#how the hell did jojo make it this far but also good for her
sonicgirlsmackdown · 1 year
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gwormly · 11 months
jojo sexuality headcanons lmao parts 1-3
ive scrounged the internet (well, lightly sifted through and then got bored) for a jojos bizarre adventure sexuality headcanons post that I agreed with completely and I literally could not find any so here’s my opinion that nobody asked for 😘
feel free to argue with me in the comments I’ll probably respond lol
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first up Jonathan joestar- straight ally
I think most people can agree that Jonathan is probs the straightest joestar (that I know of, I’ve read up to part 7 but I’ve heard gappy is pretty fucking straight) but yeah he’s straight
He probs doesn’t even fully understand what being not straight is but if someone he knew came out to him he would be very supportive even if he didn’t know what it rlly meant
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idk if this is a hot take or not but this man did not have any sort of interest in women and was never married which if he was gay would make since back then bc being not straight wasn’t the norm lmao also there was that one scene in part 2 where Joseph was implying that speedwagon might’ve felt something more than friendship for jonathan so that’s why i think this
(I’m not gonna do dio bc his bisexuality was already confirmed by the one and only araki so that doesn’t rlly need an explanation 😭)
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joseph joestar: bicurious (female leaning)
I was scratching my head tryna come up with a sexuality for this fucker and eventually settled for bicurious bc we all know that there was sum going on with him and caesar but also he had a wife whom he cheated on with another woman so I mean
caesar was def his awakening that he might like men but sadly the rocks smashed caesar before Joseph could 😔 also Joseph wears far too many crop tops to be straight like let’s be honest
(bicurious applies to oldseph aswell)
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Caesar zeppeli: homoromantic bisexual
dis bro would never date women. but eat them out? Hell fucking yeah
he like dick too tho bc ik damn well if this hoe didn’t get crushed by a rock he would not have a wife like bro what
The words caesar and wife have no business being in the same sentence. Yk this hoe would have a hella 100% Italian husband named like Giuseppe or some shit who would only eat spaghetti for dinner literally every night
this poor dude just wanted some joestarussy but we all know that rocks are homophobic 😔
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lisa lisa-lesbian
she’s lesbian bc I said so she married a dude bc she was bored ok I literally do not care what anybody says
look at her
she’s a lesbian
for all the pillarmen it literally depends on the day, like one day they have big buff boyfriends and then a good nights sleep will make them like homophobic superstraights
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jotaro kujo: gay demiromantic asexual (sex indifferent)
first off jotaro really does not strike me as the type to think about romantic relationships all that much and definitely does not consider anybody for a romantic relationship upon first meeting them. he needs time to feel something more than platonic. I’ve seen people say that he’s aroace which I do think could be possible but I personally think that he does want love and care wether it be platonic or romantic
asexual just makes sense for him I’m pretty sure the majority of the fandom (not including the homophobic pissbabies) can agree with this. he doesn’t understand how people can just look at someone and feel attracted to them, bro probably discovered asexuality when he saw a meme that he related to and saw the asexual hashtags in the caption bro
also he’s just gay. like there is no way that he likes anybody except men. if this bro wanted a gf he’s got plenty of hoes to choose from. But he didn’t. Also he treats his hoes like shit lmao
and don’t even THINK about bringing up his wife (whom didn’t even have a name cause she was so unimportant, for convenience I’m gonna call her samantha smith) bc you and me both know damn well that samantha smith only exists to continue the bloodline. we also all know damn well that araki would make plot points that contradict against characters to continue the story. people who think jotaro is straight need to get real
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noriaki kakyoin: panromantic aceflux
listen I was going to say he was gay but I changed my mind because I really can’t imagine him caring about gender all that much. he does look like a twink tho I can’t deny it
Also araki did actually confirm that kakyoin likes both men and women (he said something along the lines of “I could see kakyoin falling in love with a man” idk I’m too lazy to look up exact wording) but I mean you can take one look at this dude and be able to tell that he is both not straight and has pronouns. I mean look at him
also I’m tired of people characterizing him as the UwU pissbaby fucktoy so he’s aceflux 1. Because I said so and 2. Because it just makes sense idk how to explain it
(ps if I see a kakyoin milf hunter joke in the comments to argue against kakyoin being not straight im going to fire a missile at your house bc telling the same joke for like 15 years isn’t funny luv xx)
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polnareff: pansexual
dis bro is desperate. he can’t be affording to care about gender man he’s tried to rizz up like 15 genders and failed at all of them you think he can actually afford to be anything but pansexual? also he fr fr just gives off stereotypical chaotic pansexual vibes
jokes aside tho he def don’t care. aslong as you give him validation you’ve already won him over
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muhammad avdol: gay demiromantic demisexual
he don’t really think about it all that much he only realizes if he likes somebody after he’s super close to them definitely. He do have a touch of the gay tho
if you disagree with any of these I would love to hear your headcanons in the comments!/gen
pls no like super heated arguments tho lol
also I might do parts 4-7 in another post cause this was fun asf
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Ooooooooh, boy! It's ghoooosts! And I finally get to see Don Kaito in his...goddamn rockabilly Evel Kneivel outfit.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yeah, Tarou is like that, huh?
-Don Murasame... who are you anyway, kid?
-Auntie Yuriko. Truly a boomer.
-Ah, Line. That's the service with all the stickers and stuff.
-10 yen.
-Hey, Haruka. Y'know how many Rangers are from that there Showa era?
-Oh. Phonebooth lore.
-Oh fucc
-New guy.
-Block that bitch Haruka, you deserve better.
-"No imagawayaki! Only battle, my companions! Wahahahaha!"
-Oh, he a ghoast.
-Oh, he a car too.
-...We had Turboranger, Carranger... Engine-ki?
-Yeah, Engine-Ki.
-Oh, poor gal.
-Haruka Jumpscare.
-How far is this phonebooth from her apartment, anyhow?
-Minako Sagiyama, A type blood, Virgo, horror fan. Gotcha.
-Be fwiend :)
-Ooooh, ghost! ...is she the Hitotsuki?
-Haruka getting no respect around here, smh
-I really like Minako's fashion, it's super nice.
-Oh, that name is uh... fairly unfortunate.
-Man, what a pretty dusk shot...
-Saruhara, Tsuyoshi, you're literally fighting monsters on a regular basis, are ghosts a bit too much to believe?
-Hoo... well, nobody tell them about angels, space pirates, humanoid robots, fairies, and whatever the hell Shurikenger is then!
-Ore wa Sagiyama Minako. On my 18th birthday I was killed by rampaging Ganma.
-She's so nice though!
-Ohhhh, Don Kaito, you and your nonchalance.
-Man, I guess she really likes Haruka.
-Tadokoro Shinzo, okay.
-MOMOI TAROU! Who else but the man!
-Oh. I see who it is.
-"Hi, I'm Kaito. ...I don't exactly offer ghost discounts, but you can join our rewards program."
-Shinzo San! (Three)
-Sorry lass, that doggie has a lady friend.
-Wow, she didn't mistake Shinichi or Tsuyoshi for him. ...that musta hurt.
-Shin Sonoza
-"Yeah okay
-First Love Hero! :O
-Tsuyoshi at the office. What he doin'?
-Yeah, of course you bombed with Tarou.
-Wow. Tarou's type. Must... have... strong... appetite.
-"So uh... I'm contractually obligated to ask if you like dogs."
-If that was how Tsubasa's identity got discovered, I'd have shat myself laughing. Inoue has some chill.
-Oh! I see how it is, this spoopy down to earth ghost girl is way more """"""normal""""" than the funny red mailman who turns into a giant robot and the wanted criminal who turned into a dog on command for a chick. Really, what a double standard.
-...oh no, Don Kaito.
-Kiito Komagine's good looks are far too much for the moms of Japan to handle.
-To be fair, he kinda fits the ideal image of a mid-late 20th century action hero. At least, from America. And aside from that, Zenkaiger is an homage to the 70s Gorengers... At least he knows his audience.
-"Well, shit... this is not very poggers at all."
-Poor Minako :(
-Tadokoro Shinzo... oh my God, that's Kazuhiko Inoue!
-He voices Kars in JoJo, and Ginis in Zyuohger. Also Red in Happiness Charge PreCure.
-Minako, Shinzo...
-Well, if you wanna make things go smoothly, maybe... talk to her about it?
-Ah, no, convoluted schemes.
-Wow, putting his voice acting skills to good use.
-Oh my god, she got ran over.
-That's brutal.
-Ikuzo! Avatar Change! It's time for another exorcism!
-...I wonder... does Minako recognize InuBrother in her frenzied state?
-Who else but Jirou!
-Uh... today's a bad time, little buddy.
-Oh wow, already goin big!
-Leggy, shoulder, chest!
-Did she somehow break from the Hitotsuki?
-...or is she just projecting herself?
-Gotta wait.
-Aw... :(
-Nin Nin Alter! Fight Ninja with Ninja!
-Go to heaven, lass.
-Oh shit.
-Her desire has been fulfilled.
-She passes on quietly.
-No boisterous laugh from Tarou or fanfare.
-Take the booth on off.
-Oh goody, cuck boy's still here.
-...oh god, is he calling her Mommy.
-...oh... I feel very unclean.
-Seriously Haruka, block his ass.
-What the fuck, Mom???
-Ohhhh, Don Torabolt!
-I get to see you, finally!
-...it'll take a week, but that's very good!
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knowlessman · 9 months
…it's always been way longer than I think it has, huh. rereading the last batch… aoyama was a lil creepy, there's a school festival concert thing coming up, and a sean-connery-looking libertarian is looking to get fingerblasted. looking forward to that. (bnha s4e20-25)
(mineta meeting eri) jesus christ on an alternate dimension where he can do anything about untenably problematic anime characters, I think I'd take Leeron, Gurren Lagann Leeron, over this guy and that says a lot
(ep title is "gold tips imperial") "gold tips?" "yeah, how do you always seem to find more gold than we do? what's the secret?" "I'm gonna level with you, I have no idea, they just coded Skyrim to put more gold in chests when I open them"
anyway back to the show aw hell it's Ditto again, get a personality my dude -- "we're doing a play: Romeo and Juliet and a bunch of random references." …wait, is azkaban not copyrighted? well, wookiee probably is and they used that, I guess they just don't give a fuck
beauty pageant. …think I might just not like this arc in general. the mafia stuff we just did, that was cool. it was, like, dark, but it was good. this one, I can feel it, is gonna have too much mineta in it (which does not have to be very much).
(deku's working on the finger gun thingy) "so much more control is required than before… is there a trick to it?" imagine you're putting a microwave on defrost. or, or something. …I miss deku's silly microwave epiphanies
"there's something I want to try with this new move… I want to try and put a paper football on the moon"
"my mom sent me this new tea, it's called [title drop]!" is the tea haunted. or drugged. why is it in the title. squints suspiciously
okay, sean connery the clownboy would not have 0 likes and 800 dislikes, he would have WAY more likes and 90% of those likes would be people who thought he was hilarious. if this was ten years ago (maybe only five, idfk), there would be dance mixes of this nonsense.
"I just wonder what sean clownery is up to…" mah boi, this not-having-to-worry-about-what-a-libertarian-is-thinking is what true warriors STRIVE for -- "open the bat-folder, kronk! …it won't open." "I locked it, you have to right-click" peak comedy. 'XD this goofus is gonna get clowned on so hard, he might end up making this whole arc worth it by himself tbph -- "we can have a 90-minute teatime if we get there right when they open" …blinks wait what am I saying, I take at least two hours to eat lunch when I take adderall
'XDDDD "wait did you say TEA???" gentle doofus blowing his entire cover like this is almost jojo levels of stupid, I am LIVING here -- gentle thief, filming self running from deku: ♪ look here come the consequence, consequence, consequence, look here come the consequences of my own ac-tions… ♪
who would win, a villain with ten youtube subscribers whose head is so far up his own ass he's a donut, or a shonen protagonist who is prepared to move heaven and earth to entertain a little girl -- 'XD oh yeah, and the donut's mustache is apparently on the line. hope la brava packed a shaver
(translated from Gentleman) "I just want to sneak in, make an ass of myself, and get tossed out by security. um. so let me go plz?"
wait so ditto only entered kendo in the contest so she'd stop hitting him when he does his inferiority complex bit? so someone with a fucking baseball bat took over her duties? pfft okay
I've never actually seen bobobo bobobobo but iirc they control random body hair in that. I think this lady must've wandered in from there. her quirk must be either prehensile eyelash tentacles (which is fucking terrifying) or super-strong eyelids (which is truly pitiable)(she does also remind me of renge from ouran host club a bit but only bc of the dress and the hoity-toity laugh)
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("remember where the air membranes are…") hanzo from before they completely changed his abilities back when overwatch 1 existed: "heh. simple geometry."
show, these are filler villains with incomprehensible motives. I don't think even brava knows what clownery's trying to accomplish. don't try to get me invested in them
oh gawd and now it's the deejay nobody likes
"Today, I take the first step towards my great work! I WILL get my eleventh subscriber!" -- "they wouldn't let me be a hero, for the silly reason that I was completely incompetent! the world OWES me attention!" -- "it's not a selfish wish, either, because there is one entire other person who also thinks the world owes me, and that makes my cause just!"
…deku, the fuck no you aren't the same. clownery was born with a legitimately useful power but would've made a shitty hero for other reasons, you were given your power because you were judged to be good hero material.
please tell me brava isn't actually as good a hacker as she thinks she is and doesn't get in, it'd put a nice toothpick in this whole stupid sandwich.
(more flashbacks for the filler villain) "please don't help me rob people. it'd make you a criminal." "it's too late for that. I've already hacked your bank account and invested your entire savings fund into crypto. you shouldn't have made your password whoisjohngalt."
…eh, what's three more episodes
gentle thief suddenly epiphanizing that he's just a selfish dumbass having a particularly destructive midlife crisis. good for him
'XD they could've had Hound or Ecto give a dramatic pause and then go "no, all is fine here," but I'm glad they had Hound bother to say "some alex jones type jackass tried to mess things up but we caught him" first. don't flatter the guy by pretending he'd be worth canceling the show over
"I was once in the hero course, too" 100% of the population was, it's kind of the only thing anybody aspires to in this setting -- "he was so hard to fight because I could've ended up like him" again, he had the chance you didn't and flubbed it
concert scene gud stuff, no notes
"you heard about your father from gandalf. he lied to you. I AM your father" dammit I wasn't planning on liking this too 'XD harry potter reference aside
holy nier automata flashbacks batman
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something something vaporeon
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montage scene gud, no notes : ] just watching characters who've been through hell have a good time. (still miss shinso tho, I know it's asking for stuff but I wanna see him get to do hero stuff)
wonder what these last two eps even are, they just wrapped up an arc
(eri is gonna live at the school apparently bc I guess they don't have stuff set up yet to account for kids with uncontrollable destructive quirks) blinks I'd completely forgotten that togata lost his quirk. …gotta admit, show gets points for that
(hero rankings) huh. endeavor's "mask" and "mustache" sort of make the symbol for fire. sort of, anyway. hadn't noticed that
how an appliance direct commercial is in the top ten, I don't get
"quirk: streaker!" …I was tryna think of anything to say about hawks but wtf, what the actual fuck
"endeavor doesn't do handshakes, you've changed, you've ruined it now, waaa" 'XDDDD
"haha I just have no self-control" you've said that, we get it, you're an asshole, we just don't know how bad of one yet
"you can fly?" "I'm just not falling!" pfft
…okay well that was a sendoff, huh. that was a lot all at once.
(postcredits) the ninth what. one for all? ghosts? spookums? tbc, I spose
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ultralovedeluxe · 3 years
Yandere! Jotaro Kujo with prompts #25 and #31
Hey everyone this was requested by  @mirroredmovements. I struggled with which Jotaro you meant, but I ended up settling with Stardust Jotaro (I hope that’s okay!). I also added an additional prompt, just for fun ^^
‘Why won’t you talk to me anymore?’
