom 
so, so, so funny as in a total dork with a lot of unearned confidence
book smart but NOT street smart
prefers name brand foods over generic because it just ‘has that extra something something’ and also, class
loves to debate with jacob. he always ends up taking it somehow more seriously than jacob does. 
i actually do not know why nobody talks about quil i feel like he’s super underrated and actually hilarious.
@teamjacobthot‘s one of this tag game mentioned he was a soundcloud rapper and i think i DIED so imma also go with that and second you there
very particular about how things are done 
a lover of the puns
toy story is his favorite childhood film, and he announces it as so. 
angry and bitter 
thinks nothing more than of sam 
hates vampires 
i absolutely LOVE practically every fanon i’ve ever seen of leah in the fandom like...ever. they are all so amazing and i actually just want tons and tons of fanfictions about all of them
Ngl, i really am a big AngelaxLeah fan
I PERSONALLY hc that leah gets fed up with being in the pack and she feels like there’s really nothing there for her. She ends up leaving la puzb to go off and explore the world-- she wants to see it and experience more than just the memories and the life that surrounds her in la push. she travels all over and often does so in wolf form when she can. I HC she imprints there-- on a real nice super cool lady from some other country. (this is another thing i could go on for days about, i will write a fanfic about it one day. ONE DAY i shall PREVAIL!) 
Honestly, i really do like Leah as she was canon. I think that it was the way everybody acted around her that i would change and i feel like the fandom as a whole agrees on that 
like yeah, Leah is a badass bitch with a great sense of humor. she’s witty and sarcastic and smart and wise and i just love her to pieces. everyone else just needs to wise up and be nicer
super supportive and kind and loving and understanding and THEN smeyer swooped in and DESTROYED MY BOY. 
like, don’t even get me STARTED on my feelings about what she did to her OWN CHARACTER 
i mean really
smeyer straight up didn’t know what to do with him so she did... all of THAT. it makes me want to wheep.
the fanons out there on Jacob are just... they are SO WONDERFUL and give me SO MUCH JOY 
i’ve heard him being a mechanic obviously, i’ve heard about the HILARIOUS details of his friendship with like, alice and rosalie and emmett like... that shit is so funny i live for it 
i could read jacob fanons all day
i guess personally, i just love to bits. he’s super patient. very funny but also is really understanding and can (and loves) to get into deep discussions about stuff and listen to other people’s passions and share his own. 
purposefully pushes quil’s buttons so he can get a rise out of him because he LOVES their dumb bickering and enjoys a good debate 
is also almost always right in those debates 
quil probably won like... twice in all of history and it was based on some kind of weird trivia fact he learned in a biology class or something lol
i bet that when the time came he had kids (not with you-know-who obviously cause just...no), he’d be SUCH a great dad and he’d be SUPER hands-on with them, like always taking them places and teaching them how to do various stuff
and if one of his kids was really into something he didn’t know how to do, you KNOW his ass is up on youtube all night long learning how to do it so he can spend THAT MUCH MORE TIME with his kids 
oh he’s just so sweet love him to pieces 
...I had to do this but i have a good reason:
absolutely does NOT exist
the only ONLY acknowledgement i will give her is i read a fanon somewhere about how she HATES her name. like she is downright royally not okay with it and when she gets older and has to go to school for eternity with her family (weird. seriously so weird but i’m pushing through this) she decides to announce that she is only going by this other name (personally i feel like it’s Carlie because it’s still her middle name and jfd;akfsd but also because it’s A NORMAL NAME) and so she is never called renesmee again because that is straight up a monster name and even her nickname is a monster so like, ugh. 
also, i REFUSE to believe that Jacob imprinted on her, okay? if she has to exist, he did NOT imprint on her and they can be buds or something but just... no. (i have so many issues with imprinting guys, i should just sit down and write a long post about it but the ENERGY and it isn’t like it’s not all things that have been said before. it’s more what I’d fix about it so it could still exist but not be a legit code word for grooming and an excuse for blatant p*d* grossness because that’s all it is and i HATE THAT) 
so I don’t talk to anyone in the fandom really because i don’t really know how to start conversations like... at all. I really WANT to talk to people but I’m a chicken and i have a hard time, BUT, i really admire so many of the blogs on here and i LOVE so much of their content. Off the top of my head, i shall tag: 
@chiefjacob @911esme @jacobblackredemptionblog @embrycallsmuffin @leahclearwaterdefensesquad AND anyone else who wishes to do this! it was so much fun! I say do it! and if you’ve already done it, i just tip my hat to you for being an awesome blog :) 
seriously! tag me when you do it, i want to see your answers!! 
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Damien Haas Masterlist
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Damien Haas 💙💜
Buy Me a Coffee?
Fight or Flight: It’s normally some of the most important decisions that cause that instinctual fight or flight response, and when it comes to deciding if you’re in love or not… do you fight for it? Or fly from it?
