#how round one was terrifying and round two was like a relief comparatively
tetsunabouquet · 13 days
Could we please get a NSFW alphabet for the Kiriyu twins please! I've seen so many HC for Zero but poor Ichiru always gets neglected and he's my favorite twin!
A/N: Of course you can! Unfortunately, Tumblr has a word limit. I've seen author's managing to get past that but none of them tell me their trick so I cannot do all letters for an individual, so forget about two! I've picked some for each that I think defines their differences, if you want to know other letters just hit my askbox again ;) 18+
D (Dirty Secret): He dreams of getting you pregnant, as he secretly desires to drink from your breasts one day. He finds the idea of drinking your sweet milk to be arousing. G (Goofy): Ichiru is extremely goofy in bed thanks to his playful personality. If one of you accidentally falls of the bed or bonks their head against the headboard, he laughs it off and cracks a sweet joke. If someone interrupts the two of you, he is guaranteed to start a goofy conversation about it after sex. "Did you see Zero's face?! I swear I thought Nii-san would faint and that I'd have to hide your cum covered body in the bathtub as I dumped his body downstairs." "Ichiru, you sound like a serial killer!" H (Hair): His hair is a darker silver then his hair and smooth. He grooms it well and keeps it at a rather minimal length. J (Jack Off): Ichiru masturbates regularly. He prefers doing it in the quiet of his bedroom in days when he can't have you, and he'll sniff your things hilst doing it, imagining it was your hand wrapped around him. N (No): Something Ichiru would never do is choke you during sex. He hates going too far with physical violence. He might be tempted eery once in a while into spanking you lightly but anything severely masochistic and he's out. He can't stand seeing you hurt like that, even if you get off of it. U (Unfair): Ichiru can be quite unfair. He adores the way you pout when he teases you by overstimulating you with multiple rounds of eating you out. He adores edging you and seeing your bottom lip quiver when he stops. He doesn't stops if you plead, but if you manage to gather the strength to sound commanding, he will do as you say because he finds the dominant tone of your voice to be thrilling. W (Wild Card): Ichiru has a tendency of ripping your panties apart. He hates being viewed as the weaker twin so he'll tear your underwear to shreds to prove his strength.
D (Dirty Secret): Zero has a secret weakspot for shower sex as the scent of blood mixed with the scents of sex and your perfumated shampoo sends his head spinning. G (Goofy): Zero is pretty serious. If you fall off the bed or bump your head, he only treats it with a kind concern. However, during the aftercare he can loosen up from time to time and potentially start tickling you. H (Hair): Whilst Zero's carpet is the same color as Ichiru, he cares less about grooming his hair. He let it grow and honestly makes no attempt to shave or have it at a certain length. J (Jack Off): Zero isn't too fond of masturbating as nothing compares to you. Having great self control, he manages with it just fine. If he masturbates, it's more about the de-stressing and relief it brings. N (No): Zero hates doing anal. He doesn't mind taking you doggy style and admiring your rear, but he hates the thought of anal sex because he is terrified of damaging your rectum with his vampire strength. A vagina is made to handle a lot, one's ass is not. U (Unfair): Zero definitely teases you way more then his brother would have. He loves hearing you whine for his cock whenever he teases you with just his tip, and unlike his brother, doesn't obeys your pleas. No, Zero has enormous self control and will ignore how hard his cock is getting at your cries. W (Wild Card: He has a habit of braiding your hair before sex, it's usually your cue that something is about to go down. Zero does this for two reasons, number one is that he loves playing with your hair, number two is that he wants to prevent your hair getting tangled from the sex.
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bright-whump · 3 years
nsfw prompt: forced to strip?
yes. i'm in the mood for caretaker whump, i hope you don't mind 😌
CWs: forced to strip, self sacrifice, lead up to noncon and recent noncon, explicit noncon touching/kissing, humiliation, forced to beg, creepy/intimate whumpers, multiple whumpers, and referenced caretaker x whumpee
[[ 18+ ONLY, minors + IRL (nonfictional) nsfw blogs DNI ]]
"Please...God, please just take me."
Whumpee lets out a horrible sound from where he lays on the floor, face pressed against it, body trembling from fear and exhaustion and pain, from everything awful they've just put him through that Caretaker couldn't fucking stop.
With a quiet chuckle, Whumper sits up, still straddling Whumpee but no longer leaned down, whispering into his ear. No longer just on the verge of assaulting him, again. Whumper 2 even stops stroking Whumpee's hair from where they're kneeled beside him, tilting their head up as Caretaker grabs all of their attentions.
Whumper 3 uncrosses their arms, coming forward.
"You want us to fuck you?" they ask. "Instead of him?"
Caretaker trembles, and then takes a breath and nods.
"Well aren't you brave," Whumper teases, picking themselves up off Whumpee, and Caretaker's relief that it's working, even briefly, is cut short when Whumper 3 rounds him, reaching out to squeeze his ass.
The group ignores him. Caretaker ignores him. There's nothing else he can do. Now that their attention is on him, all three of them creeping towards him, Whumpee's alone. Bloody, terrified, but untouched.
Caretaker gasps in a breath at the same time Whumpee does, and Whumpee writhes, clenching his bound fists together and crying out, "No! Don't touch him! Please!"
Caretaker can't watch it happen again. He can't. They hadn't been willing to hear him the first time, but if there's anything he can do to prevent the second, he will.
"Strip, then," Whumper 2 says, slicing the rope around Caretaker's wrists, and the other two hum agreements. "Go on. Let's see what you're offering. And if you try anything stupid, we'll kill you and fuck him while he watches."
Whumpee claws at the floor, sobbing out another protest. He tries to lift himself up, but his arms won't hold him, and he crumples down again with a heartbreaking cry.
Caretaker tries not to look at him. Instead he obeys, reaching up with trembling fingers to start to undo his shirt, and then letting it fall off his shoulders.
"Not bad," Whumper says, circling him, and Caretaker flinches when Whumper 2 pinches his side from behind. "Keep going. All of it. You know what we want to see."
Breathing hard, unable to keep as steady as he wants to, Caretaker does that, too. He undoes his belt, and drops his pants to the floor.
He nearly jumps out of his skin when he feels a hand on his ankle, nearly falls over as he stares down at Whumpee, who's managed to drag himself the few feet over to him, leaving a smear of blood underneath.
"Stop," Whumpee begs. "Stop. Caretaker. Stop!"
"He loved it," Whumper laughs. "We really made you feel something special, didn't we, Whumpee? Better than Caretaker ever could, huh? You want us again?"
Whumper 2 starts making their way over to Whumpee once more, and then Caretaker holds his breath and squeezes his eyes shut and pulls his underwear down, too.
"Well now," Whumper 2 says, and instead comes to him. It should be a relief, when their hands grab at Caretaker's hips instead of Whumpee's, but it doesn't feel like one, and he can't help but flinch and squirm when fingers touch over where they shouldn't. "Look at this..."
"Very nice. Quite a pair we picked, aren't they?"
"A perfect one. Didn't expect either to fight so much..."
"Let's see how you compare here, first..." Whumper 2 says, and then shoves their finger into Caretaker without any warning.
Against his will, Caretaker cries out. It sounds, to him, like the most pathetic sound he's ever made. His hands flail out, and the other two grab onto a wrist each and hold him steady, tug him until he's slightly bent over to give Whumper 2 better access.
"Relax," Whumper tells him, pressing a deceptively gentle kiss to Caretaker's hand. "How tight?"
"Not like the whore. But better than I expected."
Whumper 3 strokes their hand down Caretaker's chest. "Tell us what you want us to do again?"
Caretaker swallows hard. "Take me instead."
"No, no. Tell us what you want us to do."
Whumpee sobs, whimpering out Caretaker's name. Caretaker keeps his teeth grit, biting into his cheek until he tastes blood, so that he doesn't whimper, too.
And when he's sure he's got a hold on himself—mostly sure—he clears his throat and says, "I want you to fuck me."
Whumper whistles. Whumper 2 grabs Caretaker's shoulders, and forces him down to his knees, and then leans up right into his ear.
"Gonna need you to say that again," they murmur. "A little louder. Beg us to."
Whumpee's hand brushes up against Caretaker's, crying, pleading him not to. Caretaker's not sure he himself isn't about to fall apart.
"Fuck me," he mumbles, and then finally lets out a sob he can't hold back and says, louder, "Please. Please fuck me."
Whumpee protests louder. Curses and swears until Whumper 2 kicks him hard in the stomach, and Whumpee rolls over onto his other side, coughing.
"You keep reminding us about that pretty mouth, boy, and we'll—"
Caretaker grunts, furiously, and interrupts them with a hissed, "So?"
Whumper bends down a little, to Caretaker's level, and cups Caretaker's chin. They lean forward to press their lips together, and Caretaker squeezes his eyes shut, tears leaking hot down his face, and forces himself to be still.
Whumper pulls back, and nips along Caretaker's jaw. Whumpee's fingers are against his again, and Caretaker curls his pinky around Whumpee's.
"Yeah," Whumper finally says with a smirk. "You'll do."
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
SKZ as animal hybrid boyfriends
Pairing: Reader x Members
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff | Headcanon | Animal Hybrid/Shifter AU | Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Very brief mention of spiders
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A husky hybrid
Has the CUTEST pair of gray and white ears that stick out of the top of his head
Also has the most gorgeous pair of pale blue eyes that glow in the dark
He has a fluffy white tail that wags like crazy whenever he’s excited because he doesn’t know how to stop it from showing
He’s also the sweetest boyfriend in. The. WORLD!
Always asks how you’re doing
Makes sure your not missing any meals and that you’re always hydrated
Every morning, he wakes you up with cute good morning texts and he always tries to send you good night texts sometimes forgets because he gets so caught up in work
He makes up for it tho
Sends flowers to your place whenever he forgets uwu
Chan’s the perfect boyfriend
The only problem is that you’re allergic to dogs
He didn’t realise why you always seemed to sneezy and stuffy whenever you would come over to his place
Until you told him
And his reaction makes you feel like you just told him the most horrific thing in the world
To him it is!!!!
Because he’s the reason that you’ve been having allergic reactions around him!!
He starts vacuuming his place more often to keep any fur away and makes sure to keep the area super clean so that you’re clear from anything that could cause a reaction
He also starts lint rolling and vacuuming his clothes before giving them to you so that you don’t take any of his fur home unless you ask him to leave his fur
Chan gets confused whenever you tell him that you don’t want him to vacuum or wash his hoodies before giving them to you
But you like them because every time you see the strands of gray and white fur sticking out of his hoodie, it reminds you of him
So instead,
Chan starts buying a crap ton of allergy meds
Puts them in every corner of his house
In the bathroom
The kitchen
The living room
The bedroom
Literally everywhere just in case you get a super bad reaction
That way he’s always prepared for anything
A maine coon hybrid
The most luscious fur ever known to man
His cat ears are so fluffy and always well groomed
He has this beautiful fluffy orange tail that he’s gotten pretty good at hiding his feelings with
Usually a hybrid’s animal features would probably give away their emotions, but Minho learned to control his ears and tails really well
It’s just that his ears are really sensitive and they flick around every few seconds whenever he’s in a crowded place
He has a pair of yellow eyes that are constantly in the shape of slits simply because he wants to intimidate everyone around him
Also always has his claws out because they intimidate strangers
Wouldn’t tell anyone, but Minho lets his pupils dilate when he’s alone with you (´∀`)♡
He also likes to tease you a lot but you know he’s just joking because if he was serious, his tail wouldn’t be so related
You try not to tell him because then he’ll start working harder to hide his tail swishes
Is the most precious yet teasing boyfriend out there
He’ll make a joke about you eating a lot of ice cream whenever you’re sad, but he’ll always have your favourite ice cream in the freezer
If you complain about some kind of muscle pain, Min would call you weak but then also come home with muscle relief patches that he’ll stick to you himself
Minho likes to shift into cat form if you’re stressed because then it means that he wouldn’t really disturb you a lot
His footsteps are way quieter when he’s in cat form as compared to human form
So if you’re stressed or tired and you ask him to give you time
Minho would shift and hide in one of the cat towers he bought for himself until he hears you coming out of the bedroom
The moment he hears the sound of the bedroom door opening, he’ll lift his head and peek out from the top
If you sit on the floor right in front of the tower, Minho will scurry off of the tower to sit in your lap to
But if you don’t even look at the tower and you instead go to the kitchen, he’ll wait a bit longer to give you more time
Yk I wanna say he’d be some cursed Dwaekki hybrid the skzoo dwaekki haunts me in my sleep
But I genuinely feel like he’d be something really threatening like a wild animal
So if Chan’s a husky and Minho’s a maine coon
I’m gonna throw Changbin in as a grizzly bear because he’s a tank of a man and I love him for that
His ears are dark brown and rounded, poking out from the top of his head
His eyes are super dark brown and sometimes you can’t even tell if you’re able to see the white in his eyes bcs his pupils are just that big
His hands have these huge black claws that could claw someone apart if he wanted to
Also has a cute brown tail that he often hides underneath his clothes because it’s small enough for him to sit on
Sometimes shifts into bear form just to cuddle you because it’s cold and relying on the heater might make it too warm
So Binnie likes to use his own fur to warm you up if he notices you shivering
Also would not hesitate to bear his teeth at anyone who tries to hurt you
Changbin doesn’t really tell anyone this
But one of his proudest bear traits is his ability to vocalise like a bear
Which means that whenever he feels the need to protect you or whoever’s around him
He will growl like a bear
And it’s terrifying
You didn’t even know that Changbin could roar until one night when a stranger wouldn't take your ‘no’ as an answer and your boyfriend almost lost his mind
He pulled you behind him and grabbed the collar of their shirt and just roared at them
The stranger being a hybrid of a smaller bear species immediately scrambled off
But Changbin also immediately switches back into sweet, cuddly boyfriend the moment he turns back to you <3
A sphynx hybrid
Very dramatic
Very loud
He has pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head with a little black splotch on his left ear
He also has this naked pink tail that sticks out from underneath his shirt
Every minor inconvenience and Hyunjin’s meowing and whining to you about it and you think it’s funny every time he does
Like the time he misplaced his sock and was crying all over your shared home looking for it until he found it underneath the bed
His claws are retractable, so he usually hides them because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone on accident unlike Minho
He’s VERY cuddly both in human form and cat form
Hyunjin likes to do the ‘kneading the dough’ thing whenever you’re cuddling
And ends up leaving holes in your clothes because his claws would accidentally grab onto the fabric
Would also feel really bad afterwards because now he’s ruined your shirt
You reassure him that it’s fine
But Hyunjin’s dramatic also kinda wants an excuse to go shopping with you
So he cries about it and it leads to him dragging you to the mall so that he can buy you a new one
Ends up getting distracted at a cat cafe because he’s made conversation with one of the cats there
And he’s basically talking to them like he’s a middle aged wine mom talking about their weird husbands
You have to remind him what the goal is
But he’s so immersed in the conversation with the orange tabby that you can only watch in amusement
Hyunjin’s talking to it in English while the cat nods with it’s tail swishing every time he asks it a question, mewling every once in a while as a response
You watch with a smile on your face, chin resting against the palm of your hand as you listen
You can only gather that Hyunjin’s telling the cat about why you’re at the mall
And the cat turns to you with a bored expression on its face before meowing
“She says good luck on finding a new shirt”
You nod and reach out to pet the cat’s head as thanks
You and Hyunjin leave after a while
And soon, the trip to get one shirt turns into a shared shopping spree
Kinda obvious but he’s a squirrel hybrid
He has a pair of rounded, light brown ears on the top of his head
A bushy light brown tail that bumps into everything whenever he’s in cramped spaces
And the CUTEST pair of brown eyes EVERRRRR
His squirrel trait is where he gets the habit of stuffing food into his cheeks whenever he eats
Ji’s really good at climbing
So he has this long ass piece of wood that he keeps in the living room of his home so that he can still climb something in squirrel form if he can’t go outside
He also has tiny black claws that he uses mainly for practicality when he's in human form
So stuff like cutting into plastic, through strings and to open mail
He just slides his finger across the top of the envelope and boom
Jisung’s quite clumsy
It doesn’t help that he has this huge, bushy tail behind him
He bumps you with it a lot and he’s always so apologetic over it
But it’s fine because it’s his tail and it’s soft and cute and it’s part of Jisung UwU
There were a couple of times where you would wake up and his tail would be tickling your sides
So you’d wake up giggling
And it would wake him up too
He’d turn around and immediately wrap his arms around your waist to cuddle into you
You love playing with his ears
Jisung’s really responsive whenever you pet his squirrel features
So if you touch his tail in public
He’s jolting forward like AHHH
And you like to gently rub his ears whenever you’re cuddling
Jisung usually ends up cuddling into you more because he really likes it whenever you play with his ears
He has a habit of making those squirrel squeaks whenever he’s uncomfortable
So in public, if he feels like he’s overwhelmed or wants to leave
He’ll cling onto your arm and start squeaking softly so that only you’re able to hear
And it’s an easy way for you to know that he wants to leave without him actually telling you
Horned owl hybrid
He has two sets of white and brown feathers that poke out from the top of his head and curls to the back
He does, however, have talons at his fingertips that he doesn’t really like because it gets caught on a lot of things
Has feathers running down his arms, but can’t actually fly in human form
His eyes are this beautiful amber colour
He also has a lot of hanging stuff in his house that he likes to fly back and forth to whenever he shifts into owl form
Absolutely loves doing the head spinning trick because you freaked out the first time you saw him do it as a human
Felix also has really light footsteps
So sometimes you don’t even hear him coming into a room and suddenly he’s beside you
Which scares you sometimes
Overall, Felix is just unintentionally scary.
Because he has really good eyesight at night
And because he’s nocturnal
He sleeps in the day
Which means that all of his work is done at night while you’re asleep
His hearing is intense which means that he could hear the smallest pin dropping in the kitchen from the bedroom
So when he hears something strange coming from the kitchen
He’s immediately crawling out of bed and peeking out of the bedroom door
That’s when he sees a spider crawling out from behind the fridge
A huge spider
Now, Felix does NOT like spiders
But he knows that if you wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink, then you’re going to be freaked out by too
But he should be able to toss it out the window in owl form
So Felix pops open one of the windows and shifts
His silent flying and sharp night vision make it a quick mission that’s executed without much hassle
He manages to grab the spider with his talons and just tosses it straight out of the window
By the time Felix has returned to the bedroom
You’ve woken up because you realised he wasn’t beside you anymore
So he climbs back into bed and lets you hold onto him while you fall back asleep
Labrador hybrid
Has a pair of golden ears flopping over the top of his head
Also has a golden tail that he usually hides because if he gets over excited then it’ll wag all over the place and might bump into things
Is a relatively quiet person and is also a quiet dog
He doesn’t say or bark that much
But you’ve come to learn how to read his body language
Because his posture both in human form and dog form speak his thoughts
Like whenever he’s standing tall then you’ll figure that Minnie’s probably uncomfortable or feels threatened
As quiet as he is
He’s extremely attentive to your needs as well
Seungmin’s able to catch your body language way quicker than you are at reading his
Which means that the moment you look uncomfortable, he’s immediately moving to stand beside you with an arm wrapped around you
Think of it as that TikTok trend that’s like ‘using my scary dog privilege’
In this case
Seungmin’s more than happy to be the scary dog that lets you walk around alone
He’d bark and bite at anything or anyone who would try to hurt you
Even in human form, he’d growl as a warning to other animal hybrids that are around you
Whenever you’re out in public, Seungmin tries to stay by your side just in case anything happens
But when he has to part from you to talk to another group of your friends
He keeps you in his line of sight
He’d always angle himself in conversations so that the person he’s talking to has their back facing you so that he’s able to see you
And when a cat hybrid suddenly approaches you
Seungmin’s more on the attentive side but he hasn’t gone into protective mode because you don’t look uncomfortable
But then your frame starts to shrink
He immediately changes his posture
Which scares the people around him because suddenly, Seungmin looks so scary
He waits a moment longer and the moment you start looking around the room for him, he’s shoved his drink into the hands of Hyunjin so that he can make his way over to you
He slings his arm over your shoulder and glares at the cat hybrid who’s now extremely intimidated by the presence of the labrador hybrid
Seungmin leans close to the cat and growls at them until they run off
He stays with you for the rest of the night and the way he stays in protective mode makes you feel safe
Until you get home and Seungmin’s back to this ball of cuddle fluff that you absolutely love (。♥‿♥。)
Fennec fox hybrid
Has a big pair of white fluffy ears that poke out of his head
Has a fluffy white tail that blends into a more golden colour that’s long enough to poke out from underneath his shirt
He has super insane hearing
Even if he has headphones in, he can hear the outside world
Bodes well for him because whenever you walk into his apartment, he’ll walk out immediately to greet you
He never actually feels hot or warm because his body heat radiates off of his ears
Is always cold in human form
In fox form, his fur insulates his body instead so he doesn’t feel much of a difference
Has a habit of not drinking for hours because he can get stuck in his fox form
Also has a habit of chewing on your desk plants if he deems them edible
Unfortunately for you, that means you’ll come home to your beautiful plant babies half eaten and munched away because your fox boyfriend wanted a snack
To solve this problem, you filled the fridge with berries and vegetables for whenever he feels like snacking
But sometimes he goes overboard and he pretty much eats everything he can find when he forgets to eat for a while
He’s a fox hybrid that doesn’t know how to shift on command
Usually he has this big urge to shift but he’ll be stuck in one form for a while before being able to switch
He doesn’t know any other fox hybrids
So Jeongin has to learn to control his animalistic instincts with the help of you!