‘You’re the only one who understands me’
Warnings: 18 year old Jotaro, kind of au?, yandere behavior, mentions of violence, implied nsfw.
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   The definition of loneliness is the state of being alone, and feeling sad about it.
   However, why is Kujo Jotaro experiencing this emotion of all people? He has nothing to be upset about. He’s financially stable, has a caring mother, and most importantly he does have friends (although only one of them is closer to his age range). So why is he feeling this way?
 He could always try to make new friends, but he’s already feared amongst his school (and the fact he dislikes people isn’t helping much either). He couldn’t meet new people, even if he wanted to. The male students would probably only want to be friends with him because of his status, and the females, well they already annoy him as fan-girls, having them as friends would be worse.
 That is, until Kakyoin introduces you to him.
   “Good afternoon Jotaro, how was class?” the fellow red-headed stand user asked. “I didn’t go to class today..” the taller male replied, his eyes going directly towards the person next to Kakyoin. He’d never seen you around before, were you a new student or something, because if you were he didn’t have time to show you around. Kakyoin sighed, “I thought we talked about this before Jotaro, it’s important for you to go to class and..”, Kakyoin noticed Jotaro staring at you; and to be completely honest his stare was starting to freak you out a bit. Kakyoin coughed and placed a hand on your shoulder, “Jotaro this is [first]-chan, I met her in art class a few weeks ago, and I wanted you two to meet”.
  “Nice to meet you Kujo-san, I hope we become good friends” you smiled, sticking your hand out to greet him. Jotaro stared at you for a bit and then looked at your hand, “Nice to meet you too I guess..” he said walking away from the two of you without looking back. He trusted Kakyoin’s judgement of people, but at the moment he didn’t want to waste his time here. 
  “I think that went well, usually he doesn’t even greet the other person at all..” Kakyoin whispered as he began to walk the opposite direction. You began to follow him, “I guess. Do you think I made a good first impression? He doesn’t look like he likes people very much..” you admitted while giving your hands a firm squeeze. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you two will get along..”
 Jotaro didn’t expect to become friends with you, let alone be good friends with you. When he first met you, he found you to be kind of annoying. He didn’t want to waste his time with you. Just because you were a friend of Kakyoin’s, didn’t mean he considered you a friend. But for some reason, he found himself growing attached to you. It was odd for him to be open with his feelings about things, but whenever he was with you it never felt that way. Whenever he’d talk with you or open up about things, you would just look at him and listen, without judging him at all. 
 You occasionally gave him advice, but most of the time you’d listen to what he had to say. From his thoughts about becoming a marine biologist one day, and anything really, you’d be there to listen.
 This warmed Jotaro’s heart to the core, and he found himself falling for you. He really didn’t expect it, but he welcomed this feeling regardless. He’d tell you eventually, but now was not the time.
 Even your voice had become music to Jotaro’s ears. He always prefered hanging out with quiet people, however you became an exeption. He began to look forward to hearing your voice. 
 Jotaro hummed in response, looking over to see your face. You gave him a small smile in return, “Look what I brought you! I remember you said you didn’t have any marine biology books at home, so I went to buy you one!” you grinned handing the tall male the book. Jotaro took the book and lowered his hat to cover the smile forming on his face. “Yare yare [first], you didn’t have to, I could’ve just gone to the library”
 “But I wanted to! Besides, checking out a book isn’t the same as owning one now is it?” you replied, sitting down on the grass to take a small break. Jotaro huffed, “Jeez woman, it seems you’re the only one who gets me. You understand me y’know?”. You only smiled back and lightly punched his shoulder, “Wow Jojo, you’re really sweet. Didn’t think I’d hear those words from you..”
 That was the first time you had used his nickname. Jotaro would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a chill go up his spine (in a good way of course). Unfortunately, these warm, fuzzy feeling vanished too soon.
 “Ah Jojo, do you know what time is it?” you asked, almost frantacally so. The taller male wondered how you manged to freak out so suddently, “It should be around 4:30..”
 “4:30? I’m late for my date! I hope he’s still waiting for me..” you said packing your bags in a hurry, ignoring Jotaro’s precense. “You’re going on a date? Who’s the lucky man?” Jotaro asked, trying his best not to just storm off in rage and jealousy. You just looked up at him, so innocently, like nothing you had said hurt him in the slightest, “Yeah a date with Ishii Yuuto. I haven’t met him, but he is really cute..Wish me luck Jojo-kun!” and with that you had already left.  A date? You had a date? With someone who wasn’t him? Someone had already captured your heart and asked you out? He wanted to be happy for you, he wanted to support you, just like how you are supportive of him. But he can’t, and the feeling is eating him from the inside. 
 It could’ve been you and him on that date. But maybe, just maybe, he could still go on a date with you after all. And he felt more of his patience chip away..
 The small cafe your classmate chose was adorable and pleasing to see. The warm colors greeted you nicely, and you had heard from a friend that this cafe serves some of the best sweets in Japan. Although you had never met Yuuto, you were exited that someone had invited you to a place like this, let alone being invited to a nice place by someone you found attractive. Then again, it seemed like it was too good to be true. You had been in a rush all day. You managed to go to a book store and buy a book for Jotaro, go back to school to meet Jotaro, and then go to this cafe. But your date didn’t seem to even be here. 
 “Great. This is fine” you mumbled to yourself as you paid for your drink. How upsetting, you actually thought Yuuto was a nice guy, guess he turned out to be the comeplete opposite of what you originally thought. 
 Walking out of the cute atmosphere from the cafe, you were met with an unfortunate sight. Not far from the cafe, was Jotaro standing over from what seemed to be Yuuto, but he was covered in bruises. You let out a small whimper, but quickly covered your mouth. Once Jotaro’s eyes met yours, you couldn’t stand being in his sight no longer. You started to run home, it wasn’t that far anyway, your parents were most likely home, you would be safe and sound; you just needed to run a little faster.
 ‘Was that really Jotaro?’ you thought finally reaching your home in time. There was no doubt about it. That man that stood above Yuuto was indeed Jotaro. You just wished this was all a dream, that it wasn’t true, but there was no denying what you saw was true.
 Jotaro watched you run, letting out a small ‘tch’ while kicking the unconscious body of Yuuto. He didn’t kill him (but he was on the verge of), he just injured him a bit, that’s all. Deep down, Jotaro was dissapointed in himself, but at the same time, he only did this because he cares for you right? 
 At least that’s what he’s telling himself.
 “[first]-chan did you hear about Ishii-san yesterday?” your classmate asked you. You avoided eye contact with her, “No. I don’t know what happend at all” you replied, trying not bring tears to your eyes. “I heard from the police officers that he was found beat up not far from where you were supposed to meet him. They said he is going to be in the hospital for a month. Did you see anything?” she asked, clearly asking questions that were getting more personal by the second. Images of Yuuto’s bruised body ran thorugh your mind, “I didn’t see anything. I just went home and that’s it. I have to go”.
 You walked out of your classroom and began to walk to a bathroom nearby. These thoughts were going to haunt you, and you tried to get rid of them, you’re really trying. But you’re starting to get convinced that won’t happen, because just a few seconds into your walk, Jotaro was walking behind you. ‘No..no he’s not supposed to be here anyway! Just keep calm and keep walking you’re almost there’ you thought, but you started walking faster. Jotaro noticed this and caught up with you real quick.
 “Yare yare why do you keep running? Why won’t you talk to me anymore?” Jotaro asked you, as if he didn’t know what he had done; making it seem like you were the crazy one. You walked farther, but Jotaro just kept catching up with you. This time however, he held your hands behind your back. You hissed in pain, you always knew he was strong, but never in your life did you think he’d lay a hand on you. 
 “Please let me go..” you said, trying your best not to let your voice crack out of pressure. You felt Jotaro kiss your cheek lightly. And you let him. You let him because you actually couldn’t move. You felt like there was something holding you against your will. You let Jotaro explore your body for a few minutes, and you felt awful. Someone you once saw as a friend, was fondling with your breasts along with kissing your neck with and ever loving passion. You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, hell you just wanted to run away from Jotaro’s grasp. Those arms that were once so comforting, were starting to sufficate you. 
 Jotaro had been using Star Platinum to hold you together. He didn’t want you to leave so soon, after all he finally had you in his grasp he had no reason to let you go. 
 Not satisfied with what he had done to you, Jotaro dragged you towards a bathroom and shoved you towards a stall. He removed that stupid hat he always wore and pinned you towards the stall, while unbuckling his pants. 
 The definition of of lonliness is the state of being alone, and feeling sad about it. Kujo Jotaro had experienced this emotion right before meeting you. Now the feeling he is experiencing is love. However, that ‘love’ soon became a frightening obssesion. 
 And you can only watch him go through it. 
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renaerys · 3 years
22. for reds 🤡
This is 100% not what you asked for (yet...👀), but I give you part 1 of what we're calling the Weird King AU. I'm turning this into a proper multi-chapter High School fic because I love you and I'd jump on any bandwagon for you.
Like most young, conventionally attractive Supervillains, Brick had made a bit of a habit of failing upwards. It was pretty easy in a town full of simpering morons content to project their own narrative assumptions onto him, and who was he to crush their dreams when they made his life a little easier?
For example, dating.
“You can tell me, you know.” His cute date, Tracy, sipped her milkshake across from him.
“Tell you what?”
She softened and reached her hand across the table. “Your tragic backstory. I’ll listen without judgment, I promise.”
Brick tried to think of something tragic, but it all seemed pretty underwhelming as far as Supervillain origin stories went. “You mean like how I was born in a toilet?”
She made an oh shape with her lips. “We all have those days where we feel like we were born in a toilet, Brick.”
He’d dated Tracy for three months before she broke up with him out of the blue in tears: sorry she couldn’t fix his baggage, she just wasn’t strong enough to handle all that tortured darkness, but she wished him nothing but health and happiness. Brick deleted her number from his phone and spent twenty whole minutes staring at the toilet in his bathroom, wondering what the lesson here was.
But everything changed when Mojo got out of prison and moved Brick and his brothers back to Townsville, where he enrolled them in the local high school alongside their former arch nemeses, the Powerpuff Girls.
Suddenly, everything Brick did pre-supposed ill intent. These people remembered him as the pest who had graffitied their local monuments and blown up their cars and endangered their children. They held no love for him, and at best they feared him. This was not Citiesville, where he’d been a tall, cold glass of Voss water in a sea of recycled Dasani.
He found himself thinking about his birthing toilet again as he stepped into the cafeteria alone and the conversation quieted down as his new classmates watched him from the safety of their tables. His next moves here were critical. He was no longer at the top of the food chain, but fear and mystery surrounding his origins and character gave him a certain power over his peers.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of social suicide, I will fear no cringe,” he said to himself.
The jocks were out. Capable though he may be, Brick was not much of a team player unless there was a blood contract involved requiring his participation on pain of satanic torture. The drama kids were also a hard pass, not because he thought drama was lame, but because they had barely noticed him walk in, and Brick did not have the energy to deal with people more self-involved than himself. Some of the unaffiliated tables could be safe, but without a good understanding of the nuanced social dynamics in the high school, he could be heading toward irreversible doom, and that was a risk he was not willing to take.
He saw his salvation just ahead. It was the only option, all else being equal. In an environment where he couldn’t be certain of his baseline status and potential for upward mobility, there was greatness to be had only by association and certainty only in the devil he knew.
Brick helped himself to the empty seat directly across from Blossom Utonium to a chorus of gasps and staring.
Blossom did not startle like her table mates had. She watched him critically behind a head full of bangs as she balanced her soup spoon in her hand. “Really.”
Brick unwrapped the burrito he’d purchased in the lunch line and brandished it before him. “Really.”
He took a bite of the burrito. It was not hot enough. The two girls to Blossom’s left whispered to each other about that bad boy and he’s hot, though.
Blossom daintily spooned soup into her mouth without spilling a single drop as she continued to watch Brick for signs of his imminent dark side transformation.
The guy next to Brick was brave enough to ask him what his next class was. Brick had a mouth full of disappointing burrito, so he passed the guy the printout of his class schedule in lieu of answering.
“Wow, all APs, huh? Hey, we’re in U.S. History together next period, nice. I’m Mike Believe, by the way. Brick Jojo, right?”
Brick didn’t answer him immediately on account of the burrito currently occupying his mouth hole, and Mike took it the wrong way.
“Oh, yeah, we all know who you are. Blossom sort of filled us in.” He winced like he’d inadvertently revealed a terrible secret.
Brick swallowed his food and washed it down with a gulp of water. “Saves me some time.”
Mike looked super relieved. “For sure! Hey, I could lend you my notes if you want to catch up. Gershwin’s giving a quiz on the Progressive Era on Friday, and she’s a hard-ass who definitely won’t care that you just transferred…”
Brick chewed on his lunch as Mike continued to talk at him about classes and other vaguely helpful, albeit uninteresting, information. But Mike seemed normal enough, a little chatty but not in an overeager sort of way. Blossom was no longer clocking his every move and seemed to be absorbed in her friend’s latest swim team cheating scandal, until Brick reached for his water bottle and she suddenly laser-focused on his wandering hand.
Her keen attention to him was honestly flattering, if expected. It was in his nature to be noticed, and in this narrow respect she was no different from anyone else whose head he turned. If she chose to feed her interest with the flames of suspicion, then it was no difference to him.
But if she was anything like him—and on a chemical level she was probably the closest to him that a person could get—he suspected it took tremendous effort to hold her full and sustained attention. The world they inhabited was as vapid and mundane as the humans that surrounded them, and even the most gracious of gods grew bored of worship. Which explained all the smiting and fucking and generational curses upon entire households in everything from Greek mythology to the Old Testament.
Brick was pretty deep into a fantasy of Blossom going full Ixion and the Wheel on the swim team when Mike tapped his shoulder. “You ready to go?”
It took him a moment to realize the bell had rung and he had a class to get to—AP U.S. History with Mike, apparently. Brick gathered his tray and his bag and followed Mike. When he looked back at the table, Blossom was already gone.
That whole first week was painfully boring. No one bullied him, or pranked him, or picked a fight with him, of course. But no one really approached him, either. His brothers were more determined to make an effort. Boomer announced he was trying out for the soccer team because there was no rule saying a Super with extremely well documented ties to active criminals and the forces of Hell couldn’t kick a ball around a field. Butch had gotten himself invited to a midnight screening of Snakes on a Plane in some rich kid’s home movie theater, but only after that same kid had accidentally spilled milk on Butch and burst into tears in front of a cafeteria full of Juniors and Seniors. Brick declined the invitation Butch extended to him. He had that AP U.S. History exam to study for on Friday, anyway.
He shared all of his classes with Blossom. Even in the classes where her assigned seat was behind his and he couldn’t see her, he could feel her lobotomizing stare at the back of his head whenever she glanced up from her notebook. And while Mike’s notes were perfectly adequate and the friendly gesture counted for more than the content (a gesture Brick would not soon forget), there was a far more efficient way to accomplish his goal of murdering the class averages while also taking the edge off his loner doldrums.
“Can I borrow your class notes?”
Blossom rose from her seat and pulled her hair tie out to re-do her extremely long ponytail. She held the elastic between her teeth as she worked. Her teeth were very straight, he noticed. Some pretty nice girl-teeth, generally speaking.
“Which class?”
“All of them.”
He watched her wind the elastic around her hair with quick, adroit fingers. “That’s a lot of notes.”
“You’re the top of every class. No point in asking anyone else.”
She moved toward the hall. He followed her out. “Why would I help you?”
A legitimate question delivered without venom. Unlike her sister Buttercup, who’d “run into” Brick after school on Monday and told him to watch his back, Blossom didn’t have to do anything but maintain a general proximity to make her superiority complex known. Which was the kind of flex he could fuck with.
“Isn’t helping people sort of your mandate?”
