#how to brackets work in the tagging system;
theminecraftbee · 5 months
actually, out of the tags and further explanation: so I actually REALLY LOVE that mcc is like, canonizing making predictions about game and event winners like this, as well as making stats more accessible and explicitly part of the game like this.
the thing is—okay so I know stats are blamed for a lot of what’s wrong with mcc fandom but stats are FUN. sports predictions are FUN. being kind of competitive about sports predictions is FUN. have you ever done an ncaa bracket with your family. or played fantasy baseball. or fantasy football. or hell, have you watched a jon bois video that’s actually some of his sports writing. FUN, RIGHT? and stats are a really common way for a sports/competition fan to engage with their hobby, so like, there is no avoiding “people will try to make mcc predictions” and “people will stat out the teams” and “people will be competitive about those predictions”, it’s one of the most common modes of the sports fan, it’s an accessible form of engagement even when the team you are personally a fan of isn’t in the game (because you can be temporarily a fan of the one you’ve decided to gamble on winning), and it’s not gonna go away.
(the actual stakes of gambling aren’t required and I actually do not recommend outside of like, you get a stupid gold plastic trophy from a friend, do not get involved in sports gambling it’s a predatory industry and there is basically no “safe” threshold there, I am talking more about the inherent fun of “getting competitive about your team winning”.)
the problem has in the past been that players see it and get placed under pressure/upset/etc about it, because unlike Sports, the mcc players have very direct lines of interaction with their fandom. it’s VERY EASY to take a prediction as an attack, especially when combined with competitiveness, which is why I think a lot of people suggest forbidding talking about stats or tiers, getting rid of stats, etc.
but the thing is that won’t work. for one, it’s removing one of the biggest sports fan modes of engagement and therefore removing your own fandom. but also people aren’t going to NOT do stats! like, even the players will probably start keeping track of stats if stats were removed! so the solution instead needs to be to make stats more individual, to remove some of the pressure of the stats, and to lean into the stuff about it that makes it FUN.
therefore: the kudos system and predictions. it’s not trying to get rid of the inevitable fandom interaction, it’s embracing it, but it’s doing it in a way that removes pressure from players.
for example, note that the kudos have a focus on personal bests! this encourages players to compete but means even “lower-tier” players will probably get them! at the same time, by globally sharing overall records, it continues to celebrate and encourage great performances! plus, by making some of the stats really stupid, it both gives statheads NEW things to focus on that aren’t coins—the punching statistic for example is gonna be so fun—removing some of the pure pressure to perform in score alone and the centralization of discussion around it—and also gives players silly records to aim for if they aren’t the kind of player who’d aim for a more “traditional” high score.
as for the predictions, they’re gonna do two things. first, it embraces “yeah the community loves doing predictions” by adding a competitive aspect to it—can you beat the odds and predict who will win everything? the wordle-like ability to copy/paste how you did at the end of the event is truly genius because it makes it SUPER EASY to share and discuss for even casual fans. it will increase engagement and discussion. it’ll ALSO help demonstrate to players, by showing the percentage of correct predictions on screen, how… inaccurate… predictions often are. sure, you can guess who the better players and teams will be, but as anyone who did sexyman knows, single-round games can have upsets. and it celebrates those upsets! it turns it from “no one believed in us” (sad) to “we were the underdogs hell yeah look at us go!”
anyway as someone who likes engaging with sports and competitions by being a little competitive and watching the stories the numbers tell: I adore these changes FANTASTIC changes they’re gonna be so fun day-of let’s go mcc,
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are you tired of how many character tournaments just become a popularity contest?
how regardless of seeding, even high contenders can almost arbitrarily be knocked out early on, leaving you with nothing to root for?
if you're feeling that, and if you like any webcomics, you should participate in the webcomic character tournament!
the primary goals of this tournament are:
to celebrate the medium of webcomics as a whole
to find new webcomics to read, and to recommend your own favorites
to highlight indie creators and help them build a wider audience
to have fun rooting for and celebrating your favorite characters!
in order to accomplish these goals, instead of a single elimination bracket, i will be using a mcmahon system inspired tournament structure!
this means that no character will be eliminated, and you can participate in polls rooting for your favorite character throughout all the rounds. characters will also be roughly matched up based on a system that determines how well known their work is, so most rounds should be relatively evenly matched, allowing people to fight for their favorites on their own merits
more details about how the mcmahon tournament will work can be found under the cut!
submit as many characters as you would like to here! the deadline is tentatively next saturday, june 3rd, at 4pm EDT
tagging some other tournaments i like whose participants i think might be interested :) @wlw-webcomic-bracket @obscurewebcomictournament @gaywebcomicsshowdown @autisticgirliesbracket @yuribracket @secretthirdthingtournament @nonyanderepoll @funkylittlebaldcharapoll @divorced-tournament
no submission is specifically banned, but try to keep in mind the spirit of this tournament when deciding what to submit.
under the cut after my more detailed description of the tournament structure, i also ramble in a lot more detail about my philosophy regarding submission eligibility, but it's not necessary to read all that before submitting characters
mcmahon tournament details:
matchups will be decided based off of a survey sent out after submissions are over gauging participants' familiarity with all of the competing characters' source materials. each character will be assigned points based off of how known their source material is, and each character will go up against a character with a similar popularity score for the first round
characters will be awarded points based off of if they lose, win, or tie their match and have that added to their total score, and then they will again be paired against a character with a similar updated score
depending on how many characters are participating, this process can continue either until there is a definitive ranking of all characters, or until just a few top winners are clear
i haven't entirely decided on specifics such as whether points will be awarded by a simple 0 for a loss, 0.5 for a tie, 1 for a win or by percentage of the vote, and if initial popularity points will be counted in the final ranking, or if i will try to rank winners from within their initial popularity categories, but i hope that won't matter too much, because in my opinion the main fun of this isn't the final results, it's for people to have fun in the individual rounds seeing their favorite character's points go up!
submission guidelines:
if you are submitting characters from extremely popular webcomics, try to limit yourself to just characters that are among your top favorites of all time, and maybe try to submit stuff from lesser known works as well
similar goes for webcomics that are more widely known for adaptations into other media forms (one punch man, tower of god, heartstopper, etc.)
i'm not specifically banning any comic for having bigoted content or its creator being a bad person, there's a wide scale of stuff i could decide to include in that definition or not. in the goal of celebrating favorite characters, obviously a lot of people love characters despite flaws in the work they're from, but also keep in mind the goals of recommending works to other people, and helping uplift and promote creators you like, and try to find a reasonable balance from there
what counts as a webcomic:
physically published works that you can find pirated or scanlated online probably don't count
comics whose publication is centered around physical releases, who also have simultaneous online releases by their publishers (comics on manga plus or comixology, newspaper strips with online sites, etc.) probably don't count
comics published through traditional publishers that are exclusively online (such as shōnen jump+ comics) still probably don't count
comics published online through companies that exclusively publish online (such as lezhin) are still discouraged
stuff like line webtoon or tapas official comics are more acceptable, as there are a lot of free comics from independent creators around them and many of these comics started out that way themselves, so they exist within a culture of webcomics more so than the aforementioned comic categories
stuff that is paywalled beyond just having an early release system is discouraged
comics that are no longer online but accessible through archives are fine though, especially in the wake of sites like smackjeeves being deleted there's a lot of stuff in webcomic history that can only be found that way now!