Yes or No: Going along with the plan, you and Damien pretend to be a couple for the evening - soon finding it difficult not to wish it a permanent arrangement
No Heartbeat: The love a parent has for their child is unimaginable; something that’s profound even if you haven’t met the baby yet… something that lingers even if you never do
The Trimester Race: Have you ever wanted something so bad that it physically pains you that it’s not there? Can you imagine the feeling once it finally is?
Fingers Around My Thumb: They say there are few milestones that a person can experience in their lifetime that stay with them forever... I do believe this will be one of those days.
Friendship Test: The balance of your friendship doesn’t depend on whether Damien’s cats like you or not, right?
Relationship Test: Damien wanted to add another girl into his life, making it the geese and you, but whether you would agree to that was an entirely different question
Synonyms For Home: At one point you’re going to have to stop running away from every potential relationship; there’s more to life than just stressing about it
Homeward Bound: It is incredibly evident that Damien can’t take his eyes off of you while he does his stream with Shayne, but after being sent out for being a distraction, you watch on your phone as a few blushes and giggles are pointed out by the fans
Like An Old Married Couple: The amount of bickering that happens between you two every morning is incredible, especially at how flustered it gets Damien
We Have To End Up Together: The pressure to do something about this crush has got Damien more distraught than ever, possibly invoking the sincere side of you
A Valentine’s Day Reveal: Damien’s first Winter Games was proving to be much steamier despite the cold, a possible Valentine’s Day game springing up the first recorded kiss with his girlfriend
Any Objections?: Taking the teasing one step further, Damien demands a Smosh and Order on the grounds of possible minor cheating, solely to see your reaction
Been Engaged: It’s Real Girlfriend vs Work Boyfriend as Damien sits in the hot seat with the biggest bombshell question to make any viewer instantly quake in their seats
The Cute One: Guest starring on Smosh Pit was every bit as fun as you hoped, maybe even a little romantic as a certain Damien Haas flirted during the entire game
The Vague Truth: You’re practically one of the fam as you visit your brother Wes and his friends on filming sets - subconsciously developing a flirty relationship with one Damien Haas
Then The Butterflies: You’ve never had much luck with the guys, never honestly being in love and, at this point, maybe not even knowing what having feelings is - Damien volunteers to teach you what loving someone is like, unknowingly revealing his biggest secret towards you
My Sweet: Normally it’s the sweet and simple things that make you happy - a kind of happy that makes it all worth it in the end
Just a Dream (AU!SIREN READER): Doomed with separate lives, but dreaming of something similar, you save an intriguing sailor from a Siren feeding frenzy - knowing the consequences of being caught to be dire
Desperate Wingman: Damien is distraught and talking to Shayne about the date you just landed; but being fed up with the constant talk about the crush, Shayne delivers the ultimate endgame scenario
Exposed: Keeping your relationship a secret has been incredibly taxing while filming, so when a kiss is accidentally filmed and sent to editing, do you run to delete the content or release it for the fandom to see?
The Badass Fever: Being married meant in sickness and in health - even for the stubborn, feverish, professional gameplay hitman of a wife Damien’s got
The Sick Front: Sicky boy Damien is too busy avoiding being a burden that he almost misses an opportunity to get closer to you - luckily the SG members are a bunch of hard-hitting homies
Under the Influence: Why did it have to be that the one time Damien decides to kiss you he ends up being drunk?
Unconscious and Uncoordinated: Have you ever heard the term ‘I’ve fallen for you’? Well, sometimes it’s quite literally!
My Life is a Mess Without You: Damien just didn’t get it - what could he have done that would make you ignore him for so long?
Stains and Sleepovers: Frustrated that you’d scare Damien away with making a forward move, you end up getting into a drunken fit at a bar, enlisting the help of just the boy you wanted to see
Took My Breath Away: You are determined to use your sarcasm to keep everyone away, but something life altering about an accident and this boy Damien decides to change your plans
A Doomsday Date (AU!APOCALYPSE): Your home destroyed and many of your friends gone, the one thing that keeps you smiling in this desolation is dating the man of your dreams - and looking good while doing it
First Time For Everything: Drinking games have the funny knack for revealing some sensitive information
Game. Set.: Voicing a wish to pick up dating again, Damien unknowingly presented Shayne with the task of smoothly setting his friend up on a date
Twitch Secrets: Twitch streams were made for content creators and fans - but who knew it could also secretly record blackmail?
College Blues: New job, new city, still in college - you find comfort in your role models at Smosh, confiding in and teaming with Damien to relieve stress
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moos-cow · 4 years
Dressed to the Nines
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Halloween Ask Event 
Pairing: Fenrir / Reader / Seth Fandom: Ikemen Revolution  Rating: SFW - Thriller Prompt: Stalker + Bite
Written for @ikemen-discord-writers​ . (hello, it's me-@hamster-damn )
October 31st.