They had arrived at her locker, which she opened with enough force to rattle the hinges. “I help the helpless. Are you helpless, Brick?”
Brick smiled at her baiting. Had she ever actually said his name at a normal volume before? It sounded good even in her baseline bitch timbre. “Critically helpless. I’m the new student who transferred in the middle of the semester, and you’re the only person who knows me.”
A couple other students clearly trying to get to the lockers Brick was blocking hovered just out of reach. They whispered to each other, but neither of them actually worked up the courage to ask Brick to move. He ignored them.
Blossom rummaged in her locker for the binder she would need for the next class. “Make friends.”
“Working on it.”
The locker door slammed and she faced him. There was something confrontational in the way she held herself before him that kicked him in the nuts back in time thirteen years to their more uncouth days when all he wanted to do was destroy her so he’d be the only one. Now they were older and wiser and he actually did need her notes to study, so destroying her was not high on his list of priorities.
“You want to be my friend.”
“We have so much in common.”
“So do lions and hyenas.”
“Both are apex predators, so.”
She took a step closer and peered up at him. Brick did not move, although he wondered what was so interesting about his face. She probably just thought he was hot. She was probably as bored as he was. She probably—
“You have lettuce in your teeth.”
Brick pulled back and covered his mouth on instinct. God fucking damnit.
Blossom was already walking away from him by the time he’d picked the food from his teeth. “I’ll expect my notes back in mint condition before first period tomorrow morning.”
Brick pressed a fist against the lockers and quietly fumed. “Dumbass…”
“Um, sorry, but do you mind…?”
The student who’d been waiting for her locker space to clear up had her palms up as if to assuage a feral stray. Brick pushed off the lockers, but his fist left a dent where he’d unleashed some of his impotent self-pity. He looked back at the girl, and she shook her head.
“It’s fine! It, uh, it happens sometimes.” She pointed a couple lockers down to Blossom’s, which was dinged up worse than the others.
Brick stared at Blossom’s locker, and then back at the girl. Her narrow, dark eyes were wide, but not out of fear. She was waiting for something, and like an idiot it took him a moment to catch up. “You’re trying to make me feel better about fucking up your locker.”
She laughed nervously. “I mean, it’s really fine! You just looked so miserable for a second there, and I just thought…”
Great, he was moping so hard he had an audience.
The five minute warning bell rang, and a flood of students rushed past them on their way to fourth period. Brick stepped aside so the girl could get to her locker.
“Hey, you’re the new guy, right?”
The new guy, yeah. How quaint. Except, she was waiting for a response, which wasn’t the absolute worst thing that had happened to him all week.
“Brick,” he said. But of course, she already knew that, and she was just being nice.
“I’m Kim. Kim Chan.”
“Okay.” He didn’t have anything else to say to her, so he decided to get his shit and get to his next class.
“Welcome back to Townsville, Brick.”
Brick shoved his hands in his pockets and stalked off. It didn’t occur to him until later that Kim was the first and only person who had properly welcomed him back home.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Tainted Apollo
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Pairing: Kars x Reader
Warnings: mentions of gore, death of minor characters, slight allusion to dubcon.
Words: 3056.
Summary: Finding a peculiar sculpture in the ruins of an ancient temple, you realize you have stumbled upon a god set in stone.
P.S. I forgot to post this one here haha
"Good morning, Sire." You welcomed him as you stretched in your improvised bed, an old metal container of some kind with a pile of blankets on top of it.
Rubbing your sleepy eyes, you slowly put your feet on the floor and adjusted the hem of your nightgown so he wouldn't see too much of your flesh. Kars always found this habit of yours ridiculous. He had been a piece of stone for God knew how long, and even after you found him he'd been confined to bed for no less than a year, barely moving and unable to speak. Kars was sure you didn't even understand what he was, but you still cared about covering your body in front of him. What a pathetic habit, he thought.
When you found him in the sands, somewhere in what appeared to be a long abandoned temple that had been in ruins even before he reached the Earth, you first thought he was some kind of sculpture, adoring his unusual but captivating form. He hated you watching him with your eyes wide, even touching a lock of his petrified hair - you were just a mortal human woman, one of those he had been determined to wipe out, but you had the audacity to act like his sole purpose was to lay in the sand for your entertainment. If he could move, he would definitely end your pathetic like there and then. But Kars couldn't.
It must have been ages, if not a millennium, since he had been banished from Earth. Drifting through darkness, his body had turned to stone, his limbs losing their ability to move - regardless of him finally becoming an ultimate form of life, it brought him nothing but eternal suffering and oblivion. Kars had stopped functioning like a living being almost completely. Almost. If he hadn't been returned back to Earth by some accident, he would continue his meaningless journey to the stars till the end of times because the darkness enveloping him had no limits. It felt like being thrown into a cold throat of some gigantic monstrous creature, but instead of reaching its stomach and finally dying he had been forced to circulate somewhere in between, neither dead nor alive. If silly humans thought the Hell was real, it had to be it.
He couldn't remember what force sent him back to Earth as he could think of no one doing it intentionally, but it didn't matter as long as he could reach Earth. Regardless of what would happen after, Kars knew he would survive and regain his power, finally giving humanity what it deserved for what they had done to him.
Funny, but when his mind had awoken from hibernation, Kars realized there was no one to take revenge on. Humanity had successfully wiped itself out.
Even after year and a half that passed, he still saw just you, a girl who had brought his petrified form to her home to take care of him knowing he was alive - by the time you met him Kars was able to open his eyes. Oh, he remembered well how horrified you were, stumbling upon an immensely beautiful statue that turned out to be a stone god, he heard you saying that for a few times. That day you ran away with such an expression Kars didn't expect you to ever come back, although you showed up a couple of days after, trying to talk to him in that odd new human language he had never heard before. As he kept silent, unable to even move his lips and make a sound, you realized the god you stared upon had been trapped in stone, and you could do nothing to free him. You went away, but came back with an odd machine that reminded him of Stroheim, and Kars thought of melting your bones when you dared to use to transport him. However, he had to admit how further did human technology evolved when even a small and timidly-looking machine like yours could lift and transport him to your home, a place inside another machine that had been definitely used for military purposes before being abandoned. It looked incredibly pathetic, as if you were a little rat that had to live in a pile of garbage out of pure need.
The world he once knew and wished to conquer had disappeared. All he saw while being driven away by your small machine had been a never-ending desert and ruins of other machines: he learnt lately those were enormous satellites, star ships, and other rusting remnants of an epoch that had been long gone. Watching gigantic sand stingrays crossing the desert as if it were a sea made him realize how far humans had gone - they had created monsters that were never meant to exist in the first place.
Of course, they paid for it. Judging from the stories you told him and what he observed himself, humanity had faced almost complete annihilation even without intervention of their outer space enemies, if there were any. The atomic war destroyed nearly everything humans had been creating since the beginning of their era. It affected even the natural course of life of every living being on Earth, forcing them to change and finally become a horrifying, mutilated, monstrous life form of something they had been once. Even the Moon had been gone, it's ugly half-destroyed form shining in the night sky and making it even more revolting. You had said something about unsuccessful colonization and the war over moon territories while Kars had to force himself to look down on the sand that was at least familiar to him.
Disgusting. He still had hard time believing how far humans had gone, destroying everything that existed long before they started ruling the planet. What would Jojo say now if he saw what a nightmare the world had become? Wasn't it better to let Kars wipe out the humanity before this had happened?
He had been fighting the urge to break your spine or melt your insides at least for a couple of months, blaming you for the crimes of your ancestors despite you obviously being too young to commit any of the atrocities that had happened. How come a human being had the audacity to survive in this post-Apocalyptic world while other life forms had mutated into monsters? When you were wiping any impurities off his cold stony skin, he was dreaming of the time when his body would come out of this odd hibernation period he couldn't control and then murder you in some rather painful way, prolonging your death till you felt all kinds of despair a human like you could. As he struggled to move even his fingers, he had finally decided not to harm an only being capable of taking care of him.
Each day you brought him to sunlight so he could observe what was outside of your pathetic shelter while you worked to grow anything in this lifeless place, several times a week departing to some place to fill the ugly rusted water tank, then watering your plants in a some kind of a nicely equipped greenhouse - funny, now you used it to protect the plants from the intense heat rather than trap it inside. Fruits and vegetables were what your diet was based on, including some synthetic supplements Kars refused to consume, disgusted by something made purely by humankind. Sometimes you would bring him fried meat, and while the thought of eating a mutilated animal had been revolting to him, Kars knew you could offer him nothing else. Even the meat you brought you offered only to him, rarely taking a piece for yourself: now it must have been a great privilege to consume meat. Besides, it truly sustained him better than fruits or vegetables, and he was dependent on what you were feeding him, slowly getting his strength back. After a year and a half he was now able to move his lips and fingertips, making you nearly ecstatic: it seemed you were doing everything right.
What did you think he was? A deity? A monster? A machine? Probably an immortal being who had existed long before the annihilation, that's what you said: you were talking to him from time to time either to pay your respects, tell him more about your world you thought he knew nothing about or voice what you were going to do right the next moment. One day as you brought several rectangular plates made with what looked like a blue metal to him, you read Kars about ancient Greek gods, wondering if he had been one of them - you saw him melting food with his skin, and for you it was the inherent symbol of his divinity. Kars had to give you some credit: you weren't as stupid he first thought you were. You weren't worshipping him as much as he deserved, but you probably did the best you could do, just a little desert rat having nothing but her plants and a decaying metal house.
"I won't come back till the sunset." You said once you finished washing your face and brushing your hair, tucking them under a faded scarf out of some light fabric and then reaching out to grab your mask. "I'll try being quick, Sire, but it's important I visit that place. If I'm lucky, I might bring something very useful to you."
Useful to him, huh? He would appreciate if you stopped humoring yourself: there was nothing useful you could bring him aside from a dozen people to devour. While he knew there were some people left on Earth still, he also knew you wouldn't master the strength to capture, less sacrifice them to him. Besides, Kars was still deciding whether it was worth devouring those creatures. While it certainly would make him return his powers faster, he could wait a couple of centuries - Kars doubted remaining humans could do something worse to Earth than what had already been done.
You didn't return after the sunset that day. It was the first time you hadn't keep your promise to him, and it made ill-tempered Kars bitter: oh, he would remember it and make sure you remembered it, too. He spent the night thinking what he was going to do to you, albeit not getting too violent in his thoughts. Something probably happened on your way, and you had to stop and spend the night in the desert before coming back.
The next day you didn't return either. He waited for you till the sunset but heard nothing but the sound of sand stingrays travelling to the other part of the desert. The complete silence troubled Kars more than he was able to admit: you had been somewhere around most of the time, taking to him or making some other irritating noise. While he found you just one more annoying creature inferior to him, your absence had a strange effect on Kars - it felt like something was crawling beneath his stony skin, making it harder to keep calm despite the fact the man had always been patient, unaffected by something so unworthy of his attention. However, your absence was a clear sign that something had happened, and it somehow bothered him.
Were you attacked by the monstrous creatures roaming the earth? Humans? Some other force he knew nothing about? Surely, it had something to do with the thing you attempted to bring, but you were vague about its nature, and Kars doubted it was really something decent. How come you had the audacity to risk your life when you were his one and only follower, sustaining and taking care of him while he was still in hibernation? Were you so unbearably stupid you decided you could leave him alone for long? Who had given you the right to bother Kars with your absence? It was inexcusable. The only reason why he didn't punish you was his petrified body, but he wouldn't stay in such state forever.
The lack of your presence was becoming more and more disturbing, and Kars questioned himself why did it matter. He had never needed someone's company - even though he had respect for both Esidisi and Wamuu, their closeness to him wasn't something essential. Not that your presence was either... and yet he found himself constantly thinking about the reasons why you were late. Although it irritated him, Kars decided that time he spent into space had its effects on his mind.
When you returned at last, the sun had already disappeared over the horizon. You were bleeding - he saw crimson stains on your face and your left arm, your faded scarf absent when you stormed inside your house, a small metal container in your hand as you flew to your stone god. Something had gone terribly wrong.
"I'm sorry, Apollo." You were running out of breath, but Kars heard you calling him by a Greek god's name. Was it the god of light? Your choice was rather peculiar. You were probably calling him like this in your mind since you brought those books home, but was afraid to voice your thoughts to him. "I wasn't as prepared I thought I was. The guards are still there even after all these years."
Leaving the container on the floor close to him, you took your bag and started your things there, searching for food and flasks. Somebody had been following you to your hideout.
"This is all I could find." You whispered, opening the container and taking out a small glass vial with a bright red liquid inside. "I can't tell how it will affect you, but I believe it would be of use to you, Apollo. Please, consume it."
You had carefully lifted the vial as if it were going to explode and then put it on his chest, awaiting for Kars to melt it onto his body. He had been suspicious about this, for some reason unable to detect what the liquid was as the vial seemed to block it, he consumed it, nonetheless - there was a chance it could speed up the end of his hibernation.
And it did. He felt the familiar heat, albeit Kars had never thought the stone could be turned into liquid, and yet it was it, something he had been chasing for so long once before becoming who Kars was now. How come it had been somewhere here all along? Was it fate to land here where it had all ended for him once? Kars had no answers. Not that it mattered now as his petrified body was rapidly recovering, his limbs finally able to move, his dark locks softening, the paralysis shattering while he stood up, showing you his perfect form in all its glory as you stared at him, either afraid or unable to move. He was the God you were waiting for, his large wings turning into flesh hands, a halo of light surrounding his perfectly proportioned, sculptured body and making you lose your eyesight for a couple of seconds. It happened so suddenly you were trembling on your knees in front of him, forgetting about those who had trailed you and the danger they could bring to your God and you, both fear and admiration engraved into your stare. Kars was much more than you had pictured him to be, undoubtedly.
As much as he enjoyed that look on your face, devouring your fragile figure with his eyes, he could feel his enemies breathing down his neck. Of course, all of them were unworthy of seeing his true power, but even someone as miserable as them would do for a quick warm up after centuries of hibernation: once several disgustingly looking men with scars and mutilated limbs showed up in your hideout, all of them Ripple users just like Jojo had been, Kars let out a laugh, watching them demanding both him and you to surrender. Worthless little creatures, they thought they could give orders to him, the most perfect form of life on Earth. He had slashed all of them the next moment, pools of their blood dirtying the floor and spreading further to metal walls: apparently, despite them still being able to use Ripple, their power had deteriorated greatly to the point they only posed a threat to a fellow human being, someone as frail and delicate as you.
Turning to face you still on your knees, he saw your wide eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks while you covered your mouth with your hands: was your God more terrifying than you had imagined him to be? Did you think he would forgive those who made a mistake of challenging him, the most powerful being the Earth had ever hold? Silly little girl, there were so many things you had to learn about him, the God you were destined to worship and love with your whole being.
"Stand up, woman." He said, watching you tremble and trying to wipe away your tears, not knowing what you had to say to the God you finally saw in all his glory. "I demand you to leave with me before the sun rises. Gather whatever belongings you need for a long journey, we will depart soon."
You bowed to him deeply, afraid to open your mouth and say something your God would consider inappropriate, and hurried to take your bag, quickly putting everything you considered important in it while Kars stepped closer to the pathetic beings, consuming what was left of them and feeling the power coursing through his body, filling him with warmth he had craved for so long. That little vial you brought was truly worthy of him, and Kars felt satisfied it was you who found him in the sands in the middle of nowhere. He would take you with him while he would try to resurrect the Earth as he remembered it, bringing the balance to it and watching it flourish once again.
"Apollo, I have taken everything." You whispered to him timidly, forgetting you were using that fictional name you gave him.
Kars chuckled, marching through your hideout flooded with blood of his enemies. If you needed to compare him to some stupid Greek god so desperately, you should have chosen Hades.