His human partner
Lucky for the both of you
You have a friend who’s a red fox hybrid
She’s not a fennec fox
But she still shares similar instincts to Jeongin because they’re both fox hybrids
So now Jeongin comes to you with the biggest smile on his face whenever he’s accomplished something, gushing about how Fox Noona taught him how to shift on command
He’ll show you
And you watch as he shifts into this tiny little fennec fox with a big smile on his snout (T▽T)
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sunder-soul · 3 years
first of all your work is AMAZING- like damn that smut? 👀 but anyway- i’ve had this concept for awhile imagine that reader was the one who made the design for the dark mark for tom riddle? like y/n is an artist and likes to draw, paint, all that jazz, and she saw the symbol in like her dreams or something and decided to draw it. and then tommy boy sees it and takes a liking to it like, “...i could use that-“ i don’t if this is a weird ask or not but i thought it was interesting. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
So this has been in my inbox for so long bc I just couldn’t crack how I wanted to tackle it and then yesterday BOOM I had an idea so here I am!! Hope you enjoy  💖
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 
Summary: Reader looks into Tom Riddle’s tea leaves on an unlucky day in Divination. Something looks back.
Word count: 1.5k
Content warning: none.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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You’ve heard of the domino effect before, but never has it been so grimly demonstrated to you than in that exact moment standing in front of the entire Divination classroom with the only spare seat left opposite Tom bloody Riddle.
It started (or at least, as far as you can tell) an entire week earlier when you’d walked in on Ophelia Greengrass sobbing in the fourth-floor girl’s bathroom during second period. Up until then you’d not spoken more than half a dozen words to Ophelia across your entire time at Hogwarts, but it had felt wrong not to say anything – and as it turned out, Ophelia had been in dire need of someone saying something to her. She’d been dating Lestrange for a little over three months and by the sounds of it things were not going well.
So of course you’d comforted her as best you could but it was hardly surprising when she tentatively approached again you the next day, and the next, and the next, and then every single day for an entire week there had been a new horror story until yesterday you’d finally had enough and told her that she should break up with him.
That, of course, was why he’d confronted you in the corridor that morning on the way to Charms, angrily accusing you of losing him his girlfriend. And that was why you and Lestrange had been caught by Peeves with a watering can full of Bulbadox juice brandished gleefully in his spindly hands.
Which was how you both ended up in the hospital wing for the entirety of first period, Lestrange with boils all over his face and down his back, and you with them on your hands from where you’d managed to shield yourself.
You’d left Lestrange behind complaining loudly as the matron peeled back his school shirt, sprinting all the way up to the Divination tower at breakneck speed, throwing the trapdoor to the classroom open and scrambling inside, the trapdoor falling shut behind you, the very final domino.
“Sorry I’m late, Professor,” you gasp as you spin around to face her. “Peeves caught me and Lestrange!”
The class snickers.
“That’s quite alright, quite alright…” Cassandra Trelawney says, deep and ringing, “we have not yet started, take a seat with Mr Riddle and we shall begin…”
You freeze. Riddle…?
That’s when it hits you.
Lestrange always sat with Riddle in Divination.
And you’re so late that everyone else already has partners.
You turn to see Tom Riddle sitting at the back of the room looking at you with a polite but blank expression on his face. The class giggles again. The vast majority of Hogwarts students are at least somewhat in love with Riddle – beautiful, intelligent, polite Riddle, orphaned and poor but refined and successful. Better yet he barely speaks to anyone, leaving a lot of empty space of endless possibility for people to fill in with their personal daydreams.
He scares you.
Those horrible boys that hang around him remind you of flies hanging around rotting meat. And if they’re the flies, that makes Riddle…
You grit your teeth and step forward, weaving between the other tables and snickering students to take your seat, dropping your bag to the floor and eyeing the tea set on the small table apprehensively.
“Begin your readings!” Trelawney calls.
You frown and turn to Riddle questioningly. “We’re doing tea leaves?”
“Tasseography,” he corrects smoothly, leaning forward and picking up the burnished copper pot with one hand and pouring steaming tea into the little china cup in front of him.
You blink at him silently. There’s something manufactured about his face that you can’t put your finger on.
“Shall I go first or would you like to?” Riddle asks casually, pouring you a cup, too.
“I don’t mind,” you mumble, looking away.
Riddle sets the pot down and picks up his cup in long, elegant fingers, lifting it to his lips. “The instructions are on page seventy-nine,” he says after taking a sip, looking around the room disinterestedly.
You pull out your book and find the right chapter and scan the first few paragraphs as Riddle finishes his tea, sipping absently at your own, and by the time he finally hands you his cup your heart rate has finally returned to normal from running up eight flights of stairs.
“You have a scattered-type formation,” you say, checking it against the diagram on your page, “and it’s north-west oriented.”
“Mhmm,” Riddle says noncommittedly, his dark eyes level on the parchment before him as he takes notes.
You lean forward over Riddle’s cup and frown as you compare it to the pictures in the book. “That looks like shepherd’s crook,” you say, pointing to a cluster shaped like a pinched hook, “which means… either the responsibility to protect, or the exertion of power and authority over a group of people.”
Riddle scoffs very lightly, his lips curling into a slight smirk as he continues to write.
Something about it had clearly struck a chord with him, but you pointedly train your eyes back on your book. “Oh,” you frown, checking his cup again. “Or it’s the old glyph for seven.”
Riddle stops writing. You look up curiously at the sudden lack of his quill scratching evenly on his parchment to find him perfectly still, his eyes on your face. “Seven?” he repeats, tone distinct.
You nod and push your book around to show him. “The number seven used to be drawn like that, too.”
Riddle’s eyes drop to the page and linger there for a moment before he resumes taking his notes – though his expression is much more preoccupied than before.
But something in Riddle’s cup has caught your eye. Beside the shepherd’s crook/number seven is a lump of tea leaves so distinct in form that it’s almost comical – the round of the cranium, the square of a mandible, and gaps in the leaves to indicate two eye sockets.
“Oh,” you say in surprise, pulling your book back around. “Wow, that’s pretty clearly a…”
You trail off, frowning. You’ve noticed the tea leaves below it, the long twisting trail that leads directly into the skull’s mouth. A cold, creeping feeling is curling in your stomach as something about the image before you seems to move, you can almost see the thing writhing, it almost looks like a…
“How are we going?” Trelawney asks, suddenly right beside you.
You jump, looking up at her in panic. “Fine,” you say quickly.
She lifts her brows, assessing you thoughtfully. “Hmm,” she says, before glancing at Riddle. “And you?”
“Fine,” Riddle echoes smoothly. But he’s not looking at Trelawney.
He’s looking at you.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
The image worms into your thoughts like a deep root, twisting into places you don’t expect to find it and spreading itself out more and more. The dreams are first, and then the nightmares, and finally the night terrors. The skull hovers before you, its pitch, hollow eyes bore into you, the snake coiling endlessly with its fangs yawning wide.
Something about it is cold and evil, some sort of strange perversion of an ouroboros, the eternal snake broken by the skull’s mouth.
Consuming it.
“What is that?”
Your head snaps up from your parchment feeling like you’ve just been jolted awake from a deep sleep, and it takes you a second to process the sight of Tom Riddle before you, his eyes fixed attentively on the parchment strewn on top of the essay you’re supposed to be writing.
He’d caught you drawing it for the hundredth time.
“Nothing,” you say hastily, sliding it away under a book. “Just a doodle.”
Riddle’s eyes flick to yours. There’s a cold rigidity to his expression that you don’t like. It’s a coldness that feels horribly familiar.
For a moment you almost think he’s going to force you to show him, but after a long moment Riddle looks away and he’s gone, disappearing off further into the library. You exhale in relief and pull out the parchment again.
Drawing it made the thoughts go away for a bit, like manifesting the horrible thing distracted it from its need to live in your head. You lift your quill and carefully write a single word next to the skull.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
The parchment goes missing the next day.
You never prove that he took it, never even mention it to him, but Riddle’s eyes have a cold glimmer to them when he catches your eye in Divination next, the smallest curl to his lips like he’s daring you to bring it up.
The dreams abruptly stop.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
When you see it next, it’s in a photo on the front page of the Daily Prophet beneath a terrified headline, a spectre hovering just like it had in your nightmares at school years prior. Except this time it’s real. This time it’s above the burning remains of the family home of a prominent Muggle-born politician and Voldemort’s name is a shadow on everyone’s lips.
You stare at it on the page, the snake writhing in ink, the black, hollow eyes of the skull, and you think about Tom Riddle’s cold smile watching you from across the classroom, his manufactured beauty, the boys that hung around him like flies around rotten meat.
He’s named it the Dark Mark.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Picking Him Up When He Discharges ~ Choi Minho
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Your heart beat quicker than it ever had done before as security led you out of the car, across the car park to where the main gates of the marine’s compound was. From beyond the wall, you could see several of the marines walking forwards as you stood around many other families.
It was a walk that you’d taken several times before on your numerous trips to visit Minho whilst he was enlisted in the military, but at last, your final trip had arrived. The trip you’d waited for, that would allow you to take him home and back to you.
You’d barely slept the night before, unable to believe that after a long eighteen months it would be the final night that you’d be spending in bed alone. Every little thing you did that morning reminded you that it would be the last time you’d do those things alone, knowing tomorrow you’d wake with Minho right by your side.
The number of days had already been extended after he accepted to not take his final leave and help train others. You were hardly surprised when he let you know a couple of weeks would be added to his stay, the time was nothing compared to how long you’d already waited. As you stood in the gravel waiting for his arrival, no part of what was happening really felt real for you just yet.
After waiting for a few minutes, the group of marines came close enough that you could recognise a few faces. At the back, you could see Minho, standing much taller than a few of the others. His eyes were darting around in search of you, letting go of a chuckle when he finally found you, stood with two security guards just behind you.
As the gates were opened, his feet took off, racing over to you, dropping his bag and wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, twirling you around in the air.
“Congratulations,” you whispered into his ear, pressing a kiss against his cheek before he placed you back down, untangling his arms from around you and taking a step back.
You watched on with a proud smile as he stood back and saluted for the last time, letting you, and his fellow marines around him that he’d finally been given the order of discharge.
“I missed you,” he smiled as soon as he’d finished, quickly reverting from the dedicated marine he was, to the soft boyfriend he’d been waiting to be for so long.”
Your hands cupped his cheeks gently, feeling how different the definition was, spotting for yourself how much stronger he had gotten. “I missed you too, I can’t believe your coming home.”
“I can’t wait,” he chuckled, “I’ve waited so long for this moment.”
“Me too,” you mused, taking a hold of his hand, “there’s a car waiting for us, I think we might want to be quick before too much attention comes our way.”
Minho picked up his bag instantly, pulling you across to the car to keep you safe. As soon as he was seated, he relaxed back, untying the laces of his heavy boots, taking his hat off the top of his head, placing it on top of yours instead.
“It’s so big,” you laughed, having to place your hand on top of it to stop it from falling off. “How do I look? Reckon I could pass off as a marine myself one day?”
“Beautiful as ever,” Minho complimented, eyes studying you closely. “I might just have to keep that hat for you, never know when it might come in use.”
Your hand slapped against his chest as his arm moved around your waist, pulling you against his chest tightly. The two of you had always been reserved with your affection whilst Minho was in the barracks, but now, no eyes were watching, and he was determined to make the most of it.
“I’ve been dreaming of coming home for so long, and yet now that it’s happening, it doesn’t quite feel real,” Minho whispered down to you, “I feel as if the car is going to turn back around in a moment and take me straight back.”
Your head shook as a light giggle escaped, “I promise, you’re on your way home this time.”
“I can’t wait to see everyone, family, the boys,” he spoke, trailing off at the end, “it’s been well over a year since I’ve seen most of them after so many years together too.”
Your eyes glanced up at him as best as they could, “don’t worry, they’re doing great. They’ve all been stopping by since they discharged to check in on me.”
“I knew I could always rely on them, although they love to joke, I know that they all care a lot about you deep down Y/N.”
“They’ve been the best replacements,” you teased, “but I’m happy I’ve got the real thing now.”
Joining the military and everything that came with it was never something that phased Minho, he was almost built for life in the marines. The only thing that worried him, before and during his enlistment, was leaving you. A small part of him was sad to leave the compound, but seeing you far outweighed any lingering thoughts of staying.
“I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed tonight,” he continued to comment, “get a good bath, clean myself up properly, and just be able to relax too.”
Your smile grew, having prepared several of Minho’s favourites at your place for when he got home already that morning. You were determined to make his first few minutes back at home special and help him transition back into normal life.
“I don’t think you’ll get much rest, your mum messaged this morning and said she’d pop round, she seemed pretty desperate to see you.”
“I’ll give her a ring when we get home,” Minho mumbled, resting his head on top of yours, “I just fancy spending some time with you tonight instead.”
You couldn’t hide the smile that grew on your face, “in that case you might want to give the boys a text too, they seemed pretty keen to come and see you too.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we have time alone tonight.”
Your head nodded as your hand settled against his abs, feeling the thick material of the jacket that he wore. A giggle escaped as you recalled the very first time you saw Minho in his marines uniform, and how terrified you were of what was to come.
“I can’t believe enlistment is over, and now we have the rest of our lives together,” he whispered.
A small hum came from you, “sometimes your enlistment felt like it was never going to be over, I thought you’d were never come home.”
You couldn’t deny that you’d had your moments of doubt and concern, the fear that came with not knowing what Minho was doing day in day out was sometimes overwhelming. He knew it was hard on you too, however helpless he was.
Whilst it was time that you’d never get back, it was time that he was determined to make up for. He couldn’t hide his relief that enlistment was over, however much he enjoyed himself, he knew it was time to head home.
As his eyes looked down at you, noticing how close you were to falling asleep, he was sure that this was the place that he wanted to be.
“We’ll be home soon,” he whispered down to you.
“I’m already home now that I’m back with you.”
195 notes · View notes
yellowsuitcase · 4 years
In the Prefect’s Bathroom Part 2 // Draco Malfoy
A/N: By popular demand, I’ve written part two! I plan to write a part 3 and it’ll likely become the FINAL part but who knows? Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Y/N can’t stop thinking about her time with Draco, but what happens when she sneaks out of Harry’s room to meet with him again?
Warning(s): SMUT!!! Unprotected sex, rough sex, dirty talk, oral sex (male and female) cheating
Word Count: 3.7k
Masterlist & Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
“Harry, stop,” Y/N whined as she lightly pushed her boyfriend away. They were walking back to their common room, and Harry had decided that it was the perfect time to kiss Y/N all over her face. And when she pleaded for him to stop, he didn’t heed her words; he only proceeded to plant smooches on her cheeks. “Harry!” Y/N giggled quietly. He smiled and pulled her close. “Want to come up to my room?” he whispered in her ear. Y/N felt a sudden twinge of guilt in her stomach. She knew her boyfriend, and she knew what those words implied. It’d only been a few days since she and Draco had...met up. Y/N wasn’t sure she could stomach a round of sex with Harry, but she knew it would look suspicious if she denied. “Sure,” she replied softly. Harry gripped her hand and picked up his pace, dragging Y/N with him.
As they climbed the stairs to Harry’s dorm, Y/N began to prepare herself for what was to come. Just act normal, she told herself. The couple stepped into the messy room, and Harry closed the door behind them, casting a locking charm on it. Then he began to strip his clothes, starting with his robes. Y/N inhaled shakily and started to do the same. When they were down to just their underwear, Harry took her hand and led her to the bed. She sat down and slid back so that she was pressed against the headboard. Harry climbed on top of her and kissed her sweetly.
All Y/N could think about was how his kisses were so soft compared to Draco’s. Stop. You love Harry, and you love his kisses. Stop thinking about Draco. Focus on Harry. Y/N kissed him back with force, causing Harry to pull away. “Eager, are we?” he chuckled. Y/N blushed and nodded curtly. “I need you,” she mumbled, trying to get him to speed up. It seemed to work; Harry curled his fingers in the waistband of Y/N’s black underwear and swiftly slid them down and off of her legs. He licked his fingers,  pressed them to her slit, and slowly dragged them up and down. Y/N closed her eyes and tried to focus on the moderately pleasing sensation, but all she could think about were Draco’s fingers. 
Soon enough, Harry slid two digits inside her and began to pump in and out. But Y/N couldn’t take it; she just couldn't. “Harry, please. I’m ready,” she lied. Harry looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” Y/N nodded impatiently. “Yes, yes, I’m sure. Please, Harry,” she begged. And with that, he withdrew his fingers and took his dick out of his underwear. He stroked it softly before grabbing a condom from his drawer and slipping it on. Harry lined up his tip with Y/N’s pussy and hesitantly slid in. A sharp gasp left him when Y/N slammed her hips forward, shoving his cock all the way inside her. “Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned. “Move Harry,” she instructed. Harry obliged and began to thrust in and out of her at a consistent but slow pace. At that moment, Y/N was reminded that Harry very much liked slow, sensual sex. He was the complete opposite of Draco. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” Harry grunted as he upped his speed just a little. Y/N forced a moan to spill from her lips while she clenched her walls around him, making him gasp. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” he told her. Y/N reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her. She gazed into his eyes, and for a moment, felt the pain of guilt again, but she quickly pushed it away and kissed him passionately. Harry groaned into her mouth, his thrusts beginning to turn sloppy. Y/N knew he was close. Sure enough, a few moments later, he pulled away from the kiss and announced his climax. Y/N squeezed him tightly, pretending she was reaching her high as well. 