There you were, standing in front of the mirror, drinking in the reflection of your own clad in a daring midnight blue off-shoulder gown.
“Stunning,” Seth spoke from the threshold of your room with a small box in hand that contained the final touch to complete your ensemble. He strode to stand behind you, warm hands lightly brushing over the fabric of your gown before settling on the curve of your hips, and his lips meeting the bare area between your neck and shoulder, “Absolutely stunning.”
You quickly turn in his arms to face him, "Who do I have to thank for, then?" you ask with a cheeky grin before leaning in for a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you, Seth. This dress looks absolutely beautiful."
"And you take beautiful to a whole new level, sweetie." He says, tucking a stray lock behind your ear. "Ah! We have something for you-" Seth lifts the small box up to your eye level. "Turn for me."
You turn as he unboxes the item to reveal an identical midnight blue choker necklace with a dangling crystal before securing it around your neck. But before you could comment any further, a chipper voice calls out from the hall and light tapping of boots quickly reach your room.
"Yo, Seth! Alice! Ya guys ready to go or-- wow." Fenrir stood by your doorway agape at the sight of you. Although he was already wearing his mask, a blush could still be seen creeping up high on his cheeks.
You take Seth's hand in yours and saunter towards Fenrir, taking his hand in your other free hand. "To the Civic Ballroom, yes?" the two follow after you to the waiting carriage with a spring in every step.
You arrive at the Civic Ballroom with your two escorts by your side. The doors to the annual ball opened before you, and the different sights, sounds, and scents wafted out to greet you. Officials and personalities from every quarter of Cradle had come and gathered to don their best outfits for a night to celebrate the spooky. Albeit masked, some of them you could still identify.
Among the dazzling sights before you, the buffet table caught your eyes the most, making it your first stop for the night. You filled your plate to the point of nearly overflowing, "Enjoying yourself, aren't we?" a chipper voice suddenly called from behind you.
You turned with a pastry-full plate in hand and a charcoal colored macaroon in the other. "Ray?" you call, but alas, there wasn't a sign of a single soul behind you. You study the area only to find nothing out of the ordinary.
You strut back to your table where you found Luka and Sirius with each a flute in hand. "Sirius! Luka!" You called to the two, sliding the tower of pastries you procured from the buffet table in front of them, "Have you seen Fenrir and Seth?"
"Seth's at one o'clock." Sirius tilted his flute towards the crowd around the 10 of Spades. Your eyes meet with Seth's for a brief moment before he goes back to entertaining the other guests.
"I saw Fenrir messing around with Ray earlier." Luka spoke quietly as he languidly reached for a lemon bar, obviously tired from socializing with the guests.
The ambient chitchat from all over the ballroom gradually faded as the music from the string quartet began to play. People from the center of the room moved to the sides as couples walked hand-in-hand to the center of the floor.
"Excuse me, miss" a man extends a hand to you from the side, "May I have the pleasure of having this dance?" Although you were slightly taken aback, you still reached your hand over to take his. A little dance won't hurt.
One became two, then three.
Three songs danced with three different guests, only the last one you identified to be the Queen of Hearts. His unmistakable mint hair and haughty comments resulted to your relentless bickering throughout the whole song. He tired you out so much, you needed to step out for a drink and some fresh air. The balcony on the second floor sounded like a nice idea to you.
Out the doors and into the dimly lit halls you went, pausing every so often to admire the artworks that hung on the Civic corridors. The sounds of the party slowly faded away the further you went, leaving you to the ambient silence and the tapping of your heels.
Moments later you realized that there were taps that weren't in sync with yours. You abruptly stopped and turned, but so do the taps. You strained your eyes to search for whoever or whatever was stalking you. Nothing. You continue your walk down to the moonlit balcony slightly bothered as you recalled the officers' haunting stories of the old building.
'Banging on conference rooms on the 2nd floor', 'Screams of fallen officers from the Gardens', 'The piano suddenly playing in the Main Ballroom', 'Whispers in the hall', and the infamous 'dragging of furniture across the diplomats' offices.'
A chill ran down your spine at the thought of the stories. You glanced at the doors to your sides, fervently wishing for not a single one to sound as you chanted "Ghosts aren't real" repeatedly from under your breath.
Five more doors 'til the balcony.
At your final glance, you catch an apparition trailing behind you. Your eyes widened in shock and you picked up the pace of your walk, racking your brain for ways to get out of this mess. The stairs was far behind you, you were too far down to scream for help, and daring to exit via the balcony was rather reckless. You needed to hide.
You twisted the knobs on the doors that you passed, all were locked except for one. You hurriedly entered and locked the door behind you, breathing heavily to catch your breath.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
You stumbled back at the loud banging on the door. The knob shook for a bit, but then stopped. Leaving you alone again to the ambient sounds of your surroundings.