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jojoboisimagines · 3 years
Snippets Ch.4 : Johnny and Josuke (4) with the Same Crush (3)
Previous Chapter
A set of multiple drabbles/oneshots combining characters (i.e Jojos) from multiple parts and AUs.
"That guy...do you think--" Josuke started.
"That's their boyfriend? No idea." Johnny quickly answered, trying to play it off as if he didn't care.
It was quite the opposite. He may have cared too much.
To say Johnny was jealous was an understatement. But it seemed like Josuke was feeling some of the heat too, seeing you hanging out with some guy and proceeding to talk about him with Josuke when the two of you went to lunch the other day.
Josuke was still in the dark about Johnny’s own crush on you, which was a relief for the jockey, but it was hell for him, having to be afraid of either guy winning you over first.
He just needed to muster up the courage to talk to you again, but it was a lot more difficult than he thought it’d be. You two always seemed to be busy when the other wasn’t. Of course he still had Gyro (and occasionally Josuke and Hot Pants) to keep him company, but he missed you.
The little spat the cousins had was forgotten for a while. They didn’t exactly apologize to each other, but just starting to talk normally again was enough sign there was no hard feelings. The younger teen was still very confused about Johnny’s intentions that day.
‘ Was he trying to be a good role model or was he just mad I was leaving him at home?’ he thought. It didn’t really matter to him anymore, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t concerned about what Johnny must’ve been thinking, and if he still did feel that way.
They sat at a small table on the far side of the kitchen. Josuke, looking rather bored, held his head on his palm, while Johnny was playing on their shared Switch. Or at least, was pretending to be after Josuke brought up the subject.
“Hey, can I ask you an honest question?” The Japanese teen breaks the icy silence once again.
Johnny merely raises an eyebrow with a low ‘hm’ that was barely audible. His heart silently raced thinking of what the boy sitting across from him had on his mind to ask.
“(y/n)...how long have you known them?” 
A simple enough question to start off with, Josuke thought. Yet Johnny’s lips still pursed.
“Uh...about half a year now. We got really close in that time I’d say.” That last part wasn’t even to get a rise out of Josuke, he just genuinely thought so. He really cared about you, romantically or not.
Meanwhile, Josuke had only known you for the duration of the summer, which was about to end in a couple of weeks. Perhaps if he’d beg Johnny to let him stay he’d have more time to bond with you, but there was also the issue of him feeling homesick from time to time.
God, if he could take you back to Morioh with him..it’d be like a dream come true.
They both had quickly forgotten about whatever guy Josuke was referring to earlier, mixed up in their own thoughts about their relationship with you. Besides, he had only ever seen the guy once, there was no way you’d switch up on him that quickly.
He had no dates or anything planned with you like he usually does, though. Not that he didn’t want to spend time with you, he just felt as if he was coming off as a little...clingy.
Higashikata had been trying to drop hints that he liked you, such as buying you things, having heart-to-heart conversations as he’d walk you home, calling you pet names, and ending his goodnight texts with a little heart emoji. He considered himself a romantic, but when it came to your reactions, you kinda brushed them off platonically. Perhaps you’d never been flirted with before?
His texts were still frequent, making sure you were having a good day and all, but he figured maybe he should start being a little more risky..
“What do you like about (y/n) anyways?” Johnny asked.
There was a pause for a couple of seconds, before Josuke scooted back in his chair and got up from the table, intending to retreat to his room for a couple of hours.
“The same things you do, probably.”
“Ow! Gyro, what the hell was that for?!”
“Because, idiota, you need to confess already.” He hovers over Johnny like a judgmental parent.
Josuke had left the house to get some groceries, and in that time, the jockey called Gyro over. Not for advice specifically, but that's what it had eventually turned into. Sitting on the floor of Johnny’s room (where it was painfully easy to find porn magazines, Gyro won’t let that go as long as the two of them live).
“Like seriously, this is getting embarrassing to watch, just do it already.” The Italian pointed a finger at his friend. “Sooner or later you’re gonna do the thing where you get the girl drunk and then sleep with her regardless of feelings.”
“Ugh, I’m not like that anymore Gyro!” Johnny folds his arms with a pout his friend knows all too well at this point. “I’ve never committed to anyone before, so of course this is a little more awkward for me than it is for anyone else, you know this!” 
Indeed he did know. It was somehow one of the things they always ended up talking about.
“Listen, I know how this is gonna end. Its gonna end with you in this same room, bunched up in several blankets, listening to Fleetwood Mac on repeat with 3 pizza boxes to make yourself feel better.”
The American scoffs.
Gyro sits upright on his bed. “I’m right. Look, this gal means a lot to you, I know. I’ve seen it. You’ve never stared at someone with such a…not hateful look in your eye.” It was half a joke, half truth. “And I don't wanna see you sad, so you’re just gonna have to pull yourself up, grow some steel balls, and ask them out. For real. For both of our sakes at this point.”
Johnny rolls his eyes. “Wow, Gyro wants me to be with a girl? Pigs must be flying.”
“You are so not funny.” The Italian’s teeth flashes for a moment as he scowls.
“Alright, since you’re such a casanova, why don’t you tell me what to say to them?” At this rate, there was really no other choice for Joestar to take. He could ask Hot Pants, but knew she would give him similar advice.
“Nyo-ho! I’ll show ya! All you gotta do is gimme your phone.”
As soon as the word ‘gimme’ was uttered, the jockey clutched his phone as if it was a baby. The last few times he lended his friend his phone, it didn’t go so well.
Gyro would’ve snorted if he wasn’t serious about this.
“Come onnn! It--”
“Won’t go like the last three times, right? Fat chance.”
“Just hurry and hand it over before I tackle you!”
The larger man did that far too much already, much to Johnny’s dismay. Once Gyro had him in a headlock, there was no getting out of it. He defeatedly raised his phone up to the man for him to take.
“If you ruin anything, I’m doing the same thing to you, AND taking your damn horse.” The Italian waved him off as if he was merely an angry toddler. As he typed, Johnny tried to peer over and see, but his friend was too adamant on turning side to side so he couldn’t. The expressions Gyro was making wasn’t a good sign either. First confused, then mischievous, then looking a little too proud of himself. The jockey’s hands could start sweating at any moment from the sheer anxiety this was giving him.
“Aaaaaand done! There we go, all set!”
Johnny reached for his phone as soon as the words left his mouth, unapologetically in a snatching manner to immediately read the text sent.
::‘Hey This is Johnny darling. Hope your day has been as beautiful as your smile. I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow by 12pm. I have something very important to tell you. See you soon xoxo.’::
Alright, so it wasn’t as bad as he thought itd be (not nearly as bad as the time Gyro dared him to send a ‘send nudes’ text to you) but god, it would look suspiciously out of character for you to see. He can’t even remember the last time he typed ‘darling’ instead of ‘darlin’ and actually bothered to punctuate his texts. And who even used ‘xoxo’ anymore?
His friend looked at him with a big grin, waiting for his reaction. A slightly more pure smile than if he were waiting for Johnny to get a joke.
“Soooo what do you think? You gotta pick some nice clothes out for your date.”
The shorter man sighs.
 Josuke got home a little later than he expected. He was surprised to see there was still Prince CDs in stock at the store. Thats one of the perks of coming to America, he guessed. He was more than ready to put them into one of Johnny’s old CD players he had found. It was already hard for him to listen to pretty much anything without thinking of you. At least if it was Prince specifically, it would help him feel better and he could jam out to it.
Finally finding the track he wanted, he grinned, letting the music play out loud and hopping on his bed. It was a good few minutes before he had started getting that feeling in his gut again.
..Crap, this wasn’t helping either.
The teen felt that he couldn’t endure this much longer. Love was something he took very seriously and to be so unsure about your relationship just made him feel funny. He had to at least know for sure if the both of you were on the same page. Josuke was sick of being so anxious about it.
Josuke laid down flat on his back, pulling his phone out.
“You know what? I’m gonna ask them out.”
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: Guilt
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (set after Golden Wind, given Jolyne's age.)
Pairing(s): JotaKak, JoKa, (Platonic) Jotaro & Jolyne, (Platonic) Kakyoin & Jolyne
Summary: Kakyoin is in the middle of answering one of Jolyne's many questions when he feels something twist violently inside his abdomen. He tastes what he thinks might be bile at rist, but the metallic tinge registers, and,
Oh god, no. Not here. Please not here.
Notes: Involves emergency surgery, chronic pain, preteen!Jolyne, PTSD, disabled Kakyoin, and near death experiences.
Here's the thing: Jolyne hates him. It's not a secret, and it's definitely not something that she bothers to hide from him. Jotaro keeps swearing that she'll come around. Says she's just stubborn (like her father is, Kakyoin sometimes thinks with far too much affection for a man that regularly drives him up the wall). There's also the fact that she's a preteen, and kids are apparently just like that at her age.
Here's the thing: Kakyoin would hate him, too. If he were in her situation. He's petty on a good day, and a right bastard on any other. He can't imagine being in her situation. With divorced parents who, while amicable, are both ridiculously successful and constantly busy. And then waltzed in Kakyoin, right in the middle of it. Though 'waltz' is a bit of a stretch. He doesn't do anything like that with his plated spine and braced legs, but none of that matters. The real point is that he gets it.
He does his best to never push more than he has to. For the most part, he lets Jolyne do her own thing, because she's a Kujo and a Joestar. She's going to do what she wants anyways. His opinion be damned, though he does try to reason with her. Hell, he's given into bribing every once in a while. (Sometimes the means don't matter when father and daughter are both happy at the end of the day.)
In short: Jolyne hates him, and Kakyoin understands.
Here's the thing: Jolyne finds Kakyoin to be a nuisance. An interference. One more complication to an already complicated life, and she's only eleven. She wants her parents to get over their bullshit (language!) and figure out how to make things work. She wants Kakyoin to go away, but that doesn't mean she wants him dead. Or injured. Even if she did wish him off the end of a pier that one time. Still.
They've admittedly grown to be more friendly over time. She talks to him now, which is an improvement to the chronic cold shoulder she gave him before. Sometimes she even asks him for help, because her dad can be surprisingly useless when it comes to school work (weren't you in school when I was little?) He always seems happy to help, and he never gets as frustrated as her dad.
So maybe she doesn't hate him, but she definitely wants him to go away.
Kakyoin is in the middle of answering one of Jolyne's many questions when he feels something twist violently inside his abdomen. He tastes what he thinks might be bile at rist, but the metallic tinge registers, and,
Oh god, no. Not here. Please not here.
He doesn't need to know-- specifically-- what went wrong to know that he's dying. The moment the pain goes from barely tolerable to utterly agonizing is about when his brain lets him know that he's operating on borrowed time.
Kakyoin could have used that warning approximately five minutes ago. Before the pain. Before he found himself in front of Jolyne.
"I'm sorry," he tries to say, hopes the words come out audible enough for her to understand.
There are tears welling up in her eyes, and they fall soon enough. God, he's made Jolyne cry. She's so young. So unprepared. And she looks so much like Jotaro. With panic stricken eyes and fingers that grasp for something to do. Some way to fix this. It makes his chest ache beyond the twisting and shearing that his insides are already doing.
(She looks exactly like Jotaro, in the hospital after the Foundation managed to retrieve them. The way her hands fumble in the air is so much like how Jotaro had reached out desperately, trying to hold onto Kakyoin, in case those had been his last moments. Like father, like daughter, Kakyoin thinks without humor.)
His knees hit the ground first, and that shoots pain up his legs and along his hips. The rest of it ricochets and dies somewhere midway up his spine. It's a momentary distraction away from the agony that is his middle. He reaches with his fingers to press against his stomach, half expecting them to sink inward (into nothingness. There's nothing. Dio punched a hole right through him, and he's going to die.)
Jolyne is yelling. His name at first, then for her father. Again, he's reminded of the day he died. Maybe it's all been a dream. He's waking up now and the end is pressing down on him. The light will follow soon. He knows; he's seen it before.
"Please!" Jolyne begs him, "I'm sorry!"
He is, too. It's the last thing he thinks before his eyes slide shut and the darkness grabs at him greedily.
There's shouting and bright lights and something covering his face. He can't make out anything with his vision so blurry, but he thinks he hears Jotaro's angry voice booming what could be an entire room away.
"If you fucking put a finger on him that isn't necessary to keep him alive. I'll fuck-"
Jotaro inhales sharply but nods to the surgeon one, final time, "His team is on their way. Not a goddamn finger."
The Speedwagon Foundation has several doctors that Kakyoin sees on a semi-regular basis. Each is a specialist in their own right, and they're the only reason Kakyoin ever made it home from Egypt. They're also the only ones that regularly work on updating all the augmented parts and maintaining the damaged remains of Kakyoin's organs. They know him inside and out. Quite literally.
The team makes it to the hospital long before Kakyoin comes out of emergency surgery, which means the whole process is extended significantly. The upside (if it could be called that) is that Kakyoin doesn't have to be put under again. The downside is that it means they'll be waiting awhile.
Jotaro does his best to be strong for Jolyne. It's his job as a parent to keep a calm façade and push his emotions to the side. She needs someone to be her reassurance.
He fails miserably.
The head of the Foundation team emerges some hours later, looking a little worse for wear. The stoicism past that does little for Jotaro's nerves. It tells him nothing of what to expect.
"He's stable," the doctor answers. "We had to take out several inches of colon this time. If I had to guess, he probably believed himself to be having a flare. He adjusted to the pain until he became necrotic." His expression shifts into an unpleased frown, "He also has two ulcers. Has he changed his diet? Or experienced any new stressors?"
Jolyne's lip quivered as she processed the doctor's words. She thought over every time she and Kakyoin had fought in recent history. Most of it being her yelling at him.
Jotaro's focus remains fixated on the doctor, "What the hell kind of pain is he still having?"
The doctor-- one Jotaro recognizes from previous visits but can't recall the name of-- sighs, "Kakyoin will only allow us to do so much to help manage his pain. I'm not his specialist in that regard, but it's at his request that he's kept on very little in terms of medication."
Jotaro knows that. He knows that Kakyoin doesn't like what stronger pain meds do to his head, but how out of control is his pain that he didn't notice that he was dying? That his body has been rotting from the inside out for an unknown amount of time?
Jolyne shifts further behind him, drawing his attention to her. It's the only thing that spares the doctor whatever response Jotaro might have otherwise formed. He turns to look at Jolyne and is startled by the tears already trailing down her round cheeks. Realization hits him then.
She's eleven, and he's an idiot.
"Hey, hey. Enough with that. He's going to be okay," Jotaro says quickly. He should have- called her mother or his mother or literally anyone. This isn't a conversation she needed to be privy to.
"It's me," Jolyne chokes the words out. Her thin arms wrap tight around her middle, and she looks close to collapsing on the ground.
Jotaro, admittedly, has no idea what she's talking about, "What's you?"
"The stress!" She practically wails.
Jotaro sighs and moves to wrap his arms around Jolyne. He tugs her in against his chest. "That- that's not the kind of stress the doctor is talking about," he glances over his shoulder to see that the man had already dismissed himself. Smart guy.
"I'm always mean to him!"
Jotaro wants to laugh. Not at all because he thinks her words-- or her suffering-- are funny, but because the whole situation feels unreal. He cards his fingers through her hair instead. It's all the comfort he feels like he can offer in a situation like this. With his own resolve teetering on the edge.
"Takes a lot more than that to take out Noriaki," he's lying through his teeth. The whole new family thing might damn well be enough stress, but he's never going to let Jolyne think this is her fault. It's not. Kakyoin is capable of making his own decisions, and being part of their family is one of them.
Jolyne crumbles against him despite the gentle words, so he scoops her up and holds her against his chest. Even at eleven, she's nothing compared to his size. He finds a nearby seat to settle into and lets her cry while he whispers promises he can't be sure he'll be able to keep. Eventually he tries distracting her with facts about dolphins, and that either has some effect, or she passes out from exhaustion. Either way, he's relieved when she snores against his neck.