webtoon style comics absolutely count as webcomics, they're an exciting way of fully making use of webcomics' digital format! simultaneously however, i feel like with the rise of mobile webtoon apps, there are many people who read webtoon style comics but who dont further engage with webcomics, so i'd definitely encourage submitting a variety of styles of webcomic!
none of these rules are set! feel free to submit whatever you want, i just list them so you can try to find a balance between the different goals of this tournament when submitting stuff.
anyone can submit as many characters as you want, but just maybe if you find that a lot of your submission ideas are from comics in some of the more discouraged categories, limit yourself in how many you submit from those categories and only submit characters if they're absolute favorites of yours you want the opportunity to celebrate, and maybe try to also submit a character from something that isn't in a discouraged category too!
theres no penalty for not going with this, but i think because choosing characters by number of nominees doesn't really align with my intentions for this, depending on how easy it is to sort submissions i might just go off of vibes, so you might just be less likely to have a character make it to the tournament if their comic is in more heavily discouraged categories is all
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wifegideonnav · 6 months
I'm new to Tumblr. How do Tumblr users usually engage with each other?
well first of all welcome haha. the main ways to engage with people are:
liking and reblogging. platforms like instagram and tiktok run on likes and an algorithm, but on tumblr, people almost exclusively use their dashboard and turn off suggested content, so they’re only seeing what people actually reblog onto their dash. that’s why people on this site are so adamant about reblogs, because likes basically do nothing. i saw someone say once that anything you would like on a different social media, you should reblog on here, and i totally agree. and don’t worry about how old a post is, or about reblogging something you’ve previously reblogged. there are posts from 2014 that i regularly see on my dash a decade later, so literally don’t feel awkward, it’s 100% normal to engage with old posts.
tags. there are three main ways tags are used: labeling original content so people find it in searches, internal organization systems when reblogging or posting (for instance, many people have a tag for their original posts, and will tag reblogs by fandom or character or whatever - important note that reblogs do not show up in search results), and to make sotto voce comments on a post. it’s normal for people to make jokes, add their own commentary, ramble about something semi relevant, or say something to op in the tags on posts they reblog.
reblog additions. every time you reblog, you have the chance to add something to the post, which unlike tags will be retained when someone reblogs from you. a good rule of thumb is to comment instead of tagging when it’s something you actually want other people to engage with, as opposed to tags where you’re just kind of expressing yourself lol. don’t be surprised however if you see people’s tags getting screenshotted and added to a reblog. if this happens because the screenshotter likes what the tag writer said, it’s jokingly referred to as “passing peer review.” (and of course people screenshot tags to criticize or mock them as well.) essentially, tags are like being at a big group dinner and saying something to the person next to you as an aside, and then sometimes that person goes “hey everyone listen to this”
post comments. there’s also an option on every post (unless op has turned it off) for people to comment on the post itself, not on a specific reblog. mostly this is useful for talking to people on personal posts or posts with reblogs turned off. on a bigger post, just reblog it and put your thoughts in an addition or tag.
asks. seems like you figured this one out! lmao. asks are used for a wide variety of things, but essentially it can either be a prompt for someone to make a post or a way of having an interaction/conversation with someone without dming them.
dms. these work like dms everywhere else, except the functionality is limited and it kinda sucks.
games. there are also many varieties of games that people play with each other, ranging from ask games (things like “rec me some music” or a post with prompts and people send you some from that list), tag games (typically there are questions you answer then you tag other people to fill them out for themselves) handwriting tags, follow chains, giveaways, name/url playlists, and more. with the addition of polls, brackets have gotten popular too (eg the tumblr sexyman bracket). there also used to be a lot of in-character ask blogs, where a user would set up a blog and roleplay as a specific character that people could send questions to (there still are some but way fewer and way less popular than there used to be)
to be honest i feel like i have to put “discourse” and “drama” on this list too. people on this site loveeee having the most insane arguments of all time and then everyone else memes the hell out of it. google “sonic for real justice” for an example lmao. (of course there’s also very unfunny political and fandom discourse that goes on as well. i would advise you to avoid discourse blogs as a general rule regardless of whether you agree with their position or not)
tagging people. you can also @ people in posts you think they’d like or if you feel like they have relevant input. typically this is something you would do either to people you’ve spoken to before, or a big blog with an established persona and rapport with their followers (eg if you follow a blog about snakes and you see a random post with snake info that seems wrong but you’re not sure, so you tag them to ask for their expertise).
and this isn’t a specific “mode” of communication but it’s also a thing to “interpret” (for lack of a better word) other people’s posts. for instance, people drawing a photo from the original post (i cant find it but there was a post going around recently where op posted an aesthetic photo of an egg cooking and then several people painted it), or people trying/recreating something a post was about (example). it was also a thing for a minute there where people would rewrite funny exchanges as shakespearean dialogue
those are all the ways i can think of, although im sure i’ve missed some (if other people think of any pls add on!). good luck, and i hope you’re able to meet some cool people!
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aether-wasteland-s · 18 days
Rewrite tag
thanks to @satohqbanana for the tag! I'm passing this onto @eternalyraven , @songsofsomnia , @flock-from-the-void and anyone else who might want to join in!
Rules: Rewrite the previous person's lines in your own style, and then supply a few new lines for others to rewrite
So, I was given:
College, however, posed a financial challenge. Rhen desired to attend the University of the Philippines, but the income bracket the system assigned her to gave her a tuition fee her parents would have to wokr double-time for. She applied for scholarships elsewhere, but the institutions either rejeted her or promised to endorse her for a course different from her choice. With a heavy heart, she opted to go to one of the "rich kid schools" which had awarded her a full scholarship for her chosen degree, De La Salle University
And my rewrite looks a little like:
It was Rhen's desire to attend the University of the Philippines, but finances— namely, the fact that the cost of it would have her parents working double time just to compensate for it— put a stop to that dream before it could really take form. She'd applied for scholarships, enough to hopefully give her options she could take a fancy to, but all of them either offered to support her through courses she didn't want to do, or straight up rejected her. It was De La Salle University that she chose eventually, but it wasn't an easy choice. It had a reputation for being one of the "rich kid schools", which she wasn't a fan of, but it was the only one that had given her a full scholarship for a degree of her choosing.
You guys can have... How about this?
They were taking on water. A cannonball had torn a huge hole into the bow, shredding everything in it's path until they were forced into taking drastic action to keep themselves afloat. The good news was that nobody had thought to consider that this would be the point of their deaths, at least not out loud. AJ knew that he didn't have the mindset for trying to comprehend the demise beyond that of a large scale destruction. Keeping himself optimistic wouldn't work, not in this situation. He needed a little more than heart to pull through this massacre if he wanted to keep as many people as possible alive.