You stepped out of your heels and began to walk around the room to inspect. The fireplace was on, yet there was no sign of any occupant. "Hello?" you called out for confirmation. Nothing. You slid your empty glass on the sole round table and leaned on the said furniture to calm your racing heart.
Just as you began to relax, the chipper voice from earlier spoke once again, startling you by its close proximity. "Having fun?"
A grin crept up your face as you caught the strained notes in his tone. You knew this voice too well to miss it. "Not so. I expected a bit more... thrill." You replied playfully and abruptly turned to the gentleman behind you.
Your breath hitched and your grin turned to pure shock. Before you was the man you were expecting, but not at all. His mouth and suit were drenched in a carmine liquid that reeked a certain metallic stench. "F-Fenrir," you stuttered, frozen in place as your eyes darted towards what laid behind him, behind the sofa-- a lifeless body.
You take a step back and bumped into the table. The glass tips and breaks as it fell to the floor, causing you to jump once more. Strong arms trapped you between his body and the furniture as he slowly leans in, nuzzling at the crook of your neck. 
"Thrill eh? How 'bout a little bite, then?" He whispered in a sultry tone. “You look absolutely delicious tonight.”
With all your strength you can muster, you pushed him back and ran towards the door. Fumbling with the lock in the rush to unlock and open it. As the door swung wide open, Seth was there by the opening.
"Seth!" you screamed and pushed him away from the room. You grab his wrist and scrambled on your trembling legs to make a run for it with him. But he jerks you back and pulls you right into his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist to lock you in place.
"Fenrir, what did I tell you about playing with your food?" the older man scolded as he pulled you back into the room. You cry and you kick, but his grip never faltered. “Look at you, you’re a mess!”
"Forgive him, sweetie. He's still... adjusting.".
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🦇
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This is something i thought of a few days ago, but fo4 companions reacting to the sole survivor taking off their prosthetic leg/arm and hitting someone ( maybe one of the othet companions lol) with it after being annoying.
I wrote a few of these! Feel free to message me if you’d like other companions!
“All I’m saying is that if Aliens exist- then why is it so hard to believe there are microscopic robots in all of our food?”
“Ok- Tom- that’s a lot to unpack,” Tinker Tom was in one of his rants again that he would go into while everyone was trying to sleep. However, his ramblings normally got everyone up and talking. Sole always tried to argue with him, which was hilarious to Deacon. “First of all, Aliens aren’t real.”
“Hey now- that ain’t true!” Tom interrupted them, “I saw that UFO the other day!”
“And we’re supposed to believe in everything you see?” Glory takes Sole’s side, lifting her brow at Tom.
“Hey, if the man says he saw a UFO- then who are we to say he didn’t! I believe ya, Tinker.” Deacon scooted from his mattress to Tom’s, patting his back. He loved to side with Tom in these fights- mostly because he reveled in the chance to tease Sole.
“Thanks, Deeks, at least you know the truth.” Tom puts his arm around Deacon, glaring at the other, less believing crew. 
“Whatever, ok, Second of all, how did you go from Aliens to microscopic robots?” Sole ignores the idiots arm-in-arm in front of them and brings up their second point.
“That’s obvious! The Aliens make the tiny robots!” Deacon declares in a dramatic voice, and Tom gasps.
“Do you think so? Maybe that’s why they’re flying over the earth- they’ve been experimenting on us!” Tom sounded like he was on the cusp of revelation- and Glory groaned.
“Come on, Tom, you can’t be serious.”
“I’m sorry that you can’t open your mind to the possibilities, Glory. I’m just trying to be safe!” Tom takes a condescending tone, and Deacon anticipates a shitshow.
“Oh, and being safe means being an idiot?” Glory snaps, and Deacon ‘ooh’s.
“Being safe means suspecting everything! And you don’t suspect enough!” Tom spits back.
“I don’t, do I? Well, Tom, I ‘suspect’ you’re about to get your ass whooped-” Glory starts getting up, and Sole grabs her arm.
“Wait, beat him with this-” Sole grabs at their hip, feeling for something.
“You’re not actually gonna beat me up, Glory-” Tom begins to nervously ask, Deacon recoiling from his friend to prevent suffering the same fate. He’s interrupted by a loud POP.
“WhAT THE FUCK-” Glory yells, jumping back from Sole. Sole then lifts their whole leg into the air.
“Get ‘em with this!” Sole offers the leg over to Glory, and she backs up.
“Woah, Woah- hold on, you can’t just hand your leg over to someone!”
“Yeah, you need to take them to dinner first- at least.” Deacon quips, making Sole laugh. He’s known about Sole’s prosthetic leg for some time and especially knows their tendency to use it as a disciplinary weapon. He’s just glad he’s not the one to receive their calf of wrath at the moment.