Kakyoin comes to the waking world in a haze. His head aches and his middle feels a lot like it might have been ripped open again. He hopes that whatever happened had been a little more civil than that.
It doesn't take him long to place himself in the hospital. That's good. He isn't dead, and he's not immediately at risk of falling into enemy hands. The beeping to his left is annoying, and he can't see well enough to make anything out on the monitors around him. His vision tends to be the last thing to recover when he's been knocked out for a while. Still, he turns his head to continue to take in what he can make out.
He stops short when he sees two people in chairs on his right side, closer to the door. The familiar hat catches his attention immediately, not that he needs to be able to see at one hundred percent (or his version of it) to know that the man is none other than Jotaro. His size will always give him away before anything else.
Jotaro's head is bowed in a way that indicates he's likely asleep. He's undoubtedly been here awhile. Jolyne sits beside him with her head pressed against her father's bicep. Star Platinum is out and wrapped around both of them. He lifts his hand from Jotaro a moment to wave at him brightly, which is enough to disturb his user's sleep.
"Mm?" Jotaro grunts. He opens his eyes and sucks in a breath. He takes a moment to compose himself, which is fine. Kakyoin thinks he probably looks worse than he feels, thanks to the drugs. He would make a joke about it, but moving still hurts.
"Good to see you awake. How're you feeling?" Jotaro asks. He doesn't move from his spot, if only to avoid waking up Jolyne, but that intense gaze is evaluating all the same.
Kakyoin gives a noncommittal answer, and Jotaro snorts, "That's what I thought you'd say. Good thing we have this." He reaches for the little controller on the side of Kakyoin's bed. He presses the red button before Kakyoin can protest.
The glare he shoots Jotaro is relatively short-lived, and it's hard to be mad when Jotaro looks so damn triumphant, even if it's about something that Kakyoin has complicated feelings about. He decides to let him have this one, considering the fact that he's pretty sure he gave them all one nightmarish scare.
"I'm sorry," he says after a while, head lulling back against the pillows. His red hair spreads out all around. It's longer now than it ever has been, but he hasn't felt the need to cut it beyond a simple trim in years. It doesn't matter, but it gives himself something to focus on rather than the gnawing guilt.
"Don't be."
"I- god, I never meant-"
"If I had known, I would have left the room or-"
"She was so afraid. And she-"
"Noriaki," Jotaro snaps more than says the name, but his eyes are soft. "You aren't the only one that made her cry in the last few hours, so you're not special." That's not true. Kakyoin is incredibly special, but he needs to make some kind of light-hearted comment before he starts crying. Nobody needs to see that.
"Still," Kakyoin mumbles, but he doesn't continue.
Jotaro reaches out with Star, who clasps his large hand over one of Kakyoin's. He wants to lean forward himself, but he doesn't want to wake Jolyne up. Not yet.
Kakyoin turns his palm up to tangle his fingers together with Star's. He brushes his thumb over the stand's, knowing Jotaro can feel it reflected on his skin.
"I really thought it was a flare," he says after a while, because he feels like he owes some sort of explanation after everything.
"Nori, I really can't tell you how much I don't give a damn about that," Jotaro frowns at his own words, "No, I mean- I care, but- fuck." He scrubs his hand over his face a few times before trying again, "You don't have to feel guilty for this shit, okay? I should have noticed you were in pain."
Kakyoin shakes his head. He squeezes Star's hand to make sure Jotaro's listening when he speaks, "It's not your fault. I deal with this pain all the time. It just- at first it felt like a flare, but I guess I got used to it." And every time the pain worsened, he acclimated until it had nearly killed him.
Jotaro doesn’t get a chance to respond before Jolyne is rustling against him. She opens her eyes a crack and reaches up to wipe at them with her fists. “Dad?”
“Right here,” Jotaro grunts in response. He squeezes her shoulder gently, then retracts his arm to give her space to stretch out. “Kakyoin is awake.”
He watches the fog clear from her eyes. They widen as she processes his words, and her attention immediately turns to the redhead, who waves meekly at her.
“Jolyne, I’m- oof!”
Star quickly gets his hands around Jolyne’s waist, suspending her in the air enough to keep her weight from falling too heavily onto Kakyoin. He lets her down carefully, and the youngest Kujo looks sheepish for her overreaction.
“No, it’s alright,” Kakyoin says, curling an arm around her loosely in return. He hadn’t expected to be nearly tackled upon awakening. That went doubly so when considering Jolyne as a factor. She’s never hugged him before. Trauma is funny in that way; something he knows from first hand experience.
Jotaro steps up behind her and offers a small smile to Kakyoin, “We’re glad you’re alright.”
“Yeah!” Jolyne echoes, “You scared the shit out of us!”
“Jolyne,” Jotaro’s voice is gruff. An attempt at a warning that falls short. The way his lips pull further upward is a dead giveaway that he isn’t particularly upset by her language usage.
“It’s true!”
“Good grief.”
Kakyoin snorts at the father-daughter duo, relieved to see the two smiling again. Already bickering as per usual. There’s too much snark trapped in the Joestar bloodline, and it always amplifies whenever there’s more than one of them in a room. He’d know, having been on the road with Joseph and Jotaro in the past.
Somehow the back and forth settles into Jolyne rambling about dolphins. She regurgitates facts that-- for the most part-- Kakyoin already knows, but he feigns shock and awe at all the right places to keep her spirit up. It’s more healing to watch her babble emphatically than it is lying around in a hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. It eases some of the guilt, makes him feel lighter.
Eventually, Jotaro whiskers her out the door. Kakyoin catches sight of Holly, which must mean that Marina is tied up. Holly doesn’t come in, likely at her son’s behest. The woman is a mother through and through, and she can be a bit overwhelming at times. Better to focus all that maternal energy on Jolyne for now.
“You look tired,” Jotaro says when the door clicks shut behind the two. He takes his spot back next to Kakyoin’s bed, pulling his chair as close as he can. His knees grind against the railing of the bed a bit, but the distance allows him to lean forward and get a good look at his partner.
“I could say the same about you,” Kakyoin points out with a raised brow. He still can’t pick up his head for more than a few seconds at a time, and his vision remains fuzzy around the edges; a likely side effect of being drugged to the gills, but he isn’t blind. He can see the bags collecting under Jotaro’s eyes. Exhaustion-- emotional as much as it is physical-- already weighing his shoulders down.
Jotaro snorts an unamused sound, “I’m not the one that just had emergency surgery.”
Kakyoin winces at the reminder. “I’m-”
“If you finish that statement, I’m going to give you a reason to be sorry,” he isn’t. Jotaro won’t hurt him, but the words make Kakyoin close his mouth anyways. For a second.
“Oh, and how are you going to do that?”
Jotaro stares him down for a solid thirty seconds, expecting him to back down. When he doesn’t, the man pushes himself to his feet with an exasperated sigh. “Good grief, c’mere,” his fingers hook under Kakyoin’s chin, and he leans down to press their lips together.
As far as life affirming kisses go, it’s one of Jotaro’s more gentle ones, but Kakyoin feels the thrill of it chasing down his spine anyways.
“I love you,” Kakyoin murmurs as they break apart. He wants to add an apology to the end, but he bites his lip and keeps it to himself for now. He’ll find a way to make it up to Jotaro and Jolyne later.
“Love you, too, Tenmei.”
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passionesolja · 2 years
Rey Skywalker: How Disney Fumbled a Protag-Antag Shared Heritage Line and How To Fix It
Let me start this off by saying I will contrasting Rey Skywalker’s Mixed Lineage with Giorno Giovanna because Giorno has this same thing but done right.
Done so right in fact that the entire JJBA fandom acknowledges that Giorno is a Brando and a Joestar but love him for it and consider him equally both.
Let me give quick backstory, this is aimed at Star Wars fans so I won’t explain Rey’s life.
In the late 1800s, Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando started living with each other because Dario Brando died and George Joestar felt indebted to Dario (this is extremely condensed it ain’t that simple).
Things escalate. Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando that get into a real eternal feud. George dies. Dio Brando becomes an vampire. And the Joestar curse happens. Dio’s head is chopped off but he ain’t dead and in the end, he kills Jonathan, takes Jonathan’s body and does dormant until the 1980s
In the 1980s, Dio comes back, has a bunch of sex and tries to wipe the Joestar’s out. He’s defeated for real though by Jotaro Kujoh because Dio tried to kill Holly Kujoh.
Dio dies but he has a son (one of many, dude got tf around) and we follow this son in Vento Aureo. Giorno Giovanna is the son of Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando. The main big bad, fucked everything up for everybody villain of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
An interesting thing about how Giorno is handled is that he doesn’t “war” with the Brando side of him.
As far as acknowledging family lines, Giorno doesn’t know that Jonathan is even his father. He doesn’t even know Dio (for obvious reasons), but he knows Dio is his father. Giorno Giovanna has zero connection to either of his fathers.
Giorno’s Brando side is never treated as some darkside he has to fight against or be evil or whatever.
He gets his cunning and ambition from Dio Brando, but he gets his caring nature and sense of justice from Jonathan. He’s a perfect blend and everybody loves him. No jojo fan takes his Brando card or Joestar card from him.
Never once is the audience made to pick between Giorno being a Brando or being a Joestar. He’s both. And we love him for it.
Giorno’s existence doesn’t take away from the Joestar Bloodline because the evil bad Dio Brando is in it, nah, like we love that shit.
Hell, most people consider Dio to be his father but never say he shouldn’t be apart of the Jojo family line. Dio may be Giorno’s dad, but Giorno is a Joestar.
Where did they fuck up with Rey?
They fucked up by making Rey’s Palpatine relation be something she fights against.
By making the Palpatine bloodline be something that’s evil and bad about her, something she has to fight, they alienate her from the Skywalker’s.
When you’re handling a character who is from the villain side but related to the villain but also family with the heroes, you should NEVER use that antag heritage as some internal struggle.
Because it makes the audience weary of them. Like should we fuck with you or not? We don’t know because the writers are like “ooo what if their antag bloodline comes out and they do something evil uwu”
By making Rey’s Palpatine side be viewed as an weakness and not a strength—a gift that means she can do what other Skywalker’s can’t—they make her seem less like a Skywalker.
In Vento Aureo, there’s a 7 page “muda”, that’s dio’s shtick. Giorno also screams “wry” which is Dio’s lil thing he did.
No one in the audience is horrified or shocked by this. It isn’t spun to us by Araki as bad. Quite the opposite. We love this dawg. Hell yeah, slay king.
This is the Joestar’s justice being outlined by Dio’s signifiers as Giorno kills a terrible person who has hurt countless, innocent people.
It’s such a beautiful thing to see Giorno act righteously like Jonathan would, but he uses words and sounds we associate with Dio.
They could have done this with Rey. Make her act out righteously for good but use the things we associate with Sidious.
Take that side back and show us that it doesn’t make Rey a worse person, it makes her a better Skywalker because she can use Sidious’ nature in a way that helps people.
They don’t do this. They make Rey’s Palpatine lineage some battle she has to have with herself. By doing this, they make her feel like an outlier and not a Skywalker.
This isn’t good writing. Make Rey have a different internal struggle than some bad evil Palpatine blood because that separates her.
Hell, Giorno has struggles too but none of them are linked to being a Joestar or Brando
How to Fix This
Immediately drop all pretense that the Palpatine side of Rey is some flaw. Instead, make them something acknowledged but never seen as bad.
Giorno’s Joestar side never replaces his Brando side. He’s both. He’s a Joestar but that doesn’t make him less of a Brando. Because of this, we see him as a Joestar because he has the heart of a Joestar.
Make Rey have the heart of Skywalker but still use things we associate with Sidious.
Like let her use Force electricity against an evil darkside user or something.
Let her use the Palpatine ambitions, intelligence and everything out to make her a better Skywalker.
The minute they stop acting like her Palpatine side is something that makes her imperfect or “darkside leaning” and instead is something that makes her a better Skywalker because she has that heart in her, they’ll have won.
Take that shit back and show people that this shit is her strengths. It’s not a bad thing that she a Palpatine too, it perfectly fine and doesn’t subtract from her Skywalker heart
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Joseph - Hug
That fic is a year old, I never wanted to post it. You can see my old writing style, how nostalgic.
Hugs. Everybody loves them. You didn't know what brought you to become such an affectionate little dork, but you just ended up being one.
Whether it was friends or family, or sometimes even mere acquaintances, when you hit if off really well and felt at ease with someone, you became fairly touchy-feely.
Most of the time it didn't bother people around you. If they weren't comfortable with your affection, you would just stop without taking offense. Thankfully you didn't have much trouble with it. You just loved hugs and embraces and you felt like everyone needed some warmth every once in a while.
You had known Ceasar for the longest time and you both hugged each other on a regular basis, mostly for greetings, but also for any occasions, really. There wasn't any reasons needed for it, this man was affectionate as well and was always up for a nice, sweet hold.
You have known each other for years and he practically saw you as a little sister. You really loved and respected the blond with all your heart, and your relationship was strong and pure.
When he introduced you to Joseph Joestar for the first time, he was a bit hesitant, scared even, of how that scoundrel would treat his cute, little innocent Y/N. Ceasar only told you to be especially careful around him for now without really explaining why.
But as time passed, you grew to become very attached to the Joestar too. It was nothing close to the bond you had with Ceasar, for sure, but there still was a little something going on between you two that you couldn't quite put your finger on.
Joseph made you feel many types of way, but especially nervous. For some reason you felt particularly shy around him, which was unusual for you, as you were a pretty open and sociable person.
You never had any sort of trouble getting along with people, but Joseph just somehow knew how to make you stutter and choke on your own words. Not that he was unkind or intimidating to you, no, it was much more different than that.
Yes, you were painfully in love with Joseph Joestar. But honestly, who could blame you for crushing on the guy?
He was tall, handsome, charming, insanely funny and despite his dumb demeanor, he actually was quite clever. His voice was music to your ears, and his eyes... You couldn't stop dreaming about his eyes.
The tropical ocean in his eyes made you travel so far nobody could ever bring you out of your daze.
But this deep love for him was actually the reason you couldn't be as affectionate with him as you were with the others, as contradictory as it sounded. The shyness that overcame you every time he was around prevented you from being too handsy with him or even just coming too close. This was uncharacteristic of you, but you couldn't help it.
You'd have no problems kissing Suzie Q all over her face, caressing Lisa Lisa's hair or leaning on Ceasar's shoulders when you were sleepy. But Joseph? You just wouldn't dare touch him.
What if he found it weird, or rejected you, or was disgusted by it, maybe? What if you died on the spot from respiratory failure because of your heart beating way faster than it healthily should be?
You couldn't touch him like that out of nowhere, right? You didn't know the guy enough to be this affectionate yet. Or so you told yourself to reassure your own worries.
But one day, Joseph felt particularly jealous. Everyone including him had noticed how differently you seemed to treat him compared to everyone else. He didn't understand why you acted so physically distant around him when you two actually got along so well.
Even when he was the one to try and initiate anything physical with you, even something as small as wrapping an arm around your shoulder, you wouldn't reciprocate at all.
This drove him to the edge. Did you not like him at all? He even thought that maybe Ceasar had 'brainwashed' you and put some ideas in your head that made you fear him.
He could only imagine his italian friend telling you things like "Be careful Y/N, men are wolves." and, "Don't stay alone with Jojo, you can never know what happens." as well as, "If he tries to do anything to you, call me. blah blah blah."
That thought alone drove the Joestar nuts. Like he was one to talk about defending women from pervs.
However, everything changed one specific afternoon. Ceasar and Joseph had just finished a hard day of Hamon training, and you came at the door to welcome them home.
"Welcome back, boys! How was training today?" you greeted, beaming a sweet smile.
"Ah it was good, Jojo still needs to focus, he's way behind." Ceasar said a bit tiredly as he rubbed his shoulder and went to sit down on the couch.