After Harry calmed down, he removed himself from Y/N’s hole and sat down on the bed, heaving heavily. “Did you…?” he asked. Y/N pushed herself up so that she was leaning back on her elbows. “Yeah, I did,” she lied. Harry blushed softly, feeling proud. Y/N, on the other hand, felt like utter shit. She was always honest with Harry whenever he failed to make her cum, but tonight, she lied. It didn’t sit well with her. She watched as her boyfriend slid off the bed and went to dispose of the used condom. Y/N let herself fall onto the soft mattress. She stared up at the ceiling, questioning what the hell she was doing. Soon enough, Harry returned to the bed and crawled underneath the covers, coaxing Y/N to put on a shirt before pulling her underneath as well. Within minutes, Harry was fast asleep, leaving Y/N alone in her thoughts. They all consisted of Draco. He was all she saw in her mind as she replayed his voice. 
“You’re so tight.”
“Tell me I’m better than him, Y/N.”
“I’ll sneak off to your common room, crawl into your bed, and fuck you until you see stars.”
“I’m gonna fuck you all the fucking time.”
Her thoughts were interrupted by Harry rolling over and letting her go. His back was now facing her. Y/N knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t stand being in that room any longer. So she carefully peeled back the bedsheets and slinked out of bed. But when her feet touched the floor, a loud creak sounded through the room. She grimaced, terrified Harry had heard it. Luckily, when she turned around, she only saw him softly snoring. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, tiptoed over to her pile of clothes, and quickly threw them on. Once properly clothed, she pulled out her wand, unlocked the door, and walked out of it as quietly as possible. She double-checked that Harry was asleep and pushed the door so that it was almost closed, leaving it open just a crack, and rushed down the stairs. Y/N got to the bottom of the stairs and walked across the common room towards the girl’s dorms when she heard a door begin to open. Her feet froze, and Y/N prayed that it would be dark enough so that whoever was coming inside wouldn’t be able to see her. But what she was not anticipating was Draco Malfoy waltzing into the room as if he owned the place. He spotted her instantly.
“Draco! How the hell did you get in here?” Y/N whisper-yelled as she walked over to the Slytherin. Draco smirked. “Let’s just say, first-years are very easy to trick and even easier to frighten.” Y/N frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re a prick, you know that?” she asked condescendingly. “Shut your mouth before I do it for you,” he threatened. “Now, lead me to your dorm, why don’t you?” Draco asked, but it was quite obvious he didn’t mean it as a question. Y/N gulped and spun around. She led Draco up the stairway and all the way to her dormitory. Her roommate was rarely present, always spending the night in her girlfriend’s room, so Y/N didn’t have to worry about waking anyone up. She opened the door and hurried inside, Draco following after her. Once she closed the door behind them, Draco grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the wall. Y/N’s heart began to race as the blonde leaned in close. “You smell of sex,” he stated. Y/N averted her eyes, unable to bring herself to look at him. This made Draco angry; he swiftly grabbed her chin and turned her head towards him, forcing her to make eye contact. 
“Who fucked you? I thought I told you you were mine,” he growled. Y/N was almost positive that he could feel the pounding in her chest. She looked at the floor, feeling like a child who’d just gotten caught stealing candy. “H-harry did. I couldn’t just say no, he’d think s-something was up, h-he’d get suspicious,” Y/N explained, trying to get Draco to understand. “Bad choice, princess, because now I get Saint Potter’s sloppy seconds. How do you think that makes me feel, huh?” Draco asked while pressing her further into the wall, her shoulder blades beginning to hurt. His eyes were glowing with anger. He’d never looked so terrifying to Y/N. But then again, he’d never looked so sexy. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t for very long, I swear,” said Y/N. Her hands were in the air, trying to prove to him she wasn’t fibbing. Draco smirked and leaned in closer. “Good, because you’re not sleeping tonight,” he snarled. He removed his hands from her shoulders, and they flew to her skirt, where they yanked it down, along with her panties. The cold air hit her hot pussy, causing her to squirm. Draco wasted no time; he had already changed into comfortable clothes, so all he had to do was pull down his sweatpants and take his already hard cock into his palm. He teased her slit with the tip of it, just like Harry had done, only better. And then, he pushed inside all the way to the hilt, making Y/N’s body jerk from the impact. 
“How does he fuck you, Y/N? Does he fuck you slow, like this?” Draco asked while he thrusted into her at a leisurely pace. Y/N nodded quickly, her eyes sewn shut. “Yes.” Draco chuckled. “And do you like that, Y/N? Or do you prefer being slammed into?” When Draco said “slammed,” he did just that, pulling his dick out then forcing it back inside Y/N’s pussy. A squeak escaped Y/N’s lips. “Please, please, please,” she begged, not really sure what she was begging for. “What princess? Do you like this? Do you like getting pounded?” Draco teased while thrusting into her, fast. Y/N nodded desperately, her eyes still closed tightly. Draco once again slowed his pace. Y/N whimpered and clenched her pussy walls around his cock, trying to urge him to fuck her faster. 
“Open your eyes, princess, look at me,” he demanded. Y/N’s eyes flickered open and landed on Draco’s grey ones. “Listen to me carefully. You’re going to suck my dick, ride me, and then, if you’re a good girl, I’ll eat you out. How does that sound, slut?” he asked, still sliding in and out of her. She scrambled to reply. “Y-yes, that sounds so good, please,” she whined. Draco laughed at her neediness and then pushed into her, making her yelp. “And one more thing, you can’t cum until I say so. Understand?” he questioned. Y/N felt her legs tremble and shake as she inhaled sharply. “Yes, I understand,” she muttered. “Stop mumbling; say it again,” he ordered her harshly. Y/N gulped and cleared her throat. “I understand. I won’t cum until you say so.” Draco smiled and thrusted into her one more time before pulling out. “That’s a good girl. Now get on your knees.”
Y/N did just that, nearly falling onto the floor as she knelt. When she regained her balance, she was met with Draco’s wet cock in her face. She hesitated momentarily but drew it into her mouth and began to suck softly, her hands rested on his hips. Draco’s head rolled back, and he moaned softly. This let Y/N know she was off to a good start. She hollowed her cheeks and leaned forward, pushing him farther down her throat. Draco jerked his dick forward, causing Y/N to gag slightly. He gazed down at her. “My little slut,” he mumbled. Y/N pressed her legs together, creating mild friction. She hesitantly pulled her lips backward so that she could place a hand on the base of his cock. Her slow rubbing caused Draco’s dick to twitch. 
Y/N sucked him for what felt like hours. Her jaw was growing sore, and she was almost about to tap out when suddenly, Draco grasped her hair with both hands and slammed his cock to the back of her throat. He fucked her mouth fast, refusing to give her a chance to breathe. Tears were now streaming down Y/N’s face as she was used like a toy. He thrusted in and out a few more times before shooting his load down her neck.
When he pulled out, Y/N gasped for air, coughing a little bit as well. Draco crouched down and took her face in his hands, studying her. “Look at you, little whore. You’re so pretty like this,” he whispered as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. Y/N said nothing as blush rushed to her face. Draco snickered and straightened his legs. He kicked off his pants and slippers and held out his hand. Y/N took it, and he helped her to her feet. Then, without warning, he hoisted her up into his arms and walked over to her bed. He dropped her onto it and spread her legs. Draco watched her squirm for a few seconds before he hopped on top of her and flipped them over so that she was now on top. “You know what to do.” Y/N glanced up at him and bit her lip. Slowly, she sat up and hovered over top of his cock, which had somehow already returned to full hardness. She glanced up at the Slytherin again. “Go on, don’t be shy.” And with that, Y/N lowered herself down onto him, moaning all the way. Draco smirked and watched his dick disappear inside her as she got seated. 
Once Y/N had adjusted, she began to bounce; Draco’s dick slid in and out of her as he simply watched with his arms crossed behind his head. “That’s it, keep fucking yourself on my cock,” Draco purred. Y/N’s thigh muscles tensed as she increased her pace. Her tits began to jiggle slightly as she dropped herself onto Draco. Her pussy touched his skin with every bounce; the slight rub of her clit against him drove her crazy. Suddenly, she grabbed his hips for more leverage and began to slam her hips downwards, desperately wanting to feel more, more, more. Draco couldn’t take it anymore; the sight in front of him was too good. In a flash, he slapped her hands off of him and placed his on her hips. He picked her up and brought her down onto his cock, hard. Y/N was unable to contain her screams as Draco began pounding her from below. Her breasts were bouncing violently as lewd, wet slapping noises filled the red and gold-colored dorm room. 
“Draco, can I cum? Please let me cum. I’m so close,” Y/N whispered, a strained squeal leaving her lips. Draco began to fuck her even faster. “Don’t you dare,” he grunted. Y/N cried out; she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it. “Please, I won’t be able to stop myself if you keep going,” she whimpered, feeling the coil in her abdomen grow. But then, Draco stopped. He dropped his hips and simply held Y/N down so that his cock was still buried inside her but unmoving. The blonde chuckled as he watched Y/N wriggle on top of him, trying to get him to move again. “No, no! Draco, please,” she whined, desperately wanting to reach her high. But before she knew it, the delicious feeling inside her had faded away. “Look at me, Y/N,” Draco commanded. She looked up at him; her face was scrunched up as if she were about to cry. Perhaps she was. “Convince me you’re a good girl, and I’ll make you cum.”
Y/N could hear her heartbeat pulsing in her ears. She knew she was panicking, but she also knew she needed to come, so she said the first thing that came to her mind. “I won’t let Harry fuck me ever again!” Almost immediately after she said it, her hand flew to her mouth in shock. Draco’s eyebrows shot up. “Is that so?” he asked. Y/N gulped but nodded, letting her hand fall. “Yes. You’ll be the only one… I promise,” she muttered. Draco sat up and took her face in his hand, pulling her chin down so that her mouth popped open. He stuck his thumb inside, and she instantly began to suckle on it. “You’re mine,” he growled as he latched his lips onto her neck, sucking hard. Y/N clenched around him and groaned as his teeth nipped her skin. “Fuck,” he muttered after pulling away. He then lifted her off of him and spun her around so that she was in his previous spot. He dropped her onto the bed, pressed his face in between her legs, and licked a long stripe up her slit. Y/N cried out in shock and pleasure. Draco’s tongue was relentless. He swirled it around her clit and then stuck it in her hole. He repeated this action multiple times, somewhat edging her. Her clit was throbbing and pulsing; she was already close again. 
“Don’t stop, please,” she pleaded. Draco chuckled, his breath fanning over her wet, hot pussy. She couldn’t help but squirm as his tongue returned. This time he sucked on her nub. Y/N screamed and felt tears fall from her eyes. “You can cum. Cum around my mouth, slut,” Draco purred. Y/N didn’t need anything else; she came immediately after receiving permission. Her orgasm came in waves. Y/N’s body jolted with each one. Draco continued sucking on her throughout her climax. When it was over, he still didn’t stop. The overstimulation was too much for Y/N, but he didn't budge when she tried to push him away. Within another thirty seconds, Y/N was cumming again. She shrieked as her world stopped spinning. Her vision clouded, and her body went numb. Eventually, Draco pulled away and ceased his torment. He laughed lightly upon seeing the look on Y/N’s face. She looked, to put it frankly, fucked out. 
“You alright there?” Draco asked while delivering a short slap to Y/N’s pussy. She groaned softly and opened her eyes. “Fuck you,” she breathed. Draco only smiled as he climbed out of bed. Y/N whimpered, not wanting him to go. “Hush, I’m only grabbing something to clean you up with,” he retorted. A few moments later, he walked back to her with a few tissues in hand. He gingerly wiped the soft material down her slit, causing her to whine from the sensitivity. But Draco was quick, and in no time, Y/N was all cleaned up. She sat up and rested her back against the headboard. Draco took the spot next to her and kissed the side of her head. God, he’s so confusing, Y/N thought to herself. And then it hit her.
She leaped out of bed with a gasp and scrambled for her clothes. “What’s wrong?” Draco asked, concern lacing his voice. “Harry. He’ll notice if I’m not there in the morning, I have to go," Y/N said. Draco frowned and watched as Y/N yanked her drawers open and searched for sleep clothes. He, too, got to his feet and began donning his discarded clothing. Y/N pulled a sweater over her head and headed for the door. But before she left, she turned to Draco. “What if he finds out?” she asked softly. Draco looked at her as he tied the drawstrings of his sweatpants. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” he said while walking towards her. She gazed up at him, fear in her eyes. Draco sighed and pressed a kiss to her temple before walking out the door. Y/N stood frozen in her doorway; Draco’s sudden tenderness confused her. He kissed her after they had sex, he cleaned her up, and he’d just kissed her again. His kind gestures made her feel warm and fuzzy when she should hate him. Unfortunately, Y/N had no time to ponder this; she needed to get back to Harry. 
She made no noise as she scampered down the steps into the common room. When she arrived, she saw the portrait closing behind Draco as he left the Gryffindor tower. Y/N stood still for a moment, then remembered what she was doing. Her feet carried her all the way back to Harry’s dorm. The door was still slightly open, just as she’d left it. Her shaky hand grasped the door handle and pushed it forward. Harry looked to be fast asleep. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief and gently walked over to the bed. She lifted the covers and slid underneath them. Her eyes found the ceiling, and she felt guilt return to her stomach. But again, she pushed it away and let her eyelids shut. Sleep took her shortly.
The sound of birds chirping woke Y/N. She opened her eyes to find she was in Harry’s bed. The memory of last night flooded back to her. Quickly, she turned to her left to see her boyfriend was gone. Y/N sat up and scanned the room. She jumped slightly when she saw Harry sitting by the window, his eyes glued to her. He looked...troubled. “Good morning, love. Did you sleep okay?” she asked.
“Where did you go last night?” Harry asked. His voice was heavy with anger, and Y/N felt herself begin to panic. Quickly, she conjured up a lie. “I went to go change into comfier clothes, that’s all.” Harry glared into her eyes and pointed to her neck. “What’s that then?” he asked. Y/N’s stomach dropped as she realized what Harry was gesturing to. “I know I didn’t give you that, so who did Y/N?” he asked condescendingly. Y/N remained quiet. She didn’t want to lie to Harry anymore, but also couldn’t bring herself to answer him.
“Who, Y/N? Who did you sneak out to see last night?” Harry interrogated. The jig was up; Y/N knew that. She felt tears fill her eyes as she whispered, “Draco.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry get to his feet. Y/N’s head snapped up, and she watched him storm towards the exit as her teardrops began to fall. “We’re done,” he said firmly as he ripped open the wooden door and slammed it behind him, leaving Y/N alone. She dropped her head into her hands and began to sob. What have I done?
Taglist: @beiahadid​ @pastelpuffbar
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
Heart of a Hero
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand, Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, Andrea Reyes, Gabriel Reyes
Rating: T
Warnings: Mass shooting incident
Notes: A million thanks as always to @bluenet13​ who beta read the heck out of this and listens to all my writing woes.
Written for the @badthingshappenbingo​ prompt “Ambulance Ride.”
Read on Ao3
It was his day off. It was his goddamn day off. But apparently crime didn’t take days off or respect the fact that he was just trying to run errands like a normal human being. Something that should have been a safe activity for everyone. Not a terrifying, violent event.
Carlos had been in the vegetable aisle when he’d heard the distinctive popping of gunfire. He’d dropped the mango in his hands, instinctively reaching for his duty weapon, despite the fact that he didn’t carry it on his days off. It had taken him only seconds to assess the situation, to realize the shots were coming from outside the store rather than inside, and to start running toward them. “Get to the back of the store!” he yelled to panicked customers and staff as he moved past them toward the doors. “Find somewhere to lock yourselves in and call 911!”
He stopped momentarily to help up a woman who had fallen to the ground, pushing her in the direction everyone else was fleeing as another round of shots sounded and the glass windows at the front of the shop shattered, causing everyone nearby to scream in terror.
Carlos paused at the front doors, trying to assess where the shots were coming from before exiting to the sidewalk outside. He could see people running, what looked like a body on the ground, but no sign of the shooter. Or shooters. There had been an awful lot of gunfire for it to be only one person. 
There was a flash and more popping and Carlos caught a glimpse of someone in a black or dark blue hoodie running toward the building before ducking behind a mailbox for cover. 
Running out into an active shooter situation unarmed seemed incredibly stupid, but there were still a lot of bystanders around and Carlos needed to do what he could to stop further casualties.
He crouched low, pulling the door open just enough to let himself out and moved quickly toward the fallen person on the sidewalk. The man let out a groan as Carlos got close and he felt a brief wave of relief that the man was alive. “Help me,” he said, breathing hard, eyes wild with fright.
“I’ve got you,” Carlos said, looking up and around for either shooter, but they seemed to have disappeared for the moment. “What’s your name?”
“Danny,” the man said, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Danny where are you hurt?”
“My leg,” he said, in obvious pain. “I was running and I tripped. I think I broke my ankle.”
Another wave of relief. Broken ankles were an easy fix compared to gunshot wounds. “We need to get you somewhere safe,” Carlos said. “I want you to put your arm around my shoulders, I’m going to help you get behind that table over there. It’s probably going to hurt, but I need you to stay as quiet as you can, all right?”
The man nodded and Carlos wasted no time in putting an arm under his shoulder and moving immediately toward the table a few feet away just as the assailant reappeared, apparently having reloaded a fresh round of ammunition.
Carlos dragged Danny the last few feet, hunching over as more glass shattered nearby. “Oh my god, oh my god!” Danny gasped.
“Stay down!” Carlos ordered, putting as much of his body over him as he could.
And that was when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The door to the grocery store opened and another man stepped out, looking up and down the street. 
“No! Get back inside!” Carlos yelled.
He was on his feet and moving before he even thought, gunfire ringing in his ears as he tackled the man to the ground, both of them grunting in pain as they hit the concrete. 
There was a squeal of tires and Carlos looked up to see the man in the dark sweatshirt jump into the back of a jeep, slamming the door shut as the driver hit the gas. 
He was just able to make out the first three digits of the license plate before it turned the corner and disappeared from sight. 
“Are you all right?” he asked the man underneath him, still breathing hard.
The man let out a moan. “He shot me.”
Sure enough there was blood seeping from a wound on the man’s arm. “Okay, deep breaths,” Carlos said, sitting up and reaching for his phone with one hand while the other clamped down firmly on the man’s arm, ignoring the pained swear words coming from his mouth.
“911 what is your emergency?”
“This is Officer Carlos Reyes, badge number 1-3-0-8. I am at the Machado Family Market on Ninth Street and we have a mass shooting situation. The suspect fled in a white jump, first three license plate digits 6-3-1. I have two known victims both male. Victim one is in his early thirties and appears to be suffering from a broken ankle. Victim two has been shot in the arm. Requesting immediate police and medical assistance,” Carlos barked as he grabbed a wad of napkins from a nearby table and pressed them against the man’s arm.
“Officer Reyes I am dispatching all available police units in your area and rolling medical,” the dispatcher told him calmly. “Do you need me to walk you through what to do with a bullet wound?”
“No I’ve got it,” Carlos said as he tried to stop the bleeding. He looked down at the man. “What’s your name?”
“Ian,” the man said with a grimace. “How bad is it?”
“Just stay still and keep taking deep breaths,” Carlos said. “We have ambulances on the way and they’re going to take good care of you.”
It didn’t look that bad to him, the bleeding seemed to be slowing, but he wasn’t a medical professional and he wasn’t going to make any promises. “How you doing over there, Danny?” he called over his shoulder to the first man.
“I’m all right,” he called back. 
“Just try and be still okay? The less you move the less damage you’ll do,” Carlos called back.
It felt like an eternity before sirens split the air around them. People had started emerging from the store. A woman who said she was a nurse had gone to take a look at Danny’s ankle while others sort of walked slowly through the debris in a state of shock. 
Carlos looked up to find a colleague, Matthew Cruz looking down at him. “You just have to be in the middle of the action at all times huh?” he asked.
“Something like that,” Carlos said, managing a half smile. 
“You need help?” 
“I think I’ve got him for now. If you can just send medical over as soon as possible that would be great.”