“What, do you not know about my leg, Glory?” Sole gestures with the leg while talking, “Damn, I knew I forgot to tell someone. Well, you can still use it to beat up Tom. Here.” They continue to hold the leg to Glory.
Glory thinks for a moment, still trying to take in what had happened. Then she nods. “Ah, fuck it, gimme the leg.” She takes the leg from Sole and turns with a vicious look towards Tom. “I’ll show you just how safe you are-”
Deacon learned a lesson that night. Don’t give a prosthetic limb to Glory when she’s angry. Also, don’t wake Desdemona up in the middle of the night. Both things produce terrible, terrible consequences.
Nick Valentine-
It ended up being a late night in the office and Nick said he’d make up for it by buying drinks for Ellie and Sole. The trio went to the Dugout inn, preceding to the bar.
“Hello, Detectives! What will I be getting for you?” Vadim greeted them in the same, loud way he always did. Nick began to fish the money out of his trench coat pocket.
“Hi, Vadim. It’s gonna be a round for these two. My treat.” Nick pulled out his caps, sliding them across the bar to Vadim.
“Oh, I see…cruising, huh, Valentine?” Vadim graciously took the money, chuckling to himself.
“Excuse me?” What is that supposed to mean? Nick sure didn’t know, but based on the way they scoffed- Sole did. Ellie started giggling as well.
“Oh, come on, Nick…I always knew you were a smooth operator. But shouldn’t you be keeping it professional with these two?” Vadim laughed, turning to grab their beers. Nick thinks he was starting to understand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bobrov.” Nick’s internal fans were working in overdrive to keep him cool, and Ellie kept laughing at his sake.
“Oh-hoh, that’s how it is! Well, good luck in your-” Vadim hoots, turning to put the beers on the counter. His remark is cut off by Sole.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” Sole suddenly tears their right arm off, whacking Vadim on the back of the head.
Wait. They what.
Ellie squeals, jumping and standing back from the now armless Sole. It takes her and Nick one more second to register the straps and cords coming out of the detached arm.
“You have a fake arm??” Ellie declares, more in relief than anything else.
“You didn’t know?” Sole seems surprised just the same as they were.
“How would we have found out?” Nick defends, staring at them in confusion. He still wasn’t quite sure what had happened, 
“That’s one way to shut him up.” Yedim chimes up, interrupting their bickering, and making Vadim laugh.
“Yes, yes, sorry for teasing you guys! Enjoy your drinks!” Vadim apologizes and pushing the beers over to the three. Sole puts their arm back on, and they and Ellie grab the drinks.
“Thank you, Vadim. And sorry about the arm.” Sole apologizes, and they walk to find their seats.
“Well, kid, good to know you’re armed at all times.” Nick quips, watching the anguish wash over Sole and Ellie’s faces.
“Oh god- was that a pun? I thought you were better than that, Nick.” Sole cringes and Nick grins victoriously.
“Okay, now you have to tell us what happened…” Ellie nudges Sole, ignoring Nick’s dad jokes.
“Fine, I lost it when…”
Paladin Danse- 
“No wayyy!” Haylen shoves sole on the shoulder with her bottle hand, nudging them gently as they put their hands up in defense.
“I swear! I was out of the vault for like, less than an hour and already killing deathclaws!” Sole tries to convince their crowd, shrugging with their beer.
Sole and few other brotherhood members were drinking together on the lower levels of the prydwen, something Danse was completely unaccustomed to. He wasn’t one to do anything out of protocol and wasn’t interested in activities that could lead to said behavior. But Sole, the ever-inviting harpy they could be, convinced him the initiates would benefit from seeing a Paladin more relaxed. “Show them you’re a person like the rest of us,” they said. Sure.
“That would explain your pre-existing combat prowess, charging into that ghoul onslaught when we met.” Danse joins the conversation, taking a sip of his Gwinnett Ale. Everyone looks to him quickly, surprise in the initiate’s eyes. True, he hasn’t spoken at all yet, but they don’t need to treat it like a big deal. Danse tucked his head down a bit.
“Would you call that ‘prowess’ or ‘reckless abandon’?” Rhys, charming as always, chimes up before Sole could accept the compliment. He was always thorny towards newcomers, but he seemed especially so to this pre-war Vault dweller. Danse has handled in-team conflicts before, but when they involved Rhys, it was always more complicated.
“I would call it bravery.” Haylen says, glaring a moment at Rhys and then smiling back at Sole. She was always the compassionate one.
“What’s so brave about almost killing yourself?” Rhys continues to bicker, waving his beer in the air.
“Killing myself? I think I was doing most of the killing there!” Sole teases, always loving to mess with Rhys. Danse wishes they wouldn’t.
“Oh really? I think you ought to remember your place here.” Rhys frowned.
“Should I? Who got the instant promotion? Who’s working directly with the Elder to defeat the institute?” Sole continues to poke his buttons, making the initiates watching “ooh”.
“That’s it-” Rhys gets to his feet, and then does Sole.