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dervampireprince · 11 months
do you have any tips for making n$fw content? probably specifically audios tbh. i want to get into it but i don’t even know where to start and it’s hard to search for tips and and stuff bc the site blocks searches.
oo okay so this of course is just my personal experiences and thoughts and all that. and i don't know if i can give the best advice but i will say what i can.
in my opinion there's sort of three types of n-sfw audio creators. i would think about which one of these types of audios you want to make or what platforms you want to use, but there's nothing saying you can't do multiple of these.
there's people who make regular audio p0rn which is real recordings of them actually participating in sexual acts, whether alone or with others, usually these are posted on reddit and places like p0rnhub. essentially regular video p0rn but audio only.
scripted and improvised audio content that are made up scenarios being acted out and not actually happening, like the kind found on r/gonewildaudio (shoutout to my favourite inactive audio creator who i hope is doing well u/msa_andeh, he is the reason i got into making audios, seriously go to his reddit or soundgasm). i crosspost all my public n-sfw audios on this subreddit, and where relevant also to r/GoneWildAudioGay and r/GoneWildAudioTrans.
asmr voice actor youtubers who make sfw content on their youtube but nsfw exclusive n-sfw content on their patreons, whether this be original scenarios, original characters or fandom characters. this is the type of content i make and so do creators like CarlinAudios, YuuriVoice, Dark & Twisted Whispers, Kink Radio, and more.
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so firstly if you're trying to learn about n-sfw audios you need to knwo about r/gonewildaudio. it's a sub reddit just for posting scripts and audios of n-sfw audios. i assume you've seen the tags i use in my audios, the ones in the square brackets like [M4M] [Comfort] [Praise], well these are using r/gonewildaudios tagging system. gwa is also how i discovered soundgasm as an audio hosting site that allows n-sfw audios to be posted to it. this subreddit contains anything from someone recording themselves getting off, to scripted fantasy audios about knights and kings, to 'boyfriend helps you relax'. anything and everything n-sfw audio related. there are writers who post their scripts on there and the purposes is for people to 'script fill'. a script fill post is where a person on there reads off and acts out one of the scripts. so if you do want to get into n-sfw voice acting but are struggling to write or come up with ideas, you could start out by trying out script fills but make sure to abide by the the subreddits tagging system, and as with most subreddits its no self-promo policy (which makes reddit a hard place to promote your other social medias or patreon on).
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there are also a couple more subreddits for the same type of content but more specific, there's r/GoneWildAudioGay for M4M n-sfw audios (male 4 male, and yes this includes trans and cis men), and r/GoneWildAudioTrans for any n-sfw and sfw audios where the listener is trans (which means any identity under the trans umbrella, eg trans men, trans women, non-binary, genderfluid, etc).
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but also wait there's more. there is g/GWABackstage which is another subreddit for n-sfw audio and script creators to share other projects unrelated to n-sfw audios but also for asking questions about how to make audios, tips, feedback, how to post audios online, how to make sfx, what microphone to use, anything and everything you might have questions for! there's also r/GWAScriptGuild for script writers to share their work, ask for feedback, ask questions, advice, etc.
if you want to post audios publicly you can here on tumblr put there is a size limit on audio files that i quickly discovered that made my audios compressed so badly they were inaudible and that's why i stopped putting the audios directly on here and instead just embed the youtube videos. but if you want a proper n-sfw audio hosting site there is soundgasm (which i use) and also erocast. there might be more, but those are the ones i know. some people also just use p0rnhub to post the audio as a video with either no visuals or just one picture the entire video.
if you are wanting to make money out of doing n-sfw audios the only way i know is by putting stuff behind patreon. 237 out of my 288 patrons are part of the n-sfw audio tier. that is the majority of my income at the moment. if i posted n-sfw content publicly more often or had all those patreon exclusive audios public i wouldn't be making a living. though i don't know if it's possible to use something 0nlyfans or fan$ly instead as i don't know if they allow you to make audio posts. i know that ko-fi doesn't allow audios posts, you'd have to post them as videos. of course you an always take commissions as well, but you have to be the one to market yourself and try and reach people who are interested in custom n-sfw audios.
i guess basically my advice has been don't search on tumblr, go to reddit. that's not saying you can't post your audios on tumblr, you can, hell i started by posting my things on tumblr. and there's a different in how you'll grow and what audience you attract depending on whether you want to do original p0rn audios in which case you might want to use reddit and 0nlyfans, or if you want to make fandom audios in which case well what better place can you find fandoms and people in love with fictional characters than tumblr (don't be offended guys, this is a self call out)
i don't know what else to say uhhhh. i hope that helpsss. if you have any more specific questions you can shoot them my way and i'll try to answer and if i can't maybe try the r/GWABackstage subreddit
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scp-torment · 1 year
(Minor unreality warning, both for this post and this entire blog. Posts containing unreality will be tagging accordingly. Reminder that the SCP Foundation is not and has never been real, and all things covered on this blog are fictional.)
SCP Tournament
Welcome, agents, anomalies, civilians who's locations we are rapidly approaching on, and everything in between, to the SCP tournament! Where we will be competiting to see what scp the community decides is The Best. Sponsored directly by The Foundation and not at all a waste of funding.
"But wait, what does Best mean?" That is entirely up to you! It can be the one you think is best written, or most compelling. It could be most iconic, or the one that's just really fucking cool. It's entirely up to you.
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Status: Tales focused mini bracket is over!
Full list of competitors and their links currently pending.
I'll be doing my best to read every article submitted, and all that make it into the final tournament will come with links to their pages. I encourage all people voting to go ahead and read them! There might be some hidden gems in there.
"But wait, what is an SCP?" (Newcomers can also start by simply going through the main site that this all originates from.)
"You've got a warning for unreality in your pinned post, should I be worried about that?" TLDR; it's infrequent and will be tagged accordingly.
"There's so many competitors here, where can I find their stories?" They're all listed right here! But that's just the contestants from the first tournament. The second tournament list is still pending.
"I submitted an SCP, and now I wanna know how popular they were, and your previous link didn't have vote totals." A list of all SCPs from the first tournament that were submitted more than once can be found here.
"Hey, a lot of the SCPs you're using don't have pictures, so what's up with that icon you're using for a lot of them?" That's the Anomaly Classification System (ACS). It's a tool to help enhance the already existing classification system, adding pictures and colors to each classification, as well as a danger and distribution class. It's used in a lot of the newer SCP files, so you've probably already seen it around! A lot of the SCPs didn't have pictures and I didn't want to use fanart without permission, so I scanned through their article and made them an ACS icon by what I felt was closest.
"Can I be rude to people?" Absolutely not. Playful joking is one thing, but I've seen too many tournament blogs have some nasty drama when people's fav have lost. I don't want that energy here, so please be kind to all, regardless of who they're supporting.
"One of your links isn't working! It says there's no post here :(" Sorry about that! I renamed the blog some months ago and it through off all the international navigation links since they don't auto update. I think I've fixed them all now, but if you find one that doesn't work please just send me an ask and I'll fix it!
"Do you allow propaganda?" Of course! Propaganda is not only accepted but encouraged. Go all out. Use memenics.