“On it,” Cruz said, keying his radio as he and the rest of the officers worked to clear the scene so medical could come in. “Any idea what happened?”
“It was one person,” Carlos said. “Dark hoodie, medium build. I got a partial plate when they fled the scene.”
“Yeah they picked up the Jeep’s tail a minute ago. Nice work.”
Carlos nodded.
Within minutes the scene was cleared and medical swarmed the area. A paramedic that Carlos didn’t know ran over and knelt beside him. “Need some help over here?” he asked.
“This is Ian,” Carlos told him. “Single gunshot wound to the arm. Bleeding was under control until a minute ago but I think the bullet might have moved and hit an artery.”
Blood had begun gushing through his fingers in the last few seconds and Carlos felt panicky at his inability to do more.
“Okay I’m going to put my hands over yours and you are going to slide out, got it?” the medic asked.
Carlos gave an affirmative and they switched places as another medic came over and joined them. “You take care Ian,” Carlos said.
“Thank you,” Ian told him, his face pale and sweaty.
Carlos got to his feet, surprised at how shaky and nauseated he felt. This type of scene wasn’t new for him, but he’d never been out of uniform during a crisis of this kind before and it was getting to him more than he would have expected.
“Carlos?” He heard T.K.’s horrified voice before he saw him and his heart sank. His boyfriend was going to be beyond upset.
“Oh my god! Are you all right?” T.K. moved toward him eyes wide, a bag slung over his shoulder with Nancy right behind him, looking equally concerned.
“I’m fine,” Carlos assured them. “A little shaken up, but fine.”
“There’s blood all over your hands,” Nancy said.
Carlos shook his head. “It’s not mine. There was a man who was shot, somebody from the 130 has him.”
“Hey! We need some help over here!” An officer beckoned the medics toward a woman who was bleeding from the head.
T.K. looked back at Carlos who waved him off. “Go help everyone else. I’m all right, I promise.”
They didn’t look convinced. “Don’t go anywhere, okay?” T.K. asked.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Carlos assured him as they moved to help the woman in need.
He was vaguely aware of T.K. calling out vitals, Nancy rushing past him to grab something else off the ambulance as he wiped his arm across the back of his forehead, sweaty despite the fact that he was beginning to feel cold. The adrenaline that had fueled his heroics was wearing off fast and he knew he should probably sit down before his knees gave out, but he couldn’t quite figure out where to go.
Another team had already packed up the man with the broken ankle and Carlos gave him a nod as he rolled by. He could sense T.K.’s eyes darting back and forth from him to his patient, but he ignored his boyfriend. He was fine and T.K. needed to focus on his job.
He sucked in a deep breath and put his hands on his hips, swallowing hard as the nausea in his stomach swelled.
“Carlos, are you okay?”
He had spotted Tommy speaking to the incident commander a moment ago, but apparently she’d finished and was now standing in front of him with a worried look on her face. “Did someone examine you?”
Carlos shook his head. “No, I’m fine. What’s the situation? How many casualties?”
“Several injuries, mostly minor from broken glass or trip and falls. One gunshot victim so far.” She looked him up and down and he could see that she wasn’t going to let him go. “You look like you’ve been through it; why don’t you let me check you out?”
“I should go see if I can help—“
“Carlos, you are not on duty right now,” Tommy said, guiding him to a nearby chair, her fingers settling on his wrist to take his pulse. “Do you have any pain?”
“Not really,” Carlos said, feeling extremely tired now that he was finally sitting. “I’m kind of nauseous. Shaky.”
Tommy hummed in sympathy. “That could be the adrenaline. All this blood is another victim’s?” she asked, looking at his hands.
“I think the bullet may have found an artery,” he said, by way of explanation. “I was on him pretty fast but I don’t know if it was enough.”
Her hands ran up and down his arms as he spoke, searching for injuries. “You did everything you could,” she said. 
Her hands moved across his chest, down his torso and then she stilled. “Nancy?” she called without taking her eyes off of Carlos.
Nancy looked up from where she was bandaging a cut on a woman’s forearm. “Yeah Cap?”
“Can you go get me a fresh kit and some oxygen from the rig?” Tommy’s voice was calm. Too calm. Carlos felt his heart begin to beat faster.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Carlos I want you to listen to me and stay calm,” Tommy said, her voice smooth and gentle. “You’ve been shot.”
Panic jolted through him. “What? No I—I’m fine.”
“We’re going to get you on the ground all right? Easy does it.” She put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his left side, sliding him easily off the chair and onto the sidewalk even as his confused brain tried to catch up. He couldn’t be shot. He would have felt it. He would know if he’d been shot. 
“I don’t feel anything,” he said, noticing now that his voice was shaking and he felt even colder than before.
“That’s probably the adrenaline,” Tommy said. “You’re out here being a hero and saving everybody without even taking care of yourself.”
Nancy reappeared and her eyes widened in horror as Tommy cut up Carlos’ shirt and exposed his abdomen. “Nancy, go get T.K.”
“Go quickly please,” Tommy said and now Carlos heard the sharp edge of urgency in her voice. “Here we go Carlos, take some deep breaths for me okay? This might hurt.”
Oh! Carlos choked back a cry as she put pressure on his right side. A lot of pressure. Pressure that sent all the agony he hadn’t been feeling burning through his body. He tried to arch his back and move away from her, but either he was weak from blood loss or she was stronger than she looked. 
“Easy, easy Carlos,” she said as he gritted his teeth and tried not to let out another pained moan. “Try and relax for me. I know it’s hard, but I need you to stay as still as possible.”
Stay still when it felt like he was on fire? 
T.K. appeared above him, eyes wild with fear, a hand cupping his cheek. “Cap what—?”
“Gunshot wound to the lower right quadrant,” Tommy said evenly. “No apparent exit wound. Nancy get him on oxygen. T.K. can you work?”
“Yes or no?” she asked sharply. 
“Yes, yes I can,” T.K. said, but Carlos could see tears in his eyes. He wanted to reach up and wipe them away, but his arms didn’t seem to be working anymore. He felt weirdly detached from his body. Detached from everything except the pain radiating through his side. 
“Okay let’s get him on some fluids,” Tommy ordered. “How you doing Carlos?”
“Fine,” Carlos slurred from underneath the oxygen mask. He didn’t like the way the air blew against his face, but breathing did seem easier so he didn’t try and pull it off.
“Carlos stay awake,” Nancy ordered when his eyes slid shut.
He forced them open again. Why? Why did he need to stay awake? He couldn’t quite remember.
“T.K.?” his eyes searched for his boyfriend, it was hard to see with the mask covering half his face.
“I’m right here babe,” T.K. said, appearing in front of his eyes. “You’re all right. You’re going to be just fine okay?”
He put a hand on Carlos’ head and Carlos felt an odd urge to cry, tears pricking at his eyes, his throat tightening, making it even harder to breathe. 
“Let’s get him on the gurney,” Tommy ordered. “Carlos let us do the work okay? We’re going to get you out of here.”
He might have blacked out when they lifted him onto the gurney. He definitely threw up. It was horrible.
T.K. got the mask off just in time and Nancy rushed to put a basin under his chin. He fell back with a moan that turned into a whine, not something he was particularly proud of. He wanted to go back to ten minutes ago when he’d just been shaky and weak in the knees. Nothing had hurt then. Now everything hurt and he wanted it to stop. 
“T.K.,” he whimpered, tears pooling in his eyes as they slid him inside.
“I know, I know it hurts babe,” T.K. said and Carlos could see he was near to tears as well. “Tommy can we up his morphine?”
“Give him a few more milligrams,” Tommy said as she slammed the doors shut behind her. “Let’s go Nancy!”
Carlos felt a tiny bit of relief from the pain as medication flooded his veins. He pulled the oxygen mask from his face. “My parents,” he rasped.
“I will call them as soon as we get to the hospital,” T.K. promised.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos said, closing his eyes as tears slipped down his face. 
“No, no, no,” T.K. said quickly, putting the oxygen mask back in place and stroking his hair. “You don’t need to be sorry. You are good and brave and perfect and you have nothing to apologize for.”
“Don’t want to leave you,” Carlos said, his heart splitting into two at the thought.
“You’re not,” T.K. said firmly. “You’re not leaving. Right Tommy?”
“Absolutely not,” Tommy said as she adjusted the IV’s. “You are staying right here with us. A little surgery, a few days in the hospital, and you’re going to be good as new.”
“See?” T.K. said, his voice breaking just a little as his thumb moved back and forth over Carlos’ forehead. “You’re fine. You’re going to be fine.”
He drifted in and out after that, everything coming in flashes and blurs of noise and light and pain.
“I love you,” T.K. said to him over and over again, pressing his lips against Carlos’ forehead. “I’ll be here when you wake up."
And then he was gone and there was pain and strangers and the sharp smell of antiseptic burning in his nostrils. There were voices all around but he didn’t understand what they were saying, didn’t know what was happening until someone with a soft voice took his hand.
“Officer Reyes we’re taking you into surgery now. They’re going to remove the bullet and repair any damage. You’re going to go to sleep and when you wake up things will be much better.”
Then someone was putting something over his face, telling him to count, but he was so tired and his tongue felt leaden in his mouth.
He had no idea how much time passed. He woke up to voices, some familiar some not, and excruciating pain in his side. He might have cried, he thought maybe someone wiped his tears away. Someone definitely put a straw in his mouth and encouraged him to drink, which felt good on his dry throat, but then he was drifting again.
Everything was heavy and tired and painful and sleep kept dragging him under again and again like waves beating against the shore. He wasn’t strong enough to fight them, not even when T.K. was whispering things in his ear or when he felt his mother run her fingers through his hair.
It felt like a long time before he was able to swim up from the darkness and blink his eyes open in the harsh lighting of his hospital room. He swallowed hard, his mouth and throat still parched and tasting of medication. “There he is.”
Carlos turned his head and found his father sitting by his bed, a smile on his face. “Are you with us mijo?”
Carlos nodded, brain still foggy as he tried to piece together the events that had gotten him here. “Are you in pain Carlitos?”
His eyes searched until he found his mother sitting in a second chair, a pile of knitting in her lap. “I was shot?” he asks, his voice coming out raw.
“Yes, mijo,” his father said, sitting forward. “At the grocery store.”
“How,” he swallowed painfully, “how long?”
“It’s been about six hours,” his mother said. “You lost a lot of blood.”
Carlos winced. “Bad?” he asked, apparently only capable of single syllable words. 
“Nothing they couldn’t fix,” his dad assured him. “They were able to remove the bullet without complications. There was minimal damage. You can ask your boy, he knows all the medical stuff they’ve been talking about.”
“Where is he?” Carlos asked, shifting uncomfortably in the bed. 
“He just went home to get some things for you,” his mom said. “He got here before we did and hasn’t left your side, but we knew it could be a while before you woke up and he was still in his uniform. He looked very uncomfortable.”
“He should be back soon. Do you want us to call him? Tell him what you’d like from home?” his father asked.
Carlos shook his head, already feeling himself drifting away again. “Just tell him to come back.”
His mother squeezed his leg through the sheets. “He’s coming Carlitos. He’ll be here soon. Just rest now.”
The next time he opened his eyes T.K. was there. His uniform was gone, replaced by jeans and a grey hoodie, the strings of which he was fiddling with absentmindedly as he stared a hole into the wall across the room. “Hey,” Carlos croaked. 
T.K.’s eyes immediately flicked to him and he sat forward on the chair. “Hey babe,” he said softly, his face a mask of worry and exhaustion. “How are you feeling?”
In pain was the answer, but Carlos wasn’t going to let him know that. “I love you,” he managed to croak out, tears tightening his throat.
“I love you too,” T.K. said, reaching for his hand and threading their fingers together reassuringly. “I love you so much.”
Carlos shook his head and tried to get his emotions under control. “I made peace so long ago with the idea that one of us might die in the line of duty. But I never…I didn’t ever think that picking up groceries…”
“I know,” T.K. said. “Me neither.”
Carlos shook his head and had to swallow down a moan of pain as he tried to get more comfortable in the bed, a seemingly futile task. “Easy,” T.K. said, coming to help him. “Take it from someone who knows, bullet wounds hurt like hell.”
“I uh, I asked my parents but they don’t understand everything like you do. How bad is it?”
T.K. squeezed his hand. “As far as gunshot wounds go, you got very lucky. It missed everything vital. Barring any complications you’ll be out of here in a few days.”
Carlos exhaled slowly and looked up at the ceiling. “Okay. Good.”
“How’s your pain?” T.K. asked. “Do you need more medication?”
“No, I’m all right,” Carlos said even though the pain in his side was slowly growing from an ache to a knifelike stabbing. 
T.K. fixed him with a look. “You don’t have to be brave,” he said bluntly. “If you need more medication, you can have more medication. There’s no reason to tough this out. It won’t speed up your healing time at all.”
It was all said in a forceful, strained tone and Carlos took a good look at his boyfriend, noting the pallor of his face, how drawn he seemed. “Are you okay?”
“You’re the one in the hospital bed,” T.K. pointed out.
“And you’re the one who had to save my life while I was bleeding out on the street,” Carlos countered.
“You should be resting, not worrying about my feelings.”
“If you don’t talk to me I’ll just worry more.”
“T.K.” Carlos gave him a pointed look.
T.K. sighed and leaned back in his chair before looking into Carlos’ eyes. “It was terrifying. The most…terrifying thing I’ve ever lived through. And I feel,” his voice caught. “I feel so guilty that I didn’t see it when I first got there. That I let you walk around, bleeding out…Carlos I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, no,” Carlos said. “T.K., this was not your fault.”
T.K. clenched his jaw and shook his head. “You, and Tommy, and Nancy, and your parents and, my parents can say that all you want. But I’m going to have to live with the guilt for a while.”
“You were doing your job. You were helping people who needed to be helped.”
T.K. leaned forward, pain in his eyes. “My first, and most important job is taking care of you.”
“You did,” Carlos said. “You always do.”
T.K. still looked like he was in pain. “Is there something else?” Carlos asked. “You can tell me.”
He shook his head. “You’re tired and you’re hurting. We can have this conversation another time. You don’t need to be worried about me right now.”
“I always worry about you,” Carlos said. “That’s part of the deal in a relationship.”
T.K. blew out a breath. “You know, when Alex and I ended, I had to figure out how to be enough for myself. To look inside myself for strength. To find it within me to continue on with life even when it got tough.
“And then I met you and it was so easy. Being with you is…it’s the best I’ve ever felt. I feel whole. Like myself. And looking at you in that street, holding your hand, trying so hard to keep you alive…I had a lot of time in the waiting room to sort through my feelings and try to…try to figure things out.”
“And?” Carlos asked gently.
T.K.’s mouth shaped into a sad, forlorn smile. “I realized that…I can do it. I can do this life without you.” His breath caught and Carlos saw tears pool in his eyes. “But I really, really don’t want to.”
“Hey.” Carlos reached out a hand and gently grasped T.K.’s wrist. “You don’t have to. I’m here.”
T.K. finally managed a small smile. He reached up and smoothed a curl from Carlos’ forehead. “Yes. You are.” 
He cleared his throat and Carlos watched him shove all his pain and feelings deeply back inside. They would need to pick up this conversation later. Maybe when his mind was a little less foggy and his entire body didn’t hurt like hell. 
“And listen, we’re even now. I got shot, you got shot, that’s enough. It’s not a competition,” T.K. said, flashing a manufactured smile.
“I will definitely try not to get shot again,” Carlos promised. “How’s everyone else? The man with the gunshot wound and the guy with the broken ankle?”
“Both fine thanks to you. Everyone else only had minor injuries. You’re a hero,” T.K. told him. “Your face is all over the news.”
Carlos closed his eyes and groaned. “How did they get my name?”
T.K. gave him a wry smile. “Adriana and Francesca are in the waiting room with your parents. I think they’ve hit on every doctor, nurse, and orderly in the place.”
Carlos sighed. “And they talked to the news crews.”
“They really didn’t like you being referred to as an unidentified officer. They’d like you to get full credit for your heroics. And hopefully a medal. And a monetary reward. Which you will use to take them on vacation.”
“God they’re the worst.”
“They definitely are,” T.K. agreed. His face sobered. “But they’ve been here since I texted and refuse to leave even though they can’t come up. Underneath their astonishingly blatant horniness and greed, they’re really worried about you.”
“They always come through,” Carlos said.
“They also brought coffee and donuts. Don’t tell them, but I love them.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” He shivered and winced as he was reminded that any movement at all was beyond painful.
“Are you cold?” T.K. asked.
“A little.”
“It’s probably the blood loss.” He reached into the duffel bag next to him and pulled out a blanket that Carlos recognized.
“You brought me a blanket from home?” Carlos asked, heart melting at his boyfriend’s thoughtfulness.
“Hospitals are notoriously cold and their blankets notoriously suck,” T.K. told him as he tucked it gently around his legs. He kissed the tip of Carlos’ nose. “You should try and get some sleep. Hospital wake up call comes early.”
“Thank you,” Carlos said. “You’ll uh, you’ll stay with me?”
T.K. smiled and leaned closer, carding his fingers through Carlos’ curls. “If you’re here, I’m here.”
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my-emotional-self · 3 years
Toxic Love Chapter 11
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Finding out your soulmates were Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes was one thing.  But when someone from your past comes back to haunt you, you have to figure out if a relationship with two super soldiers is something you really want to pursue or if you’d rather go back to your comfortable single life.
Series Warnings:  18+, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, past mentions of rape, self-harm, attempted rape, domestic violence, stalking, death threats, possible Dark!Steve?, Steve will be an asshole a LOT in this series but I don’t know how dark it will get, explicit sexual content, mental health issues, kind of A/B/O dynamics but not really (no they are not actual wolves, more like the hierarchy), mentions of suicide, flashbacks of suicide, nightmares
A/N: There will be no taglist for this story!  I apologize in advance!
The minute you stepped out of the convenience store, you popped open the cap of the vodka bottle that was tucked away in the brown paper bag.  The warm liquid burned your throat as you took a large gulp.  Tucking the bottle under your arm, you took out a cigarette and lit it.  Putting the cancer stick in-between your lips, you took a deep drag.  The smoke too burned your throat.  The nicotine and alcohol felt heavenly.
Not knowing where to go, only knowing that you didn’t want to go back to the tower yet, you began walking. The streets weren’t completely deserted, but it was no afternoon day.  The sky was black but the streets were filled with lights from cars, apartments and stores.  
Alternating between drags of your cigarette and shots of your vodka, you kept on walking.  As you rounded the corner you saw a group of four men hanging out against the side of a building.  Walking closer, you noticed that there was music playing from a speaker at their feet.  The men began to break dance.  In your slightly inebriated state, you watched them in awe.  Your hips swayed with the music as you hollered and cheered them on.  
“Wow!  That was great guys!” you enthused.  
The four men turned to look at you.  Their eyes roaming up and down your body.  “Now what’s a pretty little thing like you doing out here all alone?” one of them asked.  He had a smirk on his lips and hunger in his eyes.  
You shrugged, taking a drag of your cigarette.  “Oh you know. Just getting into some trouble.”
The men laughed, liking your answer.  But then you soon saw their eyes grow wide at something they were staring at behind you. Confused, you turned around, cigarette hanging from your lip as you saw one seriously fucking angry soulmate strutting down the sidewalk towards you.  
Steve’s eyes were ablaze with fury.  His fingers ripped out the cigarette from your lips before grabbing the bottle of liquor in your hand and smashing it on the ground.  
“Hey!  I paid for that you know!” you yelled at him.  
“Do you really think I fucking care?” he growled back at you, his face nearly pressing against yours.