“Wait a minute, Soldiers,” Danse quickly hops to his feet to stop the fight, but is interrupted by Sole swiftly yanking their arm off and wielding it like a weapon.
Haylen doesn’t hesitate to scream at the sight, and even Rhys seems spooked.
“What?? Y’all didn’t know I have a fake arm?” Sole reacts with just as much surprise, waving the arm around like it was nothing.
“We had no idea, Soldier, I-I-” Danse awkwardly stares.
“Well, I can tell you how I lost it if Rhys will just shut his mouth.” Sole glares and Rhys does the same.
“Settle down you two.” Danse crosses his arms and gets them to back down, going back to their seated positions. “So, tell us about the arm.”
“Okay, so way back before the war….”
X6 would probably walk in on Sole knocking one of the institute directors on the head with their prosthetic arm and instantly become over-interested. He’d start inquiring about the technical abilities of their prosthetic, what weapons it was equipped with, how it could be improved.
“It doesn’t really have any abilities, other than functioning as an arm,” Sole sheepishly responded to the questions, embarrassed by the sudden attention.
“That doesn’t do at all, Sir/M’am. You should see the Robotics branch to get an upgrade. The face of the Institute deserves the best limb enhancers.” And so, through X6’s urging, Sole would end up with a wicked arm. Robotics would hook them up with like…inspector gadget style tricks all in the prosthetic. They’d honestly look part synth, which shortly became Sole’s new favorite thing to trick wastelanders into thinking. Thanks, X6!
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Mount Everest Ain't Got Shit On Us (Fezco x fem!reader, Part 1.)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you'll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like the scary example of what will happen when you don't obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
A/N: Man, Fez is just my main bitch from Euphoria. I just adore him the most. His breakfast is consistent with Respecting Women Juice™️ and Keeping His Shit Together Juice™️. He might not be the brightest man around, but I think he's gentle and caring. Like hell.
A/N: The reader is around 17 to 18 years old, not further explained, attending high school. Rue and the gang are around the same age and since Fezco's age was never actually clarified, let's go with 23.
A/N: This takes place in a universe where Jules was away for a while, but after a few months she came back to Rue.
Warnings: Talking about drugs, drug addiction, smoking, drinking alcohol. You know. Basically the normal lives of today's kids.
Word count: 3 K +/-
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
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Ever since you were a kid, the adults always told you that you can be whatever you would like to be. When you were five, they lied to you - they told you that you can be a pirate or a princess, or an astronaut or a zoo animal keeper for that matter. 
When you were ten, they usually started to be critical to you just as you started as well. You slowly realized that being a plumber or a social worker is maybe the place you were supposed to be, you started to base your imaginations off the reality. 
When you were fifteen, it all came together - you knew what should you do, what is off your limits and what stays in your boundaries. You could still be something even if you weren't the smartest or the funniest in your class, or the best of bureaucracy. 
And when you go to college you most likely know what you'll do with your life - that you would be a nurse, a teacher, a biologist or you know that you will not go to college at all. Sometimes the young people didn't even continue to college. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. It simply happens.
But they were the other ones - the people who weren't destined to have a normal life. Those who dropped out of high school and just started to live by their own rules and who tried their best to go through life without some bigger problems. 
Your mums usually told you not to be dumb, not to hang out around these people, stay out of their presence and ignoring them as well as you could. But some of them weren't that bad, they weren't the garbage of the society as your mums told you. 
Every one of them had a reason to be as they were - usually it was a reality-based reason, something that made a perfect sense when explained, a serious social issue. You just had to ask them - some of them became gang members to help their family financially, others had committed prostitution, some of them were part of the black market with guns. Most of their fates circled around money. Money, the thing you need to survive in this cruel, cruel world. 
Love meant a lot to those who wanted it. But money mattered way more. You needed money to survive - it was to survive or to be killed. No other options were remaining. 
You lived in a small town since you were born. Everyone knew everything about everyone. It was just as simple as that. It took you by surprise when your parents told you that you'll be moving out of your birth town in the next few weeks to some strange suburb on the other side of America. 
You heard that it actually snows there during winter which was a pleasant change from the hotness of Arizona. Also, it was nearer to the bigger cities of the United States - and you were pumped to visit them with your mum and siblings or cousins. To shop, to see something new, to actually get some experience.
“It isn't that bad. I like this place.” - Your little brother Cal called out as he stepped out of the truck. You carefully took the box out, almost tripped because of you untied old Converse shoes you still wore even after they tore apart near the base. You had an old, rainbow t-shirt on, it basically hung on your body because of how oversized it was, it covered your Adidas shorts completely. 
“New boys. New girls. Fresh start. No history. I love it,” - Francis, your older sister, said out loud. She came out of the closet four years ago and since then, she has dated numerous girls and boys. She was going to attend local college but you were sure that sooner or later, she will introduce you to another love of her life. - “And what about you, my little bean? You feel comfortable out here?” - She hung an arm around your shoulder and you gave her a nod. 