I believe that's all for now. If you've gotten to the end of this then congrats on surviving so long at the foundation. And if you're not an agent and you're reading this- Good luck with all that comes with the knowledge of these creatures. Happy voting!
Various blogs I was inspired by (for reach and appreciation of your own tournaments): @dead-character-showdown @fictional-disease-fight @mad-scientist-showdown @autismswagsummit @transgenderswagcompetition @pluralswagbracket @archivistsandlibrarians, and @mysterycharactercontest.
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raccoonfallsharder · 7 months
a while back you inspired me to write a rocketxoc fanfic on ao3 but I never finished the first chapter so I never posted it
I had found a way to exploit ao3’s workskin system to make a choose your own adventure story because they allowed juuuust barely enough css functionality that I could make passages show up depending on what links you chose. But the writing was harder than the programming so it sits unfinished
What are your thoughts on a choose your own rocket fanfic? Is that something you’d enjoy reading? And how would you go about writing one?
sweet fluffy little golden raccoon baby. (i can only assume you are a raccoon because that is possibly one of the cleverest fucking things i've ever heard. rocket would be extremely proud of you, and probably resentful that he didn't think of it himself.) seriously, this is genius.
i'm honored to have inspired anything at all and i would one-billion-percent read this???? CYOA stories were a nostalgic staple for me (they weren't part of my normal reading consumption because my parents were weird, but my cousins had a ton of them, so when i was a nugget and i was at their place, i would hole up in their closet and read these books and their copies of goosebumps).
as for how i would write one - woof. i don't know. i think i'd have to map it out? i'm not sure if i'd start at the various ends and work my way backwards to a single beginning, or if i'd start at the beginning and work my way out to various logical ends. (i actually have a hard time with sequencing so i might even start in the middle - lets say there was a major choice i wanted reader to be faced with - and everything else would either be about the choices reader made to get them this far and/or the fallout). gosh you could even get really weird and do something completely anachronistic - or fatalistic, where no matter what choices reader makes, they only lead to one outcome. geez the possibilities are endless
what i can say with certainty is that i'm a visual person, so before i started writing-writing, i'd probably create some kind of chart - like a bracket system in reverse, with each "set" signifying a plot-altering choice. that way i could see where my chapters were coming from, and where they were going to. (this kind of thing also helps keep my motivated tbh)
literally HOW FUN though, this is very loki // multiverse of you. i absolutely adore it, 10/10 would read, and if you ever decide to publish any of it, please send me a message or tag me or whatever. i'd be thrilled to get a chance to consume it v o r a c i o u s l y
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 7 months
I suppose I should talk about possible/confirmed plan changes to my WIPs?
(Fair warning: I've mostly calmed down, but I don't want to work myself up again, so I'm gonna be writing in a normal tone. I promise I'm not ignoring or trying to make light of the whole thing! I just don't wanna talk too deeply about it. All the love and support to Shelby Shubble & all victims of abuse!!!💖)
First off, I believe characters are separate from their creators- anyone who continues to create content about c!Wilbur has my support and respect!
(I will most probably continue to consume content related to c!Wilbur as well, though I will tag him as "c!Wilbur" now, rather than "Wilbur Soot"- I've been tagging all dsmp characters only as their corresponding CC's names, mostly out of laziness. For instance, c!Tommy wasn't tagged as "c!Tommy", he was tagged as "TommyInnit". I don't want to change my whole tagging system, but c!Wilbur at least will be tagged as "c!Wilbur" from now on!)
None of my writing was RPF in the first place, it was all about the characters- but I'm not sure if I myself am ready to freely write c!Wilbur or fanfiction!Wilbur stuff yet. Maybe I never will be; idk.
So here are the changes I'll be making!
DSMP Superpower AU: c!Wilbur will stay. I was planning to include all the DSMP characters(The 'mains', at least, I'm not sure about secondary characters yet), and the notion of leaving c!Wilbur out doesn't really appeal to me. So c!Wilbur will still appear here!
Temporal Transcendence: Honestly, at first I thought TT!Wilbur would be irreplaceable, but after some thought, I was surprised to find it might just work! Karl and Niki would play bigger roles than I expected, but it could definitely work. Heck, it might even be better than the original plan! So I think Wilbur will likely be cut from TT.
Oshi No Ko but Happier AU: I'm on the fence about this one. Wilbur's character isn't CRUCIAL crucial, but he's still pretty important. The outline of the plot will look much different if he does indeed end up getting cut out. So I'm gonna mark this WIP as a solid "idk" and just work it out as I go.
Rarepair Royalty AU: I've never talked about this AU. This one is a bit funny, cuz cutting Wilbur's character out actually solves some of the problems I had with the outline! The plot will actually work out better if Secondborn Prince Wilbur didn't exist- so he's definitely cut from this one! I just need to find someone new to pair with Karl. (Probably Seapeekay; I have the currently ongoing MCYT crackship brackets to thank for the ship!)
Lucky Star: Another fic that's never been talked about- this one is my newest WIP! :D I wasn't even sure where I was going to fit Wilbur in- a character called Wilbur never even existed here. Well, he did, but I'd deleted him for plot reasons a while ago and was in the middle of trying to find another slot. (Cyberknife is Techno's dead twin in this WIP btw- he's not a replacement character for Wilbur, the twin was always going to be Cyberknife.)
Tome AU: SBI literally only serves as Tommy's rich and powerful family here- at least, up to where I've fleshed out. Wilbur's only moment in the spotlight is when he argues with Tommy over dinner, bc he doesn't like how Tommy "got stuck" raising baby Shroud with Purpled(who found Shroud in a trash can), & is caught glaring at Purpled. I'll edit him out maybe. Or leave him, he's not a major character after all. idk.
Others(Mostly Bedrock Bros-centric): Honestly, I never could figure out how to write Wilbur's character that well. So 'Wilbur' isn't too big a character in most of these. Will likely cut.
Tom and Bunnypig(Bee and Puppycat AU): You know what, I think I'm going to make this half-baked idea into a proper WIP. Wilbur never existed here either, so yeah.
CONCLUSION: The whole thing is a mess, and I'm sad and mad, as we all are, but I'm gonna stop thinking about how horrible Wilbur Soot is & focus on how brave Shelby Shubble is!
I'm intrigued at what removing a single character did to my plot outlines, and hopefully, this will open a lot of new opportunities in my writing. I'm certainly looking forward to how my writing skills will develop after this.