"Hey! Watch it floosie, don't start." Joseph retorted offended and you giggled a bit at the two bickering, as they usually did.
"Jojo, go sit down with Ceasar, you must be tired. I'll make you some tea." You warmly proposed to your friend and he nodded, sitting on one of the couches opposite the blonde.
As you turned around and were about to leave, Ceasar silently gestured you to approach him, to which you obliged, wondering what he wanted.
You came in front of him, and he suddenly grabbed your hand to pull you close. He then wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head on your chest, sighing delighfully as he did.
You were used to it and knew when he did this, it meant he was truly exhausted. You just let him rest like this and brought your hands to caress his blonde locks softly, craddling his head.
Jojo clenched his teeth and clicked his tongue as he was beyond frustrated with the scene before him. He could throw up at what he was currently witnessing.
He knew you two were close but who does this guy think he is? He was constantly out there calling you 'little sister' or 'sorellina' every single day of the week and yet he still acted like a pervert with you? Yikes.
"What the hell is wrong with this dude? You just have to put your hands on every woman you see! Fucking gross!" Joseph snarled at the italian man.
Ceasar slowly moved his head to the side to glare at Joseph, visibly annoyed. "What's your problem, Jojo? Can't I embrace my little tesorina in peace?"
"Why you gotta be all over her like that, just let her go, man! Can you imagine if I did the same?" Joseph argued, clearly grossed out and jealous at how clingy the blonde acted towards you.
Ceasar jolted at the mere thought. He released his grip on you and put his full, angry attention to Joseph.
"Don't you dare even think about it, Joestar!" the blonde growled.
"Huuuuuh?" Joseph raised a teasing eyebrow, "What's that? You don't like the idea of another guy touching her?"
"You'll make her uncomfortable!" Ceasar defended back.
"Oh yeah? Well it's not up to you to decide that." Joseph smirked and got up abruptly. "Y/N!" He called out.
"Y-yes?" You stuttered, overwhelmed by the whole ordeal. What even was happening?
He suddenly opened his arms wide, suggesting one thing only. Ceasar was fuming and got up as well, preventing you from approaching Joseph.
"Y/N don't, he's just being immature as always."
"Shut up playboy, she's not your girl, if she wants to hug me she will, whether you like it or not!"
You started to get tired of all the bickering. All of this for just a hug? The only reason you weren't physical with Joseph was because you were too shy and love-struck with him to do so, why did it have to end up in a stupid fight?
"I mean... If Jojo really wants to... I don't see why not..." You said as you try to swallow your own cowardness.
"Y/N..." Ceasar trailed off, concerned.
This man needed to calm down, you thought to yourself. You patted his arm and smiled reassuringly at the blonde.
"Ceasar, it's fine! It's just Jojo, it's not like he's a creepy stranger or something." you sheepishly said and he clicked his tongue in response, clearly not convinced. "Here, look, it's nothing at all!"
You slowly walked towards Joseph who started giggling excitedly like a little boy. Finally, he waited for this moment for so long.
Gently, you brought yourself into his broad chest, face getting warmer and warmer by the second, as you carefully wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head onto him.
He instantly reciprocated by caging you in his strong arms, sighing in delight. You were so small compared to him it was beyond adorable and he swore he could actually squeal right now.
Before he could fully immerse himself into your warmth he felt you flinch a little then instantly move your hands upwards on his upper back. If you weren't already flustered and blushing like crazy, now it was even worse.
As you went to hug him, you underestimated your height difference and put your hands all over his bare waist. Poor you, you had completely forgotten the man wore crop tops on the daily and how dare you touch someone's skin so indecently?
Startled by the feeling of his warm skin, you immediately brought your hands up to a more appropriate and most importantly, clothed part of his back, hoping he didn't mind or notice your little mishap.
It was really a small detail, but you cared a lot. You buried your face more into his chest, embarrassed by your own actions, your heart was pounding so hard it would put Afro beat to shame.
How wrong, you thought to yourself, you hated to touch people's skin. Them wearing revealing clothes didn't make it okay to be this intimate, that is what you swore by.
Both him and Ceasar seemed to notice it. You weren't subtle at all. Ceasar knew how much of a respectful person you were, even if you were pretty touchy, you would never invade someone's personal space or privacy.
You would always make sure they were okay with whatever ministrations you'd give them and of course, you wouldn't dare be inappropriate, especially towards the opposite sex.
Ceasar always appreciated this thoughtful and attentive side of you and thought your pure innocence had to be protected at all cost. But of course, one idiot still decided to tease you about it.
"Hmm? What's wrong Y/N-chan? You just did something very naughty right there~" he said with a smug grin and you perked up, gasping.
"I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry Jojo!" you moved away from him just a little bit to look at his face, concern evident on your features.
He smirked widely at your flustered state. He loved to see your cute reactions and how embarrassed you would become for such trivial reasons as insignificant as accidently touching his bare skin. It was extremely funny to him.
He squeezed your body even closer against his, feeling all your curves pressed against him and bathing in your sweet scent as he leaned down slightly.
He could feel your heart beat quicken, your blushing face was a sight to behold, and he was having the time of his life.
If he knew hugging you alone was this much fun he wouldn't have waited for Ceasar's permission at all, not that the Italian was even okay with it in the first place.
Something told him to stop there before he could break you, but glancing up at Ceasar's fuming expression just made him want to push the teasing further.
"Hmmm~" He purred close to your reddening ear, "Your boobs feel nice, Y/N-chan~"
Okay. That was it for Ceasar. One American will die tonight.
In the corner of your eyes you saw a flash of orange electric energy come at full speed towards you and Joseph. You quickly released him and ducked to the right, only for Joseph to take the hit of Ceasar's Hamon-filled punch right in the face, sending him flying.
"CEASAR!!!" You cried in shock.
Joseph held his bloody nose and laughed obnoxiously at the angry blonde, pointing at him accusingly.
"Hehehe, now I understand why you only keep her to yourself, Ceasar, you horn dog! 'Little sister', my ass!"
Ceasar snapped and dashed towards him as Joseph got up and sprinted down the hallway, with no regrets whatsoever.
On the other hand, you stayed back, still overwhelmed by what just transpired. Even if it wasn't how you imagined it, it felt nice to hold the man of your dreams close to you.
You rubbed your arms, trying to savor the fading feeling of his own strong ones wrapped around you protectively. Your heart jumped in your chest and you grinned to yourself like a schoolgirl.
You were eager to do it again, but maybe this time, out of Ceasar's brotherly sight.
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sethrine-writes · 4 years
Ocean Man, pt. 1
Fandom:  JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (JJBA)
Pairing:  Jotaro Kujo x F!Reader
Words:  1647
Warnings:  Mermaid AU, Courting, Cuteness
Summary:  Jotaro, a shark mer, has been leaving you gifts at the pier for several weeks. One day, he brings a friend, as well as a gift that brings forth an unclear revelation.
A/N:  I literally have no idea how to keep things short, good gravy. Expect a second part to this sometime in the future. Also title is a silly aside from my friends, who should have seen this coming and yet still lost their shit over it xD
"Oh! Hello there."
You sat impossibly still upon the edge of the pier as you were greeted by not one, but two sets of eyes peeking above the ocean waterline a good many feet away.
One of them you recognized, a beautiful blue-green that nearly matched the sea and almost always held intimidation within their depths, though you knew the owner of the stare to be much gentler than he appeared. The lovely lavender-colored gaze now catching your attention, only seconded in vibrancy by the shock of red hair slicked back from the water, was much softer in intensity, though just as curious as your friend had been months ago.
There was a long moment of just staring between the three of you, a familiar thing between you and Jotaro, the shark-based mer you had saved at the start of summer. He was always cautious to approach, at first, or at least that was what you believed. You didn't blame him; it was because of humans that he had nearly lost his dorsal fin as well as his very life, had you not found him when you did.
Your fingers grazed against the newer, sensitive scarring on the outside of your thigh, a reminder of your first harrowing encounter with the mer just three months prior.
Jotaro finally made the first move forward, a steady glide through the water, closely followed by who you assumed was another mer, possibly a friend of his.
He stopped just before the edge of the pier, barely a foot away from touching your dangling legs submerged in the water. His friend stopped just beside him, popping up out of the water more and revealing his face fully to you.
"Oh wow, you've got speckles," you murmured to yourself as you glanced over the new mer's pale features, noting the colorful trail of speckled skin along the sides of his neck.
He smiled at your words, and for a moment, you froze, bewildered.
"Can you understand what I'm saying?" you asked, surprised when you were answered with a nod.
You couldn't help but get a little excited at that, having another mer present that could understand you. Jotaro only understood base things, like yes and no, small phrases and words you had taught him while having the privilege of interacting with him. He definitely couldn't speak as you could, at least not very well, and you were lucky you had managed to understand his warbled attempt at his own name when he managed to tell you it.
To have another mer who understood your own language meant that, even if he didn't speak it, he could relay your words to Jotaro, if he felt so inclined.
You wondered, briefly, if that was why Jotaro had brought this friend with him.
"I don't know if you can speak the language, but are you able to tell me your name?"
"Nori," came his swift reply, slightly waterlogged, but otherwise as clearly spoken as could be.
Your hands came together in an excited clap, delighted and surprised all at once as you gave your own name and a more formal greeting.
A sharp tug at your ankle from beneath the water, however, had you gasping and grabbing hold of the edge of the pier not but a moment later, worried that you would fall right into the water from the motion. Your gaze shifted to Jotaro, who was glaring up at you from his mostly submerged position, all haughty and unamused.
Pouting somewhat, you gave a roll of your ankle in his firm grasp.
"Don't be like that, Jotaro," you reprimanded lightly, immediately hearing gentle clicking and other soft sounds coming from Nori as you spoke.
Just as quickly, Jotaro's stare turned away from you, his grip loosening but remaining light against you, and you had to look between the two before you realized that what you had assumed held some truth to it.
Nori was acting as a translator, of sorts, or at least understood you hadn't been pleased with the shark mer's actions and had told him as such.
What had gotten into him?
Suddenly, Nori began speaking again to Jotaro, a series of soft sounds and gentle clicks leaving the back of his throat. Jotaro turned to face the other mer, his glare still in place, though it barely held any heat to it.
"Gift," the speckled mer voiced, catching your attention, "gift, yours."
"A...gift?" you questioned curiously, not completely sure what he was trying to tell you.
The gentle clack of something hitting the pier had you once again turning to Jotaro, then looking over to your left to find a single, algae-covered oyster placed beside you. From the look of it, the oyster seemed to have already been pried open just a little, enough that you would surely be able to see the inside of it once you picked it up.
You did just that, inspecting the dark colored mollusc and finding the outside a bit slimy.
"Did you bring this for me?" you asked Jotaro gently, waiting for the translation to reach him.
He gave a low hum, one you associated as being an affirmative, followed by a single nod.
It definitely wasn't the first "gift" you had been given by the intense shark mer, now that you were thinking about it.
Decorating a small bookshelf you had bought were all sorts of beautiful whole shells and dried coral fragments in lively colors, all gifted to you by Jotaro, himself, during the course of the past several weeks.
At first, he left them on the pier for you, watching from a distance as you picked up what he left behind, almost as if he worried you would not receive the small treasures. More recently, he would tentatively come to you and place his newfound pieces beside you, of which you were always quick to smile serenely and thank him for.
You weren't sure why he had suddenly decided to give you all these things, but you adored every single treasure he brought to you.
"Open gift," came Nori's gentle prodding after a bout of silence, his eyes alight with amused wonder as the speckles along his neck and shoulders began to shift and change color, tinting his skin in a deep purple.
You barely had a moment to wonder exactly what kind of mer he was before you were being encouraged to pry the oyster apart once more.
With careful fingers, you prodded at the opening and began to lift the shell, meeting some resistance, but managing to pull the top half off with a little bit of force. Inside was the obvious flesh of the oyster, but just poking out from the back of it was a dark, shiny speck of something.
You poked at the dark bit, finding it hard and rolling slightly against yet another bit of hardness hidden within the flesh. With a bit of mashing, you were able to free the objects, surprised at what you were seeing.
A twin set of natural pearls, one a deep, vibrant blue, the other a shimmering silver, just slightly smaller than the other but no less absolutely beautiful when paired together.
For a moment, you didn't know what to say. What could you possibly say to receiving such a lovely present? Hell, your last partner hadn't even put in as much effort into gifting you things as much as Jotaro had, not that it was a necessity, of course, but being thought of every now and then would have been-
A thought struck you then, your eyes widening fractionally as you looked between Jotaro and the twin pearls within the oyster.
"Thank you," you said, words light and airy and catching just slightly at the end.
From your right, you heard Nori translate your thanks, though Jotaro had heard it enough times to understand. His gaze had softened considerably, despite the frown that marred his now visible features, and he seemed much more amiable, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders with your assessment of his gift.
"Do you think she understands what you're doing, Jotaro?" Nori asked some time later, swimming beside his dear friend as the light from the setting sun faded from the depths of the deeper waters.
Jotaro chose to ignore him in favor of continuing his last bout around his territory, making sure all was as it should have been before he ventured home for the day.
"Courting a human can be tricky if said human doesn't understand what's happening," Nori continued as a warning, earning a cutting glare that he paid no mind to.
"I'm trying to help-"
"Then you could have told her," Jotaro finally spoke, his words harsh. If anything, it belied his worry over the whole matter, of which the other mer had sensed from the beginning.
"I'm still learning how to speak the language," Nori explained. "The pronunciation is a bit difficult, as you know. I did the best that I could."
Jotaro stopped suddenly, Nori swimming just slightly ahead before turning to face the usually broody shark mer. He seemed only mildly troubled, which was a far better outcome than agitated.
"Thank you," he spoke sincerely, to which Nori smiled.
"I'll continue to help in any way I can. Just say the word, and I'll be there."
Jotaro nodded at the sentiment, knowing his dear friend meant such a promise. He may not have been kin, but he was perhaps the closest thing to a brother Jotaro had experienced outside of his own sub-species, a loyal friend and ally in most any situation. He was more than thankful to have Nori on his side.
"To think, though, this whole time you were courting a human! What does your grandfather think of all this, hm?"
He also wanted to strangle him.
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fan4196 · 3 years
Hey everyone even though spring is not too far here's a snowy little fic for you. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thank you @angry-slytherin for beta reading again.
It's the second day, now, that a massive snow storm is raging over Seattle. Hundreds of houses are without electricity, heat and water. People freeze and all hospitals are packed.
In times like this Jo isn't too mad about the fact that she hadn't left the hospital since the snow started falling two days ago. As soon as they heard the news about the upcoming storm, Alex and Jo decided to stay at the hospital and help wherever they were needed. Luckily daycare decided to stay open 24/7, so their kids were safe too and still able to play with their friends.
The last few hours were hectic; Jo had been in the OR for five hours helping Jackson oparate on a man with bad frostbite. She then had to sprint to the OB floor because one of her patients had collapsed and needed an emergency c-section. After mother and baby were saved and out of the woods she tried to page Alex. He didn't answer, which was pretty unusual for him; this made her anxiety rises, so she started looking for him. After paging him multiple times and peaking into almost every on-call room, she is now on her way to the attendings lounge.
"Hey guys. Hi Scoutie. Hi Wills." Jo greets the Shepherd-Lincoln family that was currently having lunch on the table in the lounge .
"Hi auntie Jojo," Both of the Shepherd-Lincoln kids greet their aunt back, waving their little hands at her.
"I'm looking for my husband, you didn't happen to see him, right?" Jo asks the two adults in the room, walking closer towards them.
"Actually we did. He was here probably half an hour ago and got his jacket and winter boots. Before I could ask what he was doing he was gone." Link answers his friend.
"It looked like he wanted to go outside." Amelia adds as she looked up from their daughters hair she just finished braiding.
"You got to be kidding. Did he take the car keys?" She asks a little annoyed by her husband.