You weren't exactly the happiest about moving out of the town you have known your whole life so well, but both of your siblings were right. The neighborhood seemed to be quiet, safe, clean and nice, just an ideal place to base a family life in. Bikes were thrown around, the kid's screams of amusement could be heard just as the birds sang and the wind around you felt wet and yet warm in a nice way.
“Come on, you golden trio. You are unpacking your things for what seems like a whole eternity! We brought some pizza and Thai if you want some!” - Your mom shouted out of the front door with a huge smile, holding the plastic bag as proof for you. 
“Go.” - Your sis patted your shoulder and got into the truck to shut the back door completely, preventing stealing. You did not wait for her, you looked at your legs, how the fresh green grass breaks under your feet and the soles of your shoes, being careful about not fall down. 
Your mum always told you to tie your shoelaces but you never really listened since you were a small kid. It resulted in a lot of falling down, bruises, abrasion and you crying loud. But you learned how to walk with your shoelaces undone. It was your own choice, after all, you chose not to tie them - and they told you all along that your life depends on what you want and what you don't want. 
Your parent always told you how easy it actually is to live in your generation - that you can use cellphones, that you can use the internet, that they are taking care of everything you could probably need. 
You thought about it a lot - and you came to an opinion. It was not easy at all. To live in your age. It felt more like surviving than living for real. The drugs were easily accessible for the younglings - even your big sis was a serious stoner back in your hometown and you knew that it will not take long her to find the local dealer and become friends with him. The cyberbullying was a serious issue that made a lot of people's life worse, the bullies could easily find your personal information, your old photos, they could make fun or a living nightmare of you and your life. And when your nudes leaked out? Holy shit, you were fucked like hell.
Yeah. You were a high-schooler. But let's face it - almost everyone who tried to make a move with someone or who was in a relationship had sent a nude at some point in their life. It was some kind of a norm for the children your age. 
You were constantly in danger thanks to the great internet and that was a fact. The adults tried to teach you how to behave on the internet... But truly, did any of you actually give a crap? Every one of us took it as bullshit, not taking them too seriously. Who was actually safe around you? Drugs, alcohol, sex, porn, cigarettes, money everywhere around you. 
It was so easy to become corrupted. Just like everyone around you. 
You were not that innocent at all as well - your big sis was really popular back in your hometown - she was truly smart, she was funny, she used drugs and smoked, drank regularly. She was invited basically to every party in the town. Some of them were wild, some of them were pretty muted thanks to weed and ecstasy which was always distributed there. 
You smoked at the parties and did some shots - that wasn't so bad. Kids your age did a way worse thing at those parties. 
Your mum and dad knew that you and your sis attended some parties but they didn't know that there were drugs and alcohol present. You were the Sunday church raised children after all (which didn't mean that your parents discriminated or turn their backs to their oldest child when she said she's into girls a lot), they trusted you.
They often laughed that they have done it too. Sure, you smiled usually, but did you see a girl who is dozed off after Lexauryne, have you felt the actual fear about her life? Have you ever seen what shit Valium or heroin does to someone? Have your friend almost jumped off the roof when they took too much LSD? But you never said anything out loud. 
You have seen things. But everyone did. It wasn't easy to be a teenager in your age. 
Every one of your friends slowly became one of those types your parents always warned you about - at least a part of them was just like the people they talked about to scare you off. Maybe you were one of those people as well. What could you know?
You had your dinner with the typical witty sense of humor of your parents and the usual bickering between you, your little bro and older sis. You felt safe at those moments, away from reality, just chilling with your fam. 
The next morning was your first actual day of school after a weekend of moving in. Your dad went to his new workplace for the first time and your sis and your mum stayed home to continue with unpacking.
"You should get up or you seriously will not go to school on time." - Your mum peeked into your room and you just mumbled something in response when Fran took your bed with her monster attack as you called, tickling you, kissing you into your hair and laughing along with you.
"Get your lazy ass off the bed, ma's right. I'll ride you to school." - She laughed and laid next to you, looking you in the face. You smiled at her, smoothed your hair and yawned. - "Ah shit, you thought about that again, didn't you? You'll be just fine. This is a good neighborhood, ma and pa told us yesterday. Nobody will shove a knife on your neck and threaten you to do drugs or take your money. Nobody will take your pics while you pee. I swear. You'll be alright, baby girl." - She kissed your forehead tenderly.
Fran always said that you worry about too many things. And she often said that you're way more adult than she'll ever be. But she didn't forget to mention that it's harming you a lot in a way.
"So that's how you make girls fall for you. I see it now." - You teased her. She took a pillow and smacked your head with it. But she laughed. Then Fran stood up and stopped at your door to take a last good look at her baby sister. - "Get your lazy ass up and have some good breakfast. We have something about forty-five minutes before you, I and the last shithead would have to go. Go get 'em, tiger!" - She yelled and clapped her hands, letting you alone.