To everyone who's actually read through this; thank you for reading this whole thing, I know it's kinda long.😅 Have a cookie and a hug, we all need it🍪🫂 Remember to drink water & eat something! All my love💖💖
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virovirokun-has-adhd · 8 months
Hollow Shell of a Man
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"Oh if only there were words to describe how disappointed I am in you"
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Names ::
-> Fizziepop! [or just Fizz for short ehehe]
-> Viro
-> Alice
-> Archie
& more
he / xem / h3 / vi / ren / it / zomb / static / mach / they
transmasc , genderfluid , catboy , luniboy , demiboy , cybrgender
lesboy , demirose , a-spec , qplatonic , aesthetic attraction , ambiamorous , robosexual
[#flags 4 me tag] \\ [gender & tertiary attraction] \\ [pronouns.page]
ADHDer + minor sensory issues
-! taken & in a polycule !-
-! w/ @mayday-mayd4y & Malware @m0memto-mori <3 !-
"Strong believer of being queer being about defying societal norms about gender and sexuality and not about depending on feeling love at all"
Discord Servers Masterlist
Tags <- (outdated)
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=ordered by how intensely I'm fixated=
Electric Dreams
Gravity Falls
Lone Echo
Mogai/Liom Community
anti any of my fixations
queerphobic / exclusionary towards any of my identities
-- (including polyamory , ace/aro , mspec identities , mspec lesbians & gays , lesboy && xenogenders)
proship/comship / pedos / tcest
disrespectful to others' beliefs
zionist / neo nazi / racist
dsmp stans / apologists / "kinnies" (cc&c!) [genuine system kinnies are fine] / ect. *
anti system / plural & anti endogenic/non-traumagenic system
anti kink
-- (this isnt just u thinking some kinks are gross this is genuine lowkey kink-shaming with no respect or regard for the kink haver's feelings)
nsfw/porn blogs
-- (unless i follow you first ig)
-- (i'm kinda sticky on these grounds, but im ok with valveplug)
*(for clarification idc if you still watch old dsmp creators' content (other than dream ofc bash that pedo's skull in) idc, i still watch Ranboo & stuff so as long as you're not trying to apologise for their wrongdoings / saying they've done nothing wrong, you can interact. Additionally if you support Dream or Wilbur for their wrongdoings stay the fuck off my blog and do not fucking interact. We support Shelby/Shubble here whole heartedly)
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I occasionally use Cybertronian terms or slang in my everyday speech, whether its referencing a body part
- (helm=head, processor=brain, servo=hand, optics=eyes)
- or to replace swearing (frag=fuck, scrap=shit/crap)
- or just talking about Primus in the place of Jesus/God or whatever
I oftentimes struggle with tone in text so tonetags are immensely helpful :D
I meow a lot, I sometimes refer to "cat brain" when my brain stops working like a human's brain should and I forget things
=just some general rules i have=
Don't DM/PM me out of the blue. (duhh)
Don't send hatemail or things you know/think might trigger me.
Don't do the above to any of my moots/friends/partners either, if you do this you will be blocked as soon as I find out what you've done.
Stay in your lane, don't interfere with conversations / rb threads that's just common sense.
If I didn't reference you directly then I am very most likely not talking about you.
I only roleplay with people I'm closest to. (usually my partners)
Be kind obviously
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@kingalice-not-so-villain-au - Sona AU with my good friend @bananabiskit
Old Pinned Post =]
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17 notes · View notes
elisedonut · 8 months
you guys want to see some ship stats? (well ao3 ship stats)
because I got really curious and find stuff like this neat so number in (bracket) is the number the tag search gave me number next to it is how many I see when just opening the tag
Taken 1/27/24
Percy Weasley
Relationship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood ‎(2374) 1,576
Relationship: Audrey Weasley/Percy Weasley ‎(537) 494
Relationship: Penelope Clearwater/Percy Weasley ‎(328) 305
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley ‎(324) 256
Relationship: Harry Potter/Percy Weasley ‎(312) 184
Oliver Wood
Relationship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood ‎(2374) 1,576
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood ‎(1203) 948
Relationship: Harry Potter/Oliver Wood ‎(257) 178
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Oliver Wood ‎(186) 165
Relationship: Oliver Wood/Original Female Character(s) ‎(160) 155
Marcus Flint
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood ‎(1203) 948
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Harry Potter ‎(673) 191?????? Wait what
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger ‎(418) 360
Relationship: Katie Bell/Marcus Flint ‎(228) 194
Relationship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley ‎(173) 131
what did we learn from this?
nothing but it is neat to look at
no actually I lied we learned that Marcus/Harry is broken for some reason? Maybe idk
My original guess for the discrepancy between what the tag search said and actual results were from people
you know
hiding their HP works instead of deleting them via the collections system leading to like tags still being used and counted but not visible but that's the only one with such a large difference that it ends up moving places (from 2nd to 4th)
Well anyway regardless it's still neat to me in particular
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The Housekeeping Post
This is... Well, you've read the thumbnail. For Hungarian monarchs who ruled after Mohács I refer you to @best-habsburg-monarch
(A later team-up to better determine the truly best ruler of Hungary is possible, but that's kind of a distant idea as of writing this post.)
New rounds of the main poll on Mondays; there may be other irregular or regular bonus polls at the admin's leisure.
More or less following the same model as Best Habsburg Monarch mentioned above, i.e. one-on-one duels organized into brackets. Round 1 has 32 contestants, Round 2 has 16, Round 3 has 8, Semifinals of course 4 and lastly there's Finals, where we crown the Ultimate King Of Hungary.
We are using Hungarian names (even with the idiotic Hungarian system of putting regnal numbers before the names, natch), but in some cases you will see their Slovak names in brackets. Because fuck it, we ARE reclaiming these bitches.
Contestants are more or less taken from the Wikipedia list, with some caveats. Václav III. doesn't count. If anyone feels sorry for him, they are kindly invited to create a kings of Bohemia bracket. (Seriously if someone wants to complete the Visegrád triplet, please do, and then tell us all about it!) Neither does Otto of Bavaria, because I don't know shit about him (I mean his short disputed reign doesn't exactly help his case, but you could argue we are letting in shorter and more spurious reigns, so that's not completely fair). II.Lászo and IV.István are labeled as antikings by Wikipedia, and if we kick them out, we get 32 contestants, which is a very convenient number for a bracket, so there you go.
Don't know who that bitch in the poll is? Never fear, I'll always inform you of what at least my Medieval History teacher said about them!
Polls last a week, of course.
Propaganda, babyyy! Propaganda and antipropaganda are most enthusiastically encouraged, provided they are true and pass the general ethical standards and junk. The caveat being that propaganda does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the admin; all it has to be is ethical and factually correct.
Spread the good news! Reblog, talk about it with friends, whatever. Just let people who might be interested in participating know of this blog's existence!
TAGS: #main bracket - polls and recaps of the main bracket #main bracket recap - recaps of the rounds of the main bracket #bonus polls - well, bonus polls #memes - well, memes #about us - what others say about this bracket (with our response or otherwise) #housekeeping - other posts, mainly about how this poll works, updates etc.
(PICTURE SOURCES: Thumbnail: https://mindentudasboltja.hu/Tabula-Hungariae-Lazarus-1528 I know the map of Hungary should've been from before 1526 but THERE AREN'T ANY SURVIVING ONES. Sorry dudes Lazarus is the best we got.) Profile Pic: https://www.hungarianconservative.com/articles/culture_society/legends-tales-and-the-doctrine-of-the-holy-crown-of-hungary/)
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illaboratories · 7 months
Welcome to the I.L.L. DATABASE.