You tried your best to shove him away but he was too quick.  His hands gripped your wrists and you winced in pain from the fresh cuts. But Steve didn’t notice you wince. Oh no.  He was too far gone to give a shit right now.  Steve picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.  
“Hey man, put her down!” you heard one of the men say, although it was difficult as your blood was rushing to your head.  
Steve ignored the man and started walking.  Using your feet, you tried to kick Steve.  But it was no use.  So instead, you did the next best thing you could think of.  Using your fists, you began punching him in the back.  The man was built like steal.  
A startled gasp left your lips as you felt Steve land a hard smack to your ass.  “What the fuck Steve!”
He did it again.  And three more times before he finally spoke. “You brought this on yourself Y/N. You broke the damn rules,” he growled.
You gave up.  No point in even trying to wriggle yourself out of his death grip.  With each step he took you became more sober at the reality of things.  
In what felt like eternity, but you knew was only mere minutes, you were back at the tower.  
 He threw you down on the bed and you bounced.  Steve gripped your ankles and slid you so that your ass was nearly hanging off the bed. His eyes were dark.  And it wasn’t because of the darkness of the room. No.  The curtains were open and the high moon lit up the room.  Steve looked downright terrifying but he wasn’t as scary as John used to look.  No, John would hurt you and abuse you for laughs, for his own sinister pleasure. The way Steve looked, it was downright carnal and it made you so aroused.  
In what seemed like a blink of an eye, Steve had managed to get your shoes off your feet as his hands began tearing at your zipper and buttons.  His fingers slipped into the waist band of your jeans and underwear, yanking them roughly down and off your legs.  You could only hope that he left your top on.  The last thing you wanted to do was explain the cuts on your forearm and wrist.  And to your utter relief, he did.    
There you were, naked at the lower half, unsure of what to do.  Most of those would probably try and cover their lower half, try and hide in some way but you couldn’t.  You were frozen.  Your eyes were trained on Steve’s as he shoved down his own black sweats.  His large and very thick cock sprang free, hitting him in the stomach.
Your eyes grew wide as you stared at him.  At his cock. ‘That isn’t going to fit’ you thought to yourself.  John was big, but Steve.  Fuck Steve was huge.  
Steve lunged towards you, his left hand grasping your neck and shoving you back onto the bed.  “Is this what you want?” he growled through clenched teeth.  “Is this the kind of punishment you need to start behaving yourself?”
“Yes,” you answered breathily, his hand tight on your throat but you could still breathe.
He was standing between your parted legs, a quiet moan escaping your lips as you felt his fingers began to trail upwards on your inner exposed thigh.  Your stomach clenched in anticipation.  He was close.  So close to where you wanted him.   No. Needed him.  Fuck you desperately needed him to touch you right now.  
“You want me to be rough with you?  To punish you because you’ve been a naughty girl?”
His words shot straight to your aching core.  Your mind reeling as to why you did want this.  When John was this way with you, you were terrified.  In so much fear.  But with Steve, you didn’t feel like that.  Because you knew deep down, he wasn’t going truly hurt you.  He wouldn’t do that.
Steve’s lips claimed yours just as his fingers made contact with your wet folds.  A lust filled groan escaped his mouth at how soft and warm you felt on his fingers.  If was an even possible to do, you spread your legs wider for him.  
His grip on your throat tightened as his tongue invaded your mouth.  It was all too much and at the same time not enough at all.  His thick finger began to probe at your entrance. He was teasing you.  That fucker. You tried to buck your hips into him but he wasn’t having it.  He removed his finger from you and instead, shoved it into your mouth, making you taste yourself.  
You swirled your tongue around his finger and you felt Steve grow harder against your thigh.  Was that even possible at this point?
He retracted his finger and it went straight to your entrance, plunging in deep.  “AAhhhh,” you cried out at the intrusion.  Sure, you had used toys during your single life. But nothing compared to the real deal.
Steve’s finger was relentless inside of you, working in and out as his teeth bite at the delicate skin of your neck.  He pumped a second finger into you and you were so close to the edge.  Just a little bit more.  
“You hear that?  Do you hear how wet you are?” Steve husked into your ear.  Of course you could hear it.  How could you not?  The squelching of your wetness was the only thing you could hear over the moans of your pleasure.  
His palm was hitting your clit in just the right way; his fingers curling expertly inside of you. “Yes.  Yes…yes!” you cried out on the brink of your orgasm.  But it never came.  Because yet again, Steve removed his fingers from you.  
A desperate cry of frustration left your lips as you locked eyes with Steve.  He removed his hand from your throat and you didn’t realize until then how tight his grip was.  He pulled himself off of you and began to stroke himself.  Your legs were still spread open wide and Steve managed to pull you even farther off the bed.  
One hand was under your hip, holding you from falling off the bed, while his other lined himself at your entrance.  His cock plunged into you with no mercy and you cried out.  It was a bit painful as you never experienced anything as big as him. And he was relentless.  Steve didn’t give you any time to adjust to him as his hips furiously pounded into you.  
His hands gripped your hips, keeping you from falling off the bed and it was the most glorious pain you had ever experienced.  You couldn’t wait to see the bruises come morning.  
Your fingers gripped the bedding as breathy moans escaped your mouth.  The pleasure mixed with the pain was euphoric.  
Steve pulled your hips to him with every thrust, impaling you and you could only hope the man didn’t split you in half.  He was harsh and punishing and you reveled in it.  
Fire began to pool low in your belly and you felt your inner walls begin to tighten.  You were right there.  Right on the cusp of your high and Steve knew it too.  The bastard stilled his movements, stopping completely and you whimpered.  
His breathing was ragged and you just wanted to cum.  That’s all you wanted.  Not even thinking, your own fingers trailed to your clit and began moving in a circular motion.  Steve wasn’t having any of that.  He slapped your hand away and his grip was back at your throat.  
“What did I tell you huh?”
“But Steve,” you whined, eyes opening to find him glaring at you.  
“You don’t deserve to cum.”
And that’s how it was back. Back and forth for what felt like hours. Steve pumping furiously into you. His finger sometimes teasing your clit. Only to either fully still his motion, of pull all the way out of you each time you were on the brink.  
It was torture.  Pure and utter agony.  
“Please,” you cried out, needing a release.  It had been so long.  Not just tonight, but in general.  Especially after your hot and heavy make-out sessions with both Steve and Bucky only for it to lead nowhere.  
“Please what?” Steve demanded as started hammering into you again.  
Tears began to roll down your cheeks in frustration.  “I…,” you tried to say but nothing would come out.  
“Use your words Y/N,” Steve’s rough voice broke through the ringing in your ears.  “I need to hear you say it.  Maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll let you cum.”
“Steve please.  I…I need to cum.  I need to cum so bad,” you begged him, your head shaking back and forth. You wouldn’t be able to do it again. You would break if he didn’t let you cum.  
The pad of his thumb found your clit and he pushed down, beginning to rub in circles.  You were afraid this was a trick.  He was just going to mess with you again.  But you began to feel your walls tighten and Steve continued his movements.  He didn’t stop.  It was happening.  He was going to let you cum this time.  
It was nearly instantaneous. The coil within you snapped and you were screaming Steve’s name as your orgasm shattered throughout you making your body nearly convulse.  It was the most intense feeling you had ever experienced and it made you crave more.  
As you came down from your fierce high, you could feel Steve’s movements begin to falter.  His grip on your hips tightened to the extreme before he stilled, filling his seed inside of you.  
It was all too much. Between your fight with Steve, the crying and cuts on your arm and the craziest best sex of your life, you closed your eyes and passed out.  But not before Steve’s named tumbled out of your mouth in a whisper once more.  
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  6.2
Il Dottore entered your cell early the next morning and was followed by Childe.  "Rise!  It is the beginning of your contribution to Snezhnayan society!"  His entire demeanor reeked with a vivid excitement despite the bland atmosphere that sat within the cell.
But you, on the other hand, just looked blankly at him.  After all the crying you did yesterday, your determination and perseverance had renewed somewhat.  The bags under your eyes were still puffy and blotched with red.  Your skin felt dry and chapped long after the tears dried.
Your lack of enthusiasm seemed to upset the man, and he frowned.  He pulled an abnormally large syringe out of his coat pocket.  "I had a feeling you'll resist, so we'll make do with mild paralysis, yes?"  Your gaze slid to the tool that had to be as long as his own forearm.
Childe reacted when you shifted your attention to him.  "I believe this is the last we'll see each other, ojou-chan," he spoke as Dottore approached you.  "It's a shame we'll have to part ways like this, but have comfort in knowing our banters and battles were entertaining while they lasted."
"Stop."  You flinched as Dotorre grabbed your chained arm.  "I-I won't resist." That needle was large. Did it have to be that big?  Was it really necessary?  And the amount of liquid inside it--simply terrifying to look at.  "I won't resist."  You even made a point to hold still, but to no avail.  He wasn't going to stop.
"Remember what I said, ojou-chan.  I gave you a way out of this rough treatment."  The needle jabbed into your forearm, making you wince in pain as your eyes pleaded for Childe's help.  
Panic had begun to set in.  "Get off of me!"  You pushed at Il Dottore.  The force in your hands did nothing, and you quickly realized in complete horror that you were already losing feeling in your limbs.  What quick reflexes you had were now achingly slow and uncoordinated.  The harbinger stood and proceeded to carelessly toss the empty syringe onto the other end of the cell.
"Go ahead and escort her," Dottore called out for two Fatui agents in the hall.  They lifted your heavy body and began to drag you out of the cell.
"Wait!  You can't do this!  Tartaglia, please!"  Your screams echoed once you were pulled into the hallway.  The useless kicks of protest were weak against gravity.  "Stop this!"
"This is goodbye, ojou-chan."  Something humane and hesitant flickered in his eyes, but he saw you off with an ominous grin.
Despite Diluc's apparent dislike towards Kaeya, Aether invited him on their mission anyway.  Things got heated pretty quickly, but Paimon managed to cool them down by insulting both of them whenever they got too heated.
It was day two of their caravan journey disguised as simple merchants.  Diluc manned the wagon while Kaeya walked along its left side, Xiao on the right, and Aether in the back.  Zhongli was scouting ahead, but stated he would not intervene once the group reached Snezhnaya.  They had barely managed to cross Fontaine's border without being detected by border patrol.  The weather here was more humid than that of Liyue or Mondstat.
"To think I would get such a humble request from the Hero of Mondstat,"  Kaeya spoke loud enough to get on Diluc's nerves.  "I never would have thought such a strong individual would need a Knight of Favonius.  Must be desperate times."  Diluc grumbled something under his breath, but kept his focus on the dirt path.  His hands were holding onto the reins a little too tight.
"We thought you'd be able to help us with diplomatic stuff since you're a Knight," Paimon admitted.  "You might be able to get us into the palace, right?"
"It's possible, but I wouldn't count on it," the knight shrugged carelessly.  
"We wouldn't dream of it," Diluc scoffed.
"Oh?  And is that because I'm associated with the Knights, or," Kaeya tested, "because you feel threatened by my presence?"
"You're as unreliable as them," Diluc retorted with a frown, finally facing his adopted brother.  "You fit right in with that group of--"
"NGH!"  Xiao doubled over from an unforeseen searing pain that tore through his chest.  He knelt to the ground and clutched at his sternum.  
"Xiao!"  Paimon and Aether ran toward him.  Zhongli, who was returning from his position to report back to the team, heard the shouts and came running.  Diluc stopped the caravan, and he and Kaeya joined the duo next to the yaksha.
"Haah...hah..."  Xiao heaved, sweat beading at the top of his forehead. "Tch."  The pain had just begun to subside when another one replaced it, this time in his shoulders.  Then his legs.  Then his back.  He was practically seeing spots by the time Zhongli reached him.  "Don't touch me!"  He swatted the air around him similar to that of a wounded animal.  "Urk..."
"What's hurting you?"  Zhongli observed the yaksha's behavior carefully.  He suffers from chronic pains, but I have yet to see him react so harshly.  "Do I need to get your medication?"
"I-I'm fine," he assured even though it was obvious the opposite was true.  His labored breathing brought concerned looks to everyone.
"You should rest in the wagon," Diluc spoke.  Then he turned to Aether.  "Is he well enough to accompany us?"
"Your eyes," Zhongli knelt before Xiao, "are glowing."  Like hers.
"So?"  I don't need useless observations of my pain. Ugh...  It doesn't compare to my past injuries, but it's enough to upset my stomach.  What is this?  His eyes frantically flit around the group's surroundings only to find nothing out of the ordinary.  Was I poisoned somewhere along the way?  I did not consume human food.  There was that merchant awhile back--
"Xiao," Zhongli snapped him out of his thoughts.  Once he regained the yaksha's attention, he repeated his words.  "When was the last time you took your pain killers?"
"This morning," he groaned.  "This doesn't happen."  The sun's cool rays suddenly acted like they were burning him alive.
"Have you heard anything from her?"
"Not in the past two days."  The pain is subsiding.  Xiao's shoulders slowly began to relax as he continued to try and steady his breathing.
"Do you hear anything now?  Perhaps recall random memories, or visions?"  This is the second newest side effect in the past three days...what could they possibly be doing to trigger this reaction in the two of them?  First, an emotional mirroring, and now with pain?  What are they tormenting her with?
"No.  It's just pain."
"I see."
"It's gone now,"  Xiao stood abruptly, ignoring the swaying earth beneath his feet.  Kaeya was about to grab his shoulder to steady him when Xiao's vision was obscured by red and yellow splotches.  His legs gave way from under him.
"A nerve agent seems to react well with your eyes," Dottore chuckled, and he set the remaining syringe on the top of a stand to his left.
You couldn't really talk anymore, but your illuminated irises and the tears that streamed down your cheeks said plenty about the situation.  Your arms and legs were tied down with leather restraints, and your convulsing body lay atop a metal operating bench.  From what you could make out, this place was some type of arena, but Dottore didn't make you fight monsters of the abyss like you initially thought he would.
You would've preferred it if that were the case.
"Now I'll ask again," Dottore grinned manically and moved his face close to yours.  "How much do you know about your condition?"  His hair swayed as if to portray his sick enthusiasm.
"Nothing," you sobbed quietly.  Finally, the immense pain jolting through your bones was subsiding.  Relief washed over your twitching limbs similar to that of the tide.
"Childe told me you knew about our plans.  What did you think those were?"
When he began to reach for another syringe, you stopped him.  "Just that you want whatever's in my blood."
"Do you know the powers you possess?"  You shook your head.  "Haah..." Dottore sighed.  "Another lie."  He picked a new syringe up and tapped the excess liquid that spewed out of it.  "We are not fully aware of each aspect to your predicament; if we had the two of you here, we wouldn't need to pull the information out of you.  This would be much easier if you told me the truth of what you know.  That way, we wouldn't have a reason to test every substance on you, yes?"
"I don't know anything."
"Round three it is, then."
"ALATUSSS!"  You screamed, now delirious from the never-ending onslaught of pain that you've been through for the past several hours.  Il Dottore paused his sadistic torture as if a light bulb had gone off in his head.
"Now that is a name you haven't yelled before," a slow smile crept upon his face as he watched your chest heave from exhaustion.  "Who is this 'Alatus?'"
"P-please," you whimpered.  You were drenched in sweat and tears now.
"How does round ten sound to you?"
"No," you whimpered helplessly, what's left of your fighting spirit finally shattering to pieces.
"Now now, Dottore," a woman's voice rang through the arena.  "We don't want her dying on us.  She's our only shot at this."  Signora came into view, and she eyed you like a piece of meat.  "Oh dear, you look tired."  Another tear dripped in response to her mocking tone.  Tension rose in your body yet again when she came to your side and examined you with cold eyes.  
"She's not under your jurisdiction, Signora," Dottore shrugged.  "If she had just given me the answers I was looking for, we would skip this step entirely.  But if she insists, I have no problem with torture."
"Oh?"  Signora narrowed her eyes at you.  "So then, who is Alatus, little one?  All this suffering would be over if you answer our questions."  She gently swiped the hair out of your face, a gesture that heavily contradicted the predatory expression on her face.
More tears rolled down the sides of your face as you stared back at her.  It hurts...everything hurts so bad, Xiao.  I can't fight... You choked down a sob and looked away from the harbingers.  I'm so tired...
"Resume your interrogation tomorrow.  She's drained."
Dottore grumbled something under his breath as he set aside his next syringe.  "Guards! Hurry up and untie her already!"  His subordinates immediately did as they were told, fearful of not moving fast enough to the harbinger's liking.  They dragged your limp body back to your cell.  
You were too exhausted to resist.
Coming Up Next: An unexpected reunion.
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robbyswayzekeenes · 3 years
badass━ demetri (cobra kai) imagine
demetri x badass fem! reader 
requested by @klt123456​
i hope you like it! just a lil demetri with his badass gf and some making out in the dojo :))
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It wasn’t uncommon for there to be competition between high school students. Typically, any teenagers would be warring over who was the most popular, or the most attractive, but something you never tended to find high school students fighting over was who was the toughest. Then again, West Valley High wasn’t like any other high school. Since karate had infested the Valley like it was 1980, people had been changing. It was no longer about who dated who, and who fucked who-- no, the priority was now who could whip the other in a full-blown karate fight. And whilst there was a lot of competition for the top spot; whether it was Tory, or Hawk, or Miguel, and sure, they were all in the running. But everyone knew that the toughest kid at West Valley High was Y/N L/N.
The h/c didn’t look like much. (Your height) and seemingly harmless, she was anything but intimidating. If anyone were to suggest to an outsider that she was the toughest kid in the Valley, they would be ridiculed, especially when compared to Eli’s mohawk or Tory’s resting bitchface. But the thing that made Y/N really badass compared to any of the cobra’s or anyone at Miyagi-Do is that, whilst had been training in karate for a year or so, the girl had been fighting competitively since she was eight.
Red Tigers Karate was the only dojo left in the Valley until Johnny Lawrence brought back Cobra Kai. It had started back in the 80s and was the only one left after they all closed down. It wasn’t particularly busy, not like the rush of people Cobra Kai had received after Miguel’s fight in the cafe, but Y/N had been fighting there since she was a kid. Karate was always the best way for the girl to relieve anger, and now everyone was doing it. Despite the different styles, it was no competition that she was by far the best. She wasn’t defensive and passive like the style taught at Miyagi-Do, and she wasn’t all aggressive and merciless like Sensei Lawrence taught at Cobra Kai. The girl’s karate style was the perfect combination of offence and defence, which made her practically unbeatable. Y/N was badass as shit. And everyone knew it.
Demetri was the opposite of badass. Lanky and skinny, with gimpy, out of proportion limps, karate was definitely not his strong suit. He’d taken many beatings, even before karate came back to the Valley, and for a while, these beatings were even coming from his best friend, Eli. Sure, he’d had his victories in karate, for instance, when he had kicked Hawk into the trophy case during the school fight, but all in all, he had not had many successes when it came to karate. However, Demetri’s biggest success was somehow winning the heart of the biggest badass at school; Y/N L/N herself.
The pair had somehow become friends in school, despite the dark haired boy being very much terrified of her. And from there, their friendship had blossomed into a beautiful relationship, and the pair were both incredibly happy, despite the fact that Demetri had no idea how he’d ended up with someone so far out of his league. Since the karate war had started, Y/N had begun training more and more at Miyagi-Do, helping Daniel train the students, and now, after Kreese’s latest attack, helping Johnny Lawrence and the former Cobra Kai’s learn to fight in a style that wasn’t all offence. Today, whilst Daniel and Johnny were outside separately training Miguel and Sam in order to prepare them for the tournament, Y/N was playing a little game.