You got the smallest room - Fran demanded the one on the second floor, saying it was for her study purposes. She lied. It was the only room with a balcony and she needed to smoke weed somewhere. Your brother had the second room because he could be a little brat and a pain in the ass sometimes. So you and your parents had the room on the first floor.
But you liked it. It was easier to make it comfortable and you could open a big window to look out on the street. And you had a big bed nonetheless so you were just fine about your new room.
You better did what Fran said - took some of your other shorts from your wardrobe, then you took out your favorite Lion King oversized t-shirt with Rafiki printed on it and you completed with a big ass hoodie which reaches up to the middle of your thighs. You put on some high socks on because you loved the look of them rolled down to your Converse shoes.
You cleaned your face and brushed your teeth and hair, putting it into a bun which was all over the place as always, then you tried to make your face more appealing with some eyeliner and mascara but in your eyes, you looked like a mess. You put your old, torn apart but trustworthy backpack over your shoulder and took off to the kitchen. Everyone was already eating, dad reading the news on his phone as he always used to.
"I don't want bacon!" - Cal yelled almost frantically and that almost freaked the living hell out of you. He loved bacon. What was his deal?
"What is it, young man?" - Mum asked and looked at him. Thanks to Fran's shit-eating grin you knew that she's the one responsible.
“I must declare that I am a proud vegetarian from now on.” - Cal said with a serious face and you just burst out of laughing. Cal was always like that. Smart pants. But he never was socially awkward. He just used some words that were too complicated for a boy his age.
“Oh really?” - You mum asked with a surprised face, watching all of you with her witty jokes prepared face. - “And why is that? Y/N will love to have some more bacon.” - And so it was. Another three slices to your empty, hungry stomach. Maybe Cal's sudden vegetarianism had some plusses to it. 
“Fran told me that it will make me more appealing in front of the girls. And I am a ladies man.” - Cal told with a serious face and that was the moment Fran’s grinning face bursted out of laughter as well. 
“You're also only thirteen years old, pal. No girls until you're at least sixteen. But you do you.” - Your dad said all of a sudden. You loved them so much it sometimes took you by a surprise. 
Then, when the breakfast was over, you went out to your sister’s car. Your dad had one and Fran was given your mum’s car. Your ma said shell take the bus to work so it's ok for Fran to have her own car to do her business with. 
“Okay, shithead one and shithead two. Are you ready for your first venture to the big, scary world?” - Fran joked and waves to ma when you were doing your seatbelt on the co-driver’s side.
“Bring it.” - You said, turning the radio on. It was a station you didn't know, some new hip hop songs. But it was enjoyable, so you just let it play, rolling the window down, leaning your crossed elbows into it. You were aware that your hair will be even messier after that, but you wanted to feel the actual atmosphere and energy of your new hometown.
You felt free from your burdens once again - the hip hop was almost screaming out of your car, the air felt cold between your hair and the sun shined on your skin gently. You were watching the new, strange people who lived there, walking in schools direction, groups of friends, some alone kids, some kids were riding bikes. 
It seemed to be like your old home yet it didn't feel like it. Something was just out of its place and weren’t sure if you can put that thing back. 
The car slowly drove next to some gas station or a small shop, you couldn't tell. But something caught your eye - a boy standing with his back turned to the car, in a long sky blue shirt with some clouds painted on it, jeans and a seriously short hair which color you couldn't figure out. You stuck your head out of the window, inhaling that view until you could. 
Something drawn your eyes in his direction, something told you that you should watch him. He was smoking, that was for sure, and moving his hands, probably talking with someone. 
The boy slowly disappeared because of some other building but you would swear that he turned in your direction as well. The air you were holding in slowly came out of your lungs as you slowly leaned to your seat. Francis was watching you but remained silent, just smoked her cigarette with her right wrist out of her window.
When the car stopped, Cal was almost immediately out of it, saying goodbye to you and Fran, but you remained there, leaning more and more down, trying to be invisible for the others.
“Chop chop, out of the car. You will have a great first day at your new school and you will find some friends.” - Fran told with a smile, smoothing your naked knee with her palm. 
“How can you know?” - Your gaze fell on the big hall leading to the main entrance, to all of those strange people there. That didn't feel right. You were scared for your life - new surroundings, new people, new feelings. How many of them tried some drugs? Will you even find someone to be friends with? The feeling inside you felt like exploding, the unsureness, the unknown, the fear. 
“Because I know your little bratty ass since the fucking day youve been born, dumbass.” - She laughed and undid your seatbelt, opening the door for you. - “Show those bastards who you are and that you are not afraid.” 
And with that, you got up and watched as Fran waved you and took off in her car. And you felt lost.
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