This system is dedicated to the cataloguing, labelling, and deciphering of hostile Impostor variations found on human facilities. All mutations descripted here are based on witness accounts, captured specimens, and post-mortem autopsies. Some entries may contain speculative detailing that have the possibility to prove false upon further research. This database is for the eyes of ILL employees and space captains of adequate rank only. Leaking information from entries marked for non-public view is strictly prohibited. Any treacherous employees will be neutralized under law of secrecy. This is your last warning. Managed by ILL Laboratories. Notice: entries published at older dates, such as the Speedster and Jaw entries, are composed of research performed by numerous scientist organizations. All such entries were featured with permission and function under shared custody between companies.
(block o' text ooc under the cut)
Hello, hi, this is a blog based in a sort of...brace yourself...Among Us AU that I have goin on. It's basically going to act as a big lore dump! Impostor variations, logs, E-mails, those sort of tidbits. None of it is going to be even slightly biologically or scientifically accurate!!! But it will hopefully be cool :)
TW for alien body horror and mentions of death!
Right, so on the matter of asks: any questions ranging from how a certain Impostor mutation works to who a person is in a log are a good place to start! General in-universe queries like what ILL is are cool, too. Go crazy. Question (almost) everything. (I don't have an explanation for this super secret space-database being available on raccoon-masterminded Tumblr.)
OOC questions are okay as well. I'll gladly explain anything that may be confusing.
Tags: Impostor variations (Mutations) will be under #mutations.
Logs, emails, etc will be under #communications.
Worldbuilding posts will be under #information.
Asks will be under #consultations.
OOC posts will use the tag #OOC. I'll also use fancy brackets, aka {}, around the text within them.
Notes: Absolutely NO NSFW asks. Please do not make NSFW of any of my designs. Keep that far away from this blog.
On another note with the content I dump here, please do reach out and ask if you want to use it as a basis for anything! Find me at @kaijucat01 .
Thanks for trudging through this wad of text! Happy scrolling!
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you dont have like a specific tag for non bracket talk? you have all asks tagged asks but i dont want to hide all posts from everyone else that are tagged asks
I'm gonna be honest I don't really know how the tag hiding system works on Tumblr. I've barely used it and I assumed it was one of those things that you can do a lot with but I just don't know how.
But since I seem to be incorrect I will try to add a not poll tag later.
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whispermask · 2 years
gasoline in your heart ch.2/10 | ghost/soap/könig
read on ao3 | first ~ next | ch wc: 2.5k, total: 34k | completed
tags: smut, eventual ot3, fwbs to lovers, porn with feelings, jealous!ghost
dead dove time: this fic as a whole features a brief mention of a past suicide attempt, briefly graphic past child abuse (not CSA), past abuse of alcohol and present alcohol use, and at times dubious consent (consuming alcohol and engaging in sexual activities; dubcon voyeurism; dubcon sexting)
summary: soap and ghost start hooking up; soap and könig have apparently been hooking up; ghost doesn't know how to deal with it (eventual polycule), chapter 2 is soapghost heavy
preview:  With Soap in his lap and his gorgeous thighs bracketing Ghost’s hips, an image comes to Ghost’s mind unbidden. Soap and König in a similar position, König‘s hands in the exact place where Ghost’s are now, Soap with his sinful mouth and bedroom eyes in König’s lap while he fixes his teeth in König’s skin. He imagines that somewhere König’s identical mark aches. He can’t help it, he tenses.
Soap finds him during the mission in Turkey. 
Ghost is re-bandaging a wound on his forearm. It’s dusk, and he’s in the back of a LAMS, obscured behind a utility shelf and crates of ammunition. His tac lies in a heap on the dusty floor, but he’s still sweating, the residual effects of a stim and the adrenaline of a hard won fight still working their way out of his system. His hands shake as he disinfects the wound with isopropyl alcohol and fumbles to unwrap the gauze. 
The wound, a bullet that just managed to graze him, has finally stopped bleeding and the crusted blood around it is starting to pull his skin and arm hair when he moves. In all honesty, he’s surprised there’s not more carnage, or that he managed to dodge just so to avoid being shot. He hadn’t even registered the pain until after he had snapped the shooter's neck and the forty cal had fallen from the man’s hand and clattered across the concrete.
They’re experiencing a rare moment of peace amidst the chaos. Downtime between ops during deployment is already unheard of, but Price and Gaz are eighteen hours outside of the next drop zone doing recon and they can’t proceed without that essential intel so there’s nothing to do but wait for them to return. 
Ghost can’t seem to get a firm wrap with the gauze. He’s close to giving up and prepares for the walk of shame to the field hospital when Soap peaks his head out from behind the wall of crates. Ghost freezes.
“I’ll help,” Soap offers. 
“Not necessary,” Ghost replies, sharp. 
“Quit being stubborn, Lt.,” Soap huffs. He approaches Ghost and takes the gauze, adjusts Ghost’s injured arm to give him better access, and sets to work.
Ghost watches Soap’s face, traces the line of his jaw down to where Soap’s hands are expertly wrapping the gauze with his eyes. Soap doesn’t know that Ghost knows about König. They haven’t had a moment alone since that night in Soap’s hotel room after Chicago, all of three weeks ago. He feels the air around them grow cloying with anticipation as Soap glances up from beneath his lashes to catch Ghost’s eyes. 
“I don’t recall you taking fire. Lucky shot?” Soap asks. 
 “Luck had nothing to do with it,” Ghost says. “This was planned. An old friend caught wind that I’d be in Istanbul. Sent a hired gun, and the bastard got the drop on me.” 
“A friend?” 
“Something like that, yeah.”
”You should get better friends,” Soap says. 
Soap finishes wrapping the gauze and fastens it together with two medical clips. “And you should really visit the field hospital, but that will do for the night, or until the next attempt on your life.”
“Here’s hoping,” Ghost says, without humor. “Thanks.”
“Any time, Lt..” Soap pauses. “Fancy a brew?” 
“Depends on your definition of ‘a brew’.” Ghost says.
Soap’s definition of ‘a brew’ is sitting astride Ghost while they neck like overeager teenagers, all teeth and too much spit, no finesse. The tea has long since gone cold on the coffee table in front of them. They’re in a hotel room again, Ghost’s this time. Not luxury accommodations by a long shot, but there’s a real bed and loo which is more than their used to most nights, so five stars all around. 
Ghost has his hands around Soap’s hips. He can feel Soap’s back flexing as he grinds his hard cock against Ghost through their briefs. Clothes lay strewn about the floor, forgotten in their haste to get skin on skin. Ghost had laid Soap on the couch and bracketed him in with his forearms resting on the cushion beside his head. Their frenzy had simmered for a moment, and they had exchanged almost-tender touches, Soap staring up at him with something akin to wonder. Soap had turned his head so that his cheek was resting in Ghost’s palm, pulled his thumb in between the perfect ‘O’ of his swollen lips. And then Soap craned up, leaving Ghost’s thumb cold with spit, and pressed his lips against the fabric of his still-masked face, just left of center of Ghost’s mouth. A silent request. Ghost had obliged him, the balaclava now abandoned on the coffee table next to their cold mugs. 
Soap pushes him up for a moment to fumble for his discarded pants, where he produces a bottle of lube and box of condoms, sets them on the couch next to them and manhandles Ghost until he’s sitting up and climbing into his lap to resume their frantic kissing. 