“Okay,” The h/c grinned, hopping onto the mat and getting in her stance. “Let’s play a sparring game. Winner stays on. I’ll start.” Demetri could see the mischievous twinkle in his girlfriend’s eye, but of course the new members of Miyagi-Do were not aware of the girl’s capabilities. “I’ll take you on,” Mitch had said with a cocky smirk, and the boy was flat on his back in less than ten seconds. Y/N pushed one strand of h/c hair from her face, winking at Demetri who was trying overly hard not to look impressed. “Who’s next?” The girl grinned, exhaling sharply as at least five new sets of eyes marvelled at her. This was the first time the combined dojos had seen each other fight, and they wouldn’t be the first to underestimate the seemingly innocent girl.
“Alright, Y/N, I’ll take you on,” Hawk said, stepping forwards, his scar twitching as his face twisted in determination. The red haired boy climbed onto the mat, and though he would never admit it to his girlfriend, Demetri was worried for her. He knew full well what he was capable of, and he had the scar on his arm to prove it. However, the brown eyed boy was wrong to doubt, as in thirty seconds, Y/N had Eli in a pin. “I win,” The girl breathed, one of her h/c strands falling from her bun. Eli got up with a huff and walked to the edge of the mat again, taking his spot next to Demetri.
As training went on, Y/N took every student on, working her way around everyone except Demetri and every time being victorious. “Holy fuck, she is badass,” Bert breathed after being thrown to the floor less than five seconds. He was the penultimate student, and still no one had managed to beat Y/N. Demetri let out a steady breath as he knew the time had come for him to get his ass handed to him by his girlfriend, and certainly not for the first time. Hawk smirked playfully before whispering to his best friend; “If it took her thirty seconds to get me down, I reckon she’ll have you in three.” “Actually, last time it was two,” Chris chimed in, earning a playful laugh from the others which caused Demetri to blush. However, it was at this moment that Sensei LaRusso chose to step into the dojo alongside Sensei Lawrence.
“Training’s finished for today, guys,” Daniel spoke, and Demetri was hesitant to let out a sigh of relief. As much as he loved Y/N, he would rather not have his ass kicked in front of the other teens, even if she had done the same to the rest of them. “You got lucky, Met,” Chris grinned, clapping the dark haired boy on the back as they began to file out the dojo. “Great training today, guys.” The h/c haired girl smiled, though Demetri’s brown eyes caught the mischievous glint in her e/c ones, and his eyebrows raised. “Sensei, if you don’t mind, I wanna train with Demetri a little longer. We didn’t get to finish today.” As soon as those words escaped her lips, the boy knew he was screwed. “Sure thing, Y/N. Thanks for all your help. It’s good to have someone round here who knows karate but also knows what it’s like to be a teenager.” “No problem,” The girl smiled, her eyes meeting Demetri’s with a smirk. “Yeah, and it’s good to have someone round here who’s an actual badass, too,” Sensei Lawrence chimed in, earning a disapproving look from Daniel. “I”m badass as fuck, I’ll have you know,” The man argued, and Y/N chuckled, closing the dojo doors and forcing the men to take their childish bickering somewhere else.
Demetri exhaled deeply as his girlfriend turned to face him. “Didn’t think you were getting out of a fight, did you?” The girl asked with a smile, causing the boy to roll his eyes. “Gee, anyone would think my girlfriend enjoyed kicking my ass.” “Maybe I do,” Y/N grinned cheekily before pressing a chaste kiss to the tall boy’s lips. “Now come on, in your stance.” Reluctantly, Demetri planted his feet and lifted up his guard, quirking an eyebrow at the girl who adjusted her hair where it sat atop her head before saying; “Ready? Hajime.” The h/c pounced forward, throwing a kick to Demetri’s head which he barely managed to block. She then threw one, two, three consecutive punches, but the boy shielded them all. She’s going easy on me, Demetri decided as not one of her shots landed. Scoffing slightly, the dark haired boy threw a feeble punch, but it was intercepted. “Come on, Demetri. You can fight better than that.” “So can you,” He pointed out, causing Y/N to smirk. The girl threw another kick, but he blocked it with the palm of his hand and retaliated with the same kick. A stupidly predictable move, even when she was taking it easy.
Y/N caught the kick under her arm, leaving the boy fighting for balance as she rotated their stance before forcing Demetri backwards, never letting go of his leg. His back hit the wall of the dojo with a crash, and the boy winced slightly. “Oops,” The h/c said, but she didn’t seem at all apologetic. “That was technically not a karate move,” The pedantic boy pointed out as Y/N finally let his leg drop to the floor and stepped inside his guard. “Neither is this,” She whispered, taking the collar of his shirt and pulling him down into a bruising kiss. Demetri was quick to reciprocate, much happier to be kissing his girlfriend than fighting her. Y/N’s hands snaked up to the boy’s dark hair as they continued to kiss, Demetri’s back pressed against the dojo wall. His hands slotted themselves inside the gaps of the girl’s vest top, setting them on her bare waist and making her shiver. “This,” Demetri mumbled in between kisses, “Is much better than fighting.” “We both know I could still beat you at this,” Y/N responded, pulling herself even closer to the boy so that their chests were flushed together. The two continued to kiss until they heard the opening slide of the dojo door, and hurriedly jumped apart.
“What are you- really, guys?” Sensei Lawrence asked as he stood in the doorway, his eyebrows raised. “Sensei,” Y/N breathed, though it’s not like either of them could deny it with their bruised lips and Demetri’s messy hair. “I don’t wanna know,” He interrupted, before glancing at Demetri; “Good going, kid.” The boy blushed a deep red as Johnny went on. “I won’t tell Daniel if you won’t.” Both teens nodded aggressively, knowing full well how Mr LaRusso felt about kids making out in his dojo. “But if you’re gonna fuck, at least clean the mat afterwards.”
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Naivety is Enduring (Lin Beifong x reader)
a/n: can’t figure out a better title lmao but this fic is based on one of the asks i’ve gotten. reader is a shy, oblivious officer at the station who’s accidentally been flirting with Lin. 
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You kept your head up as you sifted through the streets of Republic City. The streets were almost completely bare with little to no traffic. However, about an hour later that’s when chaos errupted. Your shift started in thirty minutes, but you always took pride on being early. 
Your job wasn’t too important. Compared to the detectives, the actual officers that made rounds, and chief Beifong, it was insignificant. The front desk needed somebody to help keep things under control and dealt with the people coming in and out. It didn’t matter to you. In fact you preferred it. Working the front desk made it easier for you to be more discreet. The quiet and the calm helped ground you unlike going into the streets of the city everyday. Talking to some of the people coming in and out still made you anxious, but it wasn’t so bad.
Letting out a soft sigh, you unlocked the doors. It was dark in the station, which was expected, but in the hall a light was on. It was the last door on the left. Chief Beifong’s office. You couldn’t help but frown. It was four thirty am. Everyone was either asleep or making their way to the station. You weren’t surprised; Chief Beifong was known to work late into the night and the early morning. There was no stopping her. 
Setting down your stuff, you started opening up. You winced at the bright lights as they flickered on. Everything seemed to be there where you left it. You groaned at the never ending filing you had to do. Along with the petty reports you had to sign and date.
Time passed for ten minutes. Then fifteen. You thought Chief Beifong would have left her office. She usually did whenever the first person came into the station but she stayed locked up.
Shaking it off, you made your way to the break room. A pot of coffee would freshen the two of you up. Though, you couldn’t help but feel anxious. Talking to people had never been your strong suit. Especially Chief Beifong. The officers did their best to tread around her carefully and only speak to her when they had to. “Everyone deserves someone to talk to,” you reassured yourself as you poured water into the pot. “Even if they’re fucking terrifying.”
When the coffee was finished you grabbed two mugs. You put sugar and cream in yours. You had a feeling Chief Beifong didn’t like anything in her coffee. If she didn’t like it so be it. At least you tried. Pushing the door open with your hips, you clutched the mugs in your hand tightly. You cursed softly as some of the hot coffee spilled onto your hand. Your hand became a bit red and it hurt like a mother fucker. You made your way past a couple of officers and nodded and smiled at them. They murmured a good morning but continued to chat. No matter, you weren’t as important as they were, you mused.
You swallowed thickly as you stood in front of the imposing door. Chief Beifong never failed to make you nervous. She was scary as hell but before you could chicken out, you knocked on her door twice. Good number. Not too hard and not too soft, you thought. “Come in,” a gruff, but muffled voice replied from the other side of the door. 
Pushing aside your nerves, you opened the door quietly. The head of gray hair that you loved lifted up from the papers in front of her. A brow raised in your direction with a tiny frown on her face. “Yes?”
You fought the urge to fidget and gave the chief an uneasy smile. Focus. “I saw you were still awake,” you said softly, trying not to make her more irritated, “so I brought you a mug of coffee.” Chief Beifong’s eyes narrowed a bit. From suspicion or irritation, you couldn’t tell. God, you wanted the floor to swallow you. You hated it when she dissected you with cold stares. It was just a cup of coffee for fucks sake!
You shuffled your feet nervously as you waited her to say something. Either a sharp “Get out” or a gruff “thanks”, you didn’t care. At this point you just wanted to get out. Chief Beifong’s green eyes lightened a bit. A wave of relief washed over you. Success. “Thank you,” she quipped, looking back down at her paper work. “You really shouldn’t have.” “It’s no problem,” you replied, a shy smile on your face. You set the mug carefully with a gentle thud, and made your leave. 
But you felt like it wasn’t enough. You wanted to be different from the other officers. They were all intimidated and terrified of her. Not that you could blame them, but they didn’t even try to be friendly. You had gotten this far, what else could go wrong? So, with all the courage you had left you said, “Have a good day Chief.” With that, you left her office with a surprised Chief behind her desk.
“Ready for training?” You looked up from the files you were sifting through to put away. The stack was never ending but you had made good progress. It had only been one third of it wiped out, but it was still progress. You could barely contain your surprise. “Y-yes Chief Beifong,” you sputtered holding the manilla file tightly. Her brow twitched and her eyes stared into your soul. Were they always that pretty?
“Good. You’re up in ten.” You nodded, “Yes m’am.” You swore you saw a smirk before she turned around and left you there standing like an idiot. “Get yourself together,” you whispered harshly, cheeks burning.
You sighed as the hot water hit your back. The aching joints and your sore muscles started to soothe under the shower’s water. You’ve always hated training especially whenever the Chief observed you. It was her job but still, did she have to stare? She wasn’t afraid to correct you every five seconds, but how could you concentrate whenever you had a HUGE crush on her? “Fuckin…Chief having to be her hot…self whenever she’s around,” you grumbled to yourself in the empty locker room.
Shivering, you hurried to your satchel to change back into your uniform. The towel around you did little to warm your body. “Didn’t think I’d still see you here.” You jumped. “Oh my god,” you squeaked, pulling your towel closer to you. “C-Chief,” you greeted, cheeks flaming. “P-pleasant surprise.” 
She didn’t say anything as she grabbed her bag. She still had her white tank top on which showed off her toned arms. The cargo pants she wore hugged her ass perfectly. The chief’s normally gray hair was pulled up into a bun. Fuck, did she look good.
Suddenly, Chief Beifong turned to you. You jumped, startled, eyes snapping up to hers. She looked surprised and you swear to the spirits her cheeks turned slightly pink. “U-uh uhhh uhhh,” you sputtered, trying to explain yourself. Grabbing your bag with incredible speed, you spilled out, “I-I gotta go C-Chief! Nice uhhhh talking to you!” With that you dashed out of the locker rooms and left a dumfounded Lin Beifong.
“I fucking hate myself,” you spat in the mirror as you flung your uniform back on. Chief Beifong caught you checking her out. You were fucked. Screwed. Hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if she handed you resignation letters once you got back to the front desk. You could’t blame her. Maybe you could find a nice little job? Out in the surrounding cities? Far away from Republic City? That sounded like a great idea. You could see it now. Sure the pay wouldn’t probably be the greatest, but it’s better than having the embarassment of being fired in front of your colleagues. They already thought your rank was a disgrace. Imagine the gossip once they figured out the reason for getting fired.
Sighing, you begrudgingly trudged out of the bathroom. Anxiety bubbled in your chest as you left the safe haven behind you and returned to your desk. Maybe she’d just forget about it? “She wont,” you sighed, shaking your head.
“Get yourself together,” you scolded yourself. “We can go home and sulk later. We’ve got a job to do.”
“See you!” You waved, a fake grin plastered on your face. Your coworker didn’t seem to notice though. You hated talking to the officers; they were usually lovely people, but talking to people made you feel smaller claw and insignificant. It was tiring and made you feel stupid that you had trouble talking to people.
Five thirty rolled around on the clock. You still had some filing to finish, sign some mediocre documents, and take care of the citizens coming in and out. Almost everyone had left except for a few people in the station. You were surprised you didn’t find any resignation papers on your desk, or god forbid Chief Beifong waiting at your desk to chew you out. It would be well deserved at least. But now, you didn’t know how to go from here.
Just pretend everything is normal, you told yourself. Oh, if only the spirits were on your side. “Chief Beifong wants to see you.” You sighed, turning to the officer. You hated the pity they held for you. Their face held a grimace as they watched you get up from the floor. “Alright, thanks.” They nodded, but left you to wallow in the anxiety of facing your boss and loosing your job. “Better make the most of it, was great while it lasted.”
Your feet trudged to her door. You felt your heart quicken and the lump in your throat was like a heavy tone. The beating of your heart felt like a sharp dagger piercing into is. You rubbed your clammy hands on your trousers and swallowed. “Enter,” the gruff voice answered once you gathered the courage to knock. Taking one last breath, you gently opened the door. You dreaded the moment the door closed with a soft click.
“I-I’m really sorry,” you stuttered as soon as you went inside. Chief Beifong followed the movement of your twiddling fingers before looking you in the eye. “It was very unprofessional of me to.. d-do that and I understand if you want to fire me.” Chief Beifong didn’t say anything. She looked surprised. Her hands were folded underneath her chin as she studied you. Her green eyes focused in on you. You felt more like a mouse now than you usually did.
“You’re not getting fired.” Confused, you tilted your head. Your brows furrowed deeply. You nibbled your lips as you asked, “What?” Chief Beifong chuckled, “No, in fact, I wanted to ask if you were busy tonight. Maybe get a couple drinks.”
“O-oh,” you said softly, hands dropping by your sides. “Yea sure. I-I can ask some of the other officers if they’d like to come to!” Chief Beifong stared at you. She was trying to process the situation. “No,” she started, “I’m..asking you out..on a date.”
Your eyes widened. Oh. OH. The tips of your ears burned red along with your cheeks. The chief’s eyes glittered with amusement. You nodded, averting her eyes. “Y-yes. I’d like that.” “Good,” she replied, a barely there smirk on her face. “Give me fifteen minutes and I should be finished with this.” Nodding, you made your way to the door. “You got it Chief.” “Lin.” “Huh?” “Call me Lin.” Smiling you said, “Alright, Lin.” It felt foreign on your tongue but you liked it. Leaving her office, you gave her one last timid wave. And no you did not skip all the way back to your desk.
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acahope311 · 3 years
Alone Together
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Sleepover request
burning-quesadilla said: Can you do Fluff #3 for Glorestor? Also the sleepover idea sounds really fun, I love it & can't wait♥️ ((She/he/they) don’t compare to you. No one does.)
A/N: SOOOOOOO... Hi haha! I am back! I now have more free time to just get back into writing-- I forgot how fun it was to do this. @burning-quesadilla I am sososo sorry it took so long to do this 😭 but I hope you can forgive me and I hope you like it as well. This is technically my first only canon characters fic so... I really do hope I do them justice. But thank you so much for sending this request in! I had such a blast writing it!
Warnings: Death (but as a flashback/dream); sparring; falling; big booboo bruise on the forehead; fluff.
The evening darkness seeped into the glowing halls of Imladris. Although the hour grew late and everyone had retired to their respected quarters, Erestor’s mind continued to storm in the clear summer night. Tossing and turning in his bed, the poor elf could not relax.
“How can I rest knowing that a dark evil has arrived at our door?” He asked already knowing the answer.
His restlessness traveled from his mind to his palms, he needed to busy his idle hands, hoping that in doing so, his mind would calm. Silently, he stood and headed towards the training grounds. Now, normally, Erestor was not one to blow off steam through physical exercise, being a strong advocate of "brain over brawn", but even he knew how therapeutic it was to hit something with a sword- be it wooden or real.
Arriving on the premises, his slender fingers gripped a training sword. It had been a while since he'd gripped anything bigger than a pen, but it was not a strange sensation-- although a scholar, he made sure his body and movements were as sharp as his mind. Facing the wooden post, Erestor practiced his movements, swift and precise.
Lunge. His foot extended forward, bringing him towards his target.
"What is the next move?"
Sidestep. Quickly turning on his heel, he spun and landed a side strike-- chipping the wood.
"How can we defeat this growing malice in the east?"
Deflect. Imagining an enemy, Erestor held his sword up in hopes of stopping an imaginary attack- strangely enough reeling in the process.
"The halflings cannot take this evil alone."
Advance. Focusing once again, the lithe elf ran towards the post, preparing to land the final blow.
"What help can I provide?"
As he was about to land the finishing blow, his ankle caught on a mound of dirt he did not realize he’d formed with his movements. Instead of finishing through, his body toppled over and his face ate dirt-- literally. After a few moments-- thanking Eru that no one was alive to see that--Erestor turned over and laid on his back, in pain and frustration… and maybe a twinge of embarrassment. His chest heaved with difficulty from his exercise, but also with exasperation.
“What help can I provide?”
Still deep in thought, he failed to register the sound of another person moving through the ground to lay next to him. When the other elf laid down next to him, staring at the sky, Erestor jumped.
A horrendous screech echoed through the stone cliffs, wracking the very bones of the elf warrior as he stood, steadfast, against his foe. The balrog of Melkor was no small enemy-- literally. Standing heads above Glorfindel, the creature surged forward with heavy but strong steps, driven with the determination to obliterate him. Under normal circumstances, anyone- with a sound mind- would turn tail and run for their lives. Not Glorfindel, not the Lord of the House of the Golden Flower. The mighty elf swung his sword with precision, slicing the thick horn of the balrog. A pained roar blasted the elf back to the edge of the cliff. Looking back to his followers, Glorfindel could see his kin terrified of the events.
“GO! I WILL HOLD IT OFF! KEEP OUR KIN SAFE!” He yelled, his command piercing the howling of the beast and the wind. Turning back to his enemy, he saw the rabid look in its eyes, angered by its wounds. Invigorated by rage, the balrog lunged at him once again, hands outstretched, teeth in a snarl. It was as if evil embodied had come down to smite the golden elf. However, Glorfindel was not one to be tested so easily; quick as a flash, the ellon sheathed his sword deep in the chest of his enemy. It happened so fast that even the balrog itself had no idea what had occurred, rather its body reacted on its own. Black spots danced in its vision as it began to fall over the cliff, into the jagged peaks below. Glorfindel was the victor. A sigh of relief escapes his lips as he looks to the sky sending a silent prayer to his maker.
“Thank Eru.” He closes his eyes and revels in a moment of respite as he feels the wind whip around him and through his golden hair, making it dance wildly in the air.
“Finally, I need to help-” Suddenly the world goes black as a sharp and heavy tug pulls his head abruptly in an inhuman angle towards the abyss after his enemy.
Glorfindel jolts awake in a pool of sweat. His chest is heaving as he gulps down air. His throat is stinging as he touches it, making him assume that he was screaming. Luckily, his rooms are in their own separate side of Rivendell away from the other citizens.
A dream… No. A memory. Trying his best to steady his breathing, Glorfindel runs through the events of the past few days to anchor him to his present, reminding him that he is not in the First Age, that Balrogs are no longer in this era.