"No I think it was only his jacket and boots." Her friend answers, trying to remember what he saw half an hour ago.
"Great." Annoyed by her husband's stupidity, Jo sits down on one of the chairs and changes into her own winter boots then puts her jacket on. "Pray for him that I won't kill him after I found him."
Amelia and Link share a laugh as Jo leaves the attendings lounge again.
After looking and asking probably every single person in the hospital she finally finds Alex in the little back courtyard behind the cafeteria.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Jo immediately snortes as she sees the sign in front of her.
"We are building a snowman, mommy." Emery squeals happyly, showing her mother the big snowman in front of her.
"I can see that, Emy." Jo smiles, before she turns to Alex and her smile is gone.
"Can you explain to me why you are out here with our kids while it's eight degrees outside?" Placing her hands on her hips, she looks at her husband, shaking her head in disbelief.
"I wanted them to have some fun in the snow. Look at them. You know how much they love snow." Alex tries to explain as he comes closer, slowly putting his arms around Jo's hip to test the water.
"Yeah but not when it's eight degrees outside. What the hell are they even wearing?" Jo asks turning in Alex's arms to look at her kids again.
"The peads floor has this box with kids clothes. So I went there and found the snow pants and gloves and this cute snow overall for Eden." He points toward where their kids were still builting their snowman.
"They are wearing dead kids clothes?" Jo immediately snorts.
"No those are donated clothes." He tries to save it but the look on his wife's face says it all.
"God, that's even worse." Hitting his arm, she pushes herself out of his grip.
"Mommy come here. Look at our snowman." Parker shouts happyly from behind them, getting his parents attention.
"It's a pretty snowman. Good job you three." Walking towards her three monsters she admires their snowman, not missing the big grins on her kids faces. They really do love the snow. Even though they were all born in summer, winter was their absolute favorite season.
"Daddy helped us." Emery tells her mom, looking proudly at their snowman.
"This is the best snowman I've ever seen. But aren't you freezing, guys? Mommy is freezing. We should go inside." Jo tries to get her kids inside, which she knew will not be an easy task.
"No mommy. I'm not cold." Her oldest answers.
"Mmhh me neither, mommy." Parker agrees with his sister.
"Eden, are you coming inside with mo- Oh my God." Jo can't but laugh, as she turns just to witness how the smallest Karev flops face first in a huge pile of snow. But instead of crying she starts movig her little arms and legs to make a snow angel.
As her arms and legs stop moving Alex quickly picks up their youngest and she bursts out in giggles as he starts cleaning the snow out of her face.
"Alright guys I think mommy is right we should get inside again. Eden's face is frozen." He says as he wiggles the nose of their two year old.
"Come on let's go have some hot chocolate in the attendings room." Jo adds, knowing that right after snow, hot chocolate follows really close on her kids list of favorite things.
"Yes!" All three little Karevs agree much to their parents relief and quickly make their way inside followed by their parents. Jo starts undressing the twins in the elevator; now in only their shirts, leggings and socks the twins race towards the attendings lounge, while Jo follows with their snow gear and Alex with Eden on his arm.
In the attendings room they were greeted by their uncle Link.
"Hey Penuts, hi Eden." He greets them with a wide smile and a wave.
"Hi uncle Link." They greet him back as they climb on the chairs at the table he was also sitting on.
"Where are you coming from?"
"My amazing husband thought it would be a great idea to play with them outside in the snow. So I found them behind the cafeteria building a snowman and making face down snow angels." Jo tells as she puts her kids snow gear in the closet.
"Sounds like fun." Link answers, mirroring the big smiles on the faces of the Karev kids.
"It was so much fun, uncle Link!" He gets as a answer from the two oldest.
"Oh no you don't sit down you can go straight to the bathroom and give your kids a bath to warm up." Jo protests before Alex could sit down.
As she undresses Eden from her snow overall, Alex undresses himself from his snow wear and then disappeares in the bathroom of the attendings lounge with their kids. As soon as the door closes Jo flops down on one of the chairs her kids just sat on.
"Sometimes I wanna kill him so bad." She moans, closing her eyes for a moment as her head falls back.
"No you don't. You're saying this all the time, but you never did it. He wanted to have fun with your kids in the snow. You actually can't be mad at him for wanting your kids to have fun." Link tries to smooth Alex's stupid action.
"Who steals snow clothes from the peds floor and goes outside with his kids when it's eight degrees?" She asks, looking at Link again, arms crossed over her chest.
"Well ok- maybe he didn't though it through-"
"Yeah he clearly didn't. He never does. He's an idiot, but I knew that when I let him knock me up. Also their smiles were so big and their giggles- He's probably not the most crappy dad for my kids." She smiles, shrunking.
They talk for another half an hour when they get interrupt by the bathroom door opening.
"Mommy all warm." A budass naked two year old screams as she comes running towards her mom.
"You are? That's great-"
"Jo." Alex calls from the bathroom door throwing a towel towards his wife to dry their youngest. "She also needs a new diaper."
"Yeah I can see that." She answers, throwing a look at her husband.
"Come here Eden, uncle Link will dry you while mommy gets a new diaper." Link offers, taking the towel from Jo to wrap it around his niece.
While he dries Eden, Jo gets out the bag with change clothes and diapers that they store in the closet for accidents.
She quickly puts a diaper on her two year old and dresses her in warm clothes before she takes some of the twins clothes to the bathroom.
"Perfect. Thank you." Alex kisses her as he takes the clothes from her hands.
How could she be angry at this man? Link was right; he just wanted their kids to enjoy the snow and have a little fun. He is a great Dad, so she couldn't really be mad.
When everyone was dressed again they had their hot chocolates and some cookies and then decided to take a little nap in one of the on-call rooms. With the twins on the top of the bunk bed and Eden on the bottom one, Alex and Jo had to share the single bed, which they weren't to upset about actually. As they laid in each other's arms, enjoying the silence and little snores of their kids they realized once again that this is exactly where they wanted to be. Even though it started snowing again outside and they knew that they would probably get paged soon to new cases they wouldn't want to change a thing about their life.
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kob131 · 3 years
So I saw MangaKamen's recent video on RWBY and two things spoke out to me personally; 1) Mangakamen is right about RWBY in the fact that they royally fucked over the situation in Atlas and 2) Robyn has no fucking right comparing her sembalance to Qrow's.
So we’re doing this again huh?
‘I am expressing my opinions and that may piss off someone of you- SO NO COMPLAINING!’
... Fun fact, in his video going after Cosmonaut Variety Hour’s video on Jojo, he directly criticizes him for apparently ‘trying to deflect criticism’ by labelling the video a rant. So know that when I saw that he’s just trying to deflect any backlash he gets here and he inevitably gets pissy about it.
Because this man cannot be consistent to save his life.
“I’m not unreasonable guys!”
No, you just consume and vomit up the points of people who are so deeply biased that they can’t be described as anything BUT unreasonable. 
And I know this, because I remember watching his Volume 7 video and noticing he made a comparison between Jacques and Trump. Now as I’ve stated and shown- this doesn’t make sense. Many of Jacques’ policies and actions in the plot are counter indicative of the common liberal consensus of Trump (for example, Jacques is shown to mostly do this for his business while Trump acting for his business is the ONE thing he was never accused of). This is also not like Kamen’s style at all- he rarely if ever addresses politics in media.
 .. And he didn’t. Because that point wasn’t his. I found out FMF said the exact same thing beforehand and Kamen is on record as watching his videos and following his Twitter. This combined with his blind acceptance of FloofArtist, someone who is even more biased than FMF due to personal feelings- I’m certain that a lot of what he says is just repeated from other people.
In all honesty, I have more respect for FMF. Because he at least isn’t as big a hypocrite nor is he copying other’s opinions even though it’s so far against his style it doesn’t make sense.
Okay so in his first section, he bitches about Cinder’s backstory.
First is that this should have happened in Volumes 4 and 5 because those had a focus on Cinder. Problem, Cinder has a focus in Volume 8 as well as Volume 7 and 6- She’s continually had focus ever since Volume 2. She wasn’t given any special treatment in Volumes 4 and 5, in fact she plays a similar role there as well. ... Except with Atlas, this place is were her abuse took place and her character arc here is learning from her mistakes, which are rooted in her abuse. It also shows how and why Salem got her to be loyal- by offering her a tiny bit of approval and support which she lacked. The same thing she did to Emerald, who is defecting in this Volume. It also gives the audience satisfaction when she does learn from her mistakes and succeeds. So for all he questions about why it is here- He doesn’t even consider a very blatant answer.
He also tries to say that we’ve had other villain backstories before Cinder’s so that...makes hers worse? ...Um, not only does this not pertain to the purpose of Cinder’s backstory, three of his four examples (Tyrian, Watts and Hazel?) are TOLD to us. Cinder, like Salem, is SHOWN to us. This is important since Kamen has bitched about RWBY not doing show don’t tell before so he should be praising this.
His third point is about how Cinder was treated like a slave and yet she feels nothing for the Fanaus, therefore her development from her backstory doesn’t make sense...which misunderstands how people operate so much I’m genuinely confused. Like...people don’t relate to others in similar situations all the time because their experiences scar them to the point of not empathizing with others in similar situations. Hell, that’s the basis of the cycle of abuse. Having similar experiences doesn’t mean Cinder would care, especially since she’s so focused on not repeating that life she ignores so much around her.
Next is-Oh fucking god, it’s the goddamn ‘RHODES AND ABUSE!’ point. Once again, look at the scenes were Cinder is abused. And I mean ‘unambiguous’ abuse. Her sisters tracking mud in, her mother having her work and glaring at her for breaking something is not abuse. I’m talking about the underfeeding and the shock collar. It’s all done AWAY from the public. AKA Away from RHODES. Fuck, take out every scene in which Cinder is abused and tell me if you could tell she was abused and not...I dunno...just a teen who doesn’t like her upbringing. Her collar looks like a normal collar for fuck’s sake!
‘But- Cinder could have mentioned it to him off-screen!’
And that would normally be a good point to make as it is logical given how close they are implied to be. ... But guess what Kamen says?
“If it’s not shown in the show, it doesn’t count.”
Issue is- that cuts both ways. Just as outside info can’t be used to justify the show, the lack of it can’t be interpreted against it. So Kamen fucked the only strong point he could have had.
Then we have him...bitching about show don’t tell with CInder’s song. ... While he completely ignores the showing of Cinder’s abuse being in private. Very blatantly in private.
... I said twelve times, I’ll say it a thirteenth: this is why things in RWBY are so blunt. If it isn’t just a step before the writers walking on screen and explaining the show- People go and misinterpret everything to a point well beyond my suspension of disbelief. This is especially true with Kamen since he bitched at Cvit for not considering what he called ‘basic’ details about Persona 5. So he above anyone else lacks an excuse.
This gets proven in the next part where he says that the purpose of the backstory is to show that Cinder isn’t in power...when in the same episode, we had a scene were Cinder’s Grimm thrashes about with cuts to her backstory where her collar shocked her as Salem gave her very blatant words of manipulative support. You cannot get anymore blatant and blunt than that aside from doing EXACTLY as I said and Kamen STILL misinterprets it. 
He bitches about Cinder retreading the same ground and she sucks...but then consider everything I’ve showcased so far. With all this wildly off shit that he’s criticized in others- can you honestly say you think it’s the show’s fault? Or s it his and he’s not owning up to it?
Considering how he doesn’t make the obvious connection of ‘Cinder lacked power in her developmental years’ to ‘Cinder has an unnatural obsession with that thing she lacked in her developmental years’-
I can safely say it’s the latter.
And that’s it for now. I’ll revisit this later considering how tired I am. But to wrap things up-
Look at the length of this post. Look at all the problems I pointed out. Look at the hypocrisy and inexcusable stupidity.
Then consider that this is only 9 minutes...into a 51 minute video.
...Do you really think Kamen’s points are that good? Or even acceptable?
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knifefather · 4 years
Greetings yall! This is the fic that I wrote for my 100 followers contest winner, @meat-husband​. I headcanon that Melone is a Scorpio, so I thought it would be a fitting to throw him a birthday party for Formaggio and the reader to sneak out of lol. I hope you guys like it, it was very fun to write. 
➼ Title: Il Mio Regalo
➼ Pairing: Formaggio/Reader
➼ Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
➼ Word Count: 2.4k
➼ Rating: Explicit, 18+
➼ Contains: Not sfw, car sex, scratching, biting, breeding, drunk sex, afab reader and she/her pronouns
➼ Summary: For Melone's birthday, you and the rest of La Squadra take your friend out to a drag queen club. You start teasing Formaggio on the dancefloor, and he takes you aside to show you some moves of his own.
➼ AO3
It was Formaggio and Illuso's brilliant idea to take Melone out to a drag queen club with the rest of the crew for his birthday. The purple-haired stand user was having a blast as he shot back drinks and flirted with any pretty face that passed him by. Ghiaccio sat beside him, complaining that the music was too loud, like he was known to do. "What is this shit? They call this music?" he ranted, crossing his arms angrily. On the other side of him sat Risotto, who sipped on a mixed drink. The alcohol seemed to not be affecting him whatsoever.
“Hey… Where are Sorbet and Gelato?” Melone slurred, looking around the table and the rest of the busy club. One of the performers that walked by caught his attention, and he followed her with his eyes and grinned wolfishly.
“Where do you think, birthday boy?” Illuso replied, tossing one of his braids over his shoulder with a sassy flourish.
Your little sexual escapade began when Formaggio suggested that you dance with him. “C’mon bambina, it’s getting a little boring sitting around, don’t you think?” he said, swinging his arm over your shoulder. He didn't have very much to drink and he was already demonstrating that sweet, carefree attitude that you loved about him so much. “You look cute as hell in that dress, it’d be a shame not to show you off a little,” he added before kissing your cheek, chuckling.
Pesci, who was drinking diet coke, blushed at the romantic display from your boyfriend. Prosciutto rolled his eyes before taking a shot of hard liquor.  
“I’d love to,” you said, allowing Formaggio to guide you to the dancefloor, his hand protectively on your waist.
“Pesci, Pros. You guys should dance, too. You’ve been sitting around like a buncha lameasses all night!” Melone said a little too loudly, pointing at them with his drink and subsequently spilling a bit onto the table. Risotto was quiet and gave the puddle of booze a disapproving look. Momentarily, Melone and Illuso were drunkenly pushing them towards the direction of the dancefloor as well. You and Formaggio had already picked up a groove, moving against each other to the catchy beat of the song playing over the speakers. Formaggio snuck a peak of Proscuitto and Pesci awkwardly trying to blend into the crowd nearby, but the way your hips were moving against his were much more interesting than what they were doing. He looked at you questioningly, cocking his shaved head, and you grinned in response, grinding your hips tantalizingly against his.
You could hear his sharp intake of breath above the loud music, and he reciprocated the act. It wasn’t difficult for you to feel the very obvious tent in his red pants.
“Sorry, mio coniglietta dolce (my sweet bunny), you know I can’t help myself…I’m just having an amazing time, and you look so beautiful," he babytalked as you slid your hands up his shoulders, over the studs of his jacket. “I love you, you know that?”
Your eyes softened as you gazed at him. “I love you too, Maggie. Why don’t we get out of here?” you suggested, whispering against his lips as you drew closer to him. He bit his lip and nodded his head quickly.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” he agreed. He moved to pull away from you before stopping to think. “Where are we going to do it?” Formaggio asked, quirking his eyebrow. "We need to find a spot private enough." Damn. You didn’t think that far ahead. You already had a few ideas--you both could go behind the back of the club, or in the restrooms, but neither of those options was preferable to you at the moment. Prosciutto was the one that drove you, Formaggio, and Pesci to the club and you wished that you had brought your own car.
It seemed like your boyfriend had the same idea as you, because a realization dawned in his eyes and he gave a shit-eating grin.
“Where’s Pros?” he asked, looking around. By that point, he had lost sight of him and Pesci in the crowd. The stiff member in his pants made it even harder for him to focus.