The implication is settled molten in Ghost’s gut, has made a home for itself already, uninvited but impossible to resist. He needs Soap closer so he tucks his hands under the back of Soap’s thighs and hikes him higher, sitting Soap on his clothed cock so that Soap can grind against the hard muscles of his stomach. The head of his dick has left a noticeable wet spot on his briefs and slicks where it presses against Ghost’s skin, the salt-smell of him fueling Ghost’s desire.  
Their lips come apart in the shuffle, Soap gasping at the squeeze of Ghost’s hands where ass meets thigh. They find each other again, open-mouthed, tongues swiping and spit heavy; kiss-stupid. Soap tastes like earl gray and bergamot, like cigarettes and gunpowder. Desire pitches through him like a fever, roars in his ears and rises in his throat. Soap’s move back so that he can dip his hand below the waistline of Ghost’s briefs to grasp his cock with a firm, calloused grip. Ghost groans deep in his throat.
“Yeah, fuck, that’s it,” Soap whisper. 
Ghost wraps his hand around Soap’s, jerking him together. He looks down at where his briefs have been pulled below his balls, at the wet cockhead flashing between their fists, precum slicking the way. 
“Wanna blow you,” Soap says. He slides from Ghost’s lap to his folded knees on the floor at Ghost’s feet. He places his hands on the inside of Ghost’s thighs and pushes his legs open to give him better access.  
“Fuck,” Ghost says. 
“Eventually,” Soap replies. So fucking cheeky, Ghost thinks. 
He slides his palms up Ghost’s legs to the V of his hips. Presses, testing Ghost’s resistance. Holds him down, or tries to as he mouths at the shaft of Ghost’s dick, gets it wet with his tongue, slips the drooling cockhead into his mouth and suckles. 
Soap enjoys sucking dick, Ghost figures, gets after it with the same focus he applies in his work, single minded and intense. Ghost’s cock fills his mouth and throat with inches to spare but what Soap lacks in deepthroating ability he more than makes up for in ambition. He’s got his fingers circled around the base of Ghost’s dick like a cockring, moreso to direct his movements, but the pressure sends shivers of pleasure down his spine, causing Ghost to drive his hips up into the soft, wet heat of Soap’s mouth. He feels himself leaking, fights the urge to grasp his cock and drag it over Soap’s lips and cheeks to mark him with precum. 
“That’s it,” Ghost says. He’s got a hand fisted in the back of Soap’s mohawk, grown out a bit and brushing against his neck. He uses his grip there for leverage, to bring Soap’s head down as he fucks up into his mouth. “Choke on it, you slag.” 
Soap pulls his head against Ghost’s grip and drags his mouth up the shaft until only the head of Ghost’s cock is encircled by the tight ring of his lips. His pupils are blown, black saucers that almost eclipse his irises. He moans around Ghost, his eyes rolling back a bit. He moves the hand not holding Ghost’s cock below the edge of the couch, seemingly into his own briefs. His mouth and jaw are wet with saliva and precum, a line of spit dribbling from his chin onto the cushion below. Ghost couldn’t care less about propriety, he’ll pay the damages if he has to. He has a feeling they’ll more than ruin the upholstery by the time the night is through. 
“Like that, do you?” Ghost says. 
Soap licks at the underside of his cockhead with hard flicks, massaging where the glans meet and sucking gently so that his cheeks hollow. He uses the circle of his other hand to stroke Ghost from base to just where his mouth is sealed. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” Ghost says, a sharp, gruff whisper. “Pull off, fuck, Soap, fuck.” He tries to jerk Soap’s head back further, the image of painting Soap’s lips and cheeks with his come driving him closer to the white-hot edge.
But Soap (damn him, bless him) takes him as far down as he can and swallows, the muscles of his throat fluttering as he releases Ghost’s cock from the tight circle of his fingers. He reaches around to grab Ghost’s ass and pulls him even deeper. His shoulder knocks against Ghost’s knee as he strokes his own cock.
“Fuck, Johnny–I’m gonna come so hard, you’re gonna make me come, you–” 
Famous last words, Ghost thinks, as his cock pulses on Soap’s tongue and in his throat. Soap keeps swallowing, once, twice, the shock of pleasure as his throat undulates around Ghost’s cockhead bordering on pain, exultant. He can’t bear to keep his eyes open against it, has to clench them shut on a moan so loud it feels like it shakes the foundation of the building. Soap pulls off and rests his head against Ghost’s thigh as his cock dribbles out the last few pulses of come against his cheek and onto Ghost’s briefs. 
Soap’s hand is still moving on his cock and he bites the meat of Ghost’s thigh to muffle a moan. Ghost, feeling kitten-weak in the post orgasm haze, clasps the back of Soap’s head and drags him up and back into his lap, into a searing, sloppy kiss. Ghost can taste his spunk on Soap’s tongue, the salt of it eclipsing the bergamot. They smell like spit and skin and kiss with house-on-fire desperation. Ghost still feels like he’s coming, surprised to find his dick starting to go soft against the cleft of Soap’s ass. Soap still has a hand around the base of his own leaking cock now, though he’s stopped stroking it to instead focus on kissing Ghost. Always a one track mind. 
Ghost pulls away “Want help with that?” he asks, already reaching to pull Soap’s boxers down fully. 
“I want you to fuck me,” Soap says, and bites Ghost’s bottom lip. “I think you can get hard again.”
Ghost is inclined to agree if the twitch of his dick is anything to go by.
Soap pulls away to stand and remove his briefs completely. He palms his now bare cock, slick down the shaft, as he looks down on his handiwork. Ghost spreads his arms across the back of the sofa, reclines a little to give him a good view. Soap strokes his cock faster, eyes heavy lidded and lips parted and full, the blood of his arousal pumping so that every part of him stands at attention, glows pink, because of what Ghost does to him. He can definitely go again, he thinks, cock already at half mast as he watches Soap get off on watching him.
Soap settles astride him, still stroking his cock. Ghost hooks a hand around the back of his head to fist his hair and pulls Soap in so that their foreheads are pressed together, eye to eye, lips a hairbreadth apart as they share ragged breaths. It’s the closest he’ll ever get to saying I’ll give you everything you want.
Soap is the first to break eye contact, instead opting to trail spit slick kisses down his jaw and throat, until he’s biting hard at the thick chord of muscle between Ghost’s shoulder and neck. Ghost throws his head back and groans but Soap doesn’t relent, seems intent on drawing blood. Ghost can’t help but feel he’s staking his claim, and wants him to have more than a bruise long after this night is over. The thought leaves him devastated.
With Soap in his lap and his gorgeous thighs bracketing Ghost’s hips, an image comes to Ghost’s mind unbidden. Soap and König in a similar position, König‘s hands in the exact place where Ghost’s are now, Soap with his sinful mouth and bedroom eyes in König’s lap while he fixes his teeth in König’s skin. He imagines that somewhere König’s identical mark aches. He can’t help it, he tenses. 
“What’s this?” Soap asks, brow creased. He draws back from where he had moved on from mauling Ghost’s shoulder to working a hickey into the skin of Ghost’s pec. He runs his hands over the tight line of Ghost’s drawn-up shoulders. 