Strange… I’ve not had that dream in such a long time. The air turns cold as he feels like he is being watched. Suddenly he remembers his escapade of saving Frodo from the Nazgul.
The Ring. A restlessness--no, an uneasiness-- falls on his entire being.
“I need to do something,” Glorfindel says out loud. Jumping up, he dresses in training clothes and heads to the training grounds.
A good spar will do me some good.
As he nears the grounds, he hears grunts, pants, and growls. Confused as to who would be here, his first assumption would be Legolas or Estel.
Good, I’d prefer a real sparring partner to a wooden doll.
As he rounds the corner, his eyes widen at the sight of Erestor, the librarian, destroying the wooden doll with such precision and speed that even he was almost impressed. Almost. He noted the fluid movement and purposeful strikes, but he pointed out the lack of determination-- he was distracted.
If he does not pay attention, he’ll- As though reading his thoughts, his dear companion decided that the ground would be his next victim as he fell, face first, into the dirt. The sight of the fallen elleth was enough to lift his spirits up, but he knew he needed to make sure that he was alright. However, Glorfindel is not a cruel man, so instead of letting loose a string of guffaws, he stealthily, walked to Erestor’s panting form on the dirt. As he laid down next to him, a sigh of relief escaped him.
“Hello, Erestor. Fine night to lay under the stars.” The golden eldar said calmly. His very presence made his companion even more flustered from fear of having been seen in his tumble.
“What are you doing here?” Glorfindel chuckled as he folded his arms behind his head and sighed contentedly.
“I was taking a stroll, and heard a noise coming from the training grounds. At first I assumed it to be the prince of Mirkwood, but imagine my surprise when I see the counselor of Rivendell flailing a stick around like an elfling trying to wave off an imaginary orc in the night.” His baritone chuckle reverberated through the cool breeze, sending a shiver down the brunette elf’s spine-- not sure if it was because of the chill or his voice. Blushing furiously, he asked,
“Why are you lying on the ground?”
“You face planted. So I am lying next to you just in case someone were to pass by, they’d think we were just resting from a night of sparring.” His answer caused Erestor to choke on his breath.
He saw! An embarrassed moan is pulled from his mouth while Glorfindel smirks.
“Don’t worry, I understand. What weighs your heart that it distracted your training? He asked without looking at him. Erestor is silent for a bit
“I am weighed down by the worries that the halflings bring, Glorfindel. I need to propose a plan of attack and defense. I need-” Erestor’s rant is cut off with his companion’s hand on his mouth.
“You need to rest. Your mind has done more work than your body-- and it is showing with that huge bruise on your forehead.” Self consciously, Erestor covers his bruise.
“And there is no use being worried and burdened at the same time, then your punishment is prolonged and double-- believe me. I know.” The tone in his voice held a twinge of sadness that Erestor did not miss.
“Why are you here Glorfindel?” He whispers. When did they move closer?
Silence again. Closing his eyes, the golden elf sighs and confesses his dream.
“Oh Glorfindel… We need to go to the healers, they can maybe give you something for sleep.”
“No, I just… just stay here with me. Your company is remedy enough.” Glorfindel says softly, almost vulnerably. His request pulls at Erestor’s heart and mind.
“I am no healer, Glorfindel. I cannot heal you.” Erestor says, turning to him and propping his head on his arm to better look at him.
“I don’t believe so, our healers are great- do not misunderstand. But to me, they don’t compare to you. No one does.”
Still not looking at him, Glorfindel closes his eyes and just basks in Erestor’s presence with a small smile. A comfortable silence passes, so long, in fact, that the morning birds are beginning to wake. Noting the peace that falls upon Glorfindel’s face, it dawns on him that he should have given him some time to spar.
“I should leave you alone.” Erestor says reluctantly, pulling away. Before he could get far enough, Glorfindel’s hand gently pulled him back.
“I think you could use some alone time as well. So why not let us be alone together, melethen.”
Erestor smiles and nods. Laying back down, the two elven lords lay on the ground, under the dawning sky as the city around them slumbers. Erestor’s mind calmed and his heart felt lighter. A chuckle escaped his lips.
“You know… We should be alone together more often.”
Taglist: @elvish-sky
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labtrinthine · 3 years
Alt. Episode 5 Vignette (Shadow and Bone, Darklina)
Alina stares at the portrait for longer than is completely necessary, making the appropriate noises to Baghra as the women keeps rambling off her instructions. Alina’s not entirely sure what it is she’s feeling - disappointment, anger, betrayal, relief? - but she knows one thing above all others: she truly dislikes Baghra. 
It’s not for the disdainful way the women treats her, like Alina is a silly, stupid girl incapable of forming her own thoughts and decisions. It’s not even because of the way the woman constantly hits her, belittles her progress, drugs her to find out things Alina would never speak aloud. It’s because of this, the way the older woman speaks so hideously of her own son. It’s because Alina knows the best judge of character is how a person treats someone in a weaker position, and Baghra has never been anything other than cold and cruel.
She cannot imagine that growing up in the days before the fold were good for Grisha. The Black General is responsible for most if not all of the tolerance Ravka shows its Grisha. It is through fear of him and what he would do that the others are left mostly alone. Alina briefly considers what it would mean, growing up without that kind of protection, with powers unique even to other Grisha, with a mother like Baghra. 
She eventually follows the woman down the corridors, paying close attention to each twist and turn. And as soon as the woman takes off down another corridor, she heads back. She does not trust Baghra, does not like her, and she’s never once followed when she could lead. Headstrong, Mal had called her. Stubborn, Ana Kuya had told her. 
Equal, Aleksander had said.
Not yet, Alina knows. She’s so young compared to him, younger even than she had first thought. She lacks his experience, his knowledge, but he’s always been willing to talk to her. Half-lies, half-truths, she sees now. But how does one go about disclosing that kind of information? How can she blame him for not trusting her with the truth when she doesn’t trust him at all and never has? She’s young, not stupid, and attraction aside, she knows that a man like the Black General would never want her just for herself. 
Being the Sun Summoner had opened that doorway for her, but it was up to her to make herself worthy of it, of his trust, of his affection. 
She lets herself back into the war room, and looks around with opened eyes. She wanders back to the map, and looks at it, really looks at it. ‘I’ve been fighting this war alone for so long,’ his voice echoes in her ears. How long? How long can a man be expected to fight before he turns to desperate measures? How long can he try diplomacy and logic before he turns to hatred? She runs a finger over the piece representing the Fold.
How long before he makes a mistake that costs him everything?
The door slams open, Aleksander stalking through it, shadows licking at his heels, his desperation and fear like sulfur against her tongue. This too, she must factor into her decision, this connection between them. She can feel him, this man whose mother claims him monster. He is no monster, Alina knows, just a man. 
“Alina?” he calls, even as he rounds the corner and sees her there, watching him. “Alina,” he murmurs, coming to her, hands shaking, desperate as he touches her face.
“What has happened?” she asks him, even as he runs possessive hands down her arms, over and over. She willingly steps closer to him, placing a hand against his chest. “You are terrified,” she says softly, knowing there are guards again outside the room, knowing that exposing this side of him will lead to him getting defensive. He is but a man, she thinks again. She knows men. A monster she cannot handle, but a man? She’s been dealing with them all her life.
“Marie is dead,” he tells her. “Genya and her were attacked while..” he trails off, staring at her. 
Sorrow, hits her like a Volcra to the chest. Marie was her friend, and now she was dead. She was dead because someone wanted Alina dead. On the tides of the sorrow is anger, no rage. She swallows back her tears. There will be time enough to cry for Marie, to mourn for her. “Do you have the culprit?” She asks.
“Yes,” he says. 
Alina looks into her General’s eyes and sees death written in them. She nods. “Take me with you,” she tells him. “I would see the face of my would-be murderer, I would hear his words, his excuses.” She thinks on it for a moment, before she admits, “I would see his reaction when he realizes he’s failed.”
Aleksander stares at her, his eyes widened in shock, in awe. Alina stares at him in turn. He often has this look when he stares at her. She is not what he expected, what he planned for. ‘Equal’ she thinks again to herself. She must raise herself to his level, prove herself worthy. Equality is not handed out, it is fought for.
“Very well,” he says, and takes her hand in his as he turns back towards the doors. 
Alina walks by his side, head high, grasping his hand just as tightly. Softly, she adds, “And when this is done, you and me are going to have a long, private conversation about your past, Aleksander Morozova.”
His hand clenches tight, spasming. “You - How do you - ?”
Alina is quiet, weighing her options. She knows what she says next will effect the way things goes, but.... “Baghra paid me a visit tonight,” she tells him as they walk by the guards, walk down the corridors to where his prisoner is kept. She says this knowing that she may very well be writing the older woman’s death warrant. “She was most insistent I leave before you could enslave me.” 
His hand spasms again. “But here you are,” he replies, and Alina hears the question in the statement.
“Here I am,” she agrees. 
She does not see the way Grisha they walk past stare at them, some in fear, some in hope. She does not see the way the two Oprichniki following behind them smile slightly to themselves.
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To never being parted - Part 2 Chap 4 - The Birthday Party
This is the Chapter 4 of the mini sequel to my flower cards inspired Kitty Fan Fic “Am I Forgotten?”
AO3 Link here.
As it turned out, Jace absolutely loved his surprise. He jumped in the pop-out cake to hug Kit, who pushed him away, and they ended up rolling and wrestling amidst the vanilla buttercream, with a crowd of onlookers cheering. The most enthusiastic was Mina, who shrieked with delight during the entire fight.
They both had to change after that, which was a relief. Tessa had to hastily recover Kit’s dress from Mina, who had undertaken to lick the fabric drenched in vanilla frosting.
The party was as decadent as any party organized by Magnus Bane could be. Dark blue velvet banners hung from the ceiling, stitched with the design of stars which seemed to shine, as if the guests were standing under the night sky. Candles glowed from every surface. Magnus had magicked up a small playground for the kids in one corner of the room, far from the chocolate fountains.
Kit carried Mina around on his shoulders for two solid hours before she finally asked him to put him down. When he did, she whispered in his ear. “When I am older, I am going to marry that tall and handsome Centurion bodyguard who has been following us everywhere… He takes such good care of my big brother.” Kit felt all the blood drain from his face.
The dinner table was covered with food from all around the world but Kit settled for a burger. He noticed that Julian had made the same choice although he saw him slip his lettuce to King Kieran, who had decided to make an appearance for Jace’s birthday party. He was seated between Mark and Cristina, and both were trying to get him to taste Mexican food. He shot Julian a grateful look.  
“So, has Ty been sleeping in front of your bedroom, as he used to in Los Angeles? That was so cute!” Cristina asked Kit, in a cheerful voice.
“Of course not”, Kit replied. “He is absolutely welcome to my bed now.”
Everyone around the table froze before turning to look at him. Shit. Did he say that out loud?  
Kit moved his gaze towards the only person whose opinion mattered in the case.
Ty, who was seated next to Dru and Jaime Rosales, was staring at him open-mouthed, his cheeks flushed. Oh well, thought Kit. I am not taking it back anyway. If I said I was joking, Ty would take it literally. And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
Kit shrugged and went back to eating his burger.
After dinner, there was a cluster of girls around Lily Chen, who was seated on a chair flaunting the Hot Shadowhunters calendar, as if it was the best book of the year.
She had decided to publish a first edition, as an experiment, in an attempt to boost the Clave’s revenues. Alec had been reluctant at first, but even he couldn’t deny the incredible success of the calendar after only a few weeks of sales. It had been sold to both Shadowhunters and Downworlders, entire stalls being dedicated to it in several Shadow Markets around the world.
King Kieran himself had bought several to add to his collection which included kitten and mundane firefighters calendars.
“So, of course we have Jace for the month of January. That one - and Mark Blackthorn’s - were the easiest pictures to obtain,” Lily explained as she enthralled her audience by flipping through the pages of the calendar.
On the front page, Jace was almost entirely naked, a well positioned sword covering his most intimate parts. Mark was just as barely dressed, poetically covered in roses and thorns.
“I had to negotiate with Magnus for Alec’s picture but as it turns out, I am quite happy with what he provided.” Magnus winked. In the picture, Alec was half naked, his muscles flexed as he was pulling an arrow to his bow. His skin was covered with black marks which stood in stark contrast with his white skin.
“Here we have Jem. Although he is officially retired from the Clave, we couldn’t do this without him. He is much too popular with the Shadow Markets’ crowd. He is only half naked of course, but compared to what people used to see of him when he was a Silent Brother, this looks like porn.” Most of the girls giggled.
“This is Simon, it was easy enough to obtain a picture of him. I just had to offer him a limited edition of a light-saver…”
“A lightsaber,” Isabelle corrected.
“Whatever. The most difficult one to obtain was Julian Blackthorn’s, of course,” Lily continued. “I had to hire a professional photographer…”
“You mean a paparazzi,” Emma interrupted.
“Emma almost broke his arm…”
“He was lurking behind a rock, taking pictures of Julian while he was surfing…”
“But apparently you both found an arrangement.”
Emma stared off into space. “He does have talent. He took amazing pictures of Julian on his surfboard… I made an album of them. He’s going to be our wedding’s photographer. Free of charge.”
“That’s my girl,” Julian said, raising his hand for a high five, though not moving his gaze from Tavvy.
Lily turned to Kit and Ty, then, pointing two fingers at her eyes and at them. “Now that you have come of age, I have got my eyes on you boys.”
Ty looked terrified but Kit only shrugged.
Kit danced with a lot of people. Mina, mostly, but also Clary, Isabelle, Emma, Dru, Aline and even Lily, who kept giving him a variety of nicknames. Mostly food-related. When he waltzed with Tessa, everyone stopped to observe their graceful twirls, and they were given a round of applause. Kit had to admit he was quite smug about it. Not a single dance with Ty though, who had mostly been hiding in a corner with his headphones on, his arms crossed, though a friend of Dru’s kept talking animatedly to him. He didn’t seem to notice.
After a dozen dances, Kit was exhausted and parched. As he moved towards the buffet to get something to drink, Emma and Cristina appeared out of nowhere to stand in his path, their faces alight with excitement. Kit had noticed that when Emma was not glued to Julian’s side, she was always running around with Cristina and Mark, like an iconic trio of besties.
“Welcome to the club,” they said in unison. Had they rehearsed that?
“What club?”
“The club of fearless warriors who decided to take the hazardous path of dating Blackthorn men,” Emma replied with an ominous voice.
“One word of advice,” Cristina said. “Get as much sleep as you can, while you can.”
“What?” Kit was puzzled.
“Hmmm, how to explain…” Emma put one finger on her mouth, her expression thoughtful. “Have you ever wondered why there are so many of them?”
“The Blackthorns you mean? Er- because they like kids?” Kit answered.
“True enough,” Emma replied, winking at him.
“What else is there?” Kit asked, as he had the feeling he was missing something.
Emma and Cristina burst into fits of laughter, clutching each other for support.
Kit shrugged and considered it as his cue to leave. Ty had already left the party an hour ago and Kit was wondering whether he should stop by his room to watch him sleep. Just a little peek. Ok, no, that was creepy.
As he was heading towards the door to leave the party inconspicuously, Kit was stopped mid-flight by a hand grasping his shoulder.
“Not so fast, Kit Herondale.”
Kit turned to meet Julian’s blue-green eyes. He was a different version of the Julian he had known.
The shape of his face was sharper, his features more chiseled and his luscious Blackthorn waves longer. There were no longer circles under his eyes and Kit had noticed that he had stopped biting his fingernails. He seemed happier, more rested. Almost… glowing.
Kit had to admit he was stunning. But I am already head over heels in love with his brother, Kit was reminded.
According to Jace, Julian had been a close and trusted advisor of Alec for the past few years, the Consul relying on him for war strategy and delicate political matters.
During the time he had spent in Los Angeles, Kit had witnessed how dangerous Julian’s sharp mind could be when he decided to use it. How deadly. And that was tired, restless Julian. Glowing Julian… their enemies would never know what had hit them.
Julian’s gaze moved to Kit’s chest, where the Blackthorn locket was resting.
“I see that Ty has given you his and Livvy’s pendant. I trust that you know what this means.”
His blue-green eyes were now boring into Kit’s, and Kit could not help but feel exposed, as if Julian was not looking into his eyes but straight into his head, accessing his mind.
“I do. This is it, for Ty. I am it . First and last. There won’t ever be anyone else for him.”
“What about you?” Julian’s gaze was still burning holes through Kit’s eyes.
Kit sighed. “You know what they say. Herondales love but once.”
“And you just realized that, where you are concerned, this is true?”
“No, Julian. I had already realized that three years ago.”
Kit turned to move, but Julian caught him by the arm.
“You already know what I am going to say next, don’t you?”
“Julian, I have witnessed what you were capable of in order to protect your family. I’d rather be facing the nine Princes of Hell.”
“Good,” was all Julian said, letting him go.
Tagging @darkkitai
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Young Sirius Black x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Imagine: Sirius really likes you but his reputation makes you think he’s using you for a joke. He has to prove his feelings for you but it goes horribly wrong. 
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: swearing, lil angst 
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“Go away Sirius!” The marauder had been following you around for the past couple of weeks now and it was getting on your nerves, to say the least. You were annoyed at him flirting with you for a joke, because it was obvious that he wasn’t really interested in you. “I’ll leave if you give me a kiss.” Sirius actually did have feelings for you, he thought you were one of the cutest girls he’s ever seen and he’s seen quite a few. You had managed to avoid his attention for most of the school year but now he had noticed you and wanted to make you his. But you were adamant this was all a joke, or a dare from his giddy friends to make you look stupid. 
For the first time in your school years, you despised being in Gryffindor, because that meant that you had nowhere to go to get away from him. The only time you ever got to be away from him was when you were in your room, asleep, or if you were in the library. The marauders had been banned from going in there because they were too loud and were always messing about with the books, purposefully making a huge mess for the librarian to sort out. 
You had been peacefully sat in the Gryffindor common room doing your herbology homework when the Marauders came in and you cursed to yourself, trying to hide yourself from their view but it was hopeless. You heard James, “Oi, Sirius, there’s your girlfriend.” You cursed under your breath and hoped to god that he didn’t come over. But of course, god was not on your side here and Sirius plonked himself down in the seat in front of you. You had groaned and picked up your things to walk away from him but he followed you, which brought you up to now. You turned to face him, “I will not give you a kiss, now piss off and leave me alone.”
You rushed up the stairs into your room, that you just so happened to share with Lily, James’ crush. She followed you up when she saw you run away and sat next to you on your bed, “You can tell Professor Dumbledore about it if you want him to leave you alone.” You shook your head, “No, I don’t want be labelled as the girl who can’t take a joke or have any house points taken from us.” Lily nodded in understanding. 
You liked Lily, she was a muggleborn witch like you and the two of you often talked about things in the muggle world, comparing it to the wizarding world. But you didn’t live that far from each other in the muggle world so you two often hung out over summer holidays and such, becoming really close friends. It was one of the reasons why Sirius’ flirting bothered you so much, you didn’t want to ruin your best friend’s chances with James because you knew that she secretly liked him. 
Lily smiled at you, “I know you probably won’t believe me, but I do think that Sirius does like you, you know. I’ve never seen him be so persistent with a girl as much as you before.” You blushed, as much as you liked to say you hated him, deep down, you know you liked him, which was why his behaviour bothered you so much. You didn’t want to be just another girl for him to mess around with for him to get bored and move on from. You sighed, “I know, but I don’t want to be like all the others.” Lily nodded in understanding, “I get it, well, at least it can’t get any worse right?” You smiled, right. 