“Shit, I’m not sure,” you replied, also looking around.
Then, the lights went down and the crowd began to cheer. One of the many stunning queens made her way to the stage and began to introduce one of the performers for the evening. You and Formaggio knew this would be the perfect time to jack Prosciutto’s keys off of him if you could find him. It wasn’t too difficult to spot him standing awkwardly on the side of the crowd along with Pesci. Formaggio rubbed his hands together schemingly before looking at you. “Watch this,” he told you, grinning, before shrinking himself down to about 150 centimeters. Carefully, he approached Proscuitto, keeping his footsteps light and merging into the crowd with ease. Formaggio was right behind the man, and carefully grabbed the keys that were hanging out of his pocket. By the time Proscuitto whipped around to confront whoever was behind him, your boyfriend was gone, shrinking himself down even smaller to escape into the crowd.
“Did you see someone just now?” the black-clad gangster asked his counterpart.
“What?” Pesci responded, enthralled by the performance of the queen and drowned out by the loud music that came from the speakers.
Formaggio returned to you, returning to his normal height of 178 centimeters. He smirked and jingled the keys in front of your face. “Cranky bastard won’t ever know. Let’s get out of here, babygirl,” he said, cocking his head towards the exit of the club and cheekily smacking your ass.
The whole club blurred by you as the both of you made your escape. Formaggio was leading you by the hand out into the dimly lit parking lot. In his other hand, he was excitedly jingling the pair of keys that did not belong to him. You wondered how long it would take Proscuitto to notice that they were missing and throw one of his bitchfits, but the heat in your loins superseded that thought. You had been on the edge of your seat since Formaggio took you onto the dancefloor, and you were ready for him to be inside you. The both of you approached the chic Italian sports car and Formaggio excitedly unlocked the vehicle. He opened the door to the backseat for you and smirked. “Ladies first,” he drawled, motioning towards it.
“Thank you,” you said coquettishly before climbing onto the cushy seats. Knowing that you and Formaggio were going to make Proscuitto’s car smell like sex somehow made you even slicker beneath your underwear. It wasn’t long before your boyfriend was climbing in beside you. You were on him quickly, climbing into his lap and kissing him with vigor. He gladly returned the gesture, running his hands down your back, sides, and finally cupping your ass. You ground your hips down against the outline of his cock in his trousers, and Formaggio carefully fingered the zipper of your dress, not tugging it down yet, but playing with you. You made a frustrated noise against his lips and pulled away, putting your hands brattily on his chest.
“Don’t toy with me please,” you whined, bucking your hips against his lap and making him laugh at your needy attitude. “I’m so fucking wet from the dancefloor, come on,” you urged, pouting at him. Formaggio could never resist your cute little pout. He was weak for you and everybody knew it, but he couldn't help it.
“If you ask, you shall receive,” he said coyly, an evil look spreading over his face while he eagerly unzipped your dress. You climbed out of it easily until you were bare on his lap. His hazel eyes trailed down your body appreciatively, taking in your beauty. “God… How did I get here? This is a dream, right?” he asked breathlessly, his eyes returning to your face while his hands slid up your stomach and sides to cup your breasts.
“You’re not dreaming. But you are wearing too many clothes,” you remarked, tugging off his jacket and leaving him in his skimpy green crop top. Formaggio agreed with you and started to undo his fly. It wasn’t long before you were both bare, hands all over in seconds. The windows of Proscuitto’s car began to fog.
Formaggio was excited and a bit hasty, guiding you onto his cock already. You gripped his shoulders and moaned brokenly as the blunt tip of his manhood began to penetrate you. He let out a satisfied sigh as he slid between your wet folds. “So good… You looked amazing while you were dancing,” he said as he bottomed out in you. His cheeks lit up a brilliant pink as he watched himself disappear inside you. You started grinding against his lap, a precursor to bouncing up and down on his cock. His mouth was left hanging open while your walls hugged his member.
He gripped your waist tight and guided you back down on every thrust, breathless. Formaggio couldn’t keep his lips off of you, and he began to kiss and suck on your neck while you moved. He nibbled at your skin and you hissed out a sound of both pain and pleasure. You could feel the vibrations of his laughter against you, your reactions making him nip harder. Formaggio left marks on your skin that the cut of your dress wouldn’t be able to hide, and that excited you. All of La Squadra would be able to see the evidence of your little quickie with him. You arched your back into each thrust, driving him deeper every time your thighs met. His pupils were blown, hazy from the alcohol and the sheer lust of being inside you. He moved down to your breast, leaving more marks, and you tossed your head back. The taste of your skin was vaguely salty, the man's eyes slipping closed as the taste blossomed on his tongue.
“M-Maggie… I’m r-really close…” you breathed, your legs trembling as you struggled to bounce on his lap. He could feel your effort and he took the opportunity to remove you from his lap and lay you down on the seats. Formaggio’s smiled dopily when he re-entered you, the new angle sending a deep sound erupting from him. He picked up the pace quickly, his arms planted on either side of you while he thrust into your cunt.
“Oh, cazzo! Me too, bella, me too,” he panted out. You ran your hands over his shaved head and down his back, holding on for dear life while he drove you to climax. You couldn’t restrain yourself from clawing his back, and your partner hissed as your blunt nails ran over his skin. “H-Ha...You’re practically begging me to stuff you full of my cum, aren’t you?” he whispered, his grin unbearably handsome.
His words made your pussy flutter around him and squeeze him like a vice. “Yes! Yesyesyes,” you babbled, pulling him close. You could feel him throbbing against your sensitive walls, every vein and ridge to his member dragging over your insides. Formaggio choked out a broken curse before burying himself deep inside you. He gave a shuddering breath as he emptied himself in you, but didn’t let up his pace. He could see the need in your facial expressions, your hands drawing him closer and closer, tearing up his shoulders.
Formaggio kissed you, hard, as your orgasm hit you. Your legs locked around him instinctively, pulling him as close as he could be as you tremble around him. Your sex dripped with slick and tightened around him, not wanting to let him go. His name fell from your lips over and over as you rode out your orgasm, feeling his warm seed slosh inside you. He was trembling, too, sweat beading down his forehead and his eyes unfocused. The inside of the car was now completely foggy, only the fuzzy streetlights illuminating the space. You both tried to catch your breaths, and after a moment of gathering himself, Formaggio was the first one to speak.
“You are fucking incredible. I’m so glad I'm the one who gets to date you,” he said before giving you a tender kiss on the lips. The compliment made your heart swell in your chest. Formaggio pulled away after a moment to reach into the glove compartment and pull out something to clean you with. You looked down between your legs to see that some of Formaggio’s cum got on the leather seats.
“How mad do you think Proscuitto is gonna be?” you said, looking down at it.
“Fuck 'im,” Formaggio said, nonchalantly, before the two of you busted up laughing, still not clothed. You leaned against each other, laughing until you were wheezing. Moments like these made you realize how much you were truly in love with him. Your gigglefest was disrupted by a pounding on the still foggy window.
“Are you two shitting me?” Prosuitto’s indignant, disappointed voice sounded from the other side. “On my leather seats? Really?” the gangster roared, scoffing and continuing to beat on the door.
“Big bro, you’re going to break the window--” Pesci tried to warn, blushing hard at catching the two of you in the car.
“Let ‘em have fun! It’s my birthday,” Melone cheered from outside too, laughing, his boots clicking around on the ground. You could hear Ghiaccio grumbling, and you assumed that Melone was heavily leaning against him. Formaggio smirked at the opportunity to rub it in the guys' faces before hollering back. "Sorry! I'm not sure where her panties went, you're going to have to give us a minute to find them!"
You punched him playfully in the arm, embarrassed, and he gathered you in his arms, holding you close to his chest. “It might be Melone’s birthday, but no gift he’s received tonight is a great as the one I have right here,” he said sweetly, the joking tone he used earlier gone. “I love you so much, tesora.”
“I love you too, Maggie… You’re my everything,” you told him, your gaze soft before you kissed him, just as grateful for him as he is for you.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: New York
(The following review contains spoilers, and if you would like to not be spoiled, I would recommend watching the episode before reading)
(I had to pause a LOT to get through this special)
-Oh s*** Cosmo bug and Astro Noir. That is so cool.
-Okay maybe its my audio, but their voices seem a bit deeper. No big, just something I noticed.
-Okay the yellow flower was cute. Good on you kitty.
- Also, side note. This is very nice animation. Very crisp.
- Marinette is moving on... kinda. Well, she is trying. Its not easy getting over someone you have a thing for. I guess that means Miracle Queen did happen and I will need to suck it up. But.... I am not moving on yet either.
- The puppet show was perfection. And honestly on par with what you would expect from middle school projects. (I almost thought it was the adults showing them and was like WTF)
-BACK THE F***. Madame Bustier is PREGNANT! PREGNANT?! I am so lost? What is the story!? Who is the father! Is she married? Is it artificial insemination! Is it the principal?
-Adrien so moved by Marinette’s outburst of Friendship. Marinette ‘Just a friend’ Dupain-Cheng is going the Tia Gardner method of friendship. Lol
-Marinette ready to fight and Gabriel just like ‘Yea sure whatever’ (Gabriel’s smile murders puppies)
- Kagami trying to cheer adrien up. If you love adrigami, get that juice. (That looked like a kiss kiss, but the angle seemed off, so I am not counting it that way.)
- Kitty Clicker is wonderful. This entire scene is gold.
-  Gorrilla doesnt like planes, poor baby
- Plagg, you are a devious little s***. I love you so much. As a writer, his dialogue on how to convince adrien is so devilish its amazing. Using technicalities to tempt adrien.
-Lukanette shippers get your juice... even if it was still tainted a bit by Adrien inclusion. You still get a kiss.
- Okay, can we appreciate that Adrien is also having the same amount of trouble as Marinette moving on, but also include Guilt into the equation? I love this because you KNOW Chat noir is going to get an ear full later.
-Marinette has totally moved on from Adrien.... Oh my poor sweet little girl. You havent. You havent even a little. This ride is litterally the reverse of Startrain and its amazing. Alya is NOT helping. Also, give the person that drew Marinette’s Daydreams a f***ing raise. They earned it
-Marinette pulling herself OUT of the situation. Now adrien is slightly bummed out. Well i am sure that this is the last awkward experience with Adrien she will have. It isnt like the two of them will get lost in NY together... thats whats gonna happen isnt it?
-Marinette walking past all the couples sleeping together. JULROSE GET YOUR JUICE!!!
-Ah yes, nothing like watching the sunset with your good friend. Yes, you good pal, Adrien. Who is Just a friend. Wow, the realization that Marinette used the word friend in this movie more times then Adrien did in the entire series so far. (Or at the very least close)
- Adrien, STOP! Marinette is trying to move on from you! Stop making it so damn difficult for her. (I am not serious, i am eating this s*** up like Sushi)
-Nino confirms he loves Adrien. ADRINO COME GET YOUR JUICE! But yea, I feel alya and Nino’s pain. So they are going to help them both.
-Adrienette hugs. Yes, good.
-And thank goodness for Techno Pirate! Saving everyone from awkwardness by trying to bring down a plane... thats heading for NY...
-OH SWEET! BATMAN RIP OFF AND Captain Marvel rip off! And their sidekicks, Robin rip off and... Medusa girl? Okay Neat.
-Jokes aside, Majestia and Night Owl are boss as hell.
-Wow, I know that Ladybug and Chat noir got powerups now. But these United Heroes make their powers look so bland in comparison.
Tumblr media
-Get rekt France!
-ADRIEN! DONT USE YOUR PHONE ON AN AIRPLANE! Well, unless he is using the in flight wifi, then he good.
-How come New York has a f*** ton of superheroes in this universe? America really gets all the cool stuff regardless of what fictional universe your in.
- Why are the superheroes so keen on watching over Marinette’s class? Do they know? Do they know Marinette and Adrien are there? Or is it like they just want to prevent an international incident. PLEASE LET IT BE THE LATER.
- I have only had Aeon for 15 seconds and I would violently murder anyone who harms her.
-Oh my Sabrina! GET YOURSELF AN AMERICAN BOY! ... And Chloé is going to ruin the fun. Oof tough break roomies.
-The entire class! I cant even! Not even a second after the door closes they out to party on the roof!
-Aeon, “See? They are made for eachother!”
- Damn, now that’s some guitar playing! Plus Her design is boss as heck. America really just has better versions of EVERYTHING.
-American boy basically snuck in to see Sabrina! GET IT GIRL!
-Nino and Alya be tag teaming this!
-Wow Zag, you stuffing me full of Adrinette goodness. Gorilla is a beautiful sunflower.
- Marinette and Adrien havent been in the US 24 hours and they already have two shippers of them. Also, what do doors have against them?
-Jess is Shipping it too hard. “Lets put them in danger!”
-Jess is having way too much fun with this.
-Hawkmoth akumatizing an actual Super villain. FINALLY!
- “Wouldn’t you rather have an Atomic Bomb?” I love Techno pirate.
-”Super Heroes should never use their powers for personal gain.”  Hmmm I wonder how this will back fire on everyone involved.
-Okay, I take back what I said, these heroes need some Miraculous asap.
- Ladybug is 100% justified in being angry with Chat Noir. It is his fault.
-AEON!!!! NO!!!!!!! Okay, guess i have to kill that techno pirate, and Chat noir
- Seems they really hammering it in that Chat noir f***ed up. They right though, but at least Ladybug isnt angry enough to agree that Chat noir should give up his miraculous to some rando. FLEEING FROM THE LAW!
-So lucky charm can only fix damage due to specific villains. It cant fix things when the villain is gone or they are out of range. I always knew it had limitations, but damn. Chat noir REALLY screwed the pooch on this one.
-Adrien no! Oh s***! He cant just... I mean.... He can but...
-Gabriel stole the Eagle! The Kwami of Freedom. The irony is so delicious here.
- So night Owl and Sparrow are both chick with Masculine superhero appearances. Thats actually pretty damn smart, great way to keep people off their identity.
-Welp, i am depressed. Adrien doesnt have Plagg.
- So an akumatized person can USE A MIRACULOUS WHILE AKUMATIZED! WHAT THE F*** THATS AWESOME. Also why didnt catalyst do that?
-Gabriel actually getting adrien out of there while before s*** hits the fan. That is actually kind of a decent parenting move. Granted he is going to cause it, but appreciate it.
-Marinette the bike thief is back! And she is an international criminal!
- She tried so hard. Welp I am glad that Marinette is clearly over... actually no. This trip made that clear.
-Liberation, Wow. That is the most American power I have ever seen. I LOVE IT.
- Okay, so I never thought i would say this. maybe there is such a thing as too much freedom? Or at least Freedom that lets you impede on Other people’s freedoms.
- I know what Zag is up to, and it is working. I want a tv series Of Jess and Aeon. They are wonderful.
-So Majestia can casually move the moon. Yea, thats amazing and terrifying! I love her.
-Quantum masking! So there is a glamor effect! I knew it! So Aeon knows who ladybug and Chat noir are.
-aeon will never see Tikki or plagg. Thats so sad.
-At least Adrien learned an important lesson.
-The was clever, using the keychain
- Eagle jess is epic.
-and Majestia can catch missles. Considering she can move the moon. Not surprising.
-OH DAMN, Night owl and Sparrow are LEGACY HEROES! Thats like the Phantom, Or like Jojo.
-That was sweet of Marinette and the class.
-Oh so the guardian of those miraculous came back to claim it.
-But now sounds like the set up for a new series.
Overall, I did greatly enjoy this movie. Though there were times i wanted to know more, and times I wanted to know less. I know this takes place sometime during season 4, but the exact time is vague. It did tell a really cool story. It felt like a three episode saga combined into one. It was kind of interesting. And damn the drama was higher.
I give it a 7.5/10.
I would rate it up there with my favorite ML episodes.
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