Ghost isn’t known for pulling punches. 
“I saw you,” he says, meeting Soap’s questioning eyes.
“Huh?” Soap says.
“With König.”
Soap laughs. Ghost dumps him off his lap and onto the adjacent couch cushion without ceremony. 
“Oi!” Soap exclaims. 
Ghost sighs angrily and reaches for his balaclava, craves the superficial protection it provides. 
Soap stays his hand with a hot palm on his bare thigh. “Hey, none of that,” he says, almost whispering. His hand starts to move up Ghost’s thigh to his now flagging erection, cups him through his briefs and shifts closer to mouth at the hinge of his jaw. 
Ghost brings his hand up to Soap’s bicep, is tempted to drop the whole thing and pull Soap back in. But he can’t ignore the sting of jealousy that sits searing in his stomach, supernova bright and demanding to be spoken. He squeezes his hand around Soap’s arm and pushes him away to try and catch his gaze again, an accusation in his eyes he didn’t even realize he was making. 
“Didn’t take you for the possessive type, Lt.,” Soap says, withdrawing further until he’s sitting entirely on the adjacent cushion. 
“I ain’t got nothing to possess,” Ghost replies. 
Soap huffs and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. Ghost is slapped with the coldness of that motion and something shutters in him, withdraws from the easy intimacy of these hurried trysts. He finishes pulling his balaclava over his face. 
“So I'm a bit of a slag, you said so yourself,” Soap says and Ghost flinches as his words are thrown back in his face. “This isn’t exactly a binding arrangement.” 
“I never said it was,” Ghost says, already rising to redress. 
“What’s the problem, then?” Soap asks.
“There isn’t one.”
“Seems like.” The stakes feel too high suddenly. 
“Well I can see that you’ve got a right strop on now. Let’s call it a night.” 
“Yeah alright. Get it right up ye, Lieutenant,” Soap mutters darkly and begins reaching for his own clothes, still hard as a rock in his briefs. Ghost doesn’t need a translation, he gets the gist. 
Soap dresses and leaves in silence, even slams the door a bit on his way out, but not before he can stare long and hard at Ghost’s back. Ghost feels his eyes on him long after he’s gone, the bite mark smarting in the cold, empty room.
The injury on Ghost’s arm throbs for the first time since Soap had bandaged it, the traitor.
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lotus-flower-ebola · 1 year
Menacing intro post
Hey!! This is my attempt at an introduction post (brackets someone please be my friend)
Name - Raven (change over time but Raven is always good, it’s usually in my server name)
Pronouns - Pronounfluid (change over time, please ask!)
Gender - Genderfluid, Galactian Alignments, Maverique
Orientation - Omni, Arojump, Ambiamorous
Ethnicity - Hungarian (part Romani)
Likes - Pokemon (special interest :)), art, music, medicinal herbs and plants, books, alone time, dogs, caramel flavored things, cheese pizza, slam poetry, poetry in general, Japanese culture and mythology, Hungarian culture, Made in Abyss, Land of the Lustrous, Vocaloid, Pjsk, HI3, Magical DOREMI, Touhou Project, Onibi series, Sister's story, Maha's story, Liar's story, Secret story, Seventh brother, Kemono friends, I am not okay with this, Devil’s candy, Nanbaka - the numbers, Flying witch, Danganronpa, Argo, Repo! The genetic opera, Heathers, Fack ju göhte (Suck me shakespeer), Üvegtigris, Macskajaj, Kontroll, Hell’s Kitchen, COPS, Kitchen Nightmares, Bar Rescue, internet drama, lolcows and similar media, Ghost And Pals, Shakespeare, Wuthering Waves, Magical Girl Raising Project
Hobbies - making songs, daydreaming, playing the recorder, playing the djembe, biking, learning Japanese, playing video games, traditional art (pencil, watercolor), digital art, writing (books, poetry)
Dislikes - Basic dni, rctas/ectas, endo systems, etc…
DMs - mostly open
Alt acc - @lotus-flower-rabies @lotus-flower-flu
Extra - fav song: Shikyou Amanojaku/Ryan & Dave, fav artists: masa works design/Penelope Scott/rie20s, fav characters: Tsukuyomi/Arceus/Subway twins/Volo/Shikyou (there’s a lot but they have priority)
Important - I am mentally unwell so please be careful around me if you don’t know how to deal with it, I get very defensive over my interests so just be prepared :{{, I HAVE DAs. I WILL BLOCK YOU IF YOU TALK ABOUT THEM.
I have anxiety, maladaptive daydreaming disorder and autism
DNI - basic DNI criteria, proshippers/comshippers, if I know you irl and we aren’t close, assholes in general,
>>ANYONE WHO LIKES MY DAs. Automatic block.<<
I will use this blog as a sort of main account as I am way too lazy to make different blogs for all of my fandoms 💀
I might add more to this later on lol so
Lorem ipsum
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madraynesims · 6 months
What's your policy on including meshes with recolors?
Hey there! I appreciate you asking. I'm somewhere in the middle, on one hand I understand the convenience for the downloader. As the creator, I feel it's an inconvenience. I don't like it very much and I personally don't include the meshes of other creators for the recolors I've made (unless I've been put into a position where I had to make an edit to their mesh, or they deleted their own link, so it's circumstantial), but I guess that ultimately depends on what it's for. I convert from multiple games to multiple games. 4to2 conversions? Go ahead! 3to2 conversions? Go for it! 2to3? or 2to4? That's totally fine! Sims 1 objects? I was given permission from the original remesher to convert them, so I assume it's probably okay. Animal Crossing conversions? For the moment I'm unsure. Spooky furniture and Turkey Day furniture set? Yeah, that's fine. But I'm almost done updating my two older sets (Ironwood furniture and Cute furniture) now that I've got a system down for converting those to be sure they're of quality. Most of the models can't be converted as is and need their proportions fixed up, normals, etc. Sims console conversions? I put a lot of work into my console conversions as these need to be ripped and reconstructed, they're not extracted from the original game files. These are likely to need the most updates and I somewhat lose the ability to maintain that object if it's not directly downloaded from me. I have been releasing these less frequently compared to other stuff to avoid things like this. I want to be sure what I put out is the final product, but I continue to learn more and improve as a creator each day, so updates to improve my conversions are inevitable. I feel that my Animal Crossing and Sims 1 conversions also fall into this bracket. My main concern is: How does it work when I'm ready to push out updates for my older conversions to bring them up to my current standards, but anybody downloading recolors from elsewhere will get an outdated model with it since they're not the original source? Don't get me wrong, I'm very welcoming to recolors. Most of the console/sims 1 objects have only one swatch. It's so sad and makes them hard to use. I try to make more swatches upon release for some, but I'm not the best at it. They absolutely would benefit from more colors in general I might just go with the idea of 'go ahead, but please credit, no claiming as your own' type thing (and please tag me, because I want to download them!) and see what happens. Sorry that this is such a long answer to something that should be a simple, "do it" or "don't do it", but I wasn't sure which mesh you're talking about and I wanted to make aware that some of these will receive an update in the future.
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