Wrong. The next day, when you walked downstairs to head to breakfast, Lily stopped you at the bottom of the stairs to the common room, “I don’t think you want to see this (Y/N).” She had a worried look on her face because she was scared to see how you’d react. You were curious though and walked past her only to freeze from what you were looking at. Everyone was wearing huge badges that said ‘Sirius + (Y/N)’ in a heart. When people saw you, they started giggling to themselves and whispering about you to their friends.
You felt your face turn red out of embarrassment and Lily noticed this, putting her arm around you to lead you out of the common room and away from everyone else, “Come on (Y/N), let’s go.” You felt sick as the two of you left and you saw more students wearing those ridiculous badges and laughing as they saw you. Lily glared at them which shut some of them up but did nothing to stop you feeling like one big joke. You had never felt more humiliated in your entire life. You could feel yourself starting to tear up and Lily walked you to the girl’s bathroom where the both of you went into a stall. You put the seat of the toilet down to sit on it and you put your head in your hands as you cried. 
Lily tried her best to console you, rubbing your back, “I had no idea he would go this far, I’m terribly sorry (Y/N), I should’ve stopped him earlier. He just doesn’t think about anybody’s feelings but his own.” You continued to cry, thinking about all those people laughing at you, probably thinking it was hilarious to pick on the chubby girl. They were probably talking about you right now as you were pathetically crying in the toilet. After you had calmed down a little, you wiped your eyes and Lily smiled at you, “Do you feel better now? Do you want to go back to the dorms and I’ll ask the elves to bring us some breakfast?” You nodded and Lily took your hand into her own as you two left the bathroom. 
You were so very thankful it was the weekend and there were no classes or you would’ve been terrified to have to be around people making fun of you all day. You were glad to see almost empty hallways, because everybody would supposedly be at breakfast right now. The two of you made it to the Gryffindor common room but when you walked inside, you both froze as you saw all four of the Marauders sitting there, talking between themselves. 
The sound of the portrait shutting got their attention and they saw you and Lily walking over to the stairs. Remus caught sight of your red and puffy eyes, “(Y/N)? Are you alright?” This got Sirius’ attention and he stood up to head over to you but Lily stood in front of you. She glared at Sirius as she spoke, “Is she alright?! Thanks to you lot, the whole bloody school has been laughing at her since she set foot out of bed. How stupid do you have to be to think that was a good idea. You’re just an arsehole who hurts people’s feelings for no good reason.” You put your hand on Lily’s shoulder, “Come on, he’s not worth it.” 
Hearing you say those words really made his heart hurt and he knew he’s screwed up, big time. He turned to the others, “I thought she would like it.” James shook his head, “I knew it would be a stupid idea,” Sirius glared at him, “You didn’t say that when you were handing out those badges did you?” James looked down, they all did. As much as they liked to make a joke, they never wanted to hurt anyone’s feelings and that’s just what they did. 
Sirius had just wanted to show you that he does like you, that you weren’t just another girl to him. But he’d messed up and he wasn’t sure how to fix it, if he could fix it. He sighed as he sat with his head in his hands, until he heard footsteps from the girl’s dorms. His head snapped round quick but he was disappointed to see that it was just Lily. The ginger girl gave him a sour look and he walked over to her, “Lily, you have to help me. I know I screwed up, but I really like her and I just want her to see that.” Lily’s face soften, just a smidge, she was still furious with them for hurting her best friend, “Fine, first you have to get rid of all those stupid badges and then we’ll talk.” 
Sirius sighed in relief, “Thank you so much, you’re a life saver.” Lily rolled her eyes, “Yeah whatever, badges now.” Sirius nodded and headed out of the common room. Lily looked at the other three Marauders who were just staring at her with blank looks, “You lot as well, go now!” They raced to their feet to help their friend, Lily was surprisingly frightening when she wanted to be. 
You had stayed in your room for the whole day, just hanging out with Lily for the most part, but she kept disappearing. You assumed it was to talk with James, you didn’t realise she was helping Sirius with his plan to get in your good books. It was about 5pm when Lily checked the time and smiled at you, “Okay, come on.” You frowned in confusion, “What? Where are we going?” Lily didn’t answer you, just waved her hand at you as a sign to follow her. You groaned as you got off your bed, put your shoes back on and headed down to the common room. 
You were wary to walk into the room but nobody was looking at you, laughing at you, or wearing those badges like this morning, it was as if you made up the whole thing. Lily grabbed your hand and lead you out of the common room, you were being too slow to catch up. You whined as she pulled you along the corridors, “Will you please tell me where we’re going?” “Nope.” You groaned and let yourself be led around by her. 
You turned a corner and came face to face with Sirius. You stopped and looked down at your feet. Lily smiled, “Alright bye!” She let go of you and started walking back to the dorm, hoping you wouldn’t get mad at her for this. You clenched your jaw as you looked at the ground, really wishing you were anywhere but here at the moment. Sirius stepped forward and you stepped back. He let out a sigh, “Listen, I’m not expecting you to forgive me, but can you at least let me explain myself?” You nodded your head but kept your eyes on the ground, looking at your shoes. 
Sirius cleared his throat, “I should’ve known you wouldn’t like those badges but I was running out of ideas to show you I care about you. It’s not a joke and it’s not a dare, I do like you and you’re not just another girl to me. You’re special and I wish you could see that. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I’m hoping you will let me take you to Hogsmeade next weekend? Please?” The desperation and sincerity in his voice was tempting to you but you weren’t sure if you could forgive him for what he did to you this morning. 
You looked him in the eyes and you sighed, “I’m sorry, I do forgive you but I don’t think we can be anything more than friends at the moment. I’ll see you around.” You turned around and walked away, wondering if you did the right thing or not. Meanwhile, Sirius was frozen in place, he admit it could’ve gone a lot worse but it wasn’t what he hoped would happen. He was glad that you forgave him but he still had to prove he was serious about you. He wanted to show you that he liked you, in fact, he was probably falling in love with you. But he wasn’t going to give up, he’d get you to fall in love with him by the end of the year. 
To be continued...
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Hades and Persephone
Summary: Rachel works at her family’s bookstore where she’s surrounded by stories and myths all day. So what happens when Camden Town’s myth, Alfie Solomons, walks in. 
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//Totally inspired by Hadestown, who am I even kidding? 
            The little bell above the door jingled as someone entered. Rachel was hidden behind a stack of books so she couldn’t see who was coming in the bookstore.
            “'Morning!” She called brightly so they knew the store wasn’t empty.
            Heavy footsteps walked across the creaky, uneven floorboards accompanied by the soft brief thud of a cane. Along with the footsteps was the clicking of toenails on the wood, the clanging of metal, and the distinct sound of a dog panting.
            “You allow dogs in here?” A gruff voice asked.
            “Oh, uh, sure.” Rachel rounded the front counter to greet the customer properly.
            Alfie Solomons was the myth of Camden Town. The bogeyman, the shadow in every alleyway. His reputation was menacing and nearly everyone in the community had a story about him.
            And yet, he didn’t quite look the part of a monster. He was a bit intimidating in the flesh, but he was just a man. A bit shorter than she anticipated, yet well-built and wearing simple clothing.  
            The dog beside him gave him a more humane look about him. The dog was big but had a kind eye to him and as he panted and slobbering, he appeared to be smiling.
            Rachel was a little frightened to talk to the man, even if he did appear less wicked in person. “I-that’s a very nice dog you have.”
            “Yeah, thank you. Name’s Cyril.” Alfie peered at the young woman. “You’re not usually here, are ya? Never seen you ‘fore.”
            “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m the owner’s daughter, Rachel.” She didn’t know why she was apologizing.
            “Right, well your father gave me a book and it was utter shit,” Alfie replied.
            The comment made Rachel’s spine tingle in fear. Would a bad book warrant Alfie to do something in retaliation? Would he burn their store down? Kill her father?
            “I’m sorry I could refund you or-”
            “S’alright, love, just wanted something better.” He walked further into the bookstore, looking around the shelves of new and used books.
            “Oh.” She let out a soft sigh of relief. “Well, what do you like to read?”
            “I like good books.”
            Rachel couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, don’t we all?”
            He turned into one of the aisles to scour the bookshelves. Cyril followed obediently.
            “Do you like fiction?”
            “Historical fiction?”
            “Well, we have new works. All Quiet on the Western Front. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it.”
            “Hm.” He grunted, still browsing the shelves. “What’s that about then?”
            “The war if I’m not mistaken. Many people have enjoyed it, my father hasn’t been able to keep it in stock for very long but we just got some new copies.”
            “Nah, nothing like that.”
            There was a hint of bitterness in his voice and Rachel could only surmise that he was a veteran. “Further back then.”
            “Sure.” His heavy boots trailed through the store, studying titles on the spines of books.
            “I may have books on the royal family’s history.” She turned into the aisle only to see him disappear around the corner into the next one. Another grunt told her she was still heading in the wrong direction, so she put out a wildly different option. “Antiquity?”
            It seemed to pique his interest. “Anything good?”
            “Well, I’d only suggest good ones to you, I know you don’t like bad books.” She found him in the next row of books.
            He barked out a laugh. “Yeah, well, not anything too long, yeah. M’very busy.”
            “What about a collection of myths?” She offered; glad she was finally narrowing down what he was really looking for. “I find they can be enjoyable but not very tedious to read.”
            He turned to look at her, curiosity in his eyes. “You sound very educated, anyone told ya that before?” He wondered.
            “Well, I…” She shrugged. “Figure growing up with an infinite number of books around me would teach me a thing or two.”
            He only grunted in response again. “Rare to find a very educated girl ‘round here. Your parents must not be very Orthodox, letting you get wild ideas from whatever book you can grab. Y’know there are some very scandalous books out there, love.”
            She laughed softly and shook her head. “I’m aware, but every book has at least some little tidbit of information we can take away from.”
            “And what do you think I’m gonna take away from these myths you’re offering me, aye?”
            “The Greeks used gods to highlight man’s true nature in all its forms. Their gods were more relatable, better suited to explain how the world came to be, and how it works. So, I suppose it’s a commentary on mankind.”
            He seemed impressed with the way she spoke, his brows lifting. “Right, well I’ll be the judge of that, won’t I?”
            “I suppose so.” Rachel turned so she could look through the store’s catalog and find the book.
            Alfie lingered by the front counter as she looked. He rested an arm on the counter and leaned over to see Rachel’s little setup. She had a cup of tea that was quickly cooling beyond consumption next to a book that had a ribbon in place as a bookmark. Curious, and a little neglectful of common courtesy sometimes, Alfie reached over the counter to pick up the book and see what it was.
            This Side of Paradise. By F. Scott Fitzgerald.
            Alfie read the dust cover with a frown.
            Rachel returned with the book and saw him examining the book she was in the middle of.
            “You like books ‘bout the war?” He asked, not looking up when she walked over.
            “I wouldn’t say I like them but there’s a lot to learn from them.” She said, a bit taken aback at how at home Alfie made himself with her things.
            “Yeah? Like what?” He turned the book over a few times before setting it back down next to the cup and saucer.
            “The-I apologize but were you in the war?” She asked hesitantly. The last thing she wanted to do was try and assert her opinion on the war when she was in the presence of a veteran, especially if the said veteran was a notorious gang leader.
            “I was a captain.” He made himself busy by looking around the rest of the shop, never meeting the shopkeeper’s daughter. “I wasn’t promoted by obedience or anything of the sort. I was promoted because I kept me men in line and I weren't dead. I don’t pretend to know why the fuck we were over there or what I gained from it. But that’s where I was for a number of years of me life.”
            Rachel wondered if he had always been the way he was before the war or if fighting had disillusioned him. Nevertheless, she was certain that in all the stories she’d heard of Alfie, she never once heard that he was a captain in the war. “I suppose I won’t know what you know but I learn what I can from books like this.”
            Alfie didn’t respond to that. “That for me?” He pointed to the book in her hand.
            “Oh, yes, this is what you might like. Although, please let me know if there’s something else you wanted me to suggest for the future.” She handed the collection to him and went behind the counter to ring up his order.
            “Right.” He examined the book like the one she had been reading, turning it over. “So your parents are Jewish then?”
            Rachel paused as she was writing up the invoice. She wasn’t sure what she had said that would warrant the topic of religion. “My mother is, but my father isn’t.” She explained.
            “Ah, another good Jewish woman snatched up by a Christian.” He tutted.
            “He doesn’t believe in God.” She shrugged. “It’s the one thing they never agreed on.”
            Alfie looked mildly amused. “And what about you? The half-theist, half-atheist?”
            “You said I sounded well-educated. But I don’t have spiritual answers.” She smiled slightly. It was a strange conversation to have with a customer but she was oddly enjoying it. Alfie kept her on her toes, it wasn’t some mind-melting boring conversation about popular books. He was intrusive with his questions but almost in a well-meaning way even if he came off a bit gruff.
            “Well, how about that.” He snorted. “I suppose books don’t have those sorta answers do they? Just scripture.”
            “I do find it interesting that you’re a spiritual man who is buying a book about a polytheistic culture.” She said, continuing with the invoice.
            “Well, figure you can read about it, right? Ain’t much of a sin if you know it’s utter garbage. It’s entertaining, innit?”
            “Hm.” She nodded. “Eighteen pence.” She handed him the receipt.
            Alfie dug into his coat to retrieve some coins. “What’s your favorite book, then?”
            “I don’t have one.” She took the amount from him and put it in the till.
            “Aye? Girl with infinite number of books at her disposal doesn’t have a favorite book?” He chuckled to himself. “Didn’t think that was possible.”
            “I don’t pick favorites. They’re all different so why compare them?”
            Alfie didn’t respond again. He looked down at the receipt. She had carefully written out his full name. He was certain that although she had given her name, he hadn’t returned the favor. “You know who I am then?”
            “Pardon?” Rachel shut the till closed.
            “Never mind.” He shook his head and pocketed the receipt.
            Rachel was minding her own business on her balcony. She was tending to her flower boxes trying to keep the little flowers alive in the smoke of London. It was her quiet time before opening up the shop downstairs. But there was a certain someone who didn’t care about store hours.
            There was a sharp whistle from the streets below. “Oi!”
            Rachel turned with her watering can in hand. “Oh, Mr. Solomons, good morning.”
            “Gotta bone to pick with you, Miss Watkins!” He shook the book of myths towards her.
            Rachel was a bit amused, albeit terrified. She didn’t recall giving him her last name. But the way he stood there with a grumpy look on his face made her stifle a giggle. Cyril was beside him, as per usual, his tongue lolled out as he happily panted.
            “We open at nine, Mr. Solomons.”
            “Right, well I’ll make sure that our conversation is over before nine.”
            “Alright then.” She set her watering can down and ducked back inside. “I’ll just be a minute.” She called out the window before shutting it.
            “Rachel, who’s that shouting outside?” Her mother was sitting at the breakfast nook with a cup of tea.
            “Just a customer, mum, I’ll handle it.”
            “You don’t have to open for another hour.” She reminded her.
            “It’s alright.” Rachel assured her and went downstairs to the shop. Pulling out her keys, she opened the front door up. “Come on in.” She allowed Alfie and Cyril inside. “Was there something wrong with the book?” She asked.
            “Have you read the one about Hades ‘n Persephone?” He asked.
            “Yes, that’s a fairly popular one.” She agreed, not sure where he was heading with the conversation. But she allowed him to lead as if it were a dance.
            Alfie set the book down on the front counter. “S’bullshit, innit? I mean, what am I supposed to think ‘bout it, aye? Ain’t romantic, ain’t heroic. Just a right shame, innit?”
            “I mean…” Rachel shrugged. “It’s tragic. Lots of Greek stories are tragedies.”
            “But he lets her out for however many months, yeah, so what? I’m supposed to think he’s some sorta hero for letting her go then locking her back up again?”
            “Every piece of writing is supposed to elicit a reaction from the reader. I think this myth has done its job with you.” Rachel pointed out, not sure how else to placate him. She couldn’t exactly change a myth to suit his needs.
            Alfie snorted and rolled his eyes.
            “Do you sympathize with Hades or Persephone?” She went around the corner to tidy up a bit as they spoke.
            “Who could sympathize with Hades, aye? Fucking god of death, ain’t he? Not supposed to sympathize with men like that.”
            The use of the word men was very telling to Rachel. So, she probed deeper. “Hades isn’t the god of death really. He is the god of the dead and he’s the god of the underworld. The Greeks didn’t see him as evil, but they didn’t want to attract his attention either.”
            “So, what makes him evil was kidnaping a woman,” Alfie concluded.
            “Yes, but there was humanity in him. Didn’t you see that?”
            He scoffed and picked up the book to flip through it carelessly. “Ain’t seeing any humanity here.”
            She gently took the book from him and turned to the myth. “Go now, Persephone, to your dark-robed mother, god, and feel kindly in your heart towards me. Be no so exceedingly cast down; for I shall be no unfitting husband for you among the deathless gods. And while you are here, you shall rule all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest rights among the deathless gods. Those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings, shall be punished for evermore.” She read the passage.
            Alfie’s brow furrowed. “He still did what he did.”
            “Yes, but the Greeks were dramatic.” Rachel shut the book. “If you’d like me to find you another book…”
            “You knew who I was the first time we met.” He interrupted her with something that had been weighing on his mind.
            “Well-yes. I’d heard a lot about you. It’s nearly impossible not to hear anything when you live in Camden.” She shrugged.
            “You weren’t afraid of me though.”
            Rachel lost her train of thought when their eyes met. Before, he had been flitting about the store so she hadn’t been looking at him long enough. But now, well now she could see the ocean in his eyes. Just enough of the shop’s lights got under the wide brim of his black hat to reveal his true eye color. They were certainly green but there was a wave of blue running through them as well.
            He raised an eyebrow at her when she went completely silent on him.
            “Oh uh…no. I guess not. Why do you ask?”
            He just chuckled; a bit bewildered. “You’re braver than most men are, love.”
            “Should I be afraid of you?”
            “Well, s’pose I ain’t the god of death or the dead, or whatever you said.” He looked amused, almost like her blind bravery was funny. “Don’t make me a saint though.”
            “You’re only a man.” The words sounded foolish when Rachel heard them out loud, but Alfie seemed to enjoy her candor.
            “Fucking hell, you’re something else, ain’t ya? Must be that half-Jewish half-atheist in you.” He shook his head and ran a hand over his beard.
            “Maybe, Mr. Solomons.”
            “Yeah, well you can call me Alfie.” He said, suddenly becoming a little less intimidating than he usually was. He was certainly struck by the young woman. So much so that it threw him off balance.
            “Did you get the sense that Hades was lonely? The Greeks paid him no attention because they were so fearful of him. Perhaps he thought that if he found a woman to give him comfort, he wouldn’t be so lonely and he wouldn’t care if people were afraid of him. Now he didn’t go about it a good way, but maybe that’s why he did it.”
            Alfie cleared his throat and shoved a hand in his pocket. She was getting right to the root of his being, passing through all his barriers and finding a nice cozy place in his heart. He was fucked. No one had ever gotten through to him so easily, if ever. “You get lonely all ‘round these books?”
            “Always,” Rachel admitted with a shy smile. “When I was younger I used to use books to escape but now I’ve learned that life is just too hard to escape when you’re older.”
            He fidgeted, scratching his cheek and messing with Cyril’s leash. “Yeah, I suppose I could understand that.”
            Rachel could almost hear the words he wasn’t saying. I get lonely too.
            “If-well I s’pose it would be nice to have someone to talk to ‘bout books. Can’t find enough people like that, now can you? So maybe I could stop by every so often, keep ya company.” He offered as if he was doing her a favor. When in reality he was being a bit selfish.
            She smiled sweetly. “I’d like that.”
            “Right.” Alfie took the book of myths. “Well, I’ll finish this and let you know what I think, ‘bout the rest of them, aye?”
            Alfie gave her one last look before leading Cyril to the door, letting the bell jingle as they left.
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